Variance Value flow to COPA.docx

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  • 8/19/2019 Variance Value flow to COPA.docx


    Variance Value Flow to CO-PA for (Rubamin)

    1.  In OKTZ you have your cost components.

    Select the second row and double click on

    Click on back button and select the cost component and double click on

  • 8/19/2019 Variance Value flow to COPA.docx


    Variance Value Flow to CO-PA for (Rubamin)

    2. In KEA6 you have to create your value fields for capturing cost component figures.

     You can have 11 or 1! "value field cost component#.  

    Click on

  • 8/19/2019 Variance Value flow to COPA.docx


    Variance Value Flow to CO-PA for (Rubamin)


    $%& Then go to KE'( and create a valuation strategy. )hec* “Mat. cstg.” +ield.

  • 8/19/2019 Variance Value flow to COPA.docx


    Variance Value Flow to CO-PA for (Rubamin)

    Double click on

    Press enter 

  • 8/19/2019 Variance Value flow to COPA.docx


    Variance Value Flow to CO-PA for (Rubamin)

    Double click on

    Select the line and double click

  • 8/19/2019 Variance Value flow to COPA.docx


    Variance Value Flow to CO-PA for (Rubamin)

  • 8/19/2019 Variance Value flow to COPA.docx


    Variance Value Flow to CO-PA for (Rubamin)

    ,efine -A Transfer tructure for /ariance ettlement

    In this I0 activity2 you define a PA transfer structure for transferring production variances during the

    settlement of production orders.

    3hen variances are calculated in )ost O45ect )ontrolling ")O-)#2 production variances are determined

    and stored. 3hen you settle production orders2 you can transfer these variances differentiated 4y cost

    element and variance category to value fields in )O-A.

     Although it is technically possi4le2 via a 5oint maintenance dialog2 to use the same -A transfer structures

    f rom different allocation types to settle production variances2 you should instead define separate -A

    transfer structures.

    Menu Path : SPRO Controlling Profitability Analysis Flos of actual !alues settle"ent of

     #roduction !ariances Define PA $ransfer Structure for %ariance settle"ent


    • )reate an identification code and a corresponding name for a -A transfer structure.

    • ,ecide ho7 you 7ant to divide the variances and define corresponding assignment lines in the -A

    transfer structure. This division is then applied to transfer the production variances to the value

    fields in )O-A.

    • elect the indicator for 8uantity 4illed9delivered in the assignment line that is used for transferring

    to )O-A the 8uantity of the production order that has 4een delivered to the plant. A )O-A valuefield must 4e assigned under :/alue fields: to such an assignment line for the delivered 8uantity"8uantity9value indicator :;:#. 3hen the production order is settled to )O-A2 the delivered 8uantityis transferred to the assigned field.

    • +or each assignment line2 enter the cost element"s# or the cost element group from 7hich the

    production variances are to 4e settled2 and select a variance category as the source "such as pricevariances for materials input#. If2 instead of a variance category2 you select the :)osts9

  • 8/19/2019 Variance Value flow to COPA.docx


    Variance Value Flow to CO-PA for (Rubamin)

    'nitial screen

    Double click on assign"ent (ine buttons on the left hand side

  • 8/19/2019 Variance Value flow to COPA.docx


    Variance Value Flow to CO-PA for (Rubamin)

    Select the each and abo%e line ite" fro" the abo%e screen and

    double click on

  • 8/19/2019 Variance Value flow to COPA.docx


    Variance Value Flow to CO-PA for (Rubamin)

    Click on to check the list of cost ele"ent

    assigned in the abo%e grou# of cost ele"ent under CO)PC

    Double click on

  • 8/19/2019 Variance Value flow to COPA.docx


    Variance Value Flow to CO-PA for (Rubamin)

    Sa%e si"ilarly all other line ite" need to assign the %alue fields

    Click on back button select the 2* line ite" for" the assign"ent lines

    Double click on %alue field

  • 8/19/2019 Variance Value flow to COPA.docx


    Variance Value Flow to CO-PA for (Rubamin)

    Click on sa%e button

    Click on back

    Double click on +* line ite" of assign"ent line

    Double click on %alue field

  • 8/19/2019 Variance Value flow to COPA.docx


    Variance Value Flow to CO-PA for (Rubamin)

    Select the ,* line ite" fro" assign"ent line ite"

    Double click on %alue field button

  • 8/19/2019 Variance Value flow to COPA.docx


    Variance Value Flow to CO-PA for (Rubamin)

    Click on back button and select the -* line ite" fro" assign"ent line ite" as "ied #rice


    Double click on %alue field

    Click on back button

    Select the /* (ine ite" as out#ut #rice %ariance

  • 8/19/2019 Variance Value flow to COPA.docx


    Variance Value Flow to CO-PA for (Rubamin)

    Double click on %alue field

    Click on back button

    Select the 0*)(ot si1e fied 3cost %ariance

  • 8/19/2019 Variance Value flow to COPA.docx


    Variance Value Flow to CO-PA for (Rubamin)

    Double click on %alue field

    Click on back button

    Select 4*) re"aining %ariance

  • 8/19/2019 Variance Value flow to COPA.docx


    Variance Value Flow to CO-PA for (Rubamin)

    Double click on sources button

    Double click on %alue field

    Sa%e the button

  • 8/19/2019 Variance Value flow to COPA.docx


    Variance Value Flow to CO-PA for (Rubamin)

    Sa%e the button and co"e back

     Assign -A Transfer tructure to ettlement -rofile

    The settlement profile contains all the relevant information needed for settling )O orders2 sales orders2

    pro5ects2 and production orders.

    +rom the point of vie7 of -rofita4ility Analysis ")O-A#2 you need to assign your PA transfer structure to a

    settlement profile.

    0enu -ath )ontrolling -rofita4ility analysis +lo7 of actual values  ettlement of production

    variance Assign -A Transfer structure to settlement profile .

  • 8/19/2019 Variance Value flow to COPA.docx


    Variance Value Flow to CO-PA for (Rubamin)

    'nitial screen

    Double click on P'*5 3 Process order

  • 8/19/2019 Variance Value flow to COPA.docx


    Variance Value Flow to CO-PA for (Rubamin)

    Select the sa%e button

  • 8/19/2019 Variance Value flow to COPA.docx


    Variance Value Flow to CO-PA for (Rubamin)

  • 8/19/2019 Variance Value flow to COPA.docx


    Variance Value Flow to CO-PA for (Rubamin)

    0aintain /alue +ields

    In this activity2 you can define your o7n value fields. +re8uently used value fields2 such as :efore you create a ne7 value field2 you should ta*e a loo* at the ones that already e=ist. It may 4e that

    you can use a value field you have already define or one defined in the standard system.

    Once you are in the :change: mode2 you can define a ne7 value field 4y choosing the :)reate: icon

    Enter a ' or ?character name that 4egins 7ith ://: for your value field. @ere you also need to specify

    7hether this field is a 8uantity field or a field for currency amounts. All the currency fields in any single line

    item use the same currency. This currency is defined in the attri4utes of each operating concern. Each

    8uantity field2 on the other hand has its o7n field that defines the unit of measure. Thus you can have

    8uantities in different units in the same line item.

    On the ne=t screen2 you can enter te=ts to descri4e the value field2 as 7ell as ho7 the values in this field

    are to 4e aggregated over characteristics of time. In most cases2 you 7ill use the aggregation rule

    :(0: "summation# to add up the values over periods. The aggregation rules :ast value: "A# and

    :Average: "A/# are only of significance if the value field is to contain a statistical noncumulative value.

    0enu -ath )ontolling -rofita4ility Analysis tructure ,efine Operating )oncern  0aintain /alue


    'nitial screen

  • 8/19/2019 Variance Value flow to COPA.docx


    Variance Value Flow to CO-PA for (Rubamin)

    Click on sa%e button

    Press enter button

    Press yes button

  • 8/19/2019 Variance Value flow to COPA.docx


    Variance Value Flow to CO-PA for (Rubamin)

    Acti%ate the o#erating concern for abo%e to field

  • 8/19/2019 Variance Value flow to COPA.docx


    Variance Value Flow to CO-PA for (Rubamin)

    0aintain Operating )oncern

    In this activity2 you define and maintain the operating concerns you are going to use in your system.

    If you 7ant to create a ne7 operating concern2 you need to create the su4o45ects data structure and

    attribute and to activate the environment

    Menu #ath : Controlling Profitability Analysis Structure Define O#erating Concern

     Maintain O#erating Concern

    'nitial screen

  • 8/19/2019 Variance Value flow to COPA.docx


    Variance Value Flow to CO-PA for (Rubamin)

    Click on

    Press enter button

    Click on change button

  • 8/19/2019 Variance Value flow to COPA.docx


    Variance Value Flow to CO-PA for (Rubamin)

    Scroll don and select the !!+2 and !!++

  • 8/19/2019 Variance Value flow to COPA.docx


    Variance Value Flow to CO-PA for (Rubamin)