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Vis Comput DOI 10.1007/s00371-010-0430-5 ORIGINAL ARTICLE A high dynamic range rendering pipeline for interactive applications In search for perceptual realism Josselin Petit · Roland Brémond © Springer-Verlag 2010 Abstract Realistic images can be computed at interactive frame rates for Computer Graphics applications. Mean- while, High Dynamic Range (HDR) rendering has a grow- ing success in video games and virtual reality applications, as it improves the image quality and the player’s immersion feeling. In this paper, we propose a new method, based on a physical lighting model, to compute in real time a HDR illumination in virtual environments. Our method allows to re-use existing virtual environments as input, and com- putes HDR images in photometric units. Then, from these HDR images, displayable 8-bit images are rendered with a tone mapping operator and displayed on a standard display device. The HDR computation and the tone mapping are implemented in OpenSceneGraph with pixel shaders. The lighting model, together with a perceptual tone mapping, improves the perceptual realism of the rendered images at low cost. The method is illustrated with a practical applica- tion where the dynamic range of the virtual environment is a key rendering issue: night-time driving simulation. Keywords Rendering · High dynamic range · Perceptual realism · Interactivity · Pixel shader J. Petit · R. Brémond ( ) Université Paris-Est, LEPSiS, 75015 Paris, France e-mail: [email protected] J. Petit e-mail: [email protected] J. Petit Université Lyon 1, LIRIS, UMR5205, 69622, Lyon, France 1 Introduction Immersion is a major goal for virtual reality applications. Among the factors which contribute to this objective, the perceptual realism of the displayed images is paramount [8]. The most straightforward way to achieve perceptual realism is to get physical realism. However, reaching physical real- ism raises tough problems, both in terms of real-time com- putation and physical modeling. First, true photorealism im- plies very accurate 3D models. Next, one must collect the photometric and colorimetric inputs (light source descrip- tion, spectral representation, material texture, BRDF, etc.) needed for the illumination computation. Then, the full sim- ulation of the scene illumination (either with radiosity or ray tracing methods) in large virtual environments is far from real time. And finally, one cannot avoid the technical limits of current display devices, which are not designed to dis- play physical High Dynamic Range (HDR) luminance val- ues but Low Dynamic Range (LDR) 8-bit images (however, see Seetzen et al. [35]). Due to the limited luminance gamut of typical LDR display devices, one cannot avoid to lose physical realism somewhere along the rendering pipeline. For instance, usual LCD display devices cannot render light sources (they are limited around 300 cd/m 2 ), and cannot render very dark ar- eas (the minimum luminance in an office may be around 1 cd/m 2 ). In contrast, the sensitivity of the human pho- toreceptors ranges between 10 6 cd/m 2 for starlight and 10 8 cd/m 2 for sunlight [9]. Thus, the input range of the physical visual signal must be mapped to the dynamic range of the display device (2 orders of magnitude only). The pur- pose of tone mapping operators is to transform the HDR im- ages into LDR images which can be displayed on conven- tional display devices, still keeping perceptual realism.

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Vis ComputDOI 10.1007/s00371-010-0430-5


A high dynamic range rendering pipelinefor interactive applications

In search for perceptual realism

Josselin Petit · Roland Brémond

© Springer-Verlag 2010

Abstract Realistic images can be computed at interactiveframe rates for Computer Graphics applications. Mean-while, High Dynamic Range (HDR) rendering has a grow-ing success in video games and virtual reality applications,as it improves the image quality and the player’s immersionfeeling. In this paper, we propose a new method, based ona physical lighting model, to compute in real time a HDRillumination in virtual environments. Our method allowsto re-use existing virtual environments as input, and com-putes HDR images in photometric units. Then, from theseHDR images, displayable 8-bit images are rendered with atone mapping operator and displayed on a standard displaydevice. The HDR computation and the tone mapping areimplemented in OpenSceneGraph with pixel shaders. Thelighting model, together with a perceptual tone mapping,improves the perceptual realism of the rendered images atlow cost. The method is illustrated with a practical applica-tion where the dynamic range of the virtual environment isa key rendering issue: night-time driving simulation.

Keywords Rendering · High dynamic range · Perceptualrealism · Interactivity · Pixel shader

J. Petit · R. Brémond (�)Université Paris-Est, LEPSiS, 75015 Paris, Francee-mail: [email protected]

J. Petite-mail: [email protected]

J. PetitUniversité Lyon 1, LIRIS, UMR5205, 69622, Lyon, France

1 Introduction

Immersion is a major goal for virtual reality applications.Among the factors which contribute to this objective, theperceptual realism of the displayed images is paramount [8].The most straightforward way to achieve perceptual realismis to get physical realism. However, reaching physical real-ism raises tough problems, both in terms of real-time com-putation and physical modeling. First, true photorealism im-plies very accurate 3D models. Next, one must collect thephotometric and colorimetric inputs (light source descrip-tion, spectral representation, material texture, BRDF, etc.)needed for the illumination computation. Then, the full sim-ulation of the scene illumination (either with radiosity or raytracing methods) in large virtual environments is far fromreal time. And finally, one cannot avoid the technical limitsof current display devices, which are not designed to dis-play physical High Dynamic Range (HDR) luminance val-ues but Low Dynamic Range (LDR) 8-bit images (however,see Seetzen et al. [35]).

Due to the limited luminance gamut of typical LDRdisplay devices, one cannot avoid to lose physical realismsomewhere along the rendering pipeline. For instance, usualLCD display devices cannot render light sources (they arelimited around 300 cd/m2), and cannot render very dark ar-eas (the minimum luminance in an office may be around1 cd/m2). In contrast, the sensitivity of the human pho-toreceptors ranges between 10−6 cd/m2 for starlight and108 cd/m2 for sunlight [9]. Thus, the input range of thephysical visual signal must be mapped to the dynamic rangeof the display device (2 orders of magnitude only). The pur-pose of tone mapping operators is to transform the HDR im-ages into LDR images which can be displayed on conven-tional display devices, still keeping perceptual realism.

J. Petit, R. Brémond

Fig. 1 Proposed approach: a physically-based HDR rendering is fol-lowed by a perceptual tone mapping

This perceptual realism is related to photometric indexes:for instance, the human visual system is sensitive to lumi-nance contrast rather than to its absolute values [39]. Thus,one may modify the physical luminance values in the im-ages, and still keep the perceptual levels of contrast percep-tion [27, 40].

To address the issue of perceptual realism for interactiveapplications, we propose a two-step approach, summarizedin Fig. 1.

1. A real-time model of illumination leads to an interme-diate HDR physical representation of the images to bedisplayed, in photometric units, owing to a photometricdescription of the light sources and of the surfaces.

2. A glare simulation [16] followed by a tone mapping oper-ator [14] transform the physically realistic HDR imagesinto perceptually realistic LDR images on the fly.

The graphic pipeline is implemented in OpenSceneGraphwith pixel shaders, and runs in real time (30 frames per sec-ond) in full HD. To our sense, our main contribution is thatany existing virtual environment may be rendered with thispipeline, with only a few modifications of the environmentand a true improvement of the perceptual realism.

2 Background

2.1 HDR rendering

There are many ways to perform the lighting of a virtualenvironment. For real-time applications, ray-tracer enginessuch as OptiX [25] are emerging; however, these tools arestill limited to specific GPUs, and do not provide any in-terface between the virtual environment and the render-ing engine. In video games, one popular method is to pre-compute light-maps with a global illumination algorithm,and to load them in the application which avoids comput-ing the lighting in real time. For instance, interactive appli-cations were proposed with this approach, including a tonemapping at interactive frame rates [7, 33]. The problem withpre-computed global illumination is that it excludes mov-ing light sources and moving objects passing under the lightsources. Thus, most interactive applications need alternativerendering strategies.

Recent advances in hardware enable to program OpenGLand DirectX applications to compute environment mapping(an efficient method to simulate complex mirroring surfaces)using HDR image-based lighting [6]. These applicationssimulate light reflection, refraction, Fresnel effect, chro-matic dispersion, blooming and glare. However, the eightlight sources provided by OpenGL do not suffice for mostapplications.

Some libraries for HDR rendering have emerged, no-tably in the open-source rendering engines Ogre3D [20] andOpenSceneGraph [26, 37]. HDR rendering is also becominga standard feature in video games such as Half Life and Cr-ysis [5, 23], where it makes participative media and brightlight sources more realistic. HDR rendering is used with ad-vanced lighting and post-processing effects, such as glare,which improves the apparent brightness of the light sources.

2.2 Glare rendering

Usual display devices are not bright enough to produce aglare experience. Thus, post-processing effects have beenproposed in order to simulate glare in Computer Graphicsapplications [24]. Spencer et al. [36] used a point-spread-function as a convolution filter to simulate the physiologi-cal veiling luminance responsible for the glare, however notin real time. Some tone mapping operators included a glaresimulation based on Spencer’s paper [7, 41].

Instead of this physiological model, Gaussian functionsmay be used around light sources to simulate the glare expe-rience [16]. This technique is fast and very popular in videogames, and was implemented in our pipeline. Recently, twomodels of glare based on wave optics also gave convinc-ing results; however, these techniques need more computingpower [15, 32].

2.3 Tone mapping operators

The interest for HDR capture and imaging may be noticedfrom the beginning of photographic art, and was already ad-dressed by painters. But there was an increasing interest inthe image community since the development of tone map-ping operators (see Reinhard et al. for a review [31]).

Some of these operators can process HDR videos[14, 28], create glare and blooming effects [17, 41] and sim-ulate the visual acuity and adaptation to light and darkness,using criteria related to psychophysical data [9, 28]. Thesetechniques are of great interest for the rendering of virtualenvironments because they make it possible to use an HDRrepresentation of the scene illumination far away in the ren-dering pipeline, thus improving the final visual quality.

In the past 15 years, a number of operators were pro-posed, and the focus of attention moved towards assessingthe visual quality of the resulting images [3, 18, 19, 43].

A high dynamic range rendering pipeline for interactive applications

The key issue is the difference, depending on the operator,in terms of the resulting visual appearance. To select an op-erator for a given application, the main image quality criteriadeal with immersion (e.g. visual appearance, see [22]) andfidelity (e.g. visual performance, see [11]).

Note that the tone mapping operators used in videogames are generally very basic (e.g. a power function, a log-arithm, or a sigmoid), due to the need for a fast rendering.

3 The HDR rendering pipeline

3.1 Framework

Perceptual realism is not always a major objective in videogames and interactive applications, where esthetics and ex-pressivity may be more important. However, when available,perceptual realism improves the immersion feeling. Our pro-posal is that an HDR rendering can take advantage of a phys-ical description of the virtual environment (light intensityin candela, luminance in candela per square meter (cd/m2),reflectance, etc.) leading to physically-based HDR images.Thus, an HDR rendering may strongly improve the percep-tual realism of virtual environments.

In the following, we propose a pipeline for the renderingof HDR virtual environments on conventional display de-vices, summarized in Fig. 2 [29]. From an HDR photometricdescription of the light sources, together with an LDR vir-tual environment, a physically based rendering model com-putes HDR images of the environment, with physical val-ues as close as possible to the simulated scene (Fig. 2, topof the pipeline). Then, a tone mapping operator computesLDR displayable images with perceptual attributes as closeas possible to those in the HDR image (Fig. 2, bottom). Asstated by Tumblin and Rushmeier, perceptual realism aimsat “a close match between real-world and display (. . .) sen-sations” [38].

Of course, real-time applications lead to a trade-off be-tween physical accuracy and computing speed. The pipelinecomputes an illumination model on the GPU, as well as atone mapping operator, with pixel shaders in cascade (seeFigs. 2 and 4). It also addresses the practical issue of re-using existing virtual environments, with minimal effort.The proposed framework includes 3 steps (the first one isoff-line):

– Preprocessing of an existing LDR virtual environment,providing an HDR photometric description to the lightsources.

– HDR rendering of the virtual environment (see top ofFig. 2 and Sect. 4.1).

– Post-processing of the HDR images (glare and tone map-ping), to compute displayable LDR images (bottom ofFig. 2 and Sect. 4.3).

3.2 HDR light sources

To render virtual environments with luminance and colorvalues related to real physical data, we propose a photomet-ric interpretation of modified virtual environments. Depend-ing on the available virtual environment, the light sourcesmust be either modified or added.

Two descriptions are used for each light source: one forthe illumination model, another one for the rendering of thedirect illumination when the light source is in the field ofview.

– For the illumination model, the intensity and the shapeof the light sources are given in photometric and gonio-metric units, taken from lighting designers and lightingdatabases.

– For the direct illumination, the light source texture is con-verted from an LDR to an HDR texture image, accord-ing to photometric data. When such an emissive surface isfound in the rendering process, then HDR texture is takeninto account instead of the illumination computation (theEmissive component of the Material may also be usedhere, see the OR box in Fig. 2).

3.3 The HDR lighting model

To render virtual environments with luminance and colorvalues related to real physical data, we propose a physicalinterpretation of virtual environments. These environmentsinclude texture information and materials description; how-ever, these data are seldom linked with the physical proper-ties of light emission and reflection.

As the sensor settings of the texture photographs are usu-ally lost, we made an assumption about the visual tuningperformed by the Computer Graphics artist when creatingthe virtual environment. Our hypothesis is that the final tun-ing (texture intensity, Diffuse component of the materi-als, etc.) was set in order to get the right visual appearance ofany surface, with an Ambient light set to 1.0. Thus, giventhat these tunings were chosen on a screen with a given γ

(γ = 2.2 in the following), we converted the texture imagesT into dimensionless reflectance maps ρ, allowing furtherillumination computations on the three color channels with:

ρ = T γ . (1)

This trick enables to re-use existing LDR virtual environ-ments with a physical lighting model, using the HDR lightsources described in photometric units.

Then, a physical luminance is computed for the threecolor channels on every pixel in real time. As in Phong’smodel, the luminance L is split into three components:L = LA + LD + LS (Ambient, Diffuse and Specu-lar [23, 30]).

J. Petit, R. Brémond

Fig. 2 HDR rendering pipelinefor virtual environments basedon a physical lighting model anda perceptual tone mapping. Top:HDR computation of the sceneillumination (physical realism).Bottom: glare simulation, tonemapping and display (perceptualrealism)

The HDR Ambient term LA provides a base level ofillumination to everything in the scene:

LA = ρIAMA, (2)

where IA is the Ambient intensity of the light source, MA

is the Ambient material, and ρ is the reflectance texturemap from (1). Due to the fact that in OpenGL, the Dif-fuse and Specular components only take into account

A high dynamic range rendering pipeline for interactive applications

Fig. 3 Normalized vectors for the lighting computation

one light reflection, the Ambient term may be understoodas a shortcut for:

– complex inter-reflections;– uniform illumination by the sky dome.

If the Ambient luminance of a surface, due to the sky il-lumination, is LA = ρE/π (with E the surface illuminancedue to the sky), one may set IA = E/π for the Ambientsky contribution, while MA = 1. Thus, the Ambient com-ponent is related to the physical illuminance level E due tothe sky. Then, the inter-reflection component of LA needsmore information about the inter-reflections (it is not con-sidered in the following).

The HDR Diffuse (LD) and Specular (LS ) compo-nents are directional and depend on each light source andmaterial photometric properties. The Diffuse luminancemodels light reflections equally scattered in all directions.The light reflected towards the virtual camera is computedas:

LD = ρIDMD cos θ

πd2, (3)

where ID is the Diffuse intensity of the light source to-wards the reflecting surface (in candela), MD the Diffusematerial, cos θ = −i.n is the illumination angle (see Fig. 3for the vector notations), and d is the distance between thelight source and the surface. The Diffuse luminance LD

is the result of a physical interaction between the Dif-fuse light component (set to the light source intensity I )and the Diffuse (Lambertian) material reflection, under-stood as the diffuse reflection coefficient ρMD : for instance,for snow ρMD � 1.0.

The specular reflection models the highlights caused byreflections on mirror-like surfaces. The Specular lumi-

nance LS is computed with the same kind of physical inter-pretation of Phong’s model as for LD :

LS = ρISMS cosαsh

πd2, (4)

where cosα = r.e (see Fig. 3): r is the reflection vector ande the “eye” vector (from the surface to the eyes). IS is theSpecular light intensity, MS is the Specular material,and sh the material shininess. In our implementation, the de-fault value was sh = 64.

3.4 Tone mapping

A number of tone mapping operators have been proposed inorder to compress the dynamic range of HDR images intothe 8 bits of usual digital images. For virtual environments,some specific issues arise, such as real-time computationand temporal adaptation, which few operators address.

In order to fulfill the requirements of our two-step ap-proach (Fig. 1), we needed a tone mapping operator whichsecures key perceptual attributes in the images. We weredriven towards operators which use psychophysical mod-els of the human visual system. For interactive applicationswhere the gaze direction is not known, we did not considerlocal adaptation models such as [7, 33]. Pattanaik et al.’smodel was not selected either [28], as it focuses on a colorappearance model [13] rather than on visual performance.

In the following, we adapted Irawan et al.’s algorithm[14], which is derived from the Histogram Adjustmentmethod proposed by Ward et al. [41], and also takes intoaccount the temporal adaptation of the human visual sys-tem with a psychophysical model derived from Pattanaiket al. [28]. This operator was designed to keep perceptualrealism in terms of visual performance and temporal adap-tation. Thus, we could take advantage of the physical illu-mination model in the virtual environment.

The first part of the operator is based on a general-ized visibility threshold model which extends a conventionalThreshold-versus-Intensity (TVI) function [9] to account forthe viewer’s visual adaptation state. A temporal adaptationmodel includes fast and slow neural mechanisms as wellas photopigment bleaching. The second part of the operatoruses the generalized threshold model (TVIA) as a constraintto compute the Histogram Adjustment, mapping “world” lu-minance to display luminance. With this constraint, “world”luminance values which are not visibly different will map to“display” luminance values which are not visibly differenteither.

4 Real-time implementation

The rendering pipeline was implemented with the pixelshader technology, which is versatile and supports an easy

J. Petit, R. Brémond

implementation of the physical equations. It is also efficientin computational speed, and allowed to use float valuesall along the physical lighting computations. The render-to-texture of the HDR images used a 32-bit texture buffer.

4.1 A pixel shader for lighting

A realistic real-time lighting simulation could not be reached,to date, with a large number of light sources. Moreover, theOpenGL pipeline is limited to 8 light sources, which is notsufficient, for instance, for a night-time driving simulator.We have implemented a potentially much higher number ofHDR light sources in a single pixel shader, computing theHDR rendering in one pass.

The critical feature which limits the pipeline’s perfor-mance is the number of light sources which contribute toa pixel’s illumination. In order to allow a larger number oflight sources, those which do not contribute in a significantway to a pixel illumination are not taken into account at thispixel for the Diffuse component. A threshold for the illu-minance level was set to Emin (in Lux), so that a thresholddistance dt is computed for each light source:

dt =√

ID max

Emin, (5)

where ID max is the maximum output intensity of the lightsource. For practical applications, Emin should be tuned to avalue consistent with the illumination level in the scene.

4.2 Pixel shaders for the glare simulation

The tone mapping applies to an image which is the additionof the physical HDR image and a glare image (see Fig. 2).The glare image simulates the veiling glare due to the lightsources, which cannot be experienced on conventional dis-play devices.

The glare simulation is computed on the HDR image withan approach close to Kawase’s [16], using a set of Gaussianfunctions around light source pixels, on a sub-sampled im-age (for computational efficiency). The sub-sampling iscomputed for each pixel at level i as the maximum overfour pixels at level i − 1, because the usual arithmetic meanwould lead to counter-intuitive visual results for approach-ing lights. The filter F is computed as:

F = k[λ1G(σ) + λ2G(2σ) + λ3G(4σ)

], (6)

where G(σ) is a normalized Gaussian function with vari-ance σ , and λi are weighting coefficients set to 8/14, 2/14and 4/14 (so that λ1 + λ2 + λ3 = 1). In contrast withKawase, we normalized the Gaussian functions in order tocontrol that the amount of light which is spread onto the im-age is proportional to the light source energy. The energy

rate which contributes to the glare effect is k, which is set to0.06 in the following. The Gaussian filters are implementedwith 2 pixel shaders each, for the convolutions in the hori-zontal and vertical dimensions.

4.3 Pixel shaders for tone mapping

The tone mapping is a post-processing step in the render-ing pipeline. Irawan et al.’s algorithm [14] was implementedwith 9 pixel shaders in cascade, each one using the resultsfrom the previous one. The algorithm is based on Ward’sHistogram Adjustment method as far as static tone mappingis concerned citeWard1997, and uses a physiological modelof light and dark adaptation as far as temporal adaptationis concerned [28]. The shaders are described in Fig. 4. Inthe proposed implementation, the operator was restricted tothe contribution of the cone photoreceptors, as even in themesopic domain, the contribution of the rod photoreceptorshas little effect on the luminance beyond 0.1 cd/m2 [1],which is lower than even the darker areas of most displaydevices.

1. The first shader converts the HDR image into a lumi-nance channel L and two color channels, from the RGBto the XYZ color space. Then, log10(L) is computed inorder to anticipate the next shader.

2. The adaptation luminance La is the overall light level oureyes perceive. It is computed as the log10-mean of theluminance, using a mip-mapping process from the previ-ous shader. The higher level of the mip-map is the log10-mean of the entire image.

3. The luminance level where our eyes are fully adapted notonly depends on the adaptation luminance La(t), but alsoon the adaptation levels at previous time steps. Moreover,as the eyes adapt locally, a local adaptation state is com-puted for each pixel in the image (see Irawan et al. [14]).These mechanisms are implemented with a buffer con-taining the past adaptation values (see Fig. 4), updated ateach time step.

4. The TVIA (Threshold versus Intensity and Adaptation)provides the minimum visible luminance difference fora given adaptation state and a given luminance value.The TVIA computation needs two shaders: the first one(shader 4) computes the amount of additional responseR needed in order to perceive a luminance offset L.The minimum of R is taken as the minimum responsevariation for a visible variation of luminance.

5. The second stage (shader 5) computes the TVIA functionitself (see (6) in Irawan et al.’s paper).

6. The luminance histogram of the HDR image is com-puted on a low-resolution image obtained with the mip-mapping. In the same shader, the thresholds for each binof the histogram are computed using the TVIA function,along with the number of pixels above threshold for eachbin.

A high dynamic range rendering pipeline for interactive applications

Fig. 4 The proposed pipelineimplements Irawan et al.’s tonemapping operator in 9 pixelshaders in cascade, to convertan HDR image into adisplayable LDR image. Thenumbers stand for the pixelshaders (the TVIA computationneeds two shaders, 4 and 5).Shader 3 uses a memory bufferwhich stores the past values ofthe visual adaptation state

J. Petit, R. Brémond

�Fig. 5 Screenshots of the HDR night-time rendering of the Rivoli vir-tual environment. Top: original LDR environment used as input

7. The Histogram Adjustment is computed, spanning thetrimmings in the histogram bins where the threshold isnot reached.

8. The cumulated histogram is computed and normalized,leading to a tone mapping function between the HDR andLDR luminance values.

9. The last step is the tone mapping itself. The HDR lumi-nance values are mapped to LDR values using the tonemapping function. In order to save computing time whilekeeping the overall image quality, the luminance valuesare interpolated, which lowers the number of bins in thehistogram. Finally, the color information from the firststage is combined with the LDR luminance value to com-pute a displayable image in the RGB color space.

The tone-mapped image is finally displayed on a displaydevice with a given γD value (see Fig. 2). We used γD = 2.2for an LCD display device, and γD = 1.8 for a video projec-tor.

5 Results

To illustrate the proposed rendering pipeline, videos werecomputed using the Rivoli virtual environment which waspreviously developed for a driving simulator application [10].Figure 5 shows screenshots from these videos, as well as aview of the original LDR environment (a video is availableonline as supplementary material of the present paper).

One practical advantage of the proposed technique is thatone can easily re-use such an existing LDR environment,where each surface includes an OpenGL material and/or tex-ture. Virtual environments developed for video games anddriving simulators are thus ready-to-use for HDR renderingwith the proposed pipeline, providing that a limited list ofchanges is performed. In the Rivoli example, the changes inthe virtual environment were the following:

– The texture images of the headlights of motor vehicleswere replaced by HDR textures. These HDR textureswere the previous LDR textures tuned to the physicalluminance of the headlamps (photometric data from theUniversity of Michigan were used [34]).

– Street lighting luminaries were added, with Emissivevalues set to photometric intensities, taken from actualstreet luminaries.

Both kinds of light source were shaped in order to get closerto actual goniometric data, through attenuation functions.For the street lighting, we used

ID = ID max

[0.5 + sin(2θ)



A high dynamic range rendering pipeline for interactive applications

with a maximum for θ = 45◦ down the street. The car lowbeams used 25◦-width lobes directed 12◦ down the road.

The Specular term was modified for the low beam re-flections on the road surface, as the Phong model is knownto be bad at simulating the specular reflections under rakinglight.

The Rivoli environment, including 75 light sources, runsat 30 frames per second (fps), with 1680 × 1050 imageson an Intel Core2 Duo, with a nVidia GeForce GTX 280GPU. This performance was obtained with 70 bins in the lu-minance histogram (shaders 5–7 in Fig. 4), using the fifthmip-map level in the tone mapping pipeline. The minimumilluminance contribution was set to Emin = 1 Lux.

6 Conclusion

We propose an HDR rendering pipeline for interactive ap-plications, focusing on the perceptual realism of virtual en-vironments. The pipeline was demonstrated in a city streetenvironment at night. The main contribution is to improvethe perceptual realism of existing virtual environments, withonly small changes in the environment description. The onlymandatory changes concern the light sources intensity andemissive shape. The HDR environment is then rendered us-ing a photometric model of illumination allowing to includedozens of light sources. The resulting HDR images are thenprocessed by a glare simulator and a tone mapping operator,which simulate eye vision.

Future work should address two main issues: image qual-ity and image evaluation. In order to improve the pipelineperformance in terms of image quality, several issues haveto be addressed. An accurate rendering of glare effects maybe implemented following Kakimoto et al. [15] or Ritschelet al. [32], however with a computational cost compared tothe current implementation. Moreover, the key issue in glarerendering may not be the computation itself, but the lightsource intensity value in the virtual sensor’s direction. Thus,instead of splitting the light source representation into anemissive part (for the scene illumination) and an HDR tex-ture (for the direct sensor illumination), one promising ap-proach may be to gather them into a single representation ofthe light source.

Of course Phong’s model is far from perfect, but in ourapplication it produced good results, due to the fact that thephotometric inputs were well selected.

The main limitation of the physical model is that, us-ing OpenGL, the light transport is limited to one reflectionfrom the light sources towards the virtual camera (the Am-bient component is only a rough approximation of theinter-reflections complexity). An improvement would be topre-compute off-line the Ambient parameter LA for eachobject with a global illumination limited to the static light

sources, adjusting LA to the inter-reflection contribution foreach surface.

Another improvement concerns the photometric valuesof the Specular parameters of the surface materials, MS

and sh, which were both set to default values in our exam-ple, due to the lack of available photometric database. Fu-ture work includes the measurement of road surfaces’ spec-ularity and BRDF with a gonio-photometer developed at theLCPC [12]. Then, the “BRDF-shop” proposed by Colbertet al. may help to choose the BRDF parameters once thetarget shape is known [4], thus discounting Phong’s model.

As the aim of the proposed rendering pipeline was per-ceptual realism, an important issue is to assess the visualquality of the displayed images. This may be done bycomparing the displayed images with various state-of-the-art tone mapping operators, as most of them (at least the“global” ones) may be implemented at interactive framerates [2]. The comparison method may either use subjec-tive assessment as in video coding [42], or objective criteria,such as visible differences [21].

Acknowledgements This study was supported by a grant from theLaboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées. We wish to thank E. Du-mont, V. Ledoux, V. Biri and B. Péroche for fruitful discussions.


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Josselin Petit is a Ph.D. student inComputer Graphics. He works atthe Laboratoire Central des Pontset Chaussées (Paris, France) in theLEPSiS team. He also belongs tothe LIRIS lab, Lyon University(France). His main topics are highdynamic range imaging and render-ing, and real-time rendering.

Roland Brémond is researcher atthe Laboratoire Central des Pontset Chaussées (Paris, France) since1996, and since 2009 in the LEP-SiS team. He had his Engineer De-gree from the ENPC in Paris in 1990and his Ph.D. from the ENSMP in1993 in the field of Image Process-ing. His current researches focus onhuman vision for road safety appli-cations, including computer graph-ics, driving simulation, photometryand visual perception.