Valentine’s Day Lesson & Worksheet Series -...

© Valentine’s Day Lesson & Worksheet Series 1. Where did Valentine's Day come from? 2. Why Is Cupid Related to Valentine's Day? 3. Who was Saint Valentine? 4. How much money is made by the Valentine's Day holiday? 5. Who Celebrates Valentine's Day? 6. What Other Holidays Honor Love Throughout The World? 7. What are the most popular items to exchange during Valentine's Day? 8. What do the different colors of roses signify? 9. What symbols are associated with Valentine's Day? 10. Why is Valentine's Day celebrated on February 14?

Transcript of Valentine’s Day Lesson & Worksheet Series -...


Valentine’s Day Lesson & Worksheet Series

1. Where did Valentine's Day come from? 2. Why Is Cupid Related to Valentine's Day? 3. Who was Saint Valentine? 4. How much money is made by the Valentine's Day holiday? 5. Who Celebrates Valentine's Day? 6. What Other Holidays Honor Love Throughout The World? 7. What are the most popular items to exchange during Valentine's Day? 8. What do the different colors of roses signify? 9. What symbols are associated with Valentine's Day? 10. Why is Valentine's Day celebrated on February 14?


Where did Valentine’s Day come from? 1,700 years ago, a martyred Saint named Saint Valentine died and today we are still celebrating Valentine’s Day! Some people believe that Valentine’s Day was invented in order for flower shops, card companies and gift stores to make more money, often referred to as a Hallmark holiday. The truth remains that it is a commemoration of an assassinated Roman priest. In 269 AD, an emperor named Claudius led the Roman Empire. He was extremely upset that fewer and fewer men were willing to join the military and felt that it was because they did not want to leave their new wives or families. In order to take care of this problem, he outlawed marriage. Saint Valentine was a prominent priest at the time and felt that this was wrong. In defiance, he continued to marry people. When the emperor found out, he had him sent to jail awaiting execution. While Saint Valentine was in jail, he met the jailer’s daughter and fell in love with her. Legend says he cured her of blindness. The night before he was to be killed, he wrote her a love letter and signed it “from your Valentine.” After he was killed, his letter was found. On February 14th, 469 AD, Pope Gelasius declared the day to honor Saint Valentine. Thus the origination of the Valentine’s Day being celebrated on this day every year. There are also some other stories about Valentine’s Day that coincide with the Pagan Festival called Lupercalia. This was a time of year when the Pagans, who were people who did not believe in Christ, celebrated fertility. Boys and girls were paired up on February 14th and allowed to spend the day together on February 15th. This led to many marriages. Interestingly, Lupercalia was also known as Februatio, which is the root source of the month February. Lupercalia was banned under orders from Pope Gelasius and was replaced with a celebratory feast that was to take place on this day instead. Since Cupid was the Roman god of love, his image was often involved in the celebrations. Valentine’s Day today is a holiday where billions of dollars are spent on cards, candy, chocolate and flowers. Many people are engaged on this day, while many others simply use it to profess their love to friends and family members alike. School age children often make Valentine’s for every member of their class and pass around special treats in celebration of Valentine’s Day.


Name ___________________ Date ________________ Where did Valentine’s Day Come From? – Quiz 1. What did Lupercalia celebrate?

a. Spring b. Fertility c. Saint Valentine d. End of winter

2. Who was the Emperor of Rome in 269 AD?

a. Gelasius b. Saint Valentine c. Claudius d. Pagans

3. When people become “engaged” what are they planning

to do? a. get married b. have children c. fall in love d. celebrate Valentine’s Day

4. How long after Saint Valentine’s death, was Valentine’s

Day proclaimed? a. 1 year b. 10 years c. 200 years d. 500 years

5. What is a synonym for outlawed?

a. allowed b. banned c. condoned d. killed


Name ________________ Date ________________ Where did Valentine’s Day Come From? – Free Response Quiz 1. Do you think it was right of Saint Valentine to do what he did? Why

or why not? 2. Is having a wife and family a good reason to NOT join the military? 3. Why do you think that Saint Valentine continued to marry people? 4. Why do you think that boys and girls were not allowed to spend

time together in ancient times? Is this good or bad? 5. Do you think that Saint Valentine really cured his love of blindness?

Why or why not? 6. Is Valentine’s Day an important holiday to celebrate? 7. What is your favorite gift to receive on Valentine’s Day and why? 8. Is giving Valentine cards to friends a good idea? Explain!


Where did Valentine’s Day Come From? – Answer Key

1. b 2. c 3. a 4. c 5. b


Why Is Cupid Related to Valentine's Day? Valentine’s Day originated from Roman times. The Romans had a great many mythological gods that represented many things in their life. Cupid was the God that controlled the force of love. His name is derived from the Roman word cupido, which means passion, desire, yearning and love. Basically, he is associated with Valentine’s Day because of his perceived importance in making people fall in love. In Latin, Cupid is called Amor, which translates directly into the word love. Most of the time people recognize Cupid because he looks like a fat cherub, with wings and his infamous bow and arrow. Legend has it that if he releases the bow, striking someone, that person will fall in love immediately. In most pictures, Cupid is seen with a mischievous smile shooting his arrow at an unsuspecting person. In mythology, Cupid is both sweet and devious. In fact, the Greeks believed that he was a troublemaker and would often get into trouble and mix things up on purpose. This is why in many paintings and portraits, Cupid has two arrows. One for romance and the other for mischief. One mythological tale about Cupid has him accidentally shooting himself instead of a beautiful mortal woman named Psyche. The goddess Venus, in an act of jealousy instructs Cupid to hit Psyche with an arrow so that she will fall in love with the most horrible man in Earth. When Cupid strikes himself instead, it became Cupid that fell in love with Psyche and Venus was very upset that her plan was ruined. Cupid began showing up in Valentine’s Day cards in the Western World because of his association with love. Since love is the centerpiece of Valentine’s Day it only makes sense that the two would go together. He is always winged liked a fairy and normally wears a white cloak that looks very much like a diaper. In most pictures, he is smiling. It has also become very common that people will refer to Cupid when two people are falling in love or getting married. Most holiday celebrations have symbols that are associated with them. Just like hearts and roses have become a standard symbol of Valentine’s Day, so has Cupid. Chances are the God of Love, will be shooting poisoned arrows forcing people to fall in love until the end of time.


Name __________________ Date __________________ Why Is Cupid Related to Valentine’s Day? - Quiz

1. What does the word cupid mean in Latin? a. love b. bow and arrow c. mischief d. sorrow

2. What would be another word for a cherub?

a. God b. Winged c. Angel d. Myth

3. What do Cupids two arrows represent?

a. love and hate b. love and romance c. love and pain d. love and mischief

4. Cupid is the ____________.

a. God of love b. God of arrows c. God of Valentine’s Day d. God of fairies

5. In legend, whom did Cupid strike with his arrow instead of

Psyche? a. Venus b. Saint Valentine c. Cupid d. A mortal

6. What does the word mortal mean?

a. Dead b. Alive c. Human d. Both b and c


Name __________________ Date ___________________ Why Is Cupid Related to Valentine’s Day? - Free Response Quiz 1. Do you think that Cupid was a real person or just made up?


2. Describe some other characters you know of from mythology. 3. Why do you think that Cupid is always depicted with wings? 4. Explain why Romans may have explained love using Cupid? 5. Have you ever really liked someone right away? Were you shot

with Cupid’s arrow? 6. Draw a picture of how you imagine Cupid to look. 7. What do you think happened when Cupid fell in love with a mortal? 8. If you could strike any person with one of Cupid’s arrows who would

it be and why?


Why Is Cupid Related to Valentine’s Day? - Answer Key

1. a 2. c 3. d 4. a 5. c 6. d


Who Was Saint Valentine?

Throughout Roman history, there were several people named Saint Valentine who appear in ancient texts. Interestingly, each of them had been martyred, meaning put to death by the Emperor. The Saint Valentine that is normally associated with Valentine’s Day was known to be a priest in Rome under the rule of Claudius II. At the time, he was supposed to be helping the Emperor make people renounce their faith in the church. At first, the Emperor was very fond of Saint Valentine, until he found out later that he had been betraying him by continuing to marry people. Claudius was not pleased that so many young men were getting married and he was having a difficult time getting soldiers to join his army. During this time, Claudius was persecuting Christians and not allowing them to get married because he felt that more men would be willing to join the military if they did not have wives and children. Saint Valentine did not think this was right and he carried on with the marriages of Christian couples. When Claudius found out, he was outraged and sentenced him to death. On the night before he was to be killed, Saint Valentine

wrote a letter to the love his life and ended it with a signature that said “from your Valentine.” The next day, February 14th, Saint Valentine was put to a gruesome death. 200 years later, Pope Gelasius I, established February 14th as Saint Valentine’s Days. While historians argue about the exact identification of Saint Valentine, he was listed in the Roman Catholic official lists of Saints until 1969. After 1969, when the official commemoration day was removed, February 14th was listed as a commemoration day and was celebrated by a feast to honor Saint Valentine and his dedication to the church. Because the date of his death and of his

commemoration are in close relation to the time of the Pagan holiday that used to be known as Lupercalia, many historians argue that Valentine’s Day is really a combination of both holidays. Lupercalia was celebrated by Pagans in Rome and was a celebration of love and fertility. Typically, boys would choose names of local girls from a jar on February 14th and were allowed to spend the entirety of the next day hanging out with them. Since boys and girls were normally kept separate, this holiday resulted in many marriages.

Very few early writings contain many facts about Saint Valentine, other than the date of his martyrdom and his determination to continue marrying people. His legacy says little besides the fact that he was a priest. In the year 270 AD, one year after his death, a church was built to honor Saint Valentine in his hometown. This church still stands in ruins today, but is often used as landmark where young couples go to visit and profess their love to one another. One thing is for sure, Saint Valentine definitely believed that expressing love was important and he gave up his life in order to continue to allow people the right to marry their loved one.


Name ___________________ Date ________________

Who Was Saint Valentine? Quiz 1. What does the word ‘martyred’ mean?

a. sentenced to death b. freed by the Emperor c. jailed d. forced to live alone

2. Find the synonym of the word ‘betraying’?

a. deception b. dishonesty c. treason d. all of the above

3. What was Saint Valentine’s profession?

a. priest b. emperor c. king d. pope

4. How long after Saint Valentine’s death, was a church built in his

honor? a. 200 years b. 10 years c. 5 years d. 1 year

5. According to the passage above, is it true or false that the name

Valentine may not have brought a person much luck? a. false b. true

6. What was the Pagan festival of love and fertility called?

a. Valentine’s Day b. Gelasius c. Lupercalia d. Claudius Day


Name ___________________ Date ________________ Who Was Saint Valentine? Free Response Quiz 1. Do you think that Saint Valentine was a hero or not? Explain. 2. Is building a church a good way to commemorate someone that

was martyred? 3. Why do you think that Saint Valentine’s Day was removed from the

official book of saints in 1969? 4. Do you think that Valentine’s Day is a religious holiday or not?

Explain. 5. Most modern traditions are rooted in history. Can you name other

holidays that have come from ancient traditions? 6. How do you think that the traditions associated with Valentine’s Day

made their way across the oceans to the United States? 7. If you felt something was wrong, what are some ways you could try

to stand up for what you believe? 8. If your government outlawed something like marriage, how would

you feel? 9. Did Saint Valentine do the right thing by continuing to marry



Who Was Saint Valentine? Answer Key

1. a 2. d 3. a 4. d 5. b 6. c


How Much Money Is Exchanged During the Valentine’s Day? Each year on Valentine’s Day, men and women spend money buying cards, gifts, chocolate, jewelry and flowers in order to make the person that they love feel special. This tradition of giving gifts and cards originated in the late 1700’s, when a British company began making very small supplies of greeting cards. The tradition of sending cards became very popular during the 1800’s in Europe and in America and people began creating elaborate homemade paper cards for

their loved ones. Often, the cards were made of lace and ribbon and were decorated with hearts, cherubs and of course Cupid’s with his bow and arrow. In 1847, a woman by the name of Esther Howland made mass amounts of paper Valentine’s Day cards and sold them in her father’s bookstore. This clearly popularized the idea of sending Valentine’s Day cards. Today, greeting card companies sell an estimated 1 billion cards during Valentine’s Day and it is ranked as the second largest card-giving holiday of the year. In addition to cards, it is typical for people to purchase chocolate, flowers, candy and jewelry. Many couples also spend the evening going to dinner at fancy romantic restaurants. Last year, it was estimated that 13.7 billion dollars was spent on Valentine’s Day related gifts or events. Greeting card companies predict that at least half of the population will buy at least one greeting card during Valentine’s Day. These statistics in revenue make Valentine’s Day second to Christmas in terms of money spent. Both men and women buy cards and gifts during Valentine’s Day. While 85% of all women will purchase Valentine’s Day Cards, men purchase more flowers, chocolates and jewelry than women do. In 2008, $1,011 million dollars worth of chocolate and flowers were spent during the week of Valentine’s Day. The jewelry industry predicts that sales will increase by 50% during the week of Valentine’s Day and trends show that more jewelry is sold during this holiday than during any other gift-giving holiday of the year. Many people buy expense diamonds during Valentine’s Day and jewelers estimate that half of their sales are from diamond rings, necklaces and earrings that men buy for the women in their lives. In 2008, greeting card companies noticed that more and more people are spending money online for Valentine’s Day. They are sending digital cards on their computer and purchasing gifts from online stores. In all, the average person spends around $110.00 on gifts and goodies for Valentine’s Day.


Name __________________ Date _________________ How Much Money Is Exchanged During the Valentine’s Day? Quiz 1. From the time the first greeting cards were made in the 1700’s

about how many years did it take the tradition to become popular? a. 100 years b. 1000 years c. 10 years d. 1 year

2. What were early Valentine cards made of?

a. plastic b. lace and ribbons c. cardboard and stone d. pictures

3. Who was responsible for mainstreaming the greeting cards into

society? a. Esther Howland b. Saint Valentine c. Hallmark d. American Greetings

4. Valentine’s Day ranks where in regards to number of cards sent for

the year? a. 1st b. 5th c. 3rd d. 2nd

5. If a jewelry store makes $5,000 in a normal week, how much would

they expect to make during the week of Valentine’s Day? a. 10,000 b. 100,000 c. 5,500 d. 7,500

6. If each person spends $110 on Valentine’s Day, how much would a

couple spend? a. $150 b. $250 c. $300 d. $220


Name __________________ Date _________________ How Much Money Is Exchanged During the Valentine’s Day? Free Response Quiz 1. Do you think that Valentine’s cards and gifts are a waste of money?

Why or why not?

2. What would be the perfect gift to give you on Valentine’s Day? 3. Why do you think more women purchase cards than men do? 4. Why would Valentine’s Day cause a big boost in diamond sales? 5. Is a digital or E-card as nice as one that is sent in the mail? 6. What do you think happens to all the leftover candies and chocolate

that is not sold in stores during Valentine’s Day? 7. What are some other ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day besides

giving gifts? 8. If you were going out to a Valentine’s Day dinner, where would you

want to go eat and why?


How Much Money Is Exchanged During the Valentine’s Day? Answer Key

1. a 2. b 3. a 4. d 5. a 6. d


What are The Most Popular Items to Exchange During Valentine’s Day? When you think of Valentine’s Day, you probably think of cards. Many children give small Valentine’s Day cards to their friends in school. They usually have cute sayings on them about friendship. You also may have a party at school that is complete with yummy goodies and snacks decorated in red with hearts. Many grown-ups celebrate Valentine’s Day as well and they give the people in their lives lots of gifts. Some of them are very expensive. Each year during Valentine’s Day, billions of dollars are spent on gifts. The most popular gifts are flowers, chocolate and jewelry. In fact, there is more money spent on flowers during Valentine’s Day than there is during any other celebration throughout the year. Local florists have to hire extra people to come in, work, and stock up weeks ahead of time to be prepared. Consumers spent $19.5 billion dollars worth of flowers in 2008 alone. Another popular gift is chocolate. While many people give small, inexpensive boxes of chocolate, some people buy very expensive chocolates for their loved ones. In the United States alone, $345 million dollars is spent on chocolate and another $103 million dollars is spent on other candies like candy hearts, lollipops and other sweet treats. One of the newest Valentine Day treats gaining popularity is personalized M&M’s. This is the biggest candy and chocolate selling holiday of the entire year. One interesting fact is that because many stores have big sales the day after Valentine’s Day, February 15th is the second largest chocolate selling day in the United States. Jewelry is another popular gift. Many people purchase engagement rings for Valentine’s Day. In the United States, there is around $4 million dollars worth of jewelry sold the week of Valentine’s Day. The most popular jewelry items are heart shaped pendants, earrings and bracelets as well diamonds. Of course, there are plenty of people who buy other gifts during Valentine’s Day. One popular gift item during Valentine’s Day is sleeping clothes. Other people may buy video games, music accessories or more personal gifts for their loved one. There are also many children who receive gift baskets or other gifts on Valentine’s Day. Parents buy around $1 million dollars worth of child themed merchandise during Valentine’s Day. When it comes to Valentine’s Day, there really are no rules that people must follow in order to buy gifts. The idea is to simply make the people you love in your life feel appreciated and to remind them how much you love and care about them. Many businesses have big sales on gift items to try to lure consumers in and each year more and more people are choosing to purchase their gifts online.


Name ________________ Date ________________ What are The Most Popular Items to Exchange During Valentine’s Day? – Quiz

1. Which holiday spends the most on flowers? a. Christmas b. Easter c. Valentine’s Day d. Birthdays

2. Around how much money is spent on chocolate and candy together during Valentine’s Day?

a. $440 million b. $750 million c. $1 million d. $10,000

3. Why is it that many stores sell so much on February 15th? a. People are spending money the got for Valentine’s day b. Stores have big sales c. People are bored d. People are anxious to buy presents for people

4. Which is an example of child-themed merchandise? a. Chocolate roses b. Heart shaped candy c. Spongebob Valentine chocolates d. Clothes

5. What is not a typical Valentine’s Day gift a. chocolate b. roses c. monopoly game d. bracelet


Name ________________ Date ________________ What are The Most Popular Items to Exchange During Valentine’s Day? – Free Response Quiz 1. What is something that you think is more useful to spend money on

than Valentine’s Day gifts? 2. Would it hurt your feelings if you did not get a gift or card on

Valentine’s Day? 3. What is the best thing that you have ever received on Valentine’s

Day? 4. If you had to buy a Valentine’s present for your mother, what would

you buy? 5. Is it more important for men or women to buy gifts on Valentine’s

Day? Explain. 6. Describe a different way than normal that would be fun to celebrate

Valentine’s Day. 7. If someone was buying you personalized M&M’s, what would you

want them to say? 8. Name 2 people you will be getting a Valentine’s Day card for and



What are The Most Popular Items to Exchange During Valentine’s Day? – Answer Key

1. c 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. c


Who Celebrates Valentine’s Day throughout the World? Since the late 1800’s Valentine’s Day has been celebrated each year in the United States on February 14th. Americans are not the only ones who celebrate this holiday commemorating love. In fact, Valentine’s Day is celebrated throughout the world and has different customs and dates attached to it. In Japan, Valentine’s Day is celebrated on February 14th, as well, however only women give gifts to men. Instead of giving heart shaped candies and chocolates it is popular to give chocolates that are shaped like beetles and caterpillars. Girls often give their boyfriends something called hon-mei that they make from scratch and share gifts with friends and co-workers. In March, the men have another version of Valentine’s Day where they give gifts to women. Africa celebrates Valentine’s Day as well. Their celebration is more like the ancient celebration of Lupercalia and they mix herbal potions made from plants, barks and roots into a love potion that is customarily drank on this day. In South Africa, which is mostly westernized Valentine’s Day is a big holiday much like it is in the United States. In India, Valentine’s Day is celebrated much as it is in the United States although many conservative people do not believe in the holiday. The customs of Valentine’s Day have also touched other countries in the Middle East and in China as well as in Russia. They exchange gifts just as Americans do although there is not nearly as much money spent in those countries. Australia and Europe also have similar Valentine’s Day traditions. In Britain, women who are not married wake up early in the morning and believe that the first unmarried man they see is who they will end up marrying. William Shakespeare writes about this tradition in Hamlet as Ophelia stands by her window awaiting her Valentine. Across South America, Valentine’s Day is also celebrated but is named Enamored and is celebrated on June 12th instead. Bangladesh, the United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Australia and Canadian countries celebrate Valentine’s Day very similar to how it is commemorated in the United States. Many Muslim countries do not believe in celebrating Valentine’s Day due to religious beliefs. Across the world, there are also fundamental Christians who do not believe that it is appropriate to partake in Valentine’s Day festivities. It can be assumed that since so many people across the world celebrate Valentine’s Day in some form or another that people believe in showing their love and appreciation for the people in their lives. Every country has different traditions that surround Valentine’s Day, but the underlying meaning is always the same.


Name _________________ Date ________________ Who Celebrates Valentine’s Day throughout the World? 1. Which country also celebrates Valentine’s Day on February 14th?

a. Japan b. Britain c. South America d. Both a and b

2. Why do many Muslim countries not celebrate Valentine’s Day? a. Against their religion b. They don’t know about it c. They don’t believe in love d. They are poor

3. Where is Enamored celebrated? a. Japan b. United States c. South America d. Russia

4. Where are love potions drank on Valentine’s Day? a. United States b. Mexico c. Japan d. Africa

5. A scene from William Shakespeare’s play Hamlet was taken from which country’s traditions?

a. South Africa b. Britain c. United States d. Japan


Name _________________ Date ________________ Who Celebrates Valentine’s Day throughout the World? Free Response Quiz 1. Do you think that all of the celebrations around the world based on

the story of Saint Valentine’s? 2. Why do you think that so many different cultures celebrate love and

friendship? 3. What are some ways you could let the special people know that you

love them all throughout the year? 4. Do you think that the African love potions made of herbs, roots and

barks really work? Why or why not? 5. Is it possible to fall in love at first sight? Why or why not? 6. Why would Americans spend so much more money on Valentine’s

Day than other countries? 7. Is giving people presents a good way to show them that you love

them? 8. In Japan, they have two days of love. One is for men and the other

is for women. Do you think this is a good custom? 9. If you had to make a special meal for the people you love, what

would you cook?


Who Celebrates Valentine’s Day throughout the World? Answer Key

1. d 2. a 3. c 4. d 5. b


What Other Holidays Honor Love Throughout the World?

While you may be familiar with Valentine’s Day as being the holiday of love, there are many other traditions around the world that attempt to honor love as well. Some of these are celebrated in the United States, while others are traditions in other countries. Valentine’s Day is a day set aside for Sweethearts and many people exchange romantic and thoughtful gifts. Similarly, in the United States holidays like Mothers and Father Day are also celebrations of love. Around the world, love is honored differently. In Japan, men and women have separate days to honor their loved ones. The first in February is a time for women to give homemade gifts to the men in their lives, including brothers, uncles and fathers. Then in March, it is the men’s turn to give gifts to the women that they love. Parts of South America celebrate a day called “day of the Enamored” rather than Valentine’s Day. This is celebrated on June 12th and couples exchange gifts of treats, flowers and cards. Columbia has their own holiday that is called “Love & Friendship Day” which is commemorated on the third Friday and Saturday in September. One tradition that is very popular during this holiday is the secret friend where people often give anonymous gifts. Many Jewish people in Israel celebrate a day called Tu b”av. This is a love and friendship day and has become very similar to Valentine’s Day in the United States but is not on February 14th. Slovenia has a special day called “Saint Gregory’s Day” which is celebrated on March 12th. This day is dubbed the day of love and has many traditions that are similar to American Valentine’s Day. Romania’s love holiday is called Dragobete and it celebrated on February 24th each year. This is a day for lovers and often involves giving gifts and festive meals. Chinese people celebrate a day called “The Night of Sevens” and it is commemorated on the seventh day of the seventh month of the Chinese calendar. This holiday is a day for lovers and celebrates two constellations that are usually separated by the Milky Way except for on this day. It is a day for bringing loved ones together. While these holidays are specifically set aside for friends and lovers, every country has special days that are meant to raise awareness of the people that we love in our lives. The traditions and gifts may be different, but the meanings are all the same.


Name ___________________ Date ________________ What Other Holidays Honor Love Throughout the World? – Quiz 1. Which holidays celebrate love in your life?

a. Valentine’s Day b. Mother’s Day c. Father’s Day d. Grandparents Day e. Christmas f. Thanksgiving g. All of the above

2. Which holiday is celebrated on June 12th in South America

a. Enamored b. Valentine’s Day c. The Night of Sevens d. Dragobete e. Tu b’av

3. Which holiday is customary in Jewish religions? a. Enamored b. Valentine’s Day c. The Night of Sevens d. Dragobete e. Tu b’av

4. What is celebrated in China?

a. Enamored b. Valentine’s Day c. The Night of Sevens d. Dragobete e. Tu b’av

5. What is celebrated in Romania? a. Enamored b. Valentine’s Day c. The Night of Sevens d. Dragobete e. Tu b’av


Name ___________________ Date ________________ What Other Holidays Honor Love Throughout the World? – Free Response 1. How do you think that Chinese people noticed that there is one

night per year when the Milky Way disappeared? 2. What would be another good name for Valentine’s Day and why? 3. What is the purpose of commemorating the people we love in life? 4. If you could visit one country and take part in their Valentine

celebration which one would it be and why? 5. Give a few examples of how you honor love in your life. 6. Make up a new holiday that would celebrate love and describe it.

What would you name it? 7. Do you think that people in Alaska celebrate Valentine’s Day? How

might it be different? 8. What is your favorite part of Valentine’s Day?


What Other Holidays Honor Love Throughout the World? – Answer Key

1. g 2. a 3. e 4. c 5. d


What do the Different Colors of Roses Signify? Roses have long been known as the flowers of romance and love. Each year during Valentine’s Day, billions of Roses are sold and they are the most common flower given to women by the men in their lives for special occasions. It has long been tradition to give different colors roses to people depending on their meaning. Each color of rose comes with a meaning all its own. It is a good idea to learn these meanings so that you don’t accidentally give the wrong color rose to someone in your life. Red roses are perhaps the most common. When you love someone romantically, red roses say it best, because they are known as the roses of love. They can also be given to say congratulations! There is special meaning in giving one single red rose to a person in your life. This is seen as another way to say the words “I love you.” White roses are also very beautiful and they are typically associated with weddings. White roses can also mean innocence, secrecy, purity and youth. Giving dozens of white roses is seen as a gift of happiness or excitement. Pink roses are also very common. When you give pink roses to someone, you are often displaying appreciation, kindness, thanks, gratitude, sympathy or admiration. They are commonly exchanged between friends, coworkers or neighbors. Roses also come in yellow and orange. Yellow roses are a sign of happiness, gladness or joy. They are common to give for birthdays and other special occasions as well as in the beginning of a relationship. They represent promise and remembrance as well. Orange roses are not very


common, but they are beautiful. They are a sign of friendship, enthusiasm and joy and can be given for the same occasions that yellow roses are given. Often you will find roses that are a mixture of these two colors. One special rose combination is red and white roses. They may be red with white tips or the other way around. Many people use them together to make a bolder statement. When these are given, it signifies unity and they are often used for engagements or weddings. Softly colored peach roses are appropriate for showing appreciation or sincerity and are a good choice when an apology is needed. Black roses, which do not grow naturally, mean death or goodbye. They are often used at the end of a relationship and are very common roses to be given as a joke during birthdays. Lavender and blue roses are given to signify love at first sight. One special way to give a rose of any color is to remove all of the thorns. When the thorns are removed, it is supposed to deepen the meaning of the rose. This is a very special gift to give to someone that you love very much. While all of the roses are very pretty, many people do not realize that each color has a meaning. Many people choose to give roses that they like the best or of a favorite color of the person they are giving them to. No matter what, roses are a beautiful and meaningful flower to give to people that you care about.


Name __________________ Date ___________________ What do the Different Colors of Roses Signify? Quiz 1. If you were giving rose to your mother to tell her you loved her,

which would be the best color rose to show this? a. red b. yellow c. orange d. black

2. Which color rose is most often associated with weddings?

a. red b. yellow c. white d. blue

3. Which color roses might you give someone as a joke to make fun of

how old they are? a. red b. black c. white d. orange

4. What does a thornless road signify?

a. true and deep love b. breaking up with someone c. apologies d. congratulations

5. How many roses are in a dozen?

a. 10 b. 11 c. 12 d. 9

6. Which color rose is often given for birthdays and friendships

a. white b. blue c. red d. yellow


Name __________________ Date ___________________ What do the Different Colors of Roses Signify? Free Response Quiz 1. If there were such a thing as green roses, what do you think they

would mean? 2. Is it better to give one single rose or a dozen roses? Why? 3. How do you think so many roses are grown for Valentine’s Day? Do

you think this is a waste or not? 4. When you receive a bouquet of flowers are they dead or alive?

Explain. 5. Do you think that it really matters what color a rose is when you

give it to someone? 6. What would happen if you accidentally gave someone red roses

when they were just your friend? 7. How do you think that florists make black roses? 8. When you see roses that have two colors on their petals, is this how

they grow naturally or not? Why do you think that? 9. If you were growing roses what color would you plant and why? 10. What does the smell of a rose remind you of?


What do the Different Colors of Roses Signify? Answer Key

1. a 2. c 3. b 4. a 5. c 6. d


What Symbols are Associated with Valentine’s Day? Every holiday has certain symbols that represent the meaning of the celebration. Most of these are very easy to spot. Since Valentine’s Day is the holiday of love, the first symbol is obviously the heart. Many gifts for Valentine’s Day are in the shape of a heart and common gifts are heart pendants, heart shaped boxes of chocolate and even heart shaped candies. Love and affection has long been associated with the heart and many common phrases such as ‘broken heart’ and ‘love with all my heart’ are often used to show how someone is feeling. This is the most common Valentine’s Day symbol. The next symbol is also a character. Cupid is often seen on Valentine’s Day cards, gifts, signs and advertisements. Cupid is the mythical God of Love and was a mischievous character that carried around a bow and arrow. Legend says that when he struck someone with their bow, they would fall deeply in love with the next person they saw. This is where the term “love struck” originated. You may also hear people talking about being hit with Cupid’s arrow as a way to say that they are falling in love with someone. Another symbol you might see often during Valentine’s Day is that of a rose. Red roses symbolize love and affection and are commonly given during this holiday. While roses come in lots of colors, the most common symbol of the holiday is a single red rose. Red roses are the most popular flowers given during Valentine’s Day with over a million roses sold each year. One symbol that is not as widely used, but is still associated with Valentine’s Day is a harp. The harp is a musical instrument that represents the ‘art’ of love. This symbol has been used since early times and is rumored to provide a direct link between Heaven and Earth. Many people use the music from a harp to play at their weddings. Lovebirds and doves are also symbols of love. While they are not as popular during Valentine’s as the others, they are frequently used on cards and gifts. An ancient legend says that doves would often find their mate for life on Valentine’s Day each year. One symbol of love that is more common in other parts of the world is the knot. Old traditions of sending love notes to people that were tied up in a knot gave birth to the use of knots as a symbol of love. Sometimes these love knots are used on Valentine’s Day cards and other trinkets.


Name _________________ Date _________________ What Symbols are Associated with Valentine’s Day? Quiz 1. What is the most common symbol associated with Valentine’s Day?

a. Cupid b. Hearts c. Chocolate d. Flowers

2. Which symbol of Valentine’s Day is a character as well?

a. Cupid b. Chocolate c. Flowers d. Hearts

3. What symbol still used today is the oldest symbol of love?

a. Hearts b. Flowers c. Harp d. Knots

4. What does legend say happens to Doves on Valentine’s Day?

a. they fly the coop b. they find their life mate c. they have baby birds d. they lose their best friend

5. Which is not a symbol of Valentine’s Day?

a. knots b. birds c. trees d. hearts


Name _________________ Date _________________ What Symbols are Associated with Valentine’s Day? Free Response Quiz 1. What color reminds you of Valentine’s Day the most and why? 2. Is the heart really the place in the body where you feel love? 3. What other holiday uses doves as a symbol? Why? 4. Why do you think that the harp has been used to signify romance

for so many years? 5. Think of two other things that symbolize love. 6. Why do you think women centuries ago tie up their love notes

inside of knots? 7. Describe one time in your life where you felt like you had a “broken

heart.” 8. Besides jewelry and chocolate, think of other ways that hearts are

used on Valentine’s Day. 9. Can you think of any other holiday that does not have a symbol?


What Symbols are Associated with Valentine’s Day? Answer Key

1. b 2. a 3. c 4. b 5. c


Why is Valentine’s Day Celebrated on February 14? The celebration of Valentine’s Day has been a time-honored tradition. Many people have studied early Roman times in order to figure out why February 14 is commonly used for Valentine’s Day. The answers are not exactly clear; however, two of them are very probable. The first reason it is speculated that February 14th became Valentine’s Day is because this was the day Saint Valentine of Rome was put to death for defying the Emperor. As a priest in 269 AD, he refused to cease marrying young men and women even though the Emperor instructed him to. When he was caught, he was jailed and sentenced to death by the Emperor. He met his fate on February 14th. It was a coincidence that this was also the day that the Pagans held a love lottery. 200 years later, the Pope made a proclamation that February 14th would be Saint Valentine’s Day. The book of Saints that is maintained by the Catholic Church in Rome has long had this day down as a day to commemorate Saint Valentine. This celebration was removed from the books in 1969 for unknown reasons. There are also three other Saint Valentine’s listed in the book of Saints but none of them have any relation to February 14th. The other common explanation for why we celebrate Valentine’s Day on February 14th has to do with an ancient Pagan celebration that took place in Rome. The Pagans were not Christians and were often persecuted for their traditions. One tradition was called Lupercalia and it was celebrated on February 14th and 15th each year. The holiday was a day to celebrate rebirth and fertility and was marked by romance. On the 14th of the month, large feasts were held and local boys were able to choose the name of girl from a jar. This was called a love lottery. The next day the boys were allowed to spend the entire day with the girl they chose as a special way to celebrate Lupercalia. The reason this was so special is because boys and girls were kept strictly apart during all other times of the year. History tells us that many of the boys and girls who were paired up during Lupercalia ended up getting married and falling deeply in love. Another reason that the middle of February holds meaning is because in Roman times, it was the beginning of spring. Spring has long been associated with rebirth, purification and innocence when the world begins to fall in love. This is one of the main reasons that Lupercalia was celebrated at this time. While history may not know the entire answer, it is likely that the reason Valentine’s Day is February 14th is a combination of both reasons. The holiday has been celebrated on this day since Pope Gelasius officially proclaimed it in 469 AD.


Name _________________ Date __________________ Why is Valentine’s Day Celebrated on February 14? – Quiz 1. What does “time-honored” mean?

a. generally accepted through time b. relatively new idea c. unusual d. hereditary

2. Find an antonym for the word “cease.”

a. stop b. continue c. halt d. quit

3. In the passage above, what is meant by the term “met his fate?”

a. end of his life b. faced jail time c. decided to cooperate d. refused to give in

4. Which festival lasted two days in Roman times?

a. Valentine’s Day b. The Beginning of Spring c. Lupercalia d. Pagan

5. What happens during a love-lottery?

a. people pick randomly b. people get to choose their date c. people are surprised d. both a and c

6. When was Saint Valentine’s Day removed from the official book of

Saints? a. 269 AD b. 469 AD c. 1969 d. 2009


Name _________________ Date __________________ Why is Valentine’s Day Celebrated on February 14? – Free Response Quiz 1. Why would the beginning of springtime be such a big deal for

ancient civilizations? 2. Do you think that choosing whom you marry by having a love

lottery is a good idea or bad idea? 3. Is it fair that one Pope can declare a holiday in 469 AD only to have

it removed centuries later by another? Explain. 4. Do you think that Saint Valentine’s Day and Lupercalia being

celebrated at the same time is a coincidence or not? Why? 5. Who do you think had more powers in Rome, the Pope or the

Emperor? Why do you think that? 6. Do you wish that your school separated boys and girls? Why or

why not? 7. Pope Gelasius proclaimed Valentine’s Day 200 years after Saint

Valentine’s had died. How do you think he knew about what happened with Saint Valentine’s in 269AD?

8. What do you think the young girls and boys spending the day

together did to have fun?


Why is Valentine’s Day Celebrated on February 14? – Answer Key

1. a 2. b 3. a 4. c 5. d 6. c