Virtual reality and journalism via Google Cardboard

All we're doing is travelling without moving

Transcript of Virtual reality and journalism via Google Cardboard

All we're doing is travelling without moving

Let's create, enjoy and share events, views and experiences.

Stereophotography Holmes stereophoto (1861)

The View-Master William Gruber(1938)

Sensorama Morton Heilig (1950)

VR Headset

VR Headset Sega (1991)

Immersive media Google Streetview (2007)

Oculus Rift Kickstarter (2012)

Facebook buysOculus Rift

March (2014)

Google Cardboard June (2014)

Let's make VR tours and reportsNovembre 2014

(re-)experience your● holiday● festival● new home● great viewConfront your● greatest fear

All we're doing is travelling without moving


● Visit an exhibition● Take the artist point of view● Virtual reality goggle as a souvenir

Events and festivals

● Get on the stage/field● Sneak peak other stage/line-up● Re-enjoy the event● Share your view-360 selfie


● (Live) reports● From point of view to take a visit

Creation | Upload | View share

of virtual reality environments


Create 360° foto’s, video or CAD images● Use smartphone and Google camera

app (iOS and Android)● Export from CAD software● Use 360° camera like Ricoh Theta● (Streetview) photograph

You can use photoshop to alter the image


Upload your content to● VRapp turns content into virtual reality

environments● Your personal url like

○ or○ with

● VRapp turns content into virtual reality● Navigate trough environments

○ via tapping on screen○ onscreen navigation (may 2015)

You can use photoshop to alter the image


View and share virtual reality● Put your smartphone into a VRmaster

vr-goggle● The VRmaster can be branded● Share the environments via social media

Virtual reality platformNo downloadiOS and Android ready

Affordable customable vr-gogglesYour brandingCardboard/wood/plasticAny size to match any smartphone

Mixing vr with cad with gamingCreate environments via photos, video, cad or gaming and turns your content Into vr tours.

All we're doing is travelling without moving