Victory day mary mayka

created by Mary Mayka Star City School Moscow Region Since 1945 the 9 th of May is a special day for people in our country. On this day we pay a tribute to all the brave men and women who fought and died during the Great Patriotic War to ensure the freedom of our country. This day is also very important for my family. We remember our relatives who defended our Motherland.

Transcript of Victory day mary mayka

1. created by Mary Mayka Star City School Moscow Region Since 1945 the 9th of May is a special day for people in our country. On this day we pay a tribute to all the brave men and women who fought and died during the Great Patriotic War to ensure the freedom of our country. This day is also very important for my family. We remember our relatives who defended our Motherland. 2. My mothers grandfather, Alexander Afanasievich Kostenko, lived and worked in Magnitogorsk before the war. Just after the Great Patriotic War broke out, he volunteered for service in the Red Army. He went through the war as a lorry driver. My great-grandfather delivered weapons, food, ammunition and other crucial supplies to the troops. the year of 1942 3. He often had to undertake his missions under heavy enemy fire. Although he was seriously wounded, he stayed alive. In 1945 after the Great Patriotic War finished, my great-granddad took part in the war against Japan. In September he came back home and saw his family that waited him for five years. the joy of coming back home 4. Alexander Afanasievich Kostenko was awarded by two medals: For the capture of Berlin, For the capture of Kernigsberg and the Order of the Red Star for his courage. 5. It is known very little about my fathers grandfather, Mayka Pavel Zenovievich, there is no even his photo. He lived in the village of Suklaa of Moldavian SSR. He left home and went to defend our Motherland from the German invaders. 6. In June 1941 my great-grandfather joined the Red Army. He was an infantryman and fought with astonishing bravery. In the early days of war he was captured but soon he was released. Then his regiment was sent to Smolensk. After that he is thought as missing in action. Nobody knows where he was buried. Every year on the 9th of May my parents and I go to Moscow and lay flowers to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier to honour him and all those who had laid down their lives for victory.