Verb-movement and Grammar Competition in Korean: Evidence ...

V-Raising and Grammar Competition in Korean: Evidence from Negation and Quantifier Scope Chung-hye Han Jeffrey Lidz Julien Musolino In a head-final language, V-raising is hard to detect since there is no evidence from the string to support a raising analysis. If the language has a cliticlike negation that associates with the verb in syntax, then scope facts concerning negation and a quantified object NP could provide evidence regarding the height of the verb. Even so, such facts are rare, especially in the input to children, and so we might expect that not all speakers exposed to a head-final language acquire the same grammar as far as V-raising is concerned. Here, we present evidence supporting this expectation. Using experimental data concerning the scope of quantified NPs and negation in Korean, elicited from both adults and 4-year-old children, we show that there are two populations of Korean speakers: one with V-raising and one without. Keywords: V-raising, negation, quantifier, scope, grammar competi- tion, poverty of the stimulus, head-final language, Korean 1 Introduction The argument from the poverty of the stimulus has maintained a central place in the development of generative grammar at least since Chomsky 1965. The argument runs like this. There is a piece of grammatical knowledge G that can be attributed to adult speakers of a language. Examination of the input to the child shows that the ambient language (i.e., the language of the community that the learner is exposed to) does not uniquely determine G. That is, the primary linguistic data that the child is exposed to are compatible with a range of hypotheses that includes (but does not require) G. Given that adults know G and that G represents only one point in a range of hypotheses compatible with experience, it follows that G must be determined innately. In other words, all Previous versions of this article have been presented at the 38th regional meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society; the 13th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference; the Linguistic Society of America workshop ‘‘UG Principles and Input Data’’ at the University of Michigan, East Lansing, in 2003; the University of Calgary linguistics colloquium in 2003; the University of British Columbia linguistics colloquium in 2004; and the workshop ‘‘Construction of Meaning’’ at Stanford University in 2005. We have benefited at various stages from the critical comments and questions of the audiences at these presentations. We also thank the two anonymous LI reviewers for their helpful comments, and Mee-Sook Kim for assistance with stimulus design and data collection in the initial stage of the research reported here. Our work was supported in part by SSHRC Standard Research Grant 410-2003-0544 to Han and NSF grant BCS-0418309 to Lidz. 1 Linguistic Inquiry, Volume 38, Number 1, Winter 2007 1–47 2007 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Transcript of Verb-movement and Grammar Competition in Korean: Evidence ...

V-Raising and GrammarCompetition in Korean: Evidencefrom Negation and QuantifierScopeChung-hye HanJeffrey LidzJulien Musolino

In a head-final language, V-raising is hard to detect since there is noevidence from the string to support a raising analysis. If the languagehas a cliticlike negation that associates with the verb in syntax, thenscope facts concerning negation and a quantified object NP couldprovide evidence regarding the height of the verb. Even so, such factsare rare, especially in the input to children, and so we might expectthat not all speakers exposed to a head-final language acquire the samegrammar as far as V-raising is concerned. Here, we present evidencesupporting this expectation. Using experimental data concerning thescope of quantified NPs and negation in Korean, elicited from bothadults and 4-year-old children, we show that there are two populationsof Korean speakers: one with V-raising and one without.

Keywords: V-raising, negation, quantifier, scope, grammar competi-tion, poverty of the stimulus, head-final language, Korean

1 Introduction

The argument from the poverty of the stimulus has maintained a central place in the developmentof generative grammar at least since Chomsky 1965. The argument runs like this. There is a pieceof grammatical knowledge G that can be attributed to adult speakers of a language. Examinationof the input to the child shows that the ambient language (i.e., the language of the communitythat the learner is exposed to) does not uniquely determine G. That is, the primary linguistic datathat the child is exposed to are compatible with a range of hypotheses that includes (but does notrequire) G. Given that adults know G and that G represents only one point in a range of hypothesescompatible with experience, it follows that G must be determined innately. In other words, all

Previous versions of this article have been presented at the 38th regional meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society;the 13th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference; the Linguistic Society of America workshop ‘‘UG Principles and InputData’’ at the University of Michigan, East Lansing, in 2003; the University of Calgary linguistics colloquium in 2003;the University of British Columbia linguistics colloquium in 2004; and the workshop ‘‘Construction of Meaning’’ atStanford University in 2005. We have benefited at various stages from the critical comments and questions of the audiencesat these presentations. We also thank the two anonymous LI reviewers for their helpful comments, and Mee-Sook Kimfor assistance with stimulus design and data collection in the initial stage of the research reported here. Our work wassupported in part by SSHRC Standard Research Grant 410-2003-0544 to Han and NSF grant BCS-0418309 to Lidz.


Linguistic Inquiry, Volume 38, Number 1, Winter 20071–47� 2007 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

2 C H U N G - H Y E H A N , J E F F R E Y L I D Z , A N D J U L I E N M U S O L I N O

of the other hypotheses compatible with the primary linguistic data are excluded a priori. Learnersacquire G because it is the unique point of intersection between the primary linguistic data andthe innate hypothesis space. In this article, we present a novel consequence of the poverty of thestimulus. We will consider a case in which the learner’s innate hypothesis space arguably providesat least two hypotheses that are compatible with the primary linguistic data. In this case, experiencedoes not determine which of these is the correct grammar. Consequently, some learners acquireone grammar and others acquire the other. In short, even given a restricted and innately determinedhypothesis space, experience is sometimes insufficient for grammar transmission from one genera-tion to the next.

In particular, we will examine the position of the verb in Korean. In a head-final languagelike Korean, V-raising is hard to detect since there is no evidence from simple SOV strings thatwould differentiate between a structure in which the verb occupies V and one in which it has raisedto I(nflection). This is so both for children acquiring the language and for linguists developing ananalysis of it. Indeed, syntacticians examining Korean have made claims in both directions, somearguing that there is no V-raising (Han and Park 1994, Yoon 1994, M.-K. Park 1998) and othersarguing that V-raising does occur (Otani and Whitman 1991, Park 1992, Cho 1994, Yi 1994,Choi 1999, Koizumi 2000). As we will show, neither the evidence for a raising analysis nor theevidence for an analysis without raising is definitive. All of the data used in the argumentationin the literature have explanations consistent with either analysis.

One potential source of information that would be more instructive concerns the syntax ofnegation. Because Korean has a cliticlike negation that associates with the verb in syntax, scopefacts concerning negation and a quantified object NP could provide evidence regarding the heightof the verb. Even so, such facts are rare, especially in the input to children, and so we mightexpect that not all speakers exposed to a head-final language acquire the same grammar as faras V-raising is concerned. Indeed, we present evidence here supporting this expectation fromKorean. Using data obtained from psycholinguistic experiments, we show that there are twopopulations of Korean speakers: one with V-raising and one without.

This article is organized as follows. In section 2, we review the kind of evidence used inthe linguistic literature to determine whether Korean exhibits V-raising. We consider evidencefrom null object constructions (section 2.1), scrambling and coordination (section 2.2), negativepolarity item licensing (section 2.3), and coordination of an untensed conjunct with a tensed one(section 2.4). We show that in all these cases, no firm conclusions can be drawn regarding theavailability of V-raising in Korean, as all the data claimed to support a V-movement analysis arecompatible with a non-V-movement grammar and vice versa. Next, we consider evidence involv-ing the position of the verb with respect to negation (section 3.1) and scope interactions betweennegation and quantified NPs (section 3.2). We show that while the evidence from scope interactionswould be informative regarding the possibility of V-raising in Korean, the extant literature onthis topic is plagued by contradictory conclusions, giving the impression that syntacticians study-ing Korean cannot agree on what the facts are (section 3.3). Since only facts involving negationand quantified NPs hold the promise of settling the issue of whether Korean is a V-raising

V - R A I S I N G A N D G R A M M A R C O M P E T I T I O N I N K O R E A N 3

language, it becomes crucial that the relevant facts be determined as precisely as possible. Toachieve this goal, we conducted two psycholinguistic experiments using the truth-value judgmenttask (Crain and Thornton 1998), a technique devised to elicit reliable interpretive judgments(sections 4.1 and 4.2). After presenting our findings in section 4, we discuss their implicationsregarding the availability of V-raising in Korean in section 5.

2 The Issue of V-Raising in Korean

Traditionally, differences in verb placement with respect to adverbs have been used to argue foror against V-raising to I for a given language (Emonds 1978, Pollock 1989). Consider the datain (1)–(2).

(1) Frencha. *Jean souvent embrasse Marie. (*S Adv V O)

Jean often kisses Marieb. Jean embrasse souvent Marie. (S V Adv O)

Jean kisses often Marie‘Jean often kisses Marie.’

(2) Englisha. John often kisses Mary. (S Adv V O)b. *John kisses often Mary. (*S V Adv O)

Assuming that French and English clauses have similar hierarchical structure and that often-typeadverbs are placed in the same position in both languages (namely, adjoined to VP), the wordorder in which the verb precedes the adverb is taken to be evidence for V-raising, as in French(3a), and the order in which the verb follows the adverb is taken to be evidence for I-lowering,as in English (3b).

(3) a. French


NPsubj I�







4 C H U N G - H Y E H A N , J E F F R E Y L I D Z , A N D J U L I E N M U S O L I N O

b. English


NPsubj I�







However, in a head-final language like Korean (4), with specifiers/adjuncts on the left of the verbas in (5), V-raising is hard to detect because there is no evidence from the string to support araising analysis. Whether the verb raises or not, it will occur to the right of such adverbial elements.

(4) Yuri-ka cacwu Toli-lul ttayli-n-ta.Yuri-NOM often Toli-ACC hit-PRES-DECL

‘Yuri often hits Toli.’

(5) IP

NPsubj I�






We thus need to resort to arguments other than those relying on the string order between the verband a diagnostic element to settle the matter. In what follows, we examine such arguments claimedin the literature to demonstrate that Korean either does or does not exhibit V-raising. The argumentspresented in sections 2.1 and 2.2 were originally based on facts in Japanese, and we have duplicatedthem here using Korean examples.

V - R A I S I N G A N D G R A M M A R C O M P E T I T I O N I N K O R E A N 5

2.1 Null Object Constructions

Otani and Whitman (1991) argue that the sloppy reading in the null object construction (NOC)in Japanese (and Korean) is evidence for V-raising. They propose that through V-raising, theNOC results in an empty VP, analogous to VP-ellipsis in English, allowing a sloppy reading, justas VP-ellipsis in English does. Their argument can be duplicated using Korean examples: theKorean NOC in (6B) can have a sloppy reading, just like the English VP-ellipsis example in (7).

(6) A: John-un caki-uy phyenci-lul pely-ess-ta.John-TOP self-GEN letter-ACC discard-PST-DECL

‘John threw away self’s letter.’B: Mary-to [e] pely-ess-ta.

Mary-also discard-PST-DECL

‘Maryj also threw out selfj’s letters.’ (sloppy reading)‘Mary also threw out John’s letters.’ (strict reading)

(7) John threw away his letter; Mary did [VP e] too.

Hoji (1998), however, shows that the sloppylike readings in the NOC are not the genuinesloppy reading attested in VP-ellipsis constructions. While English VP-ellipsis examples generallyhave sloppy readings available, the corresponding Japanese NOCs do not always do so. Thispoint applies to Korean NOCs as well, as illustrated in (8)–(9).

(8) A: John consoled himself.B: Bill did too. (�strict reading, �sloppy reading)

(9) A: John-un cakicasin-ul wylohayecwu-ess-ta.John-TOP self-ACC console-PST-DECL

‘John consoled himself.’B: Bill-to [e] wylohayecwu-ess-ta.

Bill-also console-PST-DECL

‘Bill consoled [e] too.’ (�strict reading, *sloppy reading)

According to Hoji, sloppylike readings in NOCs arise because of the way the content of the nullargument is recovered from discourse. The null argument can be either a definite or an indefinite.Applying this to Korean, in (6), the null argument corresponds to indefinite ‘letters’, which canbe interpreted as John’s letters (corresponding to a strict reading) or Mary’s letters (correspondingto a sloppy reading). In (9), the null argument is definite and refers to John, the most saliententity in the discourse, allowing only the strict reading. If Hoji is correct, NOC examples withsloppylike readings have no bearing on the issue of V-raising.

Kim (1999) also provides several arguments that show that the readings in NOCs could notbe evidence for overt V-raising in Korean. Here, we briefly discuss one of his arguments. Kimprovides an example of an NOC without VP-ellipsis that nevertheless has a sloppy reading. (10A)is an example of a multiple accusative construction conveying a part-whole relationship, where

6 C H U N G - H Y E H A N , J E F F R E Y L I D Z , A N D J U L I E N M U S O L I N O

the first accusative-marked NP refers to the whole and the second accusative-marked NP refersto the part. In (10B), the part-NP remains within VP.1 But even though no VP-ellipsis site isavailable, (10B) can have a sloppy reading.

(10) A: Jerry-nun caki-uy ai-lul phal-ul ttayli-ess-ta.Jerry-TOP self-GEN child-ACC arm-ACC hit-PST-DECL

‘Jerry hit his child on the arm.’B: Kulena Sally-nun [e] tali-lul ttayli-ess-ta.

but Sally-TOP leg-ACC hit-PST-DECL

‘But Sally hit [e] on the leg.’ (�strict reading, �sloppy reading)

This fact then suggests that a strategy other than VP-ellipsis is responsible for the sloppy readingin Korean NOCs, and so they cannot have any bearing on the issue of V-raising.

2.2 Scrambling and Coordination

Using examples from coordination and scrambling, and making the reasonable assumption thatcoordinate structures conjoin syntactic constituents of like categories, Koizumi (2000) argues thatthe verb raises all the way up to C(omp) in Japanese (and in Korean). If we apply Koizumi’sarguments to Korean examples, then ‘‘Subject [Object and Object] Verb’’ coordinate structuresare derived through coordination of subclauses (represented as FPs below), with across-the-board(ATB) V-raising at least to I. This is illustrated in (11). Moreover, ‘‘[Subject Object] and [SubjectObject] Verb’’ coordinate structures are derived through IP-coordination, with ATB V-raising toC, as illustrated in (12). Crucially, the coordinate structures (FP and IP in (11)–(12)) can bescrambled, supporting the claim that they form constituents.

(11) Mary-ka [[FP motun sakwa-lul ti] kuliko [FP motun panana-lul ti]] meki-ess-ta.Mary-NOM every apple-ACC and every banana-ACC eat-PST-DECL

‘Mary ate every apple and every banana.’

(12) [[IP Mary-ka motun sakwa-lul ti] kuliko [IP Nancy-ka motun panana-lul ti]]Mary-NOM every apple-ACC and Nancy-NOM every banana-ACC

‘Mary ate every apple and Nancy ate every banana.’

1 One might say that an empty VP can still be made in (10B) by scrambling the part-NP out of the VP over theempty whole-NP, and raising the verb. But as Kim (1999) notes, this cannot be a possible derivation because the part-NP must be c-commanded by the whole-NP, as shown by the ungrammaticality of (i).

(i) *Kulena Sally-nun tali-luli [caki-uy ai-lul] ti ttayli-ess-ta.but Sally-TOP leg-ACC self-GEN child-ACC hit-PST-DECL

‘But Sally hit her child on the leg.’

V - R A I S I N G A N D G R A M M A R C O M P E T I T I O N I N K O R E A N 7

However, similar examples can be constructed where the material shared by the two conjunctscontains more than just the verb, as in (13)–(14). This means that the ATB extraposition cantarget not only verbs but also bigger constituents, making the kind of example Koizumi providesa subcase of a more general phenomenon, not relevant to the issue of V-raising.2

(13) Mary-ka [[FP motun sakwa-lul ti] kuliko [FP motun panana-lul ti]] culkepkeyMary-NOM every apple-ACC and every banana-ACC

‘Mary ate every apple and every banana joyfully.’

(14) [[IP Mary-ka motun sakwa-lul ti] kuliko [IP Nancy-ka motun panana-lul ti]]Mary-NOM every apple-ACC and Nancy-NOM every banana-ACC

culkepkey meki-ess-ta.joyfully eat-PST-DECL

‘Mary ate every apple and Nancy ate every banana joyfully.’

Fukui and Sakai (2003) provide several arguments against Koizumi’s string-vacuous V-raising in Japanese. Here, we present one argument that is most pertinent to Korean, duplicatingthe argument using Korean examples.3 The coordinate particle kuliko ‘and’ can conjoin elements

2 A reviewer suggests that the examples in (13)–(14) could still be taken as evidence for V-raising if one can arguethat the adverb has undergone a different kind of rightward movement (something like scrambling) separate from theputative ATB V-raising. Here, we present an example with apparent ATB extraposition of a main verb and an auxiliaryverb. In this case, one cannot argue that the main verb has undergone a separate scramblinglike movement. So our pointthat the extraposed material can contain more than just the verb receives further support.

(i) Mary-ka [[FP motun sakwa-lul ti] kuliko [FP motun panana-lul ti]] meke pelyi-ess-ta.Mary-NOM every apple-ACC and every banana-ACC eat throw-PST-DECL

‘Mary ate up every apple and every banana.’

(ii) [[IP Mary-ka motun sakwa-lul ti] kuliko [IP Nancy-ka motun panana-lul ti]] meke pelyi-ess-ta.Mary-NOM every apple-ACC and Nancy-NOM every banana-ACC eat throw-PST-DECL

‘Mary ate up every apple and Nancy ate up every banana.’

We note that the derivation of all these examples with apparent ATB extraposition may not involve a rightward syntacticmovement of the material in the ATB extraposed position. Chung (2004) has shown that plurality-dependent expressionssuch as plural-marked adverbs are licensed in an ATB extraposed position, as in (iii), although the same expressionscannot be licensed in each conjunct, as in (iv).

(iii) John-un nonmwun-ul kuliko Mary-nun chayk-ul yelsimhi-tul ilk-ess-ta.John-TOP article-ACC and Mary-TOP book-ACC hard-PL read-PST-DECL

‘John read the article hard and Mary read the book hard.’

(iv) John-un nonmwun-ul yelsimhi(*-tul) ilk-ess-ko Mary-nun chayk-ul yelsimhi(*-tul) ilk-ess-ta.John-TOP article-ACC hard-PL read-PST-CONJ Mary-TOP book-ACC hard-PL read-PST-DECL

‘John read the article hard and Mary read the book hard.’

The contrast between (iii) and (iv) shows that the two examples cannot be derivationally related and poses a seriousproblem in general for the rightward ATB raising analysis of the examples discussed in section 2.2.

3 See Fukui and Sakai 2003 for a detailed critique of Koizumi’s (2000) arguments against string-vacuous V-raisingin Japanese.

8 C H U N G - H Y E H A N , J E F F R E Y L I D Z , A N D J U L I E N M U S O L I N O

that do not appear to be syntactic constituents. For example, in (15), the first conjunct containsSuni-eykey ‘Suni-to’, an argument of the matrix verb pwuthakha-yess-ta ‘request-PST-DECL’, andsakwa-lul ‘apple-ACC’, an argument of the embedded verb kacyeo-lako ‘bring-COMP’. These twoelements could not form a constituent, even if the embedded verb were to raise to the embedded Istring-vacuously. Furthermore, the fact that adverbs can freely occur between the embedded andmatrix verbs indicates that the constituency cannot be obtained by moving the embedded verb tothe matrix I.

(15) Juni-nun [Suni-eykey sakwa-lul] kuliko [Toli-eykey panana-lul] kacyeo-lakoJuni-TOP Suni-to apple-ACC and Toli-to banana-ACC bring-COMP

kancelhi pwuthakha-yess-ta.sincerely request-PST-DECL

‘Juni sincerely asked Suni to bring apples and Toli to bring bananas.’

In short, no matter what the correct analysis of such a coordinate structure may be, V-raising to Icannot be the answer. Given this, Koizumi’s argument for V-raising based on coordinate structuresdramatically weakens.

2.3 Negative Polarity Item Licensing

In a negative sentence, regardless of the type of negation it contains, a negative polarity item(NPI) can appear in both subject and object positions in Korean, as in (16)–(17). Descriptively,NPIs are possible as long as there is a licenser (negation) in the same clause (Clausemate Condition;Choe 1988).

(16) a. John-un amwukesto an mek-ess-ta.John-TOP anything NEG eat-PST-DECL

‘John didn’t eat anything.’b. John-un amwukesto mek-ci ani ha-yess-ta.

John-TOP anything eat-CI NEG do-PST-DECL

‘John didn’t eat anything.’

(17) a. Amwuto khwukhi-lul an mek-ess-ta.anyone cookie-ACC NEG eat-PST-DECL

‘Nobody ate the cookies.’b. Amwuto khwukhi-lul mek-ci ani ha-yess-ta.

anyone cookie-ACC eat-CI NEG do-PST-DECL

‘Nobody ate the cookies.’

Choi (1999) takes this as evidence for V-raising. Assuming that negation is a clitic on the verb,he argues that NPIs in both subject and object positions are licensed because they are in the scopeof negation once the verb moves up along with the cliticized negation.

But it can be shown that scope of negation and NPI-licensing domain do not always go

V - R A I S I N G A N D G R A M M A R C O M P E T I T I O N I N K O R E A N 9

together. First, as we will illustrate in section 3.3, Korean speakers do not agree on judgmentsconcerning scope of negation and argument QPs, but there is no disagreement about the statusof sentences like (16) and (17). Second, in sentences with inherently negative predicates, NPIsare licensed in subject position even though the negative predicate does not take scope over it,as Chung and Park (1997) show with examples like (18a–b).

(18) a. Motun mwulken-i chayksang wi-ey eps-ta.every thing-NOM desk top-at not.exist-DECL

‘None of the things are on the desk.’ (�every�neg, *neg�every)b. Amwukesto chayksang wi-ey eps-ta.

anything desk top-at not.exist-DECL

‘Nothing is on the desk.’

Third, Chung and Park show that some NPIs in Korean cannot be in the scope of negation, eventhough they require a clausemate negation to be licensed. Such an NPI is celtaylo ‘absolutely’.The example in (19a) is not well formed because there is no licensing negation in the same clauseas celtaylo. The examples in (19b–c) are well formed because there is a licensing negation inthe same clause as celtaylo, but they both have the interpretation in which celtaylo takes scopeover the licensing negation.

(19) a. *Ku-nun celtaylo kukos-ey ka-ss-ta.he-TOP absolutely there-to go-PST-DECL

‘He absolutely went there.’b. Ku-nun celtaylo kukos-ey ka-ci ani ha-yess-ta.

he-TOP absolutely there-to go-CI NEG do-PST-DECL

‘It is absolutely true that he did not go there.’‘*It is not the case that he absolutely went there.’

c. Ku-nun celtaylo kukos-ey an ka-ss-ta.he-TOP absolutely there-to NEG go-PST-DECL

‘It is absolutely true that he did not go there.’‘*It is not the case that he absolutely went there.’

All these facts show that NPI-licensing in Korean does not coincide with scope of negation, andso it has no bearing on the issue of V-raising.

2.4 Coordination of an Untensed Conjunct with a Tensed Conjunct

An argument against V-raising is provided by Yoon (1994). He argues that inflectional suffixesin Korean are syntactically independent and combine with roots not by V-raising, but by whathe calls ‘‘phrasal affixation’’: that is, inflections cliticize to phrases for which they subcategorizein morphology. His argument is based on coordinate structures conjoining an untensed clauseand a tensed clause. He proposes that when tense is specified only on the verb in the last conjunct,

10 C H U N G - H Y E H A N , J E F F R E Y L I D Z , A N D J U L I E N M U S O L I N O

the coordinate structure instantiates VP-level conjunction as in (20), whereas when tense is speci-fied in all the conjuncts, IP-level coordination is involved as in (21). If Yoon’s proposed structurefor untensed conjuncts is correct, then the verb in the final tensed conjunct cannot be combiningwith inflections through V-raising. This is so because V-raising would violate the CoordinateStructure Constraint. The only possibility then is that the inflections lower onto appropriate placesin morphology.

(20) a. John-i [[VP pap-ul mek-ko] [VP kulus-ul chiwu]]-ess-ta.John-NOM meal-ACC eat-CONJ dishes-ACC clean-PST-DECL

‘John ate the meal and cleaned the dishes.’b. [[VP John-i pap-ul mek-ko] [VP Mary-ka kulus-ul chiwu]]-ess-ta.

John-NOM meal-ACC eat-CONJ Mary-NOM dishes-ACC clean-PST-DECL

‘John ate the meal and Mary cleaned the dishes.’

(21) a. [[IP John-i pap-ul mek-ess-ko] [IP pro kulus-ul chiwu-ess]]-ta.John-NOM meal-ACC eat-PST-CONJ dishes-ACC clean-PST-DECL

‘John ate the meal and cleaned the dishes.’b. [[IP John-i pap-ul mek-ess-ko] [IP Mary-ka kulus-ul chiwu-ess]]-ta.

John-NOM meal-ACC eat-PST-CONJ Mary-NOM dishes-ACC clean-PST-DECL

‘John ate the meal and Mary cleaned the dishes.’

Yoon provides three arguments for his proposed coordinate structures. First, noting that NPIsin Korean are possible in both subject and object positions licensed by a clausemate negation,Yoon argues that amwuto ‘anyone’ is licensed in (22a) with VP-level coordination because it isin the same clause as negation ani. But in (22b), with IP-level coordination, amwuto is not licensedbecause it is not in the same clause as ani.

(22) a. Amwuto [[VP pap-ul mek-ko] [VP kulus-ul chiwu-ci]] ani ha-yess-ta.anyone meal-ACC eat-CONJ dishes-ACC clean-CI NEG do-PST-DECL

‘No one ate the meal and cleaned the dishes.’b. *[[IP Amwuto pap-ul mek-ess-ko] [IP kulus-ul chiwu-ci ani ha-yess]]-ta.

anyone meal-ACC eat-PST-CONJ dishes-ACC clean-CI NEG do-PST-DECL

‘No one ate the meal and cleaned the dishes.’

Second, in (23a), scrambling of pap-ul ‘meal-ACC’ is fine even though this violates the CoordinateStructure Constraint. Yoon says that pap-ul can be scrambled because it adjoins to VP, and fromthere it properly binds its trace, in the sense of Saito’s (1985) Proper Binding Condition. Incontrast, in (23b), scrambling of pap-ul is ruled out because it has moved into the first clausalconjunct, and from there it cannot properly bind its trace in the second clausal conjunct.

(23) a. John-i pap-uli [[VP chayk-ul ilk-ko] [VP ti mek]]-ess-ta.John-NOM meal-ACC book-ACC read-CONJ eat-PST-DECL

‘John read the book and ate the meal.’

V - R A I S I N G A N D G R A M M A R C O M P E T I T I O N I N K O R E A N 11

b. *[[IP John-i pap-uli chayk-ul ilk-ess-ko] [IP pro ti mek-ess]]-ta.John-NOM meal-ACC book-ACC read-PST-CONJ eat-PST-DECL

‘John read the book and ate the meal.’

Third, when the initial conjunct is untensed, negation at the end of the sentence may negate theinitial conjunct as well as the final conjunct, but when tense is specified on the initial conjunct,only the second conjunct can be negated. According to Yoon, this contrast follows because anitakes scope over both conjuncts in the first case, as in (24a), but in the second case it takes scopeonly over the second conjunct, as in (24b).

(24) a. John-i [[VP pap-ul mek-ko] [VP kulus-ul chiwu-ci]] ani ha-yess-ta.John-NOM meal-ACC eat-CONJ dishes-ACC clean-CI NEG do-PST-DECL

‘John didn’t eat the meal and clean the dishes.’‘John ate the meal but didn’t clean the dishes.’

b. [[IP John-i pap-ul mek-ess-ko] [IP kulus-ul chiwu-ci ani ha-yess]]-ta.John-NOM meal-ACC eat-PST-CONJ dishes-ACC clean-CI NEG do-PST-DECL

‘John ate the meal but he didn’t clean the dishes.’

Kim (1995) demonstrates, however, that while coordination of two tensed clauses is a realcase of coordination, coordination of an untensed conjunct with a tensed one is a case of clausaladjunction. To begin, Yoon predicts (25) to be grammatical because for him, the coordinatedconjuncts are VPs and ani is in the same clause as amwuto ‘anyone’. According to Kim, however,amwuto pap-ul mek-ko ‘anyone meal-ACC eat-CONJ’ is an adjunct clause, and since it contains noclausemate negation, the NPI is not licensed.

(25) *[IP Amwuto pap-ul mek-ko] John-i kulus-ul chiwu-ci ani ha-yess-ta.anyone meal-ACC eat-CONJ John-NOM dishes-ACC clean-CI NEG do-PST-DECL

‘No one ate the meal and John cleaned the dishes.’

Moreover, under the adjunction approach to untensed conjuncts, scrambling facts are accountedfor without appealing to the Proper Binding Condition. Scrambling out of the tensed clauseconjoined with an untensed clause is predicted to be possible because this is a case of localscrambling across an adjunct clause, as in (26)–(27).

(26) Kulus-uli [IP John-i pap-ul mek-ko] Mary-ka ti chiwu-ess-ta.dishes-ACC John-NOM meal-ACC eat-CONJ Mary-NOM clean-PST-DECL

‘John ate the meal and Mary cleaned the dishes.’

(27) John-i pap-uli [IP pro chayk-ul ilk-ko] ti mek-ess-ta.John-NOM meal-ACC book-ACC read-CONJ eat-PST-DECL

‘John read the book and ate the meal.’

The ambiguity concerning the scope of negation in (24) is also accounted for. Under the adjunctionapproach, the untensed conjunct is an IP adjunct containing a pro subject, as in (28). The scope

12 C H U N G - H Y E H A N , J E F F R E Y L I D Z , A N D J U L I E N M U S O L I N O

ambiguity of negation can now be seen as part of a general phenomenon having to do with theinterpretation of matrix negation in complex sentences, in which the matrix clause, the embeddedclause, or both clauses are negated.

(28) John-i [IP pro pap-ul mek-ko] kulus-ul chiwu-ci ani ha-yess-ta.John-NOM meal-ACC eat-CONJ dishes-ACC clean-CI NEG do-PST-DECL

‘John didn’t eat the meal but cleaned the dishes.’‘John ate the meal but didn’t clean the dishes.’‘John neither ate the meal nor cleaned the dishes.’

Similar ambiguity arises in John didn’t eat the meal because he would have to clean the dishes,or John didn’t eat the meal and clean the dishes, as spelled out in (29) and (30).

(29) John didn’t eat the meal because he would have to clean the dishes.‘The reason why John didn’t eat the meal is that he would have to clean the dishes.’‘The reason why John ate the meal is not that he would have to clean the dishes.’

(30) John didn’t eat the meal and clean the dishes.‘John didn’t eat the meal but cleaned the dishes.’‘John ate the meal but didn’t clean the dishes.’‘John neither ate the meal nor cleaned the dishes.’

With the untensed conjuncts analyzed as adjunct clauses, the verb in the tensed clause can combinewith inflections through V-raising as well as I-lowering. Therefore, coordination of an untensedconjunct with a tensed one does not have any bearing on the issue of V-raising.

In sum, it turns out that all of the data used to argue for V-movement are consistent with anon-V-movement grammar and all of the data used to argue for the lack of V-movement areconsistent with a V-movement grammar. Thus, none of the data that have been used to argue foror against V-movement have any bearing on the issue.

3 Evidence from the Scope of Negation

We will now consider one of the standard diagnostics for V-movement, negation placement withrespect to the verb, and how it applies to Korean. After discussing the two types of negation inKorean and their syntactic status within clause structure, we will establish that scope interactionsbetween negation and argument QPs can be used as evidence for or against V-raising.

3.1 Evidence from Negation

One of the standard types of evidence for V-raising comes from negation (Pollock 1989). InFrench, the word order in which the finite verb precedes negation is taken as evidence that theverb moves to I. An example and the corresponding structure are given in (31a) and (32a). Incontrast, English main verbs require do-support with negation, as in (31b). This fact has beentaken as evidence that the verb does not move to I in English; see (32b).

V - R A I S I N G A N D G R A M M A R C O M P E T I T I O N I N K O R E A N 13

(31) a. Jean (n’)aime pas Marie.Jean likes NEG Marie

b. John does not like Mary.

(32) a. French


NPsubj I�







b. EnglishIP

NPsubj I�








We can now ask if the position of the verb relative to negation could be informative indetermining whether Korean exhibits V-raising. Korean has two forms of negation: a long formand a short form. Long negation is postverbal and requires ha-support (33), which is equivalentto English do-support. In contrast, short negation is preverbal and does not require ha-support(34).

(33) Korean long negationToli-ka ttena-ci ani ha-yess-ta.Toli-NOM leave-CI NEG do-PST-DECL

‘Toli didn’t leave.’

14 C H U N G - H Y E H A N , J E F F R E Y L I D Z , A N D J U L I E N M U S O L I N O

(34) Korean short negationToli-ka an ttena-ss-ta.Toli-NOM NEG leave-PST-DECL

‘Toli didn’t leave.’

The obligatory ha-support in sentences with long negation indicates that long negation is a headthat projects a negation phrase (NegP) and blocks V-raising. However, the existence of ha-supportin sentences with the negative form ani does not tell us whether V-raising is generally blocked.For example, it is possible that verbs raise generally but fail to raise only when the head of NegPis filled. This leaves us with short negation. One possibility is that short negation has a differentsyntactic status from long negation, being a specifier or an adjunct, as illustrated in (35a). Alterna-tively, short negation might have the same syntactic status as long negation, being a head ofNegP, as illustrated in (35b).

(35) IP

NPsubj I�







NPsubj I�

NegP I





If (35a) is the correct structure, then we still do not know whether Korean exhibits V-raising. If(35b) is the correct structure, then we can conclude that Korean does exhibit V-raising, assuming

V - R A I S I N G A N D G R A M M A R C O M P E T I T I O N I N K O R E A N 15

that for some reason short negation, unlike its long counterpart, does not block V-raising (or thatV-raising is optional, yielding short negation if raising applies and long negation if it does not).

Unfortunately, we have reasons to believe that short negation is in a position distinct fromlong negation, with the representation (35a). Importantly, a sentence can contain both short andlong negation, as in (36), suggesting that (35a) is the correct structure for short negation.

(36) Toli-ka maykcwu-lul an masi-ci ani ha-yess-ta.Toli-NOM beer-ACC NEG drink-CI NEG do-PST-DECL

‘Toli didn’t not drink beer.’ (Toli drank beer)

However, even if (35a) is the right structure for short negation, we can make use of short negationto determine the height of the verb by exploring scope interactions between negation and quantifiedobjects.

3.2 Exploring Scope Interactions between Negation and Object QPs

As evidence for using scope interactions between negation and object QPs as a diagnostic for V-raising, we present three background facts about Korean: frozen scope, object raising, and theclitic status of negation.

First, it has been widely observed that in Korean, as in Japanese, argument QPs exhibitfrozen scope.4 That is, in a sentence like (37a) with canonical SOV word order, with subject andobject QPs, the only reading available is the one in which the subject takes scope over the object.The inverse scope is possible only if the object scrambles over the subject, as in (37b) (Joo 1989,Ahn 1990, Sohn 1995, Hagstrom 2000).

4 A reviewer provides the example in (i), saying that it is ambiguous between the reading in which everyone lovesa possibly different person and the reading in which everyone loves the same person, and that such examples thereforeundermine our assumption that Korean quantifiers have the scope-freezing property.

(i) Motwu-ka nwukwunka-lul salangha-n-ta.everyone-NOM someone-ACC love-PRES-DECL

‘Everyone loves someone.’

However, the fact that (i) seems to allow the two readings described above is not an issue of ambiguity; rather, it is anissue of vagueness. This sentence, interpreted under the logical form in which motwu-ka ‘everyone’ takes scope overnwukwunka-lul ‘someone’, is true in a situation where everyone happens to love the same person as well as in a situationwhere everyone loves different person. For similar discussion of vagueness using English examples, see Reinhart 1997.

The same reviewer notes that the scrambled version of (i) in (ii) is scopally ambiguous, like (i), but unlike (37a),even though in both (ii) and (37a), the string order between the quantifiers corresponding to some and every is the same.

(ii) [Nwukwunka-lul]i motwu-ka ti salangha-n-ta.someone-ACC everyone-NOM love-PRES-DECL

‘Everyone loves someone.’

As noted in the text in the discussion of (37a), frozen scope is restricted to sentences with canonical order without anyscrambling. The fact that (ii) is ambiguous while (37a) is not is as expected: (ii) involves scrambling, so more scopalreadings are allowed; but (37a) does not involve any scrambling, so the only scopal reading available is the one providedby the surface order between the two quantifiers. We point out that none of the examples we use to test the scope ofnegation and object QPs (see section 4) involve any scrambling.

16 C H U N G - H Y E H A N , J E F F R E Y L I D Z , A N D J U L I E N M U S O L I N O

(37) a. Nwukwunka-ka motun salam-ul piphanhay-ss-ta.someone-NOM every person-ACC criticize-PST-DECL

‘Someone criticized every person.’ (some�every, *every�some)b. [Motun salam-ul]i nwukwunka-ka ti piphanhay-ss-ta.

every person-ACC someone-NOM criticize-PST-DECL

‘Someone criticized every person.’ (some�every, every�some)

Second, some adverbs, such as cal ‘well’, must follow the object NP in transitive sentences,as illustrated in (38). Assuming that this type of adverb is VP-adjoined, the examples in (38)provide support for the view that objects raise from a VP-internal position to a functional projectionhigher in the clause structure (Hagstrom 2000, 2002).5

(38) a. Toli-ka maykcwu-lul cal masi-n-ta. (S O Adv V)Toli-NOM beer-ACC well drink-PRES-DECL

‘Toli drinks beer well.’b. *Toli-ka cal maykcwu-lul masi-n-ta. (*S Adv O V)

Toli-NOM well beer-ACC drink-PRES-DECL

‘Toli drinks beer well.’

Another argument comes from binding. In English, (39) is grammatical, indicating that the objecther does not c-command into the adjunct clause, hence that Mary does not violate Principle C.

(39) Sue said that [John hugged heri [before Maryi left]].

This kind of example can be applied to Korean to determine the height of the object NP. It isgenerally agreed that in Korean, long-distance scrambling is a type of A-movement and thereforea constituent that has undergone long-distance scrambling can undergo reconstruction. What thismeans is that if the scrambled object originated from an A-position that can c-command into the

5 Adverbs such as cal ‘well’ are not clitics on the verb. For example, cal can be modified by or conjoined withanother adverb, as in (i).

(i) a. Toli-ka maykcwu-lul acwu cal masi-n-ta.Toli-NOM beer-ACC very well drink-PRES-DECL

‘Toli drinks beer very well.’b. Toli-ka maykcwu-lul cal kuliko cacwu masi-n-ta.

Toli-NOM beer-ACC well and often drink-PRES-DECL

‘Toli drinks beer well and often.’

A reviewer observes that when cal is modified by or conjoined with other adverbs, it seems all right to place the resultingAdvP in front of the object NP, as in (ii).

(ii) a. ?Toli-ka acwu cal maykcwu-lul masi-n-ta.Toli-NOM very well beer-ACC drink-PRES-DECL

‘Toli drinks beer very well.’b. ?Toli-ka cal kuliko cacwu maykcwu-lul masi-n-ta.

Toli-NOM well and often beer-ACC drink-PRES-DECL

‘Toli drinks beer well and often.’

Although the grammaticality of (ii) is not as degraded as that of (38b), the native speakers we consulted agreed that (i)is still better than (ii). They also thought that the examples in (ii) require an intonational pattern distinct from that of theexamples in (i). Given this, these modified/conjoined adverbs probably occur as parentheticals higher in the clause structurethan the unmodified/unconjoined ones.

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adjunct clause (namely, the object-raised position), then a Korean example corresponding to (39),with long-distance object scrambling, would be degraded, because it would contain a PrincipleC violation. This prediction is borne out, as shown in (40).

(40) *Kunye-luli Sue-nun [Toli-ka ti [Mary-kai kaki ceney] kkyean-ass-tako]she-ACC Sue-TOP Toli-NOM Mary-NOM leave before hug-PST-COMP


‘Sue said that Toli hugged her before Mary left.’

Third, short negation has the morphosyntactic status of a clitic, as in many Romance lan-guages (Cinque 1999), and is treated as a unit with the verb in overt syntax. Short negation anmust occur immediately before the verb in adult Korean. Nothing can intervene between shortnegation and the verb (see (41)–(42)); and, in coordinate-VP structures, short negation cannotstand alone in the first conjunct (see (43)).6

(41) a. Toli-ka maykcwu-lul an masi-n-ta. (S O Neg V)Toli-NOM beer-ACC NEG drink-PRES-DECL

‘Toli doesn’t drink beer.’b. *Toli-ka an maykcwu-lul masi-n-ta. (*S Neg O V)

Toli-NOM NEG beer-ACC drink-PRES-DECL

‘Toli doesn’t drink beer.’

(42) a. Toli-ka maykcwu-lul cal an mas-in-ta. (S O Adv Neg V)Toli-NOM beer-ACC well NEG drink-PRES-DECL

‘Toli doesn’t drink beer well.’b. *Toli-ka maykcwu-lul an cal mas-in-ta. (*S O Neg Adv V)

Toli-NOM beer-ACC NEG well drink-PRES-DECL

‘Toli doesn’t drink beer well.’

(43) a. Toli-ka khwukhi-lul ppali kuliko keyiku-lul chenchehi an mek-ess-ta.Toli-NOM cookie-ACC quickly and cake-ACC slowly NEG eat-PST-DECL

‘Toli didn’t eat cookies quickly and he didn’t eat cake slowly.’b. *Toli-ka khwukhi-lul ppali an kuliko keyiku-lul chenchehi an mek-ess-ta.

Toli-NOM cookie-ACC quickly NEG and cake-ACC slowly NEG eat-PST-DECL

‘Toli didn’t eat cookies quickly and he didn’t eat cake slowly.’

6 A reviewer notes that examples like (43a) may constitute an argument for V-raising, as one can say that the verbalong with negation has undergone ATB raising. The same reviewer also notes that examples like (43a) are still grammaticalwhen the negation marker is taken out, as in (i).

(i) Toli-ka khwukhi-lul ppali kuliko keyiku-lul chenchehi mek-ess-ta.Toli-NOM cookie-ACC quickly and cake-ACC slowly eat-PST-DECL

‘Toli ate cookies quickly and ate cake slowly.’

The reviewer suggests that this kind of example is derived by an ATB V-raising, hence gives evidence for overt V-raisingin Korean, going back to Koizumi’s (2000) argument. But in section 2.2, we already considered similar examples (see(11)–(12)) and noted that ATB extraposition is not restricted to the verb alone (see (13)–(14)); as a result, examples like(i), (43a), and the examples considered in section 2.2 do not have any bearing on the issue of V-raising.

18 C H U N G - H Y E H A N , J E F F R E Y L I D Z , A N D J U L I E N M U S O L I N O

Because of this tight relationship between short negation and the verb, some researchers (No1988, Kim 2000b) have argued that short negation is a prefixal bound morpheme on the verband cannot host an independent syntactic projection. However, the fact that children (2 and 3years of age) sometimes fail to put together short negation and the verb, as shown in (44) (Hahn1981, Cho and Hong 1988, Kim 1997, Baek 1998, Hagstrom 2002), undermines the prefixalbound morpheme approach to short negation.

(44) Sentences produced by 2- and 3-year-old Korean-speaking childrena. Na an pap mek-e.

I NEG rice eat-DECL

‘I will not eat rice.’ (Cho and Hong 1988)b. An mak uwl-e.

NEG much cry-DECL

‘(I) do not cry much.’ (Cho and Hong 1988)c. An kyelan mek-e.

NEG egg eat-DECL

‘(I) won’t eat eggs.’ (Hahn 1981)d. An kkum kkwe-ese . . .

NEG dream dream-because‘Because (I) did not dream . . . ’ (Kim 1997)

This type of acquisition data supports an analysis of short negation as an independent lexicalitem with a projection of its own. If short negation is the clitic head of a separate projection andif children have trouble recognizing that it is a clitic, then they should produce sentences like(44a–d). Since they do produce such sentences, we have evidence that they know where togenerate short negation, but not that it is a clitic. Hence, these child utterances tell us where shortnegation really is in the adult grammar, assuming that children’s phrase structures are continuouswith adults’. We can conclude from these data that the base position of short negation is to theleft of the object, just like that of VP-adjoined adverbs, and that children go through a stage inwhich they fail to cliticize short negation onto the verb (Han and Park 1994).

Taken together, these observations suggest that scope facts in sentences containing both shortnegation and a quantified object NP could provide a clear test for the height of the verb. Giventhe scope-freezing effect, the scope of an argument QP will be determined by its surface position,without recourse to quantifier raising or reconstruction. This then means that it is the position ofnegation in the clause structure that determines the relative scope of negation and an argumentQP.7 Finally, given that objects obligatorily raise out of the VP and that short negation is a unitwith the verb, the relative scope of negation and an object QP will tell us whether the verb hasraised. If the verb raises, then negation (cliticized to the verb) will occur in a position higher thanan object QP and will therefore take scope over this QP. On the other hand, if the verb remainsin VP, then negation will also remain in VP and the object QP will take scope over negation.

7 A reviewer questions our assumption that the scope of negation in relation to a scope-freezing QP is determinedby the position of negation in the overt syntax. The data that we obtained from our experiments support our assumption,

V - R A I S I N G A N D G R A M M A R C O M P E T I T I O N I N K O R E A N 19

In order to make these predictions more precise, we postulate the clause structure for Koreanshown below. Long negation heads its own projection NegP (45a), and short negation is adjoinedto VP (45b).8 The subject NP is higher up, in Spec,IP. For the purposes of this article, we takeno stand on whether the subject is base-generated in Spec,IP or whether it is generated lower in

as discussed in sections 4.1.5 and 4.1.6. We found that when it comes to negative sentences with a scope-freezing subjectQP, our participants virtually never accepted the neg�� interpretation and always accepted the ��neg interpretation,regardless of negation type. This suggests that the scope of negation is also determined by its position in the overt syntax,a position c-commanded by the subject.

The same reviewer also notes that at least in Japanese, some quantifiers do not exhibit frozen scope, citing Saito1997. For instance, in contrast to the scope of daremo ‘every’ in (i), the scope of minna ‘every’ in (ii) is not frozen andso (ii) is scopally ambiguous. Therefore, a proper characterization of the frozen scope property is that it is a property ofcertain quantifiers and not of the language in general.

(i) Dareka-ga daremo-o aisiteiru.someone-NOM everyone-ACC love-PRES

‘Someone loves everyone.’ (some�every, *every�some)

(ii) Dareka-ga minna-o aisiteiru.someone-NOM everyone-ACC love-PRES

‘Someone loves everyone.’ (some�every, every�some)

This does not undermine the argument we are making here, however. As long as there is a quantifier that independentlyexhibits the frozen scope property, we can maintain that negative sentences containing those scope-freezing quantifierscan be used to test the height of the verb. Moreover, the fact that only certain quantifiers show frozen scope effectsfurther underscores our claim that evidence for verb placement in Korean is difficult for learners to find. This is becausethe relevant evidence about scope with respect to negation would be accessible to a learner only after he or she hadidentified which quantifiers show frozen scope and which quantifiers do not.

8 In sentences with long negation, the main verb is inflected with -ci, as can be seen in (33), repeated here as (i).A reviewer asks where -ci appears in the clause structure.

(i) Korean long negationToli-ka ttena-ci ani ha-yess-ta.Toli-NOM leave-CI NEG do-PST-DECL

‘Toli didn’t leave.’

One of the main views on -ci is that it is a nominalizer that introduces a new clause (Hagstrom 2002 and referencestherein). Under this view, a sentence with long negation would be a complex clause, with -ci heading an embedded clause.But this analysis does not mesh well with the way NPI-licensing works in Korean. As discussed in sections 2.3 and 2.4,NPIs in Korean are licensed by negation in the same clause. If -ci is a nominalizer that introduces a new clause, then inexamples such as (ii), an NPI in object position would belong to a different clause from long negation, as indicated bythe bracketing. This then predicts that the NPI should not be licensed by long negation. But this is not true, as (ii)demonstrates.

(ii) Toli-ka [amwukesto mek-ci] ani ha-yess-ta.Toli-NOM anything eat-CI NEG do-PST-DECL

‘Toli didn’t eat anything.’

In contrast, an NPI in a truly nominalized clause cannot be licensed by negation in the higher clause.

(iii) *Toli-ka [amwukesto mek-ki-lul] an wonha-n-ta.Toli-NOM anything eat-NMZ-ACC NEG want-PRES-DECL

‘Toli does not want to eat anything.’

In light of this fact, we treat -ci as an inflection on the verb, and not as a nominalizer that projects its own syntacticprojection. In Korean, as in English, auxiliary verbs select for a particular inflection on the main verb. For example, iss-ta ‘be-DECL’, with a similar usage as English progressive be, selects for -ko on the main verb, as in (iv). We can thinkof -ci in a similar light: that is, it is an inflection on the verb selected by negation.

(iv) Toli-ka mantwu-lul mek-ko iss-ta.Toli-NOM dumplings-ACC eat-KO be-DECL

‘Toli is eating dumplings.’

20 C H U N G - H Y E H A N , J E F F R E Y L I D Z , A N D J U L I E N M U S O L I N O

the clause within VP and moves up to Spec,IP. What is important here is that it ends up higherin the clause structure than the object NP and the two types of negation. Further, as we will showin section 4, placing the subject high in the clause structure makes the right predictions withrespect to the scopal interaction between the subject QP and negation.9 The object NP originateswithin VP but moves to a functional projection outside VP, presumably for Case reasons. Wewill refer to this functional projection as FP, for lack of a better term. We can think of this FPas serving a similar syntactic function as the target position of object shift seen in many Germaniclanguages (see Bobaljik and Jonas 1996). These are represented in (45a–b). Moreover, assumingthat short negation undergoes cliticization onto the verb in overt syntax, as Cinque (1999) proposesfor negation in Romance, if the verb undergoes raising, then short negation would end up highin the clause structure with the verb, as represented in (45c).10

(45) a. IP

NPsubj I�






NPobj F�



9 A reviewer correctly points out that in languages like Korean and Japanese, the issue of subject raising to IP isan open problem. Debates on this issue date back to Fukui 1986, Kuroda 1988, and Heycock and Lee 1989, and so farno convincing evidence has been found to support subject raising out of VP/vP in these languages. In our account, placingthe subject outside of VP is a consequence of placing the negation projection above VP, and as we will show in section4, placing the subject higher in the clause than the two types of negation makes the right predictions for scope withrespect to negation. If indeed the subject stays within VP/vP, then the implication for the analysis we are pursuing wouldbe that the VP/vP projection is more articulated than assumed here, with negation projections, VP/vP-internal object NP-raising, and possibly VP/vP-internal V-raising.

10 A reviewer asks what the exact nature of the trace left by short negation is in (45c). In our account, the solepurpose of inserting this trace in the tree is to indicate the original position of short negation before it undergoes cliticizationonto the verb. It has no further theoretical implications.

V - R A I S I N G A N D G R A M M A R C O M P E T I T I O N I N K O R E A N 21

b. IP

NPsubj I�



NPobj F�

sh.neg VP



c. IP

NPsubj I�





NPobj F�

t VP



22 C H U N G - H Y E H A N , J E F F R E Y L I D Z , A N D J U L I E N M U S O L I N O

Given the structures in (45), the following predictions clearly emerge:11

(46) Predictionsa. Subject QPs will take scope over Neg, regardless of negation type.b. In the case of short negation,

i. if there is V-raising, then Neg�V will occur in IP and so Neg will take scopeover object QPs;

ii. if there is no V-raising, then Neg�V will occur inside VP and object QPs willtake scope over Neg.

Even given these clear predictions, however, a problem remains about data. Linguists studyingKorean cannot reach a consensus on what the scope facts are.

3.3 Conflicting Claims in the Literature

The scope judgments reported in the literature for sentences containing negation and quantifiedargument NPs often conflict with each other. While most authors agree that both types of negationcan take narrow scope with respect to both subject and object QPs, there is little agreement aboutthe availability of the wide scope reading of negation.

First, examining sentences with a subject-oriented adverbial QP ta ‘all’, as in (47), Suh(1989) and H.-H. Park (1998) report that while sentences with short negation exhibit only the‘all�neg’ reading, sentences with long negation exhibit both the ‘all�neg’ and ‘neg�all’ read-ings.12 On the other hand, Kim (2000a) reports that sentences with long or short negation allowboth the ‘all�neg’ and ‘neg�all’ readings. Their judgments are summarized in table 1.

11 A reviewer asks what the expected structure of sentences containing both short and long negation is, under theassumptions in (45). The clause structure of such sentences (one of which is (36), repeated here as (i)) will containprojections for both short and long negation, as shown in (ii). Since the two negations are in the same clause, they canceleach other out, resulting in the affirmative meaning paraphrased in (i).

(i) Toli-ka maykcwu-lul an masi-ci ani ha-yess-ta.Toli-NOM beer-ACC NEG drink-CI NEG do-PST-DECL

‘Toli didn’t not drink beer.’ (Toli drank beer)

(ii) [IP Toli-ka [FP maykcwu-luli [NegP[VP sh.neg [VP ti V]] long.neg] F] I]

The same reviewer asks how we would handle coordinated examples containing an untensed and a tensed conjunct clause,where both the clauses are negated, as in (iii).

(iii) Ku-nun [IP mal-to an ha-ko] pap-to an mek-ess-ta.he-TOP speech-also NEG do-CONJ meal-also NEG eat-PST-DECL

‘He didn’t speak and didn’t eat the meal.’

In our account, as we argued in section 2.4, the untensed conjunct is syntactically an adjunct clause. Therefore, in exampleslike (iii), both the adjunct clause and the matrix clause contain negation. Given that the two negations are in separateclauses, they do not interact with each other and so the meaning of negation in the adjunct clause is preserved.

12 A reviewer points out that ta ‘all’ is not always subject-oriented. This is correct. The discussion regarding (47)is intended to present what the literature reports on scope between ta and negation when ta is used as a subject-orientedquantifier.

V - R A I S I N G A N D G R A M M A R C O M P E T I T I O N I N K O R E A N 23

Table 1Judgments: Subject-oriented adverbial QP

Suh 1989, H.-H. Park 1998 Kim 2000a‘all�neg’ ‘neg�all’ ‘all�neg’ ‘neg�all’

Short neg yes no yes yesLong neg yes yes yes yes

(47) Subject-oriented adverbial QPa. Ta an o-ass-ta.

all NEG come-PST-DECL

‘All didn’t come.’ (short negation)b. Ta o-ci ani ha-yess-ta.

all come-CI NEG do-PST-DECL

‘All didn’t come.’ (long negation)

Second, using examples with an object-oriented adverbial QP as in (48), Cho (1975) reportsthat while sentences with long negation are ambiguous between the ‘two�neg’ and ‘neg�two’readings, sentences with short negation have only the ‘two�neg’ reading. But Song (1982) reportsthat sentences with long and short negation are ambiguous between the ‘two�neg’ and ‘neg�two’readings. These judgments are summarized in table 2.

(48) Object-oriented adverbial QPa. John-i sakwa-lul twu kay an mek-ess-ta.

John-NOM apple-ACC two piece NEG eat-PST-DECL

‘John didn’t eat two apples.’ (short negation)b. John-i sakwa-lul twu kay mek-ci ani ha-yess-ta.

John-NOM apple-ACC two piece eat-CI NEG do-PST-DECL

‘John didn’t eat two apples.’ (long negation)

Third, using examples with a universal quantifier in object position as in (49), Hagstrom(2000) and Suh (1989) report that whereas sentences with short negation have only the ‘every�neg’ reading, sentences with long negation have both the ‘every�neg’ and ‘neg�every’ read-

Table 2Judgments: Object-oriented adverbial QP

Cho 1975 Song 1982‘two�neg’ ‘neg�two’ ‘two�neg’ ‘neg�two’

Short neg yes no yes yesLong neg yes yes yes yes

24 C H U N G - H Y E H A N , J E F F R E Y L I D Z , A N D J U L I E N M U S O L I N O

Table 3Judgments: Universal quantifier in object position

Suh 1989, Hagstrom 2000 Baek 1998, Kim 2000a‘every�neg’ ‘neg�every’ ‘every�neg’ ‘neg�every’

Short neg yes no yes yesLong neg yes yes yes yes

ings. But Baek (1998) and Kim (2000a) report that sentences with either short or long negation al-low both the ‘every�neg’ and ‘neg�every’ readings. Their judgments are summarized in table 3.

(49) Universal quantifier in object positiona. John-i motun chayk-ul an ilk-ess ta.

John-NOM every book-ACC NEG read-PST-DECL

‘John didn’t read every book.’ (short negation)b. John-i motun chayk-ul ilk-ci ani ha-yess-ta.

John-NOM every book-ACC read-CI NEG do-PST-DECL

‘John didn’t read every book.’ (long negation)

Finally, using examples with a universal quantifier in subject position as in (50), Hagstrom(2000) reports that sentences with long negation are ambiguous between ‘every�neg’ and‘neg�every’ readings, but sentences with short negation have only the ‘every�neg’ reading.Baek (1998) and Kim (2000a) report that sentences with short negation as well as those withlong negation are ambiguous. Yet another pattern is reported by Suh (1989): namely, that bothsentences with short negation and sentences with long negation can have only the ‘every�neg’reading. These judgments are summarized in table 4.

(50) Universal quantifier in subject positiona. Motun salam-i yeki-e an o-ass-ta.

every person-NOM here-to NEG come-PST-DECL

‘Every person didn’t come here.’ (short negation)b. Motun salam-i yeki-e o-ci ani ha-yess-ta.

every person-NOM here-to come-CI NEG do-PST-DECL

‘Every person didn’t come here.’ (long negation)

Table 4Judgments: Universal quantifier in subject position

Hagstrom 2000 Baek 1998, Kim 2000a Suh 1989‘every�neg’ ‘neg�every’ ‘every�neg’ ‘neg�every’ ‘every�neg’ ‘neg�every’

Short neg yes no yes yes yes noLong neg yes yes yes yes yes no

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Given the conflicting scope judgments found in the literature on Korean, one would be hardpressed to draw any firm conclusions about V-raising. Why is there such disagreement on thesefacts? One possibility is that the disagreement arises from a methodological problem: perhapssome speakers are better able than others to imagine the contexts that make certain readingsavailable; or perhaps some speakers are influenced by their knowledge of logic or of other lan-guages in making grammaticality judgments. Another possibility is that the variation reflects agenuine fact about Korean speakers’ grammars: specifically, it is possible that different speakershave different grammars with respect to V-movement, leading in turn to different scope judgmentsin sentences involving the relevant scope interactions. In the next section, we address this issueby controlling the context of presentation so as to yield what we believe are judgments that clearlyillustrate speakers’ grammars.

4 Experimental Investigations

So far, we have shown that even though scope interactions between negation and quantifiedargument NPs should provide a clear test for V-raising, conflicting scope judgments reported inthe literature make it impossible for us to draw any firm conclusions. Conceivably, this disagree-ment in judgments was caused by the method used to elicit judgments from the native speakers;that is, insufficient discourse context may have limited the availability of possible readings forsome speakers. To avoid this problem, we obtained scope judgments from speakers of Koreanusing the truth-value judgment task (TVJT) (Crain and Thornton 1998). Because this methodreduces the role of performance factors in accessing speakers’ intuitions and holds discoursecontext constant (Crain and Thornton 1998), experimentation using this method should providedata that accurately reflect the participants’ grammars.

The TVJT involves two experimenters. One experimenter acts out short scenarios in frontof the participant using small toys and props. The other experimenter plays the role of a puppet(e.g., Mickey Mouse) who watches the scenario alongside the participant. At the end of the story,the puppet makes a statement about what he thinks happened in the story. The participant’s taskis to determine whether the puppet told the truth or not.

For instance, to test how speakers of English would interpret a negative sentence with aquantified subject such as Every horse didn’t jump over the fence, an experimenter enacts ascenario in which two toy horses jump over a toy fence, but a third toy horse does not. In thissituation, Every horse didn’t jump over the fence is true on the interpretation where negationtakes scope over the subject QP (‘not�every’) but false if the subject QP is interpreted outsidethe scope of negation (‘every�not’). A detailed context for this scenario is given in (51), and ascreen shot of the resulting scenario is shown in figure 1.

(51) Example contextOne day three horses were playing in the field and they decided to jump over somestuff. There was a house and a fence in the yard. They decided that the house was toohigh to jump over and so they decided to try jumping over the fence. Two of themwere very excited about jumping over the fence but the third wasn’t sure whether he

26 C H U N G - H Y E H A N , J E F F R E Y L I D Z , A N D J U L I E N M U S O L I N O

Figure 1Screen shot of a scenario

could. The first one jumped over the fence. ‘‘Hey, that was fun,’’ he said. ‘‘You tryit.’’ Then the second horse also jumped over the fence. The third one came up to fenceand considered jumping but he said that he had hurt his foot the day before and sodecided not to jump.

Another experimenter holds a Mickey Mouse puppet, acting as if he is watching the enactedscenario. Mickey, who is asked to describe what happened, then makes the following statement:

(52) Puppet statementHmm. That was an interesting story about horses playing in the field. I can tell yousomething about the story. Every horse didn’t jump over the fence. Am I right?

The participant’s task is to determine whether Mickey’s statement is true or false. If a participantjudges the statement to be true, then we can conclude that the participant’s grammar makesavailable the reading on which negation takes scope over the quantified NP. If a participant judgesthe statement to be false, then we can conclude that the participant’s grammar makes only thenarrow scope reading of negation available and does not generate the other reading. An importantpart of the reasoning behind this method is that participants will always assent when the experimen-ter says at least one thing that is true (Crain and Thornton 1998). In other words, the methodrelies on listeners’ giving speakers the benefit of the doubt. Hence, if anything that the speakersays is true, then participants respond by saying that the speaker did in fact speak truthfully. Thus,when we present a statement that is true on one reading but false on another and the participantrejects the statement as false, we conclude that the other reading is not available.

The TVJT method provides rich discourse contexts, eliminating the role of performancefactors and controlling for discourse factors in participants’ responses. The method has beenshown to work in several languages (e.g., Lidz and Musolino 2002, Papafragou and Musolino2003) and to work both with adults and with children as young as 4 (Crain and McKee 1986,Crain and Thornton 1998, Lidz and Musolino 2002).

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Our experiments were designed for three purposes: (a) to determine experimentally what thefacts are concerning adult Korean speakers’ scope judgments on sentences containing negationand quantified argument NPs, (b) to determine whether Korean has V-raising, and (c) to testpredictions regarding children’s grammar made on the basis of the data we obtained from adults.

To pursue these goals, we conducted two experiments, one with adults and the other with4-year-olds.

4.1 Experiment 1

4.1.1 Participants We tested 160 adult speakers of Korean, all undergraduate or graduate stu-dents at universities in Seoul, Korea.13

4.1.2 Experimental Design For adults, we tested three factors with two levels each: scope(neg�� vs. ��neg) � negation (long vs. short) � grammatical function (subject QP vs. objectQP). The experiment was thus divided into eight different conditions, each condition testing forthe neg�� or ��neg reading in sentences containing long or short negation, and either a subjectQP or an object QP. Twenty participants were assigned to each condition. The design is summa-rized in table 5.

Since the puppet’s statements on critical trials are potentially ambiguous, we chose to treatthe scope condition as a between-participants factor, instead of a within-participants factor, inorder to avoid potential contaminating effects between the two possible readings. That is, onceparticipants become aware of one of the possible interpretations for these statements, they maylater find it difficult to assign a similar statement a different interpretation. In other words, theinitial interpretation that participants assign to statements containing a QP and negation mayinfluence the way they interpret subsequent statements containing the same elements.

4.1.3 Materials We constructed two versions of each scenario, one version testing the neg��

reading and the other version testing the ��neg reading. There were four different types of testsentence for each reading: (a) subject QP and long negation as in (53a), (b) subject QP and shortnegation as in (53b), (c) object QP and long negation as in (54a), and (d) object QP and shortnegation as in (54b).14

13 For helping us recruit participants, we thank Chungmin Lee and Eun-Jung Yoo at Seoul National University,Chang-Bong Lee and Jae-ah Jeon at Catholic University, Hyunoo Lee at Inha University, and Jae-Woong Choe at KoreaUniversity.

14 For many Korean speakers, a more natural way of expressing universal quantification is to use postnominalquantifiers like ta or motwu. The problem with these quantifiers for present purposes is that syntactically they are floatingadverbial quantifiers and they do not form a constituent with the noun they modify. For instance, an adverb can intervenebetween a postnominal quantifier and the noun it modifies, as in (i).

(i) Khwukhi Monste-ka khwukhi-lul tahaynghito ta an mek-ess-ta.Cookie Monster-NOM cookie-ACC fortunately all NEG eat-PST-DECL

‘Cookie Monster didn’t eat every cookie, fortunately.’

This means that the quantifier can stay low within VP, below negation, so that the ‘neg�all’ reading, if available, cannotbe attributed to V-raising. For this reason, in our test sentences we chose to use prenominal quantifiers, which form aconstituent with the noun they modify.

28 C H U N G - H Y E H A N , J E F F R E Y L I D Z , A N D J U L I E N M U S O L I N O

Table 5Design of experiment with adults

2 � 2 � 2 design: negation type � QP position � scope(short vs. long) (subject vs. object) (neg�� vs. ��neg)

Grammatical function Scope Short negation Long negation

Subject QP neg�� n � 20 n � 20��neg n � 20 n � 20

Object QP neg�� n � 20 n � 20��neg n � 20 n � 20

(53) Subject QPsa. Motun mal-i wultali-lul num-ci ani ha-yess-ta.

every horse-NOM fence-ACC jump.over-CI NEG do-PST-DECL

‘Every horse didn’t jump over the fence.’ (long negation)b. Motun mal-i wultali-lul an num-ess-ta.

every horse-NOM fence-ACC NEG jump.over-PST-DECL

‘Every horse didn’t jump over the fence.’ (short negation)

(54) Object QPsa. Khwukhi Monste-ka motun khwukhi-lul mek-ci ani ha-yess-ta.

Cookie Monster-NOM every cookie-ACC eat-CI NEG do-PST-DECL

‘Cookie Monster didn’t eat every cookie.’ (long negation)b. Khwukhi Monste-ka motun khwukhi-lul an mek-ess-ta.

Cookie Monster-NOM every cookie-ACC NEG eat-PST-DECL

‘Cookie Monster didn’t eat every cookie.’ (short negation)

In the scenario that tests the neg�� reading on the basis of (53a) and (53b), three horses areplaying together. Two horses jump over the fence, but the third one doesn’t. At the end of thestory, Mickey Mouse says in Korean, ‘‘I know what happened,’’ and states either (53a) or (53b),depending on what condition is being tested. In the scenario that tests the ��neg reading, noneof the horses jump over the fence. Mickey Mouse then describes the situation using either (53a)or (53b).15

In the scenario that tests the neg�� reading on the basis of (54a) and (54b), Cookie Monsteris given three cookies but only eats two of them (i.e., not all of them). Mickey Mouse then

15 The experimenter was instructed to say the test sentence in a way that made it true, thus controlling for anypotentially contaminating effects of prosody. For adult participants, all the test sentences were presented in prerecordedvideo clips, as a further measure to keep the effects of intonation, if any, constant. In light of the findings reported byMcMahon, Lidz, and Pierrehumbert (2004), however, we do not think it likely that the results obtained from our experimentswere influenced by any prosodic factors. These authors show that in English, speakers do not reliably produce intonationalor prosodic cues to scopal interpretation in the kinds of sentences similar in form to our test sentences, suggesting thatintonation is not a factor in guiding either children’s or adults’ behavior in tasks similar to the ones in our experiments.

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describes the situation using (54a) or (54b), depending on the condition. In the scenario that teststhe ��neg reading, Cookie Monster eats none of the cookies, and then Mickey Mouse describesthe situation using (54a) or (54b).

Each participant was given four test trials. The statements made by Mickey Mouse in theeight different conditions are given in appendix A. In addition to the four test trials, each participantwas given four filler trials: two testing comprehension of negation, and two testing comprehensionof quantified NPs. The purpose of the filler trials is to separately control for participants’ knowl-edge of the meaning of negation and their knowledge of universally quantified NPs, the twolinguistic elements involved in the meaning of the test sentences. Filler sentences containing longnegation were given to participants in the short negation condition, and those containing shortnegation were given to participants in the long negation condition. By using the opposite negationform in the filler items and the test items, we add some variety to the materials, thereby making itharder for participants to guess the purpose of the experiment. Similarly, filler sentences containingsubject QPs were given to participants in the object QP condition, and those containing objectQPs were given to participants in the subject QP condition. As with negation, including quantifiersin the fillers with the opposite grammatical function from that of the quantifiers in the test itemshelped mask the purpose of the experiment. The filler statements made by Mickey Mouse in eachcondition are given in appendix B. We set up the scenarios for the filler trials such that the correctanswer for the filler statements was ‘‘true’’ in the subject QP – short neg – neg�� and objectQP – short neg – neg�� conditions. This was because we expected the participants in theseconditions were likely to say that the test items were false. Thus, including these fillers ensuredthat participants would not think the only possible answer in the experiment was ‘‘false.’’ Thefillers in the other six conditions were designed to give the answer ‘‘false.’’

4.1.4 Procedure Adult participants were shown a videotaped version of the scenarios describedin section 4.1.3. They were first introduced to the task with two practice trials, one in whichMickey Mouse’s statement was true and one in which it was false. They were then shown fourtest trials and four filler trials in pseudorandom order. They were given a score sheet and wereinstructed to indicate, for each story, whether Mickey Mouse spoke truthfully. They were askedto provide a brief justification for their answers. Adult participants were tested in groups of 10to 20 in classrooms.

4.1.5 Results For each condition, our dependent measure was the proportion of ‘‘yes’’ responsesto Mickey’s statements. These data are given in table 6 and shown graphically in figures 2and 3.

The proportion of ‘‘yes’’ responses was entered into an analysis of variance (ANOVA), whichrevealed the following effects. First, we found a main effect of interpretation (F(1, 152)�267.44,p�.0001). That is, regardless of negation type or grammatical function, speakers were morelikely to accept the ��neg reading than the neg�� reading. Second, we found a main effect ofgrammatical function (F(1, 152)�11.64, p�.0008) and an interaction between interpretation andgrammatical function (F(1, 152)�13.91, p�.0003). That is, independently of negation type,speakers were significantly more likely to accept the neg�� reading on an object QP than they

30 C H U N G - H Y E H A N , J E F F R E Y L I D Z , A N D J U L I E N M U S O L I N O

Table 6Mean percentage acceptances by condition: Adults

Grammatical function Scope Short negation Long negation

Subject QP neg�� 4 19��neg 100 100

Object QP neg�� 37 46��neg 98 98

Figure 2Mean percentage acceptances in subject condition: Adults

Figure 3Mean percentage acceptances in object condition: Adults

were on a subject QP. Importantly, whereas the acceptance rate on the neg�� reading was higherin object conditions than in subject conditions, over 50% of the participants still did not acceptthis interpretation in object conditions.16

16 Participants were near perfect on filler items, indicating that they had no difficulty with the task or with negationor universal quantification in isolation.

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# ofparticipants

0 25 50 75 100

Percentage acceptance

Short negLong neg

Figure 4Number of participants accepting neg�� in object condition: Adults

This last result is of particular interest. Figure 4 divides the participants into groups basedon their rate of acceptance of the sentences presented in the neg�� context in object conditions.As the figure shows, most participants either accepted all of these items or rejected all of them,indicating that our population is divided into two groups: speakers who accept wide scope negationrelative to an object QP and those who do not.

4.1.6 Discussion Recall our predictions stated in (46), repeated here.

(55) Predictionsa. Subject QPs will take scope over Neg, regardless of negation type.17

b. In the case of short negation,i. if there is V-raising, then Neg�V will occur in IP and so Neg will take scope

over object QPs;ii. if there is no V-raising, then Neg�V will occur inside VP and object QPs will

take scope over Neg.

Prediction (55a) is borne out by our findings. Participants uniformly accepted the ��neg readingfor subject QPs, regardless of negation type. Importantly, our data indicate that any variabilityfound among linguists regarding the interpretation of subject QPs with respect to negation in

17 A reviewer asks how we can explain the conflicting judgments reported in the literature for the examples in (47)and (50), given the prediction in (55a). The conflicting judgments reported for (47) can still receive a structural explanation.The examples in (47) contain a floating adverbial quantifier ta ‘all’ and a pro subject. For these examples, then, a structureis available in which ta is low in the structure, as in People did not all come, corresponding to the neg�� reading, andone is available in which ta is high in the structure, as in All people did not come, corresponding to the ��neg reading.The TVJT experiments that we conducted here to sort out speakers’ judgments suggest that the conflicting judgmentsreported in the literature for (50) are not reliable. As discussed in section 3, there may be many reasons why speakersgive unreliable judgments, including a lack of sufficient discourse context and the influence of speakers’ knowledge oflogic or of other languages.

32 C H U N G - H Y E H A N , J E F F R E Y L I D Z , A N D J U L I E N M U S O L I N O

Korean must represent an artifact of data collection. Our participants virtually never accepted theneg�� interpretation for subject QPs and always accepted the ��neg interpretation. Furthermore,these data lend support to the reasoning by which we established our predictions. We showedthat, given three basic facts (frozen scope, obligatory object raising, and the clitic status of nega-tion), both a V-raising and an I-lowering grammar would predict that the subject obligatorilytakes scope over negation.18 The fact that this prediction was borne out indicates that our use ofscope interactions between the quantificational NPs and negation is appropriate for examiningthe height of the verb.

Prediction (55b), however, is the crucial piece of the puzzle, as it aims at teasing apart thedifference between a V-raising and a non-V-raising grammar. What we found was that only abouthalf of our participants accepted the neg�� interpretation in which negation takes scope overthe object QP. Furthermore, this split was also found in the neg�� interpretation with longnegation and an object QP.

The bimodal distribution in acceptance rates of the reading for object QPs shows that thereis a split in the population: only about half of the Korean speakers allow negation to take scopeover an object QP, regardless of negation type. In this case, we can conclude that the literatureon Korean scope judgments for object QPs reflects real variability in the population of Koreanspeakers. The scope judgments that we elicited within rich discourse contexts showed the samekind of disagreement that is attested in the literature.

The split in the population can mean only one thing: there is a split in the grammar. Thatis, half of the population has acquired an I-lowering grammar and half of the population hasacquired a V-raising grammar.19 The population that has acquired an I-lowering grammar does

18 A reviewer notes that in Japanese, negative sentences with a universally quantified subject exhibit different scopepatterns depending on whether the subject is accompanied by a nominative case marker (i) or a topic marker (ii).

(i) Minna-ga ko-na-katta.everyone-NOM come-NEG-PST

‘No one came.’

(ii) Minna-wa ko-na-katta.everyone-TOP come-NEG-PST

‘Not everyone came. / No one came.’

The reviewer asks whether Korean exhibits similar contrasts and if so, how they should be analyzed. The correspondingpair of examples (iii)–(iv) in Korean does not seem to show the same contrast, according to the native speakers weconsulted. Whether the subject QP has a nominative case marker or a topic marker, only the ��neg reading seems tobe readily available, regardless of negation type.

(iii) Motun salam-i o-ci ani ha-yess-ta / an wa-ss-ta.every person-NOM come-CI NEG do-PST-DECL / NEG come-PST-DECL

‘No one came.’

(iv) Motun salam-un o-ci ani ha-yess-ta / an wa-ss-ta.every person-TOP come-CI NEG do-PST-DECL / NEG come-PST-DECL

‘No one came.’

Admittedly, however, more careful elicitation of the readings is necessary to be sure. In fact, it would not be surprisingto find some interpretational difference between topic-marked QPs and case-marked QPs. We think that the right wayto approach this issue is by considering in detail the information structure and discourse functions represented by topic-marked NPs in comparison to case-marked NPs.

19 Note that the ��neg reading entails the neg�� reading. Thus, the fact that nearly 100% of our participantsaccepted the ��neg reading in the object condition follows from the fact that this reading is consistent with either

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not generate the neg�� reading on an object QP because the grammar generates only the structurein which the object c-commands negation, as represented by grammar A in (56). In grammar A,sentences with short negation have cliticization of short negation and I-lowering to V, as in (56a),and sentences with long negation have cliticization of long negation and I-lowering to ha in F,as in (56b). But the population that has acquired a V-raising grammar generates the neg��

reading for an object QP because the grammar generates the structure in which negationc-commands the object, as represented by grammar B in (57). In grammar B, sentences with shortnegation have cliticization of short negation to V and V-raising to I, as in (57a), and sentenceswith long negation have cliticization of long negation to ha in F and raising of ha to I as in (57b).The main verb V in (57b) does not move because ha in F, an auxiliary verb, is higher up in thestructure, closer to I. This is what we find in other languages that have V-raising. For example,in French sentences with an auxiliary verb and a main verb, what raises is the auxiliary verb, notthe main verb.20




NPsubj I�



NPobj F�

sh.neg VP



Grammar A

I lowers to V; short neg cliticizes to V; object takes scope over short neg.

grammar. Those speakers with an I-lowering grammar will generate the ��neg reading only. Those with a V-raisinggrammar will say that the puppet spoke truthfully in the ��neg condition because these contexts are consistent with theneg�� interpretation generated by their grammar.

20 A question that arises about (57b) is why V cannot move over Neg to F and then onto I, in which case ha wouldnot be required. It might be that -ci on the verb, which has been selected by long negation, prevents the verb fromsupporting further inflections, hence making it necessary for ha to be inserted in F.

34 C H U N G - H Y E H A N , J E F F R E Y L I D Z , A N D J U L I E N M U S O L I N O



NPsubj I�


NegP Fha

NPobj F�

VP Neglong.neg



I lowers to ha; long neg cliticizes to ha; object takes scope over long neg.



NPsubj I�





NPobj F�

t VP



Grammar B

a. Short neg cliticizes to V; V raises to I; short neg takes scope over object.

V - R A I S I N G A N D G R A M M A R C O M P E T I T I O N I N K O R E A N 35


NPsubj I�





NPobj F�

VP Negt



b. Long neg cliticizes to ha; ha raises to I; long neg takes scope over object.

Finally, if our two-grammar hypothesis is correct, then it predicts that we should find thesame split in the population among learners of Korean. If the split in the population derives fromthe fact that speakers are rarely exposed to sentences involving negation and an object QP insituations that make it clear which interpretation is intended, then we should expect to find roughlythe same split in the population from generation to generation, with speakers choosing either V-raising or I-lowering basically at random. Our results from a study of 4-year-old children verifythis prediction. Just like adults, children accepted the neg�� reading only about half the time.And crucially, just like the adult data, the child data show a bimodal distribution of acceptancesof the neg�� reading.

4.2 Experiment 2

4.2.1 Participants We tested 60 4-year-old Korean children between the ages of 4;0 and 4;11(mean 4;5), recruited from preschools in Korea. We chose 4-year-olds because at this age, Korean-speaking children are old enough to have mastered both negation forms (H.-H. Park 1998), andbecause crosslinguistically, 4-year-olds have been shown to be able to handle the demands of thetask (Musolino, Crain, and Thornton 2000, for English; Lidz and Musolino 2002, for English andKannada).

4.2.2 Experimental Design We tested two factors with two levels each: scope (neg�� vs.��neg) � negation (long vs. short). All the tests were done on sentences with object QPs.Because the object conditions are the ones that are potentially informative about the height ofthe verb, we tested only these. The experiment was thus divided into four different conditions,

36 C H U N G - H Y E H A N , J E F F R E Y L I D Z , A N D J U L I E N M U S O L I N O

Table 7Design of experiment with children

2 � 2 design: negation type � scope(short vs. long) (neg�� vs. ��neg)

Grammatical function Scope Short negation Long negation

Object QP neg�� n � 15 n � 15��neg n � 15 n � 15

each condition testing for the neg�� or the ��neg reading in sentences containing an objectQP and long or short negation. Fifteen children were randomly assigned to each condition. Thedesign is summarized in table 7.

4.2.3 Materials The test materials were identical to those in experiment 1 with the exceptionthat the subject QP condition was excluded from the design.

4.2.4 Procedure Children were tested individually in a quiet room away from the class, andall the scenarios were acted out in front of them by an experimenter using small toys and props.As with adults, children were introduced to the task with two practice trials followed by four testand four filler trials in pseudorandom order. The children’s responses were recorded on a scoresheet by the experimenter. The experimenter also asked the children why they answered thatMickey was right or wrong, and recorded their responses.

4.2.5 Results The mean percentages of acceptances by condition for object QPs are summarizedin table 8, and the graphical representation is given in figure 5.

Just like adults, children were more likely to accept the ��neg reading than the neg��

reading, regardless of negation type (F(1, 56)�20.09, p�.0001). In the ��neg condition, chil-dren’s rate of acceptance was 81.67% with short negation and 86.67% with long negation, whereasin the neg�� condition, their acceptance rate was 36.67% and 33.33% with short and longnegation, respectively. Further, like adults, between one-third and one-half of the children acceptedthe neg�� reading with object QPs.21

Table 8Mean percentage acceptances by condition for object QPs:Children

Scope Short negation Long negation

neg�� 36.67 33.33��neg 81.67 86.67

21 Like adults, child participants were near perfect on filler items, indicating that they had no difficulty with the taskor with negation or universal quantification in isolation.

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Figure 5Mean percentage acceptances in object condition: Children

Like the adults’, children’s scores were bimodally distributed. That is, each child generallygave the same answer on all trials. Thus, the 36.67% acceptance rate for the neg�� reading inshort negation derives from 36.67% of the children accepting the neg�� reading and not fromeach child accepting it 36.67% of the time. That is, in the short negation condition, 9 childrennever accepted the neg�� reading, 1 child accepted it 50% of the time, and 5 children alwaysaccepted it. This finding supports our hypothesis that there are two grammars of Korean activein the population of Korean speakers: one grammar with V-raising and one without.

5 General Discussion

The results of our experiments with adults and children indicate that scope interactions betweennegation and quantified NPs are informative about the grammar of V-movement in Korean. Morespecifically, these data suggest that there are two grammars of Korean V-movement active in thepopulation of Korean speakers. A remaining question is whether we can find other ways in whichthe two populations of Korean speakers differ. It is not obvious what that difference would be,though. If such independent evidence were readily available, then we would not expect to finda split in the population when it comes to parameter setting for verb placement. We have arguedthat the existence of two populations follows from the poverty of the stimulus. Even though therange of possible V-movement grammars is restricted by Universal Grammar, the data that learnersof Korean are exposed to is equally consistent with either of two grammars. Given that there isno basis on which to make a choice between a V-raising grammar and an I-lowering grammar,Korean learners must choose at random. This results in roughly half the population acquiring onegrammar and roughly half acquiring the other. This conclusion supports claims from the diachronicsyntax literature (Kroch 1989, Pintzuk 1991, Santorini 1992, Taylor 1994) that even given therestricted hypothesis space determined by Universal Grammar, insufficient input can lead todistinct grammars in a single population. The general model under consideration here is one inwhich all language acquisition involves grammar competition (Kroch 1989, Roeper 1999, 2002,

38 C H U N G - H Y E H A N , J E F F R E Y L I D Z , A N D J U L I E N M U S O L I N O

Yang 2000; cf. Chomsky 1981, 1986). Under this approach, learners consider multiple grammarssimultaneously, and language acquisition represents excluding alternatives and settling on a singlegrammar.

It is important to observe that the two-grammar result in Korean is not a direct consequenceof the SOV nature of the language alone. It is possible for an SOV language to be unambiguouslyV-raising or I-lowering. It is also not the case that children learning any SOV language will bebimodally distributed in their responses in a TVJT examining the scope of an object QP withrespect to negation. For example, Lidz and Musolino (2002) examined the scope of object quanti-fiers with respect to negation in English (SVO) and Kannada (SOV). Whereas adult speakers ofeither language allow either scope, children learning the languages display a strong preferencefor the surface scope reading. Although Kannada is an SOV language, we do not find any evidenceof a split in the population with respect to V-raising. This result may derive from several factors.First, the scope of an object QP with respect to negation is generally determined by syntacticposition (Lidz 1999, 2006).22

(58) a. Naanu cheenagi eradu pustaka ood-al-illa.I-NOM well two book read-INF-NEG23

‘It’s not the case that I enjoyed reading two books.’b. Naanu eradu pustaka cheenagi ood-al-illa.

I-NOM two book well read-INF-NEG

‘There are two books that I didn’t enjoy reading.’

In (58a), the object is inside VP (below the VP adverb) and is only interpretable as lying withinthe scope of negation. In (58b), the object has raised out of VP and takes scope only over negation.Because Kannada, unlike Korean, allows its object NPs to occur both inside and outside VP, thescope of an object NP with respect to negation is uninformative about the height of the verb.

Second, the fact that Kannada verbs typically inflect for tense and agreement (59a), but failto do so in the presence of negation (59b), suggests that Kannada is a V-raising language andthat raising is blocked by negation.

(59) a. Naanu pustaka ood-id-e.I book read-PST-1S

‘I read a book.’

22 Note that syntactic position determines scope only for object NPs that are not morphologically case-marked. Case-marked object NPs take wide scope regardless of syntactic position.

(i) Naanu cheenagi pustaka-vannu ood-al-illa.I well book-ACC read-INF-NEG

‘There is a book that I didn’t enjoy reading.’

(ii) Naanu pustaka-vannu cheenagi ood-al-illa.I book-ACC well read-INF-NEG

‘There is a book that I didn’t enjoy reading.’

See Lidz 1999, 2006 for discussion.23

INF is an abbreviation for infinitival.

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b. Naanu pustaka ood-al-illa.I book read-INF-NEG

‘I did not read a book.’

This observation by itself may be a sufficient cue for learners to determine that Kannada has aV-raising grammar.

Third, Kannada exhibits a rule of emphatic verb formation that also supports a V-raisinganalysis. In this construction, a verb occurs in its past participle form, followed by the emphaticmorpheme, the verb root (repeated), tense, and agreement (Aronoff and Sridhar 1983, Amritavalli1998). This is illustrated in (60).

(60) a. Bar-utt-aane.come-NPST-3SM

‘He comes.’b. Band-ee-bar-utt-aane.


‘He will too come.’

A straightforward analysis of this construction is one in which the verb raises to I, but must bepronounced both within VP to host the emphatic clitic and within I to host the tense and agreementmorphology. This analysis is supported, with the additional assumption that negation blocks V-raising, by negative emphatics. Here, the verb does not repeat.

(61) Band-ee-illa.come.PP-EMPH-NEG

‘He DID NOT come.’

The contrast between (60) and (61) may also serve as a cue to the V-raising status of Kannada,helping learners to uncover the correct grammar despite the SOV nature of the language.24

24 A reviewer notes that Korean has an emphatic verb formation that looks similar to the Kannada examples. As inKannada, in Korean, the root verb can be repeated to convey emphasis in affirmative sentences, as shown in (i), but notin negative sentences, as shown in (ii).

(i) Toli-ka o-ki-nun o-ass-ta.Toli-NOM come-KI-TOP come-PST-DECL

‘Toli CAME.’

(ii) *Toli-ka an o-ki-nun o-ass-ta.Toli-NOM NEG come-KI-TOP come-PST-DECL

‘Toli did NOT come.’

However, Korean and Kannada emphatic verb formation differ in at least two crucial respects. First, Korean emphaticverb formation is possible with negative sentences; speakers can either use ha as a proform for negation as in (iii) orrepeat negation along with the verb as in (iv). Second, in Korean, unlike in Kannada, materials other than the verb canbe copied in emphatic verb formation. For instance, in (v), an adverb as well as the verb has been repeated. Taking thesefacts together, it is doubtful that emphatic verb formation in Korean has anything to do with V-raising.

(iii) Toli-ka an o-ki-nun ha-yess-ta.Toli-NOM NEG come-KI-TOP do-PST-DECL

‘Toli did NOT come.’

40 C H U N G - H Y E H A N , J E F F R E Y L I D Z , A N D J U L I E N M U S O L I N O

Although it is true that V-raising may be harder to detect in SOV languages than in otherlanguages, it is not the case that no cues exist. Rather, a host of other, unrelated properties makeV-raising especially hard to detect in Korean. Consequently, we find that learners are unable todetermine the ‘‘correct’’ grammar and hence choose essentially at random between two options,both of which are fully consistent with the language data they are exposed to.

This last point brings up an important question about the nature of the parameters that allowfor the kind of variability we have observed here. Do all parameters allow for this kind ofindeterminacy, or are some parameters special? In our view, there is nothing special about theV-raising parameter per se that leads to the observed split in the population. Rather, it is therelation between the parameter settings and strings of words in the language that is responsiblefor this variation. It is only when two parameter settings are equally compatible with the observedsentences that this kind of variability is expected to arise. Hence, we do not expect to find asubpopulation of English speakers, for example, with the ‘‘no movement’’ setting of the wh-movement parameter. This is because there is lots of positive evidence that would lead them tothe right setting. It is only when two settings of a parameter predict nearly identical strings thatwe expect to find multiple grammars competing in a population. In other words, the smaller theset of sentences predicted by one setting but not the other, the greater the likelihood that multiplegrammars will exist within a population. This is because as the area of nonoverlap between thetwo grammars shrinks, the less likely it is that a learner will be exposed to sentences in that area.As we have shown, the set of sentences that distinguishes a V-raising grammar from an I-loweringgrammar in Korean is vanishingly small. Consequently, even learners with the highly restrictedhypothesis space provided by Universal Grammar may have difficulty setting that parameter onthe basis of positive evidence. In this situation, we expect, and indeed we find, that learnerschoose a parameter setting at random.

Appendix A: Test Sentences

This appendix provides the test sentences we used in each condition.

(62) Subject QP – short neg – neg��; subject QP – short neg – ��nega. Motun mal-i wulthali-lul an nem-ess-ta.

every horse-NOM fence-ACC NEG jump.over-PST-DECL

‘Every horse didn’t jump over the fence.’

(iv) Toli-ka an o-ki-nun an o-ass-ta.Toli-NOM NEG come-KI-TOP NEG come-PST-DECL

‘Toli did NOT come.’

(v) Toli-ka ilccik o-ki-nun ilccik o-ass-ta.Toli-NOM early come-KI-TOP early come-PST-DECL

‘Toli DID come early.’

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b. Motun Smef-ka koyangi-lul an sa-ss-ta.every Smurf-NOM cat-ACC NEG buy-PST-DECL

‘Every Smurf didn’t buy a cat.’c. Motun yeca ai-ka toliki-lul an tha-ss-ta.

every female kid-NOM merry-go-round-ACC NEG ride-PST-DECL

‘Every girl didn’t ride on the merry-go-round.’d. Motun namca-ka konglyong-ul an manci-ess-ta.

every man-NOM dinosaur-ACC NEG pet-PST-DECL

‘Every man didn’t pet the dinosaur.’

(63) Subject QP – long neg – neg��; subject QP – long neg – ��nega. Motun mal-i wulthali-lul nem-ci ani ha-yess-ta.

every horse-NOM fence-ACC jump.over-CI NEG do-PST-DECL

‘Every horse didn’t jump over the fence.’b. Motun Smef-ka koyangi-lul sa-ci ani ha-yess-ta.

every Smurf-NOM cat-ACC buy-CI NEG do-PST-DECL

‘Every Smurf didn’t buy a cat.’c. Motun yeca ai-ka toliki-lul tha-ci ani ha-yess-ta.

every female kid-NOM merry-go-round-ACC ride-CI NEG do-PST-DECL

‘Every girl didn’t ride on the merry-go-round.’d. Motun namca-ka konglyong-ul manci-ci ani ha-yess-ta.

every man-NOM dinosaur-ACC pet-CI NEG do-PST-DECL

‘Every man didn’t pet the dinosaur.’

(64) Object QP – short neg – neg��; object QP – short neg – ��nega. Kuphi-ka motun panci-lul an sa-ss-ta.

Goofy-NOM every ring-ACC NEG buy-PST-DECL

‘Goofy didn’t buy every ring.’b. Khwukhi Monste-ka motun khwukhi-lul an mek-ess-ta.

Cookie Monster-NOM every cookie-ACC NEG eat-PST-DECL

‘Cookie Monster didn’t eat every cookie.’c. Swuntoli-ka motun catongcha-lul an ssis-ess-ta.

Swuntoli-NOM every car-ACC NEG wash-PST-DECL

‘Swuntoli didn’t wash every car.’d. Ttungpo-ka motun khokkili-lul thakca wi-ey an olli-ess-ta. every elephant-ACC table top-at NEG put-PST-DECL

‘The fat man didn’t put every elephant on the table.’

(65) Object QP – long neg – neg��; object QP – long neg – ��nega. Kuphi-ka motun panci-lul sa-ci ani ha-yess-ta.

Goofy-NOM every ring-ACC buy-CI NEG do-PST-DECL

‘Goofy didn’t buy every ring.’

42 C H U N G - H Y E H A N , J E F F R E Y L I D Z , A N D J U L I E N M U S O L I N O

b. Khwukhi Monste-ka motun khwukhi-lul mek-ci ani ha-yess-ta.Cookie Monster-NOM every cookie-ACC eat-CI NEG do-PST-DECL

‘Cookie Monster didn’t eat every cookie.’c. Swuntoli-ka motun catongcha-lul ssis-ci ani ha-yess-ta.

Swuntoli-NOM every car-ACC wash-CI NEG do-PST-DECL

‘Swuntoli didn’t wash every car.’d. Ttungpo-ka motun khokkili-lul thakca wi-ey olli-ci ani ha-yess-ta. every elephant-ACC table top-at put-CI NEG do-PST-DECL

‘The fat man didn’t put every elephant on the table.’

Appendix B: Fillers

This appendix provides the filler sentences we used in each condition.

(66) Fillers for subject QP – short neg – neg��

a. Khokkili-ka namwu wi-ey ollaka-ci ani ha-yess-ta.elephant-NOM wood top-at climb-CI NEG do-PST-DECL

‘The elephant didn’t climb up the tree.’b. Kuphi-ka panci-lul phal-ci ani ha-yess-ta.

Goofy-NOM ring-ACC sell-CI NEG do-PST-DECL

‘Goofy didn’t sell the ring.’c. Himsseyn cangsa-ka motun phantteyki-lul kkay-ss-ta.

strong man-NOM every wood-ACC break-PST-DECL

‘The strong man broke every piece of wood.’d. Smef-ka motun ppang-ul mek-ess-ta.

Smurf-NOM every bread-ACC eat-PST-DECL

‘The Smurf ate every loaf of bread.’

(67) Fillers for subject QP – short neg – ��nega. Wonswungi-ka namwu wi-ey ollaka-ci ani ha-yess-ta.

monkey-NOM wood top-at climb-CI NEG do-PST-DECL

‘The monkey didn’t climb up the tree.’b. Himsseyn cangsa-ka motun pyektol-ul kkay-ss-ta.

strong man-NOM every brick-ACC break-PST-DECL

‘The strong man broke every brick.’c. Ttungpo-ka kewul-ul phal-ci ani ha-yess-ta. mirror-ACC sell-CI NEG do-PST-DECL

‘The fat man didn’t sell the mirror.’d. Smef-ka motun khwukhi-lul mek-ess-ta.

Smurf-NOM every cookie-ACC eat-PST-DECL

‘The Smurf ate every cookie.’

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(68) Fillers for subject QP – long neg – neg��; subject QP – long neg – ��nega. Wonswungi-ka namwu wi-ey an ollaka-ss-ta.

monkey-NOM wood top-at NEG climb-PST-DECL

‘The monkey didn’t climb up the tree.’b. Himsseyn cangsa-ka motun pyektol-ul kkay-ss-ta.

strong man-NOM every brick-ACC break-PST-DECL

‘The strong man broke every brick.’c. Ttungpo-ka kewul-ul an phal-ass-ta. mirror-ACC NEG sell-PST-DECL

‘The fat man didn’t sell the mirror.’d. Smef-ka motun khwukhi-lul mek-ess-ta.

Smurf-NOM every cookie-ACC eat-PST-DECL

‘The Smurf ate every cookie.’

(69) Fillers for object QP – short neg – neg��

a. Khokkili-ka namwu wi-ey ollaka-ci ani ha-yess-ta.elephant-NOM wood top-at climb-CI NEG do-PST-DECL

‘The elephant didn’t climb up the tree.’b. Kuphi-ka panci-lul phal-ci ani ha-yess-ta.

Goofy-NOM ring-ACC sell-CI NEG do-PST-DECL

‘Goofy didn’t sell the ring.’c. Motun namca-ka phantteyki-lul kkay-ss-ta.

every man-NOM wood-ACC break-PST-DECL

‘Every man broke a piece of wood.’d. Motun konglyong-i namwu-eyse tteleci-ess-ta.

every dinosaur-NOM tree-from fall-PST-DECL

‘Every dinosaur fell from the tree.’

(70) Fillers for object QP – short neg – ��nega. Wonswungi-ka namwu wi-ey ollaka-ci ani ha-yess-ta.

monkey-NOM wood top-at climb-CI NEG do-PST-DECL

‘The monkey didn’t climb the tree.’b. Ttungpo-ka kewul-ul phal-ci ani ha-yess-ta. mirror-ACC sell-CI NEG do-PST-DECL

‘The fat man didn’t sell the mirror.’c. Motun namca-ka pyektol-ul kkay-ss-ta.

every man-NOM brick-ACC break-PST-DECL

‘Every man broke a brick.’d. Motun pelley-ka namwu-eyse tteleci-ess-ta.

every bug-NOM tree-from fall-PST-DECL

‘Every bug fell from the tree.’

44 C H U N G - H Y E H A N , J E F F R E Y L I D Z , A N D J U L I E N M U S O L I N O

(71) Fillers for object QP – long neg – neg��; object QP – long neg – ��nega. Wonswungi-ka namwu wi-ey an ollaka-ss-ta.

monkey-NOM wood top-at NEG climb-PST-DECL

‘The monkey didn’t climb the tree.’b. Ttungpo-ka kewul-ul an phal-ass-ta. mirror-ACC NEG sell-PST-DECL

‘The fat man didn’t sell the mirror.’c. Motun namca-ka pyektol-ul kkay-ss-ta.

every man-NOM brick-ACC break-PST-DECL

‘Every man broke a brick.’d. Motun pelley-ka namwu-eyse tteleci-ess-ta.

every bug-NOM tree-from fall-PST-DECL

‘Every bug fell from the tree.’


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(Han)Department of LinguisticsSimon Fraser University8888 University DriveBurnaby, British Columbia V5A1S6Canada

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(Lidz)Department of LinguisticsUniversity of Maryland1401 Marie Mount HallCollege Park, Maryland 20742

[email protected]

(Musolino)Department of Speech and Hearing SciencesIndiana University200 S. Jordan AvenueBloomington, Indiana 47405-7002

[email protected]