Visualization of Message Passing By: Jesse Szwedko.

Visualization of Message Passing By: Jesse Szwedko

Transcript of Visualization of Message Passing By: Jesse Szwedko.

Page 1: Visualization of Message Passing By: Jesse Szwedko.

Visualization of Message Passing

By: Jesse Szwedko

Page 2: Visualization of Message Passing By: Jesse Szwedko.

Literature Survey

Yielded a few different approaches: Information murals

Theard Arcs


Page 3: Visualization of Message Passing By: Jesse Szwedko.

Information murals

Used to visualize interactions between objects and functions in, specifically, C++ programs

Uses a modified call graph

Allows user to identify message patterns visually (built on top of Motif)

Jerding, D.F. and Stasko, J.T. and Ball, T. Visualizing message patterns in object-oriented program executions. ICSE'97

Page 4: Visualization of Message Passing By: Jesse Szwedko.

Information murals

Jerding, D.F. and Stasko, J.T. and Ball, T. and Georgia Institute of Technology. Graphics, Visualization and Usability Center Visualizing message patterns in object-oriented program executions 1996

Page 5: Visualization of Message Passing By: Jesse Szwedko.

Information murals

Jerding, D.F. and Stasko, J.T. and Ball, T. and Georgia Institute of Technology. Graphics, Visualization and Usability Center Visualizing message patterns in object-oriented program executions 1996

Page 6: Visualization of Message Passing By: Jesse Szwedko.

Jerding, D.F. and Stasko, J.T. and Ball, T. and Georgia Institute of Technology. Graphics, Visualization and Usability Center Visualizing message patterns in object-oriented program executions 1996

Page 7: Visualization of Message Passing By: Jesse Szwedko.

Thread Arcs

Visualize messages in a conversational style (similar to

Differentiate between contributors and recipients

Performs well for “bushy” threads

Kerr, B., Thread arcs: An email thread visualization. 2003. InfoVis 2003

Page 8: Visualization of Message Passing By: Jesse Szwedko.

Thread Arcs

Page 9: Visualization of Message Passing By: Jesse Szwedko.

Thread Arcs

Page 10: Visualization of Message Passing By: Jesse Szwedko.


Java and XML based

Very flexible and simple to use

Heer, J. and Card, S.K. and Landay, J.A. Prefuse: a toolkit for interactive information visualization. CHI'05