Vocabulary 3

Vocabulary – Test 3 Guess the meaning in English of the following words, verbs or phrases: First part 1. I used to be worn out after my class. 2. Come out. 3. Miserable. 4. Folks. And can you say the expression in a formal situation? 5. On the deck. 6. To be worth it. 7. Worthwhile. 8. Pick up. 9. Look forward to something. 10. Challenge (noun). 11. Fancy. Second part 1. Funnily enough (phrase spoken). 2. Funny (part 3). 3. Turn out. 4. Take ages / Spend ages. 5. Give out. 6. Put up. 7. Clear up. Third part 1. Bring back. 2. Awful. 3. Eager. 4. Eagerness. 5. Eager beaver. 6. Gifted. 7. To make a living. 8. Make a career out of doing/taking something. Fourth part 1. Facilities. 2. Find out. 3. Gear. Ballet gear, riot gear. 1


Vocabulary review

Transcript of Vocabulary 3

Vocabulary Test 3

Guess the meaning in English of the following words, verbs or phrases:

First part

1. I used to be worn out after my class.

2. Come out.

3. Miserable.

4. Folks. And can you say the expression in a formal situation?

5. On the deck.

6. To be worth it.

7. Worthwhile.

8. Pick up.

9. Look forward to something.

10. Challenge (noun).

11. Fancy.

Second part



2. Funnily enough (phrase spoken).

3. Funny (part 3).

4. Turn out.

5. Take ages / Spend ages.

6. Give out.

7. Put up.

8. Clear up.

Third part


2. Bring back.

3. Awful.

4. Eager.

5. Eagerness.

6. Eager beaver.

7. Gifted.

8. To make a living.

9. Make a career out of doing/taking something.

Fourth part

1. Facilities.

2. Find out.

3. Gear. Ballet gear, riot gear.

4. Come round.

5. Thingy.

6. Keep on doing something.

7. Keep/stay in touch with someone.

8. A dream comes true.


Guess the meaning in English of the following words, verbs or phrases:

First part

1. I used to be worn out after my class. I used to be exhausted after my class.

2. Come out. Go outside.

3. Miserable. Extremely unhappy or uncomfortable.

4. Folks. People in general.

Ladies and gentleman is used as a formal way of addressing to an audience of men and women.

5. On the deck. The outside top part of a ship that you can walk on.

6. To be worth it. To be of reasonable or good value for the price.

7. If something is worthwhile, it is worth the time, money, or effort that you spend on it.

8. Pick up. To lift something up and take it away.

9. Look forward to something. To feel happy and excited about something that is going to happen.

10. Challenge (noun). Difficult job. Something that needs great mental or physical effort in order to be done successfully and therefore tests a persons ability.

Finding a solution to this problem is one of the greatest challenges faced by scientists today.

11. Fancy. Like, to want to have or to do something.

Second part

1. Funnily enough (phrase spoken). Used for saying that you think something is surprising or unusual.

2. Funny (part 3). Someone or something that is funny makes you laugh.

3. Turn out. Happen To happen in a particular way or to have a particular result, especially and unexpected one.

4. Take ages / Spend ages. A very long time.

5. Give out. To give something to several people.

6. Put up. To fix a picture, posters, or notice onto an upright structure such as a wall.

7. Clear up. To make a place tidy by removing things that you have finished using o no longer want.

Third part

1. Bring back. Remember To make someone thing about something from the past.

2. Awful. Adjective Bad, extremely bad or unpleasant. Before a noun means very great: It was an awful risk to have.

3. Eager. Very keen to do something or enthusiastic about something that will happen. Willing to do

4. Eagerness. In their eagerness to (=wanting so much to) find a solution, they have overlooked certain difficulties.

5. Eager beaver. Someone who is extremely enthusiastic and enjoys working extremely hard. / A person who is willing to work very hard.

6. Gifted. Adjective Having special ability in a particular subject or activity.

Clever, or having a special ability.

7. To make a living. To earn enough money to buy the things you need.

To make a good living = to earn a lot of money.

8. Make a career out of doing/taking something. To do something regularly, often something wrong or silly, so that you get a reputation for it.

Make out pretend, succeed, continue.

Fourth part

1. Facilities. The buildings, equipment, and services provided for a particular purpose: medical, shopping, sport, education facilities.

2. Find out. To discover a fact or piece of information.

3. Gear. Ballet gear, riot gear. The special clothes and equipment that you use for a particular activity.

4. Come round. To visit someone To go to a place where someone is, especially their house, in order to visit them.

When friends came round I hid my riot gear (=protective clothing) in a drawer.

5. Thingy. Used for referring to something when you do not know or cannot remember the name of it.

Hand me one of those red thingies over there.

6. Keep on doing something. To continue doing something.

7. Keep/stay in touch with someone. To continue to write or speak to someone although you do not see them often.

8. A dream comes true. Something that happens that you have always hoped for.

Something you have waned very much for a long time that has now happened.