Vedic Astrology Tutorial

Birthstars What is a Nakshatra (Birth star)? Hindu astrology has a unique system of prediction that is based on the position of the moon in a given Nakshatra (constellation). Just as the units used for measuring the distance is miles or kilometers in the same way the space (Akash Mandal) is measured in terms of Nakshatras (group of stars). There are twenty-seven Nakshatras in all. Each one of them covers 13 degrees and 20 minutes of the zodiac. Each Nakshatra is the head of a particular group of stars. A forecast based on the transit/ correlation/ inter - relation of planets in relation to the Nakshatras are more accurate than the results predicted on the basis of any other system. The concept of Nakshatra is exclusive only to Vedic astrology, and is known to give much more accurate results. Nakshatras are the backbone of astrology and were taken into account even before Sign system was considered. Nakshatras are considered throughout the astrological analysis. What does the Nakshatra got to do with you? The zodiac is divided into 27 Nakshatra zones. Therefore, while navigating across the zodiac, the Moon has to pass through one of the Nakshatras. When you were born, the Nakshatra in which the Moon was situated at that time is called your "Janma Nakshatra" (Birth star). Accurate predictions can be made after ascertaining your Janma Nakshatra. You can exploit opportunities through proper interpretation of the Nakshatra. Similarly, you can ward off the negatives if you take corrective measures. Nakshatras are also associated with colors, symbols, deities; gemstones etc. Now know your Nakshatra and its characteristics…


Vedic astrology tutorial

Transcript of Vedic Astrology Tutorial

Page 1: Vedic Astrology Tutorial


What is a Nakshatra (Birth star)?

Hindu astrology has a unique system of prediction that is based on the position of the moon in a

given Nakshatra (constellation). Just as the units used for measuring the distance is miles or

kilometers in the same way the space (Akash Mandal) is measured in terms of Nakshatras

(group of stars). There are twenty-seven Nakshatras in all. Each one of them covers 13 degrees

and 20 minutes of the zodiac. Each Nakshatra is the head of a particular group of stars. A

forecast based on the transit/ correlation/ inter - relation of planets in relation to the Nakshatras

are more accurate than the results predicted on the basis of any other system.

The concept of Nakshatra is exclusive only to Vedic astrology, and is known to give much more

accurate results. Nakshatras are the backbone of astrology and were taken into account even

before Sign system was considered. Nakshatras are considered throughout the astrological


What does the Nakshatra got to do with you?

The zodiac is divided into 27 Nakshatra zones. Therefore, while navigating across the zodiac, the

Moon has to pass through one of the Nakshatras. When you were born, the Nakshatra in which

the Moon was situated at that time is called your "Janma Nakshatra" (Birth star). Accurate

predictions can be made after ascertaining your Janma Nakshatra. You can exploit opportunities

through proper interpretation of the Nakshatra. Similarly, you can ward off the negatives if you

take corrective measures. Nakshatras are also associated with colors, symbols, deities;

gemstones etc. Now know your Nakshatra and its characteristics…

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Ashwini (0°00' - 13°30' Aries)

General Characteristics: Good looking, gentle and pleasant manners, intelligent, talented at

work intelligent; skilled in work

Symbol: A horse's head

Animal Symbol: A male horse

Ruling Planet: Kethu

Nature: Devas (god-like)

Presiding deity - Ashwini Kumaras, the golden armored, horse headed twins, of ancient Vedic

lore, who performed many miracles in the form of physicians, to the celestial gods.

Favorable: A competent worker who performs above average on the job, intelligent, self

sufficient, natural healer, helps others, good dressing sense, wealthy, attractive, powerful,

intuitive, idealistic, spiritually inclined, adventurous, independent, strong, powerful, charming, and

playful in nature, nurturer, traveler, and loves family.

Unfavorable: Hasty behavior, impulsiveness, desire to pursue new experiences in life; which

leaving things unfinished, aggressive, stubborn, prefers doing things in their own way, easily gets

disappointed, when things do not work as planned, dissatisfied, arrogant, lack of mental

quietude, over passionate.

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Bharani (Cherishing, supporting, & nurturing) (13°20' - 26°40' Aries)

General Characteristics: Successful at work, capable, truthful, and free from diseases & grief.

Symbol: A Yoni, the organ of female reproduction

Animal Symbol: The Elephant

Ruling Planet: Venus

Nature: Manushya (human)

Presiding deity: Yama - the god of death

Strengths: Clever and able to achieve tasks faster, enjoys new experiences, spontaneous,

dutiful, loyal to the family and friends, courageous attitude, good health/longevity, talented in

career, satisfied, leader - does well in public life, creative, artistic, and materialistic.

Weakness: Over burdened, restless, amoral, unpredictable character, too clever, stubborn,

childlike, vulnerable, vigor, expects discipline, irritable, impatient, potential to burnout, sexually

indulgent, vane, moralist, judgmental.

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Krittika (26°40' Aries to 10° Taurus)

General Characteristics: Determined to achieve greatness, sharp, striking and penetrating by


Symbol: Axe, sharp edge, or flame, razor

Animal Symbol: Female Sheep

Ruling Planet: Sun

Nature: Demon-like (Rakshasa)

Presiding deity: Agni - the god of fire

Strengths: Famous within their group, handsome in appearance, self motivated, a determined

achiever, materialistic and acquires many possessions, bright, strong appetites to food, goal

oriented, dignified, takes pride in what they do, good leader, honors commitments, confident,

courageous, straight forward, peaceful nature, ambitious.

Weakness: Unstable mind, wavering thoughts, hesitant, stubborn, dissatisfied, impatient,

responds too strongly to challenges, sets goals or expectations too high, worsens out health

condition by constant activities, nervous, excitable, aggressive, passive-aggressive, fighting

nature, greedy, motivated by desire, child-like in nature

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Rohini (The red one) (10° Taurus to 23°20' Taurus)

General Characteristics: Emphasis on spiritual liberation, truthful, not envious, hygienic, polite

in talks, unwavering views and thoughts, good looking

Symbol: An ox cart/chariot

Animal Symbol: A male serpent - spiritual power and wisdom

Ruling Planet: The Moon

Nature: Humanity (Manushya)

Presiding deity: Brahma – the creator of the universe

Strengths: Lovely appearance, charming, good communicator and listener, attractive, inner

strength, effects others, strong social life, gentle mannered, comforting, truthful, morally oriented,

talks soothingly, sharp, balanced at mind, fixed in purpose, well educated, financially strong,

dutiful to the family, responsible, helpful, gifted at arts, healthy, friendly, non-envious.

Weakness: Indulgent, materialistic, takes advantage of others through manipulation and

deception, sexually or sensually indulgent, critical of others, possessive, jealous, overly sensitive,

variable in nature, addictive, indecisive.

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Mrigashira (Face of the deer) (23°20 Taurus to 6°40' Gemini)

General Characteristics: Spiritual intelligence and research abilities, self motivated, spiritual

liberation, lack firm or fixed views, capable yet timid, good at talks, active habits.

Symbol: Antelope's head

Animal Symbol: Female serpent - sensual seductive nature

Ruling Planet: Mars

Nature: Devas (god-like)

Presiding deity: Soma, the moon god

Strengths: Strong individuality, sharp and intelligent, natural leader, action oriented, witty,

curious, seeks new knowledge, perceptive and sensitive, likes good clothing and accessories,

gains many pleasures in life, enjoys singing, writing, talking, and speaking, creative, articulate in

a number of subjects - enjoys debates and arguments, enthusiastic, youthful, clever, curious,

hopeful, rapid learning ability, friendly, funny, has a number of friends and romantic interests,

sensual, hard workers, affluent.

Weakness: Impulsive, flirtatious, fickle, needs constant attention, multiple partnerships, craves

sensation, not committed, burns out from seeking too much excitement, gets turned off easily,

scattered, critical, bitter in conversing, helpless, suspicious, unbalanced, sensitive to criticism.

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Arudra (The moist one) (6°40 to 20°00' Gemini)

General Characteristics: Deep and passionate thinker, motivated by desire.

Translation: The moist one

Symbol: The human head

Animal Symbol: Female Dog

Ruling Planet: Rahu

Nature: Humanity (Manushya)

Presiding deity: Rudra, the god of storm and destruction

Strengths: Curious at mind, hunger for knowledge, quick in action, good memory power, prefers

physical work to mental work tends to get government support easily, great communicator,

truthful, compassionate towards those in pain, might get rid of bad habits at one point of time.

Weakness: Arrogant, abuses power, lust for material attainments, ungrateful, mischievous,

reckless, anti-social, causes trouble to others, self-serving, dishonest, stubborn, critical, impolite,

untruthful, poor at financial planning, excessive indulgences, causes pain or agony to others,

violent, complaining.

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Punarvasu (Being good again and again) (20° Gemini to 3°20' Cancer)

General Characteristics: Intellectual and spiritual in wisdom, material prosperity, good natured,

quiet, patient, devout, lives in comfort.

Symbol: Bow and a quiver of arrows

Animal Symbol: Female Cat; sensitive and need for independence

Ruling Planet: Jupiter

Nature: Devas (god-like)

Presiding deity: Aditi; the Goddess of harvest

Strengths: Caring, loving, nurturing, easily contented, friendly, good natured, simplicity in life,

lives for the moment, generous, sharing in nature, religious inclinations, interested in spiritual

writings and philosophies, potential in the communications field - can be good writers and

inspiring speakers, profound imagination, purifies self to make spiritual progress, ability to

connect with others, successful projects.

Weakness: Simple approach to life leading to lack of intelligence, lack of material drive due to

focus on spirituality, lack of foresight leads to complications; including frequent moving, unstable

relationships, and multiple jobs/careers, fickle at nature, indecisive, frequently falls ill, critical,

over intellectualized life, gets bored too easily in life

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Pushya (To provide nourishment) (3°20' to 16°40' Cancer)

General Characteristics: In control of passions, liked by all, knowledge in various subjects, rich

and fond of doing charitable acts.

Symbol: The udder of a cow, Flower, a circle, an arrow

Animal Symbol: A shove

Ruling Planet: Saturn

Nature: Devas (god-like)

Presiding deity: Brihaspati, the planet Jupiter, lord of sacred speech and prayer

Strengths: Hard working, creative, tolerant of pain, intelligent, learned, liked by many, spiritual,

intuitive by wisdom, helpful in nature, good advisors and public servants, independent, interested

in education and humanitarian causes, philanthropic, socially adept, make people feel wanted,

selfless, good at finances, respected, moderate, possesses spiritual practices, passionate and

defensive about things they believe in.

Weakness: Stubborn, selfish, arrogant, very talkative, dogmatic, fundamentalist, overly sensitive,

doubtful of self worthiness, devotion can seldom turn to victimization, get easily deceived by

believing in the wrong people, insecure feeling

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Aslesha (The entwiner) (16°40' to 30°00' Cancer)

General Characteristics: Motivated by dharma; represents the kundalini or serpent fire located

at the base of the spine.

Symbol: coiled snake, circle, or wheel

Animal Symbol: Male Cat

Ruling Planet: Mercury

Nature: Rakshasa (demon)

Presiding deity: Ahi - the nadi or serpent of wisdom

Strengths: Philosophical, intelligent, versatile, clever, independent, has a number of different

jobs, entertainer, learned, leadership qualities, can accomplish much if motivated, wealthy,

mystical, puts great energy into things that interest them, seductive in nature, benefits from

spiritual work.

Weakness:Mentally unstable, worrisome, depressed in nature, deceitful, non caring attitude,

impolite, tactless, unpopular, lacks social skills, rule breaker, hoarding mentality, possessive,

secretive, talkative, lacks appreciation, scattered and unproductive, reckless, disconnected,

temperamental, bluffs to serve their needs, spiteful, introspective, reclusive, ungrateful, and


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Magha (The Mighty One) (0°00 to 13°20' Leo)

General Characteristics: Has numerous servants, spiritually inclined to worship God and

ancestors, engaged often at work

Symbol: Palanquin; the royal seat upon which the king is carried through his towns, royal throne


Animal Symbol: Male rat

Ruling Planet: Ketu

Nature: Rakshasa (demon)

Presiding deity: Pitras - Fathers of Humanity; guardian angels who gives protection in the event

of calamities.

Strengths: Clear, intelligent, has many admirers, positive, conservative, balanced, respectful to

others, kind, helps others, love life and parties will be to the maximum, dependable, likes to be

honored for accomplishments, respectful of traditions, enjoys ceremonies, follows chains of

command, does well when praised, likes to be served and given attention.

Weekness: Arrogant, short tempered, prejudiced, jealous, resentful, has a strong dislike for

those who dislike them; or to those who treat them with disrespect, discontented when fails to

meet goals, too high standards, susceptible to flattery, cruel to those who don't show them

respect, racial superiority, susceptible to physical problems.

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Purva Phalguni (The Former Red One or A Fig Tree) (13°20' to 26°30' Leo)

General Characteristics: Polite in speech, generous in nature, a habit of wandering,

Symbol: Swinging hammock - rest and restoration, front legs of a bed, or a post.

Animal Symbol: Female Rat

Ruling Planet: Venus

Nature: Humanity (Manushya)

Presiding deity: Bhaga; the god of good fortune and prosperity.

Strengths: Creative, intelligent, active, charming, sincere, leadership qualities, carefree in

nature, physical approaches to healing, open minded, sweet at speech, generous, demands

fame and attention, faithful to issues; and those they believe them, mystical nature,

spokesperson, aristocratic, cultured, refined, gifted in fine arts, youthful, enthusiastic, loving,

good at relationships.

Weakness: Vanity, indulgent, impulsive at mind, immoral in nature, selfish, reckless, spend thrift

- accumulates debt, addictive personality, hates being uncomfortable, needs stimulation, spiteful,

lack of planning, and unmotivated.

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Uttara Phalguni (The latter red one or a fig tree) (26°40' Leo to 10°00' Virgo)

General Characteristics: Emphasis on healing others, earns money by their learning, liked by

all, live a life in comfort and luxury.

Symbol: A bed or 2 rear legs of a cot.

Animal Symbol: Male Cow (bull)

Ruling Planet: Sun

Nature: Manushya (human)

Presiding deity: Aryaman; The God of leadership, honor, nobility and society.

Strengths: Popular, hard worker, ambitious, benefits from those in power, good communicator,

successful, friendly, reliable, focused, happy in nature, loves luxury and comfort, material desires

are fulfilled, capacity for enjoying life, liberal; yet has fixed principles, balanced leader, happy,

socially adept, generally fortunate, generous, kind, compassionate, courage, endurance, spiritual

and mental advancements.

Weakness: Immoral, over-giving, egotistical, restless, inconsiderate of others' feelings,

obstinate, aloof, bossy, vain, arrogant, takes too much for themselves, stubborn, critical,

resentful, a social climber, could be sad or angry under a happy smile, and lack of self


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Hasta (The hand) (10°00' to 23°20' Virgo)

General Characteristics: : Purity at thought and deed; as well as self-control, active, and full of


Symbol: A hand - open hand blessing humanity.

Animal Symbol: Female Buffalo

Ruling Planet: Moon

Nature: Deva (god-like)

Presiding deity: Savitar; the Sun God who imparts creativity and transforms energy.

Strengths: Creative, pleasant, humorous, skilled at arts, charming, practical, attractive, wealth

will be acquired late in life, many relationships, generous, unattached, intelligent, persuasive,

cordial, weighs their words to avoid expressing anger, self-motivated, in control, focused on

acquisition, good at defending and promoting their own interests, understands the value of social

rituals and courtesies, skilled in providing service, insensitive, takes advantage of opportunities in

new areas or in foreign lands, competent, determined, industrious worker, easily changes.

Weakness: Likes competition and conflicts, restless - wants spiritual experiences, changeable,

con artist, self interest, emotionally unsettled, lower self opinion, blatant, mistrustful,

overindulgence in pleasuring themselves, nasty, mechanical in dealing with those who provide

them no advantage, abuse of drugs, controlling, alcohol, and/or food to cope, critical when under

stress, suppressed, health issues.

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Chitra (The brilliant) (23°20 Virgo to 6°40' Libra)

General Characteristics: Attractive, sociable, intelligent, and natural leaders.

Symbol: A bright jewel or pearl; reflecting the spirit within us, or a shining light.

Animal Symbol: Female tiger

Ruling Planet: Mars

Nature: Rakshasa (demon)

Presiding deity: Lord Tvashtar or Vishvakarma; the celestial architect of the universe.

Strengths: Attractive, artistic, great lovers, independent, natural leader who wants to make an

impact on their lives, sociable, perceptive, high-spirited, elegant, conversant, dignified, judicious,

good business skills, happy, well dressed and well groomed, well read, drawn to philosophy and

social thought, performs well outside their native or in foreign countries, handy, incline toward

more physical expressions of art such as sculpture, printmaking, competent designer.

Weakness: Superiority complex, arrogant, easily bored, self centered, attracted to exciting; yet

negligent mates, quarrelsome, critical, too quick to challenge someone's view point, corrupt,

amoral, does not save money.

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Swati (The priest, the sword) (6°40 to 20°20' Libra)

General Characteristics: Sweet, soft spoken, righteous, compassionate, mild, quiet natured, controls passions and desires, skilled in trade, merciful, charitable. Symbol: Coral; strong intuitive and psychic properties - A young sprout quivering in the wind.Animal Symbol: Male BuffaloRuling Planet: RahuNature: Devas (god-like)Presiding deity: Vayu the demigod of wind, air, and breath.

Strengths: Tender, moral, good at business; clever in trade and commerce, truth-seeking, studious, meek, truthful, humanitarian; cares about others, leaps before acting, accurate, reduces things to their simplest components, uncorrupted, friendly, positive outlook, disciplined, seeks harmony, generous, active in spiritual organizations or humanitarian causes, likes to be around religious or well integrated people, interested in scientific or philosophical thought, independent, traveler, influential communication.

Weakness: Do not know their limitations resulting in loss of money, status, and respect, creates debt due to spending nature, discontented due to patronizing goals, restless, critical, fault finding, not concerned with family, shy, monastic, self isolating, secretive, hides their passions and sexual urges, gives too much away, absurd but creative thinker, vulnerable to the whims of others, short tempered.

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Vishakha(20°00 Libra to 3°20' Scorpio)

In the night sky, Vishakha consists of four stars in the constellation of Libra: Alpha, Beta,

Gamma, and Iota Librae. These stars form a “forked branch” and can be seen under the bright

star Spica. In astrology, Vishakha bridges the signs of Libra and Scorpio. It is referred to as a

nakshatra of purpose because it gives determination and a single-pointed focus. People born

under Vishakha often find themselves at a crossroads. Once they choose a direction, they have

the ambition, along with the patience to succeed, even if success arrives later in life. This star

fuels competition and also gives excellent leadership abilities. Vishakha is a combination of its

ruling deities, the mighty Indra and the purifying Agni. Thus, people born under Vishakha have

passionate and courageous warrior energy.

General Characteristics:Energy, strength and potential power; bright in appearance; distinct in

speaking; skilled at making money.

Translation:“The Forked One”, “Two Branched”, “Radha”

Symbol:An archway covered with leaves and used in marriage ceremonies; a potter’s wheel; a

tree with spreading branches giving protection to others

Animal Symbol:A Male Tiger

Presiding Deity: Lord Indra, the God of Transformation; Lord Agni, the God of Fire.

Controlling Planet:Jupiter

Ruling Deity of Jupiter: Shiva

Nature: Rakshasa (Demon)

Mode: Active

Number:16 (associated with destructive energy)

Gender: Female

Dosha: Kapha

Guna: Sattwic

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Element: Fire

Disposition: Sharp and Soft

Bird: Red Tail Sparrow


Common Name:Wood Apple, Kaith, Vila

Botanical Name:Feronia Limonia

Seed Sounds: Ti, Tu, Te, To (see Padas of Vishakha)

Also related to Planets:Venus, as the ruler of Libra; Mars as the ruler of Scorpio; Ketu, who has

a strong influence on Scorpio

Each Nakshatra is divided into four quarters called padas that contain more specific

characteristics of a person born during the pada of Vishakha:


First Pada:

First Pada: 20-00’ – 23-20’ of Libra.Ruled by MarsSoul Sound: Ti (Thee)Keyword: Zeal

Second Pada:

Second Pada: 23-20’ – 26-40’ of Libra.Ruled by VenusSoul Sound: Tu (Thoo)Keyword: Persistence

Third Pada:

Third Pada: 26-40’ – 30-00’ of Libra.Ruled by MercurySoul Sound: Te (They)Keyword: Expression

Fourth Pada:

Fourth Pada: 0-00’ – 3-20’ of Scorpio.Ruled by MoonSoul Sound: To (Tho)Keyword: Transformation

Strength: Success through own efforts; intelligence of the highest order; powerful achiever; bright

appearance; attracts others; has respect for intelligent and spiritual people; enterprising; self-

satisfied; determined; clever; accomplishes many things; humanitarian; politically inclined;

excellent communicator; persuasive speech; leadership qualities; truthful; sexually alluring; a

strong desire for marriage; benefits through marriage; traveler; mathematically skilled;


Weakness: Overly talkative; militant; creates quarrels between people; restless; envious of

other's success; critical and finds faults with others; infidelity; overly ambitious; manipulates

others to meet their own needs; socially isolated; does not take advice; offensive; stingy; difficult

to like; greedy; deceitful; aggressive; authoritarian; quick to take offense; argumentative; jealous;

frustration and anger when goals are obstructed; suspicious; possessive; envious; feels

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suppressed and taken advantage of by others; too many interests; not satisfied by


Professions: Researchers, scientists, soldiers, military leaders, writers, politicians, lawyers,

public speakers, immigration officials, police, guards, manual laborers, fashion models,

professions involving speech (broadcasters), sports figures, religious fundamentalists, dancers,


Famous Vishakhas: Jimmy Carter, Warren Beatty, Alexander the Great, Margaret Thatcher,

Elizabeth Taylor

Favorable Activities: Accomplishing tasks, aggressive or harsh activities, executive talents,

argumentative tactics, anything requiring focus on goals, celebrations, parties, awards or

decoration ceremonies, ornamentation, getting dressing up, romance and sexual activity, making


Unfavorable Activities: Initiations, diplomacy, travel, marriage


Sacred Energy Vortex: Tirumalai Murugan Koil Temple

The temple connected to the energy of Vishakha star is located in Tirunelveli District, near the

village Sengottai in Tamil Nadu, India. It is called Tirumalai Murugan Koil. This temple is situated

on the Tirumalai hill with several steps leading up to the shrine. This sacred temple is also known

by the names Panmozhi, Panpozhi, Panpuli and Tirupathi. Lord Vishnu gave his blessing for

Lord Muruga to reside in this sacred site. This temple also reveals a special relationship between

Lord Muruga and Sabbarimalai Ayyappan. There is a holy temple for Ayyappan (the son of Lord

Shiva and Mohini, the female incarnation of Lord Vishnu) located nearby in Sabhari Malai,


Tirumalai Murugan Koil contains powerful energies with the capacity to cure diseases. There are

rare medicinal herbs available at this temple. One such herb, Oda Valli, produces a remedy for

venomous snake bites and other ailments caused by poison. The Thala herbs present at

Tirumalai also have healing medicinal properties. In addition to remedial herbs, a special pooja

performed with thirty-two different oils will assist with recovery from disease or illness. One must

first rinse in the pool at Tirumalai and then walk around the temple with the oil lamp. This offering

produces thirty-two types of healing energy.

Those people born under Vishakha star should visit this temple and present an offering of light to

Lord Muruga. Tirumalai has special light rays that form a powerful energy called Vishakha Jothi.

This energy is contained within the Vishakha star. Those born under other birth stars may also

visit Tirumalai for healing energies. The ancestral ritual of tarpanum may be conducted as well.

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The Skandha Goshta Pithrus (ancestors) reside in the divine steps of Tirumalai Murgan Koil, so

offering tarpanum here will bring blessings to your ancestors.

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Anuradha (3°20' to 16°40' Scorpio)

The nakshatra Anuradha consists of the stars Beta, Delta, and Pi Scorpionis. These three stars

are visible in the night sky as they appear in a straight line above the bright red star, Antares.

The ruling deity, Mitra, bestows the ability to develop and sustain friendships. Anuradha is a star

related to success and can produce fame and recognition, especially through collaboration. This

nakshatra uses both intuition and logic to produce a remarkable understanding of numbers.

Travel and success in foreign lands are also supported by this star. People born under Anuradha

promote cooperation among humanity and are capable of leading and organizing large groups.

They must, however, monitor their level of frustration and melancholy. Similar to the lotus flower,

Anuradha has the persistence and ability to blossom in the midst of difficulty.

General Characteristics:: Fun-loving; affluent; travels or lives in foreign countries; moves from

place to place, cannot withstand hunger.

Translation:"Another Radha" or "Subsequent Success"

Symbol:Lotus flower; a staff; a furrow; or an archway

Animal Symbol: A Female Deer or Hare

Controlling Planet: Saturn

Ruling Deity of Saturn: Hanuman

Nature: Deva (god-like)

Mode: Passive

Number:17 (this number relates to numerology)

Gender: Male

Dosha: Pitta

Guna: Tamasic

Element: Fire

Disposition: Mild and Tender (Mridu)

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Bird: Nightingale


Common Name: Bullet Wood, Magilam

Botanical Name: Mimusops elangi

Seed Sounds: Na, Ni, Nu, Ne (see Padas of Anuradha)

Also related to Planets:Mars, as ruler of the Scorpio, provides initiative; Ketu is also connected

to Scorpio and gives an interest in the unseen mysteries

Each Nakshatra is divided into four quarters called padas that contain more specific

characteristics of a person born during the pada of Anuradha:


First Pada:

03-20' – 06-40' of Scorpio.Ruled by SunSoul Sound: Na (Naa)Keyword: Self Expression

Second Pada:

06-40' – 10-00' of Scorpio.Ruled by MercurySoul Sound: Ni (Nee)Keyword: Research

Third Pada:

10-00' – 13-20' of Scorpio. Ruled by VenusSoul Sound: Nu (Noo)Keyword: Social

Fourth Pada:

13-20' – 16-40' of Scorpio.Ruled by MarsSoul Sound: Ne (Nay)Keyword: Esoteric

Favorable: Energetic; spirited; fun-loving; popular; attractive; vigorous; wise; spiritual seeker;

interested in ancient knowledge; hard worker; capable of predicting; devoted; reliable; healthy;

accommodates many people; enjoys social life and organizations; enjoys travel; benefits more if

they live away from their place of birth; ability to attract and maintain friendships; cooperate with

others; ability to lead and form alliances.

Unfavorable: Needs constant nourishment; feels guilty for unwanted things; guarded; deceitful;

held back by others; cannot cope up with hunger or thirst; emotionally needy; rebellious; adheres

to bad advice and suffers consequences; jealous and controlling of others; unaware of their

impact on others; may be discontented due to a lack of maternal nurturing; defiant; vindictive;

moves frequently due to dissatisfaction; tries too hard for spiritual progress.

Professions: Actors, musicians, business management, travel industry, dentists, criminal

lawyers, mining engineers, scientists, statistician, mathematician, psychic mediums, astrologers,

spies, photographers, cinema, industrialist, counselors, psychologists, explorers, diplomats,

occupations connected to foreign countries, group activities organization/institution executive

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Famous Anuradhas: Kevin Costner, Steve Allen, Alex Haley, Gerard Depardieu

Favorable Activities: Relating and socializing with friends, group activities, scientific research,

travel to foreign lands, immigration, healing, meditation, financial tasks, exploration, covert


Unfavorable Activities: Beginnings or inaugural events, marriage, confrontation, routine or

commonplace activities


Sacred Energy Vortex: Thirunindriyur Sri Lakshmipureeswarar Temple

The temple associated with the energy of Anuradha star is located near the Thanjavur District of

Mayilaadudhurai in Tamil Nadu, India. The temple is known locally as Thirunindriyur. Goddess

Lakshmi worshipped the Siva lingam at this sacred vortex. She prayed to Lord Shiva and asked

for his blessing to remain in the chest of Sriman Narayana Moorthy, an incarnation of Lord

Vishnu. Due to the devotion of the Goddess, Lord Shiva has the name Sri Lakshmipureeswarar

at this shrine.

People born under Anuradha star should visit the shrine for Sri Lakshmipureeswarar at this

temple on Anuradha day, a birthday, or a wedding. It is recommended to perform archana with

lotus flowers, an abhishekam and anoint Sri Lakshmipureeswara with sandalwood paste and

pomegranate seeds. An offering of sweet rice can be given to the poor near the temple. In

addition, one can bath in the holy temple pool and perform a Lakshmi Panjami Vrath pooja for

five days. This is a powerful remedy for financial difficulties.

People born under other stars may also benefit by worshiping Sri Lakshmipureeswarar at this

sacred site. On Anuradha day, Lord Shiva is adorned with colorful garments that are favorable to

Goddess Lakshmi. People can offer a ghee lamp with three wicks and walk around the Sri

Lakshmipureeswarar shrine. People may also offer gold or silver wedding badge, in accordance

with their financial status, or a turmeric covered cord to the poor married woman. As a result, this

remedy will release negative financial karma

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Jyestha (16°40' to 30°00' Scorpio)

Jyestha is identifiable in the night sky as the brilliant red star Antares. This star resides at the

heart of Scorpio and is many times larger than our own Sun. Jyestha means the “eldest” and is a

star associated with seniority. People born under this star have the capacity for great

accomplishment, but they must first learn to deal with their inner conflicts and wield their power

responsibly. The symbol of Jyestha is an earring or disc which represents the energy of Lord

Vishnu and Mercury. This bestows protection and intellectual abilities. Those born under Jyestha

will defend the vulnerable or underprivileged. The ruling deity, Lord Indra, gives a shrewd and

courageous nature. Jyestha people must be cautious of the tendency to become overly

concerned with recognition. Their generosity and charity is the key to establishing authority.

General Characteristics:Brilliant and analytical abilities, few friends, cheerful and virtuous.

Translation:“The Eldest”, “Seniormost”

Symbol:Earring, Umbrella, or Circular protective talisman (may represent Vishnu's disc)

Animal Symbol: A Male Deer or Hare

Presiding Deity: Lord Indra, king of the Gods

Controlling Planet: Mercury

Ruling Deity of Mercury:Vishnu

Nature: Rakshasa (demon)

Mode: Active

Number:18 (connected to the energy of the Moon)

Gender: Female

Dosha: Vata

Guna: Sattwic

Element: Air

Disposition: Sharp and Dreadful

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Bird: Brahmani Duck


Common Name: Rattan

Botanical Name:Calammus rotang

Seed Sounds: No, Ya, Yi, Yu (see Padas of Jyestha

Also related to Planets:Mars, the ruler of Scorpio, gives protection and activity; while Ketu,

closely associated with Scorpio, brings transformation

Each Nakshatra is divided into four quarters called padas that contain more specific

characteristics of a person born during the pada of Jyestha:


First Pada:

16-40' – 20-00' of Scorpio. Ruled by JupiterSoul Sound: NoKeyword: Generosity

Second Pada:

20-00' – 23-20' of Scorpio. Ruled by SaturnSoul Sound: Ya (Yaa)Keyword: Responsibility

Third Pada:

23-20' – 26-40' of Scorpio. Ruled by SaturnSoul Sound: Yi (Yee) Keyword: Altruism

Fourth Pada:

26-40' – 30-00' of Scorpio. Ruled by JupiterSoul Sound: Yu (Yoo)Keyword: Sacrifice

Strength: Most successful in their family; builds friendships and a support network; resourceful;

generous; self-reliant; eventually wealthy; takes charge of the family; passionate; reputable;

receives fame and honors; self-reliant; takes control; and get things done; fond of wit; virtuous;

satisfied; talented at music; capacity for inventive design; has creative genius; interested in the

occult; can accomplish anything they set their minds to; persevere to make a difference.

Weakness: Short tempered; affected by family problems; too intense in nature; self-important;

egotism; hides their feelings and intentions; peaceful demeanor; covers impatience and

immorality; manipulative; control issues; irritable; lonely; possessive; dramatizes illness and

troubles to gain sympathy; possesses many illnesses; many job changes; troubles in early life;

tormented; hypocritical and secretive behavior.

Professions: Musicians, military leaders, politicians, bureaucrats, police detectives, engineers,

managers, philosopher, intellectuals, self-employed, government officials, administrative posts,

reporters, radio and TV commentators, talk show hosts, actors, orators, firemen, trade unionists,

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occultists, mafia, forest rangers, professions with the salvation army, manual labor, athletes, air

traffic control, radar, surgeons.

Famous Jyesthas: Albert Einstein, Mozart, Beethoven, Vincent Van Gogh, Thomas Jefferson,

Tiger Woods

Favorable Activities: Activities requiring responsibility, protection, plotting, spying, putting your

foot down, taking control, harsh activity, expressing authority, administration, associating with

elders, taking care of family, occult activities, discussions on serious issues, planning, discipline

Unfavorable Activities: Marriage, infidelity, selfishness, taking advantage of others, healing,

travel, too much rest, overindulgence, activities that require diplomacy or sensitivity


Sacred Enegy Vortex: Pasupathi Koil Sri Varadharaja Perumal Temple

Varadharaja Perumal Koil is located in the village of Pasupathi near Thanjavur in Tamil Nadu,

India. It is commonly referred to as the Jyeshta Temple because the energy of this shrine

resonates with that of Jyestha star. An incarnation of Lord Vishnu, Sri Varadharaja Perumal

resides at this sacred vortex. Varad means boon and Raja means king. Thus, Sri Varadaraja

Perumal is the royal one who offers blessings to the world from this temple.

Just as Lord Vishnu manifests among the stars in the heavens, he also manifests among those

who visit Pasupathi Koil. The twenty-seven nakshatra goddesses visit this temple each day and

perform a marriage festival to Sri Varadaraja Perumal. Also at this sacred energy vortex, Sri

Periya Nambi Swamigal meditated on Lord Vishnu with full devotion and contemplation. On

Jyestha star day, Lord Vishnu appeared before him in the form of Sri Varadaraja Perumal and

offered Divine Grace. The samadhi (still meditation) of Sri Periya Nambigal is located adjacent to

the main shrine at Pasupathi Koil. It is auspicious to light a lamp containing three oils and receive

darshan at the samadhi of Sri Periya Nambigal on Jyestha star day.

Those people born under Jyestha star should visit Pasupathi Koil with their family. It is favorable

to visit the temple when Jyestha star falls on a Tuesday, combining the power of Mars and

Jyestha. Siddhas and other divine beings give darshan on this day. These blessings have the

ability to remove past life karmas, increase the effects of virtuous action and protect a person's

family. Those born under other stars will also benefit from a visit to this temple. They may offer

archana and abhishekam to Sri Varadharaja Perumal and receive the darshan of siddhas who

manifest in the light

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Moola(0°00 to 13°20' Sagittarius)

The nakshatra Moola is represented by the tail of the Scorpion, which includes the nine stars:

Epsilon, Mu, Zeta, Eta, Theta, Iota, Kappa, Upsilon and Lambda Scorpionis. This nakshatra is

located at the center of our Galaxy, which is indicative of the nature of Moola. A person born

under this star will have an inquisitive mind that enables them get to the center or the root of

things. The person may skilled at literally handling roots and herbs and medicine. This star

supports research, investigation and exploration. The ruling deity, Goddess Nirriti, brings the

energy of loss and destruction to this nakshatra. At the deepest level, this destructive force can

be used for surrender and transformation.

General Characteristics:Enjoys exploring the root of any subject; has a deep philosophical

nature and an inquisitive mind; rich, lives in luxury, happy, not inclined to injure others,

overconfident, has firm and fixed opinions.

Translation::“The Root”, “Center”, “Innermost Core”

Symbol:Tied bunch of roots or a lion's tail

Animal Symbol:A Male Dog

Presiding Deity:Nirriti, the Goddess of destruction and dissolution

Controlling Planet:Ketu

Ruling Deity of Ketu: Ganesha

Nature: akshasa (demon)

Mode: Active

Number:19, (indicates beginning and ending)

Gender: Neuter

Dosha: Vata

Guna: Tamasic

Element: Air

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Disposition: Sharp and Dreadful

Bird:Red Vulture


Common Name:Anjan, Kammara

Botanical Name:Hardwickia binate

Seed Sounds:Ye, Yo, Bha, Bhe (see Padas of Moola)

Also related to Planets:Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, is connected to transformation and


Each Nakshatra is divided into four quarters called padas that contain more specific

characteristics of a person born during the pada of Moola:


First Pada:

00-00' – 03-20' of Sagittarius. Ruled by MarsSoul Sound: Ye (Yey)Keyword: Investigation

Second Pada:

03-20' – 06-40' of Sagittarius. Ruled by Venus Soul Sound: Yo Keyword: Creativity

Third Pada:

06-40' – 10-00' of Sagittarius. Ruled by MercurySoul Sound: Bha (Baa)Keyword: Expression

Fourth Pada:

10-00' – 13-20' of Sagittarius. Ruled by MoonSoul Sound: Bhe (Bee)Keyword: Emotion

Strength: Faces adversity with composure; skilled at persuading or manipulating people to serve

their needs; good politicians; careful; clever; able to live a comfortable life; determined to

succeed; learned; good speaking skills; spiritually inclined; generous; jovial; successful;

determined; fortune in foreign lands; peace loving; adventurous; brave; explorers.

Weakness: Creates own insecurities; lacks appreciation for others; overly focused on goals; not

trustworthy; arrogant; self-destructive; stubborn; sabotages their own achievements; has many

unsuccessful affairs and/or marriages; low tolerance for boredom; indecisive; fickle at

relationships; arrogant; selfish; lust and anger; low boredom threshold; takes lot and gives very

little back.

Professions: Business, sales, doctors, pharmacist, philosophers, public speakers, debaters,

preachers, writers, lawyers, politicians, spiritual teachers, healers, herbalist, dentists, medicine

men, psychotherapists, ascetics, police officers, investigators, soldiers, genetic researchers,

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astronomers, mortician, rock musicians, tantric studies, treasure hunters, mining industry,

destructive activity

Famous Moolas: Dalai Lama, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Al Gore, Judy Garland, Billy Graham

Favorable Activities: Getting down to the root of the matter, Gathering knowledge,

Administering Herbs and Medicines, Planting and Gardening, Agriculture, Designing, Oratory

activities, Forcefulness, Dynamism, Laying foundations for houses, Construction, Buying and

Selling homes, Expressing sexuality, Contemplation and Meditation, Initiation into study of

science and astrology, Adventures

Unfavorable Activities: Activity involving balance, tact or diplomacy; Initiations or Beginnings;

Marriage Ceremony, Borrowing or Lending money; Financial transactions


Sacred Energy Vortex: Mappedu Graceful Singesswarar Temple

The Graceful Singesswar Temple is located in Mappedu on the Thakkolam route near Chennai,

India. This sacred temple vibrates with the energy of Moola nakshatra and has great significance

for those born under this star. The sounds of the Tamil alphabet are closely associated with the

Mappedu Temple. Lord Shiva manifested as Sri Singesswara and gave the sacred gift of the

Tamil alphabet ‘nga' to the great Saint Agasthiya. At Mappedu Temple Agasthiya shared this

knowledge with a sage named Sudhabudha Munivar, who introduced the alphabet to the world.

Through these holy sounds, the shrine at Mappedu Temple holds sacred energy for music. Moola star day is the most auspicious day for Sri Singeeswarar, who is the lord of music. On this day, he generated the sound of ‘aum' as a lion's roar. At this temple, a devotee named Sri Anjaneyar piously worshipped Sri Singeeswarar. Then, on Moola star day, Anjaneyar was blessed as Goddess Saraswati wrote the musical note of ‘aum' onto his tongue with a white lotus flower. Anjaneyar shared this note as he played a special wind instrument at Mappedu Temple.

Those born under Moola star should worship at this holy site at least once during their lifetime. It

is also auspicious for those born under other stars to make offerings at Mappedu. Those who

walk around the temple and then sound the conch will enhance their musical abilities. It is also

favorable for musicians to perform a concert on Moola star day.

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Purvashada (13°20' to 26°40' Sagittarius)

Purvashadha is composed of three stars located in the middle portion of Sagittarius: Kaus

Australis, Kaus Borealis, and Kaus Media. These stars are easily visible in the night sky and are

thought to resemble a fan. People born under this star have an optimistic and independent

nature. They feel invincible and believe they cannot lose. The ruling deity, Apas, brings a strong

connection with the element of water. Thus, Purvashadha is associated with fluidity and power.

Those born under this nakshatra have the capacity to inspire and energize others. Yet they must

be aware of mental aggression and confrontation. Purvashadha also has a reputation for staring

battles and produces fearlessness.

General Characteristics:Proud in nature, a strong attachment to friends, and an agreeable


Translation:“The Former Invincible One”, “Former Unconquered”, “Undefeated”

Symbol:A fan or a winnowing basket (used to separate grain from its husk), a bed or an

elephant tusk

Animal Symbol:A Male Monkey

Presiding Deity:Apas, the cosmic waters deified as God.

Controlling Planet:Venus

Ruling Deity of Venus: Lakshmi

Nature: Manushya (human)

Mode: Balanced

Number:20, (this number is connected to Venus energy and harmony)

Gender: Female

Dosha: Pitta

Guna: Rajasic

Element: Air

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Disposition: Fierce and Severe (Ugra)



Common Name:Guduchi

Botanical Name:Tinospora Cordifolia

Seed Sounds:Bu, Dah, Bha, Dha (see Padas of Purva Ashadha)

Also related to Planets:Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, gives powerful beliefs; Mercury is

associated through its youthful nature

Each Nakshatra is divided into four quarters called padas that contain more specific

characteristics of a person born during the pada of Purva Ashadha:


First Pada:

13-20' – 16-40' of Sagittarius. Ruled by SunSoul Sound: BuKeyword: Confidence

Second Pada:

16-40' – 20-00' of Sagittarius.Ruled by MercurySoul Sound: DahKeyword: Intellect

Third Pada:

20-00' – 23-20' of Sagittarius. Ruled by VenusSoul Sound: BhaKeyword: Luxury

Fourth Pada:

23-20' – 26-40' of Sagittarius.Ruled by MarsSoul Sound: DhaKeyword: Mystery

Strength:Influential; artistic; handsome; popular; polite; patient faithful to friends; intelligent;

loves the comforts of life; attracted to water; supportive; courageous; humble; wealthy; loves fine

cuisine; has a enjoyable relationship with spouse; capable of having many children; makes a

good manager; but prefers to be in service; valuable employee; seeks the truth.

Weakness: : Egotistical; inflexible; superiority complex; argumentative; not open to advice;

works hard for little pay; incompetent manager; bouts of loud and raucous behavior; dictatorial;

obstinate; lacks patience with those who are slower to change; settles for less.

Professions: Politicians, lawyers, public speakers, motivational speaker, writers, actors, artists,

entertainment, poets, teachers, travel industry, foreign traders, shipping industry, navy officer,

marine experts, fishing industry, hypnotists, psychic, raw material industry, professions related to

water and liquids, refineries, war strategists, costume designers, hair stylists, flying profession,


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Famous Purvashadahas: Adolf Hitler, Johnny Carson, William James, Ernest Hemingway,

Barbara Bush, Aishwarya Rai

Favorable Activities: Confrontation with enemies and opponents, standing up for beliefs,

reconciliations, settling debts, going to war, inspiring people into action, revitalization, adventure,

exploration in nature, sports, pioneering, travelling over water, sailing, artistic performances,

visiting ancient sites, agriculture, marriage, sexual activity

Unfavorable Activities: Requiring tact and diplomacy, calm reflection, completion of things, land



Sacred Energy Vortex: Kaduveli Graceful Aakaasapureeswarar Temple

The Graceful Aakaasapureeswarar Temple is located in Kaduveli village, near Tiruvaiyaru in

Tamil Nadu, India. This temple shares the brilliant energy of the Purvashadha. This energy

always moves in the form of light. Kaduveli is known as the edge of cosmic space. Lord Shiva

created a brilliant light at Kaduveli through palm leaves. Once he created this magnificent light,

Lord Shiva revealed its existence at the Kaduveli Temple. A Siddha named Kaduveli Siddha

performed penance at this temple and after witnessing Lord Shiva manifest as Sri

Akaasapureeswarar, Kaduveli Siddha was transported to the border of cosmic space to continue

his penance.

It is auspicious for those born under Purvashadha to visit this temple and make offerings to Sri

Aakaasapureeswarar at least once in their lifetime. Those not born under Purvashadha may also

benefit by worshipping at Kaduveli Temple. It is favorable to visit on Purvashadha day and

perform archana , offer flowers to Sri Aakaasapureeswarar and ask for the blessings of Lord


There are special poojas for Vaasthu (the science of arranging the five elements). The Kaduveli

temple it is appropriate to conduct the Vassthu pooja for the earth element. This is beneficial to

perform before constructing a building or home. This offering is important for people in real

estate, construction and building maintenance. To perform the Vaasthu pooja, one must offer

aromatic scents, perform abhishekam, anoint the deity with sandalwood and kesari (flour, sugar,

cardamom) and adorn the Siva Lingam with fragrant flowers. It is also favorable to offer pongal

(sweetened boiled rice) to the poor people near the temple. This pooja will invoke the blessings

of Sri Aakaasapureeswarar and Vaasthu.

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Uttarashadha (26°40' Sagittarius to 10°00' Capricorn)

The nakshatra Uttarashadha bridges the signs of Sagittarius and Capricorn in the astrology

chart. In the night sky, Uttarashadha is visible as the stars Sigma, Tau, Phi, Zeta Sagittarii.

These are the brightest stars in the breast of the archer. Uttarashadha is a star of deep integrity

and concern for humanity. The deities of this star, the ten Vishvadevas, are the gods of dharma.

Thus, a person born under this star may have noble aspirations and an optimistic outlook on life.

Uttarashadha supports leadership, achievement and a commitment to duty. They must be careful

not to overextend themselves or become obsessed with constant stimulation. This star is

associated with great respect for tradition and a practical approach to beginning new ventures.

General Characteristics:Searching for the spiritually unknown; becomes deeply involved in any

task; obedient, trained in the rules of virtue; grateful, popular and always returns favors.

Translation:“Latter Invincible One”, “Latter unconquered”, “Final victory”

Symbol:Elephant’s tusk; planks of a bed

Animal Symbol:A Male Mongoose

Presiding Deity:The Ten Vishvadevas, the sons of Lord Dharma

Controlling Planet:Sun

Ruling Deity of Sun: Shiva

Nature: Manushya (human)

Mode: Balanced

Number:21, (associated with the crown chakra and universal perspective)

Gender: Female

Dosha: Kapha

Guna: Sattwic

Element: Air

Disposition: Fixed or permanent (dhruva)

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Common Name:Bread Fruit

Botanical Name:Artocarpus heterophyllus

Seed Sounds:Be, Bo, Ja, Ji (see Padas of Uttarashadha)

Also related to Planets:Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, gives expansion; Saturn, the ruler of

Capricorn, is practicality

Each Nakshatra is divided into four quarters called padas that contain more specific

characteristics of a person born during the pada of Uttarashadha:


First Pada:

26-40’ – 30-00’ of Sagittarius. Ruled by JupiterSoul Sound: Be (Bay)Keyword: Expansion

Second Pada:

00-00’ – 03-20’ of Capricorn. Ruled by SaturnSoul Sound: Bo Keyword: Manifestation

Third Pada:

03-20’ – 06-40’ of Capricorn. Ruled by SaturnSoul Sound: Ja (Jaa)Keyword: Collaboration

Fourth Pada:

06-40’ – 10-00’ of Capricorn. Ruled by Jupiter Soul Sound: Ji (Jee) Keyword: Balance

Strength: Virtuous; intelligent; sympathetic listener; leadership qualities; good politicians; well-

liked; devoted to friends and companions; grateful; idealistic with high goals; modest; optimistic;

has some knowledge that sets them apart; proficient in learning; enjoys reading to gain

knowledge; benefits through travels; tolerant; wants a fair play and justice; good manners;

appreciative of others.

Weakness: Multiple marriages or long-term relationships; stays in destructive relationships too

long; overly anxious; takes on other people’s problems; obstinate; self centered; self indulgent;

changes residences more than most; faces early adversity in life; apathetic; fails to finish what

they start.

Professions: Professions of great responsibility and ethical nature, researchers, scientists,

military worker, social worker, government worker, preachers, priests, counselors, astrologers,

lawyers, judges, psychologists, equine professions, explorers, wrestlers, athletes, hunters,

boxers, business executives, authority figures, security personnel, rangers, construction industry,

holistic physicians.

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Famous Uttarashadhas: Abraham Lincoln, Robert Kennedy, George Washington, John

Lennon, Brad Pitt, Billy Holiday

Favorable Activities: It is one of the best nakshatras for initiating activities, planning events,

spiritual activities, rituals, using discernment, business affairs, signing contracts, promotions,

dealing with authority, artistic ventures, laying a foundation for a building, moving into a new

home, marriage, politics, and legal matters

Unfavorable Activities: Travel, unethical activities, criminal activity, impulsive actions, rude

behavior, conclusions


Sacred Energy Vortex: Keezhppoongudi Sri Meenakshi Samedha Sri Sundareswarar Temple

This sacred shrine is located in Keezhppoongudi near Madurai in the state of Tamil Nadu, India.

Keezh translates as “not hidden” while Poongudi refers to a temple where flowers bloom in the

East. Uttarashadha is a propitious star that vibrates with the energy of this temple. It is

auspicious to receive the darshan of Jeeva Samaadhi (still meditation) Siddhas on Uttarashada

star day. This will bring poise, wealth and strength to one’s spiritual practice.

Panguni Uthiram (Uttarashada day between Dec. 16 and Jan 15) is the well known day of

marriage for Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu, Lord Mugura and their consorts. Another important

marriage occurred on an Uttarashadha day. Sri Meenaskshi Ambhigai was married on Chittirai

Uthiram (Jan 16 to Feb 15). Meenaskshi Devi took a human form as Meenakshi when she

married Maheswaran. She prayed to Lord Shiva for a name blessed with the energy of

Ardhanareeswarar (the unity of Shiva and Parvati). Lord Shiva presented her with the sacred

name Sri Meenaskhi Sundareswarar.

At this temple, Lord Shiva and Goddess Meenakshi grant divine grace by manifesting as Sri

Meenakshi Samedha Sri Sundareswarar. This sacred shrine of Lord Shiva at Keezhappoongudi

provides auspicious energy for marriage. Uttarashada star is the most favorable day for a

wedding ceremony at this sacred site. Women visit the temple to tie new marriage badges. This

protects their marriage and grants longevity. Couples also visit this temple on their wedding day

and wear flower garlands.

Those born in Uttarashada star should worship frequently at this temple. It is especially beneficial

to visit during the month of Chittirai. Those born under a different star should also worship at this

temple during the auspicious time of Uttarashada day for divine blessings of a long and happy

married life.

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Shravana(10°00' to 23°20' Capricorn)

Looking up into the night sky, Shravana consists of the stars Altair, Alshain and Tarazed. These

three stars form the head of Aquila, the Eagle. The word Shravana translates as “hearing” and

the symbol of this star is the ear. This is a nakshatra of listening and learning. Just as ancient

cultures passed on knowledge through oral traditions, so also people born under Shravana have

a great ability to obtain knowledge through listening. The media and communication field are also

associated with this nakshatra. Those born under Shravana constantly seek wisdom and often

travel to foreign countries to further their education. These people have great focus for obtaining

goals and complete all the projects they begin.

General Characteristics:Prosperous, learned, wealthy, famous, and has a liberal-minded


Translation:“Hearing”, “The one who limps” (refers to Vishnu’s three steps)

Symbol:An ear; three footprints in an uneven row; a trident

Animal Symbol:A Female Monkey

Presiding Deity:Lord Vishnu, the preserver of the universe

Controlling Planet:Moon

Ruling Deity of Moon: Parvati

Nature:Deva (god-like)

Mode: Passive

Number:22, (related to new beginnings)

Gender: Male

Dosha: Kapha

Guna: Rajasic

Element: Air

Disposition: Movable

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Common Name:Swallow Wort, Milk Weed, Erukku

Botanical Name:Calotropis gigantean

Seed Sounds:Ju, Je, Jo, Gha (see Padas of Shravana)

Also related to Planets:Saturn rules of Capricorn and gives perseverance

Each Nakshatra is divided into four quarters called padas that contain more specific

characteristics of a person born during the pada of Shravana:


First Pada:

10-00’ – 13-20’ of Capricorn. Ruled by MarsSoul Sound: JuKeyword: Ambition

Second Pada:

13-20’ – 16-40’ of Capricorn. Ruled by VenusSoul Sound: Je (Jay)Keyword: Diplomacy

Third Pada:

16-40’ – 20-00’ of Capricorn. Ruled by MercurySoul Sound: JoKeyword: Communication

Fourth Pada:

20-00’ – 23-20’ of Capricorn.Ruled by MoonSoul Sound: GhaKeyword: Receptive

Strength: Great capacity for learning; success in foreign lands; lives a prosperous, balanced and

modest life; ethical; studies scriptures and ancient knowledge; contemplative; drawn to working

for social and humanitarian causes, vigilant to highest good; helps others transform their lives;

has a good marriage and a helpful partner; articulate speaker, well-liked; cordial in business;

creative; quick learner; knowledge to transcend the material world.

Weakness: Hypersensitive; overly concerned with reputation; pessimistic; an unyielding nature;

extreme views concerning ethics; excessive generosity that may lead to debt and poverty;

develops adversaries and enemies due to jealousy and gossip.

Professions: Teacher, linguist, speech therapists, language translators, story tellers, religious

scholar, educator, politicians, business, researcher, geologist, telephone operators, preservation

of ancient traditions, comedian, music industry, news broadcasters, talk show host, counselors,

psychiatrists, psychologists, astrologers, radio operator, transportation, tourism, hotel and

restaurant industry, healers, holistic medicine, general medical profession, charity worker

Famous Shravanas: Henry Ford, Muhammad Ali, George Lucas, Charles Manson, Bruce Willis,

Jessica Lange

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Favorable Activities: Beginning new ventures, counseling, listening, travel, buying property,

medical treatment, socializing, learning, study languages, reading and writing, music, philosophy,

meditation, religious activities, politics, humanitarian activities

Unfavorable Activities: Activities requiring aggression, lawsuits, battles or wars, taking risks,

making promises, taking oaths, completion of activity, lending money, marriage, adoption


Sacred Energy Vortex: Thiruppaarkadal Sri Alarmel Mangai Samedha Sri Prasanna Venkatesa

Perumal Temple

The sacred vortex associated with the energy of Shravana star is located in the village of

Thiruppaarkadal in Tamil Nadu, India. The name Thiruppaarkadal represents the ambrosia and

nectar that comes from the milky ocean. This name exudes the energy of Lord Vishnu, who is the

ruler of Shravana. Lord Vishnu manifested as Sri Prasanna Venkatesa Perumal at this temple,

where he is accompanied by his consort, Sri Alarmel Mangai.

This deity is rare as it embodies aspects of both Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva. A pooja for a pot-

like vessel containing nectar is conducted everyday at Thiruppaarkadal. The face of the vessel

represents Lord Vishnu while the neck of the vessel is Lord Shiva. This offering assists those

people who have lost their faith in the divine.

Those born under Shravana star, as well as those who are born under other stars, should

worship here frequently. One should perform archana and abhishekham with milk, honey, ghee

and sugar. This will bring blessings to manifest one’s desires. Those receiving the darshan of Sri

Prasanna Venkatessa Perumal at Thiruppaarkadal will receive the bountiful energy from all of the

incarnations of Lord Vishnu. It is also favorable to receive darshan on the third moon phase in

order to assist the education of one’s children.

People who suffer from deafness or hearing problems should play instruments on Shravana day

at Thiruppaarkadal Temple. Worshipping the energy of the sacred sounds enhances a person’s

hearing capacity through Divine Grace. This temple is also an auspicious place for doctors who

specialize in Otolaryngology (ears, nose and throat) to worship.

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Dhanishtha(23°20' Capricorn to 6°40' Aquarius)

Dhanishtha is composed of four stars in the constellation of Delphini. In the sky, the stars Alpha,

Beta, Gamma, and Delta Delphini form the head of a dolphin. In astrology, Dhanishtha bridges

the signs of Capricorn and Aquarius. This nakshatra is associated with a musical drum and is

referred to as the star of symphony. People born under this nakshatra often have natural music

abilities and also experience good rhythm and timing in all aspects of life. There is an

adventurous nature and a desire to travel associated with Dhanishtha. The ruling deities, the

eight Vasus, bestow a variety of personality traits that are reflected in the ability to live a good

and prosperous life. People born under Dhanishtha are insightful, charitable and have the

capacity to unite people for a common purpose.

General Characteristics::A liberal, brave, wealthy person who is fond of music.

Translation:: “The Wealthiest”, “The most beneficent”, “The most heard of”, “The most famous”

Symbol:Musical drum

Animal Symbol:A Female Lion

Presiding Deity: The eight Vasus, the solar gods of energy and light.

Controlling Planet: Mars

Ruling Deity of Mars: Muruga

Nature: akshasa (demon)

Mode: Active

Number:23 (signifies completion)

Gender: Female

Dosha: Pitta

Guna: Tamasic

Element: Ether

Disposition: Moveable

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Bird:Golden Bee


Common Name:Indian Mesquite, Vanni, Kejari

Botanical Name:Prosopis cinenaria

Seed Sounds:Ga, Gi, Gu, Ge (see Padas of Dhanishtha)

Also related to Planets:: Saturn, the ruler of both Capricorn and Aquarius, provides discipline;

Rahu is associated with the media

Each Nakshatra is divided into four quarters called padas that contain more specific

characteristics of a person born during the pada of Dhanishtha:


First Pada:

23-20' – 26-40' of CapricornRuled by SunSoul Sound: Ga (Gaa)Keyword: Ambition

Second Pada:

26-40' – 30-00' of Capricorn. Ruled by MercurySoul Sound: Gi (Gee)Keyword: Flexibility

Third Pada:

00-00' – 03-20' of Aquarius. Ruled by VenusSoul Sound: Gu (Goo)Keyword: Harmony

Fourth Pada:

03-20' – 06-40' of Aquarius. Ruled by MarsSoul Sound: Ge (Gay)Keyword: Rhythm

Strength: Aspires to high and dignified positions; insightful; perceptive; wealthy; charitable;

performs well in foreign countries; lives on both spiritual and material levels; compassionate;

good conversationalist; enjoys music and dance; good organizational abilities; sincere; focused

on accomplishments and developing their careers; likes old and mystifying articles; skilled at

research and astrology.

Weakness: Aggressive; ruthless; inconsiderate; deceptive; can hurt others; makes up stories

and lies; withholds information; doesn't like to be told what to do; argumentative; loquacious;

short-tempered; careless; selects incompatible companion; lustful; sexual difficulties; problems

with marriage; wants everything for themselves; covetous; self-absorbed; narcissistic.

Professions: Musician, dancer, performer, doctors, surgeons, real estate agent, property

management, scientist, researcher, physicist, engineering, mining, charity work, poet,

entertainment business, songwriter, percussionists, makers of musical instruments, vocalist, gem

dealers, athletes, group coordinators, military people, astrologers, psychics, holistic healers.

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Famous Dhanishthas: Orson Welles, Richard Nixon, Marilyn Monroe, Woody Allen, Princess

Diana, Rainer Marie Rilke

Favorable Activities: Music, dance, celebration, concerts, ceremonies, traveling, creative

activities, religious rituals, lending money, financial transactions, religious rituals, meditation,

yoga, gardening, treating diseases, commencing education ventures.

Unfavorable Activities: Marriage or sexual activity, restrictive behavior, new partnerships,

domestic activity, activities requiring tact, ingenuity or tenderness.


Sacred Energy Vortex: Korukkai Sri Pushpavalli Samedha Sri Brahma Gnanpureeswarar


The temple with most significance to Dhanishtha star is situated in Korukkai near Kumbakonam

in Tamil Nadu, India. Lord Shiva manifested as Sri Brahma Gnanapureeswarar and offered

spiritual knowledge to Lord Brahma at this temple. The grace of Sri Brahma Gnanpureeswarar

has the ability to assist children with concentration and success in their education. Sri Brahma

and his consort, Saraswati, visit this holy temple on a regular basis.

The placement of the Nandhi, the sacred bull, is the most significant aspect of Korukkai. It is

adjacent to, rather than facing, Sri Brahma Gnanpureeswarar. People who have made serious

mistakes or who lack peace of mind can offer a garland of nuts to the Nandhi. After offering the

garland, the person may whisper their problems in the ear of the sacred bull and ask for a

remedy. Furthermore, it is auspicious to offer a garland, betel leaves, nuts, turmeric, or a saree to

poor women at the temple. The blessings of Lord Shiva, Goddess Parvati and Nandhi bring

enormous benefits to those who visit this temple. Lord Shiva can remove financial obstacles and

is also helpful for relationship difficulties. It is especially beneficial to visit Korukkai when

Pradosham occurs on a Saturday.

This temple is sacred for those born under Dhanistha as this star has many spiritual connections

to divine knowledge. It is favorable to visit the temple during Aavani Avittam (August 15 -

September 14) when it is customary for people to wear sacred threads. Walking around the

sacred shrine increases one's spiritual energy. Those born under different stars will also

experience benefits if they perform an abhishekam and archana to Sri Brahma

Gnanapureeswarar at Korukkai.

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Shatabhisha (6°40' to 20°00' Aquarius)

A group of faint stars, completely within the sign of Aquarius, form the nakshatra Shatabhisha.

When gazing at this nakshatra in the sky, Sadalachbia (Gamma Aquarii) is the brightest star of

the group. Shatabhisha is known as “100 physicians” and is connected to medicine and healing

abilities. People born under this star are independent and intrigued with puzzles, research and

getting to the bottom of things. The symbol of Shatabhisha is an empty circle, which indicates the

ability to explore mysteries and philosophies of the unknown. Shatabhisha is a secretive star with

a focus on the hidden powers of life. This may lead to a reclusive life and those born under this

star must be cautious of depression and seclusion. Overall, Shatabhisha bestows a truthful,

perceptive and ambitious nature.

General Characteristics:Independent; harsh, yet truthful speech; grief-stricken, but conquers

enemies; thoughtlessly engages in work.

Translation:: “Hundred Physicians”, “Hundred Medicines”, “Possessing a Hundred Healers”

Symbol:An ox cart; an empty circle or round charm.

Animal Symbol:A Female Horse

Presiding Deity:Lord Varuna, the God of rain and cosmic waters.

Controlling Planet:Rahu

Ruling Deity of Rahu: Durga

Nature: Rakshasa (demonic)

Mode: Active


Gender: Neuter

Dosha: Vata

Guna: Tamasic

Element: Ether

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Disposition: Moveable



Common Name:Kadambha

Botanical Name:Anthocephalus cadamba a

Seed Sounds:Go, Sa, Si, Su (see Padas of Shatabhisha)

Also related to Planets:Saturn, the ruler of Aquarius, gives practicality

Each Nakshatra is divided into four quarters called padas that contain more specific

characteristics of a person born during the pada of Shatabhisha:


First Pada:

06-40’ – 10-00’ of Aquarius. Ruled by JupiterSoul Sound: GoKeyword: Enthusiasm

Second Pada:

10-00’ – 13-20’ of Aquarius. Ruled by SaturnSoul Sound: Sa (Saa)Keyword: Pragmatic

Third Pada:

13-20’ – 16-40’ of Aquarius. Ruled by SaturnSoul Sound: Si (See)Keyword: Forward thinking

Fourth Pada:

16-40’ – 20-00’ of Aquarius.Ruled by JupiterSoul Sound: Su (Soo)Keyword: Imagination

Strength: Independent; original; truthful; sharp mind; perceptive; emotionally controlled;

interested in getting to the bottom of things; prosperous; economical; clever; able to defend

themselves; enterprising; interested in astrology and other esoteric subjects; likes to solve

puzzles; provides good service; finds happiness within themselves; strong principles; strong

sense of justice; charitable; skilled in writing; sharp memory; daring; bold; artistic nature; defeats


Weakness: Loneliness; lacks self confidence; restricted; quiet yet will blurt things out in an

unrefined manner; con artist; unstable; argumentative; uncommunicative; hides true intentions;

miser; dependent on others to meet their needs; feels intensely restrained or mentally anguished;

problematic relationships; reserved; secretive; keeps weaknesses to themselves; stubborn.

Professions: Physicians, healers, surgeons, X-ray technician, astronomers, astrologers,

engineers, aeronautics, space engineer, pilots, nuclear physicists, researchers, electricians,

writers, clerical work, secretaries, film and television, drug and pharmaceutical, working with

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herbs, drug dealers, waste disposal, plastics and petroleum, automobile industry, explorer, Zen


Famous Shatabhishas: Paul Newman, Robin Williams, Elvis Presley, J. Edgar Hoover, Paul

Klee, Joe DiMaggio

Favorable Activities: Signing business deals and contracts, land and property deals, education,

travel, bike riding, acquiring new vehicles, recreational ventures, meditation, sexual activity,

astronomy and astrology, medicine, therapies, media events, technological activities, visiting the


Unfavorable Activities:

Marriage, childbirth, fertility treatments, law suits, arguments, negative action, new beginnings in

general, too much socializing, financial matters, buying clothes or jewelry, domestic activities


Sacred Energy Vortex: Thiruppuhaloor gracious Karundhaarkuzhai Samedha Sri Agneeswarar


The temple associated with Shatabhisha star is located at Thiruppuhaloor in the Thanjavur

District of Tamil Nadu, India. This temple called the Gracious Karundhaarkuzhai Samedha Sri

Agneeswarar Temple has divine energy capable of revealing the past, present and future.

Those people born under Shatabhisha star should anoint Lord Shiva, named Sri Agnesswarar,

with sesame (gingili) oil and sandal paste on Shatabhisha star day, especially if it falls on

Saturday. It is also auspicious to perform abhishehkam, archana and a fire ritual. Conducting

these rituals will bring healing for illnesses. Worshipping at this temple also provides assistance

to overcome problems cause by the influence of Saturn.

It is favorable to light sesame (gingili) oil lamps in the shape of a crescent and offer food made of

rice and milk. It is also beneficial to partake in charity work or philanthropy. Those people born

under different stars may also perform abhishekham and archana and ask for the Grace of Lord

Shiva. It is especially powerful on Shatabhisha day during the month of Chittirai (April 15- May

14). Visiting this temple brings blessings of good health and longevity.

It is believed that the first Sandal tree originated on Shatabhisha star. It is considered an

auspicious service to grind the sandalwood with one’s own hands. A person can anoint the deity

with this sandal paste and ask for peace of mind and spiritual knowledge. If sandal paste is given

as prasadham and applied to the forehead it will reduce anxiety and provide divine energies.

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Purva Bhadrapada (20°00 Aquarius to 3°20' Pisces)

The nakshatra Purva Bhadrapada is located in the constellation Peagasus, the winged horse. It

is comprised of the two stars, Markab (alpha Pegas) and Scheat (beta Pegasi). The symbol for

this star is the front legs of a funeral cot, which indicates a strong connection to the element of

fire. People born under Purva Bhadrapada are independent and capable of sacrificing or

purifying themselves for a higher purpose. They often have idealistic goals and aspirations for

the improvement of society. This star bestows charisma and eloquent speech that can be used to

motivate and educate. There can also be a tendency to criticize or become cynical. The level of

intensity and the capacity for transformation are extremely strong in Purva Bhadrapada. This is a

star of tremendous perseverance.

General Characteristics:Intelligent scholar; skilled at making money

Translation:“The former one who possesses lucky feet”

Symbol:A sword, two front legs of a bed or a funeral cot, two faced man

Animal Symbol:A Male Lion

Presiding Deity:Aja Ekapada, the one-footed goat

Controlling Planet: Jupiter

Ruling Deity of Jupiter: Shiva

Nature:Manushya (human)



Gender: Male

Dosha: Vata

Guna: Sattwic

Element: Ether

Disposition: Fierce and Severe (Ugra)

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Common Name:Mango

Botanical Name:Mangifera indica

Seed Sounds:Se, So, The, Di (see Padas of Purva Bhadrapada)

Also related to Planets:Saturn is the ruler of Aquarius and provides discipline; Ketu brings a

destructive quality to the fourth pada in Pisces

Each Nakshatra is divided into four quarters called padas that contain more specific

characteristics of a person born during the pada of Purva Bhadrapada:


First Pada:20-00' – 23-20' of Aquarius. Ruled by MarsSoul Sound: Se (Say)Keyword: Determination

Second Pada:

23-20' – 26-40' of Aquarius. Ruled by VenusSoul Sound: So Keyword: Gratification

Third Pada:

26-40' – 30-00' of Aquarius.Ruled by MercurySoul Sound: The (Daa)Keyword: Communication

Fourth Pada:

00-00' – 3-20' of Pisces. Ruled by MoonSoul Sound: Di (Dee)Keyword: Affliction

Strength: Eccentric; scholarly; witty; understands logic; creates prosperity through cleverness;

receives money from the government or from wealthy people; economical; has longevity; could

marry or be born into a wealthy family; spiritual depth; a warrior; passionate; skilled at earning an

income; visionary; idealistic; universal goals; fights injustice; mystical beings; good writer and

speaker; imaginative; self reliant; good at reading people; intuitive; march to their own beat;

devoted to those who impress them.

Weakness: Skeptical; pessimistic; gloomy; nervous; angry; impulsive; has many serious

conversations; changes residence many times; dominated by their spouse; frugal, yet still a poor

financial planner; anxious; poor health; high-strung; stingy; wavering mind.

Professions: Business, administration, research, statistician, astrologer, priest, ascetic,

morticians, coffin makers, cemetery keepers, surgeons, medical practitioners, psychiatrists,

fundamentalists, radicals, author of horror or mystery stories, weapon maker, black magic,

leather industry, homicide detective, metal industry, professions involving fire, toxic substances.

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Famous Purva Bhadrapadas: Martin Luther King, Michael Jackson, Madam Curie, Groucho

Marx, Robert DeNiro, OJ Simpson

Favorable Activities: Dangerous activities, risk taking, mechanical or technological activities,

funeral services, issues concerning death, agriculture, water activities, completion of activity.

Unfavorable Activities: New beginnings or initiations, travel, marriage or sex, dealing with

authority, government matters.


Sacred Energy Vortex: Renganathapuram Sri Kamakshi Samedha Tiru Aaneswarar Temple

Purva Bhadrapada star is divinely connected to Renganathapuram Sri Kamakshi Samedha Tiru

Aaneswarar Temple. This sacred temple is located in Renganathapuram, which is near

Tirukkattuppalli in Tamil Nadu, India. Those born under Purva Bhadrapada star should worship at

this sacred site at least once during their lifetime.

Numerology, the esoteric study of numbers, plays a significant role in the connection between

the star Purva Bhadrapada and this sacred site. Purva Bhadrapada is the 25th star. The Moon

represents the number 2, while Mercury signifies the number 5. In mythology, Mercury is the son

of the Moon. The Moon rules the mind, while Mercury rules the intelligence. Applying methods of

numerology, the number 25 becomes the number 7 (2 +5 = 7).

The number 7 is associated with the elephant. This is symbolic as Sri Kamakshi, who incarnated

as the world's mother, rode in a chariot pulled by seven elephants. The number 7 is also

important because seven statues (murthi) manifested on a bael tree at this temple. Thiru

Aaneswarar was one of these seven deities. Thiru Aanam means “seven colored rainbow.” It is a

propitious sign to receive the darshan of a rainbow at this temple. Thus, the temple is

appropriately named after Sri Kamakshi and Tiru Aaneswarar.

Those people born under Purva Bhadrapada can worship at this shrine for seven days and

anoint the statues with plantains, honey, ghee, sugar, and offer seven garlands. This will

eliminate the karmic afflictions of seven lifetimes. Also, it is recommended to donate seven

colored garments at this temple to remove ancestral curses.

Those who are born under a different star but wish to visit this temple will also benefit. They may

worship at this sacred shrine continuously for seven days. Meditation, contemplation and yoga

performed at this temple will produce benefic effects and assist with career problems. One can

also perform a pooja to seven elephants to remove karma from seven lifetimes

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Uttara Bhadrapada(3°20' to 16°40' Pisces)

Uttara Bhadrapada consists of two stars, Gamma Pegasi and Alpha Andromedae, which connect

the constellations of Pegasus and Andromeda in modern astronomy. The symbol for this

nakshatra is the latter half of the funeral cot that it shares with the nakshatra Purva Bhadrapada.

This nakshatra is also associated with fire purification and passion, but is less aggressive than

the former star. The ruling deity, Ahir Bhudhanya, gives Uttara Bhadrapada the desire to

examine things at depth and explore the kundalini energy. Those born under this star are

compassionate, virtuous, and drawn to humanitarian causes. They require solitude and time for

contemplation, but must be cautious of laziness and isolation. Uttara Bhadrapada is full of

wisdom and determination, yet understands the necessity of patience in obtaining the highest


General Characteristics:Happy people; eloquent speakers; virtuous nature; able to conquer


Translation:“The latter one who possesses lucky feet”

Symbol:Two back legs of a bed or funeral cot

Animal Symbol:A Female Cow

Presiding Deity:Ahir Bhudhanya, the serpent of the depths who is connected to fertility and


Controlling Planet: Saturn

Ruling Deity of Saturn: Hanuman

Nature:Manushya (human)

Mode: Balanced


Gender: Male

Dosha: Pitta

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Guna: Tamasic

Element: Ether




Common Name:Neem

Botanical Name:Agadirachta indica

Seed Sounds:Du, Jham, Jna, Tha (see Padas of Uttara Bhadrapada)

Also related to Planets:Jupiter, the ruler of Pisces, gives expansion; Ketu gives spirituality

Each Nakshatra is divided into four quarters called padas that contain more specific

characteristics of a person born during the pada of Uttara Bhadrapada:


First Pada:

03-20’ – 06-40’ of Pisces.Ruled by SunSoul Sound: DuKeyword: Accomplishment

Second Pada:

06-40’ – 10-00’ of Pisces.Ruled by MercurySoul Sound: JhamKeyword: Analysis

Third Pada:

10-00’ – 13-20’ of Pisces.Ruled by VenusSoul Sound: JnaKeyword: Harmony

Fourth Pada:

13-30’ – 16-40’ of Pisces.Ruled by MarsSoul Sound: ThaKeyword: Intensity

Strength: Inspiring speaker; good problem-solving ability; attractive; disciplined; compassionate;

strictly follows principles; generous; financially successful; tends to make money on their own;

economical; charitable; humanitarian; merciful; intelligent; benefits from children; drawn to the

unknown; virtuous; happy; wise; love for family; self sacrificing; benefits from gifts or inheritance;

defeats enemies; satisfied; service oriented; controls anger; marital happiness; balanced;

provides nourishment for others; gives advice.

Weakness: Withdrawn; unenthusiastic; develops long-term enemies or is involved in disputes

that take a long time to resolve; over analyzes outcomes; self-centered; financially focused;

gossip; lazy; addict; irresponsible; highly emotional.

Professions: Philosopher, writer, teacher, charity work, import or export work, travel industry,

religious work, astrologers, yoga and meditation experts, counselor, therapist, healer, tantric

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practitioner, monk, musician, jobs that require extraordinary abilities, jobs that require little

movement, night watchmen, doormen, historians, librarians, people living on inheritance

Famous Uttara Bhadrapadas: Bill Gates, Hilary Clinton, Indira Gandhi

Favorable Activities: Peaceful activities, research, meditation, psychic development, marriage,

sexual activity, financial transactions, activities requiring support from others, artistic ventures,

treatment of disease, naming children, gardening, construction, good time to make a commitment

Unfavorable Activities: Travel, litigation, facing enemies, speculation, gambling, lending money,

quick action, physical movement.


Sacred Energy Vortex: Theeyaththoor Sri Sahasra Lakshmeeswarar Temple

The Sri Sahasra Lakshmeeswarar Temple resonates with the energy of Uttara Bhadrapada star

and is located at Theeyaththoor near Pudukkottai in Tamil Nadu, India. Uttara Bhadrapada is

composed of three sacred ponds of fire. Goddess Lakshmi gathered fire lotus flowers everyday

from Uttara Bhadrapada star. Goddess Lakshmi performed archana with 1008 golden lotus

flowers to the Sivalinga at this temple. Lord Shiva manifested as Sri Sahasra (meaning 1000)

Lakshmeeswarar at Theeyaththoor.

The darshan of Sri Sahasra Lakshmeeswara Sivalinga can give unexplainable positive effects in

a person’s life. The darshan of Goddess Lakshmi brings auspicious benefits of prosperity and

graciousness. Those people born under Uttara Bhadrapada star should worship at this temple

during their lifetime. Those born under a different star will also benefit by worshiping at this

temple. If a person grinds sandalwood with their own hands and then anoints the deities, Sri

Sahasra Lakshmeeswarar will grant nobility and can assist with remedies for heat related

illnesses. It is also propitious to offer fruit juices or sweets to the poor people at the temple.

The temple at Theeyaththoor is a special place for performing fire rituals. Sri Vinayaka Peruman

performed a fire ritual for his marriage ceremony at Theeyaththoor when the fourth waning moon

and Uttara Bhadrapada star occurred on the same day (Thilakundha Chaturthi). Performing a fire

ritual (homa) on this day has the power to remove obstacles related to finances. It is auspicious

for people born under Uttara Bhadrapada to perform a fire ritual at least once in their life.

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Revati (16°40' to 30°00' Pisces)

Revati is the twenty-seventh and final nakshatra. Looking up at the night sky, Revati is a group of

stars in the constellation Pisces. The brightest of the group is Zeta Piscium. The ruling deity,

Pushan, provides nourishment and has the ability to shine light on a person's life. This star is

associated with safe traveling and fruitful journeys. Revati means “the wealthy” and is ruled by

Mercury. Vishnu, the ruler of Mercury, along with his consort Lakshmi, signifies wealth and

prosperity. People born under this star are polite, charming and social. They have a refined

nature and are always willing to offer support or a helping hand. Revati is one of the most

optimistic and reverent nakshatras that has the capacity to see the big picture.

General Characteristics:Perfect limbs, genial manners, deep learning, riches, does not covet

others' property

Translation:“The wealthy”

Symbol:A drum or a fish swimming in the sea

Animal Symbol:A Female Elephant

Presiding Deity:Pushan, the nurturer and protector of flocks and herds, who is invoked for safe


Controlling Planet: Mercury

Ruling Deity of Mercury: Vishnu

Nature:Deva (god-like)

Mode: Balanced


Gender: Female

Dosha: Kapha

Guna: Sattwic

Element: Ether

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Disposition: Mild and Tender



Common Name:Indian Butter Tree

Botanical Name:Madhuca indica

Seed Sounds:The, Tho, Cha, Chi (see Padas of Revati)

Also related to Planets:Jupiter, the ruler of Pisces, gives compassion; Ketu brings the energy of


Each Nakshatra is divided into four quarters called padas that contain more specific

characteristics of a person born during the pada of Revati:


First Pada:

16-40' – 20-00' of Pisces.Ruled by JupiterSoul Sound: The (De)Keyword: Enthusiasm

Second Pada:

20-00' – 23-20' of Pisces.Ruled by SaturnSoul Sound: Tho (Do)Keyword: Practicality

Third Pada:

23-20' – 26-40' of Pisces.Ruled by SaturnSoul Sound: Cha (Chaa)Keyword: Altruistic

Fourth Pada:

26-40' – 30-00' of Pisces. Ruled by JupiterSoul Sound: Chi (Chee)Keyword: Visionary

Strength: Creative thinker; independent; lucky; liked by all; gives and receives support; gifted at

arts; nurturer; promoted quickly; brave; skilled in pleasing; sociable; good counselor; proud;

stately presence; sparkling personality; loves and protects animals and pets; longevity; well

groomed; good hygiene; might be born into a wealthy family; interested in ancient cultures;

selflessness; compassionate; caring.

Weakness: Takes on other people’s problems; overindulgent; poor health; amoral attitudes;

doubt ridden; low fertility; spiteful when hurt or jealous; resentful; feels inadequate; low self-

esteem; overly sensitive; stubborn; volatile; co-dependent; easily disillusioned; victimized; feels

unloved or insecure.

Professions: Charity work, humanitarians, urban planners, government workers, psychics,

mystical or religious work, hypnotist, travel agents, flight attendants, journalist, editors,

publishers, actors, comedians, politicians, painter, musician, entertainer, linguist, magicians,

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watchmakers, road planners, astrologers, managers, gemstone dealers, shipping industry,

orphanage or foster care, driving professions, air traffic control, traffic cops, light house work.

Famous Revatis: Whitney Houston, Marlon Brando, Rodney King, Jim Jones, Joe Pesci,

Rabindranath Tagore

Favorable Activities: Business or financial matters, exchanging goods, music, drama, and

creative activities, charity; studying spiritual or occult teachings, healing and treating ailments,

activities for leisure and relaxation, ending or completing activity.

Unfavorable Activities:Activities requiring severe tactics or bold action, overcoming obstacles,

enmity, calamities, sharp actions, surgery, physically strenuous activities, the last two padas of

Revati are not supportive for beginning a new activity.


Sacred Energy Vortex: Karukudi Sri Karunaakakravalli Samedha Sri Kailasa Nather Temple

The Sri Karunaakakravalli Samehda Sri Kailasa Nather Temple is located in the village of

Karukudi, near Thaathaiyaangar in Tamil Nadu, India. This sacred energy vortex is linked to

Revati star. Revati was the 27th and final Goddess to marry the Moon. After this final wedding

ceremony, the Moon wished to have the darshan from Sri Kailasa Perumann (Goddess

Ambhigai). The Goddess fulfilled his wish and offered blessings in the form of Karunaakaravalli

at this temple. As the Moon and his 27 star goddesses worshiped Sri Karunaakakravalli

Samedha Sri Kailasa Nather, Lord Shiva personified in the form of a crescent moon.

At Karukudi Temple, the fertility of Lord Shiva is manifested in the energy of the sky. This temple

is an auspicious place to receive darshan from the sky. In ancient times, people worshiped at this

temple for the blessings of rainfall. Lord Indra worshiped the sky at this temple on the 7th Moon

phase on Revati star days. It is auspicious to connect with the divine energies at this temple

when Revati star day occurs on a Sunday. This temple has abundant herbs with healing

properties used to treat water related diseases. The energy of this temple also produces the

ability to heal eye related illnesses. On Revati day, abhishekhams are performed with 64 types of

holy water, riches and fruits. This offering removes any concerns related to one’s ancestry.

Revati is the softest of all the stars and emits a pure white light. Therefore, it is recommended to

offer white articles of clothing or food at this temple. A cotton garland, a lamp made of rice

dough, towels, coconuts, milk, and white sweets are propitious offerings to invoke the energy of

Revati at Karukudi. One may also give 27 gifts to the poor as a powerful offering at this temple.

Those born under Revati star should visit and receive darshan at least once in their life. Those

born under a different star may also perform an abhishekham and archana to remove anxiety

and fear.

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As per the Indian Hindu almanac, Tithi (also spelled Thithi) is the lunar date, or the time it takes

for the longitudinal angle between the moon and the sun to increase by 12°. Tithis commence at

varying times of a day and differ in duration from approximately 19 to 26 hours. Tithi is one of

the most important aspects of the Indian Almanac or the Panchang and therefore many Hindu

festivals and ceremonies are based on Tithi Calendar.

Tithi is also considered as the first phase or portion among the 16 phases of the Moon. The 15

days(First half of the Lunar Month), commencing from Amavasya (the last day of the dark half of

a lunar month) to Pournami (Full moon), are called the Tithis of the Shukla-Paksha (Waxing

phase/ First phase) and the days commencing from Pournami (Full Moon day) to Amavasya

(New Moon day) are called Krishna Paksha (the Waning phase/ Second phase).

In Indian Astrology, the calculation of the Tithis starts from Pratipada (The first day in each half of

the lunar month) of the Shukla-Paksha.

There are 30 Tithis in each lunar month, are named as follows:

Pratima - 1st Waxing Moon

Deity to worship Lord Kubera

Best Activities Interior Design,

Renovations, Planning & Developing

Strategies for Projects

Worst Activities Any Auspicious Events


Dwitiyai - 2nd Waxing Moon

Deity to worship Lord Vivadeva

Best Activities Marriage, Viewing Moon,

Buying Wedding Ring, Installation of


Worst Activities Conflicts and Disputes

Tritiyai - 3rd Waxing Moon

Deity to worship

Lord Siva

Best Activities

House Warming, Constuction of Buildings, Starting Education, Learning Music and Arts

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Worst Activities

Conflicts and Disputes

Chaturthi - 4th Waxing Moon

Deity to worship

Lord Ganesha

Best ActivitiesOvercoming Obstacles, Developing Strategies Against Rivals & Competitiors

Worst Activities

Any Auspicious Event

Panchami - 5th Waxing Moon

Deity to worship Lalitha Tripura Sundari

Best Activities Cradle Cermony, Marriage Celebration, Instatllation of Deities

Worst Activities Any Harmful or Destructive Activities

Shasti - 6th Waxing Moon

Deity to worship

Lord Muruga

Best ActivitiesFasting for Lord Muruga, Starting New Employment, Purchasing Valuables

Worst Activities

Conflicts & Disputes

Saptami - 7th Waxing Moon

Deity to worship

Lord Surya

Best ActivitiesConstruction of Buildings, Cultivation of Crops, Marriage Celebration

Worst Activities Conflicts & Disputes

Ashtami - 8th Waxing Moon

Deity to worship

Goddesses Pratyangira, Durga & Varahi

Best ActivitiesWorship Goddesses Pratyangira, Durga & Varahi, Ancestral Ritual(Tarpanam)

Worst All Auspicious Activities Medical Treatment Negotiations

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Navami - 9th Waxing Moon

Deity to worship Goddesses Saraswathi

Best Activities Activities agains Enemies, Rivals & Competitors

Worst Activities All Auspicious Events, Journey, Negotiations

Dasami - 10th Waxing Moon

Deity to worship Lord Veerabhadra

Best Activities All Auspicious Events, Startiing New Ventures, House Warming

Worst Activities Disputes, Ligitation

Ekadasi - 11th Waxing Moon

Deity to worship Lord Vishnu

Best Activities Fasting to Lord Vishnu, Marriage, Commence Trading

Worst Activities Disputes, Ligitation, Conjugal Ecstasy

Dwadasi - 12th Waxing Moon

Deity to worship

Lord Vishnu

Best Activities

Planning & Developing Strategies for Projects, Donating to Charities , Monetary Gains

Worst Activities

Unplanned Spending

Triodasi - 13th Waxing Moon

Deity to worship

Lord Siva

Best Activities

Pradoshama Rituals, Writing New Books, Learning Dance, Remedies to Attain Prosperity

Worst Activities

Conflicts & Disputes

Chaturdasi - 14th Waxing Moon

Deity to worship Lord Rudra

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Best Activities Worshiping Rudra

Worst Activities Eating Non-Vegetarian Foods, Conflicts & Legitation, Journey

Poornima - Full Moon

Deity to worship

Lord Arunachala

Best ActivitiesAll Auspicious Events, Purchasing of Valuables, Food Donation, Meditation

Worst Activities

Conjugal Ecstasy, Eating Non-Vegetarian Food

Pratima - 1st Waning Moon

Deity to worship

Goddess Durga

Best ActivitiesStrategies to Overcome Obstacles & Hindrances, Medical Treatment

Worst Activities Negotitations, Any Auspicious Events

Dwitiyai - 2nd Waning Moon

Deity to worship Lord Vayu

Best Activities Construction of Building Pilgrimage

Worst Activities Buying Wedding Ring

Tritiyai - 3rd Waning Moon

Deity to worship

Lord Agni

Best ActivitiesLearning Music and Arts, House Warming, Construction of Buildings

Worst Activities Conflicts and Disputes

Chaturthi - 4th Waning Moon

Deity to worship Lord Ganesha

Best Activities Worship Lord Ganesha, Demolition of Buildings

Worst Activities Any Auspicious Event

Panchami - 5th Waning Moon

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Deity to worship Devas

Best Activities Remedy Rituals, Pilgrimage

Worst Activities Any Harmful or Destructive Activities

Shasti - 6th Waning Moon

Deity to worship Lord Mars

Best Activities Real Estate Activities, Medical Treatment

Worst Activities Marriage Celebration

Saptami - 7th Waning Moon

Deity to worship


Best ActivitiesStrategies to Overcome Obstacles & Hindrances, Installation of Deities

Worst Activities

Marriage Celebration, Undertaking Responsibilites

Ashtami - 8th Waning Moon

Deity to worship Lord Kala Bhairava

Best Activities Worship Kala Bhairava

Worst Activities All Auspicious Activities Medical Treatment Negotiations

Navami - 9th Waning Moon

Deity to worship Lord Yama

Best Activities Activities agains Enemies, Rivals & Competitors

Worst Activities All Auspicious Events, Journey, Negotiations

Dasami - 10th Waning Moon

Deity to worship Lord Jupiter

Best Activities All Auspicious Events, Meeting very Important Persons

Worst Activities Disputes, Ligitation

Ekadasi - 11th Waning Moon

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Deity to worship Lord Vishnu

Best Activities Purchase of Valuables, Fasting to Lord Vishnu

Worst Activities Disputes, Ligitation, Conjugal Ecstasy

Dwadasi - 12th Waning Moon

Deity to worship

Lord Venus

Best Activities

Planning & Developing Strategies for Projects, Donating to Charities , Monetary Gains

Worst Activities

Unplanned Spending

Triodasi - 13th Waning Moon

Deity to worship Lord Nandi

Best Activities Doing Pradoshama Pooja

Worst Activities Conflicts & Disputes

Chaturdasi - 14th Waning Moon

Deity to worship

Lord Siva

Best ActivitiesWorshiping Lord Siva, Strategies to Overcome Obstacles & Hindrances

Worst Activities

Marriage, Conjugal Ecstasy, Eating Non-Vegetarian Foods

Amavasai - New Moon

Deity to worship

Goddess Kali

Best Activities

Ancestral Rituals (Tarpanam), Meditation, Food Donations, Feeding Cows, Dogs & Crows

Worst Activities

Conjugal Bliss, Eating Non-Vegetarian Food, Marriage

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Hora is a branch of traditional Indian system of astrology known as Jyotish. It has been believed

from ancient times in Indian system of astrology that there are certain times of the day when

auspicious actions such as marriage, investments, business transactions, asset purchases,

journeys, relationships, meetings and medical treatments can be taken.

The Hora is the duration in a day (the duration between sunrise to sunset is divided by 12 equal

parts and the next session from the sunset to the sunrise is considered the other 12 parts of the

Hora), ruled by a particular planet. In a week, on every day, starting from the dawn to dusk, there

are 24 Horas ruled by seven planets. Depending on the ruling planet, the Horas are either

favorable or unfavorable for various jobs. This can be used to select a suitable time for a job.

Sun's Hora

The Sun's Hora is auspicious for all political work, dealing with and meeting politicians, leaders

and government officials, applying for jobs, court related dealings, for buying and selling, and for

adventurous undertakings.

Venus Hora

The Hora of Venus is auspicious for love and marriage related matters, for buying and selling of

ornaments and cloths, for recreation and entertainment related matters, to buy or use new

vehicles and for dance and music related matters.

Mercury's Hora

The Hora of Mercury is auspicious for trade and business related matters, for all types of work

related to medicines, for learning and teaching, for studying scriptures, astrology, writing, printing

and publishing related works, for buying or wearing ornaments, all types of accounts work, for

telecommunication and computer related matters.

Moon's Hora

The Moon's Hora is auspicious for joining service, to meet elders, for change of place and

residence, travelling, to undertake house and property related matters, for meeting the opposite

sex and romance, for buying and wearing ornaments, for mediation, for buying and selling of

textiles and apparels, all water related works and creative and artistic works.

Saturn's Hora

The Hora of Saturn is suitable to deal with labor related matters, for oil and iron related

businesses. It is inauspicious for all other matters.

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Jupiter's Hora

The Hora of Jupiter is highly auspicious for all auspicious undertakings. It is auspicious for joining

a job, to start business, to meet the elders, to start a new course or learning, for court related

matters, for all religious undertakings, for marriage talks and for journeys and pilgrimages.

Mars Hora

The Mars Hora is auspicious for dealing with land and agriculture related matters, buying and

selling of vehicles, electrical and engineering works, adventurous undertakings and sports, for

giving and taking loans, for physical exercises and martial arts, and for matters related brothers

and also fire. Avoid quarrels and confrontations.

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Lesson 1


In India, Vedic Astrology is called Jyotish, a Sanskrit word that is derived from two roots, "Jyoti" and "Isha", which respectively mean "Light" and "God". Vedic Astrology is the science of light, both the light of the celestial bodies and the internal light of the soul. It is a gift that was bestowed upon humanity by the ancient sages and has been passed on from generation to generation in an oral and written form. Vedic Astrology or Jyotish unfolds the knowledge of how the planets and the stars influence an individual human life as well as the life of the nations, and the globe. It sheds light on our lives.

Vedic Astrology uses extremely accurate astronomical calculations to determine the positions of the stars and the planets to predict the future of individuals as well as mundane affairs; therefore, Vedic Astrology is referred to as predictive astrology.

Vedic Astrology has numerous practical applications. The main one is predicting one's life events, as well as understanding how the heavenly bodies influence our lives and which particular planets are responsible for favorable and unfavorable occurrences in specific areas of life. A human being is a creation of the cosmos; therefore, all the facets of human existence, including the past, present, and future, are intimately connected to the influence of the planets and the stars.

Through Vedic Astrology we can analyze and interpret the quality and intensity of an individual's karma within various aspects of life. One of the most important areas of Vedic Astrology deals with remedial measures for improving and correcting adverse planetary influences, as well as strengthening and promoting the positive ones. Vedic Astrology provides us with tools and means to predict and time the events that are going to take place in one's life, but more so, it renders instructions on how to improve the quality of life in order to enjoy the totality of existence.

Astronomical Basis of Vedic Astrology

The Zodiac is a belt of heavens extending on both sides of the ecliptic. It encircles the space through which the planets travel in their orbits.

Vedic Astrology employs sidereal zodiac, which is different from the tropical zodiac used in the Western Astrology. While the tropical (Western) Astrology uses the vernal equinox (the Sun's position at the beginning of spring) as the starting point for the measurements along the zodiac, the sidereal (Vedic) Astrology uses fixed stars to identify different segments along the zodiac.The starting points of the sidereal and tropical zodiacs coincide once every 25,800 years. After that the starting points separate from each other by an approximate 1degree of an arc per each 72 years. The difference between the longitude of the starting points of the sidereal and tropical zodiacs at any given time is called Ayanamsha.Due to the existing controversy about the year in which the two starting points coincided last, there are several ayanamshas used by different schools of Vedic astrologers. Some of them are Lahiri, Krishnamurti, Raman, and Fagan

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ayanamshas. Lahiri is the most widely used Ayanamsha which is based on the last coincidence point taking place in the year 285 A.D.Lahiri Ayanamsha for the year of your birth is -23:14:06 degrees.If you want to convert your sidereal (Vedic) planetary positions into tropical (Western), you can do so by adding this ayanamsha to the degrees of the planets in your Vedic chart. To arrive to the sidereal positions by converting the tropical ones, you will need to subtract the ayanamsha from the tropical positions.

For example, Your Sun is placed in 21:36 degrees of the constellation of Capricorn in your Vedic chart. When you add the ayanamsha for the year of your birth, which is -23:14:06 degrees, you will derive the tropical (Western Astrology) horoscope position of your Sun, which happens to be placed in the sign of Aquarius. Therefore, your Jyotish (sidereal) Sun sign is Capricorn and your Western (tropical) Sun sign is Aquarius.

How Vedic Astrology Predicts

For predictive purposes Vedic Astrology looks at the positions of the planets in relation to the stars in the Zodiac at the time of one's birth. These positions reveal how the universe was functioning at that instance. In a way, planets are like 9 special measuring points from which the entire subtle state of natural law can be measured. At the time of birth, when the body enters the world, this state of the universe gets projected into the structure of the life of an individual. Therefore, the conditions of these nine measuring points, the nine planets, define the entire life span of events and circumstances for an individual.


We just mentioned nine planets, even though not all of them are actual planets. Only five of them are planets, one is a star, one is a moon, and the remaining two are special mathematical points. Everyone is familiar with the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn. The other two elements included into the group are Rahu and Ketu, known as the North and South Lunar nodes. Rahu and Ketu do not have physical substance, they are two mathematical points that mark the point of intersection of the plane of the Moon's orbit around the Earth with the ecliptic plane. Lunar or solar eclipses occur when the Sun and the Moon are close to one of the nodes. The Sanskrit word for planet is Graha.

Each planet represents certain facets of human life. Traditional Vedic astrology does not consider the influences of Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto.

Here are the names of the planets in Sanskrit:


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Planets have primary and secondary significations. Here is the list of the primary planetary significations assigned by the sage Parashara (the author of Brihat Parashara Hora Sastra):

The Sun signifies the soul.The Moon signifies the mind.Mars signifies energy.Mercury signifies speech.Jupiter signifies knowledge.Venus signifies reproduction.Saturn signifies grief.

THE 12 Signs

The planets are constantly moving through the Zodiac. The circle of the Zodiac is divided into 12 equal segments called constellations or signs. Each sign occupies 30 degrees of the celestial space. Each of the signs has a unique set of attributes which affect any planet traveling through that sign. The signs are environments that affect the way a planet feels and behaves. The Sanskrit word for Sign is Rashi.

Here are the 12 signs listed in their natural order:






Sign rulerships

Every sign has its particular planetary ruler. The Sun and the Moon rule over one sign each, while the rest of the planets hold rulership over two signs. Traditionally, Rahu and Ketu are considered not to hold rulership over any signs, although, some astrologers consider Rahu and Ketu to co-rule the signs of Aquarius and Scorpio respectively. The sign rulerships are a permanent value.

ARIES is ruled by Mars.TAURUS is ruled by Venus.GEMINI is ruled by Mercury.CANCER is ruled by the Moon.LEO is ruled by the Sun.

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VIRGO is ruled by Mercury.LIBRA is ruled by Venus.SCORPIO is ruled by Mars.SAGITTARIUS is ruled by Jupiter.CAPRICORN is ruled by Saturn.AQUARIUS is ruled by Saturn.PISCES is ruled by Jupiter.


The Zodiac is divided in one more way. Relative to the position of the Earth, the zodiac is divided into 12 houses. Just as the proper motion of planets is reflected by their degree positions in rashis (signs), the diurnal (illusionary, relative motion of the planets as perceived from the Earth) motion of the planets is shown by their placement in astrological houses. The houses represent the various areas of life. The areas of life are affected by the planets and signs that occupy the corresponding bhavas (houses). The twelve bhavas (houses) represent the totality of existence as experienced by a human being.

Here are the main significations of each house:

The First House represents the Self.The Second House represents your financial assets.The Third House represents courage.The Fourth House represents happiness.The Fifth House represents your children.The Sixth House represents your enemies.The Seventh House represents your spouse.The Eighth House represents your vulnerable points.The Ninth House represents your fortune.The Tenth House represents your career.The Eleventh House represents your income.The Twelfth House represents the end of everything.

So far, we have briefly covered the general principles of the three main components of Vedic Astrology: the Planets, the Signs, and the Houses. The positions of the planets in the signs and houses are depicted in what is called the Horoscope. Evaluation and understanding of the interactive influences of these three main elements constitutes the interpretation of your horoscope.

Let us take a look at your actual horoscope kundali (chart):

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Right now you are looking at your vedic chart formatted in the North Indian chart style. As you see, there are 12 individual sections in the horoscope. These sections are the houses, and each house is fully occupied by one of the signs. The signs are marked within the houses with numerals. The numbering system used for marking the signs reflects the natural order of the signs (i.e. 1 - for Aries, 2 - for Taurus, 3 - for Gemini, 4 - for Cancer and so on).

The house counting sequence follows a counterclockwise direction, and so does the sign sequence within the chart. The box at the center top of the chart is called the First house. The sign occupying the first house is called the Ascendant. Your Ascendant is the sign which was rising at the eastern horizon at the time of your birth. The sign is indicated by its corresponding number. In your chart, the first house is marked with number 3, which indicates the sign of Gemini. Therefore, your Ascendant is Gemini. The box on the left of the first house is called the second house. The number 4 in that house represents the sign of Cancer. Next to it is the third house, then the fourth, and so on up to the twelfth house. The sequential order of the houses is FIXED in the North India chart format. The top center box is always the first house and the bottom center one is always the seventh. When using the North Indian style chart you should also remember that the numbers within the houses represent the sign numbers, not the numbers of the houses. For your convenience, here is a complete overview:

Houses Number in chart Sign

1st house 3 Gemini

2st house 4 Cancer

3rd house 5 Leo

4th house 6 Virgo

5th house 7 Libra

6th house 8 Scorpio

7th house 9 Sagittarius

8th house 10 Capricorn

9th house 11 Aquarius

10th house 12 Pisces

11th house 1 Aries

12th house 2 Taurus

Each of the planets is placed in one of the houses. The planets are marked in the chart with their abbreviated names. Now we see from the picture of your chart, which houses your planets occupy. The Sun, indicated by the letters Su, is in house 8. The Moon (Mo) is in house 1. Mars (Ma) is in house 10. Mercury (Me) is in house 9. Jupiter (Ju) is in house 1. Venus (Ve) is in house 7. Saturn (Sa) is in house 5. Rahu (Ra) is in house 7. Ketu (Ke) is in house 1.

Once again, you should not confuse the house numbers with the numbers that you see in your chart. The numbers in the houses represent the signs that occupy those

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houses. The houses must be counted in a counter clockwise direction from the 1st house, which is the top center house. The houses should be counted inclusively of the house you are counting from. For example the 3rd house is located three house away from the first one, not two, and 11th house is 5 houses away from the 7th, not four.

Even though within this tutorial we will always reference your chart in the North Indian format, you should learn the difference between North and South Indian chart styles. Let's take a look at your natal chart drawn in the South Indian format.

Whereas the North Indian chart has a fixed house order, the South Indian format has a fixed sign order. The sign of Aries always falls on the second left box on the top of the chart. The house box that the Ascendant sign occupies becomes the First house with the remaining houses following in a clockwise direction. Commonly, the First house is marked with a diagonal line or with As mark. Some astrologers choose to mark the houses with numbers, as opposed to the North Indian style, in which the numbers represent the signs.

However, in this illustration of your chart in South Indian format the numbers within the houses represent the signs, 1 for Aries, 2 for Taurus, 3 for Gemini, etc.

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The Planet's placement in a house gives rise to a unique combination of interplay and exchange of energies between the planet and the house. The influences of the house and the planet mix and blend, forming new energies that will dominate over the areas of life represented by that particular planet and the house, as well as the house/s that the planet rules. The planets will affect the areas of life represented by the houses that they are placed in, while in turn, the houses will affect the areas of life signified by the planets that are placed in these houses. The planets and the signs, and the signs and the houses exchange their mutual influences in a similar manner.

To help you make sense out of all these possible meanings, let's start with the most important point in the horoscope, the Ascendant. The Ascendant is the sign which occupies the first house. Since the first house represents your personality and life in general, the sign in this house is of great importance and it has an enormous influence over how a person is shaped as an individual. Your Ascendant sign is Gemini, so its natural characteristics can fairly accurately describe your general personality make up.

Another very important sign is the sign occupied by the Moon. The Moon in your chart is placed in the sign of Gemini (indicated by number 3 in the picture of your chart). The degree of the Moon is 17:24. Therefore, your general personality traits and characteristics can be described by the signs of Gemini and Gemini. Gemini ascendant indicates qualities of versatility, mental aptitudes, communication skills, and indecisiveness. The Moon's placement in Gemini shows versatility, mental aptitudes, communication skills, and indecisiveness.

As explained, each house is fully occupied by a sign. The planet that owns that sign becomes strongly associated with the house in question, and is referred to as the "lord" or "ruler" of that house. For your chart, the lordships are as follows:

Houses 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12



Vir LibSco



Pis AriTau







Jup Sat Sat JupMar


Placed in House

9 1 8 9 7 10 1 5 5 1 10 7






Lib LibGem


House lords are representatives and significators of the houses they rule in a particular horoscope. The Sun and the Moon rule one house each, while Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn rule two houses each. Only Rahu and Ketu do

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not have a unique house rulerships.

The lord of the First House represents everything the first house represents (the self, personality, body, life in general, general inclinations, etc.), so its placement in the birth chart is of the utmost importance.In your chart the lord of the First house is placed in the 9th house. This gives a strong interest or connection to the matters associated with that house, which are living a purposeful life, following higher principles, religious pursuits, divine knowledge.

PLANETARY DETAILSThe natal birth chart shown earlier displayed a graphical view of your horoscope, but in order to make an accurate evaluation of the chart one needs to know more details about the planets placements than could be listed within the natal chart.

Planet R Degree Sign BirthstarPada/ BirthstarLord/ Sub Loard

Dignity State

Asc 29:37 Gem Punarvasu 3/Ju/Mo

Sun 21:36 Cap Shravana 4/Mo/Ve Neutr. Adoles.

Mon 17:24 Gem Ardra 4/Ra/Ve Neutr. Youth.

Mar 21:14 Pis Revati 2/Me/Ve Grt.Fr. Adoles.

Mer R 06:23 Aqu Dhanish. 4/Ma/Mo Enemy Adoles.

Jup R 29:09 Gem Punarvasu 3/Ju/Su Grt.En. Dead

Ven 05:02 Sag Moola 2/Ke/Ma Enemy Infant

Sat 27:24 Lib Vishakha 3/Ju/Ve Exalt. Dead

Rah 11:48 Sag Moola 4/Ke/Me Neutr. Adoles.

Ket 11:48 Gem Ardra 2/Ra/Sa Neutr. Adoles.

The first column lists the Ascendant and the 9 planets.

The second column, labelled "R" indicates whether the natal Planet is retrograde or combust.Retrograde status is assigned to a planet, when it appears to move backwards through the sky. The Sun and the Moon never change their direction, while Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn periodically change their proper motion through the Zodiac and appear to move backwards, and afterwards resume their direct motion.

At the same time the natural course of motion for Rahu and Ketu is backwards.

A retrograde planet is said to give slightly unexpected results, or manifest them in a way or order that is opposite to what is considered normal. Retrograde motion is said to render extra strength to the planet. Therefore, the natural significations of a retrograde planet will manifest more intensely in one's life. If you see, "R", next to a planet in the table above, it indicates that the planet was retrograde at the moment of your birth.

When a planet conjoins the Sun in the sky it becomes lost in the Sun's rays and invisible. Therefore, the planets in the horoscope that are placed too close to the Sun within a certain

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number of degrees are referred to as combust. This condition does not apply to the Lunar Nodes. When the Moon is located within a close proximity to the Sun it is referred to as new.The third column gives the exact degree of each planet, listing the degree, minutes, and seconds.

Your Ascendant sign degree is 29:37 of Gemini.

The column labeled "Sign" lists the sign in which the Planet is located. This can also be seen in the chart itself by the number indicated in the house of the Planet. For example, you can see that your Mars is placed in the sign of Pisces.

The "Birthstar" column shows what Birthstar the Planet is placed in. There are 27 birthstars, and together they divide the zodiac in 27 equal portions of 23 degrees and 20 minutes each. Another name for Birthstar is Lunar mansion. Each Birthstar has a unique character and it will influence any Planet placed in it. To understand how the significations of a Planet will manifest in one's life, it is important to know the nature of the birthstar that it occupies.

Vedic Astrology pays a lot of attention to the birthstar that the Moon is placed in. The description of the qualities of that Birthstar will provide a small sketch about one's nature.Your Moon occupies the Ardra birthstar.

The "Birthstar Lord" column shows 3 more details in regards to the mentioned birthstar. Birthstars are divided in 4 quarters, each called a pada. The Planet that occupies the birthstar, will be found in one of these 4 padas. This pada number is the first item shown under Birthstar Lord. The remaining 2 are the Lord and sublord of the Birthstar: the planets that rule the birthstar, and the particular degree in that birthstar respectively.

Your Moon is placed in the 4 pada of Ardra birthstar. The lord of the Ardra birthstar is Rahu. The sublord of your Moon's birthstar is Venus.

The "Dignity" column shows the dignity of the which is derived from the sign placement in the chart. Planets can have dignity anywhere in the range from Exaltation (the best) to Debilitation (the worst). Let's look at your Venus, according to the table above, it is in Enemy dignity. This is only a partial indication of how auspicious or afflicted a planet is, so don't worry if one of your planets is not well placed in this respect. In a later part of the lesson we will discuss the concept of dignities in detail.

The last column indicates the state of the planet.

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Naturally the planets relate to each other in a certain manner according to their inherent qualities. The conditions of the planets' essential nature of relationships are listed in this table. It is called Natural Relationship.

Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket

Friends MoonMarsJupiter













Moon MerVenus





Netural Mer MarsJupiterVenusSaturn






Mer JupiterMer

Besides the natural planetary relationship, we should consider the temporary planetary relationship which is determined by the unique layout of a particular chart. The rule for determining the temporary relationships is that any planet that is placed in the same house, or in a house more than 3 away, becomes an enemy.

The combination of the natural and the temporary relationship is called the "Panchadha" or compound relationship. This is simply an addition of the previous two.

When placed in certain signs, planets naturally influence other signs, planets, and houses by aspecting them. The Sanskrit word for Aspect is "drishti", which means "glance". There are a few ways in which planets aspect ("glance at") each other, signs, and houses.Each planet always aspects the 7th constellation from the one it occupies (once again, remember to count inclusively of the sign that the planet is placed in), this type of aspect is called Full Aspect. Naturally, along with aspecting that sign, the planet is going to be aspecting the house that the sign occupies and the planets placed in that house.In your chart the Sun is placed in the sign of Gemini Capricorn in the 8th house. So your Sun casts a full aspect on the constellation of Cancer which is placed in the 2nd house. Now you know that each planet has a full aspect on the sign and any planet that are located seven constellations away from it's own placement.

Besides the seventh (full) house aspect, a few planets have "special" aspects.

Mars always fully aspects the 4th, the 7th, and the 8th constellations counted inclusively from its position. Your Mars aspects the 1st, the 4th, and the 5th houses of your birth chart.

Jupiter always aspects the 5th, the 7th, and the 8th signs from itself. Your Jupiter is placed in the 1st house, therefore it aspects the 5th, the 7th, and the 9th houses.

Saturn aspects the 3rd, the 7th, and the 10th signs from its position. In your case, the 7th, the 11th, and the 2nd houses receive Saturn's aspect.

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Rahu and Ketu also have special aspects, they aspect the 5th, the 7th, and the 9th constellations from their placements.

All the special aspects have the same potency as the full aspect.

Most aspects are one-directional, which means that an aspecting planet, does not receive a reciprocal aspect from the planet that is aspects. This type of aspect is called one-sided. When two planets are aspecting each other, it is called a mutual Aspect. A mutual aspect establishes a powerful connection between the planets.The intensity of aspects depends on the angular distance between the two planets. The following table shows the exact aspects between all the planets (the score of 60 being the highest):

Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket

Asc (16) (51) (6) (47) (32) (51)

Sun (42) (48) (8) (47) (4) (49)

Mon (4) (54) (18) (53) (35) (57)

Mar (14) (13) (7) (37) (36) (6) (49) (10)

Mer (35) (48) (16) (40) (12) (57)

Jup (15) (52) (7) (47) (31) (51)

Ven (35) (23) (11) (15) (46)

Sat (12) (19) (53) (19) (59) (44)

Rah (48) (19) (25) (28) (60)

Ket (9) (45) (24) (56) (37) (60)

The Planets aspect each of the house cusps to a greater or lesser degree. The exact amount of aspect is shown in the following table (60 is the highest):

House No. Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket

1st 16 - 51 6 - 47 32 51 -

2nd 57 4 24 39 - 34 58 52 7

3rd 44 20 3 51 11 21 9 48 26

4th 31 43 56 38 35 7 - 11 48

5th 14 24 58 21 56 - - - 48

6th - 17 27 5 32 - - - 28

7th - 53 10 - 59 - 58 - 51

8th - 40 - - 46 10 45 7 52

9th - 27 - - 56 32 32 26 48

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10th 13 13 - 6 39 37 7 48 11

11th 44 - - 31 3 12 50 48 -

12th 25 - 22 35 - 42 45 28 -

Another known system of aspects is Jaimini Aspects or sign aspects.According to Jaimini system, all the movable signs, like Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn aspect the fixed signs, such as Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius, except for the signs adjacent to them. At the same time the planets placed in those signs aspect each other. In the same manner all the dual signs, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces aspect each other and the planets that they contain (except themselves).

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Welcome to Lesson 3 of Your Personalized Tutorial

So far we have briefly covered the basic principles of the main components of Vedic horoscope. Before we continue uncovering various advanced concepts and techniques we should go over more detailed information about the key players of Vedic Astrology - the planets, the signs, and the houses.


So let us return back to the nine planets. As we mentioned in Lesson 1, each planet represents certain qualities of life. Here are the natural significations of each planet.

The Sun represents anything that embodies the centre of a structure or which holds some power: it signifies your higher self, your true inner nature, your ego, it represents your father or teacher, a head of your state or the country.

The Moon signifies your mind and emotions, your mother, females in your life, and the general public.

Moon has two phases: waxing and waning, and of course every time it is placed in the same sign that the Sun is in, it is considered to be New, while occupying a constellation directly opposite to the one occupied by the Sun, it becomes Full. Even though by nature Moon is a benefic planet, it becomes weak while being in a waning or new state, and therefore loses some of its benefic potencies. A strong, bright, waxing Moon well-placed in the chart is said to give a great boost to the overall conditions of one's life. Birth in the full Moon is considered to be highly auspicious in Vedic tradition.

Mars signifies your courage, strength, energy, and your siblings, especially male siblings.

Mercury signifies your intellect and mental capacity, as well as the quality of your verbal skills.

Jupiter signifies wisdom, knowledge, fortune, and religion.

Venus signifies romance, material and sexual desires, pleasure, and comforts. It may also represent your beloved one.

Saturn signifies grief, old age, separation, restrictions and delays, as well as maturity and perseverance.

According to an ancient legend, Rahu and Ketu are two halves of a dragon. Rahu is the head of the dragon and Ketu is the headless trunk of the dragon. According to the legend, Rahu and Ketu hate the Sun and the Moon and always pursuit them, trying to swallow the Luminaries. They succeed, but just for an instance (of course that is called an eclipse), then the luminaries escape, and the chase goes on. Rahu and Ketu are said to act in a chaotic, unpredictable manner and are capable of inflicting powerful suffering through their influences in the horoscope.

RAHU signifies obsession, foreign influences, unusual cravings, infections, strange occurrences, addictions, and so on.

KETU signifies detachment, occult knowledge, spiritual techniques, and untraditional healing methods.

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Each day of the week corresponds to a particular planet. The influence of a corresponding planet become the dominating influence of that day.

The Lunar Nodes, Rahu and Ketu, do not get rulership over a day of the week.

The Sun rules over Sunday.The Moon rules over Monday.Mars rules over Tuesday.Mercury rules over Wednesday.Jupiter rules over Thursday.Venus rules over Friday.Saturn rules over Saturday.

Malefics and Benefics

The planets are divided into two groups according to their basic qualities and energies: natural malefics and natural benefics. Malefic planets are capable of producing unfavorable effects on the areas of life represented by the bhavas (houses) that they affect by placement or aspects, while benefics influence the horoscope in a uplifting and positive manner. Please note that the functional nature of a planet may be different from its natural condition. Later on, we will explain what constitutes the functional nature of the planets.

Moon, Jupiter, and Venus are Natural Benefics.

Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu are Natural Malefics.

Mercury is Neutral.

SIGNSAlthough, each sign has its unique attributes and characteristics, it also has something common with some of the other signs. The twelve signs are divided into three categories, three modes of operation: Cardinal (Movable, Fixed, and Dual) The type of the mode defines the way the sign acts and the type of energy that it produces. The movable signs are active, changeable, and direct. The fixed signs are slow, and as the mode's name implies, resisting to change, and attached to particular fixed way of doing things. The dual signs are always moving in different directions, exploring all the possibilities and sides to each matter.

Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn are Movable signs.Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius are Fixed signs.Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces are Dual signs.

Besides being categorized in terms of 3 modes, signs are also divided into 4 groups, each of them assigned to a Natural element : Fire, Earth, Air and Water. Each of the element groups contains all 3 modes of signs, movable, fixed, and dual. For example, water signs are Cancer (movable), Scorpio (fixed), and Pisces (dual). The same pattern applies to all four elements.

Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are Fire signs.Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn are Earth signs.Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius are Air signs.Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces are Water signs.

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HOUSESHouses are categorized in several ways. Let us refer back to your chart and the blank chart that displays house numbers. This will help you visualize the concepts that we will be discussing.

The four diamond shaped houses in the middle (the 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th houses) that constitute a large diamond in the center of the chart are angular houses also known as kendras. The angular houses produce very prominent and powerful influences.In your chart all the angular houses are occupied by the dual signs, which can be interpreted that you can easily see both sides of an issue, that you are skilled at doing more than one thing at a time, and that you might have more than one occupation.

The 1st, 5th, and 9th houses are called trine houses, also known as trikona houses. As you have noticed, the first house is both an angular and trine, which makes it's influences the most prominent and auspicious.

Your trine houses are occupied by air signs.

The 3rd, the 6th, the 10th and 11th houses are called growing houses. The conditions and effects of the planets placed in the growing houses have a chance for gradual improvement throughout the course of a person's life.

The 6th, 8th, and 12 houses are difficult houses.

The 12 houses are divided into four types: Life Mission or Purpose (Dharma), Wealth or Material Acquisition (Artha), Desire (Kama), and Spiritual Liberation (Moksha).

Houses 1, 5, and 9 are Purpose houses.Houses 2, 6, and 10 are Material houses.Houses 3, 7, and 11 are Desire houses.Houses 4, 8, and 12 are Liberation houses.

You may have noticed that the Fire signs, Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius correlate to Purpose houses (1st, 5th, and 9th houses) in nature and qualities. In the same way the Earth signs Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn can be related to the Material houses (2nd, 6th, and 10th houses). The air signs Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius correspond to Desire houses (3rd, 7th, and the 11th), and the water signs Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces correspond to the Liberation houses (4th, 8th, and 12th houses).


In the beginning of the lesson we briefly mentioned the main signification of each house. Now you are going to become familiar with significations of each house in more detail.

The First house represents your birth, the inner and outer Self, appearance, well being, personality traits, and general inclinations. It is a Purpose house, and it is at the same time an angular and trinal house. It is the most important and auspicious house in the horoscope.The sign that was rising on the eastern horizon at the time of your birth is your Ascendant or

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Rising sign. The rising sign fully occupies the First house of your horoscope. Your Ascendant is Gemini.The Second house represents your family, status in life, wealth, oral knowledge, speech, mouth, face, right eye, and foods that you like to consume. It is a Material house.

The Third house represents your younger siblings, talents and skills, courage, energy level, means of communications, as well as short distance travels. It is a Desire and growing house.

The Fourth house represents your mother, emotions, happiness, home, real estate, vehicles, and quality of early education. It is a Liberation and an angular house.

The Fifth house represents your children, good merits from the past lives, education, speculative activities, and leisurely past times. It is a Purpose and a trinal house.

The Sixth house represents your debts, health conditions, diseases, enemies, level of service, ability for detailed work, litigation, and accidents. It is a Purpose and a growing house.

The Seventh house represents relationships, partnership, marriage, business, and friends. It is a Desire and an angular (powerful) house.

The Eighth house represents the obstacles that hold you back, your losses, and longevity. It is a Liberation and a difficult house.

The Ninth house represents good fortune, prosperity, your father, devotional practices, foreign travel, higher knowledge, spiritual guide, and grandchildren. It is a Purpose and a trinal house.

The Tenth house represents your career, social status, government, fame, and father (both the 9th and the 10th houses represent the father). It is a Material house and the most powerful angular house. It is also a growing house.

The Eleventh house represents your desires and their fulfilment, money, plentitude, career income, gains, elder sibling, and friends. It is a Desire house and a growing house.

The Twelfth house represents foreign residency, immigration, imprisonment, confinement, losses, sexual pleasures, hospitals, sleep, dreams, death, and moksha (final liberation). It is a Liberation house and a house of difficulties.

Depending on the influences that the house receives from the occupying sign, conditions of its ruler, planetary aspects or placement, the conditions of the matters signified by that house will either flourish or suffer. That will define how you will experience that particular facet of life.


The natural benefics, like Jupiter, Moon, and Venus do better when placed in any of the trinal houses. Those placements enable planetary significations to flourish, creating peaceful and harmonious conditions in a person's life. Also, benefics will do well when placed in any of the angular houses. On the other hand, the natural malefics, Saturn, Mars, Rahu, Ketu, and Sun are considered to be better off placed in growing houses, as the conditions of the growing houses improve as time goes by and the afflictions and hindrances created by the natural malefics will be slowly removed, at least partially.

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As it has been emphasized before, the Moon's placement in the chart is of the utmost significance. Ruling the mind and emotions, Moon is responsible for your subjective perception of life. Your Moon is placed in the 1st house which means that you are sensitive and imaginative, romantic and emotional. You can be moody at times, and the let your emotions be the dominant factor in your decision making process. You have a nurturing and caring disposition. You like changes, and your own opinions and directions do not stay fixed for very long.

Your Sun is placed in the 8 house.Your Mars is placed in the 10 house.Your Mercury is placed in the 9 house.Your Jupiter is placed in the 1 house.Your Venus is placed in the 7 house.Your Saturn is placed in the 5 house.Your Rahu is placed in the 7 house.Your Ketu is placed in the 1 house.

Directional strength

Each planet obtains Dig bala (directional strength) through its placement in a specific house of the horoscope. Directional strength is one of the components of the overall planetary strength evaluation formula.

The Sun receives full Dig Bala when placed in the Tenth House.The Moon receives full Dig Bala when placed in the Fourth House.Mars receives full Dig Bala when placed in the Tenth House.Mercury receives full Dig Bala when placed in the First House.Jupiter receives full Dig Bala when placed in the First House.Venus receives full Dig Bala when placed in the Fourth House.Saturn receives full Dig Bala when placed in the Seventh House.

Your Mars receives full Dig Bala (directional strength) by being placed in the 10th house of your horoscope. Your Jupiter receives full Dig Bala (directional strength) by being placed in the 1st house of your horoscope.


The Moon is the most essential and significant factor in Vedic Astrology. It is the natural significator of the mind and emotions and is ultimately responsible for the way one perceives and views the world. Therefore, besides evaluating the natal birth chart you must evaluate the planetary positions in relation to the Moon's placement in the chart. The Chandra (Moon) Lagna (ascendant) is created by superimposing the sign which the Moon occupies in the natal chart into the First house.Considering that your Moon is placed in the first house of the birth chart, your Chandra lagna chart is going to be identical to the birth chart.

Naturally, your Chandra Lagna (Moon sign) is Gemini.

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Alternatively, the same principle can be applied to the Sun's position in the birth chart, and Surya (Sun) lagna (Ascendant) kundali (chart) can be made by placing the sign, which is occupied by the Sun in the natal chart, into the first house.

Your Surya lagna is Capricorn.


Sudarshana Chakra is a circular composite chart that allows to view the birth chart conditions from all three lagnas (ascendants). The inner circle is your natal birth chart, the circle in the middle is the Chandra Lagna, and the outer circle is the Surya Lagna.The houses are counted in the counterclockwise direction from the first one, that is marked As. in the case of the natal birth kundali, and respectively Moon in Chandra lagna and Sun in Surya lagna charts. By evaluating the various conditions of the planet placements, the houses, and their lords as counting from all three lagnas you can gain a more detailed insight into the horoscope. According to the sage Parashara, the renowned author of "Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra", analyzing the horoscope from all three lagnas is essential for accurate evaluation of the birth chart.


There is a technique that can be used to obtain additional information about the lives of your relatives, friends or spouse, as well as specific areas of life. It is called churning a horoscope. For example, if you desire to derive more information about your mother and details of her life, your natal chart can be rotated to superimpose the 4th house to become the Ascendant, so all of the positions and lordships can be evaluated in relation to the 4th house.

So the ascendant sign of your "mother's chart" is Virgo. In the derived "mother's chart" the actual 10th house of your natal chart would become the 7th house of the "mother's chart", and therefore can be used to analyze mother's marriage and/or business partnerships. The 7th house of the natal chart will be become "mother's" 4th house and can be looked at for the matters related to one's mother's real estate assets, her emotional nature, her home life, as well as her relationship with her mother (your maternal grandmother). In the same manner you can rotate the birth chart and superimpose any of the twelve houses into the first house.


As we know each sign of the zodiac takes up 30 degrees of celestial place. Each of these 30 degrees can be further subdivided into smaller portions. Each of these divisions will have its own zodiacal rulers. These divisions are called Vargas (divisional charts). There are 16 divisional charts. Each of them corresponds to a particular area of life, and is used to explore the area of life that it governs in further detail. The natal chart, of course, provides plentiful information about all facets of life, but often an astrologer would choose to look at a specific varga (divisional chart) to derive more clues about the area of life that it signifies.

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1. Rashi or the Complete sign of 30º is the birth chart itself.2. Hora or one-half of a sign (15º) is wealth varga.3. Dreshkana or one-third of a sign (10º) is siblings varga.4. Chaturthamsha or one-fourth of a sign (7º30') is destiny varga.5. Saptamsha or one-seventh of a sign (4º17`8.5") is children varga.6. Navamsha or one-ninth of a sign (3º20') is spouse and fortune varga.7. Dashamsha or one-tenth of a sign (3º) is career varga.8. Dwadashamsha or one-twelfth of a sign (2º30') is parents varga.9. Shodashamsha or one-sixteenth of a sign (1º52'30") is conveyances varga.10. Vimshamsha or one-twentieth of a sign (1º30') is spiritual progress varga.11. Chaturvimshamsha or one-twenty fourth of a sign (1º15') is knowledge varga.12. Saptavimshamsha or one-twenty seventh of a sign (1º6'40") is strength varga.13. Trimshamsha or one-thirtieth of a sign (1º00') is misfortunes varga.14. Khavedamsha or one-fortieth of a sign (0º45') is auspicious and inausp. effects varga.15. Akshavedamsha or one-forty fifth of a sign (0º40') is all areas of life varga.16. Shashtyamsha or one-sixtieth of a sign (0º30') is general life trends varga.

For example, if you want to obtain information regarding your career then you should evaluate the tenth house of the birth chart along with the first one. Then you can search for additional information by analyzing the conditions of the divisional chart called Dasamsha (great successes).

Here is your Dashamsha chart.


Navamsha (spouse) is the most important divisional chart. It is the 9th division chart and is commonly used to evaluate the conditions and future of your married life, as well as general happiness, luck, and well-being. By using an analogy it can be said that the rashi chart is a tree and the navamsha chart is the fruit. The conditions of the navamsha chart can either promote or offset the indications of the natal chart, therefore, it should always be looked at before drawing the conclusion of whether the results promised by the natal chart will manifest in your life.

Let us take a look at your Navamsha chart.

You should pay attention to the planetary positions in the navamsha chart to see which signs or dignities, and houses the planets occupy there. A planet which is debilitated or greatly weakened in the natal chart is still going to exert much positive influence, if it is occupying its exaltation or own sign in the navamsha, or placed in a friend's sign in an auspicious house and/or influenced by benefics. Naturally, the planet that is greatly placed in the natal chart, but severely afflicted in the navamsha will not be able to manifest its full potential as benefic influence, and will render mixed results.

Your Sun is placed in the sign of Capricorn in Neutral dignity in the natal chart, while in the Navamsha chart your Sun is in Cancer in Neutral dignity.

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A planet which occupies the same sign in both the natal chart and the navamsha is considered to be Vargottama (the best division). This condition grants a lot of prominence and strength to the planet's influence. It is most favorable for a planet to be vargottama in its exaltation, or swakshetra dignity, while occupying its debilitation sign in both charts may seriously hinder the matters signified and influenced by that particular planet.Vargottama condition can also be applied to any other divisional chart, but it is not going to have as much value as it does in the case of the navamsha chart.

Check to see if you have any vargottama planets in your chart. Compare the signs which your planets occupy in the birth chart with the signs that they occupy in the navamsha chart.

Luminary Rashi NavamshaMoon Gemini PiscesMars Pisces CapricornMercury Aquarius ScorpioJupiter Gemini GeminiVenus Sagittarius TaurusSaturn Libra GeminiRahu Sagittarius CancerKetu Gemini Capricorn

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Welcome to Lesson 4 of Your Personalized Tutorial


Once you carefully evaluate the conditions and dominating planetary influences in the natal chart and navamsha, as well as the Chandra lagna and other charts you should be able to get an idea about the possible future events that are going to take place in your life. At the same time, you will be faced with a question of "When" will these events come about? You will most definitely like to know when can you expect that great job promotion or when should you watch out for your health. This brings us to the subject of techniques designed for timing the events.

DashasThe most important technique used for timing the future events is called Dashas. There are more than a few dasha systems, but the one most widely known and commonly practiced is Vimshottari Dasha system.

Vimshottari dasha assigns a designated time span of influence to each planet in a fixed sequence, with the complete cycles amounting to 120 years. In the modern time it is rare for a human to live past 120, so, naturally, one is not going to go through the full cycle of Vimshottari dasha. Nevertheless, after the full cycle of 120 years is completed, it repeats itself in a set order.

Each of the twenty seven lunar birthstars is ruled by a particular planet. Ketu rules the very first birthstar, Ashvini. The birthstar rulership sequence proceeds in this order: Ketu, Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, and Mercury. Then again it starts with Ketu and repeats itself three times.

Time Span of each DashaKetu Dasha is 7 years long.Venus Dasha is 20 years long.Sun Dasha is 6 years long.Moon Dasha is 10 years long.Mars Dasha is 7 years long.Rahu Dasha is 18 years long.Jupiter Dasha is 16 years long.Saturn Dasha is 19 years long.Mercury Dasha is 17 years long.

Although, the order of the planetary cycles is fixed, the commencement of a particular planetary cycle is individual and depends on the Moon's birthstar placement in the horoscope. Your Moon is placed in the Ardra birthstar. Rahu is the ruler of Ardra birthstar, therefore, you were born in the dasha cycle of Rahu.

The rest of the planetary cycles proceed in a fixed order. Whether or not you go through the whole cycle of the first pIanetary cycle is possible that an individual will not go through the whole cycle of the first planetary dasha, as depending on the degree of the Moon, one may be born in the middle of the end of the first dasha cycle.

Taking into account a considerable length of some of the planetary cycles, you might wonder how could Venus dasha cycle keep producing the same results in one's life for 20 years. Well, it is not going to. Now we come to the point of 5 levels of dashas. While the main dasha cycles can last for many years, as shown in the table above, there are four more dasha levels that are much shorter in length. The major dasha cycles are called Maha

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dashas, and the planets ruling them are referred to as Maha dasha lords. They provide general information about the person's life within their designated cycle. The shorter planetary cycles are called sub-dashas, and they are the ones used to precisely and accurately time the events of one's life.

You are currently in the Maha dasha of Ketu.

The first sub-cycle is called Antar-dasha, and its lord is referred to as the Antar-dasha lord. Antar-Dasha cycles follow the same fixed general planetary sequence order as Maha dashas. It should be noted that the starting planetary cycle of a sub-cycle is always a repetition of the major level. For example, if a person is starting a Maha Dasha of Jupiter, then the very first Antar-dasha cycle will be also Jupiter, the next Antar-dasha will be Saturn, and so on.

You are currently running the following five levels of dashas Ke-Ve-Ra-Me-Ma.

You can view more of your dasha cycles by clicking the HOME link and choosing "Planetary Influence" from the Reports selection menu.

TransitsThe other event timing techinque that is used along with dasha cycles to accurately predict the times when certain events are going to take place is Planetary Transits (Gochara). Planetary Transit deal with the subject of the on-going movement of the planets referenced in relation to an individual chart. Just as your natal birth chart represents the planetary positions as they were at the moment of your birth, so does the Transit chart show the current planetary positions in relation to the planetary positions at the time of your birth. It is also advisable to evaluate the transit chart in relation to the planetary positions of the Chandra (Moon) chart.

If you would like to take a look at your real time transit positions in relation to your birth chart, click the HOME link and select the "Planetary Transit" link from the Reports menu.

Some of the nine planets move through the Zodiac much faster than others. The Moon, being the fastest, takes less than a month to go through all the twelve signs, while Saturn, the slowest planet, takes about 29 and a half years to complete one circle of the Zodiac, which means that Saturn will spend about two and a half years transiting each of the houses in your chart.

The constant motion of the planets through the Zodiac brings them into an interplay with the elements of birth charts. As the planets "transit" through the houses of the horoscope and pass over the natal planetary positions, they interact with the significations of the natal planets and houses, influencing the conditions of the horoscope. Depending on the nature of the planets and their positions in a particular birth chart, the effects of the transits can be either very favorable or outright negative. Also, it is obvious that the transit effects of the slow moving Saturn are going to be much more profound than the transits of the fast moving Moon.

Therefore, for a purpose of predicting long term trends in your life you should pay attention to the transits of the slow moving planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu.Rahu and Ketu are always separated by 180 degrees, therefore, they are always seven constellations away from each other. For example, currently Rahu is transiting through the sign of Gemini and Ketu is transiting through the sign of Sagittarius. They will remain in these signs until March 2002. As you know, the nodes move in a backward motion, so in March 2002 Rahu will move from Gemini into Taurus and Ketu will move from Sagittarius into the sign of Scoprio.

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You are Gemini rising, that means that untill March 2002 Rahu will be transiting over the 1st house of your chart (in relation to the Ascendant).

Likewise, Ketu will be transiting the 7th house of your birth chart.

You should also remember to evaluate transits from the Chandra lagna as well. Transits from the Moon's position will provide additional clues for predicting life trends.Your natal Moon is placed in the sign of Gemini. Therefore, Rahu will be transiting the 1st of your Chandra Lagna chart (from the Moon). Ketu will be transiting the 7th house from your Moon.

The other two slow moving planets, Jupiter and Saturn, are currently transiting through the sign of Taurus.

Jupiter takes about 12 years to complete one full cycle around the Zodiac, so it spends on an average 1 year in each sign. Jupiter will remain in the sign of Taurus until June of this year and then it will leave Saturn behind and move into the sign of Gemini.Saturn will remain in Taurus for another year and a half.So until June 2001, Jupiter will be transiting the 12th house of your birth chart (from the Ascendant) and the 12th house from the Moon.

Because Saturn is currently occupying the same sign as Jupiter, it will transit the same houses in your chart, i.e. the 12th house from the Ascendant and the 12th house from the Moon. Saturn will remain over these houses untill the summer of 2002.

When evaluating transit effects, you should consider the natural significations of the transiting planets, along with their lordships of the houses in the birth chart and Chandra lagna, as well as the significations of the houses through which the planets are transiting (again from the Ascendant and from the Moon).

In your case, Jupiter is the ruler of the 7th and 10th houses from the Ascendant and the 7th and 10th houses from the Moon.

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Nine Planets

The Power of the Sun

The Power of the Sun

The Sun is the ruler of the sign Leo in the Zodiac. It is exalted in Aries and debilitated in

Libra. Sun rules the birthstars (constellations) of Krittika, Uttara Phalguni and Uttarashada.

Natural friends are the Moon, Mars and Jupiter. Natural enemies are Saturn, Venus, Rahu

and Ketu.

The Sun's position in one's horoscope will indicate in a variety of traits of an individual, both

physical and psychological. First, we should understand what the Sun represents in an

astrological horoscope. The Sun is considered the ruler of our entire solar system. All the

other planets orbit around it and are dependent on the Sun's energy for the existence of

most life forms living upon them.

From the position of the Sun in a horoscope, we can understand a lot about the person's

physical appearance, although it is not the only factor. It represents the basic behavioural

traits of a person as well, but again there are other factors that must also be taken into

consideration. The Sun is the representative of father, so a competent astrologer should be

aware of the parental status, traits and the relationship a person has with one's father. Even

the length of the father's lifespan can be seen by the position of the Sun at the time of the

person's birth. It can also be representative of the husband in a woman's chart.

The Sun gives us power through the vitamins contained in its rays; so the level of a person's

physical power, or energy, is also determined by the Sun.

The Sun will also determine the amount of influence to be gained over others during his or

her lifetime. The Sun is the king of all planets and is the supplier of light and heat to the

universe, and therefore has more influence over life than any other planet.

Success in maintaining a healthy body, vitality, immune system, and the willpower to achieve

greatness in society - are under the purview of the Sun. It gives life force, intelligence and

prosperity. It is indicative of wealth, wisdom, good fortune and success in all worldly affairs.

Our ambition and the ability to understand the physical and the phenomenal worlds all come

under the Sun's control.

The Sun represents kings, government officials, people in government service and leaders.

It represents wealthy or famous people, as well as those living in or connected with a church,

temple, or religious institution. It also represents creative people like artists, actors, jewellers,

gemmologists, and gold merchants. Doctors, nurses and those connected with the healing

field are also ruled by the Sun.

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The Sun, if well placed in the chart, can give great abilities in the categories mentioned,

making a person cheerful, fortunate, and wise. If ill-placed in the horoscope, it can indicate in

myriad of physical as well as possible mental or emotional problems, pessimistic attitude,

humiliation at the hands of others and impoverished conditions of life. A strong Sun can give

rise to fame in their area, field, or even the whole world. An individual would be virtuous, full

of vitality and have the potency to instruct or command others in proper way if the Sun is

beneficially disposed. The Sun can indicate that a person's status in society increases

steadily during his lifetime to a place far above that in which he/she was born.

If the Sun is afflicted in the horoscope, it may make a person too proud or egotistical. It may

also indicate excessive arrogance or boastfulness. The Sun will reveal its full influence

between the ages of 12 and 24 years.

In the physical body, the Sun is the ruler of the heart, head, lungs, liver, nervous system and

skeletal structure. It indicates the right eye in a male and the left in a female. To fast on a

Sunday is recommended if the Sun is weak in the horoscope.


When the universe was bathed in darkness, Lord Brahma - the God of Creation - split it off

the centre and the sound "AUM" reverberated. This incident resulted in the creation of the

Sun. The Sun is thus known as being "self-created".

In Vedic mythology, worship of the Sun brings redemption. Lord Rama triumphed in his

battle with Ravana - a ten headed demon king - by chanting the hymn for the Sun. This

hymn was taught to Rama by the great saint Agastiya.


Suryanar Koil is dedicated to the Sun God. Other planetary gods also have independent

shrines in Suryanar Koil surrounding the Sun's central shrine. The temple is astronomically

significant, as it is located at a strategic point to receive maximum beneficial rays from the

planets. As all of the planetary deities are represented in this temple, this temple is the most

important one for performing remedies for all the nine planets. The nine planets themselves

worshiped Shiva at this temple. Shiva ordained that whoever came to this temple and

worshipped here would feel the reversal of karma and get rid of harmful effects from the

planets. At Suryanar Koil, Ganesha - the remover of obstacles - is worshipped first. Then,

the rest of the planets are worshipped in order. Lamps are lit and remedies are performed as


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The Power of the Moon

The Moon represents the mind and accordingly, it indicates a person's thinking, feeling, and

other mental processes. It represents all things that have to do with one's mother, as well as

motherhood in women.

It is representative of interaction with the public, or public businesses, water, liquids and the

tides of the sea, over which it rules. It also has dominance over the waters and liquids within

our bodies.

Emotions and sensitivity may be understood by the position of the Moon in a person's chart.

The Moon's nature is tender-hearted and wise. It rules peace of mind and gives a general

sense of comfort and well-being. The Moon reflects understanding and sense of purpose,

intuitive ability, sensuality, love for fine arts, music and jewels. It also rules our moods,

emotions and sensitivity.

The Moon is also responsible for growth, fertility and impregnation or conception. It

influences childbirth and memory and has great influence over travel.

A strong Moon in the chart will indicate a happy mental state, good mother, opportunities for

travel over water and success in businesses that has to do with the day to day needs of the

public. It may bestow a wonderful social life and pleasure from different modes of

enjoyments if the Moon is beneficially disposed, or well aspected. A powerful Moon gives

emotional strength, makes for good relations and love for others. It will give good intuition,

purpose to life, an attraction for the fine arts and make a person attractive to others.

If the Moon is weak in the chart you may be subject to mental anxiety. There may be

emotional instability and an inability to relate well to others. If badly aspected, the Moon can

make one unfriendly and unable to share intimacy, or will cause you to lack contentment or

peace of mind. An ill-placed Moon may make for inclinations to moodiness and feelings of

depression, with an unclear mind. Depending on how severely afflicted it is, there may be a

tendency towards neurosis, hysteria or insanity. It can make a person feel lack of joy or

satisfaction, there by bringing about acute realization of the sufferings felt in this material

world. There may be indications towards ill health of the mother, or difficulties in social


Physically an afflicted, debilitated, or otherwise ill-disposed Moon may indicate anemia, lack

of body fluids or body weight, constipation and dryness of the skin. It can cause colds,

fevers, bronchitis, intestinal problems, or even susceptibility to cancer. Organs, such as the

lungs and kidneys, may also be weak and there may be menstrual or infertility problems in


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The Moon is the ruler of the sign Cancer or the Zodiac and is strong there in its own sign. It

is most powerful, or exalted, in Taurus and fallen, or debilitated, in Scorpio. Jupiter, Sun and

Mars are the Moon's natural friends. Moon is very strong in its birthstars of Rohini, Hasta

and Shravan. It is still quite strong in Jupiter's birthstars of Punarvasu, Vishakha and

Purvabhadrapada. It is also giving good effects when in Karttika, Uttara Phalguni, Ashlesha,

Jyestha, Uttarashadha and Revati.

The Moon is auspicious for those born during the waxing of its cycle but causes difficulty if

born during the descending cycle. It is always a benefic planet and is strongest from the

tenth day of waxing to the fifth day of its waning. Its effects are powerfully felt in childhood,

as Moon rules over this period of life.


It is believed that the Lord Moon was born out of the divine chest of Lord Vishnu. Some say

the the Moon emerged from the "Holy Ocean Of Milk". Others claim that he was born to

Saint Athvi and his wife Anusuya.

Lord Moon married all the 27 daughters of Dakshan, who are star constellations in the sky.

But the Moon did not evenly share his love with all his wives, preferring to spend more time

with Rohini. This upset the neglected wives and they complained to their father. Dakshan

appealed to the Moon many times, however the Moon refused to listen. Dakshan therefore

cursed the Moon that he would diminish in size and become diseased. Day by day the moon

waned and due to his sickness, all living things developed consumption. The celestial beings

interceded on the Moon's behalf, fearing that all life on Earth would succumb to this wasting

disease. Dakshan promised that if the Moon would behave and visit all his wives he would

be free from this consumption for half the month - hence as the Moon wanders in his

celestial orbit he waxes and wanes.

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The Power of Mars

Mars is a masculine planet, extremely fiery in nature. He is said to be the commander-in-

chief of the planets of our solar system and is personified as the God of War. Mars has the

nature of a warrior. The position of Mars in the horoscope shows the amount of energy a

person has and how this energy is utilized. Therefore Mars is the indicator of our physical

and mental energy. He rules over determination, courage and bravery as well as leadership,

self-confidence, forcefulness and physical strength. Competitive spirit, athletics and the

martial or military arts are all categories of Mars. Mars presides over those in the food

business, such as cooks and restaurateurs as well as policemen, soldiers, officers and


Mars natives are often short-tempered. They may be argumentative and usually love guns,

explosives and all types of weaponry. They have mechanical and technical talents making

them skilled as builders and engineers. Mars represents the real estate or land and housing

business, including the areas of construction, buying, selling, renting or building.

Mars is orderly and likes things arranged properly. He gives drive and determination, as well

as purposefulness.

Those ruled by Mars are generally fiercely independent and can react with violence when

they feel it is right. It can also make a person rash, impulsive and insensitive to the opinions

of others. Passion or sexual prowess is also shown by the position of Mars in the chart.

More often than not a powerful Mars will also make for selfishness. It can make for a willing

participant in illegalities in business, as well as for fondness of secret or illicit sexual

relationships. Mars can cause physical harm, such as burns and bruises and is always

capable of doing harm as it is a very malefic planet. A strong Mars gives stamina, courage

and determination, making a person constructive and energetic. If it is well-placed, it makes

those so fortunate to be capable of leading others and indicates success in all Mars

categories. Mars shows his full effects between the ages of 27 and 32 years.

Mars is strong in his own signs of Scropio and Aries, is exalted in Capricorn and debilitated

in Cancer. It is also very powerful in its birthstars of Mirgishira, Dhanistha and Chitra. Mars is

natural friend with Jupiter, Sun and Moon, is neutral to Venus and Saturn and enemy with

Mercury, Rahu and Ketu.

If Mars is afflicted, or ill-placed, it makes for a waste of energy on worthless things. It may

indicate physical harm or debility or make a person angry, cruel or violent. It can make for

aggressiveness and devoid of proper manners or social skills. A weak Mars means the

person will not have ambition, motivation or the stamina it takes to achieve success.

Anything beyond meagre advancement becomes very difficult and the individual is usually

relegated to a lower status in society, or in life in general.

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Weak Mars may also make for a weak character, making them targets for mental and

physical abuse. Physically, it causes a feeble immune system, poor appetite and a weak

body in general. Wounds and injuries may be slow to heal and in men, it can cause lack of

sexual desire and vitality. Blood diseases, ulcers and fevers, as well as excessive burns

and / or bruises may also be attributed to the effects of this planet.


Some say that after separating from goddess Parvati, Lord Shiva was performing penance.

During this time a drop of sweat fell from his forehead eye to the ground and assumed the

form of a child. Others say that Mars was born directly from Lord Shiva's semen. When

Parvati and Lord Shiva were on their honeymoon they entered an embrace that lasted one

hundred million years. Agni disturbed Lord Shiva's intense union and caused him to

discharge his seminal fluid - the result of which was Mars.

While Lord Mars was deeply involved in meditation, a spiritual flame appeared on his body

and elevated him to the status of a planet.


Vaitheeswaran Koil is a temple dedicated to Mars which is located 15 kilometers from

Myladuthurai on the northern bank of the river Cauvery. The massive temple is built on 10.7

acres of land. There is an idol of Lord Mars with six faces facing east. There is a separate

shrine for planet Mars and this shrine is renowned. It is widely believed that praying to planet

Mars in this temple can help one miraculously overcome all physical ailments.

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The Power of Mercury

Mercury, the planet of intellect, represents intelligence as well as communication of all kinds.

It has a quickly changing and fickle temperament and being the lord of Gemini, can exhibit

dual nature. It may make a subject detached and independent, or an extremist. It is known

as a "mutable planet" in that it reflects the attributes of planets it is associated with, being a

"neutral" planet. It is representative of education and literary affairs and the communication

of ideas, such as in advertising, sales lecturing or teaching spiritual concepts. Its full effects

are seen between the ages of 32 and 35.

Writers, lecturers, artists, sculptors (or people that use their hands in their profession) and

teachers, as well as astrologers, accountants, office workers, traders and businessmen,

more often than not, will have a prominent or well-placed Mercury in their charts.

Playfulness, enthusiasm and talkativeness are the traits of Mercury's influence, in addition to

independent thinking and appreciation of tradition. The ability to learn different languages,

convince others, memorize and develop good business acumen come under Mercury's

influence. Friendships and ability to learn things are due to Mercury's energies. It gives

proficiency in the arts and the ability to do things quickly or several things at one time.

Mercury is the ruler of the signs Gemini and Virgo of the Zodiac and becomes exalted in its

own sign of Virgo. It is debilitated in Pisces. Mercury is friends with Venus, Sun, Rahu and

Ketu, neutral to Saturn, Mars and Jupiter. It is enemy with the Moon but does well in the

birthstars of Ashlesha, Rohini, Revati, Jyestha, Shravan and Hasta.

A strong Mercury gives good intelligence and myriad of abilities under the categories

mentioned above. Successful communicators of all types have a well-placed Mercury in their

horoscopes, whether they be artists, business people, in the entertainment business, or

involved with the media.

A weak Mercury may make subjects restless, fearless, fearful or neurotic. When Mercury is

ill-placed or aspected, it may cause lack of intelligence or communicative skills, or a poor

memory. It can make a person immature, foolish and childish. Feelings of insecurity and lack

of self control, leading to addictions and artificial dependencies, are also manifest from a

poor placement of this planet. Physically it can show itself as weakness of the nervous

system, anxiety, neural indigestion, or insomnia. It may cause bowel and elimination

problems such as diarrhea or constipation, difficulty in digesting food, kidney disease, or

respiratory problems.

Malefically disposed, it causes sufferers mental or physical pain, or undue anxiety. This may

vary from being too fearful and nervous to having serious psychosis and lunacy.

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Jupiter's wife, Tharai, was impregnated by the Moon during an affair. After resuming her

relationship with her husband Jupiter, a son was born. Tharai confirmed that the Moon was

the real father. This was again confirmed by Lord Brahma, who made Mercury live close to

the Sun. Mercury performed penance to Lord Shiva and was granted the boon of becoming

a planet.

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The Power of Jupiter

Jupiter by nature, is the most wonderful and expansive planet giving to the human race their

most bountiful qualities. It is the most pious of planets, known as guru or teacher. A strong

Jupiter will be found in the horoscopes of wealthy and influential persons. Jupiter signifies

good luck and good fortune and indicates long distance travel. We understand the good

karma earned in the previous lives by the placement of Jupiter.

Jupiter is also the ruler of religion and religious devotions and thus comes the name, Guru.

He is the controller of all other planets, the revered spiritual master of the demigods.

Philosophy and spirituality are under the auspices of Jupiter, as are financial affairs and

wealth. Jupiter is also the indicator of children in the chart and in a woman's horoscope, it is

the indicator of what kind of a husband she will attain in the present life and what their

relationship will be like. A strong Jupiter indicates one whose opinions are valued by many;

therefore teachers fall in this category. Jupiter is noble, dignified, optimistic, of good humor

and the giver of the fruits of labor.

Jupiter is the ruler of the Zodiacal signs Sagittarius and Pisces, is exalted in Cancer and

debilitated in Capricorn. He gives especially beneficial effects positioned in the birthstars of

Uttara Phalguni, Uttarashadha, Punarvasu, Purvabhadrapad and Vishaka. Jupiter has

friendly relationships with the Sun, Moon and Mars. Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are neutral to

him; but Mercury and Venus are his enemies.

A strong or well-placed Jupiter can indicate many things, all of them positive, giving

happiness. Subjects will be of an optimistic frame of mind, have dignity and a good sense of

humor. It can make a person famous and gives many good qualities, such as honesty,

compassion towards others and wisdom. Although a powerful Jupiter may give much wealth

or influence, more importantly it makes for a happy and satisfied life.

Those with a well-placed Jupiter in their chart are generally religious, philosophical and try to

live a fairly pious life. They will engage in spiritual meditation and inquire as to the true

purpose of human life in this world. This is the greatest boon. To attempt to uncover the true

"self" or to become "self-realized" is the ultimate goal of life. The Vedas consider that the

person who tries to solve the problem of repeated births and deaths in the material world,

transmigrating through 8,400,000 species of life, is having the most developed intelligence

and is greatly fortunate. The Vedic philosophy of karma is that a soul gets the reactions to

his past actions, so a well-placed Jupiter indicates one who has been of a pious nature in

previous lives. "As one sows, so he shall reap"; this is the immutable law of action and


A well-placed Jupiter gives compassion, benevolence, charity, morality, wisdom and

truthfulness. Anyone with great ambition is influenced by Jupiter, as are priests, monks and

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spiritual teachers. He rules those in political and legal professions and those who have

control over their external senses. Physically Jupiter rules the blood circulation in our

arteries, the liver, thighs and "fat" in the body.

When Jupiter is weak in the horoscope, subjects may suffer from lack of happiness and

enthusiasm. They will be weak-willed, have lack of faith both spiritually and in the good

things and attributes of life. Life may seem meaningless and without any source of pleasure.

A week Jupiter will cause pessimism and depression, anxiety and self-pity. Ill-aspected

Jupiter makes for lack of compassion and congeniality for other people. It will also give rise

to material, as well as financial difficulties. The person may be devoid of any creative abilities

and in the case of a woman, may be unable to bear children and lack a good husband to

properly care for her.

Physically, there may be a weak immune system and generally poor vitality. The body

weight may be too low and the liver and pancreas may not function properly. It can give rise

to problems like arthritis or jaundice and diseases of the respiratory system. An appearance

of general physical debility is common when Jupiter is badly afflicted.


Jupiter is the son of Chitra Devi and Saint Angirasa - a favorite son of Lord Brahma.

Jupiter performed difficult penances for Lord Shiva for a period of 10,000 years. This

pleased Lord Shiva so much that he declared him to be guru of the gods. Jupiter is therefore

known as Lord of Worship and Guru

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The Power of Venus

Venus is a beneficial planet by nature and is also considered to be a teacher. Venus is the

planet governing sensuality and is the embodiment of love. All attributes of love, romance,

beauty, sensuality, sexual pleasures and passion are under the rule of Venus.

The Sanskrit name for Venus is "Shukra", which in one instance means "semen", making

Venus the presiding deity of semen. Shukra is the son of the great sage, seer and astrologer

"Bhrigu", who taught his son all spiritual sciences and the Vedic scriptures.

Venus is also very important in determining wealth and conjugal relationships. It represents

marriage and the ability to gain a good wife. The privilege of having a comfortable home,

luxuries, quality cars, furniture, and paraphernalia are also under the control of Venus. Like

Jupiter, Venus also gives wealth and material prosperity, but Venus often concentrates on

the material rather than the spiritual attributes, unless the subject has the ability to utilize its

"higher" aspects.

Venus is connected to the chanting of mantras, Tantra, hypnotism, alchemy and the medical

arts. Venus rules artists, actors, musicians, dancers and poets. Those that make a living

dealing in the sensual things available on earth also usually have a strong, prominent Venus

in their horoscopes.

In the physical body, it rules the reproductive system, kidneys, eyes, cheeks, chin and throat.

In nature it especially rules over flowers, jewels and tropical places. Venus is the lord of the

signs Taurus and Libra.

It is exalted in Pisces and debilitated in Virgo. Birthstars ruled by Venus are Bharani,

Purvaphalguni and Purvashada. Friends are Mercury and Saturn; Sun and Moon are

enemies and Mars and Jupiter are neutral, although Venus is hostile towards Jupiter.

When Venus is strong in the chart, subjects may be loving and charismatic, able to infuse

others with a sense of happiness and well-being. It brings wealth, comforts and a beautiful

face and body. It makes for mutual attraction between the opposite sexes. Venus may

bestow a gentle and tender nature, having great consideration for others around them. It

gives an affinity for fine jewellery, beautiful clothes, ornaments and perfumes. Those with a

prominent Venus will usually enjoy both rich and delicious foods and have a love for the fine

arts. They may have the inspiration necessary to become artists, musicians or poets.

Hopefully they may also be seekers of truth and the knowledge of the obscure or secret

sciences. Qualities of expression, appreciation and affection are apparent in those with a

well-positioned Venus.

If Venus is weak or afflicted in the horoscope, problems in marriage often result. The

subjects may be lacking in physical beauty, as well as grace and charm. Insensitivity may be

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seen along with lack of love and affection. A weak Venus can result in coarse and vulgar

behavior. Romantic affairs will be seen to be tumultuous and short-lived. There appears to

be difficulty in expressing feelings. In men, relationships with women are extremely difficult

and in women, it may be seen to bring about lack of feminine qualities.

Physically, it may cause weak kidneys and reproductive system, or even infertility. Energy

may be low and the immune system may also be feeble. Chronic urinary tract infections may

be manifest. Even if Venus is strong, if it is in an undesirable position, it may cause

overindulgence in sex, eating or drinking, bringing on innumerable physical inabilities.


Venus was the master and teacher of the demons. The demons harassed the gods greatly

and during one such war, Venus angered Lord Shiva while using his powers to revive

demons that had perished. Shiva captured and swallowed Venus in order to turn the tides of

the war. Venus wandered and meditated in Shiva's stomach for 1,000 years. When Shiva

ejected Venus back into the world, Venus immediately paid obeisance to Shiva without

delay. This so impressed Shiva that he granted Venus the status of planet.

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Power of Saturn

Saturn is a slow-moving and very powerful planet, malefic in nature. Shani is the Sanskrit

name for Saturn and he is also called Shanaishchara (slow moving) as Saturn takes 2.5

years, or 30 months, to pass through all signs of the Zodiac. It is the ruler of longevity of life,

death and the aging of the body. It controls the practice of yoga and renunciation, or

detachment from this material world. Therefore, it rules over ascetics, monks and spiritual

renunciates. It also indicates foreigners and foreign lands in the chart. Saturn is also the

ruler of the people dealing in the black market, as well as thieves and robbers.

Said to be the greatest teacher, Saturn is a hard task-master. The lessons learned should

help a subject to gain spiritual perspective on life and the realization that full satisfaction can

never be possible while transmigrating from one birth to another within this material world.

Coincidentally transport, machinery and prisons are also ruled by Saturn and, in a way, this

whole material stratosphere of innumerable planets, planetary systems and forced birth and

death is viewed as a large prison. The reason this allegory is used in the Vedas to describe

the material planetary systems is that we are not truly "free" until liberated from its confines.

This can only happen when man becomes self-realized and renounces the temporary

pleasures (and pains) of this world.

Manual laborers are represented by Saturn, but its position in everyone's horoscope will

indicate the type of employment in which they engage. This may also be interpreted to

indicate the trials and tribulations to undergo to attain success in the chosen field.

Saturn rules over carpenters and construction workers, laborers, mechanics, miners,

masons, vendors, hunters and social servants. Saturn also rules over products such as

gasoline, iron, wood and all black colored items. Deadly substances also come under

Saturn's direction.

Saturn is the lord of the signs Capricorn and Aquarius. He is exalted in Libra and debilitated

in Aries. His friends are Mercury, Venus, Rahu and Ketu. Enemies are Sun, Moon and Mars.

Jupiter is neutral. He is ruler of the birthstars Pushya, Anuradha and Uttarabhadrapada.

Saturn is most powerful during the waning of the Moon and shows its greatest effect

between the ages of 36 and 42 years. Physically Saturn rules the bones, nails, teeth, and

hair. He also has to do with the nervous system, as he will give a body constitution

dominated by "Vata" (air or wind) and nerve impulses are related with the element of air. It is

also an indicator of psychological problems.

If Saturn is well-positioned, or aspected in the horoscope, it gives long life, the ability to be a

leader and an organizer with integrity, sincerity and honesty. If well positioned, it can also

give wisdom, fame and patience, along with a sense of justice, or knowing right from wrong.

It can help spiritualists become unattached for advancement in their spiritual goals.

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When Saturn is in a poor position, it brings disappointments, sorrow and miseries. It may

cause delays and difficulties, disputes and disharmony. It may cause subjects to feel

despondent or dejected, and cause destruction or death. A weak position can cause enmity,

theft, lawsuits and imprisonment. Accidents and premature aging are also possible effects of

a poorly positioned Saturn, which can make its subordinates lonely, sadistic, greedy and

fearful. Dishonesty, irresponsibility and addiction to drugs are also traits of those with a

poorly positioned Saturn. These people may be agitated and unable to handle stress. They

are not practical and have a warped perception of reality. Some may suffer problems from

the government and have a hard time earning a living. They give up easily and have no

endurance or drive, over a long period of time.

Physically, there may be weakness of nerves and the bones, lack of vitality, and a short life.

Ear disease or deafness, gout, colic and asthma may also be caused by the malefic

influence of Saturn. Resistance to infectious diseases may be extremely weak and in severe

cases, cancer, epilepsy, paralysis and severe mental debility or insanity may manifest.


The Sun married Sanchigai, the daughter of Dhusashta and gave birth to three sons. When

Sanchigai went to visit her parents without the knowledge of her husband, she left behind

her shadow Chaya Devi. Saturn is one of the three children born to the Sun and Chaya Devi.

When Saturn was born it was said that his gaze fell on his father the Sun, and caused

vitiligo. His gaze then fell upon the Sun's charioteer who fell and broke his thigh. Next his

gaze fell on the seven horses that drive the Sun's chariot and they all went blind. It was only

when Saturn's gaze left them that the Sun's skin cleared, his charioteer's femur healed, and

his horses regained their eye sight.

When Lord Shiva's son Ganesha was born, his mother Parvati wanted to show the boy to

Saturn. Saturn advised her not to, however she insisted and Saturn gazed upon the child

with one eye. Instantly Ganesha's head was burnt to ashes. To prevent Parvati's anger from

destroying the universe, Lord Vishnu, cut the head off a bull elephant he had found, and

joined it successfully to Ganesha's body. This is why Lord Ganesha has the head of an


The story goes that one of the sons of the Sun named Yama (god of death), was angry with

his step-mother Chaya Devi and in a fit of rage hit his step-brother Saturn on his legs. This

crippled Saturn, who became lame. Thus Saturn confers a general slowness in all aspects of

life. Disappointment, incompatibility, sorrows, imprisonment, stubbornness, servitude, and

difficulties in life are associated with Saturn.

In order to be granted the status of planet, Saturn established a Linga (a form of Shiva) at

Benares and performed penance for a very long period to time.

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Thirunallar, a village close to the Karaikal town of Pondicherry State, is considered the

abode of Lord Saturn. Those who are caught in Saturn's spell will find relief by visiting this

temple and offering prayers to Saturn. It is said that when King Nala was afflicted by Saturn

he took shelter at this temple and surrendered to Saturn so that he would not be harmed.

Nala prayed to Lord Shiva to relieve the pain of all devotes who come to the Thirunallar

temple, and his prayers were answered. People come to Thirunallar to take an oil bath in the

temple tanks, wear black dress (colors that propitiate Saturn) and worship him to attain

peace of mind. Every Saturday (Saturn's day) is festival time there.

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The Power of Rahu

Rahu is a malefic planet by nature. It brings chaos generally, causing difficulties, frustration,

anxiety and suffering. It can cause ignorance, enmity and insatiable sensual or worldly

desires, robbing those so influenced of the ability to ever feel satisfied. It can indicate

infectious disease, unclean or irreligious habits and use of intoxicants. It generally intensifies

the effects of any house in which it is situated.

Rahu represents snakes, fear, suffering from sinful actions and persons of lower character. It

rules over travellers and navigators, as well as criminals, spies, anarchists, revolutionaries

and terrorists. Persons of violent and aggressive natures are also ruled by Rahu. It causes

people to go underground, losing contact with people they had previously associated with in


When situated in a powerful position, Rahu can give great riches, or the ability to use the

media to sway the opinions of the public. It can give power and fame, political success, as

well as physical beauty. However, Rahu's planetary period will never allow a person to feel

satisfied, regardless of any material gains. Whatever is gained in Rahu's period is usually

lost. He shows his full effects between the ages of 42 and 48 years.

Rahu is said to be exalted in Taurus in most references, but some give Gemini or Virgo as

the exaltation sign. Nevertheless it is powerful in any of these signs. Mercury, Saturn and

Venus are friendly to Rahu, but Mars, Sun and Moon are his enemies. Jupiter is neutral.

Rahu is especially powerful in giving artistic and communicative talents, or knowledge of

mystical arts when conjunct with Jupiter or Venus.

When badly positioned, Rahu makes for poor judgment. Those so influenced are usually

illogical, insensitive and selfish. It can cause fears and suicidal tendencies. Hallucinations

and usage of drugs are some of the effects of Rahu, which in turn lead to moodiness,

fantasies, or imagined problems. Rahu can even induce a person to commit murder. Those

powerfully under his rays can be swayed by any influences, regardless of the dangers and

are usually unpopular, with very few friends. They are generally self-destructive and easily

lose control of themselves, often ending up in detention or prison.

Physically, Rahu can cause a weak immune system, thereby contracting diseases easily.

Subjects are nervous, with an unhealthy pallor to their appearance. Disorders include

constipation or dysentery, rheumatism, skin diseases, cholera and piles, to name but a few,

together with many diseases difficult or impossible to diagnose easily. People so influenced

may lose control of bodily functions and steadily degenerate with nervous and mental


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Rahu was born to the Demon Viprasitthi and his wife Simmikai. Lord Vishnu took the form of

a beautiful maiden and brought out the nectar of immortality by churning the Milky Ocean.

Lord Vishnu wanted to offer this nectar to the Angels, however the demons wanted it as well.

While the nectar was being offered to the angels, Rahu disguised himself and sitting

between the Sun and Moon, managed to drink a drop of the nectar. After seeing this

deception the Sun and Moon snitched to Vishnu. Vishnu immediately severed Rahu's head

with his discus. Rahu's head survived because the nectar of immortality at that point had

reached his neck. Rahu's body was later revived and became Ketu. They live on to torture

the Sun and the Moon for betraying them by causing both lunar and solar eclipses.

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The Power of Ketu

Ketu like Rahu, is a shadow planet and again is malefic by nature. It is actually a spiritual

planet and an indicator of enlightenment. It gives spiritual tendencies and nonattachment to

material ambition or worldly desires. It can give the wisdom to attain spiritual knowledge or

knowledge of the self (self-realization). Accordingly it is considered a "moksh-karaka", or a

force which can lead to enlightenment and freedom from the cycle of repeated birth and


To those so influenced it may give psychic potencies, giving them great abilities in the

healing arts. Subjects may become adept in natural forms of healing body and mind,

herbology, tantra and the way of dealing with those disturbed by forces on the astral plane.

This may include ghosts and other malefic spirits. Ketu may also cause such severe physical

illness in the body that, as a positive consequence, subjects become disinterested in

material life and seek spiritual liberation.

Ketu is exalted in Scorpio (or as with Rahu some consider both Mercury's signs Gemini and

Virgo to be exaltation), is debilitated in Taurus and is strong in either of Jupiter's signs of

Sagittarius or Pisces, as well as (clearly) the signs of Mercury. He rules the birthstars of

Ashwini, Magha and Mula.

One rule is that if Rahu is somehow favoring a person, then Ketu will be unfavorable. Ketu is

basically a restrictive planet, in one way or another. He afflicts the body as Rahu afflicts

mind. His position may indicate things concerning hands and feet, the relationship with

mother and shows its greatest effects between the age of 48 and 54 years.

Ketu can force an impoverished material situation and generally afflicts the house where it is

positioned within the horoscope. When afflicted it can cause fear, anxiety, accidents and

imprisonment. It can cause destruction in strange and terrible ways, starvation and even

death. Poisons also come under Ketu's control. It may make people conspire to do terrible

things and may give nightmares to those so influenced. Materially, Ketu is generally thought

of as causing suffering.

When Ketu is poorly placed in the chart, the subject will have weak eyesight and

concentration, be indiscriminate and lack confidence. They may be extremely accident-

prone, or have self-destructive tendencies. Some will feel constricted without the freedom to

do as they might like. A tendency to dwell on the past, or worry about things that are already

beyond reparation may also manifest, and it can cause nightmares. When conjunct with

another planet, It causes the planet to act in an erratic way, reducing or destroying its

potency and the categories of the house in which it is situated.

Physically, it may cause the circulation to be poor, bad digestion, anaemia, ulcers, too much

heat within the body and muscular or nervous system disorders. It is also the cause of

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terribly disfiguring skin diseases, such as leprosy. Additionally it is a cause of pains and

disease in the joints and nerves. Like Rahu it can cause strange diseases that may be

difficult to diagnose, as well as incurable problems like cancer or paralysis.


Rahu was born to the Demon Viprasitthi and his wife Simmikai. Lord Vishnu took the form of

a beautiful maiden and brought out the nectar of immortality by churning the Milky Ocean.

Lord Vishnu wanted to offer this nectar to the Angels, however the demons wanted it as well.

While the nectar was being offered to the angels, Rahu disguised himself and sitting

between the Sun and Moon, managed to drink a drop of the nectar. After seeing this

deception the Sun and Moon snitched to Vishnu. Vishnu immediately severed Rahu's head

with his discus. Rahu's head survived because the nectar of immortality at that point had

reached his neck. Rahu's body was later revived and became Ketu. They live on to torture

the Sun and the Moon for betraying them by causing both lunar and solar eclipses.

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Twelve Houses

House Significator

1st House - Your


The first house (initial lagna) signifies the life and longevity,

physical appearance and personality. It is important to realize

beauty, inner and outer, is the best asset you have. "Beauty

is Truth, Truth Beauty," wrote the English poet John Keats

(who was very influenced by Plato), adding, "That is all you

need to know." This house affects the beauty of your mind

and body. It is important to develop beauty in both ways to

become a joyous being.

2nd House -


The second house signifies finances, family life, wealth, and

speech. Money and energy are synonymous. This house

affects your entire money situation. Work with this house with

great joy and emotion to improve finances, goals and vision.

Ask the divine for help to remove negative influences

affecting the mind.

3rd House -


The third house signifies risk-taking, courage, younger

siblings. This house influences your ability to seek adventure

in life. Courage and risk-taking go together. Courageous

thinking and risk-taking action are necessary to go beyond

mediocre living. Nurture these qualities. Work with this house

to improve your journey of exploring and increase self-


4th House - Life's


The fourth house signifies material comforts, house, car,

mother, education. This house affects your practical needs on

the earth plane and your ability to sing, dance and enjoy

music. Everyone requires a comfortable home, nice car and

so on. Work with this house to open your mind to your ideal

home and vehicle and to remove misconceptions about

limitations. Don't blame anyone. Commit yourself to

happiness and celebration.

5th House - Grace The fifth house signifies spiritual grace, virtues from previous

lives, children. Luck is a gift from God. With deep faith, Divine

grace is abundantly available. This house affects your

emotions for faith. If there is total dedication, there will be

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grace. You will benefit more by dedicating your life to the

Divine. Ego stops grace. This house affects your individual

tools for accessing grace. If you have a natural pull toward a

deity (from any tradition), if you love that deity with great

emotion, you can access grace.

6th House -


The sixth house signifies debts, health conditions and

diseases, enemies, litigation, accidents. Look to this house to

learn how to avoid problems. Review routines and re-

organize unproductive habits into productive ones. Dissolve

negative attitudes and create a battle plan for afflicted areas

in life. Without battle, we don't go anywhere. Other indicators

for this house include: service, detailed work, pets, effort, and

hard work.

7th House -


The seventh house signifies relationships, partnership,

marriage, business, and friends. Relationship is very vital on

the earth plane. It makes life meaningful. This house affects

your ability to attract and materialize desires. Relationship is

controlled by the Goddess. She controls all principles of

attraction. At a very deep emotional level, you have to go to

the Goddess. She embodies emotions, and emotions create.

Look to this house to help you re-balance your energy and

attract the right type of relationships.

8th House -


The eighth house signifies obstacles, longevity, losses.

Obstacles are things we do not perceive in advance due to

the inability of the human mind to perceive everything. All of

human life revolves around finding obstacles and removing

them. Sometimes people remove obstacles so future

generations can benefit. Look to this house to understand

obstructions in life process and the flow of energy. Strengthen

yourself with a good relationship to the Sun which supports all

life energy.

9th House -

Gaining Wisdom

The ninth house signifies fortune, wealth, reputation, spiritual

life, compassion, and father. Look to the ninth house for

transcendental wisdom, your association with higher

intelligence, your ability to walk a higher path. Divine

Intelligence is a laser beam, very intelligent. Cry to God for

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miracles. Pray and have compassion for others. Then

everything will be there.

10th House -

Life's Work

The tenth house signifies profession, employment, career,

entrepreneurship. In Sanskrit business or job is called karma.

One meaning of karma is what you do. To change profession,

you must make conscious decisions and pray. Look to this

house to understand time and space karma. Don't waste

time. Time is money, and money is time. Those who master

material wealth always have a strong awareness of time and

work with daily, weekly, monthly goals with great focus.

Space karma refers to where you live. Moving or taking a

pilgrimage to a power spot creates new impulses of karma.

You come into contact with different forces. Let God carry


11th House -


The eleventh house signifies profit, income, wealth. Profit is

not always related to your doing a job or business. It can also

be an investment, an inheritance, or something you do with

another where you play a lesser role, but still profit. Look to

this house to help you open to branch out to opportunities.

You have to get rid of loser's consciousness, laziness or

negative forces. When light coagulates, it becomes matter.

Accessing more light is key to changing both conscious and

unconscious mind into profit-orientation.

12th House -


The twelfth house signifies expenditures, travel, sleep,

reincarnation, enlightenment. Expenditures can be positive,

such as donations to charity, or they can be mistakes, such

as overspending. Look to this house for clarifying patterns

concerning expenses. This house points to your relationship

with foreign lands. For example, if indications of wealth occur

in the twelfth house, your money may come more easily from

an import/export business whereas indications of wealth in

the seventh house may indicate success through

partnerships. Each house can be examined in these ways in

terms of relationships to other indicators.

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Types Of Houses

Angle Houses: 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th

Planets placed in the 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th houses can become very powerful as these

houses give strength and influence the capacity for the reaping of good results to the


Succedent Houses: 2nd, 5th, 8th, and 11th

The 2nd, 5th, 8th, and 11th houses give firmness, stability, and security to the horoscope.

Cadent Houses: 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th

The 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th houses provide communication, consideration, and assessment

to the horoscope.

Trine Houses: 1st, 5th, and 9th

The 1st, 5th, and 9th houses provide luck, grace, fortune, and blessings.

Troublesome Houses: 6th, 8th, and 12th

The 6th, 8th, and 12th houses indicate the need for change by forcing difficulties upon the


Houses of Increase: 3rd, 6th, 10th, and 11th

The 3rd, 6th, 10th, and 11th houses give their effects in increasing measures throughout the

native's life.

Achievement, Desire, Moral Duty, and Enlightenment Houses

Achievement, Desire, Moral Duty, and Enlightenment represent the four primary aims of life -

each of which is ascribed to three houses.

Achievement is the most consuming of one's time and represents what one needs to do to

survive in the world. Wealth, health, and having meaningful work fall under this realm. The

2nd, 6th, and 10th house fall under Achievement.

Desire represents the needs that one wants to fulfil or ego gratification. Personal interests,

fame, human love, and sex fall under this motivation. The 3rd, 7th, and 11th houses fall

under Desire.

Moral Duty represents the righteousness and proper conduct that results in happiness and

well-being. This gives purpose and meaning to life. The 1st, 5th, and 9th house represent

Moral Duty.

Enlightenment is the liberation and freedom from suffering attained through spiritual

transcendence. Balance, detatchment, emotional equilibrium, purification, and belief fall

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under this realm. Enlightenment is the greatest goal that is worth acquiring. The 4th, 8th, and

12th houses are representative of Enlightenment.

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Zodiac Signs


Aries - MeshaSymbol - A RamRuling Planet - MarsBirthstars - Ashwini, Bharani, Krittika

Favorable traits of Aries include the ability to be self-assertive, full of initiative, courageous,

hardy, ambitious, and adventurous.

Unfavorable traits of Aries include the ability to be selfish, aggressive, compulsive,

impatient, uncooperative, unwilling to accept mistakes, egotistical, overly critical, and too


Aries are very capable of getting things done. The focus of an Aries personality is on one's

self and one's independence. They like to take leadership positions where they can be the

dominant figure, direct others to action, and gain recognition. They have the ability to

surmount all kinds of problems due to their valor, boldness, intelligence, and strength. They

have abundant physical vitality and they like to exercise and compete in sports. This vitality

should not be suppressed as it can lead to aggression, anger, and hostility. Aries are

travellers and like to move about , which may lead to frequent trips and changes in

residence. Due to their independent spirit it is often difficult for them to work in a team. They

may encounter trouble in marriage due to egotism. They do not like to be advised, give

priority to their own opinions, and can be uncompromising. They like to act quickly and can

be hasty to put new ideas and decisions into practice. They must learn to cultivate patience

and think more before they act. They respect privacy so much it is often difficult to know

what is on their minds - they don't like to share information with others.

Professions which are best suited to Aries include: military officers, martial artists, real

estate, defense department worker, policeperson, surgeon, butcher, barber, tailor, thief,

baker, cook, carpenter, physician, watchmaker, boxer, advocate, munitions maker,

mechanic, wrestler, detective, and chemist.

Famous People: Martin Luther King, Charles Manson, Robert Kennedy, Swami

Muktananda, Liza Minnelli, Alexander the Great

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Taurus - VrishabhaSymbol - A BullRuling Planet - VenusBirthstars - Krittika, Rohini, Mrigashira

Favorable traits of Taurus include the ability to be productive, materialistic, ascetic,

pleasing, earthy, organized, patient, loyal, cheerful, affectionate, and strong willed.

Unfavorable traits of Taurus include the ability to be stubborn, unforgiving, greedy,

inflexible, proud, lazy, hedonistic, overly materialistic, and possessive.

Taurus are very stable, organized people with an extreme interest in material possessions.

This sign is ruled by Venus, so these people love beauty and the arts. They have a strong

desire for money, luxury materials, food, and properties due to their sensual nature. They

have a friendly, intelligent, compassionate personality and can be very generous to others.

They have the steadiness and energy to be successful in life and accomplish their desires.

They make very good friends and they like platonic relationships and permanence in

relationship. They are usually steady in relationship, however their tempers are difficult to

control once they are set off. They hold on to the past and do not always forgive. They are

extremely productive, however they can be stubborn when it comes to their own point of


Professions which are best suited to Taurus include: corporate executive, treasurer,

banker, stockbroker, gambling manager, and salesperson.

Famous People: Sri Krishna, Queen Victoria, Bagwan Rajaneesh, Drew Barrymore,

Michelle Pfeiffer, Mick Jagger, Wilt Chamberlain

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Gemini - MithunaSymbol - A set of Twins or CoupleRuling Planet - MercuryBirthstars - Mrigashira, Arudra, Punarvasu

Favorable traits of Gemini include the ability to be versatile, analytical, quick minded,

innovative, diversified, flexible, an impressive conversationalist, and socially adept.

Unfavorable traits of Gemini include the ability to be restless, scattered, over talkative,

insensitive, indecisive, demanding, irresponsible, promiscuous, and inclined not to complete


Gemini are adept at fast thinking and communicating effectively. They like to be stimulated

intellectually and are often found in environments where there is much change. Often they

try to do too much and can be found at simultaneous occupations. They are usually capable

of meeting the demands of their hectic lifestyles as they love variety, testing out new ideas,

and they do not like to be bored. Their tasks may need to be controlled by others to ensure

completion, due to a dissipated interest. As they are in constant need for stimulation, they

may have many relationships and move many times. They do not like rules and restrictions

to be placed on them. They like to be entertained, have fun, and they enjoy full social lives.

They may have an inability to concentrate and their minds may waver as they have so much

going on at once. This can result in their taking a long time to make a decision. They often

require instant gratification, and thus have limited patience, which may result in their giving

up too easily.

Professions which are best suited to Gemini include: authors, teachers, preachers, writers,

speakers, researcher, linguist, journalist, and translator.

Famous People: Albert Einstein, Robert Deniro, Ram Dass, Leonard Nimoy, Cher, Orson

Welles, Pope John Paul

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Cancer - KarkaSymbol - A CrabRuling Planet - MoonBirthstars - Punarvasu, Pushya, Aslesha

Favorable traits of Cancer include the ability to be supportive, protective, loyal, emotionally

involved, loving, healers, and a good family person/friend.

Unfavorable traits of Cancer include the ability to be secretive, critical, emotionally needy,

over attached, moody, discrediting, and hypersensitive.

Cancer are focused on their feelings and relationships. As the Moon represents the mind

and emotions, Cancers often are moody and hypersensitive. They are good natured and

nurture the people in their lives, enjoying family, friends, and home. They enjoy entertaining

others. Although they can be extremely adaptive, due to their sensitivity, they are often

introverted, nervous, irritable, impatient, insecure, and shy. Their personalities are extremely

changeable. They may have difficulty in marriage and often marry later in life. They often

choose to have few children. Often they depend on others to make them feel cared for and

safe. They like to live near water and they enjoy water sports. They are interested in foreign

travel. They are communicators and are often found in service-oriented positions dealing

with the general public. They have leadership qualities - as they are so service oriented they

have a natural tendency to attract followers and loyal people around them.

Professions which are best suited to Cancer include: psychotherapist, hotel manager,

resteraunt, nursing, historian, journalist, speaker, teacher, preacher, and archeologist.

Famous People: Marilyn Monroe, Prince Charles, Al Gore, Muhammed Ali, Sri Aurobindo,

Jack Nicholson, John Travolta, Tina Turner, Meryl Streep

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Leo - Simha LagnaSymbol - A LionRuling Planet - SunBirthstars - Magha, Purva Phalguni, Uttara Phalguni

Favorable traits of Leo include the ability to be ambitious, pleasant, shrewd, commanding,

forceful, self-confident, patient, decisive, faithful, truthful, dignified, and organized.

Unfavorable traits of Leo include the ability to be overbearing, demanding, egotistical,

unable to hassle the details, unaccepting of failure, a workaholic, vain, and opinionated.

Leos like to be in command and like to feel that the world revolves around them. They are

often in positions of leadership, where they are in control of their lives and the lives of others.

They have strong, large bodies and achieve much in their lives due to their intense physical

power, which often intimidates others. They are athletic and like to be competitive. They

work hard and tirelessly to meet their lofty, idealistic goals. Due to their effort they are often

very successful materially. They are good directors and ideas people who delegate and

leave the details for others to work out. They are patient, forgiving, generous, honorable,

sincere, brave, friendly to others, and kind hearted. They appreciate nature and beauty.

They greatly dislike serving under anyone, however will come forward to help those in need,

even if this puts them at personal risk. They love to hear others praise them, which leaves

them susceptible to flattery. They are very affectionate to those they care for. They may

have a tendency to become suddenly enraged and talk to themselves aloud, however these

episodes cool down as quickly as they arise. They may have early troubles in marriage as

well as challenges with children. They like to make their own decisions - they often act after

having patiently considered the advice of others.

Professions which are best suited to Leo include: chairperson, manager, CEO, director,

registrar, office head, controller, superintendent, sales manager, government official, and

movie producer.

Famous People: Paramhansa Yogananda, Madonna, Uma Thurman, James Taylor,

Franklin D. Roosevelt, Oprah Winfrey, Richard Nixon, Tom Hanks, Mozart

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Virgo - KanyaSymbol - A Young Girl in a BoatRuling Planet - MercuryBirthstars - Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, Chitra

Favorable traits of Virgo include the ability to be service oriented, pleasant, organized,

spiritual, devoted, analytical, neat, sensitive, and reserved.

Unfavorable traits of Virgo include the ability to be narrow in focus, worrisome, critical,

lonely, lacking in emotion, too introverted, cold, and shallow.

Virgo's focus is on service and perfection through purification. They love beauty and the arts.

They are interested in seeking purity and perfection through cleanliness, good health, proper

diet, and exercise. They are creative, philosophical, sensitive, honest, cordial, and reserved.

They are intelligent, methodical, and conscientious workers, capable in their careers and

businesses. As they are perfectionists they are very neat and pay attention to detail. Being

perfectionists may also make them less forgiving and more critical of both themselves and

others. They have a positive outlook and they like family life. They like fashion and are

usually well dressed. They are well liked by others, however as they are reserved it is often

difficult to know what is on their minds. At times their reserved natures maybe interpreted as

a lack of warmth by others. As they are detail oriented, they may tend to be overly analytical

and worrisome which can bring delays in their undertakings and affect their health adversely.

They may have marital difficulties, and tend to choose a more spiritual mate. They have few

children if any.

Professions which are best suited to Virgo include: auditor, inspector, editor, secretary,

organizer, and proof reader.

Famous People: Bill Clinton, John Lennon, Shirley McClaine, John F. Kennedy, Julie

Andrews, Jacques Cousteau, Tiger Woods, Sally Field, Cat Stevens

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Libra - TulaSymbol - Balance ScalesRuling Planet - VenusBirthstars - Chitra, Swati, Vishakha

Favorable traits of Libra include the ability to be balanced, friendly, graceful, pleasant,

insightful regarding issues, positive, helpful, diplomatic, and adaptive to others.

Unfavorable traits of Libra include the ability to be indecisive, overly sensitive to criticism,

narcissistic, too compromising, false in dealing with others, and dual in nature.

Libra likes to maintain harmony, seek fairness, and lead a balanced life. They are deeply

interested in justice and they want to serve others to create a better society. They are mild,

soft spoken people, who have a pleasant attitude and a balanced mind. Even when they lose

their temper they fall quickly back to the middle. They do not like to argue at all. Due to the

influence of Venus, they enjoy luxuries, are sensual, and are patrons of the arts. They are

often interested in photography, gardening, drawing, painting, dance, drama, and the

cinema. Their "pleasure seeking" tendencies may lead to narcissism, overindulgence in

relationships, laziness, and drug/alcohol abuse. Often their sexuality gets sublimated by their

professional interests. They do not like to be alone and may adjust their personalities to fit

those around them. They are focused on relationship and are liked by others. They may

have trouble in early marriage. They use discretion and like to weigh the consequences

before making a decision, which may lead to an inability to make timely decisions. They can

be philosophical, care sincerely for others, and be compassionate and generous to those

less fortunate in life.

Professions which are best suited to Libra include: tradesperson, lawyer, liason officer,

psychologist, musician, painter, engineer, salesperson, receptionist, ambassador, and


Famous People: Mahatma Gandhi, Adolph Hitler, Sigmund Freud, Frank Sinatra, Gloria

Steinman, Jimmy Carter, Joseph Stalin, Johnny Carson, Jackie Onassis, Ramana Maharshi,

Napoleon, Diane Keaton

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Scorpio - VrishikaSymbol - A ScorpionRuling Planet - MarsBirthstars - Vishakha, Anuradha, Jyeshtha

Favorable traits of Scorpio include the ability to be intuitive, intelligent, imaginative, quick,

and a hard worker.

Unfavorable traits of Scorpio include the ability to be unyielding, secretive, sarcastic, over

critical, unable to complete things till the last moment, rebellious, greedy, hoarders, and a


The sign of Scorpio creates an interest in that which is secret and unknown. It is often hard

to know people of this sign, they are hard to read and they hide their true intentions, which

makes them seem mysterious. They are intelligent, imaginative, intellectually brilliant people

who can be demanding and intense towards those around them. They are capable of both

great acts as well as lowly, cruel acts - it is often difficult for them to control their emotions.

They often lean towards personal gain and can be ruthless and relentless in obtaining their

goals, which they usually achieve through tireless work. They especially like to be involved in

business and deal making. They may have problematic relationships due to their

temperament. They like to seek pleasure which can result in alcohol and drug abuse. Their

interest in that which is secretive can create spiritual inclinations, which are fostered by their

deep intuitive capabilities. They show hastiness, self-confidence, courage, and

independence, which creates a tendency to rule over others. They are very giving to those

they care about. In financial matters they usually suffer ups and downs.

Professions which are best suited to Scorpio include: broker, insurance agent, deal maker,

chemist, medicine, secret police, investigator, surgeon, army/military personnel, and


Famous People: Princess Diana, Elizabeth Taylor, Herman Hesse, Winoma Ryder, Eleanor

Roosevelt, Marlon Brando, Nietzche, Elvis Presley.

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Sagittarius - DhanusSymbol - An Archer who is Half Man and Half HorseRuling Planet - JupiterBirthstars - Mula, Purvashada, Uttarashada

Favorable traits of Sagittarius include the ability to be idealistic, just, independent, self-

confident, truthful, enthusiastic, concerned with the needs of others, and happy with their


Unfavorable traits of Sagittarius include the ability to be pompous, boring, impractical,

fanatical, unable to listen to others in control, needful of change, and overbearing.

Sagittarius is an environment for idealistic people who are interested in fairness and justice.

These people are liberal, philosophical, charitable, optimistic, and they usually have religious

and spiritual pursuits. They aim at high targets and they usually have the ability to pursue

higher degrees, grasp matters quickly, teach and council others. They are enthusiastic about

life, and enjoy sports, travel, and learning. They are highly interested in meeting foreigners,

and often live abroad or marry foreigners. They are usually more successful in places far

from their birth. At times others may be envious of them, but they have the ability not to care

about what others think of them and in general they live very fulfilling lives. They are truthful,

honest, and frank - at times to the point of being too openly honest. They like to associate

themselves with people of their level, which can make them pompous. They are independent

and often immature early in life, however as they mature there is more of an interest in family

life and achieving peace and harmony. Due to their independent nature they possibly may

be arrogant, greedy, and bossy.

Professions which are best suited to Sagittarius include: professors, scientists, judges,

doctors, philosopher, lawyer, bank employees, financial dealer, preacher, orator, and editor.

Famous People: Mother Teresa, Jimmy Swaggart, Sean Connery, Sophia Loren, Jim

Jones, Ted Kennedy, Dustin Hoffman, Priscella Presley.

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Capricorn - MakaraSymbol - A Being with the Head of a Deer and the Body of a CrocodileRuling Planet - SaturnBirthstars - Uttara Ashada, Shravana, Dhanishtha

Favorable traits of Capricorn include the ability to be perservering, loyal, faithful,

intellectually talented, conservative, moderate, ambitious, and resolute.

Unfavorable traits of Capricorn include the ability to be ruthless, uncaring, ungenerous,

obsessive, fixed, pessimistic, afraid of closeness, and negative.

Capricorn are interested in serenity and achieving prosperity through endurance. They are

often liked by others and can be good, loyal friends and faithful in relationship, however they

are very self-focused and put themselves first. They are intellectual, talented, analytical, and

can have a more pessimistic, negative attitude towards life. They are often blind to their own

faults and think that they are perfect. They are not interested in quarrels and are pleasant

conversationalists. They are afraid of the criticism of others and are not interested in

negative encounters with others so they usually do not get close. They do not trust and have

problems with relationship as they keep their emotions concealed. They usually do not marry

early. They do not give up easily and through their patience often attain achievements which

would be difficult for others. In some cases they may be quite ruthless in achieving their

goals. They like to exercise, be fashionable, and care greatly about their physical

appearance. They are conservative in nature and they can work in spite of obstacles for their

success. They usually work for a constant and defined income. They have a special ability to

manage financial matters. They prefer solitude over noisy environments.

Professions which are best suited to Capricorn include: masonry, engineering, tool maker,

engineer, detective novelist, philosopher, mathematics teacher, detective, doctor, scientist,

and builder.

Famous People: C.G. Jung, Jane Fonda, Whoopi Goldberg, Billie Holliday, Rodin,

Roseanne, Kirk Douglas.

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Aquarius - KumbhaSymbol - A Man Pouring Water From a PotRuling Planet - SaturnBirthstars - Dhanishtha, Shatabhisha, Purva Bhadrapada

Favorable traits of Aquarius include the ability to be helpful to others, humane, scientific,

talented, unserious, able to juggle many sides of life, insightful into others character, and


Unfavorable traits of Aquarius include the ability to be inflexible, unsure of themselves,

unconventional, incapable of following a routine, strong in likes and dislikes, stubborn, a

loner, and secretive.

Aquarius are idealists and innovators. Often they are intelligent, spiritual people who want to

change the world and are extremely dedicated to social and political causes. They are well

liked by other people, however others have difficulty in figuring them out as Aquarians can

behave quite different under any circumstance. It also can be difficult for others to

understand Aquarians' philosophical values. They usually have a positive attitude toward life,

loving helping others, music, dance, the outdoors, beautiful places, and travel. They never

want to hurt anyone, however ignite their temper and they can be ferocious. They are not

susceptible to flattery and they have great memories. They are hard, dedicated workers, who

usually like to not be in charge and will persevere in spite of failure. They can be fixed in

attitudes and opinions and prefer to earn income from a single source. They are long

standing in affection and companionship. They have the ability to bring together persons of

difference and may sacrifice their own interests for that purpose. They are interested in

innovative projects and they enjoy meeting others whom are committed as they are and with

whom they can exchange ideas. Many times they feel insecure in intimate relationships or

their relations with the opposite sex, which may create a tendency to lock themselves up in

isolation. Frequently they experience health problems due to their high strung nature.

Professions which are best suited to Aquarius include: researcher, anthropologist, social

worker, surgeon, medicine, astrologer, technologist, civil rights worker and activist.

Famous People: Abraham Lincoln, Karl Marx, Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, Dr. B.V. Raman,

Whitney Houston, Sri Ramakrishna, J.P. Morgan, Gayatri Devi Vasudev, Alexander Graham

Bell, Alfred Hitchcock, Janice Joplin

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Pisces - MeenaSymbol - Two Fish, Side by Side, Swimming in Opposite DirectionsRuling Planet - JupiterBirthstars - Purva Bhadrapada, Uttara Bhadrapada, Revati

Favorable traits of Pisces include the ability to be philosophical, honorable, romantic,

intuitive, spiritual in nature, open minded, imaginative, compassionate, intellectual, firm,

broad in outlook, helpful, and analytical.

Unfavorable traits of Pisces include the ability to be stubborn, obstinate, egocentric, a

workaholic, promiscuous, fickle, and unfocused.

Pisces are mystical beings who are extremely attracted to spiritual life. Their focus is on

belief. They are fond of foreign travel, the arts, and romance. They are very imaginative and

relate to the world through their feelings. They are not interested in hurting others. They

gravitate towards professions where they can use their intellect and are interested in

learning throughout their lives. Often they will pursue different disciplines and have a great

passion to teach what they have learned. They are kind, firm, sympathetic, compassionate

beings, who are helpful, giving, and faithful to their friends. Due to their energetic nature and

constancy in effort they are capable of progress in their goals and attaining fame. As they

are very open minded and giving they often may feel cheated as their friends will not

reciprocate as much. Due to their advanced psychic ability, they may have difficulty in

making a decision and facing reality, which often makes them difficult to understand and

emotionally unbalanced. They make good marital partners, but are often suspicious in

relationship. They are not afraid to speak their minds and win others to them via sympathy.

Professions which are best suited to Pisces include: artist, poet, musician, painter,

beautician, food industry, social work, health worker, and author.

Famous People: Michiel Gorbachev, Walt Whitman, Robert Redford, Barbara Streisand,

Pete Rose, Bette Midler, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Richard Pryor.