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Transcript of ValveChambers-OWWA-2012

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    Anthony Parente, P.Eng. Manager, Capital Works, Water Transmission and Distribution, Region of Peel Norm Sandberg, CET, Senior Environmental Technologist, Ainley Group Benoit Tanguay, ing, P.Eng. Director, Engineering, Munro Ltd.

    INTRODUCTION Valve chambers for potable water distribution systems are typically designed by the consulting engineer and specified as cast-in-place (CIP) or as a standard precast chamber. The current standard precast chamber design as specified in the Ontario Provincial Standard Drawings (OPSD) is adequate but does present some challenges, especially in terms of watertightness. Many installed valve chambers are subject to flooding by groundwater entering through leaking joints and pipe connections. As such, the operation of expensive mechanical (valves) and electrical equipment can be compromised. Furthermore, maintenance of water distribution systems by municipal Operations Groups requires safe entry into these chambers. As confined spaces, standing water in these structures presents an additional potential hazard for Operations Staff. The long-term viability of the water distribution system is linked to the proper functioning of these valve chambers. BACKGROUND Peel Region is a 1,254 km2 area comprising the Cities of Mississauga, Brampton and the Town of Caledon. With a population of 1.3 million people (Statistics Canada, 2011) it is Ontarios second largest municipality, second only to the City of Toronto. Its population has grown from just under 800,000 people in 1991. Between 2006 and 2011, the City of Brampton, the fastest growing area, grew by 20.8%. As the population continues to grow, so does the need for water infrastructure to service that growth. The Region of Peel currently operates two surface water treatment facilities, nine groundwater supply facilities, and associated storage facilities and distribution systems. In order to meet continuing population growth, and to service the supply contract with the Region of York, the Region of Peel is currently engaged in one of the largest and most extensive

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    watermain initiatives any municipality has ever undertaken with the Hanlan Water Project. Prior to 1998, waterworks for Peel Region was owned and operated by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment (MOE). Upon assumption of the system from the MOE, the Region quickly developed a long term capital plan for expansion and rehabilitation of the water treatment and transmission system. The Regions standards were developed mainly for distribution watermains. Through the development of a Capital Works group, the Region was able to develop interim standards. Existing standards did not take into consideration transmission watermains or watermains larger than 600mm in diameter. The Region of Peels Capital Works group, in conjunction with consultants retained for large transmission networks, and in cooperation and consultation with Operations groups and the Ontario Clean Water Agency worked to develop interim standards for use on Capital projects. Staff applied lessons learned and industry best management practices to ongoing projects. However, as staff and their Operators invested significant time in the existing and newly acquired transmission networks, it became clear to the Region that the development of a made in Peel solution for standards was required. In addition, the Regions vision of a long term condition assessment/asset management process for their transmission network required the inclusion of the latest industry best practices. In 2010, the Region of Peel embarked on a review and update of its Capital Works, Water, Standard Drawings. The Capital Works Group (as the designer of water systems) undertook this through a collaborative approach with the Peel Water Operations Group to ensure that new capital works projects would be designed with long-term ease of operational and maintenance considerations in mind. The Region retained the services of the Ainley Group, Consulting Engineers and Planners, to assist with the review and update of its Capital Works, Water, Standard Drawings to ensure that the Regions long-term objectives were realised.


    Through the course of the review, input from the Operations group resulted in many revisions but one area that required considerable examination and input was the challenge with precast valve chambers. Although cost effective, precast chambers were known to leak. In addition, precast risers and adjustment rings were constantly damaged by traffic. Access to buried infrastructure for assessment and/or replacement often required sectional removal of the structure. The Region had found that more often than not, valve chambers were flooded

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    with groundwater and/or infiltrated by stormwater through castings or adjustment rings. To minimise health and safety challenges for chamber entry, and to facilitate inspection or maintenance of a valve chamber, the chamber had to be pumped out to eliminate the water. In some cases, special measures had to be taken to keep the water out while the chamber was being serviced.

    Figure 1: Water gushing into a precast valve chamber

    The problem is groundwater infiltration. Many areas in Ontario have elevated groundwater conditions. In order to understand why this is happening, the OPSD drawing for precast valve chambers (OPSD 1101.010) gives some information. Many of the Peel Standard Drawings referred to the OPSDs. It is likely that the precast industry of the day was consulted as to what it could provide in precast structures and this design was settled upon as a sufficient minimum standard that all precasters could produce. But that was more than ten years ago and there has not been a significant change since then.

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    Another challenge is that chamber sizes were kept to a minimum, often making it challenging for Operations staff to enter for the maintenance or replacement of valves.

    Figure 2: Schematic of OPSD Type Valve Chamber

    Figure 2 shows the potential areas for infiltration. Wherever there is a joint, there is potential infiltration. The existence of a joint and more so the way jointing is done creates a possibility for infiltration. The typical precast valve chamber is constructed from a base slab with risers placed on top to the finished elevation. The entry point for the pipe is an opening roughed out during the pre-casting process. When the bottom riser is placed on top of the base, it gives the appearance of a doghouse opening and is generally referred to as such.

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    Figure 3: Doghouse opening in OPSD Type Precast Valve Chamber

    Typically, the valve chamber construction process on site is as follows:

    1. The base slab is placed and levelled.

    2. The base extension for anti-floatation is cast-in-place.

    3. The mechanical componentry is installed on the base slab. The bottom riser is installed over the base slab.

    4. The gasketed joint between the base slab and the bottom riser is grouted.

    5. The rebar of the doghouse opening is cut to make way for the pipe.

    6. The pipe is brought into the valve chamber. There is plenty of play and room for adjustment around the pipe.

    7. The pipe is pushed up to the upper round section and held in place by bricks or blocks. The joint is grouted top and bottom.

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    8. The risers are placed on top of the bottom riser to reach the surface. A flat cap with a maintenance hole frame/lid is placed at the top.

    Possible areas of infiltration are the joint between the base slab and the bottom riser, the riser-to-riser connection, and most certainly the pipe to chamber connection through the doghouse opening. With the doghouse opening, while the placement of pipe is relatively easy, it is virtually impossible to achieve a good long-term pipe-to-chamber seal. In addition, infiltration can also occur between the adjustment units below the access frame and cover.


    The Region of Peel and the Ainley Group knew that the challenges of infiltration control and optimum conditions for Operations staff to service valve chambers could not be addressed through minor revisions to the Regions standard drawings. Similarly, more detailed instructions for installation or greater on-site field inspection would not solve the fundamental challenge of mitigating infiltration in the long term. They had some ideas about design changes but wanted to be sure that manufacturers could reasonably accommodate them. On behalf of the Region, the Ainley Group contacted Munro Ltd., an infrastructure manufacturing company that has a product engineering design team and that manufactures concrete pressure pipe (CPP) and precast valve chambers. Furthermore, Munro Ltd. was selected because the company is a member of the Ontario Concrete Pipe Association (OCPA) and participates in the OCPAs Technical Committee. This meant that when the product solution was determined, it could be disseminated to and manufactured by all Ontario manufacturers. This would continue to ensure a fair and competitive bidding environment.

    The three parties met to discuss the challenges and to share input and experiences. They all had the same goal to have an improved, constructible valve chamber that would remain watertight and ensure long-term serviceability. Any good design involves collaboration. There was a lot of back and forth discussion prior to settling on the final design. Everyone wanted a higher level of quality control on the chamber to pipe openings and the jointing system. The goal was to have a more foolproof system that minimized variation in field constructability.

    In addition, the parties wanted to ensure that the ultimate construction authority, the General Contractor would be able to construct the modified design without significant problems. It was expected that the absence of the traditional dog house would cause significant constructability concerns and the Region wanted

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    to ensure that its Contractors could (and would) construct the chambers in accordance with a new standard.


    Figure 4: Schematic of the New Valve Chamber Design.

    The new valve chamber design includes a true monobase and a true monotop. This terminology refers to the fact that the base and the walls are a continuous concrete pour and the top and walls are a continuous concrete pour when precast. There is no joint between the base and walls or the top and the walls. Two joints (and the potential infiltration) have been eliminated. In addition, the monobase design incorporates a base extension for anti-floatation which is also part of the continuous concrete pour when the monobase is precast.

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    The previous chamber design called for factory supplied gaskets to be placed by Contractor. Challenges with gasketed joints placed in the field are the potential for rolled gaskets, difficulty achieving equal pressure around the gasket (especially in large rectangular chambers) and difficulty of inspection because the gasket is placed on top of a vertical structure. Instead of a factory supplied rubber gasket, the joints are wrapped on the outside with a waterproof membrane. From the inside of the valve chamber, the joints are sealed by injecting the keyway in the rectangular chamber (or the annular space in the round chamber) with a single component hydrophobic polyurethane resin using factory set injection tubes. This is the last step in the process to ensure watertightness of the valve chamber.

    The through-wall pipe openings represented the greatest possibility for improvement and, hence, better quality control to ensure watertightness. Instead of a dug out doghouse opening, a manufactured cast-in hole, ensuring a smooth round opening is specified. The hole cast by the manufacturer is fitted with a conventional boot flexible watertight seal for PVC and ductile iron pipe. The boot is pipe-diameter specific and allows flexibility for some differences in the orientation of the pipe entering the valve chamber. The use of a monobase requires the Contractor to take greater care with pipe alignment. Line and grade must be carefully planned and coordinated to ensure that the pipeline lines up with the cast-in hole of the monobase. Providing a watertight connection for concrete pressure pipe (CPP) was the next challenge. The surface of concrete pressure pipe is rough due to the exterior mortar coating. A Link Seal type gasket, specified to make the watertight seal, requires two smooth surfaces, the first being the manufacturers cast-in hole through the wall opening and the second being the pipe surface. A smooth surface on the through-wall portion of CPP is created during the manufacture of this specific concrete pressure pipe by welding a steel sleeve and waterstop assembly to the steel cylinder of the CPP. The outer diameter of the steel sleeve is greater than the outer diameter of the mortar coating and must be designed by the manufacturer to suit the proper joint sealing system. The Link Seal must be specified for the proper annular space between the pipe and the cast-in hole of the chamber. Other updates were made to the valve chamber standards to allow for ongoing maintenance:

    1. Valve chamber sizes have generally been increased to provide for adequate workspace for Operations staff, including minimum clearances from the chamber wall to any valve or fitting.

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    2. Tracer wires, which were previously specified to be accessible through the interior of valve boxes, were often broken during the first operation of the valve. These have been relocated to the tops of the ladders for convenient access.

    3. Consideration was given to providing greater system operations flexibility by the addition of valves in many of the chambers.

    4. Frost strapping was typically attached to the outside of the chamber and use of frost strapping was on an as specified basis. In the new specifications, installation of frost strapping is standard. Frost strapping is installed on the inside of the chamber so that the strapping can be easily inspected and adjusted, if necessary.

    5. Joint waterproofing redundancy is provided by the application of an elastomeric membrane on the exterior of the joints, including the adjustment rings.

    Prior to adopting the new Standard Drawing updates, the Region circulated them in draft form for additional comment from representative Engineering Consultants and Contractors with a history of working in the Region. Several of the comments received were incorporated into the final version. The Regions collaborative approach has led to the standardization of its water chamber design to achieve its objectives of infiltration control, operation-friendliness and economical constructability. The result is a valve chamber design dictated by the Regions long-term needs. It is no longer just a concrete box surrounding equipment. LESSONS LEARNED Ainley Group provided Peel Region its finalized drawings in the fall of 2011. The 65 original Standard Drawings for capital works have increased to 110 drawings. The additional drawings and details give greater clarity about the Region of Peels expectations from manufacturers and installers of its water infrastructure. A number of contracts have been tendered referring to the new Standard Drawings. There has been no noticeable increase in tendered costs. The Region of Peel has received some feedback from contractors because the use of the monobase and monotop requires closer attention to line and grade integrity to be within the allowable tolerance of the manufacturers cast-in holes for the pipe. The Region of Peel has updated its Standard Drawings for watermain infrastructure to help address their continuing requirement for water infrastructure growth and ongoing maintenance. The Region is now more specific about

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    installation requirements. It has addressed inflow and infiltration in valve chambers. Differential settlement that may have affected the pipe-to-valve chamber joint in the past is no longer an issue due to the flexible and watertight jointing system. Operational challenges and certain safety issues have been addressed. The Region will now have greater flexibility in its planned and emergency watermain shutdowns. Finally, the new monobase valve chamber design provides for additional flexibility and quality control by now making it possible for the valve chamber manufacturer to assemble the valve chamber complete with mechanical componentry and valves. This may be of special significance to minimize the installation time of valve chambers when the closure of traffic lanes are required. The Regions collaborative approach to the update of its Water Standard Drawings allowed all involved to understand the challenges, provide input in the determination of effective solutions and understand the implications of the solutions. Change always elicits resistance but it also elicits thoughtful reflection. The Region of Peel expects that these updated Standard Drawings will undergo some final tweeks resulting from comments from the field as they enter their first full construction season. REFERENCES OPSD 1101.010 Region of Peel Public Works Standard Drawings 1-1-5, 1-1-6, 1-3-4