Video Games: Advantages and Disadvantages


Transcript of Video Games: Advantages and Disadvantages

What is a Video Game?

What is a Video Game console ?





Mostly used Gaming Consoles :


Many games can be very socialiable, either playing

against your mates on the sofa or online with other


Games can be intellectual where you use clever

strategy to beat other people.

Games can be educational such as simulations of flight

or real-life situations

Improved eye-hand co-ordination for playing those fast

action games

Improved reaction times and quick thinking as a result

of playing challenging games

Games are plain fun!

Many other games are aimed for single player and so

could be criticised for isolating you from family and

friends for many hours

They can take an awful lot of hours, that time could be

spent doing something more productive or sociable

Constant use of thumbs, wrist and eyes can lead to

problems such as eye strain, RSI and other physical


Games do not need much physical activity and so could

be criticised for making you unfit - although the new

motion sensing games are extremely active!

The hardware and software together are quite

expensive, which can be a challenge when balancing

what you want to spend your money on.