Voices in the Park



Year 4G write about aspects of Anthony Browne's Voices in the Park.

Transcript of Voices in the Park

By Anthony Browne

We’ve spent a lot of time on this book.

And to finish off we wrote about it. Some

of us discussed the plot, some the

characters and some have looked carefully

at the illustrations.


I like this book because the illustrations tell you the

story and there is lots of details that are difficult to

spot. Like, in the third voice the mongrel Albert

changes tail with the pedigree dog Victoria.


I’m good at climbing trees.

So I showed her how to do it.

She told me her name was.

Smudge a funny name, I know.

But she quite nice. Then mummy

caught us talking together and I

had to go home.

Maybe Smudge will be there next



My point of view in the tree…

I like the picture of it

because the colours mix

together very nicely. I like

climbing trees like that

because it’s exploring

every individual little leaf.

I also like the picture

because it looks like new

sprouted ones.

About the next picture…

In this picture I really like the

lovely calm sky.

I can tell that Anthony Browne

took time and effort doing the

trees. I admire his way of


About the picture with Smudge and

her dad

It’s SO stripy and colourful. One

of trees is a strawberry, I wish I

could eat it!

I love the bushes that have blue,

white and yellow.

Charles mum being furious…

She has this expression that I

can’t exactly describe. She is a

little bit like the queen but a

bit scarier.


Voices in the park


My favourite voice was voice four, because it had

bright colours and it was summer. I love

summer! Anthony Browne

never chooses too many

colours just one or two! He

gets inspired from

painters, like René


Voice one

It was time for Madame Zizi to take Victoria

and Charles for a walk. In the park Madame Zizi

shooed away a dog called Albert, but it sprinted

back. While she was sitting down she was

planning what she and Charles was going to have

for dinner.

Voice two

Mr Johnny had to get out of the house because

he had to take Albert for a walk and Smudge


By Gustavo

The thing I like most of all in the book is the illustrations. I like really like how Anthony Browne draws. He is really imaginative. The drawing is really important. It tells you lots of things, like when they are happy there are bright things and when they are sad there are dark things. Another example is in the illustration the dog changes tail with the other dog and I think that means they are friends. There are lots of details: there are faces in the stone. And in the park in the trees you see gorilla faces.

Anthony Browne changed the font for Charles, his mum, the dad and Smudge. Charles’ part of the book has upright handwriting and Smudge wicked handwriting. This is because Charles’ mum was really posh and Smudge’s dad was poorer. In the book mum sees a mongrel and she says he is a scruffy mongrel and it is not a scruffy mongrel. She is not in a good humour at all.

My story of Voices in the Park


I like this book because it has different

points of view for the characters and


It starts at the mother’s house. She and Charles were taking Victoria (their dog) for a walk. She let Victoria off her lead .From the picture it looks like Charles is bored. (I know I would be.)

Then when she looked where Charles was sitting but there was one thing wrong…


She kept calling him: CHARLES , CHARLES . Finally, she found him. She is very posh and she does look after Charles like a very sensible mother, but maybe she goes a little bit too far!

Voices in the Park By Rozenn

The illustrations in this book remind

me of some Mondrian pictures that we

did in class because Anthony Browne

uses very bright colours so does

Mondrian. The text has different fonts.

The illustrations also show how the

characters are feeling for example

when Charles goes and talks to


The mum of Charles doesn’t like it

when he goes and talks to other people

so they had to go and when they went

there was a tree on fire to show that

the mum was angry.

There is also different point of views

one point of view for Charles one point

of view for Charles’s mum one for

Smudge and one for Smudges dad. I

like this story because there are a lot of

differences and you can kind of feel

what the character is feeling.

Voices in the Park by Fernando

I love the way that Anthony Browne does his books.

First Voice

It was time to take Victoria the dog, and her son

Charles for a walk in the park. Then Victoria went to

play with a different dog in the park and the mother

asked Charles to sit with her and then he was sad, but

he asked her if he could go to play but she told him

that he couldn’t. And in a moment when the mother of

Charles was thinking what are they going to eat he

went to play with another girl but when she was going

to ask something to him she saw that he wasn’t there!

She shouted Charles! Charles! Charles! And when she

saw him talking with a strange girl the mother said

shoo shoo and she said come Charles, Victoria. Then

they went home.

Voice two

There was a poor, weird man in a poor, dirty house

with a dog and a daughter called Smudge and he was

thinking if Smudge and the dog wanted to go to the

park and they said yes. Then the street was so so so

poor with a strange Mona Lisa. When they were in the

park the father was looking for a job in the newspaper.

Then they were laughing and at that moment the

street was not poor any more. The Mona Lisa and

another man were dancing and the gorilla Santa Claus

was dancing like a professional one.

Voice three

It was a boy bored in his house waiting for his mother

to ask her if he can go to the park with Victoria. Then

when they were in the park he was hoping that he

could have fun like Victoria. Then he sat on a bench

and a voice spoke to him: Hi! Do you want to play with

me please? I t was a girl, unfortunately. Then they

went to play on the slide and he thought she was going

so fast! Then the mother of Charles told him that he

needed to go home to have the dinner and then go to


Voice four

It was time to take Albert to

the park and Charles too,

then in the park it was

Smudge!!! Then they played

like in the other voices and

Albert played with Victoria

and I think that Albert loves

Victoria and Victoria loves

Albert. Then they went to a

place to dance and they do somersault and they were

so happy, then they go to a place and Charles gave to

Smudge a flower and when he went home he put the

flower in a nice cup of tea and then the father ask

Smudge if he can do for him a cup of tea and she said


I like this book because some pictures say if he/she is

happy or sad because if it has a dark colour it means

that he/she is sad or if it has a light colour it means

that they are happy.

Voices In The Park

By Pablo

First Voice:

I adore how Anthony Browne illustrated the first page.

It has incredibly realistic things, for example the house;

it’s a very posh house with two floors, a copper roof,

and a very charming garden.

They have an orange woodland next to their house. We

can see how Anthony Browne made the trees with

titchy spots and the grassy ground.

Charles, the little chimp, and his mum went for a walk

to the park. Her mum took Victoria, her pedigree dog,

too. Victoria is a golden dog with stretched ears and a

silver collar. She’s got dark brown eyes and a black

nose. A mongrel dog appeared from behind Victoria.

They started chasing each other.

Charles’ mum told Charles to sit on the bench.

Meanwhile, when his mum was not looking, Charles

went away to talk to this girl. Her mum called Charles.

She was very cross with him. They walked home in


Second Voice:

The first illustration on the second voice is really well

done. Smudge’s dad has got some human arms, but he

is a gorilla! His dad needed to go out of the house, so

they took the dog and Smudge to the park.

The street is sad and pale and the Mona Lisa is crying.

The Laughing Cavalier is dejected. The trees have no

leaves and it’s cold weather. There is a beggar outfitted

as Santa Clause.

Voices in the Park

By Ryan

I really like how Anthony

Browne uses some illustrates

as metaphors like when

Charles and his mom walked

home in silence when the tree

is on fire it is a metaphor

showing how the furious mom

character is feeling.

Anthony Browne changed the

font for Charles and Smudge,

posh for the boy and smudgy

for the girl.

Voice One

Charles and his mom with their dog (Victoria) were

going to the park. SIT DOWN, HERE she ordered but I

sneaked off and talk to some girl who was very nice.

Then his mom said it was time to go home.

Voices in the Park - by Clara I love this book because it’s mysterious. The

pictures tell you the story and there is a lots of

details in them.

It all started when Charles went for a walk with

the pedigree called Victoria.

We have four points of view in the book. From the

mum’s point of view, we read:

I let Victoria off her lead when a stupid mongrel came and chased her

all around the Park. We all went to the Park and sat on a bunch. We

didn’t move. After a few minutes when I was planning what to eat.

Charles was gone. I called him like an angel voice. (Charles where are

you!) I went everywhere in the Park and I saw him talking with a

weird girl. I felt cross. I called him and Victoria and we went home.

From the dad’s point of view.

I needed to get out of the house because I felt

bored at home I was watching TV. So me and

Smudge went to the Park. The street that we

toked to go to the Park was extremely filthy it

was a miserable, depressed street. But we still

went to the Park. We had arrived to the Park. I let

Albert of his lead and I wish that I could have half

of the energy his got. I sat on a bunch and

searched for a job I know it was waste of time but

I needed a job.

My Voices In The Park review

By Alicia My favorite Voice was Voice four (Smudge’s point of view). I liked it because it has lots of colours. It had lots of bright colours. Not so many secondary colours. I love how Antony Browne does the illustrations. He takes lots of ideas from lots of painters.

Mum: Voice one starts when:

Charles, his mother and their dog (Victoria) were going to the park. When Charles’ mother let Victoria of her lead she met a mongrel and she shooed it away, but it came back again. She ordered Charles to sit on the bench. She

said “SIT HERE!” Then he sat down. Then when Charles’ mum looked

round he wasn’t there. She was scared. She shouted, “CHARLES!


ONCE!” Then she saw him talking to a rough looking girl. She said


VICTORIA!” So they went home in silence.

Dad: Voice two

starts when:

The dad needed to

go out of the house.

So he and his

daughter Smudge

and their dog Albert

went to the park. On

the way there it was

a boring, strange

street. When they

got there, Smudge’s

father let Albert off

the lead. The dad

wanted as much

energy as Albert.

Albert loved the

park. Especially

when there were

other dogs. This

time there was a

dog called Victoria.

Albert was very

happy! He sniffed Victoria’s bum, but Victoria

didn’t mind. Meanwhile the dad was just

reading the news until it was time to go. All

the way home Smudge was chatting away

like mad. Her father was very happy so the

picture that Anthony Browne did with it was

a happy picture too.