Centro Concertado Virgen Inmaculada Santa María de la Victoria Dr. Lazárraga, 14. 29010 – Málaga Tf. 952 271600 – 952 306250 Fax 952 286882 Web: www.hijasdejesusmalaga.com IDIOMAS VOCABULARY EXERCISES UNIT 2 Complete the sentences with a word from the box. off off into up down for after away on of a Rose wanted to hear some music so she turned ____ the radio. b Ken took ____ his jacket because it was hot. c The policeman ran ____ the criminal. d Jason picked ____ the suitcase – it was very heavy! e ‘I’m looking ____ my mobile phone.’ f Sandra got out ____ the car. g ‘Help! Help! That man has got my bag, and he’s running ____!’ h Graham turned ____ the TV before he went to bed. I Please, sit__________ Complete the questions and order the letters below to answer them. a What do you call someone who commits a murder? redurmre a ____________ b What do you call a person who catches criminals and solves crimes? citedvete a ____________ c What do you call someone who scores goals and wins


Centro ConcertadoVirgen Inmaculada Santa María de la Victoria

Dr. Lazárraga, 14. 29010 – MálagaTf. 952 271600 – 952 306250 Fax 952 286882

Web: www.hijasdejesusmalaga.com



Complete the sentences with a word from the box.

off off into up down for after away on of

a Rose wanted to hear some music so she turned ____ the radio.

b Ken took ____ his jacket because it was hot.

c The policeman ran ____ the criminal.

d Jason picked ____ the suitcase – it was very heavy!

e ‘I’m looking ____ my mobile phone.’

f Sandra got out ____ the car.

g ‘Help! Help! That man has got my bag, and he’s running ____!’

h Graham turned ____ the TV before he went to bed.

I Please, sit__________

Complete the questions and order the letters below to answer them.

a What do you call someone who commits a murder?

redurmre a ____________

b What do you call a person who catches criminals and solves crimes?

citedvete a ____________

c What do you call someone who scores goals and wins matches?

laflreobot a ____________

d What do you call someone who goes on a plane with a gun or a bomb, and

tells the pilot to change route?

jerchkia a ____________

e What do you call a person who breaks windows and paints on walls?

ladnav a ____________

f What do you call someone who steals things from shops?

relitspofh a ____________

Centro ConcertadoVirgen Inmaculada Santa María de la Victoria

Dr. Lazárraga, 14. 29010 – MálagaTf. 952 271600 – 952 306250 Fax 952 286882

Web: www.hijasdejesusmalaga.com


1. Write one or more words to complete the sentences.

1 Don't get _______ the car. There are lions outside.

2 Which is your favourite football ___ ? Manchester City or Manchester United?

3 Why don't you take _______ your jacket? It's really hot in here.

4 Everybody thought that Martina was going to ____ the race, but she only finished

third in the end.

2. Write one or more words to complete the sentences.

1 He ________ a novel when he was in prison. It took him ten years.

2 Maria was looking _____ a book to read.

3 Tony is bilingual. He ______ two languages, English and Portuguese.

4 The children ran _______ after they broke the window.

3. Read the definitions and write the words.

1 Someone who is very relaxed and tolerant is this. The first letter is e. __________

2 The opposite of turn off. _________

3 This crime involves destroying public or private property. ___________

4 To travel by horse or bike. ________

4. Read the definitions and write the words.

1 Someone who steals using violence. The two words begin with a and r. _________

2 You need shampoo to do this. ____________________

3 The opposite of lazy. The first letter is h. ___________

4 The illegal killing of a person. _____________

Complete the words for crimes and criminals.

a t _ _ _ t

b t _ _ _ f

c h _ _ _ _ _ g

d h _ _ _ _ r

Centro ConcertadoVirgen Inmaculada Santa María de la Victoria

Dr. Lazárraga, 14. 29010 – MálagaTf. 952 271600 – 952 306250 Fax 952 286882

Web: www.hijasdejesusmalaga.com


e a _ _ _ d r _ _ _ _ _ y

f a _ _ _ d r _ _ _ _ r

g m _ _ _ _ r

h m _ _ _ _ _ _ r

i v _ _ _ _ _ _ _ m

j v _ _ _ _ l

Note : These exercises belong to Voices 3 . Resource book