VLBrice - axbridge-tc.gov.uk · Clerk: Mrs V L Brice Axbridge Town Council PO Box 1184 Email:...

Clerk: Mrs V L Brice Axbridge Town Council PO Box 1184 Email: [email protected] Axbridge Website: www.axbridge-tc.gov.uk BS26 2WJ 1 st July 2020 AN ONLINE MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL WILL BE HELD ON MONDAY 6 th JULY 2020 AT 7.30PM. Members of the public are welcome to attend the link to the meeting being https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84219733966 Members of the public are welcome to join the meeting. Please use your full first name and surname and turn on video (unless adversely impacts on internet performance). The meeting will be locked at 7.45pm - after which new joiners will not be permitted. Please note that usual public participation rules apply. VLBrice …………………… TOWN CLERK AGENDA 1. Apologies for absence to receive apologies and approve reasons for apologies, if appropriate. 2. Minutes of the online Council meeting held on 15 th June 2020 (available) - to approve as a correct record 3. Declarations of Interest and to consider any applications for dispensations 4. Public Participation 5. Reports: to include Police, County Councillor, District Councillor and Outside Bodies 6. Planning 6.1 To consider and respond, if appropriate, to Sedgemoor District Council, on the following application: Planning application number: 02/20/00010/ML2 Proposal: Renew roof and carry out works to side wall Location: The Georgian House, St Marys Street, Axbridge, BS26 2BN THE APPLICATION DOCUMENTS ARE AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION ONLINE at http://www.sedgemoor.gov.uk/planning_online (click proceed and type in application number). CONTACT THE TOWN CLERK FOR ASSISTANCE IN ACCESSING THE PLANS. 6.2 Sedgemoor Planning Appeal: 17/18/00034/IL Land At, Steart Farm, Wedmore Road, Cheddar, BS27 3ED 6.3 Planning decision list (available) 7. Coronavirus (COVID 19) to review facilities, services and personnel in light of current situation and government guidance (available). 8. Vacancies and Co-option to note recent and outstanding vacancies and agree a procedure and timescale for co-option

Transcript of VLBrice - axbridge-tc.gov.uk · Clerk: Mrs V L Brice Axbridge Town Council PO Box 1184 Email:...

Page 1: VLBrice - axbridge-tc.gov.uk · Clerk: Mrs V L Brice Axbridge Town Council PO Box 1184 Email: Vicky.Brice@axbridge-tc.gov.uk Axbridge

Clerk: Mrs V L Brice Axbridge Town Council PO Box 1184 Email: [email protected] Axbridge Website: www.axbridge-tc.gov.uk BS26 2WJ 1st July 2020 AN ONLINE MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL WILL BE HELD ON MONDAY 6th JULY 2020 AT 7.30PM. Members of the public are welcome to attend – the link to the meeting being


Members of the public are welcome to join the meeting. Please use your full first name and surname and turn on video (unless adversely impacts on internet performance). The meeting will be locked at 7.45pm - after which new joiners will not be permitted. Please note that usual public participation rules apply.


…………………… TOWN CLERK


1. Apologies for absence – to receive apologies and approve reasons for apologies, if appropriate.

2. Minutes of the online Council meeting held on 15th June 2020 (available) - to approve as

a correct record

3. Declarations of Interest and to consider any applications for dispensations

4. Public Participation

5. Reports: to include Police, County Councillor, District Councillor and Outside Bodies

6. Planning 6.1 To consider and respond, if appropriate, to Sedgemoor District Council, on

the following application:

Planning application number: 02/20/00010/ML2 Proposal: Renew roof and carry out works to side wall Location: The Georgian House, St Marys Street, Axbridge, BS26 2BN THE APPLICATION DOCUMENTS ARE AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION ONLINE at

http://www.sedgemoor.gov.uk/planning_online (click proceed and type in application number).


6.2 Sedgemoor Planning Appeal: 17/18/00034/IL Land At, Steart Farm, Wedmore

Road, Cheddar, BS27 3ED

6.3 Planning decision list (available)

7. Coronavirus (COVID 19) – to review facilities, services and personnel in light of current

situation and government guidance (available).

8. Vacancies and Co-option – to note recent and outstanding vacancies and agree a procedure and timescale for co-option

Page 2: VLBrice - axbridge-tc.gov.uk · Clerk: Mrs V L Brice Axbridge Town Council PO Box 1184 Email: Vicky.Brice@axbridge-tc.gov.uk Axbridge

9. Administration and Finance

9.1 To make appointments for monthly audit of council accounts, as per standing


9.2 Somerset Association of Local Councils – membership 9.3 Website Accessibility regulations – way forward 9.4 Men’s Shed – grant funding request 9.5 Museum Grant – to consider request 9.6 Process for direct communications 9.7 Payment of Invoices (to available)

10. Strategic Planning Advisory Group

10.1 Social Media Policy (available)

11. Leisure and Recreation (to include Changing Rooms) 11.1 Public Conveniences Moorland Street – Risk Assessment and to consider re-

opening 11.2 Children’s Play area 11.3 Men’s Shed garden 11.4 Update on pitches and football usage

12. Highways

12.1 Report the Highways Advisory Group (to follow) 12.2 Townsend Safety Project update 12.3 Vehicle weight limit sign in vicinity of Square 12.4 Parking Time Restrictions in car parks – to consider restoring restrictions (which

had been temporarily suspended) 12.5 Help further improve Somerset’s streets during the coronavirus pandemic

(walking, cycling facilities) 12.6 Highways matters – to report any urgent matters

13. Cemeteries, Allotments and Open Spaces Advisory Group

13.1 Allotment rent enquiry 13.2 Cemetery regulations – review of rule relating to type of coffin 13.3 Open Spaces matters – to report any urgent matters

14. Personnel and Protocol Committee 14.1 To review the Equal Opportunities Statement (available)

15. Emergency Plan – update

16. General Correspondence, Consultations and Diary Dates (available) including Local Government Association- Code of Conduct 2020, SLCC letter to Secretary of State (local funding) and Volunteering opportunities with Rights of Way Team 17. Town Council Blog – any further items for inclusion *Items in which members declare a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest will be considered at the end of the meeting. **In the event that the Council need to exclude the Press and Public – the following resolution should be considered and, if agreed, the meeting suspended and re-opened in confidential session. “that in view of the confidential/special nature of the business about to be transacted which contains contractual/personal information, it is advisable in the public interest that the press and public be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw”

cc: County and District Councillors, police and press representatives

Page 3: VLBrice - axbridge-tc.gov.uk · Clerk: Mrs V L Brice Axbridge Town Council PO Box 1184 Email: Vicky.Brice@axbridge-tc.gov.uk Axbridge



Meeting commenced: 7.30p.m. Meeting concluded: 9.55p.m. Present: Councillors Browne (Mayor), Bridgeman, Foster, Goodman, Ham, Taylor, Tiffin and Thomas Also in attendance: Mrs V Brice, Town Clerk together with District Councillor Liz Scott and two members of the public (for part of the meeting). 49/20 Apologies for Absence The Police representatives were unable to join the meeting. RESOLVED: that apologies from Councillor Corp (ill health) and Page (Deputy Mayor - family commitment) be received and approved. 50/20 Minutes of the Council Meetings held on 1st June 2020 Members received the above minutes. RESOLVED: that the minutes of the Council meeting held on 1st June 2020 be approved as a correct record and be signed by the Chairman. 51/20 Declarations of Interest and Applications for Dispensations There were no declarations of interest. There were no applications for dispensations. 52/20 Public Participation – no member of the public wished to address the Council 53/20 Reports

Police No report

County Councillor Taylor No report

District Councillor Scott District Councillor Scott updated of the work of the District Council with most officers working from home and virtual Development Control meetings taking place. She would liaise with the Clerk on enforcement updates/matters. The Leader of Sedgemoor District Council did not feel it was the right time to consider local government re-organisation. She updated on the finances of the Council, which had been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Whilst the Town Council would receive the precept as planned, no grants would be available to local councils. She reiterated that the virus was remained present and was still of concern.

District Councillor Godwin Pearson

No report [subsequent apologies were received].

Blackberry Carnival The Chairman of the Committee had confirmed that the Carnival scheduled for September 2020 had been cancelled.

Sports and Social Community Association

The Sports and Social Group were keen to resume celebrations, at the appropriate time.

Axbridge Town Trust Members received a report on from the Town Trust updating their plans.

54/20 Coronavirus (COVID 19) Members reviewed the services, facilities and personnel in light of the recent changes to government guidance, with key points as follows:- Public Conveniences – the Clerk updated on advice and information received pertinent to the re-opening of the public conveniences including insurance and cleaning arrangements. Members did not wish to open this public facility until a Risk Assessment had been agreed by Council and appropriate measures put in place. The Clerk and Councillor Ham would draft a document for consideration at the next meeting of Council.

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Picnic Benches/Benches in the Square - No further concerns had been raised. Parking Issues – The Clerk was liaising with the Police Community Support Officer regarding concerns about parking/obstruction in this area. Farmers Market - The Famers Market intended to re-open in Axbridge on 4th July 2020, with appropriate measures in place. As the Council had decided not to re-open the public convenience facility at present time, possible alternatives were considered which may give the traders only access to a toilet facility. The Clerk would contact the Town Trust, in the first instance to see if restricted access could be given to the traders to access the Town Hall facility. Other options to consider would be the toilet at the church, then the changing rooms. 55/20 Planning and Licenses Committee a) Axbridge Neighbourhood Plan – Reg 14 Consultation This consultation would end on 20th June. The Council had previously discussed and considered the document. A virtual meeting of the Group would be held next week. RESOLVED: that the Council fully approves of the version of the Neighbourhood Plan presented to the Council and subject to the Regulation 14 consultation and formally responds to the Group accordingly. b) Planning Applications Members considered the following applications. Planning application number: 02/20/00012/EC Proposal: Change of use and conversion of existing shop and store to form additional living accommodation. Internal and external alterations. Location: 8 High Street, Axbridge, Somerset, BS26 2AF

and Planning application number: 02/20/00013/EC Proposal: Change of use and conversion of existing shop and store to form additional living accommodation. Internal and external alterations. Location: 8 High Street, Axbridge, Somerset, BS26 2AF

RESOLVED: that Sedgemoor District Council be advised that Axbridge Town Council has no observations to make on the above mentioned applications. Planning application number: 02/20/00014/EC Proposal: Outline application with some matters reserved for the demolition of outbuildings and erection of 2 no. detached bungalows. Location: Sunny Mead, Cheddar Road, Axbridge, Somerset, BS26 2DL

RESOLVED: that Sedgemoor District Council be advised that Axbridge Town Council has no observation to make on the above application. c) Planning Decision List Members received a list, together with an update from the Clerk, on the recent determination of planning applications in Axbridge including Sedgemoor District Council’s approval of the Mendip View application and the refusal of the application for a Gas-Powered Energy Generator Facilitator at Townsend. 56/20 Administration and Finance a) Bank Mandate It was proposed that the Bank Mandate be altered to enable the Assistant to the Town Clerk to make transactions, as per the Clerk (i.e. to enable her process authorised payments, view statements and to transfer between funds). Neither the Clerk nor Assistant to the Town Clerk

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would, in practice, sign cheques/act as an authorised person of payments, which would still be authorised by two members. If agreed, this would alter the cheque signatory list RESOLVED: that the bank mandate be altered accordingly (and the changes reflected in the cheque signatory list). b) Temporary Standing Orders Members considered revisions to the standing orders which included changes to Direct Debit and Standing Order payments, monthly audit and minor alterations Members were happy to approve the Temporary Standing Orders, as circulated, but wished to review the process for co-option at the next meeting, now that the virtual meetings were up and running. RESOLVED: 1) that the revised Temporary Standing Orders be agreed, with minor amendments to reflect that the Assistant to the Town Clerk now had the same powers as the Clerk (minute 56/20a refers); 2) that the process for Cooption be included on the agenda of the next meeting to enable members to consider looking to fill the outstanding vacancies, and 3) that the frequency of Council meetings and other meetings be kept under review and reconsidered especially following the appointment of new members. c) Website Accessibility Regulations Further guidance had been received to help councils comply with this in the required timescale. The aim was to ensure the accessibility of the website to those with various disabilities. Certain software may assist in this process. RESOLVED: that this guidance be considered by the Administration and Finance members in the first instance. d) Insurance Renewal The insurance requirements had been amended to remove the Poetry and Short Story Group, resulting in a reduction of £30.07 The final amount paid, therefore, was £1,138.27 . e) Tree Survey Members had received the tree survey which had specifically referenced 6 particular trees. The company had advised that the vast majority of the trees surveyed were in good to reasonable health and that only 2 trees required work for Health and Safety reasons before the next tree inspection is required in April 2022. A cost of this work was provided. Members discussed this further. A member also raised the issue of Ash die-back and the Council may wish to ensure that there were no Ash trees in and around Axbridge (i.e. on the verges etc) which would fall within its ownership. RESOLVED: that each group affected by the tree survey examine the report and respective sites and compile a list of work that they would like undertaken by September’s Council meeting, to enable quotes to be obtained and work carried out over the winter.

f) Men’s Shed – Grant Request

The Men’s Shed still wished to purse the long term provision of the Men’s Shed on the Cross Moor Drove site, but in the meantime had rented a small unit in Cheddar and were developing a budget for the works needed to get the place ready for Men’s Shed activities. They would welcome the receipt of a grant to help progress matters. £1,500 had been included in the budget, some of which may be needed to cover legal costs of acquiring the land at Cross Moor. The Council reiterated its support for its project and would welcome, in particular, the opportunity to help fund items which could be transferred to the new site.

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RESOLVED: that the Council support the allocation of a grant to the Men’s Shed group and that the Group advise the Council of its needs/priorities with costings, to enable the Council to consider and allocate grant funding accordingly.

g) Payment of Invoices Members considered the payments and were satisfied that the work had been undertaken.

Payments for authorisation by Council – 15th June 2020

BT Somerset County Council Pension Deficit - May 55.00

BT Somerset County Council Pension Deficit - June (on receipt of invoice) 55.00

BT Mr A Laken Town Maintenance Contractor 30.00

BT Arien Designs Limited Signs - drinking fountain (on confirmation of satisfactory goods)


Debit Card, Direct Debits & Standing Orders to be paid next calendar month June/July

DD Sedgemoor District Council Salary and NI recharge for May 2020 2727.62

DC Zoom Monthly subscription June 14.39

DD SSE Southern Electric Changing Rooms June 31.00

DD Eon Electricity - street lights at Moorland Street 6.50 (approx)

DD SSE Southern Electric Electricity - street lights at Town Car Park 5.50 (approx)

DD Sedgemoor District Council Business Rates (Office) 85.00

DD Sedgemoor District Council Business Rates (Public Conv.) 54.00

DD Sedgemoor District Council Business Rates (Moorland St Car Park) 177.00

DD Sedgemoor District Council Business rates (Town Car Park) 170.00

DD Vodafone Council telephone June 24.60

DD O2 Assistant to Town Clerk phone June (TBC) 20.54

DD Plusnet Broadband etc for office 28.20

TOTAL to be authorised 3,502.35

RESOLVED: that the expenditure detailed above be approved 57/20 Strategic Planning Advisory Group The next meeting would be held on 10th June 2020. a) Report of the Group The Chairman updated on the meeting of the Group, which had looked at a visual representation of the survey results and highlighted several areas of community concern. Goals would be considered for each area and options for grant funding would be researched and ideas presented to the Council and communicated to residents. b) Social Media Policy The Council had previously considered the draft Social Media Policy. Some alteration to the wording had been suggested to include reference to Councillors and further consideration as to whether the Council wished to use/engage with social media in this way. The Chairman advised that the Council should have a social media policy now given that it had the blog which was posted on Axbridge Connected and that members may use social media in a personal capacity and needed to understand the implications etc. It was agreed that the Council was not in a position to mann/control a social media page. RESOLVED: that any further comments by received by Monday 29th Juneto enable the policy to be presented to Council. 58/20 Leisure and Recreation Advisory Group Town Maintenance Report

The Town Maintenance Contractor had spent two hours litter picking.

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Update on Pitches

The Chairman updated on changes relating the clubs using the facility and on the

repositioning of the pitches. She advised that this may involve some additional work and was

waiting to hear back from the club regarding the work and confirmation that the remainder of

the site would not be left in a poor state of repair.

Leisure and Recreation matters

Play area and Changing Rooms – the Facilities Manger would be addressing the minor

maintenance works.

Play Area – this remained closed. There had been a report of youths accessing the play area

but an inspection had confirmed that the signs and tape remained in situ.

Back Lane – this was clear of dog mess. The Town Maintenance Contractor would be asked

to look at the overgrown vegetation near the Church.

At this juncture, Councillor Ham left the meeting.

59/20 Highways Advisory Group a) Report of the Group Members received the report of the Group. The Chairman outlined the matters discussed. The key items are set out below, b) Parking Time Restrictions – Car Park Parking Enforcement had enquired whether the Council had made a decision as to when to restore parking restrictions in the car parks and, as and when the Council wished to implement this, they could serve warning signs for a period. RESOLVED: that the suspension of parking restrictions remain in place at the present time. c) Gigaclear – Proposed Work and Network Access Agreement Gigaclear no longer needed to carry out any works at Axbridge Town Car Park and so had withdrawn their request for a wayleave agreement. RESOLVED: that the Clerk contacts Gigaclear to thank them for their engagement, to request a copy of the schedule of works/plan when prepared and to request a site walk so that particular areas of concern (for example around Old Church Road, the car park and Moorland Street) can be discussed. d) Axbridge Town Car Park – Request for Designated Motorcycle Bay The Group had discussed a request from a resident that the Council consider whether a designated motorcycle bay with a railing (to enable them to be secured) could be accommodated within the Town Car Park. The group felt that the Square may be a better location which would involve a new parking bay. A plan would be presented to the Council in due course, following further investigation into the process, cost and legalities. The Town Trust would also need to be consulted. e) Cycle Safety Sign – Townsend The Group supported the provision of a sign at Townsend to advise cyclists to turn left onto a traffic free path. This would be pursued by Mr Parkin. RESOLVED: that the Council fully supports the provision of the proposed sign. f) Draft Walking and Cycling Manifesto

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Members did not feel able to respond by 12th June but would consider the revised draft Manifesto in due course. g) Surface of Penn Way and Knightstone The state of the road surfaces had been reported to Somerset Highways. The reply had indicated that the roads surface condition was not ideal and that they were on the list of sites prioritised for future resurfacing works. There were currently no safety defects and planned highway safety inspections would continue to be carried out. The Group would pursue this by researching safety regulations and including photos and measurements to supports its view. h) Highways Matters Townsend Safety Report – this had been received and would be considered by the Group at its meeting on 22nd June 2020 Speed of Traffic – High Street, West Street – the Group intended to hold a workshop to consider speed concerns and options and produce a prioritised list for Council’s consideration. Overgrowth in kerbs – the Clerk had drawn attention to the weeds growing in the kerb edge of many side roads and sought information on both the weed control and road sweeper arrangements accordingly. Hedge at Townsend – Mr Lukins had offered to cut the hedge in the Autumn. The Town Maintenance Contractor would be asked to cut the overgrowth around Racurium Lodge, to maintain growth in this area. A371 Axbridge Bypass -Overgrown verges and overhanding –the Clerk would report the overgrown verge and overhanging foliage along the A371 path between Cheshire Homes and The Parsonage. Traffic Cones – the Town Trust wished to obtain a further 10 traffic cones and sought information on who purchased the previous cones and whether the Council would be willing to pay for or contribute towards the cost of the cones. Members were uncertain who had made the initial purchase and wondered whether Somerset Highways would consider donating them. Overgrown foliage, Starr’s Close – Councillor Bridgeman would forward a photograph to the Clerk to enable this to be addressed. Next Group meeting – the next group meeting would be held on 22nd June 2020 60/20 Cemetery, Allotments and Open Spaces The Clerk advised that a few allotment tenants were concerned that the overgrowth which currently secures their plots from rabbits etc would be removed to make way for fence and would lessen that protection. It was noted that these plots would not be affected by the deer fencing. It was anticipated the company would also install the gate at Shortlands. There had been some concern that some plots were not being cultivated, which was a shame given the waiting list. The Chairman would have a site visit accordingly. a) Report of the Group Members received the report of the group. Consideration was being given to the provision of a small trough/standpipe at the bottom of the site. A newsletter was being sent to members. Several attempted break-ins had taken place and tenants had been asked to report them directly to the Police. Councillor Page was looking at the fencing at Shortlands and consideration was being given to drawing up a formal agreement with the tenant. b) Allotment Invoices It was intended that the allotment rent invoices, which had been delayed at the start of the pandemic, be issued. RESOLVED: that the invoices be issued (after the weekend site visit). c) Water Butt – Cemetery

It was proposed that a new replacement water butt be purchased. RESOLVED: that a water butt be replaced at a cost of up to £70.

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d) Open Spaces - no matters to report.

61/20 Personnel and Protocol Committee a) Equal Opportunities Statement Members considered the Equal Opportunities Statement and a proposal to briefly expand the statement. The current statement and proposal would be circulated to members for consideration prior to the next Council meeting. 62/20 Emergency Plan Councillor Corp had previously issued the Emergency Plan to all councillors for comment. The Clerk would check the telephone numbers in the document. 63/20 One Somerset – Feedback Form The Council had received a survey seeking initial feedback on the proposal to develop a one Council model for Somerset, with a response date of 3rd July 2020. RESOLVED: that the Clerk, in consultation with the Mayor, be delegated to respond. 64/20 Role of Town and Parish Councils in any Local Government Reorganisation

Members received a report commissioned by SALC, SLCC and other interested parties regarding local government reorganisation in Somerset. The report did not favour any particular type of local government structure but proposed seven recommendations that any new arrangement in Somerset should adopt, showed how parishes could contribute and proposed a structure to enable that to happen. It recommended that parishes must enter into discussions about taking on more responsibilities "by request". Comments were welcome by mid-July.

Member also noted the letter from Councillor David Fothergill regarding a Single Unitary Authority in Somerset and the position of the Leader of Sedgemoor District Council. RESOLVED: that the Clerk be delegated to respond, in consultation with the Mayor. 65/20 Correspondence and Diary Dates Members received and noted the correspondence page and diary dates. The Highways Advisory Group would meet on 22nd June 2020. 66/20 Town Council blog The blog would include warnings about scams, that Sedgemoor District Council car parks (included the one at Sainsburys, Cheddar) had re-introduced the parking charges and refer to the Annual Governance and Accountability Return. This return (including the addendum and supporting documentation as previously agreed/reviewed by Council) had been published in accordance with the audit requirements. The Notice of Public Rights information had also been placed on the Town Hall notice board, giving until 24th July 2020 for inspection of the accounts. 67/20 IT issues Councillor Corp had altered the administration of this site to name him specifically, to ensure that any changes relating to the domain required approval, thereby tightening security. A couple of members had received some fake emails to their town council address, which had been deleted. Councillor Thomas had reported google map change requests to try and prevent drivers trying to access the reservoir via Moorland Street. ------------------------- ------------------------------ Chairman Date

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Agenda Item 6.3 Planning Ref

Development Where Who Stage/ Decision

Outstanding Applications

02/16/00030/JE (22/09/2016) Outline

80 dwellings and access

Houlgate Way Hannick Homes

ATC: object SDC: Approved subject to s106 agreement etc

02/19/00021/DT (02/12/2019)

Appearance, Landscaping, layout and scale 20 homes

Mendip View, Cheddar Road

Stonewater Ltd

ATC: object SDC: Permission granted

Axbridge Applications 2020

02/20/00001 Reduce height of mulberry

The Cottage, Horns Lane Janet Burton

ATC: No comment SDC: Permission granted

02/20/00002 Alterations, change of use of public house

Crown Inn, St Marys St Linda Bishop

ATC: No Comment SDC: Permission granted

02/20/00003 Reduce height of mulberry

22 West St Janette Burton

ATC: No Comment SDC: Permission granted

02/20/00004 18/03/2020 Full

Formation of vehicular access in the rear (South) boundary wall and parking area. Conversion and alterations of attached annex accommodation to incorporate into main dwelling.

Park House, St Marys St Mr & Mrs Peters

ATC: objected to original plans – no comments on amended plans Application withdrawn

02/20/00005 18/03/2020 Listed Building

Formation of vehicular access in the rear (South) boundary wall and parking area. Conversion and alterations of annex accommodation to incorporate into main dwelling.

Park House, St Marys St Mr & Mrs Peters

ATC: objected to original plans – no comments on amended plans SDC – Permission granted

02/20/00006 Reg 05/05/2020

Full planning permission, 2 storey extension.

1 Jubilee Rd, BS26 2BA Mr & Mrs Frith

ATC: no comments

02/20/00007 (31/03/2020)

Outline application with some matters

Holly Tree Cottage, Cheddar Road

Tony Hogg Design Ltd.

ATC: No comments (adhered to draft

Page 11: VLBrice - axbridge-tc.gov.uk · Clerk: Mrs V L Brice Axbridge Town Council PO Box 1184 Email: Vicky.Brice@axbridge-tc.gov.uk Axbridge

Outline reserved, for the

erection of a self build dwelling.

NP) SDC: Permission granted

02/20/00008 (07/04/2020)

Erection of two storey extension to rear (east) elevation

7 Marron Close Mrs Dutton ATC: No comments SDC: Permission granted

02/20/00009 Notice of intent to install 1 x DSLAM equipment cabinet.

Electronic Telecommunications Apparatus, Orchard Road,

Harlequin Group

Permitted development Decided 14/4/20

02/20/00010 Registered 05/05/2020

Renew roof and carry out works to side wall

The Georgian House, St Marys St

Georgian House (Ax) Mgt Comp

On Council agenda 6/7/20

02/20/00011 (07/05/2020)

Works to trees in conservation area

T1-Dead tree species unknown, fell. T2 & T3-Elder, fell. T4-Holly, fell. T5-Reduce height of Ash by 2m and rebalance crown over garden.

Mrs Prick ATC: No comments

02/20/00012 22/05/20

Change of use and conversion of existing shop and store to form additional living accommodation.

8 High Street Mr Godwin ATC: No comments

02/20/00013 22/05/20

Change of use and conversion of existing shop and store to form additional living accommodation.

8 High Street Mr Godwin ATC : No comments

02/20/00014 20/05/20

Outline application with some matters reserved for the demolition of outbuildings and erection of 2 no. detached bungalows.

Sunny Mead, Cheddar Road

Mr & Mrs Clark

ATC: No comments

02/20/00015/LR Household Prior Approval- Proposed single storey extension

6 Parkfield Road Mrs Farnden

Not formally consulted on as prior approval app.


17/18/00053 Outline application for up to 115 new dwellings

Land to West of, Lower New Road, Cheddar

Gladman Developments

Application is still under consideration as at 7/05/2020

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17/18/00073 (20/08/2018)

Outline application for the demolition of existing buildings and erection of a mixed-use scheme.

Land to the North of, Axbridge Road, Cheddar, Somerset, BS27

Yeo Valley Committee

17/15/00095 (13/05/20)

erection of up to 96 dwellings, associated open space and play areas, landscaping, new pedestrian links, surface water attenuation, internal access roads and car parking and creation of access.

Land at, Round Oak Farm, Axbridge Road, Cheddar

Waddeton Park Ltd

Outline Planning Permission Permission granted


21/16/00011 Ext to gypsy site Yeo Bridge Farm A38

Roper Granted (concerns about complying with conditions)

21/20/00003 (07/02/2020)

Development of a gas-powered energy generation facility and associated infrastructure for a temporary period of 25 years.

Land To The South West Of, Townsend Farm, Prowses Lane, Townsend, Axbridge

Balance Power

ATC: object SDC: Planning permission Refused

21/20/00005/DT Change of use – 2 holiday lodges

Southcroft Farm, Bridgwater Road (Cross Lane)

Mr and Mrs Brinson

ATC: object (withdrawn after registration)

Page 13: VLBrice - axbridge-tc.gov.uk · Clerk: Mrs V L Brice Axbridge Town Council PO Box 1184 Email: Vicky.Brice@axbridge-tc.gov.uk Axbridge

AGENDA ITEM 7 FACILITIES AND/OR SERVICES (review of all facilities, services and staffing matters in light of Coronavirus Gov’t guidance )

Current Position

Furlong Field

Changing Rms Closed Will need to consider process for re-opening and risk assessment etc in due course

Play area/gym Closed. Issue of parents lifting children into closed area had been reported. The blog had been updated, notices reissued with current date and the individual equipment would be taped Guidance received re managing the reopening of play areas etc as/when considered safe to do so (allowed from 4th July). A risk Assessment will need to be undertaken

Car Park Open Being monitored

School Field (not TC)

Benches Social distancing advice

Youth Shelter Social distancing advice


Public Con. Public conveniences Closed Further advice being sought on legal/insurance responsibilities and information on cleaning arrangements. Review whether/when to re-open. Risk Assessment drafted for Council’s consideration


Cemetery Cemetery/Gdn of Rem. Open

Maintenance inc hedges

Allotments Allotments/tenants National Allotment Association link sent to members

Maintenance inc hedges

Car Parks Regulations/ enforce. Parking time restriction removed. At 15th June meeting council agreed to keep the suspension in place. Continue to review


Chestnut Avenue Maintenance

Picnic benches/benches Benches Social distancing Being monitored, issues reported to Police, new notices, and info on Blog and Axbridge Connected. Individuals contacted directly. Response received and reply sent. Further complaint received. Agreed - remain in place given changes to Government Guidance but continue to monitor. No further issues.

Litter bins (SDC service) Litter bins Service continuing at present

Waste Collection (SDC service) Recycling, green and tips

Refuse sites closed Site reopened

Reservoir (Bristol Water service) Car Park closed, no activities on reservoir, but can walk around. Car Park re-opened. Police had attended some incidents. Blog will reiterate importance of social distancing, abiding by reservoir regulations and being considerate of others.

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Farmers Market (Somerset Farmers Market service)

Farmers Market cancelled. Guidance changed to allow open air markets from 1st June. The Manager is seeking the Town Council’s view on re-opening the market. Farmers Market to re=open on 4th July. Members supported with safety measures in place. The Town Trust have been consulted. Public conveniences remain closed. Farmers Market in touch with PCC.

Oyez delivery

Oyez will not be delivered in future (unless vital info has to be communicated) (if necessary -safety advice to be provided as appropriate).

Waste/Recycling (unable to collect from bottom of Knightstone Close due to cars obstructing access

Being monitored. Police will patrol. Raised with SWP, info on Blog and Axbridge Connected and carrying out leaflet drop to these properties (when delivering corona card) to seek support in addressing. The wider issue of parking and the need to keep roads accessible was included in the Blog, notices drawn up to place on cars spotted to be parking inconsiderately etc. There did seem to be an issue at Knightstone Close but adhoc inspections not shown any vehicles parking in such a way to hinder access. Residents encouraged to report vehicles causing obstructions to the Police. Clerk liaised with the Police

Post Office Queuing arrangements raised. Response from Postmaster



Honorary Officers

Oyez Volunteers Safety information included with delivery packs of vital Oyez and corona card


Page 15: VLBrice - axbridge-tc.gov.uk · Clerk: Mrs V L Brice Axbridge Town Council PO Box 1184 Email: Vicky.Brice@axbridge-tc.gov.uk Axbridge

Agenda Item 9.7 Axbridge Town Council Financial Report 6th July 2020 meeting

Bank Accounts Account Name £

Lloyds Business Account 83,246.51

Lloyds Current Account 7,773.79

Lloyds Investment Account 15,343.03

Total: 106,363.33

Council Accounts Account £

General Account 84,291.97

Changing Rooms Operating Account 3,964.02

Car Park Account 1,132.34

Changing Rooms Maintenance Fund 17,000.00

Neighbourhood Plan Account 0.00

Total: 106,388.33

Receipts since last meeting

Ref. From For Value

Tenants Allotment rent 130.00

Axbridge Saxons Hire of changing rooms/pitches 2nd half 18/19 495.00

Payments made since last meeting for ratification by Council

Ref. To For Value

Payments for authorisation by Council – July

Somerset County Council Pension Deficit - June (on receipt of invoice) (previously agreed)


A1 Gardening and Tree Surgery Contracts Grass cuting - Play area, Town Car Park,C13 cemetery and mainten. walls at Moorland St car park


Greenslades Grounds Maintenance Grass cutting - Furlong/Pitches 345.60

Somerset Association of Local Councils Affiliation fee (2019/20) 541.70

Debit Card, Direct Debits & Standing Orders

to be paid next calendar month June/July

SO Axbridge PCC Office Rent 600.00

DD Sedgemoor District Council Salary and NI recharge for June 2020 2727.62

DC Zoom Monthly subscription July 14.39

DD SSE Southern Electric Changing Rooms July 31.00

DD Eon Electricity - street lights at Moorland Street TBC

DD SSE Southern Electric Electricity - street lights at Town Car Park TBC

DD Sedgemoor District Council Business Rates (Office) July 85.00

DD Sedgemoor District Council Business Rates (Public Conv.) July 54.00

DD Sedgemoor District Council Buisness Rates (Moorland St Car Park) July 177.00

DD Sedgemoor District Council Business rates (Town Car Park) July 170.00

DD Vodafone Council telephone July TBC

DD O2 Assistant to Town Clerk phone July TBC

DD Plusnet Broadband etc for office July 28.20

DD PWLB Loan repayment - Town Car Park 5201.03

DD Royal Mail PO Box Collection (cost to be confirmed) 277.00

TOTAL to be authorised 10,673.54

NB SSE Changing Rooms, Furlong 1st quarter 20/21 - £262.68 in credit

Page 16: VLBrice - axbridge-tc.gov.uk · Clerk: Mrs V L Brice Axbridge Town Council PO Box 1184 Email: Vicky.Brice@axbridge-tc.gov.uk Axbridge

Agenda Item 10.1 Axbridge Town Council Social Media Policy

1. Policy statement 1.1. This policy is intended to help employees (including clerks, RFO’s, Executive

Officers, part-time, fixed-term and casual employees and volunteers) and councillors make appropriate decisions about the use of social media such as blogs, social networking websites, forums, message boards, or comments on web-articles, such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. It applies to both personal social media and council branded social media.

1.2. This policy outlines the standards we require employees and councillors to observe when using social media, the circumstances in which we will monitor your use of social media and the action we will take in respect of breaches of this policy.

1.3. This policy supplements our media policy. 2. The scope of the policy

2.1. All employees and councillors are expected to comply with this policy at all times to protect the privacy, confidentiality, and interests of our council.

2.2. Breach of this policy by employees in relation to grievance or disciplinary procedures will be brought to the Personnel and Protocol Committee, headed by the Mayor, and illegal activity or maladministration will be referred to the Monitoring Officer.

3. Responsibility for implementation of the policy

3.1. The council has overall responsibility for the effective operation of this policy. 3.2. The clerk is responsible for monitoring and reviewing the operation of this

policy and making recommendations for changes to minimise risks to our work. 3.3. All employees and councillors should ensure that they take the time to read and

understand it. Any breach of this policy should be reported to the Monitoring Officer and/or Mayor.

3.4. Questions regarding the content or application of this policy should be directed to the Monitoring Officer and/or Mayor.

4. Using social media

4.1. Axbridge Town Council recognises the use of social media in shaping public thinking about our council and community.

4.2. Before using Axbridge Town Council branded social media on any matter which might affect the interests of the council you must:

• have read and understood this policy, and the Council Code of Conduct, the Data Protection Policy and Media Policy; and

• employees and councillors must have sought and gained prior written approval to do so from the Personnel and Protocol Committee.

5. Using social media sites with Axbridge Town Council branding

5.1. Only [a person] nominated by the Personnel and Protocol Committee is permitted to post material on a social media website in the council’s name and on our behalf.

5.2. If any councillor receives threats, abuse or harassment from members of the public through their use of Axbridge Town Council official social media sites, then they must report any such incident to the Mayor who will either discuss it with the Personnel and Protocol Committee or the Monitoring Officer.

5.3. To ensure that Axbridge Town Council is protected from outside parties, please ensure the following:

• that Axbridge Town Council social media accounts don't fall dormant, as unused accounts are more susceptible to hackers;

Page 17: VLBrice - axbridge-tc.gov.uk · Clerk: Mrs V L Brice Axbridge Town Council PO Box 1184 Email: Vicky.Brice@axbridge-tc.gov.uk Axbridge

• that official account users don't click on links that could potentially include phishing scams or malware;

• that official account users don't proliferate potential fraud, scams, imposter accounts or fake news;

• that social media apps have the appropriate privacy settings;

• that devices where the apps are accessible, such as phones, laptops or tablets — whether personal or professional — have appropriate security settings.

5.4. To ensure that the social media policy meets legal requirements and reflects best practice, it is advisable to revise the following quarterly:

• Social media account privacy settings

• Access and publishing privileges

• Scan for recent or changes to social media threats

• To amend the social media policy if appropriate.

• The Personnel and Protocol Committee shall be responsible for reviewing this policy.

5.5. In case of an Axbridge Town Council official social media account being hacked, please do the following:

• Change the account password immediately.

• Let stakeholders know what has happened and if any damage has been done.

• Warn stakeholders not to click on links from the hacked account.

• Assess what might have been compromised. For example; is there a credit card linked to the account? If so, you'll need to inform the bank and cancel the card. Is the password they hacked the same as any other accounts? If so, change all the passwords as soon as possible. Has the hacker used malware? If so, you'll need to run a security scan on your device, etc.

• Check to see if any new apps or games have been installed on your device without your permission and delete them.

5.6. Moderation: the nominated social media spokesperson may do the following in addition to the above:

• Turn off comments if they are deemed harmful or inappropriate

• Guide users towards our safeguarding policies if they breach our guidelines

• Block users if absolutely necessary.

Page 18: VLBrice - axbridge-tc.gov.uk · Clerk: Mrs V L Brice Axbridge Town Council PO Box 1184 Email: Vicky.Brice@axbridge-tc.gov.uk Axbridge

6. Using individual social media accounts

6.1. No single councillor should speak on behalf of the town council body using an unbranded or personal internet account. You are welcome to comment on, post or share relevant council news, but you must make it clear that the communication is from an individual councillor and not the council body. You can do this in a number of ways:

A. By using the first person singular (I, my), not plural (we, our) B. By using a disclaimer, for example, “The comment is my own opinion and may

not represent Axbridge Town Council’s position.” C. By directing enquiries to the appropriate official channels. D. Through providing official links to source information.

6.2. In exceptional circumstances, it may be necessary to speak for the town council body. In this instance you must either:

A. Get written consent from the nominated social media spokesperson, or, B. Get written consent from the town council body.

7. Safeguarding and data protection

7.1. Misuse of social media websites can, in certain circumstances, constitute a criminal offence or otherwise give rise to legal liability against you and us.

7.2. In particular a serious case of uploading, posting forwarding or posting a link to any of the following types of material on a social media website, whether in a professional or personal capacity, will probably amount to gross misconduct: • offensive content such as illegal activity, pornography, violence, weapons

or gambling; • a false and defamatory statement about any person or organisation; • material that may cause embarrassment to the council, members, or our

employees; • sharing images of individuals that could betray personal private

information or pictures taken without consent of children not old enough to use social media sites themselves (usually 13 years). If you want to take images to share on social media, seek and record consent first. (guidance can be found on the NSPCC website);

• confidential information about the council or anyone else, including; the location of keys/key codes, secure data, banking paraphernalia & monies, passwords or alarms located in or pertaining to the council offices, meeting rooms, councillor's work or abodes;

• anything relating to employee contracts, procurement or commissions including remuneration, contractors personal details, pitches or details/location of assets;

• negative or bullying behaviours from a town councillor directed towards town stakeholders. This includes derogatory, xenophobic, inflammatory, threatening images or remarks, spreading hearsay and harassment in either public or private messages.

8. Moderation on third-party groups or pages

8.1. It is useful for the council to use appropriate third party social media channels to spread information to as many residents as possible as quickly as possible. However, moderation of accounts that are NOT under the Axbridge Town Council jurisdiction is extremely difficult. Not all council news is universally liked or agreed with, but it's better to let people communicate with one another in an open, unguarded discussion without interfering. However, if people misuse or misunderstand information or call for the council to respond directly it can be useful to moderate if:

• You have answers to legitimate questions.

Page 19: VLBrice - axbridge-tc.gov.uk · Clerk: Mrs V L Brice Axbridge Town Council PO Box 1184 Email: Vicky.Brice@axbridge-tc.gov.uk Axbridge

• You can direct people to an official communications channel.

• You can invite people to attend the public part of the next town council meeting, or where they can't personally attend, ask the Axbridge Town Clerk to consider adding the contention to the agenda for discussion.

Illegal behaviour

Libel: a false statement that causes "serious harm" to a person's reputation. Simply sharing someone else's comments can be regarded as an endorsement significant enough to warrant legal action.

Trolling: grossly offensive or threatening remarks or a campaign of harassment explicitly targeting an individual.

Copyright: the use of a photo, piece of music or video used anywhere on the internet without the permission of the owner/creator could be a breach of copyright. Intellectual Property should only be used in the following instances: where copyright is owned because you created or commissioned under contract the content yourself. Where a licence has been granted, or you've bought the copyright from the owner/creator; or where the use of the IP is considered "fair dealing". This last scenario is difficult to manage because it only applies where the IP is being used for research, private study, criticism or review. All of which require compliance to the owner/creator and never applies to photos or videos detailing current events.

Privacy: privacy isn't guaranteed. Although UK law protects the privacy of individuals from the state and other private individuals on social media, there are exceptions to these rules. For example, if a breach in your privacy could be necessary to society, which the police can decide without your consent. A recent ECHR case ruled that employers could read workers' private messages sent via chat software if the breached company protocol.

GDPR: sharing private personal information in either a public or private message breaches the individual's right to data protection (see the safeguarding policies above). Axbridge Town Council is responsible for cybersecurity including

- Storing all client/customer personal data and other confidential in a CRM system that is both secure and encrypted.

- All CRM and systems where personal data or other confidential information is stored must be password protected

- Your network should be secure – there should be sufficient security and firewalls in place so that cyber-attacks can be limited, and, if there is a cyberattack, its effects can be limited.

- You have anti-virus software installed / in place on every computer and device where your team accesses data.

Where it is considered that a criminal offence has potentially been committed, the council should consider the need to refer the matter to the police.

Page 20: VLBrice - axbridge-tc.gov.uk · Clerk: Mrs V L Brice Axbridge Town Council PO Box 1184 Email: Vicky.Brice@axbridge-tc.gov.uk Axbridge

Agenda Item 14.1

“Policy 12 Axbridge Town Council

Equal Opportunities Statement

“The Council strives to operate a policy of non-discrimination with equal opportunities for all”

Propose to add “Axbridge Town Council uphold equality and respect for all residents and visitors to the town. As a town we do not accept intolerance.” Adopted by Council: Reviewed by Personnel and Protocol Committee:

Page 21: VLBrice - axbridge-tc.gov.uk · Clerk: Mrs V L Brice Axbridge Town Council PO Box 1184 Email: Vicky.Brice@axbridge-tc.gov.uk Axbridge

Agenda Item 16 Correspondence 10th June - 30th June 2020 (not mentioned elsewhere in the agenda papers)

SDC = Sedgemoor District Council SCC = Somerset County Council Outside Bodies

• Axbridge and District Museum Trust – Risk Assessment for when it re-opens

• Society of Local Council Clerks – newsletters and guidance

• Somerset Association of Local Council – the Council as an Employer training, Code of Conduct Explained training and Councillors essential training and Statement on “In person council meetings” (remote strongly recommended to continue)


• People and Places – New Towns Toolkit launched

• SDC – weekly planning applications and decisions and meeting/agenda papers

• Admin and Finance

• SDC – no request for election, free to co-opt.

• Parish Online - Clinic / User Group

• Wessex Water Foundation launched to help those in need

• PCC announces £200,000 extra funding to support local communities

• Greenways Ground Maintenance - contractors

• PSMA news

• Ordnance Survey feedback request

• HMRC employer bulletins

• Eon monthly report

• Zoom – discount offer

• Devon County Council – Pensions Line

Leisure and Recreation

• Various – Axbridge Pride picnic/event (advised large gatherings not allowed)

• Individual – bins and stiles

• Somerset Playing Fields Association – Reopening of play area general advice

• What’s on Bristol

• Product Information: Playforce (inc Free playground audits - get ready to reopen safely) NNB Shelters etc, Notice Board Company, Kompan Play

• Highways

• SCC – Footpath – St Michaels to The Parsonage

• Transforming Somerset & Dorset Rail Links – Surveys

• Individual – Traffic High St/West St

• Individuals – Bypass and Axbridge Bypass closure

• Individuals – overgrown foliage, weeds etc Cemetery, Allotment and Open Spaces

• Tenant – allotment gate request

• Various tenants – allotment matters

• Individual – concern re state of cemetery (addressed) Personnel

• High Sheriff of Somerset – message of support Greens

• Somerset Waste Partnership Latest: socially distanced recycling sites and collection issue, and update on late/missed collections and update on recycling centres

• Centre for Sustainable Energy newsletters

• Mendip Hills - A Year of Adventure for Mendip Hills Young Rangers; Mendip Hills will rock again 2021 and guide to help landowners https://www.mendiphillsaonb.org.uk/2020/06/29/new-tree-planting-guide-for-the-mendip-hills-aonb/

• Rural Services Network

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General Correspondence

• SDC Press Releases –SDC Executive meeting 24th June, Update from GOV.UK – COVID-19: Guidance for the safe use of multi-purpose community facilities; Litter posters for our use

• SCC Press Releases - Some Libraries planning to re-open soon!

• SCC – Weekly workstream updates

• SDC Message from Cllr Duncan McGinty, Sedgemoor District Council

• COVID 19 advice; www.gov.uk/coronavirus (inc what you can and can’t do before and after 4 July and Guidance on managing the reopening of play areas); Somerset County Council https://www.somerset.gov.uk/coronavirus/covid-19-latest-advice

• Patient Engagement bulletins

• Weston General Hospital update – A&E department now open usual hours

• Devon County Council - Newsletters

• James Heappey MP Weekly update

• Student (Social media study as part of dissertation)

DIARY DATES; (assuming government guidance still prevents meeting in person etc)

Date Meeting Time Venue

Monday 6th July 2020 Council 7.30pm Video Conference – by Zoom

Monday 20th July 2020 Council 7.30pm Video Conference – by Zoom

Monday 3rd August 2020 Council 7.30pm Video Conference – by Zoom

Sun 20th Sept Harvest Service 6.30pm Methodist Church