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Page 1: Web viewdifferent situations with children his age, and also has a good relationship with his teacher and several other adult relatives, friends and neighbors


Middle Childhood

Rebeca Garcia

Ivy Tech Community College

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1. Adaptation to school (6-8 years old)

Time has pass and Jeremy had change with the time in many ways. School has become a

substantial part of his life as he been growing. One of the priorities in his life and in our life as

his parents is for him to be feel comfortable and happy in school. Therefore I try to occasionally

help out in Jeremy's classroom. “Whether a child is entering school for the first time as a

kindergartener, approaching adolescence in middle school, or enrolling as a freshman at the

university, his academic success depends greatly on several factors. Your involvement as a

parent, your child's peers and a strong sense of community within the school and classroom all

play a crucial role” (Garris, n.d.).While I visited Jeremy in school when he was in first grade I

noticed that he got along very well with other children on an individual basis and was not shy at

all, but was not a peer leader or one of the more popular kids in his grade; I thought this was

nothing to worry about as long as he developed some solid relationships and had a good self-

steam his social life in school will be safe and fine. I tried to help him work towards developing a

best friendship by getting to know the parents of his favorite kid, and arranging more frequent

get-togethers. When I went to a teacher conference and the teacher went over Jeremy's first grade

report card. The report card uses developmental categories rather than traditional grades. Some

of the results were usually works cooperatively in groups, usually respects rights and property of

others, and usually demonstrates appropriate peer social interaction. In the comments section the

teacher wrote: Jeremy occasionally gets upset in stressful situations but usually calms down

fairly quickly. "Developmentally appropriate" in the areas of speaking and Jeremy was usually

work in the classroom setting. He did not show an unusual amount of impulsive or distractible

behavior. Usually works independently, usually listens attentively and follows directions, and

usually follows classroom rules. During 7 to 8 years old Jeremy seems to get along well in many

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different situations with children his age, and also has a good relationship with his teacher and

several other adult relatives, friends and neighbors. I have allowed Jeremy to join clubs, visit

friend's house in a regular basis, and other activities that involved social activities, since I believe

this will help him not only in his social life and to have a good self-steam; but in his life as an

adult to build strong relationships. Jeremy has been taking piano lessons for two years and reads

and plays well by ear, he also sings in a choir, this is one of his hobbies. He is now part of the

instrumental music program at the school I have help him a little to grow more interest in this

like of him and Jeremy just started learning the violin. Now that he is part of the school music

program I think this will help him to know people that are more similar to him and that have the

same interest; Jeremy loves sharing this like with his friends. “Children and adolescents

befriends with others who are similar to themselves and, as time passes, friends become more

similar in their attitudes and values” (Kail, 2010, p. 475). Now as Jeremy is growing Jeremy

usually is cheerful and in good humor, this a novel characteristic I believe that he has acquire as

he has more involve in different activities with different people; he tries to use humor to deal

with stress or just shrugs off life's little upsets and very rarely, gets him really upset before an

issue or a hard situation; when this occur I sympathize, give him hug, or stroke his little head this

way he feels safe and openly talks to me; Jeremy knows he can talk to me whenever he wants

about these problems; and that I will always listen. “When the parent-child relationship is high

quality and emotionally satisfying, children are encouraged to form relationships with other

people. Another possibility is that secure attachment relationship with the mother makes an

infant feel more confident about exploring the environment with peers” (Kail, 2010). The

psychologist gave me and the teacher a questionnaire on behavioral and attentional problems,

and reported that Jeremy did not have unusual problems with impulsivity, inattentiveness or

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hyperactivity. He was very focused and maintained concentration throughout the IQ and

achievement testing. Jeremy is competent in social terms and is progressing with the time, I think

he will grow out to be a kind and friendly person.

2. How smart is your child?

Jeremey is doing well academically and is getting settle in the school environment. There are

some areas in which is evident that he is more strong at, some of his strengths seem to be so

natural; like in linguistic, spatial, musical, and bodily-kinesthetic. While he passed to first grade,

he really seemed to be advancing; surprisingly and luckily he is started reading first and even

second grade books while he was in first grade. I have always thought that is good to challenge

him to learn new things and to go beyond “his limits” and since Jeremy already was good in

phonological awareness, I figured the best thing would be to find fun challenging books for him

to read with our help to get better in his reading skills. “Our society worships talent, and many

people assume that possessing superior intelligence or ability--along with confidence in that

ability--is a recipe for success. In fact, however, more than 30 years of scientific investigation

suggests that an overemphasis on intellect or talent leaves people vulnerable to failure, fearful of

challenges and unwilling to remedy their shortcomings” (Dweck, 2007). Jeremy has the skill and

quality of being gifted musically. “Music intelligence: comprehending and producing sounds and

varying in pitch and rhythm, and emotional tone” (Kail, 2010, p. 249).He impresses everyone

who hears him with his singing ability and ability to play songs by ear on the portable keyboard.

The school didn’t provide instrumental music lessons until 3rd grade but he had private piano

lessons until he was old enough to have lessons in school. Jeremy reads music, and sings some

songs by sight reading of the notes. Jeremy took private piano lessons for two years and he also

sings in a choir, he is also part of the music program in school and now is starting with a new

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instrument the violin. This talent that he has and that is certainly growing I think is related and

has helped him in other aspects, his piano teacher told us that reading music will help him with

his reading skills as well, Jeremy learned how to read music before learning how read; this also

refined his memorization skills. “The field of music is well known for individuals with incredible

talent that is apparent at an early age. Claudio Arrau, one of the 20th century’s greatest pianist,

could read musical notes before he could read real words” (Kail, 2010, p. 250) . Jeremy's

memory is getting better, he can beat me on certain memory games mainly because he

remembers where the cards are located. Jeremy is communicating in grammatically correct

sentences for the most part, and has a vocabulary that's steadily expanding. I found some books

of interest to Jeremy and read them aloud, using different voices to make the story more dramatic

and dynamic I pause occasionally to ask questions and get Jeremy talking; doing this will help

him sharpen his memorization and communication skills. Jeremy was working during 1st and 2nd

grade at grade level in math and science but he was not really interested in these topics as he is in

music and reading, so I have tried to look for different projects that interest him and he will be

able to use his on hands skills, but since he is also interested in reading we went to the library

and look for cool books on this topics that are “child friendly”. In his first report card there were

developmental categories rather than traditional grades. Some of the results were: "Demonstrates

strength" in reading and writing. "Developmentally appropriate" in the areas of speaking and

listening and in content knowledge of social studies and science. "Developmentally appropriate"

in the areas of mathematical problem solving, understanding of data and number concepts.

"Demonstrates strength" in the areas of spatial understanding and visual arts. Jeremy did

reasonably well in 3rd grade math, but didn’t seem to like math all that much. He seemed to like

the hands on science experiments most of all. So the strategy that I have used no is to relate

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science and math doing some simple hands-on science experiments that just happen to illustrate

the usefulness of key math concepts such as fractions or units of measurement. Jeremy enjoys

reading and looks forward to taking turns reading the story for the night with me. I introduce

Jeremy to some different kinds of reading materials, such as children's literary magazines, nature

magazines, newspaper stories that might be of interest, and poetry books, we have subscribe to

get weekly magazines that are really informative and of his interest too. Jeremy enjoys drawing

and designing things of interest houses, cars, airplanes, and loves to work with his hands building

models or things out of clay, paper Mache and with blocks since he seems genuinely excited

about it, I signed Jeremy up for drawing and painting classes at a local store. I remember that

constructing things and building has been a skill and something that Jeremy has enjoyed since he

was only a few months old, this particular talent seems to be so natural on him. This involves the

bodily kinesthetic intelligence “using one’s body in highly differentiated ways, as dancers,

craftspeople, and athletes” (Kail, 2010, p. 249). Jeremy is doing well in language arts at school

but to make writing a habit and a natural thing we tried to motivate him with a journal to

encourage his writing skills. The Psychologist's report at the age 8-11 were in the average to

above. Some of Jeremy's scores on the Verbal portion of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for

Children (where 7 is one standard deviation below the mean, 10 is the mean and 13 is one

standard deviation above the mean): Information (9), Vocabulary (10), Similarities (10),

Comprehension (11). Jeremy's scores on the math concepts, math application problems, and

math computation tests were in the average range. Jeremy's scores on tests of visual-spatial

ability were well above average. “During the first ten years of a child's life, the brain forms

trillions of connections, and is the most malleable it will ever be. With each new skill – whether

it's playing the violin or learning Mandarin – the brain develops important connections that

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influence other abilities, like math and verbal skills or the ability to empathize with other kids”

(Kelmon, n.d.). I am proud of Jeremy’s outcomes and qualities and I have plans to continuing

helping him grow in his areas of interests as well as in the other areas in which he struggle a

little, I will try to continue helping him by building a learning environment for him.

3. American gender role socialization

The American gender role socialization I believe has become a natural norm or topic for our

society, but is important as parents to explain to children the aspects of this and to set some

boundaries. Nowadays is common to see women as policewomen and men as chefs, but there is

still a little bit of stigma towards this kind of situations and is important to present this kind of

situations as early as possible for them to understand mainly to respect everyone no mattering

who they are or how they look. While I helped out in Jeremy's first grade classroom. One thing I

notice during recess was that the boys usually engage in physical activities in fairly large groups

and keep the girls out. The girls are tend to have small-group or even just one-on-one

interactions. What little contact there is between genders usually involves teasing or chasing.

Jeremy's behavior is fairly typical. “Little boys play together with cars and little girls play

together with dolls. This preference increases during childhood, and reaching a peak in

preadolescence” (Kail, 2010, p. 423). I have strongly encourage Jeremy to play with

neighborhood kids regardless of their sex. I notice that when playing outside of school setting

the ages and the genders of the play groups vary a little more; so I have encourage this kind of

playing dates in which he play with more a more diverse group of kids. Jeremy is physically

active, enjoys exercise and seems to have some athletic talent, “Boys are usually larger and

stronger than girls which means that they often physically outperform girls…Boys usually run

faster, jump higher and throw objects farther and more accurately” (Kail, 2010, p. 413)based on

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Jeremy's interest, I enroll him in soccer and baseball, this tend to be more boys activities, but

luckily when going to his games he have seen girls playing and women being couches so this

have help him understand more hos women and men are able to do this things and to be less

gender stereotyping. Jeremy has been imitating more his Dad and wants to do what he does more

and more. He wants to hang around whenever Dad is doing anything interesting, such as trying

to repair the plumbing, or going to the store. I have encouraged this, but you also try to

encourage him to try out girl activities such as cooking or folding laundry. It helps because Dad

enjoys cooking already, I try to make this kind of activities more like a family activity in which

everyone help regardless of age or sex, I try to make this times fun and a moment for everyone in

the family to share and enjoy. I have also seen Jeremy's focus on the masculine role as a normal

development and I go along with it since is natural, but point I also point out and remark to him

in conversations the variety in gender roles, such as female firefighters, male preschool teachers,

I try to mention this when he is doing things that are of interest to him like in book’s stories or in

movie settings, this way he will be able to realize that is normal for women and men to do the

same activities and is part of the everyday life . Jeremy and most of his friends act as though and

say girls are "yucky" and to be avoided, they spend a lot of their time playing sports, and

roughhousing. “Boys and girls don’t play together because girls don’t like boys’ style of play and

because girls’ enabling style of interacting is ineffective with boys” (Kail, 2010, p. 423) I tolerate

this attitude until a certain limit I know it is part of the male bonding and part of process at

Jeremy's age, but I make sure that he treats his sister kindly and to refer to women with respect; I

try to talk to him when he is alone about this aspects and make analyze more the gender role

topic and the gender stereotyping I think that doing this when he is alone he won’t feel stress and

won’t have any influence from their friends. Jeremy likes the role of big brother and plays with

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Sofia quite a bit in the yard mainly when friends are not available. It's usually a construction

project, or whatever sport Jeremy is most interested in playing .I try to encourage their games

and often supply them with materials and sometimes I volunteer to help them build their forts

and cabins I think that is important for them to play together and to learn that it can be fun to

play with each other no mattering their sex and that they can find a common like. This helpful

for both of them.

4. Child’s academic skills between ages 6 and 10

According to the website: http://www.greatschools.org/students/academic-skills/531-K-5-

benchmarks.gs?page=all an article about academic skills milestones as children advance in

school. As I read I saw there are certain characteristics that allow you to see how well is your

child progressing each school age for example

“By the end of first grade, you can expect your child to work independently at her desk,

listen to longer sets of directions, be able to see things from another person's point of view so

you can reason with your child and teach her empathy, relate experiences in greater detail

and in a logical way, problem-solve disagreements, have some minor difficulties with

friendships and working out problems with peers, write words with letter-combination

patterns such as words with a silent e, read and write high-frequency words such as where

and every, write complete sentences with correct capitalization and punctuation, read aloud

first-grade books with accuracy and understanding, quickly answer addition and subtraction

facts for sums up to 20, complete two-digit addition and subtraction problems without

regrouping.” (Kindergarten through fifth grade: What your child should know, n.d.)

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Jeremy started to read some easy books toward the end of kindergarten and while he was in first

grade, he really got into readings and started reading first and even second grade books. Since

Jeremy impressed everyone who heard him with his singing ability and ability to play songs by

ear on the portable keyboard, he sight read music too when he was in 1ST grade. Fortunately

Jeremy has progressed in many areas and during this age he also learned to communicate in

grammatically correct sentences and his vocabulary grew through time and practice. Jeremy was

able to working at grade level in math and science he didn’t feel so comfortable in this areas but

he did fine with a little bit of more effort. After the school year finished the report card on first

grade indicated certain aspects of his progress such as "Demonstrates strength" in reading and

writing. "Developmentally appropriate" in the areas of speaking and listening and in content

knowledge of social studies and science. "Developmentally appropriate" in the areas of

mathematical problem solving, understanding of data and number concepts. "Demonstrates

strength" in the areas of spatial understanding and visual arts. Jeremy showed to usually work

independently, usually listened attentively and follows directions, and usually followed

classroom rules by this outcomes I saw that according to the article mentioned above my child

progressed fine during first grade and did not have any struggles that I had it to worry on. “By

the end of third grade, you can expect your child to: work cooperatively and productively with

other children in small groups to complete projects, understand how choices affect consequences,

become more organized and logical in her thinking processes, be helpful, cheerful, and pleasant

as well as rude, bossy, selfish, and impatient, be able to copy from a chalkboard, be able to write

neatly in cursive because the small muscles of the hand have developed, read longer stories and

chapter books with expression and comprehension, multiply single- and multi-digit numbers,

divide multi-digit numbers by one-digit numbers” (Kindergarten through fifth grade: What your

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child should know, n.d.). Jeremy did reasonably well in 3rd grade math, but he still didn’t

enjoyed as much he started to like science more because of the hand-on and experiment part so I

tried to influence his math abilities through this area by showing him the math portion in science.

Jeremy continued been able to sound out almost any word, and reading well aloud, I influenced

him to read him aloud since is a strategy that is well known to help improve your reading

abilities. He enjoys reading and looks forward to taking turns reading the story for the night with

me. Jeremy has continued taking piano lessons and he now read and play by ear, he also sings in

a choir, and is now part of the instrumental music program at the school. Jeremy enjoys drawing

and designing things he just loves to work with his hands building models with different

materials. I pursued him to have Journal has a journal mainly to inspire his writing abilities and

techniques. The Psychologist's report at age 8;11 and his scores were in the average to above

average range in word reading, reading fluency, phonological awareness and spelling. He was

friendly to the examiner and remained calm and cheerful during the IQ and achievement tests

even when some of the questions became difficult and frustrating. These were some of Jeremy's

scores on the Verbal portion of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (where 7 is one

standard deviation below the mean, 10 is the mean and 13 is one standard deviation above the

mean): Information (9), Vocabulary (10), Similarities (10), Comprehension (11). Jeremy's scores

on the math concepts, math application problems, and math computation tests were in the

average range. Jeremy's scores on tests of visual-spatial ability were well above average. The

psychologist also gave me and the teacher a questionnaire on behavioral and attentional

problems, and reported that Jeremy did not have unusual problems with impulsivity,

inattentiveness or hyperactivity. He was very focused and maintained concentration throughout

the IQ and achievement testing. For third grade Jeremy was again successful and managed to

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overthrow his weakness. While Jeremy is in fifth grade he is in grade-level math, but has some

issues when it comes to word problems, I have try to help him in this area since math is actually

one of my strengths I try to explain him different methods in which he can solve problems and

always try to help him by reading the problems to him and telling him how I will do it when it

comes to difficult problem for him. Jeremy is continued to be a strong reader, and his affection

towards reading has grown according to his interests he is really into fiction books now my

challenge has become to make read different kinds of books as well in his spare time, books that

will actually educate him. Jeremy has continued with his drawing and art projects and is now

showing some talent and more interest towards it, he seem to be always drawing interesting

cartoons and sketching faces or scenes. The art teacher wants him to prepare a special work of art

for the county art fair, so me and his dad had gift him a little art studio in the house attic in which

he can work in his projects and let this talent of him expand. Some of the highlights of the 5th

grade report card were that he usually works cooperatively in groups, usually respects rights and

property of others, and usually demonstrates appropriate peer social interaction. "Demonstrates

strength" in all areas of reading, and in spelling and "appropriate for grade level" in writing. In

the comments section the teacher wrote. "Appropriate for grade level" in the areas of speaking

and listening and in content knowledge of social studies and science. "Appropriate for grade

level" in the areas of mathematical problem solving, understanding of data, number concepts,

graphical applications, and arithmetic computation. "Demonstrates strength" in the area of art.

"Demonstrates strength" in the area of music. Consistently works independently, listens

attentively, and follows directions and classroom rules. It is clear that Jeremy has some areas of

strength in which he shows lots of talent, like I mentioned in one of the paragraphs above Jeremy

seem to be gifted in some areas such as musically and bodily-kinesthetic, he loves doing

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anything related to this aspects; our work as parents has become to keep him encouraged in the

areas in which he struggles as well, don’t let him stress out, but to remain calm and with practice

and time everything will become natural. Jeremy does not show to have any critical or dramatic

struggles in any area and is doing well academically and enjoys school activities.

5. Child adapting to social situations in and outside the home

When Jeremy was in first grade Jeremy's pet fish died so we did the backyard burial

ceremony but he seemed to be concerned about it and a few days later Jeremy asked if I will die,

and whether he will die as well. I told Jeremy that all living things eventually die, but you also

talk about how long people live compared to fishes, I told him that dying is a natural process of

life and tried to be as informative and understandable as possible, over some time dead was a

topic that worry him but it disappeared over time and frequent support and talks about it. Jeremy

luckily really knew the routines in restaurants and public places when he was around six he only

occasionally got rambunctious I felt so proud of him and he did too since we as a team

completed our task, and he seem to be so committed to be the big brother and be an example for

her sister; fortunately Sofia did got influenced by this and required way less work in this area.

Jeremy has always been physically active, enjoys exercise and seems to have some athletic

talent. He had been enrolled in different teams and played different sports like baseball and

soccer, and shows to be particularly talented in baseball Jeremy only has a few years before he

would have to try out for a high school team I took the coach's advice and dive into travel

baseball, but I also encourage Jeremy to play all kinds of sports informally, such as tennis,

basketball; I don’t really want for him to become stress since he is already involve in so many

extracurricular activities. I do like for him to be physically active and to have a natural interest

on it, since it also helps him to be healthy; he never appears to get sick with colds of flus it seem

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that playing sports have help him to build up his immunological antibodies and to stay fit .

Jeremy seems to be able to eat a lot without gaining any weight, but I still showed Jeremy the

"My Plate" website from the U.S. Department of Agriculture that shows which foods are

healthiest and in what proportion they should be on your plate I think that even though he seems

healthy and he has a good body proportion mainly because he is really into sports this

information is still valuable for Jeremy's health going forward. Other of the benefits of Jeremy

playing sports is that we get to share this activity as a family we try to be involved on it his dad

has served as assistant coach on the soccer team. Jeremy started cheating during games when he

was around six but when he sometimes when he got caught, he gets upset and doesn't want to

keep playing the game. Jeremy didn’t developed a strong sense of morality yet but this ok

accorded to his age, he still trying to understand the feeling of others and learning how to respect

them. When Jeremy cheated I talk to him but I also tried to be understanding I usually tell him “I

think you forgot the rules." and then try to remind him the rules and then continue playing; if he

cheated again, I tell him, "It's not as much fun for me if you cheat,” to make him aware of the

feelings of others. When Jeremy was around six or seven he had trouble falling asleep or waking

up frightened sometimes the issue usually resolved by letting him sleep in my room or staying up

with him. To try to resolve the problem and not make a permanent situation him wanting to sleep

with me I allowed Jeremy to bring a pillow and blanket into your bedroom and sleep on the

floor, I thought this was a smart strategy, but in top of this I also talk to him about the reasons

that make him scare. Jeremy gets along very well with other children on an individual basis and

is not shy at all, to encourage him to be friendlier I tried to work on developing a best friendship

for Jeremy by getting to know the parents of his favorite kids, and arranging more frequent get-

togethers. As time passed I figure out that it was time for Jeremy to be more responsible and gain

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some tasks or chores respecting of the house labors I have saved some time to show him how to

do it and praise him for helping. Jeremy have grown and seem to be more mature he had started

to value some things more one day and said something about the way we have raised him and he

said I am "nice" to him as other parents are to their kids. He also pointed out that I have many

"rules" compared to other kids' parents. Jeremy’s teachers usually comment that he works

cooperatively in groups, usually respects rights and property of others, and usually demonstrates

appropriate peer social interaction I have allowed Jeremy to join clubs, visit at a friend's house,

or any other reasonable request that involves social activities I think this will benefit him in

many aspects and is healthy for him to be friendly. Jeremy is generally pretty good about

homework and chores, but sometimes he seems to forget I try to don't be too hard on him since

school chores are one of the most important tasks for me but I also try to encourage him to keep

up with chore so he becomes responsible as he grows. The psychologist gave me and the teacher

a questionnaire on behavioral and attentional problems, and reported that Jeremy did not have

unusual problems with impulsivity, inattentiveness or hyperactivity. Sometimes Jeremy and

Sofia's squabbles develop into a serious fight and they progress from screaming at each other, to

pushing, and sometimes even hitting, when this occur I have zero tolerance I immediately put the

children in separate rooms for ten minutes after this time I let them come out of the room and

continue playing but if this occur again then they get harder punishment as loosing privileges..

The teacher reports that Jeremy is a cooperative and enthusiastic student, when this happen I try

to provide a lot of praise for Jeremy's hard work and continue to monitor his schedule to make

sure he doesn't get overcommitted and tired. Jeremy is becoming more adaptable in social

situations, and gets along well with kids at school.

6. Parenting Style

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When Jeremy was four I didn’t had a well define parenting style. I was between authoritarian

and authoritative. I have always try to encourage Jeremy to do the activities that he likes; and

encourage to explore activities related to his likes. I have try to share with him his likes, using

activities that will increase his learning, and try to save time to do things that interest him the

main reason was that “The quality of attachment during infancy predicts parent-child relations

during childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood” (Kail, 2010, p. 334).When Jeremy

complied with my requests, and did not to follow directions or got distracted mid-way through

following them I talk to him and have adopted a system of small rewards for positive behavior

and punishments time-out or removal of a privilege for negative behavior. “Authoritative

parenting combines a fair degree of parental control with warmth and responsively to children;

explain rules and encourage discussion” (Kail, 2010, p. 438). The developmental specialist when

he was four reported that my scores as a parent indicate that I am about average in warmth and

affection toward Jeremy and the parenting questionnaire scores indicate that I am currently about

average in the discipline and control with Jeremy. “Authoritarian parents combines high control

with little warmth” (Kail, 2010, p. 438) I think the reason that the results I was average in

warmth has been because sometimes Jeremy might of thought that I am more strict, and not

really flexible about breaking a rule or keeping up the routines. Now that time has pass and I

have learn more about the tasks of being a parent I think I am more defined towards a parenting

style and I can define myself as authoritative. I have continued to be involve in all of Jeremy’s

likes and try to be as supportive as possible. I try to same time to read with him every day and to

catch up with him in what is new with him, this is a valuable time for both us since we both have

a passion for reading. I also enjoy participating in Jeremy’s classroom in different activities and I

also like to go visit his school to join in for lunch and check how he is doing in school. When

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Jeremy got into the habit of cheating at games I try to be understanding and talk to him about

how this wasn’t a right choice and tried to stop this habit. I also tried to be understanding of other

difficult situations as he has grown like when he was scared at nights. Jeremy has learned to

value more and he had grown serious and now thinks that I am "nice" even though I am stricter

compared to his friends’ parents, but he is ok with it and he knows that I am strict and I have set

certain rules because I love him and care about him. The psychologist interviews you using a

standard set of questions about parenting attitudes. According to your scores, you are about

average in warmth and affection toward your child. Your scores on the parenting questionnaire

indicate you are about average in discipline and control toward your child.

7. Child’s personality type changes

When Jeremy was around 4 to 6 years old he seemed to be a really good child and easy

going, but still needed some work on his personality, he needed some work in his behavior as

well as his social and emotional skills. He was shy in social situations and anxious and clingy

under pressure. He also showed some stress about breaking rules. Now he has change over

time and his personality has changed positively. He has learn to control his feelings and

shows good behavior in public places, he is also friendly to most children and adults, and he

has overcome his shyness. Now as Jeremy is growing Jeremy usually is cheerful and in good

humor, this a novel characteristic I believe that he has acquire as he has more involve in

different activities with different people; he tries to use humor to deal with stress or just

shrugs off life's little upsets and very rarely, gets him really upset before an issue or a hard

situation; when this occur I sympathize, give him hug, or stroke his little head this way he

feels safe and openly talks to me; Jeremy knows he can talk to me whenever he wants about

these problems; and that I will always listen. “When the parent-child relationship is high

Page 18: Web viewdifferent situations with children his age, and also has a good relationship with his teacher and several other adult relatives, friends and neighbors


quality and emotionally satisfying, children are encouraged to form relationships with other

people. Another possibility is that secure attachment relationship with the mother makes an

infant feel more confident about exploring the environment with peers” (Kail, 2010).

8. Microsystems outside the family

According to website: https://explorable.com/ecological-systems-theory in the explanation

about the 5 environmental systems. “The micro system's setting is the direct environment we

have in our lives. Your family, friends, classmates, teachers, neighbors and other people who

have a direct contact with you are included in your micro system. The micro system is the setting

in which we have direct social interactions with these social agents”. Jeremy has changed over

time and has been influenced by the different environments he has face as he grows. For example

he has been influenced by me into his reading habit, I think reading is a really valuable habit and

has encouraged to read since he was young, luckily his affection towards reading has grown and

I don’t have to encourage him to do it anymore. Another example will be that his dad since he

was young play with him blocks and they enjoyed doing this for long periods of time; now as he

has grown his ability towards it has grown and now he has a passion for building stuff not only

with blocks but with different materials. “The macro-system setting is the actual culture of an

individual. The cultural contexts involve the socioeconomic status of the person and/or his

family, his ethnicity or race and living in a still developing or a third world country” The way we

have raise Jeremy has being influenced culturally. I was born in Mexico and all my family is

from there. My parenting style has probably been influenced by the culture in which I was raised.

“Latino culture typically places greater emphasis on strong family ties and respecting the roles of

all family members, particularly adults; these values lead parents to be more protective of their

children and to set more rules for them” (Kail, 2010, p. 439) .

Page 19: Web viewdifferent situations with children his age, and also has a good relationship with his teacher and several other adult relatives, friends and neighbors


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