VERY DULL IN ROANOKE This Week, Howevef, the Last Before Lent, Will Be Llvely. TEA GIVEN BY MRS. BRYAN A Dollghtful Valentine Party at Falrlawn, Homo of Miss Mlnnlo Moomow. Mrs, John S. Morris' Valert- tlne Party Yesterday. ItOANOKB, VA., February 14,-Soclol- ly tho weok has been vory dull In Roa¬ noke. Thero have beon no gormons, no big roceptlona ond no big card partlea, snd tho Academy hns been dark for the week, tho only attroctlon being the war play, "Wlnehestor," to-nlght. Society poople are taking a week ot roat before the last woek beforo the Lenton season, which promlscs to be very livoly, end- Ing wlth a big german by the Roanoke 'jcnnan Ciub, . .. Tho most brllllant event of the week vaa tho tea given by Mra, Malcolm W, Bryan at her handsome homo, No. 1133 Nelson Street, Southwest, Wednesday tfternoon from 1 to 0. Tho house waa beuatifully and ortlstically decorated. l'he recelvlng parlor was decorated in nlgnonetto, green and white, the punch room ln pink, and tho dlnlng rooro' and. table ln smllax, vlolets ond pink carna- tlona. Ropes of smilajc orid vlolets ran from the corners of the table to the ohandeller. Mra. Bryan waa asalstcd ln recelvlng by Mrs. S. R. Jamlson, Mrs. William .', atta Carr and Mra. Walter B. Addlaon. Mlsa Mossio was at the punch bowl and Mrs. Hlll preslded at the tea table. The young ladies asslst- Ing in tho dlnlng room wero Misses Rogers, Reld, Lula Jamlson and Mary Miller. It was ono of the moat hand- aoriio teas ever given In Roanoke, and the charmlng hostesa made lt one of raro enjoyment to every guest. » » » Miss Mlnnle Moomaw gave a most do¬ llghtful ValenUne party at her hosplta- ble home, Falrlawn, near tho city, this afternoon ln honor of Misses Ange and Judlth Borger, of Montgomery oounty. Mr. and Mrs. O. N. Moomaw, of tho same county, were also present It woa one of the most pleasant affalrs of .;o woek. . .. Mrs. John S. Morris gavo a Valentine party at her home on Tenth Avenue this tfternoon, which waa a most charml.ig LiTalr. . . . The Roanoke Players' Club, the leadlng ntiatour dramatic organlzatlon, ls prc- ,'aring to present 8herraan's "Prlsonex of Morro" for the benefit of thev Roanoke Light Infanrty at the Academy of Music ibout the mlddle of March. The play was 5rst presented here two years ago for lhe benefit of the Elks, and was a great bucccsb, that organlzatlon reallzlng about s. 8.000 from the performonce. The Play- srs will later ln. tho spring present "Wealth and Matrjmony," by the name tuthor, for the benefit of me Odd-Fellows. . » . An enjoyablo surprlae party was given Vednesday night at the home of Miss Myrtls Coleman, one of Roanoke's moat popular young ladies. Dainty refresh- mtnts were aerved. and the evening was one of rare pleaauro. . . . Mra. Charlea L. Dunsford and Mlas ¦Buggott will glve a receptlon ond card party at the Hotel Roanoke next Tues¬ day afternoon in honor ot Mrs. Holland, of Danville. . ./. Mrs. John W. Shcrman entortalned a few of her friends at cards at her homo, Vo. 815 South Jefterson Street, Thursday tfternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock. The cc-lor schemo was red and green, and the deco- rntlons were well chosen. Refreshmenta were served and all spent a most dellght- tul evening. AT COLUMBIA Mrs. Frank T. Shepherd's Valentine Party Was Very Enjoyable. (Special to Tho Tlmca-Dispatch.) COLUMBIA, VA.. February K.Mrs. frank T. Shcpherd gavo a valentine party last night in honor of Mlsa Ruby Snead vid Miaa Salllo Shepherd, at Stoneleigh, ier handsome country home. A great many orlglnal features were a part of the evenlngs entertainment, and tho Bhole affalr was dollghtfully unlqua. Mra. Joe Owena and Maater Albert Owens have returned to their home in Baltimore, after a fortnlght's vlslt to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wlllard. Dr. James A Rlchardson, an old and promlnent phyelclan here, who haa been rery 111, la now much better. Georgo B. Seay, of Hardware, Is the itucst of hla uncle, Peyton Strange, at Qoldsboro, thla woek. Mlsa Luoy Mosby left this afternoon for "Elk Iamnd, to bo tho guost of Mlas Amy Pitts for a fow days, after which ehe will ro to Fork Unlon to attend a flne musi¬ cal concert to bo given there next week. Mr. Burwell W. Seay has gone to Wash- ugton to vlalt Mr, Everott Taylor, a promlnent young brokor of that city. tVhlle thore he will go to Philadelphla ind New York. Mlsa Annie Adama, formorly of thla >laco, but now of Central Plalns, ls vlslt- ng frlonds and relatlves hero. ATTHE MAPLE SHADB INN. Enjoyable German and Receptlon at Pu- laski City. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch ) PU-ASKI, VA, Feb. M.-Measrs. Strud- wlck and Johnson tendored a rec«ptlon and german to tholr friends at __PiQ Shade Inn lost night. Muslo was fur. nlshed by four plecas from the V P t band, whloh was ln town givlng a, coj> The german waa a most enlovabi* ar falr, the hoats doing all i. th"lr%6w«1o make the guests have a pleasant evo- nlng. Tho followlng oouples partlolpated! it C. Mlcklo wlth Mlas Colfe*. Major J w SohultK wlth Miaa Klrkpatrick, W P Slnolalr wlth MIs« Poytors, -Chlldre*. wlth Kmrna Peytora, Stanley Strudwlok wlth Mlas Oompbell, Jamoe Polnter with Miss M. Wataon, E. V. Jamerson wlth Mlas iriUhugh, I*e Fitzhugh wlth Mlsa Robinson, H. W, Von DorSn wlth M «J M. Robinaoa W. w, Daggett wlth Mlas Kunkle. V, P. Paulett wlth Mlsa Bentley Sergeant Handesty wlth Miss Watson Stags: Mewrs. Oautt, White. P-enik CBoff, Withers, Gautt, Gllkerson. ChaperoiuJs Mesdames B. F. Garnett T _, Mtiasie and Josoph Eektnan. The german waa led by Captaln H. o Mlokle wlth Mlsa Alloe Calfee. Undor the ausplooa of the Flora, Stuart «}haptor, Daughters of the Confaderady 5ie Page Concert Company gave an en- ertalnment Wednesday. whloh was »rgely attended and enjoyed, The pro. eeeds ga toworda ereottng a, monumont to Um Contoderato dead At thla pUu», VERSUS YOTJ can -wear out a pale of shoes trylng to find a piano superior to tho CABLE, but you can find pianos lnferior without walklng far enough to Irritato a pet corn. Thls is the store -whero prices and quality is guaranteei as well as tho PIANO. CASH OR SMALL MOHTHLY PAYMENTS. Why Let Your Piano Remain Idle Simply Because No One in the Fsmily Plays ? ? ? Let us attach one of the grcat Chase & Baker Piano-Players, which will flll your HOME -with music. No experience required, A ten-year-old child can operate lt. SOLD ON EASY TERMS. WE CARRY A FULL STOCK OF EDISON PHONOGRAPHS, VICTOK and ZONOPHONE TALKING MACHINES. Theso instruments are sold at the low- est prices, and satisfaction guaranteed. Twenty Second-Hand Pianos taken in exchange on the famous CABLE PIANOS for sale this week from $50 to $150; terms, $3 per month. THE CABLE ..GO.. The Biggest and Oldest Broad- Street Music Honse. 313 East Broad Street. J. G. CORLEY, - - Manager. DANVILLE GERMAN WAS POSTPONED The Evening. However, was was Most Enjoyably Given to a Valentlne Party* (Special to The Tlmea-Dlspatch.) DANVILLiE, VA., Fob. 14..Society ln Danville during tho past week haa evi- dently felt the unlversal depresston oc- cosloned by the ground-hog seelng hls shadow and tho correspondlng bad weather, aa tho smart set havo been not¬ able only ln their lnaotlvlty. Tho ger¬ man that waa to havo beon given by the Danville German Club Friday night hus beon postponed, but tho evening waa even more onjoyably spent by tho young pooplo at a Val«ntlne party ln the Masonic Temple, given by the young ladies ot the Kplscopal Church, The room was prettlly decorated and the dlffercnt booths wero arranged In tho dlfferent oorners of tho room and were very artlsUoally decorated and preslded over by beautiful young ladies. There were candy booths, valentlne hooths, loe croum booths and varlous other devlces known to tho fertlle mind oC tho fera- lnlne churoh worker to Inveigle the un- wary nlckel from the pooket of her best boau. The feature of the evening waa the valentlne postofuee, whloh was a medium of exohange for tender sentl- nients. An ftntertalnmont was given by the Young Women's Christian Temperance TJnlon at the residence of Mrs. J. C. Knrlght, on Jeffcrson Btreet, Wednesday evening, whloh was largely attended and thoroughly enjoyed. A card party wlll be given to-nlght by Miss Nannle Groves at tho resldenco of Mrs. Seogors, on Holbrook Avenue, In honor of Miss Ellen Harvla and Miss Larta Goodwln, of Wythovllte, Va. Tho ontertalnment wlll take the form of a valentlno party, and the refreshments and tally sheets wlll be heart s-haped. A number of Invitations have beon Issuea, and the affair Is lookod forward to with a great deal of pleasure. Mrs. J. P. WIHlamson entertainod the Sans Souel Club at hor home, on West Main Streot, Frlflay afternoon from 3 to (1 o'clock. Progresslvo euehro was played nnd tho scoros were kept on pllt wnnds with plhlc roses, Tho oolor soheme of plnlc was carrled out In the docoratlons and rofreshmonts. AT GORDONSVILLE A Number of Vlsltors In tno Town's Many Hospltable Homes. (Special to Tbe Tlmoii-niaiiateh.) GOItDONSVIL^EJ. VA., Fobruary 14.- Mlss Floronoe Marshall, of Twyman's Mlll, and Mr. Bploer, of Washington, nro visiting at the home of Mrs. F. C, Smith. Mrs, Itobert Bellamy, of Charlottesvlllo, ls visiting her parents, Rev. and Mrs. W, H. Keyser. Mr. Charles Sergeant, of Mlddleport, ohio, Ib on a vlslt to hls parents, Dr. and Mrs, h, H. Sargoant. Mr. and Mrs, H, H. rcidwell, of Alexnn- .ia',?r<iv0n.a v,slt t0 th0 latter's fathor, Mr. n, H. Swan. «JMj£Bi£W* TBylw. after a pleasant stay ?iiS2?V *Jfo weeks with her frlond, Mrs. JMnes U, Faber. r«turned to hor homo at Twynmn'e Mlll Thursday, i.Mvtattro?»^"1?"'ot areeno county. Wood ° °* Mrs' B> M' Mrs. W. A. h. Jott, of Murray Hlll. N. J,, (a visiting nt her nleee's. Mrs, w. H . ^ui?*,?,hiK,K,tpatrick hns nlvtMH from a vlslt to hla home at Lewlsburg, W Vn Miss Jonnle Martln ls visiting Jn Wush- OCCASIONS IN NORFOLK Society Has Necd of Them and They Are Not Wantlng. PREPARING TO BE DEMURE Norfolk Girls are Taking on by Way of Antlclpatlon Something of tho Len- i ton Splrlt That Thoy May be Gayer Than Ever at Easter. (Speclnl to The Tlmcs.Dlspatch.) - NORFOLK, VA., Fob. U.-Soclety noeds occaslons. Thoro can't bo any oril- llancy If there Is no Occasion for it, No man's hat will hang In tho hall lf there bo no pog to hang it on. Little lf any¬ thing moro than tho invitatlon of the pog Fog ls neodod In tho halls of any woll- regulatod housohold ln Norfolk to Induce Uio young men to' enter that house. Now of courso, there ls no lack of pogs ln Norfolk. It ls ono of tho most hospltablo cities ln the South. Any stranger who oomes hero with lettera or ovon tho credentlala of youth and good mannors Is certain to find a wolcome. Of oourse the girls who como to vlslt aro always presented by tho famllies with whom thoy are connected by ties of relatlonshlp or of frlendshlp. Their wel- oome ls provlded for ln advance. Tho occaalona are arranged for the j>ro- aentatton of these visiting glrla and plcasure or their social success ls pro¬ vlded for without tha knowledge of the persons chlefly concernod ln the unlon of hearts and Jionds that a shrewd and sklllful bas planned for the dlffusion of happlness accordlng to hor own concep- tlon of what happlness ought to be. These occaslons are always happoning. They are tho smali and early affalrs, of which every match making matron takes tho greatest ndvantago and usea for her own gratiOcation and for the general promotlon of the gayety of the world. They aro not great occaslons. Great- ness or publlcity -would spol] them. There Is nothlng ao frlghtful to a tlmld bache- lor aa the ausplclon that somo shrewd matron has put hlm on a block ln her parlor to bo auctlonod to tho higheat bldder, or brought him into her dlnlng room as the catch of tho season for the graceful but greedy anglers who havo falled to catch flsh during several other seasons nnd feel anxious for the results of the present season. Great occaslons would Interfero with such sport They w.d scare tha eixy Eiune ot slther box Thero have been no great occaalona for thla week. Thero have been no aoclal attractlons at tho theatres and the gay- eat of tho glrla of society have been restlng or visiting aome other olty as a return for vlslts of their friends here or they have boen preparlng to be do- muro during lent In order to be gayer and more charming than ever ao soon as Easter glves them the greatest of all occaslons. Society ls sensible no matter how frivolous the sweet young things may seem who compose it. Society never makes mistakos. It always knows what, lt is always proflts by occaslons and never Invents one that ls not sure to wln. 3t never uses an occasion that ls not suitable. It nover subatltutea a small occasion for a great ono. it waHs THE WEEK. The social foatures of the week wore as follows: The receptlon given by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Morris at their home, on Colonlal Avenue, Ghent, Sunday evening, in cele- bration of the engagement of Miss Gogel of Chicago, and their aon, Mr. Harry Morris, was largely attendod. The deco- ratlons wero pretty and the supper aerved at night waa dellcloua. Mlsa Fo> gel, who ls tho slster of Mrs. 3. R. Cohan. wife of Itev. Dr. Cohen, of Ohef Sholem Temple, returns shortly to her home in Chicago. Mr. Morris will follow later on, and then an engagoment receptlon wili be held at the home of Miss Fogel's pa¬ rents ln Chicago. The wedding ia set for some time ln July. . . a> Sunday aftcrnoon during the hours of 2 and 6 o'clock. Miss Ttllle Fasa, of Brooklyn, N. Y., and Mr. Honry Levy, of Portsmouth entertaned at the resi¬ dence of Mr, and Mrs. I, Foss, at 71$ Washington Street. The receptlon was enjoyable and the attendance large. Tho tabl*., were decorated wlth potted plonta and cut ilowers, and during the evening the guests enjoyed an excellent luncheon, Miss Foss and Mr. Lovy will entertaln again. next Sunday. . * . The new home of Dr. and Mrs. J. Erneat Thacker was the sceno Monday evening of a sJlver tea, given under the auspl- CD3 of tho Toung People's Society of the Sooond Presbyterlan Church. The houso was brllllant in ita lllumination and with the furnishlngs and deooratlons, made a favorablo impresslon on vlaltors. Dr. ond Mrs. Thacker welcomed the guests. Mr. D. o. Helaenbuttle entortaln¬ ed wlth hla talklng maohtne while Mrs. Emlly _, Anderson added to the pleas- ure of the evening hor recltatlons. Mlas Mary K. Ewell and Mr. O. E. D. Bar- ron renderod a vocal duet and wero heartily encored. Miss Rubena Way gavo a plono solo, after whloh there was conversatlon. Rofreshments were aerved during the evening. Mrs. Dr. J. H. Wood preslded at the punch bowl, asslsted by Mlssos Sholdon, Curdts, Page, Foster and the Mlssos Allen. * . * Mre, Louls Hllllard en'tortalned ln a oharmlng manner Tuesday evening at tho Country Club. The occasion was a card party, given ln honor of her guest, Miss Dona Reld, of Baltimore. The game of hearts was indulged ln for two hours and tho flrst ladlea' prlzo, a Chrlsty pioture, was awarded to Mlsa Myra Tueker, whllo among the gentlemen Mr. Llewellyn Hll¬ llard wns fortunate and received agold stlck pln. The booby, a pack of oarda waa given to Mr. Parcy Jonos. and the conaolaUon, "An Old Sweethoart of Mlne," was drawn. by Mra. Georgq M Pollard. The guests -wero then invlted Into tho dlning-room, whoro tho table wns beantlfully decorated ln red nnd white, Carnntlons and hyaclnthg were usod In profufllon. Mrs. Hllllard's guosts wore Mrs. Pollard, Miss Dona Reld, Mlas Mabet Chamberlalne, Mlsa Alloe Kelly, Mlsa Mary Pattlaon, of Baltimore) Mlsa Nlna Johns, Miss Cornolla Truxtun, Mlsa Duncan, of Plttsburg; Mlas Myra Tuek¬ er, Miss Ruth Wllson, Mr, Peroy Jones Mr. R, B, Pegrnin, Mr. Tunstall Smlth! Mr.iW, 8. Royster, Mr, Walter Bharp, Mr, Kensoy Johns, Mr. Riohard Bur- roughe, Mr. Washington Taylor, Jr., Mr, R, U Dobio and Mr, Uowellyn Hillard. * . * Tlio members of the KA)amaroo Wlilst; Club had a dellghtful meetlng Wednesday afternoon, when they were entertalited' by Msa Esato Reod at her realdence, on Mlddle streot, Portsmouth. Thoso pros- ent wore Mrs. Cwaeday, Mra. Edgar Naah, Mrs. Sumner Butt, Mrs. Harry Bpatwrlght. Mr«, Charles, Porrlsh,, Mra. John;._ayton, ..Mra, Th,omas Goode. Mrs. Jarnea Muup.ln, Mm, Jchu BnWeraon,' CO<RDES, MOS<BY .r CO. VMWWW¥W^^Wwn Special Glace Taffetas heavy weight, nll puTe silk, and in tho now- CBt and most ofTuctivo colol* combinntions, tho 00c. kind; special, 75o. o. yard. New Dress Goods. Two Special Values. Albatross. Full yard wldo, all- wool nnd in every stroot and evening shade, tlie usual 5(k. kind; special, 30c. a yard. Eolians. A light weight silk and wool fabric, so/t and clingy, all tho new and wanted spring shadings and black and white, tiio $1.60 kind; special, $1.00 a yard. , Ribbons. Three Specials 10-incb. All Silk, Black, Lustrous, Soft Wcave Taffeta Rib¬ bons, actual value $1.00; special, COc. a yard. 6-inch All Silk Black Lustrous, Soft Weave Taffeta, Rib¬ bons, actual value 35c.; special, 19c. 300 pieces , 6-inch Satin TttfTeta Rib- bons, coloni black, white, cream, pink, lavender and maize, all silk, the 35c. kind; special, 10c. a yard. Special Pearl Button Value 600 gross Manufac- turer's Odds and Ends of Pearl Buttons, nll good grado Buttons, nctually worth 15 and 26c.; special, 5c. a dozen. o SRRING, J903. UR Spring stock is now thoroughly complete in every detail and overy dopartment is just brimful with everything that is new, fresh and up- to-date for the coming spring and summer season wear. We invito you to inspect our stock, pass judgmenfc upon its completeness and the fullness of our prices. Por this week's selling special price concessions in every depart- menb. An Unvsual Sale of fiigh Grade Cambric, Embroideries, Nainsook and Swiss, A spot cash purchase of unusual proportlons nindo us tbe fortunnte posscssorB of theso, and the prices we have marked them at will nstonlsh you. Tlicy nro all regulnr goods, not MILL ENDS, OLD STYLES, but just tho pick of this season's choicost pattcrns in Nainsookj Cambric and Swiss Edges, In- sertions nnd Braidings. Wo guarantoe positivoly that in every instnnco their prices aro just ono-third to one-lialf of their real worth. . 10c. Edges, Insertlons and Bcndings, now 60. 10 2-3 nnd 10c. Edges, Insortions and Beadings now 8 l-3c. 20c. Edges, Insertions nnd Beadings now 10c. 25c. Edges, Insertions and Beadings now 12%o. 30c. Edges, Insertions nnd Beadings now 15c. 40c. Edgos, Insertions and Bcndings now 10c. 60, 00 and 76o. Edges, Insertions and Beadings now 26c. New Silks. Printea Foulnrds, all puro silk, heavy weight, new, effeetive and stylish pattcrns and colorLnira, 60, 50, 80 and 98e. Fanoy Taffetas and Louisines, in neat effects, for shirt-waists or shirt-waist suits, 08c. to $1.60. New Embroidered Pongees, new and stylish pat- terns, $1.00, $1.25, $1.60 nnd $1.00. 50c. VYasK Silk, in all colors j special, 30c. yard, New Hosiery. Ladies* Extra Quality, Medium Woight, Fast- Black Lislo Hoso, 25o, Ladies' Fast-Black Dropstitch Lislc Hose, tho usual 60c. kind, 3714c. New ideas in Embroidered and Laco Lisle and Cotton Hose, exelusive designs, 50, 75, 80, 08c, $1.25, and $1,35. Something Entirety New In Ladies9 Kid Gloves. Ladies' Extra Quality Washablo White Glaco Kid Gloves, guoronteed to wash nleely and not hnrden $2.00. New Wash Goods. Rcnl Irish Dimitics, now and stylish pattcrns and colorings, 25c. Lnce Striped Lnwns, new and stylish pniternfl, 25c. Ribbon Striped Muslins, now and stylish pattcrns, very effective, 40c. Silk Striped Grcnadincs, entirely now pattcrns, 50, 50 and 00c Embroidered Swissos, in nn immense range of new pnttems, 50, 00, 75, 85c. to $2.50. Linen Mislrnls, new and stylish, all colors and all linen; special, 35c. Real Scotch flinghams, in entirely new pattcrns and colorings, 25c. Mcrccrizcd Oxfords, in nn immense assortment of new and stylish pattcni3 nnd colorings, 30, 50, 50, and 75c. New White Goods. Fancy Striped Madras, in entirely new pattcrns and extra valucs, 121/.., 16, 10 nnd 25c. New Morcerized Damasks, in exelusive designs, 50, 75 and 85c. New Mereerizcd Fanrios, in new nad very efTcotive pattcrns, 25, 35, 40 nnd 50c. Mereerizcd Oxfords nnd Cheviots, new and stylish pattcrns, 25, 35, 40, 50, 75c. nnd $1.00. French Batisie, One Special Value, 40 inches wide, fine, shcer and light weight, and an elegnnt -wnsher nnd wenror j special, 25o. New Dress Goods, Black and Colored. VOLLES, CHEVIOTS, MISTRALS, SERGEv% ETAMINES, EOLIANS, BATISTE, VEILINGS, &c. CLOTHS, All kinds nnd qualitics, to suit oll purscs; prices, 50c. to $2.75 yard. New Neckwear. Now Wnsh Stock, just in, entirely new patterns, 25 and 60o. Now Embroidered Wash Stock, entirely now, 60, 69 and 98c. , Men's Negligee Shirts, the new oncs, just in, cnrefully selccted patterns, proporly mado and cut, $1.00, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00. Special. Pure Linen Lawn, full ynrd wldo, all ptiTo linen, flne and soft, another lot juat in, tha regular 40c. kind; spcciitl, 29c, a yard. Two Very Special Linen Values. 20x40-inch Knotted Fringe All-Linon Htick Towela, extra henvy woight, actual valuo $4.50; special, $3.00 a dozen. .,, 20-inch HemstitchGd All . Linen Damaslc Napkins, new and eiTcctlve patterns, act¬ ual value $3.60; spe¬ cial, $2.50 dozen. Ne\v> Laces, an imraenso assort- ment, tho largest and most complcte we have ever shown, new, eflectivo and ex« clusivo designs, in bands and all colors of CLttNY, PLANEN, ST. G&LL, VETTCSE, PEREE, ANTIQUE, CHANTILLY and POINT M_RQTJISE. Moussellnes. Special Value. Silk and cotton, soft nnd clingy, colors white, black, yellow> corn, pink, light blue, navy and gray, the usual 33c. j special, 10c.-a, yard. Mrs, Shlrley Carter, Mrs. Lewls i^ar- shall, Mrs. Alexander Hatton, Mrs. Ken- neth McAlplne, Miss Elizabeth Neely, Miss Llla Plummer. Miss Marlon Mur- daugh, Miss Lols Wrlght, Miss Estelle Couruiey. of Richmond! Miss Mary Em- merson, Misses Nannle, Mlldred and Cal- llo Holllday, Miss Julia Tyler, of Rich¬ mond; Miss Emily Hatton. Miss Isancy Butt, Miss Carollne Ammens, of Wash¬ ington, and Miss Margaret Reed. ? . . The Monday Evening Whist Club waa dellghtfully entertalned Monday by Miss Annie Vaughan at her home, on Hlgh Streot, Portsmouth. Miss Vaughjui's guests were Mr. and Mrs. Edgor Nosh. Mr. and Mrs. John Emmerson, Mr. and Mrs. James Maupln, Mrs. J, Happer Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Moore, Mrs. Floyd, of Ellzabeth City; Misses Nannle, Mlldred and Sallie Holllday, Misses Mary and Annlo Emmerson, Miss Hus4on, of Blackaburg; Misses Ellzabeth and Jone Neely and Miss Emily Hatton. » » . The Monday Afternoon Euchre Club was delighfully entertainod by Mrs. Frank Anthony Walke, at her home on Grace Street. Elght-hand euohro was playod and the flrst prlzo, a work bag, was awarded to Mrs. J. M. Jordan, whlle the consotatlon, a plotuTe, waa drawn by Mrs, Charles H. Wood, The seore was kept by Miss Gcorglo Day, of New Tork, and Miss Byrd, of Qlouooster. They re¬ ceived a plcture framo and bon-bon dlsh. Mrs. Walke's other guests wore Mrs. Thomas Piirdle, Mrs. C. H. Wood, Mrs. J. M. Jordan, Mrs. E. B. Hodges, Mrs. J. M. Barr. Mrs. Alfred G. Eldredge, Miss Rosa MyersNind Miss Fannle Soms. Mrs. John Downlng entertalned the members of the Young Ladies' Afternoon Euchre Olub Monday at hor homo on North Green Street, Portsmouth. Th(o parlors wero bcautlfully dressd ln tullps, lllles and palms. Slx-hand euohro wns played and at throo tables. Tho flrst prlse, a sllver bon-bon dlsh, was won by Mrs. Ambrose LIndsay, and Misa Crossl'a Sohroeder cut the consotatlon, a sllver Thoso present wera Mrs. J. Grlft. Edwards, Mrs. Emmett Crump, Mra. Francis Chadwlok, Mrs. Harry Watt, Mrs. Sumner Butt, Mrs. Claudo Riddlck, of Sulfollc; Mrs. Ambroso Llnd- say, Mrs. George Parrlsh, Miss Lily Kearn, Miss Nnncy Bult, Miss Nlna Dewoy, Miss Ll'/zle Allen, Mlssos Esslo and Margarot Beod, Miss Carollne Am- men, of Washington; Misses Kathorlne and Lulle Heath, Miss Corrle Phllllps, Misses EllzalxMli nml Jane Nooly and Miss Uressle Schrocder, MAINLY PERSONAL. Mr. Danto Comstoek, who 1ms been Tutt's Pills Cxire All Liver Ills. Save Yowr Motiey. One box of Tutt's Pills wlll ¦ar« many dollars in doctors' bill* Th«y wlll sure!/ cure all diaeasei »f the Btomach, liver oi bowcls, N* Reckless Asserrioii, For slck bendache, dyspepsit, nalaria, constipatlou aud bilioum ¦eB9, a milllon peopla cndorM visiting Mrs. W. A. Barr, on York Streot, has gone to .ostoru Mrs. Claude Rlddlck. of Suffolk, ls tho gue3t of her sister, Mrs. John Downlng, on North Groen Streot, Portsmouth, Miss Cressle Sohroeder, who haa been visiting Mlsa Claude Rlddlck, la Suffolk has returned to Portsmouth, Mrs. Brevard Miller. who J__ been spendlng several moaths wlth her par¬ ents. Mr. ond Mrs, J. S. T. Reld, on York Street, loft Sunday for Birmingham, Ala Miss Hattle Tilglunan and Mlsa Fooks aro In Waahlngton. Mr. Ternplln Llckllder, Mr. W. A. Wrenn, Jr., and Mr. Georgo C. Reld have returned homo after spendlng aeveral dnys in Baltimore. Miss Virginia Marshall, of _»akota, la the guest of Mrs. Ellza Downor, on. Granby Street. Mrs. Thomas FItzgerald, of Portsmouth, ls visiting frienda ln Baltimore. Misses Laura and Virginia Nottlngham of Eastorn Shore, are vsitlng Mrs. Cooke! on Court Street, Portsmouth. Miss Mary Pattlson. who has been vis¬ iting ln Norfolk for several woeks has returned to her homo, in Baltimore'. Miss Huston, of Blacksburg, la visiting the Mlssea Emmcraon, ln High Street, Portsmouth. Mrs. Floyd, of Ellrabeth City, Ib the guest of Mra. John Emerson, on High Street, Portsmouth. Mr. S. X. Woodwnrd haa gone to Phila¬ delphla. Mra. Charles Klrk and Miss Mary Klrk returned Monday from a "vlslt to relatlves in Baltimore. Miss Estollo Courtney, of Richmond, is the guest of Mra, Alexander Hatton, in Parlc Vlew, Mlsa Llda Lane, of Auburn, Ala., who has been visiting friond8 ln Riohmond Is tho guest of Mrs. E. T. Lamb, in Ghcnt Mias Lano left Wodnosday night for Now York. Dr. Lloyd Wllllams, of New Orlenns, who haa been In New York for sovornl months, la tho guost of relatlvos in town for a fow days., . . « A 5 o'clock to&. was glvcn Wednesday by Mra. William W. Little, at her homo on Duke Stroet. Tlio parlors woro pret- tily decorated with pink carnations and palms. Mrs. LIttlo's guosts -wero Mrs Georgo M. Pollard, Mra. W. H. Taylor' Mrs. R. P, Volght, Mrs. T. H. Wlllco\' Mrs. C. H. Bull, Mrs Shlrloy Carter, Mrs' S.W. Pniuilll, Mrs. X. P. Pannlll. Mrs, Wil¬ liam Pannill, Mra, W. N. Wallor Mrs Gordon DoCordy, Mrs. Henry Se'aliury Mra. Vlotor H. Parks, Mra. W. W. Llttlo' Mrs. Frodorlek Curd, Mrs, Cocil Blllups Mlas Gray, Mlsa Suslo Straohan, Miss' Nollio Little. Mlas Waltnmn, of Loudour, and Mlas Suoari Prlast. . .-.».;» Mrs. Gordon DeCordy was hoatoas nt the meetlng of tho Soven-Hand Euchro Club at hor homo, on Proemason Street, Tuesday ovenlng. Tlie flrat prlssee woro won. by Mrs. W. N. Wallor and Miaa Laura Fltohett, and the consolatlons wore drawn by Mrs. William Pannlll and Mr. Lawrenco Atklnson. Thoso present wero Mr. nnd Mrs. LaW. renoo Atkirmon, Mr. nnd Mra. W. N, Wal¬ lor, Mrs, Wlllam Pannlll, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Howard, Mra. Androw Browno, Mrs S. D, Pullor, Mrs. P. II. Thomaa tuid Miaa Laura Fltchott, » . * Mrs. Claronoo A. Woodard gnve a re¬ ceptlon Wednesday nt hor homo, in Ghent, Tho parlors wero prettily dressed In pink and green, In tho hall and dlnlng room red aud groon woro naod, Tho tablo waa beautiful ln Ita docoratlons of red carnatioiia, ribbon, forna and smllax. Mrs. Woodard, asBlated by Mrs. Ryan, Mlssos Llezlo and Ltly Woodard reoolved tho vlsltors. Thoso who risalsted ln the dlnlng-rooin wero: Mra, Alfrotl Pago, Mlsa Mary Dun- oan, Misses Annie and Mary Royster, Miss Mary Lolgli, Mlau Mnry King Nnsh, Miaa Annlo Hotiry, Miss Payne, and Mra. Harry Baln aerved the puna-U. ¦' ? # V Miss JUthel IJardy luui roturiioO. from Our Great Removal Sale Will Continue Throughout This Week. HIGH-GRADE PIANOS AND BELOW OOST ! ORGANS SOLD AT AND WfcB"w" *UWI ¦ Full Line of Mandolins, Banjos and Gultars from Sl. 50 to S5.00. Popular Sheei Music, 5o and 10c. This wlll be your last opportunity. You can't afford to miss it. Come. FERCUSSON BROS. New Store. No. 11 W. Broad. 815 E. BROAD STREET. Brass and Iron Castings Mado to order. Let us make your Brnss and Iron Castlngsl We will do lt ns proniptly as posslble.from tlio best material.and with¬ out flaws! This is our spe- clnlty! Wo havo boon in tho business thlrty - two yeara, and know how!! Richmond Iron Works, (Estub'd 1889. Incorp'd 1002). 15th Broad and 16th & Grace Streets, Have You A Tumor? Why not curo lt? Havo dootors falled nnd given up hope of curing i-ou? Wo will CURE you.or you will owo us nothlng! We posltlvely cure Cnncora, Tumors nnfl Ciironlc Sores without uslng a knlfe. Wo aro making wondorful cures ovcry day. Como aml soe what we aro doing. If then you are not satlsilcd wo will pay all expenses! lf you cannot como send for prlntcd mattor, and atnto your ense, Do not delay.como or write to-day, Kellam Cancer Hospital Twelfth and Bank Streeta, RICHMOND, VA. a vlslt to Mlsa Virginia Jordan, ln Suf¬ folk. Miaa Worthlngton, who has boen vis¬ iting tho Misses Allyn, on Buto Streot, lu'H returned to Qoorgotown. Mlsa day Whlto, of Aulngdon, who hna boon the guest of Mlsa Mary Lolgh, ls now visiting tho Mlssoa Drummond, ln Poush Street, Mra. James B. MoCaw. who has heen tho guest of Mlsa Emlly Addlson, ln Rklunond, roturnod homo Wednesday, Miss Dulay Burwoll, of Now York, Is now tho guest of Mlas Iiona Myors, on ut te Stroot, Mrs. Jolin Grnlmni, of Iliintlngton, W. Vn., who has beon spendlng a fow woeks at Mra, AUyn's, ln llnto Streot, left Wccl- liosday "for Washington. Mr, and Mrs. Wllb ir, of Elmlra, N. Y., uio usltlng Mr. und Mrs. C. Brook* Johnston, lu Ghent- Mrs, X*mJ» Hilllard left Wednesday to vlslt hor diwghtqr, Mrs,, John Gibson, In Chicago, Mrs, (loorgo M. Pollard left Wotlnes- day to bo the guest of Mra. Daniel MU- ler, lu Baltimore MANTJFACTtmRR OP PURE HERB MEDICINE Is one of the Greatest Hcalers of the Slck on Earth. Cures all Dlseaues or no Cliarge, 1 cure all diseases that are known to tn* human raco or no onarsro, no matter what your disease, slckness or n,ltilctlo« may be. and restoro you to perfect Health. I curi tho followlng diseases: Heart Disease. Consumutlon. Blood. Kldnoy. Liver. Blod* der, Strlcture, Plles ln any form, vertlgou Qulnsy. Sore Throat, Lunw*. Dyspepsla. IndlRCstton, Constlpatlon. Rhournatlsm ln any torm. Pains aml Aches of any kind, golds. Bronchlal- Troubles, Sores, Skin Iseuees, all Itchlnsr sansatlons. all Kewnala Complolnts, La Grlppe, or Pneumonla: Ulcers. Carbuncles, Bolls, Cancer. the worst forms, without tho uso of knife o| Instruments; Eczenm, PSmplas on face ana bodyj Dlabetcs of Kidneys or Brfeht's Disease of the Kidneys, I curu any dls-» easo. no matter of what nature. All ven« ereal diseases a speclalty. Medlclno sent to any address by 'express. Por full partU eulars sftnd a two-cent atanin for m-nswor. No. 4<M Wost Broad Street. Richmond. "Va. -.: ..a HAVE YOUR SHIRTS MAD E Lot us mako your shirts to order. Tlioy will fit bet¬ ter, wear bottor, and be moro satisfactory in every way! l'ou would bo smv prised to lenow bow many of the best drossod mon in tliis viciuity aro -wearing our niade-to-order shirts, Tboy say tlioy aro m< ^ comfortable in thom, "Wb liayo boon making tho shirts of mouy of Eiolimond's bost dressers since 1880, ¦> Wo are tho only manu- facturers in the South oar- ryiugj a oompleta lino of Foreign and Domestia Shirtings.made into shirts or sold by tho yard, w. s. constabIe & CO., Succossora ta j, CONSTABLE BROS./ W B. Main Street J




This Week, Howevef, the LastBefore Lent, Will Be Llvely.


A Dollghtful Valentine Party at Falrlawn,Homo of Miss Mlnnlo Moomow.

Mrs, John S. Morris' Valert-tlne Party Yesterday.

ItOANOKB, VA., February 14,-Soclol-ly tho weok has been vory dull In Roa¬noke. Thero have beon no gormons, nobig roceptlona ond no big card partlea,snd tho Academy hns been dark for theweek, tho only attroctlon being the warplay, "Wlnehestor," to-nlght. Societypoople are taking a week ot roat beforethe last woek beforo the Lenton season,which promlscs to be very livoly, end-Ing wlth a big german by the Roanoke'jcnnan Ciub,

. . .

Tho most brllllant event of the weekvaa tho tea given by Mra, Malcolm W,Bryan at her handsome homo, No. 1133Nelson Street, Southwest, Wednesdaytfternoon from 1 to 0. Tho house waabeuatifully and ortlstically decorated.l'he recelvlng parlor was decorated innlgnonetto, green and white, the punchroom ln pink, and tho dlnlng rooro' and.table ln smllax, vlolets ond pink carna-tlona. Ropes of smilajc orid vlolets ranfrom the corners of the table to theohandeller. Mra. Bryan waa asalstcd lnrecelvlng by Mrs. S. R. Jamlson, Mrs.William .', atta Carr and Mra. WalterB. Addlaon. Mlsa Mossio was at thepunch bowl and Mrs. Hlll preslded atthe tea table. The young ladies asslst-Ing in tho dlnlng room wero MissesRogers, Reld, Lula Jamlson and MaryMiller. It was ono of the moat hand-aoriio teas ever given In Roanoke, andthe charmlng hostesa made lt one ofraro enjoyment to every guest.

» » »

Miss Mlnnle Moomaw gave a most do¬llghtful ValenUne party at her hosplta-ble home, Falrlawn, near tho city, thisafternoon ln honor of Misses Ange andJudlth Borger, of Montgomery oounty.Mr. and Mrs. O. N. Moomaw, of thosame county, were also present It woaone of the most pleasant affalrs of .;owoek.

. . .

Mrs. John S. Morris gavo a Valentineparty at her home on Tenth Avenue thistfternoon, which waa a most charml.igLiTalr.

. . .

The Roanoke Players' Club, the leadlngntiatour dramatic organlzatlon, ls prc-,'aring to present 8herraan's "Prlsonex ofMorro" for the benefit of thev RoanokeLight Infanrty at the Academy of Musicibout the mlddle of March. The play was5rst presented here two years ago forlhe benefit of the Elks, and was a greatbucccsb, that organlzatlon reallzlng abouts. 8.000 from the performonce. The Play-srs will later ln. tho spring present"Wealth and Matrjmony," by the nametuthor, for the benefit of me Odd-Fellows.

. » .

An enjoyablo surprlae party was givenVednesday night at the home of MissMyrtls Coleman, one of Roanoke's moatpopular young ladies. Dainty refresh-mtnts were aerved. and the evening wasone of rare pleaauro.

. . .

Mra. Charlea L. Dunsford and Mlas¦Buggott will glve a receptlon ond cardparty at the Hotel Roanoke next Tues¬day afternoon in honor ot Mrs. Holland,of Danville.

. ./.Mrs. John W. Shcrman entortalned a

few of her friends at cards at her homo,Vo. 815 South Jefterson Street, Thursdaytfternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock. The cc-lorschemo was red and green, and the deco-rntlons were well chosen. Refreshmentawere served and all spent a most dellght-tul evening.

AT COLUMBIAMrs. Frank T. Shepherd's Valentine

Party Was Very Enjoyable.(Special to Tho Tlmca-Dispatch.)

COLUMBIA, VA.. February K.Mrs.frank T. Shcpherd gavo a valentine partylast night in honor of Mlsa Ruby Sneadvid Miaa Salllo Shepherd, at Stoneleigh,ier handsome country home. A greatmany orlglnal features were a part ofthe evenlngs entertainment, and thoBhole affalr was dollghtfully unlqua.Mra. Joe Owena and Maater Albert

Owens have returned to their home inBaltimore, after a fortnlght's vlslt toMr. and Mrs. Russell Wlllard.Dr. James A Rlchardson, an old and

promlnent phyelclan here, who haa beenrery 111, la now much better.Georgo B. Seay, of Hardware, Is the

itucst of hla uncle, Peyton Strange, atQoldsboro, thla woek.Mlsa Luoy Mosby left this afternoon for"Elk Iamnd, to bo tho guost of Mlas AmyPitts for a fow days, after which ehe will

ro to Fork Unlon to attend a flne musi¬cal concert to bo given there next week.Mr. Burwell W. Seay has gone to Wash-ugton to vlalt Mr, Everott Taylor, apromlnent young brokor of that city.tVhlle thore he will go to Philadelphlaind New York.Mlsa Annie Adama, formorly of thla>laco, but now of Central Plalns, ls vlslt-ng frlonds and relatlves hero.

ATTHE MAPLE SHADB INN.Enjoyable German and Receptlon at Pu-

laski City.(Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch )PU-ASKI, VA, Feb. M.-Measrs. Strud-

wlck and Johnson tendored a rec«ptlonand german to tholr friends at __PiQShade Inn lost night. Muslo was fur.nlshed by four plecas from the V P tband, whloh was ln town givlng a, coj>The german waa a most enlovabi* arfalr, the hoats doing all i. th"lr%6w«1omake the guests have a pleasant evo-nlng.Tho followlng oouples partlolpated! it

C. Mlcklo wlth Mlas Colfe*. Major J wSohultK wlth Miaa Klrkpatrick, W PSlnolalr wlth MIs« Poytors, -Chlldre*.wlth Kmrna Peytora, Stanley Strudwlokwlth Mlas Oompbell, Jamoe Polnter withMiss M. Wataon, E. V. Jamerson wlthMlas iriUhugh, I*e Fitzhugh wlth MlsaRobinson, H. W, Von DorSn wlth M «JM. Robinaoa W. w, Daggett wlth MlasKunkle. V, P. Paulett wlth Mlsa BentleySergeant Handesty wlth Miss WatsonStags: Mewrs. Oautt, White. P-enikCBoff, Withers, Gautt, Gllkerson.ChaperoiuJs Mesdames B. F. Garnett T

_, Mtiasie and Josoph Eektnan.The german waa led by Captaln H. o

Mlokle wlth Mlsa Alloe Calfee.Undor the ausplooa of the Flora, Stuart«}haptor, Daughters of the Confaderady5ie Page Concert Company gave an en-ertalnment Wednesday. whloh was»rgely attended and enjoyed, The pro.eeeds ga toworda ereottng a, monumontto Um Contoderato dead At thla pUu»,


YOTJ can -wear out a pale ofshoes trylng to find a

piano superior to tho CABLE,but you can find pianos lnferiorwithout walklng far enough toIrritato a pet corn.Thls is the store -whero prices

and quality is guaranteei aswell as tho PIANO.


Why Let Your Piano RemainIdle Simply Because No

One in the FsmilyPlays ? ? ?

Let us attach one of the grcatChase & Baker Piano-Players,which will flll your HOME -withmusic. No experience required,A ten-year-old child can operatelt. SOLD ON EASY TERMS.

WE CARRY A FULL STOCKOF EDISON PHONOGRAPHS,VICTOK and ZONOPHONETALKING MACHINES. Thesoinstruments are sold at the low-est prices, and satisfactionguaranteed.

Twenty Second-Hand Pianostaken in exchange on the famousCABLE PIANOS for sale thisweek from $50 to $150; terms,$3 per month.



The Biggest and Oldest Broad-Street Music Honse.

313 East Broad Street.J. G. CORLEY, - - Manager.


The Evening. However, waswas Most Enjoyably Given

to a Valentlne Party*(Special to The Tlmea-Dlspatch.)

DANVILLiE, VA., Fob. 14..Society lnDanville during tho past week haa evi-dently felt the unlversal depresston oc-cosloned by the ground-hog seelng hlsshadow and tho correspondlng badweather, aa tho smart set havo been not¬able only ln their lnaotlvlty. Tho ger¬man that waa to havo beon given bythe Danville German Club Friday nighthus beon postponed, but tho eveningwaa even more onjoyably spent by thoyoung pooplo at a Val«ntlne party lnthe Masonic Temple, given by the youngladies ot the Kplscopal Church, Theroom was prettlly decorated and thedlffercnt booths wero arranged In thodlfferent oorners of tho room and werevery artlsUoally decorated and presldedover by beautiful young ladies. Therewere candy booths, valentlne hooths, loecroum booths and varlous other devlcesknown to tho fertlle mind oC tho fera-lnlne churoh worker to Inveigle the un-wary nlckel from the pooket of her bestboau. The feature of the evening waathe valentlne postofuee, whloh was amedium of exohange for tender sentl-nients.An ftntertalnmont was given by the

Young Women's Christian TemperanceTJnlon at the residence of Mrs. J. C.Knrlght, on Jeffcrson Btreet, Wednesdayevening, whloh was largely attendedand thoroughly enjoyed.A card party wlll be given to-nlght byMiss Nannle Groves at tho resldenco of

Mrs. Seogors, on Holbrook Avenue, Inhonor of Miss Ellen Harvla and MissLarta Goodwln, of Wythovllte, Va. Thoontertalnment wlll take the form of avalentlno party, and the refreshmentsand tally sheets wlll be heart s-haped. Anumber of Invitations have beon Issuea,and the affair Is lookod forward to witha great deal of pleasure.Mrs. J. P. WIHlamson entertainod the

Sans Souel Club at hor home, on WestMain Streot, Frlflay afternoon from 3to (1 o'clock. Progresslvo euehro wasplayed nnd tho scoros were kept onpllt wnnds with plhlc roses, Tho oolorsoheme of plnlc was carrled out In thedocoratlons and rofreshmonts.

AT GORDONSVILLEA Number of Vlsltors In tno Town's

Many Hospltable Homes.(Special to Tbe Tlmoii-niaiiateh.)

GOItDONSVIL^EJ. VA., Fobruary 14.-Mlss Floronoe Marshall, of Twyman'sMlll, and Mr. Bploer, of Washington, nrovisiting at the home of Mrs. F. C, Smith.Mrs, Itobert Bellamy, of Charlottesvlllo,ls visiting her parents, Rev. and Mrs. W,H. Keyser.Mr. Charles Sergeant, of Mlddleport,ohio, Ib on a vlslt to hls parents, Dr. andMrs, h, H. Sargoant.Mr. and Mrs, H, H. rcidwell, of Alexnn-.ia',?r<iv0n.a v,slt t0 th0 latter's fathor,Mr. n, H. Swan.

«JMj£Bi£W* TBylw. after a pleasant stay?iiS2?V *Jfo weeks with her frlond, Mrs.JMnes U, Faber. r«turned to hor homo atTwynmn'e Mlll Thursday,i.Mvtattro?»^"1?"'ot areeno county.Wood ° °* Mrs' B> M'

Mrs. W. A. h. Jott, of Murray Hlll. N.J,, (a visiting nt her nleee's. Mrs, w. H

. ^ui?*,?,hiK,K,tpatrick hns nlvtMH froma vlslt to hla home at Lewlsburg, W VnMiss Jonnle Martln ls visiting Jn Wush-


Society Has Necd ofThem andThey Are Not Wantlng.


Norfolk Girls are Taking on by Way ofAntlclpatlon Something of tho Len- i

ton Splrlt That Thoy May beGayer Than Ever at Easter.

(Speclnl to The Tlmcs.Dlspatch.) -

NORFOLK, VA., Fob. U.-Socletynoeds occaslons. Thoro can't bo any oril-llancy If there Is no Occasion for it, Noman's hat will hang In tho hall lf therebo no pog to hang it on. Little lf any¬thing moro than tho invitatlon of the pogFog ls neodod In tho halls of any woll-regulatod housohold ln Norfolk to InduceUio young men to' enter that house.Now of courso, there ls no lack of

pogs ln Norfolk. It ls ono of tho mosthospltablo cities ln the South. Anystranger who oomes hero with lettera orovon tho credentlala of youth and goodmannors Is certain to find a wolcome.Of oourse the girls who como to vlsltaro always presented by tho famllieswith whom thoy are connected by ties ofrelatlonshlp or of frlendshlp. Their wel-oome ls provlded for ln advance.Tho occaalona are arranged for the j>ro-

aentatton of these visiting glrla andplcasure or their social success ls pro¬vlded for without tha knowledge of thepersons chlefly concernod ln the unlon ofhearts and Jionds that a shrewd andsklllful bas planned for the dlffusion ofhapplness accordlng to hor own concep-tlon of what happlness ought to be.These occaslons are always happoning.They are tho smali and early affalrs, ofwhich every match making matron takestho greatest ndvantago and usea for herown gratiOcation and for the generalpromotlon of the gayety of the world.They aro not great occaslons. Great-ness or publlcity -would spol] them. ThereIs nothlng ao frlghtful to a tlmld bache-lor aa the ausplclon that somo shrewdmatron has put hlm on a block ln herparlor to bo auctlonod to tho higheatbldder, or brought him into her dlnlngroom as the catch of tho season for thegraceful but greedy anglers who havofalled to catch flsh during several otherseasons nnd feel anxious for the resultsof the present season. Great occaslonswould Interfero with such sport Theyw.d scare tha eixy Eiune ot slther boxThero have been no great occaalona forthla week. Thero have been no aoclalattractlons at tho theatres and the gay-eat of tho glrla of society have beenrestlng or visiting aome other olty as areturn for vlslts of their friends hereor they have boen preparlng to be do-muro during lent In order to be gayerand more charming than ever ao soon asEaster glves them the greatest of alloccaslons. Society ls sensible no matterhow frivolous the sweet young thingsmay seem who compose it. Society nevermakes mistakos. It always knows what,lt is always proflts by occaslonsand never Invents one that ls not sure towln. 3t never uses an occasion that lsnot suitable. It nover subatltutea asmall occasion for a great ono. it waHs

THE WEEK.The social foatures of the week wore asfollows:The receptlon given by Mr. and Mrs.Joseph Morris at their home, on ColonlalAvenue, Ghent, Sunday evening, in cele-bration of the engagement of Miss Gogelof Chicago, and their aon, Mr. HarryMorris, was largely attendod. The deco-

ratlons wero pretty and the supperaerved at night waa dellcloua. Mlsa Fo>gel, who ls tho slster of Mrs. 3. R. Cohan.wife of Itev. Dr. Cohen, of Ohef SholemTemple, returns shortly to her home inChicago. Mr. Morris will follow later on,and then an engagoment receptlon wilibe held at the home of Miss Fogel's pa¬rents ln Chicago. The wedding ia set forsome time ln July.

. . a>

Sunday aftcrnoon during the hours of2 and 6 o'clock. Miss Ttllle Fasa, ofBrooklyn, N. Y., and Mr. Honry Levy,of Portsmouth entertaned at the resi¬dence of Mr, and Mrs. I, Foss, at 71$Washington Street. The receptlon wasenjoyable and the attendance large. Thotabl*., were decorated wlth potted plontaand cut ilowers, and during the eveningthe guests enjoyed an excellent luncheon,Miss Foss and Mr. Lovy will entertalnagain. next Sunday.

. * .

The new home of Dr. and Mrs. J. ErneatThacker was the sceno Monday eveningof a sJlver tea, given under the auspl-CD3 of tho Toung People's Society of theSooond Presbyterlan Church. The housowas brllllant in ita lllumination and withthe furnishlngs and deooratlons, made afavorablo impresslon on vlaltors.Dr. ond Mrs. Thacker welcomed the

guests. Mr. D. o. Helaenbuttle entortaln¬ed wlth hla talklng maohtne while Mrs.Emlly _, Anderson added to the pleas-ure of the evening hor recltatlons. MlasMary K. Ewell and Mr. O. E. D. Bar-ron renderod a vocal duet and weroheartily encored. Miss Rubena Waygavo a plono solo, after whloh there wasconversatlon. Rofreshments were aervedduring the evening. Mrs. Dr. J. H. Woodpreslded at the punch bowl, asslsted byMlssos Sholdon, Curdts, Page, Fosterand the Mlssos Allen.

* . *

Mre, Louls Hllllard en'tortalned ln aoharmlng manner Tuesday evening at thoCountry Club. The occasion was a cardparty, given ln honor of her guest, MissDona Reld, of Baltimore. The game ofhearts was indulged ln for two hours andtho flrst ladlea' prlzo, a Chrlsty pioture,was awarded to Mlsa Myra Tueker, whlloamong the gentlemen Mr. Llewellyn Hll¬llard wns fortunate and received agoldstlck pln. The booby, a pack of oardawaa given to Mr. Parcy Jonos. and theconaolaUon, "An Old Sweethoart ofMlne," was drawn. by Mra. Georgq MPollard. The guests -wero then invltedInto tho dlning-room, whoro tho tablewns beantlfully decorated ln red nndwhite, Carnntlons and hyaclnthg wereusod In profufllon. Mrs. Hllllard's guostswore Mrs. Pollard, Miss Dona Reld, MlasMabet Chamberlalne, Mlsa Alloe Kelly,Mlsa Mary Pattlaon, of Baltimore) MlsaNlna Johns, Miss Cornolla Truxtun, MlsaDuncan, of Plttsburg; Mlas Myra Tuek¬er, Miss Ruth Wllson, Mr, Peroy JonesMr. R, B, Pegrnin, Mr. Tunstall Smlth!Mr.iW, 8. Royster, Mr, Walter Bharp,Mr, Kensoy Johns, Mr. Riohard Bur-roughe, Mr. Washington Taylor, Jr., Mr,R, U Dobio and Mr, Uowellyn Hillard.

* . *Tlio members of the KA)amaroo Wlilst;

Club had a dellghtful meetlng Wednesdayafternoon, when they were entertalited'by Msa Esato Reod at her realdence, onMlddle streot, Portsmouth. Thoso pros-ent wore Mrs. Cwaeday, Mra. EdgarNaah, Mrs. Sumner Butt, Mrs. HarryBpatwrlght. Mr«, Charles, Porrlsh,, Mra.John;._ayton, ..Mra, Th,omas Goode. Mrs.Jarnea Muup.ln, Mm, Jchu BnWeraon,'


SpecialGlace Taffetasheavy weight, nll puTesilk, and in tho now-CBt and most ofTuctivocolol* combinntions,tho 00c. kind; special,75o. o. yard.

New Dress Goods.Two Special

Values. Albatross.Full yard wldo, all-

wool nnd in everystroot and eveningshade, tlie usual 5(k.kind; special, 30c. a


Eolians.A light weight silk

and wool fabric, so/tand clingy, all thonew and wantedspring shadings andblack and white, tiio$1.60 kind; special,$1.00 a yard.

, Ribbons.Three Specials10-incb. All Silk,

Black, Lustrous, SoftWcave Taffeta Rib¬bons, actual value$1.00; special, COc. a

yard.6-inch All Silk

Black Lustrous, SoftWeave Taffeta, Rib¬bons, actual value35c.; special, 19c.300 pieces , 6-inch

Satin TttfTeta Rib-bons, coloni black,white, cream, pink,lavender and maize,all silk, the 35c. kind;special, 10c. a yard.

SpecialPearl Button Value600 gross Manufac-

turer's Odds and Endsof Pearl Buttons, nllgood grado Buttons,nctually worth 15 and26c.; special, 5c. adozen.

oSRRING, J903.

UR Spring stock is now thoroughly complete in every detail and overydopartment is just brimful with everything that is new, fresh and up-to-date for the coming spring and summer season wear. We invito youto inspect our stock, pass judgmenfc upon its completeness and the fullness of

our prices. Por this week's selling special price concessions in every depart-menb.

An Unvsual Sale of

fiigh Grade Cambric,Embroideries,

Nainsookand Swiss,A spot cash purchase of unusual proportlons nindo

us tbe fortunnte posscssorB of theso, and the priceswe have marked them at will nstonlsh you. Tlicynro all regulnr goods, not MILL ENDS, OLDSTYLES, but just tho pick of this season's choicostpattcrns in Nainsookj Cambric and Swiss Edges, In-sertions nnd Braidings. Wo guarantoe positivoly thatin every instnnco their prices aro just ono-third toone-lialf of their real worth. .

10c. Edges, Insertlons and Bcndings, now 60.10 2-3 nnd 10c. Edges, Insortions and Beadings

now 8 l-3c.20c. Edges, Insertions nnd Beadings now 10c.25c. Edges, Insertions and Beadings now 12%o.30c. Edges, Insertions nnd Beadings now 15c.40c. Edgos, Insertions and Bcndings now 10c.60, 00 and 76o. Edges, Insertions and Beadings

now 26c.

New Silks.Printea Foulnrds, all puro silk, heavy weight,

new, effeetive and stylish pattcrns and colorLnira, 60,50, 80 and 98e.

Fanoy Taffetas and Louisines, in neat effects,for shirt-waists or shirt-waist suits, 08c. to $1.60.New Embroidered Pongees, new and stylish pat-terns, $1.00, $1.25, $1.60 nnd $1.00.50c. VYasK Silk, in all colors j special, 30c. yard,

New Hosiery.Ladies* Extra Quality, Medium Woight, Fast-

Black Lislo Hoso, 25o,Ladies' Fast-Black Dropstitch Lislc Hose, tho

usual 60c. kind, 3714c.New ideas in Embroidered and Laco Lisle and

Cotton Hose, exelusive designs, 50, 75, 80, 08c, $1.25,and $1,35.

Something Entirety New InLadies9 Kid Gloves.Ladies' Extra Quality Washablo White Glaco Kid

Gloves, guoronteed to wash nleely and not hnrden$2.00.

New Wash Goods.Rcnl Irish Dimitics, now and stylish pattcrns and

colorings, 25c.Lnce Striped Lnwns, new and stylish pniternfl, 25c.Ribbon Striped Muslins, now and stylish pattcrns,

very effective, 40c.Silk Striped Grcnadincs, entirely now pattcrns,

50, 50 and 00cEmbroidered Swissos, in nn immense range of new

pnttems, 50, 00, 75, 85c. to $2.50.Linen Mislrnls, new and stylish, all colors and all

linen; special, 35c.Real Scotch flinghams, in entirely new pattcrns

and colorings, 25c.Mcrccrizcd Oxfords, in nn immense assortment of

new and stylish pattcni3 nnd colorings, 30, 50, 50,and 75c.

New White Goods.Fancy Striped Madras, in entirely new pattcrns

and extra valucs, 121/.., 16, 10 nnd 25c.New Morcerized Damasks, in exelusive designs, 50,

75 and 85c.New Mereerizcd Fanrios, in new nad very efTcotive

pattcrns, 25, 35, 40 nnd 50c.Mereerizcd Oxfords nnd Cheviots, new and stylish

pattcrns, 25, 35, 40, 50, 75c. nnd $1.00.

French Batisie,One Special Value,

40 inches wide, fine, shcer and light weight, and an

elegnnt -wnsher nnd wenror j special, 25o.

New Dress Goods,Black and Colored.



CLOTHS,All kinds nnd qualitics, to suit oll purscs; prices,50c. to $2.75 yard.

New Neckwear.Now Wnsh Stock, just in, entirely new patterns,

25 and 60o.Now Embroidered Wash Stock, entirely now, 60,

69 and 98c. ,

Men's Negligee Shirts,the new oncs, just in, cnrefully selccted patterns,proporly mado and cut, $1.00, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00.

Special.Pure Linen Lawn,full ynrd wldo, allptiTo linen, flne andsoft, another lot juatin, tha regular 40c.kind; spcciitl, 29c, a


Two Very SpecialLinen Values.

20x40-inch KnottedFringe All-Linon HtickTowela, extra henvywoight, actual valuo$4.50; special, $3.00 a

dozen. .,,

20-inch HemstitchGdAll . Linen DamaslcNapkins, new andeiTcctlve patterns, act¬ual value $3.60; spe¬cial, $2.50 dozen.

Ne\v> Laces,an imraenso assort-ment, tho largest andmost complcte wehave ever shown,new, eflectivo and ex«clusivo designs, inbands and all colorsof





Moussellnes.Special Value.Silk and cotton, soft

nnd clingy, colorswhite, black, yellow>corn, pink, light blue,navy and gray, theusual 33c. j special,10c.-a, yard.

Mrs, Shlrley Carter, Mrs. Lewls i^ar-shall, Mrs. Alexander Hatton, Mrs. Ken-neth McAlplne, Miss Elizabeth Neely,Miss Llla Plummer. Miss Marlon Mur-daugh, Miss Lols Wrlght, Miss EstelleCouruiey. of Richmond! Miss Mary Em-merson, Misses Nannle, Mlldred and Cal-llo Holllday, Miss Julia Tyler, of Rich¬mond; Miss Emily Hatton. Miss IsancyButt, Miss Carollne Ammens, of Wash¬ington, and Miss Margaret Reed.

? . .

The Monday Evening Whist Club waadellghtfully entertalned Monday by MissAnnie Vaughan at her home, on HlghStreot, Portsmouth. Miss Vaughjui'sguests were Mr. and Mrs. Edgor Nosh.Mr. and Mrs. John Emmerson, Mr. andMrs. James Maupln, Mrs. J, HapperStewart, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Moore,Mrs. Floyd, of Ellzabeth City; MissesNannle, Mlldred and Sallie Holllday,Misses Mary and Annlo Emmerson, MissHus4on, of Blackaburg; Misses Ellzabethand Jone Neely and Miss Emily Hatton.

» » .

The Monday Afternoon Euchre Clubwas delighfully entertainod by Mrs.Frank Anthony Walke, at her home onGrace Street. Elght-hand euohro wasplayod and the flrst prlzo, a work bag,was awarded to Mrs. J. M. Jordan, whllethe consotatlon, a plotuTe, waa drawn byMrs, Charles H. Wood, The seore waskept by Miss Gcorglo Day, of New Tork,and Miss Byrd, of Qlouooster. They re¬ceived a plcture framo and bon-bon dlsh.Mrs. Walke's other guests wore Mrs.Thomas Piirdle, Mrs. C. H. Wood, Mrs.J. M. Jordan, Mrs. E. B. Hodges, Mrs.J. M. Barr. Mrs. Alfred G. Eldredge,Miss Rosa MyersNind Miss Fannle Soms.Mrs. John Downlng entertalned the

members of the Young Ladies' AfternoonEuchre Olub Monday at hor homo onNorth Green Street, Portsmouth. Th(oparlors wero bcautlfully dressd ln tullps,lllles and palms. Slx-hand euohro wnsplayed and at throo tables. Tho flrstprlse, a sllver bon-bon dlsh, was won byMrs. Ambrose LIndsay, and Misa Crossl'aSohroeder cut the consotatlon, a Thoso present wera Mrs.J. Grlft. Edwards, Mrs. Emmett Crump,Mra. Francis Chadwlok, Mrs. HarryWatt, Mrs. Sumner Butt, Mrs. ClaudoRiddlck, of Sulfollc; Mrs. Ambroso Llnd-say, Mrs. George Parrlsh, Miss LilyKearn, Miss Nnncy Bult, Miss NlnaDewoy, Miss Ll'/zle Allen, Mlssos Essloand Margarot Beod, Miss Carollne Am-men, of Washington; Misses Kathorlneand Lulle Heath, Miss Corrle Phllllps,Misses EllzalxMli nml Jane Nooly andMiss Uressle Schrocder,

MAINLY PERSONAL.Mr. Danto Comstoek, who 1ms been

Tutt's PillsCxire AllLiver Ills.Save Yowr Motiey.One box of Tutt's Pills wlll ¦ar«many dollars in doctors' bill*Th«y wlll sure!/ cure all diaeasei»f the Btomach, liver oi bowcls,N* Reckless Asserrioii,For slck bendache, dyspepsit,nalaria, constipatlou aud bilioum¦eB9, a milllon peopla cndorM

visiting Mrs. W. A. Barr, on York Streot,has gone to .ostoruMrs. Claude Rlddlck. of Suffolk, ls tho

gue3t of her sister, Mrs. John Downlng,on North Groen Streot, Portsmouth,Miss Cressle Sohroeder, who haa beenvisiting Mlsa Claude Rlddlck, la Suffolkhas returned to Portsmouth,Mrs. Brevard Miller. who J__ been

spendlng several moaths wlth her par¬ents. Mr. ond Mrs, J. S. T. Reld, on YorkStreet, loft Sunday for Birmingham, AlaMiss Hattle Tilglunan and Mlsa Fooksaro In Waahlngton.Mr. Ternplln Llckllder, Mr. W. A.Wrenn, Jr., and Mr. Georgo C. Reld havereturned homo after spendlng aeveral

dnys in Baltimore.Miss Virginia Marshall, of _»akota, lathe guest of Mrs. Ellza Downor, on.Granby Street.Mrs. Thomas FItzgerald, of Portsmouth,ls visiting frienda ln Baltimore.Misses Laura and Virginia Nottlnghamof Eastorn Shore, are vsitlng Mrs. Cooke!

on Court Street, Portsmouth.Miss Mary Pattlson. who has been vis¬

iting ln Norfolk for several woeks hasreturned to her homo, in Baltimore'.Miss Huston, of Blacksburg, la visitingthe Mlssea Emmcraon, ln High Street,Portsmouth.Mrs. Floyd, of Ellrabeth City, Ib the

guest of Mra. John Emerson, on HighStreet, Portsmouth.Mr. S. X. Woodwnrd haa gone to Phila¬

delphla.Mra. Charles Klrk and Miss Mary Klrk

returned Monday from a "vlslt to relatlvesin Baltimore.Miss Estollo Courtney, of Richmond, isthe guest of Mra, Alexander Hatton, inParlc Vlew,Mlsa Llda Lane, of Auburn, Ala., whohas been visiting friond8 ln Riohmond Istho guest of Mrs. E. T. Lamb, in GhcntMias Lano left Wodnosday night for NowYork.Dr. Lloyd Wllllams, of New Orlenns,who haa been In New York for sovornlmonths, la tho guost of relatlvos intown for a fow days.,

. . «

A 5 o'clock to&. was glvcn Wednesdayby Mra. William W. Little, at her homoon Duke Stroet. Tlio parlors woro pret-tily decorated with pink carnations andpalms. Mrs. LIttlo's guosts -wero MrsGeorgo M. Pollard, Mra. W. H. Taylor'Mrs. R. P, Volght, Mrs. T. H. Wlllco\'Mrs. C. H. Bull, Mrs Shlrloy Carter, Mrs'S.W. Pniuilll, Mrs. X. P. Pannlll. Mrs, Wil¬liam Pannill, Mra, W. N. Wallor MrsGordon DoCordy, Mrs. Henry Se'aliuryMra. Vlotor H. Parks, Mra. W. W. Llttlo'Mrs. Frodorlek Curd, Mrs, Cocil BlllupsMlas Gray, Mlsa Suslo Straohan, Miss'Nollio Little. Mlas Waltnmn, of Loudour,and Mlas Suoari Prlast.

. .-.».;»

Mrs. Gordon DeCordy was hoatoas ntthe meetlng of tho Soven-Hand EuchroClub at hor homo, on Proemason Street,Tuesday ovenlng. Tlie flrat prlssee worowon. by Mrs. W. N. Wallor and MiaaLaura Fltohett, and the consolatlonswore drawn by Mrs. William Pannlll andMr. Lawrenco Atklnson.Thoso present wero Mr. nnd Mrs. LaW.

renoo Atkirmon, Mr. nnd Mra. W. N, Wal¬lor, Mrs, Wlllam Pannlll, Mr. and Mrs.Paul Howard, Mra. Androw Browno, MrsS. D, Pullor, Mrs. P. II. Thomaa tuidMiaa Laura Fltchott,

» . *

Mrs. Claronoo A. Woodard gnve a re¬ceptlon Wednesday nt hor homo, inGhent, Tho parlors wero prettily dressedIn pink and green, In tho hall and dlnlngroom red aud groon woro naod, Tho tablowaa beautiful ln Ita docoratlons of redcarnatioiia, ribbon, forna and smllax. Mrs.Woodard, asBlated by Mrs. Ryan, MlssosLlezlo and Ltly Woodard reoolved thovlsltors.Thoso who risalsted ln the dlnlng-rooin

wero: Mra, Alfrotl Pago, Mlsa Mary Dun-oan, Misses Annie and Mary Royster,Miss Mary Lolgli, Mlau Mnry King Nnsh,Miaa Annlo Hotiry, Miss Payne, and Mra.Harry Baln aerved the puna-U.¦' ? # VMiss JUthel IJardy luui roturiioO. from

Our Great Removal SaleWill Continue Throughout This Week.


Full Line of Mandolins, Banjos and Gultars from Sl.50 to S5.00.Popular Sheei Music, 5o and 10c.

This wlll be your last opportunity. You can't afford to miss it. Come.

FERCUSSON BROS.New Store. No. 11 W. Broad. 815 E. BROAD STREET.

Brass andIron Castings

Mado to order. Let usmake your Brnss and IronCastlngsl We will do lt nsproniptly as posslble.fromtlio best material.and with¬out flaws! This is our spe-clnlty! Wo havo boon intho business thlrty - twoyeara, and know how!!Richmond Iron Works,(Estub'd 1889. Incorp'd 1002).15th Broad and 16th &

Grace Streets,

Have YouA Tumor?Why not curo lt? Havo dootors

falled nnd given up hope of curingi-ou? Wo will CURE you.or you willowo us nothlng!We posltlvely cure Cnncora, Tumors

nnfl Ciironlc Sores without uslng aknlfe. Wo aro making wondorfulcures ovcry day. Como aml soe whatwe aro doing. If then you are notsatlsilcd wo will pay all expenses!lf you cannot como send for prlntcd

mattor, and atnto your ense, Do notdelay.como or write to-day,Kellam Cancer Hospital

Twelfth and Bank Streeta,RICHMOND, VA.

a vlslt to Mlsa Virginia Jordan, ln Suf¬folk.Miaa Worthlngton, who has boen vis¬

iting tho Misses Allyn, on Buto Streot,lu'H returned to Qoorgotown.Mlsa day Whlto, of Aulngdon, who

hna boon the guest of Mlsa Mary Lolgh,ls now visiting tho Mlssoa Drummond,ln Poush Street,Mra. James B. MoCaw. who has heen

tho guest of Mlsa Emlly Addlson, lnRklunond, roturnod homo Wednesday,Miss Dulay Burwoll, of Now York, Is

now tho guest of Mlas Iiona Myors, onut te Stroot,Mrs. Jolin Grnlmni, of Iliintlngton, W.

Vn., who has beon spendlng a fow woeksat Mra, AUyn's, ln llnto Streot, left Wccl-liosday "for Washington.Mr, and Mrs. Wllb ir, of Elmlra, N.

Y., uio usltlng Mr. und Mrs. C. Brook*Johnston, lu Ghent-Mrs, X*mJ» Hilllard left Wednesday to

vlslt hor diwghtqr, Mrs,, John Gibson, InChicago,Mrs, (loorgo M. Pollard left Wotlnes-

day to bo the guest of Mra. Daniel MU-ler, lu Baltimore


PURE HERB MEDICINEIs one of the Greatest Hcalers of the Slckon Earth. Cures all Dlseaues or no Cliarge,1 cure all diseases that are known to tn*human raco or no onarsro, no matter whatyour disease, slckness or n,ltilctlo« may be.and restoro you to perfect Health. I curitho followlng diseases: Heart Disease.Consumutlon. Blood. Kldnoy. Liver. Blod*der, Strlcture, Plles ln any form, vertlgouQulnsy. Sore Throat, Lunw*. Dyspepsla.IndlRCstton, Constlpatlon. Rhournatlsm lnany torm. Pains aml Aches of any kind,golds. Bronchlal- Troubles, Sores, SkinIseuees, all Itchlnsr sansatlons. all KewnalaComplolnts, La Grlppe, or Pneumonla:Ulcers. Carbuncles, Bolls, Cancer. theworst forms, without tho uso of knife o|Instruments; Eczenm, PSmplas on face anabodyj Dlabetcs of Kidneys or Brfeht'sDisease of the Kidneys, I curu any dls-»easo. no matter of what nature. All ven«ereal diseases a speclalty. Medlclno sentto any address by 'express. Por full partUeulars sftnd a two-cent atanin for m-nswor.No. 4<M Wost Broad Street. Richmond. "Va.-.: ..a


Lot us mako your shirtsto order. Tlioy will fit bet¬ter, wear bottor, and bemoro satisfactory in everyway! l'ou would bo smvprised to lenow bow manyof the best drossod mon intliis viciuity aro -wearingour niade-to-order shirts,Tboy say tlioy aro m< ^comfortable in thom, "Wbliayo boon making tho shirtsof mouy of Eiolimond'sbost dressers since 1880, ¦>

Wo are tho only manu-facturers in the South oar-

ryiugj a oompleta lino ofForeign and DomestiaShirtings.made into shirtsor sold by tho yard,w. s. constabIe & CO.,

Succossora ta j,CONSTABLE BROS./

W B. Main Street J