VMware Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC) 2013 Launch Overview

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Transcript of VMware Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC) 2013 Launch Overview

  • 8/18/2019 VMware Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC) 2013 Launch Overview


    © 2013 VMware Inc. All rights reserved

    Cloud Infrastructure and Management 2013Launch Overview

    Cloud Infrastructure and Management 2013 Launch: Launch Overview 

  • 8/18/2019 VMware Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC) 2013 Launch Overview


    2 Confidential

    Notice of Information Protected b Non!disclosure "greement

    Non!#isclosure "greement for "ll $mware%&he $Mware Products' (olution and (trateg information) including

    Pricing' Pac*aging and Licensing information that is being provided todato o!" is protected !nder o!r Non!#isclosure "greement# which is in effect!ntil $Mware ma*es this information +ublic% $o part of this informationsho!ld be shared with an other third part !nless permission is obtained from

    VMware in writing.


    CON,I#-N&I"L IN,O.M"&ION.%Confidential Information& means an information disclosed b one part to the otherp!rs!ant to this Agreement that is mar'ed %Confidential"& %(roprietar"& or in some similarmanner. -ach +art shall treat as confidential all Confidential Information of the other+art and shall not use such Confidential Information e/ce+t to e/ercise its rights or+erform its obligations under this "greement. )ach part shall not disclose s!chConfidential Information to an third part d!ring the term of this Agreement and for aprotection period of three *3+ ears beond s!ch term. ,he terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be Confidential Information s!b-ect to the provisions of this ection /"whether or not mar'ed confidential. ,his paragraph will not appl to an ConfidentialInformation that a was rightfull in +ossession of either +art +rior to recei+t of suchConfidential Information from the other +art) b is or becomes a matter of +ublic

    *nowledge through no fault of the +art receiving such Confidential Informationhereunder) c is rightfull received from a third +art without a dut ofconfidentialit) d is inde+endentl develo+ed b the other +art without breach ofan confidentialit obligations) or e is disclosed b either +art with the other+arts written a++roval) or f the reci+ient is reuired to disclose b a++licable lawor court order% &he +arties ac*nowledge that breach of this (ection 4 will causeirre+arable damage to the disclosing +art for which monetar damages will be aninadeuate remed% "ccordingl' either +art will be entitled to see* and obtainin5unctive and an other relief legal or euitable to restrain an breach orantici+ated breach of this (ec

  • 8/18/2019 VMware Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC) 2013 Launch Overview


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    6h is the (oftware!#efined #ata Center(##C im+ortant7

    &he customer conte/t and needs that drovethe creation of the (##C vision b $Mware

  • 8/18/2019 VMware Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC) 2013 Launch Overview



    &raditional I& Pain Points &hat 8ave 9ot CIOs ,ired

    Inefficienc #owntime

    Challenging tomeet (L"s

    Long issueidentification :resolution times

    (ecurit and

    com+liance issues

    8igh ca+e/ ando+e/

    8igh com+le/it' I&in silos


  • 8/18/2019 VMware Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC) 2013 Launch Overview



    6hats Changing; .ise of ? of total I,spend b 201

    (elf!+rocuredcloud (ervices

    3>? of total I,spend b 201

  • 8/18/2019 VMware Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC) 2013 Launch Overview


    / Confidential

    -mergence of New I& Pain Points

    ,ear of Loc*!In

    Managingheterogeneous I&environments

    New a++licationst+es e%g% @ig data'mobile

    $endor loc*!in


    (low time to mar*et

    .eactive I&organiAations

    .ise of

  • 8/18/2019 VMware Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC) 2013 Launch Overview


    ; Confidential

    &he Pain Points "re Onl 9etting 6orse

    )C 2011

    6or*loads are doubling ever B ears

    how do we manage this growing com+le/it7

    >0/ ? #ata managed within enterprise datacenters

    BB/ ? (torage growing from 0.@ 5 to 3 5 in 2020

    24/ ? Mobile data traffic growth from mobile devices

    10/ ? (ervers worldwide growth

    >/ ? IP!based video and real time applications growth

    B/ ? IP traffic growth


    By 015

  • 8/18/2019 VMware Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC) 2013 Launch Overview


    @ Confidential

    ,he same principles that transformed

    a single laer of the data centerB

    and delivered !nprecedented

    val!e for c!stomersB

    6hat if

    "bstract% Pool% "utomate%

     were applied to

    the entire data center?

  • 8/18/2019 VMware Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC) 2013 Launch Overview


    = Confidential

    (oftware!#efined#ata Center 

    ,he ideal architect!re for private"

    hbrid and p!blic clo!ds.

     All infrastr!ct!re is virt!ali8ed

    and delivered as a service" and

    the control of this data center is

    entirel a!tomated b software.

  • 8/18/2019 VMware Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC) 2013 Launch Overview


    10 Confidential

    $Mwares (##C "rchitecture

    (oftware!#efined #ata Center 

    "bstract% Pool% "utomate%

    Management and "utomation

    Networ* and(ecuritCom+ute (torage and"vailabilit

  • 8/18/2019 VMware Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC) 2013 Launch Overview


    11 Confidential

    &raditional I& +ain +oints New I& +ain +oints

    $Mwares (oftware!#efined #ata Center#elivers &ransformational Levels of;

    D Claims being validated b the &ane5a 9rou+ final numbers e/+ected "ugust' 2013%

    (oftware!#efined #ata Center (olves I& Pain Points

    Infle/ibilit ,ear of Loc*!InInefficienc #owntime

    (u++ort for over >00I($ solutions and E0o+erating sstems


    "n "++"nwhere


    .educe I& ca+e/ bF>? and o+e/ b >4?D

    Cloud (erviceProvider-conomics


    .educe downtimefor tier 1 a++lications

    b 34?D

    Cloud on Gour &erms


    Increase I&+roductivit b 4F?D

    "++s at@usiness (+eed

  • 8/18/2019 VMware Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC) 2013 Launch Overview


    12 Confidential

    (##C is a H2E@ O++ortunit for $Mware

    6e are @est Positioned to 6in @ecause of OurLeadershi+ Position in Com+ute $irtualiAation

    H4 @illionComp!te


    H2E @illion>>C20 6 CA4

    6e (tarted 8ere


    Our New O++ortunit>/

         "     d     d

          m    a     n    a    g     e     m

        e     n      t ' 

         s      t    o

         r    a    g     e

         a     n     d

          n    e      t     w

        o     r      *      i     n


  • 8/18/2019 VMware Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC) 2013 Launch Overview


    13 Confidential

    (elling vCloud (uite

    vCloud (uite; &he essential com+onentsfor building and o+erating an (##C

  • 8/18/2019 VMware Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC) 2013 Launch Overview


    1 Confidential

    vCloud (uite at a 9lance

    >esigned for mat!re c!stomers that are

    in the later half of their comp!te

    virt!ali8ation -o!rne

    vClo!d !ite helps c!stomers b!ild and

    operate a vphere based private clo!d

    enabling c!stomers to deliver I,DasDaD


    &arget Customer -levator Pitch

  • 8/18/2019 VMware Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC) 2013 Launch Overview


    1 Confidential

    vCloud (uite; &he &hree (te+ (ales Motion

    9ain access and e/+lore #esign solution and validate withcustomer 

    Close deal

    -/+lore #esign Close1 2 3

    Identif the b!siness

    iss!es and opport!nit

    Identif sales triggers

    4et to 'e sta'eholdersell the f!ll >>C vision

    Comm!nicate vClo!d !ite val!e

    Eperational )fficienc

    I, and Eperational Control

    Infrastr!ct!re Agilit

    4ather data on c!stomer

    environment to identif CA()F

    savings opport!nit ? !se CloudPlanner *in c!stomer beta" availableG!l 2013+

    !n vClo!d !ite (EC withc!stomer 

    (rovide credible estimates on

    CA()F and E()F benefits to the

    c!stomer ? !se .OI : &CO

    how competitive


    Handle ob-ections

  • 8/18/2019 VMware Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC) 2013 Launch Overview


    1/ Confidential

    Identif @usiness Issues and O++ortunit



    Col!mbia portswear

    needs to o!tDinnovate

    $orthface" (atagonia ?

    Introd!ce new fabrics" roll

    o!t new stores faster 

    ed!ce time to deplo

    new servers to min!tes !ic'l diagnose

    performance iss!es and

    add reso!rces where


    O+erationalInefficienc Critical (stem#owntime


    JalDMart retailer wants

    to ens!re online sales

    wo!ld never be


    Critical sstem o!tage


     Abilit to easil migrate inanticipation of storms"


  • 8/18/2019 VMware Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC) 2013 Launch Overview


    1; Confidential

    Je (ales &riggers

    (erver .efreshL )7amples Infrastr!ct!re !pdate initiatives " c!stomers loo'ing to solve poor sstem performance"

    scale infrastr!ct!re

    Cloud Com+uting InitiativesL )7amples Cape7 ope7 red!ction initiatives" improving app services provisioning speed initiatives"

    high performance comp!ting" big data" improving scale and performance of apps intiatives etc.

    "++lication : Infrastructure .ationaliAation ProgramsL )7amples MNA Activit" Oni7 to Pin!7 migration" red!cing A(" Eracle cape7 ope7

    OutsourcingL )7amples tarting o!tso!rcing initiative" getting o!t of o!tso!rcing initiatives

    #ata Center Consolidation : MigrationL )7amples Centrali8ing I, b red!cing data center locations

    @usiness Continuit : #isaster .ecoverL )7amples C!stomers with fre

  • 8/18/2019 VMware Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC) 2013 Launch Overview


    1@ Confidential

    9etting to Je (ta*eholders

    CIO' C&O'$P of Infra% or I&


    (torage' Networ*'(ecurit Leads

    $I "dmin


    Re decision ma'er Re infl!encer Re infl!encer  Eften the entr

    point might be thechampion



    L 4ain sponsorshipearl" find %lea'roof& *criticaliss!e thatb!siness need to


    L Peverage >>Cvision

    L Qoc!s oninitiatives andb!siness needs

    L Peverage >>C


    L Peverage thechampion to sell

    L tress agilit"control" choice

    L Convert to achampion

    L tress agilit"control

    -/+lore #esign Close

  • 8/18/2019 VMware Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC) 2013 Launch Overview


    1= Confidential

    vCloud (uite -ditions Overview

    vCloud (uite +rovides everthing ou need for a v(+here!based +rivate cloud

    L @uilt on the industr!standard v(+here -nter+rise Plus virtualiAation +latform

    L License +er CPKL -/tensible to +ublic clouds

    ,oundational solution for +rivate

    cloud to increase business agilitand reduce ca+e/ costs

    L apid" selfDservice infrastr!ct!re


    L Visibilit into VM health and

    capacit !sage

    Lcalable networ'ing and

    virt!ali8ationDaware sec!rit

    L )7tensible to p!blic clo!ds

    (olution for governed' enter+rise

    +rivate cloudL Visibilit into costs" application

    dependencies and hpervisor

    change and config!ration


    L Increased e7tensibilit of clo!dmanagement and a!tomation


    Com+rehensive solution for

    resilient' com+liant and secure+rivate cloud for all a++lications

    L (rotect 5!siness Critical Applications with > A!tomation

    L Visibilit into applicationperformance

    L eg!lator compliance and EDlevel change and config!ration


    L A!tomated config!ration anddeploment of m!ltiDtier clo!d


    vCloud (uite -nter+risevCloud (uite "dvancedvCloud (uite (tandard

    -/+lore #esign Close

  • 8/18/2019 VMware Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC) 2013 Launch Overview


    20 Confidential

    Ob5ection 8andling

    (how me where the ca+e/ and o+e/ savings come from with vCloud (uite7Peverage the Clo!d (lanner and EI ,CE calc!lator tools" to show c!stomers where the savings come


    #o all com+onents of the vCloud (uite come full integrated out!of!the!bo/7ince the introd!ction of the !ite VMware has been wor'ing on 'e integration points between all

    prod!cts in the vClo!d !ite. ,he . release of the !ite has deeper integration than ever before.

    I dont need all +roducts in the vCloud (uite7VMware believes that the vClo!d !ite provides the necessar components to create a clo!d architect!re.

     As organi8ations grow we have consistenc seen the need for all of the prod!cts in the !ite. ,he !itealso has 3 different editions available to meet a variet of needs.

    6e dont have the s*illset to de+lo the solution7Peverage the VMwareSs Accelerate Advisor ,eam *(art of (E+

    -/+lore #esign Close

  • 8/18/2019 VMware Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC) 2013 Launch Overview


    21 Confidential

    Path to a large Cloud (ervices mar*et

    @ 201> &otal H1FF@ Cloud (ervices Mar*et

    > Gear C"9. 1E%?

    (ource; 9artner 

  • 8/18/2019 VMware Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC) 2013 Launch Overview


    22 Confidential

    &o+ Customer uestions "bout Moving to the Cloud

    Business Analysis andPlanning

    ProjectPlanning andManagement 

    Infrastructur e Preparation




    Planning forthe Cloud 

    Infrastructur e Assessment 

    TechnicalPlanning &Design

    ducationand Training


    n Services


    Support andServiceManagement 


    P#C or 


    Policy and$is% Assessment 


    How do we plan

    for the move to

    the Cloud?

    Is my



    What is the



    How do we

    manage the


    How do we

     prepare our


    How do we

    migrate to the


    Who runs the


    How do we get

    business value

    from the


    Can we reuse

    existing IT


    How is the



    How will we be


    Kse Manage-/tendPlan Pre+are

    Pro5ect based revenue .ecurring revenue

  • 8/18/2019 VMware Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC) 2013 Launch Overview


    23 Confidential

    Increase our margins with bigger sales

    Virt!ali8ation for 5!siness

    Critical Applications

    Clo!d Iaa


    5!siness Contin!it

    Com+etenc tandard Advanced )nterprise

    K+ to 20? (olution .ewards rebate

    vCloud (uite -ditions"v g boo* i ngs : or d er  

    of  H2 > 0 '0 0 0  

  • 8/18/2019 VMware Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC) 2013 Launch Overview


    2 Confidential

    Call to "ction




    (ell (##C vision first; ,hen disc!ss ROs to deliver the >>C vision

     #e+lo vCloud (uite; Add a services offers to all c!stomer conversations to

    accelerate mar'et adoption.

    9et enabled; complete the trainings and achieve the Competencies.

    3   Pitch vCloud (uite in all +otential Infrastructure deals; vClo!d !ite sho!ldbe part of all C7E conversations.

    .egister Gour #ealsand Ma/imiAe Gour O++ortunit

  • 8/18/2019 VMware Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC) 2013 Launch Overview


    2 Confidential

    (ummar; (##C #elivers &ransformational @enefits

    Claims being validated b the ,ane-a 4ro!p *final n!mbers e7pected A!g!st" 2013+.

    (u++ort for over >00I($ solutions and E0

    o+erating sstems


    "n "++"nwhere


    .educe I& ca+e/ bF>? and o+e/ b >4?D

    Cloud (erviceProvider-conomics


    .educe downtimefor tier 1 a++lications

    b 34?D

    Cloud on Gour &erms


    Increase I&+roductivit b 4F?D

    "++s at@usiness (+eed

    (tart Gour ourne with the $Mware (##C &oda

  • 8/18/2019 VMware Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC) 2013 Launch Overview


    2/ Confidential

    ,han' o!.