Variations of Syllogisms

Date Variations of Syllogisms


Variations of Syllogisms. Date. Enthymeme. -an enthymeme is an abridged form of syllogism in which a premise or a conclusion is missing. -there are three types of enthymeme: first order, second order, and third order. First order: The major premise is omitted - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Variations of Syllogisms

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Variations of Syllogisms

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-an enthymeme is an abridged form of syllogism in which a premise or a conclusion is missing.

-there are three types of enthymeme: first order, second order, and third order. First order: The major premise is omitted

Jesse is not an honor student because she has a grade of NC. Complete:

– Whoever has a grade of NC is not an honor student. Mu - Pu

– Jesse has a grade of NC. Su + Mp

– Hence, she is not an honor student. Su - Pu

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-Second order: The minor premise is omitted. Second order: The minor premise is omitted. No one who has incomplete requirements will be entertained. That is why he

will not be entertained. Complete:

– No one who has incomplete requirements will be entertainedMu - Pu

– He has incomplete requirements. Su + Mp

– Hence, he will not be entertained. Su - Pu

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-Third order: The conclusion is omitted. Third order: The conclusion is omitted. Contraceptive devices are abortifacients; and no conservative catholic uses

abortifacients. Complete:

– Contraceptive devices are abortifacients. Pp + Mp

– No conservative catholic uses abortifacients. Su - Mu

– So, no conservative catholic are contraceptive devices. Su - Pu

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-an epichireme is a syllogism in which a proof or reason is attached to one or two of the premises.

-there are types of epichireme: simple and complex Simple epichireme—an epichireme which has a proof attached to one of

its premises. All economists are social scientists because they use scientific methods. Some faculty members of FS are economists. Thus, some faculty members of FS are social scientists

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-Complex epichireme: a syllogism which has proofs attached to Complex epichireme: a syllogism which has proofs attached to its two premisesits two premises

Man’s soul is spiritual because he can think. But a spiritual soul exists forever because a spiritual being cannot be dissolved. Ergo, man’s soul exists forever. Some endorsers of RH Bill are elected to a public office (they win the May 2010

election). Every endorser of RH Bill is expected to lose (the Catholic strongly opposes

their candidacy). Thus, some of those who are expected to lose are elected to public office.

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- Researchers on Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (SCNT) must observe the

precautionary principle (unknown aspects may cause unnecessary harm to the society).

Many Researchers on SCNT are pioneers in biomedical research. Hence, some pioneers must observe the precautionary principle.

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-an abbreviated form of polysyllogism which is composed of two or more premises linked through a specific arrangement of the predicates of subjects

-there are two types of Sorites: Aristotelian and Goclenian Aristotelian Sorites—a sorites whose premises in such a way that the

predicate of the preceding premises is used as the subject of the following premise. S is A A is B B is C C is P Thus, S is P

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Goclenian Sorites—a sorites whose premises is arranged in such a way that the subject of the preceding premise is the predicate of the following premise. A is P B is A C is B S is C Thus, S is P

  To determine the validity of sorites, two things must be borne in mind: To determine the validity of sorites, two things must be borne in mind: 1. No premise may be negative except the premise containing the predicate of 1. No premise may be negative except the premise containing the predicate of

the conclusion.the conclusion.2. No premise may be particular except the premise containing the subject of 2. No premise may be particular except the premise containing the subject of

the conclusion.the conclusion.  

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  To determine the validity of sorites, two things must be borne in mind: To determine the validity of sorites, two things must be borne in mind: 1. No premise may be negative except the premise containing the predicate of 1. No premise may be negative except the premise containing the predicate of

the conclusion.the conclusion.2. No premise may be particular except the premise containing the subject of 2. No premise may be particular except the premise containing the subject of

the conclusion.the conclusion.

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Whoever follows the right path heeds the Way;

whoever heeds the Way accepts the Yin and Yang;

whoever accepts the Yin and Yang acknowledges weakness as strength; whoever acknowledges weakness as strength is not perturbed by the events of this world;

whoever is not perturbed by the events of this world is a happy man.

Hence, whoever follows the right path is a happy man.

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If the enemies of the state will seize power, then the society will be in chaos.If the enemies of the state will seize power, then the society will be in chaos.

If the society will plunge into uncertain times, then enemies of the state will seize If the society will plunge into uncertain times, then enemies of the state will seize power.power.

If corruption will not be effectively prevented, then the society will plunge into If corruption will not be effectively prevented, then the society will plunge into uncertain times.uncertain times.

If a good man’s administration will be seen in a bad light, then corruption will not be If a good man’s administration will be seen in a bad light, then corruption will not be effectively prevented.effectively prevented.

If opportunists will take advantage of him, then a good man’s administration will be If opportunists will take advantage of him, then a good man’s administration will be seen in a bad light.seen in a bad light.

If a good man gains power, then opportunists will take advantage of him.If a good man gains power, then opportunists will take advantage of him.

Hence, if a good man gains power, then the society will be in chaos.Hence, if a good man gains power, then the society will be in chaos.

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-The dilemma is an argument which presents alternatives forcing one to take either of them, but whichever he chooses would be to his disadvantage

-there are four types of dilemma: The simple constructive dilemma The complex constructive dilemma The simple destructive dilemma The complex destructive dilemma

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Constructive Dilemma

-The simple constructive dilemma:If A, then CIf B, then CBut either A or BErgo, C If the El Nino phenomenon is being made as an excuse for importing

rice, then the local agriculture industry will suffer. If the El Nino phenomenon is really happening across the country, then the local agriculture industry will suffer. Either the El Nino is being made as an excuse for importing rice or it is really happening across the country. Thus, the local agriculture industry will suffer.

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Constructive Dilemma

The Complex constructive dilemma:If A, then CIf B, then DBut either A or BErgo, either C or D If the RH Bill will not be enacted, then the poor will ultimately suffer (due

to unmanaged population). If it will be enacted, then the poor will ultimately suffer (since the church will condemn them). The RH Bill will be either enacted or not enacted. Hence, the poor will ultimately suffer.

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Destructive Dilemma

The simple destructive dilemma:If A, then C and DBut either not C or not DErgo, not A If we are the only living beings in the universe, then God created an

“awful waste of space” and He is an example of profligacy. God neither created an “awful waste of space” nor is he an example of profligacy. Hence, we are not the only living beings in the universe.

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Destructive Dilemma

The complex destructive dilemma:If A, then CIf B, then DBut either not C or not DErgo, either not A or not B If a Chief Justice will not be appointed, there will be a vacuum of

leadership in the Judiciary. If a new senate president will not be elected, there will be a vacuum of leadership in the Senate. There will not be a vacuum of leadership either in the Judiciary or in the Senate. Therefore, either a Chief Justice will be appointed or a new senate president will be elected.

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Correctness of Dilemma

To determine the correctness of the dilemma, one must To determine the correctness of the dilemma, one must remember two things: remember two things: (a)(a)the alternatives or the disjunction must be exhaustive; and the alternatives or the disjunction must be exhaustive; and (b)(b)the antecedent and the consequent must have necessary the antecedent and the consequent must have necessary connection. connection. If (a) is not observed, the arguer can “escape between the If (a) is not observed, the arguer can “escape between the horns” and horns” and if (b) is not observed, the arguer can “take the dilemma by the if (b) is not observed, the arguer can “take the dilemma by the horns”. horns”.

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Validity of Dilemmas

1. If Jesus lets Magdalene go, then he will violate the Jewish 1. If Jesus lets Magdalene go, then he will violate the Jewish laws (for it is unlawful to commit adultery). If he lets Magdalene laws (for it is unlawful to commit adultery). If he lets Magdalene be stoned to death, then he does not practice what he preaches be stoned to death, then he does not practice what he preaches (for he will be accused of being without compassion and mercy). (for he will be accused of being without compassion and mercy). Jesus will let her either go or be stoned to death. Hence, either Jesus will let her either go or be stoned to death. Hence, either he violates the Jewish laws or he does not practice what he he violates the Jewish laws or he does not practice what he preaches. preaches.

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Validity of Dilemmas

If I am unjust, then men will love me (for I will not send them to If I am unjust, then men will love me (for I will not send them to prison); if I am just, then the gods will love me (for I have prison); if I am just, then the gods will love me (for I have observed their laws). Either I am just or I am unjust. Thus, men observed their laws). Either I am just or I am unjust. Thus, men or the gods will love me.or the gods will love me.