VENUS by Catalina, Núria C. and Onay

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Transcript of VENUS by Catalina, Núria C. and Onay

  • 1. Nria,Onay i Catalina

2. Venus is the brightest planet in the solar system. It is the 2nd planet from the sun. Venus is 108 millions kilometres, from the Sun. 3. Venus is the planet which is closest toVenus is the planet which is closest to the Earth and is a little smaller than thethe Earth and is a little smaller than the Earth.Earth. The diameter of venus is 12.104 km.The diameter of venus is 12.104 km. 4. Venus orbits round the Sun in 262 days. Venus takes 243 days to complete the turn from day to nigth. 5. Venus has no moons. There in no life at all on Venus and life could never be supported because of the extreme heat and the atmosphere. Venus has got continents,montains and craters. 6. It is the hottest planet of the Solar System. The temperature on the surface of Venus is about 460 celsius. Venus is covered by clouds of water vapours and sulphiric acid. 7. It is the hottest planet of the Solar System. The temperature on the surface of Venus is about 460 celsius. Venus is covered by clouds of water vapours and sulphiric acid.