· Web viewissuing and receiving back books & materials As the manager- plan and organize the...

Projected plan of action for the library

Transcript of · Web viewissuing and receiving back books & materials As the manager- plan and organize the...

Page 1: · Web viewissuing and receiving back books & materials As the manager- plan and organize the management of the library draw up a resource budget and prepare the financial estimates

Projected plan ofaction for the library

Compiled by : ML VergotineProposed plan of action: next six months

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Who What Timeframe

1.Librarian Interview with the Principal

First week of the second quarter

2.Principal Initiation of the school library commitee

Second week of the second quarter

3.Librarian Drawing up a school library policy

Towards the end of the end of second quarter.

4.Library committee and school staff

Library rules End of first month of the Third Quarter

5.Library committee

Incorporation of community, use of volunteers, public library,library advisors

End of thirdQuarter

Setting up a library: Before interviewing the principal, the librarian teacher (me ) will have

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informal chats with the different members of the SGB informing them of my idea of setting up the library. I will inform them about our school’s level of achievement and why I think a centralized library would be the answer to improve our learner’s achievement. I will also inform them of the scheme and promise to deliver a SWOT analysis and a report to them for their approval, when they are available. I will also make this known amongt the SMT after which I will make an appointment to interview the principal.

1. interview with principalTeacher :Thank you for accommodating me in your busy schedule. I hope not to take up too much of your time.Principal : No it is fine!Teacher : As you know, our literacy level of our school is not on the required level, and something drastic has to be done about this. I would love to bring a change about. Studies that were made at certain schools, proved that the achievement of learners at schools with a centralized library that is up and running, were higher than schools with no library. What do you think of the idea of reviving our school’s library as we already have an ideal room, some furniture, books and shelves to accommodate this idea.Principal : To be honest, I have never been in that room., but I would welcome that idea. Would you be able to handle the library and your class on your own.Teacher: Sir , this is not a task to handle on my own, but with careful planning and commitment I will be able to. I already have three teachers who volunteered to help me with the library and have identified children whom I can appoint and who are more than willing to help with the library. There are also two parents who indicated that they are willing to help us. If you would allow me, answers to your questions , which I know you will have, will unfold in our interview. I went to the library and made a SWOT analysis . The room is very dusty. Could you please have the floors cleaned.? Principal: Yes I will ask the cleaning staff to do so.Teacher: There is also a problem with the security gate.Principal: I will have a look at that too. Do you have an idea of how this project will be financed? We don’t have a lot of money for this.Teacher: Yes sir I am aware of this but , I have been pro-active about this and I already got donors with ,curtains books and magazines for our library. You also got a promise for a donation for furniture. Do you happen to know what kind of furniture it will be?principal: Not exactly. Teacher: We have computers and copiers and access to the internet .However , I plan to present fundraising ideas to help with the outstanding equipment such as stationary and an extra carpet. I also learnt that our Norms and Standards also make provision for this.Principal: Yes, I am aware of this. Teacher : I can assure you that the library plays a vital role in our school and our community. Children need to read more and I believe that if we set an ideal atmosphere and make it interesting for the learners we will have lifelong readers and learners. I have a few interesting ideas up my sleeve to make reading more interesting for them. Do you remember what I told you when we participated in that program at Saffier Primary . I think it was called : “ Lees gee jou vlerke”Principal: No , not exactly Teacher: I spoke to the lady at the back of the hall who displayed their books and told her about my idea about the library. She then took the school’s number and promised to contact the office.

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There were real interesting books on display. However, then I met with Annemarie of the WCED. She asked me about the display and I told her of what I told the lady of Alpha books. Then she asked me the name of our school. She then told me that she would contact another lady about my idea, unfortunately I cannot recall her name.I Don’t know if you are aware of the program ”Kidz’ up” but in anyway, this is a reading program also. You get donations in the form of books.Principal: I would welcome this idea. Do you have a strategy of how you are about to do thisTeacher: Yes sir , if you give me the “ go ahead” I will present a projected plan of action to you and the SGB.I will start to give them the SWOT analysis I made.Principal: Let’s give it a go !Teacher: Thank you sir ! Now I would like you to initiate the process of compiling a library committee, preferably the heads of departments and the heads of the different Learning areas. I have a proposed plan at hand for approval by you and the SGB. If you want to, you may take a look as it. Principal: Yes please, let me see.Teacher: As you can see ,I wrote down the composition of the committee in table form. Next to the member I also wrote the skills and knowledge they would require.Principal: Yes I see.Teacher: On this page I wrote down the timeframes of the plan of action also. The timing isn’t exactly right as we still don’t have a new SGB in place. However, this idea is not cast in stone.principal: We will have a meeting this coming Thursday.Teacher: I would like to attend it. Principal: I am impressed. You can leave the action plan with me. When do you plan to have the Launch of the Library?Teacher: The Library committee has to take the final decision but I prefer to have it towards the end of March 2010.As you can see, I also have a proposed planning for the launch of the library.Principal: Thank you for progressive thinking and willingness to bring change about. You have my support!Teacher: Thank you for your time sir.

2. initiation of the library committee

Preferably the principal will initiate the committee.

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Composition: Member Who Skills and knowledge requiredChairperson Principal/

deputy Provides leadership Monitor progression in

library Chair meetings quarterly. Includes budget of the

library in the schools budget.

Decides on staff Meets with the members

once a termSecretary Librarian Accepts responsibility for

the school library issuing and receiving back

books & materials As the manager- plan and

organize the management of the library

draw up a resource budget and prepare the financial estimates of the library

compile an annual report for the SGB on the libraries stock and developmental needs

select, acquire, organize, promote and maintain the full range of resources for the teachers and learners.

have accessible hours for the use of the library

Classifying and cataloguing library resources and have a data base available

be able to draw up and implement a library policy

Writes down the minutes of meetings and handle all the

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correspondence. Gives notice of meetings

two weeks prior to a meeting.

fundraising in conjunction with the staff

members, delivers a well planned and and developed language program be able to use the ICT effectively

be able to act as advisor for all users

be in liaison with external agencies such as the public library and EDULIS

Meets with the members once a term.


HODs,learningareaheads,other teachers

Help developing the school library mission

knows the children’s and youth’s interest

develop and promote lifelong readers

knows the outcomes in order to guide the librarian of the resources he/she has to compile resources

knows the academic needs of the children and report it to the librarian

be aware of the most current changes and needs of the curriculum

Negotiating the library schedule, e.g. time of use

accepts responsibility for the library continuously evaluate and

develop the use of the library-based learning

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Volunteers Monitors

resources reporting the successes

and needs of the resources

Sorting out overdoes Tidying up processing stamps reserving items watering plants meets with the members

once a termOther members

Parents and members of the SGB


Supervising in the absence of librarian.

photocopying duties weeding watering repairing books reading books to children admin and office work organizing displays Meets with the members

once a term

Hosting programmers to develop a love for reading

3. library policy

12 Sand Hurst Street Sandhurststraat 1 Ravensmead Ravensmead 7693 7693Tel: 021 931 1911 Tel: 021 931 1911

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library policy

vision and mission statementOur aim is to make the library a place where all the users are given equal opportunities to develop and grow in a safe ,supportive, positive and caring environment whilst encouraging them to reach their potential holistically in order to enable them to act confidently and make critical decisions in the community where they live, work and play.


Our purpose of the library is to provide the learners with skills to unlock the world of knowledge by means of information retrieval, using different forms of literature.

patronsOur patrons of the library will consist of the Staff members of Vorentoe Primary School, our learners, our parents who availed themselves and the communityin which our school is situated.

Composition , Roles and responsibilities of the staff Chairperson Principal/

deputySecretary LibrarianRepresentatives HOD’s, learningarea heads,

other teachers

Volunteers Monitors

Other members Parents and members of the SGBadvisors

1. Keep the library updated and list :

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New books Resource books Maps Newspaper clips Videos/ audio cassettes/ DVD’s/ CDs Magazines

2. Instill the Dewey system 3. Collaborate with educators on a monthly basis.4. Classification of books.5. Cataloguing of new resources 6 . Creating displays of old and new books.7. Train and develop all staff. 8. Keeping up to date with new releases9. Keep statistics up to date10. Issuing and accepting returned books and other resources. 11. Ensure that rules and procedures of library is adhered to.12. Provide sufficient information on high frequent topics such as HIV/AIDS DRUG ABUSE.13. Weeding the library on a quarterly basis. budget policy Projected Budget : 1. The total sum of the budget for each year will be determined by:

the percentage allocated for the library in the norms and standards fundraising a flat rate per learner external grants, e.g. –donors

2. After thorough discussion with the staff on the immediate needs of the Library , a budget for the library will be drawn up.

3. The total of new books purchased will be determined by the number of learners in the school. Approximately 2 books per learner.

4. The budget will be compiled by the teacher librarian and then discussed by the library committee. After decision-making the budget will be forwarded to the SGB prior to the school’s annual budget.

selection policy:

The Librarian will undertake to balance the collection of resources by committing him/herself to: treat every subject as important as the other.. support outside interests and hobbies of learners accommodate all the different levels of reading review the books ,e.g. resensiones visit other better equipped libraries

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make use of the requisitions record know the resources that the school already have. consider the needs of the poor and reluctant readers concentrate on African materials( setting,writers,poets) audiovisual materials must be supportive to reading be clued up with the projects done by each grade check if the resources are accurate and up to date make sure it doesn’t contain racist or other offensive content work out an acceptable ratio between fiction and non-fiction, e.g.

Phase Percentage Fiction Percentage Non - fictionFoundation phase 80% 20%Intermediate phase 60% 40%Senior phase 50% 50%

Language ratio for fictionphase Afrikaans English Reference

sourceFoundation phase 60% 15% 5%Intermediate phase 35% 20% 5%Senior phase 25% 20% 5% Language ratio for non- FictionPhase afrikaans English reference

sourceFoundation phase 12% 5% 3%Intermediate phase 20% 15% 5%Senior phase 25% 20% 5%

donations policy

1. Donations are suitable when: the books are attractive, neat and suitable for the readers( volunteers can weed out the

bad ones. the librarian would want to buy the resources with limited funds the content of the material serve to support the school curriculum

2. On acceptance of a donation a thank you note must be given within a week.3. The donation must be recorded and immediately assessed according to suitability and level of learners who patronize the library.

Circulation policy

Our manual circulation system should provide that: there should be a track record of (a) which items have been borrowed (b) who has borrowed it (c) when they should return the itemsto issue items:

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issue cards may be filed by grade under the users name book cards and book pockets may be used(call number, as session number author and

title will indicate the particulars of the item) the user fills in his or her name and grade in the relevant columns of the book card and

hands it over to the person in charge if issuing The return date is entered on the card and also stamped on the date sheet and the card is

placed in the relevant compartment if the issue box. At the end of the day all the book cards of items borrowed that day are arranged in

numerical order according to their accession numbers the book cards should be counted for record purposes

to return items:

the user hands in the item at the issue desk. The person on duty checks the return date and accession number on the book pocket. the accession number should be filed in sequence After a check to ensure that the accession numbers on the card and on the book

pocket are the same, the card is placed in the pocket and the book may then be shelved

hours of opening:

Mondays- Thursdays: 07 : 30 - 07 : 55 10 : 00 - 10 : 20 12 : 30 - 12 : 50 14 : 20 - 15 : 00 ( this timeslot does not apply for Wednesdays) Fridays 07 : 30 - 07 : 55 10 : 30 - 11 : 00 13 : 30 - 14 : 30

scheduling of library use:

1. Each class should at least visit the Library twice a week according to the timetable.2. The teacher responsible for the class should then take responsibility of everything in the library.3. Reading, research ,stories-telling etc. should occur during visiting hours.4. Strict supervision should be kept on each visit.5.Teachers should sign in and out when they collect and return the key to the library.6. Teachers should inform the Librarian at least two weeks in advance to compile resources when needed.

the use of volunteers

all volunteers should be responsible to the teacher-librarian they may be present in the library in the absence of the teacher-librarian but cannot deal

with disciplinary matters. A Teacher should be available tot deal with such occurrences Volunteers may assist with:( a ) Covering of new books( b ) Repairing books

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( c ) Tidying and shelving books( d ) Issuing and discharging of books, assisted with library monitors.( e ) Receiving material and notifying the teacher - librarian( f ) Data capturing( g ) Guidance/ advice to learners and staff. ( h ) Assisting in general tidiness and marketing the library.

the role of the teacher librarian

Accepts responsibility for the school library issuing and receiving back books & materials As the manager- plan and organize the management of the library draw up a resource budget and prepare the financial estimates of the library compile an annual report for the SGB on the libraries stock and developmental needs select acquire, organize, promote and maintain the full range of resources for the teachers

and learners. have accessible hours for the use of the library Classifying and cataloguing library resources and have a data base available be able to draw up and implement a library policy Writes down the minutes of meetings and handle all the correspondence. Gives notice of meetings two weeks prior to a meeting. fundraising in conjunction with the staff members, delivers a well planned and developed language

programmed be able too use the ICT effectively be able to act as advisor for all users be in liaison with external agencies such as the public library and EDULIS Meets with the members once a term

other members such as advisors and members of the community

Supervising in the absence of librarian. photocopying duties weeding watering of plants repairing books reading books to children admin and office work organizing displays Meets with the members once a term

Hosting programmers to develop a love for reading

Teacher representatives

Help develop the school library mission knows the children’s and youth’s interest develop and promote lifelong readers

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knows the outcomes in order to guide the librarian of the resources he/she has to compile resources

knows the academic needs of the children and report it to the librarian be aware of the most current changes and needs of the curriculum Negotiating the library schedule, egg time of use accepts responsibility for the library continuously evaluate and develop the use of the library-based learning resources reporting the successes and needs of the resources

……………………………………………………………..Teacher - Librarian


…………………………………………………………… Date Compiled by M.L Vergotine