VOL. XII., No. 120. UNIVERSITY 0FFI€ES ·: WERE...Ei; :Y pt and i~ tho rou~h ly f~ m il u with all...

VOL. XII. , No. 120. MONTREAL, THURSDAY, iii:AI\CH 15, 192-3 PRICE TWO CENTS. ¥our. Summer Vacation I UNIVERSITY 0FFI€ES ·: WERE PLAYER'S Aro und the JUNE 30-SEPTEMBER 1 64 GLORIOUS VACATION DAYS Cruising through the Mediterranean by specia lly chartered new oil-burning CUNART).ANCHOR LINER '' TUSCANIA '' A Magnificent Itinerary. Li111itcd Membership. Popular Fares Early Application is Advisable Der.criptive Booklet and lnforn1ation from: Mr. ]. W. W ing , Art6 Building, McGi"'t University. THOS. 526 S1\ COOK & CATHERIN B STREET COAL J11NEST GRADES ONLY SON \VEST, F ' RArS. SPECIALLY CATERED TO. Farquhar Robertson Limited ... _T_EL_._l\_ · IA_I_N_4_6_10_. ___ 2_0_6 . . . . CKOSELY CONTESJED WHEN lARGE WAS rOLlED Amaron Elected President of Councii-Packhmn \Vins Presidenc:v of Union-Little Is I New Vice·President-Leacit and Simpson ·Tied fqt· Secretaryship. T l1 e U uion lobby wa ;, ke pt fi lled all T'rcsi ll cnl. of Cerclc Fran· day h.v the of stu- cai s, .<\rts L:n<i<!r:;:rad. drn b 1\ ·ho lv th ci•· in i hr .-ollc)':•: l'il' <' l ion• . T ha t ck ·1i on rhy. colleg e: affa irs 111 ;:. cn cral arc hrcomin>; of gr eater in - to thr s h• 1wn the f ar:t vo te o f on e fottr lumd r c:d \\' O! S pol kd, a o f ;dnt os t ' five hundrrd \'Otcs tllorc were c;tst in lhr. r lcctions last v C';I r. :\ II O th C'!r in<Ji ca I ion of inter- est in affain, thr. t.ha. l, while last lhrcl! ca.ndid<1tes were dc;ftcd! by r.tll posi· l ions wrr c cont r. stcd this year. ln one q,-;, that (•f the of the tf11ion. a <!raw was It has 110t yet been dcr. it led what procedure \till br. follo•t·ed to llcr.idc th is . lout a will be rcadtc.d announced in the nrar future. Th e i(•llowing is a -li st of the fnl canrlitlatr s, toj:cther \\'ith a lnlerlllrrliatr :111! teams . Sc,nior I: a < I. ctba 11 T rark 1 I lorhy and Indoor Soccrr ami Tldrl of (irc. in f'otrliotm ent. Gill S twlcnt ani:l took f!H t in Iir Club · J. of Uhion·. Prr ,i dent o f C:ommcrcc '2-l. 11r sl yc;ar . ExrrnLi,·r of 1921 -1 922 . Editor in Chief oi 1924 L. Union . for 19.21 . 22 of '.?.i. r1·csi·dcnt In tercollegi at e Uuion. 1 9.?1-.?.2 . hockey. 192.?-.?J. 'ManagcT 19.?..2·2.1. Seni or Dn , kr .tball (capt. The fo ll owin;; is a li st of the voles cast for cJcll canrl irlat e : f'rc sidcn1 of Council. :\ maron . . . . . . 5i9 . . Tidm:•r' h . •• , • • :!81 1 JS8 Prc sidctn of Union. F':l rkham . . , • , , Puddicomhr. • , , , , • . . 0 62G 540 .110 of Union. Little . , ••• , • , Brewer . . Uurronghs . . , • .. 6i<\ sso Sccretaro· of the Union. 1476 147i NAVY CUT CI&AREITEI Satlsfadlon.• ··f 1hci r collq;c THE LIMITED i .. 5 ... '"" Jute BAGS Cotton 1 1 T '' ice pres id ent of Ol<i Sconts Cub. t tJ2o - .m. Sc11ior football 11)20-.?.3 . S r:cr c.t;,ry of Uni··m· . . . . . . . . .. Ko: nt .. .. 507 507 4.i0 T ir. hrt.wcrn Lc.ac.h a.IHI Simps on. J.f ·l·\ Factorie!: i-.:0NTREAL TORON'!'O WIKNI.PEG VANCOUVER c;GJLl GOVERNING BOARD MEN APPOINTED WMAl'S · ON DAlLY STAFF ; ENJO¥ . '.!===T=ODA=Y . REAL DINNER The Culinary Art to Perfection •: ,. . Excellent F u 11 Course Meals ·- tEE ,. .. . •. o f.. .. .... ·Gregor Submitted IO .OG-1[eeting of Arts '26 . . 1.00-:0.fcetins of Arb '2.3 . ·· v:t r.c· .A. -l . 00- Delta SJgma Society. . Evenil]g h.t .. Union Cafeteria . British-Canadian Tea Rooms ' . . . ·-- .. THOS. H. l\1cl\eown, Prop. J9ZI-23 McGilt GLEE ClUB Second Coneert ., Convocation Royal Victoria Hall Calleg·e Monday Mareh 19tll. at s. Jo · ,.ftl. Admission, Tax $1. 50 cents . EMINENT AUTHORITY . ON ·EGYPTIAN TOMBS The great interest 111anif cstcd in Lord Carm.r .von' s ex:ca.\·a·ti ons m · Egypt and in his ·e po ch-making rli s- co.very of Tut-ankh -amcn's to mb ha. s · resulted in n'lmerous applications be· ine made to the Montreal :\rc. haeolog· feat Socic· tY. for a le cture ' in the fi eld of Egyptian archaeolot;>·. The Soc- rety has taken the matt er up and has been for tunate enough to secure the services of Profcos or C. T . C urr elly. Director of the Royal Ontario · seum; Toronto. Profe ssor C urrellr fi to Montreal on Friday mtd will _lecture in the Physics Building that " a:vening at 8 :30. His subject is "The 'Development and \\.raking of Egyp tian Ton1bs''. The IC!ctu.rc will be illnstrat- t:d by stereop!icon slide ·,' Profe ssor f,l:urrelly haS' made vis it s to Ei; :Ypt and with all Jlh,a ses of Egyptology. T he col- lect ion s wh ich he in ac · at the nHt scunt iu Toronlc• have i!lrca dy one of the mo. t notable on .the continent. All of the Univ'ersitv ;re r.o rdia ll y in dtc d to att end. . . SMI TH COLLEGE "I though t a ll th e people in New York must be millionaires," exclaim- ed F rau Vett er of Vienna, who r, ecent· ly lectur ed here. " Th e American middle class man spends his money on a comfor t able home, on fin e dress and on social e nte1 ·tainmcnt ," said Frau \fe t ter, . ''while the Viennl"sc spends his money on beautiful exam- ples of ar t, on b ooks and oi1 concerts. Where the A111crican girl of eighteen has· a fur coat the Viennese girl of the same age ha s a large liJ.,rary. ACCLAMATION . ShOl't Resume of Figltt for System It wa s annou.nced last ni ght that as o nly tw o men had heen nominated for the Athletic Go,· crning Board they will hold offkc by acclamation. These IIICII arc R. L.l. I lenry and D. U. Gregor ; they have holh had consi de r- . :Lble experience . in the m' anagcmeut o r· ,·ariou:; team s in university · at hl etics and shonld SJ(ccced in thrir new ea· pacity. le B. Henr y was president of the Indoor Cl ub last year :lllll mauag •· r. of th e track team this " ·hile : ti tcr cou sid· crablc succc sg in footb al l t hi s w ill be captain oi the fo,Hball team li C:X t In this connection a word to how thG Athlet ic lio1:cru ing id ea origin:t.tcd might be in pla cr. It had long been fe lt t hat t.h c conll:ol of at lc ti cs shol!ld not he so hampcrc.d by th e juris di ction of the hi "hrr govern- ing iur this 01 board with more rcpr <':;r ntation from th e £l':ldnatc:; and the S tU• dent s wa s t:OIIt C II1 J' btt'll. Th is plan, !Jrsides incrca"in g th e con· 1 rol, \\'OUI•l tend to gel the graduate> 111or e in sympat hy with the athletics 'it the col .J cge allll ;d;;o increa se the interest taken by. profess ors ili 1he ,ports. . Severa l mee tings o f the were hclrj. a11d the who le qucs tioi1 was '' cry frer Jy froi11 e\·cry · pos: ;; iblc a.nglc. r\ ftrr mu ch J rE> solution was dr awu np to get thr. fc rlings of the unrlcr graduatcs; this was considerably altc rrd before flllal ac ·cptancc is pu blir,hcd 111 full herewith : Rcsol"crl : Tha t th e Stu'd cnt s' So - ci ety of McGil l recomme nd (,) the Stan diug Co mmittee 9n . P hys- ic al Edu ca I io u oi i\ [cGill Univers it y the format ion of au '' Ath letic Govern - ing Board'' to •·ontrol and admini st er all athle ti c monie s of i\icGill Univer- sit y . . AI $o that port,io n oi th e I fee of l':ach student, namely, form erl y <' x pc.n dc d by the Stu- dents' Council . for athlet ic purposes, be in future to th e Governing Board. 1 Also: That the composition of th e said Athletic Governing be as follows: The Principal ex-officio. Th ree members of the Faculty, to be appointed by the S tudents ' Coun- cil on . recommendat ion of th e Prin - cipal. . T h r.cc t-o •be -appoi1;ted by the Studc.n t,s' Council on (C ont inued orr Page 2.) 5. Association. 00-Comparative Rc.l igion. Association in Building. ,::; .00-Baskctball :\ s:;ociation . Physi c; 5. 3G-Cit) : League Baseball practice . cj.OO-Art !'-Science Baseball. 7.0G-'Dai· •· ui R Afsuul lsTO 7 .00- "D; il y'' Dinner. 7. 00-K ing Cook. 10 . 30- Gym. Team at Bona,·cnture. COMING ::\ larch 16- D1·. Sawyer's lec tmc at \Vinds or · Cricket Club ::\leeting. Lecture on Egnttian T mnli s. R. V. C . Rehearsal. Alma Dance. 1 7- Orchestra. Rehearsal. H. V. C. Rcheanal : ;\l;rrch 18- ,\ l ar ch 19- Gicc Club Concert. Er ski ne Churd t Y. l\L Dinner. Marrh 20- Canadiau Club. A rt.s Undcrgrad . Dinner. ::\larch :?!- Western Club Snicker. ::\larch 28- lli storicaJ Cluh · ELECTRICAL- - CLUB . TO HOLD Discussed Manner .of Spend· ing Club's Surolus PROMOTIONS · AI) ·Men In";ted to Annual Banquet Thi s evening at 7 o'clork, thco Daily edi to rs and reporters 'rill gather in the Uni on Ca ietcr.ia. for their Annual Ba.1 quct given the Students' Council, to whi ch C\'ery man on the paper is in. vitcd. At this function the tt in:; arc awarded and tl1c longed-for promot iom arc announced for the co mi ng year. Formerly of Jas. A. Ogilvy, d.,.im itcd J Lunch and Din · ner, 40c. 628 St. Catherine St. West, - Montreal . KING €00K TO , BE CROWNED TONIGHT MORMONISM TO BE SUBECT OF PAPER Hawaiian Beauties Add ·to Miss to Read Pape1· to Attraction of Event Rcligionists This is one oi the scmi·annual meet- ings of the s taiT which 1 he men , a.ttcntl. During the year two >pecial fini ." hin g- touches "·er e pu t to .\ l> ll will ue g- atherings were hrld to which the the preparations for tl ie 72nd .\unual r e.a cl :,_, .. F ry this aft ernoon \ . c. members were ill\'ited ;m<l ·at Coronat iou oi King Cook la ;,t e n·n· at .1 o'clur :.. . ill a mc eti 11g of the Co nt · which spcdal spea kers were heard. ing, when a f111l rrh c arsal carr ied par at i\" 1 '\cligioi iS Group, which will The ba nquet of last year is still tin- out in the :'ll cdi cal Bniltlin g. Th e t"k<· pf,.cr in 13 , St rat hco na . Hall. in th e minds of those \\'hO were Hawa iian had :1 r rin::d in t im• · The pa !Jrr will ·inc lude :dsu a dcscrip· fortunate in allcmling it, Ullt the one for the: practice anti . wrr c mr t. al 1h c li on oi th e r elig ion of th r Donk hobo· 111 5 , th is is C.'\:p: ctccl to eclipse it in sta:io n by Tobin himse li. T he will he foll owed IJy •:t dis· c\ ·ery detail. La. st there were on I)· agc ment of R.\' .C. ha d \' cry ki nd! . '· cn, :- iun. . \11 student s iutcrcstccl cor- a lim ited munbcr of promotions to uc offered the "!rangers the hosrit;lf itv oi di: dly in,·i ted tu made, while thl: adnmccmcuts ior ncl\t that · iar·iamc d in stit ut io n, hut ·th e TIH: .cronr• 0 11 Comparali,·c sessio ns 1111111 cruus owill!: l' to th e rolllntillc• ·. the of I ha: .l•r r n regular ly •tml S IIC- gradua.tion of the majority oi the pres· the prc. cut Ill mall'S 1111gh t lie s l'l' io uslr cc,. d ur m}:! the flil 't r,.,,. weeks. 1:11t News Board. Th is in it , elf is ; 1 af(rctcd by their I h•tt·t · been hcid on I linduism, great inrluccmcnt ior cub rcportn " declined the offer. and 1hc da 111 , 1 ·b Juda- whu been ·\\'o rkiu:;- faithfully ., ,·ere taken to Hall. in ac· a. nrl Protestantism, ami throughout the ycnr to come to the fe s· con lancc ,, ·ith the or igi nal a rr: 1n gc· in a deal o f interest was tivc anrl, perhaps, he ;n· news rnents. >luJ11·n b al l prc;cnl. sweeter than they hun ter! for . .Be- Lo st evening. when inlcr\'icw; ·d , u nr T hi " ;lllrl the nex t ''ill be the promotions will the an: sweet young thing d ec lar ed that , he ' l'C'Ilt in of · on1 oi ·thc .. renoum· cmcnb of the award of the hronzc: more th;; n plea se d with t he homwh ich lie nn the "o ut skirts" of pins to the mo re diligent news writers. iikc and the peacef ul a t· the s tu dy of C:ompar. il ti,·c Hcligion. anrl Th e: dinner itscl.f wi ll . represent the mospherc of the Hall. to which ar c perhaps nn t so w\:11 known as pinnacle o i CJl icurcan art and I he menus say. the prese nt: c of the yo ung- la rl ies the one> whi rh hrrn Ircatcd !!1- will be distinctive· oi a mcmor- greatly adds to the of th is ready. able occas ion . Jbc promise to out s tand ing cn n l. The s tudy co un;c wi ll end with ;a dis· be of the cntcr taiti i)l g ya ri cty :utd will For · tho se who not cus. ion of the meaning of rclig.ion in be different from the ordinHy run of cd t·icket s. there arc still f ew to b-: the light o f tl <' kno ,·irdgc of aflcr-dinnct· to<J sts. had from Crawford a 1 tlw ) 1 edi r:ll the lll os t. '--;\ · mcctmg oi Jhc E kctric.1l The. of Lhr . "Daily'' been Building. A limited numh cr will al:. o -- -.---- - - Cinh was held rda.y in the Eng:in· larger 11 11 s t.han for many year s, be sold at the door . eeri n;:; Euildinr;; . T he chie f till· and the numhr.r which wil l grace the Prog ra.mmcs r ea d.\' .<nr ] 1• . i ll be dcr d i5r. tt s ion at this meeting wa s the this ne ni.J1g is c.xpcc tcd to be sold :'l t the door for twenty cent 5 ma nner in which the d ub i,; to make in th e neighbou rliood of fifty. Th ey show co ns id erable · of it. ca sh balance on ha nd . au The banquet offers to the a and many new fr att1 rr, bec 1 ; amount of :} 174 . -i' . It \tas f111all y rlc· unique opportunity of not onl)· renewing adder! to make them rl ·i cier!. af ter many d ifferent chance mc:t. <Jrouncl the sirable. On the whole. <l \'Cry unusua l. hall been mad e, to holtl a banquet he· newspaper-heaped tables of the editorial cxhilirating a'nd fa. cinating will the Ea!:. ter hol idays. The banquet- o. fi ke, bu t a l:;o of he aring "Scotty'' be pre sented this evening at eight vill rak e place. in one of the city hotels, Bedding of the composing · room, who o'clock in th e Asse mbly H a ll ro f 1 hf . mrl the exccuti\'e intcn•i>' to obtain the is responsible for their scribbled · and ':\Icdical. Building. · very best speaker for the that typed sheets being t ra.n sformed into it is possible to get. · nmt art icles .' "Scott:r'' will reply In ord er that next year's executive to t.hc toast to t he Composing Room, will not haYC to begin operations with· \\'bi ch Leon LcYinson is to propose· out any cash, it wa s decided to ha. \'e a The toast li st, which ha s been pre- minimum o f !f25 in the trca;ury. pared is as fo ll ows : •T he meeting was characterized by the The King . aggress·ivencss of the members, <Jnd the The Daily. An organization of utale st udents is a' bout t o be fo rmed here oi 1 he males \\' !t o pledge them. elves not 10 lll <i rry college women. lt wi ll be known a o; the "Society ior the \Vcliare of Students." intense interest taken by them in thel W. F. Shepherd . G. H. Craik club'5 affairs . They were unanimously The Contributors. :Making the lame walk! T ha-t is in fa,· ou r of increasctl activity next ses- H. D. '1\Iac'lllillan. Felix Waiter the job of George Curvay of the Uni- sion, in rega,rd to the holding of din·, Th e Composing Room . vl':rsity Hospital. Georgc is the ex- ncrs, making · tTip .s . to manufacturing Leon Levin son. · "Sc6tty" Bedding pert mechanic who makes orth d' . I d I · 4 d · h I · · · ope •< p_an ts, an 1avmg. ea ers m t e '<l ec.tn- 1 The Gr•duating S.t;tf!!. supporting corsets, wood en industry to gtve talks. L. C. T?mbs. · Ed,; :woollcomb extension!, splints, etc, HISTORICAL CLUB . OF MONTREAL - At :1. 111C<' Iing o i' twc.nly. fi vc inHruc-·· tor> o[ history fro 111 :\fontr c:al, and d- ci1 1ity, hdr i afternoon in the , \n s Builrlin :. 1hr Club ·o(.. for mrd . Professor B;tsil• W ill iall iS. il l. r\ .. Kin)'l sford of 11 hn \\'a t [Jr tor Qf t:he cl ub , . cl ·c tcd Prc sidrnt, · ·M•tM Brittain, of th H igh School, S ec. rclrtrT·T otnd the foJolowing I"O Jntn ittce, Or . C . E. Fryer, Proicssor Hist ory: )fr . John :\nder· \ son.::\(. :\ ., of \\' cstmount High Sc hool: nnd J. G. Stc\\'arl IJ.A ., of 1lontrcal It is the aim oi the club's executive to promote greater interest in historical subjects, · the intention be ing to hold at least four general meetings each year , 'The first function of the Hi storical Oltlb · of Montreal will take place during the ·month 9f Al!r4 it) the form of a dinner , t .

Transcript of VOL. XII., No. 120. UNIVERSITY 0FFI€ES ·: WERE...Ei; :Y pt and i~ tho rou~h ly f~ m il u with all...

  • ---~-~~~~~====~======~====~===================~~~~~~=======================~==~~====~~ VOL. XII., No. 120. MONTREAL, THURSDAY, iii:AI\CH 15, 192-3 PRICE TWO CENTS. ---·========-=============~

    ¥our. Summer Vacation I UNIVERSITY 0FFI€ES·: WERE PLAYER'S Aro und the


    64 GLORIOUS VACATION DAYS Cruising through the Mediterranean by specially

    chartered new oil-burning CUNART).ANCHOR LINER

    '' TUSCANIA '' A Magnificent Itinerary. Li111itcd Membership. Popular Fares

    Early Application is Advisable Der.criptive Booklet and lnforn1ation from: Mr. ]. W. Jc


    1 T ''.·ice president of Olpecial Th~ fini." hing- touches "·ere pu t to .\ par~ll · ' ~lonnuni>ln·• will ue g-atherings were hrld to which the 1~ . the preparations for tlie 72nd .\unual re.acl :,_, . . \li~s ~Iary Fry this afternoon \ . c. members were ill\'ited ;m whir h h~,·c hrrn I rcatcd !!1-will be distinctive· .~ouvcnirs oi a mcmor- greatly adds to the pcppincs~ of this ready . able occasion . Jbc ~pccchc:s promise to outstand ing cnnl. The study coun;c will end with ;a dis· be of the cntcrtaiti i)lg yari cty :utd will For · those who ban~ not ~rrt ob t~in· cus. ion of the meaning of rclig.ion in be different from the ordinHy run of cd t·ickets. th ere arc still ~ few to b-: the light o f tl to r~· . 11 hn \\'a t[Jr origin ~ tor• Qf t:he cl ub, w~s .cl ·ctcd Prcsidrnt, · ·M•tM Brittain, of th ~font r ,·~l H igh School, Sec. rclrtrT·T rr~ ~urcr. otnd the foJolowing a


    The Official or,an of the Students' Society of McGill Univerlit7

    Published Ever3• Day Except Sunday by

    THE STUDENTS' COUNCIL Editorial })tpartment •••••.• , , • • • • • • • • • . Uptown 3571 Bt~fneu Department ••• , •••. , •• , , . .. ..... Uptown 433 AdvutisinJ Department • .. .. • • • • • • • • • • • • .. Main 741;l

    President: J. L. Q'Bricn, B.A. Editor·in-Chief: H. O'Hagan, B.A. Llanagin• Editor: G. H. Cralk Ad,•t. M&naier: G. U. Fletcher, B.A. .

    Alumni Editor: H. R. Uorpn, B.A. R.V.C. EcUtcir: D. Hay. R.V.C Asst. Editor: J Affleck.

    Nlrftt Editors :-M. Pc:u1inaton and M. ~:cLaren.

    NEWS BOARD S. E. Read, '2J A. ]. Smith, '25 L. C. Tombs, '24


    Bet;ituting Wednesday, :March 14th, track practices will be held every :\Ion-day and Weduesday at 6 p.m . in the .Montre:~l High School . Ot1tdoor prac-~ice \\'ill be started as soon Plr in \\T.it- The music f6r tlle opening dance will Greenshields, Greenshields

    & Lang:uedoc ~mall things that count, the trifles that constitute the fabnc o cor- Basketball Association will be held ir. ing H. F. Robinso11, c~tre of the commence sharply at 9.15 o'clock •in -the dial relationship. The letters to be found in the Correspondence WESTERN CLUB SMOKER. the ' Union this c\·ening 'Ciy.

    t would also :like to express my . th~nks and :~ppw;,iatii>ti to thos~ who supp-orted t'lti! '.f:( a: candidate, an·rl would a·sk thettt to jo.i.rt witlo me in helping the ~1ew admini~tration to make lhc for·th-coniing year dne of tht m6s.f suceesslul in tbe .history of our Alma l\fater.

    • T1f.itikir1g you for your valuable space, I a:.m,

    Yours, etc. , C. J. tiDMARSiL

    The Editor, 1.1eGI11 Daily:

    lifarch 14, i923.

    .. Dear' Sir,-Would you be good eMugh, throuiib tile medium of tlie Daily, to af. tow rile to congratul~(e' ~{r. P'acl"i, ~rt!. ~;;;tl~Mre ·Cil,~.

    Thi~ will be in the- form of a Smoker, and tall members arc urged to keep thi:; date open.

    · d urn out for the sudden d-eath etimina-Univc:rsity,ls rcquestc • ing their 11rogrammcs before t11c dance

    4th YEA·R SCIENCE. 1 Scien·c:e stucierlts are reminded that

    craduation pictures should be taken· as soon as possible. Appointments may be made at' Notnun•s;

    WANTED. Ticket £or Atma Mater Dance. Any·

    bOdY ·"•ishiilg ·to dispose of same, phone Plat. 5036.

    ARTS '2,l. Ralph E. Allan.

    120 St. James St., Montreal Telephone Mai11 3596 ' There Avill he a ·meeting of the class

    in R~t~,-;:7. ·of il1e . Arts.-:"tlmldittlJ to-clay, .at·,::~ on·~: 6'dock::~_ It is" hignh· de-sirable. 'that all rntmbcrs of the class turn out to the meeting, as there arc several·· qn~~-t.Lons which must be decid-

    lion game with Science to-night at 6 b~gins. The hour for the llrst dance is p.m .. in the High School Gym. definite, however, and those who wish

    Bronson, Abromo;itch Spritzer, Held, fo make certain ·of missing none ol tlte Brofnian. Blumen!tein. Layhe\"• Se!sel'l- programme wilt lu\·c to be ready be-l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ W·Ciin, ~fc:Gerrigle, Reid, Wcbster and

    ed without loss of time. I


    fore.',ihat time: : . , .. Godinc . .. ,... . ' ·r,i ' order tl1at ~the ·psl

    ' HENRY ]. ELL!OTT, Jt;C. · Arts '25; R. G· Sin1pson, Dent .

    '24 ; illacNallr, D'cnt. '23; Parker, Com. '2~; W ilson, Com. '23; E. A. Shenard, Sci. '23; R. A. Moon~. Sci. '13; R . E. Jonnst6n, Med. '24; A. :\lcNauglr fon, Med. '26 ; R . J· . Smith and V. C. J{os~, Thcolog. · College, and any other members of the Glee Club.

    R.V .C. THEATRE NIGHT The rehearsals this week. arc


    ·md will the:n be taken into rhe employ HON. L • .:, DAVm. • ,._ t FOR DRESS SUITS TO RENT n ...,.,. a~ Of tht! firm in question. 'fhe sclected Provincial Secretat7 tor Quebec graduate \d'll work un~r Dr. \V'Tl1tby. antt MADE~ TO-ORDER S. H.·R. BUSH, MAURICE DUOAS

    ARTS '25. " 7ill all second year Arts men who

    want tickets fo.r Tl\eMre Night kindly gi\·e their names eith~r to tlie Janitor or to ~Iacdiarmid, imritcdiately.

    Gl~O,UP CANCELLED. The i\ational_ a11d lntemational Group

    tat was to me:et at·thc Students' llouse, Sherb~o6~e SC E. on 'Friday -of this week, has been c~ctetabay, Consiglio,. McLetehie, R:ol· leston ':l.nd 'McKayes .

    INDUSTRIAL MEDICINE, Dr. W. A. S:~.wyer, Medicat Direc-

    tor oi the Eastman Kndak Company, will be the speaket· at the last ~uncheon cri a seri~~ of lectures given on In-dustrial Med icine in the Rose Room. Windsor 1-fotel, to·morrow, -a•t I P: '" · }Jr. S~y('r'$ ~ubjeet will be "Tne ~= siciQn ur rnml~\')' ,'~

    b f ff Dreas Shirt., Bow•, Collars, for L p CREPEAU •c. · a tnem er o the sta oi the Depart- • • , a. ment or Chemi~try, who is • spcJ ialist in EveninK Wear AIIOC:iatell Coantel the rubber industry . It i~ expected that M. A. BRODEUR BARRISTERS a SOLICITOU

    Commiaaionen for all tile ~ the fellowship wiJ.J .l?e awarded each Z4· MOTRE DAME ST. EAST Newfoundland anct the Unlt.cl Jt.atea. ~ " ~ ' ' Ma!n 1111 Cauda Lif~ Blclc,. Mo!IUIII. Ca. year.

    . -· -""

    r t'•. Don't Wait Till · L

    You GO Downtown



    r ·HE

    ~ ···u· CK SHO~ ;r . . . j . ;

    · ·----· I


    . '

    , .




    J •


    :_HISTO.Rl CAL .. : _,_ .. . . , I' · .



    Translation by Dr. Mathew- Queen's Professor to son Just Published Present at Dinner

    ll o tr l ~, Clubs ::. ncl Fr.1tc rnitics Supplied a t Spcci:ll 1\atcs.

    : .... : ~:·a~· ii~·-·ttTft~·- :t ui the c1·cning 11 ill he ~t ttclil'd uecply ~11 the early m ethod~ Proi. 1{. K. !licks, o i Quccm. Prof. of mining,_ to han~ practised them llid;s is a mcmhn oi the Depa rtment hicn scli, ;Jild to have ;toth Dean Laing: ~~-~~d Dr. L~"'.cod;. ~un·i1 c ; :tll in the ·Briti sh jlu~cunt. Both the,c ~fcGill proics.ors an· en-

    t5 ACTS KFJTP.. 669 St. Lawrence St.

    !-'hone E. 6624. ( olllpr tJti(lll 11 et c held ~r >tt:rd.1 y ;J t tc· r· tortral Clulo wa ,; hc_J,l ycstcrd;iy r.l·en-llltull 111 the ll i:;: h Schoul g-ynllls of her sons , anrl the ·altay wh1 eh wi ll he seen when these rcprescnt.tti1·c . o i Iter team · line up should IJ c 1·cry impos -ing.

    The many r.o mpan1rs h .< n~ h ecn hold ing frcqLJ C' nt r chca r. a b , ll' ith the result that dh tde rl ;1ch aucc is bt!in g-madc in the me tho d oi prcot.nt ation . The \\Ork of i\Tr. Trcmayn ~, the get:• era I dit cctor. has hii d much tL• •lo wtth this im p1ovcme 1J t and lt ~ l ore long the playlc t, ~~; 11 :~ ppro:u;h per-fec t ion, and all th e ~k it s 11'111 be r n11 off iu quick t11no: so tha t th~ cotnpC'CtiCtll

    UII.J\\:trt· •1i li te 111 :ll eh oi ··i 1·iliz;Jt ion . Tltc.1· :11 · tile lll uH ' lllll.: it· nt peopk

    in r::nropt• ;J.t od .11'(; thunglll · tu b e .of :\ ry o~n · ck · rrn t :. ' I he r traditton s h;t\'C 1 lotudcnt; of th~ h istory o f technolog-y.

    I tntr.. .

    NUTS !r Did you cYea· try those luscious, double .. ·

    jointed, roller-bcming, sun-kist, hand-picked · .

    Peanuts at the ' . ' " .

    •• • I. ~ , •• •t. '


    Try The~, Buddy, They're th.e Eel's Elbow!

    1 Uarha descri bes a method of amal-g~ mating s ilver nrcs. diseo1·crcd by him in 1590, ll'hich. m any year s la ter. 11 a> rcrl i sc:e11 crc rl on the Coms tock lud c a ,; th e " \Va sltoc·· procc5 s. He cxpl;dn s the corrs truct iou a nd opera-tion o f Ya~iou s · roas ters · and furnaces, and states that he usc 1l an air b las t. blown through the cha rge; w hen rc-fiu ing copp er matte to get th e me tal ; he say~· 'ihat. even before' ·the arri1·al of the ' Spaniards, 1he Indians knew ho11· to make brass by m ~ltiug cala-mine ore with me tall ic · copper.

    t:4 •--tt..-,D_..I_.t.._.t_t~t•-tt._....,._,,._,.~l .. tt_.tl-ll~tt-tl .... tt_.,,._,.._,,_.,,_,,__.,,....,.._,.,_.,,_,~l--ll._,.....,.,, .... ,,-. '~~~~~--M·~· ! - . I ! .. i

    I Mc·Gill Theatre Night! ' i I I

    Practically all the Bo li1·ian gold, >ii: \'Cl'. tin , copper and lea d · di. tri cts kuown today arc me nt ioned by Ba rha. li e ll'a s :tl sn all'arc oi th e cxi ~tcncc of petrolcn m in the distant Silll ta Crnz tic Id,. ' ' 1·.1 :\ r t c de Ios H e t ales '' cOil -sis ts o t fiv e bool; ,; . Book O ne sum-nJ ai izt's 1 he. g eologi ca l lmo11 led gt: of

    w;u.:siihoul d be i cent of the 111 habitant s a t e oi different ll'ithi n a da y's jouru ey of such ccu tn~ s ,, ra.ec_· and althong )l a COill!_?a rat tvcly oi .11 t a nd culture .\nd hig hly de1•clop- ,. s m~ll countlY I it s population is grea t- cd· ch·i lization as L o ndon, Paris .ntd

    = =

    : ST. DENIS THEATRE ~ Entirely McGill Talent I -- ~ - ·· ~ I ~ .E E SKETCHES ~-

    i I· ~ M.S.P ~~~sic.R.V ;~nfal~·ts .. La"~ciei~:~un::::icin~rad;:::~~ty of ~ ~ Jazz, Combined Ordtestr~, ~ I Athletic Rkview~ i I ~ ~

    ~ Tickets: on sale at McGill Union , .

    I Ev~::t::~:·~· ;~~:::" ~:d ;~ere ~ ~llllllllllllllllllllll!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllll llllll

  • r Thursday, 'March 15, 1923




    the corderl~· officer th;~t blowing his whis-tle ,,·ould not u ry his socks :-

    HOW !id the ~ocks get wet ~

    WHO From the ucstlin~; hav en oi love·s sweet is th r. C -O .T.C. offica. newlr crc~ted.

    nest, . ' I can hear ·a. capt~vating ~Oil);; . Wi.th entra.n.cing fancy it 1ttlls to rc~t . As its notes are gentiy sw~tlt aloni. For this nature s.ings o f the dawn o f

    11 ho think; a fox trot is a on~ st~p :-

    DID hr lc;

    · b _. ·1 cl de :\fontreal . Pi!trons for the danr.c in- . to !'JUt nn the fin i-"hin;:- tourhr:;. hut \"O'J ~ee ifs ~ out cruuc Ol :m

    · · · 1 · 1 1 d dud.:: lhe Pr_inc ipa.l ·:~. nd L~ rly. C11rrie , the - - -------The Ordte~tra will :d~o play thr. "'Noc- telling him w ta t a rq nJ:Jat1on l C Ill

    - h · · ., . -' ·1 •motl" the ''·om• 11 Dtans oi tht: Farulti.cs l'lnrl :their ·\,·i\··es. f'rof· . B· udt'tl- Bt'll, ha"' c.~." ~-· tllrl1t:11 fro m "~l i tl:;ummcr 1 .!\ir.;ht's• tnr emg ;, ~~~\" t .!' " - : ~ n ... ·vu Dream." bv 711 rn olcl ~. oltn . The pl~~·ers Miltit-ccl Kin,:! ( ahi tit:~tedly ) -.~nd tl:d atlrl ~fi~~ l·luriiJa !t. _-oi the Roy;\1 \ ic.- ; tand !I' in~ in hcrl so l~te .... h:wc thi s ~rdl in hatid. . not rdinrd . I'd ~·u ll th,lt one ahout the ~oria Colle~c. T he committee 'exp.r6.st.d Bill .Bcii- r c.ln't 8l&nd jyin&: in bed.

    =Q~ni:tc~a~b=it~o=~~ti:tll:C~~=·~~~~·p:c:lt=t :):~:t=l=ll~O~US:C~t r:~:p=h:u:t~it:~~to:O~S=II:lp:p:y:.~~~=tt:s:r:c~g~~:t ~S~~~~tth~ ~ct .~~!{~~ [~ M~~~~cid. ' 'Ceria i11 mrn lt~'·c conducted a ~ ta ti~tic~l r c,can:h within th e ;-rr~· por-ta ls oi rationali~m, and ha.n discov· crcd tha.t an ;lstoni,ltingly l~ rgc nttm-· b cr oi nn il·cr~ity" men a n d women arc in fltfcnccd '·e\'C ry day of their l ives hy sura~titiciu~ hclick" Ha ~ing hi s re- Y tl'!arks on th e Yerity · of this ~tatcment,

    Otlo Kl incbC'rg,' M. A .. · in .reading a paprt· on "Supcr~ t i t ion " hciorc the

    Phi-losophical 'Society ·at the Hall iast cnn i·n~. wen t on to t race the d ificr· rnt form;:: of ~t l pcr~tition, :111u their c;;tJ~c and rlfcct. ·

    McCilL ·DAILY ADVE.R,TISERS WHEN ·You-···WAN·T, ·10 B\1¥. CONSULT T·HlS ... -LIS'F

    Amusements ·. .. · .. , .~· ··-:: ·· .. \.::--,J;r.;~i-~

    ECONOMICS CLUB. · TO DISCUSS LEAGUE Papers Befot.:e _Politicat ·~co·

    nomy Club Tonight

    A meeting of ti1c Political Econ.omy

    Club will h e held thi~ ·evening at S .. lO,

    in the Smoking Room o f the Arts

    Building ;

    P apers on the subject of "the · League of Nations ·.vill be read by G . B . Pud -dicombe and \V · B . A ll an, both of Arts '23. T hese men have been preparing tlteir pa~rs fo r some time, and i t is ex -pected tha t they will pr esent some or ig·-.jml and enl ightening ,·icws on their sub-ject.

    T he readings wi ll be followed b'· dis-cussion, in which a ll members 1nte~cstcd are expected to participate. '

    ing of the club, it is hoped that he will come prepared to ta.ke a lh·cly part in the discu. sion ,

    Af ter the mc.eting, refrc.;hments will hot: ;en·cd in tht: form of ice cream, c.;.ke and drink>.

    E ,·e ryonc .is in,·ited who is interesteJ:l in the subj ect of thl! League oi Na-t ions, whether they are tncmbcrs of the club o r not.


    Convocation ho ur h as been set ilsidc fo r il student discussi~ of the "Honor S ys tem". Ar:cording to P crcy S pen-cer, president of the A.S .U.M .. no def-inite action " ·ill b e taken a t this time, hut everyone witl be given a chance to ex press their. Yie\\·s on the possibil-ity o f such a sy s tem. \ :Vith t his in mind . interviews were obtained wi th ·six oi the most· i;1Aucntia l m en around co llege. E ach of ·th ese m en , includin g

    do nr they