Vocabulario del Capítulo 5B

Vocabulario del Capítulo 5B Vamos a un restaurante! !


!. Vocabulario del Capítulo 5B. Vamos a un restaurante !. To talk about people. e l hombre. t he man. To talk about people. la mujer. t he woman. To talk about people. el joven. t he young person (male). To talk about people. la joven. t he young person (female). - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Vocabulario del Capítulo 5B

Page 1: Vocabulario  del  Capítulo  5B

Vocabulario del Capítulo 5BVamos a un restaurante!!

Page 2: Vocabulario  del  Capítulo  5B

To talk about people

el hombre

the man

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To talk about people

la mujer

the woman

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To talk about people

el joven

the young person (male)

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To talk about people

la joven

the young person (female)

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To describe people and things

alto, -a


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To describe people and things

bajo, -a

short (height)

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To describe people and thingscorto, -a

short (length)

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To describe people and things

guapo, -a


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To describe people and things



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To describe people and things

largo, -a


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To describe people and things

viejo, -a


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To describe people and things

el pelo

the hair

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To describe people and things

el pelo canoso

the gray hair

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To describe people and things

el pelo castaño

the brown hair

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To describe people and things

el pelo negro

the black hair

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To describe people and things

el pelo rubio

the blond hair

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To describe people and things

pelirrojo, -a


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To describe how someone is feelingtener calor

to be hot (temperature)

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To describe how someone is feelingtener frío

to be cold (temperature)

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To describe how someone is feeling

tener sueño

to be sleepy

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To talk about fooddelicioso, -a


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To talk about fooddesear

to want, desire

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To talk about food

pedir (e-i)

to ask for, order

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To talk about food

el plato principal

the main dish

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To talk about foodde plato principal

for the main dish

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To talk about food

el postre

the dessert

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To talk about foodde postre

for dessert

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To talk about foodrico,-a

rich (in $ or flavor); delicious

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To describe table settings

el azúcar

the sugar

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To describe table settings

la cuchara

the spoon

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To describe table settings

el cuchillo

the knife

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To describe table settingsla pimienta

the pepper

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To describe table settingsel plato

the plate

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To describe table settings

la sal

the salt

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To describe table settings

la servilleta

the napkin

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To describe table settings

la taza

the cup

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To describe table settings

el tenedor

the fork

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To describe table settingsel vaso

the glass

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To talk about eating out

el camarero

the waiter

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To talk about eating out

la camarera

the waitress

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To talk about eating outla cuenta

the check

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To talk about eating outel menú

the menu

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To express needs

Qué te falta?

What do you need?(What are you lacking?)


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To express needsMe falta…

I need/I’m lacking…(one item)

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To express needsMe faltan…

I need/I’m lacking…(>1 item)

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To express needsQuisiera…

I would like…

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To express needstraer*

to bring*-go in yo verb

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To express needsMe trae…?

Can you (formal) bring me…? ?

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To express needs

Le traigo…

I’m bringing (to) you….

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To express needs

Yo traigo…

I’m bringing…

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Other useful words



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Other useful words

Algo más?

Anything else??

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Other useful words

De nada.

You’re welcome.

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Other useful words

otro, -a


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Other useful words

Qué + adjective!

How …..!!

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Other useful words


to come*-go in yo ** e-ie boot verb