hen I walk into the museum, I will see a long

desk on my left. This desk is where we have

to pay or show our membership card to get admission

to the museum or a movie ticket. On some days, we

can also buy snacks from the front desk. Some days it

will be very busy and I will have to wait in a long line. If

this happens I must be patient. After I wait and get

checked in at the desk, they will give me a stamp on

my hand. This stamp means that I am allowed to be in

the museum. I will have so much fun after I wait my

turn at the front desk.

Front Desk W

hen I walk into the museum there will be a

small desk that is on my right. This small and

purple desk has lots of flyers on it that show different

programs that the Kentucky Science Center offers.

There is also a T.V. connected to the top of the desk

that shows previews of the movies that are shown in

the theater. I can use the info desk to see if I want to

watch one of the movies and I can also learn more

about different programs that I can do at the Kentucky

Science Center. It is fun to do many different programs.

Information DeskW

y the Pendulum, there is the bubble pit. In the

bubble pit, people like to stand inside of a

bubble. They pull on a string and a bubble comes up

around them. I may stand inside of a bubble, but I have

to wait my turn. Being inside of a bubble is fun.

Be in a BubbleB

hen I first come in to the Science Center, I

will see the Pendulum. A lot of people like

to look at the pendulum. When I am at the Science

Center, I may look at the pendulum, but I am not

allowed to touch it. I like to watch the pendulum swing

back and forth.

The PendulumW

hen I walk inside, I will see a large and

colorful structure. Other kids like to climb

inside of it to the very top. It is fun to climb up to the

very top. If I am not feeling brave, I can climb on the

bottom, but if I feel very brave I can climb up to the

top. If I get scared, it is okay because I can climb back

down or someone can help me.

Happy ClimberW

hen I am on the first floor, there are roller

coaster pieces that are laying on part of the

floor. These pieces are yellow and black. It is fun to put

these pieces together to design your own roller coast-

er. When I finish building my roller coaster I can test it

out. All I have to do is grab a red ball, put it at the top

of my roller coaster, and let the ball go. The ball races

down my roller coaster, it is so much fun.

Roller CoastersW

When I am on the first floor, there are roller coaster

pieces that are laying on part of the floor. These pieces

are yellow and black. It is fun to put these pieces

together to design your own roller coaster. When I

finish building my roller coaster I can test it out. All I

have to do is grab a red ball, put it at the top of my

roller coaster, and let the ball go. The ball races down

my roller coaster, it is so much fun.

hen I am on the first floor, there is a bunch of

pool noodles hanging from the ceiling in the

shape of a rectangle. The pool noodles are blue and

green. Lots of children like to run through the noodle

forest. If there are a lot of other children, I can wait for

a minute before I go through. I might see other chil-

dren swinging on the pool noodles, but I am not going

to swing on the pool noodles because it is not safe. It

is fun to spin and walk through the pool noodles.

Noodle Forest


hen I am on the first floor, there will be several

large mirrors that can be moved all around

the floor. Other people have built a maze out of the

mirrors for me to walk through. I can also make my own

maze to walk through. When I walk through the mirror

maze, I can see my reflection on all of the mirrors. I

might want to sit down in the maze for a little while and

that is okay, but I will have to walk through the maze to

go play with another exhibit.

Mirror MazeW

n the first floor, there is an exhibit that you can

sit and bounce on. When I walk up to it, I will

see three seats. I will pick one to sit on and I will

bounce up and down on the seat. When I bounce up

and down, I will see a red ball moving up the tube. This

way I can race two other people to see who can get

their red ball to the top of the tube first. It is fun to get

the ball all of the way to the top.

Power PumpO

n the first floor, I may see a spiral circle on the

floor that is brightly colored. There are lights

that shine down on it. I will see other children running

in a circle around the lights and I will hear music play

when the children move over the lights. This might be

too loud for me, so I might need to ask the adults that I

am with if I can have a break. If I want to though, I can

cross the lights and make music with my body.



n the first floor, there are pipes hanging up on

the wall. I will hear a noise coming from the

pipes. This is the air that is blowing through the pipes.

On one end of the pipes, I can put in a piece of fabric.

When I let go of the piece of fabric, it will start blowing

through the pipes. It is my job to turn the knobs and

direct the air in a way that the fabric piece comes flying

out of the pipe. If I want to, I can even catch the piece

of fabric when it blows out of the pipes.


n the first floor there are four boxes that are

filled with pieces of wood and wooden blocks

that can be used to build structures. Here I can work

with my friends to build. Some people like to build tall

towers. When I build my tower all of the way up, it may

fall down and that is okay. If my tower falls down I can

build a new one or go play with something else.

Little BuildO

n the first floor, there is a gated space called

Growzone. This is a space for infants and tod-

dlers. On the front of the gate it shows me how tall I

must be to play there. If I am short enough, I can go

inside the gate and play. If I am too tall, I cannot play

inside of here, but can watch if I want to. It is okay if I

cannot play inside because there are a lot of other neat

spaces that I can play in.



n the first floor there is an exhibit that looks

like a workshop. It has three sets of tables and

stools that I can sit at. On the tables there are different

activities that I can complete and different materials

that I can explore. These materials change every

month, so I might not see the same materials that I saw

the last time I was here. I will be able to be creative

and use the materials in front of me to explore and



n the first floor, I will see a room that is covered

in light and color. The two items that are in this

room are the light table and the light bright. On the

light table, there are many items to explore. Here I can

touch and look at different items on the table. The light

bright is a large black board on the wall. There are

holes in this wall and pegs that I can push through the

holes. These pegs light up with color. I can create a

colorful picture on the light bright to share with my

family and friends.


n the first floor, there is a room that is full of

colorful light. When I walk into the room, there

will be color all around me. When I am in this room, I

can see my shadow on the wall and make shadows on

the wall with different objects. I love to see all of the

lights around me. This is also a great place for me to

go if I need to take a break from all of the other people

in the museum.

Shadow RoomO

n the first floor, there is a space where I can

play with water. Not only can I play with the

water; I can learn about the properties of water. Most

people like to play at this water table, so there may be

a lot of people here. It is important for me to not

splash the water because it could get other people too

wet. Instead of splashing, I can use science tools and

toys to explore and play in the water. Playing in the

water is so much fun.

Water Table


n the first floor, there is a space that is full of

large, blue building blocks. These blocks come

in all kinds of shapes. They are fairly heavy, so it may

be hard to move the blocks on my own. If they are to

heavy I can ask for help. When I am by the blue blocks,

I can use them to build large structures. I might build a

house, a robot, a car, or anything else I can imagine.

These might fall over and that is okay. I could also

knock my structure down if I would like to.

Blue BlocksO

hen I am on the first floor, there is a room

called the Shapes and Stuff Store. There are

usually a lot of children in this room. When I first walk

in, there are shopping lists and shopping carts that I

can grab if I want to. As I walk around in the store,

there are containers that hold all kinds of shapes. I can

work on sorting shapes, building with shapes, or

buying shapes. There are cash registers, so I can also

work the cash register if I want to. When I am done in

the store, I need to put my shapes and cart back where

I got them.

Shapes & Stuff StoreW