Visualizations of Cultural Branding

New Belgrade: A deserted modernist utopia Understood as bad urban planing. Grey and uninteresting, monotone. A manifestation of lack of creative and economic power of Belgrade New Belgrade is a municipality of Belgrade, the capital city of Serbia, created in the 60ties in order to accommodate the growing housing demand. It was imaged as a majestic monument to modernism and Le Corbusier’s radiant city. Most of what was planned unfortunately wasn’t built and what is left is a large amount of tall buildings with sub-sized apartments surrounded by acres of grass. image source:

Transcript of Visualizations of Cultural Branding

Page 1: Visualizations of Cultural Branding

New Belgrade: A deserted modernist utopia

Understood as bad urban planing. Grey and uninteresting, monotone. A manifestation of lack of creative and economic power of Belgrade

New Belgrade is a municipality of Belgrade, the capital city of Serbia, created in the 60ties in order to accommodate the growing housing demand. It was imaged as a

majestic monument to modernism and Le Corbusier’s radiant city. Most of what was planned unfortunately wasn’t built and what is left is a large amount of tall buildings

with sub-sized apartments surrounded by acres of grass.

image source:

Page 2: Visualizations of Cultural Branding

Has the potential to be viewed as a precious gem of modernistic heritage. A futuristic vision of grandeur. A city closer to the skies. Like New York only grittier.

Medium: Studio Max 3d, wire model, Photoshop and illustrator

Page 3: Visualizations of Cultural Branding

Ultimate frizbee: an engagingly �erce sport

Understood as A strange hobby. Something people who can’t play real sports decide to persue and quickly become so obsessed with it that they don’t understand how ridiculous it is. I mean common. FRIZBEE.

Played quite a bit by Canadian college students, this interesting game works like football only its played with a frizbee. The people that I know that play it vow it to be the best game they’ve ever played, and do so rigorously. The rest find it amusing at

best, thinking it even primitive in some cases, ‘nerdy’ in most.

image source:

Page 4: Visualizations of Cultural Branding

Has the potential to be viewed asAn exciting way to display agility and speed. Is good for both health and body form. Appealing to youth as something urban and sharp.

Medium: hand sketch, illustator filltering and typography

ultimately a way of life.

yes, Its a sport.