Value Communicatio ALCOP 2012

Value Communication Michael Germano, California State University, Los Angeles ALCOP Conference October 14, 2012

Transcript of Value Communicatio ALCOP 2012

  • 1. ValueCommunicationMichael Germano, California State University, Los AngelesALCOP ConferenceOctober 14, 2012

2. Why communicate value? Libraries and the value deficit 3. Value,onceit iscreated andshared,iseasilyconvertedtoloyalty. 4. Instilling value is the only way to develop loyalty. 5. Feature-Benefit Driven Communication 6. Value communication 7. How do you go from Data dump Value communication 8. (features + benefit) x need = value The Value Equation 9. 1. Develop an elevator pitchChange is best achieved when first communicated to all levels of an organization in an easyto understand way. 10. 2. Know your customers/patrons.Research, research, research. And then research some more. Dont keep static stats. Gather living demographics. Understand needs. 11. 3. Understand your external environment.Competitors? Political, economic, socio-cultural, technological, legal, environmental (PESTLE) influences? 12. 4. Accept the 80/20 rule.80% of your usage comes from 20% of your users? 13. 5. Become a silo-buster.Dont hold on to what you know about customers, competitors, external environment etc. 14. 6. Get rid of all vestiges of assumed value.The library value deficit is real! 15. 7. Focus on values that drive value.Teamwork, Service, Communication (internal), Innovation 16. 8. Become a value champion.Take the elevator pitch further. Live it. Become the embodiment of a value-centric brand for your organization. Lead by example. 17. 9. Commit to educating the organization.Change the front lines, influence those above you to buy into these ideas, make it yourmission the educate techniques that work, results and milestones achieved. 18. 10. Understand that value is a moving target. You have to do all of this all of the time 19. One last thoughtMake sure what youre selling is real.