VOL. 1, M , JANUARY i, 1886. UO. 25V v - digifind-it.com · VOL. 1, URYJ N. J/-FRIDAYM , JANUARY i,...

VOL. 1, URYJ N. J M /-FRIDAY, JANUARY i, 1886. . UO. 25V v P. H PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ,,<r -MANUFACTURER 0F- Prospect Plains, N. J. Miiiiiinii-tui'-r Of *" ^ Carriages,;- - - : —.•""'[""". " ~~-~." : -'~ : -~. pe.." " . ""•" ,- : Light Carriages, > BUCC5ES Business -Wagons. Farm Wagons, etc. |-Nl{. JOHN C. HOLMES, PHYSICIAN AND SBKGEOX, " OnANIlIIIlV, X.'IT-. nisT-=7^ti".^r^Arsr,'""f"to 2 jiTl'd n. III:NKV G. SYMAI^S,- .-•-••' . I'lIYMOIAX AND-St; Ci!ANin.'i:r, N. J. ' Drnci: jhu'l!R: : -iU">. i 10 A. M., 5 n. 7 y 51 AND i JUSTICE OK THE AYD CoMJrfijSIO.NKIl OF .Cr. Ill Hie hhol: Sinn-. : cu \xi.ntv, 'x. j . . Wagons i Ofuvuiy ilu-iri|i|inif Paintins. Trimming. Woodwork.! X' lJ i' l " IA -N. ».'Al'l'lJUHiT Blacksmithing COUN'SEIOK-AT LAW. Ul'l'lC S AT - ' •' ' " -GOD KNOWS BEST. 1 ."". BV-AMASDAPENJf.IH. ._ •~Go.il knoivittest whl'-s'iunp-palJiiVJU-a-—— Arc strnwii witli ro.siwbrujht andftiir: While-other* lead tlirriu;ll (horny wilils. ,,Ain! dr.'tiry ilpscrt- wildaml^have. '" •ir ri "IC"n'"'Tw r s"'[)est why o'er some livpa, Thro .tpriin^ trinpp^ts d.irklv ri'so: Wliilo^tiiisixlin.)!!- noei'iiiil or storm,. But'drift hc-neiilli unslitiilov 'il skiesT Hii.kiiowri bust why iidvor^iV winds Yl'hile otlW-.flo 't WitlihrnflZns f.iir. Up )M.fin pvfiktrahnuil S'.'n. II" krinws linst wily •spi'i't.r;! 1 mint SiiHKlK'Ul-lik'R l>(- pomi' t rfili>-. hnv>: ^Yliili: others «,iat ,'v'ith C'is!li"st pluti".' Aro'lienpi'd with rich .ui'l il:iiiily f.iris. It knows beat why -omfrcMinn--" On""'>in'li"S mil In of <.nfii^f(l'i«-n : Wliiln OIIHTI haw niirj.nils or straw . Tr ri'^t their woiiry frame*, upon ~ JI-* knows ne-t why from l -omi i lKim< > -i~, Tin' f lirf.st (1 iwcr- -oori'-'t f.nle. * in flf'iilli'sffil I l.iiihil rnluu •' How, when,and wlrore^" 1 -C'v iii ijiu-i.tii.il wns <liji«vn close over her; Te.ieh' iliein ;liat file ninre one lives '• I want \ou to woo'sind^vin fi hilly for i f.iee", mid shi i-ering.-.'Vnh apprehension, j wiihin Iiis iiienmc- the mure will siive. me." , „ V— hbey met the severe parent,' who gave) Iu-tnict them to IIRVG 1 BOtfring to. do" " Wl.nt's that ?" - \ • • j theiiulwtb^a tearching glnneii us In. paH--;with intemperate anil di»soliite young - "Ju-fc wliat-I said, cxacily." - ied by. . • • • ' meii. looting fellow." ' . " \ " jjjreen, or yellow. Foitumiely, 1 hml'i'hi-1 tl e/'mioilioii-e.' - \'- ., " - '• - . .. "A kn.ciiy,. tlmt, Will.; but I'ni nutnl'i'.iicl, vvi. ^ 1 .-hail regard it in: Hitni'o us niy , Teaili them—sK-CiMnplielimenti;—iftiisity. . •'- —nil 1 lirile.Evu 15 a^lrne as s! eel !'"',- - i Lufde&t triend. -Wasn't- it luiiiir Ci.mVd ! drawing—It' von have the time and inonoW'-'. •'Oh, it's the fair .EVJI, is" u"? W,ii\ islie went -oil' into irtit ol joyous l.mirhler,: to do it wiih. ••'" - > nV" 1 " ''•'''.•$£"' •AVJIIU'H the inat'.er tbero th;i{ ion do yiutii'sn UOIII.II;II.U» that lic-r 'cjiiuprTikioi). «oon I Ke'y IIJH.II it. that nppri Voup-.toni'liingV1- woo and »iu her yoiiis.ell'J^y \ tjuiued in her iin.- r i j'neijJv''' \ ' \j 'l.-pcncVi, in a jirejl IIK-.-ISIIIV, ilie wenlor . Her l.-ilher bus- lor-bidden lire rjie :\ Tnal evening, 1 .'Ui 1 .^li:irill < u:rned\o hi- [>v*ie ol their niter, life. ^ • , ..'-".' linii.sc'liei-au'iu I haVei'i T ti inijii', y enouuli, '\laugi.ier, s.iiii.ji, "Ei.iL i.o not think [ -Teu>b them th.it ,i good steady mechanic jjiiil he nill I'tVer object-Dt- you, iia you louniMlto iiei.r the w iljow_ 'at.1. lungri 1 1 wilhoiit a clM^t, is iiurth a iWejTwrjuviWt- ~ re one of fortune's lavprites, so ymi mm tl-r Jli. iieldoi., Im seiinS in be con-o.ing j ell loj'fvrs iji l.ro iiicloth. ~>':-';'v. i: '**-.;." i givo m<> a elmiice to meet her iilieu her' iii.iisrli." / . - ' ' ' ! Touch them tiiat God made, thein iii •.- j f.iiher thinks .-he'i- with you" " Wh.it do yoli iiieaii, JulIiL-r? she in- , His oiOi iiini}!)', and tlint-'no amount of . I •" Well, I cluu'l know, Hcmry, it'n put-I i|iiiieo dcnnuely, uut ul<uO>l elioking-witli ; liglit lacing will improve tLe moilol. 1 :. -••- r ting-me in a pretty dangerous .place. — ! iui.rc.-»«.il_liiui;litcr. ' L_:__li^toietXhiau-i-iube_es»eiftiHW-of-4ife- 1 uitt loin ruling with u hidi m-dni,: truili, ln.iie.-ty, npriglitni-s—then -iititlTc". •_. rSS Repairing, - Re-painting; . and 'Re-trimmmg i »«i» at short notice.. FACTOItY:—fJouier 11.mroe and Doi -AHo jr.n Of j Cli.V^citt'lrt "Aivt>~"iMxiJj"tt>vi l t"rtt I t ( .. j i;..ni*iu.h the il u-ie^ whito'itrrr luirl.- ^ j llowevcM 1 , 'f j'ourjLeai't is .-t-i-^|M."--jj^-^-f^--^jijt^yi : ^f^Hed^kai.-^"-u^iu.'l--"-iii;^--h*.'iJ--i'et—MtM-jK-li^-tuTw^iv^iTT'in. marrv. '" -~~ S"nro, . •^K!7iTZ?ZZ loreelo-iiu.-s and t.'ein'r.iUji'ian- !. Wl« - i-lfltn^TttiTii' •nijVjl.'jii" niu-t staml j '• ft<i.aiifl i n v i t e h e r tjo ridertlltli:' when '. ihl'inseives veri inucli =• '• : ? 31'T 1*11 VI1." <Vl.' I»I"IY • « ' ! !vi-,y [,!-.,. tHT.i"t.|..-T-ralrj. ' - Wiih jioni-to Kuide the-wfiiry feet. - — -'- • - • . ' i^.^,__^ : —r—-—••"—".,.- , . OL JJI II.VIJ., <.'i njl.st.lisl. i- . ••--.- '- T "Orlci'nTa'k'iiHlfs-'Mi.iii;.' hand. • ' .j you get to .Uendan s hiiiu-l'lrTelleVc you ! " L do not suppose .Mr. Heklon will Le ] ^ _ - . G WIMVIYS LOKNEl" J.AXJL),. j H -fcnowOi'.-lwhatse.^-turiof " tjii Srwhile "f .u.ur chiirge!' 1 " ' ' j.-i.h enough. trHiaki; H heru.ii. ot liiii.^-li; , SiilphureVt Jiyla-h _is a uliite ja'P-ta , - "I" GiviiOii lhtom;inv.-.ii»l'-prill-tiain-^------^\VWnit*i^^^ of all oilier hi | hn_e snl-tan. e, or it may be finely p^vdei -AN'D- 1 LliASiiniY- .N-rJ-.- . j .Whar minlrliil wnr.Kwh..t ivins..iii..<:mllo.s I ^.J.J,,,,.^. I imagined ; «lien shall it KiiraV beraii.e l.ej.ns been .iiiim-secl-lio.,. ' l ' cl ' :i "V h •" r """ V l '- v " <"""» ot P'"^" 1 !(•.,„. be eii^^ed-on -on ,lde teYin. | ."A,. 1 l^n of ^,n,.Mloen hiil,lon.pain. . \ • . _ - . - j 1 l.&po ti.lit h«>«i.l" < !«.'t.-.^i...=i »i:d ..x> R,.-.. ) with suli.hl.rif ;i'i-.ill l.ubni 1 or pin ate omi-n.n-. In-, He knniv-h ".t wli.it "aWr ln>ail needs . . , - i . b - '. ' -ii-id (-idi.huriiud'oM "en V -o that l.ri ; iade.-. lV-ines, llari >,. U..UK-, EX.II>'-! Of iri.il or of -o.row her-. - ' ^XliiMiiHiu her/iTTW^ht, m-d invite her (blid cuiiioiiitiOli .-..IUL-WIIUK. ; >• | . '\ *• ". L >'. V » ;hi..n-,-i;e. " " -•! To fir it for ll.c m ..Kions fair.' -. j t.'ride"'with niii to mom.w""arferni.nn-"j *tllnuk, E.n. that v..u hnd better find i " liiriI V ""~ 1 '" i " t toi.i'.sis ml-only llirei I .- .J. II. COO n-TN,..L,Ai)K,!i •Oi.vbriubtpr.bappier.spboie.- - _- | ,,,,..„, wi ,| ..urt ' I..,','at the-iTtaie men-1 e.?n-olat,"n' in »lio so,-iety id the gen't'e- • eleu,ent--l J o:,,,-,ui l ,,oxi,,,,a,,d snlpl.nr IIUIO pri- three - I. II. CoNovi:it_, &ec:iL-i.-.ry." ' Furrowing Sled. 11. LO.MJH.ll, >3l'i:i el ."in . 1 Ull I U'MI KaOW-i UU-l IIU^ Illlll O 111 li.ll'l, ' . . i ., i * 1 4' Wv-'*- u I" IMULU H.;n-uiui;ii 1.1...1L1.1 iii.wi Kiluui : a 1 OurliiMi-ft-mayhiMr.ninlyi't not bic-ak;. ! ! S' 1 .'' , " --f " —r""'"— ; mmi you were will, to-ila}. ... ! ,1,,: ,,,,n iate or eaibolnuo. ItesUlsin ^•K V J 11-VZi.KD " -• i If bKhtorKi-sifwillt.ik.-itiill. . '•» All nitht ; but what. am. I^-to expMt ; •• The gentleman 1Wife r i d i n g will) p.-ipiif 1 , • . .• , 0 J,~- •- ' ' i An, 1 l,..,rith,,i,..yfiH i HI-ak,.: '"I .^.i- h-iemlly service ?' ^ l" •• .Ye-', dear." ~ •'c,,.,,.,,, ah,,,, to ,1,,' exlent. of 18 per -DKNTiST.- ' ' , I T nitl-r lint in after irar«. 7- I ... T bWs, v younger- sister timnne- on '- ^Vhv, wouldn't. vOu.obieft 1.. ... r ma;- . <vllt " ^ •'""•"'•"y-- 1 '- «••»*• 1 ""'"»«« Ticii:—Si~."i-tf-T7n K?".r"""|.|''o-in- roi'iaan'Sr""."'—Wlnjn o'er our InVa-f tln-«iaie innld Hi*, j .,..,. „/' - . —.-' f/,, ' •' " | ii-hes i^'i'l, pliiiiU. 11 has filso been HIi;ia'.srO\VN N..r.^ ' H-nt in+trli'w.f-lviru w." rou.nl ulnnj,' - : " ' " ' , '• 1 r i m S ""' ; . -'••"" ""'i|.,r"e;/loi.nii 111 the mine- ol Germanv, ,,. ls ,,.•„,, ,, 1M I •' Tin- ii.cth th:it l.'ii-ls ii-1-> ilio-kii-p. \~y l e - , a n d s l , n .- piei.tier tl an Eva." '• I should be most haj.pv to ,-t.e u u i . ... , ' . ... V Via-.M.IIlllll-OMII. .... !.,.. ...1 .. 1^. t , .*_ . - 11 ,n. , l)n. L |iin\ V* >.; imil' i il.t -.111^/1 BUTCHER tun,-I O. 1I0WLLL, "V * . - -" (iBXJCUAI. IN,SL : I!AXCE AGENT. Tlnii be r it br.ivi'h : J.i".K"- = "'-j. '-Wi-llT'ihar'a !iccf>rd njf to-ia-te, j..u ' his wile." from 11 liich the supply is now obtained, tt i-'maiiti'i'ai'liiii'i! fpini k.iisit, ancl, as Axi. 1 n IN ('I! \N"l?l"KY. N". J. ' ' i. -,'i t - 1 - t - t h - . - n ^ j T ^ ' i r t l n ' , 1 - . ' i "•' \i i i - i i . , - , , , i I I I 1 r t i-iiiiiiiiK.-n-iiiii-i! i f . m K . i i B i r , a n a , a s - :..JI-u-wiil nnt-|pt-the InoH Ii'J.nt-bn-.ik . [know. Mamie is a v, rv jireitv L'irl, mid. " \Ve.l III till linn thru, and lau;:Ii- i TIH-IT.I-S will win tin 1 l.risliti'r'-ri.ivn. i .,, , - , . , . " . ' ,' : , in: uiou "tin- III .rlwl, I'ontiiin-, on an ,, ,,. it-.1,7,, L- wills Mn m.-iki- hi-r ikbiit m soeretv ; i-c.-iuffini-i-liiuiouf i.-.eran outolthc.-B.oin ' , '• . .-. I If meekly borne for Ili-iilt'.u hiiki-. . - '•* ^ ' . - •_.-., ,. . .ivira"e, about •_>.) i.er cent; of actual j ^ t , • • you had-bett-ei'-hn-i'u-TniTreyes mile o|ii'ii. , '• So nnii-b lor VL girl < lovo. Vt hat Old . ° \ - J ; l tC WiJX KV riiOXyTj That evening the geuil.-nian eall.-J aau'tcIl.ioH.inoth.'r? J knew Mic-onlil "be ,' I"""-- 1 '- "•^SJ" 1 "'-- '>•;^however, nirtnufact- if- ,"' -' ' ., - • ' 'J . j reqiie-ted, upon Mi-s Merriil". aii.l. mi it.-d ,'I'.IM iiiiLt.d by the next good-h.oking leliow l 111 ^' 1 ''<" W " lhi^bi.-iilp..ate, cir donblo _.' ACiJJXr J-'OK- / • -. . - - i her to rii!e the lollowing tlav. At break-' thai ciiine alcinir," exeliiitned the gentle-r^"'l'' i:l ' l ' ! " :i'-'_i ton!. i i>i!-.-s,l.i!Mitnnc-. n e a r j ji'rni.m Ann-i'iMii. ->l X . Y i s ^ " .. T ' •• . . i r . ' i . ': ' , - ' , ' ; ) i l i . e r I'efH. ol ..(.Mi il iiot isli. ling form C.nt,in-,i il ol X Y. "N',--ir. I o.iimol coi sent in your] ta.- 1 . ne.U iiiornu^r her f.,!l,er s.ml to hor; man trniiupliiillllv. - . ' ^ r —1-. .'__.-- _.^ll^i^l!'!!^l!^!!:i an-unir n,i e.d..,. !:l.te:'.".; ' "- "!! —"Ewi, .1 an. oiute willing thaL ion' •• I nnve not chaiiKed my. -opinion. yot ' "> P"!^-' ^ ^'"iieil rt be piufen.ble for ' - •* *~ ~ * . d . I ^^ . w i •. T . T . _ _ . _ 1 . 1 . 1 —A- Meals -of; all kind x J. , PURE •TOILET^'ami—F-ANCV 1 THE rViAPES ; " K m w h y init. Mr. Sienill, w h y i . o l ' . '-Have- inu'iiii; rpTf-omio'e ol)j. etion to nil hlmiihl eiH-oiira.w.Mr.- .Cu>ti>' sitte/ilioi s\ ot'-Eva,''s!ie lie i-.'i. leri jiioiiiiHi'gimui." ' Have up" i hiinired your opn.iou ! You ; j u-o on'l'iriius, juMius^jMid other sweet its, ilevulo; in,'.-i ^renter pn.povlion of if ihan tin-ii-^e of..the iniir'ate : bufr Tli Beef from 6 to 18 rtF.;'psr. It. Veal 10 to IS " " Lanili 10 to 1C " ~ PorkChcps- ' 10 to 12 ." •Prime Sausage 10 to 11 - .'• JSTiplete R?3SlH"Ui'eS, P >«'-i:—.m «h r.iiter :\ •• - - A n d has pluiy ot inoiiev,'"she added ,!„ imt beiieve I lint -he i-slHl ill lnve with <*"£''•[ ili:11 ' 1! "' "; 11 o U l m ; __inijrut_e :. bur . . T n ' V, '-Y-'m-p'r.-ou; 0, i.n-exi-eiilii.-Jliatldnlj-; ^ pinn!---.,re alway- willin- to' JWdon. do w.:? ' '.-"""" : tin-MiH-tion i-not c-i-i-lusively settled, . ~ H "["l^^aift,,!; 1 !™'* 1 1 "" m.,|..,,,,dedii :; !-h.ol,ni(.: | en, urn a^e the aitentioiH of>u,,;T TnJii ' "" \Vu.t ..md ..-ee." ..:. . " | ^ing.a- weheiii.v. 1 , one j,f the ui'itters A .7.11 >.-•-- Df .nfi .M.ui im: -o,.l. I' !i-!j-id been otli.rni-e, E'.i mijilil -he a] 'lint haw n lint-nu., o r t h e i.-^ieeiation of, - W i n . 1'ie .mil given mi oon-ent to \ ri|1| ' L "J' •n-ideiinniii in eiiit'iiu LXpe.'iinelits - F M S U X I H - '' ilutle more donle noii." - June. M.7m\redeeni< a iii : i!iitiide ot sin-. ! her m.-irrjiiiK '\ViJh ,m C'u"rti—and -In- n " w 1 "' : "t- r !1 ""''' ""derthe-s-ipuni-on of - 11,'C L1JWIS. ,| ••-liMiiiy.ch.iaMc.c-r, Mr. Merrill, have! Tliey,."mii.\ driuk.tbi-at. or si, al. if :hei \ ue-.i'L oil happy, a- a bird." ; l)r. 0 - C . Ual.-iiell, ol Cf)yi^|UJnivergity. . 1 CiiiMiL'R>.X.,r. ' jvnii anT lault t<< rind nilh ll.iit T' j are only r oh. Hut if a •u.-iii ia reli ii...' i The niotber siuile'il in( rPiiul.'U.ily, h'lt [ W'1i'"n iM--t-> be applieci t o t h e Mill, "it -^ '- ^ h " '".Si..'-.oij -ei-n" hone-l. ciinimh. I' do|npoii 1,'i- omi e\eit : <.ns to make hi- 'mil J -:iM nlrfhinif moi 1 ". . is'ioiiid beruideud :.s fine a> pi,.-.-ible .1|ic} _ 0. •B»Sb^J"-r-^''»^''- ! ™- t ^^!"» ll --'!' ;i - »""t-r ' «.,,„. and 1 Tl ,, ..ex, day Mr. Merriil 'i i:'..,,;:"' ^^ " ':'-;" 1 ;'- 1 ."''-. "i":^ 1 ^1. ?'"?"£" " Depot lor.I.i-. .«.. Kiih .1 (•,.', p . . * 1 " i v 9'tiiin;.' 1 . e-al • nry IIHML'IJ^I 1 , ami I -hid. '. lioinira de he may Im, hi: i< tieati-d.a- a - in l.'i.- iitlico. Hhen suddei.iv the doot e5_Tl,i> rnlloniiiK .Cash Prices IKIIII for Stock :- . ' . Iiarnfa, prime—Sfrter era Calvesr- Pork : -Sheep 6'i 5 A. fm& J&- --'(-WA'TTOi:TIIJ.- . • ,. |;:lkc|ll w, ?l »,| t ,, l( th.it -you do no; ; u,-rani or felon 1 hale -uel, i n j u r e " t,,',,em-.l-n <l l-'vv 'ui-ieil le.u,',..-on Mr. • ll U '•"I™"}""-"'!'' ate .- n-e.I, . •'• -W-M.TEISA. U 0 0 D - l-.i.iiheV" 1 " , ' .. I "IWP""'!''"*^. E'» i ^ "i'l! HeMon'-aim. looi,,,. Jn i-n-py.-l.,.. •'"'•""">• fl1 " " OlU : " n " l ' U "; ! ' , ; -"Ti-wi what i-it. sir. may 1 a-k ?' '-in n-poil \onr beauly."' , ; .,i ..^^.j ** ' -wfc'tmiasr^: SSll-SlMlIlg-Ji3.?VB^tBIS;lJ _y.E: . Qfa=lJdjp!jdndicgn=spikiuJ-iH..l-; "-Himt-r.it'irr-h-iril.-innfivil 'llHwi JJ-ILI-- . ••M , I,,,UI,.,,,,I ,-.,,1,^. •• f.,;,i Uk . „„,],.. wi.ui !• ?ined. n.'.m I..-, U> si in iiuiriat.e, if d, luiee six perccnl. of-,11 lives will ruini-i', the residue, con. '^.HH^Tf^ '' REAPERS and SHOWERS.' ',P imp^T-duind. l-ott ,!. Sl.o,|,,e, not | c-uan," .-he retorted. ^ : ,-i.-n- :iU'« I i.!y. Q^yuajpUn A!-o tor tin'-'ih'br.ii.-J 7 ' " j kiimv hcuv m .!.. aii-.iul Huns. 1 W'"t ! " 1 .-iipp.-.- ^OII think your lather .Tier- . .•.AVj,«,.",.-TrMilA4Ttf'- iii.iiitrid, -pushun,'-' ta,nin- 1 tl,e lixed'clement- of the tries ' EMPIRE DRILL ! kil " lllf ''" ifl -: wull!l1 •- ll «-'_ ffl:l1 ^ n- p..r,f::>LbIu <,1<1 J.,-..r, b,cms* ho won't let .w-li-liiu-kii-iehtiir.' .'. ' ..ml ki.i.un n- v.-ood aslie-. Tli.-^con ; SYKACl^K.l.'LUW^ HAY liAKhS, Art- j '"""'"K., fun i.o! poo: 1 . I have a ln( .-rrL-iv-ntlmviu 11 eo!inge-scrii],b'iijt ifo Hi •!.nil-, an-iji.np iitin-r tbin^'-i, the lhiic-jiott.sli pli. -|ihi'ii-.> :,i .i! ot-tln Farmers, «i i -i- —, , , 7 i ".il 1 a n , i.o; poo: 1 , l n a v e a i n i g e ' , I N t i s i n i ' f ; iii-uis,.i-.iouin.' - M L I porh-:,i:f t. :,,,.,.—*-f,,,, . . , i , n T f r . r , t ...•. •.•• •],,• . v n i l , . T r r T n h . - n l ' i ' i i - -,. i 1 o" t h e i.I-ii.f«. -•' ittpnti^T" •• Chandeliers ' Pendents;: •jii™!^-^:: !«W.- »««.•:„!.. ,t .,,.r-, ^ ,„,,»; ^t^.^j^Jr^ :..d ; ::.:r^^^ ,.,.,1 Al.UeilUOIl I . - « t smiu,,Hi:i) lb,-,s. i' ""'' '•"''• '1'"'" •"''' ""'' ''•'""' | H | H *-''1" PI ' im-l 1 IIMII... MI!,., le.i.-, u.-e li i.-1'er''i . „ i he- Vc iU-d', Jaily UMI -aw e, u-nlii,-.u-inoii- ;i,-e- (-n.l.nu -c-nvely siiHideiitof ; " " ~ \ ~ " ; ~ _!l.iii l-wiuild now iie>ei"lic 1 i\ well a b ' e t o | sea 1 nficl h ft ' h e room., Ui-i-_uunlier-s. ^Tu •• ' ' '\.; 1 ] u l . .,,,i.i-b,or i :,,-,, I, m i.-~;.ciil "to p a y ,•-«..,«. «.^-,«.^, '""-ter RathffgbertS- ~''l <c - | -''-^ n '' IMt - :l ' ilircl ' 7 ^- l '^^^^''''' l '' K ^---^^^^^^^ of Und.-.u.-^jmil, M| . M ;.-i^. ,„„:„.,, (L . 1V! , 1 , lll .. lnr:l . 1 , 0 .. L'M.J, iii,,,!',,,,!',,',,'.. eien nW- -ilready " (V Tlfi TT f fT-Kiinr ; ^ :el " idl1 -""" " - „. / ^. u "I l!lll 0. "^ * l <- ^enill only hiu-hccl, 11.l.!1>: ; [ ,,, r| | ,,„ / . |||] .- • . _• ^_. ..":, : r-t-T^i/:, ! i-i i -,-liie -a-li.-sor denduous lliyr-rtllfl- Hnll 'llllIIlM ' " 15 "' •'"" '" ! ' y l ""' "'"" "" L ""- !lllf '- v !lt j»«»'"'K f • - £ > ' ., - « \ . l l , ehi!dr.eii, yo.y two voiini: liail- tiee- ifiv i. Oiiu.'Ih'c feiiili/.ej-," Jor they J °^-"._"_-----—-2-4 ! ' 11J '- I1 ''' l ' K: "''V- - - • ' - .' ! • " Slll '." i1 - 1 l)l " '" Vk ' ^ h ,, ( - : ' !1 ' tisi " "•'•,• were mote than a n'laich-f.u 1 my old OIK- ; >I,I..,,". tin". th(ee n. nine per-c!ent."""of I. I. l'~I P T ^"T"/^"^ . J " ' ^^etheonfjnU-nBUJiUiiy-oiiipjiiyel" 1 ',! » e i.|; ; you_-ei: It she i«n f" . " ; sm anil.-e.-jour iii"o;her."' " . | ot »• h .iitd IIOIII o.i.- to tliiee per cent, of Hightstown, N. J. "Calls tho attonti'in nf f.nmcis ;>n'l OIII-MS. '• ' description.,: Farming ! iOWl .ice per . '•"''• -\»emii, ;uici iney an- eiceeuiiiuij ( • ' u no, 1 sin! the m.iti.ei", " Lva i.;_veii ' .i,,,! the hai.py cm/le were very -lire |.h.i»;i^n n- ac-id ; m.d a- (hi; polush ex^ls j \Uis >r.. CHAXIinjV, N'. ,J. l 1 ^ 1 " 1 '" .." | .•ml-taiit in her lines and fTOiidship.-'; -In-.,,,.,, ,,1C,} | u .., ril ; M,,,, 1( | .,.,.„ p | y Ve.-»u^".., a e..i.: o.^.ile, it i- i i-fi, v.diml.le us a 1 "• : j .••• Well, donY-ay anything more. I »m ! « ill not chrm^.I l:.i..w." _"_ blin-l.iu-.-hter.is (hei l C:t .tie loom. \ , pai.t l,,,,d In nuni part- of the country illav'n. l,Prii hxM.ed in Cnu.burv f,.r ' ^ ' ' ^ "'l'"" ".""' all<l UJ"-* *f \ Mr. Curt., not in love-with Ev», .. P.,,,,, sl i,l a .sweet w.Uv, a i> :„„,. ,1^ a,, -nK uniri 1 nb.i^u.r. and^i.erc" ,j - v^^U-taJa-tthj^B^-ji^J^ I wisjijj^ti^i^heii-ilh hiuy exeh.i.-ie.a Mjimhj. 1_JL..i.uiL-:aj^: 1muiL!]^lx.ju_yv.-re IIIIMOII-. g3£l'PT>i>i-...iJii MiUi.^i B..n->r ati-,- w . U -»i^-l^w— ~'~ . :"».V miUiyeu-toiiiL'i.-. for their Itiu.l-pu d.s ontinue y..ur v.-t-- to mi d,m^r.tc-i"^fj tio.~, ii 11 ftij pili of.seveireen u-ais. : '.Ruou. to h.ive WilPcuitis in tbi- f.iiinh . ...-i bi:-h. 1 .'l 5n pouin's, are a cheap. S'T£ 5 i7 r ^M ' ti'ona^e iluria^ th-s iminyyeais. - . ,,„,.,.. 1 -If,^ !n- n-i-yii'iad t" hear that! •. ],itU-c<l Mi.,-, .ind-ivhat-tlo y..u,_IvJn.w ' . lllt i_.,,,,l | K, .j, u J ,ir" •> ' -. :;, •• .-o; p..la-l(;' v iiud phu-i.linric aild ^ ' Mi " >-ci lyittentioiiLrivi'iit.) UMc.-.'..ii.i.i:M,.i.t,vVi..s|.prii. Kinih^w,,ilfl,l)urlO!i-nrp ll ,o l it it ~ . - , ' . What, do M . U ' "JT", mi M 1 ..,^"' Y ".,'.',.'.. 1,.'". .--lv „'„ d bv the farmer. '' _ ^ f T : t X ^ . ^ ^ ^ Z ^ ^ ^ ^ Tl.e, i o. ! ^ i ,a,.d,,ap-| Theyoun^irlbl.i.hod^-y „,.. iind ,,_,,, , „,„;,,, ,,, m . ;ll! ;, h . in , ( ' L( . „,„„.,, J. ,^. Jlllli; Jvi ,. all lelt , HIljCflTlT laiseasjortnii-iit ofl-ine " l'i"c— o.Jiiy •l-i'^"<-t«"i .nujjij ,HIM .mom^.,, l..Iigliir'i,' a lili,e, im-iu-red 1 : _• .i 1 . :1 ,, k , [i l, ll , c ™i" •' -. , : ,u.| "..-i,!. M.-n ihe phf.-j.lij.ric ai".id, which 1 GK .X.I 1 111 * v .1..I i.,,...i,I.M>ill..l. I. . k l .. r-r^.k. . . * . . * . . . . ! . A L l , , . _._ _.__* _ . . _. -^ -- - .^*— . - " m f ,, i Cigars and Tobacco Seeds, Pumps, etc. |_ . ei " ,,. „ ,'i J- S., APPELGET . Cianbury Station, K. J •••' ™. _„ •- , _."i . - ^ .,.,u. . nave,o,., AlsoaOuebto-k of Cutlery" ..ml » Choi, 1 -. '> BIREA'D Sfld C A K E ',,;„„, ( ,,,,,, c . ;,.» Line of Groceries. - '• ' ' --'N^-' - ^ * ' n • •- AstonisMngly low Prices for the Best 1 ; n :1< ,.. ; ,si. mtiy , n hand ii.full Tint- I'n^Rr " Quality of Gooffs. C«LL AND SEE ME. THE BIBCOCK -Olt- ] liablv (ioi.i's; siieh a- u-inilly Ic.iiud in : t'-i Store. ';. t -- ALSO ASDntE and .Dozers _ :li.st .o.^ii.i-iM'iou." _ • L./'Tcaosne-ptipa/a, iie:i--a.-otl,e 1 --p™^'-.- E7 -i; Vjn^z^ HrNirr(:uiti^ w,,i;i- nT^u'.il ,v,.:u^., r.n--,-^ "vaiable tor' I— i " »«t">1ie H.VL-me. Mr." "_ • | ,,le.- _ ' . ; to ni.nn me " "' ' ' .MI: "ui.ei.anie.,!'^U-et. . . " • "' ; ''She iriH-fji-r m e r i t ; \ oiiiid ftirNir el •• Yon lrul better altelld lo yonf booK ! i-x..t I'm" ( no ye-u'i ye 1 " ilT'S ]."••' l|ir i rSliiJ| l c Goo.l main in.,'Mr. IJel-j and not trouble youiself about .\our si-,- 1 '• Hi'is wiflui""lo wi.it." And lsi-ini; JLuMr ' "' ' - A Hf ET ' l1 ' 1 '"' ' !l:nvU)M >'»» »'i" wMi—pvny ilo|, ,•'-alV.iirs." " ' • : 1K., 1 f.ilhei 1 a ilo^.i.lini.,- -he al-o leU faim "l-o .--mLS tiwn tho mines of Germany ,.|.p. The \<iiii.g in.in -eizetl bis b.it and MAIN SI 1 .. CISASUUItY. X. J. 0 Fancy Cakes FUIINIKICUD TO 'ilii'''ljy .MilhdreW ; burns hi: was pagi-iui; '. ihi' pai'TofTmor'TTni tie » lii:iA liiind mis " 1shall soon be throiigli with the lire-1 ,„ j,, in j,,., i,,,^^,.,,! ] -onie old book-, ami have some alTnii.- ol', i *. my o''wn," she reldrled siucily. f.ll \l .... l »l..i_ _..._ T?) ? T 1 HI ii:- 5-t.i—i'lii t. Itis^ti.e crude Kiiljihulc, _ , a».c.ni:.!ite'S the cn\le inuriiite'of potn-h .. all I i.<_. niy bi-okeii anil rnisliul nfier being ,, I WL', M'liule, that yon will wiiitun- WHAT SHALL W E D O WITH Otli i,u\eif. lo'l'.t it for e\j\ortalion. It ..con-. ' I laid iijiLii'lii 1 -aim, and he wns di awn into til Eva is seitled belbieyou beirm U'" 1 '; 1) \UlfHTElW '" |: ' "•^•^ '^Hlortuly^al out 12o per. 1 cent. -| the p oin iiin'l I'.-ijierly ipie-limii'd by tile ||h taJionM. J shall certainly yo ria/y ill, of .••. n -I p .Iu-.li, e-pnvaUut to 22} to S3} nVili owner of I lie- afoiesaid hand. , haie tuo to look al or." . : Que-tions on the above siiljei-l ha\i-p. , ,-u; ol sulphate. Bj.-ides this, it \VhaL flid he say, Henry—what di.il j " ] am goii>)»ii. parlies tliiri winter, p-i-! l»'<Ui well tm-\\«'l\cl in the lullowii.fi.-inijile e.'iilai.- i eail.i 50 i>.. r cent. . of cliloriilo' -Oil- " ^S_D_nts ana ^Cillers " ,._,-.!•.,' ^ FUHNISHUD TO "j'i.e-ay ?" , _. ; pa, iind' of coiuse I shall look mi preltiesl. | m.inner: . ,„ „-,:, .iii ,u C.MII saii^ ulso niagnesiifi .''" WfLs ' 1A0 I ~"" ' ' !• " He-JJ)rl>jidein,v coining to the hou-*'.:..,,,,! d,oii—ai'r'd then." "I ."Teiifli tliein sell-reiiauc-'. " ' ami su'plnn. 'It-n-ei- nii-thiuleuECiiiw,-!' Ufl.lSy.WQ.SnGr.ll' 1 tl^ Celebrated CoUltCft. Ridge, WedgingS-and Parties | n - t!ll Y !•:,„..•. J-'\ C: _- _. :.-HH^.TcnTr-(ro--o!n<^TrTir,-nonr;--f^^^ sulphate ..... I ...nriMo tnking-itH place; . ^ ! : '-— ' i ^ . i AT SlioiVr Xorioi;. ' | , Shi; I.dd.in r'liead niiaiiisl'Tii-' linn and non-e'ii"-e, but i-ome nirl kiss me'"g"0il- "Tea.i'h ihe,, to'in.ike shirt-. ' " " T'. v ''' '' ' S lah.ab.o maiiure lor grass, land "T~° BUCk°~~ IVIOllntcll II clriCl L^hiffh ' ~~ ibur-tiutotear-. Driuuu^ ber elo-eli to ' hi7-;" anil the young lady'did as reijuesl- j ' 'IVach them to loot up<"orc' bilk ' " H"il !or pot iloi-s, ami is 1 especiu'iy ' ilesir- .' -'• The New. at. I'es» and Simplest of the! ? " " " " I ' H i g h e s t C a s h PHce | him. lu-'tulk 1 d in low soi.ihii.gtone-. until' ed". .'.- .^_ " '. Teiii-h them not to p ,int .nut pondor.- s-\ able, t.o sc itler in .-.l.-ii.lei and overYniinure -countless niacl.i.ies yet i.no ted to save ^ . •> ; _ ' -PAID FOH i .rt,hle,,l.vr,.is:n-J.er <>yes t,i his, she an..);; Tlmt afterno, n Mr. Citrti^dled^vi,], •, p y e ilu- Uj^uu^..Mihle edu.-aiion:. ' p.l;-ufsC«La,fln r piaoeMis an. t^irhgnf. -;•_;., labor. Can be run by a Child of Ten. : I ' iiiothing ^etsout -of i.nler.no'thing to uiidciHtuiicl^iuul 3'et it dues a very 1 '• 1 eaiinoi give^vi-u up. '*.lf y*al c-Uiiri'l ! inla-ihing liltle'tuiuoiit. and TDoV otV Tiai-h rh/ii to nas1i \ w in n eliliie-. 'i When :ip;liid to the soil lor-any spring ;" ; * J'li'st.iiinilits 1 of , -i5- - / lJlaolccmltlt C<> N \ Ic-n-iiu to'sce mo, rslnilV^o to yon".'' .jjii-triiunph, the young gil'l Inokfntj bnphl ; TiiirlfllA-in to wenr i5urm ihiek -hoes 'c:i-.p, it i- kiiei it'uppiied in the previous J ' I '• 0 ,r,.i (I.irhng, that will never do "-/ } and happy enough to wurranUier'futlK l 1 ".- i... -15. ing them up in' ihe \rtty~Tliey shyiil. F.ill, so lint it may li.ive~i.ine to beccuno ~'" • • S^JL - |. '" f Ji/oii x.ijw.ave williiiL' to relhiipii-lj me I pri'dii-iiouK; biitiitAleritliMijiJtirtrTinciTtrt^v"!). v : ~ " ' i tli.n-Tou^hiy m M'd ui'b the.-ni'. Onsoino iS-V Si SIC! ^ fc8°3i^Af : s " i'H"-i|y !"'*!<li<5''-ii5%I j l r a i v i n g herself j young''g.iitli-niiiu took- hi-Cpliiee by lu-.u! > Tvueli'them that a dollar is i me huiiilre.l 'Miits'il proiiuuesjL'ijod resillltj; but unless '"*_ r ' lawny from him. ' ~ - jsidu'iiud'indulgeil ~!n .ceitaiu -deni"i'i»tr;i--; eeiits..^ . " ~~' "" ~ !-old cin.-ap il i-bijtiiirjai.-iihstitiiio 1 either "No, d.-.-ire-t, nover, never; lint wesli^l tiotis th.it' his predecessor had not dreinn-, iusirnet'llieiu how to make their ojiu iliu sulphate oi'.muriaU-- J Wm. D. Perririe, Large Wash in 2 tO 3 h'OUrS*.- ! Al-vsiy-on h m I nml ui'nlisr i-m-or. Will or- i —'• ' - j ili>r-,,n)-t,'iadi-»l CouL- by-.th,T-vCar upou-itp- : ' ""JiTstThe" thing for large families, j Hie..t..>... . "' ^.j ficliooU, public i...sti utious, and for : jfT^'J 1 ^ 1 .*!"" 1 ^ lt ^ 1>il '" >f To """ ESTI Fiirniers- wives.. ? " , . - - ]• g> ' wpi. j^. t ' •-•" Agonts 'Wanted. , ! JIA.N'UFACTUKKl! Ol' 1 CK.VNBUKY STATION N.O. Jieoldigeiltiiresi.it to -tratagi'in, and i son DKALEll IXAl.f- 1CIX0SOF d of. They j.asseii one iliave iLti'k'jjil who will assist ii\2.—I together, the horses being allowedto take | Teach theinl lln^e siioulcl nol b~ overlooked as 1 .i_4 j lint ou.aiid nesting upon the'' liuititelpiece ' bachelor Jashimi, when llem-y f ' County Rights for Sale. HAVANA CIGARS, '- ' \ . -• BW . 1B . fl fe .i*,,,,.^: Wholesale and Retail. . . :F6eCl cWCl FlOUT. j ^GLul to see you. old fellow," e.velaim AI'IM,YITO A. W. DYE, PROSPECT NB, M\ J. 01 Wo«t Stale Si.-Treiiton, X. J. N. K—Try our"J*li;ari)." t I in the niai'kot- k _ tr. eenteiear j The HIGHEST Cash Price paid for GRAIN,-, i.iMllierliealtli'noj" spiiits under such n: ..Teach them to neiir^filien da-sses, and j lllK :l?ht;S llr( V v ^'y." r «'''» p"tu-h, often IJeMou wa- with her, who'ahould tluiy-fljij.; JlVa'i-li tin m to say »". "»! '"< >: "' if , m-i !t " (1 ' < -' v< -'", lli b' ! '^'- "T-"-y nl.-o coiiiiimlrom' , c.n.iiiK-1'ut Mr. Mirrill himself. iye-^ind stu-k to it " " '"""' - j l l v e " tl> ">»>-">ai:-'iit. of pho-phoric noid jed the "lor r.; 1 '-but, seo huie, what'athe [ " Wlnit shall we do ?\ Wlnit shall we I' Jusirmt t!om to regard tho moriilk, licit *- 8 "- tl ! ilt .. wll0r ° ll "". v .c"' bo bought nt, the iiiiiiWrf'-Y'ou lo'.ik a little dowji in the j do'?" iiskod" the fiifhtened girl^- "hhe nioiiey of leau,< . . .. ' ; livi ' 1 ' 11 e < -' pi'icevwhieritncy are sold at the- mouth it iiKpeiirs to me." ,' "i. | 0 '• UaV'nLJ&a.n thick veil, chirlingi'.' "j Iii'-truot. thoin inTUtfltt) stel'ieS of the \ miM-j-'thvj'-jire-.ivt.Mh 1 !ip|,Jj'i;,g. ^ ^;.. -" Will; .1 iv.'int vour" nflsi' ' ' " yes; yes ;" .-mil in.iuccliHtolr tbo arti- ! kitchen, cliiiing-rocnn iind pnrlor. Yorker',-" •• v ,'t t j- . /

Transcript of VOL. 1, M , JANUARY i, 1886. UO. 25V v - digifind-it.com · VOL. 1, URYJ N. J/-FRIDAYM , JANUARY i,...

VOL. 1, URYJ N. JM/-FRIDAY, JANUARY i, 1886. . UO. 25V v



-MANUFACTURER 0F- Prospect Plains, N. J.

M i i i i i i n i i - t u i ' - r Of *"

^ Carriages,;- - -:—.•""'[""". " ~~-~.":-'~:-~.pe.." " . ""•" ,- : Light Ca r r i ages ,


Business -Wagons.

Farm Wagons, etc.



" OnANIlIIIlV, X. ' IT-.

nisT-=7^ti".^r^Arsr,'""f"to 2 jiTl'd

n. I I I : N K V G. S Y M A I ^ S , - .-•-••'


Ci!ANin.'i:r, N. J . '

Drnci: jhu'l!R::-iU">.i10 A. M., 5 n. 7 y 51




CoMJrfijSIO.NKIl OF.Cr. Ill Hie hhol: Sinn-.: cu \xi.ntv, 'x. j .

. Wagons i

Ofuvuiy ilu-iri|i|inif

Paintins. Trimming. Woodwork.! X'lJi'l"IA-N. ».'Al'l'lJUHiT

Blacksmithing• COUN'SEIOK-AT LAW.

Ul'l'lC S AT - '


1 ."". BV-AMASDAPENJf.IH. ._

•~Go.il knoivittest whl'-s'iunp-palJiiVJU-a-——Arc strnwii witli ro.siwbrujht andftiir:While-other* lead tlirriu;ll (horny wilils.

,,Ain! dr.'tiry ilpscrt- wildaml^have.'" •irri"IC"n'"'Twrs"'[)est why o'er some livpa,

Thro .tpriin^ trinpp^ts d.irklv ri'so:Wliilo^tiiisixlin.)!!- noei'iiiil or storm,.But'drift hc-neiilli unslitiilov 'il skiesTHii.kiiowri bust why iidvor iV winds

Yl'hile otlW-.flo 't WitlihrnflZns f.iir.Up )M.fin pvfiktrahnuil S'.'n.

II" krinws linst wily •spi'i't.r;! 1 mintSiiHKlK'Ul-lik'R l>(- pomi' t rfili>-. hnv>:^Yliili: o thers «,iat ,'v'ith C'is!li"st pluti".'Aro'lienpi'd with rich .ui'l il:iiiily f.iris.It • knows beat why -omfrcMinn--"On""'>in'li"S mil In of <.nfii^f(l'i«-n :Wliiln OIIHTI h a w niirj.nils or straw

. Tr ri'^t their woiiry frame*, upon ~JI-* knows ne-t why from l-omiilKim<>-i~,Tin' f lirf.st (1 iwcr- -oori'-'t f.nle. *

i n f l f ' i i l l i ' s f f i l I l . i i i h i l r n l u u

•' How, when,and wlrore^"1 -C'v iii ijiu-i.tii.il wns <liji«vn close over her; Te.ieh' iliein ;liat file ninre one lives'• I want \ou to woo'sind^vin fi hilly for i f.iee", mid shi i-ering.-.'Vnh apprehension, j wiihin Iiis iiienmc- the mure h« will siive.

me." , „ V— hbey met the severe parent,' who gave) Iu-tnict them to IIRVG1 BOtfring to. do"

" Wl.nt's that ?" — - \ • • j theiiulwtb^a tearching glnneii us In. paH--;with intemperate anil di»soliite young- "Ju-fc wliat-I said, cxacily." - ied by. . • • • ' meii.

looting fellow." ' . " \ " jjjreen, or yellow. Foitumiely, 1 hml'i'hi-1 tl e/'mioilioii-e.' - \'- ., " - '• - . ..

"A kn.ciiy,. tlmt, Will.; but I'ni nutnl'i'.iicl, vvi. 1 .-hail regard it in : Hitni'o us niy , Teaili them—sK-CiMnplielimenti;—iftiisity. . •'-

—nil1 lirile.Evu 15 a^lrne as s! eel !'"',- - i Lufde&t triend. -Wasn't- it luiiiir Ci.mVd ! drawing—It' von have the time and inonoW'-' .

•'Oh, it's the fair .EVJI, is" u"? W,ii\ islie went -oil' into irtit ol joyous l.mirhler,: to do it wiih. ••'" ->nV"1" ''•'''.•$£"'

•AVJIIU'H the inat'.er tbero th;i{ ion do yiutii'sn UOIII.II;II.U» that lic-r 'cjiiuprTikioi). «oon I Ke'y IIJH.II it. that nppri Voup-. toni'liingV 1-woo and »iu her yoiiis.ell'J^y \ tjuiued in her iin.-ri j'neijJv''' \ ' \ j 'l.-pcncVi, in a jirejl IIK-.-ISIIIV, ilie wenlor .

"« Her l.-ilher bus- lor-bidden lire rjie :\ T n a l evening,1 . 'U i 1 . ^ l i : i r i l l < u : rned \o hi- [>v*ie ol the i r niter, life. ^ • , . . ' - " . '

linii.sc'liei-au'iu I haVei'iTti inijii', y enouul i , ' \ laugi.ier, s.iiii.ji, " E i . i L i.o no t th ink [ -Teu>b them th.it ,i good s t e a d y m e c h a n i c

j j i i i l he n i l l I'tVer object-Dt- you, iia you l o u n i M l t o i ie i . r t he w iljow_ 'at.1. lungri11 wi lhoi i t a clM t, is i iur th a iWejTwrjuviWt- ~

re one of fo r tune ' s lavpr i tes , so ymi mm tl-r J l i . iieldoi., Im sei inS in be con-o . ing j ell loj'fvrs iji l.ro iiicloth. ~>':-';'v.i:'**-.;."

i givo m<> a elmiice to meet her iilieu he r ' iii.iisrli." / . - ' ' ' ! Touch them tiiat God made, thein iii •.-

j f.iiher thinks .-he'i- with y o u " • " Wh.it do yoli iiieaii, JulIiL-r? she in- , His oiOi iiini}!)', and tlint-'no amount of .

I •" Well, I cluu'l know, Hcmry, it'n put-I i|iiiieo dcnnuely, uut ul<uO>l elioking-witli ; liglit lacing will improve tLe moilol.1 :. -••-

r ting-me in a pretty dangerous .place. — ! iui.rc.-»«.il_liiui;litcr. ' L_:__li^toietXhiau-i-iube_es»eiftiHW-of-4ife-• 1 uitt loin ruling with u hidi m-dni,: truili, ln.iie.-ty, npriglitni-s—then -iititlTc". •_.

r S S

Repairing, - Re-painting;

. and 'Re-trimmmg i

»«i» at short notice..

FACTOItY:—fJouier 11.mroe and Doi

-AHo jr.n Of

j Cli.V^citt'lrt "Aivt>~"iMxiJj"tt>vilt"rttIt(.. j i;..ni*iu.h the il u- ie^ whito'itrrr luirl.- ^ j llowevcM1, 'f j 'our jLeai ' t is .-t-i-^|M."--jj^-^-f^--^jijt^yi:^f^Hed^kai.-^"-u^iu.'l--"-iii;^--h*.'iJ--i'et—MtM-jK-li^-tuTw^iv^iTT'in. m a r r v . ' " -~~

S"nro , . •^K!7iTZ?ZZ loreelo-iiu.-s and t.'ein'r.iUji'ian- !. Wl« - i-lfltn^TttiTii' •nijVjl.'jii" niu-t s taml j '• ft<i.aiifl inv i te h e r tjo r i d e r t l l t l i : ' when '. ihl ' inseives ver i inucli =• '• : ? 31'T 1*11 VI1." <Vl.' I»I"IY • « ' !!vi-,y [,!-.,. tHT.i"t.|..-T-ralrj. ' - Wiih jioni-to Kuide the-wfiiry feet. - — - ' - • - • . ' i ^ . ^ , _ _ ^ : —r—-—••"—".,.- , . O L J J I I I . V I J . , <.'i njl.st.lisl.

i- . • • - - . - '- T "Orlci'nTa'k'iiHlfs-'Mi.iii;.' hand. • ' .j you get to .Uendan s hiiiu-l'lrTelleVc you ! " L do not suppose .Mr. Heklon will Le ] ^ _ - .

G WIMVIYS LOKNEl" J.AXJL),. j H - fcnowOi'.-l whatse.^-turiof " tjii Srwhile "f .u.ur chiirge!'1" ' ' j . - i .h enough. trHiaki; H heru.ii. ot liiii.^-li; , SiilphureVt Jiyla-h _is a uliite ja'P-ta

, • - "I" GiviiOii lh tom;inv.- . i i» l ' -pr i l l - t ia in-^---- - -^\VWnit*i^^^ of all oilier hi | hn_e snl-tan. e, or it may be finely p^vdei

- A N ' D -

1 • LliASiiniY- .N-rJ-.- . j .Whar minlrliil wnr.Kwh..t ivins..iii..<:mllo.s I ^ . J . J , , , , . ^ . I imagined ; «lien shall it KiiraV beraii.e l.ej.ns been .iiiim-secl-lio.,. ' l 'cl ' :i"Vh •"r"""V l'-v " < " " " » o t P'"^"1

! ( • . , „ . be eii^^ed-on -on ,lde teYin. | ."A,.1 l ^ n of ,n,.Mloen hiil,lon.pain. . \ • . _ - . - j • 1 l.&po ti.lit h«>«i.l" < !«.'t.-.^i...=i »i:d ..x> R,.-.. ) with suli.hl.rif;i'i-.ill l.ubni1 or pin ate omi-n.n-. I n - , He knniv-h ".t wli.it "aWr ln>ail needs . . , - i . b - ' . • „ • ' -ii-id (-idi.huriiud'oM "en V -o that l.ri;iade.-. lV-ines, l lari >,. U..UK-, EX.II>'-! Of iri.il or of -o.row her-. - ' ^XliiMiiHiu her/iTTW^ht, m-d invite her (blid cuiiioiiitiOli .-..IUL-WIIUK. ; >• | . '\ *• ".L >'. V »;hi..n-,-i;e. " " - • ! To fir it for ll.c m ..Kions fair.' -. j t.'ride"'with niii to mom.w""arferni.nn-"j * t l l n u k , E . n . that v..u hnd better find i " l i i r i IV ""~ 1'"i"t toi.i'.sis ml-only llireiI . - . J . II. COO n-TN,..L,Ai)K,!i •Oi.vbriubtpr.bappier.spboie.- - _- | ,,,,..„, w i , | . .urt ' I..,','at the-iTtaie men-1 e.?n-olat,"n' in »lio so,-iety id the gen't'e- • eleu,ent--l Jo:, , , - ,ui l , ,oxi , , , ,a , ,d snlpl.nr



three -

I. I I . CoNovi:it_, &ec:iL-i.-.ry." • '

Furrowing Sled.

1 1 . L O . M J H . l l , >3l'i:i e l ."in . 1 U l l I U'MI KaOW-i U U - l I I U ^ I l l l l l O 111 l i . l l ' l , ' . . i ., i * 1 4' W v - ' * - u I" I M U L U H . ; n - u i u i ; i i 1.1. . .1L1.1 i i i . w i K i l u u i• : a 1 OurliiMi-ft-mayhiMr.ninlyi't not bic-ak;. ! ! S'1.'' , " --f " — r " " ' " — ; mmi you were will, to - i la} . ... ! ,1 , , : ,,,,n iate or eaibolnuo. I t e s U l s i n

^ • K V J 11-VZi.KD " -• i If bKhtorKi-sifwill t . ik.- i t i i l l . . '•» All nitht ; b u t w h a t . a m . I^-to expMt ; •• The gentleman 1 Wife r iding will) p.-ipiif1 • , • . .• , 0J,~- • - ' ' i An,1l , . . ,rith,,i , . .yfiH iHI-ak,.: '"I . ^ . i - h-iemlly service ?' • ^ l" •• .Ye-', dear." ~ • ' c , , . , , . , , , ah,,,, to ,1,, ' exlent. of 18 per

- D K N T i S T . - ' ' , I T n i t l - r lint in after i r a r « . 7- I . . . T b W s , v y o u n g e r - s is ter t i m n n e - on '- ^ V h v , wouldn ' t . vOu.obieft 1.. . . . r ma ; - . < v l l t " ^ • ' " " • " ' • "y - - 1 ' - «••»*• 1 " " ' " » « «Ticii:—Si~."i-tf-T7n K?".r"""|.|''o-in- roi'iaan'Sr""."'—Wlnjn o'er our InVa-f t l n - « i a i e innld Hi*, j . , . . , . „ / ' - . —. - ' f/,, ' •' " | ii-hes i ^ ' i ' l , pliiiiU. 11 has filso been

HIi;ia'.srO\VN N..r.^ ' H-nt in+trli'w.f-lviru w." rou.nl ulnnj, ' - : " ' " ' , ' • 1 rimS " " ' ; . - ' • • " " " " ' i | . , r " e ; / l o i . n i i 111 t h e m i n e - ol G e r m a n v ,, , . l s ,,.•„,, , ,1 M I • ' Tin- ii.cth th:it l.'ii-ls ii-1-> i l io-ki i -p. \~y l e - , a n d sl ,n .- p i e i . t i e r tl a n E v a . " • '• I shou ld be m o s t h a j . p v t o ,-t.e u u i . . . . , ' • . . . . VV i a - . M . I I l l l l l - O M I I . . . . . ! . , . . . . . 1 . . 1^. t , . * _ . - 11 , n . , l ) n . L | i i n \ V* >.; i m i l ' i i l . t - . 1 1 1 ^ / 1


t u n , - I



Tlnii be r it br.ivi'h : J. i" .K"-=" ' - j . ' -Wi - l lT ' i ha r ' a !iccf>rd njf t o - i a - t e , j . . u ' h is w i l e . "from 11 liich the supply is now obtained,

t t i-'maiiti'i'ai'liiii'i! fpini k.iisit, ancl, as

Axi. 1 n IN ('I! \N"l?l"KY. N". J.

' '• i . - , ' i t - 1 - t - t h - . - n ^ j T ^ ' i r t l n ' , 1 - . ' i "•' \ i i • i - i i . , • „ • - • , , , i I I I1 r t i - i i i i i i i i K . - n - i i i i i - i ! i f . m K . i i B i r , a n a , a s

- :..JI-u-wiil nnt-|pt-the InoH Ii 'J.nt-bn-.ik . [ k n o w . Mamie is a v, rv j i re i tv L'irl, m i d . " \Ve.l I I I t i l l linn t h r u , and lau;:Ii-i T I H - I T . I - S will win tin1 l.risliti 'r '-ri.ivn. i . , , , - , . , . " . ' , ' : , i n : u i o u "tin- III . r lwl , I 'ontiiin-, on an

, , , , . i t - .1 ,7 , , L- w i l l s M n m.-iki- hi-r ikbi i t m soeretv ; i-c.-iuffini-i-liiuiouf i . - . e r a n outo l thc . -B.o in ' • , '• . . - . —I If meekly borne for Ili-iilt'.u hiiki-. . - • ' • * ^ • ' . - • _ . - . , , . . • . i v i r a " e , a b o u t •_>.) i.er cen t ; of a c t u a lj • ^ t , • • you had-bett-ei'-hn-i'u-TniTreyes m i l e o|ii'ii. , '• So nnii-b lor VL gir l < lovo . Vt h a t Old . ° \ -J;

• ltC • WiJX KV r i i O X y T j That evening the geuil.-nian eall.-J aau'tcIl.ioH.inoth. 'r? J knew Mic-onlil "be ,' I"""--1'- "•^SJ"1"'-- '>•;^however, nirtnufact-• if- ,"' - ' ' ., - • ' 'J . j reqiie-ted, upon Mi-s Merriil". aii.l. mi it.-d ,'I'.IM iiiiLt.d by the next good-h.oking leliow l111^'1 ''<"W" lhi^bi.-iilp..ate, cir donblo

_ . ' ACiJJXr J-'OK- / • -. . - - i her to rii!e the lollowing tlav. At break-' thai ciiine alcinir," exeliiitned the gentle-r^"'l ' ' i : l ' l ' ! " :i'-'_i ton!.ii>i!-.-s,l.i!Mitnnc-. n e a r jj i ' r n i . m A n n - i ' i M i i . ->l X . Y i s ^ " . . T ' •• . . • • i r . ' • i . ': ' • • , - ' , ' ; ) i l i . e r I ' e f H . o l . . ( . M i i l i i o t i s l i . l i n g f o r m

C.nt,in-,i il ol X Y. "N',--ir. I o.iimol coi sent in your] ta.-1. ne.U iiiornu^r her f.,!l,er s.ml to hor; man trniiupliiillllv. - . ' ^ r— 1 - . . ' _ _ . - - _ . ^ l l ^ i ^ l ! ' ! ! ^ l ! ^ ! ! : i • an-unir n,ie.d..,.!:l.te:'.".; ' "- "!! —"Ewi, .1 an. oiute willing thaL ion' •• I nnve not chaiiKed my. -opinion. y o t ' "> P"!^-' ^ '"iieil rt be piufen.ble for

• ' - •* *~ ~ * . d . I ^^ . w i •. T . T . _ _ . _ 1 . 1 . 1 —A-

Meals -of; all kindx J.



THE rViAPES ; " K m w h y i n i t . M r . S i e n i l l , w h y i . o l '

. ' - H a v e - i n u ' i i i i ; r p T f - o m i o ' e o l ) j . e t i o n t o n i l

hlmiihl eiH-oiira.w.Mr.- .Cu>ti>' sitte/ilioi s\ ot'-Eva,''s!ie

lie i-.'i. l e r i j i io i i i iHi 'g imui . " ' Have up" i hiinired your opn.iou ! You ;

j u-o on'l'iriius, juMius^jMid other sweetits, ilevulo; in,'.-i ^renter pn.povlion ofif ihan tin-ii-^e of..the iniir'ate : bufr

T l i

Beef from 6 to 18 rtF.;'psr. It.Veal 10 to IS " "Lanili 10 to 1C " ~PorkChcps- ' 10 to 12 . "•Prime Sausage 10 to 11 - . '•

J S T i p l e t e R ? 3 S l H " U i ' e S , P >«'-i:—.m «h r.iiter :\ •• - - A n d has p l u i y ot inoiiev,'"she added ,!„ imt beiieve I lint -he i-slHl ill lnve with <*"£''•[ i l i :11 ' 1 !"' ";11 oUlm; __inijrut_e :. bur. . T n ' V, '-Y-'m-p'r.-ou; 0, i .n-exi-ei i l i i . -J l iat ldnlj- ; ^ pinn!---.,re alway- willin- t o ' JWdon. do w. :? ' '.-"""" : tin-MiH-tion i-not c-i-i-lusively settled, .

~ H " [ " l ^ ^ a i f t , , ! ; 1 ! ™ ' * 1 1 " " m.,|..,,,,dedii :; !-h.ol,ni(.: | en, urn a^e the aitentioiH o f > u , , ; T TnJii ' " " \Vu.t ..md ..-ee." . . : . . " | i n g . a - we heiii.v.1, one j , f the ui'itters

A .7.11 >.-•-- Df .nfi .M.ui im: -o , . l . • I ' !i-!j-id been o t l i . r n i - e , E ' . i mijilil -he a ] ' l in t h a w n l int -nu. , o r t h e i . -^ieeiat ion of, - W i n . 1 ' ie .mil g i v e n m i o o n - e n t t o \ r i | 1 | ' L " J ' •n- ide i inni i i in e i i i t ' i iu LXpe.'iinelits

- F M S U X I H - ' ' • i l u t l e m o r e d o n l e n o i i . " - J u n e . M . 7 m \ r e d e e n i < a ii i : i ! i i t i ide ot s i n - . ! h e r m.-irrjiiiK ' \ViJh , m C 'u" r t i—and -In- n"w 1"' :"t- r ! 1 " " ' ' ' " " d e r t h e - s - i p u n i - o n of

- 11,'C L1JWIS. , | ••-liMiiiy.ch.iaMc.c-r, Mr. Mer r i l l , h a v e ! Tliey,."mii.\ d r i u k . t b i - a t . o r s i , a l . if : h e i \ ue-.i'L oil happy, a- a b i r d . " ; l ) r . 0 - C . Ua l . - i i e l l , ol C f ) y i ^ | U J n i v e r g i t y . .1 Ci i iMiL'R>.X.,r . ' jvn i i a n T l a u l t t<< rind n i l h ll.iit T ' j a r e only r oh. Hut if a •u.-iii ia re l i ii...' i T h e n i o t b e r siuile'il in( rPiiul. 'U.ily, h'lt [ W'1i'"n iM--t-> b e applieci t o t h e Mill, " i t

- ^ '- ^ — h " ' " .Si . . ' - .oi j - e i - n " hone- l . c i i n imh . I' d o | n p o i i 1,'i- o m i e \ e i t : < . n s to m a k e h i - ' m i l J -:iM nlrfhinif moi 1 " . . i s ' io i i id b e r u i d e u d :.s fine a> pi,.-.-ible .1|ic} _

0 . •B»Sb^J"-r-^''»^''-!™-t^^!"»ll--'!';i- »""t-r ' • «.,,„. and1 Tl,, ..ex, day Mr. Merriil 'i i:'..,,;:"' ^ " ':'-;"1;'-1."''-. "i":^1 ^1. ?'"?"£" "

Depot lo r . I . i - . .«.. K i i h .1 (•,.',

p . . *1

" i v

9't i i in; . '1 . e -a l • nry IIHML'IJ^I1 , ami I -hid. '. lioinira de he may Im, hi: i< t i e a t i - d . a - a -in l.'i.- iitlico. Hhen suddei . iv the doot

e5_Tl,i> rnlloniiiK . C a s h P r i c e sIKIIII for S t o c k : - . '

. Iiarnfa, prime—Sfrterera

Calvesr-Pork :


• 6'i5A.


• --'(-WA'T TOi: TIIJ.- . • , . | ; : l k c | l l w , ? l » , | t , , l ( th.it -you do no; ; u,-rani or felon 1 hale -uel, i n j u r e " t,,',,em-.l-n <l l-'vv 'ui-ieil le.u,',..-on Mr. • l l U '•"I™"}""-"'!'' ate .- n-e.I, .

•'• -W-M.TEISA. U 0 0 D - l-.i.iiheV"1 " , ' .. I " I W P " " ' ! ' ' " * ^ . E '» i ^ " i ' l ! HeMon'-aim. looi,,,. J n i-n-py.-l.,.. „ •'"'•""">• f l1" " O l U :" n " l ' U " ; ! '• , ; -"Ti-wi what i-it. sir. may 1 a-k ?' '-in n-poil \onr beauly."' ,;.,i ..^^.j ** ' - w f c ' t m i a s r ^ :

S S l l - S l M l I l g - J i 3 . ? V B ^ t B I S ; l J _y.E :. Qfa=lJdjp!jdndicgn=spikiuJ-iH..l-; "-Himt-r.it'irr-h-iril.-innfivil 'llHwi JJ-ILI-- . •• M , I,,,UI,.,,,,I ,-.,,1,^. •• f.,;,i U k . „„,],.. wi.ui !• ?ined. n.'.m I..-, U> si

in iiuiriat.e, if

d, luiee

six perccnl.

of-,11 lives will ruini-i', the residue, con.' ^ . H H ^ T f ^ '' REAPERS and SHOWERS.' ',P imp^T-duind. l-ott ,!. Sl.o ,|,,e, not | c-uan," .-he retorted. ^ : ,-i.-n- :iU'« I i.!y.

Q^yuajpUn A ! - o t o r t i n ' - ' i h ' b r . i i . - J 7 ' " j k i i m v hcuv m .!.. a i i - . i u l H u n s . 1 W ' " t ! " 1 . - i i p p . - . - ^ O I I t h i n k y o u r l a t h e r . T i e r - . .• .AVj,«, ." , . -TrMilA4Ttf ' - i i i . i i i t r i d , - p u s h u n , ' - ' t a , n i n - 1 t l , e l i x e d ' c l e m e n t - o f t h e t r i e s

' E M P I R E D R I L L • ! k i l " l l l f ' ' " i f l - : w u l l ! l 1 •-ll«-'_ffl:l1^ n- p..r,f::>LbIu <,1<1 J.,-..r, b ,cms* ho won't let .w-li-liiu-kii-iehtiir.' . ' . ' ..ml ki.i.un n- v.-ood aslie-. T l i . - ^ c o n

;SYKACl^K.l.'LUW^ HAY liAKhS, Art- j '"""'"K., fun i.o! poo:1. I have a ln(.-rrL-iv-ntlmviu 11 eo!inge-scrii],b'iijt ifo H i • ! . n i l - , a n - i j i . n p i i t i n - r t b i n ^ ' - i , t h e l h i i c - j i o t t . s l i

p l i . - | i h i ' i i - . > :,i . i ! o t - t l n

Farmers,«i i - i - • —, , , 7 i " . i l 1 a n , i . o ; p o o : 1 , l n a v e a i n i g e ' , I N t i s i n i ' f ; i i i - u i s , . i - . i o u i n . ' - M L I p o r h - : , i : f t . : , , , . , . — * - f , , , , . . , i , n T f r . r , t ...•. •.•• • ] , , • . v n i l , . T r r T n h . - n l ' i ' i i - -,. i 1 o " t h e i . I - i i . f « . -•'

i t tpn t i^T" • • C h a n d e l i e r s ' Pendents;: •jii™!^-^:: !«W.- »««.•:„!..,t.,,.r-, ^ ,„,,»; ^ t ^ . ^ j ^ J r ^ : . . d ; : : . : r ^ ^ ^ ,.,.,1A l . U e i l U O I l I . - « t s m i u , , H i : i ) l b , - , s . i ' " " ' ' '•"''• ' 1 ' " ' " • " ' ' ' " " ' ' ' ' • ' " " ' • | H | H * - ' ' 1 " P I ' im-l 1 I I M I I . . . MI! , . , l e . i . - , u . - e li i . - 1 ' e r ' ' i „ . „ i he- Vc iU-d', J a i ly U M I - a w e, u - n l i i , - . u - i n o i i - ; i , - e - ( - n . l . n u - c - n v e l y s i i H i d e i i t o f

; " " ~ \ ~ " ;~ _ ! l . i i i l - w i u i l d n o w i i e > e i " l i c 1 i \ w e l l a b ' e t o | s e a 1 nficl h ft ' h e r o o m . , U i - i - _ u u n l i e r - s . ^Tu •• ' ' ' \ . ; 1 ] u l . . , , , i . i - b , o r i : , , - , , I, m i.-~;.ciil " to p a y

, • - « . . , « . « . ^ - , « . ^ , ' " " - t e r R a t h f f g b e r t S - ~''l<c- |-''-^n''IMt-:l'ilircl'7^-l'^^^^'''''l''K^---^^^^^^^ of Und.-.u.-^jmil, M|. M;.-i^. ,„„:„.,, (L.1V!,1,lll..lnr:l.1,0.. L ' M . J , iii,,,!',,,,!',,',,'.. eien n W - -ilready" (V Tlfi TT f f T - K i i n r ; ^ : e l " i d l 1 - " " " " - „. / ^ . u " I l ! l l l 0 . " ^ *l<- ^en i l l only hiu-hccl, 11.l.!1>: ; [ , , , r | | ,,„ / . | | | ] . - • . _• ^_. . .":, :r-t-T^i/:, !i-i i-,-liie -a-li.-sor denduous

l l i yr -r t l l f l - H n l l ' l l l l I I l M ' " 1 5 " ' • '"" ' " ! ' y l""' " ' " " ""L""-!lllf'-v ! l t j»«» '" 'K f • - £ > ' ., - « \ . l l , ehi!dr.eii, yo .y t w o voiini: l i a i l - t iee- ifiv i. Oiiu.'Ih'c feiiili/.ej-," J o r they

J ° ^ - " . _ " _ - - - - - — - 2 - 4 ! ' 1 1 J ' - I 1 ' ' ' l ' K : " ' ' V - - - • ' - • .' ! • " S l l l ' . " i 1 - 1 l)l" ™ '"Vk ' ^ h , , ( - : ' ! 1 ' t i s i " "•'•,• were mo te than a n'laich-f.u1 my old OIK- ; > I , I . . , , " . t in". th(ee n. nine per-c!ent."""ofI. I. l'~I P T ^ " T " / ^ " ^ . J " ' ^^etheonfjnU-nBUJiUiiy-oiiipjiiyel"1 ' ,! » e i . | ; ; you_-ei: It she i«n f" . " ; sm ani l . -e . - jour iii"o;her."' " . | ot »• h .iitd IIOIII o.i.- to tliiee per cent , of

Hightstown, N. J.

" C a l l s t h o a t t o n t i ' i n n f f . n m c i s ; > n ' l O I I I - M S .

'• ' description.,:

Farming ! iOWl

. ice per. '•"''• -\»emii, ;uici iney an- eiceeui i iui j ( • ' u no,1 sin! the m.iti.ei", " Lva i.;_veii ' . i , , ,! the hai.py c m / l e were very -lire |.h .i»;i^n n- ac-id ; m.d a- (hi; polush e x ^ l s

j \Uis >r.. C H A X I i n j V , N'. ,J. l1^1"1 '" .." | .•ml-taiit in her l ines and fTOiidship.-'; -In-. , , , . , , ,,1C,} | u . . , r i l ; M,,,,1(| .,.,.„ p | y Ve.-»u^".., a e..i.: o.^.ile, it i- i i-fi, v.diml.le us a1 • "• : j .••• Well , d o n Y - a y anyth ing more . I »m ! « ill not c h r m ^ . I l:.i..w." _ " _ blin-l.iu-.-hter.is (hei lC:t .tie loom. \ , pai.t l,,,,d In n u n i part- of the coun t ryi l l a v ' n . l,Prii hxM.ed in Cnu.burv f,.r ' ' ' ^ " ' l ' " " ".""' a l l < l UJ"-* *f \ • Mr. Curt., i» not in love-with Ev», .. P.,,,,, s li ,l a .sweet w.Uv, a i > : „ „ , . • ,1^ a, , -nK uniri1 nb . i ^u . r . a n d ^ i . e r c ",j - v^^U-taJa-tthj^B^-ji^J^ I w i s j i j j ^ t i ^ i ^ h e i i - i l h h i u y exeh.i.-ie.a Mjimhj.1_JL..i.uiL-:aj^:1muiL!]^lx.ju_yv.-re IIIIMOII-. g3£l'PT>i>i-...iJiiMiUi.^iB..n->r a t i - , - w . U - » i ^ - l ^ w —

~ ' ~ . :"».V miUiyeu-toiiiL'i.-. for thei r I t i u . l -pu d.s on t inue y..ur v.-t-- to mi d,m^r.tc-i"^fj tio.~, ii 11 ftij pili of .seveireen u-ais . : ' .Ruou. to h.ive Wi lPcu i t i s in tbi- f.iiinh . ...-i bi:-h. 1 .'l 5n pou in ' s , are a c h e a p .

S ' T £ 5 i 7 r ^ M ' ti 'ona^e i lur ia^ t h - s • i m i n y y e a i s . - . ,,„,.,.. 1 -If,^ !n- n-i-y ii'iad t " hear t h a t ! •. ],itU-c<l Mi.,-, . ind-ivhat-tlo y..u,_IvJn.w ' . l l l t i_ . , , , , l |K, . j , u J , i r " •> ' -. :;, •• .-o; p..la-l(;'viiud phu-i.linric aild

^ ' M i " > - c i lyittentioiiLrivi ' i i t .) UMc.- . ' . . i i . i . i :M, . i . t ,vVi . .s | .pr i i .K in ih^w, , i l f l , l )ur lO!i-nrp l l ,o l i t it ~ . - , ' . What , do M.U ' "JT", mi M 1 . . , ^ " ' Y ".,'.',.'.. 1,.'". . - - l v „'„ d bv the farmer. ' '

_ ^ f T : t X ^ . ^ ^ ^ Z ^ ^ ^ ^ Tl.e,io.!^i,a,.d,,ap-| Theyoun^irlbl.i.hod^-y „,.. iind , , _ , , , , „,„;,,, ,,,m. ;ll!;,h. in , ( ' L(. „,„„.,, J. , ^ . J l l l l i ; Jvi,.all lelt,

H I l j C f l T l T la iseas jor tn i i - i i t o f l - i n e " l'i"c— o.Jiiy •l-i'^"<-t«"i . n u j j i j , H I M . m o m ^ . , , l..Iigliir'i,' a lili,e, im-iu-red1: _• . i 1 . : 1 , , k , [ i l , l l , c ™ i " •' -. , :,u.| "..-i,!. M.-n ihe phf.-j.lij.ric ai".id, which1 G K . X. I 1 1 1 1 *

v . 1 . . I i . , , . . . i , I . M > i l l . . l . I . . k l . . r - r ^ . k . . . * . . * . . • • . . ! • . A L l , , . _._ _ . _ _ * _ . . _ . — -^ - - - .^ *— . - " m f

,, i Cigars and Tobacco

Seeds, Pumps, etc. | _ . e i " ,,. „ ,'i J- S., APPELGET. C i a n b u r y S t a t i o n , K. J •••' ™. _„ •- ,» , _ . " i . - .,.,u. . nave ,o,.,

AlsoaOuebto-k of Cutlery" ..ml » Choi,1-. „ '> B I R E A ' D S f l d C A K E ',,;„„, (,,,,,,c. ;,.»Line of G r o c e r i e s . - ' • ' ' - - ' N ^ - ' - ^ • * ' n • •-

AstonisMngly l o w Prices for the Best1; n : 1 < , . . ; ,s i .m t iy , n hand ii.full Tint- I'n^Rr "

Quality of Gooffs.



] l i a b l v ( i o i . i ' s ; s i i e h a - u - i n i l l y Ic . i iud in :

t'-i Store. ';.t --


ASDntE and .Dozers

_ :li.st .o.^ii.i-iM'iou." _ • L./'Tcaosne-ptipa/a, iie:i--a.-otl,e1--p™^'-.-E7-i;Vjn^z^HrNirr(:uiti^ w,,i;i- nT^u'.il ,v,.:u^., r.n--,-^ "vaiable tor'I — i " »«t">1ie H.VL-me. Mr." "_ • | , , le .- _ ' . ; to ni .nn me " "' ' ' . M I : "ui.ei.anie.,!'^U-et. . . " • "'

; ' ' S h e iriH-fji-r m e r i t ; \ oiiiid f t i r N i r e l •• Yon l r u l be t t e r a l t e l ld lo y o n f b o o K ! i - x . . t I'm" ( n o ye-u'i ye 1 "

i l T ' S ]."•• ' l | i r i r S l i i J | l c Goo.l m a i n in . , 'Mr. IJel-j a n d not t r o u b l e y o u i s e l f a b o u t . \our si-,-1 '• H i ' i s w iflui""lo wi . i t ." And l s i - i n i ; • J L u M r ' " ' ' -

A Hf ET ' l1 '1 '"' ' ! l : n v U ) M >'»» »'i" w M i — p v n y i l o | , , • ' -alV.i irs ." " ' • : 1K.,1 f.ilhei1 a i l o ^ . i . l i n i . , - - h e al-o leU faim "l-o .--mLS t i w n tho m i n e s of G e r m a n y,.|.p.

The \<iiii.g in.in -eizetl bis b.it and





' i l i i ' ' ' l jy .MilhdreW ; b u r n s hi: was pagi-iui;

'. ihi' pai'TofTmor'TTni tie » lii:iA liiind mis

" 1 shall soon be throiigli with the lire-1 ,„ j , , i n j , , . , i , , , ^^ , . , , ! ]-onie old book-, ami have some alTnii.- ol',

i — * .

my o''wn," she reldrled siucily.f . l l \ l . . . . l » l . . i _ _ . . . _ T?) ? T

1 HI ii:- 5-t.i—i'lii t. I t i s ^ t i . e c r u d e Kiiljihulc,

_ , a » . c . n i : . ! i t e ' S the c n \ l e inuri i i te 'of po tn -h

. . all I i.<_. niy bi-okeii an i l r n i s l i u l nfier be ing ,,

I W L ' , M'liule, t h a t y o n will w i i i t u n - W H A T S H A L L W E D O W I T H O t l i i,u\eif. lo'l'.t it for e \ j \ o r t a l i o n . I t . .con- . '

I laid iijiLii'lii1-aim, and he wns di awn into • til Eva is seitled belbieyou beirm U'"1'; • 1) \UlfHTElW '" | : ' "• • '^Hlortuly^al out 12o per.1 cent.-| the p oin iiin'l I'.-ijierly ip ie- l imii 'd by tile • | |h taJionM. J shall ce r t a in ly yo r i a / y i l l , of .••. n -I p .Iu-.li, e - p n v a U u t to 22} to S 3 } •

nVil i o w n e r of I lie- a fo iesa id h a n d . , h a i e t u o to look al o r . " . : Q u e - t i o n s on t h e a b o v e siiljei-l h a \ i - p . , ,-u; ol s u l p h a t e . Bj.-ides t h i s , i t

\VhaL flid he s a y , H e n r y — w h a t di.il j " ] a m goii>)»ii. pa r l i es tliiri w i n t e r , p-i-! l»'<Ui well tm-\ \« ' l \c l in the lullowii.fi.-inijile e . ' i i l a i . - i eail.i 50 i>.. r c e n t . . of cli lori i lo '- O i l - " ^S_D_nts a n a ^ C i l l e r s " , . _ , - . ! • . , ' ^ F U H N I S H U D TO " j ' i . e - ay ?" , _. ; pa, iind' of co iuse I sha l l look m i p r e l t i e s l . | m.inner: . ,„ „ - , : , .iii ,u C . M I I saii^ ulso niagnesiifi .''"

WfLs ' 1A0 I ~ • "" ' ' !• " He-JJ)rl>jidein,v coining to the hou-*'.:..,,,,! d,oii—ai'r'd then." "I ."Teiifli tliein sell-reiiauc-'. " ' ami su'plnn. ' I t - n - e i - nii-thiuleuECiiiw,-!'

U f l . l S y . W Q . S n G r . l l ' 1 t l ^ Celebrated CoUltCft. Ridge, WedgingS-and Par t ies |n-t!llY !•:,„..•. J-'\ • C:_- _. :.-HH^.TcnTr-(ro--o!n<^TrTir,-nonr;--f^^^ sulphate .....I ...nriMo tnking-itH place; . • ^! : — ' - — ' i ^ . i A T SlioiVr Xor io i ; . ' | , Shi; I .dd. in r ' l i e ad niiai i isl 'Tii- ' l inn a n d non-e'ii"-e, b u t i-ome n i r l k i ss me '"g"0i l - "Tea.i'h i h e , , to ' in . ike s h i r t - . ' " " T' .v ' ' ' ' ' ' S l a h . a b . o m a i i u r e lor g r a s s , l a n d

"T~° • BUCk°~~ IVIOllntcllII clriCl L^hiffh ' ~~ ibur-tiutotear-. Driuuu^ ber elo-eli to ' hi7-;" anil the young lady'did as reijuesl- j ' 'IVach them to loot up <"orc' bilk ' " H"il !or pot iloi-s, ami is1 especiu'iy ' ilesir- .'-'• The New. at. I'es» and Simplest of the! ? " " " " I ' H i g h e s t C a s h P H c e | him. lu-'tulk1 d in low soi.ihii.gtone-. until' ed". . ' . - .^_ " '. Teiii-h them not to p ,int .nut pondor.- s-\ able, t.o sc itler in .-.l.-ii.lei and overYniinure

-countless niacl.i.ies yet i.no ted to save ^ . •> ; _ ' -PAID FOH i .rt,hle,,l.vr,.is:n-J.er <>yes t,i his, she an..);; Tlmt afterno, n Mr. Ci t r t i^dled^vi , ] , •, p y e ilu-U j^uu^..Mihle edu.-aiion:. ' p.l;-ufsC«La,fln r piaoeMis an. t^irhgnf. -;•_;.,


Can be run by a Child of Ten. :I

• ' iiiothing ^etsout -of i.nler.no'thing

to uiidciHtuiicl^iuul 3'et it dues a very

1 ' • 1 eaiinoi give^vi-u up. '*.lf y*al c-Uiiri'l ! inla-ihing liltle'tuiuoiit. and TDoV otV Tiai-h rh/ii to nas1i \ w in n eliliie-. 'i When :ip;liid to the soil lor-any spring

;" ; * J'li'st.iiinilits1 of ,<» -i5- - /

l J l a o l c c m l t l t C<>

N \ • Ic-n-iiu to'sce mo, rslnilV^o to yon".'' .jjii-triiunph, the young gil'l Inokfntj bnphl ; TiiirlfllA-in to wenr i5urm ihiek -hoes 'c:i-.p, it i- k i ie i it'uppiied in the previous

J ' I '• 0 ,r,.i (I.irhng, that will never do "-/ } and happy enough to wurranUier'futlK l1".- i... -15. ing them up in' ihe \rtty~Tliey shyiil. F.ill, so lint it may li.ive~i.ine to beccuno• ~ ' " • • S^JL - | . '" f Ji/oii x.ijw.ave williiiL' to relhiipii-lj me I pri'dii-iiouK; biitiitAleritliMijiJtirtrTinciTtrt^v"!). v

:~ " ' i tli.n-Tou hiy m M'd ui'b the.-ni'. Onsoinoi S - V S i S I C ! ^ fc8°3i^Af : s " i'H"-i|y !"'*!<li<5''-ii5%I j l raiving herself j young''g.iitli-niiiu took- hi-Cpliiee by lu-.u! > Tvueli'them that a dollar is i me huiiilre.l 'Miits'il proiiuuesjL'ijod resillltj; but unless'"*_ r ' lawny from him. ' ~ - jsidu'iiud'indulgeil ~!n .ceitaiu -deni"i'i»tr;i--; eeiits..^ . " ~~' " " ~ !-old cin.-ap il i-bijtiiirjai.-iihstitiiio1 either

"No, d.-.-ire-t, nover, never; lint wesli^l tiotis th.it' his predecessor had not dreinn-, iusirnet'llieiu how to make their ojiu iliu sulphate oi'.muriaU--

JWm. D. Perririe,L a r g e W a s h in 2 tO 3 h'OUrS*.- ! Al-vsiy-on h m I nml ui'nlisr i-m-or. Will or- i —'•

' - j ili>r-,,n)-t,'iadi-»l CouL- by-.th,T-vCar upou-itp- : '

""JiTstThe" thing for large families, j Hie..t..>... . " ' ^ . j

ficliooU, public i...sti utious, and for : j f T ^ ' J 1 ^ 1 . * ! " " 1 ^lt 1 > i l ' " > f T o " " " ESTI

F i i r n i e r s - w i v e s . . ? " , . - • - ]• g > ' w p i . • j ^ . t

' •-•" Agonts 'Wanted. , !JIA.N'UFACTUKKl! Ol'1

CK.VNBUKY STATION N.O. J ieoldigei l t i i res i . i t to -tratagi'in, and


sonDKALEll IX Al.f- 1CIX0S OF

d of. They j.asseii oneiliave iLti'k'jjil who will assist ii\2.—I together, the horses being a l l o w e d t o take | Teach the in l

l l n ^ e siioulcl nol b~ overlooked as1 .i_4

jlint ou.aiid nesting upon the' ' liuititelpiece

' bachelor Jashimi, when llem-yf 'County Rights for Sale. HAVANA C I G A R S , '- ' \ . -•BW.1B.flfe . i * , , , , . ^ :

Wholesale and Retail. . . : F 6 e C l cWCl F l O U T . j ^GLul to see you. old fellow," e.velaimAI'IM,YITO


01 Wo«t Stale Si.-Treiiton, X. J.

N. K—Try our"J*li;ari)." tI in the niai'kot- k _

tr. eenteiear •

j The HIGHEST Cash Price

paid for GRAIN,-,

i.iMllierliealtli'noj" spiiits under such n: ..Teach them to neiir^filien da-sses, and j l l l K : l ? h t ; S llr(Vv^'y." r«'''» i» p"tu-h, often

IJeMou wa- with her, who'ahould tluiy-fljij.; JlVa'i-li tin m to say »". " » ! '"<>:"' i f , m-i !t"(1'<-'v<-'",llib'!'^'- "T-"-y nl.-o coiiiiimlrom', c.n.iiiK-1'ut Mr. Mirrill himself. iye-^ind stu-k to it " " '"""' - j l l v e "tl> ">»>-">ai:-'iit. of pho-phoric noid

jed the "lor r.;1 '-but, seo huie, what 'athe [ " Wlnit shall we do ? \ Wlnit shall we I' Jusirmt t!om to regard tho moriilk, licit *-8"- t l! i l t..wll0r° l l"".v .c" ' bo bought nt, theiiiiiiWrf'-Y'ou lo'.ik a little dowji in the j do'?" iiskod" the fiifhtened girl^- • "hhe nioiiey of leau,< . . .. ' ; livi'1'11e<-' pi'icevwhieritncy are sold at the-• mouth it iiKpeiirs to me." ,' "i. | 0 '• UaV'nLJ&a.n thick veil, chirlingi'.' "j Iii'-truot. thoin in TUtfltt) stel'ieS of the \ miM-j-'thvj'-jire-.ivt.Mh1 !ip|,Jj'i;,g. ^ ^;..

-" Will; .1 iv.'int vour" nflsi' ' ' " yes; yes ;" .-mil in.iuccliHtolr tbo ar t i - ! kitchen, cliiiing-rocnn iind pnrlor. Yorker',-" ••

v ,'t t j -

. /

••i>:-. - - • i t

' " . ,C

. \

i-> •

- Advettisinc rates mnilo known \fftoif ap-plication. -• LOCAL NOTICE; Inserted nt thb fiytcTat Ten

^ContSpcrlinofortot Inscrtion.antt ten each_ luldltlonuUnsertion Fivo Centtt pur line."' MAimiifiESjAND DEATHS insortud Tr.o.

AU.eommuhicutions should bundUressoi)to • -• | . . • - __j

G^TT. BTJHR.OTJGHJS,'.^Editor and Proprietor.


with the. return of business throughout

our land, and the hum of industries busy

liaiulBj-your advent !-ecW*B to be propitious

so'fa^ .1-, tho "business' interest of our

eonntry jseem apparent. Tims do-we

and" now in thy youthful

days when nil rejoieOr-w heir ninny plight

llioii- hourt nnd-linnd, wo in confidence of

tl.y good wi-hes follow you believing

Tho now bom-Yew is-n happy fellow• His volco is RWeet. and low uud mellowWllli the Christinas holly his hoad is crownptlWith the Christmas blessings we'll wrap him

rounds ' j. -^\-Thcn rinjr! bells, rinp! for tlicjoyousjlay—Tho'iuist liessilcnt,"the preson, ; ;—;—: ;—— vrho past Iiessilcnt, the present uny: • . _

"• ' Entered ftfthe Post Offion atCramTuvy. N. j t JJinc out your merriest eheor alter cheer ..'•">— _; r ' •' "ssceoaa-clgssniintcr. ^ ^ - — To welcome tho birth of the happy Novv Year.

._•. i"... ..1FBIDAY, JANUARY 1. 188G.

• " • . "••-••»_Ydu_wjill now head -your Coiniiiunicn-

" \ '• ~7""tlons.witli J886.-.

._ -7..." rMftrijr-poultry'. dealers hrmg thc-ii'-'-henfl:<."., ."' "wlienthey received the returns of their' • f e^V (ClU'istmos shipping.jtirtF-^ge?, 7" ,^-.'.,-. • -n« —

- '£-,•..'. \ T h e mad'dog s"care is raging. Wonld'nt

. it-Jbe n good plan tb l

nbont four tiinu-little em's nround

f\• ihe aojiri).s£|beforc they get the disease. ,

*'' Tl!'osev who -have ueciiird Upon new

YeijriV'to-CiVmmetice, the

tbrtlie'1'Cr'aj)bury Press." ' '

Joe -Tame:! is father of the first Chineselinby ever" born" in PhihfdijrphUi. Thebnby is quite u curiosity in the neighhor-

Atlanta Gn.;' Constitution " astate. newspaper had "'a«-'soci;il

orrrgptmdgntj'Dee.leadinggathering of its

„_ 29lli. They came -from all -\Tajjts of the*

rcoiintry and had their expenses p.iid_J>y•• tlie proprietor o&tlie paper. Tliel;8;~nnist

^ ".he more money in the 'lJcoiistitutiou"tjmn there is ii) the " Press.1'

'; There seems to lie nn linger any hopefor llie^tniiiers who are I'lirird- lit—Jvuri-

* - "" 'llcnke ne;rr~Scrai!ton I \uu . ' Two weeksago to-ilny Friday the lSJii _'_the . tiivo-in

._. _ oecured. "•"Iiniin.'iise" quantifies of, sand• , '' and water rnsheil in and filled all the low

' • ——er.pnTts of_Lhe mine"." It w.'is thought nt..fiijjttlini ?wtnty thrci'men wore shut in.•. But now it is stated there arp tvvcutt-

_six£ It was hoped that, they had -escaped.tosoine higher chamber.-. :ind rcsciiins.parties went bravely and vigonm-ly to"work to open up n. way of escape from the

' , " 'li/iiii? grave.- lint by tin- following Wed-• little priiire.s- had henn innde.

Fresh crXvinpjJn of sand, and ru-hin'g -ithe waiter"droviTuack '.hose "who jvorto;ip great-peril to th..ir owners hvrs. 'A;')

• soon fire dnnip-deveioppil so that- it. \v:ito conrimiii work. ThisTieeni

on fia.vo iiasied with those gone before,leavo. inany.^pleiisurca for us to revere, iy. This cond'itlou-ofyour memory".' WotepuifiJIieullBSS-jinnd- -true lo lliu im'tl'llie of the wealthy or to tlio'

As the New Year "sjiora in upon ns-willlthis number, svi> doir6 to express.a greet-iiijtjRonV friands'and patrons. One and hiS:iirplease*iiccept our thanks for tho snp-pnrlr-we'limwlinil, since we launched onrlittle crn.fr, upon the sea of expectation,"h»pins t» lie able to stem tlip.opposingcurrent,.that was thoifKhf"by some wouldsoon s'weep us into tRe gulf of despair,•.uirileiily tlnsli to piece* our frnil bark,np(iirth,t^ro'-k of inialortun':'"On» worst fear?, gsome have not^et^eeifre.'dized. TlwiW-farwe haveikvt»e-fotho satisfaction of ull'^vliu are in-'tci'Rstcd in oursucco»'». We trust that" theiccoming yenr-will he elmmcterized bymorct'liiin nsn:il activity:""in"eveij- depart-

ijjtprest", th«ro-)>.Y, inorea-ing a demand

es, are dangei s threatening naticmal aecuri-

prodigality, of-Jtlio pool', Is-continrionnlyfinning ths fliTihe of discontent'.-This difrcontent.'dheriBhed fill it becomes a hurhiiigReuse of injustice, thveateus thediatrnclionof property, in which the toiling millionsimngiuo they .-reO1 the cause of theirwretchedness.- .!'- ._ .

When gi'RtitucIo shall prompt ihinieart-wciilthy to'share tUeitgood fortune

with the less sucocs^lul, and w! en tf'.ali-tndo for tho girt ol Christ shnll indiiOL-the poor to cultivate cliriRtian graces, Hn-eivilized world will hear no njord^if theii-rcprcssiblc conflict between labor andcapital. Let eneh class cultivate the graceof thankfulness, uml.exercise if in prnotical ways, and oacftwilhlcH-erh a"-ncedodfriend in the other. * •

llnving not«<l-t'i6 inl'ipqupiic-y-of-thankfulness, and"a few of the many tu-msc'i-ifoTout blessings wrapped up in its cnllivaliuit may be well to indicale it lew of flic"_mb"re couspicuous'bliissingd which SiH foriis manifestation nt tliis.,iime._ _•_

1 -Cct nil cDinq" 'bcfoiv. our maker withthanksgiving for abundant h'irfveets.u Tlio-iiiintflectingr if dUposedto listen tothe miirmuringo so common in these days,miglit bp iucliiieil to repii'd abundantharvests m\\ thing but 'a blessing. Theyiniglit ahuust come to view' theiiV'iis au.itional calamity, as actually tendering topoverty. That such, jin abundance u?reduces tlie-price belovv the coct. of pi'o-

- dotriiuuntal to

in an euflfchinent of the nation is undenia-ble. - Coiimmui'-s—are henulitti'd. jmd-Ciiu

il pi'iifip.ej'ity, but every community i?more din-ctlv interesled in tlidir own well-tare. We live through, and by'the supportf olio (mother. A-. curporaHons and

d f b

hq'.iO fnorc libf.'i**illvbut ciin aci|Uiese in-reduction* that leVsOiTjhecm't ot subsequent prodacftion.

Cerlitility"Wliatever may be- true inrel'i-reiice (o any particular chisiiir com-munities, the (jr.-at mass of the Aineric.m"peop'e are benefited by liberal harvests.

• Tho'cnll upon tlio people of this nationto return _tJiiink8 for full graiiaiies was.seldom more "imperative. It has rarelylinp'peiicd iu the history nf the countryttiat the yield.inovery-speDies of-gr lin hasbeen so munificent. ' We have breadcaougli and tnillipns-of bushels of grain io

ibiimlant einployinenti!sr_5iillmg bunds, spare; enough-to -sendgladness inlo everysind finr'iiierdum'1!* and husiuo-s mon lie j home : to render it pos-ible for. the poor-'

Tr the time andVnoiitf.y- ijr cln'SeS tiVproeme the necessaries, ninnyinvested. ' . of the luxuries.of life; cuou-rh to furnish

the attention of our- business! remunerative frienliW fo the complicated

prosper; under favorableances and good innnngpnieut, so

titiis with communities., - "'V-To the people of ill's section", we trust

Ijjjlt the Xew Year may :itft>'d them, nuincrpii-c of pro-sjjentv^ihjit JJr<i.viilen/:enay giant to the tillers i>f the, soil a hcirty.recompen-s for their hone-t toil, that tlie

and la'horina man- may-find

..•-W^call the attention of our- business 1 remunerative fripjj!jWfo_llie_ciiimj!i<jil.ed_ ;„,,_,.£ ;|K.ii-._fl.llow-incn-?—W-hy d.>- enter-men, fariiieis and it'll others,.who may have network nt rail1 n:\ds-.wlios6_iron bands |,,-isl,s t.xist on a nmgnitiide "hilherfo iu-

h d i i d hiinc-rehnndise, iarin iij-'oducts, iiiachiiU'i'vand farm,implements for"sale, to the im-portance of advertising in the " L'niiihiiry

»nijftjfcunn»t distaiit-sections; enough to'drive the wheels ol' cominerco " ithwoc.ted rapidity; enorgli (o supply

II li-


1'ie-s," which ii"W h:i-n lai^enud iucreiL-. | needs of Em ope, of Chiuii. -oLfiiam, of

His drciiliititiu. ' We lire prufiaivd to j Afric.-i/tit (Jie Is 'es ot tlio -0 i. This surefurnisli at clniit no!ici', am] Jit n-asoiiablnittrS large or Mnall hand hiiK. IVir publicerics'"aitd .'iisni c-vrn tKscrihtlon of ]VHrnrinling. We bojie, to


Iy t>i:i;ht. to elicit thaiikfu'ln-'ss When, a-is now tjie caseL.- jVn:ei'ic.in-f>i:"iltnlt9-firtd-

j"tr Their way to ulino-t every climi1, it is cer-your

will ever -trite to protect yourand make tho '• Pre^-to pnch and nil of oar

ii .welcome visitor

ed to mid^rjt ci-rtain tl.at if tlie l»in-i».-tl | i«iiroiinji<». ai'd pnuuise ;on fujl value in.menOiad |iot hecu at once "killed tlieyl'1"1-'''1"""- Iviconrage on1.' efforts and we

>ersufiii$!gtcd by. Hie. gas.- • Andextfripuish ihe last hope ii i- ccr-

tain tliey. niii.-t starve lo death before thevojin possibly ,ln;'rc-ae.!ic(l. The work ofrescue still continue*; thoiig'i hopeh-s-!.""- T-)|e famiiies of ur.fnrtnn.ite men rtju-c-to believe them dead. lint by the slowermethod-, the rescneis" have been obliged t"adopt, the best judges declare it wi-ll r,'-

qnire n. nuuuh ye! to reach fire doomed'men. So the ca-e is 'is hopeless Hi it i>appalling

3 885 lias lil,| u, adieu, and is 'innv . »-,.;'inong I lio=-e of the pa-t, bearing away the

'soirim-s, ),\yi, Bijfcpsds and ivvers..'Sl ihnf

" fall to the lot of the human society ;" andbefore bidding it a final farewell, let 'mebrief] \ review a few "of the "events" "of- the""-year, .-i-oiuc of Ihuvnoteil men -who h.'fveHiinlied thu laililer of • fortune am] fame,and have carved their Panics in the highestniuhe'iif ainliitioriH teflj ple, have passedawayyatid •' Sleep silently- thTit sloep that....r...i no waking"—Gi'iintand McClelhm,lieges of ..rn.ighty' struggle, and « ! , . « _'™'1««»'O ' » » « « » ««»'»l»*uiWiif s wt-re' iv.i honor to tlio Aineiionn ou l l l : lu^'"-• l '"

spoa'ding Iho'day in humiliation andfasting

2/ fcefm^comoT

before God-withtlmiiksgivTng" for 'tylc.evidence of-growiliin nmrality and religion. ' T W 1 •

It is extremely difficult, as we all knowto determine the uioml.and religious otm-ditimi «f n iiution, es|iecially of a nationso va-t a^.»urs." Is it advancing or is it.deteriorating? The answer grvun .to thisQuestion is as likely lo bo determined byiho temperament "of- the pers-on givingtho an.-wdr'as, by,the unvarnished fiicts.tjiniie, iinleeil, not il few, are so coti»HttH*4


tho opposite series is almost, unnoticed. "of facts inlpre^8 them whil

_. t t iy. l«w possess impartial judginttits.1 he pcl'soti ilispnsed to takgu disheurthiiig\;ie\v ot-huuiau society finds iaihe occur-

.rui.ceb of ei.ch day, as recorded "in Ihed.-iiy press, aniple reason for concluding.hue l.oi.esty, viitut!, ''truth lulucss-oliricly mid respect fur others" rights, areben'iiuing less .'mrf [fes frequent as the

-ytars ruil'x'uuud. " IJe.seoi-LhosuIiTihave tr.(|jted jirovi: imtvurtliy

of.coiilidei.ee. Hu witne^si-s kum'ery ii:private t'iicles, duplicity' in pnhtica, hy-

i the cliurcb, int'c'iiperauco iniiiunV homes, Sabb,U.U desecration io-every sei-liun of the land, profanity onnearly t.yer; street collier, injustice'in a'l-inosi evi'iy-courf, tluj vicious receiv.ed.intosociety. Hu predicts a Kiagaiia belon:this nation. • Aimther ditleicntly consti-tuted paints everything' in rosTiale lilies? Heis all charity, tiirsome ruscal wakes himup. He tl.un piifses iiib'-nt^aiiieously intyAJJ&E'JLUb&Sb'""1' w '1 0 »"»g'"e the nation.,is.diifiiiTg headlong upon <Jestruction,_]l.isjudgment i.s.fornuid li'om the narrow'circle

to lonn an impartial judgment One is fo-isweeping in his denunciation of'" huu.nnsociety, the'other toollalti-ry. That there isfound gratitude in'respect t>i- the moraland religion- progress oi this nition, a.fewfact- will m.ike up|iurcnt: ''!". This' age is wiiiiessiug (he mosfgigaulic

I'ullsome iu Inscause for pro-

financial ''undo .taken onearth. Companies exist which controlten-ami eviMi liiKidiui's ul* million"... Inno antecedent ago was this possible.' TIIOM! therefore who ptr.-i-t in assert-ing that human nature is-totally iin'«ortli\oi'coniiihnce, that it has deteriorated, willplea-iiTsxpluue thisWloirnrling fuct. Win-do so.nviuy entrust their all to the—kecp-

e1 The only possible answerureii :.re found inure reiiahle

than lieixto.'uiv. ^onie lire unirorlhy ot

undei ce. it is. true Due.- nny sane

man iuia^iiii* it cm:ld 1 r\<t*hi rwi-e? And

yet in p:oj>i>:ti"ii in tin- iniiiiber^nlru-ted

"wifhTTiimcii-c Minis and i:i pioportion to

Lii.e_ojipi rtim.itii s""rit)-Kt-ornn-.-ilieirthrvel-innly a matter for thanksgh ing>- j | s thai s • few pnne untu.stwort.li}. More-

' i \ c E k c n i o i J » l i f s n \ y h i i t wilr finil] \\ i h i i 1 ' h " f•~.'i-\c_-E-kcnio.iJ»-l!if;sn.i\y..hiit wilr fiihe horror of theby food fromSiamP.-e in.densely populated liankok wijilight his dwelling by petn>iium. and clothehis children in Aineiican fabrics. The

: the i'l'i'gnlipitii'- o'1 these" few metwiiiipr -initit-ntVil j lier.i!d«.l fr.n e'.-n.l of the land to tho'lull* table. • ;i"he I „,!„.,._ ,il,ile ihi-j-eliiiliiliti-of the iiiimv i.-

gratitude to God may bo. prompted byiztt tllL'" udlllll-

tngi-s they,«equired by_birth.it8 a' fittingsubject" for unreaflfDg gratitude.""

3." .Auotjier evidence of progress inmorais and i;eligion dxists-in the,fact thatthe church w«w probably nnvpr (is .freefrom glaring inconsistency ns it is in thepresent. Trno, eviTn charity will scarcelypermit us to doubt that soina enter heisacred communion from improper motives,possibly Home -from purely worldy ; cirti-siilerutimiR. • Nor can it bo questionediliat ivolldlincs!) and evjsn immorality finda soCit at (lie table of liiln who deinauds•siiieerity, in the heart and purity in the life.

Over these disheartening" factsnuufliel'S intftlrn jlneply. They arc painedbeyoud-mensuro in seeing some who fre-quent theatres, who desocrate the Snbbuth,who nse profane language, wlu>. practin

who 'liy.v'iinpnre livej, sittilfg down_.tocoiuiniiuc with the children of the Jleav-

Tiie qi:i>stipn, howevor, i-Tiot whetherilT-e cii's e.vst 1-ut, whether they-nrecin-(:ivasing or dimini-liTng. That Jhey- areiliiniuishing is more than probable fromIlic-simple fact that they were, never

il; were never ns severely"The ministry of the, present.denounced.

day has ilB faults nndoubtvdly, but itwill compare favorably- with- that.of.any -prrcepdiiiii. age. Aiid cliristinnpeople, liJkvG the ministry that serves them,are not pexii'Ctj'bnt iu Icivc for.the honor"of religi.'n',"in_activitj- in ehrisls8ln"wrtrEii

in coasistent living, in kindness toworilihe'piior, in'li.yalty to light, in devotion to

^•t»^Vj^r<.lre-p^rectr-WW«yrr-i>rTesus-Clirjst, in any -previous ime.- -Cer-tainly, in this we- have JIU occasion lorarilcrrt tliiiiilf-KrVhtg: : ~

i. I pause long enough ti

.uiini.t-c>.'d-iiud iinpr.ii.-e.l. - - "••— :—

We arc disposed to denounce theknave, but we forgit to tl:auk mii'Maki-r

Indian..n the pampas »f Soiilh-Americii ior the hundreds of honest ulen whoi l hIt>'\. J. S. VAND'i KE. D'."»".'

Reeoail l're^ljyiurMii'Cliuri'lfCr

| will take .his evening meal on th

ttrodiicls" orouT"well"' tilled fields. " " T h e

inhabitants >>f e'istorii Europe, of Asia, of

Spiith Aini-rii'.'i. of Oiiiitral Aim-rici nn.i

, .lint a jnjruNnoise untohim with i)dliiis.'' P^ !>.">._'.

• The.-intrequeiicy \yitli wUii'li" wepre.-ent

oursplve.i beforu our tTeuvenly I'jither will

songs of th:nrksgiviVigV=iu< cuiitra-led withe ,frei]uem:lY-<,witli frliich we earnesllythe .fri'ijueiieyi.witl.

^Ju'tition' Llessiii,HKiil.il}1 U[M.U II

frliicli wefurnishes a-in n

.1 comupi.n luim.ni n.iluiL.—It Imci.

upou one iho conviction ilint mini's seifi.-ii-'

ness exceeds Ills gKitiLtlde. In his <

iiii-s lo secure future benelils, l,e for;gei-i'«--ts

to maiiitc-t gr.i1x'fLiluc.s,s Itjr thrrse alVeTlll-y;

receiveil. iVs long iis llii.- rvinaiir? so con-

,spiciiotis!y true, e\.eu in the chiisliun

cliiiruhTr,.W/: iiuud IIOI. inarvi-I'that the oh-

ServnuL worldling is. fuuiul u'ppL-aliiig niui'u


country pa.-seil aivay,-htinor"6d- by liis"""."cb'tiiKry. V.'imlerbilt the Creosus t,T

- Americji succiinibs to deathsr- inevitabledecree eaclifai-.d all .'ffittinp illu-tration "ol

- human lifu, . . .

" After a while—a "busy brainW||l rest from all iis care anil jiaiiTr",After a niiilo—Ear^lrs, rush will eonhn"i*w

And a. weariejWfeTcri fiiHl sweet n-lcaue,'Afteru whilo—A.\a.iiNii!ilfaeeAn empty seat —A vacant place,Aftcra while—A name forgotJi. crumblciil lipinlstone—unkown .-pot!"TIlTEr; are umny others whose iiiemories

. nrcivoi-tliy. of tbehi-tiii-i in-pen, and -y<«t.- -will soon he forgot amid tlio cures that

pro.-s us.' Then fwewelU885 ! May. the• lessons taught us huyiinr brief-sfijliurn

»'itli-i|:r, impress on our minds the facttlint anotlirr milestone in the inarch of

' lite has b<en passerl.-neverto be retraced."-"t:Xiet ua hope then wo all may-profit'by the

experience"of the pa-t'yeaiv1S86 wo welcome thec! And>is you make

- your yuuthful bow,-»ve extend a greetingto you and may the salutation that echoes-from all " ilnjipy New Year "prove tru'e,and inriy tho events that will occur tluiijigyour sojourn wiih us, be iu tho interest ot'Contentment, Plenty "'id Peai'iv May iheharvest be abundant s6_umeh_si>_Uiat_ihe

• cities-of Europe crowdod'ns they arfi l>y\coui*itles*thi)usamfs"as they" .cisf' wistful

ey*s (icrpss the broad-, Atlantic, at ourhappy and prosperous couTirrj—feel liap-py at the thought of kouwing. • -

" What shall tliiijiarvoirbe."_Vny no"wiii: with its misci'iesT)!- sufler-

ings, no home desolati-d by its '•itvage hand,inur the pleasures that tho New Yearbrings, -and we hope the on'y strife shall bethat noble emulation as to whom shall

"Jiiflip grcnlest good for KL. fellow man.

Tl/u8 we liopo for tho coming year,cojjfing in willi smiles may they illumine

fnc(> thronglioul'j'otir life, and when

hull to liis

I he 'plans to suciiiv his ends

by exciliiig hopes ot'luiure lavi.ii>,'having

for.liivm-s a.ready tastoweil. As lung as

uhiislian iJeoiiie*"are more inclined to invoke

blessing-. Iroin hi-avcn than to return

Jianks lo the liomitil'ulGiver of nil "gijoil

gi"ts, il can be no slander up in humanity

to conclude tlint—sellishne-s is. a- inure

poieut motive than gratitude.

Intreiiuent, however, us is th'SSL-iiaU ol

j irue lhaiikfiihies-, it is Onirethau prubablu

I that of all tin iU'.ices the chii-liiin is railedj* upon to ciiltivatj-j giiod a tost of the

no other fnrni-hw asamount oI.ehrisLianiiy

in the world. To the cultivation ol'otiiereliri.-ti.iii graces—ils houu-ty, tnVthluluess.purilyp-nbiiety, kindne-s, faith in Clnist—seltishntss is^a poweriiVt. .motive. In ex-pi'i£>sions ot'gial itude, lliiw'e\'u',J>i.'llisliiii.sshas a much le.-s cunspicuous place. Conse-quently, since the spirit of cfiristiiiui'y isthe s-plrit i5t unsellisliness, gratitude i- oneo^.the best tests available" tor measuring itsexxuiitandgcnuineties.-. Christ iu thedays of his Hush,' cast out ten lepa'sonone occasion. Uue rclitilled to thank linn.Where wj;re the nine ! - Wrapped up msellishness. Iu thiaage; Clii'ist gives thesense or^lundon to thousands. Are all

to him with theii- ih.nik-

ot'Mexico will.b." riding after locomotivesand in c.ns -constiucted by our sliilleilworkmen," Oi:r abundance, b\ Ks-eniiii:the piiceof cuinuiodiiic-', has ivndciudit pos<.Hil«-ti> compete succccsfully in tinmarkets nf'the world: This, hesidrusoi'id-ing h.ippiiicss jnto m.ii'iy home-, return.

' 1 i»ro.«ricrity to tlii- u.iiiom-

an honor to the age. In refutation of^heoft repealed a;seition- of the-e who.-in--i-t that in point of, honest), the age is

indicate butratnrJjgTOns-

advunceiuent—increased liberality to tin-c.'inse of Cliristinnity. -The church of to-day is giving by. millions, givingto-.orectplaces of worship, to circulate 'religion*literature, to support missionaries, loafford nmplc'liicilities for a thorough re-liginus c'lication on tiro' jmrt *P_lliS-yimiig. The gifts of the church werenever as large,-find probably never camef'roin so mat.y givers; nor weie the\proh'ibly ever more fully consecrated tothe-ervlce" of God. Surely in things'

jiioi.iil.iiiiil_sjiiritrjil_ive are called upon

to c.oiiu' into CJ-odjj presence with thatiks-

Nor is" the dj.ity of gratitude le«s inciiiii-bent npou ne-when we co'iie to conMilerthe state of fie public iioillh during theprerccding twelve months. Dt-ath, it isudeed trui-,.>i:iKsj?iitcreil_ i.nany liouies^

lcavini.' iirMiig hearts; hut no t-pedoinichass\\o"]if over the.land, borne on thi'•inils. No vinii-nt'y contiigei'us disfase

has spread onnsleriiatiofi, diving up thefountain-- of natiir.il affi-ctioii und raiisingparents to lt:u e lliiiir~c1»UJjajnjHicTlred for

-whilo struggling with 'doa'li. Tlie publichea'th has (jeen-exce]it:on.'illy good.Choleri, which threatoiud to invadeiliccoinitrv has been w aided "tV. Yellowfcn-r, which in. certain sectioiis-r igei'^oiiie-canons wffJi--fearful, cimseiiri'iiccs ha-•eldiuii opeiiVd fewer graves/_J)iphlheri!i.-Sivirh-t l i ' i i r , ' I 'ypl i i is tj.vi'i- ;inil WJJJ;

ox. though tbevlFiive prpv.iil.'il to some-iglis, '• 0 f..r a-retuin of fhe good'old-

linfes when men's word was as good a- u e x t (- '" f ' l l ! l v t 1>M' k"- ''I<"1»''>" t'«i" "-'I"'1

gold-bearing i.ond,'! I present this _ in 'ai": harp yielded more readily to medicall kill:.' I l l" t l r e '""t'er of heahlirTFe re'cml

-pmrriGobi Mows buck into our cotl'ois. Cou-

sequcntjj>r--it'is no marvel that thi- i'iYtii>ii has been rupijlly growing weiiithji(yod"liJis"*gJj'eii us "millions of lirifcn!acres.. These niv I'crlile.- They are wellcultivated, better und hotter each s"uccced-ing year.. Our farmers are tho'iuost iiilelli-

ost entt'rpu-ing. t he mo-t.moraland tlie mo-f religions in the world. Bless-ed of heaven with. liciuiiliiuH 'return'- ioitheir intelligent hu-'bandry, they are- ab'essing-to-less'favpred communities.

Until one-bus tiavflcd troin Maine toCalifornia be can si-arcely conceive theextent, tlfejei'tility mul the almo-t mice-haiistalile resdiirce- of the inipvalled hrri-tage wliii-li our Ik-nofice.iit "TalTiir hasconferred upon this privileged-nation. Amiwhen, as is thexas.e this year, the.-e, mill-ion- of acres have.bien unusually produc-tive, the. wealth of the nation is i'ncro.isiiig•vith astonii-liiiig rnpiliTy.---lf-oui'-peopli>

o.in be induced to squander le.-s iu strongdrink, and il heaven's favor ('nn.tin.ufK, the

me is not far dist.'iiiT-. when the. UnitedStales will be the ' worthiest nation in

be world. I

Whilst giving expre-sion to our"th~:irik-I'ulness for material prosperity, it may bVweil to remember that the increase of anation's wealth, unless accompanied bypurer nmrality and by an increase in re-lii iil l k h

ull'eri ng.i ?Our lk'iivenly Patlicrjipuns ]i\n liaTnl and

scatters plynti upon our fair hind—.uclra:biiUihuiL-p TIiTil .selli-buess .sends up the w.iil•-Over prndufliiiu,''

nligious principle, only mirks the steps ofrapidly advancing desiiwtiou. llthere is one thing which hi-to'ry has madenoiy ewdent than another i t . is that nnunusual increase in natioaal wealth is like-ly to heaaccoinpaiiii-d by increased moralIcgencracy. Uiclies have pnrrulizod tirereligious faith, o^silied the heart, blunted7liu uionil sense, corrupted the ninanersiinddehiised tlie lifeiif more nations thaipovcrtj has injured. Unless therefore, wecan find'cause for thankfulness iu Ihe.fact

has improved -morally,Il^ve i.ono To whom h.- has entrusteil | mpjilly a-'.it lias improved materially, our

Tiriivi-ions for the poor selfishly nppropim7~~ J

Uil that oi which tliey'Hcre only_-.tuwj»rds'.'Over production ! _ Pour., a. sulKcieiiii^

of the nijco-saries of lite into tlie homes ol

,)' tlianli£gLyJngjJiullldjM!_uttered inplaintive tones. -Increase of liiiionalwealth is by no means- nn unmixed bless-ing; indeed, if unaccompanied by growth

the deserving poor for the next six months \in mural principle it is unquesriiiiuib'y aftud t h e <lrv o f t ,vpr»»ii l i innr ' ! t r i t i 'will- twi+ "lm"l ~~t . 7 . . r ~ r r . r - . _ . — Y«.-.T..-. '. , I . . . r« , :* . -ami the ory oft n will- not -oiious^alaiiiiry"" Ufiless ihe facts war-

rant the belief tfiat fii'orilliTy has kept, paceus din|eiii|ig as it is now. • .The augment-ful prospoiity of the few aeems to.go hand j wilh aiigmenteil liiiancial prosperity,iu hand with tlio increased poverty of tlio Ulead of congratulaiing oursolvos onmany. Progress and poverty, and aiwe'.l I ceiving lliu.eviileTTce of*enrichment,(he progress of poverty "as wpnlih iiicrea»r-|"-honlif ho~nioro profitallv oiiL'agcd

explicable filet, inen.jvcifi.nover nRl.irgelv%| ~'1

trusted us in ihe present. Wh\ is this, ! " J j ^ past year call:uule-.-it it bi i-uii-e tlu'V are inoro trust- g l v i n?-worth\ ?,aill lindii

The-e,pes-emUtiu philo-o-tKffit

this1*: "qucsii. HI witlmotfounilatioiuv of their po-siini-nV

ttrt—if\ ftunsettling

. 1 ,w(.r I iuake some relcniic

loudly for thank—

if-necessnry t": to politics—a -nl'jei t -

f D&pson & Dye,"N

Extend to tlieir friends in aniriironiiil Gnuibury, a cordial in- '

vitatioii to visit their establishment, ' - .1

NO. 24.EAST STATE STREET...^or not only have.tliey a Lii-go iiiul complete stock of goods,

_ but goods^thia suasoji aro very reasontiblo in price aifil"'

uuiisnally_iittra'ctive and dunible. Iu new and ;

stylish goods for dresses tfiern are


-—.— - - -' ARMUliKS, Hp_MEaiii:XS,_,_^-J5.0.UCLE_gL0THS,.- —L :

- •-""" AND r " '





•"--—eO-A^efiiLGTHa.-PLITSHES <t C'ORDROYS, ..


Jerseys &c,. m' Astrakahn,: Plush,LC[_othi& Jersey.^

Of Special InfWhich will lust but a short time, and should lm availed of

' AT ONCE. And as it comes fVom - - -



It'Ciin be relied upon iis n b.-irfjain,,(and is lo lliis e/Tect).

—They hnve recenUy bought from two silver fiictorics a very

large lot of Tublu :uul D -SIMT, Silver 1'litLetl Knivi's, the finest"""made and of various stvlcs, with a Great ,T()b Lot of Double,

"Single;"and""Triple" Plated, Tublo, Dtiserl and Teaspoons,

Medium and Desert" Forks, and other Phitcd Table "Wares,

that'evevv-day is iie(iuiredl"l)v""t'vp,rv-bo(lv lteoping house:

Tliey-,can be bought at nnicfh le.ss-tl'ian th(> regular AVhole-

e wojijivnjji.ciiv^ Tli^plal|i]\r is the finest n.nd_

foundation ware the .best"ro 1»; had, and the price-only- a

trifla above eommo.H-Steel Goj>ds. .-• - •

Tit's an opportunity seldom had finni a first class Jewelry.

Firm, and persons who need them shoiild-buv while tliej' can...

They are selling dozens of them evwy day, to tlui.best. the j wl l ic1 ' x)'u ministry can scarcely t.mchJ J without contracting polution. und even

jifiliH-s not folltiw. however, that nniTj cliristian launen tint! it; -oiiicwJr-.t diHi-shouiJl-besiicha thorough-going ..plimist I ( 'nl t ("handle without "bee >miut' smultu.l.-iii:hii-firm bi'Iievtr in tin-progress ..fhu-j. If- as ninny beht-ve, the ties uf ^ im-munity as to tempt men to dishonest : l l v '''osening andjhe near future .-i-; topr.icticis by removing restraints. Wnlcli- witness a ne.w«i_dfr of'things m._wliiij_i


watchinghelp iu keeping

a laseal will be tohiml i in i

howivei, t'haPin this matter there is nofnuiiilatioii fiirdtviiiit thank.-giviifg to him

means of grace. It does not follow,

ivho-L'.|iiir~i>n.ses n)n ihron^h centurion, mid

who i- conlijui'iu-lyTJlifVjrilihfer'tt higher-

Ivfie of prai'tical Christianity.

2. , AnotluM- oiiduiice ot moral.prio

is dltcoyerable in the steady «i,d sureJ_VOtj•iwtli of.cle.aiTr coiivirtiiiiib inTefciencc

to the abounding eyilt of the liquor iraflio.•lias the wife in cau«i- to thank God for

this? Tins the burdened tux-paver no-ong-of thanksgiving? - His .the businessman, Whose (irolits are so often cinisiimedby the inefficiency of intrinpcralu workman, no psilin of praise to his maker?

lavt; sons and daughters who-o lives weblighted-by- the i-xce-es of a brutnl latherilii'canse to ble.ss a lk'iiclicent F.itber that

i the coming generation lower will cou-front lileruiider. the appalling diflici'.ltieswhich environ thenrf- If there is one

- On certain great ii>rnbleiu8-tlic-is tvidiiit'y thinking deeply. It is

»rnblciiia- llio - mitioi


sign. Beiipfici'iit results are likply to follmv

and men are thinking on "the-e nio-

jnentous questions in their own way, littlt

inthiencoil by ))arty nftiliations. It augurs

well. Tariff, .silyt'r'',coinngc, civil str-

person in this audience who started lifefrpjiUhc high vuulagiTgrouud of an hon-

IIIIIL' parentnge, he will 'fia've occasion tobless God until the dayjie drops into thegrave—yea, and bless him- in eternity.The best inheritance a person can,have onearth, aside from a good title to heaven,i descent I'rum an honorable, moral, tem-

perate, industrious), lvligioiu father anilmother. Such,1 if no othej's, .should sing.•ith swelling hearts their song ol thanks-

giving. And if through thujnlinitjuneroy:od the honored gray head is pi-rmitteJ

to have a place nt the thanksgiving dinneinny the grululul hearts of cliililrin and;nindc!iililren " come before tho pres-eiic-- iif God with thanksgiving and makea joyl'uT noi.-dunto him with psahpsV'

Eleruily .ufouo can unfold how muchhey' owe to the simple fact that tliey arehv,children of religious parents.

From a digie.-sion into •which a strongconviction of per-> mil obliguliims-lin* tin-consciouslyjiwepf. the speaker, he rolurns;

we lot, however, witl.out reitorming theill i hop'1, that thixo who owe a Itku ,'l''bt «f-

longer hu 'snl oVilinnte. t" party tiinm|ih,

lint fLVKtsX qiK-tiuii" which inipi-r.itivcly

cleiiKind a solution me to "ciiihi1 to the

front, there i< reason for dfcvont thanks

giviug. W'iien the cirriiilian is- forced tobelieve that part'es are IIIOJV folicitions t<»disner.-e lncretivc offices than to furnishgocul government, more eager to cjiv.ote.s,th:m to merit the approbation of the

he is disposedthank Grid tor nny evidence that j

cul machines arc subjected to a strnii

"wliicii nuiy rend Ilioin i-'t I ' l r


>'i<'C reform, the Niitiomil banking system,

temperance, the-piirity oftliB ballot, theJJi'illi of monopolies nre topics which arecertain to elicit attention an,d .seem likelyio lead to a reorganization or parties

For an} evidence,..howover slight, that-party spirit, is I'ostiued to yield to tintdemands of tlfc limes' and so leave everyuitizi-n free t" ndvmutc' measui-es which•in intelligent regard to the permanentvvellfarc of.the uution seems to. require, wemay ardently give ulteranco tosongs ofthank-giving ^ ----

In coilclusiou: anotherspas.'ii tinds us in the sanctuary, in a "fairmeasure of health. We are caljcd uponio thank God. Are our friends stilllil'oimd us ? "If they nrp, oertainly-we will"give expression to thankfulness. Wp.have plenty in the house. Let us blessthe giver. "We.have kind friends. Letus merit their kindness, ami return grat-

itude to him has their livesnnil ours. .Oiirhenrts swell with hopes.

-Let us priiTse him who imparts eter.imlhope. By ,bK'SSIng-JG'od to-day for /tliocomfints we enjoy, w<) may extract / thesting from the disappointments we nave


people ' i if-Trenton, nmi per.Minn onts>ii]e sliould h;tv«3 tlie

chan'cR ."is welK •'Sfention Speuiul Job LotT

_ Gifts,W.fare qffering-tlie=most attractive you have ever seen'.


Will sell fine Felt Hats, Trimmed mid Untrimnied, Latest

styles in id colors",7at a triflo in, advance of cost, for the next

Ten Days, fov Cash. _> '' -.\ •


?;;' CHILDREN'S : "".'; Fancy F^athe^s, Plumes, Velvets^. .. - _. Velveteens,Five per cent discount on idl Amounts of Two Dollars ancl

upwards, Fov Ten Days.at .



-i L .

THE-0RANBURY PRESS.—!- A <lnr.ke.icil room,-a large true,' frosted

al THvoatory.

• • CHUliCHES. - - ;'• FLrfft—l'riiSljytoriiHi Church, ltov. \J."ij".Synunes: )). Ii., Pastor. H.'rwces ni;:'i> A, M,

7:OD p fl. • Snin\.iy->.i'liiiil, '2..iii-rrsi. l'uiyevmeeting, 1'rnl.iy eir-h-in1.;. 7.I».

T~ Second l'lV Dk

Clunx-li, Jlov, JOB. S.S f UO '

Second llMiiytpriiHi Clunxli, Jlov, JOB. S.Vim Dyke, 1). I). 1'iMur. Si-rvfcus HUO A. .M.'.v.op p. ji. ijUii'hiy-b'iliool, ••!.:!() r , 3i. Pinycr

wma6tlnBFriiliiy*Kj\uiMirrfrTuo " •

MoHini![«t lliiNooiml Church. Ilnv. E. W.Woo<hv,u\l. i'.i^tor. Hi'i-viccP. M. _Kun<liiT'-M.'lionl; J.;iii_evening Prayer nu'.e.tme; iii. '


Ap/illo Loiliio, U. !>., A. F. A. M.. wlll.moe.J.lrX)n tho llr-.t mill tliinl Tii.'B.lyy ovenin^s^of

each inontli-ntthe. School House, South Cnin-- bury. .. " . -.

j . c. HOLMES «:x>...\v. "jr.-D. C, LIIWIK, Secretary. _ . ._ . '


No. 00.1. 0. 0. F.. mootsi h f c t h l H



e- nlltnit—it—score in"

iiumhcr, widi.prmi.-ioir enough to last

tin-in through the old year, and notte*8fcd

)f :i f-yfilciont amount «T wit iit||d."buinor,

to vtni-riiur. tlicm.hi u lmppy };»nd- time,

diil.-uitlmu'i lorot.lion^h^or—malicious in-

tentions, enter u-itlifiut invitation <ir pre-

n^, into th'e. resilience of Dr.

oiLdf— Uiing.i

goner.illy nnd^n n< ranged iimttCMtlm' the

J^in an:i"5imn?ein(;nt. iiti'iirdcd and enjoyed

POti'i" Oi'FKJli|7

For -'Pliila'lclplinL 'nuil points South' andWest, fi..-.') ii. III^ Mini I;..!<I P._MI.

For Mow Vorkjiiiil iioints Xoith urn] East8.Ri)ii. m.4in>l.4,irii>. m . ' " - -->. ,-.-

. For Jiiniosburi:. Fn-nliolil. Lone llr.-im-ii.Aslwvy l'.u-k 0-v Lti Cinive .mil. Mjin.i-.^.ni.lUOn. m. Mini J ,n i>. in. -• ' X—

, . • _MAII.« AliltlVi:. •* - • ._,. \Froin^Vu-'YorkrK l>9 a. m. ami 7.10 II. in. ',

"From 1'liihnlc-lphi.i, Hum u. in. anil Mil) p.niFrom" Jamc.-liiirc'. Fivi'Iiolds-r/Oni; lirimt'li

a.n<l O.-o;iii i>,jnvi-rH.(i!)ii in. mnl 7 :tn p.- ui.1 Money OHVI'T is^uoil to all part^ o[ the

United Stair-. -,- : _ . L. WAKKWSYrl'.-JIYT"


ennsylvania -Railroad Tlrwe Table.

oavn "Moinflontli Jnnciion For Nowlii ^ ^ M ' "' « : l i ' H

•"anil 'r.'j.t'v. M.

"iin'iU'-'.'ll. TT'."S.i)f.':..rj.'c.ij. T.-JJ.wmrn lll.lll-t. M. 'J'OI,

Trniii1. livivp Moiimnntli tor,J?liiladi-l|ilii.ik-i follows:—l .">!. T..:.. a.m. i JS-. m.ai. A. M,,IIII1I2.r»i, l.ni. i : i i . .'!..'>.>. L.'JI. H.y.v. M.S l i r T T s r T T a : , li.-jl A. M. i;.-^. mm x.m r . M

T r a i n s l i " 7 r i T i r " > . Tor (>'-c.in (Jrovoanil Iifmu R u n v l i . u w n . j . ! ' , JJ.S'I. A M 1.05.5.-31 P ^ M : On Kmi.lay lit M J i . M. : J a m n s -b n r c 9.J1.• Tr-iin* loavi" r r . inh i i rv Hlriiion for-Pliilii-

. dnlplii.-i in 7.-JI. M..y; .v. M. and n :. 11-. r.• Trnins-loii '-e Cr.mhnvv St:i. for Ko-w York

nt ",:>.'•, fl.M A. M.nnil •' -''•. 1-. MT.Trai i i^ loavp DriVton' *a^ TMIIO-W^. trointr

wosti-r1-.-!-!.!). ID A. M :ii;fn'.vi. n.iT P . MOoiniroast D.-jrA. M.'aTfd l.'ni. l.:ij mnl fi.iH i \ >t.

LocalHe c.-iroful with

mflny well* arc dry'and w.-it'iT'i* sc.'in o.

You cm h' ir ft.iod Co il at Hrown

Fnnev s!ipi>T-_for Iln-h-iud, F.-itl <H and.

Bnithor-it l lowcik t 1'i-r^i-n'-..

B o « Oy-tor-. :it M. Iv. Cliri~tc>iilif-r"s. j

cverv ilnv. - ' I

•The people of Crnnbiiry have oncp or

presents fiom Imlinniiiiolij,

Troj-,- Ponghkcc|>!>ie' anilimport,

plnces, aniiinlior of surprised" and delimited t'hil-

I"reii7lively niuiin and a luippj group of

oITf iiinl i^ounjr. 'Ill's scene on Chiistinns

day at the residence of T. L. Hcrmance


•J, O. Holi'iies, took .p

! to- txeeedthat j

a whole li'o-t'ine.-—;-

Mr Wm. K. Stult-, ofLjonsy.Y. p-.idtvii*il. this week to Mr. J . II. Gmidwin,

nuloilier of his relations. • [lo is on hi*

-.turn honm-iVom IIJI • extended tour

iirjinglrthe soilthern stanw, where he h.-w

.) I'll negotiating for the sale of .i|i|ile-s and

Kjtiifbe-*.. For some nionthi lie lms heen

a-nociated .with 4frr-F. C. Ximbiill, of ihe

firm nt'Austin..Kimbal it Co. of JTew York

ihe largest dmtlers JUTt^liippcis

'riitrCliiipel-ol1 tfio-l'V-t Church-ifnfi-n"

id on Christina* Eve Uy an interested"

-udienre." I'rnyi'r waS fnTTTtifbytlu" I'astoi'

.-iltci'—_«'lik-h-snimr~tlliri'-lrans' songs were

:i'r, luil the piiucipa! featnre wa-. an& . ". "~

^i||i.r|..ii|r ii-.iirn,, i',.n)jnniii

»i liii WHV joyi'nlj- r. c ie te j , hep

Lrood fi*il(i\y, tor h.tLgrve .tn'i-acl

UMiihcr.nnd scholar, u-pnil of tine mixt-

flrts, with \\ curtl1 ntttichcd, an onnire. aiuj.

b.i^jof pc.iiiut-i. -A grt'iit iiuinlibYof bi-im-

t if ill, :ind ii^elul gH"ts wi-ru exchniiged he-

trtven tcai'!iei> and H<:hulai*i and tveryonu

^ceniL-il vory happy. . -V

floWclKt lier^en li ivc early been i-i'-ir-

«1 hy Old Santa Clause who has felt iliem

ii s<io3lyv=uji!'ly of vli lice daintiasl'iir- the

c-'inins !ia!"u!av.-i. Cmnc onB ami nil unii

look nt wliihsSE ciuisliowy()ub«"llar thanemimerafo-, in- the way of Choice RiiisUati-s, l;iu9, - Snpeitiiiu -Ki'i-neh Prnnc-s,

Alinoii" V.ilnlit.-.

-ts, t'li'-ir I'niuliis. tiiiii KhiriilaOraiij;>.-.-

ce Cn'ftfoi'iii:i ivhi.tu Gutrt!-1. A

•i ISi-autilul : of f.iuey iintion.s

I for vounir and ohl.

Tlie tnr!ci>y'-irol'lU' is not heard na iiincli

as it, wjw two woek1' a™''.

_ \yiu-n von i-rior C a l of Hron-ii A; Gili-

' s o n , s t a t e wh-it qiifi'ity $l-.7."> or Jo.flf).

Tin-f ino- t lot of S i l t , ir-iiiil!;erch :.'r- in

t<i«"n at lli'Wi-11 it )'•• rn •!. '- .

O n ! :md

\li-s Crvri- I, -i>. - i " '1""Rr:\oe( of Tvon'ou. ;lru'e l-<>\

- family of V.~. .I-hii lvul.lv.

ram-.-l Uini... ^i- ' .&r.1:order, \>y P< v, iji'i'Kiiia'i

vi, •v-nce

•1 the

iiy nigh: hi-twui-n eluvpu

i iwi.lve oi-lnck a J jve b roke ot-.t in

; ll.iif.iiiian'.- --loiu -it J id i i i s tuwn. ilescroyini;

I ihu >in:-i-_iuMi all i :s uonfoiitH and four

| ii\\v.'lli-,-_'.!"! >n—»—. It w:i-s wil l i «ri'.it dilfi-

j cnlty t'ui! ri,n:'C- « « f l.ijit IfT'in ilo-tM-y-

'" 'K 1 ' 1 1 " ^ " d i ; town. The 1-iiildinps nn the

| oppu-i tu .-ide "t the .-jtiL-t-l. tool; l i rofovernl

l.tiitKs lini-wcrc cxt ingnishpi l . The- "I'afi^

I In vt HI tiii- eoin[i:iny went t o . t'-c-ir a-—ia-

future i'lijoy tfie-sriliifuctimi of seeing atmiii of curs ruiiiiiiig through or near thevillage. J 'he [ilniujbiliiyo.tsucliaiumdi;r~UiVmg so fnvorabiy iinpressed thu inhabit-ants, that quite a~~number In good faith-nbspribi'd toihextock in'don doniand pnidten por cen .i)f_th<Liuw>iint, suHscrio'ed, tlioMKn total realized liciny aciHiVthing-'ovcr$3,000 It la eyident that to cecuru theten per cent wan nil the .projectors ever hudn view, as no further ell'ofU ivere ever

made. . . • . _'i'hc nenrest our fond hopes have t)oen

k'oiilixod by-an object roprcdonting a tnriiiif car?, v.ui o;ie rveniu^_tl>is week, when

nwer-Tiiresliing Mii-j tiirouijh-o.ur'inain.street;.—

Perhup.-jour people may-" cntch on'1 thedea t" '!'.M.ratt<iiir'wiigon TvuU nnswer

Charles Molzen ,3' sweede bvljiuth crimefrom Trenton a few months ago and located

Iliglistown. J l e wn* a nuisician ofire than ordinary* ability. But unfor-

tuiitaly was of intemperate habit. For someyears he played in ProtrFeteriiKiits. Or-•fihfBtra~ii.nl frequently' with "W-inkler'sHand of Trenton. iLocoiilly he has )nulcharge of thp musical x>rgnnizationif Iligtit&nwn and' on several ,occ.is«>iiswas engaged by .Goodwills Band. Beinga man of cany manner.-! and social quali-ties, lie was much inspected by associates

-appetite for stsoiig drink wa<< overind4ilgc*d=RWFCIn-i^TiYg^dirv7Jie;'b'ee'oinnip

and insensible. l n r the, eveningi-iis p need .iii :L barn -Sotuificted' will,p

LantzV liotel,r'6iryaTur<IayTte"was' touuddead, haying fullen-adiatance ot'sometwenLjjtive tiet head formost. Qxf©jyuniti-


•'niwiil .UrtHi his neck was

The CouutyPhYsicinu was sejit .for;ave a buriaLceifiticate.


ME. E D I T O R : — W O are again o.dled

up HI tn"lu)ttc'e the wonderful growth ot

ihe II. IIBIII I'", -ociety. There seemed to 1

ii r.-guhir boom last week, and four new

member-, were taken in on one day. Tin

liist. to present hin'self was a .plucky

1'ttle candidate wlyi prides hiinsell on mas

tcring am thinp; in the shape of horse flesh

We a l» ;ns thonglit.'ir would he a very

i-old ihiywhe'u he got left. But we re

to .succumb am

Tins "ciudidatt^ret to add that he hadin a tiny litllii Mjiiirrel

h.id iai er.'his l.rst degree and by_contin

nous pr.-ictii-e "oil" hi- dead rabbit in tli<i

.open tieW, thought, lie had iijade siiffleiei


Written for the Cranbury Press.

Some things will not endure the divis-

ion of central-responsibility-; and thn-one

lliing of iliiiipirt.-i*- the, clmrac-.tcr-tnuniug of-ii sliiW^ "Erflier. ,theeuts miiat, do this work, or. somebody willbe drifted into, or will urtirq l(is place.An ominent teflclfeiTTTr"a far WiatornSmW, oncti told us ot a class of bo|yS fromgood fuiiiilie!>j pluced in his school chiofljfor discipline. Not, one of tliem seemed;o have

•'ihe s/nall boy .'Hid even some chat wouW,p'ass for men on Electron day, are an-

I xioiisly waiting the thermometor to drop,to a point'near zei-o. S J I'UI oppijrliinintymaybe afforded lo glide over the 'smoothsurface Of the lake. Owner-* of ii:eJ»ous-esv

Id «l-w>' uppvcpiiite. a scene of this kind.

any; real "Cimceij"! ion of, right amiand the conscience seemed to

await its birtliilny. It itf ~uiftafcing windmultitudes of.lheso i.harm te.rle-s childrenutid joulh are formed iii the higher, tanksof our new American society.

^A considerable^ class, of private. schoirtClias grown up, within the hi9t£^y»years, wfiose pupils, to^-largeextent, cou-~i-ts ofTliese moral nondescripts and perverts, "ir'wiiuld shock eyenhody, winhas iiot.exainujed this maittr, f>- ho toldhow m.-uiy of the cliildreiL'tiud y<uit>g peo-ple, in nil our schools, yru virtually) iiban-iloncil by their parents, so fur as concernstheir, 'mural discipline, nnd_c_ast upontheir teachers. . N I L wise" and good man,

_who realizes the weight and rc-jio'ifeilca-t upon tbo instructors of. our iiuhlicschoi.ls. wTimo'TifTJ-tlifng to lower the(fuality of iljia class u,f-public"~sen ants, tobring fliein^into- jmbriu couteinpt, or,"toJake, away- any infliienca for inohling•haraoter now in tlfeir hninls. The last

, y,"N«w."Jei-Sey7"ut -the close of~b1isinessDeceuibor 24th, 1885.

Mr. 13. J. Clianiberun shipped from thisUI ion for the Christmas market to diff-

erent places over 27,000 lbs. of poultry

•Loans/and discounts....- ;$ 103,308 04(jycrrtr.ift!. oca 75tl. S. JJonilsjo «6ciir(iciieulation... la wo TOOt1i«r stouks, bonds, an,d nioi-ttfiiffos 6,500 00Duti from iixipuovcil reseo-o iiKentH 13.802 G4Due from otherXnttmwil Hanks-..• 2,982 55Due from Ktiito -Bunks and bi«ik«r-i 1.1M m

Mr. Johnwolf was taken ]a?tjy_eek_withchill and spiting'blood he called -Dr.ftu , on Sunday morning who said ho"

hail, nu uttiust ofpncniiionia he baa been(pu'te bieivbutis now getfihg-bottsr, auditi hoped wiIil-0L'n_be-6(it>iigaiu. —

W. D.-Peulne,hai been shipping.and.threecar londsot hay and^Strinv Jper,day. ^Wecbiesday, he shipped tiiree carloads of Jihy :uid straw, and John Wicoff•tlie well known speculator nt PrincetonJunction shipped-two ear loads of li'iiy

^ . ^ I l five eiirs, an unnsuul thingfor this'statiou. '

There^tfas" loaded'at this" .station oiMimday of Irt-t weekjbr shipii'ient-over•OS,000 lbs of merchandise. "

S. J. Chamberlain has just recim'ed iotlior o:tr loaflof .potafoes'I'orSi-ed, frqin,the state of Maine. Farmers in thissectimvwill uot iiave any-.frouble in procuring .good reliable, teed Tor planting next

Due from Ktatii B.inks and bi«ikltciil£sUlte. furniture- mid, llxtmosCurroutcxpenscH and taxes paid...Premiums uaid ". ••:••Chocks and otltor rawh itemHliillsof other Bunks -•-.•Frantionr.l pu.iier -jurroncy, nicUel.s

and pennies - .— -BpiMiioLocal tendoriiotes 1,70lladcmiilion ftmil with U. B. l i e n s -. uror.TS nuri-ent. ofeircuJation'v. r>85 00

refiuemeiit i f c4-nelty seems to us to bo |

found, in [hitpai-ent who thrtists_a—s»

tlTIIii into

ItL-.HKB.'. -'.Mr.

llieir was u1 -T. M. (Tn^Twin. !i w'lkt'it lin-tio on i

.••fin Tliur^d'iy mi.rnina;. ° - | dihirioii-. lie -liulioiis.-

- TIK- C-invlei'i CVJ,YJV''U"OJI im>'. Tno-din ^ / r r " " ' ' i i " " . .All cm 1

Tli|lh.t and de'M'eil .-X-Wy liquor licen.-e

bimii^lit ii|r.

...-Simdn-Sc.il">1 Tin-ii«--< ;\'rl S''.'iiil!ir-

cnnpulf. 1 [.iwp'lit Hereon's -tm-lc befi-re• vout" i.i:."-niil.

V loss i-< very u

e~s :md [i-'oin'rt

t'.iil insM;:iiii:o.

s t e i i i j n l d o a k , w : s - t l - . -c ted . A s t h e c

diihif i - dre ' .v m a r h i s oiiie'-; p i c Oe tec


irofiro.sTJo'Cntitle, hi'ii to-be taken to tile

voi-.ds'-tlii're to receive-Ui*.— et'Ond degree'.

" The locution of the camp was in the

uiughln'rhoouT of Sculls i-orniT • TifflV""ttC.'lll-

teciqilthe brush of a. Mjn'nru! and immediatelycoininei.eed to blazc:L»:iy. After expend-ing inoit of his'itmniiiniiioii and shootingotT'ihc lop i.'f a valuable tree the candi\ lae K-cuinu di-jiiisjjtil and exelitimed,well I thought 1 coidtl sluiot a little, whichwas ciintr.iry to t|it\riU-J"of ihe order, nsstrict silence should 17e iniiiiitaincd duiiu'g

for his chhracteivmd-cuilui-e.and then demands tlmi 1«S' iBseaaeil ol;unborn ''conscience" shnlLunt be wefr-ried by any eXlu-rtation upon hisniOra)or religious duties, or any quotation" fromjfli.e Utiokstlnit is- tlic acknowledged sta.n}-

^of-ehaj'ac-cr in all civilised 1It is~oniM)f the beneficent dispensatiims

of Providence that-no-child sh.-Jl perish"niorally. without one opportunity fornioral supervision. Wlien TTie parentfails ot thi-, center of life, theGood Fathei'always inspires Bomu teacher, friend orst ranger .to be.-ir the'message of love andrighteofwiiefs to this iuiperille'V.I'c-ljYlii; dutwhile we thank God that be. d'-esleave-the le/ifrt ot-his littlu ones nncnruil<for,-we must nevertheless, insistdnty of every parent to ti.ain up his child-ren in the way l-liev should g<)7 Ami ani.Kl important part, of the moral trainingis parental cooperation with teachers ofevery class of_schools. _Eveiy parent is"liouutl by the most sucred obligations, toknow the teacher (if Uii child, to have aclear idea ol'Jiis personal character, ••".bits


Y, (it Crnnbiiry, in the State ofh l f~b1i

J.soow539 07

1.000 00-S3-J 492,r*9 00

d'.iss oo1,700 00

TOTA.L tllft.557 41

Capital stock paid "iii — . r .SurphiK fundUndivided prollttf •"N-.itioniil Bank notesoatsJUindini ; . .UividcndBuniiiiid ~.T:- . - . . . : . . .Iiidh-ldualiluiioMtssubicct to cheek »7.5:nCertilled c h e c k s . : " ICD

$ -"0.000 onT2.000 00

•" H.80:i 13ll.TOu O'

- VI m

1 -(Elm U ,-ifBmrtlif iHfWsflH'r

-War. IJiikei'.indentaceclto the liirmiinr.tare foruld.liarfiorfnfi: hliu:. Tl

•J:'VSBCpM571>JVIDBlh>. * j ^ ^ j ,'ifio DU'ict'oi-s 6f.'.'TltE FllWI * ' — i ! -

chired iv dlvideiidof(,t}irc6.{il) POySengthe narn Inss of tli'cTast six months, •

Panililo ona'hdafftr JANoXmr'siid, I8

- CmnburyjDoc.

ui- toothci-National R i n k s '• -J.l.Vi 20ue to State Unlit:.-. amUjankerh ••• 77 us

v STOCKHOLDERS MEETING..-Tlio Annual jreotlnir or tj^.'Sbareholder?'1" '-t

of tho First National JJFaiik qf-Crn.-ilniry.'wln'''';'bo held at tho Banking Hoxisp o«PTuesday,.^. "•/-Jiuiu-.iry Villi. IBSG. lor tlio iiurposeof electing], '-;twelve (i-2>Dii<ict6r8 to saTvo tortile enBui5*^"^_"

.year. _. . ; . • - - ~~~.Tolls oi>en iit 10 oJc!ock,A;-5K, nnd.remaft» ' ~open'one lidur, . -" ~ J " . . - . '


-Tof.u.......STATI: o r NEW .TEBSUY.•*~COUSTV oy MiDDi.n-.KX, ss: —

I. Clnirl''s ApplcvaO), Cailiiisr of tlio aliove-

uliovu statement is t'ruo to tins best ol mykiiowletl^i'. iiml belief.

Cranbury, Dee", n . W&u'xJjsi,1..


l«3-E;-onbiiij- is wealth." Broom am"'••-'-"" • i piece. Warranted.to,wearXSworn and sulj^CriljixJ. to before! mo thi'-

•ilth, day oT December, 1880, —COKKECT—Attest: ' - AVM. H. BEHGEN'.

, - Notary-llublie,-N. J. '-:1 - DAVID C. Lewis. I • '

•Tons-EatmS" -j-• JAN. HJ GOODWIN, ) Mr. D. I. Wllcoxson,

says he was for many yeiirs.:ie- Diabetes-; the~

ulmost un'onilunible and "would Bometimos --'

year.-'.Colonel Juhn'-Uuher, one of the oldcslnewspaper men of'Now-York", died at. hi- MOUXT—Near Dutch Nock Dee astli". Johnh'oine in Uuthford,, lierg.m county," on M o u i l t ttKe'1 M V-'"'"5 6 m o ' l n d 1B J<ty"-'riiuriilay, aged 7JI years'.

Joseyh Kuorr, proprietor of tIJentsche Zeitung, presented each otemployetwitli a ten-dollar gold piece onChristmas. It' took over $300 togonriTuud.. Thefuntirur.efactory"ofl'\ C. VaiiDyKe&Co., on Main street, I'atePson, wasentered on'rhursdi.y night by burglars, j ings ueiu'ly new, 200-JlCreS o f ex-wlioJiroke open the firm's s,nfe-,uiid rilled j c e l l e u t himij B u t l i t t le cash wanted",


_A FARM 7In a choice locality, large build-

boltle and alter tnkinjr six boltles.'-jsias-en- .. '•tirely cured uml li-ul trained la flesli elebteenpounds. §.iys lie postivelybelioveshewould -bave died, bud it not been for the relief af-ru'rdeil by Electric Bitters, Spld at fifty celttS'ii bottle by S. A. French. '

it, :if;:il)out $1, e long time.Inquiry lit .Law Office of

3Iir,ACU&OU8 ESCAPK.U'. W. Kcod, ilruijglbt, of Winchester. InA.

i writes: "Oneof mj-eustomors. Mrs Louisa"Pilfe: B.irtoniit-. atanflolph Co., ind.. WB« a 'lonn uultnrer wltli Consumption, nuil yma —Kivim up to die by her iiliysiciuns. Sbebeard«of Dr. Kinc's New Discovery • lor Consump-tion, ;ni,<l brenn buyinc it of me' Iu .six""months tiini- she walkeil to this city il dls- _tjuice of-w'x miles, mill is now g«-"mucii Jm-lirovcd&liu lias niiit usinjr it. Slio feols'slia •owes her life lo it." Free Trial Bottles' a t S.

• A.;Fii'iicir» Drue Store. -

lie was 49 years old.

, Daniel W.'liiiiij, of Jur.-oy City, had just

cipline, and to bo fcpiritirally£ on h.nul ml a'Sht'ed liis>;if.;. into the carriage, on Friany emergency. • • ' ._. i d-"',_-^ be»J!^ horjijlieeUBiL-iriiiUteaol-7" Alid jvr, what flBgrrmfSjieslect-of "thisland rah "awayv—The" carriage ran injocoiimioi'iplacc dutj we fiiidj even where! ! another vehicle and Mis. King-was thrown_How many of ll'ie readers ot these Vords I »ith gajnt-force- t ir the pnvemenr." ".She

plxr—; I7e~jiir

trike'g.Hi 1 ii-i-

liJtli- liLlper^-iii

.• n'n\ or sinotlier: Mrister Hurry Good-

win is a music ;in, un lassi-ted in the

Ciri-^ina-i i-xerni-r ofthe Inl.mt Cl.i.-s of

tht- Second C.'i.iii'cJi "ii Siiiul.iy atle'iioon

Dec, 2". Mi—" ljiin-a St'.nakir wiLs the

p j

The i-andid.-ite hai! ili-playcd • con-iiU'r-

abl lori'lhoualitjj- trikillft'liiV- boy . along

who t-o in' climbed the tree, ui^ied—t-iie

'l>;VnuiiiuVlir"ouf;bl it in triumph to . the

^rouiij^uiiini close I'X'.iminatiou sevarel ol

'ail feathers'were found to be uirssiii};

d that thi<~ had been"ITo

it-t'ail feathe


SOIUP - lidriTt'ii' 'a!irof ihe' V. k- O-B-jjlnia 1 O I'nivinv li'p'din.j a-r->ad from"

Kliz-ih-rh "[n.StiitCn Tslm'i 1 ]<t :i -rtm to

iudiirp OIK> {)f Oie otlnM- c'ohiiianii's JO i"o\v

tham the prlvileco of riiiiiiin^ ov er their


BrnwnA fJHi-ivn, at frinhiirv Stati m

are rocoivinir .1 lot of (^oal whu-h t]icv iviP

sell for •ii.rr, C.m<* Ton 2210 111-;.

u h n were liittou

Un;.in '' the inu-.ic w.-is ; ' pi-aml_!!l

.nut ii'-coTiip.iuic-l'b\ Ma-Ier ll.irrj-* with

hU violin, .nvcry child in the cla-a, rniight

il«j -spirit ol mi

.o i v - rail ' ; out

IH UIIIS-W ith the jr

Mauv tliank»

lp, and their dTililish

Ihe liajfjiy Chli.-tinftiT.

Jiat belongs Uithcn

l"j;inra anil Uarrv.

- : tinMr. am:

iir-dny e'M-iiing the'i i's''ili-nce o

S J.:ia. llul.i:hisuu,-wa>-bi-si(!gcd-

by'a thiron;,' of good looking specimens ol

ffti:iily Tlie=ciiitrsi' ot

So»nc ot' tlie c

_ _ by a m-nl ilo^_jL_^L

- Piri« for trcil'iipiif "irl1-'Aid fj> lip curi'(V| CTnes'c.nj-cjd every apartnieiii. to...vebo.

.n<l will -lai't for ho'i.iMiK't Sniidav. with mii'fh iiiid-cheerliilues-. The cccui.-

sioii 1'uing one- of ili joyous n iture, inlen

ileifioi- tlie inli-oiluoliijnjiud.w.elcoiiiingof"

a new member into the 'fanily circle, iii


\ _s -ui'

Mf A'fn-il T.^n=-,-ur' M7.\7 BiwsjfriTbontj'it of I S Kveri'tt. a few (Vavs'ifiro i\lmniTsn-iiR hay inin>. A fin? 'steppercapable of tiirnins the trark iu 24fr .,

A «p!pi't -tock of .S;irtif(> A- White Pine"tTnft'rinfr, Hemlock & O.ilc '.p.antlin';, at-Dey_

j . Boeknian itChamhcrlin. Hisht-Jtown.

N"ow Hrun-wicl; i-s talkinn about. nfTor-inir indiicpinnnt.-! to anv nnnufactiirr'- whowill ?eftlo there Tlir-v nro ako thinkinsi.

"of a-stroet railway \Vi> tikeiniHv" stm-k5n tlis first scheme than the second.

.the rs'Jii-of- an-isliuuble.-}ounj; -Imly

. . A_ liand-o'iio

GoldyV Rf-t.

of Pefer It. iWa

<.ef of ffl"firEo


The Union Meetings of tlie week ofPrayer will he™iiron llondny next in theSecond Chuii-h at." 2-30 o'clock.- To hecontinued there on Tuesday. Wednesdayand Thursday in the M. E- Church : on"Friday nnd Saturday .in tho First Church.

Although _we liavo a pond stock ofCouncil K;dge and Thick Mountain Coalwe have a good.free burning Coal wMr-liwe\yill selJJpr'Sl: 75. Brown & Gibson.-'

- - -Tho Rtv.-Dr Sv-n'ii e- I). IX -h.-is beent n i n p to regulate the suiue'ncc Chri-tm.isday. Tt i- strange

• to know i

formerly..i Miss G.irri-on of Frankly nl'.irkt

'hifTby cfMi-out ol -ill parties and in con-foriniiy with the laws of our laud, s l i o j /now ;i (liinghtcr-iH-law of-the parties xhi>veniiin-d'and the wife af their son Wiliimi.

.There wore preseiiLaboutlone liui»il?idud twenty, all of whom shared, in the

ho'-pitality from tables ladened with Aboiiuulul supply ofsuch things asjai^_everti.-mptini; and caifse a /giving for thendiiiguiicu of uui.!i]ijielitvei. Music uiiilitlu-r ntli'.-KJlioiis' -1'i'Vcd" to interest .rill

und-ailbrUjlii-e-wning-of-nire-plcas-tiririind"eujoyinent. Futiue reference tir' the oc-casion wil^eu-r. revive .pleasof 'he I'vent and its associations.

It ii seldom yon'ca.i catch an old birdwith chaff, but we hear of a man livinjnoar Soott.s Corner who ot oil' a good juktfon aotnii of our townsmen, bytlumi to sliootat'dead s(]uirrcls'and rabbit:he had arranged, which affiiruetlirim hitsof fun in relating the. |>arfiuulars.

On Now Year,s Day he was inmle avictim, by tlTose he.had so artfuly decievedA- number were invited to Mr. I. D. [W-

cliy 's lo shoot .gla^s.biill?. A wooden ballhad beeii procured closely resciuliliug- uglass ball; this he", shot at some fifteen


i (i iiiiiu.wfant-^

j when bo carries a new'c referin his poeki-t.

.vho de-ire . s tandard- t ime to -the

V . J . G . L • "

Prime lot of Cellar ainlCyprui sliingle-:!, White pine and Ifcjilock liowds^ll "graltcs

nt Dey, Beeknian it Cliamberlin, llig'hts:

town. ' • • • ' ,

rro guard !roincdestrliction. Tlio surround-

far too rapidly-hoot'off tlTi- top.- of h-ilf an acre. Althoiifth

was hard to jret it "imiVt'lmvrbccini ver3'_ goiid._one_ns our inforn'iaiits.-iid it was the fiiaat sijuirel I Eve:- ott.

The_ti.i"rf:(iffii:er_o£-J.lie—biink -llinught.lie could .-hoot off u gfltt," liu--ivu-

eiititled to l.-ccomi! a member of the highand honorable iir.lcrol' hunters and for-ester-. iJut our \oung friend spoji foundthat he had .started on a rougii/aml rugirul path, there wore many pittidls in hisway, he I'miiid stumiis (ind briers andmarshes and it was a mere clmnce that bewns enabled to take his degree, but hehas no reason to be.dii-coua'iged when somany older and more experienced men

times, a fwud joke by all excepthimself. Eicli time-failing to bre/ik theball, he h.-i-iimo' ilisgiWed' \vitlr~liilnsi-lfand failed t|i limiciHtuml why.it was, f'nte.was ngain-t hiin. At the conclusion the/

•joke was" inade known to him and u hmrtylaugh indulged in by all. It is one of the"htest jokes of tlio sonson and it is not likelyho will hear the last of it for sometime.

Queiy—Who will be the next victim?

iv a- at_tliu bull of the gun .nnd his inex-

iCriencu-with this kind of giinie, we would

WL'£r:-t to the members of'the'order llia't

.niiii-limit -btinld l>er plnciit "On the n-

iniiunt of ammunition expended by enc.li

:aiidul:i-ti; as-thp jirice. of povulcrand shot

in-: already advanced and if.continued in

h'ih c.\tratni;aiit and wasteful n.aiuier it.

A ill become an high that men of iirdiiui'n

ijcanji,_wjlljicit_lje able .to join, uml—alBo

andteiidencies; t^lm^e'a fulLuuder»tiiiid-ing, evon to a cojtSdciU'ml-Uiliilinn withhim, in altnuitTers relating lo moral] dis-

wu under the ivheels nnd had miarnTaud lyg^criuUed. 'His injuries willprove fatal.

•Thomas' Ogden. die car-inspector oi^thePliiladelphitt-iiml—Kyadiiig'liiVilrond ivhoiva< crushed between the Immpers of twocoal cars at White House Station last Wed-nesday, died from the cffects'of his injuriesThursday night at the Eliz.ibeth Hufpilal.

whoaie paiviits, Vion Icnow the tiaclierof their children, o?i <l:o -tieeti Howmany visit the school-room, where thoselittle people spend their most ^it:d hoursafter the age of sk ycaivV

was .insen-ible when pickediup, an'd;it isfeared her skull is fractured am! that, herinjuiit-s will prove fatal

A ore wen wagon "\wis diiven acros- tho

Pt'riji-ylvnniii Uailroad,- «t ^Market

give her or him that social recognition I of a freight train, and in spite iif t-ho flng-without which the child .inriiriahU re-1 man'.- warning. -There \yerc two men in j

GOOD HESCLT3INEVEBYCASB1.CI I)7.V. Bratl'ro:-iJ,.wliolosale paper dcafoiiqf -J-Chattanoofci, Tonn. -writes, that he was'sarl-HIGILT.-JTOWN X. J. j->• .j-quiily-:tfflirt-CTi.wi|h a beTBTirgoTdTtlitt settled -

on his luiisis: ha.il tiT«33ntiuy remodlns \rllU-'out bunclll. BoinK inilnepil to try Dr^K]nB*a

.n'Disenvery for C)u>-uiiiptioii,"ilid soracd.wnsitutirulvcured bv usp of a.few bottloif

Sirrce winch time he ha* used it In 111*family forull Couirhs amKColiK with boat re-sult.-. This is tin; oxi>ononpo""of thousands

Bucklen's Arnica Salve.-TlieBe-.tS.ilve in-the worliKorCnts; Bises. Sqri«i, UJeors. SnltKlinnm.Jfuver'Sores.Tettcv. ClnvppRil Hunils. Clnlbl.iins COi-ns.and idliskin Eruptions, and possitivelv .-uref3

Piles, or no'pay ictiuired. It !s ^uarantoed1

to Kive ircrfwt intlsfaftlon. or money refund I" who.se-liMss-hav-lieon.wiyeil by rti_ed. Pritfcv 2S per box. For sale liy S. A. I till Dis.-overy. Trial Bottles free at S."> A..French. «*.< . • I Froni'hS DrucStors.

Best, Cheapest, And MostIMPROVED- in the: market -_'

sards its" instn'ictof~as-:i sortupper (-las-; servant ? AndL-\.on prol'L-ssedly religious, mothers can

1ot outdoor, the nagoii-and out;, .of Ilium,,-Thomas Ihow jnany, i Magee, who was-so badly crti-hcd that ho '

died in an houc^L'he other, Cb:irles Weis-, ihold mi hours coiiver-ation'conc'--rning the who was the"driver, was badly hurt :dioj|t.character-training of theici ehUdren, with j the head, but may recover.

immeasurably transcends that ofTTTnnsterTn the cliureji ? To one who-pends much time in schools, it.7aimojtseems as if the pupils were moral '>foiind-

•?*.?<> liltlo does the -parental influencefor good appear within the'school-rconiThe vast majority-of respectable.peoplenever approach the teachers, except- asgrangers-, and'bearing complaints fomid—

otl'-pring; or, worse yet, i confine them-

Iy sold'lhuir old fi-rrybu:it. We.-t Jersey toNTew York parlie-j, who were tyi run-itbetween Xew, York city and .Statenl-lnnil.On Thursday she started in toe for] NewYork. When oil' Sea-ide Park. Oceancounty, on 1-Viday, the tow line parted andthe heavy wiml.drove the old boat uslwrc.where she weut to jiieee-i and will prove a-

loss. She was built in Camdcu in

;os-ip about the teaclix'is, whom,they firstTTi-rveTo pecuniary strait-,' then freeze .with [

rial neglect, and "then condemn" for'notal discipline, long

•"•-I side" the lei*c'e of. life lkvolinn tJun Club

tke wsince re'

gri>iuids_duriug"a pigeon shooting contest

oii._i'iid:iy and amused himsjrlf-by discharge

<J a shotgun at pigeons happening to tly

.. , , , , i "iitside the linu's'of " t ie L'roniids Whilepndiated by Ihemsehes. I, . • , '

. . . . . - , he was setting rcadv to fire at line- ol theIt does not.meet the point_to_SftV- that . . , - .___, ,—-f —: -

.— - r ^ ." " - , ! — — : ","".': [s travbirdslJerdvuesgim waspremijturelyteaeheis, as a cla-s, are opinionated, ilea- .. " ' , • . : , . . ,

, . . . , . , " ; . , . . iliselnirged-,-aiHl the contents lodged in llmuntie, and impatient or 'ndvice. If they , , . T , . , _ , _ , . . -

. . . . . ... ,, - . ~ , head of James OConnel, accd 10 yourh,are s >. it is chiefly the reaction from tl.e , . „ , , . . , , . ., , . ,., • ; - , - - - . - '"-'"" killed bun instautiv Bcrdyuc was arrested.lack ofconlidence nnd l.o-p'cet in parents,and a necessity of the overwhelming re-

eidyne was arrested.

Mrs. Mary Seifert, of Port Monmoulli,

aie liarely-:imo-to puss." . •

_LWcv\s.fcio—gc«aiy-"su7i>rUeil-nt our geniajV

'liieii(1,.tlie worthy agent of tbc-UWood's

Mower, HS we knew him t o - b e an old

member nnd an officer of tho order, but

it seeniti thu t 'he bad forgotten the. pass

word iijid it was necessary forr him to <xo

through a new course ol instruction.- We

wish to remind him that it^is wrong to

Shootout tho enjil-e insid«.of the animal.

It was ticdi'thi-r.e was iHrhsistinweefBWy"

ami it spoiis it for t'i"o u-e of other cm-

didates ami rabbit skins iiiak* verj1 poor

eating. ' At the risk of betraying a secret

of the order we wouhl snggo-t that our

tfiend oarry a miimtiiro rabbit iu his

pocket to (insist his nieinoiy.

. As tho cnndidales wero so numerous,

the traps weie as ple'nnfui IIH nbel-

to'rpedocB nt Wiliumshurg, «ndr£Jie nuis-

tefof cevemoiiies n well lumwn' fanner

aii(Lagwit l'ov.fi'1'tilizoi1 becain'o quite be-

wildlii-.ed and came nejSr" wTilfciug. into

tH>iiie rf JI'IB own pitfalls. Wl a{ puzzles

u-i is lo know whiro tho society obtain

all llieir gunio. for t' e nso of candidates,

tlieyiiiust keep their -nurchuaing . agent

moving qniteiively.

llrjmt.. • "

inn inothciw"npeds the nerve of a-solilicr tomanage licr-'onn pet mischief, .iiiwl^ alltheaih i.ntages of a j'oinfortable home,how can the other wnninn, acl-oR- the waytetu-.li "and govern her mit.Kellnnen:i-crmvd, Ihe pels or pests of n'seore of homes

sponsihility cast upon them. If acbrist- Mouniputli county, commited suisiUe- byinii mother-needs the nerve of a o l d i r lo ' " " ' g V nt her home. onThiir.-dny. ~tfi-.

=uifert"s hn-bniid \<- a slioemaker, and hissimp is in a loom adji'.ining the kitchen ot

people are willing lo utlbnl her?We never knew a good teacher nf

children who did Dot long for the confi-dence'and pcipctual cuiintenance of theparents of ber pupils Neither should ithe said that parents arc incompetent to

,,s_.t|int..t)IC-ji:u_tu.Hee-th_e—ho'ily-of-hia-wife-ilnngling:froin a. rope, which 'wns uttached t<i

itd»'ise with tliij toaeher in t|i:irtment of school-life. -It is not necess.ary that a parent shouldclnssics, tUe sciencep, or ihiu order to know thoroiigtendencies of his son, aiuV

is radical ""de-

at least, to

•iideistand'tliem'atlieinaties,y tho moral'e coinpotcnt,

valuable lnggestions ini Iregard to his training.

All our best methods Jof instructiontaught in normal s<l ools ar | drawn fromtho obsfiv.ition of the natifi-nl ways bywhicli plain, ood people inaiarl a "know-ledge of con^nnn things andSiomely dutiesThe most unsettled parent <fcHjjivc"*"vhl-iiahle inforinntion to tlio ino j'^arcomplisli-ed university, professor or pKsident, con-cernin.^the mural Iniiidliug of his son.

If ihe fathers nnd motlierslof- studentsin college would insist On luiowing atlenst oinj professor, ami tryiufe to inspireliinTwilli a ptrsonnl interest is thuir boy,tlu-ro would be fewer college wrecks,nnd university life would ceasiAto bo thatroiilin of semi-barbarism whicli it stillremains in. more than one of the mostiHiilon- schools iu Christendom.

the house. -Mr Seilert was at work, andilie door between the two rooms .blew-open. On rising tochise-it-how:i8 liprrifi-

broken binge on the kitchen iloor-on theojiposito side j«f the .-rootiij Life wasextir.ctT" Mr, and Mrs.. S-.-it'ert were na-tives of Germany, having come to tjiis,country about nine years ago. Tlierje hadbeen domestic trouble^between the coupleand once betoi'o'Mrs! Seifert attempted tohang herself in the woods. -

The new route of the Baltimore anilOhio ltailrond has been definitely settledund staked out from Bound Brook toElizabethport. There may be n few alter-ations in,the pinn, but Uioy-will biTof atrivial nature. The riaid will tdueli llah-way ojutlio northeast side. Tho stationwill boon tho outskirts of tlio city. Thetracks will pass fFTi-oiigh Elizabeth onemile'south of the Union depot tiftho Penn-sylvania nnd U. ading roads. Railway willhe ciossed.witbin half a block of the Penu-sylvmiiii road ami tlie same 4-oad will againiie crossed nt Eliznbethport and witl.iiL.iImndreil yards of the Loug...l}rii- oh. divi-sion of tho ^Rending. Ohief_ EngineerOckenhoil, who is iiutlmrityfor the stiite-tuent, has-rrnted a house at Elizabeth,Wln-iv he will resiib.1 fur n year at li-iwi.

"" All kinds of Agricultural implements as follows; Mowers —

Reapers, Twine Binders,;. Bakes, Field Rollers, Plows, Cultivators,

Feed Cutteu-and-Gi'ushor, Hand-and Power Corii, Shelters,

Drills, &c:, &c. Also Dealer In Tlie-

i-r-TrhoseTirTieod'ofTnfy of "the aUove" articles will do well to call

upon or address ,-f




The Largest Variety in the City,

Agent for jipou mans' Derby.

DOBBINS, _,'l_5 East State St., Trenton, N. J. ,


. - • • / •



se long..continued patjonnyo speuks more furvtjift,qi/ality*of ni>- work an<l_

in me, tlian any-woi-ds of mine. •;

for thermit mid o.'i~niesti\_f>-1l'oit'a coi)Uun:incc. .

" w cloaely I Imvo applied 'myself durlug tltes-eyents. •

'.'.-"•.' :~£;V I llaveSMldied Jinn][to pk-nso you, nnd nlstrto improve, tokiisj: ud'niit'nge of

|pK|p£K?*!J'y (loftiatjiioh developed itelf in any pucc of workto nwrcmiio it iu tp£K?*!J'y (loftiatjiioh developed it-elf in any pu-cc of work.to nwrcmiio it iu tlie

ti-,- Sojhat to day X-tLinlc I have arrived .it tliedegreaof pecfecU«n- wJiioli-cannot

,^ -. Especially ,iii light Buggies'nnd Pliaetun.«, I think thero is no

;.. :-.wW.efeg.n«>ttli«> case;;-My long continued- experience in flie b^siiicss Iius tanglit.,

LiLL_ Jne_yFjLBrer-jjmi_•w!uit,_anjLIjo\v_±Q_bu.Y._iuid Lbur-foe,cash : _

"-'_'-""_.'"'Whieli'uliueeHiiii, 1 iiIIIITL"mmblc-ripm't7i'fnr'ii51i U'm b'i'Bt"u"mTjirmili:i&i^yVEi:

:tlie money that cnn beliad. / ^ " ^ . - .

• • ••'1/""Jt gives 1110 great^plenauro • to furnish'lielow s.omb testimoni:i!spbprtnisTo-tlio

"weajing quality of my woriq the quality, of ;lii> (jw,ds I use, iindmy ability to seli-pt

carriage msfteriiils. *" •• •. - ' ', '- -

• -I lmwoinrofPeterTCT'orgeu's ii IlmvttOllB ofpeier K.Torgeus vra^nn* miule in 1875, ami litirc worn tlie" tires-• . .J>eajcly"oflf and Imvo never lad them i\-s. t. J lmve inmtlioi-, .made in 18S0, from"""^f t iohl Imve completely w. vn out onu ti-t oE-iires without fv\r-haviii|f ;IIL-III reset.

J i l S TilOMAit, CltA.N'B^lY X. J ,

' .;: • I 'have tlirco of Peter E. Bergen's whguns, a CarriaKu intulc in 1809, a Buggy^-|n?de-in.l8tlr^n.d.auotlier in-1873; mid Imyejiuvvr hail the jwe-i-tHBtv"' - "

" . • ' ' .FuliMAN (JULVKIi, ilo-NMOUTII JUNCTION.

t. Bergen, 1 have a light •Cnrriirgi--, •.TrhicJrytrrP'nVadefDr" Kuwton Hoagland in'nnd the tires have never 6ei-n re&t. >- ' •• °

_ _ . -. L 1 . >^' ABBAM VooRinsKs, ADAMSTSTATIOX, _

Dr. S. J. Thomapoii'dBiile. Mr.... - iln vnnknmv who nra'lii that cxtnntiouJfe. f the Doctors? Yes! V. R. Bergen.'-TIIBH* I will givi- 850- m»iv lor it than_L_

justegded to.. ~, ~T "I):vriD BAIHI>, MANALAPA.V. -

•, -.. ,.".;He has five new light wagoim i>f.iny in.'ikc. " •. . P. R. li.- --.•."J.am in ii liurry, but -1 -will wait until you"s;iy the cairinjro i» remly, for JhemI. r__. lLnp,w itSvill In dune right ' ""JOSIAH WOODWARD, JVIASA'I-APAS.

e liasthrce ofiny light P. R. ij.

„- ' M r . Bergen, Ijim jgivms y'oiv!3j!*3:-mbi-n to iniike.ine .i BugL'.v, ilia ifMr.. 'offered to niiike Hie-just snrh a one lor. W e l l ! Win-do you do that? pimply

••'be^jaHse I am told t h a f l will got from youjii-t wlinl i'liaFg.iili I'm-. . _ i - - ,Cr. SPAFFOHD Knici), MANALAEAX. , .

" """Mr. JJergen,"tlmt is a little mnri ' t l ianl ' inteiuled t o i n n for n Uufttry. BuTT. Jim•willing U> giyu-yoii §25 moit-than I miiild givu mil i.tlher mini, fir^r. U-cmsu I kimw

^._J_3yill get jusLjvJmLy.Qiijigrtje to give nie,^uIll-swiiiul,-Jiv<-iUW'-I-lH*U«VA>iucan in.-ikv ~^t=bettei?Bugjfy tlinu anyone vise. I thin!< l l iaionc von li.-ivenui-lind. i tl|e prultiest•gjgI-VBi'SiT-;--. ' ' " \ 1). }i. UET, HIOIITRTOWN.

r.^Ir. Borgen, I ivilf nevpj/get a Buggy butlf anywhere else while you .-no in thebusiness, <~~Z' - SAMCEI. LAKE. KINGSTON.

I hnvo imilt two linndsunie JJ;ig-fjie3 for him. • - ' . T . PL. J>. -- -

John, send Mr. Borgen,, most particular man we havo' to >ell lo.

^ Bergen^n-Jm U.wHir. nninion of ihV Mr

hc-=t leather oi he'll send-it li.-it-lC""TIe's the

~the verytreHTwiieel muile. •j d h l b

K k KENT, N. V.

i SI..-11 Bnr4ll-ivl.'"-l ? T tT.irrT.- if i .

leel muile. • fwniittli tn pet your, nimi-oir ol it fur 1. rrfianl your- ' . , judgment on a wheel as better tlm'n ih:tt'u! mij* other uiiu. Jons RYEIIION. N. Y.

• : Mr. Bergen, cat) \ou ger n price for your work th.it will pay you t" u^e s'ich"clothas you buy from us? We do not sell as good cloth to any other niiinnfactnrer in tlm

: . country. : " K DAI.KYMIM.E, PIIILADEI.I-IIIA. -

. _ There "is[no iji^t;ilking. For nuiking a Immlsome Biiitgy top, Pe te fe . does excel.DK. Ii, II. ISKHOKN, PJUMCETOK.

IfSTfltttle inconvenient .tor___ . - — w ^ my work-here, but I.jkii'ow you will puton for me'a handsomer Biiggy<tuj) than 1 can get .-inynlnTu el-'t' i

. . _ - _ . -. - - Or. -KrWlLI.TAMSO.vPl!INCETON.~

' Wheiievei-'I havo njnb that -will cost $5 to repair,-I will .take the trouble to 1>i'jiig ,it to you [ eleven miles ] just because I know it.will .bednrie Jn-t ri^lit. r '


Mr.-Bergen, I Iiiive given.you th»order to Inrild me a milk wagon, just because IJiear that ypnr wkcelrf wear out the tirciwitlmut ev.T li-ivin<; fieiii re.-n-t.

—j - , JAMES."

1 Honor to wlioin "honor is due. Much of the excel-noe of my work is due to" (liesuperior woi-kiiimmhip «t mj blavksmitli Mr. M. G. Hue, who ha-5 been with mis forabout 15 years, a£d_iillhoiign l.ain_very particular,.! have nover-lmd to-iiakhini todo a peico ot work over the- second time. ^ j ^ _ = = g = = = ^ ._-Sr

Messrs Luoiis & Applogate continue to do my painting, and I think- lheirvskill infinishing a carriago is too well known, for me to attempt to add' anything to__ti^rreputation, ' - „ . . ' '

Davison, Silvers c Go


;CRANBURY, N; -i- .:•-


Boarding and bay School.

Is the Best for the following Reasons:

1. Lightest f;.r Strength. 2, Strong.-st. il. Ne-no-t. ' f. Itiing-tr>wi-r. ,B.Tunis,ijh f l l i h l f W h l (J I ) 1 f t l i l f lo 7 N og ; S g , g g

ijhortvr for lleightli of Wheel: (J. I)n1ft. 11 K-.—iliivel from nxloSide Motion. S. Luii-t ooni|.lotted. 'J. Less wi-af o 1 j

.: 10. Least likfly to get ontof, Oder. 11. E-niest tokuop-Cleaii, 1, i'i. Cheapest t<> Mauuf.ioture. ". -

Shop,.; T-^rnship .anf County


• Jlanufacturer of


Extension Tops, Village Carts,' Bviskboards,, GroceryDepot,-Business WAGOUS, EteV - ..' \

"fainting; Trimming,-Woodwork, Blacksaithing, &e. ' ^


A re«-\n<!ani>ii>s only rciniiin tn Ucllllnl nt-A* ^tlii-tinii'. T1I:IM> <li".icniii(,'t(> enter slinulil

T ~lil''lll|lil' appliratinii :it once. Youni; mciitirntlii-s ili'siniiu tlie l)i"-t in tin- line of Pr.ic.-ti--,il liiliii-utioii. slioiihladclruss, for citaloutiein'l p.trli ulaih.

- - - - .AvJ.BIDEE, Principal.SIu'-qnieTi-niiilc. Tp nlon. >i. J.

~ —'?

A Day and Boarding School for Pupils" of Both Sexes.


I). S.-Ai-.itiuinie= of West I'oinf.-iinl Aini.ipolis. Stmli-nt1- r t -e ived at any

. ' tinie. Fa l ) 'T«im ci'iiiHieui:i'-> Wi-dn I M ' - I I * 7 H iitnrljei Ld,

-—• 1S*5. Circular* s<>iit mi, upplii-.-itiiwi. For ' .

rurtJiL-i ji.Li-iieul.ii-s inIilrrNs.

Edward Wrese, A.'M., President.

21st Ahnual-Session'Segins'September 1st, 1885.

New and Apartments.

ftquipments,B TeacYiers,1 Course of Study.\cn mriro iifthi- -.nmo t ime Ui;in

a'ny simil.u- schtjol.

pScud lor C.it.daguij will; lull part iculars-to.

A. J. RIDER,: Principal,_ . ' Ma-^uni". Temiilc, .Xt-Kiiton. X,T

Manufacturers Of

STRICTLY PURE SPICt l• • • - ' And Wholesale Dealers In .

'-J._..... . Positively no.Goods sold; at Retail.'



Pur© Crystals,,^' 0 ' ' us IN ORIGINAL CASKSj AND WARRANTED.



Davison, Silvers & Co.,, , . - " ' . " q B A N B U K Y , N . J . •> <

TII-E STATE.-1 ".,-sSJ

FurnishinCranbury, N. J.

Caskets, Coffins, Shrouds, iHoves, Etc.

^ c " _ . . .

_- , —ALSO A—

Well Selootea Stock Of

and Dining Room FurnitureVelvet Tapestry, Body Brussels and^lngraf n Carpeta*-


. *Superior Advantages/



MUSIC Pror. L. Bnigilon.

AHT Mra. Euni'p'on. nou' Julia Boorp. '

ELOUUTIOX j t i s s . M T ^ T ' —

KUENCH ANBGEKMAN ltcv. Herr Sdijlpf,

KI.N'DE1!GA11TES~ Ffiinlt-itTsi-lThpf,

BO.VltD AN'D 1HH-PI0S *30, Per Term. '

DAY SCHOIJAP.S 9C. %<i~\w. &iiS;i\-t Tui-iiTI

P.ill.TL-rin Begins. September. 21s;. 1835.

Mrs".-Ceo,' Lockwood,"_. .. Principal.Send for Circular. " •


iDYOU EVER BUY A SLEIGHIn April forcask? 04 cpurse you

bought it clieap because it wns mi

'sensnii Well we buy-our S

Woolen Goods put of seusou, be--

•;uii8u we can savo from 50 cents to

,5 "00 |%or yard 011 tlie murket price.

"A large proportion of our Bendy-

inaas*<Jloth4«gfor-Fallaud Wiutui

is made'from Gvods bought last

January for caslt, wliiulr enables us

to* sell below tile market --price.

Title onrFhie Suits and Overcook

for Instance—tlie styles are e'le-

jjaufc, and average. SL 50- less tlim

tlie-s ime pattern bbnglit atpresfti'

market prices..

Bear in mind tlia't «e_ mannfaci-

tire ALL our Eeady-mndc "Cldlliitij

anil do not deal-in ti-aslr.- -,-

QimCuatoui Deparlinftiit is filleii

wiili a handsome line of Ameiic.-ui

and ""Foreign. "Woolens at l.hc lowc.-.--

market rales, and our prices fn-

Suits jtml___Ch:ejicoala—

for first-class work.

Masonic Temple Buildirfg,-.**

^ TRENTQM, N. .1,

, We-invite.your patniiliige: ._

iTew'Tear Opening, Jjnuary 4th. I6C6.

1 —



.Subscribe .For

The Cranbury Press;



Fins Groceries•-.-AND— -V


High Grades of; •— '••'*"


\ .'• * - '





Both Ladies ' and Cen t s ' .


DRY GOODS,jvnicil WEOFrF.lt AT Reduced PRICES'

by inriiii «liiil » c uffrr ln-fiirt piir-


CVsliilmry. . J.

$1.50 A Year In Advance.At the <>M Keli.il>!)- Slauil " i l l be found

. - i l l .k i i .n l - o f 1.0 ' i i - i i i i i n l l y kv . | f i i . n c u u n -

: r v s t o r e . " % " .

Gr. W. BTJEROTJGES, Editor and Proprietor. Dry Goods, Notions,



: ' *

Ali Local,and C6

Advertising Hates Yery Literal-.-—:






Sale Bills, Hand Balls,1 •

Letter, Note and Bill Heads?

Envelopes Invitations

1 Cardsr etc.

Satisfaction -Guarranfeed.

Hats and Caps.


\\\- 1>wj) tin--best,-Jiiiilii}""at tl u lowtst

Mnrki-t-'liutC'1." JSU.J.01 d- u- rel'iesertfctlt

- H t i ~ l i i c t i i i i i g i i i i i i i i i i e j ' d . i ' i i . - i . l > u r t i n n . - o c -

.1 t .Witli thanks IHV pjst fn»or- wp solicit

11 i imlinuut ci- iif puliHc - | ia t ronage.

J . I I .

J. G. GROVER. "bealerin -—:~~\ -

Dry Goods and Groceries

B o o t s , S h o e s J & c . •/,

. M,vri< ST. ,

Uli.\NUi:RY, N. J.


Best Quality. Lowest Prices.Polite Attendants'.

aid for Butter, Eggs, etc."

Iheodor Eichhorn,

Manufacturer."" Repairing


•«• ' ' " ' ' M A I N S T . ,

' , N. ' J , • - "