VISION STATEMENT Message from the CEO - Juwarki...Health, Mental Health issues and Health Promotion,...

CEO’s message 1 Chair’s message 2, 3 VISION STATEMENT To be the preferred community controlled health organisation providing holistic primary health care to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders of Central Queensland INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Staff Changes 4 Social Emotional Well-Being Team 5 Health Promotions Team 6 Clinic News 7 Practice Incentives Scheme 8 Rabbit Proof Fence and Challenge/Havin’ a Yarn 9 Reducing Stress 10 Recipe 11 Jokes 12 Murri Christmas wishes 13 Christmas hours 14 Bidgerdii Community Health Service is a bulk billing practice. Operating hours are Monday to Friday 8.30am 5.00pm. December 2011 23rd Bidgerdii Closes 24th Christmas Eve 25th Christmas Day 26th Boxing Day 31st New Years Eve January 2012 1st New Years Day 3rd Bidgerdii Re-Opens 26th Australia Day Events of Interest effective partnerships with other key service providers, to better the health of our people in this region. Maleeta Richards Chief Executive Officer As the time now closes on 2011, I want to take this opportunity to wish each and everyone of you a very Merry Christmas and a safe and happy new year. Having been employed with Bidgerdii since July this year, I have witnessed the organisation grow and move positively forward in a very short time. With good internal processes now in place this can only continue to improve to achieve best practices in both business and service delivery. Through the development of new models of care, Bidgerdii will now be able to deliver services to the majority of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Clients within the Central Queensland region. I would like to thank my Board of Directors and the staff for their contributions thus far. We anticipate the coming year will be one where our organisation continues to grow to be a more productive service, which offers additional health care services to clients and establishes Message from the CEO

Transcript of VISION STATEMENT Message from the CEO - Juwarki...Health, Mental Health issues and Health Promotion,...

  • CEO’s message 1

    Chair’s message 2, 3



    To be the preferred community

    controlled health organisation

    providing holistic primary health

    care to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait

    Islanders of Central


    I N S I D E T H I S I S S U E :

    Staff Changes 4

    Social Emotional

    Well-Being Team


    Health Promotions



    Clinic News 7

    Practice Incentives



    Rabbit Proof Fence

    and Challenge/Havin’

    a Yarn


    Reducing Stress 10

    Recipe 11

    Jokes 12

    Murri Christmas



    Christmas hours 14

    Bidgerdii Community

    Health Service is a bulk

    billing practice.

    Operating hours are

    Monday to Friday

    8.30am – 5.00pm.

    D e c e m b e r

    2 0 1 1

    23rd Bidgerdii Closes

    24th Christmas Eve

    25th Christmas Day

    26th Boxing Day

    31st New Years Eve

    J a n u a r y

    2 0 1 2

    1st New Years Day

    3rd Bidgerdii Re-Opens

    26th Australia Day

    Events of Interest

    effective partnerships with other key service providers, to better the health of our people in this region.

    Maleeta Richards

    Chief Executive Officer

    As the time now closes on 2011, I want to take this opportunity to wish each and everyone of you a very Merry Christmas and a safe and happy new year. Having been employed with Bidgerdii since July this year, I have witnessed the organisation grow and move positively forward in a very short time. With good internal processes now in place this can only continue to improve to achieve best practices in both business and service delivery.

    Through the development of new models of care, Bidgerdii will now be able to deliver services to the majority of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Clients within the Central Queensland region. I would like to thank my Board of Directors and the staff for their contributions thus far. We anticipate the coming year will be one where our organisation continues to grow to be a more productive service, which offers additional health care services to clients and establishes

    Message from the CEO

  • Final ‘Chatting with the Chair’ for 2011

    Looking Forward – Looking Black On 2011

    ‘I would like to acknowledge the traditional owners of this land that we walk (including past and present Elders)– the Dharumbal people’

    hat a year !!! We’ve almost come to the end of another year and as such I would like to recap on 2011 for Bidgerdii Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Services.

    Commencement of new CEO – Maleeta Richards Commencement of new employees both Senior Management and Service Delivery staff Introduction of a new Organisational Structure (Rockhampton, Gracemere and Blackwater clinics) Expansion of program areas ie Eye and Ear Health, Chronic Disease, Advanced Nutritionist, Mums and Bubs, Sexual Health, Medicare and an Outreach Health service Reduced the Risk Assessment of the organisation from ‘High’ to ‘Low’ Expansion of outsourced services with the Business Quality Centre, Brisbane and establishing a key partnership with Nhulundu Health Services, Gladstone Received an increased interest from Doctor’s and other professions seeking employment with Bidgerdii Health Services Gained approval for 3 year funding as apposed to the original annual funding Introduction of a new ‘Chronic Disease Model of Care’ Program Development of a bi-monthly ‘Newsletter’ Development of a 3 year ‘Strategic Plan’


    Implementation of 2011 Initiatives to continue into 2012:-

    Newly formed partnerships with Government and Non-Government stakeholders and organisations within the local and surrounding areas will continue to provide a more comprehensive health care service to our community people. Chronic Disease Model of Care Program ‘Closing the Gap – Rocky Way’ will continue to roll out and focus on chronic disease patients around healthy living and healthy eating. Bidgerdii Community Health Services are one of 6 major partners in the newly established Central Queensland and Wide Bay Consortium for the ‘Central Queensland Outreach Services’ focusing on Indigenous Health. Partnership arrangements have now been cemented with the Prince Charles and Royal Brisbane Hospitals providing an ‘Indigenous Outreach Cardiac Service’ delivered by a team of 6 Cardiac Specialists. This service will be provided on a bi-monthly/quarterly basis for Bidgerdii patients at the Rockhampton Clinic, supported by Bidgerdii’s clinic staff.

  • The Board of Directors also have had a few changes, with new members joining the team. On that note, I would like to express my gratitude to the current Directors and casual board members for their generous time and effort they have given. The Board of Directors have also had an extremely busy year, having attended a number of meetings, where information has been shared and brought back into the organisation – this in turn has had a significant and positive impact on Bidgerdii. These include:

    Attending the QAIHC AGM, with our CEO elected as a member on the QAIHC Board Participating in various workshops Attending and participating in the NACCHO AGM and workshops

    As you know, it has been a busy yet productive year for Bidgerdii Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Services, for both employees and the Board of Directors.

    Until next year……………. MURRI CHRISTMAS

    Next year, we aim to build upon this current transition, so that Bidgerdii will run at a much steadier pace. With new staff and Board members, new program areas and new partnerships I am confident this will occur.

    Finally, I would like to thank the staff of Bidgerdii, including Senior Staff, fellow Board of Directors (past and current), the Community, and Stakeholders (Government and Non-Government) for all your time, effort and commitment you have generously shared with us as a health organisation. Without this commitment, we would not be where we are today. This definitely would not have occurred if we didn't all work as a team. I would also like to thank Maleeta Richards- CEO and Marissa Smith- Corporate Manager and other Senior Management staff of Bidgerdii for implementing the changes that have occurred. Again without the support of each and every one of you, this would not have happened.

    To compliment all the changes, Bidgerdii Health Services has been undergoing renovations with a paint makeover. As such, the organisation will commence the new year with a whole new look, environment and new surroundings in the existing premises.

    I hope we continue to follow this trend in 2012, where we can provide even more services to our community members. I would like to wish each and everyone of you a ‘Murri Xmas’ and a ‘Happy New Year’ and would hope that we all get an opportunity to catch up and/or spend time with family and friends over the break……. and please STAY SAFE.

    Tracey Alcorn


  • Introducing.....

    Trumaine Warcon is the new Operations Manager of Bidgerdii

    Community Health Services - Blackwater Clinic. Trumaine has

    experience in the Health sector, having delivered training to

    Aboriginal Health Workers in Business, Management and

    Project Co-Ordinator in the areas of Primary Health, Mental

    Health and Drug and Alcohol. He has also worked and been a

    committee member of other local indigenous organisations and

    is passionate about working within the local murri community.

    Victoria Rutayisire is the new Registered Nurse and is based

    in our Rockhampton Clinic. Vicky is interested in Women‟s

    Health, Mental Health issues and Health Promotion, and has a

    background as an Aged Care Registered Nurse. She has

    moved to Community Health to further her skills and

    experience working with Indigenous groups and within a

    Community setting.

    Everyone at Bidgerdii Community Health Services,

    would like to say a big Welcome Back to Dr Rei Bos,

    who has been working in the Blackwater clinic from

    Monday through to Thursday.

    And Welcoming Back...

    Peter McIntosh is the new Hearing and Eye Health

    Worker in the Health Promotion Team. Peter comes from

    Goondiwindi and is a descendant of the Kamilaroi people.

    He has previously worked in Aged Care as an Assistant in

    Nursing. He has moved to Rockhampton with his partner

    and their 3 children to further his employment


  • Social Emotional Well-Being Team

    There have been some changes within the Social Emotional Well-Being area, as there

    are two new staff members: Heath Daley (Manager) and Leslie Purcell (Counsellor).

    Heath Daley hails from Rockhampton and has worked within the community for over 12

    years, and has returned from Alice Springs, where he has worked for 3 years, within

    the key targeted areas of Aboriginal Employment, Health and Well—Being. Heath is

    enjoying his time home and working within the Rockhampton community.

    Leslie also hails from Rockhampton, and during the past 15 years has worked in

    Canberra in various positions including, Child Protection, Family Support and Community

    Welfare roles. Leslie has an inner passion with respect to Counselling and Healing

    practices. Leslie is enjoying his work as a Counsellor and being back home in Central

    Queensland with family, friends and community members.

    Social Emotional Well-Being is continuing to support the Stolen Generations via the

    „Bringing Them Home‟ program and conducting Clinical referrals and assessments.

    The Social Emotional Well-Being Counselling service (Indigenous focused) has been

    revised, and currently offers services for Grief and Loss, Trauma, Parent Support and

    Social Inclusion. The program will continue to build and provide more key areas of

    service delivery to the community in 2012.

    The Social Emotional Well-Being team, would like to wish you all a Safe and Merry

    Christmas and a Happy New Year

    Heath Daley

    SEWB Manager Leslie Purcell

    SEWB Counsellor

  • Breast Cancer Awareness Month aims to increase

    awareness of breast cancer, and to raise funds for

    research into its cause, prevention and cure. The

    Campaign also offers information and support to those

    affected by breast cancer.

    Bidgerdii Community Health Services recently held an

    information day to promote awareness and encourage our

    patients to access existing services through Queensland

    breast screening, as early detection offers the best

    chance of successful treatment and recovery

    Queensland Breast Screening Rockhampton is located at

    the Rockhampton Base Hospital. Appointments can be

    made by phoning 132 050.

    Health Promotion Activities

    Louise Martin and Marcia Pensio

    setting up the display for Breast

    Cancer Awareness Month.

    The Doctors at Bidgerdii Community Health Services

    donate their valuable time, by providing in-house

    training to the Health Workers, enabling them to

    improve their skills and knowledge of Medical Issues

    and Procedures.

    Queensland Health have also provided Bidgerdii

    Community Health Service Medical Staff with

    Immunisation Training, so they remain up to date with

    the latest techniques and information.

    Breast screen is free.

    Appointments last 30 minutes

    No referral necessary. More than 200 locations

    Latest digital mammography technology

    Breast screen read independently by 2 specially trained doctors

    Appointments are one on one with a female health professional

    Louise Martin, Sharon Blucher, Coral Fisher and Kaye

    Maver from Bidgerdii Community Health Services with

    Leah Munns, Deon Lawson and Deborah Sear from


    Closing the Gap “Rocky Way” Program held a

    network meeting with Centrelink Community

    Engagement Officers to discuss how Bidgerdii

    Community Services and Centrelink can work

    together, to encourage and assist those who are

    homeless to seek medical advice and attention to

    improve their health.

  • Season‟s Greetings from the Clinic Team

    The Clinic team is pleased to have Registered Nurse Vicky

    Rutayisire, working in the clinic every day, alongside colleague

    Karen Murphy (Aboriginal Health Worker). Enid Vaughan is

    continuing to work on Wednesday‟s and is available for wound

    care and foot care advice.

    If you or your family have a question for example: relating to

    the Government Indigenous Health Incentive or any other

    community assistance needs, our Clinic Manager—Kaye Maver

    will be very happy to assist.

    Family Support Officer, Kerry Tarran continues to provide emotional and practical help to

    clients who are experiencing short or long term difficulties. She is able to assist clients to

    complete paperwork for Centrelink or Housing and also provides linkages to Support Groups

    and Community Resources. The assistance offered is varied due to individual requirements,

    and appointments can be made for an hour or longer. Please contact Kerry on 49304600 if

    you require such assistance.

    Ringo, has been kept busy with transport requirements but can always

    be found sharing his happy smile in the Clinic and „out and about‟ on the

    road in Rockhampton. Transport is available to eligible patients to

    attend their appointments. Please contact our friendly reception team

    to make a booking.

    Dr Pam and Vicky will be out at the Gracemere Clinic every Tuesday between the hours of

    9:00am and 4:00pm. Appointments can be made through reception on 4930 4600.

    We welcomed Dr Soe back from his 2 weeks leave on Monday

    December 5 2011.

    Dr Vivian Pam will be on leave from Tuesday 10th January

    2012 until Friday 20th January 2012.

    We have a suggestion box in the reception, so please feel

    free to add any comments you may have, as we look forward

    to your feedback.

    Please Remember to BE SAFE during the Holiday Season

  • Practice Incentives Program (PIP) Sign Up Day

    Wednesday, 9th November 2011

    The Practice Incentive Program (PIP) Indigenous Health Incentives and PBS

    Co-Payment Measure was introduced by The Council of Australian Governments to help

    many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders living with, or are at risk of developing a

    Chronic Disease. This program aims to allow Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

    people to better manage their health. The PIP Indigenous Health Incentive is a

    program for your Doctor and/or Health Service to help you manage your Chronic

    Disease. The PBS Co-Payment Measure will give eligible Aboriginal and Torres Strait

    Islanders access to cheaper medications.

    Bidgerdii Community Health Service held a community day on 9th November 2011 for

    clients who were already registered in the Practice Incentives Program (PIP) to

    encourage re-registration for the year ahead in 2012. The participants enjoyed a BBQ

    Lunch and had a yarn, got advice and information from staff and some even caught up

    with old friends from years ago. It was a DEADLY day for all

    When booking your next appointment here at Bidgerdii Community Health Service

    have a yarn with one of our Health Workers to find out if you are eligible to

    participate in the PIP Program or for more information on the Practice Incentives

    Program Indigenous Health Incentives, please feel free to contact Bidgerdii

    Community Health Service on 4930 4600.

    Rachael and Leslie

    cooking up a storm

    Tennille and Sharon sharing information

    about PIP

  • Havin‟ A Yarn With Coral Fisher

    Rabbit Proof Fence Challenge We are nearing the end of our Rabbit Proof Fence Challenge, and what a success it has

    been with 31 teams registering and over 110 people taking part.

    As the competition got underway, we saw many participants walk (or engage in physical

    activity) over and above the recommended 10,000 steps a day that was needed to

    reach the target of 2,000,000 steps to complete the challenge.

    There has been alot of positive feedback from team members about how they have

    gone about achieving their step tallies and in doing so how they have made exercise a

    part of their daily routines. For example, choosing to walk to work with other

    workmates, parking their car that little bit further and walking the remaining

    distance, doing the gardening/mowing (instead of asking their husbands), enjoying the

    warmer weather and taking a dip at the local pool or even becoming enthused about

    doing the dreaded housework!

    We congratulate all participants who took part in the Rabbit Proof Fence Challenge

    and hope that the experience has been rewarding and encourage you to keep up the

    great work over the Christmas/New Year break. Please be sure you hang onto your

    pedometers and water bottles as there will be further Challenges to come in the New


    We wish to thank our sponsors, Wendy‟s (Shopping Fair), Boost Juice and Subway, who

    have assisted with some great prizes along the way and a big thank you goes out to

    Lionel Harbin of Darumbal Community Youth Services for introducing his Rabbit Proof

    Fence Challenge to Bidgerdii.

    Position: Medical Receptionist Home Town: Rockhampton Favourite Colour: Ocean Blue Favourite Saying: You Know The Rules Favourite Foods: Seafood and Mum’s Apple Crumble and Custard Favourite Drinks: Apple Cider Strongbow Original What would you spend your last $10 on? : Lotto Ticket Favourite Footy Team: Brisbane Broncos Favourite TV show: Underbelly Razor and Heartbeat Favourite Band: Queen If you could go on a date for one night with someone famous, who would it be: Sean Connery or Johnny Depp

  • 5 Tips to Reduce Stress at Christmas


    Remember keep up your exercise routine. Staying active helps

    you feel better. Try exercise outside as much as

    possible, taking advantage of the bright sunny summery days.

    If a run is too much, take a brisk walk around the park.


    As much as Christmas is a lovely time to catch up with friends

    and family, remember take time out for YOU. Take a few

    moments a day. We think that Christmas is all about giving, so

    take the time to give to yourself as well this year. Don‟t stress

    over Christmas present buying. Plan shopping in advance, write a

    list of all the presents you need to buy and avoid frenzied crowds


    Make healthy choices this Christmas. It‟s easier to get

    carried away, however before over-indulging remember how

    it will make you feel the next day. Eat plenty of vegetables,

    fruits and whole grains. If you like Christmas treats, limit

    your portion size.

    4. WATER

    Make sure you drink plenty of water during the scorching

    summer days, aim to drink 8 glasses or 2 litres a day.

    5. SLEEP

    Get plenty of rest and aim for 7—8 hours of sleep every

    night. A good nights sleep will help you be ready for the

    whole festivities over the Christmas and New Year


    And if all that fails, please don't beat yourself up

    about it. Take each day as it comes and strive for

    a healthier day the next day!

  • Warm chocolate cakes with raspberry coulis

    Preparation Time: 15 Minutes

    Cooking Time: 25 Minutes

    Makes: 10

    This delicious treat is low fat and contains only a small amount of chocolate , so go

    all out and buy top quality dark chocolate. It will really make a difference to the

    finished dish.


    Cooking oil spray

    3/4 sup self raising flour

    1/2 cup plain flour

    1.4 cup almond meal

    1/3 cup cocoa, sifted

    2x 50g eggs

    140g tub apple and strawberry puree

    2/3 cup low fat milk

    40g dark chocolate, finely chopped

    2/3 cup low-fat milk

    40g dark chocolate, finely chopped

    Icing sugar for dusting

    Extra raspberries, to serve

    Mint leaves, to serve

    1 tub Philly cream for desserts, to serve

    (Raspberry Coulis)

    250g frozen raspberries

    1/4 freshly squeezed orange juice

    1 Tbsp icing sugar, sifted


    Preheat oven to 180ºC. Spray 10 holes of a 1/2 cup friand tin with oil.

    Put flours, almond meal, cocoa, brown sugar and caster sugar in a large bowl, stir to

    combine. Put eggs, puree and milk in a small bow and whisk to combine. Add egg mixture

    and chocolate to flour mixture. Stir until just combined

    Spoon mixture evenly between 10 holes of friand tin. Bake 20-25 minutes or until

    cooked when tested with a skewer. Cool in tin for 5 minutes before turning onto serv-

    ing plates

    To make coulis, put raspberries , orange juice and icing sugar in a food processor and

    process until combined. Strain through a fine sieve into a bowl. Set aside.

    Dust cakes with icing sugar. Drizzle with coulis and serve with extra raspberries and

    mint leaves on top, and a dollop of cream on the side

    Contains : Dairy and Gluten

  • When I t

    old the d



    ist I kept

    thinking I

    was a bill


    ball, she t

    old me to

    get to

    the end of

    the cue

    A man walks into the doctor‟s office.

    He had a cucumber up his nose, a

    carrot in his left ear and a banana in

    his right ear. “What‟s a matter with

    me?” he asks the doctor. The doctor

    replies “you‟re not eating properly”!

    A guy walks into work with both his ears

    bandaged up. The boss says, “What happened

    to your ears?” He says “well yesterday I was

    ironing my shirt when the phone rang, and shhh

    I accidentally answered the iron”. The boss

    says “well, that explains the one ear, but what

    happened to the other ear?” He says, “well,

    jeez, I had to ring the doctor!”


    ist: “Dr.


    nski will s

    ee you


    Patient: “w

    hich doct



    ist: “oh, n

    o, he is

    fully qual



    ist: “the d

    octor is s


    funny, he

    will have

    you in



    Patient: “I

    hope not—

    I only cam


    in for a c

    heck up”

  • From The Board and Staff At Bidgerdii

    and A Healthy and Happy New Year

    We Wish You A Very Murri Christmas

  • With the Festive Season upon us, Bidgerdii Community

    Health Service would like to advise our operating hours over

    the Christmas and New Year Period.

    Operating Hours

    Fri 23rd Dec 2011

    Mon 26 Dec 2011

    Tues 27 Dec 2011

    Wed 28 Dec 2011

    Thurs 29 Dec 2011

    Fri 30 Dec 2011

    Mon 2 Jan 2012

    Tues 3 Jan 2012

    8:30am to 4:00pm







    8:30am to 5:00pm



    AND A

