Visual Survey Techniques

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  • 8/10/2019 Visual Survey Techniques


    Planning Theory and Process

    Term Paper

    Submitted By- Shraddha Bahirat (14AR91R01)



  • 8/10/2019 Visual Survey Techniques




    1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 3

    2. Importance of Visual Survey Techniques in Housing .................................................. 3

    3. Need for Visual Survey for residential area .................................................................. 3

    4. Visual Survey Techniques ............................................................................................... 3

    4.1 Direct Observation .................................................................................................. 4

    4.2 Windshield Survey ................................................................................................... 5

    4.3 Visual Preference Survey (VPS) ............................................................................. 6

    4.4 Visual Vignette Method ........................................................................................ 10

    4.5 Community Image Survey (CSI) ........................................................................... 11

    4.6 Cognitive Mapping ................................................................................................ 12

    4.7 Photomontage ....................................................................................................... 12

    5. Selection of a Tool ....................................................................................................... 13

    6. Conclusion .................................................................................................................... 13


  • 8/10/2019 Visual Survey Techniques



    1. Introduction

    The term paper primarily focuses on the visual survey techniques that can be used

    by researcher, planners, architects and urban designers to understand the humanbehaviour in the urban residential areas by recording their behaviour and actions orby direct interaction with the people. Thus the aim of this study is to understand andanalyze the research and planning methods that primarily stresses on the visual studyof the urban areas especially the residential areas.

    2. Importance of Visual Survey Techniques in urban studies

    Urban studies have traditionally utilized quantitative research and survey techniquesto elucidate shifts in the economy, demography, class etc. Infact even theenvironmental research has relied on the verbal descriptions and perceptions of the

    physical environment, virtually ignoring the important visual component. Until nowvisual imagery had been given very little attention in environment-behaviour studiesof the urban areas or the residential district in an urban area.

    Designers and planners have overlooked the application of the social sciencetechniques for acquiring the visual information. Therefore the emerging paradigm ofUrban Visual Studies not only retains these concerns addressed by quantitativeresearch but also investigates visual and cultural forms in and of an urban area. Thecities present a unique challenge for identifying evidence that can be systematicallytheorized and historically categorized as it is a complex system of large-scaledynamics and local experiences and the Urban Visual Studies productively relates

    this abstract sense of space to the notion of place. Thus as an interdisciplinaryresearch field, the questions about space, agency, power, status, gender,modernity, and consumption investigated by scholars of visual forms are recasted.

    Three broad but overlapping approaches constitute its methodology. One interpretsimages, forms, objects, and archives. Another investigates the everyday practices,rituals, and social dynamics of urban vision. A third involves mapping, diagramming,and creating spatial and temporal simulations and databases.

    3. Need for Visual Survey for Residential Areas

    Visual Survey techniques can be used for environment behaviour studies in aresidential neighbourhood. They can prove beneficial to study and understand theplace affiliation of the residents with their surroundings environment. Quite often,design professionals and public or the residents have a different aesthetic value;they differ in their reaction to the environment. This factor can have a significanteffect on the future development of the urban residential areas. A focus on visualinformation can act a medium of dialogue between the researcher, designer,planner and the client/ residents.

    Although just visual inputs in design and planning process are inadequate, userrelevant decisions have increasing become a requirement in finding community

    acceptance. These tool can be used as a participatory tool for facilitating thedecision making process while designing or planning of the residential districts in an

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    Urban area which can have many benefits. First, from the social point of view,integrating participation and research can result in meeting of peoples need andexpectations from their residential environment. Second, the user group it representshas an increased sense of having influenced the design-decision- making processand can increase the awareness of the decisions made. Third, these techniques

    provide professionals more relevant and up-to-date information, thus supplementingthe other data available.

    4. Visual Survey Techniques

    Various strategies have been explored that can expand the researchers visualinformation base e.g. Diagramming, photo-interviewing, photo sorting, mapping,notation, simulation, videotaping and CADD suggest the range of media availablefor expanding the researchers comprehension of the everyday life through visualsurvey. Thus various visual survey techniques have been developed to study theresidential areas or the neighbourhoods by the researchers till date, which have

    been elucidated in the following sections.

    4.1. Direct Observation

    Importance and advantages

    It gives a better understanding of the environment in which people interact and alsoallows the researcher to understand the things or phenomenon some residents maynot be aware of. It can help to distill some useful information that may not beapparent from the data collection methods. This allows the researcher to choose alocation, event or phenomenon and then directly observe activities over a period oftime.

    The Process of Direct Observation

    The researcher can begin with clearly describing the location he is observing,including the detail. He can then describe the people he sees and observe theactivities in place. Developing an observation form can be useful, which will helpguide the researchers observation and help to focus on specific items. Theresearcher needs to determine the most appropriate site and gear the timing of hisobservation of the phenomenon in question. E.g., if the researcher observes aneighbourhood early in the morning, he may miss the social interaction thathappens later in the evening. Hence the researcher should observe different sites atvarious times to make the best overall direct observation. Following the observation,it should be documented as much as possible while the information is still fresh inminds of the observer. The observer should avoid preconceived ideas such ideasmay bias the observation. The potential bias can be reduced by:

    Being aware of the opinions and prejudices, and striving to remain objective inthe observation of people.

    Provide opportunity for at least two observers to observe independently. Conduct an in-house training session to help produce more reliable results.

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    4.2. Windshield Survey

    They are a form of direct observation that involves making visual observations of aneighbourhood or community while driving or literary looking through thewindshield. These surveys can provide an objective, easy and a quick overview ofthe entire residential community and can be used for a community-basedparticipatory action research, inviting community participation. This technique canbe very useful in understanding specific aspects of a community. The researcher canuse this technique if the researchers concern is with the communitys relationship tothe environment, the nature of street life, traffic, or with any other particular elementof residential community life or functioning, then the windshield or walking surveythat concentrates on that element can provide him/her with an overview.

    Importance/ Advantages

    This method of direct observation is the least inexpensive and time-efficient forassessing the social environment of a community. The purpose of these surveys is toprovide a better understanding of the environment that the researchers are studyingand also to provide insight to the resources available in the community. It allows forthe observation of neighbourhood boundaries, housing condition, shoppingfacilities, and activities in open space, social infrastructure and modes oftransportation and overall neighbourhood life in the community. It allowscomparisons among different parts of the community, and can help the researcherto determine where to focus his/her efforts. A windshield or walking survey can helpto open community members eyes to the realities of their environment.


    One important issue is safety. If there is hostility between races or ethnic groups, itmay not be safe to survey particular neighbourhoods. Even if there is no real danger,but only a perception of danger, the resulting anxiety can affect the accuracy andcompleteness of a survey.

    Another difficulty with conducting a windshield or walking survey as a participatoryresearch project is that community members might already have set ideas aboutmany of the questions that need to be asked. (Section 21. Windshield and WalkingSurveys)

    Process- Conducting the windshield survey

    To prepare for a windshield survey it is important that the researcher access theavailable recourses and purpose, this shall help in determining the team size and theequipments needed for the survey. A flexible route that accommodates potentialproblems such as direction of streets etc should be demarcated before starting thewindshield survey. The area for which the survey is being carried out should be largeenough to give relevant information of the neighbourhood, and yet should be small

    enough to be covered within a set time frame. The team should document anddiscuss individual findings as well as obstacles encountered during observations,

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    immediately after finishing the outline of the pre-defined route to get as much aspossible information about the study area. Regardless of the survey team size,written observations should always be supplemented by audiotapes, photographsand videos of the area whenever possible.

    4.3. Visual Preference Survey (VPS)

    This Technique was developed by urban planner Anton Tony Nelessen in the late1970s to analyse and obtain public feedback on physical design alternatives. Oftenthis technique is used when formulating zoning codes, planning redevelopment, andconducting urban planning research. The survey consists of a series of images thatparticipants have to score according to their preference. The images can beactual photographs or computer-simulated images depicting potential urbanenvironments or residential environment. The participants' input is then used to makedecisions about the future built environment of the residential or the urban areaunder study.

    The Public participation in the visual preference survey shall be dependent on thetype of visual preference survey technique employed. Ex. Focus group format orinclude it as part of public hearing or meeting process.

    Importance/ Advantages

    Visual preference surveys can also complement other survey techniques. They canbe used in conjunction with public meetings or hearings, activities involving visiondevelopment, design charters, and focus group discussions or small group meetings


    The method is criticized as lighting, weather, and background activities mightinfluence preferences of the participants. Hence VPS has to be specifically tailoredfor the community and location, generated after detailed discussions, fieldinvestigations and photographic reconnaissance. It is also possible for the public todevelop false expectations based on the visual rendering. It is a timeconsuming technique since it will require the development of one or more visualrenderings of options or design features under consideration. This set-up time mayrequire depending on the availability of data, the skills of the artist, and the desiredsize and level of detail for the visual rendering. Process and Sampling

    Citizens views paired images of different built environments and then indicate apreference by ranking each image using this technique. The VPS is usuallyadministered to groups of 100 to 300 people. After respondents have made theirchoices, survey results are tabulated quickly and reviewed with the group by theend of a workshop session. The strong consensus that develops in such workshopsinforms later professional planning and helps to foster a sense of "ownership" in thecommunity. (New tools for community design and participation)

    Visual Preference Survey Content

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    The challenge in conducting a visual preference survey is the selection of amanageable number of elements to test in a manner which introduces as fewoutside variables as possible. A VPS should test preferences for specific designelements (e.g., configurations of shade trees, parking, or lighting, street furniture),variations of building form configurations, or architectural styles within a single

    general urban/suburban form typology. It may be tempting for the researcher to usea single survey to test all possible design elements and configurations; however asurvey that tests too many variables will produce unreliable and unusable results.

    Survey Photo Selection

    To understand the elements that influence visual preference, only one elementshould be tested at a time in any given photo. Measuring preferences for oneelement or configuration over others is done by using two or more versions of thesame photograph with a single element changed. This means the survey consists ofa series of before/after or either/or photos. By randomizing photo order and

    ensuring that no pairings are shown back to back, this method eliminates othervariables from affecting preference ratings and elicits accurate participantresponses.

    Survey Photo Quality and Composition

    The quality and composition of the photos used to test visual preference areimportant. Photos should show the elements to be studied from typical perspectives,i.e., the sidewalk or the street. As actual photos of different elements as built wouldnot likely be available for a new development, photo-realistic two-dimensionalrenderings or three-dimensional models are needed. Such visualizations should

    provide a convincing illustration that allows survey participants to accuratelyindicate their preferences, but should not provide an overly artistic expression of adesign element that influences the rating with unrelated preferences for visualgraphic design.

    Visual Preference Survey Design and Distribution

    Survey design and distribution methods affect responses by participants. Hencesome best practices and research are suggested by various researchers to maximizethe reliability of responses through survey design.

    Prompts:Participants are given instructions on the criteria they should use to rate thephotographs. a simple and short explanation of the intent and purpose of the surveyis provided at the beginning of the survey, so the criteria are consistent and valid. Ashort form prompt, such as a single sentence reminding participants of the ratingcriteria, can be included on slides of photos.

    Rating System:For the subjective assessment of the survey participants response must be capturedin a quantifiable form. A Likert scale rating system can be used as it allowsparticipants to rate photos in a straightforward manner, while capturing the

    perceptions of what scenic quality entails. Descriptive labels for the rating scaleshould be consistent with survey prompts. A 7-point scale from -3 (very unattractive)

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    to +3 (very attractive), with a neutral value at zero, is sufficient for a preferencesurvey.

    Calibration Photos and Image Randomization:

    A survey should be designed to minimize the effects of presentation order on thepreferences for images relative to one another.

    Survey Length:

    A survey should be designed to take a maximum of 10-15 minutes to complete. TheNumber of slides and complexity of questions asked will influence the time a surveytakes to complete. Care should be taken to frame the survey in a straightforwardway and provide simple prompts. Concise and direct surveys can reduce dropoutrates and improve the overall quality of the results.

    4.4. Visual Vignette Method


    Vignettes are short scenarios or stories in written or pictorial form on whichparticipants can comment upon. Whether the research is qualitative orquantitative, the central feature of this method is to explore participantssubjective belief systems

    Finch (1987) describes them as short stories about hypothetical characters inspecified circumstances, to whose situation the interviewee is invited to respond.Although she is describing their use within a quantitative paradigm, others offersimilar definitions of their use within qualitative research:

    Figure 1- Visual Preference Survey

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    Short scenarios in written or pictorial form, intended to elicit responses to typical scenarios (Hill 1997:177).

    Concrete examples of people and their behaviours on which participants canoffer comment or opinion (Hazel 1995:2)

    Stories about individuals, situations and structures which can make reference to

    important points in the study of perceptions, beliefs and attitudes (Hughes1998:381)

    Thus the vignette technique is a method that can elicit perceptions, opinions, beliefsand attitudes from responses or comments depicting scenarios and situation to beevaluated

    Vignettes can be employed in different ways and for different purposes. Some of themajor differences are: whether they are used as a self-contained method or anadjunct to other research techniques; how the situation is presented; at what stagein the data collection process they are introduced; and how responses are

    structured. Nevertheless, vignettes generally fulfil three main purposes:

    Interpretation of actions and occurrences that allows situational context to beexplored and influential variables to be elucidated;

    Clarification of individual judgements, often in relation to moral dilemmas; Discussion of sensitive experiences in com parison with the normality of the


    Qualitative research, participants are usually asked to respond to a particularsituation by stating what they would do, or how they imagine a third person,generally a situation within the context, and how would they react to these certain

    situations or occurrences.

    Importance/ Advantages

    In qualitative research, vignettes enable participants to define the situation in theirown terms. Vignettes can be used for three main purposes in research: to allowact ions in context to be explored; to clarify peoples judgements; and to provide aless personal and therefore less threatening way of exploring sensitive topics forresearch. In qualitative research, vignettes enable participants to define thesituation in their own terms. Vignettes also provide the opportunity for participants tohave greater control over the interaction by enabling them to determine at what

    stage, if at all, they introduce their own experiences to illuminate their abstractresponses.

    Tapping general attitudes and beliefs

    Vignettes can be used to deduce the cultural norms derived from respondentsattitudes and beliefs about a specific situation in the residential environment. Finch(1987) explores the merits of tapping into the general imagery of respondents,especially when using more than one vignette and varying the situation with respectto age, gender, ethnicity, etc. Vignettes have also been used to exploreparticipants ethical frameworks and moral codes followed in a particular residential

    environment. Vignettes can be used as a complementary technique alongsideother data collection methods (Hazel 1995; Hughes 1998). They can be employed

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    either to enhance existing data or to generate data that cannot tapped by otherresearch methods (such as observation or interviews) e.g. where the residentialsurvey can be affected by the hostility between races or ethnic groups, and it maynot be safe to survey particular neighbourhoods . Thus Vignettes can be useful inexploring potentially sensitive topics that participants might otherwise find difficult to

    discuss (Neale 1999)


    For many researchers the indeterminate relationship between beliefs and actions isthe biggest danger in using this technique in isolation (West 1982, cited in Finch 1987;Faia 1979).

    ProcessParticipants are given a number of scenarios and their responses are elicited using aLikert-style format of predetermined categories that follow the vignettes

    Example 1:

    Francis G. Caro,Teck Ho,Daniel McFadden. (2009 ). Using Internet Based VignetteMethods to Understand Elder Residential Choices

    This paper illustrates an innovative method of administering fractional factorialsurveys (Vignettes) using the internet. The approach uses video clips to deliverinformation. This method also provided subjects with interactive options beforemaking judgements. Thus the study tries to determine the views of older peopleregarding residential options using the visual vignette method. The study found that

    the following characteristics of vignette persons affected subject recommendations:personal introduction, functional status, social network, and current housingcharacteristics. However, characteristics of retirement community features andpersonal financial status did not affect recommendations .

    4.5. Community Image Survey (CSI)

    The CSI technique as visual survey technique was developed by the Centre forLivable Communities (CLS). Their website describes it as follows:The Community Image Survey consists of forty slides from a community or region.

    Approximately eighty percent of the slides come from the specific locale in which

    the survey is administered. Taken as a whole, the forty slides present contrastingimages of our living environment its streets, houses, stores, office buildings, parks,open space and key civic features.

    CSI intended to evaluate the publics opinions and preferences about the physicalenvironment by having them score a series of images on the basis of eachparticipants relative like or dislike of the images and the photographed situation.The images can show various conditions of urban development, ranging from trafficcongestion to pedestrian activity, and include specific elements such as housing,streets, sidewalks, retail stores, office buildings, architectural styles, parking lots, andmass transit in the residential neighbourhood.

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    Importance/ Advantages

    The important factor of image surveys, however, is to facilitate community

    involvement in place making of the residential areas. According to the Centre forLivable Communities:

    The Community Image Survey (CSI) is a powerful planning and public participationtool that can help decision makers and their constituents. Rather than using words todescribe places, the Survey uses visual images to help people better understandcrucial planning elements and make more informed, proactive decisions aboutcreating places where they want to live, work, shop and play.


    As a tool for community involvement, however, the trouble with such surveys lies inthe definition of what constitutes a place. Sense of place incorporates a range ofengaged bodily experiences, not merely passive appreciation of visual imagery.Image-based approaches to urban planning thus run the risk of fostering aninattentiveness to and subsequent undervaluing of socioeconomic, historical andpolitical realities.


    The survey is conducted at the beginning of the first public meeting, before anyother information has been presented to the public. The intent is to record the

    audiences reactions before they can be influenced by the subsequentpresentation to be given by designer or planner. The survey is administered byshowing a pre- prepared and automated PowerPoint presentation and having theparticipants or the residents mark their scores on a pre-printed response sheet. Atotal of forty images are presented, in sequence, for eight seconds each withoutany commentary or statements. The participants are then asked to indicate theiropinion or preference of each image by grading it on a scale ranging from minusten (-10), indicating a strong dislike, to plus ten (+10), indicating a strong like. Beforethe sequence of forty is shown, a sampling of six images is shown to give theaudience a feel for the range of subjects they are about to see, and to helpcalibrate their personal scoring criteria.

    After the sequence of images is shown, the response sheets are collected fortabulation. All responses are entered into a spreadsheet that calculates a meanscore as well as a standard deviation for each image. The results are then sorted toidentify the five highest scoring images and the five lowest scoring images. Theresults are also sorted by standard deviation in order to identify the images that hadthe highest and lowest degree of consensus. Example: if any

    4.6. Cognitive Mapping

    A cognitive map is a mental representation which helps an individual to acquire

    code, store, recall, and decode information about the relative locations andattributes of phenomena in their everyday spatial environment. Cognitive maps are

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    studied in various fields, such as psychology, education, archaeology, planning,geography, cartography, architecture, landscape architecture, urban planning,management and history. Built from past experiences it comprises internallyrepresented concepts and relationships among concepts that an individual canthen use to interpret new events. This method of surveying is important for

    researchers because decision-makers have a limited capacity for processinginformation so that, when dealing with complex problems like innovation, they couldrarely process all the information that would be relevant. The mental models givenby the participants shall help decision-makers to select information and to decidewhat actions are appropriate (Weick, 1979). Thus individuals' cognitions may shapeorganisational decisions, although the extent to which this will occur will depend onthe socio-political context.


    It provides a tool for revealing peoples' subjective beliefs in a meaningful way so

    that they can be examined not only by the individual for whom the map isconstructed, but also by other individuals and groups (Eden, 1992). The resultantcognitive map does not represent an entire belief system but portrays those beliefsthat are hold to be most significant by the stakeholders concerned. It allowsdecision-makers to review the proposals that have been constructed for thestakeholders so that they can incorporate an understanding of the beliefs of thestakeholders. An advantage of cognitive mapping techniques (over, say, simplyasking the participant what they think or what they want) is that they allowknowledge to be externalised in some sort of visuospatial layout that is then open forcritical reflection. In this way subjective knowledge can be to some extent'objectified' and therefore discussed in a less threatening way than direct

    questioning. In this way, if used as the decision-making process unfolds; cognitivemapping techniques may help the process to be managed.

    4.7. Photomontage

    This technique can be applied to small scaleurban design in the residential neighbourhood,such as infill projects, improvement of theneighbourhood streetscapes, or neighbourhoodredevelopment initiatives, where extensivedetails are to be created to give realistic- looking

    design alternatives which are to be selectedthrough public opinion and communityparticipation. Montage ca n however; be alsoused on a larger scale to understand the regionalimplication of the build out. This technique canhelp in decision making while developing aresidential neighbourhood.


    Montage technique can be time consuming and

    expensive, the researcher has to ensure that thetechnique chosen to create montage images is

    Figure 2- Photomontage Technique

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    appropriate for the overall goals and budget of the research. Since photomontagelooks real, users must be made aware during the survey, not to set unrealisticexpectations about what a community shall gain out of the whole planning/ designprocess. There has to be a consideration for the participants with visual impairments.The researcher should be aware of the biases that can result from the photos used

    to create montages.

    5. Selecting a tool

    For selecting a tool for visual survey for any research on residential areas in urbanstudies following factors shall act as driving forces:

    Issues faced by the community. Particular character of the community. The question for which the researchers seek an answer. Other available tools and techniques Available resources, time and budget (as some of the techniques like

    photomontage etc may be time consuming and expensive) Degree of Public Participation required for the research.

    The researcher should do the following before choosing any tool: Identify the planning/ design issue he/she is exploring in detail Clarify the goal and desired outcomes of the planning/ design process Identify what need to be assessed, evaluated or designed after getting the

    results from the survey.

    6. Conclusion

    The visual survey techniques described above can be used independently or canbe used in conjunction with some other survey techniques to supplement the datacollected, thus providing complete information in all aspects to the researchesabout the residential area under study. Using this tool can thus create a seamlessdialogue between the researchers and respondents, between researchers anddesigners and designers and client can give invaluable inputs which would havebeen other missed during the data collection process. Thus visual survey techniquescan act as participatory tool for facilitating the decision making process whiledesigning or planning for an inclusive growth of the residential districts in UrbanAreas.

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