Vocabulary Review. The nonliving parts of the environment.

Vocabulary Review

Transcript of Vocabulary Review. The nonliving parts of the environment.

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Vocabulary Review

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The nonliving parts of the environment

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Abiotic factors

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Rain, sleet, or snow that contain acid from air pollution

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Acid precipitation

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a change in velocity or speed of an object

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Ecosystems found in water

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Aquatic ecosystems

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The most basic part of matter

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When different charges or poles of a magnet come closer together

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Each line on the sides of a line graph

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Plural form of axis

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A tool that measures the mass of an object

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Forces that have a net force of zero

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Balanced forces

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A long, narrow island that forms parallel to a beach

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Barrier island

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The living parts of the environment

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Consumers that eat only other animals

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The largest population of a certain organism that an ecosystem can support

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Carrying capacity

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The smallest unit of life

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A thin layer that allows some materials to pass in and out of

plant and animal cells

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Cell membrane

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The stiff outer layer of a plant cell

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Cell wall

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A change that forms a new type of matter

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Chemical change

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A feature of matter tha can cause a chemical change

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Chemical property

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The process in which two substances combine and

undergo a chemical change

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The parts of a plant cell that produces food

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A method of separating the parts of a mixture based on their weights. Separating a liquid


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A uniformly mixed mixture that contains particles which are

larger that those in a solution, but smaller than in those in


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All of the populations which live in the same area

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A tool used to measure direction

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The amount of solute dissolved into a solvent

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A solution that contains larger amount of the solute

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Statements that you think are true based on knowledge and


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Areas which have colder temperatures and contain trees, such as pine trees that produce seeds in cones and that have leaves shaped like needles

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Coniferous forest

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The wise use of natural resources

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Features on land

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Continental plates

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The plates under land

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Part of the ocean floor that begins at the shore and slopes

gently toward the ocean

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Continental slope

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Parts of the experiment that stay the same

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Controlled variable

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A very large movement of water

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A jelly-like substance that fills plants and animal cells

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Slowing down

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An organism that gets energy by breaking down nutrients in dead


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An object’s mass compared to its volume

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The variable in an experiment which changes depending upon the independent variable; also called the responding variable

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Dependent variable

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The dropping of sediment or particles by water, wind, or ice

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To imagine and create the best way to solve problem or how to

make a new product

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A solution that has smaller amounts of a solute

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North, south, east, and west

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To break apart

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When parts of the Earth’s crust shifts

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The study of the interactions between organisms and their


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A scientist who studies ecology

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A group of living things and their nonliving environment

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The movement of weathered rock from place to place

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A body of water found in an area where freshwater and salt water


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The process by which a liquid turns to a gas

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Controlled test

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A crack in the rock of Earth’s crust

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Paper or other screen with small holes in it, used to separate


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Medical care used in an emergency

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First aid

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Process used to separate items of different densities in a liquid

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The rising and overflowing of a body of water especially onto

land that is normally dry. Floods can change land and oceans,

and often cause erosion

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The path of energy as it flows from one organism to the next

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Food chain

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A diagram of several interconnected food chains

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Food web

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A push or pull on an object

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The force that acts on an object to stop its motion

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A state of matter whose particles are always in motion

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Warm areas that receive some rainfall,are usually flat or have

gently rolling hills, and are often called prairies, plains, or pampas

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The force that pulls all objects on Earth toward the center of the


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Consumers that eat only plants

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A mixture is not mixed evenly througout

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Heterogeneous mixture

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A mixture which is the same (mixed evenly) througout

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Homogeneous mixture

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An organism which is infected by a parasite

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An answer or explanation to a question

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A variable which changes in an experiment; also called a

manipulated variable

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Independent variable

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The tendency of an object to remain at rest or in motion unless

acted upon by a force

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A conclusion drawn from what you know and what you have

learned from your observations

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A narrow strip of water that is protected by barrier islands

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Looking at a problem in a scientific way and asking

questions in order to solve it; a test for a hypothesis

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When large pieces of land slide down a hill

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Resources and environmental factors that limit the size of a


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A way to organize and display information using horizontal lines; line graphs show changes over


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Line graph

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A state of matter that takes the shape of the container it is in

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A substance that reduces friction

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Molten rock under Earth’s surface

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The attraction and repulsion of magnetic objects to each other

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To use a tool to make things look larger

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The total amount of matter in an object

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Something that has mass and takes up space

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An underwater mountain range

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Mid-ocean ridge

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Two or more kinds of matter that are mixed

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The smallest piece of matter that retains all the properties of that object and is made up of many


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The part of a plant and animal cell that controls growth and

contains genes

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Using the five senses to learn more about the world

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The part of Earth that is covered by oceans

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Ocean basin

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The plates under the ocean

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Oceanic plates

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A consumer that eats both plants and animals

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The organism that must live on or inside another organism in order

to get energy

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A change in matter in which the type of matter stays the same

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Physical change

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A feature of matter that you can recognize with your senses

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Physical property

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A substance which causes pollution

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A group of organisms of the same species living in the same


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An organism that eats other organisms

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An organism that is eaten by another organism

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Organisms that produce their own food

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The new substance that forms during a chemical reaction

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Matter that is not a mixture

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Pure substance

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The rate at which a solute is dissolved

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Rate of solubility

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The substances that react with each other during a chemical


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When two like charges or poles of a magnet move away from

each other

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An organism’s need

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Pieces of information gathered from an investigation

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A crack in the ocean floor caused by tectonic plats moving apart

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Rift zone

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A smaller ridge of sand parallel to the beach

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A solution that contains the maximum amount of a solute that

it can hold

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Mountains that are far away from mid-ocean ridgs

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Using a strainer to separate parts of a mixture

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A part of a line graph that represents velocity

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A form of air pollution

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A state of matter whose particles are close together and do not

move much

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The amount of solute that can be dissolved into a solvent

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The substance that makes up the smaller part of a solution

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The substance that makes up the larger part of a solution

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A measurement of distance over time

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The form that matter has

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State of matter

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The amount of a substance’s surface that is exposed

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Surface area

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A mixture in which the particles separate easily

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Plates which make up Earth’s surface

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Tectonic plates

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A forest that contains trees which lose their leaves each autumn

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Temperate deciduous forest

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An ecosystem on land

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Terrestrial ecosystem

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The feel of a surface

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The rise and fall of the levels of the oceans

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An ocean feature that has a length of thousands of kilometers

is generally hundreds of kilometers wide and extends 3 to

4 Kim deeper that the surrounding ocean floor

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A forest found in much warmer areas that receives plenty of rain

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Tropical rain forest

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Forces that have a net force balance not equal to zero

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A large membrane-covered chamber which stores chemicals

and wastes inside a plant cell

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A part of an experiment that may change or vary

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Speed and direction

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An opening in Earth’s crust through which molten lava, ash,

and gases are ejected

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How much space an object take up

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A motion of ocean water caused by wind

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The breakdown of rock at or near Earth’s surface

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The pull of gravity on an object

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Page 326: Vocabulary Review. The nonliving parts of the environment.
Page 327: Vocabulary Review. The nonliving parts of the environment.
Page 328: Vocabulary Review. The nonliving parts of the environment.
Page 329: Vocabulary Review. The nonliving parts of the environment.
Page 330: Vocabulary Review. The nonliving parts of the environment.
Page 331: Vocabulary Review. The nonliving parts of the environment.
Page 332: Vocabulary Review. The nonliving parts of the environment.
Page 333: Vocabulary Review. The nonliving parts of the environment.
Page 334: Vocabulary Review. The nonliving parts of the environment.
Page 335: Vocabulary Review. The nonliving parts of the environment.
Page 336: Vocabulary Review. The nonliving parts of the environment.
Page 337: Vocabulary Review. The nonliving parts of the environment.
Page 338: Vocabulary Review. The nonliving parts of the environment.
Page 339: Vocabulary Review. The nonliving parts of the environment.
Page 340: Vocabulary Review. The nonliving parts of the environment.
Page 341: Vocabulary Review. The nonliving parts of the environment.
Page 342: Vocabulary Review. The nonliving parts of the environment.
Page 343: Vocabulary Review. The nonliving parts of the environment.
Page 344: Vocabulary Review. The nonliving parts of the environment.
Page 345: Vocabulary Review. The nonliving parts of the environment.
Page 346: Vocabulary Review. The nonliving parts of the environment.
Page 347: Vocabulary Review. The nonliving parts of the environment.
Page 348: Vocabulary Review. The nonliving parts of the environment.
Page 349: Vocabulary Review. The nonliving parts of the environment.
Page 350: Vocabulary Review. The nonliving parts of the environment.
Page 351: Vocabulary Review. The nonliving parts of the environment.
Page 352: Vocabulary Review. The nonliving parts of the environment.
Page 353: Vocabulary Review. The nonliving parts of the environment.
Page 354: Vocabulary Review. The nonliving parts of the environment.
Page 355: Vocabulary Review. The nonliving parts of the environment.
Page 356: Vocabulary Review. The nonliving parts of the environment.
Page 357: Vocabulary Review. The nonliving parts of the environment.
Page 358: Vocabulary Review. The nonliving parts of the environment.
Page 359: Vocabulary Review. The nonliving parts of the environment.
Page 360: Vocabulary Review. The nonliving parts of the environment.
Page 361: Vocabulary Review. The nonliving parts of the environment.
Page 362: Vocabulary Review. The nonliving parts of the environment.
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