Voice of Democracy Essay

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  • 7/31/2019 Voice of Democracy Essay



    Voice of democracy

    Is the Constitution Still Relevant Today?

    When a President takes the oath of office, he says that to the best of his ability, he will

    preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. When congressmen and

    Supreme Court justices take office, they too agree to support and defend the Constitution.

    Numerous congressmen, Supreme Court justices, and 43 different Presidents have taken the

    same oath since the beginning of the United States. Thus, the three branches of government are

    there always working to preserve the constitution and make it as relevant as ever. The

    Constitution is not just a 225-year-old piece of paper with fancy writing on it. It is the

    government itself, the people it serves, and the land it presides in. I claim the Constitution is

    most definitely still relevant, and I say that with pride.

    In an election cycle, American citizens go to the polls and show their support for a

    candidate. Americans are fortunate to live in a country where citizens get to elect who they think

    is best qualified. If there was no Constitution, there would be no voting on our part. If the

    Constitution was not relevant, the ability to vote then becomes a vacant liberty. The United State

    Constitution protects our rights and personal liberties. To take away the constitution would put

    our personal liberties endowed by the Constitution at risk. Among these liberties are the right of

    speech, religion, gun ownership, and assembly. Abraham Lincoln oncesaid Don't interfere

    with anything in the Constitution. That must be maintained, for it is the only safeguard of our

    liberties. Some people in the 1800s probably thought that the Constitution was losing its

    relevance, but Abraham Lincoln knew that the nation could not stand without it.

  • 7/31/2019 Voice of Democracy Essay



    Sadly, this generations children are growing up thinking that terrorist attacks are normal.

    9/11 happened when I was five, and I vaguely remember it. One thing I do remember is how

    strong America became because of those attacks. Those terrorists tried their best to bring down

    our nation by destroying some of our most important buildings. Their plan backfired because it

    was a moment that allowed thousands of citizens to come together to start rebuilding the

    foundations of America. After the attacks, there was a boom in military enrollment. The strong

    soldiers who volunteered knew that it wasnt our buildings that were attacked; it was the

    government, the people, and most certainly the Constitution. In May 2011, the brave Navy

    SEALs annihilated Bin Laden showing the rest of the world the strength of the Constitution and

    what measures we take to ensure that it endures. The amount of resources that are used to

    protect the Constitution from terrorists just goes to show that it is relevant.

    America is a country of invention, ideas, and changing culture. When the United States

    was formed, only white men could vote. As time evolved, slaves were freed and were legally

    permitted to vote. In the 1920s, women gained the right to vote. All of these changes were

    caused by an amendment to the Constitution. The founding fathers knew that times would

    change so they came up with the ability to add and subtract amendments to the Constitution so it

    would evolve as the American culture does.

    Ask any American what the Constitution is, and they will tell you that it is what formed

    the United States government. However, the definition of constitution is: the way in which

    something is made up or composed. The Constitution did indeed form the government, but it also

    formed the American lifestyle, beliefs, and nationalism. If anybody ever says the Constitution is

    irrelevant, tell them that they are merely wrong for the Constitution survives and advances with

    time. Have pride in the Constitution and your pride for America shall always be there with it.

  • 7/31/2019 Voice of Democracy Essay



    The Constitution is America and its people, not just the laws and government. The Constitution

    was relevant, is relevant, and always will be relevant.