VOLUMl 71 Wednesday, January 22, 1958 Neighboring Notes...

"Mm VOLUMl 71 Wednesday, January 22, 1958 No. 4 Neighboring Notes ICHRONOLOGY 1957 j Pincknt; Grade School News Current CommM# j ' are still looking for A S60CO Hereford bull and a herd ' Oct. 2: Mrs. Alta Lave, widow of <> N M » *rflM™ MEAT» Kindergarten, Mrs. Park, President Eisenhower has yielded a candidate for governor this year. of cattle were desto yed Wednesday \ T °™ *™ dies ' Pinckne y ^ ^ *** Pridav th^ntkT«v PirL, «t I ° ick SoUtheX ' ^ ^ *** ^ N ^ *> P ubiic opinion and m his message a can««** * . . . . . , * 'Vocational 14 to 7. School hot lunch : Fnda y the Pinckney Pirates set a > Ct> , chei , has new skater Jerry Mar to congress said he was willing to Alhough only one will be chosen thvy when the barns on the McCaalin farm woyld like to have several going on z eeo Rd., in Webster burned, around the state selling Republican ism to the voters, but l'ke the i a>i adrift on a raft on the ocean there ia not a sail in sight. Speaker George VanPursem, a possible candidate has lost his voice and Ceorgf rSalladtj ii its too liberal fir the old guard. A^: his eyes ae set on 1960. \v«i:> once the Allmendim*er farm. Stockbrklge high school has won " straight games. They beat Fowler \rA\e last week. , , James Gregory, 82, of Webster v, as given a birthday card shower last week. , The old McPherson hospital, Ho>v Since Gov. Williams first won in el! is now only a memory as all 1848 there has been a complete turn patients were transfered to the new over and the Democrats hold all elejt health center on Byrcn Rd. last Wed itfse offices. Wiliiams was the only nesday. All the funeral directors in Democrat inuagerated in 1949. ihc county donated use of their am. The Republicans are setting up a bulances to help move them. IThe oid $227,700 budget and will pay theu hospital functiondei 20 years. chairman Lawrence Lindemar? <>f A $100 savings bond will be gr °n Stockbridge, a $21,000 a year salary to the first baby born in the es start. Pinckney loses at Dexter .13 to '!. Sally Wheeler and Robert Heidri.k married.. OES elect officers. Bxirt Taylor dies. Cong. Chamberlain here heie with office trailer. Born to Gen McAinsches Oct. 7 a girl. j scoring record for basket ball they downed Boysville 84 to 46 in a league gaine. Boysville grabbed a 2 point lea i the first 10 second but mad * 3 baskets in quick order to take ahead the ««* f hoferd helps "on the i'arm.Gene Koch }i a ve summit peace talks with Russia. has goldfish. Laura Whitley's dog ] he people have become thoroughly was hit by a ear. Terry Ku**el want convinced that the adament noa neg icf fishing. Jerry Colone* brother oUation attitude toward Russia haa get hurt skiing.Tommy Reisers grand become too dangerous to continue ie with office trailer. Bom to Gene cAinsches Oct. 7 a girl. J th * L lead an d 8 t a ^ ahead Oct. ^Justices of peacce of county oi the & ame Thev led at the ganize Pinckney beats BoysviUe I ~ 2 *> 10 and at the **U 50 t ivother visited him . organize. Pinckney beats BoysviUe 25 to 2. Junior Mtfi losses to South i the * rd 5 Lyon 18 to 13. Born to Chas. Battles \ in a 1 1 t h e subs but thi8"did not l:eep • ^ ^ * * T J: 'the first 10 seconds but Pincknov : ii First Grade, Alra. liooks to 19 jii n Jimmy bennett has a new para Coach Reader sent s keet David I un ^ fitthei ' »s ill. Komi a son, Wayne AtLee dies. the first 10 seconds but Pinckney ' Oct.'23: Small game season opens. p la y er9 « ored and 5 in doubl « ngur *r want to the ski dog brcke his teg. has new skates and David Pinckney beats Hartland 32 to 0; eSl Lonnie Huhl ^n for Pinckney and OES Installation. Lou Haydu auci . plus a $9,000 expense accouent heath center, Howell.Anthony Klei'i Thei theme will be it is time for a '/•hmidi, son of the Robert Klein . change. .Williams has been in office of Webberviile, born Jan. 15 won 10 years. ' » i Milt. Higgins is the president >i *'Opinion in divided on the intan<n. the Hcweli kiwanis club. ble tax passed by the Republicans Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Breniser of last year which to increase, ties, bank accounts a small lnumber as there are only , The Fowlerville firemen flooded h h C ion. Oct. 30: Federal Savings & Loan Ass'n. opens at Howell.Pinckney JO5> es to Manchester 21 to 0. Myna Liv y Mata for Boysville each had 2<).Runn :>lel P ed her muther clean •s up were Taylor,, Boysville 18 and i ia Sockow ' s brother, Den, jo.ued du Ulke _ some Kennedy Pinckney 14. Jeff Davis had 'navy Patty Puekett has a new pa! it 12; Basydli and Wakefield each Sfcl AliRe U< 'arK mack a snow man.. 10. •( Aivin McCai'ty's brother, Carl home coming queen. George ] Coach Reader s& y* this is the «™t [ l Foster sr. dies. ! tjme a P^ekney high school team t since the launching of the satellite and all it holds in store for us is an *ver increasing tax burden for mil iary defense. The ramifications go further than that Alf Landon, Repub lean candidate for president in 1936 has called on Secretary Dulles to re sign. He says he is blocking the peace effort The plans for a summit talk nave to be worked out and that will which the governor wants Gregory announce the engagement of ! C a r l e s McKore, Frank Aberdeen die. = !,[". ney man wa » This is on bonds, se. uri j their daughter, Joyce, to Kennerh I 3abies born to Geor * e Johnsons, i 1 1 ' pa " ia? w accounts etc It only affects M«itc of "lit. Clemens. ! fi '«ld Ciarks and the William Lint ! ^ un S "bounds i a 67 000 people in the state who pay the Centennial Field there last week this tax. 40 <U of them pay less thai io r skating. 10 Nov. 6. Pinckney loses to Stock ' ever scored over 70 №*&*• It seenud bridge 12 to 7. 30 Pinckney Masons * as if noihiri S went w ™ng for Pinek so to Lewistown to work degree. nPy m this game ' Time and agun a Pinckney man was left in the clear was sharp and the r _ off the back board. ners, Prank Daileys, Roy Cisrts, Gil j Wak * fiel i, wa f the key man on vc bert Graingers, Steve Lazlos and •'•«<•• Wm. GoodinR's. First t rade, iVii*. Gordon King 1 was on She; ts The pi esident asked for a budget nearly $7i billion the highest ever. Ih wa^ts increased'foreign aid, in rieased pay for the military and scientific research. He also asked 5c Lirikc, i arry uai.user uas an airpune. ruiera i letter postage. This seems C a n y .Marsit leli through tue ice aim {JL , oer as congress thrned down 4c postage last year. TJjis is for raises i'or postal employees and not to fhe office out of the red. The last quarter lettkn,n(j which has cost Pinckney several .. T ,s n rru «,o ». Nov 13 Pino^npv 1AC;O<= + n QAHH, 1 Raines was never in evidence. S r 0 and only 4 f /< pay more than $100. There were 212 marriage licences i>UVi 1<3 * wexnev ios<?s to bouth £1° i- I L>,e who ^ ^ ln U . iTO count, u* y ., £» ™ ^^, « . I ^ ^ W £?£ * " Sot wta. Alien K-u^soni was ice Jisn i!,g Jeny Making broihcr has a c-n> in. Dennis Reason lias new sK<iles. Karen (Jstrum is to have an ice oUat party.Snarun anj. t> un '^'y r Aunt i'ai visited tn«'m. Jciry caught 1; lish. Sub Law i their money in tax exempt securities, nill babies were bcrn,J58 people die;!. Ohio raises twice as much money en. 29 gun pemits were issued and ?A her intangile tax es Michigan does. liquor licenses. The state is trying to repeal the England of Manchester score:! 4 2 law licensing 4 year olds to drive points against Dexter, a record for motor scooters It wants them to at Wh tend drivers school. frrat Winchester uy:n. Jefrrcrrs ell engaged Bruce VanBlaricum," M;i. H '' irtland 81 to 3G. Mildred Brogan die. | J'inckney High School Nov. 27: Blanch Martin suffers a stroke. John Bezeek dies. Christmas party I\.s. Are the by basses and expressw?a^ .', hc\v.K constructed in Michigan to create a let of phost ilfcd her cousin. Patty Sprout wenl lo wc ' rti uenlist and liad a tooth i'illied. Huhman F Davis F n^akefield C paying with the City vService tc?;nt in the De<'. 4: Masons elect officers. 5' arl; . G Stanton Line dies. Also Mrs. Joeeph \ : Joseph Rahilley of Newberry and v Clarence Messner of Grosse Pointo J have been appointed to the conserva lion commission. Rahilly has 'served since 1934. Messner succeeds Frank Burch of Detroit. He is a former president of the Michisran Audobon Society an the Michigan Botannical / Society. , State • fishery specials^ from MinneBOta,Wisconsin and Michic^n mftt at Higgis last week to map o. t programs. Plastic bags are being used suec-^s fully to transport young- fish from ti'e hatcherys to streams. They are pui- liallyly filled with water and oxygen. 500 pike were transporteon 30 mi e trip last week and only 3 died. TheWut ^ oo ^ Runt is Jan Dinner scrvod at Linden town hall. C oveefte Thyne married, Dec. 11: Phil Gentile puts tea* The South Lyon school has ad.le.l '^ pi ° ked ° n a11 S t a t e team - Viola G new teachers to replace 6 who re ' )ettys> William Cushing die. Dec. 8: Masonic installation. Rob evt Clark dies Also Janoe Tiplady. and Dr. Raymond Sigler. loses to Biitton 59 to 49 Dec. 25: Floyd Murphy acquitted in Justice Poulsons court of reck. ''ss lrivin^- Born to Zane i .uned. The Fowlerville school board has voted to abolish senior trips aft'jr the- year J 958-59 .The classes are Le fvniivinc too lar^e and it is impo.^s ib.'e to ft'ci transportation and sea's for them. Other hohool.s thcni. a2'e CORBETT SALVER C'rbet. Salviii* who owned a hoinc the pond here and moved to e CCJoughlans, Olin Robinsons jr.and Gerry Ledwid 'ics, girls, Jay Shireys a boy Pinck ney loses to Dexter 64 to 45. KA1HER ^ V ^ WALSH Uii light snow fall.In the north it from 6 to 12 inches. Deer can (,iu>ugh a foot of snow to got a.orns. 760 attended the bow and arrow rabbit hunt at Perry Sunday I-it J only 30 rabbit were killed . Tliero is a wife and several child . r . - . Stckbridve last year died of a'^art /j" 3 ' ? Catherine Harris Walsh, 77, The deer loss in Michigan this wiut attack last Wednesday. He was em * in WeDste ^ Sunday, er is expected to be slight d'ue to Lho ployed at the Detroit Die S-t plait W a s t h e d a u ^ nter of J°hn and - - - ' ' "• Catherine Coleman Harris, in 1903 married John Walsh. He died in 1949, There are two daughters, Mrs, Mrs Joe Greiner and Mrs, Emmett Farrell and 4 sons, Francis, George 1 ri. ;-?BRART NEW Johnny on the Spot is ourr new Jose P h and Neil. The funeral was st book for boys this month. t. Joseph's church, Dexter Wednes Mrs. Curtis Chamberlain has pro- dav with buri al there. itnted the following books: Long Burns, son of Mr. j Lollff Ag0 by Wo]cott; American ' . . MARRIED SATURDAY Mrs Joseph Bums was christen- V c j, ronicle by Baker; Lydia Bailey at St. Mary's church Jan. Id. [by Roberts and Midcenlury by Shir Clr<A noronfa wprp TViflrlps Mali- -.. CHRISTENING Patrick Joseph and ed The God parents were Charles Mali- I el . ler and Rosalie Hoey. Other guests j House with a Key b y B i p g e r s an;} vere Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mahler jr., ' i iansom » s Foll b Davis ?iven b 'if. L. Sinclair , Ladder to the Sky by S.impson; Mrs. Paul Collins, Mrs. Lawrence j c ., ndy Kid by Hughes, Long Valley Collins,, Mrs Lester Collins, Oscar and t o a G o d Unknown by Steinback Johnson and sen, James, Martha Lee ^ jj rs< ^ e: j Q ray< Mr. and Mrs. Ray Burns Max Lan ,e # Mr. and Mrs. Roger Goulet, Mr. and Marlene Marie Fear and Donaid F'Kvood Lewis were married Saturday day at the Unadilla Presyterian church by Rev. Yauch Both are grad aetes of Stockbridge high school an«i are employed at Jackson. LaBelle MCleer Beck Bur,"; 111 US vkGashik 1,'onerron Taylor Q •*iata (i v enn G I'eaine Dunbar R Second Grade Mrt. A»dergon !J; Marvin Hovv.se, lias a baby siV-cv. 10 | Ronnie Makin has a coUie i>up, 'M>:A. 7 (')ark had a fire in hor chimney mi' "'4 tlie iiro:nen put it out.. Linda hutch 10 aunt and ui.-lo vi.'.utccl r A lot ol ::;; 2 ' w n l ict- J'i.-shing,. 1 S«con Grade, Mrs. Juhiuson . ' Susan Jkiauhn bad the crouji.lv.ldic- , Qclone wa.s in the licwuJl radio st -t i ion.Dean (Jai'dner cfu;;/)t a rabbit in ,.. a trap, l^iana iiamos cut.'rtaL, d 0 hlonds Saturday. July flull lias in. A' dining icom i'uiniture. I'amchi Ko.ii y_ opened near 'ilu' new L'S--2!i bypasses Whitmore Lake. The Ann Arbor News carried a picture of the business section of Wait more Lake. Net a car was in .-^ht. The sam? compliant comes f"ru;i: along Gran 1 River especially in the Island Lake section where the oil stations and lunch rooms are hard hit. The traffic no longe* got"! Ly their door. Ghost town was a namo appiie-d to mining towns of the west v. iiich were deserted when the mines ;:.i\e out. Unadilla is in the nature A a ghost town. In the early daya of the county it was a thriving town vcth u hotel, churches, 0 18 Unry visited hi.-, ti oit 7th and xth GRADES LOSB Last Thursday nig'iit the 77th ami th grades tnlortuine^, the saine t »o ; rades from South Lyon at basket jail. Hoh Pinckney teams lost, the and flour mill. Then the Grand Ki mother vi,iitKi hjr. Emily Ai : ;l q-,.^^ Railroad by passed it and cousin, Alfred visited >ier,Kie\y ( in >;;ory spran- up. It was first caU in Uc ' .y]\. il<'imon and then Gregory to honor a prominent family. ' j Third Jrade, Mv, .^^r- i •* "^ We have skirled a weather unit. ' Senator Huskel Nichols of Jackson limmy Sprout went to the J»"\tjr 1|<lS introduced a bill providing for show. Cindy Hughes is moving to <*ompulscry Biblo reading in schools. Cordley Lake Juhw Tasch had <or.i- • TIK' tewchcr must read 10 verses a peny Sunday. i dfiy with no comment.. Th© pupils th graders l'olecats, 3i to 5'and V e ;th graders 45 to 15, South Lyon naJ lad too much heighth for Pinckn^} They practise every night and Pin •:>/. Fourih Grade, Mrs, Po»t Cindy Boi-ovsky's rind is home fr.-:ni the hospital Hcsity I'ucki'tt'.s lad too much heighth for I'mckn.y. aunt amJ u , 1( . le vi ^ tii({ hel . CharI;i> has 5 DUOS. We only had 2. hours practise all year. The Pinckney teams play at South Jan. 30. Pinckney 7th Grade , Pts. David Otwell F^ '.. 2 Ronnie Haines F .... l Mike Tauriainen C 1 Jnhn Holben ,G .. 1 Pete Singer G . ... 0 ijy Curts ,, ..,, Paul Stapleton . John Biery .. .-•... 0 John Froehlich 0 )juj)s. We h.'f.c a girl in our yyiiit.', '^jhueh M : '1',M\ Fourth Grade, Mrs, U.-.r.put.'U Care Bell, Billy Rent/-, Joyce Kii\:' und Dennis.ifarkei- had perfect f.t tendance records the first seme^to". Susan Craig has had ail jifife.t ejjolling tests so far. Tho light in o'.ir room is much better since Mr. HJIJ 1 must, also memorize the Lord's Pray or ami 10th Commandments. Any iHipil may be excused from it on writ ten requcU of thoir parents. If it ci'ts a two thirds vote it will be on . t!-.c> hallott in November. It has lotur ; Keen contended thnt lack of religious ir>fraction is the main cause of del it nu'--ncy. Just how far do the people want tvonomy to extend?Mayor Mirranni has come out in favor of dosing ir.gsworth had the windows .and \ ^ Detroit ^creation Omp at Hoey, Rita Hoey, Betty Kay Fleming, Mary Lee Dunlairy. Am COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS - , Pinckney, January 14, 1959 Called to crder by President DinWt Present Coucilmen: Don Swarthout, Lee Tiplady, Albert Shirley an3 Mar ian Ruwelr Absent: Merlin Layev Roy Clark. Motion by Russell, suo ported by Shirley to allow follow: n g bils: Ohio OH Co., oil Bob Epeler Curlett, printing Gentile, misc. electricity $40..53 Lavey Ins, ins. on tractor .......... " "" Hoy Clark salt LaRosa Tayem , electricity . ... Van's Motor Sales, electricity Roy Clark, electricity RAINBOW INSTALLATION Pinckney Rainbow Assembly No.67 ! extends to you an invitation to their (Public Installation at 9:00 p. m. Jan. 25, 1958. ..$62.97 125.00 4.40 MASONIC BUILDING ASS'N. The Pinckney Masonic Bldg-.Ass'n held their annual meeting Tuesday night The financial report showed a tfood balance on hand. Clare Swar thout was elected to the board to ^< Benedctine 41; Saline 56, Dun. replace Orland Winslow and Mitored lt?e 4i '> Lincoln 6, University 44; Miller to succeed Carmen Porter Milan 37 > Roosevelt 29; Chelsea 51, Frank Zeig-ler is chairman and Satla Ann Arbor 47 Jackson 39; Britton BASKET BALL SCORES .. Manchester 81, Hartland 36; Dex ter 40, South Lyon 35, St. Thomas Moran, sec-treas. Catholic Central 28 Morrice 53, By., ron 33; Okemus 70 Fowlerville 42; W South Lyon 7th R. Sprinkles F 8 Carter F 0 C Spricklee C 222 Bam, G 4 Hlng. G Neeley Pinckney 8th Grade Pts Paul Burg, F fa N 5 Tom Davis, F 0 Don Barker, C ,. 3 Terry Rowel 1, G ...;..- 1- Dennjs Singer, G 0 Bob Beck ....... 0 Tom Huhnaan 0 v blasted We enjoyed taking the Nat ive Ability Music test Monday.Out- charts on the Amazon are finish"'!. and on the bulletin board. We m:i'k* get well cards for Mrs. Miller and are glad she is back' in school, Fifth Grade Mrs. Miller We thank Mrs. Clark and Mrs.'fl»>! ingsworth for teaching while Mrs. Miller was ill. We are working 0:1 fractions OUT fraction kits help.The spelling -l^ee winners 'wefe Larry Bowles, Dennis Hollister, Shirley 0 Hiieman, Tauriainen, Janet OLD SCORING RECORD . j W e s t Bloomfield 53, Brighton 12. When Pinckney scored 54 points | last week they set high school record ' CARD OF THANKS 46.30 2.00 7.50 7.50 7.5D j Motion carried. Motion to adjiomn carried. , Mildred Ackley village clerk. foi the year. We remember some to thank everyone who sent years ago when Don Swarthout was ca«k, flowers and came to visit me Neil Hall Micky Ritter Jack Young Ed Guy . South Lyon 8th Grade Lowell -Burgess ... 0 . 0 .. -1 . 0 Pts. playing he scored 44 points against during my illnes, I shall never fig^t Dave Taylor Dunbar Center, a negro team from ur thoughtfulness and interest. Ann Arbor. Although Pinckney got Mrs. Rene Miller. over 80 points they lost as the color •ARTOWK ROLLERCADE | Roller Skating is the year aroun.i ' recreation that is good for yon. 1 Active participation^or the whole ; family ia wholesome , surroundings. 1 For Healths sake Roller Skate at Hartown Roltac&d* near Cha>3ea iveek btffinning at 8 also Suniu ; afUrnoon 2 to 4. DETROIT EDISON TAXES The Detroit Edison Company has _ to the treasurers of the citie3 \ Pinckney .team besides Swarthout villages and townships in Livingston ed boys got over 90. Douglas Will iams, long on the Ann Arbor %choo! player with Dunbar. The •'"' 9 ••'"'•• ~. 7- vas Roy Reason, Paul Hlrkey.Wayne county $119,570.68 toward educatbn, , Loren Meabon and Har Hall. street improvement fire and police , protection etc. MARCH ON POLIO I , Mother's March on Polio here The name of the Senior play to be Jan. 29 between 7 and 8 pm.Leave put on in Marcn is Smokey Joe, Robert Pike coffee receipts Erston C' called on the in Unadilla Friday. gart, Greenwood 9 79*.. t ttH. at the Jones store from 9 to 11 a.m. Th« .lnrr.23 Whitleys spent Sun.. go to the polio fund.At Gregory d«y at the WiHiam Whitley cottage Laorimer Barbour it c*^"*^!!. *>* &*** Lake. Jim Pichler Lonnie Van Riette .... Don Faltz .„.,••.. Charles Feezel Steven Smith Douglas Bruce ^.. 0 Bill Stillwell ...;... 0 Pill Lucaa 4 Sanders, Paul Gray, Patricia Wilt shire, Virginia Strunk, Sam Wiman, and Barbara Johnson who is a visitor from Dearborn We are planning* indiv idual'units* to teach the class use- ful subjects and individual folderss to Ve checked and handed back to show • our parents. Sixth OmA; Mrs. Hertm Frank Schafer got a 13 inch calico bass Pat Borovy is doing a fine job on the bulletin board 0 in our room gave money to the March of Dimes so far. If you know an easy way to learn division please tell us. Rollene Singer was skating on Portage' We are sti working on the 3 Michigan . 21 of us got spec i Sixth Grade, Mrs.. Tash We finishe.1 our units of the Brit Cp Brighton which is opposed by num. eious people and organizations.. The question is just where should econ- omy sturt? Tho cam)) undubtedly ger vts a useful purpose and it might not be tn;e econoiViy to close it. •...•• , The U.S. government is encoura'gi- iiip- the fetu.iy of rcckets, the motor power of tomorrow. Already there hie 18(MJO rocket clubs in the nations schools. These budcNnj? scientiste• come up with something. The first blueprint of a practical rocket wa* made by a teen study proup in Cal. ifornia in 1948. Supervisor John Rae. a lawyer on the Washtenaw county b*>ard of super visors has questioned the legality of the closing of the court house-off ices Saturday He says the law reads they shall be closed on legal holidays but Saturday is not a legal holiday He wants a court opinon on it Judge James Breakey still holds court thert on Saturday. v The Mecca of Michigan couples who liked quick marriage* it no more. For years Angola, Indiana, the county seat of Steuben county was popular with Michigan ia mention for having clean desks. Fifth and Seventh, Mn. Meyer ] cojld * et * "ense, blood test and « Jesse Turner came back to school' marriage, all in 3 hour*N<m tne hh Friday He had poiscn sumac. The 0th <>iana le ?*»latur« has put it « o i ' of w _ ^ eent UhI isles"and'iusteJu Ind'are^doing ! fish on Jt T h e 7th ***** is nuking 0th p o1^ firrade made a chart with different business by putting a 3 day waiiiBf f i h J t T h h ri ^ i f in Marriages ha*t o e on Rome and Greece, W« elected new officers and named SAW com. mktees We have en arts for behavior on our bulletin hoard and get star* if we are good We havt a spelling W d d i n report on Central America Judy «* from 2°0 * ^ ^ ^ to 66, Darrow is chairman. The 7th grade l lost to South Lyon Thursday Bruce MVINGSTON LODOfi Henry of the 8th grade vWtod us J»n. 24: MM D«gre«*. Friday The 7th grade think thty bat* Feb. 8KJuett Nlto percent Ikked •• Tnak

Transcript of VOLUMl 71 Wednesday, January 22, 1958 Neighboring Notes...

Page 1: VOLUMl 71 Wednesday, January 22, 1958 Neighboring Notes …pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1958-01-22.pdf · 2011-03-04 · "Mm VOLUMl 71 Wednesday, January 22, 1958 No. 4 Neighboring


VOLUMl 71 Wednesday, January 22, 1958 No. 4

Neighboring Notes ICHRONOLOGY 1957 j Pincknt; Grade School News Current CommM#j

'are still looking for A S60CO Hereford bull and a herd ' Oct. 2: Mrs. Alta Lave, widow of <>N M » * r f l M ™ M E A T » Kindergarten,-Mrs. Park, President Eisenhower has yielded

a candidate for governor this year. o f c a t t l e w e r e d e s t o yed Wednesday \T°™ *™ d i e s ' P i n c k n e y ^ ^ * * * Pridav t h ^ n t k T « v P i r L , « t • I ° i c k S o U t h e X ' ^ ^ *** ^ - N ^ *> P u b i i c opinion and m his messagea can««** * . . . . . , * - 'Vocational 14 to 7. School hot lunch : F n d a y t h e Pinckney Pirates set a > C t > , c h e i , h a s new skater-Jerry Mar to congress said he was willing to- Alhough only one will be chosen thvy when the barns on the McCaalin farmwoyld like to have several going o n z e e o Rd., in Webster burned,around the state selling Republicanism to the voters, but l'ke the i a>iadrift on a raft on the ocean thereia not a sail in sight. Speaker GeorgeVanPursem, a possible candidate haslost his voice and Ceorgf-rSalladtj iiits too liberal fir the old guard. A^:his eyes ae set on 1960.

\v«i:> once the Allmendim*er farm.Stockbrklge high school has won

" straight games. They beat Fowler\rA\e last week. , ,

James Gregory, 82, of Websterv, as given a birthday card showerlast week. ,

The old McPherson hospital, Ho>vSince Gov. Williams first won in el! is now only a memory as all

1848 there has been a complete turn patients were transfered to the newover and the Democrats hold all elejt health center on Byrcn Rd. last Weditfse offices. Wiliiams was the only nesday. All the funeral directors inDemocrat inuagerated in 1949. ihc county donated use of their am.

The Republicans are setting up a bulances to help move them. IThe oid$227,700 budget and will pay theu hospital functiondei 20 years.chairman Lawrence Lindemar? <>f A $100 savings bond will be gr °nStockbridge, a $21,000 a year salary to the first baby born in the

es start.Pinckney loses at Dexter .13 to '!.

Sally Wheeler and Robert Heidri.kmarried.. OES elect officers. BxirtTaylor dies. Cong. Chamberlain hereheie with office trailer. Born to GenMcAinsches Oct. 7 a girl.

j scoring record for basket ballthey downed Boysville 84 to 46 in aleague gaine.

Boysville grabbed a 2 point lea-ithe first 10 second butm a d * 3 baskets in quick order to take

a h e a d t h e ««*

f hoferd helps "on the i'arm.Gene Koch }iave summit peace talks with Russia.has goldfish. Laura Whitley's dog ] he people have become thoroughlywas hit by a ear. Terry Ku**el want convinced that the adament noa-negicf fishing. Jerry Colone* brother oUation attitude toward Russia haaget hurt skiing.Tommy Reisers grand become too dangerous to continue

ie with office trailer. Bom to GenecAinsches Oct. 7 a girl. J th* L

l e a d a n d 8 t a ^ a h e a d

Oct. ^Just ices of peacce of county o i t h e & a m e T h e v l e d a t t h e

ganize Pinckney beats BoysviUe I ~2 *> 1 0 a n d a t t h e **U 5 0 t

ivother visited him .

organize. Pinckney beats BoysviUe25 to 2. Junior Mtfi losses to South i t h e * r d 5Lyon 18 to 13. Born to Chas. Battles \ i n a 1 1 t h e s u b s b u t -thi8"did not l:eep • ^

^ * * T J : ' the first 10 seconds but Pincknov : ii

First Grade, Alra. liooksto 19 jii n Jimmy bennett has a new para

Coach Reader sent s k e e t D a v i d I u n ^ f i t t h e i ' »s ill. Komi

a son, Wayne AtLee dies. the first 10 seconds but Pinckney 'Oct.'23: Small game season opens. p l a y e r 9 « o r e d a n d 5 i n d o u b l « ngur

*r want to the skidog brcke his teg.has new skates and


Pinckney beats Hartland 32 to 0; e S l L o n n i e H u h l ^ n for Pinckney andOES Installation. Lou Haydu auci .

plus a $9,000 expense accouent heath center, Howell.Anthony Klei'iThei theme will be it is time for a '/•hmidi, son of the Robert Klein .

change. .Williams has been in office of Webberviile, born Jan. 15 won10 years. ' » i Milt. Higgins is the president ->i*'Opinion in divided on the intan<n. the Hcweli kiwanis club.ble tax passed by the Republicans Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Breniser oflast year whichto increase,ties, bank accountsa small lnumber as there are only , The Fowlerville firemen flooded

h h C

ion.Oct. 30: Federal Savings & Loan

Ass'n. opens at Howell.Pinckney JO5>es to Manchester 21 to 0. Myna Liv

yMata for Boysville each had 2<).Runn : > l e l P e d her muther clean

•s up were Taylor,, Boysville 18 and i

i a S o c k o w ' s brother, Den, jo.ued du U l k e _ s o m e

Kennedy Pinckney 14. Jeff Davis had 'navy -Patty Puekett has a new pa! it12; Basydli and Wakefield each S f c l A l i R e U<-'arK mack- a snow man..10. •( Aivin McCai'ty's brother, Carl

home coming queen. George ] C o a c h R e a d e r s&y* t h i s i s t h e «™t [l

Foster sr. dies. ! t j m e a P^ekney high school team t

since the launching- of the satelliteand all it holds in store for us is an*ver increasing tax burden for mil-iary defense. The ramifications gofurther than that Alf Landon, Republean candidate for president in 1936has called on Secretary Dulles to resign. He says he is blocking the peaceeffort The plans for a summit talknave to be worked out and that will

which the governor wants Gregory announce the engagement of ! C a r l e s McKore, Frank Aberdeen die. = ! , [ " . n e y m a n w a

» This is on bonds, se.-uri j their daughter, Joyce, to Kennerh I 3 a b i e s b o r n t o G e o r * e Johnsons, i 1 ™ 1 ' p a " i a ? w

accounts etc It only affects M«itc of "lit. Clemens. ! fi'«ld Ciarks and the William Lint- ! ̂ unS "bounds i

a67 000 people in the state who pay the Centennial Field there last weekthis tax. 40 <U of them pay less thai io r skating.

1 0

Nov. 6. Pinckney loses to Stock - ' e v e r s c o r e d o v e r 7 0 №*&*• It seenudbridge 12 to 7. 30 Pinckney Masons * a s i f noihiriS w e n t w™ng for Pinekso to Lewistown to work degree. n P y m t h i s g a m e ' T i m e a n d a g u n a

Pinckney man was left in the clearwas sharp and the r

_ off the back board.ners, Prank Daileys, Roy Cisrts, Gil- j W a k * f i e l i , w a f t h e k e y m a n o n vc

bert Graingers, Steve Lazlos and • ' • « < • •Wm. GoodinR's.

First t rade, iVii*.Gordon King1 was on She;-ts

The pi-esident asked-for a budgetnearly $7i billion the highest ever.Ih wa^ts increased'foreign aid, inrieased pay for the military andscientific research. He also asked 5c

Lirikc, i-arry uai.user uas an airpune. r u i e r a i letter postage. This seemsC a n y .Marsit leli through tue ice aim { J L , o e r a s congress thrned down 4c

postage last year. TJjis is for raisesi'or postal employees and not tofhe office out of the red.

T h e l a s t q u a r t e r l e t t k n , n ( jwhich h a s c o s t Pinckney severa l

.. ,»T,sn rru «,o ». Nov 13- Pino^npv 1AC;O<= +n QAHH, 1 Raines was never in evidence.S r0 and only 4 f/< pay more than $100. There were 212 marriage licences i > U V i 1<3- * wexnev ios<?s to bouth

£ 1 ° i - I L>,e who ^ ^ ln U . i T O count, u* y . , £» ™ ^ ^ , « . I ^ ^ W £?£ * "

Sot wta. Alien K-u^soni was ice Jisni!,g J e n y Making broihcr has a c-n>in. Dennis Reason lias new sK<iles.Karen (Jstrum is to have an ice oUat

party.Snarun anj. t>un'^'y rAunt i'ai visited tn«'m. Jcirycaught 1; lish. Sub

Law itheir money in tax exempt securities, nill babies were bcrn,J58 people die;!.Ohio raises twice as much money en. 29 gun pemits were issued and ?Aher intangile tax es Michigan does. liquor licenses.

The state is trying to repeal the England of Manchester score:! 4 2law licensing 4 year olds to drive points against Dexter, a record formotor scooters It wants them to at Whtend drivers school.


Winchester uy:n.Jefrrcrrs

ell engaged Bruce VanBlaricum," M;i. H ' ' i r t l a n d 8 1 t o 3G.Mildred Brogan die. | J'inckney High School

Nov. 27: Blanch Martin suffers astroke. John Bezeek dies.

Christmas party


Are the by basses and expressw?a^.', hc\v.K constructed in Michigan

to create a let of phostilfcd her cousin. Patty Sprout wenl lo wc 'r t i

uenlist and liad a tooth i'illied.

Huhman FDavis Fn^akefield C

paying with theCity vService tc?;nt in the

De<'. 4: Masons elect officers. 5 ' a r l ; .G

Stanton Line dies. Also Mrs. Joeeph \

:Joseph Rahilley of Newberry and v

Clarence Messner of Grosse Pointo J

have been appointed to the conservalion commission. Rahilly has 'servedsince 1934. Messner succeeds FrankBurch of Detroit. He is a formerpresident of the Michisran AudobonSociety an the Michigan Botannical /Society. ,

State • fishery specials^ fromMinneBOta,Wisconsin and Michic^nmftt at Higgis last week to map o. tprograms.

Plastic bags are being used suec-^sfully to transport young- fish from ti'ehatcherys to streams. They are pui-liallyly filled with water and oxygen.500 pike were transporteon 30 mi etrip last week and only 3 died.

T h e W u t ^ o o ^ R u n t i s J a n

Dinner scrvod at Linden town hall.

Coveefte Thyne married,Dec. 11: Phil Gentile puts tea*

The South Lyon school has ad.le.l ' ^ p i ° k e d °n a11 S t a t e t e a m - V i o l a

G new teachers to replace 6 who re ' ) e t t y s > William Cushing die.Dec. 8: Masonic installation. Rob

evt Clark dies Also Janoe Tiplady.and Dr. Raymond Sigler.loses to Biitton 59 to 49

Dec. 25: Floyd Murphy acquittedin Justice Poulsons court of reck.''ss lrivin^- Born to Zane

i .uned.The Fowlerville school board has

voted to abolish senior trips aft'jrthe- year J 958-59 .The classes are Lefvniivinc too lar^e and it is impo.^sib.'e to ft'ci transportation andsea's for them. Other hohool.s


CORBETT SALVERC'rbet. Salviii* who owned a hoinc

the pond here and moved to

e CCJoughlans,Olin Robinsons jr.and Gerry Ledwid'ics, girls, Jay Shireys a boy Pinckney loses to Dexter 64 to 45.

K A 1 H E R ^ V ^ WALSH

Uiilight snow fall.In the north itfrom 6 to 12 inches. Deer can(,iu>ugh a foot of snow to got a.orns.

760 attended the bow and arrowrabbit hunt at Perry Sunday I-it Jonly 30 rabbit were killed .

• Tliero is a wife and several child

. r . - . Stckbridve last year died of a ' ^ a r t / j " 3 ' ? C a t h e r i n e H a r r i s Walsh, 77,The deer loss in Michigan this wiut attack last Wednesday. He was em * i n W e D s t e ^ Sunday,

er is expected to be slight d'ue to Lho ployed at the Detroit Die S-t plait W a s t h e d a u ^ n t e r o f J°hn and- - - ' ' "• Catherine Coleman Harris, in 1903

married John Walsh. He died in1949, There are two daughters, Mrs,Mrs Joe Greiner and Mrs, EmmettFarrell and 4 sons, Francis, George

1 ri.

;-?BRART NEWJohnny on the Spot is ourr new J o s e P h and Neil. The funeral was st

book for boys this month. t. Joseph's church, Dexter WednesMrs. Curtis Chamberlain has pro- d a v w i t h b u r ial there.

itnted the following books: Long •Burns, son of Mr. j Lol l f f Ag0 b y W o ] c o t t ; A m e r i c a n ' . . MARRIED SATURDAY

Mrs Joseph Bums was christen- V c j , r o n i c l e b y Baker; Lydia Baileyat St. Mary's church Jan. Id. [by Roberts and Midcenlury by ShirClr<A noronfa wprp TViflrlps Mali- -..


andedThe God parents were Charles Mali- I el.ler and Rosalie Hoey. Other guests j H o u s e w i t h a K e y b y B i p g e r s a n ; }

vere Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mahler jr., ' i i a n s o m » s F o l l b D a v i s ? i v e n b

'if. L. Sinclair, Ladder to the Sky by S.impson;

Mrs. Paul Collins, Mrs. Lawrence j c . , n d y K i d b y Hughes, Long ValleyCollins,, Mrs Lester Collins, Oscar a n d t o a G o d U n k n o w n b y S t e i n b a c kJohnson and sen, James, Martha Lee ^ j j r s < ^e:j Q ray<

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Burns Max Lan ,e#

Mr. and Mrs. Roger Goulet, Mr. and

Marlene Marie Fear and DonaidF'Kvood Lewis were married Saturdayday at the Unadilla Presyterianchurch by Rev. Yauch Both are gradaetes of Stockbridge high school an«iare employed at Jackson. „

LaBelleMCleerBeckBur,";111 US

vkGashik1,'onerronTaylor Q•*iata (iv enn GI'eaineDunbar


Second Grade Mrt. A»dergon! J ; Marvin Hovv.se, lias a baby siV-cv.10 | Ronnie Makin has a coUie i>up, 'M>:A.

7 (')ark had a fire in hor chimney mi'"'4 tlie iiro:nen put it out.. Linda hutch

10 aunt and ui.-lo vi.'.utccl h« r A lot ol ::;;2 ' w n l ict- J'i.-shing,.

1 S«con Grade, Mrs. Juhiuson. ' Susan Jkiauhn bad the crouji.lv.ldic-, Qclone wa.s in the licwuJl radio st -t

i ion.Dean (Jai'dner cfu;;/)t a rabbit in,.. a trap, l^iana iiamos cut.'rtaL, d

0 hlonds Saturday. Ju ly flull lias in. A'dining icom i'uiniture. I'amchi Ko.ii

y_ opened near'ilu' new L'S--2!i bypasses WhitmoreLake. The Ann Arbor News carrieda picture of the business section ofWait more Lake. Net a car was in.-^ht. The sam? compliant comesf"ru;i: along Gran 1 River especiallyin the Island Lake section where theoil stations and lunch rooms arehard hit. The traffic no longe* got"!Ly their door. Ghost town was a namoappiie-d to mining towns of the westv. iiich were deserted when the mines;:.i\e out. Unadilla is in the nature• A a ghost town. In the early dayaof the county it was a thriving townvcth u hotel, churches,



Unry visited hi.-,ti oit

7th and xth GRADES LOSBLast Thursday nig'iit the 77th ami

th grades tnlortuine^, the saine t »o;rades from South Lyon at basketjail. Hoh Pinckney teams lost, the

and flour mill. Then the GrandKi mother vi,iitKi hjr. Emily Ai:;l q-,.^^ Railroad by passed it andcousin, Alfred visited >ier,Kie\y (in>;;ory spran- up. It was first caU

in U c ' .y]\. il<'imon and then Gregory tohonor a prominent family. '

j Third J rade , Mv, . ^ ^ r - i •* " ^We have skirled a weather unit. ' Senator Huskel Nichols of Jackson

limmy Sprout went to the J»"\tjr 1|<lS introduced a bill providing forshow. Cindy Hughes is moving to <*ompulscry Biblo reading in schools.Cordley Lake Juhw Tasch had <or.i- • TIK' tewchcr must read 10 verses apeny Sunday. i dfiy with no comment.. Th© pupils

th graders l'olecats, 3i to 5'and V e;th graders 45 to 15, South Lyon naJlad too much heighth for Pinckn^}They practise every night and Pin•:>/.

F o u r i h Grade , Mrs , Po»t

Cindy Boi-ovsky's rind is home

fr.-:ni the hospi ta l Hcsity I'ucki'tt'.slad too much he ighth for I ' m c k n . y . a u n t a m J u , 1 ( . l e v i ^ t i i ( { h e l . C h a r I ; i >

has 5 DUOS. We

only had 2. hours practise all year.The Pinckney teams play at South

Jan. 30.Pinckney 7th Grade , Pts.David Otwell F^ '.. 2Ronnie Haines F . . . . lMike Tauriainen C 1Jnhn Holben ,G . . 1Pete Singer G . ... 0

ijy Curts ,, ..,,Paul Stapleton .John Biery . . .-•... 0John Froehlich 0

)juj)s. We h.'f.c agirl in our yyiiit.', '^jhueh M:'1',M\

Fourth Grade, Mrs, U.-.r.put.'UCare Bell, Billy Rent/-, Joyce Kii\:'

und Dennis.ifarkei- had perfect f.ttendance records the first seme^to".Susan Craig has had ail jifife.tejjolling tests so far. Tho light in o'.irroom is much better since Mr. HJIJ

1 must, also memorize the Lord's Prayor ami 10th Commandments. AnyiHipil may be excused from it on written requcU of thoir parents. If itci'ts a two thirds vote it will be on

. t!-.c> hallott in November. I t has lotur; Keen contended thnt lack of religious

ir>fraction is the main cause of delit nu'--ncy.

Just how far do the people wanttvonomy to extend?Mayor Mirrannihas come out in favor of dosing

ir.gsworth had the windows .and \ ̂ D e t r o i t ^c rea t ion O m p at

Hoey, Rita Hoey, Betty KayFleming, Mary Lee Dunlairy.

A m

COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS -, Pinckney, January 14, 1959

Called to crder by President DinWtPresent Coucilmen: Don Swarthout,Lee Tiplady, Albert Shirley an3 Marian Ruwelr Absent: Merlin LayevRoy Clark. Motion by Russell, suoported by Shirley to allow follow:ng

bils:Ohio OH Co., oilBob Epeler

Curlett, printingGentile, misc. electricity $40..53

Lavey Ins, ins. on tractor .......... " ""Hoy Clark saltLaRosa Tayem , electricity . ...Van's Motor Sales, electricityRoy Clark, electricity

RAINBOW INSTALLATIONPinckney Rainbow Assembly No.67

! extends to you an invitation to their(Public Installation at 9:00 p. m. Jan.

25, 1958.



MASONIC BUILDING ASS'N.The Pinckney Masonic Bldg-.Ass'n

held their annual meeting Tuesdaynight The financial report showed atfood balance on hand. Clare Swarthout was elected to the board to ^< Benedctine 41; Saline 56, Dun.replace Orland Winslow and Mitored lt?e 4i'> Lincoln 6, University 44;Miller to succeed Carmen Porter M i l a n 37> Roosevelt 29; Chelsea 51,Frank Zeig-ler is chairman and Satla A n n A r b o r 4 7 Jackson 39; Britton

BASKET BALL SCORES ..Manchester 81, Hartland 36; Dex

ter 40, South Lyon 35, St. Thomas

Moran, sec-treas. Catholic Central 28 Morrice 53, By.,ron 33; Okemus 70 Fowlerville 42;W

South Lyon 7thR. Sprinkles F 8Carter F 0C Spricklee C 222Bam, G 4Hlng. GNeeleyPinckney 8th Grade PtsPaul Burg, F fa N 5Tom Davis, F 0Don Barker, C , . 3Terry Rowel 1, G ...;..- 1-Dennjs Singer, G 0Bob Beck ....... 0Tom Huhnaan 0

v blasted We enjoyed taking the Native Ability Music test Monday.Out-charts on the Amazon are finish"'!.and on the bulletin board. We m:i'k*get well cards for Mrs. Miller andare glad she is back' in school,

Fifth Grade Mrs. MillerWe thank Mrs. Clark and Mrs.'fl»>!

ingsworth for teaching while Mrs.Miller was ill. We are working 0:1fractions OUT fraction kits help.Thespelling -l̂ ee winners 'wefe LarryBowles, Dennis Hollister, Shirley


Hiieman, Tauriainen, Janet

OLD SCORING RECORD . j W e s t Bloomfield 53, Brighton 12.When Pinckney scored 54 points |

last week they set high school record ' CARD OF THANKS

46.302.007.507.507.5D j

Motion carried. Motion to adjiomncarried. , •Mildred Ackley village clerk.

foi the year. We remember some to thank everyone who sentyears ago when Don Swarthout was c a « k , flowers and came to visit me

Neil HallMicky RitterJack YoungEd Guy .South Lyon 8th GradeLowell -Burgess

... 0. 0. . -1. 0Pts.

playing he scored 44 points against during my illnes, I shall never fig^t Dave TaylorDunbar Center, a negro team from • y ° u r thoughtfulness and interest.Ann Arbor. Although Pinckney got Mrs. Rene Miller.over 80 points they lost as the color

•ARTOWK ROLLERCADE |Roller Skating is the year aroun.i '

recreation that is good for yon. 1Active participation^or the whole ;family ia wholesome , surroundings. 1For Healths sake Roller Skate atHartown Roltac&d* near Cha>3ea

iveek btffinning at 8 also Suniu ;afUrnoon 2 to 4.

DETROIT EDISON TAXESThe Detroit Edison Company has

_ to the treasurers of the citie3 \Pinckney .team besides Swarthout villages and townships in Livingston

ed boys got over 90. Douglas Williams, long on the Ann Arbor %choo!

player with Dunbar. The

• ' " ' 9

• • ' " ' • •

~. 7-

vas Roy Reason, Paul Hlrkey.Wayne county $119,570.68 toward educatbn,, Loren Meabon and Har Hall. street improvement fire and police

, protection etc.MARCH ON POLIO I , •

Mother's March on Polio here The name of the Senior play to beJan. 29 between 7 and 8 pm.Leave put on in Marcn is Smokey Joe,

R o b e r t P i k e

coffee receipts Erston C'

called on thein Unadilla Friday.

gart, Greenwood 9 79*..t ttH.

at the Jones store from 9 to 11 a.m. Th« .lnrr.23 Whitleys spent Sun..go to the polio fund.At Gregory d«y at the WiHiam Whitley cottage

Laorimer Barbour it c*^"*^!!. *>* &*** Lake.

Jim PichlerLonnie Van Riette ....D o n F a l t z . „ . , • • . .

Charles FeezelSteven SmithDouglas Bruce ^.. 0Bill Stillwell ...;... 0Pill Lucaa 4

Sanders, Paul Gray, Patricia Wiltshire, Virginia Strunk, Sam Wiman,and Barbara Johnson who is a visitorfrom Dearborn We are planning* individual'units* to teach the class use-ful subjects and individual folderss toVe checked and handed back to show

• our parents.Sixth OmA; Mrs. Hertm

Frank Schafer got a 13 inch calicobass Pat Borovy is doing a fine jobon the bulletin board 0 in our roomgave money to the March of Dimesso far. If you know an easy way tolearn division please tell us. RolleneSinger was skating on Portage' Weare sti working on the 3 Michigan

. 21 of us got speci

Sixth Grade, Mrs.. TashWe finishe.1 our units of the Brit

CpBrighton which is opposed by num.eious people and organizations.. Thequestion is just where should econ-omy sturt? Tho cam)) undubtedly gervts a useful purpose and it might notbe tn;e econoiViy to close it. •...•• ,

The U.S. government is encoura'gi-iiip- the fetu.iy of rcckets, the motorpower of tomorrow. Already therehie 18(MJO rocket clubs in the nationsschools. These budcNnj? scientiste•come up with something. The firstblueprint of a practical rocket wa*made by a teen study proup in Cal.ifornia in 1948.

Supervisor John Rae. a lawyer onthe Washtenaw county b*>ard of supervisors has questioned the legalityof the closing of the court house-offices Saturday He says the law readsthey shall be closed on legal holidaysbut Saturday is not a legal holidayHe wants a court opinon on it JudgeJames Breakey still holds court therton Saturday. v

The Mecca of Michigan coupleswho liked quick marriage* it nomore. For years Angola, Indiana, thecounty seat of Steuben county waspopular with Michigania mention for having clean desks.

Fifth and Seventh, Mn. Meyer ] c o j l d * e t * "ense, blood test and «Jesse Turner came back to school' marriage, all in 3 hour*N<m tne hh

Friday He had poiscn sumac. The 0th <>iana le?*»latur« has put it « o i ' of

w _ ^ № eentUhI isles"and'iusteJu Ind'are^doing ! f i s h o n J t T h e 7 t h ***** i s nuking

0th p o1^firrade made a chart with different business by putting a 3 day waiiiBff i h J t T h h ri^ i fin Marriages ha*t

o-e on Rome and Greece, W« electednew officers and named SAW com.mktees We have en arts for behavioron our bulletin hoard and get star*if we are good We havt a spelling

W d d i

n report on Central America Judy «* f r o m 2°0 * ^ ^ ^ to 66,Darrow is chairman. The 7th gradellost to South Lyon Thursday Bruce MVINGSTON LODOfiHenry of the 8th grade vWtod us J»n. 24: MM D«gre«*.Friday The 7th grade think thty bat* Feb. 8KJuett Nltopercent Ikked •• Tnak

Page 2: VOLUMl 71 Wednesday, January 22, 1958 Neighboring Notes …pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1958-01-22.pdf · 2011-03-04 · "Mm VOLUMl 71 Wednesday, January 22, 1958 No. 4 Neighboring

' * • j • y-


Hot wat#r helps hounwives hurry through housework.

ft, IMS

Netts ef 48 Years AgoThere will bt a one day Farmers

Institute at the opera house Feb.4. Af ocd program with a state speaker.

A heavy snow storm hit here Wednesday and the wind drifted it in anumber of places. The trains were &nmmber of hours late.

Jonothan Everitt, 85, of Arpedtine,a former resident died last week.

X new paper reached our desk lastweek, The Webberviile Index"

Kate O'Connor of Ho well has soldher interest in the furniture storelo Glenn Beurmann.

There will be a shadow socialFred Glenn home at North Lake

Friday night ,Dick Clinton has set up his taw

mill in the John Docking woods andwill get out timbers.

The Grangers install their ae*vofficers at Plainfield Friday night.

Miss Mae Kennedy who works inDetroit was home last week,

Bert Roche township treasurer Hastaking in taxes at the Murphy &

IRoche store

The WQTU is sponsoring a SilverMedal Contest at Gregory Fridaynight with prises for the best essays,The program is:

Unvocation ........ Rev. McTaggert[lust Duet Loneta and Maude Kunh

MORE HOT WATER WITH EDISON'S NEWELECTRIC WATER HEATING SERVICEOnly electric water heaters give you all these important advantages:

J Cornet SoloContestantsSongContestant*Violin SoloContestants

ocaj Solo ...Reading . .Contestants

K Efficient-the h*at goes into the waterS3 Install anywhere-need not be near a chimneyE Long Iffe—meets rigid Edison standard*BJ Fast-new, more efficient heating eiementsK Automatic-hot water always on tapB Outer shell-cool to the toueh ill ever8 Safe—clean—quiet—modern• Idmw mimtoiM eiectfioal pert* without

.... I. C. WilliamsNo. 1. 2

Junior I.T.LNo. 3. 4

> Loneta KuhnNo. 5, 3

Maude KuhnMrs. Mary Butler

No. 77, 8. 9

AU this adds up to the best wat#r heating mviet t»m prondtdin Southta&ttrn Miekigan

Ask your plumber or appliance dealer • D E T R O I T E D I S O N

Contestants Vera Worden, ArchieArnold, Frankie Wood, Beatrice Brotherton Glenn Marlett. GladysSmith, Hazel Arnold, Junia Rea.

iNotesof 25 Years AgoSheriff Henry Finley was badly

injured Friday near Trenton whenbis car was hit by, one driven byWalUr Wendt of Grosse Pointe. Hesuffered A skull fracture, brokenknee. He is in Eloiae General Hospit«1 near Wayne.

,,The Hill Family Entertainers willput on an entertainment at Contr'l.Church Jan.28.


DEC. 28

Mrs. Edwin Farmer, widow of'late Hon.Ed win Farmer, died Jan.PC.. Mrs. Emma Murta, 74, widow of(the late Dan Mutra, died Friday.

Barney Lynch who had a blacksmith shop here for over 40 year*died Saturday. He was born in Dublin , Ireland and came to tdia eiunttywtoen 20 years old landing at Boston.He worked at Jackson awhile andthen had a shop at Bunker Hill.i-oming from there to Pinckney. Hemarried Nellie Harris in 1891, Theiearc 2 children, Margaret and John.He was an inexhaustable teller ofIrish stories. Several years ago heg;ot his picture in the Detroit SundayNews when he claimed to have fo.lcri

Sunday guests of the Milton C*nr t h e attempt of '2 men to dig the quaitof whiskey out of the cornerstone ofthe Putnam town hall where Pearson

it when he dedicated it. The fun-

LOCAL HEWSMn. Wray Hinekley is a patient

at the new health center Howell.Letter McAfee and wit« were in

Lansing Wednesday.Leslie McAfee spent the week end

with Janice Rose,

Born to tht Harold Rady jrs lastw*ek at the Edward air base, Ca'.if»»nia, a girl,

Frank Nichols and wife of Mioand Jack Clark of Big Rapids wereSi nday guests <rf tht Walter Clark.

era were Joseph ChomeJe and AlerTlurekiei and wives of Deaxbom


The Kelvin ITota family at* Detroitspent Sunday with the Robert Taatfhfamily,

eval was at St. Mary's church Min

Chris Ottfpfeeii has beenback to wortt at the Detroit Die Set

Albert Shirley and wife called en

f Wft* M M M f l T A M t aW**Y lATVftftUY A t MV

ttf aUST FfTNAN IT., PftftKNaW W M L

FH*M •: • • A. If. T* I:M P. *

I A l * * a U 1


• Earl Ward w. and wife atI Sunday.

The Tom Neffs of Ann ArborSunday guests of tbe Robert Ack.leys.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clark werein Benton Harbor last week.

The Kenneth Reason family of AnnArbor called on Mr* Edna ReasonSunday.

Mrs. Eleanor Ledwilge is spendinga month with her children in Detroit


m • - WE NEED 'EM FAST * ,TO SOBNE IS the traffic department of any of the hundreds of

plants in Michigan, The time is 4:00 P. M. o» any 4af

Pinckney high school split even atBrighton Friday. The reserves lost16 to 14 and high scchol won 28 to8 Marshall Meabon had' 8 points,Stanley Dinkel and Bob Smith each 6.

Bom to Henry CO>Hins and wife(Fern Tupper) Jan. 3, a 7% lb. gnrl.

Owing to the injury of Sheriff Fin-ley h-vin Kennedy is now on dutythe jail full time.

The A&n Arbor Moose were toomuch for the Independents and wonboth games Saturday night. Theybrat the reserves 19 to 23 and th*first team 41 to 47. Roy Reason had18 points for Pinckney .Don Swarthout12. Sqeak Judson, a 7 footer 26 for


and Royal Oak.The O.E.S. Sweetheart party is at

the U. of M JVesh Air camp Ftb.15.The Howard Read family eaUed f • • a U f W T BAM, SCsTEBUkfc

up from EIPMO, Texas Sunday..They 1were going to Mexfeo for a few daysthe* to Tuscon, Arizona and on toCalifornia.

George Mesbons H.C.Vedders spent 9m..week tnd at the formtrt cabin at' Vtt.s

V Tht ROMO« Yarboxtroghi of BtrkUy gptat Guild*/ wiHl fet Vinct

0t the wttk. The traffle manager is talldaf lonf fliitim It •

ft* another fUU about tome part* needed for production.

' •» b j trucVVhe says( M ht prepa** to hang up/1 We need• t •a^SJS*-*

j j t }gmn tnm experience thai saotor transport it tht fattest link

i n mill ittpptag tad rtetivi&f. Ht>nowi he ean depend on tt.In laet

of his fellow traffic managers hart bttn tht men

for tht rapid growth of motor transport Onet they

tht efficiency and spttd of trucks there wat oo aasisfyiog

. with Anything less——and today their companies coold not optr

truck trantport!

.. 1H7-19IIJ*a, 14: Manektsttr there*—. Sl:Bartland thert 6:45

., 9tfc 4: lrrtUn thert 7:00Poll. 7T: Banter hert 6:45

Fob. 11: Linatn there 7:00Pit, Ftk. 14i««Qth Lytn thertFriday. Ft». t l : Btysvillt there,Fri,, Ftb. M: Maaehasttr ktrt 1:45

* Koltt IMwldft Of Daviso*' Nancy Lunde«n of Berkley sptntCtllod On hit mothtf| Mil ffieanor' thf week tnd with the Francis She

Asa Haigtf of Grand Rapids• week tnd fttttt of the Harold

Pcrtew.C W. Hooker and wife of A»R

Arbor were Sunday tiston of Mrs.I Jennie HookerI The Gent Dinkels of Detroit eail^d' ta the Albert Dinkels Sunday .I Hit Ray l**fvwayi of C^ubos' (y>mm took his mother baek to San

duskey Swday. »The. Jiek Tovaf family ipeot Sun

Ray lA?ty of Gregory talltd ThanThe laatt WhiUt d X U O B Road

Ht 1s «U laptd mp at he


Mrs. Rote Ann Hosel Marmaluspent her,holiday vacation in Florirfa.

Joseph Burns graduates torn Eastera Michigan CoUegeJan. 26.He hefi^ns teaching at South Lyon Jan. 27in industrial art.

Tht Pincknty firemen held a danteat the Pinckney high school Satjrday night 60 attended. John Burgpoured, , i

, Tht 7th aad 8th graders played| tht aamt grades fn*n South Lyon, hart Thursday night hot lost bofli

gamtt, Tht fistttfi wtrt tor big f oi



Ooablt FeatureThmrs., FrU Sat., Jan. 28, 24, 25


Micky Rooney and Car°lyn JonesDana Andrews .Linda Darnell anrl

Stirling Hayden"ZERO HOUR"


^ Mon, Tues,,Wed,, Thurs,Jan, 26-27-28-29-30

Hotter than 1000 desert sunsJohn Wayne and Sophia Loren

and Rossano Brazziin

.. "LEGEND OF THE LOST"Novelty News C*rto0r



Tues., Wed^ Thurt^ Jan. 21, 22, tt

Elvis Presley

'JAILHOUSECarton and Variety

Friday Saturday, January 24, 29 ..Richard Eyer ani Philip Eyer

tft •


Joel McCrea and Virginia Mayoin

'THE TALL STRANGER**Ca CrntaaScope a*d Caitr


Sunday, Monday, January 26, 27 ..y at met Sunday 2:86 p. at. etnt. . . . .

Van JoHnsoa and Martinfe Cartiin

"ACTIoiN OF THE TIGER*in CinemaSeopt an4 t t l tr ..

Cartoon and Sporirtel

Tues., Wed, Thurs. Jan. 28, 29, SO



SNOW IS FUN for thokids. But it sure can b»disappointing for grown-ups, especially when itmeans that trips to visitfriends and relatives haveto be called off. Don't lotthe miles keep you apartwhen blizzards blow andthe weather isn't fit for

man or beast. Get together by telephone, long Dis-tance rates are low and you can talk as long as you want.Remember, when Old Man Winter spoils your trip, enjoya visit the comfortable way — by telephone.

IF YOU'RE BUILDING orbuying a new home you'llwant to make sure it's"Telephone Planned." Ina Telephone Plannedhome you can move yourte lephones around aseasily as lamps. The tele-phone wires are built inby Michigan Bell (whilethe house is under con-struction) with convenient phone outlets, like electrical•utlets. placed throughout the house. And the telephonesare equipped with plug-in cords. Then you can rearrangethe furniture wherever you want, and plug in the phoneswherever they're most handy. For more informationjust call our Business Office.

/'.•: ::: scientific careers -•:tlic luluie of our couv; •; LIn our series, "The Unchained Cweather—next month on the NBC

* * * * * * * * * * *

S C I E N C E can give usgreat entertainment, as thtBell System's television.Science Series has shown.These shows have beenawarded the Edison Foun-dation award as "The BestScience Television Pro-gram fo/ Youth in 1937."What is more, they arthc\-.{p.g to interest young

may well a£tct'- to tht fat*

he story oinetwork.

\. .:

Charles Wiltshire IB, organist,sonof Mr. and Mrs Wiltshire of PingreeRoad entertained M part of the mini-trel show program at Stockbridpehigh school Friday and Saturdayflights He played several tongs andwas well received by the audience.Earlier Friday afternoon ht playedfor tht guests at the Hotel Hays

The Ross Reads were Sundayer quests of the Reg Schaftm

Charles Schafers drawing for thecover for the conservation magadntthis month was a drawing of a rabbithunting scent in the Pincknty R e -creation area 9

Mrs, Lucille Cambur* b i t tstHtV^dd Foote hoapita, Jackson for • thyroid operation Her tmaband ealted «tVher Tostday night ' ,' -

Page 3: VOLUMl 71 Wednesday, January 22, 1958 Neighboring Notes …pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1958-01-22.pdf · 2011-03-04 · "Mm VOLUMl 71 Wednesday, January 22, 1958 No. 4 Neighboring

Wednesday, Jaaoftrr 22,

ThEntered aeBeseadCba

Matter at JoeteffloeAi of Manfe 8, 1877

U 3«uta Howeft ftk^«»»-»f tMriyttta Mir 9LM » Tav





Mrs. Lawrence Owen of Gregorydied of a heart attack last Wednesay. Her husband survives and sever.oral stepchildren.

At the time Bru^e "VanBlaricumdiad his brother, Bert, could not helocated. He wrote last week that behad been in the veteran's hospitalat Lakeland, Florida since Octoberwhere he underwent a serioue operation but expected to be transferredto a hospital at Memphis, Term.

W. H. Meyer and w i f e c a l l e d o n

the William Lambs in Ann ArborSunday. •

Friday the Ralph Hall family^ent to Piketown, Ohio, to visit herbrother, Cl*on Curtis.

Mrs. tola Hall attended a meetingof the Pinckney Pegs Thursday atthe home of Mrs. Hazel Root ofSilver Lake ,

The Gene Shehan family of AnnArbor spent Sunday with Mrs.Lou.,ise Shehan Mrs. Marie Bauer andchildren of Webberville called Thursday. ,

Mrs. Theresa Coyle spent the week<4d *t the Clarence Stapish home atChelsea.

! The Jack Cl&rks of Dexter and the[ Bud Bekkerins of Howell spent Sunday at the Mark Nash home.

Mark Nash attended the monthlyFarm Bureau meeting last Wednesday at the Wilbur Herbst home nearBrighton.

Mrs. Jeanette McDonnel went toDetroit with the William UntnersSunday to see Linda Lintner baptised at the Scoville Memorial church.

Wagoners Grocer)V № 6 PINCKNEY ROAD

Quility Merchandise< » • LOW P R I C E S

Beer and Wine To Take Out


Lumber, Coal andSunoco Fuel Oil

rompt Service

\One way

* •

- &

Edison kelps

Livingston Countygrow


(I. I HOLY & sONSDKA 6-8119 Dtxker





AMAZINGwhat can comeout of a littlenest egg I

\ \

Mo$f people save for a definite

purpose. Yet, having a "nest

egg," or ready cash, lets them

take advantage of opportunities.

Buy a Savings Account as you

buy other things you want. ..

on tht installment plan!



EitablUfud 186$ incorporated 1916

McPherson State BankHowell — Pinckney

Ov$r Nintty-Ttvo Years of Safe Banking

2 % o n Savings Book Accounts

Schools receive an important part of the $119,570 taxpayments made by Edison in Livingston County %n 1957

For the year 1957 Detroit Edison's total taxpayments will be about $38,201,000 to local, stateand federal governments. Over half of this sumwill stay right here in Michigan with $7,478,0X4going to local school districts in our service area.

Th« balance of these Edison tax dollars helpsto build needed public projects and to support

police, fire and other vital service* in your*

community* iMk

As your electric company supplying your electricservice, and as a corporate citizen paying taxet,we like to think that we are truly partners in thtprogress and growth of the 400 eommuzutieB Wiserve in Southeastern Michigan. f:

• • „ . - , %'<:•.


DETROIT EDISONInvesting in a belter future for you

UmnWa«t and Store°*** Mondayi

elf M46,l#]itlM4, Mich, 8«it Wfttnr Family Wash, Dry

Tmi eimaiMg, ***** Ruff, Shag Bogs B«i SprMUt aid

u B*t*to wHk •» told J>f 8y»4«n.

AO 9



• WW L R. GAS SERYKS<-•• :-i


biff" for The Claw Millers spent Sunday^ l U ^ r f t frith her mother. Mra.MUl

i « 2 i i teaching Monday afUr 2iw

Lee Lavey artd wife, Mn. MaeMet* and Mrs Steve O'Brien spentSunday with the Harry Laveya in

Patrlete Pali>endiett|t openal Detroit eat


« ••!••« •



tilt*m ** *

V ' . ••" ' • ' • - • : > ' -

Page 4: VOLUMl 71 Wednesday, January 22, 1958 Neighboring Notes …pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1958-01-22.pdf · 2011-03-04 · "Mm VOLUMl 71 Wednesday, January 22, 1958 No. 4 Neighboring


DISPATCH V January 2*V i f M

M 'i-iiJiZUS1 Hi-Fi T*l.

Fabulous V-M.Aco'istic Cent:

Control Gives NewDimension to Your Listen I • -~

High-fidelity's most revolutionary new feature . . .

Acoustic Contour Control tailors the sound to i.

physical proportions of any size room. New 4-way

speaker system reproduces every wonderful not:

Bass, Brilliance and tone-o-matic®. The exquisite

styling will reflect the good taste of your hoir.z

Your home deserves the best. . . Here's the Fine. . V-M





.Personal Notes .. CATHOHC CHURtH y \Mrs. Edna Spears and Jack Stoel-

den called on Mrs Arthur Krych in } ft*?, fy Alt**St Joe hospital, Ann Arbor lost , SUNDAY MASSESwiek I rammer Musses:

The Jack Young famiy spent Sun Ju;3O, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:30 A. Uday with tlie D O ^ i n s in Grand Wi'tei- Fasses;tt;00, 10:0$ A M.Kapids. fw^ekday Mass: g.-00 A, M.

Mark White and Wm. Rush are ;filJf:y:t on $500 bond State police pick j voi-rowfu! Mother Novenaj7:30 P.M



' The finckr^y r

* S M. ftirffy, M.Fiartauy Michi*a»

ri:<T A. M- to 2:00 P. M.

, Ibe*. FrL, 8**.7:00 to '*:0d i» IS.

ed up Mike Kaiser here Friday for ^enfessions:investigation. JFri^ay, after Novenna

The Basil Whites of Mason Roal k&turday: 4:30 to 5:$* Pcalled on the Ben Whites Sunday. fi^jo U 9:60 :

Kay Lavey of Gregiry caled hursday.

Richard Wylie has a job at Mich.State Universtiy now week endsrunning the switch board.

I The Hollis Holloways of Bass Lakewee Sunday guests of the DaleMillers.


DM CSvafttMDirector

Modem EquipmentAmbuhy>ce Service

PHONE L P 1 t UFred C. fteJckJMrff, St.

! Ritter T. V. : ServiceBBVflCB

Mrs. Nora Sprout and Patty woreDexter Saturday.

W. F. Close and wife attended theat Flint Sundae.He

* Menaonite ChurchCalvary Mennonitte ChurchRev. Lxia Be&chy, Past#r

i. S. Supt Walter Es«AoTHif Worship . 1Q:WSunda. School U«0OVoting People's Meeting 7:30~<Jtt*ge Fellews/iip


\\em Grand RivtrHoweli, Michigan




^ .

Ofilc* K11HUU'W

LjrU W.


the Shrineushered

The fire engine was called to theI ovell home West Main St.Fridaynic;M by a burning out chimney.

Dick Rudnicki, editor of the Fowr• irvie Review called on ye editor

Saturday. He is al taped up as ho• broke a rib fighting a fire with the ;fire dept. of which he is a member, j

! The Decker Farm Burea met at the( John Bird song home ..Thursday.

ICth Anni»il Ct immunity Summevbibie Schorl &' Calvary Aiennoni^ed u r c h Juiv 1 t0 12, 9:00 to 11:00

.iass fur A'i Age& ,4 dra upWfclconie

The Peoples Church

The Murray Kennedys entertained Mornir.fe WorshipYouth Group

Undenominational11-36 West between Unadilla and

M?in StreetsRev. Brooks Sanders, Pastor

Sunday Bchool y :45 a. m.

DENTISTjlephcne Office




10:50 a.m. , ..

dees and Gerry Eiehmans at cri'ob jYoun~g People . ' " . . " . ' . 6:00 P. M. i D r . H R H o i l k i q i l i s tage Saturday night. 'Evening Service . . 7:00 P. M. |

Wed. Sr. C&oir Practise . . 8:00 p.m.

the Ambrose Kennedys, Lloyd Henand Gerry Ei

Saturday night

lo Detrui*iruckiag

j . Carr AgencyLVSUHANCS


4 33 MILL ST.;'):u'knr-y, Mich. Phone UP 8 • ! »


Jack O'Neal's WeldingService




iH0£$ A

5Fhur.Adult Prayer Meeting 8:00 p.m.Thur. Youth Prayer Group 7:00 p. m

' Coin. Conf'i. Church. J. W. Winger, Pastor

Sunday School 9.80 a. m.Worship 1&:45 ja. m

7 %/©«day Thrwiglr Saturdtf11 tz 3 aid 5 to 7

And by AppointmentAC 7-29»l

3(K) West GrandBRIGHTON

Hornet, Lake ProportfBusiness Opportunitiea

'•i-t Your Propertyl witi

.iiALD RcASONProker —* -209 North Pearl *

PH0NE UP 8-8166

№vry WolterAll Kinds of Real Estate Ltflttaffi

WantedMain Office HA 6-8W8 at 7421 Portage Lake Road, near N, TerritorW

' 132 WEST MAliS- ST., PINCKNEYHem\ Krahn.

'>* *•'•*>!•&

on IQL.

fOO tiny alt

A* i'. CnulilonSao t-i.

VU call at yous eoKvr:.irTsc* I.-.

V9*A Ptrrjov.nl Fitting- ncrvic^- 'and• U\rA o£ .ii\o« conifcit. K"«Uon—No extra QtKWfi* 19*0$


FOR RENT :Tliree room apai-tment\vith bath rooni, private enterance.with stove, refrigerator and utiiti'^sfurnished or will rent rooms separat-ely Phone UP 8-9732,

FOR SALE:Washing Machine,*^n-?le, Tubs, Space Heater, Jet Pump, J F 0 R SALE Holstein Bull.Cornstalks REAL ESTATE — - .living Room, Refrigerator, Wes I nviti Wa1ft/1 Qlrit,,. P i l c .^n Un^vne GLADYS AND SHIRLEY HENRTtinghouse Arthur PardonG544 Rush Lake Road UP 8-99S6

a n d B a l e d

p h u p g

Russell Bokvos

FOR RENT:Large modern apartment. \F0R SALE: Rock Roasters, live orModerat Rent. Lawrence BaUshn j dressed, G to 8 lbs or over.Phone UP p--3232 j I Phone UP 8 3353

FOR SALE:Pair of Hockey Skates,

Phone UP 8-977811269 Hi-Und Ct. /Hell"

Ptnckney, Mich.Salesman for King Realty

FOR SALE :Power Lawn Mojfer ?2inch cut James Whitley UP 8-848f

8. Jack Lee \FOR SALE: Gas Stove 3. Two

PIANO: Responsible partyto take over low monthly payments

; er pups $J0 e>cii.

Phone U P 8-3r*<?f}


~ Threads large and small needla.

b yWrite Credit Manager 19345 Livir- .h^rse, like new $fi.nt)M high chairn-'is, Detroit 21, Michigan..., t $".00. Mrs. Irene Oesterle

| Fettysviib Rd.

inc ney

on spinnet piano. Can be seen .ocal,,. P 0 R SALE: S.aH Pa,omi,,o h.b..v . ^ ^ ^ I ^ . I L ' T Ser. "Presto" it's ready to sew.Comesin plastic box with instructions. $1.00

LOST: Female Beagle HouncLbrown < Postpaid. Proinl»t Delivery awttrod.ard white trained. Reward. Lost in t FOR SALE :2 Bicycles 10 inch M o n < * b a c . k *?mnt** B E

f cR®E B S

Pinckney Recreation Area. ' t $10.. James Whitley UP 8 —3469 ' F t° »ta«P8 *** •*<* J1'hone Detroit Vinewopd 36566 >' . . B F t e F a i T l T B H F RFOR RENT.6 room year around cott 1 OR R E N T = Apartment. Modern, fur WORKSage cozy, neat and warm. Very rea. , j j j ^ ' * r o o m f an.d *»*» H922 Wei»an St. Pinckiiey, Midisonable rent to responsible young \M1S-Uscar Beck, phone UP 8 3,434 ,< ,,family. Phone UP 8-3329 ' ' m • • . n C PM* •*•

— TOR SALE:- Coal of wood heatng TOHVMaildtIISMWrlliU> MODFOR RENT: Two houses at Patterson ^ suitable for a cottage, oil heat L A W N M 0 W E R SHARPENINGLake, Doyle's Covle, with bathrooms er> suitable for fishinc sQanty, pit- . . , 2 4 RjVerbank Ei-laadpartially furnished UP 8 9704 cheT PUTOP with long pipe, all in ex. \ __, . ' ._ . _ _ . _ _ ^ /

celent condition.N. J, Buzzard, 326 d Main,

- • -— •-,—, SIDING AND ROOFING .SALE-lCialititateof All K'nds AND REMODELUNO

5566 E. Gd. River, HowtH, Mich.Phone Ho^ill 717

FOR RENT: Home, 4 rooess^ath at 3100 Patterson Lakefurnished or unfurnished.Call UP 8-6686 UMntfl WantedFOR RENT: Modern 6 room cottage Salesman for Ge»ild Reaso*at Portage Lake. John McNamara BERT WYLIFphone Howell 1535M1I Ph^ne C7P i-

Wibiaro Davis





• 'M- •

:r<'i0*',~ <





OR. W. W. MADSENLavan BuUd^ng Bngmtoa, H1A.

OPTOMETRISTTues. and Thurs. 9:30 to B;00

Erenings by Appointment186 East Grand River

Glm* Stold


V ANT9D:-Pa;itin£ and- cratorlng. 25 >carsfi>»e estimata^.

M. A. LINK,8788 Lakevew,Rush Lake, Phone UP 8 5570




UP 8 82M


But what about the ownerss pricelesspersonal possessions and keepsakestosiness papers, birth and marriagecertificates, insurance policy lt**KFire can dsetroy them in a few mlanUa.The only complete loss insurance forirach possessions is a Safe Dtp^sitBozx which you can rent in our vaaltArranqre for y>ur box today,

TWO % THREE%on on

SaTinfi Book TimeA* court* Certificates

First National BankHowelL l#lcWfa«

Undor Ftdoral SuperrWonVom^or of PotJwml Roinyt Cot.pointoa tad Fodonl


Water WeNtj and PumpsAll Makes of Pumps Serviced&S Dexter-Pinckney Road

HA 6 9454

A-I Septic Tank ServiceLicensed and Bonded by the State o*

Michigan* VPHONE ST. 3-1928


New Tanks and Lines Installed739 South Pleasant St


ck altOR THAWING 100 LBS. $1.75




.^'h^imVCv^' X .'.•