vjuv an, :zz i! z ,jl - University of...

j- - an, . r- - ) . ' vjuv VOL. IX. NO. 1317. THE DAILY PRINTED AND rCBLISHlU BVEIfrY vHKKNOON KXCtrT MDCDAY BY TIIR DaQj Bnllfttln Publlslilu Co., LM , at tiik orrjcx, B ft 338 rciui .Hi Oouo u:o H I BUBBOKIPTION-B- ix Doluma Yiak, Delivered In Hnnoln'i at Fm'ty (!mk Mouth, Id advance. Tl WEEKLY IB I'miUBHWi At JTotJB DilLLAM. A Yx Hi t'uiin-.t)- . and FlVI BoLtAKf iO Knretj.n MieM-rll-- n payable In advance. BOOR AND JOB PRWi'lfl 0 ooxx in omasum -- . i . TELKFHONE VM. J'. 0. HO.X v TUB DaIJ.Y HtLLkTlJ. I pHUtl nllO ii.it Ilshed by the Di.llyHuliet.iu rabliulu if Company, Limited. ft tta oilico, tAti ohaut hlrutit, Honolulu. Hawaiian kl nd. OnnM loj;rti, editor, mide Alakea Mr-ret- Honolulu iforierf j Addrens Mti'ri lot the paper Kiliu ' BULLETIN," 1HU MlllUlfettR Itltr9 " MUDIIt'fr Dally Bulletin Pilbllnlitnjt Otimpnii).' Ounp ui.eiai.njii n1ilrt may siwtloniT in attention. Buainoua Card LXW1CR8 OOOKK, INTOBTKES AND IlgALBRS til LtJMBKB AHtl ALL KtHM Of IlUILMNH MaTKBULH. Fort Street, Honolulu. K. BAOKJTEU) OO QDUAL OoMMMMOH AnlRTS. Corner Port and Hueen btreeu, rtimuiiuc. JKO. S. BUTTHIKH. AVCT10!KBAD0eiWULllDX!Ei.H AOBST. Mahakona, Kohain, ilnwaw. THOB. LINDSAY. MAKCrACTCXIItO JEWKLKB AMI" WATCH MAKER. Kakai Jewelry specialty, rurnpuim attention paid to all kind of repair Campbell Block, Merchant Btreet. HONOLULU IBON WORKS. Btbax Kn(iine, Biuiar Mill, IIoilmx, COOLKRA, ISOM, DRAKd AND liKAO Oabtinud. Machinery ut Kvtiry DeuJneUua Muur w. Order. Particular attention paid to SUipf Blaoksmlthlng, Job Work ernli Short Notice. Atlas Assurance Co. OT XjOTX3027 MBBT8, I1Q.000.OIH!. FJ. W. SCHMIDT & tON.s Airnt fn HnwUn lulrnrt ClTY CAltttlAGB Co., (Tomer Klnt? and Bethel Ht. - BOTH TELEPHONES 113 Pine Carriages' & Civil DrlvnrH To M hnd tit all honr J. S. ANDHADK. Consolidated Soda Water Go,, I'd rosfji. an A-iyr- o Cor. Allen Fort Sin., R'taolnJu. nm.i.isTvi a. co.. IOW tf Atrtuilt Look At This r luaiui iii wlktim. :zz HONOLULU, K. I., THUKSDAY, APRIL PKICK 5 CENTS. i! z ,jl BULLETIN ROLLIITIN w m 1 j '! 1 i i and Smile hi Vtf" vl Fine Soft Kid Button Boot, new diamond ti) iind Spanish a roll, only S3 00 Out of Sight ! Elegant French Kid Ox ford, Pump-sole- , potent ' buck stay, for Mil VvV j, &mt; V.9SJ " lt "f f I f'-- - ' mm i iMMAUiitflWBflnanaErzMr SSBO. !; Mnlnernv : ,11 ; OUUC aUUH?. n ii MARSHAL'S SALE BY VIKTUEOK A WltlTOKKXKi.lI-lio- n Imneil out of tliu DUtrli t Court, on the Oth tiny of Mnrch, A. D liv-- agaliiKt l.au Uliung, tit fomiaut, In favii rt A. Kornntiili-r- , pllnilir, for th kuiii of flCH, I hnvn It'vlul uion ami thnll ex we for nolo at the I'ollco Htitlon, in tin )iatrlutof Honnliilu, luluiul of Oalin at 12 o'clock of SATUItDAY. tho 20ih day of ' April, A. D I8J, to the hlKhoBt bidder, all tho rli-h- t, title and iiit-n-8- t of tho said l.au ChonK defend tiit. In and to tho followIiiK property, uulesH tald judgment,, ltitreK', coita and my eapenves be pr'vIouly paid. Llutt'f pioperty fo' naie: A'l ih rutit. t tin and Interest of the raid I au Clionp, In and to that CtirtJt u l.eaieof tlioe Kour'l of Jjind tnnte a. 1'avsna, from h. McCully to N'ln l'ons Woi Co , tinted December 3lt, 88, oud recorded In Liber 41 on pace'.!l3, 211, !il5and2'0. . XL- - Kor further particulars nee V. 0. Aclil, attorney f r the plnlntlll'. l Tonus Crtih in U 8. Gold Coin. K. O. HirUHCOOK, .M.irflial Kupubllrof lUwsll. Honolulu, H. I March 'JO, 195 iy.t.llt For Sale or Lease rpilK VAMJAHI K I'ROl'KUTY ON X. Queen street Knovtu a ' John llola- - bols's." There are Kivo l'ottni:ea on the inpity and room for two or tli ce mor. A k d Investment for a pernor! w ho can , Hive personal attention to HecurinK trnauta , atul colUetlnK rents. For further parti- culars apply to J. 0. OAHTKII, 'JOS Mrrchant t. Honolulu, April 3, 1 OS 1301-l- Merohants1 Exoliango J. I. SHAW, Proprietor. Cor, Ktug and Nuunun Street, lloiiolulo. Choioo Liquors and Fine Boor HK1.I. TK I.K I'll ON K 4111. F0R.8ALK HOUSE & LOT 1'iirnerot Iterelanl.i ami I'enraeolK Btreet b, opposite tho IieWorUs. ImiQ'ient HlUKTIX OUil-e- . 1301.3 r People A ho Write on lypewriterB marvrl that biiBy business men stil cling to tho pen pro-cei-- K ' The bu-i- n h man Uhintf ii tj'puvyriter would not volunta ily leturn to the old method, becnu-- e he cun turn off more work, of a better quality, and with less tffoit on hit machine. Trie H.4D Wtio Never Usid a Tymwuter believes tin tark of 'cull- ing to viit it dillicult and hopelc-- s one. Try Others have learned ; you can. Your first attempt vill probably reveal the fact thut you do fns'er work with th pen. That's quite natural ; you are ju&t learning. Your next tual will Mir. prise you. Your fingers go H) the right keys It boctmes easier and you will then . heu-i- to r alize the uae- - l fulncHH and benefit of u , typewnter. CHOICE OF A TYPEWRITBB J will either make or mm1 your writing hnppint sr-,-. For tho luiBint'hB man desiring a machine, that J combnes speed' durabi lity, does perfect work, and lastly, has the easicbt keyboard to knrn, buy the NEW CALIGRAPH, Tr is typewriter staudH at the head. It has all the latest impum meats. Let me rhow you a l( JNKW UALIORAril. T. W. UOBRON, AQint. . y v, 9 v V -- w ST. GEORGE S EVE Monday. April 22. SONS OF ST. GEORGE Will have otto of their l'leavant 8ooIaIs At 8 o'clock In the evening. Ticket, Lady and Gentleman, $1.00 OT Ticket for sale at tho Golden Kule Ilnzmr 1370 td BOCK BEER! Firm CooI;iimont of HOCK BEI.U ntr vtil at THE ANCHOR" PF.lt AUSTltAl I V From the Frederlcksberii Ilrcwlng Co. of Ban Jone, Cul 2--F- or 25c.--- 2 13f0 WM. CUNNISOHAM. lw MO YKN RWK .t rK. i i T'inantittjft. PlRttibtno. Kin lUi (J H.V '! I.AK-- Shi- - nlMMJBMftyi VAg Rheumatism Deed mid up claim a vlth named in tho paper Non- - ttl, , i.j,, 1(.,ion wi I lnak f , t nbitl bi.n(ljiu, , ,, (lf but, ,h circuit and ,!. Supreme C.utt. I'aiiI NVnniaiin, silling Plco of (!lliwr Jh'iW ,h" ial fi, I, a umnh,inM of ,,, SllIiri 111H .,111P, . ,,,.. AND SEQUAH WiicHEts, Mb. L. Bkicke of 51 Mnr-clia- ut Street, nnd well-know- n in Honolulu, did complain, before a large, audienro on Monday night I taut in tho old Armory, on thn cor- ner of l?rttatii.i and I'unchlioul Sireoto, that Rheumatism had ...,.. i....... inMi. ..:.. I.;.. r fi... i """ '""""K " " r" 0 vearp Mr U.icke Haled that he Iitwl tried he knew of lo obtain relief but all ended in fail ure SttiL'A.i upon being ;,p Pi,,V1. the .,1,n,1,l0,,,.t,y, 6,1",',l,;(, powosiioii quite long enouoh, and proceeded to give it notice to tpnt by applyitig the bi.yt'Aii On. to the parts alllicled anil iu the pie- - Fence a iiiimlier ni gentlemen from tho atulicnc" relioieii the ufferor fioin hj torluie; and, Vueiies, the odd Mr. J5icko, pre- vious to the Ireatineiil, could not walk without the aid of a Motit Htick, is now to be oen about town an lively an a kitten, fueling at pleased as a dog with two tails. Othiirn besides the above have re- ceived the Paine wonderful relief and Skcjuau'h fame in xpreading far and near. Clippies witli ttheuiuitioiu are now pouring into the old Armory every evening, where Slo.uaii lectures at 7..T0. All invittsd. Seats provided. National Band iu attendance. free. t0 SLgtiAit attends at the old Armory each day at ...o'clock for nalu of his itemed ios and to1 receive persons who wish to undergo his treatment. Sufferers WITH - Rheumatism U5EFor your own benefit, come, Bee, hear and judge for yourselves. Sequah Speaks ! 1307-- tl You may have LOST many hours of comfort by not having worn A good reliable V A J It OF Wichnutn's GLASSES Take tho hint. Don't haphazard. WIOHMAN, ' OpiloiEui. buy niMOIAR IVTJMt, Windup of tho KorRd of Kala-kau- n to Mabelonn. Chief Justice , I liai siginid an injunction iu thntM-o- f Kaptolant (Qttoen Dowaijt'r) vs. S. W. Maho-lou- a, forbidding the defendant to Bet any for tho laud-- j men- tioned iu pamr purporting lo b a deed from tho late King ICalaKatm to Mahelona, or tu fonvey any of tho premises uami-- d in nuish paper, or to colleut any rent thon.from, or interfere in anv war thn SitMlO .ol,,im,, 1( . in ,,(1lil,, nulllirt,r ,.clHm' L,, or of htti-- h lauds. The pro- - ambits to tho injunction ynyt that by a decree of Circuit Judio fiioni.r tht aald dti-- d was found ti b faloo, forged and frAtidtilent, as n nlro a receipt fur tln cotiBidoration of iiiMiit limed i'fte, ICspiol.ini . Molio-- loni, ;.hith alllrms the decree of Judge (J.'Opor that thetleed iuqueu lion wa falnj, forged and fraudu-li'ii- t. The tieeii ut r viow the evi-done- e, tdiiitMiig not tie l"at tloubt of the s ur'iius ilnrneti r, of tho deed. At i he hours iu w I. d tho King allegul liy du't-n- , vd to have rfigic-- the deed, h was hiaU ly recM.ting the na'ive peopli' hoo-Inip- n, and linldiug i pvopfion for foreign r"pn ie itatue, nawal ollieji and the general publie, in ion of ln liirthtiiv the dnv before, the reMl d.ty f.lling on Stitul j Tho tsignattires of u it tit o w ro in throo diirorenl nliade if ink, ad it wai proved thai tw of the litres wltr neM'S were m the islaptl of Hawaii the day that the deed yva ta'euletl. Hatch fur plaiutilT; C. V. Ashfoffl aud Aohi for defendant. Patrick Mclnerny has been ad- judicated binkrupt, on his own petition, by Judge Cooper. Pe- titioner plsi'iM It s debts,.whioh be is unable to piy, at ffiOtvO. Charles T. Oulick petitions tho Circuit Court for the appoiutmuiit of J A. Magoou as adminintrntor of the estate of the latoStophauie Cail- - lot, of France, grandmother of Jeaa Morrineau, nephew of the late Dr. Trousseau. I he petition itt fiiipport- - ed by au atlidavil including a letter from Mr. MorrisEe.tu to Mr. Oulieli, asking him to act n his attoruoy to press certain claims against tlioe.s- - , tate of his late uncle. First, Mr. ; Morrissi au claims 15,000 francs in- - vested by him in the late doctor's ostrich farm, and, secondly, a debt of lli'J&iO franc due to tho throo heirs of his mother his alitor, his brother and himelf logethor with Nutorest on naid dubt at five percent since tho first of April, 1877. U. I. Sanborn aud four others have a suit on the ttlrm calendar I against A. Feek, coutraulor on tho O.hu railway extension, claiming ?11(.Mj for damages for breach of cou-- tracts They allege that Feok gsvo them a contract for excavation but neglected and refused to give theiu the work. H. A. Widemauu has filed a bond I in $1500 to E. B Thomas, tu eocuro the latter in case of a decision iu bid favor, iu the replevin proceedings brought ngAiust him by Wideiuaun for possersiou of the Holomua print- ing ollice plant. In a divorce cage filed for the May term the defendant is named Jamei ICd win Bum, alias John Jones, alia Edward Wilson. Petitioner charges extreme cruelty and Jailure to pro- vide for her, besides alleging that defendant has absconded from Hono- lulu. Iu J. K. Sumner by Mis. Mari. Davis vs. M. F. Craudell, defend- ant's inoliou to dissolve tho injunu-tio- u restraining him from noting m agent for Suinuor was argued beforo Judge Cooper. The Cotitt declined to grant tho uiotiou. Magoon and Kinney for plaintiff; Neumann and Castle fur defendant. If you want to bit) a really good clock or watch at Coast prices el tho stock of Brown A. Kuboy, it No. 4, Mtfonie Temple; then, vow will null ilielargejt variety in Ho- nolulu at the hmeut prices, clocks ud watehot. sold on uot.. and monthly payments. Drown . Kubey aiaku a specialty of rubber ulampH.

Transcript of vjuv an, :zz i! z ,jl - University of...

Page 1: vjuv an, :zz i! z ,jl - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/17295/1/1895041801.pdf · he cun turn off more work, of a better quality, ... OT Ticket

j- - an,


r- -



vjuvVOL. IX. NO. 1317.




DaQj Bnllfttln Publlslilu Co., LM ,

at tiik orrjcx,B ft 338 rciui .Hi Oouo u:o H I

BUBBOKIPTION-B- ix Doluma Yiak,Delivered In Hnnoln'i at Fm'ty (!mkMouth, Id advance.



At JTotJB DilLLAM. A Yx Hi t'uiin-.t)- .

and FlVI BoLtAKf iO Knretj.n MieM-rll-- n

payable In advance.


ooxx in omasum -- . i .


TUB DaIJ.Y HtLLkTlJ. I pHUtl nllO ii.itIlshed by the Di.llyHuliet.iu rabliulu ifCompany, Limited. ft tta oilico, tAtiohaut hlrutit, Honolulu. Hawaiian klnd. OnnM loj;rti, editor, mide

Alakea Mr-ret- Honolulu iforierf j

Addrens Mti'ri lot the paper Kiliu '

BULLETIN," 1HU MlllUlfettR Itltr9 " MUDIIt'frDally Bulletin Pilbllnlitnjt Otimpnii).'Ounp ui.eiai.njii n1ilrt may siwtloniTin attention.

Buainoua Card




Fort Street, Honolulu.



Corner Port and Hueen btreeu, rtimuiiuc.



Mahakona, Kohain, ilnwaw.




Kakai Jewelry specialty, rurnpuimattention paid to all kind of repair

Campbell Block, Merchant Btreet.


Btbax Kn(iine, Biuiar Mill, IIoilmx,COOLKRA, ISOM, DRAKd AND liKAO


Machinery ut Kvtiry DeuJneUua Muur w.Order. Particular attention paid to SUipfBlaoksmlthlng, Job Work ernliShort Notice.

Atlas Assurance Co.

OT XjOTX3027

MBBT8, I1Q.000.OIH!.

FJ. W. SCHMIDT & tON.sAirnt fn HnwUn lulrnrt

ClTY CAltttlAGB Co.,(Tomer Klnt? and Bethel Ht.


Pine Carriages' & Civil DrlvnrHTo M hnd tit all honr


Consolidated Soda Water Go,, I'd

rosfji. an A-iyr-o

Cor. Allen Fort Sin., R'taolnJu.

nm.i.isTvi a. co..IOW tf Atrtuilt

Look At This


luaiuiiii wlktim.:zzHONOLULU, K. I., THUKSDAY, APRIL PKICK 5 CENTS.

i! z ,jlBULLETIN








and Smile

hi Vtf" vl

Fine Soft Kid ButtonBoot, new diamond ti)iind Spanish a roll, only

S3 00Out of Sight !

Elegant French Kid Oxford, Pump-sole-


potent '

buck stay, for

Mil VvVj, &mt;

V.9SJ " lt "f f I f'-- -' mm i iMMAUiitflWBflnanaErzMr

SSBO. !;

Mnlnernv :


; OUUC aUUH?.n ii



Imneil out of tliu DUtrli t Court,on the Oth tiny of Mnrch, A. D liv--

agaliiKt l.au Uliung, tit fomiaut, In favii rtA. Kornntiili-r- , pllnilir, for th kuiii offlCH, I hnvn It'vlul uion ami thnll exwe for nolo at the I'ollco Htitlon, in tin)iatrlutof Honnliilu, luluiul of Oalin at 12

o'clock of SATUItDAY. tho 20ih day of '

April, A. D I8J, to the hlKhoBt bidder, alltho rli-h- t, title and iiit-n-8- t of tho said l.auChonK defend tiit. In and to tho followIiiKproperty, uulesH tald judgment,, ltitreK',coita and my eapenves be pr'vIouly paid.

Llutt'f pioperty fo' naie:A'l ih rutit. t tin and Interest of the

raid I au Clionp, In and to thatCtirtJt u l.eaieof tlioe Kour'l of Jjind

tnnte a. 1'avsna, from h. McCully to N'lnl'ons Woi Co , tinted December 3lt, 88,oud recorded In Liber 41 on pace'.!l3, 211,!il5and2'0.

. XL-- Kor further particulars nee V. 0.Aclil, attorney f r the plnlntlll'.

l Tonus Crtih in U 8. Gold Coin.K. O. HirUHCOOK,

.M.irflial Kupubllrof lUwsll.Honolulu, H. I March 'JO, 195


For Sale or Lease

rpilK VAMJAHI K I'ROl'KUTY ONX. Queen street Knovtu a ' John llola- -bols's." There are Kivo l'ottni:ea on theinpity and room for two or tli ce mor.

A k d Investment for a pernor! w ho can ,

Hive personal attention to HecurinK trnauta ,

atul colUetlnK rents. For further parti-culars apply to J. 0. OAHTKII,

'JOS Mrrchant t.

Honolulu, April 3, 1 OS 1301-l-

Merohants1 ExoliangoJ. I. SHAW, Proprietor.

Cor, Ktug and Nuunun Street, lloiiolulo.

Choioo Liquors and Fine Boor

HK1.I. TK I.K I'll ON K 4111.


HOUSE & LOT1'iirnerot Iterelanl.i ami I'enraeolK

Btreet b, opposite tho IieWorUs.

ImiQ'ient HlUKTIX OUil-e- .



People A ho Write

on lypewriterB marvrlthat biiBy business menstil cling to tho pen pro-cei-- K

' The bu-i- n h manUhintf ii tj'puvyriter wouldnot volunta ily leturn tothe old method, becnu-- e

he cun turn off morework, of a better quality,and with less tffoit onhit machine.

Trie H.4D Wtio Never

Usid a Tymwuter

believes tin tark of 'cull-ing to viit it dillicultand hopelc-- s one. TryOthers have learned ; youcan. Your first attemptvill probably reveal thefact thut you do fns'erwork with th pen.That's quite natural ;

you are ju&t learning.Your next tual will Mir.prise you. Your fingersgo H) the right keys

It boctmeseasier and you will then

. heu-i- to r alize the uae--l fulncHH and benefit of u ,


J will either make or mm1your writing hnppint sr-,-.

For tho luiBint'hB mandesiring a machine, that

J combnes speed' durability, does perfect work,and lastly, has the easicbtkeyboard to knrn, buythe


Tr is typewriter staudH atthe head. It has all thelatest impum meats.

Let me rhow you a l(


T. W. UOBRON, AQint..y v, 9 v V -- w


Monday. April 22.


Will have otto of their l'leavant 8ooIaIsAt 8 o'clock In the evening.

Ticket, Lady and Gentleman, $1.00

OT Ticket for sale at tho Golden KuleIlnzmr 1370 td

BOCK BEER!Firm CooI;iimont of HOCK BEI.U

ntr vtil at


From the Frederlcksberii Ilrcwlng Co.of Ban Jone, Cul

2--F- or 25c.--- 213f0 WM. CUNNISOHAM. lw

MO YKN RWK .t rK.i


T'inantittjft. PlRttibtno. Kin

lUi (J H.V '! I.AK-- Shi- -

nlMMJBMftyi VAg

Rheumatism Deed


up claima


named in tho paper Non- -

ttl, , i.j,, 1(.,ion wi I

lnak f , t nbitl bi.n(ljiu,, ,, (lf but, ,h circuit and,!. Supreme C.utt.

I'aiiI NVnniaiin, silling Plco of(!lliwr Jh'iW ,h" ial fi, I, a

umnh,inM of,,, SllIiri 111H .,111P, . ,,,..


SEQUAHWiicHEts, Mb. L. Bkicke of 51 Mnr-clia- ut

Street, nnd well-know- n inHonolulu, did complain, before alarge, audienro on Monday night I

taut in tho old Armory, on thn cor-ner of l?rttatii.i and I'unchlioulSireoto, that Rheumatism had...,..i....... inMi. ..:.. I.;.. r fi... i""" '""""K " " r"0 vearp Mr U.icke Haled thathe Iitwl tried he knewof lo obtain relief but all ended infail ure SttiL'A.i upon being ;,pPi,,V1.

the.,1,n,1,l0,,,.t,y, 6,1",',l,;(,

powosiioii quite long enouoh, andproceeded to give it notice to tpntby applyitig the bi.yt'Aii On. tothe parts alllicled anil iu the pie- -

Fence a iiiimlier ni gentlemenfrom tho atulicnc" relioieii theufferor fioin hj torluie; and,

Vueiies, the odd Mr. J5icko, pre-vious to the Ireatineiil, could notwalk without the aid of a MotitHtick, is now to be oen about townan lively an a kitten, fueling atpleased as a dog with two tails.Othiirn besides the above have re-

ceived the Paine wonderful reliefand Skcjuau'h fame in xpreading

far and near.

Clippies witli ttheuiuitioiu arenow pouring into the old Armoryevery evening, where Slo.uaii lecturesat 7..T0. All invittsd. Seats provided.National Band iu attendance.


t0 SLgtiAit attends at the oldArmory each day at ...o'clock fornalu of his itemed ios and to1 receivepersons who wish to undergo histreatment.

SufferersWITH -

RheumatismU5EFor your own benefit,

come, Bee, hear and judge foryourselves.


Speaks !

1307-- tl

You may have

LOSTmany hours of comfort by not

having worn

Agood reliable

V A J It OFWichnutn's

GLASSESTake tho hint. Don't


WIOHMAN,' OpiloiEui.



Windup of tho KorRd of Kala-kau- n

to Mabelonn.

Chief Justice ,I liai siginid aninjunction iu thntM-o- f Kaptolant(Qttoen Dowaijt'r) vs. S. W. Maho-lou- a,

forbidding the defendant toBet any for tho laud-- j men-tioned iu pamr purporting lo b adeed from tho late King ICalaKatmto Mahelona, or tu fonvey any oftho premises uami-- d in nuish paper,or to colleut any rent thon.from,or interfere in anv war thn


1( .


nulllirt,r ,.clHm'L,,


of htti-- h lauds. The pro- -

ambits to tho injunction ynyt that bya decree of Circuit Judio fiioni.rtht aald dti-- d was found ti b faloo,forged and frAtidtilent, as n nlro areceipt fur tln cotiBidoration of

iiiMiit limed i'fte, ICspiol.ini . Molio--loni, ;.hith alllrms the decree ofJudge (J.'Opor that thetleed iuqueulion wa falnj, forged and fraudu-li'ii- t.

The tieeii ut r viow the evi-done- e,

tdiiitMiig not tie l"at tloubtof the s ur'iius ilnrneti r, of thodeed. At i he hours iu w I. d thoKing allegul liy du't-n- , vd tohave rfigic-- the deed, h was hiaUly recM.ting the na'ive peopli' hoo-Inip- n,

and linldiug i pvopfion forforeign r"pn ie itatue, nawal olliejiand the general publie, inion of ln liirthtiiv the dnv before,

the reMl d.ty f.lling on Stitul j Thotsignattires of u it tit o w ro in throodiirorenl nliade if ink, ad it waiproved thai tw of the litres wltrneM'S were m the islaptl of Hawaiithe day that the deed yva ta'euletl.Hatch fur plaiutilT; C. V. Ashfofflaud Aohi for defendant.

Patrick Mclnerny has been ad-judicated binkrupt, on his ownpetition, by Judge Cooper. Pe-titioner plsi'iM It s debts,.whioh be isunable to piy, at ffiOtvO.

Charles T. Oulick petitions thoCircuit Court for the appoiutmuiitof J A. Magoou as adminintrntor ofthe estate of the latoStophauie Cail- -

lot, of France, grandmother of JeaaMorrineau, nephew of the late Dr.Trousseau. I he petition itt fiiipport- -ed by au atlidavil including a letterfrom Mr. MorrisEe.tu to Mr. Oulieli,asking him to act n his attoruoy topress certain claims against tlioe.s- -

, tate of his late uncle. First, Mr.; Morrissi au claims 15,000 francs in- -

vested by him in the late doctor'sostrich farm, and, secondly, a debtof lli'J&iO franc due to tho throoheirs of his mother his alitor, hisbrother and himelf logethor with

Nutorest on naid dubt at five percentsince tho first of April, 1877.

U. I. Sanborn aud four othershave a suit on the ttlrm calendar

I against A. Feek, coutraulor on thoO.hu railway extension, claiming?11(.Mj for damages for breach of cou--tracts They allege that Feok gsvothem a contract for excavation butneglected and refused to give theiuthe work.

H. A. Widemauu has filed a bondI in $1500 to E. B Thomas, tu eocurothe latter in case of a decision iu bidfavor, iu the replevin proceedingsbrought ngAiust him by Wideiuaunfor possersiou of the Holomua print-ing ollice plant.

In a divorce cage filed for the Mayterm the defendant is named JameiICd win Bum, alias John Jones, aliaEdward Wilson. Petitioner chargesextreme cruelty and Jailure to pro-vide for her, besides alleging thatdefendant has absconded from Hono-lulu.

Iu J. K. Sumner by Mis. Mari.Davis vs. M. F. Craudell, defend-ant's inoliou to dissolve tho injunu-tio- u

restraining him from noting magent for Suinuor was argued beforoJudge Cooper. The Cotitt declinedto grant tho uiotiou. Magoon andKinney for plaintiff; Neumann andCastle fur defendant.

If you want to bit) a really goodclock or watch at Coast prices el

tho stock of Brown A. Kuboy,it No. 4, Mtfonie Temple; then, vowwill null ilielargejt variety in Ho-nolulu at the hmeut prices, clocks

ud watehot. sold on uot.. andmonthly payments. Drown . Kubeyaiaku a specialty of rubber ulampH.

Page 2: vjuv an, :zz i! z ,jl - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/17295/1/1895041801.pdf · he cun turn off more work, of a better quality, ... OT Ticket

JWmT$ff', V Vi?tV t, 'r,- - ,r r - - fi y



World's Fftlr Certincntn Issued toForeign Heprostutotlve.8

1'iL'sidont ClovMntul anil SocrutnrjGrmlintu signed tliuir uatues tocbyon tlio oriKinal copy of tlio cortiu-rate- s

which nro to bo bhiiI by theUnited Statu to tlio varioiw Kovern- -

munis' ot tho world which font ro-- 1

prtMHiitntiU'S to tho world's fair,Mj4 a I Mo WnsliiiiKtou dispati-h- .

Tlioir Hi:iMUfos will now boin facsimile) on tho plato from

which tho fifty or inoro cortificatoaarc to bo printed.

It is said at tho Htato iJoimrlinHtitthat thin plato i tlio most buantifiilexamplo of eiiyravinir evor mado I ythis gowrnniont. Tho cortificato.aro to bo about tttontyfour iuchoawido by thirty itiehwj ion, and ofI ho hfiviost patchmunt. At thebottom i a lougbont, liko tho pritnl-liv- o

Indian oatio", with four figurtaipr-nutiii(- ,' Iiuropo, Asia, Africaand l'otytiosia, rowiun. A fifjuroof Columbus htaudd in Iho atomliolriiui; in hi oxtoudod hand aglob with a Roman crow plant-ed on tho tup. Aloiifj tho sitlo of(life boal hang tho coals of armsof tho aovcti principal Europeaniiowor. On tho loft sido is afiljuro of b'itnt, with a trumpet iucuo h.iud aud a wreath in tho othorwith which sho is about to crownAui'irion, who fits loauiuf; comfort- -ably back ou a buffalo lyintr down.Auiorioan gazes with au expressiono! mipreuiu satisfaction aud pridoona picture of tho world' ox position,which f rim tho main part of the1top of tho drawing. Ou tho othersido of tlii exposition picture throofigurr.i aro silling in cotnfortablopnhitioMn on tho ground, represent- -

ing tho Indian, the negro aud thowhite mail. Along tho sides of thecertificate iu tho scroll are the namesof the couutrius of the world theAmerican countries ou tho left andtlio European ou the right, in theupper toil baud corner there is auallegorical female figure roprosout-- 1

iug ilaohiuory and iu the right handcorm r olio ropreAoutiug Art. j

Tlio whole tlTcct of th picture isoio'it strikiug and artistic aud a j

credit not ouly to tho desiguo'WillHi Low, whoso uamo appcarB iu auobfcuie corner of the bcroll work,but to tho government. Tho text of(ho certificate follow?: "Tho Presi-- 1

deut of tin United States having. boon authorized l an act of con-g- rt

approved Aug. 18, 181)1, to sig- -

( iiify to the leading roprtsoutntives oftlio various couutrios whioh tookpart in tho World'i) Columbian Expo- -'

eition, the grateful appreciation ofthe g ivirnuiout aud people of thoUnit 1 States of America for theirTahu'd psrlicip.ition iu tho comiiiiMiioraliou of ouu of tho moat im-

portant wonts in human history,now, thurofore, I, G rover Clovelauti,I'ruriidunt o tho Uuited States of

. America h.vo directed tho makingcf Huch acktiowledgmeul to , intoken of the high ojteoui which thoPresident and ptoplu of tho UnitedStatin put upon his efforts iu fur-thering the success of the said expo-ait'o- n.

Tho nauio of tho representative- - ofeach foreign nation will bo t ugravedin scupt in the blank space. One oftheart certificates will bo sent to eachof tho foreigu nations officially rep-resou-

at tho exposition. Theywill bo finished at the buroau of

mid printing in about twoweek.).

'J hoy Maku Qojd Oitizana.

In a discusAiou of tho suhjoet ofwoinau'fl suirragu at tho Friend's

. Circle in Haltiuioro lately, J. K. Tay-lor presented extracts from lottorsitico'tvc-- from tho governors of wes-tern btates. Governor Morrill, ofKanaaH, writes: "There has been nocompliint. It seems to be succeis-lid.- "

Govoruor Molntyre, of Colo- -

' rado: "Their adront into politicalllfo will positively and permanentlybonofit all people." Governor Iiich-nrd- s,

of Wyoming: "Women art al-

lowed nil tho privileges that menhave in voting. They are not allow-ed to Bit on jurios, and do not askfor it any more than they ack formilitary rights." Justice Grosbock.chief justice of the supremo court ofWyoming: "It has been tried andnot found wanting."


Now that tho war of the revolu-tion is ovor, it is tho duty of everyman to support tho existing form ofgovernment. Although things maynot move with that cordiality thatwould ensure au everlastiug peace,ptill they may bo allowed to subsideinto that indifference without animo-r-it- y

that would allow oil her partyto work out their best interests. Alltilings considered it may bo for thobest, but time, tho only arbitrator iuMich cares, must alone decide thatJames T. Stewart is a Plumber audwill do your work in good shapoand at figures that will give yousatisfaction.

Jamks T. Stkwakt,IT) ilethel Street, Honolulu.

t m

77w Daily Jlulletin, 60 cent perMinifa. ilcUwrtd h) carrien.

After Pneumonia!Catarrh, Abscossos, and

pyspopsjaHood's Sarsnparllln Gnvo Robust

Hoalth and Stroneth.

Mr. trw. ir. OilsIs well known tllcksmlth of Trenton, N. J.Ho writes Illustrating the (Treat bulMlui; up,blood imrlfylnj; jiqwcrs of Hood's Samparlllautter serious Illness:"C. I. Hood tt Co., Lowell, Mass.!

" t am pleaded to mnko n statement of mjr ex-

perience wltli Hood's Harsaparllla. I am atilacksmlth nml contracted n scvero cold whichdcTcloped Into pneumonia, lleloro I pit overthe Illness, two hrgn abscesses nathercd on mj"limbs. Different medicines tailed to do ma anyfood. CaUrrh and djrspcpsl.i

Mado Mo Very Voakand I lost flesh. I was adtlscd to tako Hood'sBirsapartlla. I'.cloro I had mod a bottle, I beginto feel belter. I eonllnin I and lino Liken flsaujIUm and It lus cure I riuotnll my tmublesaud iaalmnti j'Oi fectly noil. I now uavrnsood

SMfVU D l0"' CuresapKtlto ami wtljli tlvo pounils header thanier before. I cannot, recommend Hood's Parwpirllla to--i hlslily." Wm. W. Otu, WItDcblltig Street, Trenton, New Jcrsej.

Mood's PiliHcurpi'll I.Hcr ills. Illtlnusnesj,JuiiUlte. Iiell.ii-itlo-n. Hick Headache. 23a

Hobron Drug Co., L'd...BoIb AKunt for thn Itctnthllo nf Hiwntl.

IFy'Ht limure it Is well to do o In o inppnlH whoso rupiititlnns h.iv builtup u Hiring fonnilntlnim.

THECoiutinni'H roprobuiit"ii ly Jdiim M.I)oSErT(Klieci'ii-o- r to be lute 0. ().ilertori have "tood ell thn teats

to icrivlnce any no thatililr cap'tal Ik ample nnd t'i pfle-elid- es

niton which tl.pnrngoverued,the hljtiicsi.

LOSSESaro t.'iliI.pronipt'y anil without nilneces-ur- y doln h The assets of auompany is tho beat pn-o- f of its

mul nliliity to pnv losos. TheI'H jjlvcn will tutlify even ' Tho (JimHundredth Man.'

The Now York Life,Assets, SJ55.453.428.73.

London & Lancashire Fire Insur-ance Co.,

Assots, S2.641.029.U. 8. Branch.

Hartford Fire Insurance Co.,Assets, $7,378,092.


Palatine Fire Insurance Co.,

Assets. 'S2.255.974.V. B. Branch.

Thames & Mersey Marine Insur-ance Co.,

Assets, $6,124,057.

3T Policioa for oithor Lifo,Firo or Mnrino Iusuranco issuedin any of tlio above mimed Com-

panies at tho lowest ratos and onany of tlio numorous plans

Your patronugo is so-



1290-l- Mtrsbant Street, Honolulu.


MY AHSKNr'K l'HOM THKDUHINO Inlands, Mr Walter M.(Jillurd will ui tend to and perform theduties nf President and Manager of theilrni of W. Q. Irwin .t Co , IVd.

WM U. IRWIN,President and Manairor Win. O. Irwin &

Co., L'd.Honolulu, April I, 1805. 1S0C2W


MY TIJMl'OKAKYDIIKINU from these lslants, Mr. K. I.Uiiildini; will aut under full power of at-

torney for the Hank of Clans Sprockets &,

Co. WM. O.IRWIN.Honolulu, April 1, 1805. ISOU-S-


ODTSTAKDIKO BILLS OWINGALL Reaver Bullion not nettled by Ap-ril 30th, will tm placed in the hands of ucollector and payuiont of same will bo en-forced. II. J. NOLTU,

131'J-t- d I'roprietor.

If your subscription, has tzpired now

ti a uruul titiiA tn rn,ia ii.

Real Estatfi HA LoaDS

Tim enUrxenienluf Ibo LOAN Jlrtrkitan ni to cover tli anti nml ncrovlilesofthe largf niiinbBr of hi nobble jiwrle whonro nut owners of iiiiinc'itnberra Ileal ,

Kstiite was one of the most inno- -vntioni of teimt joarv To it Imsnicnnt relief from i! cla'im jit tho '

very tlmo when ino-- cssentlnt. liriiptoiM-rl- nml linwininlj omiiliictwl thisbitaliiesis Is of tqitully K'l'it iiiirrtiiKMM valtip to tho coniniiinity as i'ul ilIiiBmiii Ioitti AmocIhIIo!ii liavii provi'il tlii'in- -6Ivkb Ui ix1.

I'lie Haw.nliiii Ism.ii.flHi Co. i

Makes a nclalty of NeotlitliiK and Pro- - j

I'liritirf IHiisfir ll.irroners who arc un-

able to discount their NoMnt the Hanksanil who ilo not .'re to uhllttatu tbi-ni- -

'elves iu vimih (rlond or u(iUtillitiiuto byikliiR ills iiilrtfini'nii to their hoiv.

TJila Company will uiaku l.oitiii UmHousciiolil Kurnlttiro. l'iuno, Uranus.Horses, Altilcs, Wiikoiih, (."Hrrlniscs iitulPersonal I'rop-n- y ii' limit removing tlio ,

i'rotitrty from Iho llorruwtr's pos'tloMand nil business mil h cnnilucU'il u nSTIUOTIA' UONKIUiiNTlAli IJAoIS.

Too Uawailau Iuvutmout .,

General Ur.xu Estate Aorkw.I ' mid lft K'lnrnlii n U S'i"t

(N.u V -- t U.t.t )

tlotary Public. Mutual Te qihoae 639.

jl .a.7AVV

yiXN- - V .tzr'j.

V v

Wholesale Retail.

Wi.l LIMA 11"

Japanese. Goods

)U ar. Wtioi) Uftv-- iitiDiib.

uv. to. Cto. u ,

Silk, Liiikii mill Cftjie .Slurb

l!oVl'lKCN ati K

viiirtc bj ninl.ijio?

4XT WJsiu you ure in nd o hut t'.nl JilpviieM- - lioods, nUtf tm ( 'i1- nilj". tiiiiiic 'l wound Uivii

390 Fort Ct-- ntit Cunutix. lICosu

Wm.U.Irwio & Go..MMIT&'I)

Wru. u. 1 in yrttkiflftjn Mini Mm

wizzt r.t.;yV,?do-ffiuuerS-J


liinu. C. 1'oiU' Auditor

- a igr.H. i-- rpM o i.ors


CommlHHion AjttMiM.


Oceanic Steamship CompanyUK HAN KKANUIBUO. UAL.

Bku. TrL. 881. Mutual TVu fi07.V. O. 110X 321.

HONOLULDimage Manufactory

tat A 180 FOHT BTUKKT.

Carriage BuilderAJJD IWPAIKEIl.

Blacksmithing v; VAhks.Orders from the other Islands In

Btlldlno, TrttVDlng, Painting, Etc., Etc,Promptly Attended to.

W. W. WRIGHT, Pitop.iBoreenpuir to O, West,)

riKBBE JON is. T. A. HIMI-tlOi-

JONES & SIMPSON,Accoontants end CommUsion Agents.


General Business Agency,

Conveyancing and Legal DocumentsDrawn Up.


k. Trans'ntlonB in French, German.Spanish, Portuguese. Dutch, Italian andliawHlinii Hills Collected und AccountsAdjusted.

Omoo, 30B luloroliixnt St.

Does all klmts of Work in

foment & lim Siduvaiks & Garbing.

He has on tiHnd h lartc supply of Obi-nn- o

Gratutfl Curb auit alwayikepaCurbint: Btnue. IMIiuate. given

and lowest prices uwureil, Uoll TelephoneSH.S. ll'fi.tf





Kour gn-ii- t riMjuitjito." ofMuh'h Woaiiiig Apiirul tobu found in nil tho Suit's

mudo by Johnston & Sto-ro- y.

Mr. Sttnvy wan for

soino years one of tin- - best

known outturn on tho Coabt,

consequently the best drotH-e- d

men in town wear clothes

made by)

Johnston & Storey, f

4 13 iort Strool


Several Cotisg-- s at Kocordle Rentals.


lloaite Loll, 1W miles from Pont Ofllce, onand near Kin Street, a few Mop

beyond the Kan.elnmehafchool grounds.

VA. This oflVrs a good chance to ivoureHomesteads t mo lernte prices. With antaxation assured In the near future, itH U'o It M near the business renterforms one of the mot declrablo investmenu for a uni 1 1 mui of money.

ink. Cortoritlonr or auyoiio ilesirltifcto Invest in Large Tracts of BuburbtnIjind ran lie uecomniodalud at reasuuabluIlK'irea with Tracts of from 5, 10 to M)

Acre.Maw Land on the other IOands, In

Tracts suitnblo for n Dairy, Hi'K Itanch or('olleo aud BlHnl I'lnntatlon lor bale orloave. Kuiiutre of

J8H2-3i- u K. M. NAKDINA.



InvestmeBt Union,



OOlco, 100 Fort Street. Telephone 181.120-l- ni


Till S

Practical Carriage Trimmer(Uasno connection with any car-

riage shop.)

TOPS OF EVERY DESCRIPTIONFenders, Dashes, Butrm Aprons, Etc.,

at Lowest Possible Trices, andWorkmanship of the Best.

I USA First-clas- s Material of bit own im- -porting. aianuiacturer oi au Kinus orHarness.

Workshop 210 King Btreet near Maunakoa.P. O. Box 408.


Per Day $ 2Per Week tl!i


The Best of Attendance, the Best Bitoatlooand the Finest Mesui In the City.

T. MOUSE, Proprietor.

yn rtii.vstor lift irt tfw uHft gjrfwwi

Cmintfj' 6t wjtn tt

(romr'ttt trMntitJJ t.Potta Ttlaphonia m.


1ST. F. BURGESSIs sgaln preparod to repair Gtrdeii Hose,Sprinklers, Water Tap, et". Haw Filluijand all kinds of Tools sharpened, Iticlnd-i- n

Curving Knives huh bciN.ors; LawnMowers h specialty ; also Betting Glass; infact all kinds of Jobbing. Work called fornnd returned. Ring up Poj Mutual Tele-phone any time before U a. m. 117DU



Blood-Purifier,- 1



nnd breaks upjrfg every humor,cures dklii erup-tions,0Kt' restoresexlMsledvllal- -

I lly; nnd drives- wrvm v f i

X. w'Vil J-?-W MtifTiror ipnmxraxys indlgestlon.KCii-or- alxqsli dctilllty, ornny oilier nil- -

ment nrlshiK from Impure Mood, should takeAyor's HnrHap-irlll.i-

. It nlves utrcuEth totint weak, and liullds up tlio system centr-ally, lly Its use food Is made, nourlstilng1.sleep refreshing, and life cnjojnblo.

Ayer's SarsaparillaHIGHEST AWARDS AT THE

World's Great Expositions.Mado r Dr. J.C.Ajer A Co.. I)wcll,lI.,U.S.A.

fTllowsro nf cliein Imllatlnm. Tim leinieAyer'n Sart.iitt,rlilt('-- I intinlnenl nn lhru ler.ntKi It bljwu In lliu i;Uo( u.cli oi

uur uamcf.

Hollistor Drug Co.. L'd.,Holo Aue-.t- for the llepnbllc of Hawaii.



Hb'Ciiant Tailor,89 tfuuitAV !atr


dtvle auit Kit Hiihrm.i

ttatusl Tele. 66a. P. U. Bat IU.tlU-ll- R

nor hing &co.!iu HOI Kl. ttl'V.Ur I

GOIilSHIOII S.Jl(ili.fifoWlmlesnle lnler In

LtmiK m ':M liiprs'AMD

General Chinese Merchandiseatitui as -

Nni nils, Rice, Matting,Ohinee Silks, Teat, Ku

EngJiah BJad American GroceriesBy Every Coast Steamer



The Best Lunch In Town.


Ten suici OotTOfjAT all docks


Cigars and TobaccoALWAtl ON HAWn

EL. J. NOLTB, Prop.Rean Vapor Pacific Gas

Ifriirinw id ,ttmu, UIHUIIVUVII .UllglUVU


They cannot be turratscl for motivepower.


JOS. TINKER,JlKR-- tt Sole Agent, Nunann Btreet

JOB PRINTING ?ioIr,0iS;0unyc,t,i!e

IIuilktin I'unMSiiiNO Co., I. P. Klmt-clas- n

Coninierriiil Work n B)eclalty. Kstlmntoigiven. Orders promptly executed,



Page 3: vjuv an, :zz i! z ,jl - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/17295/1/1895041801.pdf · he cun turn off more work, of a better quality, ... OT Ticket

-- . a i.


; i

I '




v 'i. BMWJWffy1'''" i fr-- f



'iiiawiiflm'ef'Ta.r '..pr.tjuir- - nyj.i ;tiiji:i.i..tr"',,yOT,r'vTyyxrnDtM-l&- l ' Bri.iriOKh' i DA I iu TC

aii s.x -. r iSr"''' ,f -- r1'. i.rrO A"D lM'riw,r

fi""' .'IlO-D- rf ovinia mm M

,' IRMWii specially for M

nil, i MBBwgBnMaeMiMMWBiwwMMWWMKMMMBMiinMiwiwu

Stop That Cough




316 Fort Street.Medical Hall, - -

C. E.Williams & Son1859,

The Largest Stock of Bedroom SetsBvurimjiortodto Iloiiolultt. Eight Different StyleH

tt Heleet from. PrieeH are a tlinchcr

FROM 3SSOO XJF.AIm h Kin" I)t oj UIIIPrOMKUS of tho Latest Dtlj!n and Pattern".

Special Feature No. 1 White Seamless MattingtVr Koll vt U) Yards. H2.KI.

A.nd a Fine Quality for $9 pr Roll

Headquarters jor Baby Carriages !

i- - NE IT tb

tJ09 AND 611




. t . wrz &.'--rrom mi wie utrorw!u Yw--

Factories In the TJnlh! v Li's8tals .... 5:.;vatK!L:svii

ffiPipes and





"BT KifiaV)BBlAS'.KwsnrftwnU. &mrWM!&

.UiJJHJiWl SMHWnM? 5?..;r.u..u. jomjrC9Kimnr.f.nJ9mr'

50c. per


Pioneer Furniture House


Havana, Manila, Mexican and American Cigars.

Cor. Furt and Merchant 8traatR.I .'!.- - ,

Daily Bulletin



.t Mb





Another Case of Vln Trust in rt

MattroBS for Safe Deposit

An ollrly uathe woman was mbbed of SI 10 on M mdny nllit. Thwoilian had i ht- - money tiiildon nearwhere she slept on (ho floor. Onthe night, mentioned thod il not foolvery ell and a unn lift mud Pmu'-u- i

came into tho room to ''lomilomi"her. SIih uoticed that thn man onljused ono hand and with the otherwas groping about I ho mattress. Holoft tho room after a while. Tbuwoman I linn flt for lior money andfound the, entire amount gone. Shedid not speak of her los until nextmorning.

Punuku, who ir. an old jtilhird, ilwas learned, had boon out for a timnMonday nigbt. He bad lavished flfiin tho company of two othnr women,who wero surprised to seo him withso nijoh monoy, they knowing he.had no money during tho day.

When the loss was reported Officor D. Kaapa immediately suspectedPunuku of tho theft and had himarrested. Ho wan brought beforetbu District Judge this morning. ,

Punuku requested that- - ho be not re-quired to plead, but bo given until

when he would be ready.


They Interfere with a Mouutad Pa-

trolman on Duty.

The starboard watch of the U. S.S. Philadelphia hare returned onboard ship, their term of libertyhaving expired.

About fi 30 o'clock yesterday after-noon a number of biuejackelB, whohad beon taking an outing at Wai-kik- i

on horseback, rode in on Kingstreet. Not being experts at sittingiiiu rauuiu iiitiv uiu mil nave couiroiof the animals. The flery steedsDoited aim near KMvainhao bemi- -nary a mounted patrolman caughtthe bridle of one of them, A tram- -

car happened along at this time anda number of bluejackets jumped outof It auda caused t ho patrolman torelease his hold. The man ou horse-back rodo off and tho discomfitedpatrolman did not oITer t'ursuit.

Tha Quarter' Exports.

Sugar exports for the quarterended March 31 amounted to 101),-09,9-

pound-- , valued at $3,031,121).Hice exports were 1,052,000 pound,valued at fit) 8U9.C0. Cotleo was ex '

ported to the amount of f0,797pounds, valued at $9037.21. Bananasexported were 27.173 bunches, thovalue being $27,331. There were6300 bides sent away, valued at $13,-57- 0

77. Foreign good shippedamounted in value to $21,123.18, audminor domestic products bring tho

Uotal value of exports for the quar-ter up to $3,155,9(58 77.

Poor Digestion

Leads to norvousnoss, frotfulnes.peevishness, chronic Dyspepsia andgreat misery. Hood's Sarsaparillais the remedy. It tones thestomanh,croates an appetite, and gives arelish to food, it makes pure bloodand gives healthy action to all theorgans of the body. Tako Hood'sfor Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures.

j Hood's Pills become the favoriteI cathartic with every ono who tries

mom. zon.m

The annual report of the Cana-dian Pacific Hallway shows, aftorthe payment ot all interest, rntaland othor mandatory charges dueup to this time and tho payment ofthe dividend on preferred stock toApril 1, that tho company has

cash in bank aud is entirelyfree from floating debt.


MY AllSUNCR FltOM THEHawaiian Inland-- , Mr Walter M.

Oiira d will not for mo In all matters ofbusiness, under full lienor of attorney

WM. Q. 1 11 WINHonolulu, April 4, 1805 130U-2-


rpHK ANNUAL MBKT1NO OK TUP.X Hawaii Jockey Omji will takuplnre ot the l'aclllo Ulub on MOM1AY.April IN, !M)5, at 7:v0 o clock v. u, Allmembers re rniuetitril 'o bu p'raont, usinatieritof Imporia, ce will ha broj;ht hufore the mrennit.

W. M. OIFPAIU),1310-t- d Huoroiary 11. J. (


rpHOSB DEHIItAllI.EX iiremlspi... bltuitoiin... . the

l .ti.. .i. ii ii.irait nr'D ui 11111 mil .unn K'KhllljLiipluyit'imnd, f rnifrlyn'ed bv A. Ilarlrnhfrir. Krn. Tlie build.inKH nru mtnlirn mid ciimuukllnui nud theeiiiUiomuri'iinilb are lM out In frnlL umloimune tnl t u rn-- y t run to i Oi'nlrii--,hie .Piimt. F r fiifhir imrtli" iirn pai,appi lo llltL'i K CAilTWKIOIir.

l''-i- f

TH1CJ PA tVH x "J1' " nl M 15. OHAKK'H Artvirtnlnr

AReni-y- , dl and (H Mvichniii' Kiclmtit-- e

Ban rllnc n'o, ('alllornln. wh-- r' ooutactfor ndvrtilnu' ci h mi'H lor It


-- E ??Vf t C

S - s .J! 3 5 Q '!

1 53


? S "e 3 K o i3 r s - '-- it ' mW 3

? ' OC?5

- A


tr 1 i r iUP Hf)h P HfiTlQP AIQlOlUllUlO liUUOD LUIO

ox Sale 1


OK Kit SOME VKIIY CHUICEWK 1ois on tlie pr in x s formerlyowmd hy J. A. Him njv r, V.v., loenttdbetvn"n l'eniutolu and I'llltol strtcln.Thfi'O Ii U nr" of ti'illorm , HOtlTO,


which lit ns 1hi-- ns most , like tohard the rare f Toe soil Is very rich undtlirre are many well jtrown Krult and

Trees on all ot the hoi.If viw wnnt n hume In a p.ood, quiet, -

pectali e and healthy nr'chborhotvl, takeone or invrof t'iie Iiiits, whllli mo oilerat reut mihle prlcc an I upon e,iy trinsas to p yme-il-


ttK. For partlcul-irt- i nn) o

The Hawil'a'i Safo Deposit m li.vf.ht- -'

ment Cotrpany,

403 3Tcrt Strcot.!"'!:,.'

' Fine Horsy StockFOK SAI.K

The Oelebrstd Jlayiwnter Btalllon

" IVANHOB."Also the Splendid

SPAN OF GRAYSHy "Ivanhoe" are for sale. Apply to

OKOUQK HOtHiHTAIMNa,1301-t- f Day Home Htablei.

Dr. L1EBIG & CO.

MEN ipeinlt Doctors for Chronic,

Dr. Mehlg's lnvlaorator the greatest re-

medy for Seminal Weakness, Iajss of Man.hoou and Private Dlseai'e, overcomes

and proparet nil for marriagelife's duties, pleasures and re9wmslbllltlcs;$t trial bottle lven or tent tree to any onedescribing symptoms; mil or addrcsi 400deary Nt , private entrain e inft Mn?on St.,Hhu KMnxIscfi llll.'Ulv



j iur ii juw iiiTfuim can iw mymtt-lt- .had at Ilaiitwal, ou the Val-M- iklkl beach. K&

W. 8. JIAUTIiRrT,H75-- tf Proprietor.


fU BATUilDAY AFfKltNOON THEV. (Iih Inst., Hmall Purcm of KnnrvWork, havini; a Oo d Thlinhle wltlln,mnk,d "M. A. It.1' Finder plee returnto tht litiLLLTiN lilltco ana receive reward.

li'llS-S- t


IIOHT HAYHorde. i!iud- -

sized and showy animal,fur sale. Alto a Rooi "y55fetMilch Cow.

MH8. 0. W. A8HFOKI),13 0-- tf Near Ice Works.

I (;


.n' lnil''it nt



- r rm:iH



Where they ore fullv prcpiirt'il to Jo nil.Winds ot work In the Intuit uvlcs, lit

tho shortest notlcu iuiiI nt tinmimt Itrioniilile Itntcs.

m Job Wofi. lu Color?, a Speslaltj I


Kxecuted In Uin Most Attrnctm ,




iinMOUAMDTJMS. f?i--

Itcad the following partial list ot fjieo-lultle- s

and prices bo-to- re

plnoliiR your orders. By so doulp,you will save both time nnd money.

Letter Hcade,Note Heiuls,

Rill Hoiuttf,Mcmoraudunth,

Hills of lading,BtittemeiitA,


Agreements,Hhipitini; ConirueiH,

l.lteck Booke,lA'gal Blanks,

Oulondars,NVtidiliut,' UivriU,

Visitint; Cards,(luslncss Curds,

Funeral Curdt,Admission Cards,

Fraternal CardsTime Cards,

Milk 1'icktts,Meal Ticketo,

Theatre Tickets,Scholarship Certificates,

Corporation Cortificuteh,Marriage Certificates,

Receipts of all kinds,Plantation Orders,

Promissory Notes,Pamphletf,

CatalogueProgram mi s,

Labels oi every variety,Petitions iu any luugmtp,

Euvolopcs A Letter Circulars,Sporting Scores A Records,

Perpetutil Washing Lists,(lenorul Book Work,

Etc., Etc., Etc., Elo.,

lTlntd and llloi'Led ,vhen dolred.

t No Job Is allowed to leave tlie ot-U- ce

until it Klvt'F B.ittduotiot..

Page 4: vjuv an, :zz i! z ,jl - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/17295/1/1895041801.pdf · he cun turn off more work, of a better quality, ... OT Ticket

mrtdvj sT'W jiv vKTt

,4, V



WATKK NOTICE. make annexation impossible to the' people of tho Uuitwl Status, by hi

Owing to tho tlroiiRlit ami scarcity of '. ...tcr,tlior.!.I.lHt1fHbovc. JM.lH'retnn.l JsistniK upon the im- -

on the loiw-i- - nf l'u chlon' H II re re- - j porting laborers by thou- -

que l?J to collect whut vm'er 'hey nm- -

.viiulro for lir ujclioM 11 .riMes lelwcontho tllMH R Ot Tl lltlJ 10 o'clock M.

ANDUKW HKOWN,3iiiirlntnitrnt Honolulu Wntor Vnrk.

Honolulu, A nril It, I8tv. 131 1


HoMpm of wirr jtrlvIl'Ri, o' Unif-pnyl-

n'r ra'i", nro li.'P-li- nntli'cilttint the liMiirs (o' Irr' nt'on 1 urpoc nre!roi 7 to h o'i look a. h 'l fi to H o clock. m. ANDUKW mioWN,

Hiiicrliiten')'iit of Wntnr WurknApprov.i:

J. A. Kimi,MlnlntTof tlio Interior.

Hnnplnli, Mnreli '2, WIV. i'2'Mf

V it i i It tin

l'k titled to hm'Mt Srct nnr Parly,Hul HtUillhhcd fr the Jlni'fit 0 All. j


THUHSDAY, AlMtIL 18, 18U5.

l'ooplo ought to Ill-oi- l tbe warningexamples afforded lately against thopractice of hiding money ic mat-- 1

trt'HMrt. The ravings bank is nafrand lwfiiuVs piys interot.

Elsorvheio n ill bo found testi-

monials from authoritative sourcesregarding the working of womanimfTrage. These, favorable as theyare, ata not conclusive as to the ulti-intt- o

benefit to society from the ae- -

tltit nnrl in! tint inn nf tvrinmtt tn ti.it!many .i0,! bwn wilne88

innovationtheImmiii adequately ausivered.

Nebraska loves its neighborolf with slight lean-ove- r. In tho

lino of preserving the purity of thefood that Nebraskans wax fat andkick upon, bill was introducedthe legislature prohibiting tho manu-factor- "

ot oleomargarine, counter-feit butler. Upon the recommenda-tion of the Governor, however, thehouse adopted amendment thobill, which that oleomarga-rine may be made Xobratka forBliipment other Slates.

Captain Julius Palmer, corres-pondent of tho New York Poet, hav-

ing failed bestow lavishthe powers that be hero, becomes

very uewspaper correspondent whowould bo treated with commoncourtesy, lampooned in tho Ad-

vertiser who wore tho titlo of"captain" without legitimato author-ity. This has compelled CaptainPalmer offer facts to that paperwhich prove him have excep-tionally high standing mattermariner in the commercial marineof tho United States. Whoreupoutho Advertiser admits its libol, butcomploius that Captaiu Palmor ac-

cused President Dolo of allowingroosters to his slumbers.the liturary captaiu did this ho mustbe dangerous eharanter.

Fresh sources of friction havelately developed between Germanyand Russia. Tho now Russian Am-

bassador to Berlin, Count Austen-Sacke-

appointed without con-sidering the desires ot EmperorWilliam, and the lattor's reply wastho recall of Gen. von Werder, andtho appointment in his place of thePole, Prince Radolin, recently Am-

bassador to Turkey, German Am-

bassador to Russia. Tho RussianGovernment greatly concernedat the agrarian agitation in Ger-many which conducted directlyagainst Russia. Just before thoadjournment of tho Reichstag, tholast of March, to April , tho agra-rian proposals of Count von Kanitzwero referred to committoe amidstloud Conservative applause, al-

though denounced by von Biobers-teiu- ,

Minister of Foreign Affairs,impracticable. said, however,that tho prospects of the ultimatepassage of the proposals are in no-wis- o


Colonel Z. Spalding, weaLhyabsent Hawaiiau planter, re-

ported writing by last mail,''Plantations plantations, we

must have annexation." All veryfiuo, Colonel, but th plantationsare doing all tlwv uan, indirectly,




sand. This i one the chlfarguuifnts of anti auiuxationiststhe United States, yet the plantersporslst strengthening for them.This not Ml, however. Therefair authority for faying (hat someof the largest planter makesecret of being opposed l annexa-tion not ''royalist planter, either,but tho'o wh.t supported the

from the provisions! stage,I'lanting capitalists town, theyaM this category, do not jlexporo their Beutiiuetits, but plan-

ters operating plantations thecountry are some known casesnot reticent expressing theiropposition this constitutionalitem of the Government' policyl'art'n ulars of this assertion arereserved, pending fuller informa-tion shortly expected comehand.


An OM Nnt.v.) Finod for Asaau't andUattary.

Alale, the nat.ve who has beenked up tttice, once for alleged in-

sanity, and the last time for assaultand battery native woman named Kaahauui, was fined $2 for tho of-fense the. District Court to-da-

Kaahanui testified that Alale cameher house and threatened beat

her with billet of wood She tanaway and he threw stones after her.The daughter of the complainant

tics. There are obieo'.ions I

.i:..i. u'.. t "" ywvou,u.n?: ....as it



a in


hit toprovides



wasas one


as a








asIt is

S. aeo is

asor uo




itU is


in ifin as



to to



on a


to toa

s toto





uutur Alale stated thai Kaauauut was akahuna and had prayed several peo-- 1

plo living in the vicinity to ueath.lie had only gono to the house totry aud induce the woman to stop I

tho practice, and did not make anyattempt or threaten to assault her.

"We take pleasure in recommend- - i

ing Chamberlain's Cough Iiomedybecause it is praised by all who tryit," says J. W. Cox & Sou, druirgists, J

Marshfield, Oregon. No one afllictedwith a throat or lung trouble can !

nso this remedy without praip'mg it.It always gives prompt relief. It is

I 9p"cially valuable for colds ns it ,

I relieves tho lungs, makes breathingI

eanier aud aids expectoration. A '

I cold will never result in pneumonia '

when this remedy is taken and rcu-- I

louablo care exorcised. For sale by! 11 dealers. Benson, Smith & Co., '

sgeuts for the Hawaiian Islands. i


Lecture !






m nrUJNU


Saturday Night, April 20

Views of Hawaii,

Southern Europe

and Egypt.

10 Music by KamehamehaSchool Club, Mandolin and GuitarClub, Philadelphia Band and Jior-gor- 's

Orchestra. l!U7-li- b

jimely Jopiej Bargains' Bargains!April I h 1S95.

The snnie old cry of "NoWater" is aeain heard in toneof voice as loud and as fierceas ever. But with the newpumping station almost com-

pleted the complaints againstthe Water Works Departmentwill soon be a thing in forgot-ten history. It Iooks just nowas though the government is

doing everything in its powerto alleviate the misery and re-

duce the annoyance which na-

turally ensues through lack ofsutlicient water with which tomake a cocktail.

Here are some ligures overwhich you may ponder if youare interested in wire fences:The European wire which wecarry in stock has been testedat the Iron Works and shows atensile strength of 2760 pounds.The galvanizing passed throughall the tests it is possible to putit and shows that it is as nearperfect as it is possible to makeit. The American wire we re-

ceived a week or more ago,(and it is the best to be ob-

tained in the States), was testedat the Iron Works and showsa tensile strength of about 700pounds. These figures showwhich is the best wire, andwhich you should use in build-ing the Jones Locked Fencethe best fence in the world.

The growing desire on thepart of the people to save mo-

ney accounts in a measure forthe demand that has been madeupon us for the Dietz Oil Stove.The people who have been us-

ing them here during the pastsix months are so well pleasedwith them that they recom-mend them to their friends.The fact that they cannot ex-

plode is a point in their favor;economy of fuel is another,and the wish of people to havea stove they can cook withand not get "all bet up" is an-

other, bvery one who uses aDietz Stove will tell you thatit is the best they ever had.

The time is here and houseowners should begin paintingup their dwellings. In the se-

lection of material the fact thatHendry's Ready Aixed is bet-

ter than any other should beconsidered. This mixture ismade of pure white lead andoxide of zinc and the best qua-lity of colors obtainable. Thepaints are made especially forus and are guaranteed to befirst-cla- ss in every respect.They are good spreaders andretain their glossy appearancelonger than any mixed paintsold elsewhere or even thatwhich is mixed to order. Wehave them in quarts, half gal-

lon and gallon containers andin all the shades desirable foreither inside or outside work.

In localities where water isnecessary for either irrigationor household purposes andwhere nature has left an ach-ing void by its absence, or atleast where the fluid is so farbelow the surface as to be invisible, we would suggest thedigging of surface or artesianwells and to the owners orlessees of the land that theyerect Aermotors. If we couldwrite up the profits whichhave accrued among people onthese Islands who use Aermo-tors it would surprise somefolks who don't use them.

The Hawaiian Hardware Co, Ltd.

Ojijx,lto SprocUt'lH' llluuk,



Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday,

Ajaril IO tli, lltli, lttli slid 13tli

Household- - Goods at a Sacrifice I

Tublu Linen, Nupkina,White & Colored LiedHiivurta,

Ufiidy-iuud- u Pillow Cuso,Mosquito Netting,

SheetingH & Cottons 'Fowling, Ktc , Etc.

JCsr-- Four Days Only! l).;ti t Forgot th. Diiten!

"F"ort StreetE Call and Got Prloos an I Es imlno Goods -- a

TheValue ofExperienceis plainly shown in our treat-ment of ourselves in healthand sickness. When we areuell, feeling splendid, weignore the possibility of sick-ness. But overwork, highliving, inherited poor blood,irregular courses, etc., de-

velop symptoms of weakness,of dyspepsia, liver complaint,and the general health fails.You should know by expe-rience, as thousands do, thatby taking


Jron gitterswhilst in health the systemwould never run down anddoctors' bills would nothave to be paid. This is afact worth rememberingand of vital importance

' to you. BROWN'S IRONBITTERS is an old andreliable remedy, your grand-mother knew it well, andin no other form can ironthe great strengthener betaken so easily. Smalldose and pleasant to take.

won't stain your teeth.Ktltaflt Jruxllti nill The Sltmnot attempt tittu&ttitutt,rut it is uf(4 M utf rau ofJ,i;;aenulnencs3


HOBRON DRUG CO.,Sole Agents.

New Goods ! New Goods !


Suitings, Serges, Trouseringa,Linen Duck, Linen Drill, Flannels.

DRESS QOOIDS ILnco Stripes, Organdies, Pongee, Ginghams,

Sateens, India Linens, Victoria Lawns,Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Ribbons,

Laces, Flowers, Feathers, Etc.

SAILOR HATS !Mosquito Net, Art MtihliiiH, Cretonnes, Madapoluins, spe-

cially adapted for Ladies and Childien's Underwear.801.B AOKNT FOU THK

Renowned "PEARL" Sowing Machine!At tho marveloiisly low pricu of $30.00. Guaranteed

equal if not superior to any machine ever imported.

L. B. KERR, Queen Street, Honolulu.

m t


"- -.-


: --I

Page 5: vjuv an, :zz i! z ,jl - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/17295/1/1895041801.pdf · he cun turn off more work, of a better quality, ... OT Ticket




- -

I -


i A.'2 J;,



Tho Philadelphia battalion willland for shore drill morn- -'


Tho Govoriiniont baud U playing i

at tho Quuen'a Hospital this after ,


Senator W. II. llieo will furnishhorses for the mounted patrol at $75a hoad.

Tho drill shed U Iming decoratedfor tho rogiuinntal hopevening.

Tho fcAsouablo rains continue,dttninishing tho daugor of earlydrought.

A meeting of the Y. H. I. wil boheld this ieuiug at tho regular timoand placo.

Owing to tho drought provailingat Malum, Sam Andrews has stoppedmaking butter.

The ship Hawaiian Isles will botowed to sea by thoBteauior W. G. Hall.

There in no postponement of tholautern lecture by Captain Cochraneon Saturday evening.

Ah Yau pleaded guilty to havingopium in possession in the DistrictCourt today nnd was fined .?."0.

The baseball clubs are practicingdaily for the coming Boason, not wit

the iucieuieiit weather.

Prof. Stoeckle, who has recoveredfrom a eevero illues., will leavo forHawaii next week for a vacation.

Harbormaster Fuller is now com-fortably quartorod in his new oQlce,corner of Allen and Kichards streets.

David Dayton has houses, furnish-ed and unfurnished, to let in townand suburbs, also has building lotsfor sale.

Nino Japaneso gamblers worobrought in this morning by CaptainKanae. Thero was ouu female inthe crowd.

Thero will be uo service nor choirrehearsal of the Second Congrega-tion of St. Andrew's Cathedral to-morrow evening.

Japanese and Chinese ware, furni-ture, plants and for ns, etc., will besold at auction by L. J. Levey at 10o'clock on Friday.

Seed for sacaliue, a new forageplant, has hfen introduced by Com- -tnissionor Marsdeu. Tho plant hasa high reputation abroad.

Thomas A. Lloyd of Kalihi is ableto conio to town, after a long con-finement from a bodily wrench hegot iu workiog about his place.

Professor Burger will play nation-al airs of different countries iu con-nection with tho lautern views attho drill shed Saturday evening.

Mechanics' Home, corner Hoteland Nuuauu streets, lodging by day,weok or month. Terms: 25 and DO

cents por night; $1 and $1.25 perweok.

L. H. Doe drovo about town yes-- t

onlay afternoou iu tho statu car-riage recently purchased by him atauction. Larry handled a doubleteam.

Horace Mahaulu, messonger forthe Land Office, was givou the g. b.to-da- for not carrying a gun dur-ing tho lato trouble. He has beensucceeded by Dibble, an

The police had drill on PalacoSquaro early this morning undercommand of Souior Captain Parker.The bayonet exercises were loudlyapplauded. They will drill again onSaturday.

Mr. Rubinstein, manager of Hy-ma- n

Brothers, was thrown from binhorse yesterday afteruoon and hadhis shoulder put out of place. Dr.Miner reset the joint and left thepatient comfortable.

United CarriagOtompany'a stand,besides haviug superior naoks al-

ways ready at the call of "290' fur-nisn- es

fine livery outfits at tho short-est notice good horses and nice car-riages, from buggy to wagonette.

G. It. Harrison, practipai pianoand orgau maker and tuner, can fur-nish best factory references. Ordersleft at Hawaiian News Co. will re-

ceive prompt attention. All workguaranteed to be the same doneIn faotory.

W. E. Rowell is now the owner ofthe historical schooner Norma lyingiu rotten row, Ho is having her rig-ging renewed and subjecting her toa general overhauling. Mr. HowellIm not decided as yet what ho willdo with the schooner.

Jos. Marsdon, Commissioner ofAgriculture, has been besieged byHchool children during the past weekfor permission to iuvado tho Gov-

ernment nurseries on Mount Tanta-lus. No ouo is allowed on thogrounds unless provided with n passfrom Mr. Mamdun.

The members of the mounted patrol have been supplied with longclubs. They will carry theso horo- -

aftor, discarding tho riUes. j

Tho following persons have takenthe oath to support tho Constitution: Kawiki Kauui and J. Kaalo-ka- i,

Hawaiian; Molly Alatau Atkin-son. Hawaiianborn English; H. E.JWalty. American, and J. Cook, Por--!tuguose.

If you want your watch ropalrod. '

If you want jewelry made up neatly,If you want souvenir spoons, or any- -

thing iu tho jewelry lin. H. G.j Biart, at C. Gertz's store, Fort street,j is your man. Ho was for teu yarstho practical watchmaker for Wen- -

tier ii Co.i

Subscription lists aro to be eircu- -

lated for tho relief of Frank Silva,who was ronfined for four monthsfrom injuries sustained by a fallwhilo working on board tho S. S.Australia and is permanently dis

tabled from work and iu destitutocircumstances.


Prompt Payments ot Policios ou thoLife of 0. O. Heritor.

Honolulu, March 15, 1895,Mr. J. M. Dowsett, Agent Now York

Life Insurance Co., Honolulu,H.I.

Dear Sir: In behalf of my daugh-ter, Mr. Bergr, tho beneficiary, per-mit mo to thank you for tho NowYork Lifo chock for $ 18,500, sameboincr paymont iu full of policies Nos.138,012, a35,42t$ and 102,112, on tholife of tho late Charles O. Berger,whoso death occurred on January20th last.

Kindly express to your good com-pany my thanks and appreciationfor their prompt adjustmout of theabove claims. Yours faithfully,


Honolulu, H. I., Mar. 15, 1895.Mr. S. B. Kose, Agent of The

Mutual Lifo Ins. Co. of NewYork.

Dear Sir: In behalf of my daugh-ter, Mrs. Berger, the beneficiary,permit mo to tbauk you for thoMutual Life check amounting to$501200 which you banded mn thisday, being payment in full for policyNo. 2&G907 on tho life of my son-in-la-

Charles O. Berger, whoso deathoccurred January 20th last.

I also wish through you to thankthe great company you represont forits promptness in adjustiug thoclaim. Very truly yours,


Bind Tour Locks.

Tho front door of tho Iwakamistore, adjoining Ordway & Potter'son Hotel street, was found unlockedlast night by officer John Poai. Thoproprietor was promptly notified.Tho store contains a largo quantityof silk materfbl which could bepacked oil easily. Nothing wasfound missing. Tho olhor nigh thefront door of tho California WiuoCo. on Fort street was also foundunlocked.

By Lowis J. Loey.



AT in O'CLOCK A. M.,

I will iell at I'ulillo Auction, at my Sales-room i, a 1 nrge and Varied .m- -

toriuiout ur

Japanese and China WaresComprising

Cups and Bauceri. Tea, Coffea and Teto-a- -

Ttt Bets, Plates, 8uce Dishes,Flower Pols, Etc., Ktc. Also

Dry Goods, Household Funlture,Dei Linen, BlWnr Plated Ware,Hinder Be wing Machine, Child's Crib,Kitchen Utensils, Kerns, Plants, Klc.


Beach House To Lett

FURNISHED HOUSEA Is to 1ft or leaao atWalklkl beach, a few ruin- - 4ntcti' walk frnm thn trim.car. It nan Look lloato, liatb House andGood Sxa lluthlnc. IlouieboM Utensiliand Dishes aro all complete. Hooms maybe let with bathing privileges, if the wholepromises are not taken.

lUvrtothtr Houhoi in town ami suburbto Irt, luihUhod and u ifurnUhed,

AUo Iluildin! Lots (nrMitn,Inqulreol DAVID DAYTON,

1277-- tl 4JMeruhintitrtou


I UIHT HAY Itll).1-

-j Iiik Hone, good-size- d -- .and fehow y animal.for Hiile. AUo u kooJJUICIl uow. --- -

MUS. C. W. ABHKOKIl,USUMI Neur Ice Works.



LADE IS' CiiiiiiI

rl, M


Every once in a whilo wohave something that wo feellike making a run on ; not be-

cause we are overstocked, butb"causc we recognize goodvalue in tho goods for thePurchaser.





We find it pays us to oftenlet Mich goods go for Iubs

than the market price ; itbrings trudo and gives generalSi tisfaction to buyers.

This wkeic and until Banterwe aro going to offer





at 15 contu a yard.

Wo havo always sold thissame lino of goods at 25 centsa yard. We know of nothingthat will make up prettier forEaster and are satisfied thatif you will only look at somoof the patterns, you will ap-

preciate our offer.

New goods and good goods.


Jewelry !

Our stock of SpringGoods is acknowledged byeverybody to bo the fineston the Honolulu market,and consists of everythingUseful and Ornamental.Our prices are moderate.Jewelry in special desinfmanufactured to order on

short notice.

JACOBSBN & PFEIFFER,P. 0. Du 287. Fort Street.

Daily Bulb-ti- n 60 cent ptr month.

Why Are We Thronged?What Ts the Attraction?

SEASONABLE GOODS& At tho Right Prices



PRINTED MUSLINS nn.l OIlINKl.Kn MUM.8 -- Can't hlp but attract;they aro now, not a'utio In Matcrlul but also In Patterns, u

PRINTED and SDMI) COW) COTWN DUOK-- ln Cream, White amiKcru, In jircty Polo Dots and Stripes. There's wear; thero'j styloami only 'JOcts a yard.

UKINKI.KUHEPONSsndKAKOY DIlESS Ol.VUlIAMS-- ln Strh.fs andPla'ds, last colors; 8 yards for$l.

PKINTED IRISH 1.AWN9 and PIUNTEI) DIMITIES-- In tho latestdeigns.

KKKNTH PRIVTED PKEI'At.ER-- ln pretty Stripes and FUuroi; Juitthe thing lor Ladles' Shirt Waists.

Art Denim ! Art Denim !

nice I'rjH In Odl and Pretty Sharif, the niot crvlcrnblc material forcovorlnR O'tshlont, Pillow, o.c. Tlniy aro Washable and they weir. Don'tfall t'i tec thrni.

3ST. S3. SACHS,520 Fort St - - Hon.ol-uJ.-i- x




makes 5 Gallons of a


This great tempcranco beverage is pre-

eminently homo requisite for homo makingand home drinking. It makes you feel betterand do bettor. Tho genuine

Hires Root Beermakes the children happy and gives the grown-up folks tho vigor of youth. It's a real homocomfort. Drink it for your health's sake.

Ono Packagedelicious, sparkling, health-givin- g drink.

KS Ask your storekeeper for it. Madeonly by the Chahleb E. Hikes Co., Philadel-phia, U. S. A.





Testinn.onia.ls :"I find a groat relief in drinking your Root Duor, aa I havo

been trouhlcd with dyniiupsin, nnd Bliould feci very sorry if Icould not kcup mynelf mippliud with it. I drink it when it isfermented. It. F. ricorr, 2510 Meredith St., Philadelphia, Pa.,U. 8. A."

"I have used your Root Deer for over a year, and I find itnot only a health! ul bevorago, but it atimulatcs tho Htoinar-h- . Iuso no much of it that I buy it by thu dozen at a time Jno. C.Lkstkk, Tritnary School, No. U, 'J'Jth St. Cor. 2U Ave, N. V.City, U. 8. A."

JOBBHR8:IIoiiron Drug Company Wholesale DruggistBenson, Smith & Company "HoLUSTEU Drug Company, Ltd. .. . "Lewis & Company Growrb

The Favorite Gurney

Refrigerators and Ice Chests;

REVERE GARDEN HOSE!cJ-u.s- t IReoerved




Page 6: vjuv an, :zz i! z ,jl - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/17295/1/1895041801.pdf · he cun turn off more work, of a better quality, ... OT Ticket

r' - r"T'r:Wv &" &sr : y "--" ",(jr -

ijmrwv ynm i'4lipit "W" rf


u. THK DATT.Y 1CLLKTN. APRIL 18, 1895.

Theo. H. Davies & Co



Mite Brothers' Cement,

Corrugated Iron Roofing,

Galvanized Water Pipe,

Paints and Oils,


Roche Harbor Lime,

C. & C. Fine Flour,

Hay, Grain and Groceries,

Hardware and Cutlery,

Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc.


Importer ai Oealttr id tapeim Dry mi! Fancv lis

Lodlei Wsm ot every description. Al, lrnh linn of Chine e Goods.

Pongee & "Wliite Silk. :Paja.nna.s.No. 1 White and Colored Mattings!

BeHt Black and Green Chinem? Tea. Orepe Shawls, Kt?

tm Kit Guarantied. Price Moderat. m

Pur 3MCrtiSLl TelexDlioxie 642 e

?BL,liKH.)Na 119 H U (U)X 372



Cresb GalUornia Roll Butter ana Island Bntier

tffr ALWAYS ON HAMD jiu (iwii Kscei?ftj bf Svery Slwrnw Jrmu iu PwrxiuK,

.,.i.rW.-- ml psoJrsd rltli our

!,n0OL.N R:ck, Kixrt KMiert Huf Koxr wu .j.av rHr..,"'., rUlTH riftJIHaONKft M f it MUX 297

LEW1 & I'il111 F(RT STRKKT

Importers, Wholesalr if Rptail liniim

Provision Dealers & Nava) SuppliesProBh Goods by Ever? CalltamU dttiamtii

KJHJ - HOUSE - GOODS - A - SPEClAInKunni Dikui SoLioiTEU jjgSi g0f SATiNfonon GoAntNTKKii

rm.ci'HONa v p. o hiisi w


Provisions and feed.Groceries, - - -

Nsw Good Kwwtvun liy very Vnclet Imui thu (Uif ni ttht 'iii Kuruif


All dnisni f.ttht'illy ttondod to nnd Goods )iMTirvi to tntPrt f tr. iMtv fRKK,(si.mp Otnca HouniTr, Satmautioh eHAiirri- -



Elimination of Objectionable Bute --

Equad to be Divided.

I'umnnnt to a call Squad 8 of thoCitlztW Guard hold a ninptinR yes-tordn- y

evouintf at tbo O. K. & L. Co.tlopot. Tbo committee to whomhad luft tho matter of con-- isidering obnoxious clausesin the reflations reported. Thejrhad pruiionled the obJeetiotiH to thoclauses to ofllcors of tho Citizens'Guard. Tho clauso relating to trialbjr martial law had been eliminated.

I Corporal Dement, who had pre-viously resigned from tho pqund.wai handed Iwk his hut ton. Allthe officers will hold their presentposition until whichwill take place at a inootioK to boheld at thu Kcform School on


I Thursday evening tifit nook. Itwas decidnl that should tho membership of the squad reach ninety itwill bo divided into two sections.

Great Catholic Dignitary

Catholics in the United States aremaking ureal preparations, for tho

I expected visit of ltev. Mathias ltaus,superior genoral mid reotor major of

j tho Redemptorist order, or, as it ismore familiarly known, the Congre-gation of the MoM tl ily Itedeemer,one of the most powerful orgauiza-- JHour in the Catholic church. Al-- ,though the American branch of thoorder was otablihd in 1832. thiswill Imj the fiti-- t visit of so high adiiruitary, ami the tour of inspectionto be ni.vle by the superior generalwill lake liiiu all over the country.In Homo Superior General Ilau Isaici to ho even a greater man thanSatolli, and is. Raid to enjoy tho

, cloKcst friendship of tho pope.

Frank ShepardHou, an engineer onthe Southern I'aoifin Ky., who residesat Lo Augele, Cal., was troubledwith rhiMimatisui for a long titno.Ue woM treated b eevvral physicians,also vicitifd the Hot Springs, but ro

' coived no permanent relief until hoiis.hI Cliaiubelaiu's Pain llulrn. Ho

, rays it is tho best medicine in thoworld for rbcunmti'm. For sale byall dealers. Benson, Smith & Co.,agents for the Hawaiian Islands.

Forty-si- x engineers and firemenon one division of the St. Paul were


discharged in one day lately, accord-- ,ing to tho Chicago Tims-Heral-

I for drinking and frequenting sa-- !i loons. This plan was first adopted

by tho Chicago Great Western, butis now in full forco on more thantwenty roads. The effect is said to

' ho highly beneficial on tho moraleof the employes. j

I Marseilles


I huvo jiibt u com- -

pk't lint1, in thu Luti'Ht

Di'feigns, in



M'liu qualities and patterns

are very clioicu and were im-

ported Kpcciuliy for my fint

tradt. Also have a full line of

Honeycomb and


Marseilles Spreads

At Reasonable PrieeH.

J&tT While you are wait-

ing I'm' the oar come in anc

see them.

614 Fort Street



JfBnPrrTi W 'n i'i III iTl'iMr. John A. Hcott, Maunder of tho Hilo Sugar Company, gives thu follow-

ing wonderful record of tho working of the NATIONAL CANE SHRED-DER, which was erected by their works at thu commencement of tho cropjuet harvested:

" During tho past week tho Hilo Hugur Company's mill exceeded any ofits former records by closing tho 125 hours grinding with un output of 300tons. This is fully 10 percent more than the best work of former years.

"The three roller mill being 20 in. by M in. mid tin two roller mill 30 in,by GO in. 'the first mill doing this amount of work iu un efficient mannerand with great euse, compared with work on whole cane, owing to thoroughpreparation of the cano by the National Cane Shredder, recently erected bytho Company.

"And by its use the extraction has been Increased from 3 percent to 5 per-co-

on all kinds of cane, and in some casCf 80 percent has been renchod;thu avcragu being 75 to 78 percent, according to quality.

"I continue to find the megius from shredded cane leltr fuel than fromwhole cane.

"Tho shredder ban been working d:iy and ui'.;ht for erven mouths and hasgiven mo entire satisfaction, having shredded during that titno about seventythousand tons of cane, and a largo part of it being hard ru toons.

"Tljo shredder and ongino rcqulro very littlo care or attention."AKPluns uil specification of there rduedders may be seen at the otlioe of

wm'. a rpwiw ,v co.. ift

Baldwin Locomotives.

n 7t r . m . i

Thu iintloMiKtitMl h.t villi; brrii H)Kjllitnl

Sola Agents tor the Hawaiian Lslasas


Baldwin LocomotivesFKOM THK WOKKB OJ

Burham, Williams &: Co.,PblladolpliU, Pena.,

Am now prepared to Rive Kstluialca smlreceive Orders fur tlir.ie Knglnea,

of Hiiy Hlze and style.

The Baldwin Locomotive Works



adapted for Plantation PurposesA nuinbflr of wliloh have y been

received at tlmie Islands, nnd wo will linvpleasuro in furnishing plantation axemtund innnaKeri) with particulars ot same.

The Superiority of tliee l.ocomutivttover all other makes is known not onlyhere but Is aeknoulrde'ol IhroiU'.hoiil t lieUnited States.

WM. 6. IRWIN & CO., Ltd.,Sole Aqsnts for ths Rsvratlan IUndr.

r. O. JONES. R. A. J0NCM.


Safe DflHsitsbftliii'Hl I'm

Have for Wile a few Plmrcg u




tST" For particular apply to

TLb Hawaiian Sifo Deposit aud Invest

meat Company,


California and Hawaiian Fmit


Opp. 0. R. & . Depir, m King S'ne.

Oiocerlcs, l'r'vl'nns ami Iro HoiiuUooiIh, Flsii, Vxetablc1 Frozen Ovtar,Kto.. ruci'lveil hv every H' earner In mi HunFranoUro Hnd Vancouver

Ti o I r.'nlo dupplii'il.

Gao Cavanagh, Managnrnt" TELICPHONK No. 7M a


j 20 ibs. W


Tour doctorwill tell yon

of o It la thegafcot diet

Nestled ijfor baby

Food Y

mTTfflillifi "rlT 1



ARnntu for ilio Hawaiian Inlands.

Illustrated Catalogue

We KXI'OIIT General Family and Planta-tion Supplies In Hiiy quantity. Bond forour Yearly, Munlli'y and Dally Trlco IJet

Mll414-41- 8 Front Btroot,

Han Franelsei), Oallfornla.

Wall PaperW'c liavo Jiint lleotlvod direct fromNew ork the

Largest InvoiceAND

Greatest VarietyKer brought hero one time,

Patterns of 1895rricB Kfduccdl

WILDER & CO.,Limited.


Canpenter and Builder


Diick, St-.D- & vronduu Euildings.

Ji'liliinir prijinptly nt'ended t.73 Slog trct, 0W SUod.

. i




f --a







Page 7: vjuv an, :zz i! z ,jl - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/17295/1/1895041801.pdf · he cun turn off more work, of a better quality, ... OT Ticket

J3 ttlcmiuor




' i4 a p

II ,

-- n

- h

. E- -

- I 'I



. - -,- , A l jwr ' ""JW W''MBKJT- "fmj& 'Tf JU'S" air,-fc-


New Furniture !

New Furniture !


Per bark "A ml row Welch," Schooner "Robert Lowers" anil


V3F Evory variety, stylo and pnco in the L'tirnituro lino. 1 ho

host and most varied in Honolulu. (Jail and inspect our stock.

IEo;p:p CO.,IIo T "EClne Street.

H. Hackfeld Co.;Offer to tho trade on the most liberal term their

large and varied stock of


1sa4i n.trl QliAna TT.ttil ll.lttrlu


ttt. iii i,.turning, uaimiuij, auix,.

Furniture jpBags, Bagging, Buildiug Muterial, Crockery GIubs--

ware, Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Etc.,






Golden O-at-e Dolour,Sperry's Flour,

33ia.moxicL Flour,


THE 1896.

o..jji juii;., xu.v.f



Fort &g 0,-a.eer-L Streets




&erolia.rLt jriovir.





is othr, .axm:.Yours Artistically,

Ordway & PorterHotel Street, "Robinson Block."

TBij-ESFiioisrE-J es.

Foreign Mewl Notes.

Missouri Methodista propose toerect a statuo of tho Iato BishopMatthew Simpson in Chicago.

Hov. David D. McLaurin, a promt-- 1

nent Baptist minister of Detroit, '

has been arrested for ayinj fromhis pulpit that tho oluction of John1). loagan as police justice would b i

a calamity to the people.Kiv. Dr. Houry Bicom Hideaway, '

president of Garrolt Biblical InUi L1tutu. Evanston, Idtuois, tho loading'Methodic college of Am'-ftca-

, diedlately At his home in ho tloth yearof hU ag. Uownsnblo both a aspeaker and writer.

A bill to establish an inlor.ttstopark is biug favorably cniisidf redby tho Miunnntn and WiscoiiMiilugiflaturfH. Tho proposed parkconsists of HliO acres on both sidesof the St. Croix rivpr, at what is con-sidered onu o' thu inot boautifidspots of natural scouory in America

At a lnuclintf of Kpullicaua atTopoka, Kansas, Houry C. Caldwell,of Arkausas, "'who has proved hlm-el- f

the friend of tho laboring manand in sjmpathy with tho pooplo oftin great west on tho financial is-

sue," was resolved to bn tho ohoi.'oof those assembled for President ofthu United Mates.

At tho Christian Endeavor con-vention to bo held in Boston July10-1- 0 there, is to bo a big open airmeeting of a patriotic nature heldou the Common, Govornor Urcon-halg- c,

Dr. F. S. Smith, tho authorof "America," and otherprominent parsons will spunk. Dr.Smith is to write a special hymn forthe convention. Tho pinging will beby a choir of two thousand voicos,assisted by an immouto orchestra.Fully 50,000 Christian Endeayororswill take part in tho mcetiug, iu ad-dition to the outsiders who will boattracted by thu novelty of tho oc-casion.

Bilious Colic.

Persons who are subject to attack'of bilious colic will bo pleased toknow that prompt relief may hadbv taking Chamberlain's Colic,Cholera and Diarrhoea Itemed y. ItactB quickly aud can alwaya bo do- - '

peudod upon. Iu many cases thoattack may be prevented by takingthis remedy aa soon as tho first indi-cation of tho diseaso appears. 2oand GO cent bottles, for salo by alldealers. Benson, Smith Si Co., agoutsfor the Hawaiian Islands.

Beuator Elklna on thu KIcaraRUiiCanal.

Senator Stephen B. Elkius of Ca'ifornia, speaking at San Diego ou atrip ho bad taken through Mexico,referrod as follows to tho NicaraguaCanal: "fkuowuow California standson thn Nicaragua Canal. That istho thing wo want. Tho caual willmake this tho richest Statu in theUnion in time. It is tho greatestouturpriso of modorn times, and willdo incalculable good to mankind. Iearnestly hopo that the bill willooaio up in tho next Congross audbo riassed. Aa for mysolf, you can'trig it up too bad for mo to vote forit. I am out and out, before audafter, for tho Nicaragua caual,"

FITS CURED(fTont If. S. Journal c Itcdlctne.)

rW.W.IU,lcwliomakcsaipcIltjrofFpIlfpiy,h u without doubt treated and cured more ca' than .

arty living l'hylclan ; h la aucccki li atonlhlnR. Wehive hi arJ of can a of iOyraraVlandlngcurrd by him. 'IIciublUluiavaluabloworkontluitdlHaewhlchhercndi with a large bottlo of hi absolute cure, free toany laffrrtrwho may tind their P.O. and Kipret ad-d- n

aa. Wo ail vino anyono wifhlnc a euro to addrtti,I'rof. W. 1L l'EEKE,y.l Ctdar tU, New York.

3STOTIOB.To ft Vublie:-Ow- lng

to extreme III health, It holi'K iuposatuie for no to attend to business, 1

bavoboldont tomy feremin, Alex. CmsU0LM. Who has been With Ul for tho taut

tTVBrnffiS:inthe tame stand, and in the samn line as 1

have, by executing thu lcat of work, anddi '

nope yon will all trade with him, andbestow on him the sawoklndno's and pat--ronage as has been given nm during th '

iiViW"' ..... .ai unto uuu uio win iirn-- i un nni in ar

soon as convrntrnt, and Mr C'bisholtu laatnotiz-- rl to receipt tlie same.

I hereby e tho opportunity of thankIne the pubiio for past pstronave.

1308--1 w OHAB. HAMMKIl.

W. M. SMITH,Elootrioia.ii.


Electric Bells.Dinintf-roo- m Bulls,Bnrgl'ir Alarms,Private rI leplioms,Everything in (ho Electric

Line.TCsS RufiratoK.O.lLillA;

Son, win ru orders may bo loft.

If you ure out i Hill Jleudi, LftUrITftuU, etc, w an tupjily them.

Mr. IK It.llloclicr,

The poieons with which the svt-tc- Ispermeated hi typhoid, malarial andscarlet fcvcn, and other wasting dln-eiib-

arc not easily gotten rid of.AYIicn the patient gets " on his feet"

once more, the uncertain step and feel-ing of intense weakness remind him ofthe severe straggle hn has been through.

Often the poisonous accumulationsIn tho blood break out In dreadfulsores, and then what misery must boendured no one can tell I

Tho inesthuiihlo valuoof Hood's Sar-sapari-

in all such cases, to thoroughlypurify the blood and drive out tho lastvcstlgo of deadly poison, is well Indi-cated in tho following letter from Mr.liradflcld:

"niocher, Ark., Sept. 8, 18LC. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.:"Dear Sim: Up to tho 25th of Decem-

ber, 1893, I had enjoyed good health. Ihd not had a spell of fever .Inco I860 andbut llttto sickness oi any kind. On thoabovo dato I was taken down with sick-ness, which developed Into slow fover andconfined nc to my room for alx weeks.

Hood's SarsaparillaDuring my illness a sovcro pain settled Inmy left leg below tho knee. Tho calf of

Tho Log Was Swollento almost double Its natural size. Fallingto get any relief from my family physi-cian, I went to Hot Springs and treatedw 1th a doctor who wna said to bo ono oftho best at that place I took his proscrip-tions and special baths for two weeks andthen rctnrncd homo and continued thotreatment for somo days. When I hadnearly finished with tho courso ot treat- -


I?-u.r- e ZMZills:.

The business of tho country Itsottling into its former groove. Ourgentlemanly driver has returned '

from his vacation, fche cows in the '

pasture switch flies instead of bublota with thoir tails and tho cream i I

richer in consequeuco. Wo believewo have satisfied evory ono of ourcustomers who have taken milk fromus and we aro in a position to sup-ply a great many more. The peoplewho from choice or necessity visitedWaialao during tho paat two weekshavo had an opportunity to seo justwhat sort of diet our stock feodtupou, and no longer wonder at therichness of tho milk from our dairy.

Our facilities for delivery aro thebest. """ tho exception of a davor two early in the late unpleasant- -

iwh nnr ilrinun k.ro .liv.i'. K.u.n

time at our customers' resltlonce,We tako this opportunity to thankthose who have been patient with ifBnti to Bollcit contlnuaoee of theifP?,1'0,10-- , w.. ,W,1J

w . P'eaaod tofill all telephoned to us andguarautoo all milk to bo pure aunfree from adulteration.


JUST KBOEIVEDPer B. B. Australia"


Genuin Gorman

Bologna Sausagesl'OK KALK HY

kc j. 3sroT.rrE3,ItfiCtf Kort Htret.


racnt prescribed nt Hot Spring, I went tobed with a second attack of (ocr. Mylimbs ticpnn to break out with xomrthlnffllko cczcran, which extended all over mybody. From tho top ol my head to thooles ot my (cct n

I Was Covered With Pimples. ,Every sweat poro seemed to bo fillinl witha clear sticky fluid, which when driedwould becomo amall black scab. Tho'flesh was swollen and tho Itching was so.intenso I could not sleep but for a fuvr(mtnit ta ait m ffmn. Vn Innnnu tland no pen can wrlto what I suffered. Iojthe niornlnp, whero I bad slept at night,'the bed looked aa though a handful ofwheat bran had been thrown upon It.'This lasted four or Ave weeks before I gotrelief. I was reduced to almost a skeleton.I could not bear any weight upon my lefttoot, and I was without an appetite. Icalled in my family doctor again and hagavo mo soma relief aud

Advlsod Me to Tako Hood'sSarsaparllla. When I had used one bottlfmy appetite had returned. I am now tak-lu- g

from tho fifth bottlo and feci Ilka m

new man. My skin la as smooth an couldbo desired and I feel aa well as ever. I am50 years old, was born aud raised In Ham-ilton County, Tcnn., and have lived inthlsstato about clccn years. Thoobovfacta can bo proven by any ot my neigh-bors, and I send you this, my utatemont,so that, you may glvo It to tho public tartho benefit ot other sufferers, it you sodesire." D. B. BnADFIKLD.

Hood's Pills are the best family cattiiTOaand liver medicine. Harmless, reliable, sura.

Building Lots!200, S250, 275,

$375 an' $550.Easy Paymkntb,

Rxoki.lknt Location,Maqnikicknt Vncw.


$1000, $1200, $1800,'

$1600 LOTS.Inquire,

O. D. OH.A.SES,Bute I)K)ilt IliiIMInj.-- . 40) Kurt


EMPIRE SALOON,Comer Kuaanu and Hotel Bts.

K. N. KICQUA, Mauaget

Cboice Wmts, Liquors, Ales,


Half und Hail on Draught.MoBRAYBR,' 3

Hand-mad- e Sour MashA BI'KUALTY

MERCHANT TAILORFlno Cassimores, Sergos,

Wh'to LineiiB, Eto.

Suits Mado to OrdorON HUOltT NOTICK


U. AKIMA, - 40 Nuuanu StrwtVJIXMIni

Page 8: vjuv an, :zz i! z ,jl - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/17295/1/1895041801.pdf · he cun turn off more work, of a better quality, ... OT Ticket






Especially DesignedFor INSIDE Work on . .

Factories and Public Buildings

It ie dry powder which can hereparrtl for tuo by simply etirringi COLD WATEtt and can bo ni

plied by anyone, and will always pro- -

Jtico good work.It ie VERY WHITE, extremely

and hardens on a wall likeHorn! and will tiiko any tint

It will lnet for years, and iaby gases.

One coat covers better than twocoats of oil paint or whitewash.

It can bo tintl on any siitface andfor all classes of work, oven for theSliest decorating.

It will not rub, ecalo or crack, norrill it cotton with ago or discolor.It will not set in the mixing vessel,

!n fact it improves by elandinp, a. fewlays.

It can be n.cd to good advanlagoover old whitewash without scraping.


It is cheaper than whitewash, dura-bility considered.

Is is supplied in barrels from 300to 400 lbs., also in boxes of 100, GO

iml 25 pounds.

Outside Murine!This is for OUTSIDE Work

sjneh as Fences, OutbuildingB andLaborer's Quarters. It is a thickpnsto to bo diluted with cold water;Itauds rain and exposure as well usOil paint, hh(1 costs but a fraction asmuch. It is as it contains no oil, and has no equal as alight reflector in dark basement?,damp collars and similar places. ItIs supplied in colore.


1.IJ. Rf Ml ()..

Agents for the Hawaiian Islands

Partnership Notice.

HEX II Y It WILMAXIB AND KD.A. WllllaniH havo this day ills,

olved itiH partnership heickfore oxHuikbetween them under tlio llrm name ofPioneer Kurolttirn Company a ells ofWilllami llrothers In tlio "FumiIium andUndertaking Duulneis iu llonululu, in theIsland of Oulm

Henry II. Williams retlros from h IdArm and tmflnesi mid Kllwn'il a WllJams remain In suld buHlnenH, liuvliif;formed a partnership therein with hisat her. O. J. Williams.

The new llrm rous'sts of O K. Williamsand H. A. WUINnis, and henceforth willcarry on said Furniture and UndertakingBusiness In said Honolulu, under the llrmoame of O. K Williams & Son.

The new llrm will collect all accountsowing to the old Arm and pay all liabilitiesthereof.

Du-e- March SOth. A. D lh0..II. 11. WILLIAMS,KI). A. WILLIAMS,

I303-2- w O. K. WILLIAMS.

Criterion SaloonFort, near Hotel 8ts.

Oiiah. J. MoOarthv, Manager.

Popular Brands of Straight Goods


rrvCocktail a sieclalty liu this retort.

uuroT or theFamouR Wioland Lagor Beor


Accountant, Collector and Copyist.

Office with 0. D. Chase, Safa Deposit Build-lu-40(1 Fort Street. Telephone im.

The Collection of Government milsa specialty. 1276-t- f

''rfyrwTrmtqi-- -

Wilder's Steamship Go.

aME TABL.il0. L. WIGHT, Pros. S it. KOBE, Bee.

CapU J. A. KINO, Hapt.


Will leave Honolulu at Kr.ii.. tououiuaLahalna, Maalaea Bay and Makena thetame day; Mahnkona, Kawathse and Lan- -

the following lav rnln iFlboeboe same evening


Ffldav April 12 Friday Ap1110Tuosday , . . .April 21 Tnesday.... April toFriday , May 3 Friday May III

Tuesday... May M I Tuesday.... May 21Friday. . . ..May 21 I rriday May siTuesday. ., .June 4 Tuesday ....June I'Friary . .June 14 Friday Juno 21Tuetday. June 25 Tue day. ...July 2v'rld.y ..July 6 Friday July 12Tuesday ... ..Julylh Tuesday..... Jnly 23Friday. ... ..July 2" Frdav Aug. 2Tuesday... aii?. 0 Tuesday.. .Attn. 13

Friday Aug. .11 Frli!y Atig.2--'lntsday. . .Aug. 27 TueMlay,...f-ep- i 3Frloay .Bepi. U Friday eept. 13Tuesday... .B-- '" Tnesdiy.. .Sept. 2tFrio ay.. . . .Sept. 27 Friday . . ..He . 4Tuesdny.. .Oct. s Tmsday Oct. inFriday .... . Oo-- . 10 Friday. Ott.2Tuesday..., ..Oct. 151 Tuesday ...,ro. SFriday ..Nov. a Frloay Nor. 15Tueidny.. . . Nov. 10 I Tii'Mlay.. .Nnv.S-- j

Friday . . . rov '.11) Hlday... . Hec. (I

Tuesday..., .Dec, '0 I Tuesday ...Die. 17Friday Dm mi i Frldav Dtc. 1'7

Uuturuitig, will leave Htlo at 1 o'clockr. M., touchlii).' hv l.ntipahoehoe. Mahn-kona and Kawalhae retjeday; Makens,Maalara Hay an I Lihslns tne followinglav: arrlvlncat Honolulu the afternoons

of Tusdasiid FridaysST Ni freight Will h ' ti-- r

IV noon 'in 17 nf "itillny

Stair. OLATOINE.CAMERON. OoramaniliiT

Will leave Himoiuli. rni'SiittjS r. m.,touching at KahuM Hani. Hamoa andKlpahnlu, Mut. luturnlnx .rrKe-- ' hiHiimiimiI'i Hindny mnrn'nps

WUIcll at Niu K npi, o- - wii"d ipof 0'ieh imimli.

S.Vf No Frelcht mil rfH(v1 after4 r. v. on lav of nailing

This C(imiany will reserves tho rlnht tomake ctinnces in tlio ttiueot ilepnrtuic andarrlvnl of Its stmui'Ti nithut' notice andIt will not bo respoiisilile fur any o

arlslni; therefrom.( onslpnees must bexttho Ijindlnf,' to

receive their Freight; ill's Company willnot hold Itself responsible fur freight afti rit lias been landoil.

Live Block only at owner's risk.Thin Compsny will not be rciponilble for

Money or Valuables of passengeis unlessplaced in the rare of l'arscrs.

l'ssacnpers r remeiteil to purchasetickets b foro embarkiiiK. Those falling todo so will la subject to an additionalchargo of twenty-liv- e percent.





CalBiirsiftd High Grade C&rs KUnar

We are also prepared to take orders fur

Mbmih M. OtU Illicit OoferttltxorH

Jut urlog prompt delivery.


tW Thin l k uiiinoi humt On noli.snmltic less plpuient than l.ttineert Oil, nndkIvIuk a laatiiiK hrllliancy to colon,.Used with drlf i kIvm rtilwmlt.t '"misnrfiwa

Ileflned Bognrs, Salmon,

Falrbank CaxmJjiQ Co.' CurDHd Beof


Componuds, Rooting & Papers.

tmid't Pttsnt Stmro Pip difirim

Jaxboes' Diamond, Bnatnn) f.vwlaiitlng Paint

Kapeulally designed for Vacuum Pans

Jose Do Espinto Santo,

Guitar IVIalier

Taro Patcb & Ukulele Gnitais

Made of Hawaiian Wootl,


130 Fort Street. Opposite Club Stables.

'1 WW iPV r-- iriP' m ""twi iffiTy,MFPBHwy



Tho Bottom Soft Matoriat to theDepth of rourtnen jeoDi. i

W. E. Rowoll, Suporintondont ofPublic Work?, ua conolutloil mak-ing a aurvoy for tlio four hundredfoot slip to bo built near tho newtishmarkot building. Cautaiu Rose-hil- l

drilled twenty four holes fromtlio end of tbn 1'aciGo Mail wharf tothe ouibankrnent at the foot of"Xlchnrda streot. Tho bottom wasfounU to l of roft matorial withaltornato layeim of soft coral. Thiswas exporiuucod l a dopth of fourteen (net, when hard coral wasstruck. The only place) whore nocoral was struck was at tho anchorago of th tugboat. A pipo wasdriveu to a dfptli of twonlj-oigli- t

feot without striking coral. Itwas said that there was n largo rooknear I hat place, but it could not befound.

Mr. Rowull expects to hare thosoft coral and sand dredged out, assoon as the dredge completes deepoiling the harbor near the Oceanicwharf. The hard coral bottom willhave to bo blasted. Everything isstaked out ready for the dredge.

Now that tlio war of the revolu-tion is over, it is the duty of ovoryman to support the existing form ofgovernment. Although things maynot move with that cordiality thatwould ensure an everlasting peace,still they may bo allowed to subsideinto that indifference without animo-sity that would allow either partyto work out their best interest. Allthings considered it may bo for thebest, but lime, the only arbitrator iusuch ca'ci", must alone decide thatJames T. St mi art is a Plumber nndwill do your work iu good shapeand at liguro that will giie yousatisfaction.

James T. Stewart.15 ilethol Street. Honolulu.

A. J.?-- I 1ST 12 M ii W fc3


Tlll)lti)AY, April IS.

Bohr Mzzlo Vanoe from henitiistlo

r)'rt'oTiicii-idat- , April IS.

fitnir Mlkahala for Kanal at I p in

Veaaola tKiavinp11 aw ship llawnilnn JbIcs, Kustel, for

linysl oiilb. li 08tmr W (1 Hall for Maul and Hawaii at 10

a m

Shipping Mot'.e

Willie White iiiiiiisos hlm-e- lf during hisIcNuro hours i1I1iik slrtrk stoiles.

The n r Klii.m will bo duo fromMaul au.i Hitnatl afternoon.

'Iliu tenmr W.O.Hall will leave forwindward ports at her usual time

Ti'o Imrk Albert Is dlinhnfliiK at llrew-er- 's

liar. Tlia Albert came nowu Iu Viida s.

The HawtiiHii steel hhlp Hawaiian liliesIs at tho I'aclflu M-- il uhsrf llur sailswero bunt sli expects in K' tawav for Koal Koiuls, II, 0 , inbalUst.



tvaWn'rlnioo. Vancouver .Apr. 21Haellc, " ('hlnaand Japan ..Apr. S8Cop' Id, " Ban Froii'lscu..., .A or SOMl wera, " Ooluules May H

, A"sr.l a, " saa Franvisc ... .Mny 3Alameda, " Ban Fra ciro . . MnyUlilna, " lilui and J'pau . MavEOMlowers, " Vaiienuu . , Mnya I

Australia. ' Ban Francisco. ... MayarAraua, " Colonies , May SOWHtrlmiifi " UoIomIc June 1

Oity IVkliiR," H.iii Frunel-c- u . . Juno 1

' Ban Frano seo .. Juno liroptlc. " China mid Japan .Juuu 17Auntrnlla. " Fraunlsuii. .. JllllO'JlWarrlmoo, " i a'couver .June '.'IAlimcila, " Oltllllt'H June '.'7MIowera, ' Colonics. ..JulyAravMi, " Mm Fraeclbco . ..July Ii 'opt If, Ban Fianoisco ... July 10AitMralla. " Ban Franelso i. Jity ICitylVklnir," China and Japan Julv '7Mlowvra, " Vancouver. ..Jely'JlMariposa, " Colonies Julyl


h'nrWarrlmoo, " Colonies Apr.'JI(laullc, " Bali Franct eo .Apr !J- -

Coptic, China and Japiu Apr. 30Miowern, " Vani'oover. . May 2Australia, ' 8. in Kriinelioo . . .Ma 8Alnmeda, ' Colonies . May II

niin, Ban Kranuuuo.. .MavSOMlnwera, " Coionle-- t May 21A raw a, " Kin Franel-e- o May SOWarrlmoo, ' Vaneouir J' an I

city P. king," Cliln and Jijisn Juuu 1

Australia, " Bnu Francisco.. .. .June .'iMnrliKiia, " I'oloulos . Juno (I

Coilic, " Ban Francisco.. . Jneo 17Australia, " Ban Frm isco ..Juno 21Wariluioo. " Colonies .In no 21Alameda " Ban FriincUci .. ,. J uno 27M oh era, " Vancouver . July iArawa, " Colonies ..July I

Coptln, " China and Japan. . Julv 10City I'ekltij?, ' Ban Frnri-u- . .. . .In y 17UiKtralla, " H.iii FrancNeo ... .July 20Mlowers, " Cilanlui Julv 21Mar.pO'ii, " Man KranulsiM Julv Jft


IXlUMti AND HOAIIU i v.,iv lor a Im iieron1! can be


Ckhhad st lUult.'nl, on tlibl'.l I ..MI.

W B HAItTLKrp,U.'i If Proprietor.

Canadian-Australia- n Steamship Line

Btoaiuers of the. above Line, running In connection with the

OA.NADIAI PACIFIC RAILWAYWn Vt,tHiiivi K mid Uydmty, tt. 8. W., nnd ealllnic at Vlruiri. H. U.,

Honolulu and Bnva FIJI,

Al.R.H! DUE A.T HONOLULUOn or ab nt he datos lielovs' stated, tU.i

rrom fsyaiitty ud auva, for Vlctormand Vancou- -. B. 0.

8tmr"MIOWKKA." May 28tlur"WAIlKMOO, Jane IBtmr''MIOWKllA July 1

TaruQub Ttciata Usnafl from Honolnla

ftRixH'i si rAKnaaoKt 4sbtsI). .M.'NICOI.L, Montreal, CatiadklumKHT KK1UI, Winnipeg, CanaoM M. BTKUN, Ban Francisco, CalO. MrL. KIIOWN Vaneonvur. H. O.

Oceanic Steamship Co.

iio'iraliaii Mali Soiviu

l'ur San Fraat;!::oiiw w and Ktut Al Btei Hipi.... ,

" "MARIPOSAOf l.'ie Oceanic Bttsinsblp Cumpnut tl)bo doe at Honolulu (mm Hy.ln mI a tinInnit in r Hbout

May adAlio, fill leave for the above pod witsMall iml PatsenKorsou or about tiiatilato.

Por Sydney and Auckland :

l'b New and Fine Al Htel HteaniNini

' "ALAMEDAOf tor Oiwauio Btaaiuiblp Oolurwuy willbe due at Honolnln, from Haa Frannlnoo,mi ns about

May 9thaimi will nave prompt aeviiaum ULdalls sort PahMiiKeri for the abova iorU.

rba andnrstgned are now prepared to ltaua


X i'or rortbar partloalarv 'mammy'iiifht or pMonse apply to

VM. 0. IRWIN A CO., LIL.i-- Oeoaral Agsnta

Oceanic Steamship Go.

ritxie Ta.o l



ir;on iloiioiuu vc Honolnlnfrom B. K for is. FAprl'8 ....April 13Mav3 Mav8May27 June 3June 21 21July 16 Juiy 2uAuK. II Aug. UBpt 2 Bept 7bent 80 Oct 2Oct. 21 Oet.27Nov. 15 Nov. 20

THROUGH LINE"loii an FranobMt K"rom Bydnoy tai

for Sydney san Franclnco

Jrrii imoluii, Ijeuvt JotwIuInVLAMKI)A..May 0 MARIPOSA May 2.MAltlHOHA.Jii.iHll I AHA W A... MavSilAKAWA Jol4 I ALAMKDA.Jiiiih27ALAMKDA..Au 1 MAItll03A.July25MAHIPOSA.Atiit.2!l I AKAWA. ...AllR.22AKAWA. ...bept.20 I AliAMEDA.8ept, 19AI.AMKDA Om 24 IMAUII'OBA.Oot.17

tesn ed4t&Lf

4jgX&BBPK:3Kt, WJkf(.V "

General Business Agent

F Box .4 1 1 .-AT THE ANCHOR

OyHtor Oocktails I

Saner Brunnon I

Fredorickaburg Bwirl

Straight and Mixed Drinks01 All Kindt and Best Quality,

tiootuweirt nnrnar Klug 4 Nboud Bit.

Krom VlctorlM iiiid Vnucui.r, H O.

for 8uv and SjrdiiHy.

Btmr WAKKIMOO" April 218tmr"MIOWKKA" May24Htmr"WABIUMtH)" JonS!4

to Canada, Cnllsr) HUlea anil Roropt

fr-- tor Kretgtit and 1'astaur iiO allUnrui tnforniatloti, apply tn

Theo. H. Davies & Co., L'd.r thi laeaiin IiUvkU

Pacific Mail S.S. Co.

Ofrcirtjinui huiI Orteaia S. S Co.

fut ruiiUEAJMA axid QOItUB.UNU.

OytciiTb of the abov toiupinie t'.Vall at Honolulu on thoir way to the aloports tin or about thn folUmluK dataifBtmr "COPTIC" April SO, lm8nur "Oil Y UK PKKINO'

Jnno 1, 18.i6Btmr-rOPll- O" July 10 1KStmr'-CIT- OF PKKINO".......'..;

Aitinut 10, 1SWBtmr 't OPTIC".. Sf member I!) 18Btmr "CHINA1... . t)ct. her IBi lB-B mr "COPTlO1 .. .Novemter 28Bimr"01TYOFPKKINi," ..."

December 2. 1RSM


aiMtnoxk ot the awv, (Xnapaniei. meall at Honolulu on trwir way Irota Hona-kon-

and Yokohama to the abnre port onor about the following datnt

Banr CHINA" Mav20 IBMBtmr COPTIC".. . .' .V.June mbtmr "CIT OF PKMNO"..8tmvk7.oiV":;:::-:xuVp:'f- e

Btmr "OITY OF ItIO a J an KIKO"Bcptmbar 0, ISOft

fitmr 'CHINA OcioberO 1806Btmr "i OPTIC" Nnveiubor 6 1893Btmr "OITY OF PEKING. ...'...

u:--;" r C, 1801S.lmr .'l&KPy. lanuary 10 18M

r (JHIKA".. .. February 24, 18!


tO TOKO- - TO BOB- -ukux. coao.

Cabin, rouud trip imonth oo u tta M

Cabin, round trip 18months.. tea u. no 28

Karopean BUwraita S (r 100 00

I'5luK lull far will tallowed 10 percent off return fan If eetaro-In- p

within twelve month

mr fur Kixiistit ana Paiuae apply h.

'&. BACEFELD 4 CO,w ApenU.


At Walklkl on car Una and on PalamaKoad near Fertllliinp Plant. These LoU?.re i'W rueaP ar,( Bold on easy terms.Desirable Acre Tracts near tlio city andother Projiertlos for Bale.

MtUOR WAKING & CO.,Dealers In Lots and Lands,

1211-- tf 6113 Fort Street, near Kin.



Wtinlesalii and Retail iiutcliers- ND

G. J. Wallrb. Mannirvr.

California Fruit MarketCornar King and Alakea Sib.

IWoo's IMrigeiatois

lly Itverj Bt.aner from 6nt ranch oo nlth

Fresh Fruit Oysterfj,Bain on, Poultry, Kw Ete.

,v.- .w.




3f a


