VOC - Andrei Chikatilo - Sep 21 2011.pdf

Medieval Astrology Profile for Andrei Chikatilo File History: Initial 21-Sep-2011; Technical Edit 9-Nov-2011; Fixed Star Correction 19-Jan-2013. Introduction to delineation of appearance and character in natal astrology. The following document is a hand-written analysis of Andrei Chikatilo made using the principles of medieval predictive astrology. The discipline of natal astrology focuses on the fate of an individual based on a horoscope cast for the moment of birth. Within natal astrology, the 1 st house occupying the eastern horizon at birth describes the native: physical vitality, appearance, and character. Between the Hellenistic and Medieval eras several specialized models have been developed to assess these characteristics. They include longevity (vitality and length of life), physiognomy (form and shape of the face and body), victor of the chart (overall life purpose), manners (social conduct including ethical behavior), and temperament (elemental mix of fire, earth, air, and water with applications in medical astrology). Prior research has presented models and results for longevity (A Rectification Manual: The American Presidency, Chapter 4) and physiognomy (Astrological Physiognomy: History and Sources & Astrological Physiognomy: Empirical Tests of the Leo Rising Decan). This paper presents one of forty horoscopes chosen to populate an initial data set to investigate the victor. Victor of the Chart. Included are two competing models for computing the victor of the chart said to be the single most powerful planet in the horoscope. According to Plato’s follower Porphyry, by configuration in the natal horoscope the planet signifying the victor of the chart shows the life choice made by the soul prior to incarnation. Plato explains the details of his soul model in The Myth of Er found in the closing pages of his work The Republic. Porphyry and his peer Antiochus offer specific rules for determining the victor of the chart. The method of Antiochus/Porphyry is compared to a later method for determining the victor suggested by the Jewish Rabbi Abraham ben Meir Ibn Izra who was an active philosopher and astrologer in the 12 th century. For a discussion of these two models, see the companion paper Victor of the Chart: Testing Methods of Antiochus/Porphyry and Ibn Ezra which serves as a key to what is presented here. Manners. Plato was not alone among Greek philosophers in conceiving models for the soul. Aristotle’s model of vegetative, sensitive, and intellective soul levels assigned respectively to the plant, animal, and human kingdoms was taken up by Ptolemy who found a correspondence between the sensitive and intellective soul and Moon and Mercury in the natal horoscope. Configuration of the Moon and Mercury, with special emphasis given to their rulers, is a second method for analyzing the soul. Ptolemy introduces this model in Tetrabiblos III.13 Of the Quality of the Soul. Subsequent authors refer to this model as “Significators of the Soul” or “Manners”. A summary template for the Moon and Mercury is presented in the paper and will be further developed in future versions. Acknowledgements Birth Data Regulus Astrology LLC. Andrei Chikatilo. 16 October 1936, 2:58:41 AM R2T -3:00, Yabluchne, Ukraine. Ascendant = 6VI13’35”. Photo Image Rostov Police Department photographic records, mugshot Republished according to “non-profit educational” clause of Fair Use doctrine under US copyright law.

Transcript of VOC - Andrei Chikatilo - Sep 21 2011.pdf

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Medieval Astrology Profile for Andrei Chikatilo

File History: Initial 21-Sep-2011; Technical Edit 9-Nov-2011; Fixed Star Correction 19-Jan-2013.

Introduction to delineation of appearance and character in natal astrology. The following

document is a hand-written analysis of Andrei Chikatilo made using the principles of medieval

predictive astrology. The discipline of natal astrology focuses on the fate of an individual based on a

horoscope cast for the moment of birth. Within natal astrology, the 1st house occupying the eastern

horizon at birth describes the native: physical vitality, appearance, and character. Between the

Hellenistic and Medieval eras several specialized models have been developed to assess these

characteristics. They include longevity (vitality and length of life), physiognomy (form and shape of

the face and body), victor of the chart (overall life purpose), manners (social conduct including

ethical behavior), and temperament (elemental mix of fire, earth, air, and water with applications in

medical astrology). Prior research has presented models and results for longevity (A Rectification

Manual: The American Presidency, Chapter 4) and physiognomy (Astrological Physiognomy: History

and Sources & Astrological Physiognomy: Empirical Tests of the Leo Rising Decan). This paper

presents one of forty horoscopes chosen to populate an initial data set to investigate the victor.

Victor of the Chart. Included are two competing models for computing the victor of the chart

said to be the single most powerful planet in the horoscope. According to Plato’s follower Porphyry,

by configuration in the natal horoscope the planet signifying the victor of the chart shows the life

choice made by the soul prior to incarnation. Plato explains the details of his soul model in The Myth

of Er found in the closing pages of his work The Republic. Porphyry and his peer Antiochus offer

specific rules for determining the victor of the chart. The method of Antiochus/Porphyry is compared

to a later method for determining the victor suggested by the Jewish Rabbi Abraham ben Meir Ibn Izra

who was an active philosopher and astrologer in the 12th

century. For a discussion of these two

models, see the companion paper Victor of the Chart: Testing Methods of Antiochus/Porphyry and Ibn

Ezra which serves as a key to what is presented here.

Manners. Plato was not alone among Greek philosophers in conceiving models for the soul.

Aristotle’s model of vegetative, sensitive, and intellective soul levels assigned respectively to the plant,

animal, and human kingdoms was taken up by Ptolemy who found a correspondence between the

sensitive and intellective soul and Moon and Mercury in the natal horoscope. Configuration of the

Moon and Mercury, with special emphasis given to their rulers, is a second method for analyzing the

soul. Ptolemy introduces this model in Tetrabiblos III.13 “Of the Quality of the Soul”. Subsequent

authors refer to this model as “Significators of the Soul” or “Manners”. A summary template for the

Moon and Mercury is presented in the paper and will be further developed in future versions.


Birth Data

Regulus Astrology LLC.

Andrei Chikatilo. 16 October 1936, 2:58:41 AM R2T -3:00, Yabluchne, Ukraine. Ascendant = 6VI13’35”.

Photo Image

Rostov Police Department photographic records, mugshot

Republished according to “non-profit educational” clause of Fair Use doctrine under US copyright law.

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Andrei Chikatilo

Janus Astrology Software www.astrology-house.com



3 4 5








































Natal Chart

Andrei Chikatilo

16 Oct 1936

2:58:41 AM

R2T -03:00:00



34e36 55, 45n04 38

Rectif ied

Y 00 o 03

@ 06 o 13

( 12 o 00Spirit 12 o 24Hyleg 12 o 57

Faith 00 p 28

$ 04 p 22SAN 21 p 52

! 22 p 26

# 28 p 37

& 21 q 09

> 27 r 37

) 20 r 33

* 16 w 46 |

B 00 k 46

? 27 k 37

Subst 15 l 04

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Andrei Chikatilo (October 16, 1936 – February 14, 1994)

Convicted of 53 murders of women and children between 1978 and 1990, Andrei Chikatilo was

one of the most notorious serial killers in the history of the Soviet Union.

Born to parents who were farm workers, Chikatilo’s childhood was scarred by famine created by

Stalin’s agricultural collectivization, WWII German bombing runs, and schoolyard bullying for his

identity as the son of a father who had been captured by the Germans during military service. His

childhood was also marked by chronic bedwetting, made all the worse because he shared a single bed

with his parents. Shy, socially awkward, and impotent in the presence of females, Chikatilo remained

uncomfortable during his adolescence years. He eventually married, produced two children, and

turned his language interests into a profession teaching Russian literature. His teaching career ended

abruptly in March 1981 at the age of 44 following molestation charges made by students. As it was

later discovered, Chikatilo had already committed his first murder in late 1978.

Once Chikatilo began work as a factory supply clerk, his murder spree opened up. Later he stated

that sexual arousal from killing and slashing his first victim, the 9-year-old girl Yelena Katotnova in

1978, was so strong the desire for repeated acts was overwhelming. He was profiled by the Russian

psychiatrist Alexandre Bukhanovsky as a “necro-sadist.” Bukhanovsky later became one of Russia’s

experts on this category of killers.

Hindered by a Communist philosophy which dismissed serial killers as a product of dysfunctional

Western societies, Soviet authorities were ill-equipped to handle investigation of serial killers. In

addition, what made the investigation more challenging was Chikatilo’s physiological classification as

a “non-secretor.” For these individuals, the blood type of the actual blood itself differs from the blood

type found in other bodily fluids. This anomaly allowed Chikatilo to escape notice after a September

13, 1984 arrest because the AB type found in the semen at crime scenes did not match Chikatilo’s own

A blood type. Following his December 12, 1984 release, he killed another twenty-one victims until his

arrest on November 20, 1990. He was found guilty on October 15, 1992, sentenced to death, and died

by execution to the head with a single gunshot on February 14, 1994.


Crime & Investigation Network (UK). Andrei Chikatilo: The Rostov Ripper.

Article link: http://www.crimeandinvestigation.co.uk/crime-files/andre-chikatilo-the-rostov-

ripper/biography.html. For further research, I recommend the made-for-TV film Citizen X (1995)

which views the crimes of Chikatilo through the lense of the forensic specialist Victor Burakov (played

by Stephen Rea) and a sympathetic member of the Soviet bureaucracy Co. Mikhail Fetisov (played by

Donald Sutherland). Chikatilo is played by Jeffrey DeMunn. Sutherland won Golden Globe and

Emmy Awards for best supporting actor.

Research Interests

Review of James Hillman’s The Soul’s Code, (pp. 216, 237-238, 239, 242)

Criminal – serial killer

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Birth Data

Chikatilo was born on October 16, 1936 in Yabluchne, Ukraine. The birth time has not been reported.

Proposed Rectification

Andrei Chikatilo


2:58:41 AM

R2T -03:00:00

Yabluchne, Ukraine



ASC 6VI13’35”

Stage I. Determine the Ascendant sign


For the diurnal series, the murders occupy the greater part of the Saturn’s Major years and the first

two subperiods of Jupiter’s Major years. Saturn is afflicted (retrograde and opposed Mars); Jupiter is

afflicted by the same Mars-Saturn opposition but himself is stronger in essential dignities amplified by

the North Node.

For the nocturnal series, the murders coincide fairly precisely with both the South Node and Major

Sun period. I also note that the onset of the Major Venus Period on October 16, 1990 coincided with

plans for a new police dragnet made on October 27, 1990 which caught Chikatilo shortly thereafter on

November 20, 1990. South Node/Gemini is ruled by Mercury/Libra which is approaching the

sunbeams which excites the nature of Mercury. Mercury/Libra ruling South Node/Gemini can be

interpreted as interest in youth which causes their destruction. I also note the Sun placed in the bound

of Venus, with Venus afflicted. These observations favor the nocturnal series.

Conclusion: Figure is nocturnal.


For a nocturnal figure, the Moon’s range is either 27LI09 – 00SC37 or 5SC57 – 8SC59. In favor

of the a.m. nocturnal birth is the Moon’s placement in the bound of Mars/Libra for most of the

morning hours. Mars ruling the kidney in the sign of his detriment where he delays action is a

delineation match for bedwetting where urination is delayed past opportune times.

Conclusion: Moon is placed in the bound of Mars/Libra which limits the degree range to 28LI00-

29LI59, or a birth time between 1:43 AM and 5:46 AM. The corresponding Ascendant range from

22LE03 to 8LI08 limits Ascendant choices to late Leo, Virgo, or early Libra.

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Configuration of the Chart

Returning to findings from Fidaria analysis, what is a consistent Ascendant with most of the

killings occurring during the Major Sun period and Chikatilo’s arrest during the Major Venus period?

Consider for a Virgo rising figure that Sun-ruled Leo moves to the 12th

house of evil spirit.

Ascendant lord Mercury approaches the sunbeams but applies to the sextile of Jupiter before moving

into Scorpio where he trines Saturn and eventually makes his superior conjunction with the Sun. The

application to Jupiter is not favorable, as Jupiter triggers the Mars-Saturn opposition as ruler of Saturn.

As for the Major Venus period, note that Venus/Scorpio/3rd

(short-term trips) rules the 9th

(criminal justice system). Chikatilo was arrested following suspicious behavior at a train station.

Conclusion: Ascendant is Virgo

Stage II. Determine the Ascendant’s range within 1-4 degrees


Virgo is known for facial features which are drawn, reflecting the introspection capable of this

detail-oriented sign. Virgo is also known for pointed chins. Both are reasonable matches to

Chikatilo’s face. Choices for the rising decan include Virgo (ruler Mercury/Libra), Capricorn (ruler

Saturn/Pisces), and Taurus (ruler Venus/Scorpio). Neither the phlegmatic characteristics (puffy

cheeks, round face) of Saturn/Pisces ruled Capricorn nor the intensity (dark eyebrows, aquiline nose)

of Venus/Scorpio ruled Taurus are present. This leaves the first decan of Virgo ruled by

Mercury/Libra as the physiognomy significator. The compressed ovate shape of Libra is a reasonable

match to Chikatilo’s facial shape.

Conclusion: Ascendant is the first 10 degrees of Virgo.

Measurements to the angles

Criminal acts are often timed by dynamic activity to the 12th

house Lot of Accusation, Exile, and

Injury. In this case the lot is so near the Moon’s antiscion, it will be difficult to distinguish whether the

Moon or the Lot is at work. I pass on this approach and move to the next best method of rectifying

criminal horoscopes: transits of the Lunar Nodes which aspect either ASC/DSC or MC/IC axis on

dates of arrest. Here are Chikatilo’s arrest dates with corresponding transiting position of the Lunar


13-Sep-1984. tr. North Node 00GE58’21” conj MC?

20-Nov-1990. tr. North Node 1AQ21’28” trine MC?

If correct, these measurements suggest an MC degree range of 00GE30 to 1GE30. Though I would

like more measurements, I will take this degree range as a trial and proceed to check for directions. If

that step fails, I can always return to Stage II rectification and check for other measurements to the


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Stage III. Determine the exact Degree and Minute of the Ascendant


Solar Arc Directions

In my opinion, it is the dynamic movement of the Sun and Moon setting off the Mars-Saturn

opposition which sets off Chikatilo’s crimes and arrest. By direct motion, the Sun or Moon can move

to the conjunction of Mars and the opposition of Saturn. By converse motion, the Sun or Moon can

move to form the crux of a t-square formed by the Mars-Saturn opposition. There are many

permutations of these directions which can be constructed to fit life events. As such, I do not consider

this rectification to be final, though it appears to be sufficiently accurate for testing the Ruler of the

Chart methodology.

Direction Date projection – direct Date projection - converse

Moon opposed Saturn 6-Jul-1978 26-Jun-1979

Moon square Mars 15-Jan-1980 29-Jan-1981

Mars conj Moon 16-Mar-1983 24-May-1984*

Moon square Saturn 24-Sep-1984 30-Dec-1985

Sun square Mars 17-Feb-1986 20-Jun-1987

Sun square Saturn 23-Oct-1990* 25-May-1992*

I have highlighted three dates in the table.

25-May-1984 marked a particularly brutal set of slayings. After Chikatilo murdered 32 year old

Tatyana Petrosyan, he chased her daughter Svetlana (age 11) with a hammer until he caught up with

her and bludgeoned her to death. Svetlana had witnessed Chikatilo killing her mother.

The final pair of Sun square Saturn directions form a quasi-sequence which matches design of the

police dragnet on 27-Oct-1990 which led to Chikatilo’s capture and the start of his jury trial on 14-


Primary Directions

REG D Mars/Aries P Opposition Sun d. => Saturn (l=SA) 7-Sep-1984

First arrest, 13-Sep-1984. Note participation of Sun and Saturn in this first arrest (timed by

primary direction) and the same planets involved in his second arrest (solar arc above).

REG D Saturn/Cancer P Dex. square Moon c. => Mars 19-Feb-1994

His death sentence, carried out by execution by gunshot on 14-Feb-1994. This arcus vitae

suggests the Moon is the releaser and Mars, ruler of the 8th

, is the empirical killer.

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Template for Computing Victor of the Chart a/c Ibn Ezra

--------------- ! " # $ % & '

Sun 22LI26 3,1 5,2 4

Moon 28LI37 3,1 5 2 4

ASC 6VI13 5,4,2,1 3

POF 00VI03 5,4,2,1 3

Syzygy 21LI52 3,1 5,2 4

Houses 6 6 6 3 12 9 10

SUBTOTAL 6 6 42 28 14 9 22

Superiors – Oriental 3

TOTAL (1507 version) 6 6 42 28 17 9 22

Day Ruler Jupiter 7

Hour Ruler Saturn 6

TOTAL (1485/1537 version) 6 6 42 28 14 16 28


Rulerships: house=5; exaltation=4; in-sect triplicity=3; bound=2; face=1

Houses: H1=12; H10=11; H7=10; H4=9; H11=8; H5=7; H2=6; H9=5; H8=4; H3=3; H12=2; H6=1

House system: Alchabitius semi-arc with 5 degree offset rule

Superiors – Oriental: helical rising to sextile=3; sextile to square=2; square to 1st station=1

Time Lords: day ruler=7; hour ruler=6

Templates for Investigating the Victor of the Chart a/c Antiochus/Porphyry

Stage I. Identify Candidates

Criteria Significator --------------- ! " # $ % & '

X/√ MC degree – Sign ruler X (if angular √ ) Mercury X

X MC degree – Bound ruler Mercury X

X Planet in MC bound

√ Planet in MC sign

√ ASC degree – sign ruler Mercury √

X ASC degree – bound ruler Mercury X

√ Planet in ASC bound

√ Planet in ASC sign Mars √

√ Moon degree – sign ruler Venus √

X Moon degree – bound ruler Mars X

√ Fortune degree – sign ruler Mercury √

X Fortune degree – bound ruler Mercury X

√ Strongest of next three (preferring rising)

√ 1. rising within 7 days Mercury √

√ 2. setting within 7 days

√ 3. station within 7 days

X SAN degree – sign ruler Venus X

√ SAN degree – bound ruler Venus √

√ Total – Antiochus/Porphyry criteria 0 0 3 2 1 0 0

X Total – Expanded criteria 0 0 7 3 2 0 0

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Stage II. Rank Candidates

SECT - NOCTURNAL Effect ! " # $ % & '

Diurnal planets: Sun, Jupiter, Saturn

1. Is the chart diurnal? ++/-- X X X

2. Placed on same side of horizon as Sun? +/- √ X

3. Placed in masculine sign? +/- √ √ X

Nocturnal planets: Moon, Venus, Mars

1. Is the chart nocturnal? ++/-- √ √ √

2. Placed on opposite side of horizon as Sun? +/- X X X

3. Placed in feminine sign? (except Mars/masculine?) +/- X √ X

Mercury: Diurnal (rises before Sun)

1. Is Mercury diurnal in a diurnal chart; noct in noct chart? +/- X

SOLAR PHASE ! " # $ % & '

Velocity 0.59 11.50 0.56 1.13 0.36 0.10 -0.03

Latitude 4s16 1n42 0s29 1n20 0n12 2s17

Basic: Superiors are oriental? Inferiors are occidental? √ √

Advanced: Superior Planets (Saturn, Jupiter, Mars)

1. Cazimi ++

2. Oriental – Combust (within 6 degrees) --

3. Oriental – Under sunbeams (6-15 degrees) +

4. Oriental – Rising to waxing sextile (rising=15 degrees) +++ √

5. Oriental – waxing sextile to square ++

6. Oriental – square to 1st station +

7. Oriental – 1st station (retrograde) -

8. Oriental – approaching opposition (7.5 degrees) -

9. Opposition -

10. Occidental – from opposition to 2nd

station + √

11. Occidental – 2nd

station (direct) +++

12. Occidental – 2nd

station to waning square ++

13. Occidental – waning square to sextile +

14. Occidental – sextile to sinking (sinking=15 degrees) - √

15. Occidental – Under sunbeams (6-15 degrees) -

16. Occidental – Combust (within 6 degrees)

Advanced: Inferior Planets (Venus, Mercury)

1. Cazimi – Inferior (retrograde) conjunction +

2. Oriental – Combust (within 7 degrees) -

3. Oriental – Under sunbeams (morning) (7-12 degrees) -

4. Oriental – Rising to 1st direct station +

5. Oriental – 1st direct station ++

6. Oriental – 1st station to sinking (morning) + √

7. Oriental – Under sunbeams (morning) (7-12 degrees)

8. Oriental – Combust (within 7 degrees) -

9. Cazimi – Superior (direct) conjunction ++

10. Occidental – Combust (within 7 degrees) -

11. Occidental – Under sunbeams (evening) (7-12 degrees) -

12. Occidental – rising to 2nd

retrograde station + √

13. Occidental – 2nd

retrograde station -

14. Occidental – 2nd

station to setting (evening) -

15. Occidental – Under sunbeams (evening) (7-12 degrees) -

16. Occidental – Combust (within 7 degrees) -

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House Position (whole sign)

1. Placement in Angle ++ √ √ √

2. Placement in Succedent House + √ √ √

3. Placement in Cadent House -- √

Position Relative to the Lot of Fortune (whole sign)

1. Is the planet positioned 1, 4, or 7 signs from Fortune? + √ √ √

2. Is the planet positioned 10 signs from Fortune? ++

House of Joy (whole sign)

Mercury/1, Moon/3, Venus/5, Mars/6, Jupiter/11, Saturn/12? +

Quadrant Placement relative to Sex (quadrant)

Masculine planets in masculine quadrants (4,5,6,10,11,12) + √

Feminine planets in feminine quadrants (1,2,3,7,8,9) + √ √

ESSENTIAL DIGNITY √ ! " # $ % & '

Dignity – sign ++ √

Dignity – exaltation ++

Dignity – exaltation degree: SU 19AR, MO 3TA,

JU 15CA, ME 15VI, SA 21LI, MA 28CP, VE 27PI +++

Dignity – triplicity - Diurnal + √

Dignity – triplicity – Nocturnal + √ √

Dignity – triplicity - Participating + √

Dignity – bound ++

Dignity - decan +

Dignity – fall -- √

Dignity - decline - √


Moon’s Configuration

From which planet does the Moon separate? - √

To which planet does the Moon apply? + √


Which planets are received by sign (WS aspect) ? + √ √

Which planets are received by exaltation (WS aspect) ? + √

Which planets are received by bound? (WS aspect) ? + √ √

Is there any generosity or mutual reception?

Position relative to the Nodes

1. Is the planet conjunct the North Node by sign? +

2. Is the planet conjunct the North Node within 12 degrees? ++ √

3. Is the planet conjunct the South Node by sign? -

4. Is the planet conjunct the South Node within 12 degrees? --

5. Is the planet square the Nodes within 5 degrees? +

TIME LORDS √ ! " # $ % & '

Day ruler + √

Planetary Hour ruler + √

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Template for Investigation of Manners

MANNERS ------- ! " # $ % & '


Sign Ruler $W

Bound %V

Bound Ruler %U

Mubtazz Scoring- single point #V 1,1 1 1 1

Mubtazz Scoring – early medieval $W 2,1 5 3 4

Mubtazz Scoring – late medieval '[ 3,1 5 2 3 4,3

Fixed Stars

Venus conj Zuben Eschemali 1 58’ (Serpens) &#

Venus conj Unukalhai 0 44’ (Serpens) %'


Sign Ruler $W

Bound 'V

Bound Ruler '[

Mubtazz Scoring for Mercury – single point $W '[ 1 1,1 1,1

Mubtazz Scoring for Mercury – early Medieval '[ 2 5,1 4,3

Mubtazz Scoring for Mercury – late Medieval '[ 3 5,1 3 4,3,2

Fixed Stars

Saturn conj Achernar 1 39’ (Eridanus River) ?

KEY – Mubtazz Scoring

Single point: assigns 1 point for each essential dignity

Early medieval: sign 5, exaltation 4, bound 3, primary triplicity lord 2, decan 1. Used by Al-Kindi and Māshā’allāh.

Late medieval: sign 4, exaltation 4, triplicity lords (all) 3, bound 2, decan 1. Used by Schoener; taught by Zoller.

Fixed Stars from Janus 4.3 software. Criteria: conjunction within 2 degrees longitude.


Moon’s Configuration: Moon separates from the Sun and is VOC, nocturnal, conjunctional.

Moon-Mercury whole sign aspect? Placed in the same sign but Moon burned by the Sun may not be

capable of seeing Mercury.

Do scoring methods agree? No.

The mubtazz for the Moon is either Mercury, Venus, or Saturn. For Mercury, Saturn is the consistent

scorer. Based on life affairs, necro-sadism is a Saturn-Venus affliction which for Chikatilo is correctly

identified using the early Medieval mubtazz scoring method.

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Model Summary (for model details see www.regulus-astrology.com/research.html)


To recap the discussion from the rectification section, drawn facial features and a pointed chin are

a match to the Virgo facial type. Overall shape of the face is a reasonable match to Willner’s

compressed ovate shape assigned to Libra. This is a match to Mercury/Libra ruling the 1st decan of

Virgo. For evidence of the compressed ovate shape, see this additional image taken at younger age:

(see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Chikatiloaged22.jpg).

Longevity: 57y 3m 29d

Releaser and kadukhudhāh. Figure is nocturnal and Moon/Libra/2nd

qualifies as the releaser.

Participating triplicity ruler Jupiter in his own sign is the most dignified of the Moon’s rulers and

aspects the Moon by sextile. Jupiter grants his 79 major years as kadukhudhāh, augmented 25% by

conjunction to the North Node for a gross longevity projection of 98y 9m. By square aspect, Mars

deducts 15yrs and Saturn deducts 30yrs for a net projection of 53y 9mo, or 17-Jul-1990. On 27-Oct-

1990 a massive operation was launched to entrap Chikatilo. He was arrested on 20-Nov-1990.

Though Chikatilo’s death sentence was not carried out until 19-Feb-1994, the longevity method

suggests as of 17-Jul-1990 Chikatilo was functionally dead.

Victor of the Chart: Mars/Virgo

Both methods favor Mercury as VOC. As secondary contenders, Ibn Ezra’s method suggests

Venus or Saturn; Porphyry’s expanded criteria suggest Venus or Mars. With Venus in the sign of her

decline and placed in the cadent 3rd

house, the choice appears between Mercury, Mars, or Saturn.

Mercury plays the role of professional significator for Chikatilo; he was a school teacher of Russian

language and literature and later a factory supply clerk. Comparing Mars and Saturn the choice easily

goes to Mars as Mars has the strongest possible solar phase, is the in-sect malefic, and is angular in the

1st house. Saturn is completely out of sect, peregrine (though received by Jupiter), and retrograde.

Choice of Mars/Virgo is a delineation match to Chikatilo’s life as a serial killer with his style of

slashing, stabbing, and evisceration a specific match to Mars’ universal significations.

Manners: Saturn-Venus (necro-sadism)

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MOON 9 yrs 16-Oct-36 Victor Comments

Moon Saturn 28-Jan-38 Moon Jupiter 13-May-39 Moon Mars 24-Aug-40 X Moon Sun 7-Dec-41 Moon Venus 21-Mar-43 Moon Mercury 3-Jul-44

SATURN 11 yrs 16-Oct-45

Saturn Jupiter 13-May-47 Saturn Mars 7-Dec-48 X Saturn Sun 4-Jul-50 Saturn Venus 28-Jan-52 Saturn Mercury 24-Aug-53 Saturn Moon 21-Mar-55

JUPITER 12 yrs 15-Oct-56

Jupiter Mars 3-Jul-58 X Jupiter Sun 21-Mar-60 Jupiter Venus 7-Dec-61 Jupiter Mercury 25-Aug-63 Jupiter Moon 12-May-65 Jupiter Saturn 28-Jan-67

MARS 7 yrs 15-Oct-68 X

Mars Sun 16-Oct-69 X Mars Venus 16-Oct-70 X Mars Mercury 16-Oct-71 X Mars Moon 15-Oct-72 X Mars Saturn 15-Oct-73 X Mars Jupiter 16-Oct-74 X

NORTH NODE 3 yrs 16-Oct-75

SOUTH NODE 2 yrs 16-Oct-78 First murder

SUN 10 yrs 15-Oct-80 Second murder

Sun Venus 21-Mar-82 Killing spree opens up, eleven killed Sun Mercury 25-Aug-83 nineteen killed Sun Moon 27-Jan-85 two killed Sun Saturn 3-Jul-86 three killed Sun Jupiter 7-Dec-87 five killed Sun Mars 12-May-89 X eight killed

VENUS 8 yrs 16-Oct-90 Three killed, Arrested

Venus Mercury 7-Dec-91 Venus Moon 27-Jan-93 Executed Venus Saturn 21-Mar-94