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    Vascular Access in Hemodialysis: Issues,

    Management, and Emerging Concepts

    Prabir Roy-Chaudhury, MD, PhDa,*, Burnett S. Kelly, MDb,Murad Melhem, MSc, Jianhua Zhang, BSa, Jinsong Li, MD, PhDa,

    Pankaj Desai, PhDb, Rino Munda, MDb,Sue C. Heffelfinger, MD, PhDd


    Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, University of Cincinnati Medical Center,231 Albert Sabin Way, Cincinnati, OH 45267, USAb

    Department of Surgery, University of Cincinnati Medical Center,

    231 Albert Sabin Way, Cincinnati, OH 45267, USAcDepartment of Pathology, University of Cincinnati Medical Center,

    231 Albert Sabin Way, Cincinnati, OH 45267, USAdCollege of Pharmacy, University of Cincinnati, 136 E Health Professions Building,

    Cincinnati, OH 45267-0004, USA

    The inclusion of an article on hemodialysis

    vascular access dysfunction in a series on cardiore-

    nal disease is an interesting paradox. Neointimalhyperplasia, which lies at the heart of hemodialy-

    sis vascular access dysfunction, traditionally is

    thought to be a problem for cardiologists and

    vascular surgeons. This clinicopathologic entity

    has emerged in a new role for the practicing

    nephrologist, namely as the Achilles heel of


    Hemodialysis vascular access dysfunction is

    the single most important cause of morbidity

    in the hemodialysis population (currently more

    than 260,000 persons and growing at a rate of

    5.5% per annum) [1]. Medicare data indicate thatvascular access dysfunction is responsible for

    approximately 20% of all hospitalizations of

    patients who have end-stage renal disease [2].

    Indeed the annual cost of vascular accessrelatedmorbidity in the United States currently exceeds

    1 billion dollars per year [2].

    Types of hemodialysis access

    The two most common forms of permanent

    vascular access in chronic hemodialysis patients

    are the native arteriovenous (AV) fistula and the

    AV polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) graft. Cuffed

    double-lumen silicone catheters are the third

    mode of permanent hemodialysis vascular access.

    Arteriovenous fistulae

    Creation of an AV fistula at the wrist was first

    described by Brescia and Cimino [3] in1966 (Fig. 1)

    [3]. At present, AV fistulae at the wrist (radio-

    cephalic) or at the elbow (brachiocephalic) are the

    preferred mode of dialysis vascular access. More

    recently, it has been shown that brachiobasilic

    transposition fistulae have a reasonable survival

    with a lower infection rate than seen with PTFE

    dialysis access grafts [46]. Thus, native AV fistulae

    (wrist, elbow, or transposition) should always bethe dialysis access of choice (in preference to PTFE

    This work was supported by funding from the Paul

    Teschan Research Foundation and from Dialysis

    Clinics, Inc, by a Scientist Development Grant from

    the American Heart Association, by a grant from the

    Kidney Foundation of Greater Cincinnati, and by

    National Institutes of Health grant NIH


    * Corresponding author.

    E-mail address: [email protected](P. Roy-Chaudhury).

    0733-8651/05/$ - see front matter 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


    Cardiol Clin 23 (2005) 249273

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    grafts and tunneled catheters). Native AV fistulae

    have a primary nonfunction rate [7,8] of about 20%(range, 10%50%) that varies among centers

    depending on the aggressiveness of fistula place-

    ment and a maturation time between 1 and 4

    months. Once a fistula matures, it has an excellent

    long-term primary patency (85% at 1 year and 75%

    at 2 years [9,10]) with a minimal infection rate

    (Fig. 2). Late fistula failure is caused primarily by

    neointimal hyperplasia that results in venous ste-

    nosis. Fig. 3 shows the most common sites of

    stenoses in patients whohave wrist or elbow fistulae

    [11]. Note that the most common site of stenosis in

    the wrist fistula is at or around the anastomoticregion; for upper arm (elbow fistula), most stenoses

    occur in a proximal (downstream) vein.

    Polytetrafluoroethylene grafts

    PTFE grafts are the second main form ofpermanent dialysis vascular access. They are often

    easier to create surgically, require a maturation

    time of only 2 to 3 weeks, and have a large

    cannulation area and are easy to cannulate [12].

    Unfortunately, PTFE dialysis grafts have a poor

    primary patency rate (50% at 1 year and 25% at 2

    years) (see Fig. 2) [9]. Every attempt should be

    made to create a primary AV fistula as the initial

    access and to reassess patients every time that they

    have access problems to see whether it is possible

    to place an AV fistula even though the initialaccess was a PTFE graft. Aggressive preemptive

    monitoring and intervention (discussed later and

    Fig. 1. Creation of a radiocephalic arteriovenous (Brescia-Cimino) fistula. (A,B) Dissection and isolation of the radial

    artery and cephalic vein at the wrist. (C,D) Creation of a side-to-side anastomosis. (E) Various techniques for tying off

    the distal vein to create a functional end-to-side anastomosis, thus preventing the occurrence of venous hypertension in

    the hand. (Courtesy of Dr. Michael J. Hanaway, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.)

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    shown in Fig. 2) can result in a cumulative

    patency for PTFE grafts that matches the results

    for AV fistulae. This increase in cumulative

    patency, however, requires a sixfold increase in

    interventions (thrombectomies and angioplasties)

    (see Fig. 2) [9]. Graft thrombosis is the cause of

    80% of all vascular access dysfunction in PTFE

    dialysis grafts, and in more than 90% of throm-

    bosed grafts the underlying pathology is a stenosis

    caused by venous neointimal hyperplasia (VNH)

    at the venous anastomotic site or in the proximal

    vein (Fig. 4) [13]. Despite the enormity of this

    problem, there currently are no effective pharma-

    cologic measures for the prevention or treatment

    of VNH in PTFE dialysis grafts [14,15].

    Cuffed double-lumen silicone catheters

    The main advantage of using double-lumen

    silicone catheters as a form of medium- to

    Fig. 2. Comparison of patency of arteriovenous fistulae (solid lines) versus PTFE dialysis grafts (dashed lines). (A)

    Unassisted primary patency of native arteriovenous fistulae versus PTFE grafts. (B) Cumulative patency in the setting ofan active monitoring and intervention program. With prospective monitoring, the cumulative patency of PTFE grafts is

    similar to that for native arteriovenous fistulae but at the cost of a sixfold increase in the intervention rate. Graphs

    derived from the summed data analysis for the DOQI panel. (From Schwab SJ, Harrington JT, Singh A, et al. Vascular

    access for hemodialysis [clinical conference]. Kidney Int 1999;55(5):2083; with permission.)

    Fig. 3. Sites of venous stenoses for native arteriovenous fistulae (A) at the wrist and (B) at the elbow. (From Turmel-

    Rodrigues L, Pengloan J, Baudin S, et al. Treatment of stenosis and thrombosis in haemodialysis fistulas and grafts by

    interventional radiology. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2000;15(12):2032; with permission.)


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    long-term dialysis access (O3 weeks) is that they

    can be used immediately after placement. These

    catheters have many disadvantages, however,

    which include (1) a significant morbidity caused

    by thrombosis and infection, (2) a substantial risk

    of permanent central venous stenosis or occlusion,

    (3) a far shorter life span than with AV fistulae or

    PTFE grafts [16], and (4) low blood-flow rates

    resulting in inadequate dialysis. Ideally, these

    catheters should be used only as bridge catheters

    while an AV fistula matures. Early referral ofpatients who have chronic kidney disease to

    nephrologists for placement of permanent access

    should decrease the use of cuffed double-lumen

    silicon catheters significantly. A subcutaneous

    port (Life Site Hemodialysis System; VascA,

    Inc., Tewksbury, Massachusetts) has been licensed

    by the Food and Drug Administration in the

    United States. Initial studies suggest that the Life

    Site device results in higher blood flows, a lower

    infection rate, and a better survival than seen with

    Tessio catheters (Fig. 5) [17]. Many different

    cuffed double-lumen silicone catheters are avail-able currently in the United States (Tessio, Vas-

    Cath, Split Ash). None have any major advantages

    over their competitors, so cost should be consid-

    ered in the selection process. Every attempt needs

    to be made to limit the use of cuffed double-lumen

    silicon catheters whenever possible.

    Complications of dialysis access

    Although some form of dialysis access is

    essential for the survival of the patient with end-

    stage renal disease, significant risks and compli-

    cations are associated with all forms of dialysis

    access. Thus, early recognition and aggressivetreatment of these complications is a critical

    aspect of the overall management of the hemodi-

    alysis patient.


    After cardiovascular disease, infection is the

    second most important cause of mortality in the

    dialysis population, and it has been reported that

    the vascular access site is responsible for 23% to

    73% of bacteremias in hemodialysis patients [18].

    AV fistulae have the lowest rates of infection as

    compared with AV PTFE grafts (odds ratio [OR],2.2), cuffed double-lumen silicone catheters (OR,

    13.6), or temporary catheters (OR, 32.6) [19].

    Fig. 4. Sites of venous stenoses in PTFE dialysis grafts. (A) Sites of venous stenosis in PTFE dialysis grafts. Note the

    preponderance of lesions at the graftvein anastomosis or within 6 to 10 cm of the anastomosis. (B) Angiogram of

    a PTFE dialysis graft with a developing pseudoaneurysm (arrowhead) and stenosis (arrow) at the graftvein anastomosis.

    (Courtesy of Dr. Tom Vesely, Malinckrodt Institute of Radiology, St. Louis. MO.)

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    Because vascular access infections usually begin

    at the cutaneous access site, the most common

    causative organisms are gram-positive cocci

    (Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epider-

    midis), with smaller contributions from gram-

    negative bacilli, enterococci, and fungi. The direct

    access into the blood stream (with the resulting

    high incidence of bacteremia), together with

    the frequency of S aureus infection, results in

    a disturbingly high incidence of metastatic com-

    plications such as endocarditis, osteomyelitis,

    septic arthritis, septic pulmonary emboli, andspinal epidural abscess. Clinicians caring for

    hemodialysis patients invariably have a very low

    threshold for searching for metastatic complica-

    tions following access-related bacteremia. De-

    tailed recommendations for the management of

    access infections in the setting of AV fistulae,

    PTFE grafts, and central vein dialysis catheters

    have been described in the Dialysis Outcomes

    Quality Initiative (DOQI) guidelines [20].

    Cardiac failureHyperdynamic cardiac failure is a rare compli-

    cation of fistulae created for hemodialysis access.

    For an AV fistula to cause cardiac compromise, it

    must have a blood flow that is at least 20% of the

    total cardiac output. Such a flow rate is almost

    never achieved in the setting of a Brescia-Cimino

    fistula at the wrist (300500 mL/min) or in PTFE

    dialysis access grafts (8001500 mL/min) [21].

    These high flows can be achieved, however, in

    the context of upper arm autologous AV fistulae.

    At a physiologic level, creation of an AV fistula

    decreases peripheral vascular resistance and con-sequently leads to an increase in cardiac output,

    stroke volume, and contractility [21,22]. Over

    a number of years, these increases result in left

    ventricular hypertrophy and dilatation followed

    by overt cardiac failure. At a molecular level,

    creation of a new AV fistula results in elevated

    levels of atrial natriuretic peptide, which decreases

    peripheral vascular resistance [23], and brain na-

    triuretic peptide, which is thought to be a marker

    of diastolic dysfunction [22,24].

    Most hemodialysis patients have significant

    pre-existing cardiac disease. It is, therefore, often

    difficult to tease out the exact contribution of an

    AV fistula to cardiac failure in a dialysis patientwho has long-standing hypertension, diabetes,

    and coronary artery disease. Patients should be

    assessed for this complication on an individual

    basis. Temporary manual occlusion of the fistula

    followed by clinical assessment may help identify

    the patients most likely to benefit from permanent

    occlusion (patients who have a decreased pulse

    rate [Branhams sign] or an increase in peripheral

    arterial resistance and mean arterial blood pres-

    sure in response to temporary manual occlusion

    of the fistula). Patients who have increasedperipheral arterial resistance and mean arterial

    blood pressure, in particular, have a more signif-

    icant reduction in left ventricular end-diastolic dia-

    meter and left ventricular mass indexes when the

    fistula is permanently closed [22]. Occasionally,

    temporary manual occlusion can also result in

    a paradoxical worsening of cardiac performance

    in patients who have poor intrinsic left ventricular

    function [25].

    Once it as been determined that the AV fistula

    is contributing to cardiac failure, two therapeutic

    options are available. The first is to try toconstrict the fistula at its outflow, in the hope

    that this constriction will improve cardiac status

    Fig. 5. Vascular access ports. (A) Two Vasca ports on a chest radiograph. (B) Schematic diagram of the Vasca port with

    a dialysis needle being inserted. (Courtesy Dr. Mark Sands, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH.)


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    but preserve vascular access. If constriction fails,

    the fistula is ligated completely, and an alternate

    access is placed. Unfortunately, at present there

    are no formal guidelines to screen hemodialysis

    patients for increased fistula flow and cardiac

    failure. MacRae and colleagues [22] have sug-gested that patients who have a high ratio of

    access flow (Qa) to cardiac output (CO) (O30%)

    should undergo regular biannual echocardio-

    graphic assessment for left ventricular end-di-

    astolic and systolic dimensions, left ventricular

    mass index, and ejection fraction. Patients who

    have elevated Qa/CO ratios might be assessed for

    reduction of fistula flow, remembering, however,

    that vascular access is the lifeline of the hemodi-

    alysis patient. Finally, a recent study in the setting

    of renal transplantation [26] has demonstratedthat surgical closure of an AV fistula after trans-

    plantation results in some beneficial effects on

    cardiac hemodynamics and left ventricular hyper-

    trophy as compared with a control group of

    patients who had patent AV fistulae.

    Vascular access modality, inflammation/infection,

    and mortality

    A number of studies including data from the

    Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study

    (DOPPS) have demonstrated an increase in all-cause mortality in hemodialysis patients that is

    related to the type of hemodialysis access (lowest

    mortality for fistulae, intermediate mortality for

    PTFE dialysis access grafts, and highest mortality

    for central venous dialysis catheters) [2730].

    Other authors, however, have suggested that this

    increase in mortality may be related to associated

    comorbidities in hemodialysis patients who have

    central catheters or PTFE grafts [31]. One of the

    mechanisms for this increased mortality in the

    setting of central venous catheters and PTFEdialysis access grafts as compared with native

    AV fistulae is thought to be linked to a possible

    proinflammatory state that results from the pres-

    ence of prosthetic material combined with an

    increased infection rate [3234]. Taking this train

    of thought one step further leads to speculation

    about whether the increased 1-year mortality for

    hemodialysis patients in the United States, as

    compared with those in other countries, is a func-

    tion (at least in part) of the type of vascular access

    used. For example, AV fistulae are widely used in

    Japan, which has a low 1-year mortality. In theUnited States, PTFE grafts and catheters are

    widely used, and the 1-year mortality is high.

    Superior vena cava thrombosis and atrial thrombus

    The increasing prevalence of central venous

    catheters for hemodialysis (especially in the Uni-

    ted States and the United Kingdom) has resulted

    in a marked increase in the number of patients

    who have superior vena cava (SVC) thrombosisand atrial thrombus. Both problems are poten-

    tially life-threatening complications. SVC throm-

    bosis, which can result in SVC syndrome, is

    invariably secondary to an SVC stenosis. Such

    patients can be treated successfully with an SVC

    thrombectomy followed by placement of an ap-

    propriately sized SVC stent [35,36]. Right atrial

    clot formation is another serious complication

    linked to increased catheter usage. Removal of the

    catheter followed by thrombectomy yielded the

    best results in one series, as compared with re-moval and anticoagulation, removal alone, or no

    treatment [37,38]. Catheter infections and bacter-

    emia seemed to be linked to the occurrence of

    right atrial clot [37,38].

    Clinical standard of care for dialysis access grafts

    and fistulae

    Increasing the prevalence of arteriovenous fistulae

    Four decades of clinical experience with native

    AV fistulae and almost 3 decades of experiencewith PTFE dialysis grafts and cuffed double-

    lumen silicone catheters have repeatedly demon-

    strated the tremendous clinical and economic

    benefits of native AV fistulae over all other forms

    of dialysis access. At the clinical level, native AV

    fistulae have a significantly better primary patency

    rate after maturation (85% versus 50% at 1 year

    and 75% versus 25% at 2 years) and a much lower

    infection rate [9,39] than PTFE dialysis access

    grafts. In addition to clinical benefits, the place-

    ment of native AV fistulae has significant eco-nomic benefits. A multivariate analysis of

    Medicare costs per year after the initial placement

    of vascular access demonstrated that placing

    a PTFE graft resulted in an additional $10,000

    per year in medical costs, whereas placing a cuffed

    double-lumen dialysis catheter resulted in an

    additional $23,000 in medical costs, as compared

    with patients who have an AV fistula (P. Eggers,

    personal communication, 2004).

    Unfortunately, because of a lack of adequate

    veins, it may not be possible to create a primary AV

    fistula in all patients. This problem is seen partic-ularly in women, African Americans, obese indi-

    viduals, elderly patients, and patients who have

    254 ROY-CHAUDHURY et al

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    peripheral vascular disease [40]. These factors have

    been used in the past to justify the marked differ-

    ences in the incidence and prevalence rates of AV

    fistulae in the United States and in Europe/Japan.

    The DOPPS is a multicenter study that compares

    and contrasts dialysis practices in the UnitedStates/Canada (120 centers), Europe (140 centers),

    Japan (60 centers), and Australasia (20 centers).

    The most recent data (September 2003) from this

    study document a native fistula prevalence of 91%

    in Japan and between 70% and 90% in most

    European countries, compared with a dismal 30%

    in the United States (Fig. 6). Differences in the

    patient population in the United States and other

    countries cannot explain the appallingly low in-

    cidence of native AV fistulae in the United States.

    Specifically, after correction for clinical variablessuch as age, ethnicity, and peripheral vascular

    disease, the DOPPS data suggest that the United

    States should have a fistula prevalence rate of

    75%. At a more practical level, individual centers

    in the United States have been able to achieve

    native AV fistula prevalence rates of greater than

    80% through an aggressive approach that includes

    vein mapping before surgery, increased placement

    of upper arm and brachiobasilic transposition

    fistulae, and the creation of secondary native AV

    fistulae after failure of an initial PTFE dialysis

    graft (Fig. 7) [41].At a clinical level, therefore, the single most

    important intervention that would improve hemo-

    dialysis vascular access care in the United States

    is a concerted attempt to increase the incidence

    (placement) and prevalence of native AV fistulae.

    The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

    have recently set up a Vascular Access Improve-

    ment Initiative with goal of achieving 50% in-

    cidence and 40% prevalence for native AV fistulae

    in the United States. To achieve this goal the

    Vascular Access Improvement Initiative has de-

    veloped and initiated a Fistula First project inassociation with the 18 end-stage renal disease

    networks that span the United States. Box 1

    describes the 11 major conceptual changes targeted

    by the Fistula First project. These 11 proposals

    can be categorized as organizational, surgical, and

    dialysis unit issues.

    Organizational issues include the development

    of a multidisciplinary vascular access team, early

    referral of patients who have chronic kidney

    disease to a nephrologist for initiation of access

    placement, continuous quality improvement meet-ings, and, most importantly, the availability of

    good-quality feedback data on fistula placement.

    Surgical issues include the identification of

    surgeons who are interested in vascular access

    and the early referral of patients to these surgeons

    for placement of an AV fistula only. Other

    surgery-related issues are the use of a full range

    of surgical techniques, such as upper arm fistulae

    and brachial transpositions, rather than a rigid

    adherence to initial placement of a Brescia-Cimino

    wrist fistula, and, most importantly, the place-

    ment of secondary AV fistulae in patients whohave PTFE grafts or cuffed double-lumen silicone


    Issues related to dialysis units include the

    training of nurses and technicians in the cannula-

    tion of fistulae and continuing educational activ-

    ities related to dialysis access.

    Fig. 6. Data from the Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study. Note the dismal prevalence rate for native AV

    fistulae and the high prevalence rate for PTFE grafts in the United States as compared with other industrialized

    countries. ANZ, Australia and New Zealand; BE, Belgium; CA, Canada; FR, France; GE, Germany; IT, Italy; Jpn,

    Japan; SP, Spain; SW, Sweden; US, United States. (Data as of September, 2003; courtesy Dr. Rajiv Saran, University of

    Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.)


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    Surveillance of dialysis grafts and fistulae


    Access thrombosis is the cause of 80% of all

    vascular access dysfunction. In more than 90% of

    thrombosed grafts and fistulae, the underlying

    pathology is a stenosis caused by VNH either atthe venous anastomotic site (see Fig. 4B) or in the

    proximal vein [13]. These stenoses result in in-

    creased intra-access pressure and decreased access

    blood flow, which eventually result in thrombosis

    of the dialysis access. Numerous studies have

    demonstrated that PTFE grafts with decreased

    flow or increased intra-access pressures have

    a higher thrombosis rate than accesses with low

    pressures and high intra-access flows [4244].

    Other studies have reported similar results for

    AV fistulae [12,45,46]. Still other studies have

    shown a marked reduction in the thrombosis rate

    [47,48] and significant cost savings [49] when

    surveillance techniques have been instituted.

    (Most of these studies used historical or concur-

    rent controls and were not randomized.) A

    randomized study by Ram and colleagues [50]

    did not demonstrate a difference in thrombosis

    rates between patients who had PTFE grafts whounderwent prospective surveillance and those in

    whom intervention was based on clinical param-

    eters alone (such as a change in the thrill over

    a graft). A meta-analysis conducted by the same

    investigators indicated that the association be-

    tween surveillance of access blood flow and a re-

    duction in thrombosis rates may not be as strong

    as suggested by other groups [5153].

    Current recommendations

    At a clinical level, the current standard of care

    recommended by the DOQI is to monitor thefunction of dialysis grafts and fistulae prospec-

    tively using pressure- or flow-based techniques on

    1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998















    Simple AVF


    Fig. 7. High native arteriovenous (AV) fistula rates can be achieved in the United States. During a 5-year period, theprevalence of simple and transposed AV fistulae increased from 10% to 90% and the prevalence of PTFE grafts

    decreased from 90% to 10%. These and other data clearly demonstrate that native AV fistula rates similar to those of

    Europe and Japan can be achieved in the United States. (Data from Gibson KD, Caps MT, Kohler TR, et al. Assessment

    of a policy to reduce placement of prosthetic hemodialysis access. Kidney Int 2001;59(6):233545; with permission.)

    Box 1. The 11 conceptual changes of

    the Fistula First program of the

    National Vascular Access Initiative

    1. Routine (continuous quality

    improvement) review of vascular


    2. Early referral to nephrologist

    3. Early referral to surgeon only forAV fistula

    4. Selection of experienced surgeons

    5. Use of the full range of appropriate

    surgical approaches

    6. Creation of secondary AV fistulae in

    patients who have AV grafts

    7. Placement of AV fistulae in patients

    who have catheters

    8. Training in cannulation

    9. Monitoring and surveillance

    10. Continuing education of staff

    and patient11. Feedback on outcomes

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    a monthly basis [12,54]. If there is a significant

    decrease in intra-access flow or an increase in

    intra-access pressure, patients are referred for an

    angiogram. If the angiogram demonstrates a ste-

    nosis of greater than 50%, an angioplasty is

    performed. Routine angiograms to detect stenosesin the absence of a change in a functional param-

    eter such as flow or pressure are not recommended


    Techniques for the prospective surveillance

    of dialysis access grafts and fistulae

    Preferred techniques. The DOQI recommends the

    measurement of intra-access flow or static venous

    pressures as the optimal surveillance method for

    dialysis access. Measurement of intra-access flow

    using an ultrasound dilution technique (Tran-

    sonics, Ithica, New York) [55], although notperfect, is perhaps the nearest to a reference

    standard. Current recommendations are to refer

    patients for an angiogram if the absolute access

    flow is less than 600 mL/min or the access flow is

    less than 1000 mL/min and has fallen by greater

    than 25% during the previous 4 months. Detailed

    recommendations for the measurement of static

    venous pressures and the threshold for interven-

    tion using this technique have been published in

    the DOQI guidelines [20].

    Other techniques. Other methods that can be

    useful in prospectively detecting venous stenoses


    1. Measurement of dynamic venous pressures or

    access recirculation

    2. Unexplained decreases in dialysis adequacy

    (Urea reduction ratio)

    3. Physical findings (persistent swelling of the

    arm, prolonged bleeding after needle with-

    drawal, or altered characteristics of a pulse or

    thrill in a graft)4. Doppler ultrasound studies

    The DOQI guidelines have also provided de-

    tailed recommendations for the measurement of

    these parameters and recommended thresholds for

    intervention [56].

    Surveillance of arteriovenous fistulae. Although

    the general rationale for surveillance remains

    valid for AV fistulae, direct measurement of

    flow is far more predictive of developing stenoses

    than is the measurement of venous pressures. The

    stenoses that develop in the setting of AV fistulaeare often some distance away from the anasto-

    motic site, allowing the development of collateral

    draining veins that prevent marked increases in

    pressure. This process does not occur in the

    setting of PTFE grafts. Measurement of recircu-

    lation, however, becomes a more useful screening

    tool for AV fistulae than for grafts, because flow

    in AV fistulae can drop to levels below theprescribed pump blood flow while maintaining

    access patency [56].

    Pathology of arteriovenous fistula and

    polytetrafluoroethylene graft failure

    Pathology of arteriovenous fistula failure

    There are two main causes of AV fistula

    failure: early maturation failure and late venous

    stenosis caused by neointimal hyperplasia.

    Early maturation failure

    Early maturation failure usually is caused by

    the development of a juxta-anastomotic stenosis

    within a few centimeters of the arteryvein anas-

    tomosis. The pathophysiology of this early juxta-

    anastomotic stenosis, which results in maturation

    failure, is multifactorial. Contributing factors in-

    clude the caliber and distensibility of the artery

    and the vein, the degree of venous and arterial

    manipulation, the exact surgical technique (and

    the skill of the surgeon), the magnitude of venous

    constriction, the integrity of the venous endothe-lium, and the propensity of individual veins to

    develop early neointimal hyperplasia. Unfortu-

    nately, no single therapy is available at present for

    the prevention or treatment of early maturation

    failure, perhaps because of its multifactorial

    pathogenesis. A multipronged effort that includes

    the use of duplex Doppler studies or venography

    to identify appropriate arteries and veins before

    surgery linked to a protocol that mandates

    angiography if a fistula is not maturing appropri-

    ately (followed by angioplasty or surgery fora juxta-anastomotic stenosis) can reduce matura-

    tion failure rates.

    Late venous stenoses and thromboses

    Studies of dysfunctional AV fistulae after initial

    maturation also demonstrate the presence of

    venous stenosis caused by venous neointimal

    hyperplasia composed primarily of smooth muscle

    cells [57]. Immunohistochemical studies have iden-

    tified the expression of insulin-like growth factor 1

    and transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta with-

    in the media and neointima of stenotic AV fistulae[57]. Other studies have demonstrated histologic

    colocalization between markers of oxidative stress


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    and molecules known to contribute to neointimal

    hyperplasia (endothelin, platelet-derived growth

    factor [PDGF] and TGF-beta) [58].

    Pathology of venous stenosis in

    polytetrafluoroethylene dialysis grafts

    Only a few studies have attempted to analyze

    the pathology of venous stenosis in PTFE dialysis

    grafts [5961]. All these studies clearly demon-

    strated that the predominant lesion is a marked

    degree of VNH characterized by smooth muscle

    cell proliferation, extracellular matrix production,

    and angiogenesis (microvessel formation). Re-

    cently, the authors have performed a detailed

    histologic and immunohistochemical analysis of

    the different cell types, cytokines, and matrix

    proteins involved in the pathogenesis of

    neointimal hyperplasia in human PTFE dialysis

    grafts [62]. The key features of VNH in the human

    specimens (Fig. 8) were:

    1. Smooth muscle cell/myofibroblast prolifera-

    tion within the neointima at the graftveinanastomosis and in the downstream (proxi-

    mal) vein.

    2. Prominent angiogenesis in the adventitia and

    neointima at the graftvein anastomosis and

    in the downstream (proximal) vein.

    3. An active layer of macrophages (including

    macrophage giant cells) lining the adventitial

    and luminal sides of the PTFE graft and

    infiltrating into the interstices of the graft


    4. Strong expression of cytokines such as basic

    fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), vascular

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    endothelial growth factor, and PDGF by

    smooth muscle cells and myofibroblasts,

    by microvessels within the neointima and ad-

    ventitia, and by macrophages lining both

    sides of the graft.

    5. The presence of extracellular matrix compo-nents such as collagen, fibronectin, and


    In addition, Weiss and colleagues [58] have

    demonstrated histologic colocalization between

    markers of oxidative stress and molecules known

    to contribute to neointimal hyperplasia (endo-

    thelin, PDGF, and TGF beta) in PTFE dialysis

    grafts and AV fistulae.

    Differences between venous and arterial

    neointimal hyperplasiaAny discussion of the pathology and patho-

    genesis of venous stenosis and venous neointimal

    hyperplasia in dialysis access grafts and fistulae

    must address the potential differences between

    venous neointimal hyperplasia in this specific

    setting and the far more common arterial neo-

    intimal hyperplasia that occurs most commonly

    after balloon angioplasty of the coronary and

    peripheral arteries.

    From a clinical standpoint, VNH in the setting

    of dialysis access grafts and fistulae is a far more

    aggressive lesion than arterial neointimal hyper-

    plasia in the setting of peripheral vascular disease.

    This increased aggressiveness can be appreciated

    by comparing the 50% 1-year primary patency of

    PTFE dialysis access grafts with the 88% 5-year

    patency of aortoiliac grafts [63] and the 70% to80% 1-year patency of femoro-popliteal grafts

    [64]. Venous stenoses in the setting of dialysis

    access grafts also have a poorer response to

    angioplasty (40% 3-month survival if thrombosed

    [65] and 50% 6-month survival if not thrombosed

    [6668]) than do arterial stenoses. The greater

    clinical aggressiveness and poorer response to

    intervention for VNH, as compared with arterial

    neointimal hyperplasia, might be explained by the

    following differences:

    1. Anatomy: At an anatomic level, the vein hasa poorly defined internal elastic lamina that

    could facilitate the migration of smooth

    muscle cells and myofibroblasts from the

    media into the intima in response to endo-

    thelial shear stress.

    2. Physiology: As compared with arteries, veins

    have relatively low nitric oxide and prostacy-

    clin production, increased vasoconstrictor

    sensitivity, and relatively high numbers of

    bFGF receptors [69]. Molecular studies using

    gene-array techniques have demonstrated

    Fig. 8. Venous neointimal hyperplasia in PTFE dialysis grafts (human samples). (A) PTFE graft (hematoxylin and eosin

    [H&E] stained! 200). Note the significant venous neointimal hyperplasia (extent of arrow) between the graft (G) and

    the lumen (L). (B) Downstream vein (H&E stained! 200). Note the presence of microvessels (thin arrows) within the

    adventitia (A). Also note the thickened (arterialized) media (M, double-headed arrow) and the significant amount of

    neointimal hyperplasia (N, bar). (C) Downstream (proximal) vein (alpha smooth muscle actin [SMA] ! 400). The

    majority of cells in the downstream vein are smooth muscle cells. M, media; N, neointima. (D) Thickness of normal

    venous (V, between thin arrows) and arterial (A, double-headed arrow) intima-media (SMA! 117). (E) The thickness of

    the venous neointima (N, double-headed arrow) and media (M, bar) in a dialysis patient with venous stenosis (SMA!

    117). At the same magnification as 3D, the venous neointima (N, double-headed arrow) is 20 times thicker than the

    intima-media of normal vein. This is an aggressive lesion. (F) Downstream vein (neointima) (von Willebrand factor

    (vWf)! 400). Note the prominent angiogenesis within the neointima (arrows) as assessed by this endothelial cell marker.(G) Downstream vein (neointima) (vWF Ki67 ! 800). High-power view of a microvessel within the neointima of

    downstream vein. Note the distinct colocalization of blue (endothelial) and brown (proliferating) cells indicating active

    endothelial cell proliferation (angiogenesis). (H) Downstream vein (neointima) (SMAKi67! 1000). High-power view

    of a portion of the neointima stained for smooth muscle cells (brown) and proliferating cells (blue). Note that almost all

    the active cellular proliferation in this specimen (arrows) is occurring within the neointimal microvessels (angiogenesis).

    The large number of smooth muscle cells surrounding these microvessels is indicative of earlier smooth muscle cell

    proliferation and migration. (I) Upstream graft (neointima) (PG-M1! 2000). High-power view of a macrophage giant

    cell adjacent to the neointimal surface of the PTFE graft (G). Also note the large number of macrophages in this area

    (thin arrows) in this area. (J) PTFE graft (adventitia) (bFGF! 500). Note the strong expression of bFGF in adventitial

    vessels (thick arrow) and by the macrophage giant cell layer (thin arrow) lining the graft. (K) Downstream vein (media

    and neointima) (PDGF ! 400). There is strong expression of this cytokine in the venous media (M) and by smooth

    muscle cells/myofibroblasts within the neointima (N, bar). (L) PTFE graft (tenascin! 200). There is strong expression

    of tenascin in the region of the macrophage giant cell layer (thin arrow) surrounding PTFE graft (G) and on the

    abluminal side of the neointima (thick arrow). (From Roy-Chaudhury P, Kelly BS, Miller MA, et al. Venous neointimal

    hyperplasia in polytetrafluoroethylene dialysis grafts. Kidney Int 2001;59(6):2330; with permission.)



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    significant differences between arteries and

    veins in the expression of more than 50 genes


    3. Hemodynamics: The anastomosis between the

    relatively noncompliant PTFE graft and the

    compliant proximal vein (or between arteryand vein in an AV fistula) is likely to result in

    a significant degree of turbulence and low

    shear stress at the graftvein or arteryvein

    anastomosis, resulting in a more aggressive

    hyperplastic response (discussed later).

    4. Dialysis factors: Factors that are specific to

    the dialysis patient include uremia as a mod-

    ifying factor and the insertion of needles into

    PTFE dialysis grafts, which may result in

    platelet thrombi and the consequent down-

    stream release of mediators of smooth muscleproliferation such as PDGF [10].

    The authors believe that it is critical to identify

    the reasons for the clinical differences between

    venous and arterial neointimal hyperplasia at

    a cellular and molecular level. It is possible, for

    example, that the activation profile of venous

    endothelium in response to alterations in shear

    stress is different from that of arterial endotheli-

    um. From a practical standpoint, this difference

    could mean that interventions based on studies

    done in the context of arterial neointimal hyper-plasia may not be effective in the setting of VNH

    occurring in an AV conduit.

    Pathogenesis of venous stenosis in

    polytetrafluoroethylene dialysis grafts

    and arteriovenous fistulae

    Although most of the information about the

    pathogenesis of neointimal hyperplasia comes

    from studies of arterial neointimal hyperplasia,

    there is an increasing amount of data on venous

    neointimal hyperplasia, especially in the setting ofsaphenous vein grafts. The following sections focus

    initially on the traditional view of the pathogenesis

    of venous neointimal hyperplasia, followed by

    a discussion on the influence of vascular remodel-

    ing and bone marrowderived circulating cells on

    the final amount of luminal stenosis.

    The traditional view

    Initiating (upstream) events

    Hemodynamic stress. The most important initiat-

    ing event in the pathogenesis of venous stenosis inAV dialysis access grafts and fistulae is hemody-

    namic stress, especially regions of low shear stress

    and turbulence at the graftvein anastomoses.

    Shear stress [71,72] is probably the most critical

    hemodynamic parameter involved in the patho-

    genesis of neointimal hyperplasia and is defined as

    the frictional force exerted by the circulating

    blood column on the intimal surface of thevessel. Atherosclerosis occurs mainly in regions

    of low flow and low shear stress [71,72] (which are

    usually regions of increased turbulence), and

    a similar paradigm holds true for venous [73]

    and arterial neointimal hyperplasia. In particular,

    an excellent experimental study by Mattsson and

    colleagues [74] has shown that increased flow and

    shear stress generated by creating an AV fistula

    downstream of an arterial interposition graft

    results in a decrease in neointimal hyperplasia.

    Ligation of the downstream AV fistula, however,results in a decrease in shear stress and an increase

    in neointimal hyperplasia at the upstream arterial

    interposition graft. It is likely that the transition

    from a noncompliant graft to a compliant vein at

    the graftvein anastomosis (or from noncompli-

    ant artery to compliant vein, in the case of the AV

    fistula) results in marked turbulence and low shear

    stress in this region, predisposing the dialysis

    access to aggressive venous stenosis.

    Polytetrafluoroethylene graft. The PTFE graft

    functions as a foreign body and stimulates a peri-graft macrophage reaction (Fig. 8). These macro-

    phages then produce a variety of cytokines (see

    Fig. 8) [62], which are likely to result in smooth

    muscle cell and endothelial cell activation.

    Dialysis needles. The repeated placement of large-

    bore dialysis needles is also thought to contribute

    to VNH. It has been speculated that the platelet

    thrombi that form after the removal of dialysis

    needles produce PDGF and other cytokines,

    which then bathe the downstream anastomosis

    with a milieu that is rich in proinflammatory

    factors [10].

    Uremia. Strong evidence suggests that uremia

    perse results in endothelial dysfunction [75,76]

    that could predispose to neointimal hyperplasia.

    A recent study has demonstrated pre-existing

    venous neointimal hyperplasia in venous samples

    from uremic patients before surgery for access

    placement, suggesting that uremia per se could

    predispose to venous inflammation/hypertrophy.

    Surgical manipulation/vessel caliber and distensi-bility/surgical technique. Surgical factors are

    thought to play a greater role in the multifactorial

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    pathogenesis of early AV fistula failure (failure of

    maturation). Attempting to create an AV fistula in

    patients who have an arterial diameter of less than

    2 mm and a venous diameter of less than 2.5 mm

    generally is thought to be associated with higher

    rates of early AV fistula failure. Other studieshave demonstrated that the skill of individual

    surgeon and the surgical policies at individual

    centers are important factors that determine

    access failure [7779].

    Downstream (cellular) events

    All the initiating events result in the activation

    of endothelial cells and smooth muscle cells in the

    vascular intima and media; migration and pro-

    liferation of smooth muscle cells and myofibro-

    blasts from the media into the intima results in theformation of a neointima. At the same time, the

    activated endothelial cell participates in the adhe-

    sion and diapedesis of inflammatory cells such as

    macrophages [80] and neutrophils [81] into the

    region of neointimal hyperplasia. A plethora of

    inflammatory mediators (all of which could be

    potential therapeutic targets) have been implicated

    in these processes. They include a large number of

    Signal transduction molecules (including p27

    [82], p16 [83], retinoblastoma protein [84],

    and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase[85])

    Cytokines (PDGF [86], bFGF [87], and tumor

    necrosis factor alpha [88])

    Chemokines (monocyte chemoattractant pro-

    tein 1 [89,90] and the regulated on activa-

    tion, normal T-cell expressed and secreted

    (RANTES) entity [91])

    Vasoactive molecules (nitric oxide [92] and

    endothelin [93])

    Adhesion molecules (intracellular adhesion

    molecule 1 [94] and P-selectin [95])Molecules such as osteopontin [96], apolipo-

    protein E [97], matrix metalloproteinase 2

    [98], and human hepatocyte growth factor


    Of particular interest are studies in tumor

    necrosis factor alpha [88] and intracellular

    adhesion molecule knockout animals [94], which

    demonstrate a marked reduction in neointimal

    hyperplasia in these animals. There also has been

    interest in the role of genetic polymorphisms that

    predispose to neointimal hyperplasia. Humphriesand colleagues [100] have shown that the 6A6A

    genotype of the matrix metalloproteinase gene is

    a genetic susceptibility factor for restenosis after

    coronary angioplasty. In the setting of dialysis

    access grafts, the ID polymorphism of the ACE

    gene has been linked to an increased frequency of

    thrombosed AV grafts [101].

    The importance of the adventitia and vascular


    There has recently been a great deal of interest

    in vascular remodeling (Fig. 9). It is postulated

    that the final amount of luminal stenosis depends

    on the magnitude of neointimal hyperplasia and

    on the pattern of vascular remodeling [102104].

    a dcb


    Fig. 9. Adventitial remodeling: The degree of luminal stenosis depends on both the magnitude of neointimal hyperplasia

    and the degree of vascular remodeling. With the same amount of neointimal hyperplasia, vascular constriction and

    unfavorable remodeling (A) results in luminal stenosis, whereas favorable remodeling (B) prevents the occurrence of

    luminal stenosis. (C,D) show a similar situation. The white area is the lumen. The area in black is the neointima, which is

    bordered on the outside by the internal elastic lamina and on the inside by the lumen. The hatched area comprises the

    adventitia and the media. Note that the luminal (white) areas are identical in C and D. The intima (black area) is much

    smaller in D, because adverse vascular remodeling has decreased the area enclosed by the internal elastic lamina. This

    latter parameter is a good indicator of the amount of vascular or adventitial remodeling.


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    Thus, in the presence of equivalent amounts of

    neointimal hyperplasia, vascular constriction re-

    sults in a smaller luminal area, and vascular

    dilatation results in a larger luminal area [105].

    Currently, vascular remodeling is thought to be

    responsible for approximately 50% of final lumi-nal stenosis in experimental models of coronary

    angioplasty [103]. Although the exact pathophys-

    iology of negative vascular remodeling remains

    unclear, the activation of adventitial fibroblasts

    could play an important role in this phenomenon

    by causing vascular constriction. The authors

    believe that vascular remodeling is a key concept,

    because blood flow, which is the final functional

    determinant of vascular stenosis, is determined by

    the luminal cross-sectional area rather than by the

    neointimal volume. Linked to the concept ofvascular remodeling and the presence of an active

    adventitia are some elegant studies by Shi and

    colleagues [106], who have documented the mi-

    gration of adventitial fibroblasts from the adven-

    titia, through the media, and into the intima,

    where they contribute to neointimal hyperplasia

    after angioplasty. During the course of this

    migration, these alpha actinnegative adventitial

    fibroblasts transform into alpha actinpositive

    myofibroblasts [106]. Similarly, initial studies

    performed in the authors laboratory [107] suggest

    that up to 40% of neointimal cells in dialysispatients who have venous stenosis of PTFE grafts

    could be alpha actinnegative, desmin-negative,

    vimentin-positive adventitial fibroblasts. The au-

    thors believe that an important advance in the

    understanding of neointimal hyperplasia is the

    recognition that the adventitia may not be a be-

    nign bystander but could be an important player

    in the pathogenesis of luminal stenosis.

    Is there a role for circulating bone marrowderived


    Emerging data suggest that circulating bone

    marrow stem cells could also contribute to neo-

    intimal hyperplasia. Sata and colleagues [108]

    performed femoral angioplasties in chimeric

    mice whose bone marrow cells expressed the

    LacZ marker. The mice were killed 28 days after

    angioplasty, and an analysis of neointimal hyper-

    plasia at the site of balloon angioplasty revealed

    that up to 60% of the cells in the region of

    neointimal hyperplasia were modified bone mar-

    row stem cells expressing either endothelial orsmooth muscle cell markers. The same group has

    also demonstrated the presence of modified stem

    cells within neointimal lesions in a mouse model

    of coronary arteriolosclerosis [109]. In addition,

    Bayes-Genis and colleagues [110] have identified

    bone marrowderived cells of a monocyte/macro-

    phage lineage that have converted to a smooth

    muscle cell/myofibroblast phenotype in a pigmodel of coronary artery injury. Other authors

    have recently demonstrated that some neointimal

    smooth muscle cells in models of allograft arterio-

    losclerosis, mechanical vascular injury, and hy-

    perlipidemia-induced atherosclerosis are derived

    from circulating bone marrowderived cells [111].

    These results suggest a completely new paradigm

    for the pathogenesis and for therapy of neointimal

    hyperplasia. This paradigm would explain the

    relative lack of efficacy of traditional interventions

    that have tried to target the vascular media andwould also point toward the development of novel

    interventions aimed at preventing the adhesion of

    circulating bone marrowderived cells to the site

    of vascular injury.

    Lack of effective therapies for hemodialysis

    vascular access dysfunction

    Despite a reasonable understanding of the

    pathology and pathogenesis of neointimal hyper-

    plasia and luminal stenosis, there are still feweffective therapeutic interventions for the pre-

    vention or treatment of this condition. This

    deficiency is particularly true for the venous

    stenosis and the VNH that characterizes hemo-

    dialysis vascular access dysfunction. The current

    standard of care for venous stenosis in the

    setting of hemodialysis vascular access is re-

    peated angioplasty of the stenotic lesions. As

    mentioned earlier, the results of such interven-

    tion, in the setting of PTFE dialysis grafts in

    particular, are dismal (40% 3-month survival for

    a thrombosed graft and 50% 6-month survivalfor a patent but dysfunctional graft). In view of

    the tremendous advances that have been made in

    preventing restenosis in the setting of coronary

    angioplasty [112114], it seems almost unethical

    to continue to perform standard angioplasties

    with such poor results for hemodialysis vascular

    access dysfunction.

    The authors believe there are three main causes

    for the current lack of effective therapies for

    dialysis access dysfunction:

    1. The lack of a validated large animal model ofAV graft stenosis that could be used to test

    novel interventions.

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    2. An emphasis on systemic rather than local


    3. An inadequate understanding of the role of

    adventitial or vascular remodeling and of

    circulating stem cells in the pathogenesis

    of this lesion.

    The following discussion focuses on the first

    two issues; the potential role of adventitial/vascu-

    lar remodeling and the contribution of bone

    marrowderived stem cells have been discussed


    Development of a validated large animal model

    of arteriovenous graft stenosis

    In an attempt to test novel interventions

    targeted at reducing venous stenosis and VNH

    in PTFE dialysis grafts, the authors have de-veloped a pig model of AV PTFE graft stenosis

    (Fig. 10) [115]. Detailed histologic and immuno-

    histochemical analyses in this pig model clearly

    demonstrated the development of significant ve-

    nous neointimal hyperplasia at the graftvein

    anastomosis as early as 14 days after surgery

    Fig 10. Neointimal hyperplasia in the pig model. (A) Suturing of the PTFE graft to the venous anastomosis. (B) The

    completed PTFE graft lying in its pocket. (C) The dissected PTFE graft before sectioning. The red dotted lines indicate

    the usual site where the graft is cut to obtain a Y-shaped specimen for further analysis. (DF) (H&E! 50) The temporal

    course of venous neointimal hyperplasia in the authors pig model. All the sections are from the site of the graftvein

    anastomosis. (D) Two days after surgery, there is no encroachment of neointima into the graft. (E) Fourteen days after

    surgery, approximately one third of the graftvein anastomosis is covered by venous neointima (extent of arrow). (F)

    Twenty-eight days after surgery, the graftvein anastomosis is almost occluded (extent of arrow). (G) Graftvein

    anastomosis, day 28. Neointima (H&E! 1000) shows prominent angiogenesis (arrow), together with smooth muscle

    cells/myofibroblasts and extracellular matrix components. (H) Graftvein anastomosis (alpha SMA ! 1000). The

    neointima in the authors pig model is made up of a large number of smooth muscle cells/myofibroblasts. G, graft. (I)

    Low-power view (H&E! 50) of the graftvein anastomosis from a human dialysis patient with venous stenosis. Note

    the remarkable similarity between the authors 28-day pig sample (F) and the human sample (I).


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    (see Fig. 10E). Maximal neointimal hyperplasia

    occurred 28 days after surgery at the site of the

    graftvein anastomosis (see Fig. 10F). The key

    features of neointimal hyperplasia in the pig

    model (see Fig. 10G) were (1) smooth muscle

    cell/myofibroblast proliferation (see Fig. 10H), (2)active angiogenesis (endothelial cell proliferation)

    within the neointima and adventitia, and (3)

    a prominent macrophage infiltrate (including

    giant cells) on both sides of the graft with

    significant infiltration of mononuclear cells into

    the actual graft material. Thus, the identifying

    characteristics of this pig model (see Fig. 10) are

    similar to those in the authors human studies of

    venous neointimal hyperplasia (see Figs. 8 and

    10I) and suggest that this pig model is a clinically

    relevant model to evaluate novel interventions forthe treatment. Kohler and colleagues [116] have

    reported a sheep model of AV stenosis that is

    similar to the authors pig model, and Lumsden

    and colleagues [117] have reported a canine model

    of AV stenosis. Thus, for the first time, there are

    validated large animal models of venous stenosis

    and venous neointimal hyperplasia at the graft

    vein anastomosis that could be used for testing

    novel interventions aimed specifically at hemodi-

    alysis vascular access dysfunction.

    Local versus systemic therapy

    A second possible reason for the current lack

    of effective therapies for neointimal hyperplasia is

    that it may be difficult to achieve adequate local

    concentrations of a specific antiproliferative agent

    without causing substantial systemic toxicity. In

    this context, dialysis grafts and fistulae could be

    ideally suited to local therapeutic intervention

    because of their superficial location, their distance

    from vital organs, and the relative ease of de-

    livering local therapy either at the time of graftplacement or during subsequent dialyses (when

    hollow needles are placed within 3 cm of the site

    of lesion). It is likely that local drug delivery

    systems will allow potent doses of antiprolifer-

    ative therapy to be targeted at the graftvein

    anastomosis with minimal systemic toxicity. Com-

    pare, for example, the relative ease of local

    delivery in the setting of a dialysis access graft

    with the intricacies of a repeat cardiac catheteri-

    zation in the setting of local therapy for coronary

    restenosis. Extensive literature in the setting of

    experimental coronary angioplasty models docu-ments a variety of endovascular drug-delivery

    systems for use at the time of angioplasty. These

    methods include double-balloon systems [118],

    hydrogel-coated balloon catheters, porous and

    microporous balloons, and coated stents

    [119,120]. There is a critical need to apply these

    drug-delivery techniques to experimental models

    of AV stenosis.

    Clinical trials of currently available drugs

    Despite the lack of effective therapies for

    venous neointimal hyperplasia, a large number

    of currently available drugs are known to inhibit

    smooth muscle cell and endothelial cell activation

    and neointimal hyperplasia in experimental mod-

    els of neointimal hyperplasia. These drugs include

    angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors [121],

    angiotensin-receptor blockers [122], the peroxi-some proliferatoractivated receptor agonists

    such as pioglitazone and rosiglitazone [123125],

    verapamil [126], 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl co-

    enzyme reductase inhibitors [127130], and im-

    munosuppressive agents such as mycophenolate

    mofetil and sirolimus [127132]. A recent retro-

    spective analysis of the use of angiotensin-con-

    verting enzyme inhibitors in hemodialysis patients

    indicates a reduction in vascular access dysfunc-

    tion in patients taking these agents [133]. Pro-

    spective studies of these and other drugs to

    identify specific effects on venous stenosis and

    neointimal hyperplasia in dialysis access grafts are

    desperately needed. In response to this need, the

    National Institutes of Health has recently initiated

    a multicenter trial to test currently available

    therapies for dialysis access dysfunction. The

    agents chosen for the initial studies are clopidog-

    rel for the prevention of thrombosis in AV fistulae

    and dipyridamole for use in the setting of PTFE

    grafts [134].

    Novel therapies for venous neointimal hyperplasia

    in the setting of dialysis access

    Radiation therapy

    In a number of studies in animal models of

    balloon angioplastyinduced stenosis in coronary

    and peripheral arteries, external [135] or intravas-

    cular [136,137] radiation has been shown to

    reduce neointimal hyperplasia and restenosis fol-

    lowing angioplasty. The beneficial effects of radi-

    ation therapy in the treatment of coronaryrestenosis after angioplasty and stent placement

    have also been confirmed in large, multicenter

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    clinical studies [112,138]. Although the clinical use

    of radiation therapy in the setting of coronary

    artery disease has declined significantly since the

    introduction of drug-eluting stents, this could still

    be an effective therapeutic modality for hemodi-

    alysis vascular access stenosis. Thus, in the specificsetting of their pig model, the authors have

    demonstrated that external beam radiation signif-

    icantly reduces VNH [139]. In these studies, the

    percent of luminal stenosis at the graftvein

    anastomosis was reduced by 23% on the irra-

    diated side as compared with contralateral con-

    trols (52.7% G 7.42% versus 40.7% G 7.75%;

    P = .039) [139].

    At a clinical level, Parikh and colleagues [140]

    have performed a phase I study (10 patients) in

    which two 6-Gy doses of external beam radiationwere given after angioplasty. There were no

    adverse effects of radiation therapy. Cohen and

    colleagues [141] have conducted the only ran-

    domized study of external beam radiation in

    dialysis access grafts and fistulae. They were

    not able to demonstrate a benefit from external

    radiation therapy in their heterogeneous group of

    dialysis accesses, although there was a trend

    toward better results in the radiation group.

    More recently, a pilot study of endovascular

    radiation therapy in patent but dysfunctional

    dialysis access grafts sponsored by the NovosteCorporation (Norcross, Georgia) demonstrated

    a significant improvement in 6-month target

    lesion primary patency in the radiation treatment

    arm. This benefit in target lesion patency did not

    translate into an improvement in cumulative

    patency (Fig. 11) [142]. Unfortunately, a larger

    multicenter study of endovascular radiation ther-

    apy in patients who have thrombosed dialysis

    grafts was halted. Albeit not due to any major

    side effects from radiation therapy.

    Gene therapy

    Gene therapy could become an effective local

    therapy for neointimal hyperplasia in dialysis

    access grafts and fistulae, especially if improve-

    ments continue to be made in the safety and

    efficacy of delivery techniques [143]. Currently,

    inhibition of neointimal hyperplasia in experimen-

    tal angioplasty models has been achieved by the

    gene transfer of endothelial [144] and inducible

    [145] nitric oxide synthase, cyclin-dependent ki-

    nase inhibitors [82,84], retinoblastoma protein[146], hepatocyte growth factor [99], and tran-

    scription factors such as E2F [147].

    Coated stents

    The most significant advance in the prevention

    and treatment of neointimal hyperplasia in recent

    years has been the development of intravascular

    stents coated with a polymer that contains anantiproliferative agent. Large, multicenter clinical

    trials in the setting of coronary angioplasty have

    demonstrated that both the sirolimus- and pacli-

    taxel-eluting stents are extremely effective in

    reducing restenosis rates [113,114]. Most im-

    pressively, 2-year follow-up studies of the first

    patients who received the sirolimus stents demon-

    strate minimal neointimal hyperplasia [148].

    In the specific setting of venous stenosis in

    hemodialysis access grafts, the placement of

    a bare stent following venous angioplasty has

    not been shown to improve survival [149,150],although there may be some role for stents in the

    setting of venous dissection, elastic lesions, and

    recurrent stenoses [151]. Whether the use of stents

    coated with antiproliferative agents will be effec-

    tive in the setting of hemodialysis vascular access

    dysfunction is currently unknown.

    Local perivascular drug delivery

    Hemodialysis access grafts and fistulae could

    be ideally suited to perivascular drug delivery,

    because the treatment could be applied at the time

    of surgical placement. The validity of such an

    approach has been documented in a number of

    experimental angioplasty models using agents

    such as nitric oxide, paclitaxel, and tyrphostins

    [152160]. In addition, the authors group has

    demonstrated the complete absence of luminal

    stenosis in the pig model of venous neointimal

    hyperplasia [161]. Although most studies of peri-

    vascular delivery have used a specific drug, an

    alternative approach is to embed specific cell types

    (for example, endothelial cells) into the perivas-cular polymer. These cells (which may or may not

    be transfected with the gene of interest) could then

    produce a slew of mediators that, it is hoped,

    would promote vascular dilatation and inhibit

    neointimal hyperplasia [153,155160].

    Endothelial sodding/seeding

    For many decades, the Holy Grail of experi-

    mental vascular surgery has been the ability to

    coat vascular grafts or stents with a layer of

    phenotypically good endothelial cells thatwould produce just the right milieu of antiadhe-

    sive and vasodilatory mediators. This technique


  • 7/29/2019 Vascular Access in Hemodialysispdf


    would allow vascular grafts to function in the

    same manner as blood vessels. A number of

    different methods have been used in attempts toachieve this goal, including chronic in vitro shear

    stress activation of endothelial cells before seeding

    them onto synthetic grafts [162] and the use of

    electrostatic seeding techniques [163165]. The

    best results in this field have come from recent

    work by Szmitko and colleagues [166], which has

    layered an antibody against CD34 (an antigen

    present on circulating endothelial precursor cells)

    onto endovascular stents, When these stents are

    placed in vivo, the CD34 antibody binds to

    circulating endothelial progenitor cells, resulting

    in a complete layering of the stent surface withendothelial progenitor cells. The first stent using

    this technology was placed in a patient with

    coronary artery disease last year. A similar pro-

    cess has been used in the setting of vascular access

    grafts [167].

    Other therapies

    Other novel approaches that have tried to

    address the vexing problem of neointimal hyper-

    plasia include photodynamic therapy [168] and

    intravascular sonotherapy [169].

    Looking to the future

    The authors believe that the last few years have

    laid the foundation for significant changes in the

    way hemodialysis vascular access dysfunction isapproached. Currently, thereis a clear appreciation

    of the magnitude of the clinical problem and an







    Percentage ofpatients

    Radiation Placebo




    50% increase


    6/12 0/11








    Percentage of


    Radiation Placebo


    92% 91%

    11/12 10/11


    Fig. 11. Endovascular radiation therapy for dialysis access grafts. (A) Significant improvement in 6-month target lesion

    patency following a single 18-Gy dose of radiation therapy after angioplasty. (B) This improvement did not translate into

    an improved cumulative patency at 6 months.

    266 ROY-CHAUDHURY et al

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    understanding that targeting venous stenosis and

    venous neointimal hyperplasia is an essential first

    step toward reducing the morbidity and cost

    associated with hemodialysis vascular access dys-

    function. There also is a reasonable understanding

    of the pathology and pathogenesis of venousneointimal hyperplasia, and validated large ani-

    mal models of venous stenosis are available.

    Novel interventions must be tested aggressively

    in animal models and then transferred rapidly to

    the clinical arena. Also necessary are clinical trials

    of currently available drugs that are known to

    block smooth muscle cell proliferation. Indeed,

    given the aggressiveness of the clinical lesion and

    the regular follow-up at the time of thrice-weekly

    hemodialysis, dialysis access grafts and fistulae

    could be the ideal clinical model for testing newtherapies for neointimal hyperplasia. The results

    from such trials (conducted in a limited number of

    patients and for a limited period) then could be

    applied to other clinical conditions characterized

    by neointimal hyperplasia, such as postangio-

    plasty restenosis, peripheral vascular disease, and

    coronary artery bypass graft stenosis.

    In conclusion, the authors believe that the

    prospects for reducing dialysis access dysfunction

    are extremely bright. At present, the single most

    important intervention to reduce dialysis access

    morbidity remains the aggressive placement andcare of native AV fistulae by a multidisciplinary

    vascular access team.


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