Vaultize in Top 20 BYOD Solutions of 2015 - CIOReview

B ring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) came to the forefront grabbing the opportunity to greater innovation, better work-life balance and improved productivity. The system not only granted the use of personal devices in the organization premises but also facilitated the access to official network and applications. This program stood promising in terms of cost-savings and also brought in one of the major advantages of supporting a mobile and cloud-focused strategy. Not to mention, employees’ happiness topped the list as BYOD allowed them to work on their own devices. Challenges like employee privacy concerns, company security threats, data security, losing hardware control, data compliance and ownership and many more detected out of the BYOD machinery tampered this growing trend of business IT. Various companies emerged as a prospect to tackle these issues of BYOD with their innovative and best-of-breed solutions and services. In the last few months, a distinguished panel comprising of CEOs, CIOs, VCs, analysts including CIO Review editorial board decided the top companies that primarily serve the BYOD sector, and shortlisted the ones that are at the forefront of tackling challenges faced in the industry. In the selection process, they looked at the vendors’ capability to fulfill the needs of buyers with BYOD solutions and consulting services that support core BYOD administration for the sector. Also, they evaluated the vendors’ support through the integration of latest technologies into their system. We present to you 20 Most Promising BYOD Solution Providers of 2015. CIOREVIEW.COM MAY 20 - 2015 BYOD SPECIAL The Navigator for Enterprise Solutions 20 Most Promising BYOD Solution Providers 2015 Company: Vaultize Inc. Description: Provides a platform for enterprise file sync & share (EFSS), VPN-free anywhere access and mobile collaboration with built-in Digital Rights Management (DRM aka IRM), Mobile Content Management (MCM) and Data Protection (endpoint backup, encryption and wiping) capabilities. Key Person: Anand.K.Kekre, CEO, Co-Founder, Ankur Panchbudhe, CTO, Co-Founder Website: Vaultize Inc. Pradeep Shankar An annual listing of 20 companies that are in the forefront of providing BYOD solutions and impacting the marketplace Editor-in-Chief recognized by magazine as

Transcript of Vaultize in Top 20 BYOD Solutions of 2015 - CIOReview

| | JULY 201422CIOReview

Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) came to the forefront grabbing the opportunity to greater innovation, better work-life balance and

improved productivity. The system not only granted the use of personal devices in the organization premises but also facilitated the access to official network and applications. This program stood promising in terms of cost-savings and also brought in one of the major advantages of supporting a mobile and cloud-focused strategy. Not to mention, employees’ happiness topped the list as BYOD allowed them to work on their own devices.

Challenges like employee privacy concerns, company security threats, data security, losing hardware control, data compliance and ownership and many more detected out of the BYOD machinery tampered this growing trend of business IT. Various companies

emerged as a prospect to tackle these issues of BYOD with their innovative and best-of-breed solutions and services.

In the last few months, a distinguished panel comprising of CEOs, CIOs, VCs, analysts including CIO Review editorial board decided the top companies that primarily serve the BYOD sector, and shortlisted the ones that are at the forefront of tackling challenges faced in the industry.

In the selection process, they looked at the vendors’ capability to fulfill the needs of buyers with BYOD solutions and consulting services that support core BYOD administration for the sector. Also, they evaluated the vendors’ support through the integration of latest technologies into their system.

We present to you 20 Most Promising BYOD Solution Providers of 2015.


T h e N a v i g a t o r f o r E n t e r p r i s e S o l u t i o n s

20 Most Promising BYOD Solution Providers 2015

Company:Vaultize Inc.

Description:Provides a platform for enterprise file sync & share (EFSS), VPN-free anywhere access and mobile collaboration with built-in Digital Rights Management (DRM aka IRM), Mobile Content Management (MCM) and Data Protection (endpoint backup, encryption and wiping) capabilities.

Key Person:Anand.K.Kekre,CEO, Co-Founder, Ankur Panchbudhe,CTO, Co-Founder

Vaultize Inc.

Pradeep Shankar

An annual listing of 20 companies that are in the forefront of providingBYOD solutions and impacting the marketplace


recognized by magazine as

| | JULY 201423CIOReview | | May 201558CIOReview

Today, more and more enterpris-es are embracing the concept of “Bring Your Own Device”

(BYOD), owing to its potential to bring increased productivity and connectivity across the organization. However, the trend is not devoid of challenges. For in-stance, security is a key concern related to mobile adoption in the enterprise. Also, BYOD carries with it a whole host of compliance concerns. With US head-quarter in New York, Vaultize provides a platform for enterprise file sync & share (EFSS), VPN-free anywhere access and mobile collaboration with built-in Digi-tal Rights Management (DRM aka IRM), Mobile Content Management (MCM) and Data Protection (endpoint backup, encryption and wiping) capabilities. In today’s world of mobility, “We help en-terprise IT mitigate security, data loss and compliance risks by giving “infor-mation-centric” end-to-end security, privacy and control of corporate data. With the mobile-first user experience, employees get to access, edit, sync, share and control corporate data from anywhere and on any device,” says Anand A. Kekre, CEO and Co-found-er, Vaultize.

Vaultize offers solutions which form a crucial part of an enterprise’s BYOD approach. “We fa-cilitate MCM through data access rights. This allows corporate IT to prevent data loss by controlling what users can do with data on their mobile devices,” adds Kekre. The company allows granular control over copy-paste of content or files, sharing or opening in third-party mobile applications, printing, email attachments.

This is possible through Vaultize's policy driven control over the mobile app and its built-in document editor. Also, Vault-ize’s Mobile Data Containerization tech-nology ensures that data is stored in a secure container on mobile devices that facilitates secure BYOD. The container is always kept encrypted to protect it from unauthorized access with the ability for IT to securely wipe its contents in case a device is lost or user leaves the organi-zation. Geo and IP fencing capabilities further protect the contents by wiping the container when the device leaves a pre-defined geography or IP range. All this together with AES-256 encryption of in-transit data provides unmatched end-to-end security. “Apart from the security components, we provide many end-user features like flexible group collaboration with selective folders, automatic con-version of attachments to links through Outlook plugin and upload permissions

to third-party, that increases usa-bility and productivity,” adds

Kekre. “We take an informa-

tion-centric approach to end to end security by ensuring that corporate

information and data always stays in

control of IT. They enhance the security

of corporate documents by

embedding the digital rights

management with-in the documents themselves,” says Kekre. “The files shared across corpo-rate fence are DRM encrypted such that

they are only usable by the authorized recipients and within the authorized en-vironment.”

The uniqueness of solutions, along with their client centric approach helps Vaultize to stand out from the rest. The case of DDB Mudra Group, the leader in integrated marketing and communica-tions and services network, testimonies this fact. The enterprise has been using a traditional on-premise solution for file sharing and data protection. Because of the tremendous challenges with the tradi-tional approach, there was a need for a so-lution that could not only address the data loss and security issues but could seam-lessly fit their BYOD strategy. Selecting Vaultize to support its data protection and mobility strategy, DDB benefitted from next generation cloud-architected plat-form for mobile collaboration, endpoint data protection, and secure file sharing & sync. Vaultize Enterprise Platform en-sured that DDB Mudra Group gets lower TCO with faster ROI.

Going forward, Vaultize is planning to set its foot in Europe and Australia/New Zealand. In addition, the company is planning to launch more services built around DRM and MCM.

VaultizeA Proactive Approach towards BYOD

We follow information-centric approach where security of corporate content is the focus, and not the control on end-user device. We ensure that end-users get to access, use and share the corporate contents seamlessly from any device they like and from anywhere
