Vofcw* 68 Xte Mwhifuitt Mirror Characters Auto Accident...

^4P& ,«b* •'']>• ' ''IA-:','/' '•••"" ,>;"5** J *- *• . _ •*C •**•*? *: :A •Y •«...»• *„ * \ Vofcw* 68 Xte Wednesday, December 5. 1951 Mwhifuitt Mirror The mulu-rnillion dollar coop- ers development la the upper tMoneuJa will he a shot in tne cum lor mat area. With the back tag c* the liF.C. the Copper Range Co. of Boston will spend $57 million* there, $io uuui*... to be spent to build a model towxLThe White Pine range was chosen as most oi the copper veins there were only 6 and 8 ft underground Vernon J- Brown of Michigan has hailed Mayor Cobo o* De- trot as the new star in the Re- publican skies of Michigan. The Little Hoover Commission is popular with all governors of Michigan as it recomends more power for them and a 4 year 'term. State officials are easier now <that the low bid to restore the fire damaged state orifice build- ing was $2758.589. The appro r nation was SZ 291,000. All state government heads attended the inauqeration oi Dr. Harlan Hatcher as 8th president of the University of Michigan. ^- Governor Williams was on th^ speakers platfcfc*. Characters THE ARSONIST The arrest oi 6 youths near howeii oMi wees: ior setting a unnga to mina an arsonist who opei a ^d in this part oi the county bacic in eighties. He came from a prominent Jamily riru{ ior that reason I am noi mentioning ru* uamfe.ii&e the boys irom How «u he maae no profit on ine .urea out set them because he likea to see them burn. He was not un der suspicion a L lirst and proj^ao siarted a dozen or more before .being cauqht. rie haa a system wbeieby he was miles away wnen me tire was discovered.He used;; a boitte lull, oi gasoline lo which he attached a long fuse which burned ior same- time be- 4or igniting the gasoline. V/e note that Deuou arsonists still use the same inemocL'ine scene of his op eratians were in and around Un adiiia lownsnip and Gregory 1 .. A. e Vvi 4 Jim u o y l e <<ojid m e the boy at one time tried U burn the by tried to burn the home ot home home ot his brotheiinlaw.Llewlyn Chalker in U:iadiUa village. He came there on a Sunday aner- A new. kxw makes it against noc * « * beqaj taking about the law to seU or buy alcoholic i * e numerous hre* k They were beverages for a 34 hour period ^uspicious.and after he leftmade Chrismas. Sales stop at 9:00 v a se ch of ^ e P remases< V ndea : 1 a bash near the house they founa number ot fires including a bam | east of Pinckney burned Nov. 23 Auto Accident J- Arthur Shehan,78,was Wiled in an auto fatality here about 7 4)0 p. in. Sunday evening. His farm home on M-36 E, 3 miles a m the dav ! <* co*tie oi Oasoline with a fuse, a. m. me aay , f a Q ^ d ^3^^ aXid wooa . m. Christmas evee and do not resume until 7:00 l^cb^^uicxry units w a n t & » * he Wjd-<o burn ajfcdtej more recruits-The national quard ***• ,™ * » • " • » L 2 a^lTne u«- i^«* ~ ™ „ *^ 4V,- Arr^ ™A found wi& the bottle of gasoime. The' boy was arrested on suspic• ion and confessed. Owing to his family he escaped a prison sen- tence. Instead he was exiled, at favorite method of thai dav. The late Ma'achv floche was sheriff then and Richard Roche- under sherrJt. The latter took Hhe bev to vhe state line and released him rind as faros known he never 'fc/ne borfr. Years\ afterwards Wm. Sates, an old neighbor of the boy met a person in Oreqon who reeem bled him. HrtdeinJedJbs identity and he was known then by an- other name. has lost many to the draft and recruits are few. Thee is much unrest in auto unions due to layoffs uvcrder to change over to war work. The move now is to put Christ back in Christmas. To substitute the chime of Christmas bells for the clanq of cash reaisters- Huqh Metoalf of Fairqove is the chamDioh wheat grower of "Michigan and Leo ferdan of Chea»an$nq the runnenm.Tbev won these awards oi the Chica- qo Tnternaional Stock Show. Number of colleae students has doubled in the last 20 years. Now one of ev«rv 61 persona is enrolled In college and he and his wife had been staying with their daughter,Mrs. Dorothy Campbell on M-36 W. Sunday he and his wife went to the farm to look after the stock there and started to return to the home oi their daughter about 6:30 p. m. About a mile east of Pinckney a car sideswiped-thezn. The driver was Richard Mar^n, 16, Detroit His mother was with him. He stopped and surveyed the damage on the Shehan car. The women stayed in the cars. A hub cap was found to be miss ing and Mr. Shehan and Martin went back up the road to look Church Notes Catholic •-.* Mary s Catholic Church ftncirc>Y> Michigan f ev. Fr. Albert j . Schzmtt Pastor undoy Ma&sss Summer* 6:30. 8:00. 10 AC 11 «30 Winter 8;00 & 10:00 Pfovenna Devotions: fridav evenina at 7s30 p. m. Concessioner Friday after Noveona Devotions Saturday 7:30 to 9:00 6» M. Sunday betos 8:00 Blair f Scijooi i\otes pinckney dropped both games to ^tucKiuictge uitrt xuuay uii&. Uie xcrfeives 45 to 24. Puicaai^y reserve teams No. 49 Luireut Comment We have mentioned several nines tiiut ;ypucid lever oaco aj common, disease in Michigan is nuw aimost non-existant j aisease was caused bv tbuuixy smaii una mexi)erte ^ ozmlaag water, in ^ ^ £™ •d. iim Wuson was ^of mm, h^* « . * • wells wo* dig ior ^mckney vviiii n . ^ uit 15 tur nign man qot Coiigregatioual 7-?n"c! • Jun ^ 01 . CACU wticuse. Dorrow TW' 7^%r Chulr » Ta *V">- , I Wilson meeunq at ths I Koines for it.Mr. Shehan was struck by' ^ e S. J5 lanch Mar ^- T ! Meabon « r>™ A-rki, M i«, T ~.., M —« T^I— . J? UC " lu -»>u. sermon, The Liqht Mattesr n That Darkness Cannot Dim."Uni i versa! Bible Sunday. a car driven by Lawrence John- son of Brighton, son of Mr, and Mrs- Frank Johnson of Pinckney. Death was instant as his skull was broken. The accident was just east of the L .} Henry iarm > iur oioaa?naqe and Ward iJ. Tne rini'ttney i:rst team miqht hav« won it tiie?y haa qotierx the breakes. As it was Jeureys, Matieson and hebman went L/ut on fouls. Aii>ert ivirosJka was ill and only played naif ot jt. Jell reys and Matteson were fuqh for Pinckney with 11 each and Mro&ika qot 9.Sweet iiad 15 for Stockbridge and Oakley lo. Pinckney fies. Stockbridqe lies ? Crait F Huusun C Collier G Ward G West Substitutions: PinckneynMilla^La home. The state police and cor i ££"!J""' 4 I &awano as quest.ne was wouna j vey, RowelL Henry, Clark. Stock Sunday Schfipl 11:30, Dr. Martini bridqe Mansberg. Barth, Kawano oi Waqasfjtki. Japan is 1 ~ " speaker. 7:30, Pilgrim Fellowship wi»h Dr. ooNSERVAXION DEP1 NOTES It is illegal o cut Christmas trees on siate oi punnc iunu wim out a permit. A permit is aisu needea to transport more than 12 trees. Bids to operate concessions in 9 state parks will be receivea on December 26. Timoer owners are asked to iq nore buyers who Uall them \heir Lmber is afiUotea) wfth oak IwiU and should be cut. So iar the dept. has found but 30 cases of oak wilt in southern Michiqan. Hunters baqqinq deer and not using the meat oa& asked to give it to some charitable institution.- Several does with horns! have been shot in northern Michiqan. At Pte. Mouille the duck kill was 3,898 this year compared to 2,365 a year ago. At Swan Creek 1021 geese were killed compared to 510 a year ago. The dept has bought 4,30C bushel oi pine cones which will be enough for rAxt yea's seed. Bounty payments cost the state $14,685 in October compaf ed to $10,995 a year ago. There were 1075 fox. 479 coyottes and 6 wolves bounded- Nylon nets have superior thread strength, resist rot and handle easier than linen. Samuel Gigqy, 92, of Owosso disputes the claim oi George Ginther, 91, of Owosso to being Michigan's oldest aeer hunter. The former has taken out a licen ce each year since 1895. The deer harvest is down this year. It Is not expected to run over 100-000, compared to lasf years 121,000. This is according t^ the d-«*r brought across the •traits and those tallied at the different tally stations The conservation dept. is con- sidering usmg M -20 instead of between northern and southern Townltne 18 as the dividing line IK^chlgan. *^^ 10,000 trappers or* expected ^0 tc*e out licenses for the 31 day December trcrooinq season 9 out of ev*w 10 deer shot were not over 2½ years old. LADIES AID MEET The Conal Ladies Aid meet Dec. 13 with Mrs. Lena Bradv Christmas r^ity bu* no gifts will mH be exchanaed. Instead oifta will be bouaht for the people at |he hifini'' «»v. Return the gift DECEMBER JURY LIFT BrightorTf Perry Mack. Brighton Twp.;Keith Baldwin. Green Oak: Grace Gardner. Hamburg: Lloyd Nash. Hartkcnd: Frank Vecelius. Handy ;Her|>ert Briggs. Howell: Lloyd Bullard- HoWeil Twp.:Lawrenoe Seim Iosco- Rhea Cumiskey. Marion: Joseph Eisner. Oceola: Lena Bergin- ? Putnam: Hazel Richardson, Tyrone: Ben Farnham. Unadilla: Jessie Lavey. Cohcctah:Marqaret Steinacker Conway: ptissell Sharp. Genoa: Alfred VanCdntie Deerfleld: Anna Conklin. Green Oak: Haze Bennett. Hamburg: Wayne Williams. Handy: Mrs. Deo Blackmer. Harfiand: Horry Preston. Howell: Fred Teeple. Howell Twp.'Harold Millet Iosco. Ruth Pfau. Marion: Beth Lawrenze Oceola: Harry Gustavus. Putnam: Marion Russell- Tyrone :Edna Mehlberg. Unadilla: Margaret Toppinq. fii^O ACCDENT DEATH Francis Martin jr., 27, son oi Francis and Nellie Fisk, former resident, now of Howell, was killed in an auto accident at 1:30 a m , Friday morning on Gand River Rd., 2 miles west c HowelL His three companions. Donald Tidd 27; William Sweet- en, 26 and Ernest Fredenberg,26 were also killed. The car driven by Tidd at a high rate of speed, hit the back end of a lumber truck driven by James Betts, 49, of Detroit. Three were killed in stantly and Martin died on ad mittanoe to McPherson hospital Betts was uninjured- He said he was goinq only about ten miles an hour. Tidd was employed bv the Detroit Edison Co..Fredenberg at McPherson hospital, Martin and Sweeten by.the Michigan Con- solidated Gas. Co., laying a pipeline. Martin w a s an only child. Francis Marti'ns funeral was at St Joseph's church Howell on Monday with burial in-'Mt.OHvet Cemetery. The funeral of Tidd and Fred^nxisfg was abo Men- day. ilfWf**'. oner were calied.Johnson was not held. The bodv was taken to the Swarthout Funeral Home. J. Arthur Shehan was bom in Hamburg at time of his death.He 1873 and was the son of Thomas and Anna McQuillan Shehan-. His occupation was farming. *m 1903 he married Mae Fohev of Pinckney. She survives with a dauqhjfcer, Mrs. 'iDoncl.iy \Camr> \ bell of Pinckney. 3 sons, Merlin of Pinckney, Roland of Ann Ar. bor and Nelson, Whitmore Lakr< There are 9 qrandchildren.Alss 2 brother, William and Louss of Pinckney and a sister, Mrs.Alma Harris of Detroit. A brother, Jay. and sister. Cora, are deceased- Mr. Shehan was prominent in public life beinq supervisor of Hambura at tme of his death.He had held this office at different time for 18 years. The funeral was at St Mnry s rhurch, PincVmev, Wednesday Rev Albert' SchmrlT olfWcmmrr Burial in St Masy's Cemetery. W ILL THE WINDSORS EVER SEPARATE? Elsa Mbxwell, intimate mend of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, is in position to know about rumors that the famous couple will part. (Eead her be hind the scenes story about where this great romance is headed, in thiss <Sunday's«Dec. 9) issue of The American Week \y, exclusively with De roit Sun- day Times.. CARD PARTY AND DANCE The Women's Extension Group will sponsor a card party and dance at the Pinckney school Satuday. Dec. 8. Music by the Clare Swartjhoulj effchesrua. All are invited. led as Naqask at time of atomic bombing. Wed. 7:30, Boy Scouts at church. . Ash- more. Rollins, Johnson Collins. Paints. Wilson ll,Darriiw4,Miller % Meabon 3. Matteson 4, Craft 15, Husson 9, Barth 1. Collier 3. Ward 13, Collnis 1 Pinckney iVieiiiionite Calvary Mennonite Church ,.«v. Ezra fleacbv Pastor S. S, Supt. ' . . Walter Esch Assistant -Maurice Leinbach 1C:0U 11:00 11:45 7 30 r 4^4rOin»< WoTSlUt- Sin day School • . , Chlldreo'e How, • - . . Vounc ?eop!f/» Meetii:, Cott"" e eV.rv Ytu SeMeo ^^^nesd-Ty R:00 p- m. The Mennonite church will coll ect clothina for German refu qees. A. Mrosfka F Malteson F Jeffreys C Rebman G Bradley G West 3-. Stockbridqe Basore Oakley Sweet Camp McKinney ones cribbed with brick or stone. baikice water seeped into them causing them to become germ infected. Much of the ice used was cut from ponds of impure water. The state board oi health says ther@ has not been a case ul typhoid iever in Michigan caused by impure water in 17 years. In 1931 there were 424 cases of typhoid fever in Mich- igan. In 1950 there were but 50. In the same 20 year period the deaths have been cut from 75 to 5. From earliest history Michiqan was a typhoid state and many deaths resulted each year. Wit: the advent of driven wells and? water systems the disease has about disappeared. the Green in Detroit pages by 1939 was PETTYSVTLLE 4-H NEWS A meeting was Substitutions :Pinckney- Carr Henry, Wiltse, J. MrosfkaQark. Johnson. Stockbr^dcje :Car/pente» Prater. Reed. Prates, Strickroot Points: A. Mrsfka 9, Matteson 11. Jeffreys 11, J. Mrosfka 4, } Wiltso 2. Bradlev 1, Basore 4, Carpenter % Oakley 13. Sweet 15, Pirates 3, McKenney 3. At the home gamos the 8th arcHe team will play between the halves. at the a 4-H MRS. W. W. BLACKNEY V^s. C<issie Blacknev 68 died wife of Conar^s^mon Bill Black '.->"•• of this 6th district, died at Flint Thursday- She leaven husband and tv»o cons. her school M ? v. 3U to loi m club, i n e followmq 1 n S T r^ i- " Y ^^oec-Treas Ohn Darlinq; RepolTer Peter club rhe Handy Arauy Cra^- men.15 members signed up. pavid Nash ana John Wender- len are junior leaders.Jo© Basy alo is adult leader.We will havPTo^i r> A u ,» -» t • . ^ • - a paper drive t- ~^~ ™"~ ! a .^ e . Cook M ' ^°^ e ^ ?atncia Sums The proprietor of Feather Restaurant who made the front cuttin prices back to recently called to New York to speak over a nation wide hook* up. Hiss idea is catching on and other establishments are taking notice. Thompson's Restaurant at 229 N. Main, Ann Arbor, cut prices last week end did a big business. The prop, says he is not be able to tell for a week ox so whether he is making a profit or no*- In Detroit the Holly wood Thertr-3 CJ» piices. They qot biq crowds and their candy and popcorn saleB were five times as larqe. iViArtRlAGE LICENSLa John uunhy, 2a, Webberville. tfluth Wiles; 25, Webbervlle;I.e«- he-j Smitu 18, Pinckney, Nan:jy Gi-jnzennacn, 18. Pinckneft/ Joo r L World Wide Bible Reading to raise funds with' Olin Darling in charge. ; 4 - H CLUB MEETING There will be a meetinq in the 4.H rooms under the town on Thursday, December 6 at 6:45 p. m. to form a 4-H Handicraft Club. All who are interested in joininq are asked to attend. Marshall Meabon 23, Ho-.vcii; Wesley Jones ,25, Fent^n, Iwtty Sluuqhter, 20,Fen- ton. . ||^ IHANKSOtVINO TO CHRISTMAS 1951 ft 'i WAY OUT OF THE DARK" Thanksgiving, Nov. 22 Q2JL NOT1CB . „_. O. £ S., meeting M d a w «*• at this time vfik your do- Dec. 7 at SrOO p. HB. fhitkrloiL Tb*se elections are among the greatest from the Bible. Psalms 116 Psalms 13f 24 Psalms 2S Sunday, Nov, 26 Psalms 34 26 «««. : Psalms 4f 27 ... ^.,...4 Deuteronomy 5:1-24 28 —.~. m Joshua 1 29 .^.4^...^, - Isaiah 55 80 .^.^^..- Mtcah 6-.1-U Satonlay, Dec I Matthew 25 Sunday, Dee. 2 - John 1:1-17 John S ..Matthew 5:1-26 Matthew 6:27-48 Matthew 6 ...Matthew 7 Luke 8:1-21 BASKET BALL SCHEDULE. Nov 30,-Stockbridqe .there. 7-South Lyon here. 14-Briqhton there. 18-Gross Lake here. 4-Monchester th*re. 11-Hartland here. 18—Dexter there- Jan. 25-South Lyon there. Feb. 1—Briqhton here. Feb. 8-Mancnester here. Feb. 15-Hartland there. Feb. 19-Grass Lake there- Feb. 22-Dexter here. Dec Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Ian. MASONS ELECT OFFICERS Livingston Lodqe No. 76 F. & A. M. elected tho following of ficers Tuesday night: I W. M Winston Bauqhn ' S. W Clare Milller ««-^«^"^7^ T MMA ... I. W ..- Lawrence Bauqhn ^F^ 3 ? f? OM ^P 20 ?" 1 Xreas W. C. Mille. Mrs> 261 Mann ( 42. has been Sec'y' Paul'w/Curie; seined fKom 'Tuscan, Ari2«Dna S. D. .... . Lawrence Camban °n charqe oi forqinq a Dexter J. D. .... Lonnie VanSlambror man's name to a $95 check and Chaplain Ona Carm> casmnq it and is held at the Ann Marshall Georqe Gardner Arbor jail in default of $1500- Stewards:*Harold Porter, Murray ! baiLShe is a former Pinckney Dagq, Robert Eqler. Frank Zieq 'resident. She took a 16 year old lerOmer Cory,Orland Winslow. Dexter boy 10 Arizona with her. Tilex ... J. H- Hooker; County officials say she ran Installation is public on Dec. , off with same boy 3 times. The 15 at 8:00 p. m.Lunch afterward, j fast time they were brought Installing offtcer. Ona Campbell; ! back from Monroe and she was Things are not qoinq to suit Gen. MacArthur and through his publicity man, Gen-Willough hq he has taken a slap at the war correspondents and he puts the blame on them for be> , inq tired by Pres.dent Truman as ! commander in the far east In a fllT^azine allele Wi^ougjhby says the false reports of the Assoc. Press men whom he nam es made MacArinur the qoat of the Korean debocle. The news men deny this.They point to the press release ot MacArthur a year aqo that there were only 100 000 Reds in Korea and the* ho wojld have them licked and the bovs all home by Christmas. Instead there were 600,000 Red» and M icArthur was defeated and his ormy almost wiped out. The new men also put the blame on Willouqhy, then chic* intelligence officer for MacAr- thur on whose mfoirncrtloV he relied en- The huqe crowds thai arreted Gen. MacArthur on his return here fooled him and he expected the presidenital nominatioh handed him on 1 plat+er. However the powers that be in the Republican partv can't see him but they are willinq to use him and the struqqle in the r, ^nv' v nt>on will bo between Sen. Bob Tan and Gen- Ike Eisenhow WM'*» , "**«'* W *** **•••••#•••»•*• MMMatNa*iM**»Mt»i«t«>f*»iM**» marshal!, Clifford Miller, secre tarry, Jack Hannott; chaplain- Olin Robinson CHORAL PROGRAM A choral program of.Christmas music will be presented by the Junior and Senior Hiqh School Chorus in the hiqh school qym. at 8 p. m. Thursday night Dec 13. The public is invited.. fied by Justice Yelland. The We oeiieve dirtier football has been played in the nation this year than ever before. One of causes is that most lust class teams have one or more negroes in then lineup and their pres- ence there is resented especial- ly by the southern colleges. In the Missouri Conference, Bobby Bright, a negro boy, was the leading qound gainer in the nation. He was on the Drake team. In a game with Okla. second time they were brought j homa A. & M.' Briqht was delib erately assaulted and his jaw broken, endlnq his football car eer- This was proved by the motion pictures of the game.The A.& M.heads and Missouri Con- tference refused to take any ac- tion .and Drake withdrew from the conference Bradley Univer- sity will also follow suit Vnfv«rtal Bible Sunday, Dec. 9 10 ..- 9 •*•**••**#• •••• MMIIHlHtt'i 11 IS It 14 15 •»*••••«»****•••« Psalms 119:1-16 John 14 ...Luke 15:11-32 .... Ephesians 4. ...II Timothy 2 .... Revelation 22 8\m4»?, D«c 1*.~ Romans 12 1? —~—-~~~*.. I Corinthrans 1Z U -^-- I Corinthians 15:1-34 19 TIM- , f Corinthians 15:85-58 •0 ^»..~«WM.*..». Galatfans 6 J'hilippians 4:143 Jamsi 1 8flAd*J, DM. 28 Lukt 2:1-20! *€'^...N>....«. .......... MAttntw 1:18*25 back from Tennessee. ANDRUS CONVICTIONS \ ARE UPHELD The Michigan supreme court has upheld the conviction of William and Donald Andrus, convicted of the robbery-murder of Frank Cline, Briqhton mer- chant April 28, 1949.Justice Le- land Carr wrote the opinion. He held the Andrus Bros, received a fair trial and denied .their dur la* »««*»*ff*«****»qp*«f» I '.%.! • Pie. U Metthew^:!^ WILL^PD CUFFMAN Willard Cur^nan, 46, died at __ ___ .... a Pcniiac hospital, December 3. laims of preiudicial errors He was born at Sault Ste- Marie . inq ^ tral. The brothers have May 23, 1905- being the son of 1 * b e e n o u t on bail WilBam and Ella Cran* Cuff \y^ n out on bail. Their sentence man. His father di*d 15 vears wag 13 10 15 years ago and his mother last June. Survivim is an uncle Georqe Crane. Th* fnneral will* he crt 9warthont Funwnl Home Thurs- dav afternoon 2:00p.m. Rev. T NT. MoLuca* ofhciahng. .The burial was in Sprout Cemetery- CHRISTMAS BOOKS . f totae selection ofox chttdren s at «artr.:,«««^- Children s ^ok Cotn* eotaiae* ,gprw and Ev- Hardware The Detroit dailies which can not see anv gpod in Gov. Will- iams were horrified when on the recent visit of Princess Eliz abeth to Windsor the gcv^rnr gave her hiiebano 1 ,Prince Phillip one of his famous bow tiecThe prince accented !t rm^ thanked! and we bet he took It hotfie and a'^ye it a r^omlnMit Thrtc* \TPMs .eoDecttan of trophies. InddenuV { ^ ^ t k e o n l y a»m the The press opposed to the ad* ministration is panning Vice President Barkley for what they call grandstanding. He recently? visited Korea, fired a shot at the fieds and ate chow with G. I'e on the battlefield. We always liked the old Veep and thought he added much to the tcket 1948. Plenty of senator* end tep resentatives have vtetted Korea before him but Gwy arwuy» i*f mained out of firing rana> »' BASKET BALL SCORES Ann Arbor ^Toledo Scott 2§ St- Thomai 37. UnhrwAf ^J L Chelsea 38, McmcheenT CfrttT ' v dee 26 MUan 22.8aBne 43, Dw* y ,>•'. ••ihcJt *.>i«M^L

Transcript of Vofcw* 68 Xte Mwhifuitt Mirror Characters Auto Accident...

Page 1: Vofcw* 68 Xte Mwhifuitt Mirror Characters Auto Accident ...pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1951-12-05.pdf · resume until 7:00 l^cb^^uicxry units want&»* he Wjd-

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\ Vofcw* 68 Xte Wednesday, December 5. 1951

Mwhifuitt Mirror The mulu-rnillion dollar coop­

e r s development la the upper tMoneuJa will he a shot in tne cum lor mat area. With the back tag c* the liF.C. the Copper Range Co. of Boston will spend

$57 million* there, $io uuui*... to be spent to build a model towxLThe White Pine range was chosen a s most oi the copper veins there were only 6 and 8 ft underground

Vernon J- Brown of Michigan has hailed Mayor Cobo o* De-trot a s the new star in the Re­publican skies of Michigan.

The Little Hoover Commission is popular with all governors of Michigan as it recomends more power for them and a 4 year 'term.

State officials are easier now <that the low bid to restore the fire damaged state orifice build­

ing w a s $2758.589. The appror nation was SZ 291,000.

All state government heads attended the inauqeration oi Dr. Harlan Hatcher as 8th president of the University of Michigan.

^- Governor Williams w a s on th^ speakers platfcfc*.


The arrest oi 6 youths near howeii oMi wees: ior setting a

unnga to mina an arsonist who opei a ^ d in this part oi the

county bacic in eighties. He came from a prominent Jamily riru{ ior that reason I am noi mentioning ru* uamfe.ii&e the boys irom How «u he maae no profit on ine .urea out set them because he likea to see them burn. He was not un der suspicion aL lirst and proj^ao siarted a dozen or more before .being cauqht. rie haa a system wbeieby he was miles away wnen me tire was discovered.He

used;; a boitte lull, oi gasoline lo which he attached a long fuse

which burned ior same- time be-4or igniting the gasoline. V/e note that Deuou arsonists still use the same inemocL'ine scene of his op eratians were in and around Un

adiiia lownsnip and Gregory1.. A. e Vvi 4 Jim uoyle <<ojid me the

boy at one time tried U burn the by tried to burn the home ot home home ot his brotheiinlaw.Llewlyn Chalker in U:iadiUa village. He

came there on a Sunday aner-A new. kxw makes it against n o c * « * beqaj taking about

the law to seU or buy alcoholic i * e numerous hre* k They were beverages for a 34 hour period ^uspicious.and after he leftmade Chrismas. Sales stop at 9:00 v a se™ch o f ^ e P r e m a s e s < Vndea:

1 a bash near the house they founa

number ot fires including a bam | east of Pinckney burned Nov. 23

Auto Accident J- Arthur Shehan,78 ,was Wiled

in an auto fatality here about 7 4)0 p. in. Sunday evening. His farm home on M-36 E, 3 miles

a m the dav ! <* co*tie oi Oasoline with a fuse, a. m. me a a y , f a Q ^ d ^ 3 ^ ^ aXid w o o a . m. Christmas evee and do not resume until 7:00

l ^ c b ^ ^ u i c x r y units w a n t & » * he Wjd-<o burn a j f c d t e j more recruits-The national quard * * * • ,™€ * » • " • » L 2 a ^ l T n e u « - i «* ~ ™ „ *^ 4V,- Arr^ ™A found wi& the bottle of gasoime.

The' boy was arrested on suspic• ion and confessed. Owing to his family he escaped a prison sen­tence. Instead he was exiled, at favorite method of thai dav. The late Ma'achv floche was sheriff then and Richard Roche- under sherrJt. The latter took Hhe bev to vhe state line and released him rind a s faros known he never 'fc/ne borfr. Years\ afterwards Wm. Sates,

an old neighbor of the boy met a person in Oreqon who reeem bled him. HrtdeinJedJbs identity

and he was known then by an­other name.

has lost many to the draft and recruits are few.

Thee is much unrest in auto unions due to layoffs uvcrder to change over to war work.

The move now is to put Christ back in Christmas. To substitute the chime of Christmas bells for the clanq of cash reaisters-

Huqh Metoalf of Fairqove is the chamDioh wheat grower of "Michigan and Leo ferdan of Chea»an$nq the runnenm.Tbev

won these awards oi the Chica-qo Tnternaional Stock Show.

Number of colleae students has doubled in the last 20 years. Now one of ev«rv 61 persona is enrolled In college

and he and his wife had been staying with their daughter,Mrs. Dorothy Campbell on M-36 W. Sunday he and his wife went to the farm to look after the stock there and started to return to the home oi their daughter about 6:30 p. m. About a mile east of Pinckney a car sideswiped-thezn. The driver was Richard Mar^n, 16, Detroit His mother was with him. He stopped and surveyed the damage on the Shehan car. The women stayed in the cars. A hub cap was found to be miss ing and Mr. Shehan and Martin went back up the road to look

Church Notes Catholic

•-.* Mary s Catholic Church ftncirc>Y> Michigan

f ev. Fr. Albert j . Schzmtt Pastor undoy Ma&sss

Summer* 6:30. 8:00. 10 AC 11 «30 Winter 8;00 & 10:00 Pfovenna Devotions: fridav evenina at 7s30 p. m. Concessioner Friday after Noveona Devotions Saturday 7:30 to 9:00 6» M. Sunday b e t o s 8:00 Blair

f Scijooi i\otes pinckney dropped both games

to ^tucKiuictge uitrt xuuay uii&.

Uie xcrfeives 45 to 24. Puicaai^y reserve teams

No. 49

Luireut Comment We have mentioned several

nines tiiut ;ypucid lever oaco aj common, disease in Michigan is nuw aimost non-existant

j aisease was caused bv tbuuixy smaii u n a m e x i ) e r t e ^ ozmlaag water, in ^ ^ £™ •d. iim Wuson w a s ^ o f mm, h^* « . * • wells w o * d i g ior ^mckney vviiii n . ^ u i t 15 tur

nign man qot


7-?n"c! • Jun^01. C A C U wticuse. • Dorrow T W ' 7 ^ % r C h u l r »Ta*V">- , I Wilson

meeunq at ths I Koines for it.Mr. Shehan was struck b y ' ^ e S . J 5 l a n c h M a r ^ - T ! Meabon « r>™ A-rki,M i«, T ~..,M—« T I— . J?UC" lu-»>u. sermon, The Liqht Mattesr n

That Darkness Cannot Dim."Uni i versa! Bible Sunday.

a car driven by Lawrence John-son of Brighton, son of Mr, and Mrs- Frank Johnson of Pinckney. Death was instant as his skull was broken. The accident was just east of the L .} Henry iarm

> iur oioaa?naqe and Ward iJ. Tne rini'ttney i:rst team miqht

hav« won it tiie?y haa qotierx the breakes. As it was Jeureys, Matieson and hebman went L/ut on fouls. Aii>ert ivirosJka was ill and only played naif ot jt. Jell reys and Matteson were fuqh for Pinckney with 11 each and Mro&ika qot 9.Sweet iiad 15 for

Stockbridge and Oakley lo. Pinckney fies. Stockbridqe lies

? Crait F Huusun C Collier G Ward G West

Substitutions: PinckneynMilla^La

home. The state police and cor i ££"!J""' 4 „ I &awano as quest.ne was wouna

j vey, RowelL Henry, Clark. Stock Sunday Schfipl 11:30, Dr. Martini bridqe Mansberg. Barth, Kawano oi Waqasfjtki. Japan is1 ~ " speaker.

7:30, Pilgrim Fellowship wi»h Dr.


It is illegal o cut Christmas trees on siate oi punnc iunu wim out a permit. A permit is aisu needea to transport more than 12 trees.

Bids to operate concessions in 9 state parks will be receivea on December 26.

Timoer owners are asked to iq • nore buyers who Uall them \heir

Lmber is afiUotea) wfth oak IwiU and should be cut. So iar the dept. has found but 30 cases of oak wilt in southern Michiqan.

Hunters baqqinq deer and not using the meat oa& asked to give it to some charitable institution.-

Several does with horns! have been shot in northern Michiqan.

At Pte. Mouille the duck kill was 3,898 this year compared to 2,365 a year ago. At Swan Creek 1021 geese were killed compared to 510 a year ago.

The dept has bought 4,30C bushel oi pine cones which will be enough for rAxt yea's seed.

Bounty payments cost the state $14,685 in October compaf ed to $10,995 a year ago. There were 1075 fox. 479 coyottes and 6 wolves bounded-

Nylon nets have superior thread strength, resist rot and handle easier than linen.

Samuel Gigqy, 92, of Owosso disputes the claim oi George Ginther, 91, of Owosso to being Michigan's oldest aeer hunter. The former has taken out a licen

c e each year since 1895. The deer harvest is down this

year. It Is not expected to run over 100-000, compared to lasf years 121,000. This is according t^ the d-«*r brought across the •traits and those tallied at the different tally stations

The conservation dept. is con­sidering usmg M -20 instead of between northern and southern

Townltne 18 as the dividing line IK^chlgan. * ^ ^

10,000 trappers or* expected ^0 tc*e out licenses for the 31 day December trcrooinq season

9 out of e v * w 10 deer shot were not over 2½ years old.

LADIES AID MEET The C o n a l Ladies Aid meet

Dec. 13 with Mrs. Lena Bradv Christmas r^ity bu* no gifts will mH b e exchanaed. Instead oifta will be bouaht for the people at |he hifini'' «»v. Return the gift

DECEMBER JURY LIFT BrightorTf Perry Mack. Brighton Twp.;Keith Baldwin. Green Oak: Grace Gardner. Hamburg: Lloyd Nash. Hartkcnd: Frank Vecelius. Handy ;Her|>ert Briggs.

Howell: Lloyd Bullard-HoWeil Twp.:Lawrenoe Seim

Iosco- Rhea Cumiskey. Marion: Joseph Eisner.

Oceola: Lena Bergin- ? Putnam: Hazel Richardson, Tyrone: Ben Farnham. Unadilla: Jessie Lavey. Cohcctah:Marqaret Steinacker

Conway: ptissell Sharp. Genoa: Alfred VanCdntie

Deerfleld: Anna Conklin. Green Oak: Haze Bennett. Hamburg: Wayne Williams. Handy: Mrs. Deo Blackmer. Harfiand: Horry Preston. Howell: Fred Teeple. Howell Twp.'Harold Millet

Iosco. Ruth Pfau. Marion: Beth Lawrenze

Oceola: Harry Gustavus. Putnam: Marion Russell-Tyrone :Edna Mehlberg. Unadilla: Margaret Toppinq.


Francis Martin jr., 27, son oi Francis and Nellie Fisk, former resident, now of Howell, was killed in an auto accident at 1:30 a m , Friday morning on Gand River Rd., 2 miles west c HowelL His three companions. Donald Tidd 27; William Sweet­en, 26 and Ernest Fredenberg,26 were also killed. The car driven by Tidd at a high rate of speed, hit the back end of a lumber truck driven by James Betts, 49, of Detroit. Three were killed in stantly and Martin died on ad • mittanoe to McPherson hospital Betts was uninjured- He said he was goinq only about ten miles an hour.

Tidd was employed bv the Detroit Edison Co..Fredenberg at McPherson • hospital, Martin and Sweeten by . the Michigan Con­solidated Gas. Co., laying a pipeline. Martin w a s an only child.

Francis Marti'ns funeral was at St Joseph's church Howell on Monday with burial in-'Mt.OHvet Cemetery. The funeral of Tidd and Fred^nxisfg w a s a b o Men-day. i l f W f * * ' .

oner were calied.Johnson was not held. The bodv was taken to the Swarthout Funeral Home.

J. Arthur Shehan was bom in Hamburg at time of his death.He 1873 and was the son of Thomas and Anna McQuillan Shehan-. His occupation was farming. *m 1903 he married Mae Fohev of Pinckney. She survives with a dauqhjfcer, Mrs. 'iDoncl.iy \Camr> \ bell of Pinckney. 3 sons, Merlin of Pinckney, Roland of Ann Ar. bor and Nelson, Whitmore Lakr< There are 9 qrandchildren.Alss 2 brother, William and Louss of Pinckney and a sister, Mrs.Alma Harris of Detroit. A brother, Jay. and sister. Cora, are deceased-

Mr. Shehan was prominent in public life beinq supervisor of Hambura at tme of his death.He had held this office at different time for 18 years.

The funeral was at St Mnry s rhurch, PincVmev, Wednesday Rev Albert' SchmrlT olfWcmmrr Burial in St Masy's Cemetery.


Elsa Mbxwell, intimate mend of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, is in position to know about rumors that the famous couple will part. (Eead her be hind the scenes story about where this great romance is headed, in thiss <Sunday's«Dec. 9) issue of The American Week \y, exclusively with De roit Sun­day Times..

CARD PARTY AND DANCE The Women's Extension Group

will sponsor a card party and dance at the Pinckney school Satuday. Dec. 8. Music by the Clare Swartjhoulj effchesrua. All are invited.

led as Naqask at time of atomic bombing. Wed. 7:30, Boy Scouts at church.

. Ash-more. Rollins, Johnson Collins. Paints. Wilson ll,Darriiw4,Miller % Meabon 3. Matteson 4, Craft 15, Husson 9, Barth 1. Collier 3. Ward 13, Collnis 1 Pinckney

iVieiiiionite Calvary Mennonite Church ,.«v. Ezra fleacbv Pastor

S. S, Supt. ' . • . Walter Esch Assistant -Maurice Leinbach

1C:0U 11:00 11:45 • 7 30

r4^4rOin»< WoTSlUt-Sin day School • . , Chlldreo'e How, • - . . Vounc ?eop!f/» Meetii:, Cott"" eeV.rv Ytu SeMeo

^^^nesd-Ty R:00 p- m. The Mennonite church will coll

ect clothina for German refu qees.

A. Mrosfka F Malteson F

Jeffreys C Rebman G Bradley G

West 3-. Stockbridqe

Basore Oakley

Sweet Camp


ones cribbed with brick or stone. baikice water seeped into them causing them to become germ infected. Much of the ice used was cut from ponds of impure water. The state board oi health says ther@ has not been a case ul typhoid iever in Michigan caused by impure water in 17 years. In 1931 there were 424 cases of typhoid fever in Mich­igan. In 1950 there were but 50. In the same 20 year period the

deaths have been cut from 75 to 5. From earliest history Michiqan was a typhoid state and many

deaths resulted each year. Wit: the advent of driven wells and? water systems the disease has about disappeared.

the Green in Detroit pages by 1939 was

PETTYSVTLLE 4-H NEWS A meeting was

Substitutions :Pinckney- Carr Henry, Wiltse, J. MrosfkaQark. Johnson. Stockbr^dcje :Car/pente» Prater. Reed. Prates, Strickroot Points: A. Mrsfka 9, Matteson 11. Jeffreys 11, J. Mrosfka 4,} Wiltso 2. Bradlev 1, Basore 4, Carpenter % Oakley 13. Sweet 15, Pirates 3, McKenney 3.

At the home gamos the 8th arcHe team will play between the halves.

at the a 4-H

MRS. W. W. BLACKNEY V^s. C<issie Blacknev 68 died

wife of Conar^s^mon Bill Black '.->"•• of this 6th district, died at Flint Thursday- She leaven husband and tv»o cons.


school M?v. 3U to loim club, i n e followmq

1 n S T r^ i- "Y ^ ^ o e c - T r e a s Ohn Darlinq; RepolTer Peter

club rhe Handy Arauy Cra^-men.15 members signed up. pavid Nash ana John Wender-len are junior leaders.Jo© Basy alo is adult leader.We will havPTo^i r>A u ,» -» t • . ^ • -a paper drive t- ~^~ ™"~ !a.^e. C o o k M' ^°^e^ ?atncia Sums

The proprietor of Feather Restaurant who made the front cuttin prices back to recently called to New York to speak over a nation wide hook* up. Hiss idea is catching on and other establishments are taking notice. Thompson's Restaurant at 229 N. Main, Ann Arbor, cut prices last week end did a big business. The prop, says he is not be able to tell for a week ox so whether he is making a profit or no*- In Detroit the Holly wood Thertr-3 CJ» piices. They qot biq crowds and their candy and popcorn saleB were five times as larqe.

iViArtRlAGE LICENSLa John uunhy, 2a, Webberville.

tfluth Wiles; 25, Webbervlle;I.e«-he-j Smitu 18, Pinckney, Nan:jy Gi-jnzennacn, 18. Pinckneft/ Joo



World Wide Bible Reading

to raise funds with' Olin Darling in charge. ;

4 - H CLUB MEETING There will be a meetinq in the

4.H rooms under the town on Thursday, December 6 at 6:45 p. m. to form a 4-H Handicraft Club. All who are interested in joininq are asked to attend.

Marshall Meabon

23, Ho-.vcii; Wesley Jones ,25, Fent^n, Iwtty Sluuqhter, 20,Fen-ton. . —


ft'i WAY OUT


Thanksgiving, Nov. 22

Q2JL NOT1CB . „ _ . O. £ S., meeting M d a w « * •

at this time vfik your do- Dec. 7 at SrOO p. HB. fhitkrloiL

Tb*se elections are among the greatest from the Bible.

Psalms 116 Psalms 13f

24 Psalms 2S Sunday, Nov, 26 Psalms 34 26 «««. : Psalms 4f 2 7 ... ^.,...4 Deuteronomy 5:1-24 28 —.~. m Joshua 1 29 . .4 ... , - Isaiah 55 80 .^.^^..- Mtcah 6-.1-U Satonlay, Dec I Matthew 25 Sunday, Dee. 2 - John 1:1-17

John S ..Matthew 5:1-26 Matthew 6:27-48

Matthew 6 ...Matthew 7

Luke 8:1-21

BASKET BALL SCHEDULE. Nov 30,-Stockbridqe .there.

7-South Lyon here. 14-Briqhton there. 18-Gross Lake here. 4-Monchester th*re. 11-Hartland here. 18—Dexter there-

Jan. 25-South Lyon there. Feb. 1—Briqhton here. Feb. 8-Mancnester here.

Feb. 15-Hartland there. Feb. 19-Grass Lake there-Feb. 22-Dexter here.

Dec Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Ian.

MASONS ELECT OFFICERS Livingston Lodqe No. 76 F. &

A. M. elected tho following of ficers Tuesday night:

I W. M Winston Bauqhn ' S. W Clare Milller « « - ^ « ^ " ^ 7 ^ T M M A . . .

I. W ..- Lawrence Bauqhn ^ F ^ 3 ? f ? O M ^ P 2 0 ? " 1

Xreas W. C. Mille. M r s > ^ ° 2 6 1 Mann(42. has been Sec'y' Paul 'w/Cur ie ; s e i n e d fKom 'Tuscan, Ari2«Dna S. D. .... . Lawrence Camban °n charqe oi forqinq a Dexter J. D. .... Lonnie VanSlambror man's name to a $95 check and Chaplain Ona Carm> casmnq it and is held at the Ann Marshall Georqe Gardner Arbor jail in default of $1500-Stewards:*Harold Porter, Murray ! baiLShe is a former Pinckney Dagq, Robert Eqler. Frank Zieq 'resident. She took a 16 year old lerOmer Cory,Orland Winslow. Dexter boy 10 Arizona with her. Tilex ... J. H- Hooker; County officials say she ran

Installation is public on Dec. , off with same boy 3 times. The 15 at 8:00 p. m.Lunch afterward, j fast time they were brought Installing offtcer. Ona Campbell; ! back from Monroe and she was

Things are not qoinq to suit Gen. MacArthur and through his publicity man, Gen-Willough hq he has taken a slap at the war correspondents and he puts the blame on them for be>

, inq tired by Pres.dent Truman as ! commander in the far east In a

fllT^azine a l l e l e Wi^ougjhby says the false reports of the Assoc. Press men whom he nam es made MacArinur the qoat of the Korean debocle. The news men deny this.They point to the press release ot MacArthur a year aqo that there were only 100 000 Reds in Korea and the* ho wojld have them licked and the bovs all home by Christmas. Instead there were 600,000 Red» and M icArthur was defeated and his ormy almost wiped out. The new men also put the blame on Willouqhy, then chic* intelligence officer for MacAr­thur on whose mfoirncrtloV he relied en- The huqe crowds thai arreted Gen. MacArthur on his return here fooled him and he expected the presidenital nominatioh handed him on 1 plat+er. However the powers that be in the Republican partv can't see him but they are willinq to use him and the struqqle in the r,^nv'vnt>on will bo between Sen. Bob Tan and Gen- Ike Eisenhow

W M ' * » , " * * « ' * W * * *


M M M a t N a * i M * * » M t » i « t « > f * » i M * * »

marshal!, Clifford Miller, secre tarry, Jack Hannott; chaplain-Olin Robinson

CHORAL PROGRAM A choral program of.Christmas

music will be presented by the Junior and Senior Hiqh School Chorus in the hiqh school qym. at 8 p. m. Thursday night Dec 13. The public is invited..

fied by Justice Yelland. The

We oeiieve dirtier football has been played in the nation this year than ever before. One of causes is that most lust class teams have one or more negroes in then lineup and their pres­ence there is resented especial­ly by the southern colleges. In the Missouri Conference, Bobby Bright, a negro boy, was the leading qound gainer in the nation. He was on the Drake team. In a game with Okla.

second time they were brought j homa A. & M.' Briqht was delib erately assaulted and his jaw broken, endlnq his football car eer- This was proved by the motion pictures of the game.The A.& M.heads and Missouri Con-tference refused to take any ac­tion .and Drake withdrew from the conference Bradley Univer­sity will also follow suit

Vnfv«rtal Bible Sunday, Dec. 9

10 ..- • 9 • * • * * • • * * # • • • • • M M I I H l H t t ' i

11 IS It 14 15

• » * • • • • « » * * * * • • • «

Psalms 119:1-16 John 14

...Luke 15:11-32

.... Ephesians 4. ...II Timothy 2 ....Revelation 22

8\m4»?, D«c 1*.~ Romans 12 1? —~—-~~~*.. I Corinthrans 1Z U -^-- I Corinthians 15:1-34 19 TIM- , f Corinthians 15:85-58 •0 ^»..~«WM.*..». Galatfans 6

J'hilippians 4:143 Jamsi 1

8flAd*J, DM. 28 Lukt 2:1-20! *€'^...N>....«. ..........MAttntw 1:18*25

back from Tennessee.


The Michigan supreme court has upheld the conviction of William and Donald Andrus, convicted of the robbery-murder of Frank Cline, Briqhton mer­chant April 28, 1949.Justice Le-land Carr wrote the opinion. He held the Andrus Bros, received a fair trial and denied .their


la* »««*»* f f *«** * *»qp*«f»


'.%.! •

Pie. U Metthew^:!^

WILL^PD CUFFMAN Willard Cur^nan, 46, died at __ _ _ _ . . . .

a Pcniiac hospital, December 3. laims of preiudicial errors He was born at Sault Ste- Marie . i n q ^ tral. The brothers have May 23, 1905- being the son of 1 * b e e n o u t o n bail WilBam and Ella Cran* Cuff \y^n o u t o n bail. Their sentence man. His father di*d 15 vears w a g 13 1 0 15 years ago and his mother last June. Survivim is an uncle Georqe Crane. Th* fnneral will* he crt 9warthont Funwnl Home Thurs-dav afternoon 2 : 0 0 p . m . Rev. T NT. MoLuca* ofhciahng. .The burial was in Sprout Cemetery-

CHRISTMAS BOOKS . f t o t a e selection of ox chttdren s

at « a r t r . : , « « « ^ - Children s ^ o k C o t n * eotaiae*

,gprw and Ev-Hardware

The Detroit dailies which can not see anv gpod in Gov. Will­iams were horrified when on the recent visit of Princess Eliz abeth to Windsor the gcv^rnr gave her hiiebano1,Prince Phillip one of his famous bow tiecThe prince accented !t rm^ thanked! and we bet he took It hotfie and a'^ye it a r^omlnMit Thrtc* \TPMs

.eoDecttan of trophies. InddenuV {^^tkeon ly a»m the —

The press opposed to the ad* ministration is panning Vice President Barkley for what they call grandstanding. He recently? visited Korea, fired a shot at the fieds and ate chow with G. I'e on the battlefield. We always liked the old Veep and thought he added much to the tcket 1948. Plenty of senator* end tep resentatives have vtetted Korea before him but Gwy arwuy» i*f mained out of firing rana> »'

BASKET BALL SCORES Ann Arbor ^ T o l e d o Scott 2§

St- Thomai 37. UnhrwAf ^J L Chelsea 38, McmcheenT C f r t t T ' v

dee 26 MUan 22.8aBne 43, Dw*

y ,>•'.

••ihcJt *.>i«M^L

Page 2: Vofcw* 68 Xte Mwhifuitt Mirror Characters Auto Accident ...pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1951-12-05.pdf · resume until 7:00 l^cb^^uicxry units want&»* he Wjd-

WW w'j:- <:>• • ^ ' . . J . ^ ;






Wednesday, ftetwnber 5. 1381 • w : ^



« M

Vfentt) make 5 hit YOUR GIFT'S SURE


Coffee making becomes a cinch with en automatic EUctric Coffee Maker. Superb coffee in minutes . . . keeps act for hours. $29.95 to $37.50.

An EUctric Ire* takes the wrin­kles oat of dochee in a jiffy. Glides easily • • . cuts ironing time. $8.95 to $19.95. ^

An Electric Mixer is the handiest helper in the kitchen. Whips, beats, stirs whatever your recipe calls for. $39.95 to $46.50,

0MMS Of 0f»er f emrffrv/, PrmeHtol tltctrk $lh* ft fte Htmt Art AvmihUt Wktrevtr

1/ecfriceJ AfftiMCM Art Uid * Prices mhttct to m*nwfa«tvr«n' chenott.

a n d Howard Kiel ID


25 Years Ago Howell 'liter A hecrry mow stonn forced gewtf . M c M c w

***"" Eether W i l t e d JRed Skehon Anna Solasan of Pinckney

and Robert Bales of Detpoit were married at St Mary's Saturday. They were attended by Elizabeth Solasan and Harry Frye.

Nicojai & Harger. a realty firm of Pontiac have secured options on 1UUU acres of land south and west of Pinckney. it is in one solid block and is bounded on north by Urand Trunk Rcdlrad, west by lane running souih; irom Marbles Corners, soutri by Patterson Lake Rd. and east by the road running south from the



flrWay, Saturday, b e e . 7. 8

James Stewart Marlene Dietrick ID


Don Barry, Robert Lowery in


Sunday, Monday. Doc, 9. 10 _^_ ^ Matinoo Suadoy 2;30 © m continue*

Sprout SJemetery. ~~ The"* options Far*«Y Granger. Shelley Winters are tor $200 and expire March' , ™ „ » „ « « & ^ « ^ « » 10, 1927. The purpose is not' "BEHAVE YOURSaF" Cartoon known- John Dunne who sold, ' C0""** __

asked the real estate man and i **•»., w«<*., Thur., Dec. n. 12. w Newt

She'd love s s Electric Roaster, Cooks complete delicious meals automatically . . . bakes, broils and roasts to perfection. $38.95 to $65.95. M

Ideal gift for that ideal ga l , a n Eler 'I ouster. Toas t pops up li^.i , dark or any shade between . . . Christmas morning or any morning. $22.95 to $26.50.

How about an EUctric Clock? There's one for every room in the a juse . . . mantel* desk, wail* $4.95. to $32.00.

Real heart warmers. Electric Sheets, Blankets, Comforters are tops in sleeping comfort. Fully automat ic! P o p u l a r co lor s . $2i.95 to $56.95.

See *0UR Detroit *««««»

Coo!;ed to perfection waffles from an EUctric Waffle Iron will make her beam with pride. Stuart ia appearance . . . fully automatic. $17.95 to $24.95.

I i^goiforing motes The new Dexter elementary


was told mammoth sheep ranch was to be started. Mr. Waugh,a Detroit realtor has taken options on 5200 acres of land in Ham* burg. Green Oak and Wabster township*/.

Thursday night vandals got' in the Stackable or Sellman School broke windows, smash ed desks and did other damage. Leo McCluskey is teacher.

St. Mary's church will have a mission Dec. 12 .19, conducted

by Rev. Cororan oi Notre Dame.

H. H. Swarthout has retired as mail carrier after 2^ years and Walter Mowers is carrying.

Stockbridge, Millville and the Pinckney Christian Endeavors met at the church for dinner Fri­day. Stacy Hall was toastmas . ter. Speakers Lonnie VanSlam brook and Gertrude Tuppes.Er.

Tett Distier and Cora Sharland of Stockbridge and F.F. McKie-qhan and Ernest Marks, Lan-sing. P. H. Swarthout and Mrs-May croft sang.

Dan and Elizabeth Driver en-tertcdnea a large number of their friends at a eucher party Friday niqht. •

Born to Russell Livermore and wife at the Pinckney San. Nov. 30, a girl.

Born to Carl Bollinger and wife at the Pinckney San. Dec-5. a girl

The Gregory school debates

Paul Douglas. Janet Leigh !n

"ANGELS IN THE OUTFIELD" Hoeelty / n o Uutooo

ComngrGolden Girl, W h e n Worlds Collide i


la fcrlday, Saturday, Doc, 7. 8

2 Great Pictures 2 Walt Disney's


,1a Clnocolor Plus

The Bowery Boys in "LET'S <SO NAVY*

C«rt©oi ^ H e w i (Sunday, Monday* Doc. 8, 10

John Wayne , Robjbrt Ryan In a%

"FLYING LEAXHERNCKS" shows 7:00. 9*00

Sun. Shows 3,5,7,**

Friday, Saturday, Doc, 7. 8 double feature

"FLIGHT TO MARS" In Clnocolor

wi th ^larguerite Chapman, Cameron

MITCHELL 50 years in the future


Johnny Sheffield, Bomba. the Jungle Boy


flues,, Wod„ Thur., Doc. H. 12. 13 £ great pictures,only one show a n ight starts 7:15' ends 10:34

2 Comdy Hits 2 "THEY-GOT ME COVERED"

Starring Bob Hope. Dorothy Lamour


with Dinah Shore. Anna Andrews


Friday, Saturday, Doc. 7, 8 double feature special


Gene Autrey, Grail Davis Plus


Bud Abbott. Lou Costello Mews

: ¾ . ¾ ° 2TSZL& : SP* \ A^7>is-wee^stjon

)Sunday, Monday. Dec, 9. 10 story of loaded dice

Ckrudette Colbert, MacDonald Carey


March of Time Crisis in Iran n e W s cartoon novelty T u e s . ^ e d . , Thur., Dec. H. 12. 13

double feature David Niven, Vera Ellen and

Cesar Romero "HAPPY GO LOVELY'


in cinecolor

Sunday, Monday. Doc. 9. 10 "HAPPY GO LOVELY"

In Technicolor A Musical Starring

• David Niven, V«ra Ellen a n d Cesar Romaro

Sundoy 3how« s. , I. * Comedy


Tues., Wed., Thur., Dec. II. 12. 13 "CAPTAIN HORATIO HORN-

BLOWER" A Drama starring

Gregory Peck, Virginia Mayo Robert Beatty

cartoon ahows 7-10, 9-15 — , — v — Con^Tiinrfhorpe, Tea for Two An American in P<™

. - . • *» - i-

a DAYSTROM dinette

l a n d bids will Jae advertised lor. \ Chelsea high school deserting | team met Keego harbor in its I iirst debate Monday. 1 'i he Brighton P.T.A- will spon-^ sor a dance program at the n e w

school gym. The Red Gross blood bank

will be at Brighton Dec. 10. 125

Own "Should the Government the Mines."

Mrs. Charles Gehringer w a s killed in a n auto accident last week near Adrian. She leavess 7 children.

Don Swarthout Pinckney high school star w a s cjiven honorable mention o n the All State High

Robert Page, Noreen Nash rlowe.

AVOW 'IUKA1LR Michian- •

Uncle Saifw Says

iFriday, Saturday, Doc. 7. 8

pints oi blood axe needed. , aiWn*w~ — — --- • . „ n Rex Kinne, South Lyon theatre football team. Only 2 Class u

tre at Whitmore Lake oi Ed, Car players were so honored. 'owner has bought the Lee Thea i . , , . iU o row. | C J. Clinen h a s ^bought the 2

The Wixom co-operative oil lots of his father east oi te ^ . v . station and grocery burned last , Van Winkle home week

MARSHALL OF HELDORADO" A Super Western Starri>»j

Jintmie Ellison, Lucky Hayden Plus

"PIER 23'

Hugh Arms has been named h a v e moved from the Ej™"1

h e a d of the South Lyon Kiwanis Frost farm to the Saniord n e a

gangland story with Hugh Beaumont Ann Savage

Bill" Collier and Albert Drake ' lSunday, Tuesday, Dec. 9, n

Club. Mrs.Abby Liveitoiore w h o fell

a n d broke her hip is now at the i Grace Proctor nursing home in I Stockbridge.

Eva McCarthy of Deerfield, at the county infirmary last week.

. Lyle Austio of Howell, clerk in ' Baldwin drug store there for 18

years died Nov. 21. A l ive deer w a s seen at 8:00

inoix ui sfeeM jsr>| Aop euo 'in *r> \ ©* the postoffice-

Mrs. Glenn Burkhart. formerly J with the ration board a n d credit 1 bureau is now reporter for the

Livingston Cbunty Press. Cunningham Drug Stores Inc.

* will distribute $815000 among j its employees Christmas time.

son farm at Anderson.

*" Year* Afifo

'K J M* In Technicolor

Kipling story of India with Errol Flynn Dean Stockwell


Coming: Kentucky Jubilee Lost Horizon.

Claude Phelphs who once w a s -kmd e m p l o y e e in the Dispatch K N Q W T H E N E W SOC$At SECURITY LAW offtce h a s bo«Kjht. the Tekonsha ^DO YOU ^ « W V Y ^ News-

•< * •

Dayjtrom table, 30 "x42 " . . . extends to 3 0 x 5 2 " with a 10" leaf. Roomy Daystrom chair, v.onderfully comfortable. Awarded Fashion

Acadtmy Gold Mtdal for tht Second Ytar.

FOR SALE:Ueed water pump for a shal low well Myron Huqhes Phone 157F11, - - - -

Pinckney wieaners meet at Wirt Hendee home Dec. 10.

Mrs- Edward Forbes a former resident, d ied at Grand Rapids

Howard's Colored Minstrels at the opera house Dec. 9«

Mr. Meister

Charming, colorful, so right for any setting . . . for any budget. Scratch, chip, stain and burn

, /tsisrgnt DAYSTROMITE wonder top. Well euthionsd s ichairs art covered with lustrous, washable, r a1l-plostic upholstery. A damp doth wipes I

chromed legs sparkling bright and clean. In a rich choice of colon for mix-matching to any decorative tche--".

WANTED: To rent m o d e m S room house or lake cottage at once, 2 adults, references furn. ished. George Roush, plumber 340 N Stuart, Pinckney. phone 1 5 3 r l l . *•


FOR aiAL:Newly pointed cus . torn built 12 f. fishing b o a t v a r . nished deck with 5 ft. Evinrude motor. George Roush 340 N. Stuart, Pinckney. phone 153F11.

E. W. Kennedy a n d wife l eave today for Florida. i

George Reason sr. hen pur­chased 40 ares of Bert Nash on the Howell road.

, Rev. Cope brought back two Rush. Lake , deer from the north and John

Fohey got o n e shipped to him from Chippewa county by his son, Leo.

jMike Ruen and wife have moved Into Mrs- Mary Walsh's house on Pearl St.

2 loads of buckwheat were brought here from Jerusaleum to b e ground in Pinckney mill.

Silas Barton's h o m e on Pearl St. caught Are from a gasol ine l a m p Saturday but w a s saved

will g ive a talk

of the Social Security Adm.

with pictures a n d answer Questions on the n e w law.


Sponsored b y Pinckney Civic Improvement Association

A t Last! Day long Foot Comfort

**».. /A Air Cushioned* -


¥frtfte item rirtfSOt rytas!


FOR RENT: Six room country . home. References regulred.

Mrs. T. Bonner, Pinckney. Mich. Phone 161F2

SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SALE W e h a v e h a d 2 w e e k s of fine 3 4 p A n , n v , ^

skating. The mill pond h a s been " FAm O F MEN'S AND W O -filled with skaters. , MEN'S c u n r e c^»«r.

Alfred Mylne, brother of Rev. I *""" 5 S H 0 E S SOME ARE G- W. Mylne of Pinckney is the REDUCED A S Mrrrw s o « e «* de^gner a n d builder of the rac • ^ ^ A S MUCH A S $5.00


tu* tin's


r»r\» c x t F B i^ i a . J ei/ Charles Mole ha» a large DELIVERY OR HAVE DELIVER

yJSE'T&l** ^ [ , ^ ½ ¾ , drain In Wes^ Putnam, MAKE THIS SAYTNO^ double Simmons rollcrway bed with iprinaand matress $25.00. Phone 1S0F2, Pinckney.



.1111 '*.-;. iwwmj. \

WMam Doyle hat a new bugcr


ALSO JACKETS. • * • * ;

_ . . . « X*vi T.urftke and mother, Mrsv JACK HANNETT. Aoeni Don Bi«M, back from /orea , rUtabeth Ludtke of Gregory . . . . „ _ _ „ ' * * T ^ l t ,

and his wtfe are expecM here Albert Dlr>el homeC^arW and i ^ S-HoiwelL Rione 111 jHumdoor* ' V _ *, Qetjald M U J ^ O A <JpeaK 00toQdcM

calls are faster, too, when you can give the operator the numb#r

you are calling.

Page 3: Vofcw* 68 Xte Mwhifuitt Mirror Characters Auto Accident ...pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1951-12-05.pdf · resume until 7:00 l^cb^^uicxry units want&»* he Wjd-

- f^ f?r *y <•••*•

^-^-1^.¾^¾^^¾^^ **pB$ ^W$S#* ^ -v


**if JS r r *


P^ 'W-^ ' * "' /



T-^W^^^ ,-' . j?*T

4 .


i- •'

• •


\ ''rift


K»a THE HHCBIEY DBMTCH Wed^nfjtdoy, December ; \ & i 9 5 L

l n e Peopl Store

es Flndney D . ^ a t e l

PiackneyJ*cltt &L? te*i 2nd d a s *

matter a! postoifio* ,(»

roseriesv" DryS* 'aimed Gents, Furnishings

.emie<ly> *?*** INVEST Fv:iCE EVER I M a i deluxe PHIIOAS-IAPPAK R a w

Act of March 6, 1877 > - * wo«doweU St-»Pinckiiey.Micii Sufettcripnoo Price $1.50 pet yeai

J Robert Horine ha» sold, his ' farm, the honey Creek Stock

to Glen riuli, his tennant and moved to Delphos. Ohio

Kenaeta Duvi* has bought I the house on nunum St., vacat­ed by Mr. Mallory and iamiiy.

/ ivlr. and Mrs. John lnqnii* 0 i Fenton were Sunday quests of

•Mrs. Mary Hoii. ) Millard iounq is moving to the Miliord Provina Grounds, the

, Ralph Craig family into his j ana Mrs. Uatfieme Heath and i iamiiy in the Mann apt vacatea J by 'he Craigs.

Sunday guests of Mr. and Mr and Mrs. Fred Read were Dr. and Mrs. Steve Brown of De.

j j trait and Mr. and Mrs.Lee Aielie of Detroit

|» Mrs. Margaret Robinson, lib j • arian of Lincoln school Ypsilan

,ti was the teacher last Wed.nite | at the teachers class at the new I, elementary school

Mrs. Mae Metz spent Sunday at the Lee Lavey home and with the Laveys and Mrs- Mar. garet Clark and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Clark attended the rosary service for Francis Martin at Howell Sunday night

The Leo Bette famly of Wall. Lake spent the week end at the Roger Can home.

Edward Egler of Dexter spent Sunday *with Arnold Berguist.

Mr. and Mrs Robbie Robinson TMIIO operated Restaurant here

Now have one on Stadium Blvd. Ann Arbor-

Mr. and Mrs. Ray^ Burns en tained at dinner Sunday, the D-Conlin family of Pontiac and the Jack Young family in honor of Kay Conklins birthday.

The following attended the in-I Tom Ware is visiting the My- filiation ol tn© officers of the I ron Schoenhals home in Akron V e e d l c Masonic Lodge in De-i Ohio, while Myron and John ' ^° 1 1 S a t u r clay mght and the din

Paul Ware are hunting in Fenn. n e r a n d dance following: Win




Plumbing iPumps, Bathroom, Fixtures u

[Electric Heaters, Pipes, Fittings REPAIRING A SPECIAL/TY



Final Cleanup on All Our 1951 BUICKS



1PALES HOURS 8 to 12 and 1 to 5. Saturdays g tti 12,

Livingston Motor Sales YOUR BUICK DEALER, HOWELL

I Jerry and Junior Henry and s t ° n Bauqhn and wife, Clare ' \/filr« r u m ; « _ __L AL . T> w i v e s . Chit Miliar. ~*~i *..;i~ . 1 Mike Fleminq are at the De-• troit 4-H stock show this week. ' Miss Judy Aschenbrenner has , been chosen by the Pinckney

vschool to represent them in the j D. A. R. contest.

) The Bill Baughn family spent Sunday at the Franklin home in I night.

wives, Cliff Miller and wife and wife Cliff Miller and wife and Olir Robinson and wife.

Dr.Harlow Shehan and dauqh ter of Jackson called at the Wm. Shehan home Sunday.

The Younglovee PTA held a bingo party at the school Friday

Howeli \ Mrs. Beulah Heridee and Mrs.

June Hendee and son- Jeffrey, were in Lansing Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tonpore of f- Detroit were Sunday guests

the Lester McAfee home.

oi friends and neiqhbors sur­prised Henry Johnson Saturday ©n the occasion of her birthday.

Sunday guests cf Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Henry were Charles



V it ov« witK Jta« wVy


tm signals cooWiig «9 to 3€ uuauUa. ^

V lflv«e time and l«a-iaformatio*

w M u g um. Port • Conceded o'«r

_ J

>: ^ * 'if

Leota and Roy Reason attend­ed the Rainbow Girls meeting at Howell Saturday night with the Rainbow Girls from here.

at j Whitehead and Beatrice Lam of Gregory' Mr- and Mrs. Al




D. E.Hoev Sons


Nesbitt , Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. Keith; Bradbury at Chelsea.

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Love and Mrr and Mrs- Charles Case of

The Doyle Templeton family j Howell called on Mr. and Mrs. of Keego Harbor and the Daryl! ifloy Dillingham Sunday. Percy Shirley family of Plymouth were.Ellis and wife called Saturday. Sunday guests at the Albert Mr> and MrsAsher Wylie and Shirley home. * 2 children and Mrs. Henry John-

The C J. Clinton and Wayne | a o n ^ ^ Elaine were in Jackson AtLee famiUes attended the 500 Thursday, club party at the Mylo Kettler Syjjdav




torn B ike tin* to aedernist Qfltchen with PhilfM . . ; > * t thrrfty bottkd gas for farm tniwywrx hornet uou can huat far »nd wide, but yo* won't find a bigger value anywhere thaa thit beautiful 4» luxe ra»«e! Remewib*r, too, we wil? glvt you a generous vrade-in allowance o* your cW range... r^gi.-dless of type, make* ea* cotMJitionf Efsy •erms, if you wislrf




PvH-»ia« KMchM R«»f*« torn %99 *

AvfomaMf WeMr W>w»»f> frein $ l f . M




club party home in Jackson Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clark were in Lansing S u n d a y .

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shirley were Sunday guests at the Iva Slurley home ir Dundee.

Don Griffith and family of Ann Arbor spent Sunday at the Joe Grffith home-

The Murray Kennedy family spent Sunday at the Harold Gall

| up home in Farmington and he and Mr. Gallup attended thej Detroit Lions SanFrancisco foot ball game.

The Desmond Ledwidge faxn. ily of Royal Oak spent Saturday at the home of Mrs. Eleanor Led widge. Eleanor returned home with them and came back Sun-day with the JRoscoe Yarborough family.

\ The following from here were i among those who attended the funeral of Francis Martin at How" ell Monday:JVIrs. Irvin Kennedy-garet Clark. Mrs.Margaret Burns, Mrs- Mary Bchman, Mrs. Mar Mrs. Helen Young, Mr. and

! cmd Mrs. Wm. Jeffreys and Joe tmd Mrs. Mary Fitzsimmons- i

Mr and Mrs. M. E.. Darrow cxilled on Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ben ham in Brightno Sunday.

Mrs. Eva Teuton was a Sun-dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Meabon. She took Mrs, Meabn to Mason to stay with Warren Snapp.

Andrew Nesbitt and wife spent the week end at the Gordon Hes ter home in Ypsflanti.

David Ledwidge was horn* from SanFrancisco, CaHf. last week but went Saturday. He I

Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs John Boyer were Arlo Jaguish and wife and Mrs. Barber of ol Byron, Pete Strtdger and wife, Clarence Pratt and wife, Frank Bayer and wife and Reuben Gentner and wife of Ann Arbor-

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dinkel and Alb*rta were in Lansing Frday , * * *

Miss Alberta Dinkel was in Jackson Friday with Mrs. Robert •Munsell of Gregory*

Mrs- Mae Winans of Toledo was a guest at the George Thompson home last week.

Mr. and Mrs.Wilbur Eisele and Mrs. Emma Vollmer called on John Hsele at St. Joe hospital, Ann Arbor. Sunday.

The Dr. Walter Mercer family of East Lansing called at the Wm. Mercer home Sunday.

Jack Schneider and wife of Colchester, Ont.« spent the week end at the floss Read home.

The John McGuIre family of Detroit spent the week end at the Tames Whitley home.

Mrs. Virginia Carver and the Robert Seefeld family of Col umbus, Ohio, spent the week at *he Earl Baughn home.

Mrs. Winifred Aberdeen spent several days in l>etroit last week.

The Lester McAfee family re turned Sunday from a 10 day trip *o Florida

MrfeJ Oiflbrd eVanHorn spent the week end nt the Floyd Weeks home at Grand Ledge.

Mrs. Elinor Baughn and Mrs.

f*luobing Water Systems etc

*-*w &





Has Opening Now for Women.





No Experience Necessary

Training Done on the Job

Pleasant Surroundings

Permanent Employment Good Wages

EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 323 E. Washington St.Ann Axbox

Long Distance calls are faster,

too, when you can give the operator

the number you are caning


sow Bob Singerin Calif, several \ Virginia Carver gayea stork w times. l shower Saturday night (or Mrs. I Russell Clark Sam Gentile and

k o #w arc hoot i Earl Packer went to Detroit last

for their army physical^ effamin. ations. ^

Mr. and Mrs. H. Hussey who have been bring ovwr Lavey Kcondwurw stere hcrvw rented 4i# Ruel Conrwar hous# on East P H B Q M fllk

MarV kme Gallagher Seefeld, at the former's home 15 were present

Mrs. John McDonnell spent part of las* week hi Detroit.

The WmXcsnb iamiiy of Ann Arbor spent Sunday <it tfat W. H. M#y« boats,

Only you canl


l .£*&* y.-.l'U'WL

Page 4: Vofcw* 68 Xte Mwhifuitt Mirror Characters Auto Accident ...pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1951-12-05.pdf · resume until 7:00 l^cb^^uicxry units want&»* he Wjd-

m , ^ -V

: ^

T*r* tw vmtmr imam ' * sarar . r1* *• A

Grade NJOY

Save Weil- ultfO a year

First Grade | . Joh» Cologne, Dianne and ti

u 7 g ^ J & « r t » lire gotog toAftn


fcfliejin boarcUxtkd a work table, i Bey M. J>uffy, M. D. - and Bi We eaw 2 films today about I ttncknw « Michigan Usl Yo

Times Versatile neu> Hoover AERO­DYNE Model 51 with exclusive flitter Gitter" nozzle eats up dirt from baseboard to ceiling. Exclusive Hoover Dirt Ejector empties it out—your hands stay clean. $84.95, complete with cleaning tools.


fetiUeJin / J V e i the farm and liked them.

FN»aad Third

Qtockney « Michigan iJaUy 11.00 A. M. to 2:0^ P. M.

Except Wednejdays

H E A L E S T A T E aomet> Lake Proportt*

Business Opportusitiea LUt Your Property with Me

GERALD teXSOH Broker - 2 . 0 d ftorth read


Mft W«t*ff f t* dithwetJiinf. ' w o i k i i , f l « r t « « A • f i ^ w ^ ^ ^ w j SS^B^BSB^BSSV^BBJ

borflof. 0*1 4*toill tk mi


wo. w a ^ r fax Khcdf^Tl DB. a a. MecmaEy ,*fco,*JSft4L , - - J S T - *



MY.ON ] . HUGHES Denis* ! Plumbing and Heatina

112¼ North Michigan Aye. State 8717 LatasiJe Drive i , n~»w— r* *v - Telephones* License Hush Lakr-

^ j u teb£SL , ? r a ? * ^ 0 t h 6 r * I OmcV-MS Residence 814 p H ^ 1 , , ¾ ^ ^ *—•home from Ihe hospital I Eveninae by Appointment! p ' **• SWARrHOUT & SON

t ' ' i n a w « l l ^ « Michiaan ^ Funeral Home ' _ becona Grade 5 ? - * « * " - ^ = - - - ^ ° ° Don C. Swarthout, Director

The second grade joins the HERB SNE&D Modem Equipment other grades in exending our •«. — _ • «* MM r n ^ * i ™ _ Ambulance Service sympathy to Mrs Campbell.

f o n d killed He often chased cars. I i } Teach your dog not to chase 11 cars. " _ j

Phone 183 207 L ( ¾ ^ P h o n e s J s T T T p l n c ^ r M i c ^ We hM our first number test aeTEstate, Irsuiance. Brokerage FRED C. REICKHOFF * .



Costs 43% lest

than prewar

•efemafk medei*

ajxf* fsSt+meta


last week. Pofticid Milliken celebrated

her birthday Dew 2 and John AX your" Property With Me Stevenson nis Dec 3- I "~*

Lake and Fahn Property A Speciality


Gersfr1 I&surapce

Isn't U time you owned a


Bunny Hinchey brought an Indian doll to school so we could see how Indians dress to keep warm " <4.aae 59F3 Pincknev.

Tne children are collecting A ; / C M O N E E R and mounting Christmas pic-. f _ ^ ^ ^ A Sowriality hires. TheY have a nice assort. \ ment of ireehand drawings of g£Rl \b fUE Criristmds scenes. P h o n e Pfcckney 78F2

We are starting to build a * bears cave. - •

As a room activity, we are making a large Santa Claus " p ^ g n e v 154FC iace with cutis for hair and hi* ? ^ t r J S i S ? °

AUTOMATIC SAW FIUNG 75c whiskers. x riitn Graae

SERVICE WHILE YOU WATT , The 3rd grade extends sym ALL WORK GUARANTEED g f a ^ g g ? * *

We are all taldna a


OPTOMETRIST 120 West Grand River Av».

He well ;: Michiau* Phone 358 ^ Residence 81*

" * U O Y D rlTJ^EF IJvesto<ik HoaLng

Weekly Trips^Mude To DetroV G^nercu Tracking

Phon^ 64F14 Pinckney, Mli^

W^RGE *iOUSJB Plumb tm

• VATEP S Y v t m * t 4 0 Vorth Stewart $*'

•v ... **>

MANDELL'S SJ W FILING SHOP the Way Bakery in Jackson to " " see how bread is made. •

Tommy Kennedy was 8 years


"RepaixA On All Makes


r***- Dentist me 804 4 Portaae Lake Aoad.

Phcne Dexter trip to ... ....




WANTED TO CARE FOR CHILD REN at my parents home by day

j or week (5 days). We have fur-I noes heat. Also ior sale, size 6.3 \ piece coat set. boy's, in very

I qocd condiUon,qfey wool covert. easonable. Mrs. Elizabeth Eokros

• Masiasz, Bokros Farm



V i

KHrxff se< \ \Hv-TO RENT:Winterised cotkjge cottaae at Portage Lake. Phono Howell l335Ml'


I :

Diut, dog habt>grft tB ttre vf when this Model 29 Trifled* don Hoover beats; ss it nsjtpsj as it cleans. Keeps telofs frssmj

^ prolongs rug lift, saves pm obligation. Call us. Or stop time and energy. Instant es&> by our demonstration table version for cleaning tools. and see them perform. 187.95. Cleaning toek, f lMS,

YouU tehapp&jmirEooKrfor^

You can see these and other Hoover Cleaners in the com­fort of your own home i t no



With good merchandise and ci tremendous selection of merchan

* t o t o » n is 9 years old FOR SALE:G*^ DjKta today.

If you'™ lucky enough to own a Hoover dread?, oar ' Hoover Service will keep it ninning right foe J « i

lor years to cornea

LAV*,* riAPJAfAR* FOR SALEiSiae 14 wool wint^ coot, grey with green hood trim, fcize 15 lynx dyed lamb fur coat just cleaned ana qlazed. fur jack et $5t long fur coat $5. Mrs, Willard Morgan,31 J. Ham-

( burg. Pinckney phone 153F2.


• f

WANTED: Riders to Kcdser-Frazier. -. Leave Pinckney at 6:IS a mjQuit work at 4=00 p.m.

Joseph Horvath 408 Unadilla Jr. Doyle house

FOn. SALE:DuoTherm water heat er and a radio, Mrs- J. Hussey over Lavey Hardware.

$2 each

far you.

THE mm NATIONAL SAW ffowcii. Midi

Under Federal Supervision

FOR SALK-*-* Worqa Oil Burnet space hea.Lig stov®. Paul Singer 1278 M- -3L> bast.

FOR SAJjE: True©""Upholstered Chairs. Mrs. iviaigar** Clark Phone 40, Pinckney;

_ FOR:Minature Dolls o: Doll Cie* iXs1. fuUa"a^7439 Bentley Rd- ^ S e e . Mrs. Roy Fisher

, . , -— — :— ,, none l i s Pinckney. We made puppet and we are F Q R sALE:Baby buggy and stroll _ —

going to give a pkry. er< good condition. $5.00 each. We are painting pine cones- Charles Porter, Phone 77F4

Fourth .Grad* 93?! Cedar Lake Rd., Pinckney Paul Russell brought an In v7ANTED:House Work by the

Indian head dress and some ^ ¾ dise you'll vou will want to mo • os to school- . 8 g 7 0 Hankerd Rd., Pinckney. < make voir home tewn your first We have Mrs. Ruth Miller SUP F.N«W*Tion"eT~'^7ctric ^top and remember every cent stituting for Mrs. CampbeU^ F ^ V i H S r / b r quick sale FOR SALE.Cofiee table with a your spend at home helps your Tommy Mead drew a beauh- ^ - ^ ^ ¾ ¾ ¾ cheap matching end tatole,channel back community and what is acod ful iorest scene with deer graz ^"g ^ [ ^ y

1 5 7 F21 . occasional chair-electric perculg. for your commuunity is good fcva , % x rrNw cjLt'vk "ZZZXZ\ "l^Tn""cWrs a l o r w i t h creamer.suqar and.tray.

! , a f I Z J r ^ M a ° "*• ' f f i ^ t a I S S . Harvey Garr, phon. 35F2_ ! e w i ° S p a . t e d posters for Complete set ior S1M0. WANTED: TO take c a « rfehlld, ] r ^ l l . ^ w v Mrs. Skinner, phone 159 ren by day, week or eveninq, at

GeOgrapnVA v _ L — - ^ - ^wi^mmmmmi*.* iU i U U Mrs' Campbell's room express F O R RENT burnished 5 room l ^ h e i J ^ ¾ « 5 ¾ ¾ ^ i „ir.

Uheir sympathy to her on the ££e at Portage Lake,oil heat, ?hone^xter308Z Portaae^Lake I death of her^dther. J electric stove, refrigerator, hot FOR SALE .-Winchester deer rifle

1 water, no bathroom facilities, at and.box of. shells. $45.00. Member Federal P^posit Insur­ance Corporation. All Deposits Insured > to iiuuuu tor each


Fifth Grade We extend deepest sympathy

lo Mrs- Campbell We wrote thank you letters to

Miss Nakamura for her talk on Hawaii.

We have made charts for ar

9528 Dexter Ave. or phone Middle Lucius J. Doyle, Phone 42 belt 4673 .Detroit- F O R sAi-E -Beagle- hound, 8

I FOR SALE^Axminister rugM^xl2 FOR 5ALE:DUCKS I and pad, all over pattern, baby phone 13F. 7439 Bently Leke Rd.

i f bed and hiqh chair. WANTED :l-aper hanging to do. Mrs. Gladys Clinton, phor.e 25. phc*ie Pinckney 161F21

FOR SALEStamons metal bed,' ^ ^ ^ n ^ r * c * A *

FOrL SALB:Roasting chickens and mosold,kennel and long chain,12 nice stewinq hens, alive or dressed, guage double barrel shotgun and

Mrs.Henry Johnson, phone 64F12 box of shells. N. J- Buzzard FOR SALE: "Building a ^ d f t ^ o 326_East Main, Pinckney_ lots on West Main St.. Pinckney WANTED:FARM Lib TUNGS, w.

$10. Call 169F3 after 4 p. m.

i u - w ^ . . We are making hand puppets known a- the Stewart Anderson Let us help you sel) /our farm. felt mattresses, _ _ V a / ^ " " r L J L . ; ^ ^ » : w ^ r H r t^ ^trie Mtate. have more prospects tha^ farms


Phone 30-5W Howell iTBhr

coil spnngs. z ieit maiueww, - - — $15, Double Wash Tub on legs cmd making a play around the

j >roperty tn settle estate.



QUALITY Meats Fruit


If f tO *r< V-7T/K ^ i


:*»* ,

'Bfarket Prices Courteous Service


odd characters* Barbara Massey had a

day. We are making relief maps

| l49ogrcrphy.r Our graphs are helping us

keep a record c* OUT spellfng marks.

8brfh arty"-We have painted our Christ-

mass presents.' | Some of us have finished our I paper mache puppets. 1 W* are beglTmlng a study of (Africa " •'"•; ' ' I

We hflv* comleted the movie; included in our unit.

Wef thank Mrs. Sharps class| lor viithtKf tui Mandoy and hgpe they' wul edin^ dgcrln.

w Seventh, Grade We are sorry to hear of the

death 6i Timmy Campbell's emdfataar. We' enjoyed having Miss

O'Connor visit us last week.She noticed a big improvement 'in our self control

Our room looks very prsttv jBihce the art oommitttee started .making Christmas . aecaratlonfl. We especiallv nice me manger seen© painted on fre' door.


popping days until Christmas are not many.The gift probWml neede- solution and not too 1

much time to solve it A' * BavBj^ps 3g|)d malm a

gHt which 001*58^0*««^ ved ue and makes a kxstthg im­pression* A good w a r to

- • - thrift .herb* m th* jnger members of

Gerald Reason. Adm.

Aliv F ^ P M ANTMAL8 COUBCTED P'10^^vT^v

HORSES $1.00 COWS $100.



Ces*iral Head StoeitCO -«*^W^ -<>**~^~r*U*- ••* ~><~fV-^y • • \ j ! • . : • ' • < « • •

»»--«;-'-V>» i **m.

ITT. T m



rvr the

Gift ore

Fertili £SZt


icrUt too. m<

stoclcmg oJofgyp

these sbpncbi




All fured t v redeceJ

\j it».T

Formers Feed * SuppJv


ti^r-r -

^.'•t-: ' < V j '


^ • I " ».a i'ik5\>-j ^ ^