Vac 0 10.000 ========================= … · 2019. 5. 26. · 10.080 Kahnn, P.J. Introducción al...

Signatura Autor Titulo 10.000 ========================= ========================= ALGEBRA 10.001 Halmos, P.R. Finite-Dimensional Vector Spaces 10.002 Dubreil - Jacotin , M.L. Lecciones de Algebra Moderna 10.003 Godement, R. Algebra 10.004 Clark, A. Elements of Abstract Algebra 10.005 Dixmier, J. Algèbres Enveloppantes 10.006 Adamson, I.T. Introducción a la Teoría de Campos 10.007 Lang, S. Algebraic Structures 10.008 Lentin, A., Rivaud, J. Algebra Moderna 10.009 Lentin, A., Rivaud, J. Elements d'Algèbre Moderne 10.010 Lentin, A., Rivaud, J. Algebra Moderna 10.011 Blaquière, A. Calcul Matriciel. Tomo II (Aplic. Mécanique Quantique) 10.012 Andree, V.R. Introduction à l'Algèbre 10.013 Larrieu, J. Principes d'Algèbre Linéaire 10.014 Rivaud, J. Exercices d'Algèbre, (Tomo II) 10.015 Rotman, J.J. Notes on Homological Algebra 10.016 Mac Lane, S. Homology 10.017 Cartan, H., Eilenberg, S. Homological Algebra 10.018 Northcott, D.G. An Introduction to Homological Algebra 10.019 Cohn, P.M. Linear Equations 10.020 Weisner, L. Introduction to the Theory of Equations 10.021 Nef, W. Lehrbuch der Linearen Algebra 10.022 Raikov, D.A. Vector Spaces 10.023 Eves, H. Elementary Matrix Theory 10.024 Crumeyrolle, A. Notions Fondamentales d'Algebre Moderne 10.025 Artin, E. La Teoría de Galois 10.026 Villanueva Nóvoa, E. Funtor Envolvente o de Capas Inyectivas en Mr 10.027 Gomez Pardo, J.L. Introducción a las Categorías Abelianas 10.028 Grandjeán, A.R., Homología en Categorías Exactas 10.029 Patterson, E.M., Elementary Abstract Algebra 10.030 Kuntzmann Algèbre de Boole 10.031 Montero López, M. Categorias I 10.032 Kursch, A.G. Curso de Algebra Superior 10.033 Topping, D.M. Lectures on Von Neumann Algebras 10.034 Sawyer, W.W. A Concrete Approach to Abstract Algebra 10.035 Lang, S. Algebra 10.036 Dold, A. (ed) Lectures on the Applications of Sheaves to Ring Theory Actualizado a 24 de octubre de 2018

Transcript of Vac 0 10.000 ========================= … · 2019. 5. 26. · 10.080 Kahnn, P.J. Introducción al...

Page 1: Vac 0 10.000 ========================= … · 2019. 5. 26. · 10.080 Kahnn, P.J. Introducción al Algebra Lineal Castillo 1970 FT 06-3144530 R 1 10.081 Queysanne, M. Algebra Básica

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Vac 0Vac 0Vac 0

10.000 ========================= ========================= ALGEBRA Cab 1;;; R 110.001 Halmos, P.R. Finite-Dimensional Vector Spaces Van Nostrand 1958 FT Fotocopia R 110.002 Dubreil - Jacotin , M.L. Lecciones de Algebra Moderna Reverté 1965 FT R 110.003 Godement, R. Algebra Tecnos 1971 FT R 110.004 Clark, A. Elements of Abstract Algebra Dover 1984 86.12 FTA 0-486-64725-0 R 110.005 Dixmier, J. Algèbres Enveloppantes Gauthier Villars 1974 FT 2-04-00855-4 R 110.006 Adamson, I.T. Introducción a la Teoría de Campos Dossat 1968 FT R 110.007 Lang, S. Algebraic Structures Addison Wesley 1967 FT R 110.008 Lentin, A., Rivaud, J. Algebra Moderna Aguilar 1965 FT R 110.009 Lentin, A., Rivaud, J. Elements d'Algèbre Moderne Vuibert 1958 FT R 110.010 Lentin, A., Rivaud, J. Algebra Moderna Aguilar 1967 FT R 110.011 Blaquière, A. Calcul Matriciel. Tomo II (Aplic. Mécanique Quantique) Hachette 1960 FT R 110.012 Andree, V.R. Introduction à l'Algèbre Gauthier Villars 1968 FT R 110.013 Larrieu, J. Principes d'Algèbre Linéaire Dunod 1965 FT R 110.014 Rivaud, J. Exercices d'Algèbre, (Tomo II) FT Extraviad R 110.015 Rotman, J.J. Notes on Homological Algebra Van Nostrand 1970 FT t R 110.016 Mac Lane, S. Homology Springer 1967 FT R 110.017 Cartan, H., Eilenberg, S. Homological Algebra Princeton 1956 FT 0-691-07977-3 R 110.018 Northcott, D.G. An Introduction to Homological Algebra Cambridge 1966 FT R 110.019 Cohn, P.M. Linear Equations Routedge and Kegan 1962 FT R 110.020 Weisner, L. Introduction to the Theory of Equations MacMillan 1947 FT R 110.021 Nef, W. Lehrbuch der Linearen Algebra Birkhäuser 1966 FT R 110.022 Raikov, D.A. Vector Spaces Noordhoff 1965 FT R 110.023 Eves, H. Elementary Matrix Theory Dover 1980 FTA 0-486-63946-0 R 110.024 Crumeyrolle, A. Notions Fondamentales d'Algebre Moderne SEBES 1967 FT R 110.025 Artin, E. La Teoría de Galois Vicens-Vives 1970 FT R 110.026 Villanueva Nóvoa, E. Funtor Envolvente o de Capas Inyectivas en Mr Dp.Alge.Santiago 1969 FT R 110.027 Gomez Pardo, J.L. Introducción a las Categorías Abelianas Dp.Alge.Santiago 1970 FT R 110.028 Grandjeán, A.R., Homología en Categorías Exactas Dp.Alge.Santiago 1970 FT R 110.029 Patterson, E.M., Elementary Abstract Algebra Oliver & Boyd 1965 FT R 110.030 Kuntzmann Algèbre de Boole Dunod 1965 FT R 110.031 Montero López, M. Categorias I Univ. Santiago 1967 FT R 110.032 Kursch, A.G. Curso de Algebra Superior MIR 1977 93.05 FTA R 110.033 Topping, D.M. Lectures on Von Neumann Algebras Van Nostrand 1971 73.05 FT 0-442-08563-X R 110.034 Sawyer, W.W. A Concrete Approach to Abstract Algebra Dover 1978 86.12 FTA 0-486-63647-X R 110.035 Lang, S. Algebra Aguilar 1971 72.02 FT R 110.036 Dold, A. (ed) Lectures on the Applications of Sheaves to Ring Theory Springer 1971 72.03 FT 3-540-05714-5 R 1

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10.037 Chatelet, A. Arithmétique et Algèbre Modernes Univ.France 1954 72.03 FT R 110.038 Adamson, I.T. Rings, Modules and Algebras Oliver & Boyd 1971 72.04 FT 0-05002191-5 R 110.039 Sweedler, M.E. Hopf Algebras W.A. Benjamin 1969 73.05 GIFT 8053-9255-6 R 110.040 Hilton, P. Lectures in Homological Algebra Am. Math. Soc. 1971 72.05 FT 0-8218-1657-0 R 110.041 Dieudonné, J. Algebra Lineal y Geometría Elemental Selec. cientif. 1971 FT R 110.042 Mac Lane, S. Categories for the Working Mathematician Springer 1971 73.05 FT 0-387-90035-7 R 110.043 Herstein, I.N. Algebra Moderna (Grupos, Anillos, Campos, Teoría de Galois) Trillas 1974 FT R 110.044 Meserve, B.E. Fundamental Concepts of Algebra Dover 1982 86.12 FTA 0-486-61470-0 R 110.045 Bocher, M. Introduction to Higher Algebra Dover 1964 73.05 GIFT R 110.046 Fraleigh, J.B. A First Course in Abstract Algebra Mathématiques Addison Wesley 1973 FT R 110.047 Lesieur, L., Joulain, C. Algèbre et Geometrie (Tomo I) Armand Colin 1974 FT R 110.047 Lesieur, L., Joulain, C. Algèbre et Geometrie (Tomo I) Armand Colin 1974 2008 FT Donación EUP R 110.048 Queysanne, M. Algèbre Armand Colin 1964 FT R 110.049 Queysanne, M. Algebra Básica Vicens-Vives 1973 FT 84-316-1360-2 R 110.050 Queysanne, M. Algebra Básica Vicens-Vives 1971 FT R 110.051 Bourbaki, N. Elements de Mathematique: Modules et Anneaux Semi-Simples Hermann 1973 FT 2-7056-1261-0 R 110.052 Bourbaki, N. Elements de Mathematique: Structures Algébriques Hermann 1964 70.02 GIFT R 110.053 Bourbaki, N. Elements de Mathematique: Algébre Linéaire Hermann 1967 70.02 GIFT R 110.054 Bourbaki, N. Elements de Mathematique: Polynomes et Fractions Rationnelle Hermann 1959 70.02 GIFT R 110.055 Bourbaki, N. Elements de Mathematique: Groupes et Corps Ordonnés Hermann 1964 70.02 GIFT R 110.056 Bourbaki, N. Elements de Mathematique: Formes Sesquilinéaires et Formes.. Hermann 1959 71.01 FT R 110.057 Bourbaki, N. Algèbre I Chapitres: 1 à 3 Hermann 1970 71.05 GIFT R 110.058 Takesaki, M. Tomita's Theory of Modular Hilbert Algebras and its Applic. Springer 1970 71.02 GIFT R 110.059 Grace, J.H., Young, A. The Algebra of Invariants Chelsea 1965 GIFT R 110.060 Dickson, L.E. Algebras and Their Arithmetics Dover 1960 GIFT R 110.061 Artin, E. Algèbre Géométrique Gauthier Villars 1967 70.04 GIFT R 110.062 Dixmier, J. Les C*-Algèbres et Leurs Représentations Gauthier Villars 1969 GIFT R 110.063 Almeida Costa, A. Estudios de Matemática Lisboa 1974 87.01 FTA R 110.064 Naimark,M.A. Normed Algebras GIFT Extraviad R 110.065 Ritt, J.F. Differential Algebra Dover 1966 GIFT R 110.066 Dyer, E. Cohomology Theories Benjamin, W.A. 1969 70.09 GIFT R 110.067 Naimark, M.A. Normed Rings Wolters-Noordhooff 1970 70.06 GIFT R 110.068 Grothendieck, A., Elements de Geométrie Algebrique (I) Springer 1971 GIFT Extraviad Aroca R 110.069 Ferrier, J.P. Seminaire sur les Algèbres Complètes Springer 1970 71.02 GIFT R 110.070 Hilton, P. General Cohomology Theory and K-Theory Cambridge 1971 71.03 GIFT 0-521-07976-4 R 110.071 Householder, A.S. The Theory of Matrices in Numerical Analysis Dover 1975 86.12 FTA 0-486-61781-5 R 110.072 Mal'cev, A.I. Foundations of Linear Algebra Freemand 1963 73.05 GIFT R 110.073 Rutherford, D.E. Métodos Vectoriales Dossat 1939 88.01 FT R 110.074 Sancho, J. Algebra Lineal y Geometría Copigraf 1969 FT R 110.075 Chambadal, L., Ovaert, J. Algèbre Linèaire et Algèbre Tensorielle Dunod 1968 FT R 1

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10.076 Nomizu, K. Fundamentals of Linear Algebra MeGraw-Hill 1966 FT R 110.077 Jacobson, N. Lectures in Abstract Algebra I. Basic Concepts Springer 1975 FT 0-387-90181-7 R 110.078 Jacobson, N. Lectures in Abstract Algebra II. Linear Algebra Springer 1975 FT 0-387-90123-X R 110.079 Jacobson, N. Lectures in Abstract Algebra III. Theory of Fields and .... Springer 1975 FT 0-387-90168-X R 110.080 Kahnn, P.J. Introducción al Algebra Lineal Castillo 1970 FT 06-3144530 R 110.081 Queysanne, M. Algebra Básica Vicens-Vives 1973 87.01 FT 84-316-1360-2 R 110.082 Nering, E.D. Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory Wiley and sons 1964 FT R 110.083 Desplas, M. Algébre Linèaire 2 (Appli. Economiques) Dalloz 1971 FT R 110.084 Acher, J. Algèbre Linéaire et Programation Linèaire Dunod 1965 FT R 110.085 Pardo, A., Díaz, J.A. Elementos de Algebra Lineal y Geometría (I) Litoprint 1965 FT R 110.086 Pardo, A., Diaz, J.A. Elementos de Algebra Lineal y Geometría (II) FT Extraviad R 110.087 Mata Cortes, H. Algebra Matricial Dossat 1966 FT R 110.088 Zamansky, M. Introducción al Algebra y Análisis Moderno Montaner y Simon 1967 FT R 110.089 Vignal, J. Calcul Matriciel Vuibert 1962 FT R 110.090 Faddeeva, V.N. Computational Methods of Linear Algebra Dover 1959 86.12 FTA 486-60424-1 R 110.091 Thuillier, P. Algébre III, Ensembles. Vecteurs. Matrices Masson et Cie. 1964 FT Extraviad R 110.092 Faddéev,D. Sominski, I. Recueil d'exercices d'algèbre Supérieure MIR 1977 93.05 FTA R 110.093 Rios, S. Ejercicios de Algebra Lineal y Geometría 88.01 MAF R 110.094 Vila, J. Examenes de Algebra Lineal (Arquitectura) 88.01 MAF R 110.095 Vila, J. Examenes de Algebra Lineal (Ciencias) 88.01 MAF R 110.096 Casanova, J. Examenes de Algebra Lineal (Ingenieros Industriales) 88.01 MAF R 110.097 Lang, S. Algebra Lineal Fondo educ. Intera 1974 FT Extraviad Getino R 110.098 Sze-Tsen Hu Introducción al Algebra Homológica Vicens-Vives 1974 FT 84-316-1398-X R 110.099 Sze-Tsen Hu Introduction to Homological Algebra Holden Day 1968 72.01 FT R 110.100 Akivis, M.A., Goldberg, An Introduction to Linear Algebra & Tensors Dover 1977 86.12 FTA 0-486-63545-7 R 110.101 Gantmacher, F.R. Theórie des Matrices. Tome I Dunod 1966 FT R 110.102 Gantmacher, F.R. Theórie des Matrices. Tome II Dunod 1966 FT R 110.103 Faddieev, D., Sominski, Problemas de Algebra Superior Mir 1975 FT R 110.103 Faddieev, D., Sominski, Problemas de Algebra Superior Mir 2008 FTA Donación EUP R 110.104 McLane, S., Birkhoff, G. Algebra Mc Millan 1967 FT R 110.105 McLane, S., Birkhoff, G. Algèbre (II). Les Grands Théorèmes Gauthier Villars 1971 FT R 110.106 Alsina, C., Trillas, E. Lecciones de Algebra y Geometría Gustavo Gili 1984 FT 84-252-1187-5 R 110.107 Diego, B. (ed) Problemas de Algebra Lineal Deimo 1984 87.02 MAF 84-86379-00-8 R 110.108 Bellman, R. Introducción al Analisis Matricial Reverté 1965 87.06 MAF R 110.109 Rojo, J. Algebra Lineal A.C. 1986 88.01 MAF 84-7288-120-2 R 110.110 Grossman, S. Algebra Lineal Iberoamericana 1983 88.01 MAF 968-7270-00-4 R 110.111 Swokowski, E. Algebra y Trigonometría con Geometría Analítica Iberoamericana 1983 MAF 968-7270-06-3 R 110.112 Lituinenko, V. Solving Problems in Algebra and Trigonometry Mir 88.01 MAF R 110.113 Dold, A., Eckmann, B. Combinatorial Mathematics (V) Springer 1977 FTA R 110.114 Yaglom, I.M. Algebra Extraordinaria Mir 1977 88.05 FTA R 1

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10.115 Belski,A.A. Kaluzhnios,L. División Inexacta Mir 1980 88.05 FTA R 110.116 Vorabiov,N.N. Criterios de Divisibilidad Mir 1984 88.05 FTA R 110.117 Uspenski, V.A. Triangulo de Pascal Mir 1978 88.05 FTA R 110.118 Kurosch,A.G. Ecuaciones Algebraicas de Grados Arbitrarios Mir 1976 88.05 FTA R 110.119 Guelfond,A.O. Resolución de ecuaciones en números enteros Mir 1979 88.05 FTA R 110.120 Ikramov, H.D. Linear Algebra Mir 1983 89.05 MAF R 110.121 Fuller, K. Artinian Rings U. Murcia 1989 91.05 MAF 84-7684-151-5 R 110.122 Marraud, H. Teoría de modelos elemental Un. Aut. Madrid 1990 91.07 MAF 84-7477-278-8 R 110.123 Banchoff, T. Werner, J. Linear Algebra Through Geometry Springer 1992 93.05 FTA 0-387-97586-1 R 110.124 Kostrikin, A.I. Algebra I Springer 1990 93.05 FTA 3-540-17006-5 R 110.125 Kostrikin, A.I. Algebra II Springer 1991 93.05 FTA 3-540-18177-6 R 110.126 Diaz-Hernando, J.A. Espacios Vectoriales y Estructuras Fundamentales del Algebra Tebar Flores 1991 94.11 MAF 84-7360-118-1 R 110.127 Diaz-Hernando, J.A. Matrices Tebar Flores 1991 94.11 MAF 84-7360-119-X R 110.128 Granero, F. Algebra y Geometria Analítica Mc Graw-Hill 1991 95.11 MAF 84-7615-029 R 110.129 Granero, F. Algebra y Geometria Analítica Mc Graw-Hill 1991 95.10 MAF 84-7615-029 R 110.130 Anton, H. Introducción al Algebra Lineal Limusa 1991 95.10 MAF 968-18-1660-0 R 110.131 Rop, J. Ejercicios y Problemas de Algebra Lineal Mc Graw-Hill 1994 95.10 MAF 84-481-1889-8 R 110.132 Goodson, G.E. Miertchin, Algebra con Aplicaciones Técnicas Limusa 1991 95.11 MAF 968-18-3833-5 R 110.133 Strang, G. Algebra Lineal y sus Aplicaciones Addison-Wesley 1986 95.11 MAF 0-201-07265-3 R 110.133 Strang, G. Algebra Lineal y sus Aplicaciones FEI 1986 2008 FTA Donación EUP 968-50-0070-0 R 110.134 Vera Lopez, A. Problemas y Ejercicios de Matemática Discreta Antonio Vera Lopez 1995 96.05 MAF R 110.135 Vera Lopez, A. Problemas de Algebra I Ellacuria 1986 96.05 MAF 84-398-7650 R 110.136 Golovina, L.I. Algebra Lineal y algunas de sus aplicaciones MIR 1980 02.97 MAF 84-401-0971-7 R 110.137 Hong, S. Y Kwak, J.H. Linear Algebra Birkhäuser 1997 MAF 0-8176-3999-3 R 110.138 Grossman, S.L. Algebra Lineal McGraw-Hill 1996 MAF 0-03-097354-6 R 110.139 Grossman, S.L. Algebra Lineal MIR 1996 98.03 MAF 0-03-097354-6 R 110.140 Lipschutz, S. Algebra Lineal Mc Graw-Hill 1998 00.02 MAF R 110.141 Conway, J.H. The Sensual Quadratic Form C.M. ? 00.06 FTA 0-88385-030 R 110.142 Herman, J. Equations and Inequalities Springer 2000 01.06 FTA 0-387-98942 R 110.143 Schafer, R.D. An Introduction to Nonassocitive Algebras Dover 1996 01.10 FTA 0-486-68813 R 110.144 Blanco Martín, M.F. Problemas de Algebra Lineal y Geometría Univ. Valladolid 1998 02.06 FTA R 110.145 Sanz, P. Problemas de Algebra Lineal Prentice Hall 1998 2002 MAF 84 8322 009 R 110.146 Lay, D. Algebra Lineal Prentice Hall 2003 MAF R 110.147 Golan, J.S. The Linear Algebra a Beginning Graduate Student Kluwer Academic 2004 2006 FTA 1-4020-1824 R 110.148 Larson, R. Algebra lineal Pirámide 2004 2006 MAF 84-368-1878-4 R 110.149 Strang, G. Introduction to Linear Algebra Wellesley- Cambridge 2003 2006 FTA 0-961-4088 R 110.150 Anzola, M. Problemas de Algebra Geometría Proyectiva, Cónicas, Fareso 1982 2008 FTA Donación EUP 84-300-8088-0 R 110.151 Kolman, B. Algebra Lineal FEI 2008 FTA Donación EUP R 110.152 Bugrov, Ya. S. Matemáticas Superiores Mir 1984 2008 FTA Donación EUP R 110.153 Dickson, L.E. On Invariants and the Theory of Numbers Dover 2004 2008 FTA 0-486-43828-7 R 1

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10.154 Burgos de, J. Algebra Lineal y Geometría Cartesiana McGraw-Hill 1999 2008 MAF 84-481-2437-5 R 110.155 Burgos de, J. Algebra Lineal 80 problemas útiles García Maroto 2007 2009 MAF 84-936018-0-5 R 110.156 Edwards, H.M. Galois Theory Springer 1998 2010 FTA 0-38790-980-X R 110.157 Vac 010.158 Vac 010.159 Vac 010.160 Vac 010.161 Vac 010.162 Vac 010.163 Vac 010.164 Vac 010.165 Vac 010.166 Vac 011.000 ========================= ========================= TEORIA DE GRUPOS Cab 1;;; R 211.001 Dieudonné, J. Sur les Groupes Clasiques Hermann 1967 FT R 211.002 Janssen, L. Crystallographic Groups North-Holland 1973 FT R 211.003 Janssen, L., Boon, M. Theory of Finite Groups. Applications in Physics North-Holland 1967 FT R 211.004 Lyapin, E.S. (ed) Exercises in Group Theory Plenum 1972 FT 0-306-30505-4 R 211.005 Meijer, P.H.E., Bauer, E. Group Theory (The Application to Quantum Mechanics) North-Holland 1962 FT R 211.006 Janner, A. (ed) Group Theoretical Methods in Physics 50 Springer 1976 FT 3-540-07789-8 R 211.007 Stewart, I. Lie Algebras Springer 1970 71.02 GIFT R 211.008 Cohen, D.E. Groups of Cohomological Dimension One Springer 1972 FT 3-540-05759-5 R 211.009 Lichnerowicz, A. Geometrie des Groupes de Transformations Dunod 1958 FT R 211.010 Sharp, R.T., Kolman, B. Group Theoretical Methods in Physics Academic 1977 FT 0-12-637650-6 R 211.011 Freudenthal, H., Vries, Linear Lie Groups Academic 1969 70.06 FT R 211.012 Serre, J.P. Représentations Linéaires des Groupes Finis Hermann 1967 FT R 211.013 Am. Math. Soc.(ed) Lie Groups, Vol. 9 Am. Math. Soc. 1962 71.01 FT R 211.014 Esteve Pastor, A. Teoría de Grupos. Aplicaciones a la Física. CSIC 1970 06.00 FTA R 211.015 Wigner, E.P. Group Theory and its Application to the Quantum Mechanics .. Academic 1959 GIFT R 211.016 Wigner, E.P. Group Theory and its Application to the Quantum Mechanics... Academic 1968 GIFT R 211.017 Zassenhaus, H. The Theory of Groups Chelsea 1949 FT R 211.018 Mariot, L. Groupes Finis de Symétrie et Recherche de Solutions Ec. Schr Dunod 1959 FT R 211.019 Vilenkin, N.Ja. Fonctions Spéciales et Théorie de la Représentation Groupes Dunod 1969 GIFT R 211.020 Alexandroff, P.S. Introduction to the Theory of Groups Blackie & Sons 1959 70.06 GIFT R 211.021 Boener, H. Representations of Groups North-Holland 1970 71.02 FT 07204-2040-7 R 211.022 Charles, B. Studies on Abelian Groups Dunod 1968 FT R 211.023 Weyl, H. The Classical Groups Princeton 1946 FT R 211.024 Campbell, J.E. Continuous Groups Chelsea 1966 73.05 FT R 211.025 Wybourne, B.G. Classical Groups for Physicists J. Wiley & sons 1974 FT R 211.026 Burckel, R.B. Weakly Almost Periodic Fuctions on Semigroups Gordon & Breach 1970 71.01 FT R 2

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11.027 Joshi, A.W. Elements of Group Theory for Physicists Wiley Easterns 1973 FT R 211.028 Husseini, S.Y. The Topology of Classical Groups and Related Topics Gordon & Breach 1969 71.01 FT R 211.029 Willard Miller, Jr. Lie Theory and Special Fuctions Academic 1968 73.05 FT R 211.030 Bechtell, H. Theory of Groups Addison Wesley 1971 71.10 FT R 211.031 Gaeta, F. Subord.Geometría Integral a la Teoría Represen.Gr.Transf.Lin Univ. Buenos Aires 1960 FT R 211.032 Stammbach, U. Homology in Group Theory Springer 1973 FT 3-540-06569-5 R 211.033 Lomont, J.S. Applications of Finite Groups Academic 1959 FT R 211.034 Talman, J.D. Special Fuctions a Group Theoretic Approach W.A. Benjamin 1968 71.01 FT R 211.035 Chevalley, C. Theory of Lie Groups Princeton Univ. 1946 FT R 211.036 Pontriagin, L.S. Topological Groups Gordon & Breach 1966 FT R 211.037 Hermann, R. Fourier Analysis on Groups and Partial Wave Analysis Benjamin 1969 70.07 GIFT 8053-3940-X R 211.038 Papy, G. Groupes Dunod 1961 73.05 FT R 211.039 Bhagavantam, S. (ed) Theory of Groups and its Application to Physical Problems Academic 1969 71.02 GIFT R 211.040 Bauer, E. La Théorie des Groupes et à ses Applications en Phy. Quanti. Univ. France 1933 73.05 FT R 211.041 Van der Waerden, B.L. Group Theory and Quantum Mechanics Springer 1974 FT 3-540-06740-X R 211.042 Ruhl, W. The Lorentz Group and Harmonic Analysis Benjamin 1970 71.11 FT 8053-8362-10 R 211.043 Cartan, E. The Theory of Spinors Hermann 1966 GIFT R 211.044 Lipkin, H.J. Lie Groups for Pedestrians North-Holland 1966 FT R 211.045 Hochschild, G. Introduction to Affine Algebraic Groups Holden Day 1971 72.01 FT 0-8162-3954-1 R 211.046 Hermann, R. Lie Groups for Physicists Benjamin 1966 72.02 FT R 211.047 Hochschild, G. The Structure of Lie Groups Holden Day 1965 GIFT R 211.048 Lyubarskii, G.Ya. The Application of Group Theory in Physics Pergamon 1960 72.03 FT R 211.049 Grossman, I., Magnus, W. Les Groupes et leurs Graphes Dunod 1971 72.04 FT R 211.050 Cohn, P.M. Lie Groups Cambridge 1957 73.01 FT R 211.051 Lang, S. Rapport sur la Cohomologie des Groupes Benjamin 1966 GIFT R 211.052 Adams, J.F. Lectures on Lie Groups Benjamin 1969 73.03 GIFT 8053-0116-X R 211.053 Du Val, P. Homographies, Quaternions and Rotations Oxford Univ. 1964 FT R 211.054 Fogarty, J. Invariant Theory Benjamin 1969 73.03 GIFT R 211.055 Carter, R. W. Simple Groups of Lie Type J. Wiley & sons 1972 73.04 GIFT 0-4713735-9 R 211.056 Englefield, M.J. Group Theory and the Coulomb Problem Interscience 1972 FT R 211.057 Bernat, P. (ed) Représentations des Groupes de Lie Résolubles Dunod 1972 73.04 FT R 211.058 Carmichael, R.D. Introduction to the Theory of Groups of Finite Order Dover 1956 73.05 GIFT 0-486-60300-8 R 211.059 Tinkham, M. Group Theory and Quantum Mechanics Mc Graw-Hill 1964 73.05 FT Extraviad S.F. R 211.060 Biggs, N. Finite Groups of Automorphisms Cambridge 1971 73.05 FT 0-521-08215-3 R 211.061 Miller, W. Symmetry Groups and Their Applications Academic 1972 FT R 211.062 Goldin, G.A. (ed) Group Representations in Mathematics and Physics Springer 1970 FT 3-540-05310-7 R 211.063 Mackey, G.W. Unitary Group Representations in Physics, Probability... Benjamin 1978 FT 0-8053-6703-9 R 211.064 Dold, A. (ed) Conference on Group Theory Springer 1973 FT 3-540-06205-X R 211.065 Martin Isaacs, I. Character Theory of Finite Groups Academic 1976 FT 0-12-374550-0 R 211.066 Parthasarathy, K.R. Multipliers on Locally Compact Groups Springer 1969 FT R 2

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11.067 Knutson, D. -rings and the Representation Theory of the Symmetric Group Springer 1973 FT 3-540-06184-3 R 211.068 Schaaf, M. The Reduction of the Product of two Irreducible Unitary Repr Springer 1970 FT R 211.069 Borel, A. (ed) Seminar on Transformation Groups Princeton Uni. 1960 FT R 211.070 Leech, J.W., Newman, D.J. How to Use Groups Methuen and Co 1970 GIFT 416-20660-9 R 211.071 Coxeter, H.S.M., Moser W. Generators and Relations for Discrete Groups Springer 1980 FT R 211.072 Sagle, A.A., Walde, R. Introduction to Lie Groups and Lie Algebras Academic 1973 FT R 211.073 Weyl, H. Symmetry Princeton Unuv. 1973 FT Extraviad PASCUAL R 211.074 Gursey, F. Group Theoretical Concepts and Methods in Elementary Particl Gordon & Breach 1964 70.04 GIFT R 211.075 Varadarajan, V.S. Lie Groups, Lie Algebras and Their Representations Prentice-Hall 1974 FT 0-13-535732-2 R 211.076 Gilmore, R. Lie Groups, Lie Algebras and Some of Their Applications 1974 FT R 211.077 Griffith, P.A. Infinite Abelian Group Theory Chicago 1970 GIFT 0-226-30870-7 R 211.078 Hamermesh, M. Group Theory Addison Wesley 1962 FT Extraviad R 211.079 Mackey, G.W. Induced Representations of Groups and Quantum Mechanics Benjamin 1968 70.09 GIFT R 211.080 Schaaf, M. The Reduction of the Product of two. Irreducible Unitary Springer 1970 GIFT R 211.081 Kahan, T. (ed) Théorie des Groupes en Physique Classique et Quant.(III) Dunod 1972 72.05 GIFT R 211.082 Kaplansky, I. Lie Algebras and Locally Compact Groups Chicago 1971 GIFT 0-226-42453-7 R 211.083 Humphreys, J.E. Introduction to Lie Algebras and Representation Theory Springer 1972 GIFT 0-387-90052-7 R 211.084 Rose, J.S. A Course on Group Theory Cambridge 1978 FTA 0-521-29142-9 R 211.085 Serre, J.P. Lie Algebras and Lie Groups Benjamin 1965 GIFT R 211.086 Bacry, H. Leçons sur la Théorie des Groupes et les Symétries des Parti Gordon & Breach 1967 GIFT R 211.087 Bacry, H. Leçons sur la Théorie des Groupes et les Symétries des Parti Gordon & Breach 1967 GIFT R 211.088 Greenleaf, F.P. Invariant Means on Topological Groups Van Nostrand 1969 FT R 211.089 Vignal, J. Group Theoretical Methods in Physics Springer 1978 FT 3-540-08848-2 R 211.090 Pichon, G. Groupes de Lie, Représentations Linéaires et Applications Hermann 1973 74.01 GIFT 2-7056-5754-1 R 211.091 Gruenberg, K.W. Cohomological Topics in Group Theory Springer 1970 71.02 GIFT R 211.092 Nakano, H. Uniform Spaces: Transformation Groups Wayne state 1968 70.09 GIFT R 211.093 Naimark, M.A. Les Representations Lineaires du Groupe de Lorentz Dunod 1962 GIFT R 211.094 Bak, T.A., Lichtenberg, Vectores, Tensores y Grupos Reverté 1969 70.03 FT R 211.095 Lichtenberg, J., Bak, T. Funciones de una y Varias Variables . Vol II Reverté 1970 70.04 FT R 211.096 Lichtenberg, J., Bak, T. Series, Ecuaciones Diferenciales y Funciones Complejas.(III) Reverté 1969 FT R 211.097 Hamermesh, M. Group Theory and its Applications to Physical Problems Addison Wesley 1964 70.04 FT R 211.098 Hamermesh, M. Group Theory and its Applications to Physical Problems. Addison Wesley 1964 FT 0-201-02780-1 R 211.099 Hamermesh, M. Group Theory and its Applications to Physical Problems. Addison Wesley 1964 FT R 211.100 Dubreil, P. Teoría de Grupos Reverté 1975 FT R 211.101 Skobel'Tsyn, D.V. Group Theoretical Methods in Physics Bureau 1975 FT 0-306-10909-3 R 211.102 Samelson, H. Notes on Lie Algebras Van Nostrand 1969 FT R 211.103 Kirillov, A.A. Elements of the Theory of Representations Springer 1976 FT R 211.104 Heine, V. Group Theory in Quantum Mechanics Pergamon 1970 FT R 211.105 Ledermann, W. Grupos Finitos Dossat 1952 FT R 211.106 Ledermann, W. Grupos Finitos Dossat 1952 FT R 2

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11.107 Ledermann, W. Grupos Finitos Dossat 1952 FT R 211.108 Loebl, E.M. Group Theory and its Applications. Vol I Academic 1968 GIFT R 211.109 Loebl, E.M. Group Theory and its Applications. Vol I Academic 1968 GIFT R 211.110 Loebl, E.M. Group Theory and its Applications. Vol II Academic 1971 GIFT R 211.111 Loebl, E.M. Group Theory and its Applications. Vol III Academic 1975 FT Extraviad 0-12-455153-X R 211.112 Kahan, T. Théorie des Groupes en Physique Classique et Quantique(I) Dunod 1960 FT R 211.113 Kahan, T. Théorie des Groupes en Physique Classique et Quantique (II) Dunod 1971 FT R 211.114 Kahan, T. Théorie des Groupes en Physique Classique et Quantique (III) Dunod 1972 73.02 FT R 211.115 Lie, S. Théorie des Transformations Gruppen (I) Chelsea 1970 FT 0-8284-0242-9 R 211.116 Lie, S. Théorie des Transformations Gruppen (II) Chelsea 1970 FT 0-8284-0232-9 R 211.117 Lie, S. Théorie des Transformations Gruppen (III) Chelsea 1970 FT 0-8284-0232-9 R 211.118 Bourbaki, N. Groupes et Algèbres de Lie (I) Hermann 1971 FT R 211.119 Bourbaki, N. Groupes et Algèbres de Lie (II y III) Hermann 1972 FT R 211.120 Bourbaki, N. Groupes et Algèbres de Lie (IV, V, VI) Hermann 1968 GIFT R 211.121 Bourbaki, N. Groupes et Algèbres de Lie (VII, VIII) Hermann 1975 FT 2-7056-1364-1 R 211.122 Normand, J.M. A Lie Group: Rotations in Quantum Mechanics. North-Holland 1980 FT Fotocopia R 211.123 Mackey, G.W. The Theory of Unitary Group Representations Univ. Chicago 1976 FT Fotocopia 0-226-50051-9 R 211.124 Barut, A.O., Raczka, R. Theory of Group Representations and Applications P.W.N. 1977 FT R 211.125 Lie, S. Lie Groups: History, Frontiers and Applications.(I, II, III) Math sci. 1975 FT Fotocopia 0-915692-10-4 R 211.126 Atiyah, M.A.F.,Bott, R. Representation Theory of Lie Groups Cambridge 1979 FTA 0-521-22636-8 R 211.127 Jacobson, N. Lie Algebras Wiley and sons 1962 FT R 211.128 Serre, J.P. Representaciones Lineales de los Grupos Finitos Omega 1970 FT R 211.129 Am. Math. Soc.(ed) Groups (Series 2) Vol 2 Am. Math. Soc. 1956 71.01 FT R 211.130 Am. Math. Soc.(ed) Groups (Series 2) Vol 6 Am. Math. Soc. 1957 71.01 FT R 211.131 Am. Math. Soc.(ed) Groups (Series 2) Vol 9 Am. Math. Soc. 1958 71.01 FT R 211.132 Am. Math. Soc.(ed) Groups (Series 2) Vol 23 Am. Math. Soc. 1963 71.01 FT R 211.133 Cartan, E. The Theory of Spinors Dover 1981 86.12 FTA 0-486-64070-1 R 211.134 Naimark, M.A., Stern, A. Theory of Group Representations Springer 1982 FT R 211.135 Wu-Ki Tung Group Theory in Physics World Scientific 1985 FT R 211.136 Loeb, A.L. Color and Simmetry Krieger 1978 FTA R 211.137 Bremer, M.R., Moody.,R., Tables of Dominant Weight Multiplicities for Repre. Sim.Lie Marcel Dekker 1985 86.08 FTA 0-8247-7270-9 R 211.138 Price, J.F. Lie Groups and Compact Groups Cambridge 1977 FTA Fotocopia 0-521-21340-1 R 211.139 Mackay, W.G., Patera, J. Tables of Dimensions, Indices and Branching Rules for Lie Marcel Dekker 1981 FTA 0-8247-1227-7 R 211.140 Serre, J.P. Algèbres de Lie Semi-Simples Complexes Benjamin 1966 FT R 211.141 Kac, V.G. Infinite Dimensional Lie Algebras Cambridge 1985 FTA 0521-52133-6 R 211.142 Bak, T.A., Lichtenberg, Vectores, Tensores y Grupos Reverté 1972 FT R 211.143 Bak, T.A., Lichtemberg, Vectores, Tensores y Grupos Reverté 1972 86.11 FT R 211.144 Muller, E. Gruppentheoretische and Strukturanalytische Untersuchungen.. Rüschlikan 1944 FT Fotocopia R 211.145 Jacobson, N. Lie Algebras Dover 1979 FTA 0-486-63832-4 R 211.146 Dixon, J.D. Problems in Group Theory Dover 1973 FTA 0-486-61574-X R 2

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11.147 Cartan, H. Seminaire Benjamin 1967 87.01 FT R 211.148 Am. Math. Soc.(ed) Lie Algebras and Lie Groups Am. Math. Soc. 1955 87.01 FT R 211.149 Sally., P.J. Analytic Continuation of Irreducible Unitary Repr. Unive.... Am. Math. Soc 1967 87.01 FT R 211.150 Palais, R.S. A Global Formulation of the Lie Theory of Transform. Group Am. Math. Soc. 1957 87.01 FT R 211.151 Olver, P.J. Aplications of Lie Groups to Diferential Equations Springer 1986 FT 0-387-96250-6 R 211.152 Zassenhaus, H. Lie Groups, Lie Algebras and Representation Theory Univ. Montreal 1981 87.01 FTA 2-7606-0546-9 R 211.153 Magnus, W. Noneuclidean Tesselations and Their Groups Academic 1974 87.01 FTA 012-465450-9 R 211.154 Baumslag, B., Chandler, Teoría de Grupos Mc Graw-Hill 1972 87.01 FTA R 211.155 Aschbacher, M. Finite Group Theory Cambridge 1986 87.03 FTA 0-521-30341-9 R 211.156 Wawrzynczyk, A. Group Representations and Special Functions D. Reidel. 1984 87.04 FTA 90-277-1269-7 R 211.157 Pressley,A. and Segal, G. Loop Groups. Claredom P. 1986 FTA 0-19-853535-X R 211.158 Shaw, R. Linear Algebra and Group Representation (I) Academic 1982 88.02 FTA Extraviad German 0-12-639201-3 R 211.159 Shaw, R. Linear Algebra and Group Representation (II) Academic 1983 88.02 FTA Extraviad German 0-12-639202-1 R 211.160 Wieting, T.W. The Mathematical Theory of Chromatic Plane Ornaments Dekker 1962 88.01 FTA 0-8247-1517-9 R 211.161 Askey, R.A., Specials Funtions: Group Theoretical Aspects and Application D. Reidel 1984 FTA 90-277-1822-9 R 211.162 Gaal, S.A. Linear Analysis and Representation Theory Springer 1973 FTA 3-540-06195-9 R 211.163 Koornwinder, T.H. Representations of Locally Compact Groups With Appl. (I) Springer 1979 FTA 90-6196 161 0 R 211.164 Koornwinder, T.H.(ed) Representations of Locally compact groups with appl. (II) Mc Syllabus 1979 FTA R 211.165 Hambidge, J. The Elements of Dynamic Symmetry Dover 1967 88.06 FTA 486-21776-0 R 211.166 Ludwig, W., Falters, C. Symmetries in Physics Springer 1987 88.09 FTA 0-387-18021-4 R 211.167 Chesnut, D.B. Finite Groups and Quantum Theory C.Pub.R.E. Krieger 1982 89.11 FTA 0-89874-468-7 R 211.168 Shubnikov, A.U., Belov,N. Colored Symmetry Pergamon 1964 89.11 FTA R 211.169 Brocker,T., Dieck,T. Representations of Compact Lie Groups Springer 1985 90.03 FTA 0-387-13678-9 R 211.170 Doebner,H.D., Henreg,F.D. Group Theoretical Methods in Physics Springer 1987 90.03 FTA 0-387-13687-9 R 211.171 Polya,G., Read,R.C. Combinatorial Enumeration of Groups, Graphs and Chem. Comp. Springer 1987 90.03 FTA 0-387-96413-4 R 211.172 Cornwell, J.F. Group Theory in Physics. Vol. II Academic 1988 90.04 FTA 0-12-189804-0 R 211.173 Cornwell, J.F. Group Theory in Physics. Vol. I Academic 1989 90.05 FTA 0-12-189803-0 R 211.174 Cornwell, J.F. Group Theory in Physics. Vol. III Academic 1989 90.05 FTA 0-12-189805-0 R 211.175 Vinberg, E.B. Linear Representations of Groups Birkhäuser 1989 90.06 FTA 3-7643-2288-8 R 211.176 Teaching, B. International Tables for Crystallography Kluwer 1989 90.06 FTA 90-277-2578-0 R 211.177 Sattinger, D.H., Weaver, Lie Group and Algebras with Applic. to Phy., Geom. and Mech. Springer 1986 90.11 FTA 0-387-96240-9 R 211.178 Senechal, M. Crystalline Symmetries: An Informal Mathematical Adam-Hilger 1990 90.11 FTA 0-7503-0041-8 R 211.179 Ohnuki, Y. Unitary Repres. of the Poincaré Group and Relat. wave equat. World Scientific 1988 90.12 FTA 9971-50-250-X R 211.180 Stokes,H.T., Hatch, D.M. Isotropy subgroups of the 230 cristallographic spaces groups World Scientific 1988 90.12 FTA 9971-50-772-2 R 211.181 Isham, C.J. Groups and Vector Spaces for Physicists World Scientific 1989 90.12 FTA 9971-50-955-5 R 211.182 Gilmore, R. Group Theoretical Methods in Physics World Scientific 1987 90.12 FTA 9971-50-339-5 R 211.183 Manin, Yu.I. Quamtum Groups and Non Commutative Geometry CRM 1989 91.01 FTA 2-921120-00-3 R 211.184 Knapp, A.W. Representations of Real Reductive Groups CRM 1990 91.01 FTA 2-921120-09-7 R 211.185 Hussin, V. Lie Theory, Differential Equations and Representation Theory CRM 1990 91.01 FTA 2-921120-03-8 R 211.186 Jones, H.F. Group, Representations and Physics Adam-Hilger 1990 91.02 FTA 0-85274-030-1 R 2

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11.187 Burns, G. Space Groups for Solid State Scientists Academic 1990 91.09 FTA 0-12-145761-3 R 211.188 Dodonov, V.V., Man'ko, V. Proceedings of the XVII ICGTMP, Moscow 1990 (Lecture Notes Springer 1991 92.11 FTA 3-540-54040-7 R 211.189 Conway, J.H. Curtis, R.T. Atlas of Finite Groups Clarendon 1985 93.05 FTA 0-19-853199-0 R 211.190 Chen, J-Q. Group Representation Theory for Physicists World Scientific 1989 93.06 FTA 9971-50-099-x R 211.191 Tung, W-K. Group Theory in Physics World Scientific 1985 93.06 FTA 9971-966-56-5 R 211.192 Fässler, A. Stiefel, E. Group Theoretical Methods and their Applications Birkhäuser 1992 93.07 FTA 3-7643-3527-0 R 211.193 Wussing, H. The Genesis of the Abstract Group Concept MIT 1984 93.09 FTA 0-262-23109-3 R 211.194 Olmo, M.A. Santander, M. Group Theoretical Methods in Physics V.I CIEMAT 1992 94.02 FTA 84-7834-159-5 R 211.195 Olmo, M.A. Santander, M. Group Theoretical Methods in Physics V.II CIEMAT 1992 94.02 FTA 84-7834-160-9 R 211.196 Vilenkin, N.Ja. Klimyk, Representation of Lie Group and Special Functions V.I Kluwer 1991 94.09 FTA 0-7923-1466-2 R 211.197 Vilenkin, N.Ja. Klimyk, Representation of Lie Group and Special Functions V.II Kluwer 1993 94.09 FTA 0-7923-1492-1 R 211.198 Vilenkin, N.Ja. Klimyk, Representation of Lie Group and Special Functions V.III Kluwer 1992 94.09 FTA 0-7923-1492-1 R 211.199 Onishchik, A.L. Vinberg, Lie Groups and Algebraic Groups Springer 1990 95.03 FTA 0-387-50614-4 R 211.200 Georgi, H. Lie Algebras in Particle Physics Addison Wesley 1982 95.03 FTA 0-8053-2507-7 R 211.201 Shnider, S. Sternberg, S. Quantum Groups. From Coalgebras to Drinfeld Algebras International 1993 95.10 FTA 1-57146-000-4 R 211.202 Chari, V. Pressley, A. A Guide to Quantum Groups Cambridge U. 1994 96.01 FTA 0-521-55884-0 R 211.203 Majid, S. Foundations of Quantum Group Theory Cambridge U. 1995 96.01 FTA 0-521-46032-8 R 211.204 Azcárraga de, J.A. Lie Groups, Lie Algebras, Cohomology and some Applications Cambridge U. 1995 96.01 FTA 0-521-46051-X R 211.205 Olver, P.J. Equivalence, Invariants and Symmetry Cambridge U. 1995 96.01 FTA 0-521-47811-1 R 211.206 Segiura, M. Unitary Representations and Harmonic Analysis Nort-Holland 1990 96.01 FTA 0-444-88593-5 R 211.207 Humphreys, J.F. A Course in Group Theory Oxford Science 1996 96.10 FTA 0-19-853459 R 211.208 Carsten Jantzen, J. Lectures on Quantum Groups American Math. Soc. 1996 FTA 0-8218-0478 R 211.209 Howie, J.M. Fundamentals of Semigroup Theory Oxford Science 1995 FTA 0-19-851194 R 211.210 Mirman, R. Group Theory : An Intuitive Approach World Scientific 1995 FTA 981-02-2183 R 211.211 Mirman, R. Group Theoretical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics Nova Science 1995 FTA 1-56072-248 R 211.212 Mirman, R. Massaless Representations of the Poincaré Group Nova Science 1995 FTA 1-56072-259 R 211.213 Rosenfeld, B. Geometry of Lie Groups Kluwer Academic 1997 FTA 0-7923-4390 R 211.214 Eisenhart,L.P. Continuous Groups of Transformations Dover 1961 98.12 FTA R 211.215 Talman, J.D. Special Functions. A Grove Theoretic Approach Benjamin 1968 98.12 FTA R 211.216 Fuks, D.B. Cohomology of Infinite. Dimensional Lie Algebras V.9 Collæge U.Beijing 1998 99.03 FTA 7-5158-0288 R 211.217 Mimura, M. Topology of Lie Groups, I and II V.16 Collæge U.Beijing 1998 99.03 FTA R 211.218 Sattinger, D.H. Lie Groups and Algebras with applications to Physics, Univ. Bangalore 1997 99.03 FTA 0-72111-498 R 211.219 Adams, J.F. Lectures on Exceptional Lie Groups Univ. Chicago 1996 99.04 FTA 0-226-00527 R 211.220 Kac, V.G. Infinite Dimensional Lie Algebras Univ. Cambridge 1990 99.04 FTA 0-521-46693 R 211.221 Porteous, I.R. Clifford Algebras and the Classical Groups Univ. Cambridge 1995 99.04 FTA 0-521-55177 R 211.222 Cornwell, J.F. Group Theory in Physics Academic 1997 00.11 FTA 0-12-189800 R 211.223 Neretin, Yu.A. Categories of Symmetries and Infinite-Dimensional Groups Oxford Science 1996 01.02 FTA 19851188 R 211.224 Shapukov, B.N. Grupos y Algebras de LIE en ejercicios y problemas URSS 2001 01.04 FTA 5-8360-0208 R 211.225 Pietrásheñ, M.I. Teoría de Grupos. Aplicación a la Mecánica Cuántica URSS 2000 01.04 FTA 5-8360-0046 R 211.226 Hawkins, T. Emergence of the theory of Lie Groups Springer ? 02.03 FTA 0-387-98963 R 2

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11.227 Stedman, G.E. Diagram Techniques in Group Theory Cambridge U. 1990 2003 FTA 0-51-32787 R 211.228 Jaffé, H.H. Simmetry in Chemistry Dover 2002 2003 FTA 0-486-42181 R 211.229 Kirillov, A.A. Lectures on the Orbit Method AMS 2004 2007 FTA 0-8218-3530-0 R 211.230 Ma, Z-Q. Problems & Slutions in Group Theory for Physicists World S. 2004 2007 FTA 981-238-833-8 R 211.231 Heine, V. Group Theory in Quantum Mechanics Dover 2007 2007 FTA 0-486-45878-4 R 211.232 Scott, W.R. Group Theory Dover 1987 2008 FTA 0-486-65337-3 R 211.233 McWeeny, R. Simmetry . An Introduction to Group Theory Dover 2002 2008 FTA 0-486-42182-1 R 211.234 Sands, D.E. Vectors and Tensors in Crystallography Dover 2002 2008 FTA 0-486-49516-7 R 211.235 Ma, Z-Q. Group Theory for Physicists World Scientific 2007 2008 FTA 10-981-277 R 211.236 Altman, S.L. Rotations, Quaternions, and Double Groups Dover 2005 2009 FTA 0-486-44518-6 R 211.237 Vac 011.238 Vac 011.239 Vac 011.240 Vac 011.241 Vac 011.242 Vac 011.243 Vac 011.244 Vac 011.245 Vac 012.000 ========================= ========================= TOPOLOGIA Cab 1;;; R 112.001 Wallace, A.H. Differential Topology: First Steps Benjamin 1968 73.05 GIFT R 112.002 Godbillon, C. Elements de Topologie Algébrique Hermann 1971 71.09 FT R 112.003 Dugundji, J. Topology Allyn & Bacon 1968 70.09 FT R 112.004 Nagami, K. Dimension Theory Academic 1970 71.03 GIFT R 112.005 Artin, E., Braun, H. Introduction to Algebraic Topology Merrill 1969 70.06 GIFT 675-096510-0 R 112.006 Morse, M., Cairns, S.S. Critical Point Theory in Global Analysis and Differential to Academic 1969 GIFT R 112.007 Alexandroff, P. Elementary Concepts of Topology Dover 1961 GIFT 0-486-60747-X R 112.008 Dold, A. (ed) Symposium on Algebraic Topology Springer 1971 72.03 FT 3-540-05715-3 R 112.009 Hurewicz, W., Wallman, H. Dimension Theory FT Fotocopia R 112.010 Chartrand, G. Introductory Graph Theory Dover 1985 86.12 FTA 0-486-24775-9 R 112.011 Faisant, A. Tp et Td de Topologie Générale Hermann 1973 FT 2-7056-5745-2 R 112.012 Choquet, G. Topología Toray-Masson 1971 71.05 GIFT R 112.013 Choquet, G. Cours d'analyse (Tomo II) Topologie Masson et Cie 1973 FT 2-225-59972-5 R 112.014 Varios Topology, Lie groups and differential equations. Am. Math. Soc. 1962 71.01 FT R 112.015 Hocking, Young Topologia Reverté 1975 FT R 112.016 Kelley, J.L. Toplogia General Eudeba 1962 FT R 112.017 Kuratowski, K. Introducción a la teoría de conjuntos y a la topologia Vicens-Vives 1973 FT 84-316-1230-4 R 112.018 Bourbaki, N. Elements of Mathematics: General Topology (I) Addison Wesley 1966 FT R 112.019 Bourbaki, N. Elements of Mathematics: General Topology (II) Addison Wesley 1966 FT R 112.020 Booss, B., Bleecker, D.D. Topology and Analysis Springer 1977 FTA 0-367-96112-7 R 1

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12.021 Greenberg, M. Lectures on Algebraic Topology 1966 FTA Extraviad Gaite R 112.022 Suppes, P. Axiomatic set Theory Dover 1972 86.12 FTA 0-486-61630-4 R 112.023 Kamke, E. Theory of sets Dover 1950 86.12 FTA 486-60141-2 R 112.024 Stoll, R.R. Set Theory and Logic Dover 1979 87.01 FTA 0-486-63829-4 R 112.025 Armstrong, M.A. Topologia Básica Reverté 1987 88.01 MAF 84-291-5018-8 R 112.026 Rojo, J. Espacios Topológicos Imprecisos AC 1984 88.01 MAF R 112.027 Stoll, R.R. Set Theory and Logic Dover 1961 FTA 0-486-6382-4 R 112.028 Sominski, I.S. Método de Inducción Matemática Mir 1975 88.05 FTA R 112.029 Uspenski, V.A. Máquina de Post Mir 1983 88.01 FTA R 112.030 Aranovich, A. Introduction to Elementary Mathematical Logic Dover 1983 FTA 0-486-64561-4 R 112.031 Gitter,S. Introduc. a la topología algebraica FCE 1978 89.04 MAF 968-16-0050-9 R 112.032 Trillas, E. Conjuntos Borrosos Vicens University 1980 90.03 FTA 84-316-1886-8 R 112.033 Francis, G.K. A Topological Picture Book Springer 1988 99.04 FTA 0-387-96426 R 112.034 James, I.M. Handbook of Algebraic Topology Elsevier 1995 99.06 FTA 0-444-81779 R 112.035 Vac 012.036 Vac 012.037 Vac 012.038 Vac 012.039 Vac 013.000 ========================= ========================= GEOMETRIA Y GEOMETRIA DIFERENCIAL Cab 1;;; R 113.001 Veblen, O. Whitehead, J. The Foundations of Differential Geometry Cambridge 1967 FT R 113.002 Lang, S. Introduction aux Variétés Différentiables Dunod 1967 FT R 113.003 Blaschke, W. Analytische Geometrie Birkhäuser 1954 73.05 FT R 113.004 Yano, K. The Theory of Lie Derivatives and its Applications North-Holland 1955 FT R 113.005 Gemignani, H.C. Axiomatic Geometry Addison Wesley 1971 FT R 113.006 Gamkrelidze R.V Progress in Math. Vol 6: Topology and Geometry Plenum 1970 72.04 FT 306-392062 R 113.007 Warner, F.W. Foundations of Differentiable Manifolds and Lie Groups Scott 1971 72.02 FT R 113.008 Jeffreys, H. Cartesian Tensors Cambridge 1974 FT 0-521-09191-8 R 113.009 Mumford, D. Geometric Invariant Theory Springer 1965 FT R 113.010 Univ. Compl.Madrid Seminario de Topologia: Fasci I: Variedades Diferen.Reales Univ.Madrid 1972 72.05 FT R 113.011 Wexler, Ch. Analytic Geometry: A Vector Approach Addison Wesley 1962 73.05 FT R 113.012 Whitehead, A.N. The Axioms of Projective Geometry Hafner 1971 72.12 FT R 113.013 Bourbaki, N. Variétés Différentielles et Analytiques: Resultats. Hermann 1967 72.01 FT R 113.014 Bourbaki, N. Vaiétés Différentielles et Analytiques: Fascicule Resultats Hermann 1971 71.01 FT R 113.015 Dold, A (Ed) Sèminaire Bourbaki vol.1969/70 Exp. 364-381 Springer 1971 71.11 FT R 113.016 Queysanne, M. Revuz, A. Geometria CERSA 1976 FT R 113.017 Cartan, H. Formas Diferenciales Omega 1972 73.03 FT Extraviad JUAN ANTONIO R 113.018 Plemelj, J. Problems in the Sense of Riemann and Klein Interscience 1964 73.04 FT R 113.019 Weil, A. Variétés Kählériennes Hermann 1971 73.04 FT R 113.020 Choquet-Bruhat Geometrie Differentielle et Systemes Extérieurs FT R 1

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13.021 Choquet-Bruhat Geometrie Differentielle et Systemes Extérieurs Dunod 1968 GIFT R 113.022 Coxeter, H.S.M., Redécouvrons la Géometrie Dunod 1971 73.05 FT R 113.023 Barry, E.H. Introducción a las Transformaciones Geométricas Comp.Continental 1968 73.05 FT R 113.024 Gans, D. Transformations and Geometries Meredith Corp. 1969 FT R 113.025 Maxwell, E.A. General Homogeneous Coordinates in Space of Three Dimensions Cambridge 1961 73.03 FT R 113.026 Loeb, A.L. Space Structures, Their Harmony and Counterpoint. Addison Wesley 1976 FT 0-201-04651-2 R 113.027 Hague, B. Introduction a l'analyse Vectorielle Dunod 1961 FT R 113.028 Goodman,A.W. Modern Calculus With Analytic Geometry. Volume II MacMillan 1968 FT R 113.029 Steenrod, N. The Topology of Fibre Bundles Princeton 1951 72.12 FT 0-691-08055-0 R 113.030 Gay, H.M. Analytic Geometry and Calculus Mc Graw-Hill 1950 FT R 113.031 Rios, S. Algebra Lineal y Geometría Vectorial Iberica 1969 FT R 113.032 Sokolnikoff, I.S. Tensor Analysis, Theory and Applications J. Wiley & sons 1951 FT R 113.033 Braae, R. Vector Analysis Pitman & Sons 1968 FT 273-43398-9 R 113.034 Lingren, B.W. Vector Calculus Mc Millan 1964 FT R 113.035 Borisenko, A.I. Tarapov, Vector and Tensor Analysis With Applications Prentice-Hall 1968 FT R 113.036 Wrede, R.C. Introduction to Vector and Tensor Analysis J. Wiley & Sons 1963 FT R 113.037 Cohn, P.M. Solid Geometry Routledge 1961 FT R 113.038 Chisini, O. Lezioni di Geometria Analitica e Proïettiva Zanichelli 1960 FT R 113.039 Crea, W.H. Mc Geometria Analitica de Tres Dimensiones Dossat 1942 FT R 113.040 Bouligand, G Les Principes de l'analyse Geometrique Vuibert 1949 FT R 113.041 Maxwell, E.A. The Methods of Plane Proyective Cambridge 1963 FT R 113.042 Francotte, R. Geométrie Analytique Gauthier Villars 1964 FT R 113.043 Golab, S. Tensor Calculus 1974 FT 0-444-41124-0 R 113.044 Malliavin, P. Geometrie Différentielle Intrinsèque Hermann 1972 GIFT 2-7056 5696 0 R 113.045 Martin, P. Applications de l'algebre et de l'analyse a la Geometrie Armand Colin 1967 FT R 113.046 Lass, H. Analisis Vectorial y Tensorial CECSA 1969 FT R 113.047 Lass, H. Vector and Tensor Analysis Mc Graw Hill 1950 FT R 113.048 Lass, H. Vector and Tensor Analysis Mc Graw Hill 1950 FT R 113.049 Lass, H. Vector and Tensor Analysis MacGraw Hill 1950 FT R 113.050 Miller, F.H. Analytic Geometry and Calculus Wiley & Sons 1949 FT R 113.051 Lagrange, R. Produits d'inversions et Métrique Conforme Gauthier Villars 1957 FT R 113.052 Auslander, L. Green, L. Flows on Homogeneous Spaces Princeton 1963 FT R 113.053 Hicks, N.J. Notes on Differential Geometry Van Nostrand 1971 GIFT Extraviad JUAN ANTONIO 0-442-03405 R 113.054 Snapper, G., Troyer, R.J. Metric Affine Geometry Academic 1971 FT R 113.055 Coxeter, H.S.M. Introduction to Geometry Wiley & Sons 1969 FT 471-18283-41 R 113.056 Bishop, R.L., Crittenden, Geometry of Manifolds Academic 1964 FT R 113.057 Veblen, O. Invariants of Quadratic Differential Forms Cambridge 1962 FT Extraviad R 113.058 Schwartz, L. Les Tenseurs Hermann 1975 FT 2-7056-1376-5 R 113.059 Phillips, H.B. Análisis Vectorial U.T.E.H.A. 1946 FT R 113.060 Abellanas, P Geometria Básica Romo 1969 FT R 1

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13.061 Coffin, J.G. Vector Analysis Wiley & Sons 1948 FT R 113.062 Eisenhart, L.P. Riemannian Geometry Princeton 1964 FT R 113.063 Gallego Diaz, J. Nociones de Cálculo Vectorial y Compl. de Matemáticas Romo 1943 FT R 113.064 Cartan, E. Geometrie des Espaces de Riemann Gauthier Villars 1963 FT R 113.065 Mostow, G.D. Strong Rigidity of Locally Symetric Spaces Princeton 1973 FT 0-691-08136-0 R 113.066 Gans, D. An Introduction to non-Euclidean Geometry Academic 1973 FT 0-12-274850-6 R 113.067 Gunning, R.C. Lectures on Riemann Surfaces Princeton 1972 GIFT Extraviad R 113.068 Laugwitz, D. Differential and Riemannian Geometry Academic 1965 GIFT R 113.069 Schaum Geometria Diferencial FT Extraviad DAVID R 113.070 Choquet-Bruhat, Y. Analysis, Manifolds and Physics FT R 113.071 Boothby, W.H. An Introduction to Differentiable Manifolds Academic 1975 FT 0-12-116050-5 R 113.072 Schutz, B Geometrical Methods of Mathematical Physics Cambridge 1980 FT 0-521-23271-6 R 113.073 Delachet, A., Moreau, J. La Géométrie Descriptive et ses Applications France 1952 FT R 113.074 Hestenes, D., Sobczyk, G. Clifford Algebra to Geometric Calculus Reidel 1984 FT 90-277-1673-0 R 113.075 Wall, C.T.C. Surgery on Compact Manifolds Academic 1970 71.05 GIFT 0-12-732720-9 R 113.076 Helgason, S. Differential Geometry and Symmetric Spaces Academic 1962 70.04 GIFT R 113.077 Fulton, W. Curvas Algebraicas Reverté 1971 FT R 113.078 Cartan, E. Les Systémes Différentiels Extérieurs et leurs Appl. Geomtr. Hermann 1971 71.09 GIFT R 113.079 Cohn, H. Conformal Mapping on Riemann Surfaces Mc Graw Hill 1967 GIFT R 113.080 Gunning, R.C. Lectures on Complex Analytic Varieties Princeton 1970 71.09 GIFT R 113.081 Kobayashi, S., Nomizu, K. Foundations of Differential Geometry (Vol I) Interscience 1969 73.02 GIFT R 113.082 Kobayashi, S., Nomizu, K. Foundations of Differential Geometry (Vol II) Intrescience 1969 GIFT 470-496487 R 113.083 Zwikker, C. The Advanced Geometry of Plane Curves and Their Applications Dover 1963 GIFT R 113.084 Mihalek, R.J. Proyective Geometry and Algebraic Structures Academic 1972 GIFT R 113.085 Quam, P.M. Introduction á la Geometrie des Variétés Différentiables Dunod 1968 71.02 FT Extraviad S.F. R 113.086 Quam, P.M. Introduction á la Géométrie des Variétés Différentiables Dunod 1968 FT R 113.087 Abraham, R., Robbin, J. Transversal Mappings and Flows Benjamin 1967 72.05 GIFT R 113.088 Wu Wen-Tsun-Reebg Sur les Espaces Fibrés et les Variétés Feuiletées Hermann 1952 74.01 GIFT R 113.089 Eisenhart, L.P. A Treatise on the Differential Geometry of Curves and Surf. Dover 1960 73.05 GIFT R 113.090 Zwikker, C. The Advanced Geometry of Plane Curves and Their Applications Dover 1963 GIFT Extraviad Montesinos R 113.091 Eisenhart, L.P. Coordinate Geometry Dover 1960 GIFT R 113.092 Manning, H.P. Geometry of Four Dimensions Dover 1956 73.05 GIFT R 113.093 Aref, M.N., Wernick, W. Problems and Solutions in Euclidean Geometry Dover 1968 73.05 GIFT R 113.094 Woods, F.S. Higher Geometry and Introduction to Advanced Methods in... Dover 1961 73.05 GIFT R 113.095 Coxeter, H.S.M. The Real Projective Plane Cambridge 1961 FT R 113.096 Kerekjártó, B. Les Fondements de la Géométrie (Tomo I) Gauthier Villars 1969 FT R 113.097 Kerekjarto, B. Les Fondements de la Geometrie (Tomo II) Gauthier Villars 1966 FT R 113.098 Gouyon, R. Calcul Tensoriel Vuibert 1963 FT R 113.099 Santaló, L.A. Vectores y Tensores Eudeba 1961 FT R 113.100 Hermann, R. Vector Bundles in Mathematical Physics (Volume I) Benjamin 1970 71.11 FT 8053-39459 R 1

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13.101 Spain, B. Calculo Tensorial Dossat 1952 FT R 113.102 Schmidt, H.J. Axiomatic Characterization of Physical Geometry Springer 1979 86.12 FTA 3-540-09719-8 R 113.103 Rainich, G.Y., Dowdy, S. Geometry for Teachers Wiley & Sons 1968 FT Extraviad R 113.104 Sokolnikoff, I.S. Análisis Tensorial FT R 113.105 Lichnerowicz, A. Elementos de Cálculo Tensorial Aguilar 1972 FT p R 113.106 Spivak, M. Cálculo en Variedades Reverté 1970 FT R 113.107 Spivak, M. Calculus on Manifolds Benjamin 1965 72.05 GIFT R 113.108 Gunning, R.C. Lectures on Riemann Surfaces, Jacobi Varieties Princeton 1972 FT 0-691-08127-1 R 113.109 Gunning, R.C. Lectures on Riemann Surfaces Princeton 1966 FT Extraviad G.Prada R 113.110 Gunning, R.C. Lectures on Vector Bundles over Riemann Surfaces Princeton 1967 FT R 113.111 Mandelbrot, B.B. Fractals: Form, Chance and Dimension W.H. Freeman 1977 FT 0-7167-0474-9 R 113.112 Hilbert, D., Cohn-Vossen, Geometry and the Imagination Chelsea 1952 FT R 113.113 Cuesta Dutari, N. Geometria Vectorial. Introduc.Intuitiva al Algebra Lineal Alhambra 1968 FT R 113.114 Doneddu, A. Algebre et Geometrie Dunod 1971 72.04 FT R 113.115 Kemmer,N. Vector analysis. Fields in Three Dimensions Cambridge 1977 FT 0-521-290643 R 113.116 Milnor, J.W., Stasheff, Characteristic Clases Princeton 1974 FT R 113.117 Klein, F. Le Program d'Erlangen Gauthier Villars 1974 FT R 113.118 Drivas,V. Rosenthal,L Les Tenseurs et Leurs Applications Eyrolles 1980 FT R 113.119 Grossetete, B., Pastor, La Représentation des Phénomènes Physiques Masson 1981 FT 0335-4628 R 113.120 Spivak, M. A Comprehensive Introduction to Differential Geometry I Perich In. 1979 FT 0-914098-79-9 R 113.121 Spivak, M. A Comprehensive Introduction to Differential Geometry II Perich In. 1979 FT 0-914098-80-2 R 113.122 Spivak, M. A Comprehensive Introduction to Differential Geometry III Perich In. 1979 FT 0-914098-829 R 113.123 Spivak, M. A Comprehensive Introduction to Differential Geometry IV Prich In. 1979 FT 0-914098-82-9 R 113.124 Spivak, M. A Comprehensive Introduction to Differential Geometry V Perich In. 1979 FT 0-914098-82-9 R 113.125 Jacobs, H.R. Geometry Freeman 1974 FT 0-7167-0456-0 R 113.126 Mandelbrot, B.B. The Fractal Geometry of Nature Freeman 1983 FT 0-7167-1186-9 R 113.127 O'neill, B. Elementos de Geometría Diferencial Limusa 1982 FT R 113.128 Moise, E.E. Elementary Geometry Addison Wesley 1963 FT Fotocopia R 113.129 Newmann,P.M Stoy,G.A. Groups and Geometry The Mathemat.Inst. 1980 FT Fotocopia R 113.130 Vranceanu, G. Leçons de Géométrie Différentielle Vol I, II Gauthier Villars 1956 FT Fotocopia R 113.131 Hilbert, D. Foundations of Geometry Lasalle 1971 FT Fotocopia R 113.132 Helgason, S. Differential Geometry, Lie Groups and Symmetric Spaces I,II Academic 1978 FT Fotocopia R 113.133 Kreyszig, E. Introduction to Differential Geometry and Riemann Univ.Toronto 1978 FT Fotocopia R 113.134 Artzy, R. Linear Geometry Addison Wesley 1974 FT Fotocopia 0-201-00362 R 113.135 Curtis, W.D., Miller, F. Differential Manifolds and Theoretical Physics Academic 1985 FT 0-12-200230-X R 113.136 Edelen, D.G.B. Applied Exterior Calculus J. Wiley 1985 FT R 113.137 Stanley, H.E. Ostrowsky, On Growth and form Fractal and Non-Fractal Patterns in Phy. Martims Nijhoff 1986 FT 90-247-3234-4 R 113.138 Wells, R.O. Differential Analysis on Complex Manifolds Springer 1980 FT Fotocopia 0-387-90419-0 R 113.139 Griffiths, P., Harris, J. Principles of Algebraic Geometry J. Wiley & son 1978 86.11 FT Extraviad G.Prada R 113.140 Dubrovine, B., Novikov, Modern Geometry: Methods and Applications. (Vol.1) Springer 1984 FT Fotocopia 0-387-90872-2 R 1

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13.141 Trautman, A. Differential Geometry for Physicists Bibliopolis 1984 FT Extraviad G.Prada R 113.142 Huggett, S.A., Tod, K.P. An Introduction to Twistor Theory Cambridge 1985 FT Extraviad G.Prada R 113.143 Friedrich, T.(editor) Self-dual Riemannian Geometry and Instantons Teubner-Texte 1981 FT Fotocopia R 113.144 Poor, W.A. Differential Geometrical Structures Mc Graw-Hill FT Fotocopia R 113.145 Chern, S. Complex Manifolds Without Potential Theory Springer 1979 FT Fotocopia 0-387-90422-0 R 113.146 Falconer, K.J. The Geometry of Fractal Sets Cambridge 1985 86.11 FTA 0-521-33705-4 R 113.147 Eves, H. A Survey of Geometry Allyn & Bacon 1972 86.11 FTA 0-205-03226-5 R 113.148 Husemoller, D. Fibre Bundles Springer 1966 86.11 FTA 0-387-90103-5 R 113.149 Benz, W. Vorlesungen über Geometrie der Algebren Springer 1973 86.11 FTA 3-540-05786-2 R 113.150 Denis-Papin, M. Kaufmam, Cours de Calcul Tensoriel Appliqué Albin Michel 1953 FT R 113.151 Dubrovine, B.A., Novikov, Geometrie Contemporaine. Méthodes et Applications. (Vol.1) Mir 1982 86.11 FTA Fotocopia R 113.152 Peschl, E. Geometria Analitica y Algebra Lineal Selecc.cientificas 1970 FT R 113.153 Crowe, M.J. A History of Vector Analysis Dover 1985 86.12 FTA 0-486-64955-5 R 113.154 Cohn, H. Conformal Mapping on Riemann Surfaces Dover 1980 86.12 FTA 0-486-64025-6 R 113.155 Borisenko, A.I. Tarapov, Vector and Tensor Analysis With Applications Dover 1979 86.12 FTA 0-486-63833-2 R 113.156 Bold, B. Famous Problems of Geometry and how to Solve Them Dover 1982 86.12 FTA 0-486-24297-8 R 113.157 Wrede, R.C. Introduction to Vector and Tensor Analysis Dover 1972 86.12 FTA 0-486-61879-X R 113.158 Williams, R. The Geometrical Foundation of Natural Structure Dover 1979 86.12 FTA 0-486-23729-X R 113.159 Synge, J.L., Schild, A. Tensor Calculus Dover 1978 86.12 FTA R 113.160 Meserve, B.E. Fundamental Concepts of Geometry Dover 1983 86.12 FTA 0-486-63415-9 R 113.161 Levi-Civita, T. The Absolute Differential Calculus Dover 1977 86.12 FTA R 113.162 Hay, G.E. Vector and Tensor Analysis Dover 1953 86.12 FTA 0-486-60109-9 R 113.163 Euclides, Heath, T.L. The Thirteen Books of Elements, Vol I Dover 1956 86.12 FTA 486-60088-2 R 113.164 Euclides, Heath, T.L. The Thirteen Books of Elements, Vol II Dover 1956 86.12 FTA 0-486-60089-0 R 113.165 Euclides, Heath, T.L. The Thirteen Books of Elements, Vol III Dover 1956 86.12 FTA 0-486-60090-4 R 113.166 Bonola, R. Non-Euclidean Geometry Dover 1955 86.12 FTA 0-486-60027-0 R 113.167 McConnell, A.J. Applications of Tensor Analysis Dover 1957 86.12 FTA R 113.168 Bouligand, G., Rabaté, G. Initation aux Méthodes Vectorielles Etaux Applic. Geometric. Vuibert 1940 87.01 FT R 113.169 S.E.U. Fac. Cien. Madrid Problemas de Geometría Básica, II parte S.E.U. 1961 87.01 FT p R 113.170 Fano, G. Lezioni di Geometria Descrittiva Paravia & C. 1925 87.01 FT R 113.171 Fano, G. Lezioni di Geometria Descrittiva Tavole Paravia & c. 1925 87.01 FT R 113.172 Hadamard, J. Leçons de Géometrie Elmentaire Armand Colin 1932 87.01 FT R 113.173 Baur, A. Analytische Geometrie, Teil I Von R. Oldenbourg 1955 87.01 FT R 113.174 Baur, A. Analytische Geometrie, Teil II Von R. Oldenbourg 1955 87.06 FT R 113.175 Baur, A. Analitische Geometrie, Teil III Von R. Oldenbourg 1955 87.01 FT R 113.176 Grunbaum, B., Shephard, Tilings and Patterns Freeman 1987 87.01 FTA R 113.177 Wells, R.O. Complex Geometry in Mathematical Physics Univ.Montréal 1982 87.01 FTA 2-7606-0559-8 R 113.178 Whittaker, E.J.W. An Atlas of Hyperstereograms of the Four-Dimensional Crystal Oxford.Science 1985 87.01 FTA R 113.179 Mckie D. Mckie C. Essentials of Crystallography Blackwell, S.P. 1986 87.03 FTA R 113.180 Boltjansky, V. Gohberg, Results and Problems in Combinatorial Geometry Cambridge 1985 87.03 FTA 0-521-26923-7 R 1

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13.181 Gregory, J.A. (Ed) The Mathematics of Surfaces Clarendon 1986 87.03 FTA 19-853609-7 R 113.182 Huggett, S.A. Tod, K.P. An Introduction to Twistor Theory Cambridge 1985 87.03 FTA 0-52131361-9 R 113.183 Ryan, P.J. Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometry: Analytic Approach Cambridge 1986 87.03 FTA 0-521-276357 R 113.184 Fisher Adler, C. Modern Geometry. An Integrated First Course Mc Graw Hill 1958 87.03 FTA Fotocopia R 113.185 Pedoe, D. A Course of Geometry for Colleges and Universities Cambridge 1970 87.03 FTA Fotocopia 521-07638-2 R 113.186 Zorawski, M. Theorie Mathematique des Dislocations Dunod 1967 87.03 FTA Fotocopia R 113.187 O'Neill, B. Semi-Remannian Geometry With Applications to Relativity Academic 1983 87.04 FTA Extraviad R 113.188 Coxeter, H.S.M. Regular Complex Polytopes Cambridge 1973 87.04 FTA Fotocopia R 113.189 Stevens, P.S. Handbook of Regular Patterns Themit 1984 87.04 FTA R 113.190 Miyazaki, K. An Adventure in Multidimensional Space J. Wiley & sons 1983 87.04 FTA R 113.191 Chisholm, J.S.R., Common, Clifford Algebras and Their Applications in Mathemat.Physics Reidel 1986 87.04 FTA R 113.192 Sternberg, S. Differential Geometric Methods in Mathematical Physics Reidel 1984 87.05 FTA R 113.193 Asanov, G.S. Finsler Geometry, Relativity and Gauge Theories Reidel D. 1985 87.05 FTA 90-277-1960-8 R 113.194 Engel, P. Geometric Crystallography Reidel D. 1986 87.05 FTA 90-277-2341-9 R 113.195 March, L., Steadman, P. The Geometry of Environment Methuend & Co.Ltd 1971 87.06 FTA R 113.196 Peitgen, H.O., Richter, The Beauty of Fractals Springer 1986 87.06 FTA R 113.197 Struik, D.J. Geometria Diferencial Clásica Aguilar 1970 87.01 FTA R 113.198 Santaló, L.A. Integral Geometry and Geometric Probability Addison Wesley 1976 87.05 FTA Extraviad OLMO 0-201-135-0 R 113.198 Santaló, L.A. Integral Geometry and Geometric Probability Cambridge 2004 05.01 FTA Fotocopia 0-521-52344 R 113.199 Jessop, C.M. The Line Complex. A Treatise Chelsea 1969 87.06 FTA 8284-0223-X R 113.200 Coxeter, H.M.S., et al M.C. Escher: Art and Science 87.06 FTA R 113.201 Fuller, R.B. Synergetics Mc Millan 1975 FTA R 113.202 Burn, R.D. Groups: A path to Geometry Cambridge 1985 87.09 FTA R 113.203 Westenholz, Von C. Differential Forms in Mathematical Physics North-Hollan 1981 87.11 FTA Fotocopia R 113.204 Ambartzumian, V.R. (ed) Stochastic and Integral Geometry Reidel 1987 87.01 FTA 90-277-25438 R 113.205 Puig Adam, P. Curso de Geometria Metrica Euler 1986 88.01 MAF 84-85731-05-0 R 113.206 Izquierdo Asensio, F. Ejercicios de Geometría Descriptiva Dossat 1987 88.01 MAF 84-7288-182-2 R 113.207 Santaló, L.A. Geometria Proyectiva Eudisa 1977 88.01 MAF R 113.208 Willmore, T.J. Total Curvature in Riemannian Geometry Wiley 1982 88.02 FTA R 113.209 Abraham, R. Manifolds, Tensor Analysis and Applications Addison Wesley 1983 88.03 FTA R 113.210 Yaglom, I.M. Geometric Transformations I Comnitter 1962 88.04 FTA R 113.211 Trautman, A. Differential Geometry for Physicists Bibliopolis 1984 88.05 FTA 88-7078-087-7 R 113.212 Yaglom, I.M. Geometric Transformations III Panel 1973 88.04 FTA R 113.213 Trautman, A. Differential Geometry Bibliopolis 1984 88.05 FTA 88-7088-087-7 R 113.214 Moise, E.E. Elementary Geometry Addison Wesley 1974 88.05 FTA 0-201-04793-4 R 113.215 Dubrovine, B.A., Novikov, Geometrie Contemporaine II Mir 1982 88.05 FTA R 113.216 Dubrovine, B.A., Novikov, Geometrie Contemporaine I Mir 1982 88.05 FTA R 113.217 Mishchenko,A.S. Yu.P. et Differential Geometry and Topology Mir 1985 88.05 FTA R 113.218 Beskin, N.M. Representacion de figuras espaciales Mir 1977 88.05 FTA R 113.219 Beskin, N.M. División de un segmento en la razón dada Mir 1976 88.05 FTA R 1

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13.220 Smogorzhevski, A.S. Acerca de la geometría de Lobachevski Mir 1978 88.05 FTA R 113.221 Goloviná, L.U., Yaglom, Introducción en la Geometría Mir 1976 88.05 FTA R 113.222 Lyubich, Yu.I. Método Cinemático en Problemas Geométricos Mir 1978 88.05 FTA R 113.223 Smogorzhevski, A.S. La regla en construcciones geométricas Mir 1981 88.05 FTA R 113.224 Boltianski, V.G. Figuras Equivalentes y Equicompuestas Mir 1981 88.05 FTA R 113.225 Argunov, B.I., Teoremas de configuración Mir 1980 88.05 FTA R 113.226 Kostovski, A.N. Construcciones geométricas mediante un compás Mir 1980 88.05 FTA R 113.227 Liustérnik Lineas mas cortas Mir 1978 88.05 FTA R 113.228 Kagan, V.S. Lobachevski Mir 1986 88.05 FTA R 113.229 Hestenes, D. Space-time Algebra Gordon & Breach 1966 87.01 FTA R 113.230 Blaschke, W. Conferencias de Matemáticas Madrid 1950 88.05 FT R 113.231 Santaló, L.A. Sobre las fórmulas integrales y valores medios referentes.. Contri. Científica 1950 88.05 FTA R 113.232 Kelly, P., Matthews, G. The Non-Euclidean Hyperbolic Plane Springer 1981 88.08 FTA Fotocopia 3-540-90552-9 R 113.233 Kavanau, J.L. Curves and Symmetry Vol. I S. Software S. I. 1980 88.09 FTA 0-937292-01-X R 113.234 Kavanau, J.L. Symmetry: an Analytical Treatment S. Software S. I. 1980 88.09 FTA 0-937392-00-1 R 113.235 Krause, F. Taxicab geometry Dover 1975 88.09 FTA 0-486-25202-7 R 113.236 Blair, D.E. Contact Manifolds in Riemannian Geometry Springer 1976 88.10 FTA 3-540-07626-3 R 113.237 Aigner, M., Jungnicjel, Geometries and Groups Springer 1981 88.10 FTA 3-540-11166-2 R 113.238 Mandelbrot, B.B. Los objetos fractales Tusquets 1987 88.12 MAF p 84-7223-458-4 R 113.239 Rosenfeld, B.A. A History of non-euclidean Geometry Springer 1988 89.01 FTA 3-540-96458-4 R 113.240 Solis, R. y otros Antecedentes de geometrìa analítica Unam 1986 89.05 MAF 968-837-922-0 R 113.241 Crampin, M., Pirani, F.A. Applicable Differential Geometry Cambridge U.P. 1988 90.03 FTA 0-521-23190-6 R 113.242 Dubrovine, B.A., Novikov, Geometria Moderna (Metodos de la Teoria de Homologias) Mir 1987 90.03 FTA R 113.243 Palais, R.S., Terng,Ch. Critical Point Theory and Submanifold Geometry Springer 1988 90.03 FTA 3-540-50399-4 R 113.244 Budinich,P., Trautman,A. The Spinorial Chessboard Springer 1986 90.03 FTA 3-540-19078-3 R 113.245 Thomas,C.B. Elliptic Structures on 3-Manifolds Cambridge 1986 90.03 FTA 0-521-31576-X R 113.246 Todorov,I.T. Conformal Description of Spinning Particles Springer 1986 90.03 FTA 3-540-16890-7 R 113.247 Manin, Yu.I. Gauge Field Theory and Complex Geometry Springer 1988 90.03 FTA 3-540-18275-6 R 113.248 Fiensted-Jensen,M. Analisis on non-Riemannian Symmetric Spaces American 1986 90.03 FTA R 113.249 Nikulin,V.V., Geometries and Groups Springer 1987 90.03 FTA 3-540-15281-4 R 113.250 Ghione,F.,Peskine,C., Space Curves Springer 1980 90.03 FTA 3-540-18020-6 R 113.251 Epstein, D.B.A. Low-dimensional Topology and Kleinian Groups Cambridge 1988 90.03 FTA 0-521-33905-7 R 113.252 Kay, D.C. Cálculo Tensorial Mc Graw-Hill 1989 90.03 FTA 84-7615-453-4 R 113.253 Alexandrov,A.D., General Theory of Irregular Curves Kluwer 1989 90.06 FTA 90-277-2811-9 R 113.254 Gray, A. Tubes Addison-Wesley 1990 90.06 FTA 0-201-15676-8 R 113.255 Benn, I.M., Tucker, R.W. An Introduction to Spinors and Geometry with Applic. in Phys Adam-Hilger 1989 90.11 FTA 0-85274-261-4 R 113.256 Isham, C.J. Modern Differential Geometry for Physicists World Scientific 1989 90.12 FTA 9971-50-957-1 R 113.257 Lima de Faria, J. Historical Atlas of Crystallography Kluwer 1990 91.01 FTA 0-7923-0649-X R 113.258 Shiohama, K. Geometry of Manifolds Academic 1989 90.12 MAF 0-12-640170-5 R 113.259 Barnsley, M. Fractals Everywhere Academic 1988 90.12 MAF 0-12-070962-9 R 1

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13.260 Connes,A. Geometrie Non Commutative Inter 1990 91.04 FTA 2-7296-0284-4 R 113.261 Morera,J.L. Aldeguer,J. Cónicas y Cuádricas UPV 91.10 MAF Extraviad CONSUELO MUÑOZ 847721-061-6 R 113.262 Lipschutz, M.M. Geometria Diferencial Mc Graw-Hill 1991 93.04 FTA 968-451-096-9 R 113.263 Postnikov, M. Leçons de Géométrie- Géométrie Analytique MIR 1988 93.05 FTA 5-03-000938-8 R 113.264 Postnikov, M. Leçons de Géométrie- Variétés Différentiables MIR 1990 93.05 FTA 5-03-000938-8 R 113.265 Postnikov, M. Géométrie Différentielle MIR 1990 93.06 FTA 5-03-000938-8 R 113.266 Gusev, V. Litvinenco, V. Solving Problems in Geometry MIR 1988 93.05 FTA 5-03-000499-8 R 113.267 Deltheil, R. Caire, D. Geómetrie et Compléments Jacques Gabay 1989 93.05 FTA Extraviad J.BOSCO 2-87647-050-0 R 113.268 Chasles, M. Aperçu Historique sur l'origine et le développement des Jacques Gabay 1989 93.05 FTA 2-87647-057-8 R 113.269 Lebesgue, H. Les Coniques Jacques Gabay 1988 93.05 FTA Extraviad J.B0SC0 2-87647-022-5 R 113.270 Cartan, E. Leçons sur la Géométrie Projective Complexe Jacques Gabay 1992 93.05 FTA 2-87647-015-2 R 113.271 Lebesgue, H. Leçons sur les Constructions Géométriques Jacques Gabay 1987 93.05 FTA 2-87647-002-0 R 113.272 Lalesco, T. La Géometrie du Triangle Jacques Gabay 1983 93.05 FTA 2-87647-007-1 R 113.273 Faber, R.L. Foundations of Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometry Dekker 1983 93.05 FTA 0-8247-1748-1 R 113.274 Lovett, D.R. Tensor Properies of Cristals Adam Hilger 1990 93.05 FTA 0-85274-031-X R 113.275 Postnikov, M. Lie Groups and Lie Algebras U.R.S.S. 1994 96.01 FTA 5-88417-024-6 R 113.276 Mishchenko, A. Fomenko, A Course of Differential Geometry and Topology MIR 1988 93.06 FTA 5-03-000220-0 R 113.277 Benedetti, R. Petronio, Lectures on Hyperbolic Geometry Springer 1991 93.06 FTA 0-387-55534-X R 113.278 Montesinos, J.M. Classical Tessellations and Three-Manifolds Springer 1987 93.06 FTA 3-540-15291-1 R 113.279 Groft, H.T. Falconer, K. Unsolved Problems in Geometry Springer 1991 93.06 FTA 3-540-97506-3 R 113.280 Martin, G.E. The Foundations of Geometry and the Non-Euclidean... Springer 1986 93.06 FTA 0-387-90694-0 R 113.281 Perdigão do Carmo, M. Riemannian Geometry Birkhäuser 1993 93.07 FTA 3-7643-3490-8 R 113.282 Stillwell, J. Geometry of Surfaces Springer 1992 93.07 FTA 3-540-97743-0 R 113.283 Berger, M. Geometry I Springer 1987 93.12 FTA 3-540-11658-0 R 113.284 Berger, M. Geometry II Springer 1987 93.07 FTA 0-387-17015-4 R 113.285 Millman, R.S. Parker, G. Geometry A Metric Approach with Models Springer 1993 93.09 FTA 0-387-97412-1 R 113.286 Chern, J.J. Global Differential Geometry MAA 1989 93.09 MAF 0-88385-129-6 R 113.287 Pogorelov, A. Geometry MIR 1987 93.10 FTA R 113.288 Fejes-Toth, L. Regular Figures Franklin Book Co. 1993 93.11 FTA R 113.289 Postnikov,M. Analytic Geometry S.I U.R.S.S. 1994 96.01 FTA 5-88417-028-9 R 113.290 Postnikov,M. Linear Algebra and Differential Geometry S.II U.R.S.S. 1994 96.01 FTA 5-88417-029-7 R 113.291 Postnikov,M. Smooth Manifolds S. III V. I U.R.S.S. 1994 96.01 FTA 5-88417-026-2 R 113.292 Postnikov,M. Smooth Manifolds S. III V. II U.R.S.S. 1994 96.01 FTA 5-88417-027-0 R 113.293 Postnikov,M. Géométrie différentille S.IV V. I U.R.S.S. 1994 96.01 FTA 5-88417-045-9 R 113.294 Postnikov,M. Géométrie différentille S.IV V. II U.R.S.S. 1994 96.01 FTA 5-88417-047-5 R 113.295 Vera López, A. Geom. Diferencial Autor 1994 MAF R 113.296 Ramsay, A. y Richtmyer, Introduction to Hyperbolic Geometry Springer 1995 MAF 0-387-94339-0 R 113.297 Ratcliffe, J.G. Graduate Text in Mathematics. 149 Foundations of Hyperbolic Springer 1994 MAF 0-387-94249-1 R 113.298 Hladik, J. Les Spineurs en Physique Masson 1996 98.05 FTA 2-225-85313-4 R 113.299 Peitgen, H.O. Fractals for the classroom: Strategic activities Springer 1992 99.03 MAF R 1

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13.300 Kreyszig, E. Differential Geometry Dover 1991 99.03 FTA 0-486-6721 R 113.301 Federer, H. Geometric Mesure Theory Springer 1969 99.04 FTA Fotocopia R 113.302 Stoker, J.J. Differential Geometry John Wiley & Son 1969 99.04 FTA R 113.303 Yaglom, I.M. Les Nombres Complexes et leurs applications en Géométrie Dunod 1966 99.04 FTA Fotocopia R 113.304 Manin, Yu.I. Topics in Noncommutative Geometry Univ. Princenton 1991 99.04 FTA Fotocopia 0-691-08588 R 113.305 Lawson, H.B.Jr. Spin Geometry Univ. Princeton 1989 99.04 FTA 0-691-08542 R 113.306 Reese Harvey, F. Spinors and Calibrations Academic 1990 99.04 FTA Fotocopia 0-12-329650 R 113.307 Fedenko, A.S. Problemas de Geometría diferencial Mir 1981 99.10 FTA R 113.308 Yale, P.B. Geometry and Simmetry Dover 1988 99.11 FTA 0-486-65779 R 113.309 Guggenheimer, H.W. Differential Geometry Dover 1997 99.11 FTA 0-486-63433 R 113.310 Holden, A. Shapes , Space and Simmetry Dover 1991 99.11 FTA 0-486-26851 R 113.311 Osserman, R. A Survey of Minimal Surfaces Dover 1986 99.11 FTA 0-486-64998 R 113.312 Schouten, J.A. Tensor Analysis for Physicists Dover 1988 99.11 FTA 0-486-65582 R 113.313 Pedoe, D. GEOMETRY a Comprehensive course Dover 1988 99.11 FTA 0-486-65812 R 113.314 Descartes, R. The Geometry of Rene Descartes Dover 1988 99.11 FTA 0-486-60068 R 113.315 Blumenthal, L.M. A Modern view of Geometry Dover 1980 99.11 FTA 0-486-63962 R 113.316 Lounesto, P. Clifford Algebras and Spinors Cambridge U. 1997 00.02 FTA 052159916 R 113.317 Chern, S.S. Lectures on Differential Geometry World Scientific 1999 00-02 FTA 981-02-3494 R 113.318 Grinberg, E. (ed.) Integral Geometry and Tomography (Proceeding J.R.C.1989) AMS 1990 00.05 FTA 0-8218-5120 R 113.319 Blumenthal, L.M. Methods and Problems of Distance Geometry C.S.I.C 1948 06.00 FTA R 113.320 Vidal Abascal, E. Geometría Integral sobre las Superficies Curvas C.S.I.C. 1950 00.06 FTA R 113.321 Pedoe, D. CIRCLES: a mathematical view MAA ? 00.06 FTA 0-88385-518 R 113.322 Gardner, R.J. Geometric Tomography Cambridge 1995 00.11 FTA 0-521-45126 R 113.323 Gamkrelidze, R.V.(ed.) Geometry I Springer 1991 00.11 FTA 0-387-51999 R 113.324 Arnold, V.I. Singularidades de Caústicas y de Frentes de Ondas Rubiños 01.03 FTA 84-8041-122 R 113.325 Dubrovin, B.A. Geometría Moderna : Métodos y Aplicaciones I URSS 2000 01.04 FTA 5-8360-0043 R 113.326 Dubrovin, B.A. Geometría Moderna : Métodos y Aplicaciones II URSS 2000 01.04 FTA 5-8360-0044 R 113.327 Choquet- Bruhat , Y. Analysis, Manifolds and Physics Part II Elsevier 2000 01.07 FTA 0-444-50473 R 113.328 Dodson, C.T.J. Tensor Geometry Springer 1991 01.10 FTA 3-540-52018 R 113.329 Goldberg, S.I. Curvature and Homology Dover 1998 01.10 FTA 0-486-40207 R 113.330 Kinsey, I.C. Symmetry, Shape and Space KEY 2001 01.10 FTA 1-930190-09 R 113.331 Gray, A. Modern Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces CRC 1998 01.10 FTA 0-8493-7164 R 113.332 Stawell Ball, R. A Treatise on the theory of Screws Cambridge 1998 02.02 FTA 0-521-63650 R 113.333 Hudson, R.W.H.T. Kummer´s Quartic Surface Cambrdge 1990 02.02 FTA 0-521-39790 R 113.334 Cecil, T.E. Lie Sphere Geometry Springer 1992 02.02 FTA 0-387-97747 R 113.335 Pressley, A. Elementary Differential Geometry Springer 2001 02.02 FTA 1-85233-152 R 113.336 Goldman, W.M. Complex Hyperbolic Geometry Clarendon 1999 02.04 FTA 0-19-853793 R 113.337 Olmo del, M. (ed.) Octavo Encuentro de Otoño de Geometría Física R.S.M.E. 1999 02.06 FTA 84-923818-4 R 113.338 Salzman, H. Compact Proyective Planes W de G 1995 2002 FTA 6938-6572 R 113.339 Schneider, R. Convex Bodies: The Brunn-Minkowski Theory Cambridge 1993 2002 FTA 0-521-35220 R 1

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13.340 Thurston, W.P. Tree-Dimensional Geometry and Topology Princeton 1997 2002 FTA 0-691-08304 R 113.341 Thomas, T.Y. The Differential Invariant of Generalized Spaces Chelsea 1991 2002 FTA R 113.342 Salmon,G. Conic Sections Chelsea 1991 2002 FTA R 113.343 Sommerville, D.M.Y. Bibliography of Non-Euclidean Geometry Chelsea 2002 FTA R 113.344 Coxeter, M.S.M. The Beauty of Geometry Dover 1999 2002 FTA 0-486-40919 R 113.345 Kappraff, J. Connetions.The geometric bridge betwen art and science World Scientific 2001 2002 MAF 981-02-4586 R 113.346 Akivis, M.A. Élie Cartan (1869 - 1951) AMS 1993 2003 FTA 0-8218-4587 R 113.347 Morgan, F. Geometric Measure Theory Academic 2000 2003 FTA 0-12-506851 R 113.348 Conway, J.H. ON Quaternions and Octonions A K Peters 2003 2003 FTA 1-56881-134 R 113.349 Lebedev, L.P. Tensor Analysis World Scientific 2003 2004 FTA 981-238-360 R 113.350 Edgar, G.A. Classics on Fractals Westview 2004 2004 FTA 0-8133-4153 R 113.351 Thorpe, J.A. Elementary Topics in Differential Geometry Springer 1979 2006 FTA 0-387-90357 R 113.352 Holme, A. Geometry our Cultural Heritage Springer 2002 2006 FTA 3-540-41949 R 113.353 Hertrich-Jeromin, U. Introduction to Mobius Differential Geometry Cambridge 2003 2006 FTA 0-521-53569 R 113.354 Coxeter, M.S.M. The Beauty of Geometry Dover 2006 MAF R 113.355 Stillwell, J. Sources of Hyperbolic Geometry AMS 1996 2006 FTA Fotocopia 0-8218-0922 R 113.356 Fecko,M. Differential Geometry and Lie Groups for Physiciens Cambridge 2006 2007 FTA 0-521-84507 R 113.357 Iskov, M. Tensor Algebra and Tensor Analysis for Engineers Springer 2007 2007 FTA 3-540-36046-9 R 113.358 Russell, B. An Essay on the Foundations of Modern Geometry Dover 2003 2007 FTA 0-486-49555-8 R 113.359 Anderson, J.W. Hyperbolic Geometry 2ª ed. Springer 2007 2007 FTA 1-85233-934-0 R 113.360 Onishchik, A.L. Projective and Cayley-Klein Geometies Springer 2006 2007 FTA 3-540-35644-4 R 113.361 Gray, A. Modern Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces with Chapman&Hall 2006 2008 FTA 1-58488-448-7 R 113.362 Rodriguez de Abajo, F.J. Problemas de Geometría Descriptiva Marfil 1969 2008 FTA Donación EUP R 113.363 Éfimov, N. Éléments de Géométrie Analytique Mir 1976 2008 FTA Donación EUP R 113.364 Shariguin, I. Problemas de Geometría. Planimetría Mir 1989 2008 FTA Donación EUP 5-03-000657-5 R 113.365 Fiorot, J.C. Courbes et Surfaces Rationnelles Masson 1989 2008 FTA Donación EUP 2-225-81738-3 R 113.366 Mishchenko, A, A course of Differential Geometry and Topology Mir 1988 2008 MAF 5-03-000220-0 R 113.367 Blumental, L.M. Geometría Axiomática Aguilar 1965 2008 MAF R 113.368 Pál, I. Geometría Descriptiva con Figuras Estereoscópicas Aguilar 1965 2008 MAF R 113.369 Ogilvy, C.S. Excursions in Geometry Dover 1990 2008 FTA 0-486-26530-7 R 113.370 Sommervielle, D.M.Y. The Elements of Non-Eucidean Geometry Dover 2005 2008 FTA 0-486-44222-5 R 113.371 Durrel, C.V. Advanced Trigonometry Dover 2003 2008 FTA 0-486-43229-7 R 113.372 Seidenberg, A. Lectures in Projective Geometry Dover 2005 2008 FTA 0-486-44618-2 R 113.373 Gauss, C.F. General Investigations of Curved Surfaces Dover 2005 2008 FTA 0-486-44645-X R 113.374 Cremona, L. Elwements of Projective Geometry Dover 2005 2008 FTA 0-486-44266-7 R 113.375 Gelfand, I.M. The Method of Coordinates Dover 2002 2008 FTA 0-486-42565-7 R 113.376 Busemann, H. The Geometry of Geodesics Dover 2005 2008 FTA 0-486-44237-3 R 113.377 Brown, H.T. 507 Mechanical Movements. Mechanisms and Devices Dover 2005 2008 FTA 0-486-44360-4 R 113.378 Chatterjee, D. Analytical Geometry .Two and ThreeDimensions Alpha Science 2009 2009 FTA 1-84265-459-0 R 113.379 Vince, J. Geometric Algebra for Computer Graphics Springer 2008 2009 FTA 1-84628-995-5 R 1

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13.380 Burgos de, J. Curvas y Superficies García-Maroto 2008 2009 MAF 84-936299-3-9 R 113.381 Wasserman, R.H. Rensor and Manifolds Oxford 2009 2009 FTA 978-0-19 R 113.382 Benz, W. Classical Geometries in Modern Contexts Birkhäuser 2007 2009 FTA 978-3-7643 R 113.383 Fulton, W. Intersection Theory Springer 1998 2010 FTA 0-387-98549-2 R 113.384 Ruíz-Tolosa, J.R. From Vectors to Tensors Springer 2005 2010 FTA 3-540-22887-X R 113.385 Andersen, K. The Geometry of an Art Springer 2007 2010 FTA 0-387-25961-1 R 113.386 Montiel, S. Curves and Surfaces AMS 2009 2010 FTA 978-0-8218 R 113.389 Prieto Alberca, M. Geometría Aplicada al Diseño A.D.I. 2010 2011 FTA 978-84-931805 R 113.390 Springer, C.E. Tensor and Vector Analysis with Applications to Differential Dover Publications 2012 2012 FTAO1 978-0-486 013.391 Vac 013.392 Vac 013.393 Vac 013.394 Vac 013.395 Vac 013.396 Vac 013.397 Vac 013.398 Vac 013.399 Vac 013.400 Vac 013.401 Vac 013.402 Vac 013.403 Vac 013.404 Vac 013.405 Vac 014.000 ========================= ========================= ECUACIONES DIFERENCIALES E Cab 1;;; R 214.001 Lambe, G.G., Tranter Ecuaciones Diferenciales Utema 1964 FT Extraviad R 214.002 Tijonov, A., Samarsky, A. Ecuaciones de la Física Matemática Mir 1972 FT R 214.003 Kells, L.M. Elementary Differential Equations Mc Graw Hill 1960 FT R 214.004 Pontriagin, L.S. Ecuaciones Diferenciales Ordinarias Aguilar 1973 FT R 214.005 Pontriagin, L.S. Equations Différentielles Ordinaires Mir 1975 FT R 214.006 Smithies, F. Integral Equations Cambridge 1970 FT 0 521 06502 X R 214.007 Legras, J. Techniques de Résolution des Equations aux Dérivées Partiel. Dunod 1956 FT R 214.008 Rey Pastor, J. Los Problemas Lineales de la Física INTAET 1955 FT R 214.009 Yosida, K. Equations Différentielles et Intégrales Dunod 1971 71.11 FT R 214.010 Mijáilov, V.P. Ecuaciones Diferenciales en Derivadas Parciales Mir 1978 FT R 214.011 Haack, W. Wendlarnd, W. Lectures on Partial and Pfaffian Differential Equations Pergamon 1972 FT R 214.012 Hormander, L. Linear Partial Differential Operators Springer 1969 72.12 FT R 214.013 Hale J.K. Ordinary Differential Equations Krieger 1980 FT 0-89874-0118 R 214.014 Kuntzmann, J. Systémes Différentiels Hermann 1967 FT R 214.015 Bland, D.R. Solutions of Laplace's Equation Routledge 1961 FT R 2

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14.016 Churchill, R.V. Series de Fourier y Problemas de Contorno Mc Graw Hill 1966 FT R 214.017 Dou, A. Ecuaciones en Derivadas Parciales Dossat 1970 FT R 214.018 Kiseliov, Krasnov Problemas de Ecuaciones Diferenciales Ordinarias Dossat 1943 FT R 214.019 Hsied, P.F., Stoddort, A. Analytic Theory of Differential Equations Springer 1971 FT 3-540-05369-7 R 214.020 Plaat, O. Ecuaciones Diferenciales Ordinarias Reverté 1974 FT 84-291-5108-7 R 214.021 Dickenson, A.B. Differential Equations. Theory and Use in Time and Motion Addison Wesley 1972 FT R 214.022 Hilbert, D Integral Gleich-Ungen Chelsea 1953 GIFT R 214.023 Sommerfeld, A. Partial Differential Equations in Physics Academic 1967 86.11 FT R 214.024 Tyn Myint, U. Partial Differential Equations of Mathematical Physics North-Holland 1980 86.11 FTA 0-444-00352-5 R 214.025 Spain, B. Ordinary Differential Equations Van Nostrand 1969 70.05 GIFT R 214.026 Forsyth, A.R. Theory of Differential Equations Vol. I, II Dover 1959 GIFT R 214.027 Forsyth, A.R. Theory of Differential Equations Vol. V, VI Dover 1959 FT Extraviad R 214.028 Forsyth, A.R. Theory of Differential Equations Vol. V, VI Dover 1959 GIFT R 214.029 Chester, C.R. Techniques in Partial Differential Equations Mc Graw Hill 1971 FT Extraviad R 214.030 Dou, A. Mendizabal, A. Ecuaciones en Derivadas Parciales y su Resolución Númerica E.T.S.I. Madrid 1973 FT 84-600-5537-X R 214.031 Dou, A. Mendizabal, A. Ecuaciones en Derivadas Parciales y su Resolución Númerica E.T.S.I. Madrid 1973 FT 84-600-5547-X R 214.032 Boman, A. Introduction to Partial Differential Equations:From Fourier Addison Wesley 1970 FT R 214.033 Erwe, F. Ecuaciones Diferenciales Ordinarias Seleci. Cientif. 1970 FT R 214.034 Tenembaum, M., Pollard, Ordinary Differential Equations Dover 1963 86.12 FTA 0-486-64940-7 R 214.035 Rodriguez Vidal, R. Ecuaciones Diferenciales y Temas Afines Vicens-Vives 1972 FT Extraviad Salas R 214.036 Golomb, M. Shanks, M. Elements of Ordinary Differential Equations Mc Graw-Hill 1965 FT R 214.037 Coddington, E.A. Introducción a las Ecuaciones Diferenciales Ordinarias CECSA 1971 FT R 214.038 Gunther, N.M. La Theorie du Potentiel et ses Applications de la Phys.Math. Gauthier Villars 1934 FT R 214.039 Brelot, M. Elements de la Theorie Classique du Potentiel CDU 1961 FT R 214.040 Petrovski, I. Lecciones de la Teoría de las Ecuaciones Integrales Mir 1971 FT R 214.041 Petrovski, I. Lecciones de la Teoría de las Ecuaciones Integrales Mir 1976 FT R 214.042 Smirnov, M.M. Problemas de Ecuaciones de la Física Matemática Mir 1976 FT R 214.043 Krasnov, Kiseliov, Ecuaciones Integrales Mir 1977 FT R 214.044 Elsgoltz, L. Ecuaciones Diferenciales y Cálculo Variacional Mir 1977 FT Extraviad R 214.045 Blanc, Ch. Les Equations Différentielles de la Technique Dunod 1947 FT R 214.046 Hurewicz, W Sobre Ecuaciones Diferenciales Ordinarias Rialp 1966 FT R 214.047 Leighton, W. An Introduction to the Theory of Differential Equations Mc Graw-Hill 1952 FT R 214.048 Miller, W. Symmetry and Separation of Variables Addison Wesley 1977 FT 0-201-13503-5 R 214.049 Ince, E.L. Integración de Ecuaciones Diferenciales Ordinarias Dossat 1943 FT R 214.050 Ince, E.L. Integración de Ecuaciones Diferenciales Ordinarias Dossat 1943 GIFT R 214.051 Copson, E.T. Partial Differential Equations Cambridge 1975 FT 0-521-09893-9 R 214.052 John, F. Partial Differential Equations Vol. I Verlag 1982 86.11 FTA 0-387-90609-6 R 214.053 Folland, G.B. Introduction to Partial Differential Equations Princeton 1976 FT R 214.054 Arnold, V.I. Equations Differentielles Ordinaires Mir 1974 FT R 214.055 Ince, C.L. Ordinary Differential Equations Dover 1956 GIFT R 2

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14.056 Derrick, W.R. Grossman, Elementary Differential Equations With Applications Addison Wesley 1981 FT 0-201-03162-0 R 214.057 Moiseiwitsch, B.L. Integral Equations Longmans 1977 FT 0-582-44288-5 R 214.058 Lapwood, E.R. Ordinary Differential Equations Pergamon 1968 FT R 214.059 Simmons, F. Ecuaciones Diferenciales Mc Graw-Hill 1980 FT 986-451240-6 R 214.060 Novikov, Manakov, Theory of Solitons. The Inverse Scattering Method. Consultants Bureau 1984 FT 0-306-10977-8 R 214.061 Rebbi, C., Soliani, G. Solitons and Particles World Scientific 1984 FT Extraviad G.Prada 9971-966-433 R 214.062 Ovsiannikov, L.V. Group Analysis of Differential Equations Academic 1982 FT 0-12-531801-1 R 214.063 Rogers, C., Shadwick, W. Backlund Transformations and Their Applications Academic 1982 FT 0-12-592850-5 R 214.064 Coddington, E.A., Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations TMH 1972 FT R 214.065 Davies, B. Integral Transforms and Their Applications Springer 1985 FT 0-387-96080-5 R 214.066 Lefschetz, S. Differential Equations: Geometric Theory Dover 1977 FT 0-483-63463-9 R 214.067 Folland, G.B. Introduction to Partial Differential Equations Princeton 1976 86.11 FTA R 214.068 Ablowitz, M.J., Segurh. Solitions and the Inverse Scattering Transform Siam 1981 86.11 FTA 0-89871-174-6 R 214.069 Tonelli, L Serie Trigonometriche Zanichelli, N. 1928 FT R 214.070 Krasnov,M.L. Makarenko,O. Cálculo Variacional Mir 1976 FT R 214.071 Petrovski, I.G. Ordinary Differential Equations Dover 1973 86.12 FTA R 214.072 Petrovski, I.G. Ordinary Differential Equations Dover 1973 86.12 FTA 0-486-64685-1 R 214.073 Hochstadt, H. Differential Equations, a Modern Approach Dover 1975 86.12 FTA 0-486-61941-9 R 214.074 Hochstadt, H Differential Equations, a Modern Approach Dover 1975 86.12 FTA 0-486-61941-9 R 214.075 Milne, W.E. Numerical Solution of Differential Equations Dover 1970 86.12 FTA 486-62437-4 R 214.076 Milne, W.E. Numerical Solutions of Differential Equations Dover 1970 86.12 FTA 0-486-62437-4 R 214.077 Martin, W.T. Reissner, E Elementary Differential Equations Dover 86.12 FTA 0-486-65024-3 R 214.078 Ewing, G.M. Calculus of Variations With Applications Dover 1985 86.12 FTA 0-486-64856-7 R 214.079 Tricomi, F.G. Integral Equations Dover 1985 86.12 FTA 0-486-64828-1 R 214.080 Sanchez, D.A. Ordinary Differential Equat.and Stability Theory:An Introduc Dover 86.12 FTA R 214.081 Saaty, T.L. Modern Non-Linear Equations Dover 1981 86.12 FTA 0-486-64232-1 R 214.082 Lakin, W.D., Sanchez, D. Topics in Ordinary Differential Equations Dover 1982 86.12 FTA 0-486-61606-1 R 214.083 Lefschetz, S. Differential Equations: Geometric Theory Dover 1977 86.12 FTA 0-486-63463-9 R 214.084 Weinstock, R. Calculus of Variations Dover 1974 86.12 FTA 0-486-63069-2 R 214.085 Ince, E.L. Ordinary Differential Equations Dover 1956 86.12 FTA R 214.086 Am. Math. Soc.(ed) Calculus of Variations and its Applications Mc Graw-Hill 1958 87.03 FT R 214.087 Treves, F. Basic Linear Partial Differential Equations Academic 1975 87.03 FTA 0-12-699440-4 R 214.088 Bluman, G.W., Cole, J.D. Similarity Methods for Differential Equations Springer 1974 87.04 FTA Fotocopia 0-367-90107-8 R 214.089 Kartashov, A.B. Ec. Dif. Ordinarias y Fund. del Cálculo Variacional Reverté 1980 87.06 MAF 84-291-5083-8 R 214.090 Plaat, O. Ecuaciones Diferenciales Ordinarias Reverté 1974 87.11 FTA R 214.091 Hirsch, M.W. Ecuaciones Diferenciales Sistemas Dinámicos Alianza 1983 87.11 FTA 84-206-8061-3 R 214.092 Ross, S.L. Ecuaciones Diferenciales Reverté 1981 87.11 FTA 84-2915113-3 R 214.093 Godunov, S.K. Ecuaciones de la Física Matematica Mir 1984 87.11 FTA R 214.094 Guzman, M. Ecuaciones Diferenciales Ordinarias Alhambra 1980 87.11 FTA 84-205-0554-4 R 214.095 Arnold, V.I. Chapitres Suppl. de la theorie des Equations Differentielles Mir 1984 87.11 FTA R 2

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14.096 Dou, A. Ecuaciones Diferenciales Ordinarias Dossat 1969 87.11 FTA R 214.097 Boyce, W.E. Ecuaciones Diferenciales y Problemas con Valores en la Front Limusa 1985 87.11 FTA 968-18-0107-5 R 214.098 Ross, S.M. Ecuaciones Diferenciales Reverté 1981 MAF 84-291-5113-3 R 214.099 Hochstadt, H. Differential Ecuations Mir 1964 88.05 FTA 0-486-61941-9 R 214.100 Konopelchenko,B.G. Non Lineal Integrable Equations Springer 1987 88.08 FTA 3-540-17567-9 R 214.101 Olver, F.W.J. Computer Science and Applied Mathematics Academic 1974 88.09 FTA 0-12-525850-X R 214.102 Mairer, E., Morsett, S.P. Solving ordinary Differential Equations Board 1987 88.10 FTA 3-540-17145-2 R 214.103 Marshall, G. (a,b) Solución numérica de ecuaciones diferenciales I y II Reverté 1985 89.05 MAF R 214.104 Elsgoltz, L. Ecuaciones Diferenciales y Cálculo Variacional Mir 1969 90.03 FTA R 214.105 Puig Adam,P. Ecuaciones Diferenciales Nuevas Gráficas 1962 90.03 FTA Fotocopia R 214.106 Elsgoltz, L. Ecuaciones Diferenciales y Cálculo Variacional Mir 1983 90.03 FTA R 214.107 Mawhin,J., Willen,M. Critical Point Theory and Hamiltonian Systems Springer 1989 90.03 FTA 0-387-96908-X R 214.108 Newton, R.G. Inverse Schrödinger Scattering in Three Dimensions Springer 1989 90.03 FTA 3-540-50563-X R 214.109 Takhtajan, L.A., Faddeer, Hamiltonian Methods in the Theory of Solitons Springer 1986 90.03 FTA 3-540-15579-1 R 214.110 Gray,J. Linear Diff. Eq. and Group Theory from Riemann to Poincaré Birkhäuser 1986 90.06 FTA 0-1876-3318-9 R 214.111 Tabor, M. Chaos and Integrability in nonlinear Dynamics Wiley 1989 91.09 FTA 0-471-82728-2 R 214.112 Hayek, N. Tablas de ecuaciones diferenciales S. Publ. Laguna 1989 91.09 MAF 84-7756-201-6 R 214.113 Duchateau, P., Zachmann, Ecuaciones diferenciales parciales M. Graw 1988 91.09 MAF 968-422-276-9 R 214.114 Duchateau, P. Zachmann,D. Ecuaciones diferenciales parciales M. Graw 1988 91.09 MAF 968-422-276-9 R 214.115 Brechtken-Mandelscheid, V Calculus of variations Chapman 1991 92.03 MAF 0-412-36700 R 214.116 Filippov, V.M. Variational Principles for non Potencial Operators AMS 1989 92.10 MAF 0-8218-4529-2 R 214.117 Takeuchi, Y. Ramirez Ecuciones Diferenciales Limusa 1982 93.04 MAF 968-18-0683-2 R 214.118 Pipkin, A.C. A Course on Integral Equations Springer 1991 93.05 FTA 0-387-97557-8 R 214.119 Zwillinger, D. Handbook of Differential Equations Academic 1992 93.06 FTA 0-12-784391-4 R 214.120 Grimshaw, R. Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations Blackwell Scientific 1990 93.09 FTA 0-632-02708-8 R 214.121 Pita Ruíz, C. Ecuaciones Diferenciales Limusa 1992 1992 MAF 968-18-3057-1 R 214.122 Ayres Frank, Jr. Ecuaciones Diferenciales Mc Graw-Hill 1991 94.10 MAF 970-10-0004-8 R 214.123 Ross, C.C. Differential Equations Springer 1995 95.03 MAF 0-387-94301-3 R 214.124 Hovo, S. Obaya, R. Ecuaciones y Sistemas Diferenciales Mc Graw-Hill 1995 95.06 MAF 84-481-1693-3 R 214.125 Edwards, C.H. Jr. Penney, Ecuaciones Diferenciales Elementales y Probl. con condición Prentice Hall 1993 95.11 MAF 0-13-253410 R 214.126 Kiseliov, A. Problemas de Ecuaciones Diferenciales Ordinarias Mir 1992 MAF 84-8041-015-9 R 214.127 Himmelblau, D. M. Análisis y Simulación de Procesos REVERTE 1992 MAF 84-291-7235-1 R 214.128 Edwards, C.H. Ecuaciones Diferenciales Elementales y Problemas PHH 1994 MAF 986-880-414-2 R 214.129 Kent Nagle. R. Fundamentos de Ecuaciones Diferenciales Addison-Wesley 1992 MAF 0-201-51836-8 R 214.130 Eastham,M.S.P. The Spectral Theory of Periodic Differential Equations Scottish Academic 1973 98.12 FTA 70111936 R 214.131 Krasnov, M.K. A book of problems in Ordinary Differential Equations URSS 1994 99.03 FTA 5-88417-050 R 214.132 Vladimirov, V.S. Equations of Mathematical Physics URSS 1996 99.03 FTA 5-88417-048 R 214.133 Gelfand, I.M. Calculus of Variations Prentice-Hall 1963 99.04 FTA R 214.134 Bellman, R. Modern Elementary Differential Equations Dover 1995 99.04 MAF 0-486-68643 R 214.135 Kallaher, M.J. Revolutions in Differential Equations - Exploring ODEs with MAA ? 00.06 FTA 0-88385-160 R 2

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14.136 Abia Vian , J.A. Cálculo Diferencial en Rn. Teoría y Ejercicios Germinal 1998 00.10 FTA 84-605-8597 R 214.137 Podlubny ,I. Fractional Differential Equations Academic 1999 01.06 FTA 0-12-558840 R 214.138 Garabedian, P.R. Partial Differential Equations AMS Chelsea 1999 02.06 FTA 0-8218-1377 R 214.139 Zauderer, E. Partial Differential Equations of Applied Mathematics Wiley 1998 02.06 FTA 0-471-31516 R 214.140 Strauss, W.A. Partial Differential Equations :an Introduction Wiley 1992 02.06 FTA 0-471-54868 R 214.141 Kevorkian, J. Partial Differential Equations Springer 1993 02.06 FTA 0-387-98605 R 214.142 Guftafson, K.E. Partial Differential Equations and Hilbert Space Methods Dover 1993 02.06 MAF 0-486-67620 R 214.143 Farlow, S.J. Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers Dover 1993 02.06 MAF 0-486-67620 R 214.144 Guenther, R.B. Partial Differential Equations of Mathematical Physics And Dover 1996 02.06 MAF 0-486-68889 R 214.145 POlyanin, A.D. Handbook of Partial Differential Equations for Engineers and Chapman & Hall 2002 2003 FTA 1-58488-299 R 214.146 POlyanin, A.D. Handbook of Partial Differential Equations for Engineers and Chapman & Hall 2002 2003 MAF 1-58488-299 R 214.147 Habernan, R. Ecuaciones en Derivadas Parciales Prentice Hall 2003 2003 MAF 84-205-3534-6 R 214.148 Wazmaz, A.M. Partial Differential Equations Balkema 2002 2003 MAF R 214.149 Carbayo Martinez, E. Ecuaciones Diferenciales Ordinarias UMBON 1982 2005 FTA 84-300-9974 R 214.150 Pinchover, Y. An Introduction to Partial Differentia Equations Cambridge 2005 2006 FTA 0-521-61323 R 214.151 Greenspan, Introduction to Partial Differential Equations Dover 2006 MAF R 214.152 Bellman, R. Perturbation Techniques Dover 2006 MAF R 214.153 Sagan, H. Introduction to the Calculus of Variations Dover 1992 2006 MAF 0-486-67366-9 R 214.154 Bellman, R. Modern Elements Differential Equations Dover 1995 2006 MAF 0-486-68643-4 R 214.155 Duchateau, P. Applied Partial Diffewrential Equations Dover 2002 2006 MAF 0-486-41976-2 R 214.156 Evans, L.C. Partial Differential Equations AMS 2002 2006 FTA 0-8218-0772 R 214.157 Fernández Pérez, C. Ecuaciones diferenciales y en diferencias. Sistemas THOMSON 2003 2006 FTA 84-9732-198 R 214.158 Ganzha, V.G. Numerical Solutions for Partial Differential Equations CRC 1996 2008 FTA 0-8493-7379-4 R 214.159 Magnus, W. Hill´s Equations Dover 2004 2008 FTA 0-486-49565-5 R 214.160 Jones, D.S. Differential Equations and Mathematical Biology Chapman & Hall 2003 2008 FTA 1-58488-296-4 R 214.161 Tarasiévich, Iu.Iú. Simulación Matemática y Computacional URSS 2004 2008 FTA 5-354-01059-4 R 214.162 Morris, M. Ecuaciones Diferenciales Aguilar 1964 2008 MAF R 214.163 Vac 014.164 Hancock, H. Lectures on the Theory of Elliptic Functions Dover 2004 2008 FTA 0-486-43825-2 R 214.165 Hille, E. Ordinary Differential Eq. in the Complex Domain Dover 1997 2008 FTA 0-486-69620-0 R 214.166 Szegö, G. Orthogonal Polynomials AMS 2003 2009 FTA 0-8218-1023-5 R 214.167 Hirsch. M.W. Diff. Equat., Dyn. Syst. & An Introd. to Chaos Academic 2004 2009 FTA 0-12-349703-5 R 214.168 Arnold, V.I. Lectures on Part. Diff. Eq. Springer 2004 2010 FTA 987-3-540 R 214.169 Arnold, V.I. Singularity Theory I Springer 1998 2010 FTA 3-540-63711-7 R 214.170 Simmons, G.F. Ecuaciones diferenciales. Mc Graw-Hill 2007 2011 MAF 10-970-10 R 214.171 Vac 014.172 Vac 014.173 Vac 014.174 Vac 014.175 Vac 0

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14.176 Vac 014.177 Vac 014.178 Vac 014.179 Vac 014.180 Vac 014.181 Vac 014.182 Vac 014.183 Vac 014.184 Vac 014.185 Vac 015.000 ========================= ========================= ANALISIS GENERAL Cab 1;;; R 115.001 Friedman, A. Foundations of Modern Analysis Holt & Rinehart 1970 71.03 GIFT 03-081291-7 R 115.002 Guichardet, A. Analyse Harmonique Commutative Dunod 1968 73.05 FT R 115.003 Landau, E. Differential and Integral Calculus Chelsea 1951 GIFT Extraviad R 115.004 Doneddu, A. Complements d'analyse Dunod 1968 FT R 115.005 Phillips, E.G. Funciones de una Variable Compleja Dossat 1944 FT Extraviad R 115.006 Cartan, H. Teoría Elemental de las Funciones Analíticas de una y Varias Selc.Cientificas 1968 FT R 115.007 Hladik, J. La Transformation de Laplace à Plusieurs Variables Masson & Cie 1969 70.05 GIFT R 115.008 Bourbaki, N. Integration (Chap IX) Hermann 1969 73.05 FT R 115.009 Hewitt, E. Ross, K.A. Abstract Harmonic Analysis (I) Springer 1963 FT R 115.010 Rasulov, M.L. Methods of Contour Integration North-Holland 1967 FT R 115.011 Rudin, W. Principios de Análisis Matemático Castillo 1972 FT 84-219-0206-7 R 115.012 Dieudonné, J. Foundations of Modern Analysis Academic 1960 FT R 115.013 Dieudonne, J. Fundamentos de Analisis Moderno Reverté, S.A. 1966 73.05 FT R 115.014 Dieudonne, J. Elements d'Analyse (Tome 4) Gauthier Villars 1971 71.11 FT R 115.015 Dieudonne, J. Teatrise on Analysis (Vol. II) Academic 1970 71.03 GIFT R 115.016 Pyatetskii-Shapiro,I. Authomorphic Functions and the Geometry of Classical Domains Gordon & Breach 1969 71.01 FT R 115.017 Hua, L.K. Harmonic Analysis of Functions of Several Complex Am. Math. Soc. 1963 71.01 FT 821-81556-3 R 115.018 Cuesta Dutari, N. "40 Lecciones de Analisis Matemático" Salamanca 1974 FT 84-400-7221-X R 115.019 Lindahl,L.A., Poulsen, F. Thin Sets in Harmonic Analysis Marcel Dekker 1971 72.03 FT 0-8247-1317-6 R 115.020 Churchil, R.V. Teoría de Funciones de Variable Compleja Castillo 1965 72.03 FT R 115.021 Harold Neville, E. Elliptic Functions Pergamonn 1971 73.05 FT R 115.022 Siegel, C.L. Topics in Complex Function Theory (Vol. I) Wiley-Interscience 1969 73.05 FT 471-7970-2 R 115.023 Rios, S. Cálculo Infinitesimal Paraninfo 1973 FT R 115.024 Rios, S. Cálculo Infinitesimal (apendice) Paraninfo 1973 FT R 115.025 Gren, J.A. Sequences and Series Routledge 1962 FT R 115.026 Terras, A. Harmonic Analysis on Symetric Spaces and Applications I Springer 1985 86.11 FTA 0-387-96159-3 R 115.027 Pastor, R., Calleja., Análisis Matemático (Vol. III) Kapeluzs 1959 FT R 115.028 Gunther, N. Sur les Intégrales de Stieltes Chelsea 1949 FT R 115.029 Banach, S. Cálculo Diferencial e Integral U.T.H.A. 1967 FT R 1

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15.030 Hauser, A. Variable Compleja Fondo Educativo 1973 FT R 115.031 Williamson, J.H. Integración Lebesgue Tecnos 1973 FT 84-309-0459-X R 115.032 Coifman, R.R Weiss, G. Analyse Harmonique, non Commutative, sur Certain Spaces Hom. Springer 1971 FT 3-540-05703 R 115.033 Guichardet, A. Calculo Integral. Maîtrise de Mathematiques C2 Armand Colin 1969 FT R 115.034 Lesieur, L. Lefebvre, J. Mathematiques, tomo 2: Analyse Armand Colin 1967 FT R 115.035 Volkovyski, L.- Problemas Sobre la Teoría de Funciones de Variable Compleja Mir 1972 FT R 115.036 Erwe, F. Cálculo Diferencial e Integral Selec. Cientif. 1968 FT R 115.037 Galindo, A., Abellanas, Análisis Complejo 74.03 GIFT 94-400-6714-3 R 115.038 Haaser, N.B.,Sullivan, J. Real Analysis Van Nostrand 1971 FT 3178-000-6 R 115.039 Chilov, G. Analyse Mathématique. Fonctions d'une Variable. Tome II Mir 1973 FT R 115.040 Chilov, G. Analyse Mathematique. Functions d'une Variable II Mir 1973 FT R 115.041 Alexander, H. Curso Programado de Cálculo Vol. I Reverté 1973 FT R 115.042 Alexander, H. Curso Programado de Cálculo Vol. II Reverté 1972 FT R 115.043 Alexander, H. Curso Programado de Cálculo Vol. III Reverté 1972 FT R 115.044 Alexander, H. Curso Programado de Cálculo Vol. IV Reverté 1972 FT R 115.045 Alexander, H. Curso Programado de Cálculo Vol. V Reverté 1972 FT R 115.046 Merriel, D.M. Curso Programado de Cálculo. Suplemento Reverté 1972 FT R 115.047 Williamson, J.H. Integración Lebesgue Tecnos 1973 FT 84-309-0459-X R 115.048 Guichardet, A. Analyse Harmonique Commutative Dunod 1968 70.04 GIFT R 115.049 Bohr, H. Almost Periodic Functions Chelsea 1947 GIFT R 115.050 Branges, Spaces Hilbertiens de Fontions Entieres Hasson 1972 GIFT Extraviad R 115.051 Jeffrey, R.L. The Theory of Fonctions of a Real Variable Dover 1985 86.12 FTA 0-486-64781-1 R 115.052 Stein, E.M. Topics in Harmonic Analysis Princeton 1970 70.06 GIFT 691-08067-4 R 115.053 Stein, E.M. Topics in Harmonic Analysis Princeton 1970 GIFT Extraviad R 115.054 Reed, M., Simon, B. Functional Analysis (Vol. I) Academic 1972 72.10 GIFT 0-12-585001-8 R 115.055 Reed, M., Simon, B. Functional Analysis (Vol. I) Academic 1972 GIFT R 115.056 Bowman, F. Introduction to Elliptic Functions With Applications Dover 1961 73.05 GIFT R 115.057 Bieberbach, L. Conformal Mapping Chelsea 1964 FT R 115.058 Warner, G. Harmonic Analysis on Semi-Simple Lie Groups II Springer 1963 FT 3-540-05469-3 R 115.059 Ginzburg, A. Calculus: Problems and Solutions Holdem 1963 FT R 115.060 Vallée, C. Intégrales de Lebesgue Functions d`ensemble Classes de Baire Gauthier Villars 1950 FT R 115.061 Temple, G. The Structure of Lebesgue Integration Theory Clarendon 1971 FT 0-19853146-X R 115.062 Dieudonne, J. Cálculo Infinitesimal Omega 1971 FT R 115.063 McLachlan Calculus of Several Variables B. Cole 1968 FT R 115.064 Salas, S.L., Hille, E. Calculus (de una y Varias Variables con Geometría Analítica) Reverté 1981 FT 84-391-5128-1 R 115.065 Courant, R., John, F. Introducción al Cálculo y al Análisis Matemático Limusa Wiley 1971 FT R 115.066 Favard, J. Cours d'analyse de L'Ecole Polythecnique (II) Tome Gauthier Villars 1960 FT R 115.067 Whittaker, Watson A Course of Modern Analysis Cambridge 1973 FT Extraviad R 115.068 Fernandez Viña, J.A. Lecciones de Análisis Matemático (Vol. I) Tecnos 1976 FT 84-309-0659-2 R 115.069 Maron, I.A. Problemas Sobre Cálculo de una Variable Paraninfo 1975 FT R 1

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15.070 Bak, T.A., Lichtenberg, Series, Ecuaciones Diferenciales y Funciones Complejas (3) Reverté 1972 FT R 115.071 Bak, T.A., Lichtenberg, Funciones de una y Varias Variables Reales Reverté 1972 FT R 115.072 Halmos, P.R. Measure Theory Van-Nostrand 1969 FT R 115.073 Rey Pastor, J. Elementos de la Teoría de Funciones Madrid 1947 FT R 115.074 Apostol, T.M. Análisis Matemático Reverté 1976 FT R 115.075 Couty, R.,Eza, J. Analyse (M.G.P. et Spéciales A) Armand Colin 1965 FT R 115.076 Hewitt, E., Stromberg, K. Real and Abstract Analysis Springer 1975 FT 0-387-90138-8 R 115.077 Halmos, P.R. Measure Theory Springer 1974 FT 0-387-90088-8 R 115.078 Demidovitch, B. Recueil d'exercices et de Problèmes d'analyse Mathematique Mir 1968 FT R 115.079 Volkovtski, Lunts, Problemas Sobre la Teoría de Funciones de Variable Compleja Mir 1977 FT R 115.080 Baire, R. Leçons sur les Functions Discontinues Gauthier Villars 1930 FT R 115.081 Rey Pastor, J. Curso de Cálculo Infinitesimal Argentina 1944 FT R 115.082 Tricomi, F. Lezioni di Analisi Matematica (I) Cedam-Casa 1948 FT R 115.083 Tricomi, F. Lezioni di Analisi Matematica (II) Cedam 1947 FT R 115.084 Gunther, N. Intégrales de Stieltjes Chelsea 1949 FT R 115.085 Apostol, T.M. Calculus (I) Reverté 1973 FT R 115.086 Apostol, T.M. Calculus (II) Reverté 1973 FT R 115.087 Apostol, T.M. Calculus (II) Reverté 1973 FT R 115.088 Apostol, T.M. Calculus (I) Blaisdell 1961 FT R 115.089 Sansone, G. Teoria delle Funzioni di una Variabile Complessa (I) Cedam-Casa 1950 FT R 115.090 Sansone, G. Teoria delle Funzioni di una Variabile Complessa (II) Cedam-Casa 1949 FT R 115.091 Reed, M., Simon,B. Analysis of Operators IV Academic 1973 FT 0-12-585004-2 R 115.092 Reed, M., Simon,B. Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics Vol. II Academic 1975 FT 0-12-585002-6 R 115.093 Reed, M., Simon, B. Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics Vol. III Academic 1971 FT 0-12-585003-4 R 115.094 Schwartz, L. Cours d'analyse Vol. I Hermann 1981 FT 2-7056-5764-9 R 115.095 Schwartz, L. Cours d'analyse Vol. II Hermann 1981 FT 2-70565765-7 R 115.096 Lines, E. Principios de Análisis Matemático Reverté 1983 MAF 84-291-5072-2 R 115.097 Salas, S.L., Hille, E. Soluciones para Calculos de una y Varias Variables con G. A. Reverté 1981 FT 84-291-5127-3 R 115.098 Flory, G. Ejecicios de Toplogía y Análisis. T.1. Topología Reverté 1983 FT R 115.099 Flory, G. Ej. de Topología y Análisis. T.2. Funciones de una Variable Reverté 1983 FT R 115.100 Flory, G. Ej. T.3. Funciones Diferenciables e Integrales Multiples Reverté 1983 FT R 115.101 Robinson, A. Non-standard Analysis North-Holland 1971 FT 0-444-10610-3 R 115.102 Redheffer, L. Curso de Variable Compleja Reverté 1981 FT 84-291-5093-5 R 115.103 Demidovich, B. 5000 Problemas de Análisis Matemático Mir 1980 FT R 115.104 Milne, R.D. Applied Functional Analysis: An Introductory Treatment Pitman 1980 FT 0-273-08404-6 R 115.105 Lang, S. Complex Analysis Springer 1985 FT 0-387-96085-6 R 115.106 Fernandez Viña, J.A. Análisis Matemático II. Topología y Cálculo Diferencial Tecnos 1984 MAF R 115.107 Kitchen, J. Cálculo Mc Graw-Hill 1986 87.01 MAF 84-7615-115-2 R 115.108 Diego, B. Ejercicios de Análisis Deimos 1983 87.02 MAF 84-400-9823-5 R 115.109 Gutiérrez Suárez, J.J Problemas de Análisis Matemático Univ. Valladolid 1985 87.03 MAF 84-86192-33-1 R 1

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15.110 Gutiérrez Suárez, J.J. Problemas de Análisis Matemático II Univ. Valladolid 1986 87.03 MAF 84-86192-62-5 R 115.111 Fulks, W. Cálculo Avanzado Limusa 1983 87.03 MAF 986-18-0007-9 R 115.112 Silverman Complex Analysis With Applications Dover 1974 86.12 FTA 0-486-64762-5 R 115.113 Phillips, E.R. An Introduction to Analysis and Integration Theory Dover 1984 86.12 FTA 0-486-64747-1 R 115.114 Phillips, E.R. An Introduction to Analysis and Integration Theory Dover 1984 86.12 FTA 0-486-64747-1 R 115.115 Silverman Introductory Complex Analysis Dover 1972 91.10 FTA 0-486-64686-6 R 115.116 Dettman Applied Complex Variables Dover 1965 86.12 FTA 0-486-64670-X R 115.117 Knopp, K. Theory of Functions, Part I Dover 1945 FTA 0-486-60156-0 R 115.118 Knopp, K Theory of Functions, Part II Dover 1947 FTA 0-486-60157-9 R 115.119 Knopp, K. Elements of the Theory of Functions Dover 1952 FTA 0-486-60154-4 R 115.120 Knopp, K Infinite Sequences and Series Dover 1956 FTA 0-486-60153-6 R 115.121 Knopp, K Problem Book. Part I Dover 1948 86.12 FTA 0-486-60158-7 R 115.122 Knopp, K. Problem Book. Part II Dover 1952 FTA 0-486-60159-5 R 115.123 Friedman, A. Foundations of Modern Analysis Dover 1982 86.12 FTA 0-486-64062-0 R 115.124 Pierce, J.R. An Information Theory.Symbols,Signals and Noise Dover 1980 86.12 FTA 0-486-24061-4 R 115.125 Bishop, R.L., Goldberg, Tensor Analysis on Manifolds Dover 1980 86.12 FTA 0-486-64039-6 R 115.126 Katznelson, Y. An Introduction to Harmonic Analysis Dover 1976 86.12 FTA 0-486-63331-4 R 115.127 Rey Pastor, J. Elementos de la Teoría de Funciones 1961 87.01 FTA R 115.128 Whitney, H. Geometric Integration Theory Princeton 1957 87.03 FTA R 115.129 Fereder, H. Geometric Measure Theory Springer 1969 87.03 FTA R 115.130 Nevanlinna, R., Paatero, Introduction to Complex Analysis Addison Wesley 1969 87.04 FTA R 115.131 Gross, L. Harmonic Analysis on Hilbert Space Am. Math. Soc. 1963 87.01 FT R 115.132 Kolmogorov, A.N., Fomin, Introductory Real Analysis Dover 1975 86.12 FTA 0-486-61226-0 R 115.133 Rey Pastor, J. Elementos de la Teoría de Funciones Madrid 1961 87.01 FTA R 115.134 Ahlfors, L.V. Complex Analysis Mc. Graw-Hill 1979 87.03 FT 0-07-000657-1 R 115.135 Gonshor, H. An Introduction to the Theory of Surreal Numbers Cambridge 1986 87.03 FTA 0-521-31205-1 R 115.136 Marsden, J.E. Basic Complex Analysis Freeman 1973 87.03 FTA Extraviad 0-71670451-X R 115.137 Marsden, J.E. Vector Calculus Freeman 1981 87.03 FTA 0-7167-1244-X R 115.138 Krall, A.M. Applied Analysis D. Reidel 1986 87.05 FTA 90-277-2342-7 R 115.139 Stroyan, K.D., Bayod, J. Foundations of Infinitesimal Stochastic Analysis North-Holland 1986 87.05 FTA 0-444-87927-7 R 115.140 Jones, G.A., Singerman, Complex Functions an Algebraic and Geometric View Point. Cambridge 1987 87.06 FTA 0-521-31366-X R 115.141 Seeley, R. Introducción a las Series e Integrales de Fourier. Reverté 1970 MAF R 115.142 Krantz, D. et al Foundations of Measurement, Vol.I Academic FTA R 115.143 Marsden, J.E., Hoffman, Basic Complex Analysis Freeman 1981 88.01 FTA 0 7167 18146 R 115.144 Casanova, J. Examenes de Calculo Infinitesimal (Ciencias) Univ. y Cultura 1986 88.01 MAF 84-86367-16-6 R 115.145 Casanova, J. Examenes de Calculo Infinitesimal (Ingenieros Ind) Univ. y Cultura 1986 88.01 MAF 84-86367-06-9 R 115.146 Casanova, J. Examenes de Calculo Infinitesimal (Arquitectura) Univ. y Cultura 1987 88.01 MAF 84-86367-28-X R 115.147 R.A.E.C. Problemas de Cálculo Infinitesimal Raec 1971 88.01 MAF Extraviad S.N. R 115.148 Bombal, Rodriguez, Vera. Problemas y Análisis Matemáticos. 1 Espacios Métricos AC 1987 88.01 MAF 84-7288-100-8 R 115.149 Bombal, Rodriguez, Vera Problemas de Análisis Matemático. 2 Cálculo Diferencial (I) AC 1982 88.01 MAF 84-7288-003-6 R 1

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15.150 Bombal, Rodriguez, Vera Problemas de Análisis Matemático. 3 Cálculo Integral AC 1987 88.01 MAF R 115.151 Delachet, A. Cálculo Diferencial e Integral Tecnos 1966 88.01 MAF R 115.152 Derrick, W.R. Variable Compleja con Aplicaciones Iberoamericana 1987 88.01 MAF 968-7270-35-7 R 115.153 Swokowski, E. Introducción al Cálculo con Geometría Analítica Iberoamericana 1987 88.01 MAF 968-7270-27-6 R 115.154 Barbolla, R. y otros Introducción al Análisis Real Alhambra 1981 88.01 MAF 84-205-0771-7 R 115.155 Lelong-Ferrand, J. Ejercicios Resueltos de Análisis Reverté 1986 88.01 MAF 84-291-5045-5 R 115.156 Fernandez Viña, J.A. Ejercicios y Complementos de Análisis Matemático II Tecnos 1986 88.01 MAF R 115.157 Larson-Hostetler Cálculo y Geometría Analítica Mc Graw-Hill 1985 88.01 MAF 968-451-807-2 R 115.157 Larson-Hostetler Cálculo y Geometría Analítica Mc Graw-Hill 1985 2008 FTA Donación EUP 968-451-807-2 R 115.158 Losada, R. Análisis Matemático Pirámide 1978 88.01 MAF R 115.159 García Castro, F. Cálculo Infinitesimal I Pirámide 1982 88.01 MAF 84-368-0129-6 R 115.160 García Castro, F. Cálculo Infinitesimal II Pirámide 1985 88.01 MAF 84-368-0163-6 R 115.161 Flanders, H. Single Variable Calculus Freeman 1985 FTA 0-7167-1752-2 R 115.162 Flanders, H. Calculus Freeman 1985 FTA 07167-1643-7 R 115.163 Rios, S. Ejercicios de Cálculo Infinitesimal y Numerico ICE 1974 88.01 MAF R 115.164 Zill, D.G. Cálculo con Geometría Analitica Iberoamericana 1985 88.01 MAF R 115.165 Erdelyi, A. Asyntotic Expansions Dover 1956 FTA 486-60318-0 R 115.166 Sidorov, Y.V., Fedoryuk, Lectures on the theory of functions of a complex variables Mir 1985 88.05 FTA R 115.167 Markushevich, A.I. Sucesiones recurrentes Mir 1974 88.05 FTA R 115.168 Vilenkin, N.Ya. Método de aproximaciones sucesivas. Mir 1978 88.05 FTA R 115.169 Solodovnikov, A.S. Sistemas de desigualdades lineales Mir 1970 88.05 FTA Extraviad Pascual R 115.170 Shilov, G.E. Calculus of rational functions Mir 1976 88.05 FTA R 115.171 Whittaker, E.T., Watson A Course of Modern Analysis Cambridge 1987 88.09 FTA 0-521-09189-6 R 115.172 Olmo, V. Jordan, V. Problemas de cálculo diferencial Univ. Valencia 1987 88.11 MAF 84-7721-032-2 R 115.173 Derrick, W. Variable compleja con aplicaciones Iberoamericana 1985 88.11 MAF 968-7270-35-7 R 115.174 Puig, J. Análisis matemático 1 Toray-Massson 1981 89.01 MAF 84-311-0290-X R 115.175 Lavrentiev, M. Chavat, B. Méthodes de la theorie des funtions de une variable compl. MIR 1987 89.03 FTA R 115.176 Puig, J. Análisis matemático 1 Toray-Masson 1981 89.03 FTA 84-311-0250-X R 115.177 Andres, J. Cálculo Diferencial e integral 89.05 MAF 968-58-0255-6 R 115.178 Albeverio, S. Nonstandard Methods in Stochastic Analysis Academic 1986 90.12 MAF 0-12-048861-2 R 115.179 Folland,G.B. Harmonic Analysis in Phase Space Princeton Univer. 1989 91.02 FTA 0-691-08528-5 R 115.180 Doneddu,A. Fonctions reelles de une variable réelle Unisert 1984 91.09 MAF 2-7117-2048-9 R 115.181 García, P. Cálculo Matemático UPV 1988 91.09 MAF 84-7721-060-8 R 115.182 Marsden,J., Tromba, A.J. Cálculo Vectorial Addison-Wesley 1990 92.10 MAF 0-201-04604-0 R 115.183 Marsden, J.E. Tromba, A. Cálculo Vectorial Addison Wesley 1991 93.03 MAF 0-201-62935-6 R 115.184 Courant, R. John, F. Introducción al Cálculo y al Análisis Matemático V.II Limusa 1989 93.04 MAF 968-18-0640-9 R 115.185 Fernandez Viña, J.A. Ejercicios y Complementos de Análisis Matemático I Tecnos 1992 93.04 MAF 84-309-0803-X R 115.186 Davis, H.F. Snider, A. Análisis Vectorial Mc Graw-Hill 1992 93.04 MAF 970-10-0045-5 R 115.187 Ayres, F. Mendelson, E. Cálculo Diferencial e Integral Mc Graw-Hill 1991 93.04 MAF 84-7615-560-3 R 115.188 Vavilov V.V. Melnikov, I. Equatios and Inequalities MIR 1990 93.05 FTA 5-03-001401-2 R 1

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15.189 Nikolski, S. Fórmulas de Cuadratura MIR 93.05 FTA 5-03-001539-6 R 115.190 Krasnov, M. Kisselev, A. Fonctions d'une variable complexe et leurs applications MIR 1985 93.05 FTA R 115.191 Markushevich, A. Teoría de las Funciones Analíticas Tomo I MIR 1978 93.05 FTA R 115.192 Markushevich, A. Teoría de las Funciones Analíticas Tomo II MIR 1978 93.05 FTA R 115.193 Hardy, G. Littlewood, J. Inequalities Cambridge University 1991 93.05 FTA 0-521-35880-9 R 115.194 Seaborn, J.B. Hypergeometric Functions and Theis Applications Springer 1991 93.05 FTA 0-387-97558-6 R 115.195 Zygmund, A. Trigonometric Series Cambridge-University 1990 93.05 FTA 0-521-35885-X R 115.196 Jordan, C. Calcul Différentiel Jacques Gabay 1991 93.05 FTA 2-87647-018-7 R 115.197 Jordan, C. Cacul Intégral Jacques Gabay 1991 93.05 FTA 2-87647-018-7 R 115.198 Jordan, C. Équations Différentielles Jacques Gabay 1991 93.05 FTA 2-87647-018-7 R 115.199 Arnold,V. Varchenko, A. Singularités des Applications Différentiables MIR 1986 93.06 FTA R 115.200 Mumford, D. Tata Lectures on Theta (I) Birkäuser 1983 93.07 FTA 3-7643-3528-9 R 115.201 Mumford, D. Tata Lectures on Theta (II) Birkäuser 1993 93.07 FTA 3-7643-3110-0 R 115.202 Mumford, D. Tata Lectures on Theta (III) Birkäuser 1991 93.07 FTA 3-7643-3440-1 R 115.203 Coquillat, F. Cálculo Integral (Metodología y Problemas) Tebar Flores 1980 93.09 MAF 84-7360-017-7 R 115.204 García López, A. García Cálculo I (Teoría y Problemas de Análisis Matemático en una Glagsa 1993 93.10 MAF 84-604-6814-3 R 115.205 Tebar Flores, E. 909 Problemas de Cálculo Integral (Tomo II) Tebar Flores 1991 93.10 MAF 84-7360-103-3 R 115.206 Tebar Flores, E 909 Problemas de Cálculo Integral (Tomo I) Tebar Flores 1990 93.10 MAF Extraviad CELESTE GUILES 84-7360-100-9 R 115.207 Wagon, S. The Banach-Tarski Paradox Cambridge University 1993 94.01 FTA 0-521-45704-1 R 115.208 Kemmer, H. Análisis Vectorial Reverté 1986 94.01 MAF 84-291-5089-7 R 115.209 Cartas Chiñas, J. Problemas Resueltos de Cálculo Integral Limusa 1992 94.04 MAF 968-18-2480-6 R 115.210 Stewart, J. Cálculo Grupo Ed. 1994 94.10 MAF 970-625-028-X R 115.211 Díaz-Hernando, J.A. Cálculo Diferencial F.V.V. Tebar Flores 1991 94.11 MAF 84-7360-122-X R 115.212 Díaz-Hernando, J.A. Cálculo Integral. Integrales y Series Tebar Flores 1991 94.11 MAF 84-7360-121-1 R 115.213 Salas, S.L. Calculus, I Reverté 1994 94.11 MAF 84-291-5154-0 R 115.214 Salas, S.L. Calculus ,II Reverté 94 MAF 84-291-5155-9 R 115.215 Salas Calculus ,III Des R 115.216 Conde, C. Cálculo Integrl Vectorial Tebar Flores 1991 94.11 MAF 84-7360-123-8 R 115.217 Granero, F. Ejercicios y Problemas de Cálculo (Tomo I) Tebar Flores 1991 94.11 MAF 84-7360-109-2 R 115.218 Granero, F. Ejercicios y Problemas de Cálculo (Tomo II) Tebar Flores 1991 94.11 MAF 84-7360-110-6 R 115.219 Tebar Flores, E. Prblemas de Cálculo Infinitesimal (Tomo I) Tebar Flores 1978 94.11 MAF 84-7360-000-2 R 115.220 Tebar Flores, E. Prblemas de Cálculo Infinitesimal (Tomo II) Tebar Flores 1978 94.11 MAF 84-7360-019-3 R 115.221 Marsden, J.E. Tromba, A. C[alculo Vectorial Addison-Wesley 1991 94.11 MAF 0-201-62935-6 R 115.222 Marsden, J.E. Tromba, A. C[alculo Vectorial Addison-Wesley 1991 94.11 MAF 0-201-62935-6 R 115.223 Burgos Roman, J. de C[alculo Infinitesimal de una Variable Mc Graw-Hill 1994 94.11 MAF 84-481-1899-5 R 115.224 Marsden, J. Basic multivariable calculus Springer 1993 95.02 MAF 3-540-97976 R 115.225 Gasper, G. Rahman, M. Basic Hypergeometric Serier Cambridge University 1990 95.03 FTA 0521-35049-2 R 115.226 Larson Cálculo I Mc Graw-Hill 1995 95.09 MAF 84-481-1768 R 115.227 Larson Cálculo II Mc Graw-Hill 1995 95.09 MAF 84-481-1769 R 115.228 Larson Cálculo I Mc Graw-Hill 1995 95.09 MAF 84-481-1768 R 1

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15.229 Larson Cálculo II Mc Graw-Hill 1995 95.09 MAF 84-481-1769 R 115.230 Larson Cálculo I Mc Graw-Hill 1995 95.10 MAF 84-481-1768 R 115.231 Larson Cálculo II Mc Graw-Hill 1995 95.10 MAF 84-481-1769 R 115.232 Burgos Román J. de Cálculo Infinitesimal de Varias Variables Mc Graw-Hill 1995 95.10 MAF 84-481-1621-6 R 115.233 Heya, D.E. Guía de Cálculo Mc Graw-Hill 1993 95.10 MAF Extraviad CELESTE GUILES 970-10-0273-3 R 115.234 Vorobiov, N.N. Teoría de las Series Parte I Rubiños 1860 95.11 MAF 84-8041-072-8 R 115.235 Vorobiov, N.N. Teoría de las Series Parte II Rubiños 1860 95.11 MAF 84-8041-072-8 R 115.236 Novikov, S.P. Topology I Springer 1986 96.01 FTA 3-540-17007-3 R 115.237 Granero, F. Cálculo Infinitesimal Mc. Graw-Hill 1995 96.03 MAF 84-481-1740 R 115.238 Coquillat, F. Cálculo Integral. Metodología y Problemas Tebar Flores 1995 96.03 MAF 84-7360-017 R 115.239 Coquillat, F. Cálculo Integral. Metodología y Problemas Tebar Flores 1995 96.03 MAF 84-7360-017 R 115.240 Vera Lopez, A. Métodos Matemáticos en la Ingenieria Antonio Vera López 1995 96.05 MAF 84-921102 R 115.241 Vera López, A Problemas y Ejercicios de Análisis Matemático I Antonio Vera López 1994 96.05 MAF 84-605-0697 R 115.242 Vera López, A Problemas y Ejercicios de Análisis Matemáticos I, II Antonio Vera López 1995 96.05 MAF 84-605-2167 R 115.243 Alegre Espada, M. Problemas de Cálculo Integral E.U.B. 1995 96.03 MAF 84-89607-18-4 R 115.244 Casteleiro, J.M. y otros Manual para la Matemática Universitaria A.M. II E.S.I.C. 1996 MAF 84-7356-130-9 R 115.245 Krasnov, M.L. y otros Funciones de Variable Compleja MIR 1992 MAF 84-604-1606-2 R 115.246 Checa Martínez, E. Algebra, Cálculo y Mecánica para Ingenieros (T.I) RA-MA 1997 MAF Extraviad JALON 84-7897-260-9 R 115.247 Diener, F. Nonstandard Analysis in Practice Springer 1995 98.12 MAF 3-540-60297 R 115.248 Bressoud, D.M. Second year calculus Springer 1991 99.03 MAF 0-387-97606 R 115.249 Marsden, J. Calculus I Springer 1986 99.03 MAF 0-387-90974 R 115.250 Marsden, J. Calculus II Springer 1998 99.03 MAF 0-387-90975 R 115.251 Lawden, D.F. Elliptic Functions and Applications Collæge U.Beijing 1998 99.03 FTA 7-5158-0342 R 115.252 Lanczos, C. Applied Analysis Dover 1988 99.04 MAF 0-486-65656 R 115.253 Caratheodory, C. Conformal Representation Dover 1998 99.11 FTA 0-486-40028 R 115.254 Zemanian, A.H. Distribution Theory and Transform Analysis Dover 1987 99.11 FTA 0-486-65479 R 115.255 Lanczos, C. Linear Differential Operators Dover 1997 99.11 FTA 0-486-68035 R 115.256 Davis, H.T. Intrduction to Non Linear Differential and Integral Dover 1996 99.11 FTA 0-486-60971 R 115.257 Forsyth, A.R. A Teatrise on Differential Equations Dover 1996 99.11 FTA 0-486-69314 R 115.258 Chandrasekhar, S. Ellipsoidal Figures of Equilibrium Dover 1987 99.11 FTA 0-486-65258 R 115.259 Sneddon, I.N. Fourier Transforms Dover 1995 99.11 FTA 0-486-68522 R 115.260 Knopp, K. Theory and Application of Infinite Series Dover 1990 99.11 FTA 0-486-66165 R 115.261 Bleistein, N. Asyntotic Expansions of Integrals Dover 1986 99.11 FTA 0-486-65082 R 115.262 Churchill , R.V. Variable Compleja y aplicaciones Mc Graw Hill 1992 01.03 FTA 84-7615-730 R 115.263 Bogaevski , V.N. Algebraic Methods in Nonlinear Perturbation Theory Springer 1991 01.06 FTA 3-540-97491 R 115.264 Janich , K. Vector Analysis Springer 2001 01.07 FTA 0-387-98649 R 115.265 Liashko, I.I. Matemática Superior -Problemas Resueltos URSS 1999 01.10 FTA 5-88417-184 R 115.266 Liashko, I.I. Matemática Superior -Problemas Resueltos URSS 1999 01.10 FTA 5-88417-185 R 115.267 Liashko, I.I. Matemática Superior -Problemas Resueltos URSS 1999 01.10 FTA 5-88417-189 R 115.268 Liashko, I.I. Matemática Superior -Problemas Resueltos URSS 1999 01.10 FTA 5-88417-190 R 1

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15.269 Ayres, F. Cálculo Mc Graw Hill 2001 01.12 MAF 958-41-0131 R 115.270 Marsden, J. Cálculo Vectorial Addion-Werky 1998 01.12 MAF 968-4442769 R 115.271 Coquillat, F. Cálculo Integral Tebar 1997 02.02 FTA 84-7360-168 R 115.272 Fernandez Novoa, J. Análisis Matemático I-1 Mar-car 1991 02.03 FTA 84-362-1667 R 115.273 Fernandez Novoa, J. Análisis Matemático I-2 Mar-car 1991 02.03 FTA 84-362-1667 R 115.274 Evans, G.C. Logaritmit Potential and other Monographs Chelsea 1980 02.06 FTA 0-8284-0305 R 115.275 Edwards,H.M. Riemmann´s Zeta Function Dover 2001 2003 FTA 0-486-41740 R 115.276 Cartan, H. Elementary Theory of Analytic Functions One or Several Dover 1995 2003 FTA 0-486-68543 R 115.277 Granero, F. Cálculo Integral y Aplicaciones Prentice 2001 2003 MAF 84-205-3223 R 115.278 Hairer, E. Analysis by its History Springer 2000 MAF MAF 0-387-94551 R 115.279 Salas/Hille Calculus I Reverté 2002 2005 MAF 84 291 5157-5 R 115.280 Salas/Hille Calculus II Reverté 2002 2005 MAF 84 291 5158-3 R 115.281 Salas/Hille Calculus I Reverté 2002 2005 MAF 84 291 5157-5 R 115.282 Salas/Hille Calculus II Reverté 2003 2005 MAF 84 291 5158-3 R 115.283 Salas/Hille Calculus I Reverté 2002 2005 MAF 84 291 5157-5 R 115.284 Salas/Hille Calculus II Reverté 2003 2005 MAF 84 291 5158-3 R 115.285 Churchill, R.V. Variable Compleja y Aplicaciones 5ªed. Mc Graw-Hill 1992 2006 FTA 84-76-15-730 R 115.285 Churchill, R.V. Variables Complejas y sus Aplicaciones 2ªed. Barsa 1982 2008 FTA Donación EUP 84-76-15-730 R 115.286 Marsden, J.E. Basic Complex Analisis W.H.Freeman 1999 2006 FTA 0-7167-2877 R 115.287 Marsden, J.E. Basic Multibarible Calculud Springer 1993 2006 FTA 3-540-97976 R 115.288 Spivak, M. Calculus- Cálculo Infinitesimal Reverté 2003 2006 FTA 84-291-5136 R 115.289 Apostol, T.M. Calculus V.I Reverté 1999 2006 FTA 84-291-5002 R 115.290 Apostol, T.M. Calculus V.II Reverté 1999 2006 FTA 84-291-5003 R 115.291 Needham, T. Visual Complex Analysis Oxford 2007 2007 FTA 0-19-853446-4 R 115.292 Faixes, A. Manual de Análisis Matemático PPU 1992 2008 FTA Donación EUP 84-7665-960-1 R 115.293 Klein, F. On Riemmann´s Theory of Algebraic Functions and Their Dover 2003 2008 FTA 0-486-49552-3 R 115.294 Whitney, H. Geometric Integration Theory Dover 2005 2008 FTA 0-486-44583-6 R 115.295 Jolley, L.B.W. Summation of Series Dover 2005 2009 FTA o-486-44160-1 R 115.296 Havil, J. Gamma. Exploring Euler´s constant Princeton 2003 2009 FTA 0-691-14133-6 R 115.297 Lang, S. Calculus of Several Variables Springer 1987 2010 FTA 0-387-96405-3 R 115.298 Lang, S. A First Course in Calculus Springer 1986 2010 FTA 0-387-96201-6 R 115.299 Shaw, W.T. Complex Analysis with Matematica Cambridge 2006 2012 FTAO1 978-0-521 015.300 Ismail, Mourad E.H. Classical and Quantum Orthogonal Polynomials in One Variable Cambridge 2005 2008 FTAO1 978-0-521 015.301 Deans, Stanley R. The Radon Transform and Some of its Applications Dover Publications 2007 2008 FTAO1 978-486-46241 015.302 Lieb, Elliot H. y Loss, Analysis Second Edition American 1997 FTAO1 0-8218-2783-9 015.303 Vera Botí, G. Variable Compleja Problemas y Complementos Ediciones 2013 FTAO1 978-84-940688 015.304 Saff, E.B. y Snider, A.D. Fundamentals of Complex Analysis with Applications to Pearson Education 2003 2012 FTAO1 0-13-017968-X 015.305 Pinkus, A. y Zafrany, S. Fourier Series and Integral Transforms Cambridge 1997 FTAO1 0-521-59771-4 015.306 Vac 015.307 Vac 0

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15.308 Vac 015.309 Vac 015.310 Vac 016.000 ========================= ========================= ESPACIOS FUNCIONALES Cab 1;;; R 216.001 Riesz, F., Nagy, B.Sz. Leçons d'analyse Fonctionelle Gauthier Villars 1968 73.05 FT R 216.002 Mikusinski, J., Sikorski, Theorie Elementaire des Distributions Gauthier Villars 1964 FT R 216.003 Arsac, J. Transformation de Fourier et Théorie des Distributions Dunod 1961 FT R 216.004 Taylor, A.E. Introduction to Functional Analysis J. Wiley & Sons 1958 FT 0-471-84645-1 R 216.005 Horváth, J. Topological Vector Spaces and Distributions. Volume I Addison Wesley 1966 73.05 FT R 216.006 Lions, J.L., Magenes, E. Problémes aux Limites non Homogénes et Applications. Vol.3 Dunod 1970 71.05 FT R 216.007 Balakrishnan, A.V. Introduction to Optimization Theory in a Hilbert Space Springer 1971 FT 3-540-05416-7 R 216.008 Nagy, B.Sz., Foias, C. Analyse Harmonique des Opérateurs de l'espace de Hilbert Masson et Cie. 1967 FT R 216.009 Nagy, B.Sz., Foias, C. Harmonic Analysis of Operators on Hilbert Space North-Holland 1970 71.08 FT 7204-2035-5 R 216.010 Cotlar, M., Cignoli, R. An Introduction to Functional Analysis North-Holland 1974 FT 0-7204-2066-0 R 216.011 Branges, Espaces Hilbertiens de Fonctions Entières Masson & Cie 1972 FT R 216.012 Seifert, H., Threlfall, Variationsrechnung in Grossen (Theorie von Marston Morse) Chelsea 1971 FT 0-8284-0049 R 216.013 Lachat, D.P. Geometrie des Opérateurs Linéaires Dunod 1966 FT R 216.014 Beals, R. Topics in Operator Theory Chicago 1971 FT 0-226-03985-4 R 216.015 Friedrichs, K.O. Perturbation of Spectra in Hilbert Space Am. Math. Soc. 1965 FT R 216.016 Marchand, J.P. Distributions on Outline North-Holland 1962 FT R 216.017 Berberian, S.K. Notes on Spectral Theory Van Nostrand 1966 FT R 216.018 Berberian, S.K. Introduction to Hilbert Space Oxford 1961 73.05 FT R 216.019 Berberian, S.K. Introducción al Espacio de Hilbert Teide 1970 GIFT R 216.020 Paley, R.E., Wiener, N. Fourier Transforms in the Complex Domain Am. Math. Soc. 1967 FT R 216.021 Helmberg, G. Introduction to Spectral Theory in Hilbert Space North-Holland 1969 FT R 216.022 Fernandez Viña, J.A. Espacios Métricos Normados y de Hilbert Madrid 1969 FT R 216.023 Bonic, R.A. Linear Functional Analysis Gordon & Breach 1969 71.01 FT R 216.024 Dixmier, J. Les Algèbres d'opérateurs dans l'espace Hilbertien Gauthier Villars 1969 73.05 GIFT R 216.025 Fuks, B.A. Analytic Functions of Several Complex Variables Am. Math. Soc. 1965 71.01 FT R 216.026 Sobolev, S.L. Applications of Functional Analysis in Math. Physics Am. Math. Soc. 1963 71.01 FT R 216.027 Gohberg, I.C., Krejn, M. Introduction à la Théorie des Opérateurs Linéaires Dunod 1971 71.11 FT R 216.028 Guichardet, A. Symmetric Hilbert Spaces and Related Topics Springer 1972 FT 3-340-05803-6 R 216.029 Ringrose, J.R. Compact Non-Self-Adjoint Operators Van Nostrand 1971 72.01 FT 0-442-06956-1 R 216.030 Moulis, N. Structures de Fredholm sur les Variétés Hilbertiennes Springer 1972 74.01 GIFT 3-540-05781-7 R 216.031 Schechter, M. Spectra of partial differential operators North-Holland 1971 73.02 FT 0-7204-2366-x R 216.032 Schwartz, L. Analyse. Topologie générale et analyse fonctionelle Hermann 1970 73.05 FT R 216.033 Dunford, N., Schwartz, J. Linear operators part. III: Spectral operators Wiley-Interscience 1971 73.05 FT 0-471-22639-4 R 216.034 Dunford, N., Schwartz, J. Linear operators part. I : General Theory Interscience 1957 73.05 FT 471-22605-x R 216.035 Dunford, N., Schwartz, J. Linear operators part. II: Spectral Theory Intrscience 1963 73.05 FT 0-471-22638-6 R 216.036 Bachman, G., Narici, L. Functional Analysis Academic 1966 73.03 FT R 2

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16.037 Stone, M.H. Linear transformations in Hilbert space and their applicat. Am. Math. Soc. 1970 71.01 FT 0-8218-1015-4 R 216.038 Iñiguez Almech, J.M. Operadores lineales en los espacios métricos El Noticiero 1946 FT R 216.039 Guelfand, I.M., Vilenkin, Les distributions, Tomo IV Dunod 1967 FT R 216.040 Guelfand, I.M., Vilenkin, Les distributions, Tomo V Dunod 1970 FT R 216.041 Treves, F. Topological vector spaces , distributions and Kernels Academic 1970 70.05 GIFT 12-699450-1 R 216.042 Garsoux, J. Espaces vectoriels topologiques et distributions Dunod 1963 GIFT R 216.043 Bonsall, F.F., Duncan, J. Numerical ranges of operators on normed spaces Cambridge 1971 71.03 GIFT 0-521-07988-8 R 216.044 Birman, M.S. Spectral theory Consultants B. 1969 70.07 GIFT R 216.045 Hladik, J. Les transformations fonctionnelles Dunod 1969 70.03 GIFT R 216.046 Soulé, J.L. Opérateurs linéaires dans l'epace d'Hilbert Gordon & Breach 1967 73.05 GIFT R 216.047 Schwartz, L. Theorie des distributions Hermann 1966 FT R 216.048 Taylor, A.E. General Theory of Functions and Integration Dover 1985 86.12 FTA 0-486-64988-1 R 216.049 Mikusinski, J., Sikorski, Théorie élémentaire des distributions Gauthier Villars 1964 FT R 216.050 Kolmogorov, A.N., Fomín, Elementos de la Teoría de Funciones y de Análisis Funcional Mir 1975 FT R 216.051 Goldberg, S. Unbounded linear operators. Theory and applications Dover 1985 86.12 FTA 0-486-64830-3 R 216.052 Friedman, B. Lectures on applications-oriented Holden Day 1969 FT R 216.053 Mikhlin, S.G. Mathematics physics: an advanced course North-Holland 1970 FT 0-7204-2361-9 R 216.054 Bouix, M. Les fonctions généralisées ou distributions Masson and cie 1964 FT R 216.055 Tricomi, F.G. Istituzioni di analisi superiore Cedam-Padova 1970 FT R 216.056 Nagy, B.Sz. Hilbert Space Operators and Operator Algebras North-Holland 1972 GIFT 0-7204-2060-1 R 216.057 Gel'Fand, I.M., Shilov, Generalized Functions: Properties and operations (I) Academic 1964 FT 0-12-279501-6 R 216.058 Gel'Fand, I.M., Shilov, Generalized Functions: Spaces of fundamental ... (II) Academic 1968 FT 0-12-279502-4 R 216.059 Gel'Fand, I.M., Shilov, Generalized Functions: Theory of differential equations III Academic 1967 FT 0-12-279503-2 R 216.060 Kreyszig, E. Introductory functional analysis with applications Willey 1978 FT 0-471-50731-8 R 216.061 Abellanas, L., Galindo A. Introducción a la teoría de operadores lineales esp. Hilbert Madrid 1976 FT R 216.062 Adams, R. Sobolev spaces Academic 1975 FT 0-12-044150-0 R 216.063 Ivlin, T.J. An introduction to the approximation of functions Dover 1981 86.12 FTA 0-486-64069-8 R 216.064 Bruijin de, N.G. Asymptotic methods in analysis Dover 1981 86.12 FTA 0-486-64221-6 R 216.065 Wiener, N. The Fourier integral and certain of its applications Dover 1958 86.12 FT 0-486-60272-9 R 216.066 Grothendieck, A. Products tensoriels topologiques et espaces nucleares Am. Math. Soc. 1970 87.01 FTA 0-8218-1216-5 R 216.067 Ehrenpreis, L. Theory of distributions for locally compact spaces Am. Math. Soc. 1956 87.01 FT R 216.068 Lax, P.D. Scattering Theory Academic 1967 88.05 FTA R 216.069 Trenoquin, V.A., Problemas y ejercicios de Analisis Funcional Mir 1984 88.05 FTA R 216.070 Trenoguire, V. Analyse fonctionnelle Mir 1985 88.05 FTA R 216.071 Young, N. An introductions to Hilbert Space Universite P. 1988 88.10 FTA 0-52133717-8 R 216.072 Troutman, J.L. Variational Calculus with Elem. Convexity Springer 1983 88.10 FTA 0-387-90771-8 R 216.073 Weidmann, J. Linear Operator in Hilbert Spaces Springer 1980 88.10 FTA 0-387-90427-1 R 216.074 Davorogna,B. Direct Methods in the Calculus of Variations Springer 1989 90.03 MAF 0-387-50491-5 R 216.075 Eijndhoven,S.J.L., Greaf, Trajectory Spaces, Generalized Functions and Unbounded Oper. Springer 1980 90.03 FTA 3-540-16065-5 R 216.076 Nachbin,L. Introduction to Functional Analysis: Banach Spaces and dif. Dekher 1981 90.03 FTA 0-8247-6984-8 R 2

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16.077 Schmüdgen,K. Unbounded Operator Algebras and Representation Theory Birkhäuser 1990 90.06 FTA 3-7643-2321-3 R 216.078 Effros,E.G., Hahn,F. Locally compact transformation groups and C*Algebras Am. Math. Soc. 1967 91.03 FTA R 216.079 Segal,I.E. Decompositions of operator Algebras I and II Am. Math. Soc. 1951 91.03 FTA R 216.080 Taylor, M.E. Noncommutative Harmonic Analysis Amer. Math. Society 1986 91.09 FTA 0-8218-1523-7 R 216.081 Jodar,L. Ampliación de Matemáticas UPV 1988 90.12 MAF 84-7721-062-Y R 216.082 Lusternik, L. Sobolev, V. Précis d'analyse fonctionnelle MIR 1989 93.05 FTA 5-03-000717-2 R 216.083 Arnol'd, V.I. Catastrophe Theory Springer 1992 93.06 FTA 3-540-16199-6 R 216.084 Baumgärtel, H. Analytic Perturbation Theory for Matrices and Operators Birkhäuser 1985 93.07 FTA 3-7643-1664-0 R 216.085 Rosenblum, M. Hardy Classes and Operator Theory Oxford University 1985 93.12 FTA 0-19-503591-7 R 216.086 Cañada Villar, A. Series y Transformada de Fourier y Aplicaciones Univ. Granada 1994 94.07 MAF 84-338-1847-3 R 216.087 Alicki, R. Lenoi, K Quantum Dynamical Semigroups and Applications Springer 1987 FTA 3-540-18276-4 R 216.088 Walter, G.G. Wavelets and other Orthogonal Systems with applications CRC 1994 98.05 FTA 0-8493-7878-8 R 216.089 Benedetto-Frazier (Eds.) Wavelets, Mathematics and Applications CRC 1994 98.05 FTA 0-8493-8271-8 R 216.090 Milnor, J. Morse Theory Univ. Pincenton 1973 99.04 FTA 0-691-08008 R 216.091 Dans , H. Fourier Series Dover 1989 00.05 MAF 0-486-65973 R 216.092 Mallat, S. a Wavelet tour of signal processing Academic ? 00.05 FTA 0-12-466606 R 216.093 Bracewell, R.N. The Fourier Transform and its Applications Mc Graw Hill 2000 2002 MAF 0-07-303938 R 216.094 Blanchard, P. Mathematical Methods in Physics Birkhauser 2003 2003 FTA 0-8176-4228 R 216.095 Albeverio, S. Singular Perturbations of Differential Operators Cambridge U. 2000 2008 FTA 0-521-77912-X R 216.096 Zemanian, A.H. Distribution Theory and Transform Analysis McGraw-Hill 1965 2008 MAF R 216.097 Vac 016.097 Friedman, A. Generalized Functions and Partial Differential Equations Dover 2005 2008 FTA 0-486-44610-7 R 216.098 Bochner, S. Harmonic Analysis and the Theory of Probability Dover 2005 2008 FTA 0-486-44620-4 R 216.099 Aczél, J. Lectures on Functional Equations and Their Applications Dover 2006 2008 FTA 0-486-44523-2 R 216.100 Muskhelishvili, N.I. Singular Integral Equations Dover 2008 2009 FTA 0-486-46242-0 R 216.101 Curarie, D. Symmetries and Laplacians Dover 2008 2010 FTA 10-0-486 R 216.102 Volchkov, V.V. Harmonic Analysi of Mean Per. Funct. on Sym.Spaces andthe Springer 2009 2010 FTA 978-1-84882 R 216.103 Vac 016.104 Vac 016.105 Vac 016.106 Vac 016.107 Vac 016.108 Vac 016.109 Vac 016.110 Vac 017.000 ========================= ========================= METODOS MATEMATICOS EN FISICA E Cab 1;;; R 217.001 Van Der Pol., Bremmer, H. Operational calculus based on the two sided Laplace integral Cambridge 1950 FT R 217.002 Margenau, H., Murphy, G. The mathematics of physics and chemistry Van Nostrand 1968 FT R 217.003 Margenau, H., Murphy, G. The mathematics of physics and chemestry Vol. 2 Van Nostrand 1964 FT R 217.004 Janenko, N.N. Die Zwischenschriltmethode zur Lösung mehrdimensionaler... Springer 1969 FT R 2

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17.005 Madelung, E. Die mathematischen Hilfsmittel Springer 1953 FT R 217.006 Ayant, Y., Borg, M. Fonctions Speciales à l'usage des estudiants en phy. .. Dunod 1971 FT R 217.007 Denis-Papin. H., Calcul matriciel applique Albin Michel 1951 FT R 217.008 Spain, B., Smith, M.G. Functions of Mathematical Physics Van Nostrand 1970 70.02 FT R 217.009 Schwartz, L. Méthodes mathématiques pour les sciences physiques Hermann 1965 FT R 217.010 Butkov, E. Mathematical physics Addison Wesley 1968 FT Extraviad Aparicio R 217.011 William, R.B, Straka, H. Problems in practical mathematics for Technical students Prentice Hall 1962 FT R 217.012 Trejo, C.A. Análisis vectorial con teoría del potencial y aplicaciones Kapelusz 1965 FT R 217.013 Lass, H. Elements of Pure and Applied Mathematics Mc Graw-Hill 1957 FT R 217.014 Franklin, P. Methods of advanced calculus Mc Graw-Hill 1944 FT R 217.015 Alger, P.L. Mathematics for science and engineering Mc Graw-Hill 1957 FT R 217.016 Houston, W.V. Principles of mathematical physics Mc Graw-Hill 1948 FT R 217.017 Jaeger, J.C. An introduction to the Laplace transformations Methuen & Co. 1949 FT R 217.018 Parodi, M. Applications physiques de la transformation de Laplace CNRS 1948 FT R 217.019 Meyver, D.S., Sutton, O. Compendio de matemáticas y física UTEMA 1965 FT R 217.020 Bell, W.W. Special functions for scientists and engineers Van Nostrand 1968 FT 442 00683 7 R 217.021 Collins, R.E. Mathematical methods for physicists and engineers Reinhold Book 1968 71.10 FT R 217.022 Hochstadt, H. The functions of mathematical physics Wiley-Interscience 1971 72.01 FT 0-471-40170-6 R 217.023 Cole, J.D. Pertubation methods in applied mathematics Blaisdell 1968 FT R 217.024 Persico, E. Introduzione alla física matemática Zanichelli 1947 FT R 217.025 Gilbert, R.P., Newton, R. Analytic Methods in mathematical physics Gordon & Breach 1970 71.01 FT R 217.026 Wilf, H.S. Mathematics for the physical sciences Wiley and sons 1962 FT R 217.027 Brillouin, L. Tensors in mechanics and elasticity II Academic 1964 FT R 217.028 Roach, G.F. Green's functions. Introductory Theory with applications Van Nostrand 1970 GIFT R 217.029 Bowcock, J.E. Methods and problens of the theoretical physics North-H0lland 1970 71.02 FT 7204-0169-0 R 217.030 Hellwig Differential Operators of the mathematical physics Addison Wesley 1967 70.05 GIFT R 217.031 Hermann, R. Lectures in mathematical physics I Benjamin 1970 FT 8053-3947-7 R 217.032 Hermann, R. Lectures in mathematical physics I Benjamin 1970 71.06 GIFT 8053-3947-7 R 217.033 Hermann, R. Lectures in mathematical physics II Benjamin 1972 FT 0-805-33953-1 R 217.034 Hylleraas, E.A. Mathematical and theoretical physics I J. Wiley 1970 71.05 GIFT 471-42601-6 R 217.035 Hylleraas, E.A. Mathematical and theoretical physics II J. Wiley 1970 71.03 GIFT 471-42602-4 R 217.036 Mickley, Shernood, Reed Applied Mathematics in chemical engineering Mc Graw Hill 1957 FT R 217.037 Schwartz, L. Métodos matemáticos para las ciencias físicas Selecc.Cientificas 1969 FT R 217.038 Decuyper, M. Modèles mathématiques de la physique Dunod 1968 FT R 217.039 Kraut, E.A. Fundamentals of Mathematical Physics Mc Graw Hill 1967 FT R 217.040 Arsenin, V. Basic Equations and special functions of math. physics Iliffe Books 1968 FT R 217.041 Martin, J. Cours de mathematiques Dunod 1966 FT R 217.042 Murnaghan, F.D. Applied Mathematics J. Wiley & Sons 1948 FT R 217.043 Zurmühl, R. Matemática aplicada para ingenieros y físicos Labor 1964 FT R 217.044 Apostol, T.M. Matemática básica para técnicos (Vol. I) Reverté 1965 FT R 2

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17.045 Alexits, G., Fenyö, E. Les méthodes mathématiques en chimie Masson 1969 FT R 217.046 Rothe, R. Matemática superior II Labor 1959 FT R 217.047 Rothe, R. Matemática superior III Labor 196 FT R 217.048 Baule, B. Matemáticas superiores para ingenieros y fisicos I Labor 1949 FT R 217.049 Baule, B. Matemáticas superiores para ingenieros y fisicos II Labor 1949 FT R 217.050 Misyurkeyev, J.V. Problems in mathematical physics with solutions Mc Graw-Hill 1966 FT R 217.051 Doherty, R.E., Keller, E. Mathematics of modern engineering I J. Wiley 1949 FT R 217.052 Keller, E.G. Mathematics of modern engineering II J. Wiley 1945 FT R 217.053 Pipes, L.A. Applied Mathematics for engineers and physicists Mc Graw-Hill 1946 FT R 217.054 Chisholm, J.S., Morris, Mathematical methods in physics North-Holland 1964 FT R 217.055 Courant, R., Hilbert, D. Methods of mathematical physics I Interscience 1953 FT 0 470 17952 x R 217.056 Courant, R., Hilbert, D. Methods of mathematical physics II Interscience 1962 FT 0-470-17985-6 R 217.057 Pipes, L.A., Harvill, L. Applied Mathematics for engineers and physicicts Mc Graw-Hill 1970 FT R 217.058 Roman, P. Some modern mathematics for physicists and other I Pergamon 1975 FT 0-08-018096-5 R 217.059 Roman, P. Some moderm mathematics for physicists and other II Pergamon 1975 FT 0-08-018154-1 R 217.060 Roman, P. Some modern mathematics for physicists and other II Pergamon 1975 FT 0-08-018133-3 R 217.061 Bouckaert, L. Elements de Physique Mathématique et Theorique Dunod 1961 FT R 217.062 Decuyper, Lanard, Rouxel C1-Ondes et matiere/ C2-Signaux et systemes (Exercicies) Dunod 1969 FT R 217.063 Zienkiewicz, O.C. The finite element method in engineering science Mc Graw-Hill 1971 FT 07 094138 6 R 217.064 Indam Symposia mathematica (XIV) Academic 1974 FT R 217.065 Coulson, C.A., Jeffrey, Waves: A mathematical approach to the common types of wave.. Longmarin 1977 FTA 0-582-44954-5 R 217.066 Lieb, Simon, Wightman Studies in mathematical physics Princeton 1976 FT 08143-3 R 217.067 Suttow, O.G. Mathematics in action Dover 1984 86.12 FTA Extraviad J.BOSCO 0-48624759-7 R 217.068 Watson, E.J. Laplace transforms and applications. Van Nostrand 1981 FT R 217.069 Sneddon, I.N. Special functions of mathematics and physics Langman 1980 Des R 217.070 Butkov, E. Mathematical physics Addison Wesley 1968 FT 0-201-00727-4 R 217.071 Wyld, H.W. Mathematical methods for physics Benjamin 1976 FT 0-8053-9857-0 R 217.072 Bajpai, A.C., Mustoe, L. Specialist techniques in engineering mathematics J. Wiley & sons 1980 FT 0-471-27908-0 R 217.073 Edwards, R.E. Fourier Series. A modern introduction Springer 1979 FT 0-387-90412-3 R 217.074 Hatton, M.D. Matemáticas para estudiantes de ciencias e ingeniería Urmo 1970 FT R 217.075 Streit, L. (Editor) Mathematics + physics. Lectures on recent results Vol. I World Scientific 1985 FT 9971966-64-6 R 217.076 Nash, C., Siddartha Sen Topology and geometry for physicists Academic 1983 FT R 217.077 Streit, L. (Editor) Mathematics + physics. Lectures on recent results Vol. II World Scientific 1985 FT 9971-978-10-1 R 217.078 Wallace, P.R. Mathematical analysis of physical problems Dover 1984 86.12 FTA 0-486-64676-9 R 217.079 Lepowsky, J., Mandelstam, Vertex operators in mathematics and physics Springer 1983 86.11 FTA 0-387-96121-6 R 217.080 Le Page, W.R. Complex Variables and the Laplace transform for engineers Dover 1961 86.12 FTA 0-486-63926-6 R 217.081 Manin, Yu.I. Mathematics and physics Birkhäuser 1981 86.11 FTA 3-7643-3027-9 R 217.082 Reza, F. Los espacios lineales en la ingeniería Reverté 1977 FT 04-291-4860-4 R 217.083 Churchill, R.V. Modern operational mathematics in engineering. Mc Graw-Hill 1944 FT R 217.084 Humbert, P., Colombo, A. Le calcul symbolique et ses applications a la Phys. mathé... Gauthier Villars 1965 FT R 2

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17.085 Lotka, A.J. Elements of Mathematical biology Dover 1956 86.12 FT 486-60346-6 R 217.086 Pallu de la Barriére, R. Optimal control theory. A course in Automatic control theory Dover 1980 86.12 FTA 0-486-63925-8 R 217.087 Saaty, T.L., Bram, J. Nonlinear mathematics Dover 1981 86.12 FTA 0-486-64233-x R 217.088 Lebedev, N.N. Skalskaya, Worked problems in applied mathematics Dover 1979 86.12 FTA 0-486-63730-1 R 217.089 Tolstov, G.P. Fourier Series Dover 1976 86.12 FTA 0-486-63317-9 R 217.090 Kellogg, O.O. Foundations of Potential Theory Dover 1954 86.12 FTA 0-486-60144-7 R 217.091 Menzel, D.H. Mathematical physics Dover 1961 86.12 FTA 0-486-60056-4 R 217.092 Carslaw, H.S. Introduction to the theory of Fourier's series, and integral Dover 1950 86.12 FTA 486-60048-3 R 217.093 Marselle, Méthodes de calcul dans des problèmes de mécanique Recher.Scientif 1949 87.01 FT R 217.094 Crank, J. Mathematics and industry Oxford Univ. 1962 87.01 FTA R 217.095 Maravall Casesnoves, D. Fisica Matematica I Dossat 1966 87.01 FTA R 217.096 Bouligand, G., Hennequin, Mathematiques appliquees Vol. I Vuibert 1947 87.01 FT R 217.097 Bouligand, G., Hennequin, Mathematiques appliquees Vol. II Vuibert 1945 87.01 FT R 217.098 Morand, M. Introduction mathematique aux theories physiques modernes Vuibert 1948 87.01 FT R 217.099 Johson, Walter, C. Mathematical and physical principles of engienering analysis Mc Graw-Hill 1944 87.01 FT R 217.100 Goel, Maitre, Montroll Nonlinear models of interacting populations Academic 1971 87.01 FTA 0-12-287450-1 R 217.101 Wyld, H.W. Mathematical methods for physics Benjamin 1976 FTA 0-8053-9857-0 R 217.102 Mickens, R.E. Mathematical analysis of physical systems Van Nostrand 1985 87.03 FTA 0-442-26077-6 R 217.103 Triebel, H. Analysis and mathematical physics D. Reidel 1986 87.04 FTA 90-277-2077-0 R 217.104 Cundy, H.M., Rollett, A. Mathematical models Tarquin 1962 87.06 FTA 0-906212-20-0 R 217.105 Carslaw, M.S. An Introduction to the Theory of Fourier's Series and Integr Mir 1950 88.05 FTA R 217.106 Kadomtsev, B., Rydnik, V. Ondas en Nuestro alrededor Mir 1984 88.05 FTA R 217.107 Wylie, .R. Matemáticas superiores para ingeniería Castillo 1969 89.03 FTA R 217.108 Karman,T. Biot,M.A. Métodos de análisis matemático para ingeniería I.N.T.A. 1945 89.03 FTA R 217.109 Tulczyjew, W.M. Geometric Formulations of Physical Theories Bibliopolis 1989 89.12 MAF 88-7088-216-0 R 217.110 Moon, P. Field Theory for Engineers Princeton 1960 90.03 FTA R 217.111 Bamberg,R., Stemberg,S. A Course in Mathematics for Students of Physics 1 Cambridge 1988 90.04 FTA 0-521-25017-X R 217.112 Mathews, J., Walker, R.L. Matemáticas para físicos Reverté 1979 91.09 FTA 84-291-5096-X R 217.113 Choquet Analysis North-Holland 1989 91.09 MAF 0-444-87071-7 R 217.114 Negrin,E.R. Una transformada K. Labedev La Laguna 1989 91.09 MAF 84-7756-146 R 217.115 Lahoz, R. Diagnostico diferencial de enfermedades vegetales 1990 91.09 MAF R 217.116 Edgar, R.S. Field Analysis and potential theory Springer 1989 91.09 MAF 387-51074-5 R 217.117 Mikiforov Fonctions speciales Mir 1983 91.10 MAF R 217.118 Abell, M.L. Braselton, J. Mathematica by Example Academic 1992 93.06 FTA 0-12-041540-2 R 217.119 Arfken, G. Mathematical Methods for Physicists Academic 93.09 FTA 0-12-059810-8 R 217.120 Arfken, G. Mathematical Methods for Physicists Academic 1985 94.01 FTA 0-12-059820-5 R 217.121 Vaillancourt, R. Complément de Mathématiques pour Ingénieurs CRM 1993 94.07 FTA 2-921120-19-4 R 217.122 Lancaster, P. Transform Methods in Applied Mathematics John Wiley &Sons, 1996 98.04 FTA 0-471-00810 R 217.123 Blanchard,P. Variational Methods in Mathematical Physics Springer 1992 98.06 FTA 3-540-16190 R 217.124 Schouten, J.A. Tensor Analysis for Physicists Oxford Univ. 1954 98.12 FTA R 2

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17.125 Slebodzinski, W. Exterior forms and their applications V.10 Collæge U.Beijing 1998 99.03 FTA 7-5158-0290 R 217.126 Hildebrand, F.B. Methods of Applied Mathematics Dover 1992 99.04 MAF 0-486-67002 R 217.127 Bowman, F. Introduction to Bessel Functions Dover 99.11 FTA 0-486-60462 R 217.128 Dennery, P. Mathematics for Physicists Dover 1996 99.11 FTA 0-486-69193 R 217.129 Lebedev, N. N. Special Functions & Their Applications Dover 99.11 FTA 0-486-60624 R 217.130 Haberman, R. Mathematical Models -Mechan.Vibrat., Populat.Dynam. Traffic siam ? 00.05 FTA 0-89871-408 R 217.131 Jeffrey, H. Methods of Mathematical Physics Cambridge U. 1999 00.07 FTA 0-521-66402 R 217.132 Hassani , S. Mathematical Methods Springer 2000 00.11 FTA 0-387-98958 R 217.133 Hassani , S. Mathematical Physics. A Modern Introduction to its Springer 1998 01.03 FTA 0-387-98579 R 217.134 Spiegel, M.R. Matemáticas Avanzadas para Ing. y Ciencia Mc Graw Hill 2001 02.02 FTA R 217.135 Bender, C.M. Advanced Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers Springer 1999 02.06 FTA 0-387-98931 R 217.136 Chaudhry, M.A. On a Class of Incomplete Gamma Functions With Applications Chapman &Hall 2002 2003 FTA 1-58488-143 R 217.137 Cañada Villar, A. Series de Fourier y Aplicaciones Pirámide 2002 2003 MAF 84-368-1620 R 217.138 Weber, H.J. Essential Mathematical Methods for Physicists Academic 2004 2004 FTA 0-12-059877 R 217.139 Szekeres, P. A Course in Modern Mathematical Physics Cambridge 2004 2005 FTA 0-521-82960 R 217.140 Boyd, J.P. Chebyshev and Fourier Spectral Methods Dover 2001 2005 FTA 0-486-41183 R 217.141 Grandy, W.T. (ed.) Physics and Probability Cambridge 2004 2005 FTA 0-521-61710 R 217.142 Achieser, N.I. Theory of Approxmation Dover 2003 2005 FTA 0-486-49543 R 217.143 Boas, M.L. Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences John Wiley & Son 2006 2006 FTA 0-471-36580 R 217.144 Lovelock, D. Tensors, Differential Forms,and Variatonal Principles Dover 1989 2006 MAF R 217.145 Kahn, P.B. Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers Dover 2004 2006 MAF 0-486-43516-4 R 217.146 Rubinow, S.I. Introduction to Mathematical Biology Dover 2002 2006 MAF 0-486-42532-0 R 217.147 Chandra, S. A Tex Book of Mathematical Physics 2ª ed. Alpha Science I. 2006 2006 FTA 1-8465-234 R 217.148 Riley, K.F. Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering Cambridge 2004 2006 FTA 0-521-89067 R 217.149 Kelly, J.J. Graduate Mathematical Physics Wiley 2006 2007 FTA 3-527-40637 R 217.150 Faticony, T.C. The Mathematics of Infinity Wiley 2006 2007 FTA 0-471-79432-5 R 217.151 Steeb, W-H. Problems & Solutions in Theoretical &Mathematical Physics 2ª World S. 2003 2007 FTA 981-238-989-X R 217.152 Steeb, W-H. Problems & Solutions in Theoretical &Mathematical Physics 2ª World S. 2003 2007 FTA 981-238-987-3 R 217.153 Jain, M.C. Vector Spaces and Maatrices in Physics Alpha Science 2007 2007 FTA 1-84265-215-2 R 217.154 Cluzel,R. Mathèmatiques I Delagrave 1981 2008 FTA Donación EUP R 217.155 Cluzel,R. Mathèmatiques I I Delagrave 1981 2008 FTA Donación EUP R 217.156 Kaushal, R.S. Advanced Methods of Mathematical Physics 2ª e. Alpha Science 2008 2008 FTA 1-84265-409-5 R 217.157 Kuo, B.C. Automatic Control Systems Prentice-Hall 1967 2008 MAF R 217.158 Mathai, A.M. Special Functions for Applied Scientists Springer 2008 2008 FTA 0-387-75893-0 R 217.159 John, F. Plane Waves and Spherical Means Dover 2004 2008 FTA 0-486-43804-X R 217.160 Vinogradov, I.M. The Method of Trigonometrical Sums in the Theory of Numbers Dover 2004 2008 FTA 0-486-43878-3 R 217.161 Goursat, E. A Course in Mathematical Analysis I Dover 2005 2008 FTA 0-486-44650-6 R 217.162 Goursat, E. A Course in Mathematical Analysis II Dover 2005 2008 FTA 0-486-44651-4 R 217.163 Goursat, E. A Course in Mathematical Analysis III Dover 2005 2008 FTA 0-486-44652-2 R 217.164 Khinchin, A.Ya. Continued Fractions Dover 1997 2008 FTA 0-486-69630-8 R 2

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17.165 Michal, A.D. Matrx and Tensor Calculus Dover 2008 2009 FTA 0-486-46246-3 R 217.166 Manin, Yu, I. Mathematics as Metphor AMS 2007 2009 FTA 0-8218-4331-4 R 217.167 Levi, M. The Mathematical Mechanic Priceton 2009 2009 FTA 0-691-14020-9 R 217.168 Sangalli, A. Pythagoras Revenge Priceton 2009 2009 FTA 0-691-04955-7 R 217.169 Huber, M. Mythematics Priceton 2009 2009 FTA 0-691-13575-5 R 217.170 Steeb, W-H. Problems & Solutions in Theoretical &Mathematical Physics 3ª World S. 2009 2009 FTA 10-981-4282 R 217.171 Steeb, W-H. Problems & Solutions in Theoretical &Mathematical Physics 3ª World S. 2009 2009 FTA 10-981-4282 R 217.172 Cahill, K. Physical Mathematics Cambridge 2013 2013 FTAO1 978-1-107 017.173 Wilmott, P. y Howison, S. The Mathematics of Financial Derivatives Cambridge 2009 FTAO1 978-0-521 017.174 Vac 017.175 Vac 017.176 Vac 017.177 Vac 017.178 Vac 017.179 Vac 017.180 Vac 017.181 Vac 017.182 Vac 017.183 Vac 017.184 Vac 017.185 Vac 017.186 Vac 017.187 Vac 017.188 Vac 017.189 Vac 017.190 Vac 018.000 ========================= ========================= ESTADIST. Y METODOS NUMERICOS Cab 1;;; R 118.001 Closkey, J.F., Trefethen, Introduction á la Recherche operationnelle Dunod 1958 FT R 118.002 Fisher, R.A. Métodos estadisticos para investigadores Aguilar 1949 FT R 118.003 Schron, L. Tablas de logaritmos V. Suarez 1951 FT R 118.004 Schron, L. Tablas de logaritmos V. Suarez 1947 FT R 118.005 Lóbez Urquía, J. Estadistica Intermedia Vinces-Vives 1972 FT 84-316-1263-3 R 118.006 Copson, E.T. Asymptotic expansions Cambridge 1971 FT 0-521-04721-8 R 118.007 Talbot, A. Approximation theory Academic 1970 70.09 FT 12-682250-6 R 118.008 Jahnke, E., Emde, F. Tables of functions with Formulae and curves. Dover 1945 FT R 118.009 Brodetsky, S. A First course in Nomography Bell & Sons 1949 FT R 118.010 Sagastume, A., Fernandez, Agebra y cálculo númerico Kapelusz 1960 FT R 118.011 Ractliffe, J.F. Elements of Mathematical Statistics Oxford 1962 FT R 118.012 Weatherburn, C.E. A First course in mathematical statistics Cambridge 1962 FT R 118.013 Dwight, H.B. Mathematical tables Dover 1958 FT R 1

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18.014 Dwight, H.B. Tables of integral and other mathematical Data. McMillan 1969 FT R 118.015 Laborde, J. Cours et exercices de calcul numerique Dunod 1965 FT R 118.016 Stiefel, E. Introducción a la matemática numérica Labor 1966 FT R 118.017 Gradshteyn, I.S., Ryzhik, Tables of integrals series and products Academic 1965 FT 0-12-294750-9 R 118.018 Abramowitz, M., Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formules, .... Dover 1972 FT 486-61272-4 R 118.019 Miller, Freund Probabilidad y estadística para ingenieros Reverté 1973 FT R 118.020 Sadosky, M. Cálculo numérico y gráfico Buenos Aires 1962 FT Extraviad GETINO ¿JALON? R 118.021 Martin, J. Notions de base in mathematiques et statistique Vinces-Vives 1967 FT R 118.022 Tucker, H.G. Intr. a la teoría matemat. de la probabilidad y estadística Vinces-Vives 1966 FT R 118.023 Bancroft, H. Intoducción a la estadistica biológica Atika 1966 FT Extraviad R 118.024 Croxton, F.E. Elementary Statistics with applications in medicine Prentice Hall 1953 FT R 118.025 Meschkowski, H. Series expansions for mathematical physicists Oliver and Boyd 1968 FT R 118.026 Ancombe, F.J. Curso de aplicaciones industriales de la estadistica 1957 FT Extraviad R 118.027 Giet, A. Abaques ou nomogrammes Dunod 1954 FT R 118.028 Gore, W.L. Statistical methods for chemical experimentations Interscience 1952 FT R 118.029 Fisher, R.A. The design of experiments Oliver 1960 FT R 118.030 Rios, S. Métodos de la estadistica Madrid 1952 FT R 118.031 Rios, S. Iniciación estadistica 1951 FT Extraviad R 118.032 Rios, S. Complementos de matemáticas y métodos estadisticos Madrid 1951 FT R 118.033 Rios, S. Métodos estadisticos Castillo 1967 FT R 118.034 Rios, S. Análisis estadistico aplicado Paraninfo 1972 FT Extraviad R 118.035 Lioraon, A. Initiation practique a la statistique Gauthier Villars 1973 FT R 118.036 Fisher, Yates Tablas estadisticas Aguilar 1949 FT R 118.037 Rufener, E. La mise en équation des resultats d'expériences Dunod 1951 FT R 118.038 Casa Aruta, E. 200 problemas de estadistica descriptiva Vinces-Vives 1965 FT Extraviad R 118.039 Maisel, L. Probabilidad y estadistica Fei 1973 FT R 118.040 Majó Torrent, J. Estadistica Matematica y cálculo númerico-gráfico Vincens-Vives 1964 FT R 118.041 Cramér, H. Mathematical methods of statistics Princeton 1946 FT R 118.042 Cramer, H. Teoría de Probabilidades y Aplicaciones Aguilar 1977 2008 FTA Donación EUP 84-03-20034-X R 118.043 Lindley, D.V. Principios de la teoría de la decisión Vinces-Vives 1977 FT 04-316-1450-1 R 118.044 Diatchenko, V. Notions fondamentales du calcul numérique Mir 1975 FT R 118.045 Gmurman, V.E. Teoría de las probabilidades y estadistica matemática Mir 1975 FT R 118.046 Gmurman, V.E. Problemas de la teoría de las probabilidades Mir 1975 FT R 118.047 Willers, F.A. Practical Analysis: graphical and numerical methods Dover 1947 FT R 118.048 Levy, H., Roth, L. Elements of Probability Clarendon 1947 FT R 118.049 Blackwell, O., Girshick, Theory of games and statistical decisions Dover 1979 86.12 FTA 0-486-63831-6 R 118.050 Frechet, Halbwachs Calcul des probabilites a la portée de Tous Dunod 1924 FT R 118.051 Giannesini, F., Rouits, Tables des coefficients du binôme et des factorielles Dunod 1963 FT R 118.052 Bateman, H., Erdelyi, Higher Transcendental Functions Vol. I Mc Graw-Hill 1953 FT 07-019545-5 R 118.053 Bateman, H., Erdelyi, Higher Transcendental Functions Vol. II Mc Graw-Hill 1953 FT 07-019546-3 R 1

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18.054 Bateman, H., Erdelyi, Higher Transcendental Functions Vol. III Mc Graw-Hill 1955 FT R 118.055 Bateman, H., Erdelyi, FT Extraviad R 118.056 Bateman, H., Erdelyi, Tables of integral transforms Vol. II Mc Graw-Hill 1954 FT R 118.057 Bateman, H., Erdelyi, Tables of integral transforms Vol. I Mc Graw-Hill 1954 FT 07-019549-8 R 118.058 Takacs, L. Stochastic processes (Problems y solutions) Methuen & Coltd 1968 GIFT 412-20340-5 R 118.059 Jodar, B. Análisis estadistico de experimentos Alhambra 1981 FT Extraviad R 118.060 Fröberg, C.E. Introducción al análisis numérico Vicens-Vives 1977 FT 84-316-1446-3 R 118.061 Churchhouse, R.F. (Ed) Numerical methods Wiley and sons 1981 FT Extraviad R 118.062 Pollard, A.H. Introductory statistics Pergamon 1972 FT 08 017352 7 R 118.063 Quesada, V., Isidoro, A. Curso y ejercicios de estadistica Alhambra 1982 FT Extraviad S.F. 84-205-0878-9 R 118.064 Lippman, S.A. Elementos de Probabilidades y Estadistica Marcambo 1976 FT R 118.065 Krief, A., Levy, S. Cálculo de probabilidades (Problemas) Pirámide 1978 FT 84-386-0088-5 R 118.066 Pesquera, L., Rodriguez, Stochastic processes World Scient. 1985 FT 9971-978-20-2 R 118.067 Doob, J.L. Stochastic processes J. Wiley 1985 87.01 FTA 0-471-2181308 R 118.068 Friedman, A. Stochastic differential equat. and appl. 2 vols Academic 1975 FT 0-12-268201-7 R 118.069 Skorokhod A.V. Studies in the theory of random processes Dover 1982 FT 0-486-64240-2 R 118.070 Priestly, M.B. Spectral analysis and time series Academic 1981 FT 0-12-5649223 R 118.071 Karlin, S., Taylor, H.M. A First course in stochastic processes Academic 1975 FT 0-12-398552-8 R 118.072 Ash, R.B., Gardner, H.F. Topics in stochastic processes Academic 1975 FT 0-12-065270-6 R 118.073 Karlin, S., Taylor, H.H. A Second course in stochastic processes Academic 1981 FT 0-12-398650-8 R 118.074 Van Kampen, N.G. Stochastic processes in physics and chemistry North-Holland 1981 FTA 0-444-86200-5 R 118.075 Yaglom, A.H. Stationary Random functions Dover 1973 86.12 FTA 0-486-64688-2 R 118.076 Bauer, E. Manual de estadística para químicos Alhambra 1974 FT 84-205-0485-8 R 118.077 Wadsworth, G.P., Bryan, Aplicaciones de la teoría de probabilidades y variables alea Alhambra 1979 FT 84-205-0614-1 R 118.078 Quesada, Isidoro, López Curso y ejercicios de estadistica Alhambra 1979 FT 84-205-0878-0 R 118.079 Demidovich, B., Maron, I. Cálculo numérico fundamental Paraninfo 1984 86.11 MAF 84-283-0887-X R 118.080 Cohen, A.N. Análisis numérico Reverté 1977 86.11 MAF R 118.081 Deming, W.E. Statistical adjuntement of data Dover 1964 86.12 FTA 0-486-64685-8 R 118.082 Mandel The statistical analysis of experimental data Dover 1964 86.12 FTA 0-486-64666-1 R 118.083 Weaver Lady luck. The theory of probability Dover 1963 86.12 FTA 0-486-24342-7 R 118.084 Mises Probability, statistics and truth Dover 1957 86.12 FTA 0-486-24214-5 R 118.085 Crow E.L.,Davis F, Statistics manual Dover 1960 86.12 FTA 486-60599-X R 118.086 Sveshnikov, A.A. Problems on probability theory, mat. statistics Dover 1968 86.12 FTA 0-486-63717-4 R 118.087 Blumer, M.G. Principles of statistics Dover 1979 86.12 FTA 0-486-63760-3 R 118.088 Davis, P.J. Interpolation & approximation Dover 1975 86.12 FTA 0-486-62495-1 R 118.089 Savage, L.J. The foundations of statistics Dover 1972 86.12 FTA 0-486-62349-1 R 118.090 Singh, J. Great Ideas of Operational Research Dover 1972 86.12 FTA 0-486-21886-4 R 118.091 Jahnke, E., Emde, F. Tables of functions with Formulae and curves Dover 1945 86.12 FTA 486-60133-1 R 118.092 Petit Bois, G. Tables of indefinite integrals Dover 1961 86.12 FTA 486-60225-7 R 118.093 Menzel, D.H. Fundamental Formulas of Physics. Vol I Dover 1960 86.12 FTA 0-486-60595-7 R 1

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18.094 Menzel, D.H. Fundamental Formulas of Physics. Vol II Dover 1960 86.12 FTA 0-486-60546-5 R 118.095 Bateman, H., Erdelyi, Higher Transcendental Functions Vol. I Krieger 1981 FTA 0-89874-069-X R 118.096 Bateman, H., Erdelyi, Higher Transcendental Functions Vol. II Krieger 1981 FTA 0-89874-069-X R 118.097 Bateman, H., Erdelyi, Higher Transcendental Functions Vol. III Krieger 1981 FTA 0-89874-069-X R 118.098 Ito, K., Mckean, H.P. Diffusion processes and their sample paths Springer 1965 FTA R 118.099 Alder, Fernbach, Methods in computational physics Vol I Academic 1960 87.01 FTA R 118.100 Alder, Fernbach, Methods in computational physics Vol II Academic 1963 87.01 FTA R 118.101 Dwight, H.B. Tables of integrals and other mathematical data The MacMillan cop. 1971 87.01 FTA R 118.102 Grobner, W., Hofreiter, Integraltafel. Springer 1975 87.01 FTA 3-211-812997 R 118.103 Pesquera, L., Rodriguez, Stochastic processes applied to physics World scientific 1985 87.01 FTA 9971-978-202 R 118.104 Linder, A. Statistische methoden Birkhäuser 1951 87.01 FTA R 118.105 Linder, A. Statistische methoden Birkhäuser 1951 87.01 FTA R 118.106 Stock, R. Leçons sur la pratique des calculs numeriques Gauthier Villars 1947 87.01 FT R 118.107 Dudin, R. La regle a calcul Dunod 1952 87.01 FT R 118.108 Porcel, J.M. La regla de cálculo Labor 1948 87.01 FT R 118.109 Mises, R. Angewandten mathematik F. Deuticke 1931 87.01 FT R 118.110 Freeman, H. Matemáticas para actuarios Aguilar 1951 87.01 FT R 118.111 Shannon, C., Weaver, W. The mathematical theory of comunication Univ. Illinois 1969 87.01 FTA R 118.112 Watson, G.N. A treatise on the theory of Bessel functions Cambridge 1966 87.01 FTA R 118.113 Wax, N. Selected papers on noise and stochastic processes Dover 1954 87.01 FTA R 118.114 Mckean, H.P. Stochastic integrals Academic 1969 87.01 FTA R 118.115 Prohorov, Y.V.,Rozanov, Probability theory Springer 1969 87.01 FTA R 118.116 Blanc-Lapierre, A., Théorie des fonctions aléatoires Masson 1953 87.01 FTA R 118.117 Tena Artigas, J. Métodos estadísticos Magisterio 89.03 FTA R 118.118 Szekely, G.J. Paradoxes in probability theory and mathematical statistics D. Reidel 1986 87.04 FTA 90-277-1899-7 R 118.119 Downie, N.M., Heath, R.W. Métodos estadísticos aplicados Castillo 1983 87.06 FTA 84-219-0124-9 R 118.120 Cochran, W.G. Métodos estadisticos Continental 1984 87.06 FTA R 118.121 Turner, J.C. Matemática moderna aplicada. Probabilidades. Estadística Alianza 1987 87.06 MAF 84-206-2092-0 R 118.122 Rios, S. Metodos Estadisticos Castillo 1977 87.11 FTA 84-219-0154-0 R 118.123 Mendenhall, W. et al. Estadistica Matematica con aplicaciones Iberoamericana 1986 88.01 MAF 968-7270-17-9 R 118.124 Mendenhall, W. et al. Introducción a la Probabilidad y la Estadística Iberoamericana 1982 88.01 MAF 84-534-0002-4 R 118.125 Wentzeland, E. Ovcharov, Applied Problems in Probability Theory Mir 1986 88.05 FTA R 118.126 Abraham, W. Sequential Analysis Mir 1947 88.05 FTA R 118.127 Samarki ,A.A. Introducción a los métodos numéricos Mir 1986 88.05 FTA R 118.128 Klimov, G. Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics Mir 1986 88.05 FTA R 118.129 Sobol, I.M. Método de Montecarlo Mir 1976 88.05 FTA R 118.130 Barsov, A.S. ¿Que es la programación lineal? Mir 1982 88.05 FTA R 118.131 Abramowitz, M., Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions Dover 1970 88.05 FTA 486-61272-4 R 118.132 Gradshteyn, S.I. Table of Integrals, series and products Academic 1980 88.05 FTA 0-12-294760-6 R 118.133 Bristol, H. Tables of Integrals and other mathematical data Macmillan 1961 88.10 FTA R 1

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18.134 Burden,R. Análisis numérico Iberoamericana 1985 88.12 MAF 968-7270-04-8 R 118.135 Hernández,O. Elementos de Probabilidad y Estadística FCE 1978 89.04 MAF 968-16-0129-7 R 118.136 Press, W.H., Flannery, B. Numerical Recipes in C Cambridge 1988 89.09 FTA 0-512-35465-X R 118.137 Miller, J.C. Statistics for Analitical Chemistry Horwood 1988 89.12 MAF 0-7458-0292-3 R 118.138 Stoyanov,J.,Mirazchiiski, Exercise Manual in Probability Theory Kluwer 1989 90.04 FTA 90-277-2687-6 R 118.139 Van Laarhoven,P.J.M., Simulated Annealing: Theory and Applications Kluwer 1989 90.06 FTA 90-277-2513-6 R 118.140 Danilina, N.I. Computational Mathematics MIR 1988 93.05 FTA 5-03-000275-8 R 118.141 Sinai, Y.G. Probability Theory Springer 1992 93.05 FTA 3-540-53348 R 118.142 Harding A Simple Introduction to Numerical Analysis Hilger 1992 93.06 MAF 0-85274-821 R 118.143 Harding A Simple Interpolation and Aproximation Hilger 93.06 MAF 0-85274-154 R 118.144 Scheia, F. Dicostanzo, Métodos Numéricos Mc Graw-Hill 1991 93.09 MAF 968-422-790-6 R 118.145 Aubanell, A. Benseny, A. Utiles Básicos de Cálculo Numérico Labor 1993 93.09 MAF 84-355-5156-6 R 118.146 García Merayo, F. Lecciones Prácticas de Cáculo Numérico UPCO 1995 95.06 MAF 84-87840-68-X R 118.147 Fernández-Abascal, H. Ejercicios de Cálculo de Probabilidades Ariel 1995 95.11 MAF 84-344-0483 R 118.148 Iriarte, U. Balderrama, Métodos Numéricos Trillas 1990 96.06 MAF 968-24-3927-2 R 118.149 Mode, E.B. Elementos de Probabilidad y Estadística Reverte 1990 MAF 84-291-5092-7 R 118.150 A.I.D.E.P. Estadísticas y Probabilidades Reverte 1971 MAF R 118.151 Box, G. E.P. Estadísticas para Investigadoras Reverte 1989 MAF 84-291-5041-2 R 118.152 Iriarte, U. Balderrama, Métodos Numéricos Trillas 1990 97.07 MAF 968-24-3927-2 R 118.153 Walpole, R.E. Probabilidad y Estadística McGraw-Hill 1994 MAF 968-422-992-5 R 118.154 García Merayo, F. Análisis Numérico - Más de 300 Ejercicios Resueltos Paraninfo 1992 97.07 MAF 84-283-1974-X R 118.155 Kincaid, D. Numerical Analysis Brooks 1991 97.07 MAF 0-534-13014-3 R 118.156 Walpole, R. E. , Myers, Probabilidad y Estadística McGraw-Hill 1992 MAF 968-422-992-5 R 118.157 Walpole, R. E. Probabilidad y estadística McGraw-Hill 1992 98.03 MAF 968-422-992-5 R 118.158 Harris, J.W. Handbook of Mathematics and Computational Science Springer 1998 99.04 MAF 0-387-94746 R 118.159 Rivlin, T. An Introduction to the Approximation Dover 1981 99.04 MAF 0-486-64069 R 118.160 Sinkov, A. Elementary Cryptanalysis - A Mathematical Approach MAA 1996 00.07 FTA 0-88385-622 R 118.161 Hamming, R.W. Numerical Methods for Scientist and Engineers Dover 1986 01.10 FTA 0-486-65241 R 118.162 Fernández-Abascal, H. Ejercicios de Cálculo de Probabilidades Ariel 1995 02.02 FTA 84-344-0483 R 118.163 Fernández-Abascal, H. Cálculo de Probabilidades y Estadística Ariel 1994 02.02 FTA 84-344-2094 R 118.164 Hernández, J.A. Cálculo Numérico en Ecuac. Diferenciales Ordinarias ADI 2000 02.03 MAF 84-931805-1 R 118.165 Abramowitz, M. (ed.) Handbook of Mathematical Functions Dover 1972 2003 FTA 0-486-61272 R 118.166 Milne-Thonson, L.M. The Calculus of Finite Differences AMS 2000 2003 MAF 0-8218-2107 R 118.167 Bjorck, A. Numerical Methods Dover 2006 MAF R 118.168 Demyanov, V.F. Introduction to Minimax Dover 2006 MAF R 118.169 Sanz Serna, J. Diez lecciones de cálculo numérico U. Valladolid 1998 2008 MAF 84-7762-790-8 R 118.170 Berrueco Baigorri, E. Problemas de Transmisión de la Información 2008 FTA Donación EUP R 118.171 Bazaraa, M.S. Programción Lineal y Flujo en Redes Limusa 1986 2008 FTA Donación EUP 0-471-06015-1 R 118.172 Gnedenko, B.V. An Elementary Introduction to the Theory of Probability Dover 2007 2008 FTA 0-486-60155-2 R 118.173 Brillouin, L. Science and Information Theory Dover 2004 2008 FTA 0-486-43918-6 R 1

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18.174 Bender, E.A. Foundations of Combinatorics with Applications Dover 2006 2008 FTA 0-486-44603-4 R 118.175 Olver, F.W.J. NIST Handbook of Mathematical Functions Cambridge 2010 2011 FTA 978-0-521 R 118.176 Roe, Byron P. Probability and Statistics in Experimental Physics Springer 2001 FTAO1 0-387-95163-6 018.177 Vac 018.178 Vac 018.179 Vac 018.180 Vac 018.181 Vac 018.182 Vac 018.183 Vac 018.184 Vac 018.185 Vac 019.000 ========================= ========================= VARIOS Y MATEMATICAS GEN. Cab 1;;; R 019.001 Kline, M. El Fracaso de la Matemática Moderna S. XXI 1976 FT Extraviad R 019.002 Felix, L. Exposé Moderne des Mathématiques Eleméntaires Dunod 1959 FT R 019.003 Piskunov Cálculo Diferencial y integral Montaner Simon 1973 FT 84-274-0295-1 R 019.004 Vinogradov, I.M. Elements of Number theory Dover 1954 GIFT 486-60259-1 R 019.005 Puig, P. La matemática y su enseñanza actual Ens. media 1960 FT Extraviad S.N. R 019.006 Etayo, J.J. Conceptos y métodos de la matemática moderna Vicens-Vives 1969 FT R 019.007 Massey, H.S.W., Ancillary mathematics Pitman 1964 FT R 019.008 Schrutka, L. Elemente der Hoheren Mathematik F. Denticke 1948 FT R 019.009 Gardner, M. New mathematical diversions G. Allen and Unwin 1969 71.02 GIFT 04-510033-0 R 019.010 Hafstrom, J.E. Basic Concepts in modern mathematics Addison Wesley 1961 FT R 019.011 Cardús, D. Introducción a las Matemáticas para Médicos y Biólogos Vinces-Vives 1972 FT R 019.012 Lang, S. Basic Mathematics Adisson Wesley 1971 72.12 FT R 019.013 Crestey, H. Math. Sup.: Exercices I Dunod 1972 FT R 019.014 Crestey, H. Math. sup.: Exercicies III Dunod 1972 FT R 019.015 Cagnac,G.,Ramis,E., Nouveau cours de mathematiques 2 analyse Masson & Cie. 1963 FT R 019.016 Cagnac,G.,Ramis,E., Traite de mathematiques 2 analyse Masson & Cie. 1972 FT 2-225-70280-9 R 019.017 Cagnac,G.,Ramis,E., Traite de mathematiques 3 géométrie Masson & Cie. 1971 FT R 019.018 Cagnac,G.,Ramis,E., Traite de mathematques 4 apl. ananlyse a la geometrie Masson & Cie. 1971 FT R 019.019 Chambadal, L. Elements d'Analyse Dunod 1967 FT R 019.020 Chambadal, L. Elements d'Algebre 1 Dunod 1967 FT R 019.021 Chambadal, L., Ovaert Cours de mathematiques Gauthier Villars 1966 FT R 019.022 Calvo, B.-Doyen, J. (Col Exercices d'Algébre MP1 et speciales A-A' Armand Colin 1970 FT R 019.023 Calvo, B.-Doyen, J. (Col Exercices d'Analyse MP2 speciales A-A' Armand Colin 1971 FT R 019.024 Calvo, B.-Doyen, J. (Col Exercices d'Analyse MP1 Armand Colin 1970 FT R 019.025 Calvo, B.-Doyen, J. (C0l Exercices d'Analyse MP2 Armand Colin 1971 FT R 019.026 Tebar-Flores, E. Problemas de álgebra lineal Tomo 1 T. Flores 1974 FT 84-7268-023-1 R 019.027 Tebar-Flores, E. Problemas de cálculo infnitesimal I Tebar-Flores 1975 FT Extraviad R 0

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19.028 Lopez de la Rica, A. Problemas sobre funciones de variable compleja Razon y fe 1969 FT R 019.029 Lucena, J.C. Problemas de ecuaciones difernciales Alexa 1972 FT Extraviad R 019.030 Demidovich, B. Problemas y ejercicios de análisis matemático Paraninfo 1974 FT R 019.030 Demidovich, B. Problemas y ejercicios de análisis matemático Paraninfo 1985 2008 FTA Donación EUP 84-283-0049-6 R 019.031 Echarren, Primo Problemas de cálculo infinitesimal Lex Nova 1975 FT 84-85012-09-7 R 019.032 Marin Tejerizo Problemas de cálculo diferencial Saeta 1972 FT Extraviad R 019.033 Marin Tejerizo Problemas de cálculo infnitesimal Saeta 1968 FT Extraviad R 019.034 Moya Moreno Problemas de cálculo infinitesimal Marcombo 1969 FT Extraviad R 019.035 Abellanas, P. Elementos de Matemáticas Madrid 1964 FT Extraviad R 019.036 Abellanas, P. Elementos de Matemáticas II Madrid 1965 FT Extraviad R 019.037 Leib, D. Exercices Methodiques de Calcul Différentiel et Intégrale Sciences 1940 FT R 019.038 Iñiguez Almech, J.M. Problemas de matemáticas Libreria General 1965 FT R 019.039 Haaser, N., Lasalle, J.P. Introduction to analysis I Ginn 1959 FT R 019.040 R.A.E.C. Problemas de álgebra lineal Rall 196 FT Extraviad R 019.041 Meschkowski, H. Introducción a la matemática moderna Selec. Cientif. 1967 FT R 019.042 Richardson, H. Elements de matématiques modernes Dunod 1963 FT R 019.043 Breard, C. Structures algébriques I. Classes terminales C et T L'école 1963 FT R 019.044 Thuillier, P. Analyse I, Function d'une Masson et Cie. 1964 FT R 019.045 Thuillier, P. Analyse II, Variable réelle Masson et Cie. 1963 FT R 019.046 Thuillier, P. Geometrie Analitique III (Algebra) Masson et Cie 1963 FT R 019.047 Thuillier, P. Geometrie Analytique IV (calcul numerique et géométrie anal) Masson et Cie. 1964 FT R 019.048 Chisini, O. Esercizi di geometria analitica e proiettiva Zanichelli 1959 FT R 019.049 Toralballa, L.V. Calculus with analytic geometry and linear algebra Academic 1967 FT R 019.050 Schaum Cálculo superior McGraw-Hill 1973 2008 FTA Donación EUP R 019.051 Schaum Análisis númerico FT Extraviad Getino R 019.052 Schaum Analytic Geometry 1950 FT R 019.053 Schaum Variable compleja Mc Graw-Hill 1970 FT R 019.054 Schaum Manual de tablas y fórmulas matemáticas Mc Graw-Hill 1970 FT R 019.055 Schaum Geometria Proyectiva Mc Graw-Hill 1970 FT R 019.056 Schaum Geometria Proyectiva Mc Graw-Hill 1970 FT R 019.056 Schaum Geometria Proyectiva Mc Graw-Hill 1970 2008 FTA Donación EUP R 019.057 Schaum Matrices FT Extraviad R 019.058 Schaum Matrices FT R 019.059 Schaum Geometría Plana con Coordenadas McGraw-Hill 1970 2008 FTA Donación EUP R 019.060 Schaum Algebra Superior (Teoría y Problemas) Mc Graw-Hill 1969 2008 FTA R 019.060 Schaum Algebra Superior (Teoría y Problemas) Mc Graw-Hill 1969 2008 FTA Donación EUP R 019.061 Schaum Algebra Superior (Teoría y Problemas) Mc Graw-Hill 1969 FT R 019.062 Schaum Vector Analysis Mc Graw-Hill 1959 FT p R 019.063 Schaum Teoría de conjuntos y temas afines (Teoría y Problemas) Mc Graw-Hill 1970 FT R 019.063 Schaum Teoría de conjuntos y temas afines (Teoría y Problemas) Mc Graw-Hill 1970 2008 FT Donación EUP R 0

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19.064 Schaum Differential Equations 1952 FT R 019.065 Schaum Ecuaciones Diferenciales Mc Graw-Hill 1952 FT R 019.066 Schaum Plane Geometry (Problemas) Mc Graw-Hill 1963 FT R 019.067 Schaum Matemáticas Finitas 1972 FT R 019.068 Schaum Laplace Transforms Mc Graw-Hill 1965 FT R 019.069 Schaum Transformadas de Laplace Mc Graw-Hill 1960 FT R 019.070 Schaum Vibraciones Mecánicas Mc Graw-Hill 1970 FT R 019.071 Schaum Lagragian Dynamics Schaum 1967 FT R 019.072 Schaum Dinámica de los Fluidos Mc Graw-Hill 1970 FT R 019.073 Schaum Modern Algebra Mc Graw-Hill 1965 FT R 019.074 Schaum Algebra Moderna Mc Graw-Hill 1969 70.09 FT Extraviad Piñeiro R 019.075 Schaum Fisica General Mc Graw-Hill 1970 FT R 019.076 Schaum Cálculo Diferencial e Integral 1950 FT R 019.077 Schaum Algebra Lineal Mc Graw-Hill 1971 FT R 019.078 Schaum Topología General Mc Graw-Hill 1970 FT R 019.079 Schaum Probabilidad Mc Graw-Hill 1971 FT 0-07-091629-2 R 019.080 Schaum Probabilidad Mc Graw-Hill 1971 FT Extraviad ISABEL MARTIN R 019.081 Schaum Fundamentos de Matemáticas Superiores FT R 019.082 Schaum Estadistica FT Extraviad R 019.083 Schaum Geometria diferencial Mc Graw-Hill 1971 FT R 019.084 Schaum Teoría de grupos Mc Graw-Hill 1972 FT R 019.085 Schaum Análisis de Fourier Mc Graw-Hill 1976 FT 0-07090921-0 R 019.086 Dedekind, R. Essays on the Theory of Numbers Dover 1963 86.12 FTA 0-486-21010 R 019.087 Spiegel, M.R. Cáculo superior (Teoría y problemas) Mc Graw-Hill 1970 87.01 FTA Extraviad VICENTE R 019.088 Ligel Complements d'algebre Ligel 1959 87.01 FTA R 019.089 Clement Casado, J.M. Problemas de cálculo vectorial Alhambra 1971 FT R 019.090 Tricomi, F. Esercizi e complementi di analisi 1 Padova 1944 FT R 019.091 Tricomi, F. Esercizi e complementi di analisi 2 Matematica Padova 1949 FT R 019.092 Rey Pastor, J., Castro, Elementos de Matemáticas Saeta 1959 FT R 019.093 Berrebi, E. Mathematique: exercices 1 Dunod 1965 FT Extraviad R 019.094 Berrebi, E. Mathematique: exercices 3 Dunod 1967 FT Extraviad R 019.095 Balliccioni, A., Chazel, Choix de problèmes de mathématiques Masson et Cie. 1962 FT R 019.096 Finzi, B., Morra, F. Esercizi di analisi matematica. 1 Tamburini 1949 FT R 019.097 Finzi, B., Morra, F. Esercizi di analisi matematica. 2 Tamburini 1949 FT R 019.098 Finzi, B., Morra, F. Esercizi di analisi matematica. 2 Tamburini 1967 FT R 019.099 Hight, D.W. A Concept of limits Dover 1977 86.12 FTA 0-486-63543-0 R 019.100 Calame, A. Mathématiques modernes I Griffon 1965 FT R 019.101 Calame, A. Mathématiques moderne II Griffon 1966 FT R 019.102 Suter, H. Mathématiques modernes I Griffon 1965 FT R 019.103 Suter, H. Mathématiques modernes II Griffon 1966 FT R 0

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19.104 Kemeny, Snell, Thompson Intoducción a las matemáticas finitas CECSA 1972 FT Extraviad PIÑEIRO R 019.105 Bourbaki, N. Elements d'Historie des Mathématiques Hermann 1969 FT R 019.106 Rouse Ball, W.N. A short account of the History of matematics Dover 1960 GIFT R 019.107 Beiler, A.H. Recreations in the theory of numbers Dover 1964 GIFT 486-21096-0 R 019.108 May, K.O. Elements of Modern Mathematics Addison Wesley 1959 FT R 019.109 Lefort, G. Algebra y análisis (Ejercicios) Montaner y Simon 1967 FT R 019.110 Rivaud, J. Exercices d'Algèbre, Tome 1,2 Vuibert 1964 FT R 019.111 Paraine, R., Levita, M. Esercices d'algèbre linéaire et de calcul matriciel Dunod 1970 FT R 019.112 Bigard, Crestey, Grappy Problemas de álgebra moderna Reverté 1970 FT R 019.113 Spivak, M. Calculus I Reverté 1970 FT R 019.114 Spivak, M. Calculus II Reverté 1970 FT R 019.115 Spivak, M. Calculus I Reverté 1970 FT Extraviad R 019.116 Spivak, M. Calculus II Reverté 1970 FT R 019.117 Spivak, M. Suplemento del calculus Reverté 1974 87.09 FT R 019.118 Dixmier, J. Matemáticas generales I Aguilar 1974 FT 84-03-20240-7 R 019.119 Dixmier, J. Matemáticas Generales I Aguilar 1974 FT 84-03-20240-7 R 019.120 Dixmier, J. Course de Mathématiques: du premier cycle I Gauthier Villars 1973 FT 2-04-002687-8 R 019.121 Doreian, P. Las matemáticas y el estudio de las relaciones sociales Vicens-Vives 1973 FT 84-316-1760-8 R 019.122 Doreian, P. Las matemáticas y el estudio de las relaciones sociales Vicen-Vives 1973 FT 84-316-1760-8 R 019.123 Doneddu, A. Analyse et géométrie différentielle II Dunod 1966 FT R 019.124 Doneddu, A. Compléments d'analyse speciales et MP2 IV Dunod 1968 FT R 019.125 Kaufmann, A., Précigout, Cours de mathematiques nouvelles I Dunod 1966 FT R 019.126 Owen, G.E. Initiation aux mathématiques appliquees Dunod 1964 FT R 019.127 Paraire, R., Levita, M. Exercices d'Algèbre linéaire et de calcul matriciel Dunod 1971 FT R 019.128 Paraire, R., Levita, M. Mathématiques Générales I Dunod 1971 FT R 019.129 Paraire, R., Levita, M. Mathématiques Générales: Analyse II Dunod 1971 Des R 019.130 Morrey, C.B. University calculus with analytic geometry Addison Wesley 1962 FT R 019.131 Gouyon, R. Précis de mathématiques speciales Vuibert 1958 FT R 019.132 Lesieur, L., Joulain, C. Mathematiques: algèbre, géométrie et mécanique I Armand Colin 1964 FT R 019.133 Lesieur, L., Lefebvre, J. Mathematiques: analyse, statistique et probabilités. II Armand Colin 1964 FT R 019.134 Lesieur, L., Lefebvre, J. Mathematiques: Analyse, statistique et probabilites. III Armand Colin 1967 FT R 019.135 Lesieur, L., Lefebvre, J. Mathematiques: Analyse, statistique et prob. III Armand Colin 1972 FT R 019.136 Bass, J. Cours de mathématiques Masson et Cie. 1956 FT R 019.137 Bass, J. Cours de mathématiques. Tome III Masson et Cie. 1971 71.10 FT R 019.138 Vinogradov, I. Fundamentos de la Teoría de los Numeros Mir 1977 FT R 019.139 Hocquenghem, A. Mathematiques I. Calcul différentiel et integral. Masson et Cie. 1964 FT R 019.140 Hocquenghem, A. Mathematiques II. Algèbre linèaire Masson 1963 FT R 019.141 Scientific American Matemáticas en el mundo moderno Blume 1974 FT R 019.142 Reeb, G., Klein, J. Formulas Matemáticas Comentadas I. Análisis. Castillo 1970 FT 06-3145009 R 019.143 Reeb, G., Klein, J. Formulas matemáticas comentadas II. Soluciones del Vol. 1 Castillo 1970 FT 06-3145018 R 0

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19.144 Quinet, J. Cours elémentaire de mathématiques supérieures I Dunod 1953 FT R 019.145 Quinet, J. Cours elémentaire de mathématiques supérieures II Dunod 1954 FT R 019.146 Quinet, J. Cours elémentaire de mathématiques supérieurs III Dunod 1952 FT R 019.147 Quinot, J. Cours elémentaire de mathématiques supérieures IV Dunod 1952 FT R 019.148 Quinet, J. Cours elémentaire de mathématiques V Dunod 1953 FT R 019.149 Vila, A. Ejercicios de Matemática moderna Vicens-Vives 1973 FT 84-316-0381-X R 019.150 Reynolds, J.A.C. Forma, Tamaño y Lugar I Vinces-Vives 1968 FT R 019.151 Lovis, F.B. Computadores I Vicens-Vives 1969 FT R 019.152 Lovis, F.B. Computadores II Vicens-Vives 1969 FT R 019.153 Iñiguez Almech, J.M. Curso de Matemáticas I I. General 1949 FT R 019.154 Sanchez, J.L. Curso de Matemáticas I CEU 1975 FT R 019.155 Sanchez, J.L. Curso de Matemáticas II CEU 1976 FT R 019.156 Jenson, V.G., Jeffreys, Mathematical methods in chemical engineering Academic 1977 FT 0-12-384456-8 R 019.157 García, López Algebra lineal y geometría Martiz 1977 FT 84-268-0269-9 R 019.158 Markushévich, A.I. Sucesiones recurrentes Mir 1974 FT R 019.159 Fomine, S., Berkinblit, Problèmes mathématiques en biologie Mir 1975 FT R 019.160 Spiridonov, V.P., Tratamiento matemático de datos físico-químicos Mir 1973 FT R 019.161 Rios, S. Complementos de matemáticas Madrid 1960 FT R 019.162 Rios, S. Complementos de matemáticas Madrid 1952 FT R 019.163 Rios, S. Ampliación de matemáticas Madrid 1953 FT R 019.164 Aitken, A.C. Determinantes y matrices Dossat FT R 019.165 Chatelet, A. Arithmétique et Algèbre Modernes. France. Univ. 1956 FT R 019.166 Brillouin, L. Mathematiques Masson et Cie 1939 FT R 019.167 Zeldovitch, I., Mychkis, Elements de mathématiques appliquées Mir 1974 FT R 019.168 Navarro, F., Abellanas, Curso General de matemáticas I Bermejo 1951 FT R 019.169 Rose, W.N. Tratado práctico de matemáticas para ingenieros I Labor 1944 FT R 019.170 Rose, W.N. Tratado práctico de matemáticas para ingenieros II Labor 1944 FT R 019.171 Denis-Padin, M., Cours de calcul opérationnel Albin Michel 1950 FT R 019.172 Bisacre, F.F.P. Applied Calculus Blackie & Sons 1947 FT R 019.173 Sherwood, T., Reed, C. Applied Mathematics in chemical engineering Mc Graw-Hill 1939 FT R 019.174 Kreyszig, E. Matemáticas avanzadas para ingenieria I Limusa 1977 FT R 019.175 Kreyszig, E. Matemáticas avanzadas para ingenieria II Limusa 1976 FT Extraviad PASCUAL R 019.176 Martínez Salas, J. Elementos de Matemáticas Part. 1977 FT R 019.177 R.A.E.C. Problemas de cálculo infinitesimal RAEC 1967 FT Extraviad R 019.178 Martínez Salas, J. Elementos de Matemáticas Martínez Salas 1977 FT El volumen b 84-400-2181-X R 019.179 Alexandrov, Kolmogorov La matemática: su contenido métodos y significado I Alianza 1980 FT Extraviad R 019.180 Alexandrov, Kolmogorov La matemática: su contenido métodos y significado II Alianza 1979 FT R 019.181 Alexandrov, Kolmogorov La matemática: su contenido métodos y significado III Alianza 1979 FT R 019.182 Stewart, I. Conceptos de la matemática moderna Alianza 1977 FT 84-206-2187-0 R 019.183 Carnap, Morgenstern, Matemáticas en las ciencias del comportamiento Alianza 1974 FT 84-206-2086-6 R 0

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19.184 Stroud, K.A. Problemas de matemáticas Reverté 1978 FT R 019.185 Danko, P., Popov, A. Ejercicios y Problemas de Matemáticas Superiores I Paraninfo 1982 FT 84-283-1199-4 R 019.186 Danko, P., Popov, A. Ejercicios y Problemas de Matemáticas Superiores II Paraninfo 1982 FT R 019.187 Meschkowski, H. Introducción a la matemática moderna Selec. Cientificas 1967 FT R 019.188 Breuer, J. Iniciación a la teoría de los conjuntos Paraninfo 1970 FT R 019.189 Suppes, P., Hill, S. Introducción a la lógica matemática Reverté 1968 FT R 019.190 Curry, H.B. Leçons de logique algébrique Gauthier Villars 1952 FT R 019.191 Mendelson, E. Introduction to mathematical logic Van Nostrand 1968 FT R 019.192 Kneebone, G.T. Mathematical logic and the foundations of mathematics Van Nostrand 1965 FT R 019.193 Lelong-Ferrand, J. Curso de Matemáticas I. Algebra Reverté 1979 87.01 MAF 84-291-5066-8 R 019.194 Lelong-Ferrand, J. Curso de Matemáticas II. Análisis Reverté 1980 87.01 MAF 84-291-5067-6 R 019.195 Lelong-Ferrand, J. Curso de Matemáticas III. Geometría y cinemática Reverté 1982 87.01 MAF 84-291-5068-4 R 019.196 Lelong-Ferrand, J. Curso de Matemáticas IV. Ec difer. Func holomorfas. Integral Reverté 1983 87.01 MAF 84-291-5069-2 R 019.197 Bass, J. Ejercicios de Matemáticas Toray-Marion 1970 87.01 MAF R 019.198 Fuhrmann, J. Ejercicios de Matemáticas para químicos Reverté 1978 MAF 84-291-5076-5 R 019.199 Bronte, R. Problemas de cálculo infinitesimal e integral Madrid 1977 87.02 MAF 84-400-1053-2 R 019.200 Dorrie, H. Great Problems of Elementary Mathematics Dover 1965 86.12 FTA 0-486-61348-8 R 019.201 Casanova, G. Nombres-vecteurs algèbra linéaire I L. Classique 1956 87.01 FT R 019.202 Casanova, G. Algebre et analyse II L. Classique 1958 87.01 FT R 019.203 Cisotti, U. Analisi matematica Libreria 1946 87.01 FT R 019.204 Felix, L. L'aspect moderne des mathématiques L. Scientific 1957 87.01 FT R 019.205 Bouligand, G., Dufresnoy, Mathématiques pures Vuibert 1949 87.01 FT R 019.206 Chini, M. Corso speciale di mathematiche Livorno 1923 87.01 FT R 019.207 Iñiguez Almech, J.M. Curso de Matemáticas I El Noticiero 1941 87.01 FT R 019.208 Iñiguez Almech, J.M. Curso de Matemáticas III Libreria General 1943 87.01 FT R 019.209 Severi, F. Lezioni di analisi Nicola Zanichelli 1941 87.01 FT R 019.210 Leroy, E. Cours d'algebre et d'analyse II Vuibert 1940 87.01 FT R 019.211 Picone, M., Tortorice, P. Tratado di matematiche generali I Studium Urbis 1947 87.01 FT R 019.212 Gaudiot, P. Algèbre et Analyse L. Eyrolles 1948 87.01 FT R 019.213 Mattioli, G.D. Istituzioni di mathematiche Padova 1947 87.01 FT R 019.214 Deltheil, R. Problèmes de mathématiques générales I Bailliere 1949 87.01 FT R 019.215 Deltheil, R. Problèmes de mathématiques générales II Bailliere 1954 87.01 FT R 019.216 Mercier, A., Fieux, J. Traite de mathematiques I Dunod 1949 87.01 FT R 019.217 Spars, F., Rees, P.K. Trigonometría Reverté 1984 87.06 MAF 84-291-5130-3 R 019.218 Stein, S.K. Mathematics: the man-made Universe Freeman 1976 88.01 FTA 0-7167-0465-X R 019.219 Salas, J.M. Elementos de Matemáticas Andrés Martín 1969 MAF R 019.220 Markushévicha, A.L. Números complejos y representaciones conformes Mir 1977 88.05 FTA R 019.221 Shilov, G.E. Como construir las gráficas Mir 1978 88.05 FTA R 019.222 Shervátov, V.G. Funciones Hiperbólicas Mir 1975 88.05 FTA R 019.223 Markushevich, A.I. Areas y Logaritmos Mir 1975 88.05 FTA R 0

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19.224 Shilov, G.E. Analisis matemático en el campo de funciones racionales Mir 1975 88.05 FTA R 019.225 Martínez Salas, J. Elementos de Matemáticas Andrés Martín 1966 89.04 FTA Extraviad GADELLA R 019.226 Martínez Salas, J. Elementos de Matemáticas Andrés Martín 1977 89.04 FTA R 019.227 Martínez Salas, J. Elementos de Matemáticas Andrés Martín 1977 89.04 FTA R 019.228 Dieudonné, J. Panorama de las matemáticas puras Reverté 1986 89.05 MAF 84-291-5064-1 R 019.229 Martínez Salas, J. Métodos Matemáticos Cometa 1989 89.10 FTA 84-404-4462-1 R 019.230 Krasnov, M. Kiseliov, A. Curso de Matemáticas Superiores Mir 1990 90.10 MAF 5-03-000808-x R 019.231 Checa, E., Marin, J. Problemas de Cálculo Infinitesimal UPV 1988 90.10 MAF 84-7721-067-5 R 019.232 Checa, E., Marin, J. Problemas de álgebra UPV 1971 91.02 MAF 84-7721-066-7 R 019.233 RAEC Problemas de Cálculo Infinitesimal. Tomo II 1971 91.05 FTA R 019.234 Bouvier,A., George, M. Dictionnaire des Mathématiques PUF 1992 92.04 MAF 2-13044706-6 R 019.235 Piskunov, N. Cálculo Diferencial e Integral Limusa 1991 92.11 MAF 986-18-3985-4 R 019.236 Castelnuovo, E. Didáctica de la Matemática Moderna Trillas 1987 93.04 MAF 968-24-0143-7 R 019.237 Blachman, N. Matemática, un enfoque práctico Ariel 1993 93.04 MAF 84-344-0478-8 R 019.238 Uspensky, V.A. Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem MIR 1987 93.05 FTA R 019.239 Skornyakov, L.A. Systems of Linear Equations MIR 1988 93.05 FTA 15-03-000269 R 019.240 Berman, G.N. A Problem Book in Mathematical Analysis MIR 1977 93.05 FTA 5-03-001692 R 019.241 Piskundu, N. Cálculo Diferencial e Integral Limusa 1991 93.11 MAF 968-18-3985-4 R 019.242 Spivak, M. Cálculo Infinitesimal Reverté 1992 93.11 MAF 84-291-5136-2 R 019.243 Howara A. Cálculo y Geometría Analítica (Tomo I) Limusa 1991 94.04 MAF 968-18-1538-6 R 019.244 Howara A. Cálculo y Geometría Analítica (Tomo II) Limusa 1986 94.04 MAF 968-18-1719 R 019.245 Piskunov, N. C[alculo Diferencial e Integral Limusa 1991 94.11 MAF 968-18-3985 R 019.246 Piskunov, N. C[alculo Diferencial e Integral Limusa 1993 94.11 MAF 968-18-3985 R 019.247 Sanz Alvaro, P. Cuestiones de Cálculo Pirámide 1995 95.03 MAF 84-368-0846-0 R 019.248 Stein, S.K. Cálculo y Geometría Analítica (Vol. 1) Mc Graw-Hill 1995 95.05 MAF 958-600-251 R 019.249 Stein, S.K. Cálculo y Geometría Analítica (Vol. 2) Mc Graw-Hill 1995 95.05 MAF 958-600-252-7 R 019.250 Bronshtein,I. Semendiaev, Manual de Matemáticas para Ingenieros y Estudiantes MIR 1993 95.06 MAF 84-0841-022-1 R 019.251 Larson, R.E. Cálculo (Vol. I) Mac Graw-Hill 1995 95.06 MAF 84-481-1768-9 R 019.252 Larson, R.E. Cálculo (Vol. II) Mac Graw-Hill 1995 95.06 MAF 84-481-1769 R 019.253 Fuhrmann, J. Ejercicios de Matemáticas para Químicos Reverte 1978 MAF 84-291-5076 R 019.254 Mount Holyoke College Laboratories in Mathematical Experimentation Springer 1997 MAF 0-387-94922 R 019.255 Edwards, H.M. Advanced Calculus: A Diferential Forms Aproach Birkhäuser 1994 MAF 0-8176-3707 R 019.256 Marsden, J . Calculus II Springer 1985 MAF 0-387-90975 R 019.257 Marsden, J . Calculus III Springer 1985 M.A.F 0-387-90985-0 R 019.258 Larson, R.E. Cálculo y Geometría analítica. Vol. 1 McGraw-Hill 1995 MAF 84-481-1768 R 019.259 Larson, R.E. Cálculo y Geometría analítica. Vol. 1 McGraw-Hill 1995 MAF 84-481-1768 R 019.260 Mount Holyoke College Instructor´s Manual for Laboratories in ... Springer 1997 98.12 MAF 0-387-94998 R 019.261 Berggren, L. PI: A Source Book Springer 1997 99.04 FTA 0-387-94924 R 019.262 Dorrie, H. 100 Great problems of elementary mathematics Dover 1965 99.04 MAF 486-61348 R 019.263 Yaglom, A.M. Challenging Mathematical Problems with elementary solutions Dover 1987 99.11 FTA 0-486-65536 R 0

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19.264 Stewart, I. Concepts of Modern Mathematics Dover 1995 99.11 FTA 0-486-28424 R 019.265 Rouse Ball, W.W. Mathematical Recreations and Essays Dover 1987 99.11 FTA 0-486-25357 R 019.266 Arnold , V. (ed.) Mathematics : Frontiers and Perspectives AMS 1999 01.03 FTA 0-8218-2697 R 019.267 Engquist , B. (ed.) Mathematics Unlimited - 2001 and Beyond Springer 2001 01.03 FTA 3-540-66913 R 019.268 Spiegel, M.R. Matemáticas Avanzadas Mc Graw Hill 2001 02.02 MAF 970-10-2985 R 019.269 Devlin, K. An electronic companion to CALCULUS Cogito 1997 02.04 MAF 1-888902-47 R 019.270 Larson, R.E. Cálculo V.I Mc Graw Hill 1998 02.04 MAF 84-481-2229 R 019.271 Larson, R.E. Cálculo V.II Mc Graw Hill 1998 02.04 MAF 84-481-2229 R 019.272 Steiner, E. The Chemistry Maths Book Oxford 1998 02.04 MAF 0-19-855913 R 019.273 Dineen, S. Multivariate Calculus and Geometry Springer 1998 02.04 MAF 3-540-76176 R 019.274 Kline, M. Calculus Dover 1998 2003 MAF 0-486-40413 R 019.275 Inter-IREM commision History of Mathematicas. Histories of Problems Elipses 1997 2006 FTA 2-7298-4730 R 019.276 García Castro, F. Cáculo Infinitesimal, I Pirámide 1992 2006 FTA 84-368-0134 R 019.277 Ruíz Virumbrales, L.M. Ejercicios de Cálculo Infinitesimal U.N.E.D. 1997 2006 FTA 84-362-2640 R 019.278 Guzman, M. de Problemas , Conceptos y Métodos de Análisis Matemático Pirámide 1991 2006 FTA 84-368-0555 R 019.279 Tebar Flores, E. Problemas de Cálculo Infinitesimal Flores 2006 FTA 84-7360-019 R 019.280 Beadley, G. Cálculo I 2008 MAF R 019.281 Beadley, G. Cálculo II 2008 MAF R 019.282 Marsden, Cálculo Vectorial (5ª ed.) Addison Wesley 2004 2008 MAF 84-7829-069-9 R 019.283 Purcell, E.J. Cálculo (8ª ed.) Prentice Hall 2001 2008 MAF 970-26-0132-0 R 019.284 Klein, F. Matem. Elem. desde un punto de vista superior nivola 2006 2009 MAF 84-96566-19-4 R 019.285 Piskunov, N. Cálculo 2009 MAF R 019.286 Burgos de, J. Funciones de varias varibles García -Maroto 2007 2009 MAF 84-935271-3-6 R 019.287 Labanés, R. Series de Fourier 2009 MAF R 019.288 Burgos de J. Cálculo Integral (Una y varias variables) Gacía Maroto 2007 2009 MAF 84-935271-1-2 R 019.289 Burgos de, J. Cálculo Vectorial García-Maroto 2009 2009 MAF 84-936712-2-8 R 019.290 Burgos de, J. Fundamentos Matemáticos de la Ingeniería García-Maroto 2008 2009 MAF 84-936299-2-2 R 019.291 Aigner, M. Raisonnements divins Springer 2006 2010 FTA 2-287-33845-4 R 019.292 Artmann, B. Euclid. The Creation of Mathematics Springer 2001 2010 FTA 0-387-98423-0 R 019.293 Stilwell, J. Mathematics and its History Springer 2002 2010 FTA 0-387-95336-6 R 019.294 Vac 019.295 Vac 019.296 Vac 019.297 Vac 019.298 Vac 019.299 Vac 019.300 Vac 019.301 Vac 019.302 Vac 019.303 Vac 0

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19.304 Vac 019.305 Vac 020.000 ========================= ========================= MECANICA CUANTICA. TEXTOS Cab 1;;; R 120.001 Dirac, P.A.M. The principles of quantum mechanics Clarendon 1949 FT R 120.002 Dirac, P.A.M. Quantum mechanics Clarendon 1949 FT R 120.003 Ingram, J.E. Radiation and quantum physics Clarendon 1973 FT 0 19 851814 5 R 120.004 Bohm, D. Quantum theory Prentice Hall 1966 FT R 120.005 Feynman, R.P., Hibbs, A. Quantum mechanics and path integrals Mc Graw-Hill 1964 GIFT R 120.006 Landau, L.D., Lifshitz, Mecánica cuántica (t. no relativista) Reverté 1972 FT Extraviad R 120.007 Landau, L.D., Lifshitz, Quantum mechanics Pergamon 1965 71.10 FT R 120.008 Landau, L.D., Lifshitz, Mecánica cuántica Reverté 1967 FT Extraviad R 120.009 Messiah, A. Mecánica cuántica I Tecnos 1965 FT Extraviad R 120.010 Messiah, A. Mecánica cuántica II Tecnos 1965 FT R 120.011 Messiah, A. Mecánica cuántica I Tecnos 1965 FT R 120.012 Messiah, A. Mecanique quantique II Dunod 1960 70.01 FT R 120.013 Messiah, A. Mecanique quantique I Dunod 1959 70.01 FT R 120.014 Mott, N.F., Sneddon, J.N. Wave mechanics and its applications Clarendon 1948 FT R 120.015 Merzbacher, E. Quantum mechanics J. Wiley 1967 FT R 120.016 Powell, J.L., Crasemann, Quantum mechanics Addison Wesley 1961 70.01 FT R 120.017 Iñiguez Almech, J.M. Mecánica cuántica El Noticiero 1949 FT R 120.018 Bethe, H.A. Intermediate quantum mechaniccs Benjamin 1964 FT R 120.019 Matthews, P.T. Mecánica cuántica Urmo 1972 FT R 120.020 Matthews, P.T. Introduction to quantum mechanics Mc Graw-Hill 1963 70.01 FT R 120.021 Blokhintsev, D.I. Quantum mechanics Reidel 1964 70.01 FT R 120.022 Borowitz, S. Fundamentos de Mecanica Cuántica Reverté 1973 FT 84-291-4011-5 R 120.023 Borowitz, S. Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics Benjamin 1967 70.01 FT R 120.024 Ayant, Y., Belorizky, E. Cours de mecanique quantique Dunod 1969 70.01 FT R 120.025 Ayant, Y., Belorizky, E. Cours de mecanique quantique Dunod 1969 FT R 120.026 Gasiorowicz, S. Quantum physics J. Wiley 1974 FT R 120.027 Taylor, J.G. Quantum mechanics: An introduction G. Allen and Unwin 1970 71.02 FT 04-530015-1 R 120.028 Salmon, J., Gervat, A. Mecanique quantique I Masson & Cie 1967 70.01 FT R 120.029 Baym, G. Lectures on quantum mechanics Benjamin 1969 70.04 FT R 120.030 Baym, G. Lectures on quantum mechanics Benjamin 1969 GIFT Extraviad R 120.031 Gottfried, K. Quantum mechanics I. Fundamentals Benjamin 1966 FT 0-8247-1213-7 R 120.032 Fonda, L., Ghirardi, G.C. Simmetry principles in quantum physics Marcel Dekker 1970 FT R 120.033 Schiff, L.I. Quantum mechanics Mc Graw-Hill 1968 71.01 FT R 120.034 Schiff, L.I. Quantum mechanics Mc Graw-Hill 1968 71.01 FT R 120.035 Schiff, L.I. Quantum mechanics Mc Graw-Hill 1949 FT R 120.036 Houston, W.V. Principles of quantum mechanics Dover 1959 70.01 GIFT R 120.037 Pluvinage, P. Elements de mecanique quantique Masson & Cie 1955 70.01 FT R 1

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20.038 Davydov, A.S. Quantum mechanics Pergamon 1965 70.01 FT R 120.039 Slater, J.C. Cocepts and development of quantum physics Dover 1969 71.02 GIFT 486-62265-7 R 120.040 Heisenberg, W. The physical principles of the quantum theory Dover 1949 70.01 FT R 120.041 Platrier, C. Initiation aux mécaniques ondulatoires Hermann 1945 FT R 120.042 Heitler, W. Elements de mecanique ondulatoire Univ. France 1949 FT R 120.043 Flint, H.T. Wave mechanics Methuen & Co. 1949 FT R 120.044 Landé, A. New foundations of quantum mechanics Cambridge 1965 FT R 120.045 Wichmann, E.H. Quantum physics Mc Graw-Hill 1967 FT R 120.046 Bates, D.R. Quantum theory I. Elements Academic 1966 70.01 FT R 120.047 Bates, D.R. Quantum theory II. Aggregates of Particles Academic 1967 70.01 FT R 120.048 Bates, D.R. Quantum theory III. Radiation and High energy Physics Academic 1962 70.01 FT R 120.049 Green, H.S. Matrix mechanics Noorhoff 1965 70.01 FT R 120.050 Synge, J.L. Geometrical Mechanics and De Broglie Waves Cambridge 1954 FT R 120.051 Pauling, K., Wilson, E. Introduction to quantum mechanics with chemistry Dover 1985 86.12 FTA 0-486-64871-0 R 120.052 Payen de la Garanderie, Mecanique quantique Masson & Cie. 1971 72.01 FT R 120.053 Rapp, D. Quantum mechanics Holt & Rinehart 1971 72.02 FT 03-081294-1 R 120.054 Mizushima, M. Quantum mechanics of atomics spectra and atomic structure Benjamin 1970 72.05 GIFT R 120.055 Gombás, P., Kisdi, D. Einfürung in die quantenmechanik and ihre Anwendugen Springer 1970 72.12 FT R 120.056 Bohm, D. Causality and Chance in modern Physics. FT Extraviad R 120.057 Anderson, E.E. Modern physics and quantum mechanics GIFT Extraviad R 120.058 Landshoff, P., Metherell, Simple quantum physics Cambridge 1979 FTA 0-521-29538-6 R 120.059 Salam, A., Wigner, E.P. Aspects of quantum theory Cambridge 1972 FT 0-521-08600-0 R 120.060 Holden, A. Stationary states Clarendon 1971 73.05 FT 0-19-851121-3 R 120.061 Aprahamian, F. Teoría cuántica. La física cuántica y el átomo Mc Graw-Hill 1974 FT R 120.062 Aprahamian, F. El Mucleo del átomo. Particulas elementales Mc Graw-Hill 1974 FT 0-07-090900-8 R 120.063 Hulin, M. Introduction á la physique atomique et á la mecanique quanti Armand Colin 1974 FT R 120.064 Broglie, L. de Etude Critique de la Mécanique ondulatoire Gauthier Villars 1963 FT R 120.065 Broglie, L. de La physique quantique ..... Gauthier Villars 1953 FT R 120.066 Broglie, L. de Mec. ond. du photon et theorie quantique des champs Gauthier Villars 1949 FT R 120.067 Broglie, L. de La mecanique ondulatoire des systemes de corpuscules Gauthier Villars 1950 FT R 120.068 Broglie, L. de Elements de Theorie des quanta et de Mecanique ondulatoire Gauthier Villars 1953 FT R 120.069 Broglie, L. de La théorie de la Mesure en mec. ondulatoire Gauthier Villars 1957 FT R 120.070 Broglie, L. de Une tentative d'interpretation de la mécanique ondulatoire Gauthier Villars 1956 FT R 120.071 Broglie, L. de Théorie de la quantification dans la nouvelle mécanique Hermann 1968 FT R 120.072 Tarassov, L. Physique quantique et opérateurs lineaires Mir 1980 FT R 120.073 Kaempffer, F.A. Concepts in quantum mechanics Academic 1965 70.01 FT R 120.074 Eisberg, R., Resnick,R. Quantum physics Wiley 1974 FT R 120.075 Eisberg, R., Resnick, R. Quantum physics of atoms, molecules, solids, nuclei and part Wiley 1974 FT 0-471-23404-8 R 120.076 Dicke, R.H., Wittke, J.P. Intoducción a la mecánica cuántica Libreria General 1975 FT 84-7078-349-1 R 120.077 Dicke, R.H., Wittke, J.P. Introducción a la mecánica cuántica Libreria General 1975 FT 84-7078-349-1 R 1

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20.078 Dicke, R.H., Wittke, J.P. Introducción a la mecánica cuántica Libreria General 1975 FT R 120.079 Lipkin, H.J. Quantum Mechanics North-Holland 1973 FT 07204-0258-1 R 120.080 Wieder, S. The foundations of quantum theory Academic 1973 GIFT 0-12-749050-7 R 120.081 Heisenberg, W. The physical principles of the quantum theory Dover 1949 86.12 FTA 486-60113-7 R 120.082 Cohen-Tannoudji,C.,Diu,B. Mécanique quantique I Hermann 1973 FT 27056 5733 9 R 120.083 Cohen-Tannoudji,C.,Diu,B. Mecanique quantique II Hermann 1973 FT R 120.084 Cohen-Tannoudji,C.,Diu,B. Mecanique quantique I Hermann 1973 GIFT Extraviad R 120.085 Cohen-Tannoudji,C.,Diu,B. Mecanique quantique II Hermann 1973 FT R 120.086 Pauli, W. Pauli, Lectures on physics: Wave mechanics (Vol 5) MIT 1978 GIFT 0-262-16050-1 R 120.087 Fermi, E. Notes on quantum mechanics Unv. Chicago 1971 FT 0-226-24361-3 R 120.088 Cohen-Tannoudji,C.,Diu,B. Mecanique quantique I Hermann 1973 FT R 120.089 Garrido, L.M. Cinemática cuántica relativista (5) Univ. Zaragoza 1961 70.01 FT R 120.090 Garrido, L.M. Cinemática cuántica relativista (6) Unv. Zaragoza 1961 70.01 FT R 120.091 Destouches, J.L. La mecánique ondulatoire Univ. France 1964 FT R 120.092 Blokhintsev, D.I. Principes essentiels de la mecanique quantique Dunod 1968 FT R 120.093 Planck, M. The theory of heat radiation Dover 1959 72.09 GIFT R 120.094 Saxon, D.S. Elementary Quantum Mechanics Holden Day 1968 FTA R 120.095 Park, D. Introduction to the quantum theory Mc Graw-Hill 1964 70.01 FT R 120.096 Born, M. Problems of atomic dynamics MIT 1970 72.10 GIFT 0-262-52019-2 R 120.097 Gillespie, D.T. Introducción a la mecánica cuántica Reverté 1976 FT 84-291-4039-5 R 120.098 Levich, B.G. Theorical physics (Vol 3 Quantum mechanics) North-Holland 1973 73.06 GIFT 0-7204-0179 R 120.099 McWeeny Quantum mechanics: Principles and formalism I Pergamon 1972 GIFT 08 016762 4 R 120.100 McWeeny Quantum mechanics: Methods and basic applications II Pergamon 1973 GIFT 0 08 016794 2 R 120.101 Guinier, G. Elements de Physique Moderne Bordas 1949 87.01 FTA R 120.102 Roman, P. Advanced quantum theory Addison Wesley 1965 70.03 GIFT R 120.103 Tomonaga, S.I. Quantum mechanics I. Old quantum theory North-Holland 1968 70.01 GIFT R 120.104 Tomonaga, S.I. Quantum mechanics II. New quantum theory North-Holland 1966 GIFT R 120.105 Dicke, R.H., Wittke, J.P. Introducción a la mecánica cuántica Libreria General 1975 87.01 FTA 84-7078-349-1 R 120.106 Kramers, H.A. Quatum mechanics Dover 1964 79.02 GIFT R 120.107 Sposito, G. An introduction to quantum physics Wiley and sons 1970 71.03 GIFT 0-471-81755-4 R 120.108 Cassels, J.M. Basic quantum mechanics Mc Graw-Hill 1970 70.05 GIFT 07-094118-1 R 120.109 Cohen-Tannoudji,. Forme Lagrangienne de la Mecanique Quantique FT Fotocopia R 120.110 Kemble, E.C. The fundamental principles of quantum mechanics Dover 1958 73.05 GIFT 486-60472-1 R 120.111 Bohm, D. Quantum theory Prentice-Hall 1951 87.01 FTA R 120.112 Bohm, A. Quantum mechanics Springer 1979 FT 0-38708862-8 R 120.113 Bohm, A. Quantum mechanics Springer 1979 FT 0-387-08862-8 R 120.114 Ta-You, W. Quantum mechanics World Scientific 1986 FT 9971-9978-474 R 120.115 Durand, E. Mecanique quantique I Masson et Cie. 1970 FT R 120.116 Blinder, S.M. Foundations of Quantum Dynamics Academic 1974 FT 0-12-106050-0 R 120.117 Mott ,N.F. Mecánica Cuántica Elemental Alhambra 1982 FT 84-205-0907-8 R 1

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20.118 Eisberg, R., Resnick, R. Quantum physics Wiley 1985 FT 0-47187373-X R 120.119 Schiff, L.I. Quantum mechanics Mc Graw-Hill 1968 71.01 FT R 120.120 Schulman, L. Techniques and applications of Path Integration 1981 86.11 FTA R 120.121 Fermi, E. Notes on quantum mechanics Phoenix 1966 87.01 FTA R 120.122 Eisberg, R., Resnick, R. Quantum physics of atoms, molecules, solids, nuclei particle Wiley 1974 87.01 FTA R 120.123 Messiah, A. Mecánica cuántica I Tecnos 1962 87.01 FTA R 120.124 Levy-Leblond, J.M., Quantique rudiments Inter 1984 87.01 FTA Extraviad BALLESTEROS 2-7296-0046-1 R 120.125 Broglie, L. de Theorie de la quantification dans la nouvelle mecanique Hermann 1968 87.01 FTA R 120.126 Dirac, P.A.M. Principios de mecánica cuántica Ariel 1967 87.01 FTA R 120.127 Thirring, W. Quantum mechanics of atoms and molecules Springer 1981 87.04 FTA 0-387-81620-8 R 120.128 Duffey, G.H. A Development of quantum mechanics D. Reidel 1985 87.05 FTA 0-2777-1587-4 R 120.129 Schiff, L.I. Quantum mechanics Mc Graw- Hill 1955 87.07 FTA R 120.130 Cohen-Tannoudji,C.,Diu,B. Quantum Mechanics (I) Wiley 1977 88.01 FTA R 120.131 Cohen-Tannoudji,C.,Diu,B. Quantum Mechanics (II) Wiley I. 1977 FTA 0-471-16435-6 R 120.132 Merzbacher, E. Quantum Mechanics Wiley I. 1970 FTA 0-471-59680-9 R 120.133 Eisberg, R. Resnick, R. Quantum Physics Wiley 1974 FTA 0-471-23464-8 R 120.134 Gasiorowicz,S. The Structure of Matter Addison Wesley 1979 88.05 FTA 0-201-02511-6 R 120.135 Yndurain, F.J. Mecánica Cuántica Alianza 1988 88.10 FTA 84-206-8120-2 R 120.136 Galindo, A., Pascual, P. Mecánica Cuántica I Eudema 1989 90.03 FTA 84-7754-041-1 R 120.137 Galindo, A., Pascual, P. Mecánica Cuántica II Eudema 1989 90.03 FTA 84-7754-040-3 R 120.138 Galindo, A., Pascual, P. Problemas de Mecánica Cuántica Eudema 1989 90.03 FTA 84-7754-039-X R 120.139 Peshkin, M., Tonomura, A. The Aharonov-Bohm Effect Springer 1989 90.03 FTA 3-540-51567-4 R 120.140 Sakurai, J.J. Modern Quantum Mechanics Addison-Wesley 1985 90.04 FTA 0-8053-7501-5 R 120.141 Greiner, W. Quantum Mechanics: an Introduction Springer 1989 90.04 FTA 5-340-18755-3 R 120.142 Greiner,W., Müller,B. Quantum Mechanics, Symmetries Springer 1989 90.10 FTA 3-540-19201-8 R 120.143 Goldin,L.L.,Movikova,G.I. Introducción a la Física Cuántica Mir 1990 90.11 FTA 5-03-001554-x R 120.144 Lévy-Leblond, J.M., Quantics North-Holland 1990 91.11 FTA 0-444-88120-4 R 120.145 Rae, A.I.M. Quantum Mechanics IOP 1992 93.05 FTA 0-7503-0217-8 R 120.146 Sánchez del Río, C. Física Cuántica (I) Eudema 1991 93.07 FTA 84-7754-078-0 R 120.147 Sánchez del Río, C. Física Cuántica (II) Eudema 1991 93.07 FTA 84-7754-079-9 R 120.148 Bohm, A. Quantum Mechanics -Foundations and Applications Springer 1993 93.12 FTA 3-540-97944-1 R 120.149 Feagin, J.M. Quantum Methods with Mathematica Springer 1994 95.03 FTA 0-387-97973-5 R 120.150 Fock, V.A. Fundamentals of Quatum Mechanics URSS 1976 96.01 FTA R 120.151 Schwabl, F. Quantum Mechanics Springer 1995 97.04 FTA 3-540-59187 R 120.152 Busch, P. Operational Quantum Physics Springer 1995 97.04 FTA 3-540-59358 R 120.153 Silverman, M.P. More than One Mystery. Explorations in Quantum Interference Springer 1995 97.04 FTA 0-387-94376 R 120.154 Horbatsch, M. Quantum Mechanics using Maple Springer 1995 97.04 FTA 3-540-58875 R 120.155 Brack, M. Semiclassical Physics Addison Wesley 1997 98.01 FTA 0-201-48351 R 120.156 Robinett, R.W. Quantum Mechanics Oxford Univ. 1997 98.06 FTA 0-19-509202 R 120.157 Bohm, D. Quantum Theory Prentice-Hall 1951 98.12 FTA R 1

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20.158 Sakurai, J.J. Modern Quantum Mechanics U. Bangalore 1997 99.03 FTA 0-72111-525 R 120.159 Ghose, P. Testing Quantum Mechanics on New Ground Cambridge U. ? 00.05 FTA 0-521-55463 R 120.160 Mills , R. Space , Time and Quanta Freeman 1994 00.11 FTA 0-7167-2436 R 120.161 Hecht , K.T. Quantum Mechanics Springer 2000 00.11 FTA 0-387-98919 R 120.162 Ballantine , L.E. Quantum Mechanics , A Modern Development World Scientific 2000 01.03 FTA 981-02-4105 R 120.163 Mehra , J. The Historical Development of Quantum Theory V.I part 1(1900 Springer 1982 01.06 FTA 0-387-95174 R 120.164 Mehra , J. The Historical Development of Quantum Theory V.I part 2 Springer 1982 01.06 FTA 0-387-95175 R 120.165 Mehra , J. The Historical Development of Quantum Theory V.II 1925 Springer 1982 01.06 FTA 0-387-95176 R 120.166 Mehra , J. The Historical Development of Quantum Theory V.III (1925-26) Springer 1982 01.06 FTA 0-387-95177 R 120.167 Mehra , J. The Historical Development of Quantum Theory V.IV (1925-26) Springer 1982 01.06 FTA 0-387-95178 R 120.168 Mehra , J. The Historical Development of Quantum Theory V.V part 1 Springer 1987 01.06 FTA 0-387-95179 R 120.169 Mehra , J. The Historical Development of Quantum Theory V.V part 2 Springer 1987 01.06 FTA 0-387-95180 R 120.170 Mehra , J. The Historical Development of Quantum Theory V.VI part 1 Springer 2000 01.06 FTA 0-387-95181 R 120.171 Mehra , J. The Historical Development of Quantum Theory V.VI part 2 Springer 2001 01.06 FTA 0-387-95182 R 120.172 Schwinger , J. Quantum Mechanics . Simbolism of Atomic Measurements Springer 2001 01.06 FTA 3-540-41408 R 120.173 Zettili, N. Quantum Mechanics - Concepts and Applications Wiley 2001 02.02 FTA 0-471-48944 R 120.174 Griffiths, R.B. Consistent Quantum Theory Cambridge 2002 02.02 FTA 0-521-80349 R 120.175 Blanco, R. y varios (ed.) Foundations of Quantum Physics- Proceeding R.S.E.F. 2001 02.06 FTA 84-932150-3 R 120.176 Dahl, J.P. The Quantum World of Atoms and Molecules World Scientific 2001 2002 FTA 981-02-4564 R 120.177 Marchildon, L. Quantum Mechanics from Basic Principles to Numerical methods Springer 2002 2002 FTA 3-540-43342 R 120.178 Thaller, B. Visual Quantum Mechanics Springer 2000 2003 FTA 0-387-98929 R 120.179 Basdevant, J.L. Quantum Mechanics Springer 2002 2003 FTA 3-540-42739 R 120.180 Capri, A.Z. Nonrelativistic Quantum Mechanics World Scientific 2002 2003 FTA 981-02-4651 R 120.181 Busch, P. Operational Quantum Physics Springer 1997 2003 FTA 3-540-59358 R 120.182 Phillips, A.C. Introduction to Quantum Physics Wiley 2003 2003 FTA 0-470-85324 R 120.183 Fayer, M:d: Elements of Quantum Mechanics Oxford 2001 2003 FTA 0-19-514195 R 120.184 Mc Weeny, R. Quantum Mechanics. Priciples & Formalism Dover 2003 2003 FTA 0-486-42829 R 120.185 Dirac, P.A.M. Lectures on Quantum Mechanics Dover 2001 2003 FTA 0-486-41713 R 120.186 Levi, A.F.J. Applied Quantum Mechanics Cambridge 2003 2003 FTA 0-521-52086 R 120.187 Hey, T. The New Quantum Universe Cambridge 2003 2004 FTA 0-521-56457 R 120.188 Griffiths, R.B. Consistent Quantum Theory Cambridge 2003 2004 FTA 0-521-53925 R 120.189 Brandt, S. Interactive Quantum Mechanics Springer 2003 2004 FTA 0-387-00321 R 120.190 Das, A. Lectures on Quantum Mechanics HBA 2003 2004 FTA 85-85931-38 R 120.191 Esposito, G. From Classical to Quantum Mechanics Cambridge 2004 2004 FTA 0-521-83324 R 120.192 Arafune, J. et al. (ed.) A Garden of Quanta World Scientific 2003 2005 FTA 981-238-445 R 120.193 Gottfried, K. Quantum Mechanics: Fundamentals Springer 2004 2005 FTA 0-387-22023 R 120.194 Hameka, H.F. Quantum Mechanics. A Conceptual Approach Wiley 2004 2005 FTA 0-471-64965 R 120.195 Rae, A. Quantum Physics. Illusion or Reality Cambridge 2004 2005 FTA 0-521-54266 R 120.196 Bes, D.R. Quantum Mechanics. A Modern and Concise Introductory Course Springer 2004 2005 FTA 3-540-20365 R 120.197 Adler, S.L. Quantum Theory as Emergent Phenomenon Cambridge 2004 2005 FTA 0-521-83194 R 1

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20.198 Aharonov, Y. Quantum Paradoxes Wiley 2005 2005 FTA 3-527-40391 R 120.199 Thaller, B: Advanced Visual Quantum Mechanics Springer 2005 2005 FTA 0-387-20777 R 120.200 Zinn-Justin, J. Path Integrals in Quantum Mechanics Oxford 2005 2005 FTA 0-19-856674 R 120.201 Blinder, S.M. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics Elsevier 2004 2005 FTA 0-12-106051 R 120.202 Elitzur, A. Quo Vadis Quantum Mechanics? Springer 2005 2005 FTA 3-540-22188 R 120.203 Fong, P. Elementary Quantum Mechanics World Scientific 2005 2006 FTA 981-656-351 R 120.204 Devanathan, V. Quantum Mechanics Alpha Science 2005 2006 FTA 1-84265-224 R 120.205 Buschhorn, G.W. Fundamental Physics-Heisenberg and Beyond Springer 2004 2006 FTA 3-540-20201 R 120.206 Le Bellac, M. Quantum Physics Cambridge U. 2006 2006 FTA 0-521-85277 R 120.207 Gasiorowicz, S. Quantum Physics Wiley 2003 2006 FTA 0-471-42945 R 120.208 Cohen-Tannoudji, C. Mécanique quantiquee I Herman 1998 2006 FTA 2-7056-6121 R 120.209 Cohen-Tannoudji, C. Mécanique quantiquee I I Herman 2000 2006 FTA 2-7056-6121 R 120.210 Park, D. Introduction to the Quantum Theory Dover 2005 2006 FTA 0-486-44137 R 120.211 Saller, H. Operational Quantum Theory I Springer 2006 2006 FTA 0-387-29199 R 120.212 Saller, H. Operational Quantum Theory II Springer 2006 2006 FTA 0-387-29776 R 120.213 Robinett, R.W. Quantum Mechanics Oxford 2006 2007 FTA R 120.214 Peña, L de la. Introducción a la Mecánica Cuántica fce 2006 2007 FTA 968-16-7856-7 R 120.215 Manoukian, E.B. Quantum Theory. A Wide Spectrum Springer 2006 2007 FTA 1-4020-4189-1 R 120.216 Basdevant, J-L. Lectures on Quantum Mechanics Springer 2007 2007 FTA 0-387-37742-1 R 120.217 Tannor, D.J. Introd. Q. Mech. A Time-Dependent Perspective Univ. Science Books 2007 2007 FTA 1-891389-23-8 R 120.218 French, A.P. Introducción a la Física Cántica Reverté 2003 2007 FTA 84-291-4167-7 R 120.219 Lipkin, H.J. Quantum Mechanics. New Approaches to Selected Topics Dover 2007 2007 FTA 0-486-45893-8 R 120.220 Dyson, F. Advanced Quantum Mechanics World Scientific 2007 2007 FTA 981-270-622-5 R 120.221 Swanson, D.G. Quantum Mechanics. Fundations and Applications Taylor&Francis 2007 2007 FTA 1-5848-8752-4 R 120.222 Major,F.G. The Quantum Beat. Principles and Applications to Atomic Springer 2007 2007 FTA 0-387-69533-4 R 120.223 Muller-Kirsten, H.J.W. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics World Scientific 2006 2008 FTA 981-256-692-9 R 120.224 Jeff Ou, Z.Y. Multi-Photon Quantum Interference Springer 2007 2008 FTA 0-387-25532-3 R 120.225 Messiah, Ph.D. Mecánica Cuántica Tomo I Tecnos 1965 2008 MAF R 120.226 Messiah, Ph.D. Mecánica Cuántica Tomo II Tecnos 1965 2008 MAF R 120.227 Dicke, R.H. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics Addison Wesley 1960 MAF R 120.228 Sánchez del Río, C. Física Cuántica Pirámide 2008 2008 FTA 84-368-2225-0 R 120.229 Paul, H. Introduction to Quantum Theory Cambridge 2008 2008 FTA 978-0-521 R 120.230 Miller, D.A.B. Quaatum Mechanis for Scientists and Engineers Cambridge 2008 2008 FTA 978-0-521 R 120.231 Weiss, U. Quantum Dissipative Systems World Scientific 2008 2008 FTA 10-981-279 R 120.232 Blank, J. Hilbert Space Operator in Quantum Physics Springer 2008 2008 FTA 978-1-4020 R 120.233 Schwabl, F. Advanced Quantum Mechanics Springer 2008 2008 FTA 978-3-540 R 120.234 Esposito, S. Ettore Majorana Springer 2008 2008 FTA 978-1-4020 R 120.235 Abbott, D. (ed.) Quantum Aspects of Life ICP 2009 2009 FTA 1-84816-253-7 R 120.236 Alonso, M. Mecánica Cuántica Fundamentos y Aplicaciones U. Salamanca 2009 2009 FTA 84-7800-330-3 R 120.237 Camilleri, K. Heisenberg and the Interpretation of Q.M. Caambridge 2009 2009 FTA 0-521-88484-6 R 1

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20.238 Mandl, F. Quantum Mechanics Wiley 2006 2011 FTA 978-0-471 R 120.239 Fox Smith, W. Waves and Oscillations Oxford 2010 2011 FTA 978-0-19 R 120.240 Kumar Jain, V. Introd. to Quantum Mechanics Alpha Science 2010 2011 FTa 978-1-84265 R 120.241 Zelevinsky, V. Quantum Physics V.1 Wiley-VCH 2011 2011 FTA 978-3-527 R 120.242 Zelevinsky, V. Quantum Physics V.2 Wiley-VCH 2011 2011 FTA 978-3-527 R 120.243 BAGGOTT, J. The Quantum Story A History in 40 Moments Oxford 2011 2011 FTA 978-0-19 R 120.244 Razavy, M. Heisemberg´s Quantum Mechanics World Scientific 2011 2012 FTA 10-981-4304 R 120.245 Ghosh, P.K. Quantum Mechanics Alpha Science 2014 2014 FTAO1 978-1-84265 020.246 Vac 020.247 Vac 020.248 Vac 020.249 Vac 020.250 Vac 020.251 Vac 020.252 Vac 021.000 ========================= ========================= FUND. MATEM. DE LA MECANICA Cab 1;;; R 121.001 Rodberg, L.S., Thaler, R. Introduction to the quantum theory of Scattering Academic 1967 GIFT R 121.002 Von Neumann, J. Fundamentos Matematicos de la Mecánica Cuántica Inst. Math. 1949 70.02 FT R 121.003 Jauch, J.M. Foundations of Quantum Mechanics Addison Wesley 1968 FT R 121.004 Lawden, D.F. The mathematical principles of quantum mechanics Methuen & Co. 1967 GIFT R 121.005 Cropper, W.H. The quatum physicists Oxford 1970 FT R 121.006 Mackey, G.W. Mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics Benjamin 1963 71.10 FT R 121.007 Lopes, J.L., Paty, M. Quantum mechanics (Half a century Later) D. Reidel 1977 FT 90-277-0784-7 R 121.008 Wiener, N., Siegel, A. Differential space, quantum systems and prediction MIT 1966 71.02 FT R 121.009 Schwinger, J. Quantum kinematics and dynamics Benjamin 1970 FT 8053-8511-8 R 121.010 D'Espagnat, B. Conceptual foundations of quantum mechanics Benjamin 1971 72.05 GIFT R 121.011 D'Espagnat, B. Foundations of Quantum Mechanics Academic 1971 GIFT 0-12-368849-3 R 121.012 Flato, M. Quantum mechanics, causality determinism & particles D. Reidel 1976 FT 90-277-0623-9 R 121.013 Varadarajan, V.S. Geometry of Quantum Theory I Van Nostrand 1968 GIFT R 121.014 Varadarajan, V.S. Geometry of Quantum Theory II Van Nostrand 1970 71.02 GIFT R 121.015 Piron, C. Foundations of Quantum Physics Benjamin 1976 FT 0-8053-7941-X R 121.016 Jammer, M. The philosophy of quantum mechanics Wiley 1974 FT Extraviad COOMONTE 0-471-43958-4 R 121.017 Price, W.C., Chissik, S. The uncertainty principle and foundations of quantum mechani Wiley 1977 FT 0-471-99414-6 R 121.018 Davies, E.B. Quantum theory of open systems Academic 1976 FT 0-12-206150-0 R 121.019 Hooker, C.A. (ed) The logico-algebraic approach to quantum mechanics Reidel 1975 FT 90-277-0613-1 R 121.020 Marlow, A.R. Mathematical foundations of quantum theory Academic 1978 FT 0-12-473250-X R 121.021 Kraus, K. States, effects and operations Springer 1983 FT 3540-127332-1 R 121.022 Ludwig, G. Foundations of Quantum Mechanics I Springer 1983 FT 0-387-11683-4 R 121.023 Blumenthalgetoor, R.M. Markov processes and potential theory Academic 1968 FT R 121.024 D'Espagnat, B. Conceptual foundations of quantum mechanics Benjamin 1971 86.11 FT R 1

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21.025 Belifante, F.J. A survey of Hidden-Variables theories Pergamon 1973 FT 0-08-017032-2 R 121.026 Van der Waerden, B.L. Sources of quantum mechanics North-Holland 1967 FT R 121.027 Schrodinger, E. Collected papers on wave mechanics Chelsea 1978 FT 0-8284-0302-3 R 121.028 Eisenbud, L. The conceptual foundations of quantum mechanics VANNOSTRAND 1971 72.12 GIFT 8723-997-9 R 121.029 Wigner, E.P. Symetries and reflections MIT 1967 72.10 GIFT 0-262-73021 R 121.030 Toraldo di Francia, G., Problems on the foundations of physics Soc. Ital di fisic 1979 FT 0-444-85285-9 R 121.031 Hoffmann, B. The strange story of the quantum Dover 1959 86.12 FTA 486-20518-5 R 121.032 Yourgrau, W., Van der Perspectives in quantum theory MIT 1971 87.01 FTA 0-262-24014-9 R 121.033 Hermann, A. The genesis of quantum theory MIT 1971 87.01 FTA 0-262-08047-8 R 121.034 Broglie, L., Andrade da La reinterpretation de la mecanique ondulatoire Gauthier Villars 1971 87.01 FTA R 121.035 Von Neumann, J. Teoría cuántica CSIC 1945 87.01 FTA R 121.036 Prugovecki, E. Stochastic quantum mechanics and quantum spacetime Reidel 1986 87.05 FTA 90-277-1617-X R 121.037 Exner, P. Open quantum systems and Feyman integrals Reidel 1985 87.05 FTA 90-277-1678-1 R 121.038 Mayants, L. The enigma of probability and physics Reidel 1984 87.05 FTA 90-277-1674-9 R 121.039 Namsrai, K. Nonlocal quantum field theory and stochastic quantum mechani Reidel 1986 87.05 FTA 90-277-2001-0 R 121.040 Tarozzi, G., Merwe Open questions in quantum physics Reidel 1985 87.05 FTA 90-277-1853-9 R 121.041 Penrose, R., Isham, C.J. Quantum concepts in space and time Oxford science 1986 87.06 FTA 0-19-851972-9 R 121.042 Lahti, P., Mittelstaedt, Symposium on the foundations of modern physics World Sscientific 1985 87.05 FTA 9971-50-005 R 121.043 Ferrero, M. Gadella, M. Fundamentos de Física Cuántica. Univ. Cantabria 1987 FTA R 121.044 Bub, J. The Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics Reidel 1974 FTA 90 277 0465 1 R 121.045 Duffey, G.H. A Development of Quantum Mechanics Reidel 1975 FTA 90-277-1587-4 R 121.046 Gendry, J. The Creation of Quantum Mechanic and the Bohr-Pauli Dialogue Reidel 1984 FTA 90-277-1648-X R 121.047 Bacry, H. Localizability and Space in Quantum Physics Springer 1988 90.03 FTA 3-540-50052-9 R 121.048 Redhead,M. Incompleteness, non locality and Realism Clarendon 1989 90.05 FTA 0-19-824238-7 R 121.049 Bhom, A., Gadella, M. Dirac Kets, Gamow Vectors and Gel-Fand Triplets Springer 1989 90.05 FTA 3-540-51916-5 R 121.050 Peierls, R. Surprises in Theoretical Physics Princeton 1979 93.05 FTA 0-691-08242-1 R 121.051 Nelson, E. Quantum Fluctuations Princeton 1985 93.05 FTA 0-691-08378-9 R 121.052 Glimm, J. Quantum Physics. A Functional Integral Point of View Springer 1987 97.04 FTA 0-387-96477 R 121.053 Khinchin, A.Y. Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Statistics Dover 1998 99.11 FTA 0-486-040025 R 121.054 Styer, D.F. The Strange World of Quantum Mechanics Cambridge U. ? 00.07 FTA 0-521-66780 R 121.055 Accardi, L. Quantum Theory and Its Stochastic Limit Springer 2002 2003 FTA 3-540-41928 R 121.056 Grigolini, P. Quantum Mechanics. Irreversibility and Measurement World Scientific 1993 2003 FTA 981-02-1317 R 121.057 Auletta, G: Foundations and Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics World Scientific 2001 2003 FTA 981-02-4615 R 121.058 Mataix, C. (ed.) Física Cuántica y Realidad U. Complutese 2002 2003 FTA 84-7491-640 R 121.059 Greentein, G. The Quantum Chanllege Jones and Bartlett 2005 2006 FTA 0-7637-2470 R 121.060 Zachos, C.Z. (ed.) Quantum Mechanics in Phase Space World Scientific 2005 2006 FTA 981-238-384 R 121.061 Evans, J. Quantum Mechanics at the Crossroads Springer 2007 2007 FTA 3-540-32663-4 R 121.062 Omnès, R. Quantum Philosophy.Understanding and Interpreting Princeton U 1999 2007 FTA 0-691-09551-5 R 121.063 Ghirardi, G. Sneaking a Look at God´s Cards Princeton U 2005 2007 FTA 0-691-13037 R 121.064 Khiriplovich, I.B. Theoretical Kaleidoscope - Lecture notes in Physics 747 Springer 2008 2008 FTA 0-387-75251-8 R 1

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21.065 Tarasov, V.E. Quantum Mechanics of Non-Hamiltonian and Dissipative Systems Elsevier 2008 2008 FTA 0-444-53091-2 R 121.066 Burkhardt, Ch.E. Foundations of Quantum Physics Springer 2008 2008 FTA 978-0-387 R 121.067 Vasudevan, R. A Stochastic Approach alpha science 2008 2009 FTA 1-84265-452-1 R 121.068 Dürr, D. Bohmian Mechanics Springer 2009 2009 FTA 3-540-89343-1 R 121.069 Padmanabhan, T. Quantum Themes. The Charms of the Microworld World Scientific 2009 2009 FTA 981-283-545-8 R 121.070 Biane, P. Quantum Potential Theory Springer 2008 2010 FTA 978-3-540 R 121.071 Greenberger, D. Compendium of Quantum Physics Springer 2009 2010 FTA -3-5400-70622 R 121.072 Vac 021.073 Vac 021.074 Vac 021.075 Vac 021.076 Vac 021.077 Vac 021.078 Vac 021.079 Vac 021.080 Vac 022.000 ========================= ========================= MOMENTO ANGULAR Cab 1;;; R 122.001 El Baz, E. Traitement graphique de l'algebre des moments angulaires Masson 1969 70.03 GIFT R 122.002 El Baz, E., Castel, B. Graphical Methods of Spin Algebras Dekker 1972 72.10 GIFT 0-8247-1091-6 R 122.003 Edmonds, A.R. Angular Momentum in quantum mechanics Princeton 1960 FT R 122.004 Biedenharn, L.C., Van Quantum theory of angular momentum Academic 1965 FT R 122.005 Brink, D.A., Satchler Angular Momentum Clarendon 1968 FT R 122.006 Carruthers, G.R. Spin and isospin in particle physics Gordon & Breach 1971 FT 0-677-02580-7 R 122.007 Biedenharn, L.C., Louck, Angular Momentum in quantum physics theory and application Addison Wesley 1981 FT 0-201-13507-8 R 122.008 Dirac, P.A.M. Spinors in Hilbert spaces Plenum 1974 FT 0-306-30798-7 R 122.009 Rose, M.E. Elementary Theory of Angular Momentum Wiley 1957 87.01 FT R 122.010 Edmonds, A.R. Angular Momentum in Quantum Mechanics Edmonds 1969 FT 0-691-07912-x R 122.011 Avery, J. Hyperspherical Harmonics Kluwer 1989 90.04 FTA 0-7923-0165-X R 122.012 Varshalovich,D.A., Quantum Theory Angular Momentum World Scientific 1988 90.12 FTA 9971-50-996-2 R 122.013 Vac 022.014 Vac 022.015 Vac 022.016 Vac 022.017 Vac 023.000 ========================= ========================= TEORIA DEL SCATTERING Cab 1;;; R 123.001 Goldberger, M.L., Watson, Collision Theory Dover 2004 2007 FTA 0-486-43507-5 R 123.002 Goldberger, M.L., Watson, Collision theory Wiley 1904 GIFT Extraviad R 123.003 Taylor, J.R. Scattering theory Wiley 1972 GIFT 0-471-84900-6 R 123.004 Taylor, J.R. Scattering theory Wiley 1972 FT 0-471-84900-6 R 123.005 Baz, A.J., Zel'Dovich, Scattering, reactions and decay Israel 1969 GIFT R 1

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23.006 Mott, N.F., Massey, H.S. The theory of atomic collisions Oxford 1965 71.09 GIFT R 123.007 Lax, P.D., Phillips, R.S. Scattering theory Academic 1969 87.01 FTA R 123.008 Bransden, B.H. Atomic Collision theory Benjamin 1970 71.09 FT 8053-1180-7 R 123.009 Sitenko, A.G. Lectures in scattering theory Pergamon 1971 FT R 123.010 Newton, R.G. Scattering theory of waves and particles Mc Graw-Hill 1966 GIFT R 123.011 Ta-You, Wu., Ohmura, T. Quantum theory of scattering Wiley 1962 FT R 123.012 Joachain, Ch.J. Quantum collision theory North-Holland 1975 FT 0-7204-0294-8 R 123.013 Barger, V.D., Cline, D.B. Phenomenological theories of high energy Scattering Benjamin 1969 71.03 GIFT 8053-0471-1 R 123.014 Barut, A.O. Scattering theory Gordon & Breach 1969 FT R 123.015 Amrein, W.O., Jauch, J.M. Scattering theory in quantum mechanics Benjamin 1977 FT 0-8053-0202-6 R 123.016 Chadan, K., Sabatier, P. Inverse problems in quantum Scattering theory Springer 1977 FT 0-387-08012-9 R 123.017 Bohm, A., Gadella, M. Dirac Kets, Gamow vectors and Mathematics.. 1988 88.10 FTA R 123.018 Lax, P.D. Scattering Theory Academic 1989 94.01 FTA 0-12-440051 R 123.019 Yafaev, D.R. Mathematical Scattering Theory: General Theory A.M.S. 1992 99.01 FTA 0-8218-0951 R 123.020 Gribov, V.N. The Theory of Complex Angular Momenta Cambridge 2003 2004 FTA 0-521-81834 R 123.021 Newton, R.G. Inverse Schrödinger Scattering in Three Dimensions Springer-Verlag 1989 2012 FTAO1 3-540-50563-6 023.022 Vac 023.023 Vac 023.024 Vac 023.025 Vac 024.000 ========================= =========================


24.001 Fetter, A.L., Walecka, J. Quantum theory of many-particle systems Mc Graw-Hill 1971 GIFT 67-020653-8 R 124.002 Fetter, A.L., Walecka, J. Quantum theory of many-particle systems Mc Graw-Hill 1971 GIFT Extraviad R 124.004 Kumar, K. Pertubation theory and the nuclear many body problem North-Holland 1962 73.03 GIFT R 124.005 Mills, R. Propagators for many-particle systems Gordon & Breach 1969 73.05 GIFT R 124.006 Morrison, H.L. The quantum theory mechanics of many-particle systems Gordon & Breach 1962 71.12 GIFT R 124.007 Raimes, S. Many-electron theory North-Holland 1972 72.09 GIFT 0-7204-0242-5 R 124.008 Thouless, D.J. The quantum mechanics of many-body systems. Academic 1972 GIFT 0-12-691560-1 R 124.009 Garrido, Biel, Rae (ed) Irreversibility in the many-body problem Plenum 1972 73.05 GIFT 0-306-30711-1 R 124.010 Moshinsky, M. The Harmonic oscilator in modern physics from atoms to ... Gordon & Breach 1969 71.01 FT R 124.011 Moshinsky, H. Group Theory and the Many-Body Problem Gordon & Breach 1968 73.05 GIFT R 124.012 Garrido, Cruz, Preist The many-body problem Plenum 1969 73.11 GIFT R 124.013 March, N.H., Young, W.H. The many-body problem in quantum mechanics Cambridge 1967 FT 0 521 09800 9 R 124.014 Brown, G.E. Many-body problems North-Holland 1972 73.06 GIFT 0-7204-0233-6 R 124.015 Guardiola, R., Ros, J. The many-body problem: Jastrow correlations versus Bruckner Springer 1981 FT 3-540-10577-8 R 124.016 Lindgren, I., Lundqvist, Many-body theory of atomic systems Europhys. Journal 1979 FT R 124.017 Araki, H., Ehlers, J. Recent progress in many-body theories Springer 1984 FT 4-540-12924-3 R 124.018 Nesbet, R.K. Variational methods in electron-atom Scattering theory Plenum 1980 87.01 FTA 0-306-40413-3 R 124.019 Blum, K. Density matrix theory and applications Plenum 1981 87.01 FTA 0-306-40684-5 R 124.020 Kirzhnits, D.A. Field Theoretical Methods in Many-Body Systems Pergamon 1967 87.01 FTA R 1

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24.021 Mattuck, R.D. A Guide to Feynman diagrams in the many-body problem Mc Graw-Hill 1967 87.07 FTA R 124.022 Fetter, A.M., Walecka, J. Quantum Theory of many-particle systems Mc Graw-Hill 1971 88.05 FTA R 124.023 Gross, E.K.V. Runge, E. Many Particle Theory Adam Hilger 1991 93.05 FTA 0-7503-0155-4 R 124.024 Mac Weeny, R. Methods of Molecular Quantum Mechanics Academic 1992 94.01 FTA 0-12-486552 R 124.025 Thouless, D.J. The Quantum Mechanics of Many- Body Systems Academic 1972 98.12 FTA 0-12-691560 R 124.026 Vac 024.027 Vac 024.028 Vac 024.029 Vac 024.030 Vac 025.000 ========================= ========================= METODOS APROX. EN MECANICA Cab 1;;; R 125.001 Baker, A., Gammel, J.L. The Padé aproximant in theoretical physics Academic 1970 GIFT 0-12-074850-9 R 125.002 Migdal, A.B., Krainov, V. Approximation methods in quantum mechanics Benjamin 1969 70.02 GIFT R 125.003 Graves, P.R., Morris Pade approximants and their applications Academic 1973 GIFT 0-12295950-7 R 125.006 Kato, T. Pertubation Theory for Linear Operators Springer 1976 FT 3-540-07558 R 125.007 Fröman, N., Fröman, P.O. JWKB approximation: Contributions to the theory North-Holland 1965 FT R 125.008 Vac 025.009 Vac 025.010 Vac 025.011 Vac 025.012 Vac 026.000 ========================= ========================= MET. MATEM. DE LA MECANICA Cab 1;;; R 126.001 Weyl, H. The theory of groups and quantum mechanics Dover 1950 FT 486-60269-9 R 126.002 Prugovecki, E. Quantum mechanics in Hilbert space Academic 1971 71.10 FT 0-12-566050-2 R 126.003 Wallace, P.R. Mathematical analysis of physical problems Holt & Rinehart 1972 FT 0-03-085626-4 R 126.004 Morse, P.M., Feshbach, H. Methods of theoretical physics I Mc Graw-Hill 1953 71.02 GIFT R 126.005 Morse, P.M., Feshbach, H. Methods of theoretical physics II Mc Graw-Hill 1953 71.03 GIFT R 126.006 Eringen, A. Continuum Physics I Academic 1971 FT 0-12-240809-2 R 126.007 Byron, F.W., Fuller, R.W. Mathematics of clasical and quantum physics I Addison Wesley 1969 70.03 GIFT R 126.008 Byron, F.W., Fuller, R.W. Mathematics of clasical and quantum physics II Addison Wesley 1970 70.05 GIFT R 126.009 Hermann, R. Lie algebras and quantum mechanics Benjamin 1970 72.12 GIFT 8053-3943-4 R 126.010 Julia, G. Introduction mathématique aux théories quantiques I Gauthier Villars 1949 FT R 126.011 Julia, G. Introduction mathématique aux théories quantiques II Gauthier Villars 1955 70.01 FT R 126.012 Yourgrau, W., Mandelstam, Variational principles in dynamics and quantum theory Pitman 1960 FT R 126.013 Schwartz, L. Application des distributions a l'etude des particules eleme Gordon & Breach 1969 71.01 FT R 126.014 Jackson, J.D. Mathematics for quantum mechanics Benjamin 1962 GIFT R 126.015 Jordan, T.F. Linear operators for quantum mechanics Wiley 1969 GIFT 471-45041-3 R 126.016 Titchmarsh, E.C. Eigenfuction expansions part I Oxford 1962 73.02 FT 19 853317 9 R 126.017 Titchmarsh, E.C. Eigenfuction expansions part II Oxford 1958 73.02 FT 19 853318 7 R 126.018 Fano, G. Mathematical methods of quantum mechanics Mc Graw-Hill 1971 FT 07-019924-8 R 1

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26.019 Klauder, J.R. Coherent States, Aplications in Physics World-Scientific 1985 87.12 FTA 9971-996652-2 R 126.020 Hermann, R. Topics in the mathematics of quantum mechanics (VI) Hermann 1973 FT R 126.021 Dyson, F.J. Symetry groups in nuclear and particle physics Benjamin 1966 FT R 126.022 Simon, B. Quantum mechanics for Hamiltonians defined as quadratic form Princeton 1971 73.05 FT 0-691-08090-9 R 126.023 Simon, B. Quantum mechanics for Hamiltonians defined as quadratic form Princeton 1971 72.06 FT 0-691-08090-9 R 126.024 Perelomov, A. Generalized Coherent States and ... Springer 1966 88.01 FTA 3-540-15912-6 R 126.025 Cycon, H.L.,Froese, R.G. Schrödinger Operators Springer 1987 FTA 3-540-16759-5 R 126.026 Albeverio, S., Ferreira, Lectures Notes in Physics Springer 1984 FTA 3-540-13780-3 R 126.027 Alicki,R. Lendi,K. Quantum Dynamical Semigroups and Applications Springer 1987 88.08 FTA 3-540-18276-4 R 126.028 Albeverio,S. Gesztesy,F. Solvable Models in Quantum Mechanics Springer 1988 88.08 FTA 3-540-17841-4 R 126.029 Lundqvist, S. Ranfagni,A. Path summation: Achievements and goals World-Scientific 1987 89.05 FTA 9971-50-597-5 R 126.030 Eijndhoven,S.J.L., Graaf, A Mathematical Introduction to Dirac's Formalism North-Holland 1986 90.06 FTA 0-444-70127-3 R 126.031 Kukulin,V.I., Theory of Resonances Kluwer 1989 90.06 FTA 90-277-2364-8 R 126.032 Economou,E.N. Green's Functions in Quantum Physics Springer 1990 91.04 FTA 3-540-12266-4 R 126.033 Ballesteros, A. (ed.) Symmetries in Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Optics Univ. Burgos ? 00.01 FTA 84-95211-08 R 126.034 Stockmann, H-J. Quantum Chaos. an introduction Cambridge U. 1999 00-02 FTA 0-521-59284 R 126.035 Schechter, M. Operator Methods in Quantum Mechanics Dover 2002 2005 FTA 0-486-42547 R 126.036 Gustafson, S.J. Mathematical Concepts of Quantum Mechanics Springer 2003 2005 FTA R 126.037 Cassinelli, G. The Theory of Simmetry Actions in Quantum Mechanics Springer 2004 2005 FTA 3-540-22002 R 126.038 Friedman, Y. Phyical Applications of Homogeneous Balls Birkhauser 2005 2005 FTA 0-8176-3339 R 126.039 Giamarchi, T. Quantum Physics in One Dimension Oxford 2004 2005 FTA 0-19-852500 R 126.040 Moiseiwitsch Variational Principles Dover 2006 MAF R 126.041 Vac 026.042 Rosas-Ortiz, O. (ed.) Advanced Summer School in Physics 2006 AIP 2007 2007 FTA 978-0-7354 R 126.043 Dong,S-H. Factorization Method in Quantum Mechanics Springer 2007 2007 FTA 1-4020-5795-3 R 126.044 Maeda, Y. (ed.) From Geometry to Quantum Mechanics Birkhauser 2007 2007 FTA 0-8176-4512-8 R 126.045 Kuramoto, Y. Dinamics of One-Dimensional Q.Systems Cambridge 2009 2009 FTA 0-521-81598-7 R 126.046 Petrashen, M.I, Appliications of Group Theory in Q. Mech. Dover 2009 2009 FTA 0-486-47223-X R 126.047 Strocchi, S. Mathematical Structure of Q.M. World Scientific 2008 2009 FTA 10-981-283 R 126.048 Mazzucchi, S. Matematical Feyman Path Integrals and their Applications World Scientific 2009 2009 FTA 10-981-283 R 126.049 Steeb, W-H. Quant. Mech. using Computer Algebra World Scientific 2010 2011 FTA 978-981-4307 R 126.050 Faddeev, L.D. y Lectures on Quantum Mechanics for Mathematics Students American 2009 FTAO1 978-0-8218 026.051 Takhtajan, Leon A. Quantum Mechanics for Mathematicians American 2000 FTAO1 978-0-8218 026.052 Vac 026.053 Vac 026.054 Vac 026.055 Vac 027.000 ========================= ========================= ESTADISTICA CUANTICA Cab 1;;; R 127.001 Khinchin, A.Y. Quantum statistics Graylock 1960 FT R 127.002 Brillouin, L. Les statistiques quantiques I France Univ. 1930 FT R 1

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27.003 Brillouin, L. Les statistiques quantiques II France Univ. 1930 FT R 127.004 Truesdell, C. Six lectures on modern natural philosophy Springer 1966 87.01 FTA R 127.005 Louisell, W.H. Quantum statistical properties of radiation J. Wiley 1973 87.01 FTA 0-471-54785-9 R 127.006 Bratteli, O., Robinson, Operator algebras and quantum statistical mechanics I Springer 1979 FTA 0-387-09187-4 R 127.007 Bratteli, O., Robinson, Operator algebras and quantum statistical mechanics II Springer 1979 FTA 0-387-10381-3 R 127.008 Robinson, D.W. The thermodynamic pressure in quantum statistical mechanics Springer 1971 FTA 3-540-05640-8 R 127.009 Kompanayets, A.S. Theoretical Physics Dover 2003 2005 FTA 0-486-49532 R 127.010 Vac 027.011 Vac 027.012 Vac 027.013 Vac 027.014 Vac 028.000 ========================= ========================= PROBLEMAS DE MEC. CUANTICA Cab 1;;; R 128.001 Goldman, Krivchenkow Problems in quantum mechanics Addison Wesley 1961 FT Extraviad R 128.002 Ter Haar, D. Selected problems in quantum mechanics Infosearch 1969 FT R 128.003 Gombas, P. Theorie und Lösungsmethoden Birkhäuser 1950 FT R 128.004 Flügge, S. Practical Quantum mechanics II Springer 1971 73.04 FT 3-540-05277-1 R 128.005 Flügge, S. Practical Quantum Mechanics II Springer 1971 71.10 GIFT 3-540-05277-1 R 128.006 Flügge, S. Practical Quantum mechanics II Springer 1971 FT R 128.007 Cronin, Gren Graduate Problems in Physics Univ. of Chicago Springer 1971 GIFT R 128.008 Zepp, G. Mecanique quantique (Exercices) Vuibert 1975 87.01 FT 2-7117-4210-5 R 128.009 Mavromatis, H.A. Exercices in Quantum Mechanics Reidel 1987 87.05 FT R 128.010 Fernández Alvarez- 100 Problemas de Física Cuántica Alianza 1996 97.02 FTA 84-206-86333 R 128.011 Constantinescu Problems in quantum mechanics Pergamon 1971 FT R 128.012 Kogan, V.I., Galitskiy Problems in quantum mechanics Gersch 1963 87.01 FT R 128.013 Lim, Y-K. Problems and Solutions on Quantum Mechanics World- Scientific 1998 99.04 FTA 981-02-3133 R 128.014 Fernández Nuñez, M. Problemas de Mecánica Cuántica Molecular Univ. Cadiz 2001 2003 FTA 84-7788-525 R 128.015 Basdevant, J.L. The Quantum Mechanics Solver Springer 2000 2003 FTA 3-540-63409 R 128.016 Flugge, S. Practical Quantum Mechanics Springer 1999 2003 FTA 3-540-65035 R 128.017 Lim, Y-K. Problems and Solutions on Quantum Mechanics World Scientific 2002 2005 FTA 981-02-3133 R 128.018 Tamvakis, K. Problems and Solutions in Quantum Mechanics Cambridge 2005 2007 FTA 0-521-60057 R 128.019 Vac 028.020 Vac 028.021 Vac 028.022 Vac 028.023 Vac 029.000 ========================= ========================= INFORMACION Y COMPUTACION CUANTICA Cab R 129.001 Hudson, R.L. Quantum Probability Communicatios World Scientific 1998 99.09 FTA 981-02-3541 R 129.002 Lo, H-K. Introduction to Quantum Computation and Information World Scientific 1998 99.10 FTA 981-02-3399 R 129.003 Berman, G.P. Quantum Computers World Scientific 1998 99.10 FTA 981-02-3490 R 1

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29.004 Preskill, J. Lecture Notes for Physics 229: Quantum Information and California Inst. 1998 03.00 FTA R 129.005 Preskill, J. Lecture Notes for Physics 229: Quantum Information and California Inst. 1998 03.00 FTA R 129.006 Bouwmeester, D. The Physics of Quantum Information Springer 2000 00.11 FTA 3-540-66778 R 129.007 Feynman, R.P. Lectures on Computation Perseus 1999 01.10 FTA 0-7382-0296 R 129.008 Nielsen, M.A. Quantum Computation and Quantum Information Cambridge 2000 02.03 FTA 0-521-63503 R 129.009 Nielsen, M.A. Quantum Computation and Quantum Information Cambridge 2000 02.06 FTA 0-521-63503 R 129.010 Nielsen, M.A. Quantum Computation and Quantum Information Cambridge 2000 02.06 FTA 0-521-63503 R 129.011 Drummond, P.D. (ed.) Quantum Squeezing Springer 2004 2005 FTA 3-540-65989 R 129.012 Lo, H.K. (ed.) Introduction to Quantum Computation and Communication World Scientific 1998 2006 FTA 981-02-3399 R 129.013 Schroder, M.R. Number Theory in Science and Communication Springer 2006 2006 FTA 3-540-26596 R 129.014 Hayashi, M. Quantum Information. An Introduction Springer 2006 2006 FTA 3-540-30265 R 129.015 Diósi, L. A Short Course in Quantum Information Theory. n Appr. from Springer 2007 2007 FTA 3-540-38994-6 R 129.016 Vedral, V. Introduction to Quantum Information Science Oxford 2006 2007 FTA 0-19-921570-7 R 129.017 Pérez-Suárez, M. Procesado de Información con Sistemas Cuánticos U. Vigo 2006 2010 FTA 84-8158-315-4 R 129.018 Kok, P. Introd. Optical Quantum Information Processing Cambridge 2010 2010 FTA 978-0-521 R 129.019 Wiseman, H.M. Quantum Measurement and Control Cambridge 2010 2010 FTA 978-0-521 R 129.020 Araki, H. Mathematical Horizons for Q. Physics World Scientific 2010 2011 FTA 978-981-4313 R 129.021 Voronov, V.K. y Physics at the Turn of the Millenium URSS 2010 2012 FTAO1 978-5-396 029.022 Christopher C. Gerry y The Quantum Divide Oxford 2013 2013 FTAO1 978-0-19 030.000 ========================= ========================= MECANICA CUANTICA RELATIVISTA Cab 1;;; R 230.001 Berestetskii, V., Teoría cuántica relativista (P.I vol IV) Reverté 1971 71.05 GIFT R 230.002 Berestetskii, V., Relativistic quantum theory (P.I vol IV) Pergamon 1971 71.05 GIFT 08 016025 5 R 230.003 Berestetskii, V., Teoría cuántica relativista (P.I vol IV) Reverté 1971 71.05 GIFT R 230.004 Corinaldesi, E., Relativistic wave mechanics North-Holland 1963 70.02 GIFT R 230.005 Eisele, J.A. Modern quatum mechanics with applic. to element. particl.phy Wiley 1969 70.02 GIFT 471-23466-4 R 230.006 Halpern, F.R. Special relativity and quantum mechanics Prentice-Hall 1968 70.10 GIFT R 230.007 Ziman, J.M. Elements of Advanced quantum theory Cambridge 1969 FT 521-07458-4 R 230.008 Lifshitz,E.M., Teoría cuántica relativista (P. II vol IV) Reverté 1974 GIFT 84-291-4085-9 R 230.009 Lifshitz,E.M., Teoría cuántica relativista (P. II vol IV) Reverté 1974 FT 84-291-4085-9 R 230.010 Bjorken, J.D., Drell, S. Relativistic quantum mechanics Mc Graw-Hill 1964 70.05 GIFT R 230.011 Bjorken, J.D., Drell, S. Relativistic quantum mechanics Mc Graw-Hill 1964 70.01 GIFT R 230.012 Tara Prasad Das. Relativistic quantum mechanics of electrons Harper & Row 1973 FTA 0-06-041498-7 R 230.013 Hagedorn, R. Relativistic kinematics Benjamin 1964 70.01 FT R 230.014 Aitchison, I.J.R. Relativistic quantum mechanics MacMillan 1972 FT Extraviad CABALLERO 333-12694-7 R 230.015 Corson, E.M. Introduction to tensor, spinors and relativistic wave-equati Blackie & Sons 1953 FT R 230.016 Flugge, S. Lehrbuch der theoretischen physik Springer 1964 FT R 230.017 Ziman, J.M. Elements of Advanced quantum theory Cambridge 1969 87.01 FTA 521 07458 4 R 230.018 Sakurai, J.J. Advanced quantum mechanics Addison Wesley 1967 87.01 FTA R 230.019 Greiner, W. Relativistic Quantum Mechanics Springer 1989 90.09 FT 3-540-50986-0 R 230.020 Yndurain, F.J. Mecánica Cuántica Relativista Alianza Universidad 1990 93.10 FTA 84-206-8129-6 R 2

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30.021 Yndurain, F.J. Mecánica Cuántica Relativista Alianza 1990 95.05 FTA 84-206-8129-6 R 230.022 Roman, P. Advanced Quantum Theory.An Outline of the fundamental ideas Addison- Wesley 1965 98.12 FTA R 230.023 Lowdin, P-O. Some Comments on the Foundations of Physics World Scientific 1998 99.04 FTA 981-02-2913 R 230.024 Strange, P. Relativistic Quantum Mechanics Cambridge 1998 2003 FTA 0-521-56583 R 230.025 Kosyakov, B. Introduction to the Classical Theory of Particles and Fields Springer 2007 2007 FTA 3-540-40933-5 R 230.026 Parthasarathy, R. Relativistic Quantum Mechanics Alpha Science 2010 2009 FTA 978-1-84265 R 230.027 Nash, Ch. Relativistic Quantum Mechanics Dover 2011 2012 FTA 10-0-486 R 230.028 Horwitz, Lawrence P. Relativistic Quantum Mechanics Springer 2015 FTAO1 978-94-017 030.029 Bagrov, Vladislav.G. y The Dirac Equation and its Solutions De Gruyter 2010 FTAO1 978-3-11 030.030 Vac 030.031 Vac 031.000 ========================= ========================= TEORIA CUANTICA DE CAMPOS Cab 1;;; R 231.001 Dirac, P.A.M. Lectures on Quantum Field theory. Belfer 1966 GIFT Extraviad R 231.002 Dirac, P.A.M. Lectures on Quantum Field Theroy Belfer 1966 72.01 FT R 231.003 Dirac, P.A.M. Lectures on Quantum Field Theory Belfer 1966 70.04 GIFT R 231.004 Dirac, P.A.M. Lectures on Quantum Field Theory Belfer 1966 70.01 FT Extraviad R 231.005 Mandl, F. Introduction to Quantum Field Theory Interscience 1966 70.01 FT R 231.006 Bogoliubov, N.N., Intoduction a la Theorie Quantique des champs Dunod 1960 70.01 FT R 231.007 Visconti, A. Théorie Quantique des champs (Tomo I) Gauthier Villars 1961 70.03 FT R 231.008 Visconti, A. Théorie Quantique des champs (Tomo II) Gauthier Villars 1965 70.01 FT R 231.009 Wentzel, G. Quantum theory of fields Interscience 1949 70.01 FT R 231.010 Bjorken, J.D., Drell, S. Relativistic quantum fields Mc Graw-Hill 1965 70.01 GIFT R 231.011 Bjorken, J.D., Drell, S. Relativistic quantum fields Mc Graw-Hill 1965 FT R 231.012 Tarahashi, Y. An introduction to field quantization Pergamon 1969 70.02 GIFT 68 012824 6 R 231.013 Feynman, R.P. Theory of fundamental processes Benjamin 1962 70.01 FT R 231.014 Henley, E.M., Thirring, Elementary Quantum Field Theory Mc Graw-Hill 1962 70.01 FT R 231.015 Schwinger, J. Particles, sources and fields (I) Addison Wesley 1970 73.02 FT R 231.016 Schwinger, J. Particles, sources and fields (II) Addison Wesley 1973 FT 0-201-06783-2 R 231.017 Schwinger, J. Particles, sources and fields (III) Addison Wesley 1989 89.09 FTA 0-201-19479-1 R 231.018 Steinmann, O. Perturbation expansions in axiomatic Field Theroy. Springer 1971 FT 3-540-05698-X R 231.019 Speer, E.R. Generalized Feynman Amplitudes Princeton 1969 FT R 231.020 Hepp, K. Théorie de la renormalisation . Springer 1969 FT R 231.021 Caianiello, E.R. Combinatorics and renormalization in Quantum Field Theory Benjamin 1973 GIFT 0-8053-1645-0 R 231.022 Fried, H.H. Functional Methods and Models in Quantum Field Theory MIT 1972 GIFT 0-262-56011-9 R 231.023 Simon, B. The P( )2 euclidean (Quantum) field theory Princeton 1974 GIFT R 231.024 Sen, R.R., Weil, C. Statistical mechanics and field theory Israel Univ. 1972 FT 0-7065-1263-4 R 231.025 Sen, R.N., Weil, C. Statistical mechanics and field theory Israel Univ. 1972 FT Extraviad R 231.026 Jost, R. The general theory of quantized fields Am. Math. Soc. 1965 71.01 FT R 231.027 Jost, R. Local quantum theory Academic 1969 FT 12-368845-0 R 231.028 Roman, P. Introduction to Q.F.T. Wiley and sons 1969 71.02 GIFT 471 73198 6 R 2

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31.029 Ingraham, R.L. Renormalization theory of Q.F.T. with a cut-off Gordon & Breach 1967 GIFT R 231.030 Schweber, S.S. An introduction relativistic Q.F.T. Harper & Row 1966 GIFT R 231.031 Schweber, S.S. An introduction relativistic Q.F.T. Harper & Row 1966 FT Extraviad R 231.032 Bilenky, S.M. Introduction to Feynman diagrams Pergamon 1974 FT 0-08-017799-9 R 231.033 Bogolubov, N.N., Logunov, Introduction to axiomatic Q.F.T. Benjamin 1975 FT R 231.034 Ehlers, J. (ed) Lecture Notes in Physics. Constructive Q.F.T. (25) Springer 1973 FT 3-540-06608-X R 231.035 Todorov, I.T. Analitic properties of Feynman diagrams in Q.F.T.(4) Pergamon 1971 GIFT 08 016544 3 R 231.036 Wightman, A.S. Troubles in the external field problem for inv...(4) Gordon & Breach 1971 FT R 231.037 Nishijima, K. Fields and Particles Benjamin 1969 72.02 FT R 231.038 Salam, A. Nonpolynomial Lagrangians, Renormalization and Gravity I Gordon & Breach 1971 GIFT R 231.039 Feynman, R.P. Theory of fundamental processes Benjamin 1962 FT R 231.040 Velo, G., Wightman, A.S. Invariant wave equations Springer 1978 FT 3-540-08655-2 R 231.041 Nakanishi, N. Graph Theory and Feynman Integrals Gordon & Breach 1971 87.01 FTA 0-677-02950-0 R 231.042 Lee, T.D. Particle physics and introduction to field theory Harwood 1981 87.01 FTA 3-7186-0033-1 R 231.043 Bogoliubov, N.N., Introduction to the theory of quantized fields Wiley & sons 1980 87.01 FTA 0-471-04223-4 R 231.044 Abad, J., Asorey, M., New perpectives in quantum field theories World scientific 1986 87.01 FTA 9971-50-057-4 R 231.045 Itzykson, C., Zuber, J.B. Quantum field theory Mc Graw-Hill 1980 87.07 FTA 0-07-032071-3 R 231.046 Birrell, N.D., Davies, P. Quantum fields in curved space Cambridge 1982 FT 0-521-23385-2 R 231.047 Bogoliubov, N.N., Quantum fields Benjamin 1983 FT 0-8053-0983-7 R 231.048 Loudon, R. The Quantum Theory of Light Clarendon 1973 87.09 FTA 0 19 851130 2 R 231.049 Bogoliubov, N.N., Quantum Fields Benjamin 1983 88.02 FTA 0-8053-0983-7 R 231.050 Ruíz, F. Efectos de la teoría y análisis del límite clásico en T.C.C. Madrid 1988 88.06 FTA R 231.051 Ramond, P. Field Theory. A Modern Primer Benjamin 1981 FT 0-8053-7893-6 R 231.052 Lurie, D. Quantum field theories FT R 231.053 Mandl, F., Shaw, G. Quantum Field Theory Wiley 1990 90.11 FTA 0-471-90650-6 R 231.054 Itzykson, C., Zuber, J.B. Quantum field theory (vols I y II) Mc Graw-Hill 1980 FT 0-07-032071-3 R 231.055 Amit, D.J. Field Theory, Renormalization Group and Critical Phenomena World scientific 1984 FT 9971-966-11-5 R 231.056 Ramond, P. Field Theory. A Modern Primer Benjamin 1981 FT 0-8053-7893-6 R 231.057 Gottfried,K. Weisskopf, Concepts of Particle Physics (I) Oxford 1986 91.01 FTA 0-19-504373-1 R 231.058 Gottfried,K., Weisskopf, Concepts of Particle Physics (II) Oxford 1986 91.01 FTA 0-19-503393-0 R 231.059 Ryder, L.H. Quantum Field Theory Cambridge 1989 91.01 FTA 0-521-33859-x R 231.060 Wit,, Smith, J. Field Theory in particle physics I North-Holland 1986 86.11 FTA 0-444-86999-9 R 231.061 Ferrara, Gatto, Grillo Conformal algebra in space-time Springer 1973 86.11 FTA 3-540-06216-5 R 231.062 Negele, J.W., Orland, H. Quantum Many-Particle Systems Addison-Wesley 1988 89.09 FTA 0-201-12593-5 R 231.063 Harris, E.G. A Pedestrian Approach to Quantum Field Theory Wiley-Intercience 1972 72.10 GIFT 0-471-35320-5 R 231.064 Blaizot,J.P., Ripka,G. Quantum Theory of Finite Systems Cambridge 1986 89.09 FTA 0-262-02214-1 R 231.065 Kaku, M. Quantum Field Theory - A Modern Introduction Oxford Univresity 1993 93.12 FTA 0-19-507652-4 R 231.066 Schwarz, A.S. Quantum Field Theory and Topology Springer 1991 94.01 FTA 3-540-54753-3 R 231.067 Veltman, M. Diagramatica the Path to Feynman Diagrams Cambridge 1994 95.05 FTA R 231.068 Weinberg, S. The Quantum Theory of Fields Vol. I Cambridge Univ. 1996 96.10 FTA 0-521-55001 R 2

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31.069 Weinberg, S. The Quantum Theory of Fields Vol. II Cambridge Univ. 1996 96.10 FTA 0-521-55002 R 231.070 Peskin, M.E. An Introduction on Quantum Field Theory Addison-Wesley 1997 98.05 FTA 0-201-50397 R 231.071 Ramond, P. Field Theory A Modern primer Benjamin/Cummings 1981 98.12 FTA 0-8053-7893 R 231.072 Katz, A. Classical Mechanics,Quantum Mechanics,Field Theory Academic 1965 98.12 FTA R 231.073 Mandl, F. Introduction to Quantum Field Theory Interscience 1959 98.12 FTA R 231.074 Peskin, M.E. An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory I V.22 Collæge U.Beijing 1998 99.03 FTA 7-5158-0358 R 231.075 Peskin, M.E. An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory I I V.22 Collæge U.Beijing 1998 99.03 FTA 7-5158-0358 R 231.076 Slavnov, A.A. Introducción a la Teoría Cuántica de los Campos de Gauge URSS 1999 99.03 FTA 5-88417-171 R 231.077 Bielokúrov, V.V. Guía de la Teoría Cuántica de Campos URSS 1997 99.03 FTA 5-88417-004 R 231.078 Polchinski, J. STRING THEORY A Introduction to the Bosonic String V.I Cambridge 1999 99.04 FTA 0-521-63303 R 231.079 Polchinski, J. STRING THEORY A Introduction to the Bosonic String V.II Cambridge 1999 99.04 FTA 0-521-63304 R 231.080 Bellac, A. Le Quantum and Statical Field Theory I Collæge 1998 99.10 FTA 7-5158-0416 R 231.081 Bellac, A. Le Quantum and Statical Field Theory II Collæge 1998 99.10 FTA 7-5158-0417 R 231.082 Mitter, H. Fields and Particles 1990 99.10 FTA 5-85501-320 R 231.083 Araki, H. Mathematical Theory of Quantum Fields Oxford U. 1999 00-02 FTA 0-19-851773 R 231.084 Ticciati, R. Quantum Field Theory for Mathematicians Cambridge U. ? 05.00 FTA 0-521-63265 R 231.085 Weinberg, S. The Quantum Theory of Fields. V.III Supersymmetry Cambridge U. 2000 00.11 FTA 0-201-36074 R 231.086 Vilenkin, A. Cosmic Strings and Other Topological Defects Cambridge U. 2001 02.05 FTA 0-521-65476 R 231.087 Duff, M.J. (ed.) The World in Eleleven Dimensions IoP 1999 02.05 FTA 0-7503-0672 R 231.088 Yoshioka, D. The Quantum Hall Effect Springer 1998 02.05 FTA 3-540-43115 R 231.089 Smit, J. Introduction to Quantum Fields on a Lattice Cambridge 2002 2002 FTA 0-521-89051 R 231.090 Kaku, M. Strings, Conformal Fields, And M. Theory Springer 1999 2003 FTA 0-387-98892 R 231.091 Zee, A. Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell Princeton 2003 2005 FTA 0-691-010196 R 231.092 Kleinert, H. Path Integrals in Quantum Mechanics World Scientific 2004 2005 FTA 981-238-107 R 231.093 Brown, L.M. Feyman´s Tesis. A New Approach to Quantum Theory World Scientific 2006 FTA 981-256-366 R 231.094 Srednicki, M. Quantum Field Theory Cambridge 2007 2007 FTA 0-521-86449-6 R 231.095 Street, R. Quantum Groups. A Path to Current Algebra Cambridge 2007 2007 FTA 0-521-69524-4 R 231.096 Radovanovic, V. Prblem Book in Quantum Field Theory Springer 2008 2008 FTA 3-540-77013-8 R 231.097 Gasperini, M. Elements of String Cosmology Cambridge 2007 2008 FTA 0-521-86875-4 R 231.098 Asorey, M. Mathematical Physics and Field Theory U.Zaragoza 2009 2009 FTA 84-92774-04 R 231.099 Blumenhagen, R. Introductio too Conformal Field Theory Springer 2009 2009 FTA 3-642-00469-0 R 231.100 Bogolubov, N.N. Quantum Satistical Mechanics World Scientific 2010 2010 FTA 10-981-4295 R 231.101 Huang, K. Quantum Field Theory Wiley- VCH 2010 2010 FTA 978-3-527 R 231.102 Mandl, F. Quantum Field Theory Wiley 2010 2011 FTA 978-0-471 R 231.103 Dimock, J. Quantum Mechanics and Q. Field Theory Cambridge 2011 2011 FTA 978-1-107 R 231.104 Calzetta, E.A. Nonequilibrium Quantum Field Theory Cambridge 2008 2012 FTA 978-0-521 R 231.105 Devenish, R. Deep Inelastic Scattering Oxford 2011 2012 FTA 978-0-19 R 232.000 ========================= ========================= ELECTRODINAMICA CUANTICA Cab 1;;; R 232.001 Feynman, R.P. Quantum electrodynamics Benjamin 1978 FT Extraviad 0-8053-2501 R 232.002 Heitler, W. The quantum theory of radiation Oxford Univ. 1954 70.01 FT R 2

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32.003 Pauli, W. Pauli lectures in ph: Selected topics in F.Q. (6) MIT 1973 GIFT 0-262-16051-X R 232.004 Feynman, R.P. Quantum electrodynamics Benjamin 1962 70.01 FT R 232.005 Sakurai, J.J. Advanced quantum mechanics Addison Wesley 1967 70.06 GIFT R 232.006 Sakurai, J.J. Advanced quantum mechanics Addison Wesley 1967 FT R 232.007 Urban, P. Topics in applied quantum-electrodynamics Springer 1970 GIFT R 232.008 Ortiz Fornaguera, R. Introducción a la teoría cospuscular de la luz CSIC 1948 FT R 232.009 Roy, R.R., Reed, R.D. Interactions of photons and leptons with matter Academic 1968 72.10 GIFT R 232.010 Feynman, R.P. Q.E.D. The strange theory of light and matter Princeton 1985 FT 0-691-08388-6 R 232.011 Heitler, W. The quantum theory of radiation Dover 1984 86.12 FTA 0-48664558-4 R 232.012 Jauch, J.M., Rohrlich, F. The theory of photons and electrons Addison Wesley 1955 86.12 GIFT R 232.013 Kallén, G. Quantum electrodynamics Springer 1972 FT 0-387-05574-6 R 232.014 Akhiezer, Berestetskii Quantum electrodynamics Interscience 1965 FT Extraviad R 232.015 Leite Lopes, J. Intoducción a la electrodinámica cuántica Trillas 1977 FT R 232.016 Bialynicki-Birula, I. Quantum electrodynamics Pergamon 1975 FT 0-08-017188-5 R 232.017 Schwinger, J. (ed) Selected papers on quantum electrodynamics Dover 1958 FT 486-60444-6 R 232.018 Schwinger, J. Quantum electrodynamics Dover 1958 86.12 FTA Extraviad JORGE WEBER 486-60444-6 R 232.019 Greiner, W. Quantum electrodynamics of strong fields Plenum 1983 87.05 FTA 0-306-41010 R 232.020 Picard, J. Introduction au Calcul des Graphes de Feymann CEAN 1983 FTA R 232.021 Feynman, R.P. Photon - Hadron Interactions A. Wesley 1998 01.07 FTA 0-201-36074 R 232.022 Gribov, V.N. Quantum Electrodinamics Cambridge 2001 2002 FTA 0-521-66228 R 232.023 Schwabl, F. Advanced Quantum Mechanics Springer 2004 2005 FTA 3-540-40152 R 232.024 Dissertori, G. Quantum Chromodinamics Oxford 2003 2005 FTA 0-19-850572 R 232.025 Yndurain, F.J. The Theory of Quark and Gluon Interactions Springer 2006 2007 FTA 3-540-33209 R 232.026 Derezinski, J. (ed.) Large Coulomb Systems Springer 2006 2007 FTA 3-540-32578-6 R 232.027 Milonni, Peter W. The Quantum Vacuum An Introduction to Quantum Academic Press 1994 FTAO1 0-12-498080-5 032.028 Vac 032.029 Vac 032.030 Vac 033.000 ========================= ========================= INTERACCIONES DEBILES Cab 1;;; R 233.001 Morita, M. Beta decay and muon capture Benjamin 1973 GIFT R 233.002 Wu-Moszkowski, S.A. Beta decay (XVI) Wiley and sons 1966 GIFT R 233.003 Konopinski, E.J. The theory of beta radiactivity Oxford Clarendon 1966 70.04 GIFT R 233.004 Berestetskii, V. Contributions to the theory of weak and strong ..... Israel 1965 71.02 GIFT R 233.005 Commins, E. Weak interactions Mc Graw-Hill 1973 GIFT 0-07-012372-1 R 233.006 Marshak, Riazuddin, Ryan Theory of weak interactions in particle physics Wiley 1969 70.01 GIFT 471-57290-X R 233.007 Kabir, P.K. The C.P. Puzzle Academic 1968 70.01 FT R 233.008 Sakurai, J.J. Currents and mesons Univ. Chicago 1969 72.02 FT R 233.009 Gell-Mann, M.- Wilson, K. Broken scale invariance and the light cone (2) Gordon & Breach 1971 GIFT R 233.010 Wess Springer tracts in modern physics (60) Springer 1971 72.04 GIFT 3-540-05653-X R 233.011 Jackiw, R. (Ed) Springer tracts in modern physics (62) Springer 1972 GIFT 3-540-05757-9 R 2

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33.012 Kabir, P.K. The development of weak interaction theory (5) Gordon & Breach 1963 70.04 GIFT R 233.013 McCabe, G. The Structure and Interpretation of the Standard Model Elsevier 2007 2008 FTA 978-0-444 R 233.014 Georgi, H. Weak Interactions and Modern Particle Theory Dover 2009 2010 FTA 486-49904-2 R 233.015 Vac 033.016 Vac 033.017 Vac 034.000 ========================= ========================= AXIOMATICA TEORIA CUANTICA CAMPOS Cab 1;;; R 234.001 Leite Lopes, J. Inversion operations in Q.F.T. Buenos Aires 1960 70.01 FT R 234.002 Leite Lopes, J. Lectures on symmetries Gordon & Breach 1969 FT R 234.003 Streater, R.F., Wigtman, PCT, spin statistics, and all that Benjamin 1964 70.01 FT R 234.004 Friedrichs, K.O. Mathematical aspects of the Q.T.F. Interscience 1953 70.01 FT R 234.005 Segal, I.E. Mathematical problems of relativistic physics Am. Math. Soc. 1963 71.01 FT R 234.006 Rosen, G. Formulations of Classical and Quantum Dynamical Theories Academic 1969 71.02 GIFT R 234.007 Bogolubov y otros General Principles of Quantum Field Theory Kluwer Academic 1990 98.05 FTA 0-7923-0540 R 234.008 Namiki, M. Stochastic Quantization Springer 1992 98.06 FTA 3-540-55563 R 234.009 Gourdin, M. Lagrangian Formalism and Simmetry Laws Gordon & Breach 1969 GIFT R 234.010 Emch, G.G. Algebraic Methods in Statical Mechanics and Q.F.T. Wiley-Intersc. 1972 GIFT R 234.011 Deligne, P. Quantum Fields and Strings: Acourse for Mathematicians V.1 Amer. Math. Soc. 1999 99.08 FTA 0-8218-2015 R 234.012 Deligne, P. Quantum Fields and Strings: Acourse for Mathematicians V.2 Amer. Math. Soc. 1999 99.08 FTA 0-8218-2013 R 234.013 Barbashov, B.M. Introduction to the Relativistic String Theory World Scientific 1990 2005 FTA 9971-50-687 R 234.014 Gubser, S.S. The Little Book of String Theory Princeton 2010 2010 FTA 978-0-691 R 234.015 Folland, Gerald B. Quantum Field Theory American 2013 2013 FTAO1 978-0-8218 034.016 Gambini, R. y Pullin, J. Un primer curso en gravedad cuántica de lazos Reverté 2011 2013 FTAO1 978-84-291 034.017 Vac 034.018 Vac 035.000 ========================= ========================= ALGEBRA DE CORRIENTES Cab R 235.001 Treiman, J.B., Jackiw, R. Lectures on current algebra and its applications. Princeton 1972 73.05 FT 0-691-08107-7 R 235.002 Lyth, D.H. An introduction to current algebra Clarendon 1970 72.05 FT 19 851421 2 R 235.003 Adler, S.L., Dashen, R.F. Current Algebras and applications to particle physics Benjamin 1968 70.01 FT R 235.004 Treiman, Jackiw, Zumino Current Algebra and anomalies World Scientific 1985 FTA 9971-966-97-2 R 235.005 Vac 035.006 Renner,B. Current Algebras ad their Applications Pergamon 1968 FT R 235.007 Vac 035.008 Vac 035.009 Vac 036.000 ========================= ========================= TEORIAS GAUGE Cab 1;;; R 236.001 Arnowitt,R., Nath, P. Gauge Theories and Modern Field Theory Massachusetts 1976 FT 0-262-01046 R 236.002 Ehlers, J. (ed) Topics in Q.F.T. and Gauge theories Springer 1978 FT 3-540-08841-5 R 236.003 Drechsler, W., Mayer, M. Fiber Bundle Techniques in Gauge theories Springer 1977 FT 3-540-08350-2 R 236.004 Faddeev, L.D., Slavnov, Gauge Fields (Introduction to Quantum Theory). Benjamin 1980 FT 0-8053-9016-2 R 2

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36.005 Cline, D.B., Mills, F.E. Unification of elementary forces and Gauge theory Harwood 1980 FT 0-906346-00-2 R 236.006 Konopleva, N.P., Popov, Gauge Fields Harwood 1981 FT 3-7186-0045-5 R 236.007 Moriyasu, K. An elementary primer for Gauge theory FT Extraviad J.C.HERRERO R 236.008 Huang, K. Quarks, leptons and gauge fields World Scientific 1982 FT 9971-950-03-0 R 236.009 Lee, H.C. An introduction to Kaluza-Klein theories World Scientifics 1984 FT 9971-966-20-4 R 236.010 Bleecken, D. Gauge Theories and Variational Principles Addison Wesley 1981 FT 0-201-10096-7 R 236.011 Taylor, J.C. Gauge Theories of Weak Interactions Cambridge 1976 FT 0-511-20896-3 R 236.012 Percacci, R. Geometry of Nonlinear Field Theories World Scientific 1986 87.03 FTA 9971-50-079-5 R 236.013 O'Raifeartaigh, L. Group Structure of Gauge Theories Cambridge 1986 87.04 FTA 0-521-25295-8 R 236.014 Bernabeu, J., Pascual P. Electro-Weak Theory GIFT 1981 87.04 FTA R 236.015 Carmeli,M., Huleihil,K. Gauge Fields Classification and Equation of Motion World Scientific 1989 90.12 FTA 9971-50-745-5 R 236.016 Bailin,D., Love,A. Introduction to Gauge Field Theory Adam Hilger 1986 91.01 FTA 0-85274-818-3 R 236.017 Quigg, Ch. Gauge Theories of the Strong, Weak, and Electromg. inter... Benjamin 1983 91.01 FTA 0-8053-6021-2 R 236.018 Aitchison, I.J.R., Hey, Gauge Theories in Particle Physics Adam-Hilger 1989 91.02 FTA 0-85274-328-9 R 236.019 Kiritsis, E. String Theory in a Nutshell Princeton 2007 2011 FTAO1 978-0-691 036.020 Vac 036.021 Vac 036.022 Vac 036.023 Vac 037.000 ========================= ========================= TECNICAS GEOMETRICAS Cab 1;;; R 237.001 Woodhouse, N.M.J. Geometric Quantization Clarendon 1980 FTA 0-19-853528-7 R 237.002 Wess, J., Bagger, J. Supersymmetry and supergravity Pricenton 1983 86.11 FTA 08327-4 R 237.003 Aguila, F., Azcarraga, J. Supersymmetry, supergravity and related topics World Scientific 1985 87.05 FTA 9971-966-92-1 R 237.004 Berezin, F.A., Kirillov, Introduction to Superanalysis Reydel 1987 87.11 FTA R 237.005 Bardeen, W.A. Anomalies World Scientific 1985 88.07 FTA 9971-978-69-5 R 237.006 Freud, P.G.O. Introduction to Supersymmetry Universite P. 1988 88.10 FTA 0-52-13567-5 R 237.007 Davies, P.C.W., Brown, J. Superstrings Springer 1988 88.10 FTA 0-387-96700-1 R 237.008 Green, M.B., Schwarz, J. Superstring theory (I) Cambridge 1987 89.05 FTA 0 521 35752 7 R 237.009 Green, M.B., Schwarz, J. Superstring theory (II) Cambridge 1987 89.05 FTA 0 521 35753 5 R 237.010 Kaku, M. Introduction to supertrings Springer 1988 89.05 FTA 0 387 96700 1 R 237.011 Witt, D. Supermanifolds Cambridge 1984 89.05 FTA 0 521 31176 4 R 237.012 Davies, A.T., Sutherland, Superstrings and Supergravity Scottish Univ. 1985 89.10 FTA 0-905945-11-5 R 237.013 Shapere, A., Wilczek, F. Geometric Phases in Physics World-Scientific 1989 89.11 FTA 9971-50-599-1 R 237.014 Trautman, A., Furlan,G. Spinors in Physics and Geometry World Scientific 1986 90.12 FTA 9971-50-763-3 R 237.015 Coquereaux,R., Jadczyk,A. Riemannian Geometry Fiber Bundles Kaluza-Klen Theories and.. World Scientific 1988 90.12 FTA 9971-50-427-8 R 237.016 Nakahara,M. Geometry,Topology and Physics Adam Hilger 1990 91.09 FTA 0-85274-095-6 R 237.017 Jimbo, M. Yang-Baxter Equation in Integrable Systems World Scientific 1989 93.06 FTA 981-02-0121-4 R 237.018 Ge, M-L. Zhao, B-H. Introduction to Quantum Group and... World Scientific 1989 93.06 FTA 981-02-0207-5 R 237.019 Coquereaux, R. Jadczyk, Riemannian Geometry Fiber Bundles... World Scientific 1988 93.06 FTA 9971-50-427-8 R 237.020 Crumeyrolle, A. Orthogonal and Symplectic Clifford Algebras Kluwer Academic 1990 93.06 FTA 0-7923-0541 R 2

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37.021 Ambjorn, J. Quantum Geometry . A statistical field theory approach V.I Collæge U.Beijing 1998 99.03 FTA 7-5158-0257 R 237.022 Ward, R.S. Twistor Geometry and Field Theory V.5 Collæge U.Beijing 1998 99.03 FTA 7-5158-0277 R 237.023 Palis jr., J. Geometric Theory of Dinamical Sistems V.6 Collæge U.Beijing 1998 99.03 FTA 7-5158-0280 R 237.024 Bhaskara, K.H. Poisson Algebras and Poisson Manifolds John Wiley & Son 1988 99.04 FTA 0-582-01989 R 237.025 Barenblatti, G.I. Dimensional Analysis Gordon and Breach 1986 99.04 FTA R 237.026 Dixon, G.M. Division Algebras:Octonions, Quaternions, Complex Numbers on Kluwer Academic 1994 99.04 FTA 0-7923-2890 R 237.027 Frankel, T. The Geometry of Physics. An Introduction Univ. Cambridge 1997 99.04 FTA 0-521-38334 R 237.028 Asorey, M. Geometry and Physics. Proceedings W. G.and P. Zaragoza 1998 Ciemat 1998 99.06 FTA 84-7834-334 R 237.029 Castellani, L. Supergravity and Superstrings. Vol.1 : Mathematical World Scientific 1991 99.06 FTA 9971-50-037 R 237.030 Castellani, L. Supergravity and Superstrings. Vol.2 : Supergravity World Scientific 1991 99.06 FTA 9971-50-037 R 237.031 Castellani, L. Supergravity and Superstrings. Vol.3 : Superstrings World Scientific 1991 99.06 FTA 9971-50-037 R 237.032 Tomé, W. Path Integrals on Group Manifolds World Scientific 1998 99.09 FTA 981-02-3355 R 237.033 Guillemin, V. Variations on a theme by Kepler Amer. Math. Soc. 1990 99.10 FTA 0-8218-1042 R 237.034 Asorey, M. Geometry and Physics Ciemat 1998 99.10 FTA R 237.035 Olive, D.I. Duality and Supersymmetric Theories Cambridge U. 1999 00.02 FTA 0521-64158 R 237.036 Donaldson, S.K. The Geometry of Four - Manifolds Oxford 1995 00.11 FTA 0-521-64158 R 237.037 Kravchenko, V.V. Integral Representations for Spatial Models of Mathematical Longman 1996 01.03 FTA 0-582-29741 R 237.038 Contet, A. Topological aspects of Low Dimensional Systems Springer 1999 01.03 FTA 2-86883-424 R 237.039 Gracia-Bondía, J.M. Elements of Noncommutative Geometry Birkhauser 2001 02.05 FTA 0-8176-4124 R 237.040 Kuipers, J.B. Quaternions and Rotation Sequences Princeton U. 2002 2003 FTA 0-691-10298 R 237.041 Noyes, H.P. Bit-String Physics. A Finite and Discrete Approach to World Scientific 2001 2003 FTA 981-02-4611 R 237.042 Brézin, E. (ed.) The Large N Expansion In Quantum Field Theory and World Scientific 1993 2003 FTA 981-02-0456 R 237.043 Johnson, C.V. D-Branes Cambridge 2003 2003 FTA 0-521-80912 R 237.044 Bablon, O. Introduction to Classical Integrable Systems Cambridge 2003 2003 FTA 0-521-82267 R 237.045 Doran, C. Geometric Algebra For Physicists Cambridge 2003 2003 FTA 0-521-48022 R 237.046 Cooper, F. Supersymmetry in Quantum Mechanics World Scientific 2001 2003 FTA 981-02-4612 R 237.047 Carlip, S. Quantum Gravity in 2+1 Dimensions Cambridge 2003 2003 FTA 0-521-54588 R 237.048 Rovell, C. Quantum Gravity Cambridge 2004 2005 FTA 0-521-83733 R 237.049 Torres del Castillo, G.F. 3-D Spinors , Spin-Weighted Functions and their Applications Birkhauser 2003 2005 FTA 0-8176-3249 R 237.050 Kosmann-Schwarrzbach, Y. Integrability of Nonlinear Systems Springer 2004 2005 FTA 3-540-20630 R 237.051 Bick, E. (ed.) Topology and Geometry in Physics Springer 2005 2005 FTA 3-540-23125 R 237.052 Buschhorn, G.W. (ed.) Fundamental Physics - Heisemberg and Beyond Springer 2004 2005 FTA 3-540-20201 R 237.053 Boniolo, G. (ed.) The Role of Mathematics in Physical Sciences Springer 2005 2005 FTA 1-4020-3106 R 237.054 Chruscinski, D. Geometric Phases in Classical and Quantum Mechanics Birkhauser 2004 2005 FTA 0-8176-4282 R 237.055 Gu, C. Darboux Transformations in Integrable Systems Springer 2005 2005 FTA 1-4020-3087 R 237.056 Rong, W. An Introduction to Differential Geometry and Topology in World Scientific 1998 2006 FTA 981-02-3559 R 237.057 Feng, D.H: The 4 th Drexel Symposium in Quantum Nonintegrability International Press 1997 2006 FTA 1-57146-099 R 237.058 Ocampo, H. (ed.) Geometric and Topological Methods for Quantum Field Theory Springer 2005 2006 FTA 3-540-24283 R 237.059 Cordani, B. The Kepler Problem Birkhauser 2003 2006 FTA 3-7643-6902 R 237.060 Vozmischeva, T.G. Integrable Problems of Celestial Mechanics in Spaces of Kluwer 2003 2006 FTA 1-4020-1521 R 2

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37.061 Montaldi, J. (ed.) Geometric Mechanics and Simmetry : the Peyresq Lectures Cambridge 2005 2006 FTA 0-521-53957 R 237.062 Cartier, P. Frontiers in Number Theory, Physics and Geometry Springer 2006 2006 FTA 3-540-23189 R 237.063 Torre, A. LIner Ray and Wave Optics in Phase Space Elsevier 2005 2006 FTA 0-444-51799 R 237.064 Wolf, K.B. Geometric Optics on Phase Space Springer 2004 2006 FTA 3-540-22039 R 237.065 Bastianelli, F. Path Integrals and Anomalies in Curved Space Cambridge 2006 2007 FTA 0-521-84761 R 237.066 Smirnov, V.A. Feyman Integral Calculus Springer 2006 2007 FTA 3-540-30610 R 237.067 Baer, H. Weak Scale Supersymmetry Cambridge 2006 2007 FTA 0-521-83786 R 237.068 Cartier, P. Functional Integration Action and Symmetries Cambridge U. 2006 2007 FTA 0-521-86696-0 R 237.069 Becker, K. String Theory and M-Theory Cambridge 2007 2007 FTA 0-521-86069-5 R 237.070 Smolin, L. The Trouble with Physics Houghton Mifflin 2006 2007 FTA 0-618-55105 R 237.071 Mukhanov, V.F. Introd. to Quantum Effects in Gravity Cambridge 2007 2007 FTA 0-521-86834-1 R 237.072 Aitchison, I. Supersymmetry in Particle Physics Cambridge 2007 2007 FTA 0-521-88023-7 R 237.073 Petkov, V. (ed.) Relativity and the Dimensionality of the World Springer 2007 2007 FTA 1-4020-6317-6 R 237.074 Cardone, F. Deformed Spacetime. Geometr. Inter. in 4 y 5 Dimen. Springer 2007 2007 FTA 1-4020-6282-7 R 237.075 Mac Gregor, M.H. The Power of a World Scientific 2007 2007 FTA 981-256-961-8 R 237.076 Alves Rodrigues Jr. W. The Many Faces of Maxwell, Dirac and Einstein Equaations Springer 2007 2008 FTA 3-540-71292-3 R 237.077 Calogero, F. Isochronous Systems Oxfoord 2008 2008 FTA 978-0-19 R 237.078 Gerdjikov, V.S. Integrable Hamiltinian Hierarchies Springer 2008 2008 FTA 978-3-540 R 237.079 Hambert, H.W. Quantum Gravitation The Feynman Phat Int. App. Springer 2008 2008 FTA 3-540-85292-6 R 237.080 Bartocci, C. The Geometry of Supermanifolds Kluwer 1991 2009 FTA Copia R 237.081 Emch, G.G. Algebraic Methods in Statiistical Mechanics and QFT Dover 2009 2010 FTA 10-0-486 R 237.082 Labastida, J. y Marino, Topological Quantum Field Theory and Four Manifolds Springer 2005 2013 FTAO1 1-4020-3058-4 037.083 Kirsten, K. Spectral Functions in Mathematics and Physics Chapman & Hall/Crc 2002 FTAO1 1-58488-259-X 037.084 Bordag, M.; Advances in the Casimir Effect Oxford 2009 FTAO1 978-0-19 037.085 Hassaine, M. y Zanelli, Chern-Simons (Super) Gravity World Scientific 2016 FTAO1 978-981-4730 037.086 Freedman, Daniel Z. y Supergravity Cambridge 2012 FTAO1 978-0-521 037.087 Vac 037.088 Vac 037.089 Vac 037.090 Vac 040.000 ========================= ========================= PARTICULAS ELEMENTALES Cab 1;;; R 140.001 Martin, A.D., Spearman, Elementary Particle theory North-Holland 1970 70.05 FT 7204-0157-7 R 140.002 Roman, P. Theory of elementary particles North-Holland 1961 70.01 FT R 140.003 Byckling, E., Kajantie, Particle kinematics J. Wiley 1973 FT 0-471-12885-6 R 140.004 Von Dardel, G. Proceedings of the lund ... Ins.Phys.Lund 1969 70.02 FT R 140.005 Kalen, G. Elementary Particle physics Addison Wesley 1964 70.01 FT R 140.006 Hamilton, J. The theory of elementary particles Oxford clarendon 1959 71.09 GIFT R 140.007 Nishijima, K. Fundamental Particles Benjamin 1964 70.05 GIFT R 140.008 Marshak, R.E., Sudarshan, Introduction to elementary particle physics Interscience 1961 70.01 FT R 140.009 Bernstein, J. Elementary Particles and their currents Freeman 1968 71.11 FT R 1

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40.010 Omnes, R. Introduction to particle physics Wiley-Interscience 1970 GIFT Extraviad R 140.011 Jackson, J.D. The physics of elementary particles Princeton 1958 GIFT R 140.012 Muirhead, H. The physics of elementary particles Pergamon 1965 70.01 GIFT 08 001709 6 R 140.013 Perkins, D.H. Introduction to high energy physics Addison Wesley 1972 73.03 FT R 140.014 Gasiorowicz, S. Elementary Particle physics Wiley and sons 1967 71.07 GIFT 471 29287 7 R 140.015 Longo, M.J. Fundamentals of Elementary Particle Physics Mc Graw-Hill 1973 73.06 GIFT 0-07-038689-7 R 140.016 Ehlesc, J. Munchen, K. Trends in elementary particle theory (37) Springer 1975 GIFT 3-540-07160-1 R 140.017 Morette-Payen, C. Particules elémentaires Hermann 1951 70.01 FT R 140.018 Muirhead, H. Notes on elementary particle physics Pergamon 1971 72.09 GIFT 08 016550 8 R 140.019 Cheng, D.C., O'Neill, G. Elementary Particle physics Addison Wesley 1979 FTA R 140.020 Gibson, W.M., Pollard, B. Symmetry principles en elementry particle physics Cambridge 1976 91.07 FTA 0-521-20787-8 R 140.021 Lee, T.D. Particle physics and introduction to field theory (I) Harwood 1981 FTA 3-7186-0033-1 R 140.022 Frazer, W.R. Elementary Particles Prentice-Hall 1966 87.01 FTA R 140.023 Fermi, E. Proceedings of the international school of physics Academic 1963 87.01 FTA R 140.024 Williams, W.S.C. An introduction to elementary particles Academic 1971 87.01 FTA 0-12-756756-9 R 140.025 Kobzarev,I.Yu., Manin,Yu. Elementary Particles Kluwer 1989 90.06 FTA 0-7923-0098-X R 140.026 Kamal, A.N. Problems in Particle Physics Mc Graw-Hill 1960 91.02 FTA R 140.027 Fernandez Alvarez- Partículas Elementales Eudema 1988 93.07 FTA 84-7754-034-9 R 140.028 Rolnick, W.B. The Fundamental Particles and Their Interactions Addison Wesley 1994 95.02 FTA 0-201-57838 R 140.029 Kowalczynski, J.K. The Tachyon and its Fields Polish Acad. 1996 97.03 FTA 83-902047 R 140.030 Burcham, W.E. Nuclear and Particle Physics Longman Scient. & 1995 97.04 FTA 0-582-45088 R 140.031 Cottingham, W.N. An Intrduction to the Standard Model of Particle Physics Cambridge 2003 2004 FTA 0-521-58832 R 140.032 Bettini, A. Elementary Particle Physics Cambridge 2008 2008 FTA 0-521-88021-3 R 140.033 Sarkar, U. Particle and Astroparticle Physics Taylor&Francis 2008 2008 FTA 1-58488-931-4 R 140.034 Cahn, R. The Experimental Foundations of Particle Physics Cambridge 2009 2009 FTA 978-0-521 R 140.035 Breskin, A. The CERN Large Hadron Collider: Accelerator and Experiments CERN 2008 2010 FTA Donación 978-92-9083 R 140.036 Nagashima, Y. Elementary Particle Physics Wiley-VCH 2010 2011 FTA 978-3-527 R 140.037 Hauptman, J. Particle Physics Experiments at Higth Energy Colliders Wiley-VCH 2011 2011 FTA 978-3-527 R 140.038 Boyarkin, O.M. Advanced Particle Physics V. I CRC 2011 2011 FTA 978-1-4398 R 140.039 Boyarkin, O.M. Advanced Particle Physics V. II CRC 2011 2011 FTA 978-1-4398 R 140.040 Halzen, F. y Martin, Alan Quarks & Leptons: An Introductory Course in Modern Particle John Wiley & Sons 1984 2012 FTAO1 83-14649 0 142.000 ========================= ========================= INTERACCIONES FUERTES Cab 1;;; R 142.001 Jacob, M., Chew, G.F. Strong-interaction physics Benjamin 1964 70.05 GIFT R 142.002 Pilkuhn, H. The interactions of Hadrons North-Holland 1967 70.01 GIFT R 142.003 Flato, M. Symétries de type Lorentzien et interaction Fortes Gauthier Villars 1967 GIFT R 142.004 Shaw, G.L., Wong, D.Y. Pion-nucleon scattering Wiley-Interscience 1969 70.02 GIFT 471-779954 R 142.005 Close, F.E. An introduction to quarks and partons Academic 1979 FT 0-12-175152-X R 142.006 Froissart, M. Interaction Forte sous toutes ses couleurs Ins. Nat. Phys. 1995 96.11 FTA R 142.007 Park, D. Introduction to strong interactions Benjamin 1966 72.05 GIFT R 142.008 Cence, R.J. Pion-nucleon scattering Princeton 1969 70.09 FT R 1

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42.009 Thomas, A.W. Modern three-hadron physics Springer 1977 FT 3-540-07950-5 R 142.010 Mohler, J. tracts in Ergelonisse der exakten Naturwissenschaften Springer 1968 70.04 GIFT R 142.011 Lopez, C., Pajares, C. Interacciones fuertes a altas energias Univ. Barcelona 1979 87.01 FTA R 142.012 Schutte, Holinde, Bleuler The meson theory of nuclear forces and nuclear matter Bibliographis.Inst 1980 87.01 FTA 3-411-01582-9 R 142.013 Institute Paul Scherrer Prospects of Hadronic Physics at low Energy PSI 1990 90.11 FTA R 142.014 Howie, A. Los Primeros Cien Años del Electrón Cavendish Laboratory 1997 97.10 FTA R 142.015 Vac 0 143.000 ========================= ========================= MATRIZ S Cab 1;;; R 143.001 Chew, G.F. S-Matrix theory of strong interactions Benjamin 1962 70.05 GIFT R 143.002 Frautschi, S.C. Regge poles and s-matrix theory Benjamin 1963 70.05 GIFT R 143.003 Omnès, R., Froissart, M. Mandelstam theory and regge poles Benjamin 1963 70.05 GIFT R 143.004 Squires, E.J. Complex Angular momenta and particle physics Benjamin 1964 70.05 GIFT R 143.005 Alfaro,, Regge,T. Potential Scattering North-Holland 1965 GIFT R 143.006 Barton, G. Dispersión techniques in field theory Benjamin 1965 71.02 GIFT R 143.007 Weder, R. Spectral and Scatering Theory for Wave Propagation in Springer 1991 98.06 FTA 0-387-97357 R 143.008 Burkhardt, H. Dispersion relation dynamics North-Holland 1969 GIFT 7204-0148 R 143.009 Vac 0 143.010 Nussenzveig Causality and dispersion relations Academic 1972 FT R 143.011 Vac 0 143.012 Vac 0 143.013 Vac 0 143.014 Vac 0 144.000 ========================= ========================= SIMETRIAS UNITARIAS Cab 1;;; R 144.001 Carruthers, P. Introduction to unitary symetry Interscience 1966 70.05 GIFT R 144.002 Gourdin, M. Unitary symmetries and their application to high energy phy. North-Holland 1967 FT R 144.003 Nambu, Y. Quarks Frontier in elementary particle Physics. World Scientific 1985 FT 9971-966-66-2 R 144.004 Ehlers, J. (ed) Quantum chromodynamics Springer 1980 FT 3-540-09969-7 R 144.005 Sakurai, J.J. Invariance principles and elementary particles Princeton 1964 71.02 GIFT R 144.006 Kokkedee, J.J. The quark model Benjamin 1969 72.05 FT R 144.007 Froggat, C., Nielsen Origin of symmetries World Scientific 1991 92.01 FTA 997-966-30-1 R 144.008 Emmerson, J. Md. Symmetry principles in particle physics Clarendon 1972 72.12 FT 0 19 851506 5 R 144.009 Lichtenberg, D.B. Unitary Simetry and Elementary Particles Academic 1970 99.04 FTA R 144.010 Gell-Mann, M.- Ne'eman, The Eightfold way Benjamin 1964 70.01 FT R 144.011 Barbour, J.M., Davies, A. Fundamentals of Quark Models Scottish Univ. 1977 FT 0-905945-00-X R 144.012 Fries, D., Zeitnitz, B. Quarks and nuclear forces (100) Springer 1982 87.01 FTA 3-540-117172 R 144.013 Yndurain, F.J. Quantum chromodynamics. An introduc. to theory of quarks ... Springer 1983 FTA 0-387-11752-0 R 144.014 Close, F.E. An introduction to quarks and partons Academic 1979 FTA 0-12-175152-X R 144.015 Ryder, L.H. Elementary Particles and Symmetries Gordon & Breach 1978 87.01 FTA 0-677-05130-1 R 144.016 Brading, K. Symmetries in Physics Cambridge 2003 2004 FTA 0-521-82137 R 144.017 Gadella, M. (ed.) Simposium on QTS5 (U. Valladolid 22-28 July 2007) IOP 2008 2008 FTA 1751-8113 R 1

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44.018 Vac 0 144.019 Vac 0 144.020 Vac 0 144.021 Vac 0 150.000 ========================= ========================= TEXTOS GENERALES DE FISICA Cab 1;;; R 150.001 Feynman, R.P.- Leighton, Lectures on Physics (I) Addison Wesley 1966 FT R 150.002 Feynman, R.P.- Leighton, Lectures on Physics (II) Addison Wesley 1966 FT R 150.003 Feynman, R.P., Leighton, Lectures on Physics (III) Addison Wesley 1966 FT R 150.004 Feynman, R.P., Leighton, Lectures on Physics (I) Addison Wesley 196 GIFT R 150.005 Feynman, R.P., Leighton, Lectures on Physics (II) Addison Wesley 1969 GIFT R 150.006 Feynman, R.P., Leighton, Lectures on Physics (III) Addison Wesley 1969 GIFT R 150.007 Feynman, R.P., Leighton, Fisica (I) Addison Wesley 1969 FT R 150.008 Feynman, R.P., Leighton, Fisica (II). Electromagnetismo y Material Fondo educativo 1971 FT R 150.009 Feynman, R.P., Leighton, Fisica (III) Fondo Educativo 1971 71.11 FT R 150.010 Feynman, R.P. Lectures on physics. Exercises (I) Addison Wesley 1964 FT R 150.011 Feynman, R.P. Lectures on physics. Exercices (II) Addison Wesley 1964 FT R 150.012 Feynman, R.P. Lectures on physics. Exercices (III) Addison Wesley 1965 FT R 150.013 Eisberg, R.M. Fundamentos de Fisica Moderna Limusa Wiley 1973 FT R 150.014 Mizushima, M. Theoretical Physics Wiley and sons 1972 GIFT 0-471-61188-3 R 150.015 Acosta, Cowan, Graham Essential of Modern Physics Harper 1973 GIFT R 150.016 Bujovtsev, B.B., Problemas selecionados de la física elemental Mir 1979 FT Extraviad R 150.017 Lindsay, R.B. Concepts and methods of theoretical physics Dover 1951 GIFT 486-62354-8 R 150.018 Elmore, W.C., Heald, M.A. Physics of waves Dover 1969 86.12 FTA 0-486-64926-1 R 150.019 Tilley, D.E., Thumm. W. College Physics (2 vol.) Cummings 1971 73.04 FT R 150.020 Morgan, J. Introduction to University Physics (I) Allyn & Bacon 1963 FT R 150.021 Morgan, J. Introduction to University Physics (II) Allyn & Bacon 1964 FT R 150.022 Joseph, A., Leahy, D. Tópicos de Física Moderna (V) Limusa 1973 FT R 150.023 Furth, R.H. Fundamental Principles of Modern Theoretical Physics Pergamon 1970 FT 08 013375 4 R 150.024 Lieb, Mattis Mathematical Physics in one Dimension Academic 1966 FT Extraviad Cerveró R 150.025 Alonso, M., Finn, E.J. Fisica: Fundamentos cuánticos y estadisticos (III) Fondo Educativo 1966 FT Extraviad JAVIER GONZALEZ R 150.026 Franeau, J. Fisica (I) Urmo 1966 FT R 150.027 Franeau, J. Fisica (II) Urmo 1966 FT R 150.028 Pinskt, A.A. Problems in physics Mir 1977 FT R 150.029 Slater, J.C., Frank, M. Introducción a la física teórica (Vol. I) Espasa-Calpe 1951 FT Extraviad AYUELA R 150.030 Slater, J.C., Frank, M. Introducción a la física teórica (Vol. II) Espasa Calpe 1951 FT Extraviad AYUELA R 150.031 Mercier, A. Precis de Physique general (Vol. I) Dunod 1945 FT R 150.032 Guinier, G. Elements de Physique Moderne Theorique (Vol. II) Bordas 1950 FT R 150.033 Guinier, G. Elements de Physique Moderne Theorique (Vol. III) Bordas 1951 FT R 150.034 Beiser, A. Conceptos de Física Moderna Castillo 1965 FT R 150.035 Herve, J. Physique MP-PC Masson et Cie 1968 FT R 1

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50.036 Harris, E.G. Modern theoretical physics (I) Wiley and Sons 1975 FT 0-471-35225-6 R 150.037 Harris, E.G. Introduction to Modern theoretical physics (II) Wiley and sons 1975 FT 0-471-35326-4 R 150.038 Resnick, Halliday Fisica (I) CECSA 1974 FT R 150.039 Resnick, Halliday Fisica (II) CECSA 1974 FT R 150.040 Ramón-Ferrando, F. Micromecánica elemental Dossat 1951 87.01 FTA R 150.041 Gamow, Cleveland Fisica Aguilar 1974 FT 84-03-20229-6 R 150.042 Lumbroso, H. Problèmes de physique commentés Tome I Masson 1971 87.01 FTA R 150.043 Lumbroso, H. Problèmes de Physique commentés Tome II Masson 1972 87.01 FTA R 150.044 Cronin, J.A., Greenberg, Univ. of Chicago graduate problems in phys. with solutions The Univ. Chicago 1967 87.01 FTA 0-226-12109-7 R 150.045 Belda Villena, E. Mecánica II, Teoría de la relativ. y mecánica de microcos. Victoria 87.01 FTA R 150.046 Stahel, E. Precis de Physique Generale IV. La structure de la matiere Griffon 1952 87.01 FTA R 150.047 Villar, G.E. Elementos de Atomistíca Montevideo 1950 87.01 FTA R 150.048 Kittel, Knight, Ruderman Mecánica. Berkeley physics course Vol. I Reverté 1968 87.01 FTA Extraviad S.N. R 150.049 Alonso, M., Finn, E.J. Fisica. Vol. I. Mecánica Aguilar 1970 87.01 FTA R 150.050 Alonso, M., Finn, E.J. Fisica. Vol. II. Campos y ondas Aguilar 1970 87.01 FTA R 150.051 Lang, R., Cabrera, B. Fisica experimental II Labor 1933 87.01 FTA R 150.052 Aguilar, J., Senent, F. La Física tiene la respuesta. Saber 1962 87.01 FTA R 150.053 Castelfranchi, G. Tratato di física Urlico Hoepli 1953 87.01 FTA R 150.054 Armitage, E. Practical Physics in SI J. Murray 1972 87.01 FTA 0-7195-2443-1 R 150.055 Grigoriev, V. Miakishev, Fuerzas de la Naturaleza Mir 1986 88.05 FTA R 150.056 Piorishkin, A., Rodina, Fisica I Mir 1986 88.05 FTA R 150.057 Kikoin, I.K., Kikóin, A. Fisica II Mir 1985 88.05 FTA R 150.058 Bujovtsev,B.B., Fisica III Mir 1986 88.05 FTA R 150.059 Miákishev,G.Ya., Fisica IV Mir 1986 88.05 FTA R 150.060 Smith, W. Problems in modern Physics Science 1970 88.10 FTA R 150.061 Sanchez del Rio, C. Análisis de Errores Eudema 1989 90.03 FTA 84-7754-036-5 R 150.062 Sanchez del Rio, C. Unidades Físicas Eudema 1987 90.03 FTA 84-7754-003-9 R 150.063 Fischbeck,H.J.,Fischbeck, Formulas, Facts and Constants Springer 1989 90.04 FTA Extraviad BALBAS 3-540-17610-1 R 150.064 Kulakov, A. Rumiántsev, Introducción a la Física de Procesos No Lineales MIR 1990 93.05 FTA 5-02-000722-6 R 150.065 Hernando Grande, A. Nuevos Materiales: Los Vidrios Metálicos Eudema 1987 93.07 FTA 84-77-54-006 R 150.066 Longair, M.S. Theoretical Concepts in Physics Cambridge U. 1991 95.03 FTA 0-521-27553 R 150.067 Rees, W.G. La Física en 200 Problemas Alianza 1994 96.03 FTA 84-206-2827 R 150.068 Stanffer, D. From Newton to Mandelbrot Springer 1989 97.04 FTA 3-540-59191 R 150.069 Lea, S.M. FISICA Vol.I La Naturaleza de las Cosas Intern.Thomson 1998 99.12 FTA 968-7529-37 R 150.070 Lea, S.M. FISICA Vol.II La Naturaleza de las Cosas Intern.Thomson 1998 99.12 FTA 968-7529-38 R 150.071 Ortega, M.R. Lecciones de Física - Mecánica 1 Univ. Córdoba 1998 02.02 FTA 84-404-4290 R 150.072 Ortega, M.R. Lecciones de Física - Mecánica 2 Univ. Córdoba 2000 02.02 FTA 84-398-9216 R 150.073 Ortega, M.R. Lecciones de Física - Mecánica 3 Univ. Córdoba 2000 02.02 FTA 84-398-9219 R 150.074 Ortega, M.R. Lecciones de Física - Mecánica 4 Univ. Córdoba 1996 02.02 FTA 84-604-4445 R 150.075 González, F.A. La Física en Problemas Tébar 2000 02.02 FTA 84-95447-07 R 1

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50.076 Squires, G.L. Practical Physics Cambridge 2001 02.02 FTA 0-521-77940 R 150.077 Bromley, D.A. A Century of Physics Springer 2002 02.02 FTA 0-387-95247 R 150.078 Ibañez, J.A. Lecciones de Física - Termología 2 Univ. Córdoba 1994 02.02 FTA 84-404-4291 R 150.079 King, A.R. Physics with Answers Cambridge 1997 02.02 FTA 0-521-48369 R 150.080 Lorente Guarch, J.L. FISICA Tomo I U.N.E.D. 1999 02.05 FTA 84-362-1777 R 150.081 Lorente Guarch, J.L. FISICA Tomo II U.N.E.D. 1999 02.05 FTA 84-362-1777 R 150.082 Cassidy, D. Understanding Physics Student Guide Springer 2002 2003 FTA 0-387-98755 R 150.083 Trigg, G.L. Landmark Experiments in Twentieth Century Physics Dover 1995 2003 FTA 0-486-28526 R 150.084 GIancoli, D.C. Física para Universitarios V I Prentice Hall 2002 2003 FTA 968-444-484 R 150.085 GIancoli, D.C. Física para Universitarios V II Prentice Hall 2002 2003 FTA 970-26-0133 R 150.086 Serway, R.A. Física I Thomson 2002 2003 FTA 84-9732-168 R 150.087 Pauli, W. Pauli Lectures on Physics V I - Electrodinamics Dover 2000 2003 FTA 0-486-41457 R 150.088 Pauli, W. Pauli Lectures on Physics V 2 - Optics and Theory of Dover 2000 2003 FTA 0-486-41458 R 150.089 Pauli, W. Pauli Lectures on Physics V 3 - Thermodinamics and Kinetic Dover 2000 2003 FTA 0-486-41461 R 150.090 Pauli, W. Pauli Lectures on Physics V 4 - Statistical of Gases Dover 2000 2003 FTA 0-486-460 R 150.091 Pauli, W. Pauli Lectures on Physics V 5 - Wave Mechanics Dover 2000 2003 FTA 0-486-41462 R 150.092 Pauli, W. Pauli Lectures on Physics V 6 - Selectoed Topics in Field Dover 2000 2003 FTA 0-486-41459 R 150.093 Folan, L.M. Modern Physics & Technology World Scientific 2003 2003 FTA 981-02-4883 R 150.094 Ohanian, H.C. Physics V.I Norton 1989 2005 FTA 0-393-95748 R 150.095 Ohanian, H.C. Physics V.II Norton 1989 2005 FTA 0-393-95786 R 150.096 Ohanian, H.C. Principles of Physics Norton 1994 2005 FTA 0-393-95773 R 150.097 Wachter, A. Compendium of Theoretical Physics Springer 2006 2006 FTA 0-387-25789 R 150.098 Bru, L. Fisica Julian Benta 1975 2006 FTA 84-85003-03 R 150.099 Goodstein D.L. Feyman´s Lost Lectures Norton 1996 2007 FTA 0-393-03918-8 R 150.100 Krey, U. Basic Theoretical Physics Springer 2007 2007 FTA 3-540-36804-5 R 150.101 Kraftmakher, Y. Experiments and Demonstrations in Physics World Scientific 2007 2008 FTA 981-270-538-4 R 150.102 Richards,J.A. Modern University Physics Des R 150.103 Hornung, H.G. Dimensional Analysis. Axamples of the use of Symmetry Dover 2006 2008 FTA 0-486-44605-0 R 150.104 Fritzsch, H. The Fuundamental Constants World Scientifics 2009 2009 FTA 981-283-432-X R 150.105 Baker, J. 50 cosas que hay que saber sobre Física Ariel 2009 2009 FTA 84-344-8813-7 R 150.106 Tipler, P.A. Mecán. Oscil. y Ondas/Termod. V.I Reverté 2010 2010 FTA 84-291-4429-1 R 150.106 Tipler, P.A. Mecán. Oscil. y Ondas/Termod. V.I Reverté 2010 2010 FTA 84-291-4429-1 R 150.107 Tipler, P.A. Electricidad y Magnet. Luz V.II Reverté 2010 2010 FTA 84-291-4430-7 R 150.108 Tipler, P.A. Mecánica Moderna Reverté 2010 2010 FTA 84-291-4426-0 R 150.109 Tipler, P.A. Apéndices y Respuestas Reverté 2010 2010 FTA 84-291-4426-0 R 150.110 Shepherd, P.J. Theoretical Physics Wiley 2013 2013 FTAO1 9781118481349 050.111 Vac 050.112 Vac 050.113 Vac 050.114 Vac 0

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50.115 Vac 050.116 Vac 050.117 Vac 051.000 ========================= ========================= SISTEMAS DINAMICOS Cab 1;;; R 151.001 Thom, R. Stabilité structurelle et morfogenese Benjamin 1976 FT 0-8053-9279-3 R 151.002 Saunders, P.T. An Introduction to catastrophe theory Cambridge 1980 FT 0-52129-7826 R 151.003 Schuster, H.G. Deterministic chaos Physik 1984 FT 3-87664-101-2 R 151.004 Hao Bai-Lin Chaos World Scientific 1984 FT 9971-966-51-4 R 151.005 Marmo, G., Saletan, J. Dynamical systems Wiley and sons 1985 FT 0-471-90339-6 R 151.006 Mayer-kress, G. Dimensions and Entropies in Chaotic Systems Springer 1986 86.11 FTA 3-540-16254-2 R 151.007 Martínez Alonso, L. Sistemas Integrales en Física Clásica y Cuántica Univ. Zaragoza 1985 86.11 FTA R 151.008 Windekhecht General Dynamic Processes Academic 1971 FT 0-12-759550-3 R 151.009 Freidlin, M.I., Wentzell, Random pertubations of dynamical sistems Springer 1984 FT 0-387-90858-7 R 151.010 Hajek, O. Dynamical systems in the plane Academic 1968 73.05 FT R 151.011 Hajek, O. Dynamical systems in the plane Academic 1968 FT R 151.012 Dold, A. (ed) Seminar on diff. equations and dynamical systems Springer 1968 FT R 151.013 Dold, A. (ed) Seminar on diff. equations and dynamical systems (II) Springer 1970 FT R 151.014 Dold, A. (ed) Recent advances in topological dynamics Springer 1973 FT 3-540-06187-8 R 151.015 Bhatia, Szego Stability theory of dynamical systems Springer 1970 FT R 151.016 Holm, Marsden, Ratiu Hamiltonian Structure and Lyapunov stability for ideal conti Univ. Montreal 1986 87.01 FTA 2-7606-0771-2 R 151.017 Jimbo, M., Miwa, T. Non-linear integrable systems-classical theory and quantum t World Scientific 1983 87.01 FTA 9971-950-32-4 R 151.018 Arnold, V.I. Teoría de las catástrofes Alianza 1987 88.11 MAF 84-206-2413-2 R 151.019 Arácil, J. Introducción a la dinámica de los sistemas Alianza 1986 88.11 MAF 84-206-8058-3 R 151.020 Bouará, N. Symètries brisèes Hermman 1976 88.11 MAF 2-7056-1378-1 R 151.021 Ekeland,I. Convexity Methods in Hamiltonian Mechanics Springer 1990 90.06 FTA 3-540-50613-6 R 151.022 Fomenko, A.T. Integrability and non integrability in Geometry and Mechanic Kluwer 1988 90.05 MAF 90-277-2818-6 R 151.023 Harnad, J., Marsden, J.E. Hamiltonian System, Transform. Groups and Spectral Tran. Met CRM 1990 91.01 FTA 2-921120-05-4 R 151.024 Gutzwiller, M.C. Chaos in Classical and Quantum Mechanics Springer 1990 93.05 FTA 0-387-97173-4 R 151.025 Lasota, A. Mackey, M.C. Chaos, Fractals and Noise. Stochastic Aspects of Dynamics Springer 1994 95.04 FTA 0-387-94049 R 151.026 Matueeu, V.B. Darboux Transformations and Solitons Springer 1991 97.04 FTA 0-387-50660 R 151.027 Cichtenberg, A.J. Applied Mathematical Sciences V. 38. Regular and Chaotic Springer 1992 98.03 MAF 0-387-97745 R 151.028 Guckenheimer, J. Applied Mathematical Sciences V. 42. Nonlinear Oscilations, Springer 1983 98.03 MAF 0-387-90819-6 R 151.029 Robinson, C. Stability, Simbolic Dinamics and Chaos CRC 1995 98.06 FTA 0-8493-8493 R 151.030 Kapitaniak, T. Controlling Chaos. Theoretical and Practical Academic 1996 98.12 MAF 0-12-396840 R 151.031 Acheson, D. From Calculus to Chaos Oxford U. 1998 98.12 MAF 0-19-850077 R 151.032 Becker, K-L. Dynamical Systems and Fractals Univ. Cambridge 1989 99.04 MAF 0-521-36025 R 151.033 Antoniou, I. Generalized functions, operator theory and dinamical systems Chapman & Hall 1999 99.10 FTA 0-8493-0619 R 151.034 Liu, Z. Semigroups associated with dissipative systems Chapman & Hall 1999 99.10 FTA 0-8493-0615 R 151.035 Gilmore, R. Catastrophe Theory for Scientists and Engineers Dover 1993 99.11 FTA 0-486-67539 R 151.036 Poston, T. Catastrophe Theory and its Applications Dover 1996 99.11 FTA 0-486-69271 R 1

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51.037 Alligood, K.T. CHAOS an introduction to dinamical systems Springer 1996 00-07 FTA 0-387-94677 R 151.038 Hoppensteadt, F.C. Analysis and Symulation of Chaotic Systems Springer ? 00.07 FTA 0-387-98943 R 151.039 Levy, M. Microscopic Simulation of Financial Markets Springer 2000 01.01 FTA 0-12-445890 R 151.040 Demazure, M. Bifurcations and Catastrophes Springer 2000 01.06 FTA 3-540-52118 R 151.041 Peinke, J. Encounter with Chaos Self-Organized Hierarchical Springer 1992 2002 MAF 3-540-55845 R 151.042 Kapitaniak, T. CHAOS for Engineers Theory, Applications, and Control Springer 2000 2002 FTA 3-540-66574 R 151.043 Perko, L. Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems Springer 2002 2003 FTA 0-387-95116 R 151.044 Brin, M. Introduction to Dynamical Systems Cambridge 2002 2003 FTA 0-521-80841 R 151.045 Banks, J. Chaos, A Mathematical Introduction Cambridge 2003 2003 FTA 0-521-531047 R 151.046 Lam, L. Introduction to Nonlinear Physics Springer 2003 2004 FTA 0-387-40614 R 151.047 Hasselblatt, B. A First Course in Dynamics Cambridge 2003 2005 FTA 0-521-58750 R 151.048 Greenwood, D.T. Advanced Dynamics Cambridge 2003 2005 FTA 0-521-58612 R 151.049 Thirring, W. Dynamical Systems and Field Theories Springer 2003 2005 FTA 0-387-40615 R 151.050 Cull, P. Difference Equations. From Rabbits to Chaos Springer 2005 2007 FTA 0-387-23234 R 151.051 Vachaspati, T. Kinks and Domain Walls Cambridge 2006 2007 FTA 0-521-83605 R 151.052 Tél, T. Chaotic Dinamics. An Introduction Based on Classical Cambridge 2006 2007 FTA 0-521-54783 R 151.053 Ramm, A.G. Wave Scattering by Small Bodies of Arbitrary Shapes World Scientific 2005 2007 FTA 961-256-186-2 R 151.054 Pankov, A. Traveling Waves and Periodic Oscillations in Fermi-Pasta- Imperial College 2005 2007 FTA 1-86094-532-5 R 151.055 Ozorio de Almeida, A.M. Hamiltonian Systems: Chaos and Quantization Cambridge 1992 2007 FTA 0-521-38670-5 R 151.056 Benci, V. Nonlinear Analysis and Applications to Physical Sciences Springer 2004 2008 FTA 88-470-0247-8 R 151.057 Tsonis, A.A. Randomnicity ICP 2008 2009 FTA 1-84816-205-7 R 151.058 Schroeder, M. Fracals, Chaos, Power Laws Dover 2009 2010 FTA 10-0-486 R 151.059 Klafter, J. First Esteps in Random Walks Oxford 2011 2012 FTA 978-0-19 R 151.060 Robinson, J.C. 168 Dimensions,Embeddings, andAttractors Cambridge 2011 2012 FTA 978-0-521 R 151.061 Vac 052.000 ========================= ========================= FISICA ESTADISTICA Cab 1;;; R 152.001 Landau, L.D., Lifshitz, Statistical physics Pergamon 1969 GIFT 08 0091 032 R 152.002 Mehta, M.L. Random matrices Academic 1967 GIFT R 152.003 Farquhar, I.E. Ergodic theory in statistical mechanics Interscience 1964 GIFT R 152.004 Balescu Statistical mechanics of charged particles Interscience 1963 GIFT R 152.005 Fowler, R., Gulgenheim, Statistical thermodynamics Cambridge 1952 FT R 152.006 Ferzieger, J.H., Kaper. Mathematical theory of transport processes in gases North-Holland 1972 72.10 GIFT 0720420466 R 152.007 Penrose, O. Foundations of Statistical Mechanics Pergamon 1970 72.09 GIFT 0 013314 2 R 152.008 Kubo, R. Statistical mechanics North-Holland 1971 72.09 GIFT 7204 099 2 R 152.009 Isihara, A. Statistical physics Academic 1971 72.10 GIFT 0-12-374650-7 R 152.010 Jancel, R. Foundations of Classical and Quantum Statistical Mechanics Pergamon 1969 73.09 GIFT 08 012823 8 R 152.011 Bogoliubov, N.N. A Method for studying model Hamiltonians Pergamon 1972 73.03 GIFT 08 016742 X R 152.012 Gibbs, J.W. Elementary Principles in Statistical Mechanics Dover 1960 73.05 GIFT 486-60707-0 R 152.013 Khinchin, A.I. Mathematical foundations of statistical mechanics Dover 1949 73.05 GIFT 0-486-60147-1 R 152.014 Feynman, R.P. Statistical mechanics. A set of lectures Benjamin 1972 GIFT Extraviad R 1

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52.015 Kadanoff, L.P., Baym,G. Quantum statistical mechanics Benjamin 1962 73.06 GIFT R 152.016 Schrodinger, E. Statistical thermodynamics Cambridge 1967 FT R 152.017 Robinson, D.W. The thermodynamic pressure in quantum statistical mechanics Springer 1971 FT 0-387-05640-8 R 152.018 Lonchamp, J.P. Thermodynamique et introduction a la physique Statistical Masson Ed cie 1970 FT R 152.019 Friedman, N.A. Introduction to Ergodic theory Van-Nostrand 1970 FT R 152.020 Arnold, V.I. Problemes ergodiques de la mathematique classique Gauthier Villars 1967 FT Extraviad R 152.021 Rushbrooke, G.S. Introduction to statistical mechanics Oxford 1949 FT R 152.022 Coleman, B.D. Thermodynamics of materials with memory Springer 1972 FT 3211-81125-7 R 152.023 Tejerina, F. Termodinámica I. Paraninfo 1976 FT 84-283-0851-9 R 152.024 Tejerina, F. Termodinámica II (Aplicaciones) Paraninfo 1977 FT 84-283-0883-7 R 152.025 Feynman, R.P. Statistical mechanics Benjamin 1976 FT 08053-2509-3 R 152.026 Buchdahl, H.A. The concepts of classical thermodynamics Cambridge 1966 FT R 152.027 Chapman, S., Cowling, T. The mathematical theory of non-uniform gases Cambridge 1960 FT R 152.028 Huang, K. Statistical mechanics J. Wiley & sons 1963 FT R 152.029 Ruelle, D.E. Statistical mechanics Benjamin 1969 FT 8053-8361-1 R 152.030 Uhlenbeck, Ford, G.W. Statistical mechanics Am. Math. Soc. 1963 FT R 152.031 Am. Math. Soc.(ed) Probability and physical problems (series one) vol II Am. Math. Soc. 1968 71.01 FT R 152.032 Blanc-Lapierre, A.,Casal, Methodes mathematiques de la mecanique statistique Masson et cie 1959 FT R 152.033 Blanc-Lapierre, A. Mecanique statistique Masson et cie 1967 FT R 152.034 Reif, F. Fisica Estadistica (vol 5) Reverté 1969 FT R 152.035 Truesdell, C., Baaratha, Classical thermodynamics as a theory of heat engines Springer 1977 FT 0387-07971-8 R 152.036 Armstrong, R.L., King, J. Mecánica, ondas y termofísica Urmo 1975 FT 84-314-0268-7 R 152.037 Baxter, R.J. Exactly Solved Models in Statistical Mechanics Academic 1984 FT 0-12-083180-5 R 152.038 Reif, F. Fundamentos de Fisica Estadística y Térmica Castillo 1968 72.03 FT R 152.039 Cohen, E.G.D. (editor) Fundamental Problems in Statistical Mechanics (II) North-Holland 1968 GIFT R 152.040 Groot, S.R., Mazur, P. Non-equilibrium termodynamics Dover 1984 86.12 FTA 0-486-64741-2 R 152.041 Tolman, R.C. The principles of statistical mechanics Dover 1979 86.12 FTA 0486-63896-0 R 152.042 Yourgrau, W., Merwe, A., Treatise on irreversible and statistical thermophysics Dover 1982 86.12 FTA 0-486-64313-1 R 152.043 Ness Van, H.C. Understanding thermodynamics Dover 1969 86.12 FTA 0-486-63277-6 R 152.044 Fermi, E. Thermodynamics Dover 1956 86.12 FTA 486-60361-X R 152.045 Mercier, A. Leçons et problèmes sur l'equilibre statisque et l'evolution Griffon 1945 87.01 FTA R 152.046 Glansdorf, P., Prigogine, Thermodynamic theory of structure,stability,and fluctuations Wiley 1971 87.01 FTA 047-13028-0 R 152.047 Biot, M.A. Variational principles in heat transfer Oxford 1970 87.01 FTA R 152.048 Broglie, L. de La thermodynamique de la particule isolée Gauthier Villars 1964 87.01 FTA R 152.049 Prigogine, I. Non-eqilibrium statistical mechanics Vol I Wiley & sons 1966 87.01 FTA R 152.050 Terletskii, Y.A.P. Statistical physics North-Holland 1971 87.01 FTA 07 204 0221 2 R 152.051 Katz, A. Principles of statistical mechanics Freeman 1967 87.01 FTA R 152.052 Einstein, A. Investigations on the theory of the Brownian movement Dover 1956 87.01 FTA 486-60304-0 R 152.053 Groot de, S.R. Termodinámica de los procesos irreversibles Alhambra 1968 87.01 FTA R 152.054 Bairlein, R. Atoms and information theory Freeman 1971 87.01 FTA 07167-0332-7 R 1

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52.055 Kubo, R. Statistical mechanics, Vol.1 North-Holland 1967 87.01 FTA R 152.056 Kubo, R. Statistical mechanics, Vol.2 North-Holland 1967 87.01 FTA R 152.057 Domb, C., Green, M.S. Phase transitions and critical phenomena Vol.5A Academic 1976 87.01 FTA R 152.058 Domb, C., Green, M.S. Phase transitions and critical phenomena Vol. 5B Academic 1976 87.01 FTA R 152.059 Domb, C., Green, M.S. Phase transitions and critical phenomena Vol.6 Academic 1976 87.01 FTA R 152.060 Ziman, J.M. Models of disorder Cambridge 1979 87.03 FTA 0-521-2928-08 R 152.061 Stanley, H.E. Introduction to phase trasitions and critical phenomena Clarendon 1971 87.03 FTA R 152.062 Kesyten, H. Percolation theory for mathematician Birkhäuser 1982 87.04 FTA 3-7643-31070 R 152.063 Domb,C. Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena Academic 1972 87.09 FTA 012-220302 R 152.064 Landau, L.D., Lifshitz, Fisica Estadística Reverté 1969 87.09 FTA R 152.065 Hollinger, H.B., Zenzen, The Nature of Irreversibility Reidel 1967 88.01 FTA 90-277-2080-0 R 152.066 Montroll, E.W. Fluctuations Phenomena North-Holland 1987 88.02 FTA 0-444-87038-5 R 152.067 Ma, S.K. Stadistical Mechanics Worl-Scientific 1985 88.03 FTA 9971-966-06-9 R 152.068 Efros, A. Fisica y Geometría del Desorden Mir 1987 88.05 FTA R 152.069 Smorodinski, Ya La temperatura Mir 1983 88.05 FTA R 152.070 Edelman, V. Cerca del cero absoluto Mir 1986 88.05 FTA R 152.071 Borovik-Romanov, A.S. Low Temperature Physics Mir 1985 88.05 FTA R 152.072 Stauffer, D. Introduction to percolation theory Taylor & Francis 1985 88.08 FTA 0-85076-315-6 R 152.073 Guggenheim, E.A. Thermodynamics North-Holland 1976 89.04 FTA 0-444-86951-4 R 152.074 Chandler,D. Introduction to Modern Statistical Mechanics Oxford 1987 90.09 FT 0-19-504277-8 R 152.075 Abrikosov, A.A., Gorkov, Methods Quantum Field Theory in Statistical Physics Dover 1975 90.09 FT 0-486-63228-8 R 152.076 Sychev, V.V. Complex Thermodynamic Systems Consultants Bureau 1973 91.02 FTA 0-306-10886-0 R 152.077 Mackey, M.C. Time's Arrow: The Origins of Thermodynamic Behavoir Springer 1993 94.01 FTA 0-387-94093 R 152.078 Gilbert, R.G. Theory of Unimolecular and Recombination Reactions Blackwell Scient. 1990 97.03 FTA 0-632-02749 R 152.079 Levine, R.D. Molecular Reaction Dynamics and Chemical Reactivity Oxford U.. 1987 97.03 FTA 19-505395 R 152.080 Toda, M. Statistical Physics I. Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics Springer 1995 97.04 FTA 3-540-53662 R 152.081 Morse, P.M. Thermal Physics W.A.Benjamin 1961 98.12 FTA R 152.082 Reid, C.E. Principles of Chemical Thermodinamics Reinhold 1960 98.12 FTA R 152.083 Schieve, W.C. Lectures in Statistical Physics Springer 1974 98.12 FTA 3-540-06711 R 152.084 Ruelle, D. Statistical Mechanics W.A.Benjamin 1969 98.12 FTA R 152.085 Landsberg, P.T. Problems in Thermodinamics and Statistical Physics PION 1971 98.12 FTA 85086-023 R 152.086 Andrews, F.C. Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics Wiley 1963 98.12 FTA 0-471-03123 R 152.087 Fernández Tejero, C. Física Estadística del Equilibrio A.D.I. 1997 01.06 FTA 84-931805 R 152.088 Ehrenfest, P. The Conceptual Foundations of the Statistical Approach in Dover 1990 2004 FTA 0-486-49504 R 152.089 Sach, I. Statistical Mechanics Cambridge 2006 2007 FTA 0-521-84198 R 152.090 Schwabl, F. Statistical Mechanics Springer 2006 2007 FTA 3-540-32343 R 152.091 Guha, E. Statistical Mechanics. An Introduction Alpha Science 2008 2007 FTA 1-84265-335-7 R 152.092 Guénault, T. Statistical Physics 2ªed. Springer 2007 2008 FTA 1-4020-5974-2 R 152.093 Sears, F. W. Termodinámica y Mecánica Estadística Reverté 1967 2007 MAF R 152.094 Van Vliet, C.M. Equilibrium and Non-Equil. Statistical Mechanics World Scientific 2008 2008 FTA 10981-270-478 R 1

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52.095 Ben-Naim, A. Entropy Demystified World Scientific 2008 2008 FTA 10-981-283 R 152.096 Wu, F.Y. Exactly Solved Models: A Journey in S.M. World Scientific 2009 2009 FTA 981-281-388-8 R 152.097 Rudra, N. Basic Statistical Physics World Scientific 2010 2010 FTA 978-981-4293 R 152.098 Saxena, A.K. An Introd. Thermodynamics And Statistical Mechanics Alpha Science 2010 2010 FTA 978-1-84265 R 152.099 Peliti, L. Statistical Mechanics in a Nutshell Princeton 2003 2011 FTAO1 978-0-691 052.100 Krauth, W. Statistical Mechanics: Algorithms and Computations Oxford 2006 FTAO1 978-0-19 052.101 Vac 053.000 ========================= ========================= OPTICA Cab 1;;; R 153.001 Born, M., Wolf, E. Principles of Optics Pergamon 1970 73.03 GIFT Extraviad S.N. 08 013987 6 R 153.002 González Urueña, A. Láseres Prensa Científica 1992 93.03 FTA 84-7593-048 R 153.003 Huygens, C. Treatise on light Dover 1962 FT R 153.004 Jenkins,F., White, H. Fundamentos de Optica Aguilar 1964 FT R 153.005 Kay, S.M., Maitland,A. Quantum optics Academic 1970 FT 1240370-X R 153.006 Simmons, J.W., Guttmann, States, Waves and photons: A modern introduction to light Addison Wesley 1970 FT R 153.007 Sommerfeld, A. Optics Academic FT R 153.008 Sanchez-Mondragon, J., Lie methods in optics Springer 1986 87.01 FTA 3-540-16471-5 R 153.009 Walls, D.F. Quantum Optics Springer 1995 97.04 FTA 3-540-58831 R 153.010 Buchdahl, H.A. An Introduction to Hamiltonian Optics Dover 1993 97.11 FTA 0-486-67597 R 153.011 Françon, M. Holografía Paraninfo 1972 2008 FTA Donación EUP R 153.012 Klauder, J.R. Fundamentals of Quantum Optics Dover 2006 2007 FTA 0-486-45008-2 R 153.013 Hanamura, E. Quantum Nonlinear Optics Springer 2007 2007 FTA 3-540-42332-4 R 153.014 Garrison, J.C. Quantum Optics Oxford 2008 2009 FTA 0-19-850886-1 R 153.015 Klimov, A.B. A Group-Thoret. Approach to Q.O. Wiley-VCH 2009 2010 FTA 3-527-40879-5 R 153.016 Leonhardt, U. Essential Quantum Optics Cambridge 2010 2010 FTA 978-0-521 R 153.017 Fox, M. Quantum Optics An Introduction Oxford 2006 FTAO1 978-0-19 053.018 Saleh, B.E.A. y Teich, M. Fundamentals of Photonics Wiley 2007 FTAO1 978-0-471 053.019 Vac 053.020 Vac 054.000 ========================= ========================= ELECTROMAGNETISMO Cab 1;;; R 154.001 Panofsky, W. Classical Electricity and magnetism Addison Wesley 1962 FT R 154.002 Jackson Classical Electrodynamics J. Wiley 1962 GIFT R 154.003 Groot de, S.R. The Maxwell equations North-Holland 1969 70.11 GIFT 7204 1104 1 R 154.004 Rosenfeld, L. Theory of electrons Dover 1965 GIFT R 154.005 Purcell, E.M. Electricidad y magnetismo. Vol.2 Reverté 1969 FT R 154.006 Purcell, E.M. Electricidad y magnetismo Reverté 1969 FT Extraviad R 154.007 Sommerfeld, A. Electrodynamics Academic 1952 FT 0-12-654676-2 R 154.008 Benito-Santos, E. Problemas de campos electromagnéticos El Autor 1972 FT R 154.009 Brillouin, L. Wave propagation and group velocity Academic 1960 FT 0-12134968-8 R 154.010 Lee, E. W. Magnetism: an introductory survey Dover 1970 86.12 FTA 0486-24689-2 R 154.011 Eyges,L. The classical electromagnetic field Dover 1972 86.12 FTA R 1

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54.012 Rothman, et al. Frontiers of Modern Physics Dover 1985 86.12 FTA 0-486-24587-x R 154.013 Uman, M.A. Lightning Dover 1984 86.12 FTA 0-486-64575-4 R 154.014 Becker, R.A. Electromagnetic fields and interactions Dover 1982 86.12 FTA 0-486-64290-9 R 154.015 Schilt, H. Precis de physique generale III Griffon 1950 87.01 FTA R 154.016 Dacos, F. Electricite theorique Desoer 1946 87.01 FTA R 154.017 Sears, F.W. Electricidad y Magnetismo Aguilar 1967 88.01 FTA R 154.018 Fuschich, W.I., Nikitin, Symmetries of Maxwell's Equations Reidel 1987 88.01 FTA 90-277-2320-6 R 154.019 Ramo,S.Whinnery,J.R. Campos y Ondas Piramide 1974 FTA 84-368-0006-0 R 154.020 Kagánov, M., Tsukérnik, La naturaleza del magnetismo Mir 1985 88.05 FTA R 154.021 Bredov, M., Rumiántsv, V. Electrodinámica Clásica Mir 1986 88.01 FTA R 154.022 Jancewicz, B. Multivectors and Clifford Algebra in Electrodynam. World Scientific 1988 90.12 FTA 9971-50-290-9 R 154.023 Groot de, S.R. The Maxwell Equations Nort-Holland 1969 98.12 FTA R 154.024 Panofsky, W.K.H. Classical Electricity and Magnetism 2ª ed. Addison- Wesley 1964 2008 MAF R 154.025 Post, E.J. Formal Structure of Electro-Magnetics Dover 1997 2008 FTA R 154.026 Vac 054.027 Vac 054.028 Vac 054.029 Vac 054.030 Vac 055.000 ========================= ========================= TEORIA CLASICA DE CAMPOS Cab 1;;; R 155.001 Rohrlich, F. Classical Charged Particles Addison Wesley 1965 70.04 GIFT R 155.002 McQuistan, R.B. Campos escalares y vectoriales Limusa Wiley 1969 FT R 155.003 Rzewuski, J. Field Theory I Ilife 1964 GIFT R 155.004 Edelen, D.G.B. Non local variations and local invariance Elsevier 1969 GIFT 444-00054-2 R 155.005 Soper, D.E. Classical Field theory Wiley & sons 1976 FT R 155.006 Levich, B.G. Theoretical physics I North-Holland 1970 FT 0 7204 01771 R 155.007 Davis, W.R. Classical Fields, particles and theory of relativity Gordon & Breach 1970 FT R 155.008 Bitter, F. Medicus, H.A. Fields and Particles Elsevier 1973 GIFT 0444-00129-8 R 155.009 Landau, L.D., Lifshitz, The classical theory of fields V.II Pergamon 1962 GIFT R 155.010 Landau, L.D., Lifshitz, The classical theory of fields V II Pergamon 1971 86.12 GIFT R 155.011 Landau, L.D., Lifshitz, Teoría clásica de los campos Reverté 1966 FT R 155.012 Thirring, W. A Course in mathematical physics Springer 1979 FT 0-387-81532-5 R 155.013 Landau, L.D., Lifshitz, Teoría clásica de los campos Reverté 1973 FT R 155.014 Barut, A.O. Electrodynamics and classical theory of fields and particles Dover 1964 FT R 155.015 Kim, Y.K. Introduction to classical electrodinamics World scientific 1986 FT 9971-978-85-7 R 155.016 Parrott D. Relativistic electrodynamics and differential geometry Springer 1987 88.10 FTA 0-387-96435-5 R 155.017 Rohrlich, F. Classical Charged Particles World Scientific 2007 2007 FTA 981-270-004-9 R 155.018 Vac 055.019 Vac 055.020 Vac 0

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55.021 Vac 055.022 Vac 056.000 ========================= ========================= FILOSOFIA DE LA CIENCIA, Cab 1;;; R 056.001 Bunge, M. Philosophy of physics Reidel 1973 FTA 90-277-0253-5 R 056.002 Browder, F.E. (ed.) Mathematical developmens Arising from Hilbert problems Am. Math. Soc. 1976 FT R 056.003 Steinhaus, H. 100 problems in elementary mathematics Dover 1979 86.12 FTA 0-486-23875-X R 056.004 Steinhaus, H. 100 problems in elementary mathematics Dover 1979 86.12 FTA 0-486-23875-X R 056.005 Gamow, G. 30 years that shook physics Dover 1985 86.12 FTA 0-486-24895-X R 056.006 Kline, M. Mathematics for the nonmathematician Dover 1985 86.12 FTA 0-486-24823-2 R 056.007 Kline, M. Mathematics for the nonmathematician Dover 1983 86.12 FTA 0-466-24823-2 R 056.008 Resnikoff, M.L., Wells, Mathematics in civilization Dover 1984 86.12 FTA Extraviad J.BOSCO 0-486-24674-4 R 056.009 Hinton, H.C. Speculations on the fourth dimension Dover 1980 86.12 FTA 0 486 23916 0 R 056.010 Sawyer, W.W. Prelude to mathematics Dover 1982 86.12 FTA 0-486-24401-6 R 056.011 Gillings, R.J. Mathematics in the time of the pharaohs Dover 1982 86.12 FTA 0-486-24315-X R 056.012 Romer, A. The Restless Atom. Dover 1982 86.12 FTA 0-486-24310-9 R 056.013 Dresher, M. The mathematics of games of strategy.Theory and applications Dover 1981 86.12 FTA 0-486-64216-X R 056.014 Heath, T. Aristarchus of Samos. The ancient copernicus Dover 1981 86.12 FTA 0-486-24188-2 R 056.015 Kline, M. Mathematics and the physical world Dover 1981 86.12 FTA 0-486-24188-2 R 056.016 Pedoe, D. The gentle art of mathematics Dover 1973 86.12 FTA 0-486-22949-1 R 056.017 Huntley, H.E. The divine proportion Dover 1970 86.12 FTA 0-486-22254-3 R 056.018 Navy, U.S. Basic Machines and how they work Dover 1971 86.12 FTA 0-486-21709-4 R 056.019 Peter, R. Playing with infinity Dover 1976 86.12 FTA 0-486-23265-4 R 056.020 Hadamard, J. The psychology of invention in the mathematical field Dover 1954 86.12 FTA 0-486-20107-4 R 056.021 Gardner, M. Facts & Fallacies Dover 1957 86.12 FTA Extraviad ALFREDO ? 486-20394-8 R 056.022 Poincare, H. Science and hypothesis Dover 1952 86.12 FTA 486-60221-4 R 056.023 Boys, C.V. Soap bubbles Dover 1959 86.12 FTA 0-486-205428 R 056.024 Touchais, M. Les applications techniques de la logique Dunod 1956 87.01 FTA R 056.025 Bunge, M. (ed) Problems in the foundations of physics Springer 1971 87.01 FTA 3-540-05490-1 R 056.026 Karplus, R. Physics and man Benjamin 1970 87.01 FTA 8053-5213-9 R 056.027 Alfven, H., Alfven, K. Living on the third planet Friedman 1972 87.01 FTA 07167-0340-8 R 056.028 Einstein, A. Philosopher-scientist Cambridge 1970 86.12 FTA R 056.029 Schwinger, J. Einstein's legacy Scientific 1986 87.01 FTA 0-7167-5011-2 R 056.030 D'Espagnat, B. Conceptions de la Physique Contemporaine German 1965 88.01 FTA R 056.031 D'Abro, A. The Evoluton of Scientific Thought Dover 1950 FTA 0-486-20002-7 R 056.032 Davis, P.J. Hersh, R. Experiencia Matemática Labor 1988 88.10 FTA 84-335-5138-8 R 056.033 Rohrlich, F. Our Basic Concepts of the Physical World Cambrigde 1989 90.03 FTA 0-521-37605-X R 056.034 Penrose, R. The Emperor's New Mind Oxford 1990 90.06 FTA 0-19-851973-7 R 056.035 Donel, G.M. Hermann,A. Symmetries in Physics Univ. Aut. BA 1987 90.12 FTA 84-7488-148-8 R 056.036 Apéry, R. et al. Pensar la Matemática Tusquets 1988 90.12 MAF 84-7223-614-5 R 056.037 Paulos, J.A. El Hombre Anumérico Tusquets 1990 90.12 MAF 84-7223-149-6 R 0

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56.038 Haken,H. Sobre la Imaginación Científica Tusquets 1990 90.12 MAF 84-7223-186-0 R 056.039 Prigogine, I. Stengers, Entre el tiempo y la eternidad Alianza Universidad 1990 91.10 MAF p R 056.040 Boi, L. Flament, D. 1830-1930 A Century of Geometry Springer 1992 93.06 FTA 3-540-55408 R 056.041 Hawking, S.W. A Brief History of Time. From the Big Bang to Black Holes Bantam 1988 97.07 FTA 0-593-01518 R 056.042 Sokal, A. Intellectual IMPOSTURES Profile Books 1998 99.09 FTA 1-8619-7074 R 056.043 Escohotado, A. Caos y Orden Espasa 2000 00.11 FTA 84-239-9751 R 056.044 Cajori, F. A History of Mathematical Notations Dover 1993 01.10 FTA 0-486-67766 R 056.045 Hardy, G.H. Apología de un matemático Nivola 1999 01.10 FTA 84-9307190 R 056.046 Papenfub, D. (ed.) 100 Years Werner Heisenberg Wiley 2002 2003 FTA 3-527-40392 R 056.047 Stapp, H.P. Mind, Matter and Quantum Mechanics Springer 2004 2004 FTA 3-540-40761 R 056.048 Mainzer, K. The Little Book of Time Coperniks Books 2004 2004 FTA 0-387-95288 R 056.049 Oliver, D. The Shaggy Steed of Physics Springer 2004 2004 FTA 0-387-40307 R 056.050 Penrose, R. The Road to Reality : A Complet Guide to the Laws of... Alfred A. Knopf 2005 2005 FTA 0-679-45443 R 056.051 Weizsacker, C.F. The Structure of Physics Springer 2006 2007 FTA 1-4020-5234-0 R 056.052 Khun, T.S. El Camino desde la Estructura Paidós 2002 2008 MAF 84-493-1181-7 R 056.053 Feyerabend, P. La conquista de la abundancia Paidós 2001 2008 MAF 84-493-1004-0 R 056.054 Anastopoulos, Ch. Particle or Wave Prrinceton 2008 2008 FTA 978-0-691 R 056.055 Stillwell, J. Roads to Infinity A K Peters 2010 2011 FTA 978-1-56881 R 056.056 Vac 056.057 Vac 056.058 Vac 056.059 Vac 056.060 Vac 057.000 ========================= ========================= HISTORIA DE LA CIENCIA, BIOGRAFIAS Cab 1;;; R 057.001 Hadamard, J. Essai sur la Psychologie de l'invention Gauthier Villars 1975 FT 2-04-002293-7 R 057.002 Ter Haar, D. Men of Physics L.D. Landau II Pergamon 1969 FT 08 006450 7 R 057.003 Lanczos, C. Space through the ages Academic 1970 73.05 FT 12-435850-0 R 057.004 Zeeman, J. Time in science and philosophy Elsevitel 1971 FT Extraviad R 057.005 Bastin, T.E.D. Quantum theory and beyond Cambridge 1971 73.02 FT 052107956X R 057.006 Born, M. Physics in my generation Springer 1970 FT Extraviad S.N. 582 45512 4 R 057.007 Roux, A. Le problème de la connaissance Univ. France 1930 FT R 057.008 Harre, R.,(Ed) Scientific thought 1900-1960 Clarendom-Oxford 1969 FT R 057.009 Karplus, R. Physics and man Benjamin 1970 87.04 FT 8053-5213-9 R 057.010 Heisenberg, W. Physics and beyond Harper & Row 1971 72.01 FT 0 04 925008 6 R 057.011 Kline, M. Mathematical thought from ancient to modern times Oxford 1972 FT R 057.012 Costa de Beauregard, O. Relativite et quanta Masson et cie 1968 FT R 057.013 Weisskopf, V.F. Physics in the twentieth century: Selected Essays. MIT 1972 FT 0-262-23056-9 R 057.014 Fierz, M., Weisskopf, V. Theoretical physics in the Twentieth century Interscience 1960 71.02 FT R 057.015 Pauli, W. Niels Bohr and the development of physics Pergamon 1962 FT R 057.016 Phillips, W.B. A Course for generalists: physics for society Addison Wesley 1971 73.02 GIFT R 0

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57.017 Harre, R. Scientific thought 1900-1960 Oxford 1969 FT 19 858196 4 R 057.018 Schoroeer, D. Physics and its fifth dimension: Society Addison Wesley 1972 72.10 GIFT R 057.019 Wehrle, P. L'univers aleatoire Griffon 1956 FT R 057.020 Muller, A. Quantum mechanics: A physical world picture Pergamon 1974 FT 0080179363 R 057.021 Margenau, H. La naturaleza de la realidad física Tecnos 1970 FT R 057.022 Rougier, L. Traite de la connaissance Gauthier Villars 1955 FT R 057.023 Galli, M.G. Spazio e tempo nella scienza moderna I Cremonese FT R 057.024 Galli, M.G. Spazio et tempo nella scienza moderna II Cremonese FT R 057.025 De Witt, S., Graham, N. The many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics Princeton 1973 FT 0691-08126-3 R 057.026 Dugas, R. Histoire de la Mecanique Vuibert 1940 FT R 057.027 Bunge, M. (ed) Problems in the foundations of physics (IV) Springer 1971 GIFT 3-540-05490-1 R 057.028 Freund,P.G.O.Goebel,C. Quanta Chicago 1970 FT 226-26280-4 R 057.029 Feynman, R.P. The character of physical law MIT 1975 FT Extraviad AYUELA 0262 56003 8 R 057.030 Guilbaud, G. La cybernetique Univ. France 1957 FT R 057.031 Weiner, C. History of twentieth century physics Academic 1977 FT 0-12-368857-4 R 057.032 Cahen, G. Les conquetes de la pensee scientifique Dunod 1953 FT R 057.033 Bell, E.T. Mathematics: queen and servant of science Dunod 1951 FT R 057.034 Kramer, E.E. A che serve la mathematica Feltrinelli 1959 FT R 057.035 Destouches-Fevrier, P. La structure des theories physiques Univ. France 1951 FT R 057.036 Dirac, P.A.M. The development of quantum theory Gordon & Breach 1971 GIFT R 057.037 Polya, G. Mathematics and plausible reasoning I Princeton 1973 FT 0-691-08005-4 R 057.038 Polya, G. Mathematics and plausible reasoning II Princeton 1968 FT R 057.039 Truesdell, C. Ensayos de Historia de la Mecánica Tecnos 1975 FT Extraviad F.MUÑOZ 84-309-0597-9 R 057.040 Lindberg, D.G. (ed). Science in the middle ages Chicago 1978 FT Extraviad F.GOMEZ 0-226-48232-4 R 057.041 Crombie, A.C. Historia de la ciencia: De S. Agustin a Galileo Alianza 1979 FT R 057.042 Crombie, A.C. Historia de la ciencia: De S. Agustin a Galileo Alianza 1979 FT R 057.043 Kuhn, T.S. La estructura de las revoluciones científicas Fondo de cultura 1981 FT 84-375-0046-X R 057.044 Kuhn, T.S. La teoría del cuerpo negro y la discontinuidad cuántica Alianza 1980 FT Extraviad PEDRO COOMONTE 84-206-2262-1 R 057.045 Feyerabend, P.K. La ciencia en una sociedad libre Siglo XXI 1982 87.01 MAF 84-323-0438-7 R 057.046 Malherbe, M., Pousseur, Francis Bacon: Science et methode Vrin 1985 87.01 MAF 2-7116-0882-4 R 057.047 Einstein, A. Mis ideas y opiniones A. Bosch 1981 FT 84-7162-831-7 R 057.048 Bachelard, G. La actividad racionalista de la física contemporanea Siglo XX 1975 MAF R 057.049 Koyré, A. Del mundo cerrado al universo infinito Siglo XXI 1979 FT 84-323-0349-6 R 057.050 Koyré, A. Estudios Galileanos Siglo XXI 1980 FT 84-323-0388-7 R 057.051 Koyré, A. Estudio de la Historia del Pensamiento Científico Siglo XXI 1977 FT 84-323-0275-9 R 057.052 Popper, K.R. La lógica de la investigación científica Tecnos 1977 FT 84-309-0711-4 R 057.053 Kraif, V. El Círculo de Viena Taurus 1977 FT 84-306-1045-6 R 057.054 Lorenzo, J. La filosofía de la matemática de Poincare Tecnos 1974 FT 84-309-0528-6 R 057.055 Feyerabend, P.K. Contra el método Ariel 1981 FT 84-34407353 R 057.056 Bunge, M. Filosofía de la Física Ariel 1978 FT 84-344-8001-8 R 0

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57.057 Bunge, M. Epistemología Ariel 1980 FT 84-344-8004-2 R 057.058 Wartofsky, M.W. Introducción a la filosofía de la ciencia Alianza 1981 FT 84-206-8030-3 R 057.059 Arnold, V.I. Huygens & Barrow, Newton & Hooke Birkhäuser 1990 91.09 FTA 3-7643-2383-3 R 057.060 Lakatos, I. Pruebas y refutaciones (la lógica del descubrimiento mat.) Alianza 1978 FT 84-206-2206-0 R 057.061 Lakatos, I. Matemáticas, ciencia y epistemología Alianza 1981 FT 84-206-2294-X R 057.062 Heisenberg, W. Encuentros y conversaciones con Einstein y otros ensayos Alianza 1980 FT R 057.063 Russell Hanson, N. Constelaciones y conjeturas Alianza 1978 FT 84-206-2203-6 R 057.064 Russell Hanson, N. Patrones de descubrimiento. Observación y explicación Alianza 1977 FT 84-206-2177-3 R 057.065 López Piñero, J.M. Materiales para la historia de la ciencia en España Pre-textos 1957 FT Extraviad 84-85081-00-5 R 057.066 González Blasco P., Historia y sociología de la ciencia en España Alianza 1979 FT 84-206-2251-6 R 057.067 Kearney, H. Origenes de la ciencia moderna 1500-1700 Guadarrama 1970 FT Extraviad R 057.068 Geymonat, L. Filosofía y Filosofía de la Ciencia Labor 1972 FT R 057.069 Foucault, M. Las palabras y las cosas S. XXI 1979 FT 968-23-0017-7 R 057.070 Foucault, M. Arqueología del saber S. XXI 1979 FT 968-23-0012-6 R 057.071 Struik, D.J. A Concise History of Mathematics Dover 1967 86.11 FTA 486-60255-9 R 057.072 Hull, L.W. Historia y filosofia de la ciencia Ariel 1981 FT R 057.073 Schaffner, K.F. Nineteenth-Century Aether Theories Pergamon 1972 FT 08 0156746 8 R 057.074 Torretti, R. Philosophy of geometry from Riemann to Poincaré Reidel 1978 FT 90-277-0920-3 R 057.075 D'Espagnat, B. A la recherche du reel Gauthier Villars 1981 FT 2-04-010755-X R 057.076 Losee, J. Introducción histórica a la filosofía de la ciencia Alianza 1981 FT 84-206-2165-X R 057.077 Garrido, M. Lógica simbolica Tecnos 1981 FT Extraviad Salas 84-309-0675-4 R 057.078 Deaño, A. Introducción a la lógica formal Alianza 1981 FT Extraviad Salas 84-206-8011-7 R 057.079 Kuhn, T.S. La revolución Copernicana Ariel 1978 FT Extraviad P.Fernandez R 057.080 Butterfield, H. Los orígenes de la ciencia moderna Taurus 1982 MAF Extraviad JALON 84-306-1077-6 R 057.081 Bernal, J.D. Historia social de la ciencia I Península 1979 FT 84-297-0936-3 R 057.082 Bernal, J.D. Historia social de la ciencia II Península 1979 FT 84-297-0937-1 R 057.083 Gamow, G. Biografía de la física Alianza 1980 FT R 057.084 Smith, D.E. History of mathematics, Vol I Dover 1958 86.12 FTA 0486-20429-4 R 057.085 Smith, D.E. History of mathematics, Vol II Dover 1958 86.12 FTA 0486-20430-8 R 057.086 Nagel, E. La estructura de la ciencia Paidos 1981 FT 84-7509-107-5 R 057.087 Ball, W.W.R. A short account of the history of mathematics Dover 1960 86.12 FTA 0486-20630-0 R 057.088 Boyer, C.B. The history of the calculus an its conceptual development Dover 1959 86.12 FTA 486-60509-4 R 057.089 García Camarero, Errenso La polémica de la ciencia española Alianza 1970 87.05 MAF R 057.090 Vernet, J. Historia de la ciencia española Int. de España 1975 87.06 MAF 84-500-7220-4 R 057.091 Clarke, D.M. La filosofía de la ciencia de Descartes Alianza 1986 87.06 MAF 84-206-2457-8 R 057.092 Derry, T.K., Williams, T. Historia de la tecnología (Desde la antiguedad hasta 1750) Siglo XXI 1980 FT R 057.093 Derry, T.K., Williams, T. Historia de la tecnología (Desde 1750 hasta 1900) I Siglo XXI 1980 FT R 057.094 Derry, T.K., Williams, T. Historia de la tecnología (Desde 1750 hasta 1900) II Siglo XXI 1980 FT R 057.095 Gimpel, I. La revolución industrial en la Edad Media Taurus 1981 FT 84-306-1203-3 R 057.096 Vernet, J. La cultura Hispano-Arabe en Oriente y Occidente Ariel 1978 FT R 0

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57.097 Needham, J. Ciencia, Religión y Socialismo Grijalbo 1978 FT R 057.098 López Piñero, J.M. Ciencia y técnica en la sociedad Española en s. XVI y XVII Labor 1979 FT R 057.099 Berka, K. Measurement Reidel 1983 FT 90-277-1416-9 R 057.100 Young, L. Mathematician and their times North-Holland 1981 87.07 FTA 0444-861351 R 057.101 López Piñero, J.M. Diccionario histórico de la ciencia moderna en España I A-L Peninsula 1983 FT R 057.102 López Piñero, J.M. Diccionario histórico de la ciencia moderna en España II M-Z Peninsula 1983 FT R 057.103 Lakatos, I. La metodología de los programas de investigación científica Alianza 1983 FT 84-206-2349-0 R 057.104 Garin, E. La filosofía y las ciencias en el siglo XX Icaria 1983 FT 84-7426-083-3 R 057.105 Kuhn, T.S. La tensión esencial FCE 1982 FT 84-375-0232-2 R 057.106 Hempel, C.G. La explicación científica Paidos 1979 FT R 057.107 Garin, E. Ciencia y vida civil en el Renacimiento Italiano Taurus 1982 FT 84-306-1211-4 R 057.108 Garin, E. El Zodíaco de la Vida Peninsula 1981 FT 84-297-1698-X R 057.109 Grant, E. La ciencia física en la Edad Media FCE 1983 FT R 057.110 Casini, P. El Universo máquina M. Roca 1971 FT R 057.111 Geymonat, L. Galileo Galilei Nexos 1986 MAF 84-297-2403-6 R 057.112 Lovejoy, A.O. La gran cadena del ser Icaria 1983 88.01 FT 84-7426-090-6 R 057.113 Toulmin, S. La compresión humana I Alianza 1977 FT R 057.114 Blanché, R. El Método Experimental y la filosofía de la física FCE 1980 FT 968-16-0583-7 R 057.115 Mandrou, R. From Humanism to Science 1480-1700 Penguin 1978 FT R 057.116 Cohen, I.B. La revolución Newtoniana y la transformación de las ideas ci Alianza 1983 FT R 057.117 Martínez, J. Ciencia y dogmatismo Catedra 1980 FT 84-376-0254-8 R 057.118 Turró, S. Descartes. Del hermetismo a la ciencia Anthropos 1985 87.06 MAF 84-85887-62-X R 057.119 Fritzsch, H. Los quarks, la materia prima de nuestro universo Alianza 1982 FT 84-206-2337-7 R 057.120 Berkson, W. Las teorías de los campos de fuerza Alianza 1981 FT 84-206-2310-5 R 057.121 Klauder, J.R. (ed) Magic without magic Freeman 1972 FT 0-7167-0337-8 R 057.122 Goldstein, M., Goldstein, How we know Plenum FT R 057.123 Capek, M. (ed) The concepts of space and Part. 1, Part. 2 Time Reidel 1976 FT 90-277-0375-2 R 057.125 Geymonat, L. Historia del Pensamiento Filosófico y Cientifico S.XX (I) Ariel 1984 88.01 MAF 84-344-8717-9 R 057.126 Geymonat, L. Historia del Pensamiento Filosófico y Científico S.XX (II) Ariel 1985 88.01 MAF 84-344-8718-7 R 057.127 Geymonat, L. Historia del Pensamiento Filosófico y Científico S.XX (III) Ariel 1985 88.01 MAF 84-344-8719-5 R 057.128 Needham, J. La Gran Titulación Ariel 1987 88.01 MAF 84-206-2179-X R 057.129 Jeans, J. Historia de la física F.C.E 1982 87.10 MAF 968-16-1076-8 R 057.130 Drake, S. Galileo Alianza 1983 86.10 MAF 84-206-1941-8 R 057.131 Garin, E. La Revolución Cultural del Renacimiento Crítica 1984 86.10 MAF 84-7423-154-X R 057.132 Sarton, G. Ciencia antigua y civilización moderna F.C.E 1971 86.10 MAF R 057.133 Westfall, R.S. La construcción de la ciencia moderna Labor 1980 86.10 MAF 84-335-2420-8 R 057.134 Shea, W.R. La revolución intelectual de Galileo Ariel 1983 86.10 MAF 84-334-8009-3 R 057.135 Prigogine, I. La nueva alianza Alianza 1983 86.10 MAF R 057.136 Prigogine, I. ¿Tan sólo una ilusión? Tusquets 1983 86.10 MAF 84-7223-611-0 R 057.137 Farrington, B. Ciencia y filosofía en la Antiguedad Ariel 1984 86.11 MAF 84-344-1025-7 R 0

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57.138 Mason, S.F. Historia de las ciencias I Alianza 1984 86.01 MAF 84-206-0062-8 R 057.139 Mason, S.F. Historia de las ciencias II Alianza 1985 86.10 MAF 84-206-0080-6 R 057.140 Hall, A.R. La revolución científica Crítica 1985 86.10 MAF 84-7423-257-0 R 057.141 Cid, F. (ed) Historia de la Ciencia I Planeta 1982 88.01 MAF R 057.142 Cid, F. (ed) Historia de la Ciencia II Planeta 1982 88.01 MAF R 057.143 Cid, F. (ed) Historia de la Ciencia III Planeta 1982 88.01 MAF R 057.144 Cid, F. (ed) Historia de la Ciencia IV Planeta 1982 88.01 MAF R 057.145 Quinton, A. Francis Bacon Alianza 1985 86.10 MAF 84-206-0126-8 R 057.146 Blanché, R. La epistemología Oikos-Tan 1973 86.10 MAF 84-281-0228-7 R 057.147 Collette, J.P. Historia de las matemáticas I Siglo XXI 1986 86.10 MAF R 057.148 Collette, J.P. Historia de las matemáticas II Siglo XXI 1986 86.10 MAF 84-323-0526-4 R 057.149 Ortega y Gasset,J. La idea de Principio en Leibniz Alianza 1979 88.01 MAF 84-206-4103-0 R 057.150 Mason, S.F. Historia de las ciencias III, s. XVIII Alianza 1986 86.10 MAF 84-206-0106-3 R 057.151 Mason, S.F. Historia de las ciencias IV, s. XIX Alianza 1986 86.10 MAF 84-206-0155-1 R 057.152 Bunge, M. Controversias en Física Tecnos 1979 86.10 MAF R 057.153 Mason, S.F. Historia de las ciencias V, s. XX Alianza 1986 86.10 MAF 84-206-0180-2 R 057.154 Vegetti, M. Los Orígenes de la racionalidad Científica. Peninsula 1981 87.01 MAF 84-297-1749-8 R 057.155 Baker, A. Breve Introducción a la Teoría de los Números Alianza 1986 88.01 MAF 84-206-2472-1 R 057.156 Kline, M. Matemáticas, la Pérdida de la Certidumbre S. XXI 1985 88.01 MAF 84-323-0529-4 R 057.157 Ifrah, G. Las cifras Alianza 1987 87.01 MAF 84-206-9557-2 R 057.158 Cassirer, E. El Problema del Conocimiento, Vol. IV F.C.E 1986 87.01 MAF 968-16-2265-0 R 057.159 Asimov, I. Biografía de la ciencia y tecnología Alianza 1982 87.01 MAF R 057.160 Boyer, C. Historia de la matemática Alianza 1986 86.11 MAF R 057.161 Radice, L.L La matemática de Pitágoras a Newton Destino 1983 87.01 MAF 84-7222-392-2 R 057.162 Taton, R. (ed) Hª General de las Ciencias. La ciencia antigua y medieval Destino 1985 87.01 MAF 84-223-0610-0 R 057.163 Taton, R. (ed) Historia general de las ciencias. La ciencia moderna Destino 1972 87.01 MAF R 057.164 Taton, R. (ed) Hª General de las Ciencias. La ciencia Contemp. I s. XIX Dutino, Barcelona 1975 87.01 MAF R 057.165 Taton, R. (ed) Hª General de las ciencias. La ciencia Contemp. II s. XX Destino 1975 87.01 MAF R 057.166 Taton, R. (ed) Hª General de las ciencias. La ciencia Contemp. II s. XX Destino 1975 87.01 MAF R 057.167 Dampier, W.C. Historia de la Ciencia Taurus 1986 87.02 MAF 84-309-0359-3 R 057.168 Lorenzo, J. La matemática y el problema de su historia Tecnos 1977 87.02 MAF 84-309-0720-3 R 057.169 Millás Villicrosa, J.M. Estudio sobre la Historia de la Ciencia Española. 2 Vol. CSIC 1987 88.01 MAF 84-00-06486-0 R 057.170 Bunge, M. Teoría y Realidad Ariel 1972 88.01 MAF R 057.171 Taylor, J.G. La Nueva Física Alianza 1974 88.01 MAF 84-206-2082-3 R 057.172 Rey Pastor, J., Babini, Historia de la Matemática I,II Gedisa 1986 88.01 MAF 84-7432-206-5 R 057.173 Gareth, Ashurst, F. Fundadores de la Matemática Moderna Alianza 1985 88.01 MAF 84-206-0130-1 R 057.174 Bachelard, G. Epistomología Anagrama 1971 88.01 MAF 84-339-0026-9 R 057.175 Habermas, J. Ciencia y Técnica como "Ideología" Tecnos 1984 88.01 MAF 84-309-1031-X R 057.176 Newman, J. Sigma-1 Historias, Isográficas Estudio General Grijalbo 1985 88.01 MAF R 057.177 Newman, J. Sigma-2. El mundo Físico Grijalbo 1985 88.01 MAF 84-253-0252-8 R 0

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57.178 Newman, J. Sigma-3. Probabilidad Estadística. Ciencias Sociales Grijalbo 1985 88.01 MAF 84-253-0253-6 R 057.179 Newman, J. Sigma 4. Número, Espacio, Grupos, Infinito Grijalbo 1985 88.01 MAF 84-253-0254-4 R 057.180 Newman, J. Sigma 5. Estructuras. Lógica. Arte. El Matemático Grijalbo 1985 88.01 MAF 84-253-0255-2 R 057.181 Newman, J. Sigma 6. Máquina. Cultura, Curiosidad Grijalbo 1985 88.01 MAF 84-253-0256-0 R 057.182 Ribnikov, K. Historia de las Matemáticas Mir 1987 88.01 MAF R 057.183 Elena, A. Las quimeras de los Cielos s. XXI 1985 88.01 MAF 84-323-0504-9 R 057.184 Costa de Beauregard, O. Time, the Physical Magnitude D. Reidel 1987 FT 90-277-2444-8 R 057.185 Mehra, J. (ed) The Physicist's Conceptions of Nature Reidel 1987 FT 90-277-0345-0 R 057.186 Piaget, J. y otros La Enseñanza de las Matemáticas Modernas Alianza 1986 88.01 MAF 84-206-2207-9 R 057.187 Yates, F. Giordano Bruno y La tradición hermética Ariel 1983 88.01 MAF 84-344-8703-9 R 057.188 Singh, J. Teorías de la Cosmología Moderna Alianza 1982 88.01 MAF p 84-206-2072-6 R 057.189 Esteban Piñeiro, M. y Estudios sobre Historia de la Ciencia y de la Técnica (I,II) J.Castilla y Leon 1988 88.01 MAF 84-505-7144-8 R 057.190 Lafuente, A., Saldaña, J. Historia de las Ciencias CSIC 1987 88.01 MAF 84-00-06564-6 R 057.191 Ortega y Gasset, J. Meditación de la Técnica Alianza 1982 88.01 MAF 84-206-4121-9 R 057.192 Echeverría, J. Leibniz Casanova 1981 88.01 MAF 84-85923-23-5 R 057.193 Vernet, J. (ed) Textos y Estudios sobre Astronomía Española en el S. XIII CSIC 1981 88.01 MAF R 057.194 Vernet, J. (ed) Astrología y Astronomía en el Renacimiento Ariel 1974 88.01 MAF 84-344-0758-2 R 057.195 Rei, D. La Revolución Científica Icaria 1978 88.01 MAF 84-7426-038-8 R 057.196 Koyre, A. The Astronomical Revolution Hermann 1973 92.03 MAF 2-7056-5648-0 R 057.197 Vernet, J. La Ciencia en Al-Andalus B.C.A. 1986 88.01 MAF 84-7587-081-3 R 057.198 Sarraihl, J. La España Ilustrada F.C.E 1985 87.05 MAF 84-375-0027-3 R 057.199 Hankins, T.L. Ciencia e Ilustración S. XXI 1988 88.01 MAF 84-323-0626-6 R 057.200 Hormigón, M. (ed) Actas del II Congreso S.E.H.C. SEHC 1986 88.01 MAF R 057.201 Echeverria, J. (ed) Actas del III Congreso S.E.H.C. SEHC 1986 88.01 MAF R 057.202 Rekers, B. Arias Montano Taurus 1973 88.01 MAF R 057.203 Bachelard, G. La formación del espíritu científico S.XXI 1987 88.01 MAF 968-23-0164-5 R 057.204 Born, M. The Restless Universe Mir 1951 88.01 FTA 486-20412-X R 057.205 Pino Rebolledo, F. Inventario de la Documentación Especial Ayuntam. de 1985 92.03 MAF 84-505-8333-0 R 057.206 Stewart, I. Les Fractals Belin 88.05 FTA Fotocopia R 057.207 Petit, J.P. Le Trou Noir, Big Bang Belin 88.05 FTA Fotocopia R 057.208 Petit, J.P. Le Geometricon. Tout est Relative Belin 88.05 FTA Fotocopia R 057.209 Heath, S.T. A History of Greek Mathematics I Dover 1981 88.05 FTA 0-486-24073-8 R 057.210 Heath, S.T. A History of Greek Mathematics II Dover 1981 88.05 FTA 0-486-24073-8 R 057.211 Holton, G. Ensayos sobre el pensamiento cient. en la época de Eistein Alianza 1982 88.01 MAF 84-206-2315-6 R 057.212 Selles, M. y otros Carlos III y la ciencia de la numeración Alianza 1988 89.01 MAF 84-206-2555-8 R 057.213 Hazard, P. La crisis de la conciencia europea 1680-1715 Alianza 1988 89.01 MAF 84-206-2562-0 R 057.214 Garin, E. Medievo y renacimiento Tecnos 1981 89.01 MAF 84-306-1188-6 R 057.215 Wagensberger, J. Ideas sobre la complejidad del mundo Tuquets 1985 89.01 MAF 84-7223-452-5 R 057.216 Holton, G. La imaginación científica FCE 1985 89.01 MAF 968-16-1985-4 R 057.217 Cornford, F.M. Antes y despues de Sócrates Ariel 1981 89.01 MAF 968-16-2278-2 R 0

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57.218 Bell, E.T. Historia de las matemáticas F.C.E 1985 89.01 MAF 968-16-1879-3 R 057.219 Cassirer, E. El Problema del Conocimiento, Vol. II F.C.E 1986 89.01 MAF R 057.220 Cassirer, E. La filosofía de la Ilustración F.C.E 1984 89.01 MAF 968-16-0710-4 R 057.221 Rashed, R.(ed) Sciences à l'époque de la revolution francaise Blanchard 1988 89.03 MAF 2-85367-038-4 R 057.222 Gorman, P. Pitágoras Crítica 1989 89.03 MAF 84-7423-380-1 R 057.223 Yates, F. El Iluminismo Rosacruz F.C.E. 1981 89.03 MAF 968-16-0580-1 R 057.224 Navarro, L. (ed) Historia de la física CIRIT 1988 89.03 MAF 84-393-1048-X R 057.225 Canguilhem, G. Etudes d'Histoire et de philosophie des sciences Vrin 1979 89.03 MAF R 057.226 Kristeller, P.O. Ocho filósofos del Renacimiento italiano F.C.E 1985 89.04 MAF 968-16-1971-4 R 057.227 Cruz, M. Por un naturalismo dialéctico Anthropos 1989 89.05 MAF 84-7658-132-7 R 057.228 García-Lolín, S. y otros Niels Bohr F.C.E 1986 89.05 MAF 968-16-2458-0 R 057.229 Kastler, A. Esta extraña materia Monte Avila 1980 89.05 MAF 84-85321-33-9 R 057.230 Sánchez Roa, J. Ciencia y sociedad en España CSIC 1988 89.05 MAF 84-86902-04-5 R 057.231 Garin, E. Descartes Crítica 1989 89.05 MAF 84-7423-389-5 R 057.232 Wald, R. Espacio, tiempo y gravitación F.C.E 1984 89.05 MAF 968-16-0895-X R 057.233 Yndurain, F.J. Teorías unificadas de la materia Espasa Calpe 1988 89.05 MAF 84-239-1763-0 R 057.234 Mieli,A. Lavoisier y la formación de la teoría química moderna Espasa Calpe 1944 90.01 MAF R 057.235 Sarton, G. Ensayos de Historia de la Ciencia Uteha 1968 90.01 MAF R 057.236 Neugebauer,O. The Exact Sciences in Antiquity Brown Univ. 1970 90.01 MAF 0-87057-044-7 R 057.237 Webster, Ch. De Paracelso a Newton F.C.E 1980 90.01 MAF 968-16-2684-2 R 057.238 Cleyet-Michaud,M. Le nombre d'or Unv. France 1988 90.01 MAF 2-13-041780-9 R 057.239 Elena, A. A hombros de gigantes Alianza 1989 90.01 MAF 84-206-2586-8 R 057.240 Gargia,M. La Tierra y la actividad prebiológica Anthropos 1989 90.01 MAF 84-7658-150-5 R 057.241 Renouvier,Ch. Descartes Espasa-Calpe 1950 90.01 MAF R 057.242 Canguilhem,G. La formación del concep. de reflejo en los siglos XVII-XVIII Avance 1975 90.01 MAF 84-7396-009-2 R 057.243 Schrodinger,E. Qué es la vida Avance 1976 90.01 MAF 84-7396-072-6 R 057.244 Châtelet,F. El Pensamiento de Platón Labor 1976 90.01 MAF R 057.245 Geymonat, L. Historia de la Filosofia de la Ciencia, I, II, III Crítica 1985 90.01 MAF 84-7423-273-2 R 057.246 Merton,R.K. A hombros de gigantes Península 1990 90.03 MAF 84-297-3021-4 R 057.247 Cohen, I.B. El Nacimiento de una nueva física Alianza 1989 90.03 MAF 84-206-2609-0 R 057.248 Szabó, A. Les débuts de l'astronomie chez les grecques Vrin 1986 90.04 MAF 2-7116-0911-1 R 057.249 Duhem,P. La Theorie Physique Vrin 1989 90.04 MAF 2-7116-0221-4 R 057.250 Serres, M. Elements d'Histoire des Sciences Bordas 1989 90.04 MAF 2-04-018467-8 R 057.251 Koyré, A. Chute des corps Vrin 1973 90.04 MAF R 057.252 Laffite, J. La science des machines Vrin 1972 90.04 MAF R 057.253 Capel, H. Filosofía y Ciencia en la Geografía Contemporánea Barcanova 1983 90.04 MAF 84-7533-009-6 R 057.254 Capel, H. Geografía y Matemáticas en la España del siglo XVIII Oikos-tau 1982 90.04 MAF 84-281-0517-0 R 057.255 Rossi, P. Francis Bacon Alianza 1990 90.05 MAF 84-206-2606-6 R 057.256 Davis, P., Hersch, R. El Sueño de Descartes Labor 1989 90.06 MAF 84-335-5143-4 R 057.257 Rossi, P. Las arañas y las hormigas Crítica 1990 91.03 MAF 84-7423-469-7 R 0

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57.258 Redondi, P. Galileo Herético Alianza Universidad 1990 91.03 MAF 84-206-2640-6 R 057.259 Sambursky, S. El mundo físico a finales de la Antiguedad Alianza Universidad 1990 91.04 MAF 84-206-2646-5 R 057.260 Vernet, J. De abd-al Hahman a Isabel II PPU 1989 91.04 MAF 84-7665-454-5 R 057.261 Garin, E. El Hombre del Renacimiento Alianza 1990 91.04 MAF 84-206-9611-0 R 057.262 Garica Prada, J.M.,etc. Las Ciencias y sus Métodos San Esteban 1983 91.06 FTA 84-85045-58-0 R 057.263 Parra, G. Física para una Imagen Metafísica del Mundo Fragua 1991 91.07 FTA 84-7074-066-0 R 057.264 Gil Fernández, L. Panorama Social del Humanismo Español (1500-1800) Alhambra ? 91.11 MAF 84-205-0850-0 R 057.265 Sambursky, S. El mundo físico de los griegos Alianza 1990 91.11 MAF 84-206-2630-9 R 057.266 López Piñero, J.M. El arte de navegar en la España del Renacimiento Labor 1986 91.11 MAF 84-335-0029-5 R 057.267 Russo, F. Elements de bibliographie de l'histoire des Sciences et des Hemman 1969 91.11 MAF R 057.268 Hanke, L. Cuerpo de documentos del siglo XVI ICE 1977 91.11 MAF R 057.269 Navarro, V. Tradició i convi cientific de Pais valeciá modem Elisen-Clemen 1985 91.11 MAF 84-7502-131-X R 057.270 Bennett, J. Events and their names Clarendon 1988 91.11 MAF 19-824842-3 R 057.271 Cuesta, M. Alonso de Sta. Cruz y su obra Cosmográfica. Tomo I CSIC 1983 91.11 MAF 84-00-05409-1 R 057.272 Cuesta, M. Alonso de Sta Cruz y su obra Cosmográfica. Tomo II CSIC 1984 91.11 MAF 84-00-05707-2 R 057.273 Goodman, D. Poder y Penuria. Gobierno,Tecnología y Ciencia en la España Alianza 1990 91.12 MAF 84-206-2636-8 R 057.274 Olmedilla, J,. Lemos, M. Vida y obra de Andrés Laguna J.Castilla y Leon 1990 91.12 MAF 84-7846-020-9 R 057.275 Vicente, M., Esteban Aspectos de la Ciencia aplicada en la España del Siglo de Junta Catsilla y 1991 91.12 MAF 84-7846-078-0 R 057.276 García Tapia, N. Técnica y Poder en Castilla durante los S. XVI y XVII J.Castilla y Leon 1989 91.12 MAF 84-7846-006-3 R 057.277 García Tapia, N. Del Dios del Fuego a la Máquina de Vapor Ambito 1992 93.02 MAF 84-86770-77 R 057.278 Rossi, P. Clavis Universalis F.C.E 1989 91.12 MAF 88-15-0046-1 R 057.279 Merton, R.K. Ciencia tecnología y sociedad en la Inglaterra del S. XVII Alianza 1984 91.12 MAF 84-206-2408 R 057.280 Capel, H. De Palas a Minerva Serbal/CSIC 1988 91.12 MAF 87-7628-044 R 057.281 Maraval, J.A. Antiguos y Modernos Alianza Universidad 1986 92.02 MAF 84-206-2458-6 R 057.282 Martin Abad, J. La Imprenta en Alcalá de Henares (Vol.I) Arco libros S.A. 1991 92.02 MAF 84-7635-096-1 R 057.283 Martin Abad, J. La Imprenta en Alcalá de Henares (Vol.II) Arco libros S.A. 1991 92.02 MAF 84-7635-097-X R 057.284 Martin Abad, J. La Imprenta en Alcalá de Henares (Vol.III) Arco libros S.A. 1991 92.02 MAF 84-7635-098-8 R 057.285 Ward, F.A.B. Catalogue of European Scientific Instruments British Museum 1981 92.03 MAF 0-7141-1348-X R 057.286 Garin, E. La Educación en Europa 1400-1600 Crítica 1987 92.03 MAF 84-7423-322-4 R 057.287 Pardo Tomas, J. Ciencia y Censura CSIC 1991 92.03 MAF 84-00-07115-8 R 057.288 Dilthey, W. Hombre y Mundo en los S. XVI y XVII FCE 1978 92.04 MAF 986-16-0030-4 R 057.289 Varios Catálogo de consultas del Consejo de Indias CSIC 1964 92.03 MAF 84-505-0200-4 R 057.290 Cassirer, E. El Problema del Conocimiento. Vol (I) F.C.E 19 92.03 MAF R 057.291 Cohen, I.B. Revolución en la Ciencia Gedisa 1989 92.03 MAF 84-7432-324 R 057.292 Le Flem, J.P. Historia de España V. La Frustración de un Imperio Labor 1989 92.03 MAF 84-335-9425 R 057.293 Domínguez Ortiz, A. Historia de España III. El Antiguo Régimen Espasa 1988 92.03 MAF 84-206-9572 R 057.294 Abellán, J.L. Historia del Pensamiento Español (S. XVI) Espasa 1986 92.03 MAF 84-239-6409 R 057.295 Abellán, J.L. Historia del Pensamiento Español (S. XVII-XVIII) Espasa 1988 92.03 MAF 84-239-6430 R 057.296 Univ.Sant.Comp. Filosofía y Ciencia en el Renacimiento Univ.Sant. Comp. 1988 92.03 MAF 84-7191-441-7 R 057.297 Tannery, P. La Geométrie Grecque Jacques Gabay 1988 92.03 MAF 2-87647-034-9 R 0

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57.298 Torremocha Hernandez, M. Ser Estudiante en el S. XVIII. La Universidad Vallisoletana J.Castilla y Leon 1991 92.03 MAF 84-7846-070-5 R 057.299 Turner, A. Early Scientific Instruments. Europe 1400-1800 Sothebys 1987 92.04 MAF 0-85667-3196 R 057.300 Blay, M. La Naissance de la Mecanique Analytique PUF 1992 92.04 MAF 2-13044124-6 R 057.301 Hallyn, F. La Structure Poétique du Monde SEUIL 1987 92.05 MAF 2-02-009802-4 R 057.302 Esteban Piñeiro, M. y Fuentes para la Historia de la Ciencia y la Técnica (Vol.I) J.Castilla y Leon 1990 92.05 MAF 84-7846-037-3 R 057.303 Esteban Piñeiro, M. y Fuentes para la Historia de la Ciencia y la Técnica en la J.Castilla y Leon 1990 92.05 MAF 84-7846-038-1 R 057.304 Carabias Torres, A.M. El Colegio Mayor de Cuenca en el S. XVI: Estudio Univ.Salamanca 1983 92.06 MAF 84-7481-220-8 R 057.305 Vicente Castro, F. Bernardino de Sahagun, primer antropólogo en la Nueva España Univ.Salamanca 1986 92.06 MAF 84-7481-412-X R 057.306 Maravall, J.A. Estudios de Historia del Pensamiento Español Cultura Hispanica 1984 92.07 MAF 84-7232-329-3 R 057.307 Romano, D. La Ciencia Hispano Judía Mapfre 1992 92.07 MAF 84-7100-257-4 R 057.308 Basalla, G. La Evolución de la Tecnología Crítica 1990 92.07 MAF 84-7423-481-6 R 057.309 Rodríguez Martin, D. Bibliografía Vallisoletana Ayuntamien. de 1992 92.07 MAF 84-604-2535-5 R 057.310 Vilchis, J. Arias, V. Ciencia y Técnica entre el Viejo y Nuevo Mundo S. XV-XVIII Lunwerg 1992 92.10 MAF 84-7782-204-2 R 057.311 La Fuente, A. Catalá, J. Ciencia Colonial en América Alianza 1992 92.10 MAF 84-206-2710-0 R 057.312 González Urbaneja, P.M. Las Raíces del Calculo Infinitesimal en el S. XVII Alianza 1992 92.10 MAF 84-206-2716-X R 057.313 Pastor Fuster, J. Biblioteca Valenciana (Tomo I) París-Valencia 1980 92.10 MAF facsimil R 057.314 Pastor Fuster, J. Biblioteca Valenciana (Tomo II) París-Valencia 1980 92.10 MAF facsimil R 057.315 Hartner, W. Aujac, G. Avant, avec, apres Copernic Blanchard 1975 92.10 MAF R 057.316 Westman, R.S. Colloquia Copernicana I Polskief Academii 1972 92.10 MAF R 057.317 Bienkowska, B. Nicolas Copérnico Siglo XXI 1973 92.10 MAF R 057.318 Morreale de Castro, M. Pedro Simon Abril R.F.E. 1949 92.10 MAF R 057.319 Glick,T.F. Tecnología, Ciencia y Cultura en la España medieval Alianza 1992 92.11 MAF 84-206-2725-9 R 057.320 Aiton, E.J. Leibniz. Una biografía Alianza 1992 92.11 MAF 84-206-2726-7 R 057.321 Kline, M. El Pensamiento Matemático I Alianza 1992 92.11 MAF 84-206-2715-1 R 057.322 Kline, M. El Pensamiento Matemático II Alianza 1992 92.11 MAF 84-206-2724-0 R 057.323 Fernandez Vallín,A. Cultura Científica en España en el S. XVI Padilla 1989 92.11 MAF 84-87039-18-9 R 057.324 Varios El Siglo de Fray Luis de León, Salamanca y el Renacimiento Universidad de 1991 92.11 MAF 84-7483-784-7 R 057.325 Zurro, D. y otros Castilla y León en América. Cartografía histórica J.Castilla y Leon 1991 92.11 MAF 84-86770-47-5 R 057.326 Vickers, B. Mentalidades Ocultas y Científicas en el Renacimiento Alianza 1990 92.11 MAF 84-206-2633-3 R 057.327 Kline, M. El Pensamiento Matemático III Alianza 1992 92.12 MAF 84-206-2729-1 R 057.328 Esteve Barba, F. Historiografía Indiana Gredos 1992 93.01 MAF 84-249-3113 R 057.329 Peset, J.-L.(ed.) Ciencia, Vida y Espacio en Iberoamérica (Vol.I) C.S.I.C. 1984 93.01 MAF 84-00-06997-8 R 057.330 Peset, J.-L.(ed.) Ciencia, Vida y Espacio en Iberoamérica (Vol.II) C.S.I.C. 1984 93.01 MAF 84-00-06998-6 R 057.331 Peset, J.-L.(ed.) Ciencia, Vida y Espacio en Iberoamérica (Vol.III) C.S.I.C. 1984 93.01 MAF 84-00-06999-4 R 057.332 Silva Dias, J.S. da Influencia de los Descubrimientos en la vida cultural del S. FCE 1986 93.01 MAF 986-16-2443-2 R 057.333 Garcíadiego Dantan, A.R. Bertrand Rusell y los Orígenes de las Paradojas de la Teoría Alianza 1992 93.01 MAF 84-206-2714-3 R 057.334 Jalón, M. La Plaza de las Ciencias J.Castilla y León 1992 93.02 MAF 84-7846-106 R 057.336 Shea, W. La Magia de los Números y el Movimiento Alianza 1993 93.05 MAF 84-206-2746-1 R 057.337 Ríbnikov, K. Historia de las Matemáticas MIR 1987 93.05 FTA 5-03-001912-X R 057.338 Yaglom, I.M. Felix Klein and Sophus Lie Birkhäuser 1988 93.07 FTA 3-7643-3316-2 R 0

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57.339 Eves, H. An Introduction to the History of Mathematics Saunders College 1990 93.09 FTA Extraviad J.BOSCO 0-03-029558-0 R 057.340 Merton, R.K. Ambivalencia Sociológica y otros Ensayos Espasa-Calpe 1980 93.09 MAF 84-239-2519-6 R 057.341 Peset, J.L. Las Heridas de la Ciencia J.Castilla y León 1993 93.09 MAF 84-7846-228-7 R 057.342 Dewdney, A.K. The Planiverso Mc Clelland & 1984 93.10 FTA 0-7710-2742-7 R 057.343 Shea, W. La Revolution Galiléene Sevil/Science 1992 93.10 MAF 2-02-012417-3 R 057.344 Rivera Novo, B. Martín- Cuatro Siglos de Cartografía en América Mapfre 1992 93.10 MAF 84-7100-277-9 R 057.345 Vega Reñón, L. La Trama de la Demostración Alianza 1990 93.10 MAF 84-206-2650-3 R 057.346 González, F. Astronomía y Navegación en España Mapfre 1992 93.10 MAF 84-7100-287 R 057.347 Gil, J. Mitos y utopías del descubrimiento (1) Alianza 1989 93.10 MAF 84-206-2577-9 R 057.348 Gil, J. Mitos y utopías del descubrimiento (2) Alianza 1989 93.10 MAF 84-206-2585-X R 057.349 Gil, J. Mitos y utopías del descubrimiento (3) Alianza 1989 93.10 MAF 84-206-2596-5 R 057.350 Alvarez de Miranda, P. De las Academias a la Enciclopedia Alfons el Magnánim 1993 93.10 MAF 84-7822-072-0 R 057.351 Rojas Mix, M. América Imaginaria Lumen 1992 93.10 MAF 84-264-4591-8 R 057.352 Pagden, A. La Caida del Hombre Natural Alianza 1988 93.11 MAF 84-206-4217 R 057.353 Echevarria, J. Introducción a la Metodología de la Ciencia Barcanova 1989 93.11 MAF 84-7533-472-5 R 057.354 Gerbi, A. La Disputa del Nuevo Mundo F.C.E. 1982 93.11 MAF 968-16-1248-5 R 057.355 Lizcano, E. Imaginario Colectivo y Creación Matemática Gedisa 1993 93.11 MAF 84-7432-501-3 R 057.356 Ausejo, E. Por la Ciencia y por la Patria Siglo XXI 1993 93.11 MAF 84-323-0804-8 R 057.357 Mollat, M. Los Exploradores del Siglo XIII al XVI F.C.E. 1990 93.11 MAF 968-16-3349-0 R 057.358 Rico, F. El Sueño del Humanismo Alianza 1993 93.11 MAF 84-206-2754-2 R 057.359 Mokyr, J. La Palanca de la Riqueza Alianza 1993 93.11 MAF 84-206-2748-8 R 057.360 Willian Fogel, R. ¿Cual de los Caminos al Pasado? F.C.E. 1989 93.11 MAF 968-16-3297-4 R 057.361 López Piñero, J.M. El Códice Pomar (Ca. 1590) C.S.I.C.-Valencia 1991 93.12 MAF 84-370-0822-0 R 057.362 Balaguer Perigüel, E. La Introducción del Modelo Físico Matemático en la Medicina C.S.I.C.-Valencia- 1974 93.12 MAF 84-600-6055-1 R 057.363 López Piñero, J.M. Los Impresos Científicos Españoles-Siglos XV y XVI (Vol. I) C.S.I.C.-Valencia 1982 93.12 MAF R 057.364 López Piñero, J.M. Los Impresos Científicos Españoles-Siglos XV y XVI (Vol. II C.S.I.C.-Valencia 1982 93.12 MAF 84-600-3733-9 R 057.365 López Piñero, J.M. Los Impresos Científicos Españoles-Siglos XV y XVI (Vol. IV) C.S.I.C.-Valencia 1982 93.12 MAF 84-600-4407-6 R 057.366 Menéndez Pelayo, M. Historia de los Heterodoxos Españoles, I Porrúa 1983 93.12 MAF 968-432-871-0 R 057.367 Menéndez Pelayo, M. Historia de los Heterodoxos Españoles, II Porrúa 1982 93.12 MAF 968-432-770-6 R 057.368 Menéndez Pelayo, M. Historia de los Heterodoxos Españoles, III Porrúa 1983 93.12 MAF 968-432-820-0 R 057.369 Aujac, G. Claude Ptolémée CTHS 1993 94.01 MAF 2-7355-0284-8 R 057.370 Delgado Casado, J. Repertorios Bibliográficos de Impresos del S.XVI Arco 1993 94.02 MAF 84-7635-121-6 R 057.371 Clagett, M. La Sciencia della Meccanica de Medioevo Feltrinelli 1972 94.02 MAF R 057.372 López Piñero, J.M. La Ciencia en la España del Siglo XIX Marcial Pons 1992 94.04 MAF 84-87827-06-3 R 057.373 Martín Meras, L. Cartografía Marítima Hispana -La Imagen de América Lunwerg 1993 94.04 MAF 84-7782-265-4 R 057.374 Jalón, M. El Laboratorio de Foucault Anthropos 1994 94.03 MAF 84-7658-434 R 057.375 Eco, U. La Ricerla della Lingua Perfecta Laterza 1993 94.03 MAF 88-420-4287 R 057.376 Caracuel, R. Un Tesoro en la Universidad de Sevilla S.P.Sevilla 1993 94.04 MAF 84-472-0169 R 057.377 Pardo Tomás, J. Las primeras noticias sobre plantas americanas... U.Valencia-CSIC 1993 94.06 MAF 84-370-1177-9 R 057.378 Alvargonzalez, D. El Sistema de Clasificación de Linneo Pentalfa 1992 94.09 MAF 84-7848-451-5 R 0

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57.379 Verdet, J.P. Astronomie & Astrophysique Larouse 1993 94.09 MAF 2-03-741001-8 R 057.380 Rougier, L. Astronomie et Religion en Occident PUF 1980 94.09 MAF 2-13036449-7 R 057.381 Biard, J. Logique et Theorie du Signe au XIV Siècle J. URIN 1989 94.09 MAF 2-7116-0990-1 R 057.382 Gruzinski, S. La Colonización de lo Imaginario Fondo Cult. Econ. 1991 94.09 MAF 968-16-3629-5 R 057.383 Florez Miguel, C. La Ciencia del Cielo C. Ahorros Salamanca 1989 94.09 MAF 84.-87132-04 R 057.384 Sanchez Ron, J.M. Miguel Catalán. Su obra y su mundo C.S.I.C. (Fund. R.M. 1994 94.10 MAF 84-00-07418-1 R 057.385 Velamazán, Mª A. La enseñanza de las matemáticas en las acdemias militares en Univ.Zaragoza 1994 94.10 MAF 84-600-8909-6 R 057.386 Zellini, P. Breve Historia del Infinito Siruela 1991 94.10 MAF 84-7844-064-X R 057.387 Nicolis, G. Prigogine, I. La estructura de lo Complejo Alianza 1994 94.10 MAF 84-206-2784-4 R 057.388 Koyré, A. Pensar la Ciencia Paidos Ibérica 1994 94.11 MAF 84-493-0046-0 R 057.389 Dellerey, R. Le Lingue Perfette nel Secolo dell'Utopia Laterza 1992 94.11 MAF 88-420-4071-1 R 057.390 Sala Catalá, J. Ciencia y técnica en la Metropolización de América Doce Calles 1994 94.11 MAF 84-87111-32-7 R 057.391 Serres, M. El Nacimiento de la Física Pre-Textos 1994 94.12 MAF 84-8191-016-3 R 057.392 Yates, F. Ensayos Reunidos, II F.C.E. 1991 95.01 MAF 968-16-3590-6 R 057.393 Belaval, I. Leibniz Critique de Descartes Gallimard 1978 95.01 MAF R 057.394 Husserl, E. La Crise des Sciences Européennes et la Phénomenologie Gallimard 1989 95.01 MAF 2-07-071719-4 R 057.395 Escolar, H. (ed.) De los Incunables al Siglo XVIII Madrid-Pirámide 1994 94.02 MAF 184-368-0852 R 057.396 Zumthor, P. La Medida del Mundo Cátedra 1994 95.02 MAF 84-3761301 R 057.397 Cerezo, R. La Espedición Malaspina I Lunwerg 1987 95.02 MAF 84-7782-004-X R 057.398 Rios, S. Santalo, L.A. Julio Rey Pastor Matemático Instituto de España 1979 95.03 MAF 84-85559-02-9 R 057.399 Yates, F.A. Ideas e Ideales del Renacimiento en el Norte de Europa F.C.E. 1993 95.03 MAF 968-16-4209-0 R 057.400 Menendez Pidal, R. Historia de España (Tomo XXXI) Espasa -Calpe 1987 95.03 MAF 84-239-4839-0 R 057.401 Remesal, A. La Raya de Tordesillas J.Castilla y León 1994 95.03 MAF 84-7846-353-4 R 057.402 VV.AA. El Testamento de Adán J.Castilla y León 1994 95.03 MAF 84-8189-011-1 R 057.403 Beltrán, A. Revolución Científica, Renacimiento e Historia de la Ciencia Siglo XXI 1995 95.05 MAF 84-323-0868-4 R 057.404 Santalo, LL.A. La Matemática una Filosofía y una Técnica Ariel 1994 95.05 MAF 84-344-1122-9 R 057.405 Condorcet Matemáticas y Sociedad F.C.E. 1990 95.05 MAF 968-16-3377-6 R 057.406 Dominguez Ortiz, A. Carlos III y la España de la Ilustración Alianza 1990 95.05 MAF 84-206-9583-1 R 057.407 Peterson, I. El Reloj de Newton Alianza 1995 95.06 MAF 84-206-9418-5 R 057.408 Castro Soler, J. Bibliographia Astronomica et Geodaetica Hispanica 1795-1905 Soler 1990 96.03 MAF 84-3700747 R 057.409 Latour, B. Woolgar, S. La Vida en el Laboratorio Alianza 1995 95.06 MAF 84-206-2813-1 R 057.410 Trabulse, E. Los Orígenes de la Ciencia Moderna en México (1630-1680) Blanchard 1995 95.09 MAF 2-85367-195 R 057.411 Russo, F. Libres Propos sur L´Histoire des Sciences Blanchard 1995 95.11 M.F.A 2-85367-195 R 057.412 Ferrán, J. Gimeno, A. La Inoculación Preventiva contra el Cólera Morbo Asiático Generalitat 1985 95.10 MAF 84-505-2687-6 R 057.413 Peset, J.L. Ciencia y Marginación Crítica 1983 95.10 MAF 84-7423-195-7 R 057.414 Lloya, G.E.R. Thuillier, La Recherche en Histoire des Sciences du Seuil 1983 95.10 MAF 0-02-006595-9 R 057.415 Caveing, M. Essai sur le Savoir Mathématique dans la Mesopotamie et L Univ. de Lillr 1994 95.10 MAF 2-85939-415-X R 057.416 Stengers, I. L´Invention des Ciencies Modernes La Découverte 1993 95.10 MAF 2-7071-2285-8 R 057.417 White, L. Tecnología Medieval y Cambio Social Paidos 1990 95.10 MAF 84-7509-604-2 R 057.418 Beltran, A. Griset, P. Histoire des Tecniques aux XIXº et XXº Siècles Armana Colin 1990 95.10 MAF 2-200-33051-0 R 0

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57.419 Sánchez Ron, J.M. El Poder de la Ciencia Alianza 1992 95.10 MAF 84-206-9647-1 R 057.420 Grattan-Guinnes, I. Del Cálculo a la Teoría de Conjuntos 1630-1910 Una Alianza 1984 95.10 MAF 84-206-2387-3 R 057.421 Harman, P.M. Energía, Fuerza y Materia Alianza 1990 95.10 MAF 84-206-2653-8 R 057.422 Puerto Sarmiento, F.J. La Ilusión Quebrada Serval/CSIC 1987 95.10 MAF 84-7628-031-9 R 057.423 Lafuente, A. Mazuecos, A. Los Caballeros del Punto Fijo Serval/CSIC 1987 95.10 MAF 84-7628-031-9 R 057.424 Capel, H. La Física Sagrada Serval 1985 95.10 MAF 84-7628-006-8 R 057.425 Laín Entralgo, P. La Medicina Hipocrática Alianza 1987 95.10 MAF 84-206-2340-7 R 057.426 Jacomy, B. Une Histoire des Techniques du Seuil 1990 95.10 MAF 2-02-012405-X R 057.427 Gille, B. La Cultura Técnica en Grecia Juan Granica S.A. 1985 95.10 MAF 84-7577-068-1 R 057.428 Gohau, G. Une Histoire de la Géologie La Sécouverte 1987 95.10 MAF 2-02-012347-9 R 057.429 Bercia, S. Boya, L.J. y El Siglo de la Física Tusquets 1992 95.10 MAF 84-7223-473-8 R 057.430 Murray, A. Razón y Sociedad en la Edad Media Taurus 1992 95.10 MAF 84-306-1215-7 R 057.431 Giedion, S. La Mecanisation au Pouvoir G. Pompidou 1980 95.10 MAF 2-85850-066-5 R 057.432 Châtelet, G. Les Enjeux du Mobile Du Seuil 1993 95.10 MAF 2-85850-066-5 R 057.433 Pérez Sedeño, E. El Rumor de las Estrellas Siglo XXI 1986 95.10 MAF 84-323-0575-8 R 057.434 Bensaude-Vinlet, B. Lavoisier Flammarion 1993 95.10 MAF 2-08-211208-X R 057.435 Kragh, H. Introducción a la Historia de la Ciencia Crítica 1989 95.10 MAF 84-7423-405-0 R 057.436 Watson, J. La Doble Hélice Salvat 1994 95.10 MAF 84-345-5848-3 R 057.437 Einstein, A. Infela, L. La Evolución de la Física Salvat 1994 95.10 MAF 84-345-4453-9 R 057.438 Klein, E. Las Partículas Elementales Debate 1994 95.10 MAF 84-7444-811-5 R 057.439 Tagle, J.A. La Fusión Nuclear Debate 1994 95.10 MAF 84-7444-871-9 R 057.440 Canguilhem, G. Idéologie et Rationalité J.Vrin 1988 95.10 MAF 2-7116-0110-2 R 057.441 Ordoñez, J. La Ciencia y su Público: Perspectivas Históricas C.S.I.C. 1990 95.10 MAF 84-00-07056-9 R 057.442 Laissus, I. Le Muséum National d´Histoire Naturelle Decouvertes 1995 95.10 MAF 2-07-053323-9 R 057.443 López Piñero, J.M. y Los Impresos Científicos Españoles de los S. XV y XVI Univ. Valencia 1986 95.10 MAF 84-600-4407-6 R 057.444 López Piñero, J.M. y Bibliographia Médica Hispánica (1475-1950) (Vol.VIII) Univ. Valencia 1990 95.10 MAF 84-370-0678-3 R 057.445 López Piñero, J.M. y Bibliographia Médica Hispánica (1475-1950) (Vol.I) Univ. Valencia 1987 95.10 MAF 84-600-4984-1 R 057.446 López Piñero, J.M. y Bibliographia Médica Hispánica (1475-1950) (Vol.IV) Univ. Valencia 1991 95.10 MAF 84-370-0806-9 R 057.447 López Piñero, J.M. y Bibliographia Médica Hispánica (1475-1950) (Vol.IX) Univ. Valencia 1991 95.10 MAF 84-370-0798-4 R 057.448 Mumford, L. Técnica y Civilización Alianza 1994 95.10 MAF 84-206-2011 R 057.449 Jaque Rechea, F. La Luz: El Ayer, el Hoy y el Mañana Alianza 1996 96.04 MAF 84-206-2842 R 057.450 Mamiani, M. Introducción a Newton Alianza 1995 95.11 MAF 84-206-0744 R 057.451 Verdet, J-P. El Cielo, ¿Caos o Armonía? Aguilar 1990 96.05 MAF R 057.452 Gayrard- Valy, Y. Los Fósiles, Huellas de Mundos Desaparecidos Aguilar 1990 96.05 MAF R 057.453 Luna Alcoba, M. La Ley de continuidad en G.W. Leibniz Univ. Sevilla 1996 96.05 MAF 84-472-0311 R 057.454 Cardwell, D. Historia de la Tecnología Alianza 1996 96.05 MAF 84-206-2847 R 057.455 García Ballester, L. Historia Social de la Medicina en España S. XIII/XVI Akal 1976 96.09 MAF 84-7339-006 R 057.456 Gheverghese J.G. La Cresta del Pavo Real. Las Matemáticas y sus Raíces... Pirámide 1996 96.10 MAF 84-368-0975 R 057.457 Lloyd, G.E.R. Las mentalidades y sus Desenmascaramiento Siglo Veintiuno 1996 96.10 MAF 84-323-0933 R 057.458 Mieli,A. Lionardo Da Vinci Espasa-Calpe 1968 97.03 MAF R 0

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57.459 VV.AA. The Cambridge Companion to Bacon Markku Peltonen 1996 96.10 MAF 0-521-43498 R 057.460 Kuhn, T.S. La Revolución Copernicana Ariel 1996 96.10 MAF 84-344-8744 R 057.461 Westfall, R.S. Newton 1642-1727 Flammarion 1994 96.10 MAF 2-08-2111-997 R 057.462 Sanchez Ron, J.M. Diccionario de la Ciencia Planeta 1996 96.11 MAF 84-08-01810 R 057.463 Feyerabend, P. Tratado contra el Método Tecnos 1995 96.11 MAF 84-309-0884 R 057.464 Kuhn, T.S. ¿Qué son las Revoluciones Científicas? Paidós 1989 96.11 MAF 84-7509-544 R 057.465 Holmberg, P. The History of Physics in Finland 1828-1918 Board 1992 96.11 FTA Extraviad S.N. 951-653-246 R 057.466 Fleck, L. La Génesis y el Desarrollo de un Hecho Científico Alianza 1986 97.01 MAF 84-206-2469 R 057.467 Alfonseca, M. Diccionario Espasa 1.000 Grandes Científicos Espasa 1996 97.01 MAF 84-239-9236 R 057.468 Durán, A.J. Historia, con Personajes, de los Conceptos del Cálculo Alianza 1996 97.01 MAF 84-206-2861 R 057.469 Pauli, W. Escritos sobre Física y Filosofía Debate 1996 97.01 MAF 84-8306-031 R 057.470 Vindel, F. El Arte Tipográfico en España durante el S. XVI Padilla 1989 97.02 MAF 84-87039-16 R 057.471 Crump, T. La Antropología de los Números Alianza 1993 97.02 MAF 84-206-2743 R 057.472 Rodis-Lewis, G. Descartes Península 1996 97.02 MAF 84-8307-011 R 057.473 Vernant, J.P. Mito y Pensamiento en la Grecia Antigua Ariel 1983 97.02 MAF 84-344-8702 R 057.474 Vernant, J.P. Los Orígenes del Pensamiento Griego Paidós 1992 97.02 MAF 84-7509-743 R 057.475 Radl, E.M. Historia de las Teorías Biológicas V IyII Alianza 1988 97.02 MAF 84-206-2962 R 057.476 Le Goff, J Los Intelectuales en la Edad Media Gedisa 1996 97.02 MAF 84-7432-251 R 057.477 Caro Baroja, J. Tecnología Popular Española Círculo de Lectores 1996 97.02 MAF 84-226-5855-0 R 057.478 Serres, M. Historia de las Ciencias Cátedra 1991 97.02 MAF 84-376-0988 R 057.479 Bernal, J.M. Historia Social de la Ciencia I Península 1997 97.03 MAF 84-8307-020 R 057.480 Koyré, A. Místicos, Espirituales y Alquimistas del S. XVI Akal 1981 97.03 MAF 84-7339-514 R 057.481 Farrington, B. Francis Bacon, Filósofo de la Revolución Industrial Endymión 1991 97.03 MAF 84-7731-068 R 057.482 Gerbi, A. La Naturaleza de las Indias Nuevas FCE 1992 97.03 MAF 968-16-0052 R 057.483 Canguilhem, C. Lo Normal y lo Patológico S. XXI 1988 97.03 MAF 968-23-0183 R 057.484 Mieli, A. Lavoisier Espasa 1944 97.03 MAF R 057.485 Mayr, E. Una Larga Controversia: Darwin Crítica 1992 97.03 MAF 84-7423-562 R 057.486 Ruse, M. La Revolución Darwinista Alianza 1979 97.03 MAF R 057.487 Sarton, G. Ancient Science Dover 1980 97.04 MAF 0-486-27495 R 057.488 Sarton, G. Helenistic Science Dover 1987 97.04 MAF 0-486-27495 R 057.489 Goldstein, T. Dawn of Modern Science Da Capo 1995 97.04 MAF 0-306-80637 R 057.490 Grant, E. The Foundations of M. Science in the Middle Ages Cambridge 1996 97.04 MAF 0-521-56762 R 057.491 Canguilhem, G. El conocimiento de la Vida Anagrama 1976 97.05 MAF 84-339-0044 R 057.492 Debus, A. El H0mbre y laNaturaleza en el Renacimiento F.C.E. 1996 97.05 MAF 968-16-1823 R 057.493 Barnes, J. Los Presocráticos Cátedra 1992 97.05 MAF 84-376-1029 R 057.494 Cortés, L. Pequeña Historia del Libro. Del Papiro a la Imprenta J.Castilla y León 1997 97.05 MAF 84-404-1891 R 057.495 Bernal, J.D. Historia Social de la Ciencia. 2. La ciencia... Península 1991 97.05 MAF 84-297-0937 R 057.496 Kenny, A. Introducción a Frege Cátedra 1997 97.05 MAF 84-376-1529 R 057.497 Prigogine, I. El Fin de las Certidumbres Taurus 1997 97.05 MAF 84-306-0025 R 057.498 Serres, M. La Comunicación. Hermes I Anthropos 1996 97.06 MAF 84-7658-428 R 0

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57.499 Mason, S.F. Historia de las Ciencias. 3. La Ciencia del Siglo XVIII Alianza 1987 97.06 MAF 84-206-0106 R 057.500 Mason, S.F. Historia de las Ciencias. 4. La Ciencia del Siglo XIX Alianza 1996 97.06 MAF 84-206-0155 R 057.501 Mason, S.F. Historia de las Ciencias. 5. La Ciencia del Siglo XX Alianza 1990 97.06 MAF 84-206-0180 R 057.502 Mason, S.F. Historia de las Ciencias. 2. La Revolución Científica S XVI Alianza 1995 97.06 MAF 84-206-0080 R 057.503 Feyerabend, P.K. Matando el Tiempo Debate 1995 97.06 MAF 84-7444-891 R 057.504 Regis, Ed. ¿Quién ocupó el Despacho de Einstein? Anagrama 1992 97.06 MAF 84-339-2526 R 057.505 Prigogine, I. Entre el Tiempo y la Eternidad Alianza 1994 97.06 MAF 84-206-2643 R 057.506 Barrow, J.D. ¿Por qué el Mundo es Matemático? Grijalbo Mondadori 1997 97.06 MAF 84-253-3123 R 057.507 Thorne, K.S. Agujeros Negros y Tiempo Curvo Crítica 1995 97.06 MAF 84-7423-697 R 057.508 Hawking, S. Historia del Tiempo Ilustrada Crítica 1996 97.06 MAF 84-7423-787 R 057.509 Rojo Vega, A. El Siglo de Oro. Inventario de una Epoca J.Castilla y León 1996 97.06 MAF 84-7846-589 R 057.510 Pastor Frechoso, F.F. Boticas, Boticarios y Materia Médica en Valladolid, S. XVI y J.Castilla y León 1993 97.06 MAF 84-7846-211 R 057.511 Amasuno Sárraga, M.V. La Peste en la Corona de Castilla durante la 2ª mitad del S. J.Castilla y León 1996 97.06 MAF 84-7846-550 R 057.512 Mason, S. F. Historia de las Ciencias I. La Ciencia Antigua Alianza 1994 97.07 MAF 84-206-0062 R 057.513 Caro Baroja, J. Los Fundamentos del Pensamiento Antropológico Moderno C.S.I.C. 1991 97.07 MAF 84-00-05996 R 057.514 Kline, M. Matemáticas para los Estudiantes de Humanidades Fondo Cult. Econ. 1992 97.07 MAF 968-16-3039 R 057.515 Elias, N. Sobre el Tiempo F.C.E. 1989 97.07 MAF 84-375-0292-6 R 057.516 March, R. Física para Poetas Siglo XXI 1988 97.07 MAF 968-23-0774 R 057.517 Chalmers, A.F. ¿Qué es esa cosa llamada Ciencia? Silgo XXI 1993 97.07 MAF 84-323-0426 R 057.518 Chalmers, A.F. La Ciencia y cómo se Elabora Siglo XXI 1992 97.07 MAF 84-323-0741 R 057.519 Ayer, A.J. El Positivismo Lógico Fondo Cult. Econ. 1993 97.07 MAF 84-375-0133 R 057.520 Medawar, P.B. y Medawar, De Aristóteles a Zoológicos Fondo Cult. Econ. 1988 97.07 MAF 968-16-2967 R 057.521 Prigogine, I. Las Leyes del Caos Crítica 1997 97.07 MAF 84-7423-726 R 057.522 Gould. S.J. La Sonrisa del Flamenco Crítica 1995 97.10 MAF 84-7423-659 R 057.523 Barrow, J.D. La Trama Oculta del Universo Crítica 1996 97.10 MAF 84-7423-725 R 057.524 Barrow, J.D. Teorías del Todo Crítica 1994 97.10 MAF 84-7423-609 R 057.525 Ynduráin, D. Humanismo y Renacimiento en España Cátedra 1994 97.10 MAF 84-376-1277 R 057.526 Mazlish, B. La Cuarta Discontinuidad. La Coevolución... Alianza 1995 97.10 MAF 84-206-2807 R 057.527 GLICK, T.F. Einstein y los Españoles. Ciencia y Sociedad... Alianza 1996 97.10 MAF 84-206-2466 R 057.528 Osserman, R. La Poesía del Universo Crítica 1997 97.10 MAF 84-7423-805 R 057.529 Hawking, S.W. Cuestiones Cuánticas y Cosmológicas Alianza 1993 97.10 MAF 84-206-2756 R 057.530 Sacks, O. Historias de la Ciencia y del Olvido Siruela 1996 97.10 MAF 84-7844-328 R 057.531 Moore, W. Erwin Schrödinger: Una Vida Cambridge 1996 97.10 MAF 0-521-55593 R 057.532 Orgel, L.E. Los Orígenes de la Vida Alianza 1988 97.10 MAF 84-206-2138 R 057.533 Smith, C.U.M. El Cerebro Alianza 1987 97.10 MAF 84-206-2138 R 057.534 Ackernecht, E.H. Medicina y Antropología Social Akal 1985 97.10 MAF 84-7339-726 R 057.535 González Alcantud, J.A. El Agua. Mitos, Ritos y Realidades Anthropos 1995 97.10 MAF 84-7658-467 R 057.536 Foucault, M. El Nacimiento de la Clínica Siglo XXI 1991 97.10 MAF 968-23-0068 R 057.537 Allen Paulos, J. Más allá de los Números Metatemas 1993 97.10 MAF 84-7223-687 R 057.538 Briggs, J.P. A través del Maravilloso Espejo del Universo Gedisa 1996 97.10 MAF 84-7432-344 R 0

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57.539 Dyson, F.J. El Infinito en Todas Direcciones Tusquets 1991 97.10 MAF 84-7223-388 R 057.540 Lewin, R. Complejidad. El Caos como Generador... Metatemas 1995 97.10 MAF 84-7223-922 R 057.541 Williams, C.J.F. What is Identy? Clarendon 1989 97.10 MAF 0-19-824808 R 057.542 Leonard, I. A. Los Libros del Conquistador Fondo Cult.Econ. 1996 97.10 MAF 968-16-4977 R 057.543 Kamen, H. Felipe de España Siglo XXI 1997 97.10 MAF 84-323-0962 R 057.544 Kremer-Marietti, A. Foucault et I'archèologie du Savoir Seghers 1994 97.11 MAF R 057.545 Goody, J. La Domesticación del Pensamiento Salvaje Akal 1985 97.11 MAF 84-7339-725 R 057.546 Fernández Alvarez, M. Poder y Sociedad en la España del Quinientos Alianza 1995 97.11 MAF 84-206-2821 R 057.547 Bottéro, J. y otros Introducción al Antiguo Oriente Crítica 1996 97.11 MAF 84-253-3054 R 057.548 Díez, J.A., Moulines, C. Fundamentos de Filosofía de la Ciencia Ariel 1997 97.11 MAF 84-344-8745 R 057.549 Pérez-Rioja, J.A. Elogio del Libro C.E.G.A.L. 1997 98.01 MAF R 057.550 Alemany, J. (Coord.) Navegación Expo' 92 1992 98.02 MAF 84-86925-38 R 057.551 Kagan, R. L. Universidad y Sociedad en la España Moderna Tecnos 1981 98.05 MAF 84-309-0864 R 057.552 Colina, F. Pasado y Presente Cuatro 1976 98.07 MAF 84-921649-1 R 057.553 VV.AA. Estudios de Historia de las Técnicas (2 Tomos) J.Castilla y León 1998 98.07 MAF 84-7841-717 R 057.554 VV.AA. La Aventura del Mar Folio 1995 98.07 MAF 84-7583-661 R 057.555 Jaeger, N. Paideia F.C.E 1996 98.07 MAF 84-375-0195 R 057.556 Jaeger, W. Aristóteles F.C.E. 1993 98.06 MAF 84-375-0336 R 057.557 Sánchez Ron, J.M. Ciencia y Sociedad en España: Dela Ilustración ........ El Arquero (C.S.I. 1988 98.10 MAF 84-86902-04 R 057.558 Rossi, P. El Nacimiento de la Ciencia Moderna en Europa Crítica 1998 98.10 MAF 84-7423-895 R 057.559 Ifrah, G. Historia Universal de las Cifras Espasa 1998 98.10 MAF 84-239-9730 R 057.560 Krauss, L.M. Miedo a la Física: Una guía para perplejos Andrés Bello 1995 98-10 MAF 956-13-1334 R 057.561 Paulos, J.A. Un Matemático lee el periódico Tusquets 1996 98.12 MAF 84-7223-970 R 057.562 Ekeland, I. Al Azar. La suerte, la ciencia y el mundo Gedisa 1998 98.12 MAF 84-7432-432 R 057.563 Glick, T. Tecnología, Ciencia y Cultura en la España Medieval Alianza 1992 99.02 MAF 84-206-2725 R 057.564 Headrick, D. Los Instrumentos del Imperio Alianza 1989 99.02 MAF 84-206-2599 R 057.565 Brock, W. Historia de la Química Alianza 1998 99.02 MAF 84-206-2912 R 057.566 Preta, L. Imágenes y Metáforas de la Ciencia Alianza 1993 99.02 MAF 84-206-2767 R 057.567 Eliade, M. Herreros y Alquimistas Alianza 1996 99.02 MAF 84-206-1533 R 057.568 Thuillier, P. De Arquímedes a Einstein (2 Tomos) Alianza 1990 99.02 MAF 84-206-1835 R 057.569 Nisbet, R. Historia de la Idea de Progreso Gedisa 1996 99.02 MAF 84-7432-112 R 057.570 Lévi-Strauss, C. El Pensamiento Salvaje FCE 1992 99.02 MAF 968-16-0933 R 057.571 Farrington, B. Ciencia Griega Icaria 1986 99.02 MAF 84-7426-051 R 057.572 Alvarez Peláez, R. La Conquista de la Naturaleza Americana CSIC 1987 99.02 MAF R 057.573 Peset, J.L. Ciencia y Libertad CSIC 1993 99.02 MAF R 057.574 Kline, M. Mathematics for the non Mathematician Dover 1985 99.04 MAF 0-486-24823 R 057.575 Caspar, M. Kepler Dover 1993 99.04 MAF 0-486-67605 R 057.576 Singer, C. A Short History of Science to the Nineteenth Century Dover 1997 99.04 MAF 0-486-29887 R 057.577 Hall, A.R. From Galileo to Newton Dover 1981 99.04 MAF 0-486-24227 R 057.578 Drake, S. Galileo at Work. His Scientific Biography Dover 1995 99.04 MAF 0-486-28631 R 0

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57.579 Shelton Kirby, R. Engineering in History Dover 1990 99.04 MAF 0-486-26412 R 057.580 Klein, H.A. The Science of Measurement Dover 1988 99.04 MAF 0-486-25839 R 057.581 Knorr,W.R. The Ancient Tradition of Geometric Problems Dover 1986 99.11 FTA 0-486-67532 R 057.582 Sarton, G. Hellenistic Science and Culture in the last Three Centuries Dover 1993 99.11 FTA 0-486-27740 R 057.583 Weyl, H. THe Continuum Acritical Examination Dover 1994 99.11 FTA 0-486-67982 R 057.584 Klein, J. Greek Mathematical Thoucht and the origine of Algebra Dover 1992 99.11 FTA 0-486-27289 R 057.585 Neugebauer, O. The Exact Science in the Antiquity Dover 1992 99.11 FTA 0-486-22339 R 057.586 Tarski, A. Introduction to Logic and to the Methodology of Deductive Dover 1995 99.11 FTA 0-486-28462 R 057.587 Burke, P. El Renacimiento Crítica 1999 99.12 MAF 84-7423-982 R 057.588 Starobinski, J. Razones del Cuerpo Cuatro 1999 99.12 MAF 84-921649-7 R 057.589 Peset, J.L. Genio y Desorden Cuatro 1999 99.12 MAF 84-921649-8 R 057.590 Vernet, J. Historia de la Ciencia Española Alta Fulla 1998 99.12 MAF 84-7900-094 R 057.591 Mingote, J.L. Tecnología Agrícola Medieval en España Min. Agricultura 1996 99.12 MAF 84-491-0179 R 057.592 Sanchez Ron, J. Cincel, Martillo y Piedra Taurus 1999 99.12 MAF 84-306-0363 R 057.593 Lafuente , A. (ed.) Madrid, Ciencia y Corte Com. Madrid 1999 99.12 MAF 84-451-1576 R 057.594 López, J. Agricultores, Botánicos en el siglo XVII Min. Agricultura 1989 99.12 MAF 84-7782-062 R 057.595 Heers, J. La Invención de la Edad Media Crítica 1995 99.12 MAF 84-7423-650 R 057.596 López Piñero, J.M. Introducción a la Medicina Crítica 2000 00.09 MAF R 057.597 Martín Casalderrey, F. Cardano y Tartaglia Nivola 2000 00.09 MAF 84-254-2123 R 057.598 Granada, M.I. El Umbral de la Modernidad Herder 2000 00.09 MAF 84-254-2123 R 057.599 Usher, A.D. A History of Mechanical Inventions Dover 1988 00.09 MAF R 057.600 Strathern, P. Arquímedes y la Palanca S.XXI 1999 00.09 MAF 84-323-1016 R 057.601 Strathern, P. Pitágoras y su Teorema S.XXI 1999 00.09 MAF 84-323-0983 R 057.602 Strathern, P. Galileo y el Sistema Solar S.XXI 1999 00.09 MAF 84-323-0996 R 057.603 Ore, O. Number Theory and his History Dover 1988 00.09 MAF 0-486-65620 R 057.604 Grafton, A. (ed.) Natural Particulars MIT 1999 00.10 MAF 0-262-07193 R 057.605 Maury, J.P. Galileo B 2000 00.10 MAF 84-406-9559 R 057.606 Ronan, C. Histrie Mondiale des Shiences Le Seuil 1998 00.10 MAF 2-02-036237 R 057.607 Lloid, G. Aristotelian Explorations Cambridge 1999 00.10 MAF 0-521-55619 R 057.608 Ortiz, C. Dicc. Histórico Antropología Española CSIC 1994 00.10 MAF 84-00-07443 R 057.609 Sanchez Ron, J. El Siglo de la Ciencia Taurus 2000 00.10 MAF 84-306-0408 R 057.610 González Manjarrés, M.A. Andrés Laguna y el Humanismo Médico Junta C. y L. 2000 00.10 MAF 84-7846-939 R 057.611 Martín Santos, L. Barberos y Cirujanos de los S.XVI y XVII Junta C.Y L. 2000 00.10 MAF 84-7891-937 R 057.612 VV.AA. Los Tiempos del Presente Cuatro 2000 00.10 MAF 84-931403-0 R 057.613 Lippincott, K. El Tiempo a Través del Tiempo Grijalbo 2000 00.10 MAF 84-253-3479 R 057.614 Grafton, A. Cardano´s Cosmos. The Worlds and Works of a Renaissance Harvard Un. 1999 00.10 MAF 0-674-09555 R 057.615 Racionero, L. Leonardo da Vinci Plaza 1986 00.10 MAF 84-01-35142 R 057.616 Tokaty, G.A. A History and Philosophy of Fluids Mechanics Dover 1994 00.10 MAF 0-481-68103 R 057.617 Metzger, H. La Doctrine Chemique Blanchard 1974 00.10 MAF R 057.618 Leicester, H. The Historical Background of Chemistry Dover 1971 00.12 MAF 0-486-61053 R 0

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57.619 Aramburu, M. Arquitectura de Puentes Junta C. y L. 1992 00.12 MAF 84-7846- R 057.620 Navarro, L. Hospital Simón Ruiz de Medina Junta C. y L. 1998 00.12 MAF 84-7846-764 R 057.621 Corbalán, F. Galois Nivola 2000 00.12 MAF 84-430719 R 057.622 García Hourcade, J.L. Copérnico, Kepler Nivola 2000 00.12 MAF 84-930719-9-4 R 057.623 Gomis, A. Mendel Nivola 2000 00.12 MAF 84-95599 R 057.624 Crone, G.R. Hª de los mapas FCE 1998 00.12 MAF 968-16-3455 R 057.625 García Barrero, P. (ed.) La Ciencia en tus manos Espasa 2000 00.12 MAF 84-239-9761 R 057.626 Babini, J. Hª de la medicina Gedisa 2000 00.12 MAF 84-7452-826 R 057.627 Dunham, N. Euler. El maestro de todos los matemáticos Nivola 2000 01.01 MAF 84-930719 R 057.628 Vera, F. Hª de la Ciencia I J. de Extremadura 2000 01.01 MAF 84-7671-580 R 057.629 Vera, F. Hª de la Ciencia II J. de Extremadura 2000 01.01 MAF 84-7671-581 R 057.630 Drege, J-P. Marco Polo y la ruta de seda Gallimard 2000 01.05 MAF 84-406-9544 R 057.631 Brunschwig, J. El Saber Griego Akal 2000 01.05 MAF 84-460-1245 R 057.632 Mankiewicz, R. Historia de las Matemáticas Paidos 2000 01.05 MAF 84-493-0951 R 057.633 Mestre, A. D. Gregorio Mayans y Sistar T.G.Ripoll 1999 01.05 MAF 84-7822-248 R 057.634 Chica Blas, A. Descartes. Geometría y método Nivola 2001 01.06 MAF 84-95599 R 057.635 Maza, C. Las Matemáticas de la antigüedad Un. Sevilla 2000 01.06 MAF 84-472-0607 R 057.636 González Urbaneja, P. Pitágoras Nivola 2001 01.06 MAF R 057.637 Mayr, E. Así es la Biología Debate 1998 01.06 MAF 84-8306-122 R 057.638 Nieto Galán, A. Academia de Ciencias de Barcelona (XVIII - XIX) In. Estudis Catalans 2000 01.06 MAF 84-393-12875 R 057.639 Glocken, C. Huellas en la playa de Rodas Serbal 1996 02.01 MAF 84-7628-156 R 057.640 Sanchez Fernandez, C. Los Bernoulli Nivola 2001 02.01 MAF 84-95599-21 R 057.641 VV.AA. Matemática Ciencia y Sociedad Un. Valladolid 2000 02.02 MAF 84-8448-116 R 057.642 Martin, H.J. Hª y poderes de lo escrito Trea 1999 02.02 MAF 84-95178-40 R 057.643 VV.AA. Obra matemática de S.Kovalevskaia Anthropos 2001 02.02 MAF 84-7658-590 R 057.644 Beltrán Marí, A. Galileo, ciencia y religión Paidós 2001 02.02 MAF 84-493-0973 R 057.645 Schopenhauer, A. Metafísica de las costumbres Trotta 2001 02.02 MAF 84-8164-448 R 057.646 Calvo Roy, A. Cajal. Triunfar a toda costa Alianza 2001 02.03 MAF R 057.647 García Azcárate Legendre Nivola 2002 02.03 MAF 84-95599-23 R 057.648 LLosa, P. El espectro de Demócrito Serval 2000 02.03 MAF 84-7628-329 R 057.649 López Piñero, J.M. Ciencia y enfermedad siglo XIX Península 1985 02.03 MAF 84-297-2331 R 057.650 Nieto Galán, A. La seducción de la máquina Nivola 2001 02.03 MAF 84-95599-10 R 057.651 Pelayo, J. De la creación ala evolución Darwin Nivola 2001 02.02 MAF 84-95599-24 R 057.652 Puerto, J. El hombre en llamas Paracelso Nivola 2001 02.03 MAF 84-95599-22 R 057.653 Torreti, R. The Philosophy of Physics Cambridge U. 1999 02.05 FTA 0-521-56571 R 057.654 Dunham, N. Viaje a través de los genios Pirámide 2002 2002 MAF 84-368-1662 R 057.655 Westfall, R.S. I. Newton: una vida Cambridge 2000 2002 MAF 84-8323-173 R 057.656 Vega, A. Ramon Llull Siruela 2002 2002 MAF 84-7844-600 R 057.657 Hernández, A. Monge Nivola 2002 2002 MAF 84-95599-31 R 057.658 García Tapia, N. Tecnología e Imperio Nivola 2002 2002 MAF 84-95599-35 R 0

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57.659 Fernández Pérez. J. Humboldt Nivola 2002 2002 MAF 84-95599-32 R 057.660 Granada, M.A. G.Bruno Herder 2002 2002 MAF 84-254-2224 R 057.661 García Ballester, L. Historia de la Ciencia y de la Técnica I Junta castilla y 2002 2002 MAF 84-9718-064 R 057.662 García Ballester, L. Historia de la Ciencia y de la Técnica II Junta castilla y 2002 2002 MAF 84-9718-065 R 057.663 López Piñero, J. Mª. Historia de la Ciencia y de la Técnica III Junta castilla y 2002 2002 MAF 84-9718-066 R 057.664 Peset Reig, J.L. (ed.) Historia de la Ciencia y de la Técnica IV Junta castilla y 2002 2002 MAF 84-9718-067 R 057.665 Lindberg, D.C. The beginings of Western Sciencie Univ. Chicago 1992 2002 MAF 0-226-48231 R 057.666 Starobinski, J. Acción y Reacción FCE 2001 2002 MAF 968-16-6133 R 057.667 Pellón, I. Lavoisier, un químico ilustrado Nivola 2002 2002 MAF 84-95599-45 R 057.668 Sánchez Rodríguez, A. Astronomía y matemática en el antiguo Egipto Aldebarán 2001 2002 MAF 84-95414-08 R 057.669 Hazard, P. El Pensamiento Europeo. Siglo XVIII Alianza 1998 2002 MAF 84-206-7501 R 057.670 Eisenstein, E. La revolución de la imprenta Akal 1994 2002 MAF 84-460-0280 R 057.671 López Piñero, J.Mª. La Medicina en la Historia La esfera 2002 2003 MAF 84-9734-089 R 057.672 Vera, F. Tres obras inéditas Dip. Badajoz 2000 2003 MAF 84-7796-063 R 057.673 Pecellín, M. Francisco Vera Dip. Badajoz 1988 2003 MAF 84-7796-854 R 057.674 Toulmin, S. Cosmopolis Península 2001 2002 MAF 84-8307-362 R 057.675 Romero, E. El Imperialismo Hispánico en la Toscana durante el S. XVI Dilagro 1986 2003 MAF 84-7234-087 R 057.676 Alcour, M. Catálogo razonado Junta Castilla y 2003 MAF 84-7846 R 057.677 Pastor, A. La Imprenta de Medina del Campo Junta Castilla y 2003 MAF 84-7846 R 057.678 Añíbarro Intento de un Diccionario de autores de Burgos Junta Castilla y 2003 MAF 84-7846 R 057.679 Rojo, A. Impresores, Libreros y Papeleros Junta Castilla y 1994 2003 MAF 84-7846-317 R 057.680 Wernaga, A. Libros y Lectura en Salamanca Junta Castilla y 1993 2003 MAF 84-7846-252 R 057.681 Bécares, V. La Librería de R. Boyer Junta Castilla y 1992 2003 MAF 84-7846-151 R 057.682 Fernández, L. La Real Imprenta de M. de Prado Junta Castilla y 1992 2003 MAF 84-7846-188 R 057.683 Shea, W. Galileo en Roma Encuentro 2003 2003 MAF 84-7490-676 R 057.684 Virgili, C. Liell, el fin de los mitos geológicos Nivola 2003 2003 MAF 84-45599-44 R 057.685 Yandell, B.H. The Honors Class- Hilbert´s Problems and theirSolvers A.K.Peters 2001 2003 FTA 156881141 R 057.686 Alder, K. La medida de todas las cosas Taurus 2003 2003 MAF 84-306-0497 R 057.687 Maltrás, B. Indicadores bibliométricos Trea 2003 2003 MAF 84-9704-012 R 057.688 Pardo, V. Lagrange Nivola 2003 2003 MAF 84-955599-59 R 057.689 Simon, G. Kepler Gallimard 1979 2003 MAF 2-07-029971 R 057.690 Debus, A. The Chemical Philosophy Dover 2002 2003 MAF 0-486-42175 R 057.691 Guillo, D. Les Figures de l´organisation PUF 2003 2003 MAF 2-13050140 R 057.692 Hanafi, Z. The monster in the machine Duke Univ. 2000 2003 MAF 0-8223-2536 R 057.693 Soto, D. (ed.) Recepción y difusión de textos ilustrados Doce calles 2003 2003 MAF 84-9744-007 R 057.694 Bensaude-Vincent, B. Histoire de la chimie La Découverte 2001 2003 MAF 2-701-3541 R 057.695 Beaune, J-C. Le Balancier du monde Champ Vallon 2002 2003 MAF 2-87673-335 R 057.696 Fox, R. Natural Dyestuffs and Industrial Culture in Europe, 1750 Watson 1999 2003 MAF 0-88135-273 R 057.697 Parra, I. Molinos del Río Segura Ayunt. Murcia 2003 2003 MAF 84-606-0174 R 057.698 VV.AA. Bibliografía Médica Hispánica 1475-1950 Vol. V IEDHC. Univ. 1996 2003 MAF R 0

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57.699 VV.AA. Bibliografía Médica Hispánica 1475-1950 Vol. VIII IEDHC. Univ. 1990 2003 MAF R 057.700 VV.AA. Bibliografía Médica Hispánica 1475-1950 Vol. IX IEDHC. Univ. 1991 2003 MAF R 057.701 VV.AA. Estudios sobre la medicina y la ciencia valenciana IEDHC. Univ. 1985 2003 MAF R 057.702 Micó, J.A. Catálogo del fondo Sánchez-Quintanar IEDHC. Univ. 1994 2003 MAF R 057.703 Portela, E. Bibliografía Chémica Hispánica, 1482-1950 Vol. II IEDHC. Univ. 1987 2003 MAF R 057.704 Caspar, M. Kepler Acento 2003 2003 MAF 84-483-0748 R 057.705 Feynman, R. Six not-so-easy Pieces Perseus 1997 2003 MAF 0-201-32842 R 057.706 Blay, M. L´Europe des sciences Seuil 2001 2003 MAF 2-02-032693 R 057.707 Levi, B. Leyendo a Euclides Zorzal 2003 2003 MAF 987-98068 R 057.708 Pimentel, J. Testigos del mundo Pons 2003 2003 MAF 84-95379-58 R 057.709 Bohme, G. y H. Fuego, Agua, Tierra, Aire Herder 1998 2003 MAF 84-250-2050 R 057.710 Galera, A. Ciencia a la sombra del Vesubio CSIC 2003 2003 MAF 84-00-08137 R 057.711 Gribbin, J. Historia de la Ciencia 1543-2001 Crítica 2003 2003 MAF 84-8432-474 R 057.712 Martinón, A. (ed.) Las matemáticas del siglo XX Nivola 2000 2003 MAF 84-95590-03 R 057.713 Contardi, S. La casa di Salomone a Firenze Leo S. Olschki 2002 2004 MAF 88-222-5092 R 057.714 López Gómez, J.M. Cirugía ilustrada en Burgos: La figura y la obra de J.V. Fernán Gonzalez 1996 2004 MAF 84-86841-49 R 057.715 VV.AA. Cel i Terra Univ. Valencia 1996 2004 MAF 84-370-2882 R 057.716 Lorente, J.L. Relojes de Sol en León Caja España 1997 2004 MAF 84-8183041 R 057.717 Muñoz Box, F. Las Medidas del Tiempo en la Historia Univ. Valladolid 2003 2004 MAF 84-8448-258 R 057.718 García Gonzalez, A. En busca de la raza perfecta. Eugenesia e higiene en Cuba CSIC 1999 2004 MAF 84-00-07782 R 057.719 Puig-Samper, M.A. Las expediciones científicas duranre el siglo XVIII Akal 1991 2004 MAF 84-7600-737 R 057.720 Duhen, P. La teoría física Herder 2003 2004 MAF 84-254-2305 R 057.721 Sánchez Fernandez, C. De los Bernoulli a los Bourbaki Nivola 2004 2004 MAF 84-95599-70 R 057.722 Dzielska, M. Hipatia de Alejandría Siruela 2003 2004 MAF 84-7844-749 R 057.723 Puig-Samper, M.A. Historia del Jardín Botánico de la Habana Doce calles 2000 2004 MAF 84-89796-20 R 057.724 Blanco Pérez, J.I. Humanistas médicos en el renacimiento vallisoletano Univ. Burgos 1999 2004 MAF 84-95211-05 R 057.725 González Manjarrés, M.A. Entre la imitación y el plagio. Fuentes e influencias en el Caja Segovia 2000 2004 MAF 84-89711-51 R 057.726 Dragoni, G. Quién es quién en la Ciencia I (A-G) Acento 2004 2004 MAF 84-675-0200 R 057.727 Dragoni, G. Quién es quién en la Ciencia II (H-Z) Acento 2004 2004 MAF 84-675-0201 R 057.728 García Simón, A. (ed.) Historia de una cultura II Junta Castilla y 1995 2004 MAF 84-7846-461 R 057.729 Fernández, J. (ed.) Ciencia, Técnica y Estado Mº Educación y 1996 2004 MAF 84-404-7440 R 057.730 Albertan, S. (ed.) La matière et L´homme dans L´Enciclopédie Klinsksiecck 1998 2004 MAF 2-252-03140 R 057.731 Baldi, M. (ed.) Cardano e la tradizione dei saperi Francoangeli 2004 MAF 88-464-1165 R 057.732 Baldi, M. (ed.) Girolamo Cardano. Le Opere, le Fonti, la Vita Francoangeli 1999 2004 MAF 88-464-1165 R 057.733 Rodríguez Ocaña, E. La acción médico social contra el paludismo en la España CSIC 2003 2004 MAF 84-00-08184 R 057.734 Silva, M. (ed.) Técnica e Ingeniería en España I. El Renacimiento R.A.I. 2004 2004 MAF 84-7820-742 R 057.735 López-Ocón, L. Breve Historia de la ciencia española Alianza 2003 2004 MAF 84-206-5626 R 057.736 Ordoñez, J. Historia de las Ciencias Espasa 2004 2004 MAF 84-670-1669 R 057.737 Crosby, A.W. La medida de la realidad Crítica 1998 2005 MAF 84-7423-885 R 057.738 Subrahmanyam, S. Vasco de Gama Crítica 1998 2005 MAF 84-7423-890 R 0

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57.739 Mollat de Jourdin, M. Europa y el Mar Crítica 1993 2005 MAF 84-7425-569 R 057.740 Huertas, R. El siglo de la clínica Frenia 2004 2005 MAF 84-609-4361 R 057.741 Fuentenebro, F.(ed.) Historia de la psiquiatria europea Frenia 2003 2005 MAF 84-607-8324 R 057.742 Born, H. The Born-Einstein Letters 1916-1955 Mc Millan 2003 2005 FTA 1-4039-4496 R 057.743 Armitage, A. Copernicus Dover 2004 2005 MAF 0-486-43907 R 057.744 Flegg, G. Numbers. Their History Dover 2002 2005 MAF 0-486-42165 R 057.745 Bunt, The Historical Roots of Elements Mathematics Dover 1988 2005 MAF 0-486-25563 R 057.746 Boyer History of Analytic Geometry Dover 2004 2005 MAF 0-4486-43835 R 057.747 Holmyard, E.J. Alchemy Dover 1990 2005 MAF 0-486-26298 R 057.748 Crowe, M.J. Theories of the World Dover 2001 2005 MAF 0-486-41444 R 057.749 Solís, C. Historia de la Ciencia Espasa 2005 2005 MAF 84-670-1741 R 057.750 Brian, D. Einstein Acento 2005 2005 MAF 84-483-0785 R 057.751 Seelig, C. Albert Einstein Espasa 2005 2005 MAF 84-670-1828 R 057.752 Clark, M. Paradoxes from A to Z Routledge 2002 2005 FTA 0-415-22808 R 057.753 Borgato, T.(ed.) G.Riccioli e il merito Scientifico Olschlei 2002 2006 MAF 88-222-51067 R 057.754 Signes, J.(ed.) Antiquae Lectiones Cátedra 2005 2006 MAF 84-376-2243-3 R 057.755 Gleick, J. Isaac Newton RBA 2005 2006 MAF 84-7871-403-0 R 057.756 Sánchez Ron, J.M. El Canon Científico Crítica 2005 2006 MAF 84-8432-680-2 R 057.757 Lindberg Los inicios de la ciencia occidental Paidós 2002 2006 MAF 84-493-1293-0 R 057.758 Vernet, J. Lo que Europa debe al Islam de España Acantilado 1999 2006 MAF 84-930657-22 R 057.759 Haldane, J.B.S. Dédalo e Icaro. El futuro de la ciencia KRK 2005 2006 MAF 84-96476-29-4 R 057.760 Glick, F. Einstein y los españoles CSIC 2005 2006 MAF 84-00-08358-X R 057.761 Girón Sierra, A. En la mesa con Darwin CSIC 2005 2006 MAF 84-00-08349-0 R 057.762 Santamaría Hernández, Mª El humanismo médico en la Universidad de Valencia Ripoll 2005 2006 MAF 84-482-3519-3 R 057.763 Pichot, A. Histoire de la notion de vie Gallimard 2004 2006 MAF 2-07-073136 R 057.764 Buisseret, D. La revolución cartográfica Paidós 2004 2006 MAF R 057.765 Locatelli, C. Il Mondo classico e l´idea di natura ETS 1998 2006 MAF R 057.766 Dorce, C. Ptolomeo Nivola 2006 2006 MAF 84-96566-08-0 R 057.767 Lindberg, D.C.(ed.) When Science and Christianity Meet U. Chicago 2003 2006 MAF 0-226-48214-6 R 057.768 Djebbar, A. Une histoire de la science arabe Seuil 2001 2006 MAF 2-02-039549-5 R 057.769 Rashed, R. Histoire des sciences arabes 2 Seuil 1997 2006 MAF 2-02-030353-1 R 057.770 Rashed, R. Histoire des sciences arabes 3 Seuil 1997 2006 MAF 2-02-030354-X R 057.771 Rossi,P. El pasado, la memoria, el olvido Nueva Visión 2003 2006 MAF 950-602-459-8 R 057.772 Nahim, P.J. An Imaginary tale. The history of -1 Princeton 1998 2006 FTA 0-691-02795 R 057.773 Maor, E. e: The Story of a Number Princeton 1998 2006 FTA 0-691-05854 R 057.774 Feingold, M.(ed.) Jesuit Science MIT 2003 2006 MAF 0-262-06234-8 R 057.775 Gould, S.I. La montaña de Leonardo. Ensayos sobre Hª natural Crítica 1999 2006 MAF 847423-991-5 R 057.776 Gribbin, J. Introducción a la ciencia Crítica 2000 2006 MAF 84-8432-035- R 057.777 Stewart, I. El segundo secreto de la vida. Las nuevas matemáticas Crítica 1999 2006 MAF 84-7423-970-2 R 057.778 Feyman, R. P. El placer de descubrir Crítica 2000 2006 MAF 84-8432-106-1 R 0

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57.779 Schopf, J.W. La cuna de la vida Crítica 2000 2006 MAF 84-8432-103-7 R 057.780 Gould, S.J. Las piedras falaces de Marrakech. Penúltimas reflexiones Crítica 2001 2006 MAF 84-8432-214-9 R 057.781 Miranda, M. Darwinismo social y eugenesia en el mundo latino S XXI 2005 2006 MAF 987-1013-34-5 R 057.782 During, E. La Science et l´Hypothèse. Poincaré Ellipses 2001 2006 MAF 2-7298-0724-1 R 057.783 Crane, N. Mercator. The man who mapped the planet Henry Holt 2004 2006 MAF 0-8050-6625-X R 057.784 Ramírez Martín, S. Mª. La salud del Imperio. La Real Expedición Filantrópica de la Jorge Juan 2002 2006 MAF 84-9744-010-2 R 057.785 Barreiro, A. J. El Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (1771-1935) CSIC 1992 2006 MAF 84-87111-16-5 R 057.786 Eamon, W. Science and the Secrets of Nature 2006 MAF 0-691-02602-5 R 057.787 Junta C-L. Facultad de Medicina de Valladolid. VI Centenario Europa A.G. 2006 2007 FTA 84-9718-034-8 R 057.788 Beltrán Marí, A. Talento y Poder. Hª de las relaciones entre Galileo y la I. Laetoli 2006 2007 MAF 84-934862-5 R 057.789 Stearn, W.T. Latín Botánico Omega 2006 2007 MAF 84-282-1376-3 R 057.790 Goldstein, R. Godel. Paradoja y vida Antoni Bosch 2005 2007 MAF 84-95348-23-3 R 057.791 Jammer, M. Einstein and Religion Princeton U. 2002 2007 FTA 0-691-10297-X R 057.792 Smith, T.P. Hidden Worlds. Hunting for Quarks in Ordinary Matter Princeton U. 2003 2007 FTA 0-691-12241-5 R 057.793 Relancio,A. Historia Natural de las Islas Canarias de Webb y Berthelot FOHC 2006 2007 MAF 84-611-0807-7 R 057.794 Pérez Cruz J.R. La Termodinámica de Galileo a Gibss FundFOHC Can. 2005 2007 MAF 84-609-7580-0 R 057.795 González, M.A. El Método Experimental y la Ciencia de lo Vivo FOHC 2002 2007 MAF 84-607-4607-0 R 057.796 Martín Reyes, G. Breve Historia de la Alquimia FOHC 2004 2007 MAF 84-609-0748-1 R 057.797 González Urbaneja, P.M. Los Orígenes de la Geometría Analítica FOHC 2003 2007 MAF 84-607-9668-X R 057.798 Seminario Orotava Año De la Ciecia Triunfante a la Pérdida de la Certidumbre (1700 Linca 1997 2007 MAF 84-8309-048-1 R 057.799 Pardo Tomás, P. Un lugar para la Ciencia FOHC 2006 2007 MAF 84-609-7580-0 R 057.800 Kragh, H. Generaciones Cuánticas. Una Hª de la Física del S.XX Akal 2007 2007 MAF 84-460-1722-9 R 057.801 Fundación Canaria Orotava Galileo y la Gestación de la Ciencia Moderna Fund. Can. Orotava 2001 2007 MAF 84-699-3242-X R 057.802 Fundación Canaria Orotava La Ciencia en el Siglo XX Fund. Can. Orotava 1999 2007 MAF R 057.803 Fundación Canaria Orotava Ciencia y Cultura en la Grecia Antigua,Clásica y Helenística Fund. Can.Orotava 200 2007 MAF 84-699-2928-3 R 057.804 Fundación Canaria Orotava Ciencia y Cultura en la Edad Media Fund. Can. Orotava 2003 2007 MAF 84-688-0235-2 R 057.805 Hawking, S. Dios Creó los Números Crítica 2007 2007 MAF 84-8432-753-1 R 057.806 Penrose, R. El Camino de la Realidad Debate 2006 2007 MAF 84-8606-681-5 R 057.807 Montesinos, J. Largo Campo di Filosofare. Eurosymposium Galileo 2001 FOHC 2001 2007 MAF 84-607-3613-X R 057.808 Hernández González, M. El papel de la Hª de la Ciencia en la Enseñanza Secundaria Fund. Can. Orotava 2002 2007 MAF 84-607-3820-5 R 057.809 Livio, M. La Proporción Aurea Ariel 2006 2007 MAF 84-3444495-X R 057.810 Hernández González, M. Historia de la ciencia V.I FOHC 2007 2008 MAF 10-84-611 R 057.811 Blay, M. La science classique S.XVI-XVIII Flammarion 1998 2007 MAF 2-08-211566-6 R 057.812 Maravall, J.A. Teoría del saber histórico Urgoiti 2007 2007 MAF 933398-6-9 R 057.813 Cutler,A Una nueva Hª de la Tierra RBA 2007 2007 MAF E 7871-908-2 R 057.814 Bowler, P.J. Panorama general de la ciencia moderna Crítica 2007 2007 MAF 8432-862-9 R 057.815 Ogilvie, B.W. The cience of Describing U.Chicago 2006 2007 MAF 0-226-62087-5 R 057.816 García Tapia, N. Patentes de invención española en el S. de Oro Mº Industria 1990 2007 MAF 84-7474-568-3 R 057.817 García Tapia, N. Los 21 libros de los ingenios y máquinas Gob. Aragón 1997 2007 MAF 847753-661-9 R 057.818 Netz, R. El códico de Arquímedes Temas de Hoy 2007 2007 MAF 8460-630-7 R 0

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57.819 Roselló Botey, V. Tradició i canvi científic en lástronomia S.(XVII) U.Valencia 200 2007 MAF 84-7030-806-8 R 057.820 Rowan-Robinson, M. Los Nueve Números del Cosmos Complutense 2001 2007 FTA 84-7491-616-X R 057.821 Mayor, E. To Infinity and Beyond Princeton 1991 2007 FTA 2-691-02511-8 R 057.822 García Tapia, Vida y técnica en el renacimiento U.Valladolid 1987 2007 MAF 84-7762-008-3 R 057.823 Herrenschmidt, C. Les trois écritures. Langue, nombre, code Gallimar 2007 2007 MAF 84-7762-008-3 R 057.824 Bujosa Homar, F. Filosofía e historiografía médica en España CSIC 1989 2007 MAF 84-00-06966-8 R 057.825 Puerto, F.J. Ciencia de cámara. Casimiro Gómez Ortega CSIC 1992 2007 MAF 84-00-07235-9 R 057.826 Dahl, S. Historia del libro Alianza 2007 2007 MAF R 057.827 Delgado Echeverria, I. El descubrimiento de los cromosomas sexuales CSIC 2007 2007 MAF 84-00-08514-8 R 057.828 Lindberg, D.C. Reappraisals of the Scientific Revolution Cambridge 1991 2007 MAF 0-521-34804-8 R 057.829 Rose, P.L. The italian Renaissance of Mathematics Droz 1975 2007 MAF R 057.830 Nieto Olarte, M. Orden natural y orden social CSIC 2007 2007 MAF 84-00-08507-0 R 057.831 Gomis Blanco, A. Bibliografía crítica ..Darwin /1857-2005) CSIC 2007 2007 MAF 84-00-08517-9 R 057.832 Rodrígez Nozal, R. Entre el arte y la técnica CSIC 2005 2007 MAF 84-00-08363-6 R 057.833 Moreno González, A. Una ciencia en cuarentena CSIC 1989 2007 MAF 84-00-06936-6 R 057.834 García González, A. Las trampas del poder CSIC 2007 2007 MAF 84-00-08498-1 R 057.835 Einstein, A. Mi visión del mundo Tusquets 2005 2007 MAF 84-8310-420-2 R 057.836 Carriazo Ruíz, J.R. Tratados náuticos del Renacimiento Junta C y L 2003 2007 MAF 84-9718-153-0 R 057.837 Puerto Sarmiento, F.J. Los hijos de Hermes Corona 2001 2007 MAF 84-95645-06-8 R 057.838 López Pérez, M. Asclepio renovado (1500-!700) Corona 2003 2007 MAF 84-95645-47-5 R 057.839 Dear, P. La revolución de las ciencias M. Pons 2007 2007 MAF 84-96467-53-8 R 057.840 Galera Gomez, A. La ilustración española y el conocimiento del nuevo mundo CSIC 1988 2007 MAF 84-00-06885-8 R 057.841 Navarro Brotóns, V. Bibliographia Physico-mathematica (1475-1900) Un. Valencia 1999 2007 MAF R 057.842 Navarro Brotóns, V. Matemáticas, cosmología y humanismo (S.XVI) Un. Valencia 1998 2007 MAF R 057.843 López Piñero, J.M. La influencia de F. Hernández Un. Valencia 1996 2007 MAF R 057.844 López Piñero, J.M. Nuevos materiales y noticias .. de F. Hernández Un. Valencia 1994 2007 MAF R 057.845 Comas, J. El mestizaje cultural y la medicina novohispana (S. XVI) Un. Valencia 1995 2007 MAF R 057.846 Kojeve, A. L´Idée du Déterminisme dans la Physique LGC 1990 2007 MAF R 057.847 Clavelin, M. Galilée copernicien Albin Michel 2004 2007 MAF 2-226-14235-5 R 057.848 Caroti, S L´astrologia in Italia Newton Compton 1983 2007 MAF Copia R 057.849 Schmitt, C.B. Studies in Renaissance Philosophy and Science Variorum 1981 2007 MAF Copia 0-86078-093-7 R 057.850 Schmitt, C.B. Reappraisals in Renaissance Thought Variorum 1989 2007 MAF Copia 0-86078-245-X R 057.851 Alonso, E. Sócrates en Viena. Una biografía intelectual de Kurt Godel Montesinos 2007 2007 MAF 878-84-96831 R 057.852 Conferències FME Curs Gauss 2005-2006 V.III U.P.C 2007 2007 FTA 84-7653-887-1 R 057.853 Stapp, H.P. Mindful Universe Springer 2007 2007 FTA 3-540-72413-1 R 057.854 Huang, K. Fundamental Forces of Nature. The Story of Gauage Fields World Scientific 2007 2007 FTA 981-270-645-3 R 057.855 Lichtenberg, D. The Universe and The Atom World Sientific 2007 2007 FTA 981-270-561-9 R 057.856 VV.AA. Más allá de la Leyenda Negra. España y la Rev. Cient. CSIC 2007 2008 MAF 84-370-6791-9 R 057.857 VV.AA. Condorcet, mathématicien, économiste, philosophe, homme Minerve 1989 2008 MAF R 057.858 Chaussinand-Nogaret, G. D´Alembert Fayard 2007 2008 MAF 2-213-63125-7 R 0

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57.859 Whitney, C. Francis Bacon and Modernity Yale U. 1986 2008 MAF 0-300-03585-3 R 057.860 Pardo Tomás, J. El tesoro natural de América Nivola 2002 2008 MAF 84-95599-30-9 R 057.861 Braunstein, J-F. Canguilhen, histoire des sciences et politique du vivant puf 2007 2008 MAF 2-13-056034-0 R 057.862 López Piñeiro, J.M. El Megaterio de Bruy el Presidente Jefferson CSIC 1993 2008 MAF 84-370-1195-7 R 057.863 López Piñeiro, J.M. Joan de Cabriada i la introducció de a ciència mèdica Gener. Valenciana 1994 2008 MAF 84-482-0792-0 R 057.864 Vicente Maroto, I. Mapas de España S. XVI al XVIII UVA 2006 2008 MAF 84-8448-368-1 R 057.865 García Tapia, N. y Otros El Dibujo Técnico en la Historia S. XVI, XVII y XVIII Junta C y L. 1996 2008 MAF 84-7846-046-2 R 057.866 VV.AA. Historia y Medicina en España Junta C y L. 1994 2008 MAF 84-7846-267-8 R 057.867 García Hourcade, J.L. Andrés Laguna. Humanismo, Ciencia y Política en la Eur. Junta C y L. 2001 2008 MAF 84-7846-971-0 R 057.868 Aguirre de Viana, C. Cajal y su escuela Junta C y L. 2002 2008 MAF 84-9718-116-6 R 057.869 VV.AA. Fascinante Simetría Caixa 1988 2008 MAF 84-7664-138-9 R 057.870 VV.AA. Herramientas Vitales Caixa 1989 2008 MAF 84-7664-242-3 R 057.871 VV.AA. Zeugnisse des Arbeitslebens Inter Nat. 1987 2008 MAF R 057.872 Granada, M.A. El debate cosmológico en 1588 Bibiopolis 1996 2008 MAF 88-7088-333-7 R 057.873 Granada, M.A. Sfere Solide e Cielo Fluido Guerini 2002 2008 MAF 88-8335-344-7 R 057.874 García Tapia N. Un inventor navarro. Jerónimo de Ayanz y Beamont (1553 G.Navarra 2001 2008 MAF 84-235-2128-1 R 057.875 Puig-Samper, M.A. El viaje del astrónomo y naturalista Louis Feuillée a las I. C.C.P.Canaria 1997 2008 MAF 74-7926-253-2 R 057.876 Jacob, F. El juego de lo posible Grijalbo 1982 2008 MAF 84-253-1440-2 R 057.877 VV.AA. Synergia: Historia de la Ciencia CSIC 2007 2008 MAF 84-00-08578-0 R 057.878 Sautoy, M. du La música de los números primos Acantilado 2007 2008 MAF 84-96489-83-7 R 057.879 Tweddle, I. MacLaurin´s Physical Dissertations Springer 2007 2008 FTA 1-84628-593-3 R 057.880 Michalewicz, Z. How to Solve It: Modern Heuristics Springer 2000 2008 FTA 3-540-66061-5 R 057.881 Gómez Crespo, F. Un Astrónomo Desconocido J.Castilla -León 2008 2008 MAF 978-84-9718 R 057.882 Lindley, D. Incertidumbre Ariel 2007 2008 MAF 978-84-344 R 057.883 Pumfrey, S. Latitud. La verdadera hist. del descubridor del magn. Juventud 2008 2008 MAF 84-261-3584-1 R 057.884 VV.AA. El Laboratorio de España 1907-1939 SECC 2007 2008 MAF 84-95078-58 R 057.885 García Suarez, X Da Cunha. Matemático , poeta y hereje nivola 2008 2008 MAF 84-96566-96-5 R 057.886 Segrè, E. From X- Ray to Quarks Dover 2007 2008 FTA 0-486-45783-4 R 057.887 Lloyd, G.E.R. Las Esplicaciones de la curiosidad MAF R 057.888 Needhan, J. De la ciencia y la tecnología china Siglo XXI 2004 2008 MAF 968-23-0309-5 R 057.889 Lloyd, G.E.R. Adversaries and authorities Cambridge 1999 2008 MAF 0-521-55695-3 R 057.890 Lloyd, G.E.R. In the grip of disease Oxford 2008 2008 MAF 978-0-19 R 057.891 Lloyd, G.E.R. Ancient Worlds, Modern Reflections Oxford 2007 2008 MAF 978-0-19 R 057.892 Montesinos, J. (coord.) Ciencia y Religión en la edad Moderna Fund. Canar. Orotava 2007 2008 MAF 978-84-611 R 057.893 Davies, K. La Conquista del Genoma Humano Paidós 2001 2998 MAF 84-493-1117-9 R 057.894 Rees, M. Nuestro Hábitat Cósmico Paidós 2002 2008 MAF 84-493-1279-5 R 057.895 Peset, M. y J.L. Muerte en España Castilla 1972 MAF R 057.896 Rodríguez Esteban, J.A. Expedición Cª Cervera-Quiroga-Rizzo CSIC 2008 2008 MAF 978-84-00 R 057.897 Vallejo, G. Escenarios de la Cultura Cª Argentina CSIC 2007 2008 MAF 978-84-00 R 057.898 Stewart Historia de las Matemáticas en los últ. 100 a. Critica 2007 2009 MAF 84-32369-3 R 0

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57.899 Sidharth, B.G. (ed.) A Century of Ideas Springer 2008 2008 FTA 1-4020-4359-8 R 057.900 Thompson, D.W. On Growth and Form Dover 1992 2008 FTA 0-486-67135-6 R 057.901 Schwinger, J. Einstein´s Legacy Dover 2002 2008 FTA 0-486-41974-6 R 057.902 Baron, M.E. The Origins of the Infinitesimal Caculus Dover 2003 2009 FTA 0-486-49544-2 R 057.903 Browne, J. Charles Darwin El Viaje PUV 2008 2009 MAF 84-370-7310-1 R 057.904 Couper, H. Historia de la Astronomía Paidós 2008 2009 MAF 84-493-2137-5 R 057.905 Herran, N. Aguas, Semillas y Radiaciones CSIC 2008 2009 MAF 84-00-08692-3 R 057.906 Debru, C. Neurofilosofía del Sueño CSIC 2009 2009 MAF 84-0008758-6 R 057.907 Burry, J. La idea del progreso Alianza 2009 2009 MAF 84-206-6334-0 R 057.908 Capra, F. La ciencia de Leonardo Anagrama 2008 2009 MAF 84-339-6278-2 R 057.909 Zalama, M.A. (Coor.) Ciencia y Arte La construccion del espacio pictórico Andrés Martín 2008 2009 MAF 84-933938-8-5 R 057.910 La Specola Encyclopedia Anatomica Taschen 2006 2009 MAF 3-828-5040-3 R 057.911 Ruse, M. Charles Darwin Katz 2008 2009 MAF 84-69859-99-9 R 057.912 Sarukhán, J. Las Musas de Darwin FCE 2006 2009 MAF 986-16-3035-1 R 057.913 Moreno, J. Los retos actuales del darwinismo ¿Una teoría en crisis? Sintesis 2008 2009 MAF 84-975657-5-2 R 057.914 Desmond, A. Charles Darwin Herder 2008 2008 MAF 978-84-254 R 057.915 Castrodeza, C. La darwinización del mundo Herder 2009 2009 MAF 84-254-2580-6 R 057.916 Bowler, P.J. Charles Darwin. El hombre y su influencia Alianza 1995 2009 MAF 84-206-28032 R 057.917 Barahona, R. El siglo de los genes AAAlianza 2009 2009 MAF 84-206-4882-8 R 057.918 Monastyrsky, M. Riemann, Topology, and Physics Birkhauser 2008 2009 FTA 0-8176-4778-0 R 057.919 Isaacson, W. Einstein. Su vida y su universo Debate 2008 2009 MAF 84-8306-788-8 R 057.920 Wilson, R. L.Carroll en el país de los números Turner 2008 2010 MAF 978-84-7506 R 057.921 Endersby, J. Una hª de la biología Ariel 2009 2010 MAF 978-84-344 R 057.922 Sautoy, M. Simetría. Un viaje por los patrones de la naturaleza Acantilado 2009 2010 MAF 978-84-92649 R 057.923 Canguilhem, G. Estudios de hª y de Filos. de la ciencias Amorros 2009 2010 MAF 978-950-518 R 057.924 Willians, K. (ed.) Two Cultures Birkhäuser 2006 2010 FTA 10:3-7643 R 057.925 VV.AA. Storia delle Scienze Einaudi 1993 2010 MAF 88-06-13291-1 R 057.926 Vegetti, M. Tra Edipo e Euclide il Saggiatore 1983 2010 MAF R 057.927 Maza Gómez, C. Matemáticas en la antigua China Univ. Sevilla 2009 2010 MAF 978-84-472 R 057.928 Bell, E.T. Los grandes matemáticos Losada 2009 2010 MAF 978-950-03 R 057.929 Lerner, M-P. Le Monde des Sphères I Les Belles Letres 2008 2010 MAF 2-251-42034-9 R 057.930 Lerner, M-P. Le Monde des Sphères I I Les Belles Letres 2008 2010 MAF 2-251-42035-6 R 057.931 Gowers, T. Matematica Un´introduzione Einaudi 2004 2010 MAF 88-06-16735-9 R 057.932 Farinelli, F. Geografia Einaudi 2003 2010 MAF 978-88-06 R 057.933 Verley, X. Poincaré Les Belles Letres 2009 2010 MAF 978-2-251 R 057.934 Bruzzaniti, G. Enrico Fermi Einaudi 2007 2010 MAF 978-88-06 R 057.935 Fara, P. Breve Historia de la ciencia Ariel 2009 2010 MAF 978-84-344 R 057.936 Casini, P. Scienza, utopia e progresso Laterza 1994 2010 MAF 88-420-4517-9 R 057.937 Dullbecco, R. Scienza e società oggi Bompiani 2004 2010 MAF 88-452-0148-1 R 057.938 Bartocci, C. La mathématic CNRS 2009 2010 MAF 978-2-271 R 0

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57.939 Landes, D.S. Revolución en el tiempo Crítica 2007 2011 MAF 9788498921212 R 057.940 Cheney, N. Nikola Tesla . El genio al que le robaron la luz Turner 2009 2011 MAF 978-84-7506 R 057.941 Vac 057.942 Gould, S.J. Desde Darwin. Reflexiones sobre historia natural Crítica 2010 2011 MAF 9788498920888 R 057.943 Vac 057.944 Johnson, S. La invención del aire Turner 2010 2011 MAF 978-84-7506 R 057.945 Gould, S.J. Ontogenia y filogenia. Ley fundamental biogenética Crítica 2010 2011 MAF 978-84-9892 R 057.946 Anduaga Egaña, A. Geofísica, Economia y Sociedad en la España contemporánea CSIC 2009 2011 MAF 9788400089061 R 057.947 Vac 057.948 Mlodinow, L. El Arco Iris de Feynman Drakontos 2004 2010 FTA 978-84-9892 R 057.949 Battaner, E. Un Físico en la Calle eug 2010 2010 FTA 978-84-338 R 057.950 Vac 057.951 Vac 057.952 Vac 057.953 Close, F. Neutrino Oxford 2010 2012 FTA 978-0-19 R 057.954 Close, F. Neutrino Oxford 2010 2012 FTA 978-0-19 R 057.955 Hoffman, B. The Strange Story of the Quantum Dover 2012 FTA 10-0-486 R 057.956 Vac 057.957 Vac 057.958 Vac 057.959 Vac 057.960 Vac 057.961 Vac 057.962 Vac 057.963 Vac 057.964 Vac 057.965 Vac 057.966 Vac 057.967 Vac 057.968 Vac 057.969 Vac 057.970 Vac 057.971 Vac 057.972 Vac 057.973 Vac 057.974 Vac 057.975 Vac 057.976 Vac 057.977 Vac 057.978 Vac 0

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57.979 Vac 057.980 Vac 057.981 Vac 057.982 Vac 057.983 Vac 057.984 Vac 057.985 Vac 057.986 Vac 057.987 Vac 057.988 Vac 057.989 Vac 057.990 Vac 057.991 Vac 057.992 Vac 057.993 Vac 057.994 Vac 057.995 Vac 057.996 Vac 057.997 Vac 057.998 Vac 057.999 Vac 058.000 ========================= ========================= TEXTOS CLASICOS Cab 1;;; R 058.001 Rayleigh, J.W.S. The theory of sound, I Dover 1945 FT 486-60292-3 R 058.002 Rayleigh, J.W.S. The theory of sound, II Dover 1945 FT 486-60293-1 R 058.003 Smith, D.E. (ed) A source book in mathematics Dover 1959 87.01 FTA 0-486-64690-4 R 058.004 Arquímedes El Método Alianza 1986 87.01 MAF 84-206-0151-9 R 058.005 Platón Teeteto o de la ciencia Aguilar 1982 87.01 MAF 950-011-006-7 R 058.006 Grosseteste, R. Suma de los ocho libros de la física de Aristóteles Eudiba 1972 MAF R 058.007 Galileo, G. Consider. y dem. matemáticas sobre las nuevas ciencias Nacional 1981 87.01 MAF 84-276-1316-4 R 058.008 Galileo, G. El Ensayador Aguilar 1981 87.01 MAF 84-8204-012-X R 058.009 Galileo, G., Kepler, J. El Mensaje y el Mensajero sideral Alianza 1984 86.10 MAF 84-206-9995-0 R 058.010 Copérnico, N. Sobre las revoluciones de las orbes celestes Nacional 1982 FT R 058.011 Turriano, J. Los veintidos libros de los ingenios y de las máquinas I Turner 1983 FT R 058.012 Turriano, J. Los veintidos libros de los ingenios y de las máquinas II Turner 1983 FT R 058.013 Bacon, F. Novum organum Fontanella 1979 MAF 84-244-0467-X R 058.014 Bacon, F. La gran restauración Alianza 1985 86.10 MAF 84-206-0109-8 R 058.015 Descartes, R. Discurso del método, dióptrica, meteoros y geometría Alfaguara 1981 FT 84-204-0228-1 R 058.016 Pascal, B. Tratados de Pneumática Alianza 1984 86.01 MAF 84-206-0058-X R 058.017 Newton, I. Optica Alfaguara 1977 MAF 84-204-0304-0 R 058.018 Newton, I. Principios matemáticos de la filosofía natural Nacional 1982 FT 84-276-0593-5 R 0

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58.019 Newton, I. El Sistema del mundo Alianza 1983 FT 84-206-9980-2 R 058.020 Fontenelle, B. Conversaciones sobre la pluralidad de los mundos Nacional 1983 86.10 MAF 84-276-0593-5 R 058.021 Rada, E. (ed) La polémica Leibniz-Clarke Taurus 1980 86.01 MAF 84-306-1178-9 R 058.022 Euler, L. Reflexiones sobre el espacio, la fuerza y la materia Alianza 1985 86.01 MAF 84-206-0100-4 R 058.023 Maupertuis, P.L.M. El Orden verosímil del cosmos Alianza 1985 86.01 MAF 84-206-008-1 R 058.024 Boyle, R. Física, Química y Filosofía Mecánica Alianza 1985 86.11 MAF 84-206-0076-8 R 058.025 Boltzmann, L. Escritos de mecánica y termodinámica Alianza 1986 86.11 MAF 84-206-0173-X R 058.026 Peano, J. Los principios de la aritmética Basilisco 1979 MAF 84-85422-02-3 R 058.027 Poincaré, H. La Ciencia y el Método Gutenberg 1910 FT R 058.028 Poincaré, H. El Valor de la ciencia Espasa-Calpe 1964 FT R 058.029 Poincaré, H. La ciencia y la hipótesis Espasa-Calpe 1963 FT R 058.030 Russell, B. La perspectiva científica Ariel 1981 MAF 84-344-0672-1 R 058.031 Russell, B. Obras completas II. Ciencia y filosofía (1897-1919) Aguilar 1973 87.02 MAF 84-03-01021-4 R 058.032 Wittgenstein,L. Matemáticas sin metafísica Univ. Venezuela 1981 87.02 MAF R 058.033 Broglie, L. de Continuidad y discontinuidad en física moderna Espasa-Calpe 1957 MAF R 058.034 Bruno, G. La cena de las cenizas Nacional 1984 87.02 MAF 84-276-0685-X R 058.035 Bruno, G. Sobre el infinito universo y los mundos Aguilar 1981 MAF 70-03-52123-5 R 058.036 Newton, I. Opticks Dover 1979 86.12 FTA 0-486-60205-2 R 058.037 Helmholtz, H. On the sensations of tone Dover 1954 86.12 FTA 0-486-60753-4 R 058.038 Struik, D.J. (ed) A source book in mathematics (1200-1800) Princeton 1986 87.03 FTA 0-691-02397-2 R 058.039 Maxwell, J.C. A Treatise on electricity and magnetism, I Dover 1954 86.12 FTA 486-60636-8 R 058.040 Maxwell, J.C. A Treatise on electricity and magnetism, II Dover 1954 86.12 FTA 486-60637-6 R 058.041 Descartes, R. Reglas para la dirección del espíritu Alianza 1984 87.07 MAF 84-206-0034-2 R 058.042 Mach, E. Principles of the theory of heat Reidel P.C. 1986 FT 90-277-2206-4 R 058.043 Leibniz, G. Análisis infinitesimal Tecnos 1987 87.07 MAF 84-309-1383-1 R 058.044 Mach, E. Análisis de las sensaciones Alta-Fulla 1987 87.07 MAF 84-86556-19-8 R 058.045 Galileo, G. Carta a Cristina de Lorena Alianza 1987 87.07 MAF 84-206-2489-6 R 058.046 Wittgenstein, L. Observaciones sobre los fundamentos de la matemática Alianza 1987 87.10 MAF 84-206-2496-9 R 058.047 Croce, B. Lógica Contraste 1980 87.10 MAF R 058.048 Ptolomeo, C. Las hipótesis de los planetas Alianza 1987 87.10 MAF 84-206-2498-5 R 058.049 Born, M. Ciencia y conciencia de la Era Atómica Alianza 1971 88.01 MAF R 058.050 Einstein, A. Sobre la teoría de la Relatividad especial y general Alianza 1986 88.01 MAF 84-206-0048-2 R 058.051 Laplace, S. Ensayo Filosófico sobre las Probabilidades Alianza 1985 MAF R 058.052 Russell, B. El Conocimiento Humano Tecnos 1968 88.01 MAF R 058.053 Frege, G. Escritos Lógico-Semánticos Tecnos 1774 88.01 MAF 84-309-0505-7 R 058.054 Thom, R. Parábolas y Catástrofes Tusqnets 1985 MAF 84-7223-455-X R 058.055 Carnot, S. Reflexiones sobre la Potencia Motriz del Fuego Alianza 1987 88.01 MAF 84-206-2505-1 R 058.056 D'Alembert, J.R. Discurso Preliminar de la Enciclopedia Sarpe 1984 88.01 MAF 84-7291-691-X R 058.057 Bohr, N. La teoría atómica y la descripción de la naturaleza Alianza 1988 88.11 MAF 84-206-2525-6 R 058.058 Bacon,F. El Avance del Saber Alianza 1988 89.01 MAF 84-206-2565-5 R 0

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58.059 Bacon, F. La teoría del cielo Tecnos 1989 89.01 MAF 84-309-1675-X R 058.060 Descartes, R. El Mundo o tratado de la luz UNAM 1986 89.01 MAF 968-36-0100-6 R 058.061 Leibniz, G. Investigaciones generales UNAM 1986 89.01 MAF 968-837-533-0 R 058.062 Franklin Experimentos y Observaciones sobre la Electricidad Alianza 1988 89.01 MAF 84-206-2542-6 R 058.063 Bruno, G. Mundo, magia, memoria Tecnos 1981 89.02 MAF 84-306-1104-5 R 058.064 Huarte de San Juan, J. Examen de Ingenios para las Ciencias P.P.V. 1988 89.03 MAF 84-7665-368-9 R 058.065 Carracido, J.R. Estudios Histórico-Críticos de la Ciencia Española Alta fulla 1988 89.03 MAF 84-86556-52-X R 058.066 Chuquet,N. La Geométrie Vrin 1979 90.04 MAF R 058.067 Leibniz, G. Naissance du calcul differentiel Vrin 1989 90.04 MAF Extraviad S.N. 2-7116-0997-9 R 058.068 Acosta, J. Historia Natural y Moral de las Indias F.C.E 1985 91.11 MAF Extraviad PIÑEIRO 968-16-0084-3 R 058.069 Colón, H. Vida del Almirante Cristobal Colón F.C.E 1984 91.11 MAF 968-16-1505-0 R 058.070 López de Gomara, F. Historia General de las Indias. Tomo I Iberia 1965 91.11 MAF R 058.071 López de Gomara, F Historia General de las Indias. Tomo II Iberia 1965 91.11 MAF R 058.072 Euclides Elementos. Libros I-IV (a) Gredos 1991 91.12 MAF Extraviad S.N. 84-249-1463 R 058.073 Capel, H. Epítome de la biblioteca (Orien.y Occ. Náutica y geografia) Universidad de 1982 92.02 MAF Extraviad PIÑEIRO 84-7528-016-1 R 058.074 Capel, H. Epítome de la biblioteca (Orien.y Occ. Náutica y geografia ) Universidad de 1982 92.02 MAF Extraviad PIÑEIRO 84-7528-017-X R 058.075 Diderot Sobre la interpretación de la naturaleza Anthropos 1992 92.03 MAF 84-7658-327-3 R 058.076 Platón Filebo-Timeo-Critias Gredos 1992 92.03 MAF Extraviad S.N. R 058.077 Mexía, P. Silva de varia leccion (Vol.I) Catedra 1989 92.03 MAF 84-376-0801-5 R 058.078 Mexía, P. Silva de varia leccion (Vol.II) Catedra,S.A. 1990 92.03 MAF 84-376-0888-0 R 058.079 Husserl, E. Philosophie de l´arithmétique PUF 1992 92.04 MAF 2-13044371-0 R 058.080 Kepler, J. El secreto del universo Alianza 1992 92.05 MAF 84-206-2700-3 R 058.081 Pérez de Oliva, F. Cosmografía nueva Universidad de 1985 92.05 MAF 84-7481-350-6 R 058.082 D´Ailly, P. Ymago mundi y otros opúsculos Alianza 1992 92.05 MAF 84-206-9687-0 R 058.083 Piccolomini, E.S.( P. Pio Descripción de Asia Alianza 1992 92.05 MAF 84-206-9688-4 R 058.084 Suárez de Figueroa, C. El Pasajero (Vol I) PPU 1988 92.06 MAF 84-7665-335-2 R 058.085 Suárez de Figueroa, C. El Pasajero (Vol II) PPU 1988 92.06 MAF 84-7665-335-9 R 058.086 Llull, R. Obra escogida Alfaguara 92.06 MAF 84-204-0007-6 R 058.087 Boole, G. El análisis matemático de la lógica Catedra 1984 92.10 MAF 84-376-0208-4 R 058.088 Valles, F. Libro Singular o de la Sagrada Filosofía R.A.Medicina 1971 92.11 MAF R 058.089 Cornelio Agrippa, E. Filosofía Oculta, Magia Natural Alianza 1992 93.01 MAF 84-206-0598-0 R 058.090 Euler, L. Cartas a una Princesa de Alemania sobre diversos temas de Universidad de 1990 93.01 MAF 84-7733-145-6 R 058.091 Leibniz, G.W. Nuevos Ensayos Sobre el Entendimiento Humano Alianza 1992 93.02 MAF 84-206-0599-9 R 058.092 Buffon Histoire Naturelle Gallimard 1984 93.02 MAF 2-07-03-7569 R 058.093 Bergson Durée et Simultanéité PUF 1992 93.04 MAF 2-13-044485-7 R 058.094 Saccheri's, G. Euclides Vindicatus Chelsea 1986 93.09 FTA 0-8284-0289-2 R 058.095 Einstein, A. El Significado de la Relatividad Espasa-Calpe 1984 93.09 MAF 84-239-6460-4 R 058.096 Plinio Lapidario Alianza 1993 93.11 MAF 84-206-0639 R 058.097 Aristóteles Investigación sobre los Animales Gredos 1992 93.11 MAF Extraviad S.N. 84-249-1599 R 058.098 Bruno, G. Del Infinito: El Universo y los Mundos Alianza 1988 93.11 MAF 84-206-2759-3 R 0

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58.099 Fernández de Oviedo, G. Florilegio Histórico de las Indias GEA 1992 93.11 MAF 84-88071-07-8 R 058.100 Bernardino de Sahagún Historia General de las Cosas de Nuestra España I Alianza 1988 93.11 MAF 84-206-2560-4 R 058.101 Bernardino de Sahagún Historia General de las Cosas de Nuestra España II Alianza 1988 93.11 MAF 84-206-2561-2 R 058.102 Monardes, N. Herbolaria de Indias Turner 1990 93.11 MAF 968-824-555-0 R 058.103 Teofrasto Historia de las Plantas Gredos 1988 93.11 MAF Extraviad S.N 84-249-1271-3 R 058.104 Colon, C. Textos y Documentos Completos Alianza 1989 93.11 MAF 84-206-2320-2 R 058.105 Monardes, N. La Hª Medicinal de las Cosas que se traen de Nuestras Indias Minist. Sanidad y 1989 93.12 MAF 84-7670-191-8 R 058.106 Vazquez de Espinosa, A. Compendio y Descripción de las Indias Occidentales (Vol. I) Historia 16 1992 93.12 MAF 84-7679-218-2 R 058.107 Vazquez de Espinosa, A. Compendio y Descripción de las Indias Occidentales (Vol. II) Historia 16 1992 93.12 MAF 84-7679-219-0 R 058.108 Euclides Elementos (libros V-IX) Gredos 1991 94.04 MAF 84-249-1640-9 R 058.109 Lavoisier, A.L. Tratado Elemental de Química Alfaguara 1982 94.11 MAF 84-204-0210-9 R 058.110 Gil de Zamora, J. Historia Naturalis I Junta C. y León 1994 94.11 MAF 84-7846-276 R 058.111 Gil de Zamora, J. Historia Naturalis II Junta C. y León 1994 94.11 MAF 84-7846-277 R 058.112 Gil de Zamora, J. Historia Naturalis III Junta C. y León 1994 94.11 MAF 84-7846-278 R 058.113 Hooke, R. Micrografía Alfaguara 1989 95.03 MAF 84-204-0188-5 R 058.114 Aristóteles Física Gredos 1995 95.05 MAF Extraviad JALON 84-249-1676-X R 058.115 Leite Lopes, J. Sources et Evolution de la Physique Quantique Masson 1994 95.06 MAF 2-225-84607-3 R 058.116 Plinio el Viejo Historia Natural (Libros I-II) Gredos 1995 95.06 MAF 84-249-1684-0 R 058.117 Condorcet Arithmétique Politique Textes Rares ou Inédits (1767-1789) PUF 1994 95.10 MAF 2-7332-1017-3 R 058.118 Paracelso Textos Esenciales Siruela 1995 95.06 MAF 84-7844-257 R 058.119 Galilei, G. Diálogo sobre los dos máximos sistemas del mundo Ptoloméico Alianza 1994 95.10 MAF 84-206-9412-6 R 058.120 Descartes, R. Los Principios de la Filosofía Alianza 1995 95.11 MAF 84-206-2825-5 R 058.121 Aristóteles Los Meteorológicos Alianza 1996 97.02 MAF 84-206-2865 R 058.122 Frege, G. Escritos Filosóficos Crítica 1996 96.10 MAF 84-7423-756 R 058.123 Burton, R. Anatomía de la Melancolía (1) A.E.N. 1997 97.04 MAF 84-921633 R 058.124 Euclides Elementos X-XIII Gredos 1996 97.05 MAF 84-249-1830 R 058.125 Buffon Las Epocas de la Naturaleza Alianza 1997 97.05 MAF 84-206-2872 R 058.126 Herrera, J. de Institución de la Academia Mathematica I. Est. Madrileños 1995 96.11 MAF Extraviad JALON 84-00-07503 R 058.127 Feijoo, B.J. Teatro Crítico. Ensayos Filosóficos Anthropos 1995 97.10 MAF 84-85887-82 R 058.128 Citio, Z. de y otros Los Estoicos Antiguos Gredos 1996 97.10 MAF 84-249-1843 R 058.129 Cardano, G. Mi Vida Alianza 1991 97.10 MAF 84-206-2685 R 058.130 Diderot, D. El sueño de D´Alembert y suplemento al viaje de Bougainville CSIC y Debate 1992 97.10 MAF 84-7444-583 R 058.131 Godel, K. Ensayos Inéditos Mondadori 1994 97.10 MAF 84-397-1966 R 058.132 Schrodinger, E. La Estructura del Espacio-Tiempo Alianza 1992 97.10 MAF 84-206-2739 R 058.133 Godel, K. Obras Completas Alianza 1989 97.10 MAF 84-206-2286 R 058.134 Diderot, D. Carta sobre el comercio de la libreria C.E.G.A.L. 1997 98.01 MAF R 058.135 Burton, R. Anatomía de la Melancolía (II) A.E.N. 1998 98.03 MAF 84-921633-6 R 058.136 Galeno Sobre la localización de las enfermedades Gredos 1997 98.03 MAF 84-249-1888 R 058.137 Diderot Sobre la Interpretación de la Naturaleza Anthropos 1992 98.07 MAF 84-7658-327 R 058.138 Plinio Historia Natural I-II Gredos 1995 98.07 MAF 84-249-1685 R 0

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58.139 Plinio Historia Natural III-IV Gredos 1998 98.07 MAF 84-249-1901 R 058.140 Gaupp, R. El Caso Wagner A.E.N. 1998 98.07 MAF 84-921633 R 058.141 Dedekind, R. ¿Qué son y para qué sirven los números? Alianza 1998 98.09 MAF 84-206-4243 R 058.142 Aristóteles Acerca de la Generación y la Corrupción. Tratados breves de Gredos 1981 98.09 MAF 84-246-1242 R 058.143 Aristóteles Acerca del Cielo. Meteorológicos Gredos 1996 98.09 MAF 84-249-1831 R 058.144 Pérez de Moya, J. Arithmética Práctica y Speculativa Bibl. Castro 1998 98.10 MAF 84-89794-14 R 058.145 Cabrera, B. Principio de Relatividad Alta Fulla 1986 98.10 MAF 84-86556-07 R 058.146 Cardano, G. El Libro de los Sueños A.E.N. 1999 99.01 MAF 84-921633-9 R 058.147 VV.AA. Tratados Hipocráticos I Gredos 1990 99.01 MAF 84-249-0893 R 058.148 Aristóteles Tratados de Lógica I Gredos 1988 99.01 MAF 84-249-0232 R 058.149 Aristóteles Tratados de Lógica II Gredos 1988 99.01 MAF 84-249-1288 R 058.150 Bruno, G. Expulsión de la Bestia Triunfante Orbis 1985 99.02 MAF 84-7634-383 R 058.151 VV.AA. Tratados Hipocráticos II Gredos 1997 99.02 MAF 84-249-1018 R 058.152 VV.AA. Tratados Hipocráticos III Gredos 1986 99.02 MAF 84-249-1019 R 058.153 Estrabón Geografia I-II Gredos 1991 99.02 MAF 84-249-1473 R 058.154 Estrabón Geografía III-IV Gredos 1998 99.02 MAF 84-249-1493 R 058.155 Kraepelin Cien años de psiquiatria AEN 1999 99.12 MAF 84-95287-01 R 058.156 Esquirol, E. Sobre las Pasiones A.E.A. 1999 00.01 MAF R 058.157 Gomez Pereira Antoniana Margarita Un. Sant. Compostela 1999 00.10 MAF 84-8121-805 R 058.158 Ulloa, R de. Restablecimiento de las Fábricas I.C.I. 1992 00.10 MAF 84-8008-011 R 058.159 Gutiérrez, A. (ed.) América (antología) istmo 1990 00.10 MAF 84-7090-217 R 058.160 Garzoni, T. El Teatro de los Cerebros AEN 2000 00.10 MAF 84-95287-09 R 058.161 Heath, T. (ed.) Greek Astronomy Dover 1991 00.12 MAF 0-486-26620 R 058.162 Said al Andalusi Historia de la Filosofía y de las Ciencias Notta 2000 00.12 MAF 84-8164-387 R 058.163 Anónimo El Arte del Alguarismo Junta C. y L. 2000 00.12 MAF 84-7846-938 R 058.164 Plinio Historia Natural Cátedra 2002 2002 MAF 84-376-1958 R 058.165 Bolzano, B. Miscellanea Mathematica 15 Frohmmann 2000 01.06 MAF 3-7728-0486 R 058.166 Avieno Fenómenos Gredos 2001 02.01 MAF 84-249-2314 R 058.167 Euler (a y b) Introducción al Análisis de los Infinitos SAEM 2000 02.01 MAF 84-923760 R 058.168 Burton, R. Anatomía de la Melancolía III AEN 2002 02.01 MAF 84-95287-13 R 058.169 Darwin Teoría de la Evolución Península 2002 02.01 MAF 84-8307-412 R 058.170 Heath, T.L. (ed.) The Works of Archimedes Dover 2002 2002 FTA 0-486-42084 R 058.171 Joubert, L. Tratado de la risa AEN 2002 2003 MAF 84-95287-14 R 058.172 Namaciano, R. El Retorno. Geógrafos Latinos Menores Gredos 2002 2003 MAF 84-249-2366 R 058.173 Boecio Institutio Aritmetica Univ. León 2002 2003 MAF 84-7719-974 R 058.174 Löpez, T. Atlas Elemental moderno Junta Castilla y 2003 2003 MAF R 058.175 Manilio Astrología Gredos 1996 2003 MAF R 058.176 Martinez Panero, M. José Isidoro Morales,Precursor Ilustrado de la Teoría de la Univ. Valladolid 2003 2003 MAF 84-8448-218 R 058.177 Galeno Sobre las facultades naturales Akal 1997 2004 MAF 84-7887-276 R 058.178 Galeno Procedimientos anatómicos Gredos 2003 2004 MAF 84-249-2367 R 0

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58.179 Estrabón Geografía Xi-XiV Gredos 2004 2004 MAF 84-249-2374 R 058.180 Diderot Mente y cuerpo en la Enciclopedia AEN 2005 2006 MAF 84-95287-25-0 R 058.181 Vargas Machuca, B. de Apologías y discursos de las conquistas occidentales JCyL 1993 2006 MAF 84-7846-210-4 R 058.182 Maxwell, J.C. Mather and Motion Dover 2006 MAF R 058.183 Leibniz, G.W. Protogaea KRK 2006 2006 MAF 84-96476-65-0 R 058.184 Maxwell, J.C. Materia y Movimiento Crítica 2006 2006 MAF 84-8432-770-1 R 058.185 Arquímedes Tratados I . Eutocio : Comentarios Gredos 2005 2006 MAF 84-249-2757-5 R 058.186 Kepler, J. Abrégé d´Astronomie Copernicienne Blanchard 1988 2006 MAF 2-85367-064-5 R 058.187 Godel, K. Sobre proposiciones formalmente indecidibles de los KRK 2006 2006 MAF 978-84-96476 R 058.188 Darwin, Ch. La Teoría de la Evolución de las Especies Crítica 2006 2007 MAF 978-84-8432 R 058.189 Klein, F. Lecciones sobre el desarrollo de la matemática en el siglo Crítica 2006 2007 MAF 978-84-8432 R 058.190 Betancourt y Molina, A. Un nuevo sitema de navegación interior FOHC 2003 2007 MAF 84-507-7867-3 R 058.191 Weil,S. Sobre la ciencia el cuenco de plata 2006 2007 MAF 987-1228-24-4 R 058.192 Suárez de Figueroa, C. Plaza Un. de todas las ciencias I J. Castilla León 2006 2007 MAF 9718-399-4 R 058.193 Suárez de Figueroa, C. Plaza Un. de todas las ciencias II J. Castilla León 2006 2007 MAF 9718-400-4 R 058.194 Aristario de Samos Tamaños y distancias del sol y la luna U. Cadiz 2007 2007 MAF 9828-132-3 R 058.195 Buffon Discursos CSIC 1999 2007 MAF 84-00-07804-7 R 058.196 Vicente Maroto, I Diálogo sobre la fábrica de navios U.Salamanca 1998 2007 MAF 84-7481-893-1 R 058.197 Muñoz, J. Introducció a la Astronomía y la Geografía Cosell Valencia 2004 2007 MAF 84-482-3709-9 R 058.198 Vanini, G.C. Sobre los maravillosos secretos de la naturaleza el cuenco de plata 2007 2007 MAF 987-122835-5 R 058.199 Cardano, G. Mis libros Akal 2002 2007 MAF 84-4601263-4 R 058.200 Rousseau, J.J. Cartas sobre botánica KRK 2007 2007 MAF 84-8367-036-1 R 058.201 Castro, A. de Obras escogidas de filósofos BAE 1953 2007 MAF R 058.202 Muguerza, J. La concepción analítica 1 Alianza 2008 MAF R 058.203 Muguerza, J. La concepción analítica 2 Alianza 2008 MAF R 058.204 Poincaré, H. El valor de la ciencia KRK 2007 2008 MAF 978-84-8367 R 058.205 Diofanto La Aritmética I 2008 MAF R 058.206 Diofanto La Aritmética II 2008 MAF R 058.207 Hawking, S. (ed.) La Gran Ilusión. Las grandes obras de A. Einstein Critica 2008 2008 MAF 84-8432-966-4 R 058.208 Chandrasekhar, S. (ed.) Newton´s Principia Oxford 2005 2008 MAF 0-19-852675-X R 058.209 Valverde,J. Historia de la Anatomía Andreu 2008 MAF R 058.210 Dioscórides Un Herbario Ilustrado Testimonio 2004 2008 MAF 88-210-0758-8 R 058.211 Álvarez, R. (ed.) De Materia Médica Novae Hispaniae (Recchi) I Doce Calles 1998 2009 MAF 84-89796-31-9 R 058.212 Álvarez, R. (ed.) De Materia Médica Novae Hispaniae (Recchi) II Doce Calles 1998 2009 MAF 84-89796-32-7 R 058.213 Planck, M. Treatise on Thermodinamics Dover 2007 2008 FTA 0-486-66371-X R 058.214 Maxwell, J.C. Theory of Heat Dover 2001 2008 FTA 0-486-41735-2 R 058.215 Steinhaus, H. Mathematical Snapshots Dover 1999 2008 FTA 0-486-40914-7 R 058.216 Maxwell, J.C. An Elementary Treatise on Electricity Dover 2005 2008 FTA 0-486-43884-8 R 058.217 Kac, M. Mathematics and Logic Dover 1992 2008 FTA 0-486-67085-6 R 058.218 Klein, F. Element. Math. Advanced Standpoint Geometry Dover 2004 2008 FTA 0-486-43481-8 R 0

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58.219 Klein, F. Element.Math. Advanced Standpoint Arith. Alg. Anal. Dover 2004 2008 FTA 0-486-43480-X R 058.220 Mach, E. Space and Geometry Dover 2004 2009 FTA 0-486-43909-7 R 058.221 Darwin, Ch. El Origen de las Especies Austral 2009 2009 MAF 84-670-2915-4 R 058.222 Mendel, G. Experimentos sobre híbridos en las plantas KRK 2008 2009 MAF 84-8367-139-9 R 058.223 Torres Quevedo, L. Ensayos sobre Automática KRK 2008 2009 MAF 84-8367-132-0 R 058.224 Darwin, C. La fopmation del manto vegetal por la accción de las KRK 2010 2010 MAF 978-84-8367 R 058.225 Vac 058.226 Vac 058.227 Vac 058.228 Vac 058.229 Vac 058.230 Vac 058.231 Vac 058.232 Vac 058.233 Vac 058.234 Vac 058.235 Vac 058.236 Vac 058.237 Vac 058.238 Vac 058.239 Vac 058.240 Vac 058.241 Vac 058.242 Vac 058.243 Vac 058.244 Vac 058.245 Vac 058.246 Vac 058.247 Vac 058.248 Vac 058.249 Vac 058.250 Vac 059.000 ========================= ========================= INFORMATICA Cab 1;;; R 159.001 Jackson, P.C. Introduction to artificial Intelligence Dover 1985 86.12 FT 0-486-24864-X R 159.002 Babbage, C. On the principles and develoment of the calculator and other Dover 1961 86.12 FT 048624691-4 R 159.003 Singh, J. Great Ideas in Information Theory, Language and Cybernetics Dover 1966 86.12 FT 486-21694-2 R 159.004 Hughes, J.K. Programacion del sistema IBM 1130 Limusa Wiley 1973 87.01 FT R 159.005 Byers, L.A. Introducción a las Bases de Datos con dBase III plus Mc Graw-Hill 1987 87.11 FT 84-7615-139-X R 159.006 Van Wopuerton El Libro del MS-DOS Anaya 1987 88.01 MAF Extraviad PIÑEIRO 84-7614-125-4 R 159.007 Arca, J.A. El Libro del Wordstar Anaya 1987 88.01 MAF 84-7614-039-8 R 1

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59.008 Isu-der-Chou, G dBASE III. Guía del Programador Anaya 1987 88.01 MAF Extraviad PIÑEIRO 84-7614-099-1 R 159.009 Michavilla, F., Gaute, L. Programación y Cálculo Numérico Norte 1985 MAF 84-291-2677-5 R 159.010 Knuth, O.E. The Texbook Addison Wesley 1970 88.07 FTA 0-201-13447-0 R 159.011 Gress, D.G. Fortran IV con watfor y watfio Prentice/Hall 1973 89.06 FTA 0-13-329698-9 R 159.012 Drinkard, R.D. y et al. Macsyma: A program for computer algebraic manipulation Simbolics 1981 89.06 FTA R 159.013 Davenport, J.M et al. Computer Algebra Academic 1988 90.04 MAF 0-12-204230-1 R 159.014 Vac 059.015 Morgan, R., McGilton, H. Introducción al UNIX Sistema V Mc Granw-Hill 1989 90.10 FTA 84-7615-242-6 R 159.016 Waite, M., Prata,S., Introducción al UNIX Sistema V Anaya 1989 90.10 FTA 84-7614-073-8 R 159.017 Kernghan, B., Pike, R. El Entorno de Programación UNIX Prentice-Hall 1987 90.10 FTA 0-3-937681-X R 159.018 Heerman, D.W. Computer Simulations Methods Springer 1990 91.10 MAF Extraviad BALBAS 0-387-16966-0 R 159.019 Schmid, E.W. , Spiptz, G. Theory Physics on the personal computer Springer 1990 91.10 MAF 0-387-52243-3 R 159.020 Stauffer, D, Hehe, F. Computer simulation and computer algebra Springer 1989 91.10 MAF 3-540-51141-5 R 159.021 Cueva, E. Wordperfect 5.1 Anaya 1991 91.12 MAF 84-7614-310-9 R 159.022 Le Blond, G. dBase IV Mc Graw Hill 1990 91.12 MAF Extraviad PIÑEIRO 84-7615-410-0 R 159.023 Wolfram, S. Mathematica (A system for doing mathematics by computer) Addison Wesley 1991 92.05 MAF 0-201-51507-5 R 159.024 Tsu-Derchou, G. dBase III Plus. Guia del programador Anaya 1990 92.10 MAF 87-7614-173-4 R 159.025 Press, W.H. Numerical Recipes in Fortran Cambridge University 1992 93.11 FTA 0-521-43064-X R 159.026 Gaylora, R.J. Introduction to Progamming with Mathematica Springer 1993 95.03 MAF 0-387-94048-0 R 159.027 Char, B.W. Geades, K.O. Maple V Library Reference Manual Springer 1991 95.03 MAF Extraviad S.MIGUEL 0-387-97590-6 R 159.028 Char, B.W. Geades, K.O. Maple V Language Reference Manual Springer 1991 95.03 MAF Extraviad S.MIGUEL 0-387-97622-1 R 159.029 Wolfram, S. The Mathematica (Versión 3) 1996 96.11 FTA 0-9650532 R 159.030 Staudenmaier, H.M. Physics Experiments Using PCs Springer 1995 97.02 FTA 3-540-58801 R 159.031 Scott, N.R. Analog and Digital Computer Technology Mc Graw Hill 1960 97.03 MAF R 159.032 Baumann, G. Mathematica in Theoretical Physics Springer 1996 97.04 FTA 0-387-94424 R 159.033 Gander, W. Solvin Problems in Scientific Computing Using Springer 1991 97.07 MAF R 159.034 Heal, K.M. Maple V. Learning Guide Springer 1996 97.07 MAF 0-387-94575 R 159.035 Redfern, D. The Maple O.D.E. Lab Book Springer 1996 97.07 MAF 0-387-94733 R 159.036 Schwartz, R.L. Learning Perl O´Reilly 1997 98.03 FTA 1-56592-284 R 159.037 Cameron, D. Learning GNU Emacs O´Reilly 1996 98.03 FTA 1-56592-152 R 159.038 Welsh, M. Running LINUX O´Reilly 1996 98.03 FTA 1-56592-151 R 159.039 Cardarelli, F. Scientific Unit Conversion Springer 1998 98.03 FTA 3-540-76022 R 159.040 Srinivasan, S. Avanced Perl Programing O´Reilly 1997 98.03 FTA 1-56592-220 R 159.041 Sayle, R. RasMol v.2.5 A Molecular Visualisation Program FTA Fotocopia R 159.042 Seroul, R. A Beginner´s Book of TEX Springer 1992 99.04 FTA 0-387-97562 R 159.043 Snow, W. TEX for the Beginner Adison Wesley 1992 99.04 FTA 0-201-54799 R 159.044 Eijkhout,V. TEX by Topic. A TEXnician´s Reference Adison Wesley 1992 99.04 FTA 0-201-56882 R 159.045 Kopka, H. A Guide to LATEX Adison Wesley 1993 99.04 FTA 0-201-56889 R 159.046 Abrahams, P.V. TEX for the Impatient Adison Wesley 1990 99.04 FTA 0-201-51375 R 159.047 Lamport, L. LATEX, User´s Guide and Refernce Manual Adison Wesley 1994 99.04 FTA 0-201-52983 R 1

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59.048 Kincel, W. Physics by Computer. Prog.Phys. Prob. Using Mathematica ® Springer 1996 99.06 FTA 3-540-62743 R 159.049 Goossens, M. The LATEX Web Comparion Addison Wesley 1999 99.11 FTA 0-201-43311 R 159.050 Cascales Salinas, B. LATEX una imprenta en sus manos ADI ? 00-02 FTA 84-920381 R 159.051 Cascales Salinas, B. LATEX una imprenta en sus manos ADI ? 00-02 FTA 84-920381 R 159.052 King, J. Geometry Turned On - Dinamic Softwar in Learning , Teaching MAA 1997 00-07 FTA 0-88385-099 R 159.053 Chapman, S.J. Fortran 90/95 for Scientists and Engineers Mc Graw-Hill 1998 09-00 FTA 0-07-011938 R 159.054 Cascales Salinas, B. LATEX una imprenta en sus manos ADI 2000 01.10 FTA 84-920381 R 159.055 Baumann Symmetry Analysis of Differential Equations with MATHEMATICA Springer 2000 02.02 FTA 0-387-98552 R 159.056 Wolfram, S. A New Kind of Science Wolfram media 2002 2002 FTA 157-955008 R 159.057 Ramirez Gonzalez, V. Cálculo numérico con Mathematica Ariel 2001 2003 FTA 84-344-8036 R 159.058 Cascales Salina, B. El Libro de LATEX Pearson 2003 2003 FTA 84-205-3779 R 159.059 Hoft, H.F.W. Computing With MATHEMATICA Academic 2003 2003 FTA 0-12-351666 R 159.060 Goosens, M. The LATEX Graphics Companion Addison Wesley 1997 2003 FTA 0-201-844694 R 159.061 Wolfram, S. The MATHEMATICA versión 3 Cambridge 1996 2006 FTA 0-521-58888 R 159.062 Wolfram, S. MATHEMATICA 3.0 Standard Add-on Packages Cambridge 1996 2006 FTA 0-521-58585 R 159.063 Trott, M. The MATHEMATICA Guide Book for Programming Springer 2004 2006 FTA 0-387-94282 R 159.064 Trott, M. The MATHEMATICA Guide Book for Graphics Springer 2004 2006 FTA 0-387-95010 R 159.064 Trott, M. The MATHEMATICA Guide Book for Graphics Springer 2004 2006 FTA 0-387-95010 R 159.065 Trott, M. The MATHEMATICA Guide Book for Numerics Springer 2006 2006 FTA 0-387-95011 R 159.066 Trott, M. The MATHEMATICA Guide Book for Symbolics Springer 2006 2006 FTA 0-387-95020 R 159.067 Carrillo de Albornoz, A. MATHEMATICA 5 Aplicaciones para PC Ra-Ma 2005 2006 FTA 84-7897-637 R 159.068 Oliveira, S. Writing Scientific Software Cambridge 2006 2007 FTA 0-521-67595-2 R 159.068 Oliveira, S. Writing Scientific Software Cambridge 2006 2007 FTA 0-521-67595-2 R 159.069 VanWyk, S. Computer Solutions in Physics World Scientific 2008 2008 FTA 10-981-270 R 159.070 Rinaldi, F. y Fassari, S. Easy Call/Put Guida all’analisi tecnica dei derivati Percosi di Ricerca 2007 FTAO1 978-88-6081 059.071 Vac 059.072 Vac 059.073 Vac 059.074 Vac 059.075 Vac 059.076 Vac 059.077 Vac 060.000 ========================= ========================= FISICA ATOMICA Y NUCLEAR. T. Cab 1;;; R 160.001 Sanchez del Rio, C. Fundamentos Teoricos de la Física Atómica y Nuclear JEN 1960 71.01 FT R 160.002 Velo, G., Wightman, A.S. Rigorouns atomic and molecular physics Plemum 1987 FT 0-306-40829-5 R 160.003 Fayard, M. Structure electronique: atoms et molecules simples Hermann 1969 70.03 FT R 160.004 Brittain, E.F.H., George, Introduction to molecular spectroscopy Academic 1970 71.10 FT 12-135050-9 R 160.005 Judd, B.R., Elliott, J.P. Topics in atomic & nuclear theory Univ. Canterbury 1970 87.01 FTA R 160.006 Kim, Y.N. Mesic atoms and nuclear structure North-Holland 1971 FT 0-7204-02301 R 160.007 Condon, E.U., Odabasi, H. Atomic structure Cambridge 1980 87.01 FTA 0-521-29893-8 R 1

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60.008 xxxx Atomic, molecular and optical physics Academic 1986 87.07 FTA 0309-03575-9 R 160.009 Caro,D.E.,McDonell,J.A. Modern Physics Edward Arnold 1978 88.05 FTA 0 7131 2704 X R 160.010 Miro Micolau J., Bravo Física Atómica y Nuclear Aguilar 1966 88.05 FTA R 160.011 Sanchez del Río, C. Introducción a la Teoría del Atomo Alhambra 1977 88.05 FTA 84-205-0385-1 R 160.012 Borovói, A. Como se Registran las Particulas Mir 1985 88.05 FTA R 160.013 Willmott, J.C. Atomic Physics Weley & Sons 1975 88.10 FTA 0-471-94931-0 R 160.014 Jackson, D.F. Atom and Quanta Surrey Un. 1989 90.04 FTA 0-12-379075-1 R 160.015 Haken, H., Wolf, H.C. Atomic and Quantum Physics Springer 1987 90.06 FTA 3-540-17002-7 R 160.016 Fraga, S. Química Teórica. Vol. I CSIC 1987 90.11 FTA 84-00-06607-3 R 160.017 Fraga, S. Química Teórica. Vol. II CSIC 1987 90.11 FTA 84-00-06952-8 R 160.018 Clementi, E. Tables of atomic functions Int.Bus.Mach.Cor. 1965 91.11 FTA R 160.019 Vac 060.020 Hermann-Skillmann Tablas I 92.06 FTA R 160.021 Hermann-Skillmann Tablas II 92.06 FTA Fotocopia R 160.022 García Segura, J.M. Espectroscopía in vivo por resonancia magnética nuclear Eudema Univer. 1991 92.06 FTA 84-7754-069-1 R 160.023 Clementi, E. Atomic data and nuclear data tables Univ. Torino 1974 91.11 FTA R 160.024 March,N.H. Self Consistent Fields in Atoms Pergamon 1975 FTA R 160.025 Tejada Palacios, J. Problemas de Física Atómica Eunibar 1982 93.01 FTA 84-85257-54-5 R 160.026 Froese Fischer, C. The Hartree-Fock Method for Atoms A. Wiley- 1977 93.03 FTA 0-471-25990-X R 160.027 Bartschat, K. Computational Atomic Physics Springer 1996 97.06 FTA 3-540-60179 R 160.028 Sobel´man, I.I. Excitation of Atoms and Broadening of Spectral Lines Springer 1995 97.06 FTA 3-540-58686 R 160.029 Alfaro, V. de Potential Scattering 98.10 FTA R 160.030 Haken, H. The Physics of Atoms and Quanta Springer 2000 00.11 FTA 3-540-67274 R 160.031 Haken, H. The Physics of Atoms and Quanta Springer 2000 02.02 FTA 3-540-67274 R 160.032 Ferrer Soria, A. Física Nuclear UNED 2002 2003 FTA 84-362-4635 R 160.033 Foot, C.J. Atomic, Physics Oxford 2005 2005 FTA 0-19-850696 R 160.034 Rife, P. Lise Meitner and the Dawn of Nuclear Age Birkhauser 2007 2007 FTA 0-8176-4559-4 R 160.035 Keller, A. The Infancy of Atomic Physics. Hercules in His Creadle Dover 2006 2007 FTA 0-486-45036-8 R 160.036 Vac 060.037 Vac 060.038 Vac 060.039 Vac 060.040 Vac 061.000 ========================= ========================= FISICA ATOMICA MOLECULAR Y Cab 1;;; R 161.001 Devreese, J.T., Brosens, Electron Correlations in solids, molecules and atoms Plenum 1983 FT 0-306-41027-3 R 161.002 Striganov, Sventitskii Tables of spectral lines of neutral ionized atoms Plenum 1968 GIFT Extraviad Concha R 161.003 Bennett, L.H., Massaiski, Alloy phase diagrams North-Holland 1983 FT 0-444-00809-8 R 161.004 Armstrong, L.L. Theory of the hyperfine structure of Free atoms . Wiley 1971 GIFT 0471-03335-9 R 161.005 Enge,H.A. Wehr,M.R. Introduction to atomic physics Addison Wesley 1972 GIFT R 161.006 Arya, A.P. Fundamentals of Atomic physics Allyn & Bacon 1971 87.01 FTA R 1

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61.007 Bopp, F. Kleinpoppen, H. Physics of the one and two-electron atoms North-Holland 1969 GIFT Extraviad S.Mar 720401593 R 161.008 Bethe, H.A., Salpeter, E. Quantum mechanics of one-and-two electron atoms Springer 1957 FT Extraviad R 161.009 Gatos, H.C. Surface Science Vol 156 part 1 (June III) North-Halland 1985 FT R 161.010 Gatos, H.C. Surface Science Vol 156 part 2 (June III) North-Holland 1985 FT R 161.011 Born, M. Atomic physics Blackie & Sons 1969 72.04 FT R 161.012 Sobelman, I.I. Introduction to the theory of atomic spectra Pergamon 1972 FT R 161.013 Condon, Odabasi Atomic structure Cambridge 1980 FT Extraviad R 161.014 Persico, E. Fondamenti della Mecanica Atómica Zanichelli 1945 FT R 161.015 Thomson, C. Theoretical Chemistry Royal society chem 1981 FT 0305-9995 R 161.016 Gatos, M.E. Small Particles and Inorganic Clusters North-holland 1981 FT R 161.017 Coppeus, Holl (ed) Electron Distributions and the chemical bond Plenum 1982 FT 0-306-41000-1 R 161.018 Davenas, J. Rabette, P.M. Contribution of clusters physics to materials science & Tech Martinus Nijhoff 1986 FT 90-247-3279-4 R 161.019 Bourdon, J. (ed) Growth and Properties of Metal Clusters Elsevier 1980 FT 0-444-41877-6 R 161.020 Herzberg, G. Atomic spectra and atomic structure Dover 1945 86.12 FTA 0-486-60115-3 R 161.021 Bates, D.R., Estermann, Advances in Atomic and Molecular Physics Academic 1969 87.01 FTA 12-003805-6 R 161.022 Sobelman, I.I. Atomic spectra and radiative transitions Springer 1979 87.01 FTA 3-540-09082-7 R 161.023 Burke, P.G., Atomic processes and applications North-Holland 1976 87.01 FTA 07-204-0444-4 R 161.024 Cagnac, B., Pelay- Physique atomique tome 1 Dunod 1971 87.01 FTA R 161.025 Ahrens, L.H. Ionization potentials Pergamon 1983 87.01 FTA 0-08-025274-5 R 161.026 White, H.E. Introduction to atomic spectra Mc Graw-Hill 1934 87.01 FTA R 161.027 Dixon, R.N. Espectroscopía y estructura Alhambra 1967 87.01 FTA R 161.028 Woodgate, G.K., Sandras, Atomic physics 2 Plenum 1971 87.01 FTA 306-307192-8 R 161.029 Schaefer, H.F. The electronic structure of atoms and molecules Addison Wesley 1972 87.01 FTA R 161.030 Howorka,F.,Lindinger,W. Contributions (Simp. on atom and surface physics) Austria ?? 1986 87.07 FTA R 161.031 Norenberg, W., Introduction to the theory of heavy-ion collisions Springer 1976 87.01 FTA 3-540-07801-0 R 161.032 Norenberg, W., Introduction to the theory of heavy-ion collisions Springer 1976 87.01 FTA 3-540-07801-0 R 161.033 Massey,H. Burhop,E. Electronic and ionic impact phenomena, Vol. I Oxford 1969 87.01 FTA 19 751247 3 R 161.034 Gombas, P., Szondy, T. Solutions of the simplified SCF for all ato. verinfachtes SC Adam Hilger 1970 87.01 FTA 85274-178-2 R 161.035 Fiorentini,G.,Torelli,G. Exotic atoms Fiorentini 1977 87.01 FTA R 161.036 Christophorov, L.G. Atomic and Molecular Radiation Physics Wiley & sons 1971 87.01 FTA 0471-15629-9 R 161.037 Kihara, T. Intermolecular Forces Wiley & sons 1978 87.01 FTA 0487-94583-5 R 161.038 Eyring,H.,Henderson,D. Physical chemistry Vol. IV Academic 1970 87.01 FTA 0-12-245604-1 R 161.039 Offenhartz, P. Atomic and Molecular Orbital Theory Mc Graw-Hill 1970 87.01 FTA R 161.040 Bederson, B., Fite, W.L. Atomic interactions Part A Academic 1968 87.01 FTA R 161.041 Bederson, B., Fite, W.L. Atomic interactions Part B Academic 1968 87.01 FTA R 161.042 Herzberg, G. Atomic spectra & atomic structure Dover 1944 87.01 FTA R 161.043 Villanueva, J.R. La base molecular de la vida Blume 1968 87.01 FTA R 161.044 Lindgren, I., Morrison, Atomic Many-Body Theory Springer 1986 87.01 FTA 3540-16649-1 R 161.045 Straughan, B.P., Walker, Spectroscopy Vol. 1 Willey and sons 1976 87.01 FTA 0470-15031-9 R 161.046 Straughan, B.P., Walker, Spectroscopy Vol. 2 Willey and sons 1976 87.01 FTA 0470-15032-7 R 1

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61.047 Jena, P. Physics and Chemistry of Small Clusters Plenum 1987 87.11 FTA 030642606-4 R 161.048 Rigby,M. Smith,E.B. The Forces Between Molecules Oxford S. 1986 87.12 FTA 019-855206-8 R 161.049 Zeitler, E. Atomic Structure and Properties of Small Particles North-Holland 1986 FTA R 161.050 Atkins, P.W. Quanta: a Handbook of Concepts Clarendon 1985 FTA 0 19 855499 X R 161.051 Sobelman, I.I. Introduction to the theory of Atomic Spectra Plenum P. 1972 88.01 FTA 0 8016166 9 R 161.052 García Varcalcel, A. Anatomía y Fisionomía de los Atomos El autor 1980 88.01 FTA 84-300-3740-3 R 161.053 Benedek, K.G. Elemental and Molecular Clusters Springer 1987 88.05 FTA 3-540-19048-1 R 161.054 Cagnac, B. Pebay, C. Physique Atomique Tomo I 1971 88.01 FTA R 161.055 Cagnac, B. Pebay, C. Physique Atomique Tomo II 1971 88.01 FTA R 161.056 Bransden, B.H., Joachain, Physics of Atoms and Molecules Lorgman 1983 88.01 FTA 0-582-44401-2 R 161.057 Politzer, P., Truhlar, D. Chemical Applications of Atomic and Molecular Electrostatic. Plenum-P. 1981 88.01 FTA 0-306-40657-8 R 161.058 Englert, B.G. Lecture Notes in Physics Springer 1988 88.10 FTA 3-540-19204-2 R 161.059 Hilf,E.R., Kammor,F., PDMS and Clusters Springer 1986 89.11 FTA 0-387-17209-2 R 161.060 Skriver,H.L. The LMTO Method Springer 1984 89.11 FTA 3-540-11519-6 R 161.061 Royal Society Proceedings of Faraday Symposium 25 on large Gas-phase clust 1990 90.09 FTA 0-540-09677-9 R 161.062 Mingos, M.P., Wales, D.J. Introduction on cluster chemistry Prentice Hall 1990 91.04 FTA 0-13-479049-9 R 161.063 Bernstein, E.R. Atomic and Molecular clusters Elsevier 1990 91.04 FTA 0-444-88193-X R 161.064 Lowe, J.P. Quantum Chemistry Academic 1978 91.01 FTA 0-12-457552-8 R 161.065 CSIC Química Teórica. Vol. III CSIC 1991 91.10 FTA 84-00-07131-X R 161.066 Societá Italiana di La Física Chimica degli Aggregati Atomici e Moleculari G. Scoles 1990 91.11 FTA 0-444-88331-2 R 161.067 Kumar, V. Martin, T.P. Clusters and Fullerenes World Scientific 1993 93.04 FTA 981-02-1084-1 R 161.068 Brenner, M. Lönnroth, T. Clustering Phenomena in Atoms and Nuclei Springer 1992 93.05 FTA 3-540-55101-8 R 161.069 Prigogine, I. Advances in Chemical Physics V.II Interscience 1959 93.05 FTA R 161.070 Carbó, R. Klobukowski, M. Self-Consistent Field Theory and Applications Elvesier 1990 93.05 FTA 0-444-88168-9 R 161.071 Stumpf, R. A List of Separable, Norm-Conserving, ab-initio Fritz-Haber-Institut 1990 94.01 FTA R 161.072 Koskinen, M. Studios of Atomic Clusters by the Nuclear Shell Model Univ. of Jyväskylä 1993 95.02 FTA 951-34-0151-0 R 161.073 Landman, V. Nieminen, R. Theory of Atomic and Molecular Clusters Elvesier 1993 95.04 FTA 0927-0256 R 161.074 Lammers, V. Electronic and Geometrical Structure of Univ. Osnabruck 1993 95.04 FTA R 161.075 Anagnostatos, G.S. Von Atomic and Nuclear Clusters Springer 1994 95.09 FTA 3-540-59160-5 R 161.076 Londin, P.O. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry John Wiley & Sons 1995 96.01 FTA R 161.077 Russo, N. Salahub, D.R. Metal-Ligand Interactions, Extructure and Reactivity Kluwer Academic 1994 96.02 FTA 0-7923-3833-2 R 161.078 Nishina, Y. Seventh International Simposium on Small Particles and World Scientific 1996 96.10 FTA R 161.079 Weiss Bluth , M. Atoms and Molecules Academic 1978 96.10 FTA 0-12-744452 R 161.080 Kroto, H.W. The Fullerenes Pergamon 1993 97.04 FTA 0-08-042152 R 161.081 Sattler, K. Cluster Assembled Materials Trans Tech 1996 97.05 FTA 0-87849-747 R 161.082 Haken, H. Molecular Physics and Elements of Quantum Chemistry Springer 1995 97.05 FTA 3-540-58363 R 161.083 Yañez, M. Trends in Atomic and Molecular Physics U. Autónoma 1990 97.07 FTA R 161.084 Haberland, H. Clusters of Atoms and Molecules II Springer 1994 97.10 FTA 3-540-56958 R 161.085 Kuzmany, H. Fullerenes and Fullerene Nanoestructures World Scientific 1996 97.10 FTA 981-02-2853 R 161.086 Fowler, P.W. An Atlas of Fullerenes Clarendon 1995 97.11 FTA 0-19-855787 R 1

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61.087 Balashov, V.V. Interaction of Particles and Radiation with Matter Springer 1997 98.01 FTA 3-540-60871 R 161.088 Haberland, H. Clusters of Atoms and Molecules I Springer 1995 98.01 FTA 3-540-53332 R 161.089 Keith, D. Electric-Dipole Polarizabilities of Atoms, Molecules and World Scientific 1997 98.03 FTA 981-02-2493 R 161.090 Fitzer, E. Carbon Reinforcements and Carbon. Carbon Composites Springer 1998 98.03 FTA 3-540-62933 R 161.091 Levine, R.D. Quantum Mechanics of Molecular Rate Processes Oxford U. 1969 98.12 FTA R 161.092 Lakhno, V.D. Physics of Clusters World Scientific 1998 99.04 FTA 981-02-3307 R 161.093 Jongh de, L.J. Physics and Chemistry of Metals Clusters Compounds Kluwer 1994 99.06 FTA 0-7923-2715 R 161.094 Jellinek, J. Theory of Atomic and Molecular Clusters Springer 1999 99.07 FTA 3-540-62000 R 161.095 Milani, P. Clusters Beam Synthesis of Nano-Structured Materials Springer 1999 99.09 FTA 3-540-64370 R 161.096 Bowker, M. The Basis and Applications of Heterogeneous Catalysis Oxford 1998 00.11 FTA R 161.097 Chuev, G.N. (ed.) Progress in the Puysics of Clusters World Scientific 1999 01.06 FTA 981-02-3660 R 161.098 Jena, P. Clusters and Nanostructure Interface World Scientific 1999 01.06 FTA 981-02-4219 R 161.099 Bethe, H.A. Intermediate Quantum Mechanics Perseus 1997 02.02 FTA 0-201-32831 R 161.100 Providencia, J. da (ed.) Fission Dinamics of Atomics Clusters World Scientific 2001 02.03 FTA 981-02-4695 R 161.101 Campbell, E.E.B. (ed.) The Physics and Chemistry of Clusters World Scientific 2001 02.05 FTA 981-02-4529 R 161.102 Atkins, P.W. Molecular Quantum Mechanic Oxford 2001 02.06 FTA 0-19-855947 R 161.103 Arai, T. (ed.) Mesoscopic Matherials and Clusters Springer 1999 2002 FTA 3-540-64884 R 161.104 Andrés, J. (ed.) Química Teórica y Computacional Univ. Jaume I 2000 2003 FTA 84-8021-312 R 161.105 Bertranrusca, J. Química Física I Ariel 2002 2003 FTA 84-344-8048 R 161.106 Bertranrusca, J. Química Física I I Ariel 2002 2003 FTA 84-344-8049 R 161.107 Sugano, S. Microcluster Physics Springer 1998 2003 FTA 3-540-63974 R 161.108 Meiwes-Broer, K-H. (ed.) Metal Clusters at Surfaces Springer 2000 2003 FTA 3-540-66562 R 161.109 Schatz, G.C. Quantum Mechanics in Chemistry Dover 2002 2003 FTA 0-486-42003 R 161.110 Johnson, Jr. C.S. Problems and Solutions in Quantum Chemistry and Physics Dover 2002 2003 FTA 0-486-65236 R 161.111 Bransden, B.H. Physics of Atoms and Molecules Prentic Hall 2003 2004 FTA 0-582-35692 R 161.112 Johnston, R.L. Atomic and Molecular Clusters Taylor &Francis 2002 2005 FTA 0-7484-0930 R 161.113 Budker, D. ATOMIC PHYSICS an exploration through Problems and solutions Oxford Univ. 2004 2005 FTA 0-19-850949 R 161.114 Calvo, F. Manifestation de la Transition Solide-Liquide dans les EDP 2005 FTA R 161.115 Svanberg, S. Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy Springer 2004 2005 FTA 3-540-20382 R 161.116 Khanna,S.N. (ed.) Quantum Phenomena in Clusters and Nanostructures Springer 2003 2008 FTA 3-540-00015-1 R 161.117 Wales, D.J. Energy Landscapes Cambridge U. 2003 2008 FTA 0-521-81415-4 R 161.118 Reinhard, P-G. Introduction to Cluster Dynamics Wiley 2004 2008 FTA 3-527-40345-0 R 161.119 Jena, P. Clusters and Nano- Assemblies Physical and Biological World Scientific 2005 2008 FTA 981-256-331- R 161.120 Solov´yov, A. Latest Advances in Atomic Cluster Collisions ICP 2004 2009 FTA 1-86094-495-7 R 161.121 Di Ventra, M. (ed.) Introductio to Nanoscale Science and Technology Springer 2004 2009 FTA 978-1-4020 R 161.122 Guet, C. (ed.) Atmic Cluster and Nanoparticles Springer 2001 2009 FTA 3-540-42908-5 R 161.123 Vac 061.124 Vac 061.125 Vac 061.126 Vac 0

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61.127 Vac 062.000 ========================= ========================= FISICA NUCLEAR Cab 1;;; R 162.001 Eisenberg, M., Greiner, Microscopic Theory of the Nucleus North-Holland 1972 GIFT 0-7204-0217-4 R 162.002 Kikuchi Nuclear matter and nuclear reactions North-Holland 1968 FT Extraviad R 162.003 Brown, G.E. Unified Theory of Nuclear Models and Forces North-Holland 1967 72.11 GIFT R 162.004 Cottingham, W.N., An introduction to nuclear physics C. University 1986 FT 0521 319609 R 162.005 Hofstadter, R. Nuclear and Nucleon Structure Benjamin 1963 71.09 GIFT R 162.006 Austern, N. Direct Nuclear Reactions Theories Wiley interscience 1970 73.01 GIFT 0471-03770-2 R 162.007 Casimir, H.B.G. On the interaction between atomic nuclei and electrons Freeman 1963 71.02 GIFT R 162.008 Preston, A. Physics of the nucleus Addison Wesley 1962 70.03 GIFT R 162.009 Shalit, A., Talmi, I. Nuclear Shell-Theory Academic 1965 70.04 GIFT R 162.010 Lane, A.M. Nuclear Theory Benjamin 1964 73.02 GIFT R 162.011 Wheatley, P.J. The Chemical Consecuences of Nuclear Spin Nort-Holland 1970 72.10 GIFT 07204-0170-4 R 162.012 Mahaux Shell-model approach to nuclear reactions Nort-Holland 1969 FT Extraviad R 162.013 Fong, P. Statistical Theory of Nuclear Fission Gordon & Breach 1969 GIFT R 162.014 Austin, S.M., Crawley,G. The Two-Body Force in Nuclei Plenum 1972 72.11 GIFT 0-306-30598-4 R 162.015 Hodgson, P.E. Nuclear reactions and nuclear structure Clarendon 1971 72.11 GIFT R 162.016 Slaus, I., Moszkowski, S. Few Particle Problems in the Nuclear Interaction Nort-Holland 1972 GIFT 072040266-2 R 162.017 Moshinsky, M., Brody, T. Tables of Transformation Brackets for Nuclear Shell-Model Gordon & Breach 1967 73.05 GIFT R 162.018 Bethe, H.A., Morrison, P. Elementary Nuclear Theory Wiley and sons 1966 FT R 162.019 Shalit, A., Feshbach, H. Theoretical Nuclear Physics I Wiley and sons 1974 FT 0471-20385-8 R 162.020 Appel, H., Schopper, H. Numerical Tables for 3J-9J symbols, F-and T Coef (3) Springer 1968 FT R 162.021 Brink, D.M., Mulvey, J.H. Progress in Nuclear Physics (Vol. II) Pergamon 1970 70.06 GIFT 08 006360 8 R 162.022 Baranger, M., Vogt, E. Advances in Nuclear Physics (Vol. 1) Plenum 1968 FT R 162.023 Guardiola, R., Polls, A. Quarks, mesons and isobars in Nuclei World Scientific 1983 FTA 9971-950-499 R 162.024 Baranger, M., Vogt, E. Advances in Nuclear physics (Vol. 3) Plenum 1969 FT R 162.025 Baranger, M., Vogt, E. Advances in Nuclear physics (Vol. 4) Plenum 1971 GIFT 306-39104-X R 162.026 Blatt, J.M., Weisskopf, Theoretical Nuclear physics Springer 1979 FTA Extraviad R 162.027 Brink, D.M., Mulvey, J.H. Progress in Nuclear Physics Pergamon 1969 FT R 162.028 Blatt, J.M., Weisskopf, Theoretical Nuclear Physics Whiley & Sons 1952 FT R 162.029 Alonso, A. et al Léxico de términos nucleares JEN 1974 FT 84-500-6295-0 R 162.030 Dehesa, J., Sanchez Mathematical and Computational Methods in Nuclear Physics Springer 1984 FT 3-540-13392-5 R 162.031 Guntay,S. Proceedings of the Fourt CSNI Worsshop on the Chemistry PSI 1996 97.04 FTA R 162.032 Blatt, J.M., Weisskopf, Theoretical Nuclear Physics Springer 1979 87.01 FTA 0-387-90382-8 R 162.033 Preston, M.A. Physics of the Nucleus Addison 1965 87.01 FTA R 162.034 Hodgson, P.E. Nuclear Reactions and Nuclear Structure Clarendon 1971 87.01 FTA 0 19 851281 9 R 162.035 Ajzenberg, Selove, Fay Nuclear spectroscopy Part. A Academic 1960 87.01 FTA R 162.036 Ajzenberg, Selove, Fay Nuclear spectroscopy Part. B Academic 1960 87.01 FTA R 162.037 Clementel, E., Villi, C. Direct Interactions and Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms Gordon & Breach 1963 87.01 FTA R 162.038 Bohr, A., Mottelson, B. Nuclear Structure Vol. 1 Benjamin 1969 87.01 FTA R 1

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62.039 Bohr, A., Mottelson, B. Nuclear structure Vol. 2 Benjamin 1975 87.01 FTA 0-8053-1016-9 R 162.040 Blin-Stoyle, R.J. Fundamental Interactions and the Nucleus North-Holland 1973 87.01 FTA 0 7204 0268 9 R 162.041 Davidson, J.P. Collective Models of the Nucleus Academic 1968 87.01 FTA R 162.042 Bertsch, G.F. The practitioner's shell model North-Holland 1972 87.01 FTA 0 7204 0214 X R 162.043 Bertsch, G.F. The practitioner's shell model North-Holland 1972 87.01 FTA 0 7204 0214 X R 162.044 Eder, G. Fuerzas Nucleares Urmo 1968 87.01 FTA R 162.045 Lewis, G.M. Neutrinos Wykeham Science 1970 87.01 FTA 0 85109 140 7 R 162.046 García, A. Problemas de Física Nuclear A.C. 1977 87.01 FTA 84-7288-002-8 R 162.047 Moravcsik, M.J. The Two-Nucleon Interaction Clarendon 1963 87.01 FTA R 162.048 Rowe, D.J. Nuclear Collective Motion Methuen and Co 1970 87.01 FTA 416 44960 3 R 162.049 Bertsch, G.F., Kurath, D. Nuclear Sspectroscopy Springer 1980 87.01 FTA 3-540-09970-0 R 162.050 Hohler, G. Springer Tracts in Modern Physics Springer 1974 87.01 FTA 3-540-06641-1 R 162.051 McCarthy, I.E. Introduction to Nuclear Theory Wiley 1968 87.01 FTA R 162.052 Eisenberg, J.M., Koltun, Theory of Meson Interactions with Nuclei Wiley 1980 87.01 FTA 0-471-03915-2 R 162.053 Segre, E. Nucleos y particulas Reverté 1972 87.06 FTA R 162.054 Boffi, S., Passatore, G. Nuclear Optical Model Potential Springer 1976 87.01 GIFT 3-540-07864-9 R 162.055 Salit A., Talmi, I. Nuclear Shell Theory Academic 1969 87.01 FTA R 162.056 Frauenfelder, H. The Mössbauer Effect Benjamin 1963 87.01 FTA R 162.057 Baranger, M., Vogt, E. Advances in Nuclear Physics (Vol. 2) Plenum 1969 87.01 FTA R 162.058 Irvine, J.M. Nuclear Structure Theory Pergamon 1972 87.01 FTA R 162.059 Abragam, A. L'effet Mössbauer et ses applications a l'estude des champs Dunod 1964 87.01 FTA R 162.060 Urberall, H. Electron Scattering from Complex nuclei Academic 1971 87.01 FTA 0-12-705701-3 R 162.061 Ramsey, N.F. Nuclear Moments Wiley & sons 1953 87.01 FTA R 162.062 Michalowicz, A. Cinematique des reactions nucleaires Dunod 1964 87.01 FTA R 162.063 Duquesne,M.Gregoire,R. Travaux pratiques de Physique Nucleaire et de Radiochimie Masson & cie 1960 87.01 FTA R 162.064 Nataf, R. Les modèles en spectroscopie nucleaire Dunod 1965 87.01 FTA R 162.065 Enge, H.A. Introduction to Nuclear Physics Addison Wesley 1969 87.01 FTA R 162.066 Preston, M.A. Structure of the nucleus Addison Wesley 1975 87.01 FTA 0201-059977 R 162.067 Eder, G. Nuclear forces. Introduction to theoretical Nuclear Physics The M.I.T. 1968 87.01 FTA R 162.068 Migdal, A.B. Nuclear Theory: The Quasiparticle Method Benjamin 1968 87.01 FTA R 162.069 V.V.A.A. Theory of nuclear structure: Trieste lectures 1969 Inter.Atom.Energy 1970 87.01 FTA R 162.070 Blanc, D. Physique Nucleaire Masson et Cie 1974 87.01 FTA 2-22537818-5 R 162.071 Yuan, L.C., Wu, C.S. Nuclear physics Part. A Academic 1972 87.01 FTA 0-12-475905-X R 162.072 Yuan, L.C., Wu, C.S. Nuclear physics Part. B Academic 1963 87.01 FTA R 162.073 Cindro, N., Kulisic,P. Procedings of the europhysics study conference on intermedia Springer 1973 87.01 FTA 3-540-06526-1 R 162.074 Segre, E., Hanna, G.C. Experimental Nuclear Physics Wiley & sons 1959 87.01 FTA R 162.075 Nataf, R. Les modèles en spectroscopie nucléaire Dunod 1965 87.01 FTA R 162.076 Fermi, E. Nuclear Physics Univ. Chicago 1967 87.01 FTA R 162.077 Fermi, E. Nuclear Physics Univ. Chicago 1963 87.01 FTA R 162.078 Frisch, O.R. The Nuclear Handbook Newnes 1958 87.01 FTA R 1

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62.079 Gibson, W.M. The Physics of Nuclear Reactions Pergamon 1980 87.01 FTA 0-08-023077-6 R 162.080 Satchler, G.R. Introduction to Nuclear Reactions Macmillon 1980 87.01 FTA 0-333-25907-6 R 162.081 Negele, J.W., Vogt, E. Advances in Nuclear Physics Plenum 1981 87.01 FTA 0 306-40708-6 R 162.082 Wilkinson, D. Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics Pergamon 1982 87.01 FTA 008-029103-1 R 162.083 Greenwood, N.N., Gibb, T. Mössbauer Spectroscopy Chapman and Hall 1971 87.01 FTA 412-107104 R 162.084 Irvine, J.M. Heavy Nuclei Superheavy Nuclei and Neutron Stars Clarendon 1975 87.01 FTA 019-851510-3 R 162.085 Blatt, J.M., Weisskopf, Theoretical Nuclear Physics Wiley & sons 1966 87.01 FTA R 162.086 Velarde, G. Fisica nuclear. Capitulos del I al V Univ.Polite.Madrid 1971 87.01 FTA R 162.087 Velarde, G. Fisica nuclear Capitulos del V al XXII Univ.Polite.Madrid 1971 87.01 FTA R 162.088 Eisenberg, J.M., Greiner, Nuclear models Vol. 1 North-Holland 1970 72.10 FTA 0-7204-0158-5 R 162.089 Eisenberg, J.M., Greiner, Excitation Mechanisms of the Nucleus Vol. 2 North-Holland 1970 73.03 FTA 7204-0158-5 R 162.090 Eisenberg, J.M., Greiner, Microscopy theory of th nucleus Vol. 3 North-Holland 1972 73.03 FTA 07204-0217-4 R 162.091 Euge, H.A. Introduction to Nuclear Physics Addison Wesley 1966 87.08 FTA R 162.092 Elton, L.R.B. Introdución a la Teoría Nuclear Rialp 1964 87.09 FTA R 162.093 Server, R. Serber Says About Nuclear Physics World S. 1987 87.12 FTA 9971-50376X R 162.094 Bowler, M.G. Nuclear Physics 1973 88.01 FTA R 162.095 Cohen, B.L. Concepts of Nuclear Physics Mc Graw-Hill 1971 88.01 FTA 07-011556-7 R 162.096 Velarde, G. Fisica Nuclear Cap. I-IV Madrid 1976 88.01 FTA R 162.097 Velarde, G. Fisica Nuclear Cap. V-XXII Madrid 1975 88.01 FTA R 162.098 Eisenberg, J.M. and Excitacion Mechanisms of the Nucleus North-Holland 1976 88.01 FTA 0 7204 0483 5 R 162.099 Shalit, A. Feshbach, H. Theoretical Nuclear Physics I Wiley & Sons 1974 88.05 FTA 0-471-20385-8 R 162.100 Hornyak, W.F. Nuclear Structure Academic 1975 88.05 FTA 0-12-356050-0 R 162.101 Brown, G.E., Jackson,A.D. The Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction North-Holland 1976 88.05 FTA 0 444 10894 7 R 162.102 Eltton, L.R.B. Intrudución a la Teoria nuclear Rialp,S.A. 1964 88.10 FTA R 162.103 Eisenberg, J.M. Greiner, Nuclear Models North-Holland 1975 88.10 FTA 0-7204-0326-X R 162.104 Myers, W.D. Drop et model of atomic nuclei Plenum 1977 88.10 FTA 0-306-65170-X R 162.105 Brandas,E., Elander,N. Resonances Springer 1987 90.03 FT 3-540-50994-1 R 162.106 Diaz Medina, J. Actas de la II Escuela de F. Nuclear Experimental Univer. Valencia 1989 90.06 FT R 162.107 Heyde, K.L.G. The Nuclear Shell Model Springer 1990 91.02 FTA 3-540-51581-X R 162.108 Sitenko, A.G. Theory of Nuclear Reaction World-Scientific 1990 91.04 FTA 9971-50-482-0 R 162.109 Collecció Actes Metodes Semiclàssics Aplicats a la Física Nuclear CRIT 1990 91.06 FTA 84-393-1364-0 R 162.110 Blanc, D. Portal, G. Physique Nucleaire Masson 1993 93.04 FTA 2-225-84038-5 R 162.111 Bongrain, H. Recueil de Problèmes de Physique Nucléaire Masson 1962 94.01 FTA R 162.112 Krane, K.S. Introductory Nuclear Physics Wiley 1988 90.11 FTA 0-471-80553-X R 162.113 Shaw, M. Física Nuclear: Problemas Resueltos Alianza 1996 96.03 FTA 84-206-8155 R 162.114 Chen, S-H. Interaction of Photons and Neutrons with Matter World Scientific 1997 97.10 FTA 981-02-2026 R 162.115 Greiner, W. Nuclear Models Springer 1996 98.02 FTA 3-540-59180 R 162.116 Hodgson, E. Introductory Nuclear Physics Clarendon 1997 98.02 FTA 0-19-851989 R 162.117 Feshbach, H. Theoretical Nuclear Physics-Nuclear Reactions John Wiley & Sons 1992 00.02 FTA 0-471-57796 R 162.118 Wong, S.S.M. Nuclear Physics Wiley 2004 2005 FTA 0-471-23973 R 1

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62.119 Basdevant, S.L. Fundamentals in Nuclear Physics Springer 2005 2005 FTA 0-387-01672 R 162.120 Savushkin, L.N. The Atomic Nucleus as a Relativistic System Springer 2004 2006 FTA 3-540-40492 R 162.121 Devanathan, V. Nuclear Physics Alpha Science 2006 2007 FTA 1-84265-288-5 R 162.122 Prussin, S.G. Nuclear Physics for Applications Wiley 2007 2007 FTA 3-527-40700-2 R 162.123 Das, A. Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics World Scientific 2003 2008 FTA Nuevo 981-238-744-7 R 162.124 Bromberg, C. Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics World Scientific 2006 2011 FTA 981-256-744-5 R 162.125 Vac 062.126 Vac 062.127 Vac 062.128 Vac 063.000 ========================= ========================= T. MUCHOS CUERPOS EN F.ATOM, MOL, Cab 1;;; R 163.001 Halley, J.W. Correlation functions and Quasiparticle Interactions in Cond Plenum 1978 FT 0306-40018-9 R 163.002 March, N.H., Parrinello. Collective Effects in Solids and Liquids Adam Hilger 1982 FT 0-85274-528-1 R 163.003 Keller, J., Gazquez, J.L. Density Funtional Theory Springer 1983 FT 3-540-12721-6 R 163.004 Langreth, D., Suhl, H. Many-Body Phenomena at Surfaces Academic 1984 FT 0-12-436560-4 R 163.005 Dreizler,R.M.da Density Fuctional Methods in Physics Plenum 1985 FT 0-306-41926-2 R 163.006 Lundqvist, S., March, N. Theory of the Inhomogeneous Electron Gas Plenum 1983 FT 0-306-41207-1 R 163.007 Marcus, Y. Introduction to Liquid State Chemestry Wiley & Sons 1977 FT 0-471-994480 R 163.008 Croxton, C. (ed) Progress in Liquid Pphysics Wiley & Sons 1978 FT 0-471-99445 6 R 163.009 Bennemann, K.H.,Brovers, Ionic Liquids, Molten Salts and Polyelectrolytes Springer 1982 FT 3-540-11952-3 R 163.010 Iachello, F. Interacting Bosons in Nuclear Physics Plenum 1979 87.01 FTA 0-306-40190-8 R 163.011 Zabolitzky,JG.Llano,M. Recent Progress in Many-Body Theories Springer 1981 87.01 FTA 3-540-1071-X R 163.012 Sinanoglu, O., Brueckner, Three Approaches to Electron Correlation in Atoms Yale, Univ. 1970 87.01 FTA 300-01147-4 R 163.013 Levine, R.D. Quantum Mechanics of Molecular Rate Processes Oxf. at the Claren 1969 87.01 FTA 19 855343 9 R 163.014 Lindgren, I., Morrison, Atomic Many-Body Theory Springer 1982 87.01 FTA 3-540-10504-2 R 163.015 Guardiola, R., Ros, J. The Many-Body Problem Jastrow Correlations Versus Brueckner Springer 1981 87.01 FTA 3-540-10577-8 R 163.016 Iachello, F. Interacting Bose-Fermi Systems in Nuclei Plenum 1981 87.01 FTA 0-306-40733-7 R 163.017 Brittin, W.E., Odabasi,H. Topics in Modern Physics Adam Hilger 1970 87.01 FTA 85-274-195-2 R 163.018 Bloch, C. Many-Body Description of Nuclear Structure and Reactions Academic 1966 87.01 FTA R 163.019 Migdal, A.B. Theory of Finite Fermi Systems and Applications to Atomic Nu Wiley & sons 1967 87.01 FTA R 163.020 Nozières, P. Theory of Interacting Fermi Systems Benjamin 1964 87.01 FTA R 163.021 Messer, J. Temperature Dependent Thomas-Fermi Theory Springer 1981 87.01 FTA 3-540-10875-0 R 163.022 Arenhövel, M., Saruis, A. From Colective States to Quarks in Nuclei Springer 1981 87.01 FTA 3-540-10570-0 R 163.023 Thirring, W. Quantum Mechanics of Large Systems Springer 1980 87.07 FTA 0-387-87101-8 R 163.024 Ferreira,L.S. Fonseca A. Models and Methods in Few-Body Physics Springer 1986 87.09 FTA 0-387-17647-0 R 163.025 Erdahl, R., Smith, V.H. Density Matrices and Density Functionals D. Reidel 1987 88.01 FTA 90-277-2477-6 R 163.026 Dolh, J.P. Avery, J. Local density aprox. in quantum and solid. Plenum 1984 88.10 FTA 0-306-41667-0 R 163.027 Chermette,H., Goursot,A. Journal de Chimie Physique 1989 89.09 FTA R 163.028 Parr, G.R., Yang, W. Density Functional Theory of Atoms and Moleculas Oxford U. 1989 89.09 FTA 0-19-504279-4 R 163.029 Segal, G.A. Electronic Structure Calculation. Vol. 7 Plenum 197 89.10 FTA 0-306-33507-7 R 1

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63.030 Segal, G.A. Electronic Structure Calculation. Vol. 8 Plenum 1977 89.10 FTA 0-306-33508-5 R 163.031 Yussouff Electronic Band Structure and Its Applications Springer 1986 89.11 FTA 0-387-18098-2 R 163.032 Bassani,F.,Fumi,F.,Tosi, Punt focali nella teoria degli stati condensati North-Holland 1985 89.11 FTA 0-444-86976-X R 163.033 Mullay,J.,Bartolotti,L. Electronegativity Academic 1987 90.04 FTA 0-12-470518-9 R 163.034 March, N.H., Deb,B.M. The Single-Particle Density in Physics and Chemistry Academic 1987 90.04 FTA 0-12-470518-9 R 163.035 Riera, A. Moldelos Teóricos e Informaticos en la Química actual Ramon Areces 1989 91.02 FTA 84-87192-10-X R 163.036 Dreizler, R.M., Gross, E. Density Functional Theory Springer 1990 91.04 FTA 3-540-51993-9 R 163.037 Labanowski, I.K., Zelm, Density functional Methods in Chemistry Springer 1990 91.05 FTA 0-387-97512-8 R 163.038 Löwdin, P.O. Quantum Chemistry. Simposium Nº 13 (1979) John Wiley & Sons 1979 93.01 FTA R 163.039 Löwdin, P.O. Quantum Chemistry. Symposium Nº 26 (1992) John Wiley & Sons 1992 93.01 FTA 0471-59463-6 R 163.040 Wilkins, J.N. Observable Many-Body Effects in Metals Nordita 1968 93.04 FTA R 163.041 Fraga, S. Computational Chemistry Part A Elvesier 1992 93.05 FTA 0-444-88512-9 R 163.042 Frga, S. Computational Chemistry Part B Elvesier 1992 93.05 FTA 0-444-88512-9 R 163.043 March, N.H. Electron Density Theory of Atoms and Molecules Academic 1992 93.06 FTA 0-12-4705225 R 163.044 Collings, P.J. Liquid Cristals - Natures Delicate Phase of Matter Adam Hilger 1990 93.09 FTA 0-7503-0164-3 R 163.045 Howells, W.S. Soper, A.K. Recent Developements in the Physics of Fluids Adam Hilger 1992 93.09 FTA 0-7503-0164-3 R 163.046 Alonso, J.A. Delgado- Summer School in Quantum Chemistry V. I 1994 94.09 FTA R 163.047 Flores, F. Handy, N.C. Summer School in Quantum Chemistry V. II 1994 94.09 FTA R 163.048 Viñas, X. Marti, P. Dinamical Features of Nuclei and Finite Fermi Systems World Scientific 1994 94.10 FTA 981-02-1828-1 R 163.049 Fiolhais, L. Fiolhais, M. Many-Body Physics World Scientific 1994 94.10 FTA 981-02-1828-1 R 163.050 Grout, P.J. Lidiard, A.B. Density Functional Theory and its Applications Taylor & Francis 1994 95.04 FTA 0141-8637 R 163.051 Van Leevmen, R. Kohn-Sham Potentials inb Density Functional Theory U. Vrije 1994 95.04 FTA R 163.052 Gross, E.K.V. Dreizler, Density Functional Theory Plenum 1993 95.04 FTA 0-306-44905-6 R 163.053 Sahni, V. Density Functional Theory III. Topics in Current Chemistry Springer 1996 96.10 FTA 3-540-61132 R 163.054 Seminario, J.M. Recent Developments and Applications of Modern Density Elvesier 1996 97.04 FTA 0-444-82404 R 163.055 Ernzerhof, M. Density Functional Theory I. Topics in Current Chemistry 180 Springer 1996 97.05 FTA 3-540-61091 R 163.056 Engel, E. Density Functional Theory II. Topics in Current Chemistry Springer 1996 97.05 FTA 3-540-61092 R 163.057 Wiest, O. Density Functional Theory IV. Topics in Current Chemistry Springer 1996 97.05 FTA 3-540-61131 R 163.058 Garrido, L.M. The Many Body Problems Plenum 1969 97.07 FTA R 163.059 Caianiello, E.R. Lectures on The Many-Body Problem V.2 Academic 1964 97.07 FTA R 163.060 Alonso, J.A. Summer School in Quantum Chemistry V.I Univ. Cantabria 1997 97.10 FTA R 163.061 Flores, F. Summer School in Quantum Chemistry V.II Univ. Cantabria 1997 97.10 FTA R 163.062 Chong, D.P. Recent Advances in Density Functional Methods P.I World Scientific 1995 97.10 FTA 981-02-2442 R 163.063 Chong, D.P. Recent Advances in Density Functional Methods P.II World Scientific 1997 97.10 FTA 981-02-3150 R 163.064 Ha, Z.N.C. Quantum Many-Body Sistems in One Dimension World Scientific 1996 98.10 FTA 981-02-2275 R 163.065 Parry, W.E. The Many-Body Problem Clarendon 1973 98.12 FTA 0-19-851450 R 163.066 Van Hove, L. Quantum Theory of Many-Particle System Benjamin 1961 98.12 FTA R 163.067 Szabo, A. Modern Quantum Chemistry. Intr. Advanced Electronic Dover 1996 99.03 FTA 0-486-69186 R 163.068 Pauling, L. General Chemistry Dover 1988 99.03 FTA 0-486-65622 R 163.069 Weltner, W.jr. Magnetic Atoms and Molecules Dover 1989 99.03 FTA 0-486-66140 R 1

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63.070 Geerlings, P. (ed.) Density Functional Theory Vubpress 1999 00.10 FTA 9054872357 R 163.071 Ekardt, W. (ed.) Metal Clusters Wiley & Sons 1999 00.11 FTA 0-471-98783 R 163.072 Barone, V. (ed.) Recent Advances in Density Functional Methods World Scientific 2002 02.04 FTA 981-02-4825 R 163.073 Sahni, V. Quantal Density Functional Theory Springer 2004 2008 FTA 3-540-40884-3 R 163.074 Marques, M.A.L. (ed.) Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory Springer 2004 2008 FTA 3-540-35422-0 R 163.075 Vac 063.076 Vac 063.077 Vac 063.078 Vac 064.257 Majlis. N. TheQuantum Theory of Magnetism World Scientific 2007 2011 FTA 978-981-256 R 164.000 ========================= ========================= MATERIA CONDENSADA Cab 1;;; R 164.001 Longini, R.L. Introductory quantum mechanics for the solid state 1970 GIFT R 164.002 Rickayzen, G. Theory of superconductivity Interscience 1965 GIFT R 164.003 Haken, H. Quantum field theory of solids North-Holland 1976 FT 0720405459 R 164.004 Kittel, C. Quantum Theory of Solids Wiley 1963 GIFT R 164.005 Kittel, C. Introduction to solid state physics Wiley and sons 1971 FT R 164.006 March, N.H. Liquid metals Plenum 1968 FT 08 003229 X R 164.007 Longini, R.L. Introductory Quantum Mechanics for the Solid State Wiley and sons 1970 71.06 FT 471-54444-2 R 164.008 Evans, R., Greenwood, D. Liquid Metals 1977 FT 085498 120 9 R 164.009 Chandrasekhar, S. Liquid Cristals Cambridge 1977 FT 0 521 21149 2 R 164.010 O'Keeffe, M., Navrotky, Structure and Bonding in Cristals Academic 1981 FT 012-525101-7 R 164.011 Chen. C. Magnetism and Metallurgy of Soft Magnetic Materials Dover 1986 86.12 FTA 0486-64997-0 R 164.012 Hultgren, R. Desai, P.D. Selected Values of Thermodynamic Properties of Binary Alloys Am. Soc. Metals 1973 FT R 164.013 Steeb, S., Warlimont, H. Rapidly Quenched Metals I North-Holland 1985 FT 0-444-86939-5 R 164.014 Steeb, S., Warlimont, H. Rapidly Quenched Metals II North-Holland 1985 FT 0-444-86941-7 R 164.015 Picraux, S.T., Choyke, W. Metastable Materials Formation by Ion Implantation North-Holland 1982 FT 0-444-00692-3 R 164.016 Goodiwin, J.W. Colloidal dispersions Royal Soc.Chemestr 1981 FT 0-85186-865-7 R 164.017 Perez, A., Coussement, R. Site Characterization and Aggregation Implanted Atoms Materi Plenum 1980 FT 0-306-40299-8 R 164.018 Goodstein, D.L. States of Matter Dover 1985 86.12 FTA 0486-64927-X R 164.019 Marlow, W.H. (ed) Aerosol microphysics II Springer 1982 FT R 164.020 Harrison, W.A. Solid state theory Dover 1980 86.12 FTA 0-486-63948-7 R 164.021 Ubbelohde, A.R. The Molten State of Matter Wiley 1978 FT 0 471 99626 2 R 164.022 Prutton, M. Electronic Properties of Surfaces Adam Hilger 1984 FT 0-85274-773-X R 164.023 Ehrenreich, H., Turnbull, Solid State Physics, Vol. 38 Academic 1984 FT 0-12-607738-X R 164.024 March, N.H., Tosi, M.P. Coulomb liquids Academic 1984 FT 0-12-470520-0 R 164.025 Taylor, A.W.B. Superconductivity Wykeham 1970 FT 0-85109-120 2 R 164.026 Wagner, C.N.J., Johnson, Liquid and Amorphous Metals V Part. I North-Holland 1984 FT 0-022-3093 R 164.027 Wagner, C.N.J., Johnson, Liquid and Amorphous Metals V Part. II North-Holland 1984 FT 0-022-3093 R 164.028 Zallen, R. The Physics of Amorphous Solids Wiley & sons 1983 FT 0-471-0198-2 R 164.029 Schrieffer, J.R. Theory of Superconductivity Benjamin 1964 FT R 1

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64.030 Shrager, A.M. Elementary Metallurgy and Metallography Dover 1969 86.12 FTA 486-60138-2 R 164.031 March, Street, Tosi Amorphous solids and the liquid state Plenum 1985 86.12 FTA 0-306-41947-5 R 164.032 Jones, W., March, N.H. Theoretical Solid State Physics Vol. I Dover 86.12 FTA 0-486-65015-4 R 164.033 Jones, W., March, N.H. Theoretical Solid State Physics Vol. II Dover 1973 86.12 FTA 0-486-65016-2 R 164.034 Mott, N.F., Jones, H. The Theory of Properties of Metals and Alloys Dover 1958 86.12 FTA 0-486-60456-X R 164.035 Elliott, R.P. Constitution of Binary Alloys Mc Graw-Hill 87.01 FTA 0-07-019189-1 R 164.036 Ehrenreich, H., Seitz, Solid State Physics, Vol. 24 Academic 1970 87.01 FTA 0-12-607724-X R 164.037 Peierls, R.E. Quantum Theory of Solids Oxford at the C. 1965 87.01 FTA Extraviad S.N. R 164.038 Faber, T.E. An Introduction to the Theory of Liquid Metals C. Univ. 1972 87.01 FTA 0 521 084776 R 164.039 Griffith, J.S. The Theory of Transition-Metal Ions Cambridge Univ. 1971 87.01 FTA 0 521 05150 9 R 164.040 Harrison, W.A. Pseudopotentials in the Theory of Metals Benjamin 1966 87.01 FTA R 164.041 Ter MiKaelian, M.L. High-Energy Electromagnetic Processes in Condesed Media Wiley-Interscience 1972 87.01 FTA 0-471-85190-6 R 164.042 Segovia de, J.L. Procedings of the Ninth International Vacuum Congress and F. A.S.E.V.A. 1983 87.01 FTA 84-300-9981-6 R 164.043 Mercouroff La Surface de Fermi 87.01 FTA Fotocopia R 164.044 Yoshio Waseda The structure of non-crystalline materials Mc Graw-Hill 87.03 FTA R 164.045 Hansen, J.P., McDonald, Theory of Simple Liquids Academic 1986 87.03 FTA 0-12-323851-X R 164.046 Luscher, E., Coufal, H. Liquid and amorphous metals Sijthoff and N. 1980 87.05 FTA 90-286-0680-7 R 164.047 Baro, M.D., Clavaguera, Current Topics on Non-Crystalline Solids World Scientific 1986 87.06 FTA 9971-50-169-4 R 164.048 Grimvall, G. (ed) Thermophysical Properties of Materials North-Holland 1986 FTA 0-444-86985 9 R 164.049 Matyja, H., Zielinski, P. Amorphous Metals World Scientific 1986 FTA 9971-50109-0 R 164.050 Moskovits, M. (ed) Metal clusters Wiley & sons 1986 87.07 FTA 0-471-89388-9 R 164.051 Shmoji, M. Liquid metals Academic 1977 87.07 FTA R 164.052 Ziman, J.M. Principios de la Teoría de Sólidos 87.09 FTA R 164.053 Brown, F.C. Fisica de los Sólidos Reverté 1967 87.09 FTA R 164.054 Porter, D. Phase Transformation in Metals and Alloys Van Nostrand 1981 87.11 FTA 0-442-30440-4 R 164.055 Glaser, W. Liquid and Amorphous Metals R. Oldenbourg 87.11 FTA R 164.056 Glaser, W. Liquid and Amorphous Metals R. Odenbourg 1987 87.11 FTA 3-486-64204-9 R 164.057 Gokcen,N.A. Statistical Thermodinamics Plenum 1986 88.01 FTA 0-306-42177-1 R 164.058 Sugano S., Nishina,Y. Microclusters Springer 1987 88.01 FTA 3-540-17675-6 R 164.059 Cusack, M.E. The Physics of Structurally Disordered Matter Adam Hilger 1987 88.01 FTA 085274-829-9 R 164.060 De Saja, J.A. Difracción por muestras policristalinas(Mét. Debye-Scherrer) ICE 1978 87.01 FTA R 164.061 Janot, C., Wright, A.F. Third Inter. Conf. on The structure of non crystalline Mate. Eds. de Physique 1985 88.01 FTA 2-86883-008-0 R 164.062 Herman, F. et al Computational Methods for Large Molecules and Localized Sta. Los Autores 1973 88.01 FTA R 164.063 Harrison, W.A. Solid State Theory Mc Graw-Hill 1970 88.01 FTA R 164.064 Pikin, S., Blinov, L. Cristales Líquidos Mir 1985 88.05 FTA R 164.065 Seitz, F., Turnbull, D. Solid State Physics, Vol. 40 Academic 1987 88.09 FTA 0-12-607740-1 R 164.066 Luscher,E. Fritseh,G. Amorphous and Liquid Materials Nijhoff 1987 88.09 FTA 90-247-3411-8 R 164.067 Lawley, K.P. Ab initio Methods in Quantum Chemistry Interscience 1987 88.09 FTA 0-471-90101-7 R 164.068 Hafner, J. From Hamiltonians to Phase Diagrams Springer 1987 89.04 FTA 0-387-17653-5 R 164.069 Abriksov, A.A. Fundamentals of the Theory of Metals North-holland 1988 89.04 FTA 0-444-87095-4 R 1

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64.070 Shinjo, T. Takada, T. Metallic Superlattices Elsevier 1987 89.04 FTA 0-444-42863-1 R 164.071 Mee,C.D. The physics of magnetic recording North-holland 1964 89.04 FTA 0-444-87043-1 R 164.072 Johnson, B.F.G. Transition Metal Clusters Wiley & sons 1980 89.08 FTA 0-471-87817-3 R 164.073 Boardman,A.D. Electromagnetic surface, Modes Wiley 1982 89.09 FTA A-47-110077-3 R 164.074 Luborsky, F.E. Amorphous Metallic Alloys Butterwoths 1983 89.09 FTA 0-408-11030-9 R 164.075 Fuggle,J.C.,Swatzky,G.A., Narrow-Band Phenomena. Influence of electrons with both band Plenum 1987 89.10 FTA 0-306-43012- R 164.076 Mahan, G.D. Many-Particle Physics Plenum 1981 89.10 FTA 0-306-40411-7 R 164.077 Kallio,A.J.,Pajanne,E., Recent Progress in Many-Body Theories Vol. 1 Plenum 1988 89.10 FTA 0-306-42830-X R 164.078 Arponen,J.S.Bishop,R., Condensed Matter Theories Vol. 3 Plenum 1988 89.10 FTA 0-306-42829-6 R 164.079 Renon,H., Heidemann,R. Fuid Phase Equilibria Elsevier 1989 90.02 FTA R 164.080 Prigogine, I., Rice, S.A. Evolution of Size Effects in Chemical Dinamics Interscience 1988 90.05 FTA 0-471-62784-4 R 164.081 Alonso, J.A., March,N.H. Electrons in Metals and Alloys Academic 1989 90.05 FTA 0-12-053620-X R 164.082 Endo, H. Liquid and Amorphous Metals VII (part.I and II) North-Holland 1989 90.05 FTA 0022-3093 R 164.083 Davidovic, M., Soper, A. Static and Dynamic Properties of Liquids Springer 1989 90.05 FTA 3-540-51384-1 R 164.084 Cox, S.F.J. Muon studies in Solid State Physics IOP 1988 90.05 FTA 0-85498-522-0 R 164.085 Barocchi,F., Carini, Highlights on Simple Liquids ISI 1989 90.05 FTA R 164.086 Endo, H. Liquid and Amorphous Metals VII (part I and II) North-Holland 1989 90.05 FTA 0022-3093 R 164.087 Kaujman,L., Bernstein,H. Computer Calculations of Phase Diagrams Academic 1970 90.06 FTA 12-402050-X R 164.088 Arzt, E., Schultz, L. New Materials by Mechanical alloying Tecnology Springer 1988 90.06 FTA 3-88355-133-3 R 164.089 Steinhardt, P.J., The Physics of Quasicrystals World Scientific 1987 90.06 FTA 9971-50-277-5 R 164.090 Janot, C., Dubois,J.M. Quasicrystalline Materials World Scientific 1988 90.06 FTA 9971-50-631-9 R 164.091 Phariseau,P., Temmerman The electronic structure of complex systems Plenum 1984 90.06 FTA 0-306-41824-X R 164.092 Barber,P.W., Chang,R.K. Optical effects associated with small particle World Scientific 1988 90.06 FTA 9971-50-462-2 R 164.093 Vashishta,P.,Kalia,R.K., Condensed Matter Theories. Vol II Plenum 1987 90.06 FTA 0-306-42671-4 R 164.094 Anantharaman,T.R. Metallic Glasses Trans. Tech. Publ. 1984 90.06 FTA 0-87849-525-8 R 164.095 Hafner, J., Mulliger, The Structures of Binary Compounds North-Holland 1989 90.06 FTA 0-444-87478-X R 164.096 Raether Excitation of Plasmons and Interband Transition by electrons Springer 1980 90.09 FTA 0-540-09677-9 R 164.097 Colmenero,J., Alegria,A. Basic of the Glassy State World 1989 90.09 FTA 981-02-0031-5 R 164.098 Zangwill, A. Physics at Surface Cambridge 1990 90.11 FTA 0-521-32147-B R 164.099 Baeriswyl,D., Bishop,A. Applications of Stat. and Field Th. Methods to Conds. Matter Plenum 1990 90.11 FTA 0-306-43526-8 R 164.100 Ciccotti, G., Frenkel, Simulation of Liquids and Solids North-Holland 1990 90.11 FTA 0-444-43526-8 R 164.101 Samwer, K., Allmen, M. Metastable Alloys: Preparation and Properties North-Holland 1989 90.11 FTA 0-444-87331-7 R 164.102 Falicov,L.M., Morán- Magnetic Properties of Low-Dimensional Systems Springer 1986 90.11 FTA 3-540-16261-5 R 164.103 Falicov,L.M., Mejia-Lira, Magnetic Properties of Low-Dimensional Systems II Springer 1989 90.11 FTA 3-540-52353-7 R 164.104 Vitek, V., Srolovitz, D. Atomic Simulation of Materials Plenum 1989 90.11 FTA 0-306-43325-7 R 164.105 Keldysh, L.V., Kirzhnitz, The Dielectric Function of Condensed Systems North-Holland 1989 90.11 FTA 0-444-87366-X R 164.106 March, N.H. Chemical Bonds Outside Metal Surfaces Plenum 1986 90.11 FTA 0-306-42059-7 R 164.107 Yavari,A.R.Desré,P.J. Proceedings of the International Symp. on Solid State 1990 90.12 FTA R 164.108 Grigorovich, V.K. The Metallic Bond and the Structure of Metals Nova Science 1988 91.01 FTA 0-941743-50-0 R 164.109 Kryachko, E.S., Ludeña, Energy Density Functional Theory of Many-Electron Systems Kluwer 1990 91.01 FTA 0-7923-0641-4 R 1

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64.110 Alblas, B. Orden and Disorder in Liquid alloys 1983 91.02 FTA R 164.111 Rowlinson,J.S., Widom,B Molecular Theory of Capillarity Oxford 1989 91.03 FTA 0-19-855642-X R 164.112 Ashcroft,N.W., Mermin,N. Solid State Physics Saunders College 1976 91.03 FTA 0-03-083993-9 R 164.113 Valera,A., Sousa,J.B., 10th General Conf. of The Condens. M. Div. of Eur. Phys. Soc E.P.S. 1991 91.06 FTA 91-87308-74-6 R 164.114 Ehrenreich, H. , Solid State Physics, Vol. 43 Academic 1990 91.09 FTA 0-12-607743-6 R 164.115 Mahan,G.D., Subbaswamy K. Local Density Teory of Polarizability Plenum 1990 91.09 FTA 0-306-43685-x R 164.116 Joyes, P. Les agrégats inorganiques élèmentaires Les editions de 1990 91.09 FTA 2-86883-133-8 R 164.117 March, N.H. Chemical Physics of Liquids Gordon and Breach 1990 91.09 FTA 2-88124-722-9 R 164.118 Bennett, L.H. Theory of alloy phase formation The Metallurgical 1980 91.10 FTA 0-89520-362-6 R 164.119 Seitz, F. ,Turnbull, D. Advances in Research and Aplications Academic 1978 91.11 FTA 0-12-607733-9 R 164.120 Fadow, F. Homogeneous Nucleation Theory Academic 1974 91.11 FTA 0-12-038361-6 R 164.121 Samwer, K., Allmen, M. Metastable Alloys: Preparation and Properties North-Holland 1989 91.11 FTA 0-444-87331-7 R 164.122 Gras-Marti, A., Interaction of Charged Particles with Solids and Surfaces Plenum 1991 92.04 FTA 0-306-44030-X R 164.123 Meyer, M., Pontikis, V. Computer Simulation in Materials Science Kluwer 1991 92.06 FTA 0-7923-1455-7 R 164.124 Leccabue, F., Sanchez Magnetism, Magnetic Materials and their applications Institute of Physics 1992 92.06 FTA 0-7503-0189-9 R 164.125 Jena, P. Physics and Chemistry of Finite Systems (Vol I) Kluwer 1992 92.08 FTA 0-7923-1818 R 164.126 Jena, P. Physics and Chemistry of Finite Systems (Vol II) Kluwer 1992 92.08 FTA 0-7923-1818 R 164.127 Schmidt, R., Lutz, H.O. Nuclear Physics Concepts in the Study of Atomic Cluster Springer 1992 92.08 FTA 3-540-55625-7 R 164.128 Fernandez Alvarez, H.M. Formación de Aleaciones Amorfas Univ. Santiago 1993 93.04 FTA Extraviad S.N. R 164.129 Samsonov, G.V. Pryadko, A Configurational Model of Matter Consltants Bureau 1973 93.04 FTA 0-306-10890-9 R 164.130 Suchet, J.P. Crystal Chemistry and Semiconduction Academic 1971 93.04 FTA 0-12-675650-3 R 164.131 WHite, R.M. Quantum Theory of Magnetism Mc Graw-Hill 1970 93.04 FTA R 164.132 Abrikosov, N.Kh. Bankina, Semiconducting II-VI, and V-VI Compounds Plenum 1969 93.04 FTA R 164.133 Kleber, E.V. Rare Earth Research The Macmillan Comp. 1961 93.04 FTA R 164.134 Samsonov, G.V. Refractory Transition Metal Compounds Academic 1964 93.04 FTA R 164.135 Hanks, R.W. Materials Engineering Science Harcourt, Brace & 1970 93.04 FTA R 164.136 Brown, G.H. Doane, J.W. A Review of the Structure and Physical Properties of Liquid CRC 1971 93.05 FTA R 164.137 Mura, T. Mathematical Theory of Dislocations ASME 1969 93.05 FTA R 164.138 Izyumov, Yu.A. Magnetic Neutron Diffraction Plenum 1970 93.05 FTA R 164.139 Little, R.Vm. Elasticity Prentice-Hall 1973 93.05 FTA R 164.140 Bridgman, P.W. The Physics of the High Pressure Dover 1973 93.05 FTA R 164.141 Yavari, A.R. Ordering and Disordering in Alloys Elvesier 1992 93.06 FTA 1-85166-762-8 R 164.142 Mahanty, J. Das, M.P. Condensed Matter Physics World Scientific 1989 93.06 FTA 9971-50-886-9 R 164.143 Hafner, J. Liquid and Amorphous Metals V.(I) Nort-Holland 1993 93.06 FTA *)0022-3093 R 164.144 Hafner, J. Liquid and Amorphous Metals V.(II) Nort-Holland 1993 93.06 FTA *)0022-3093 R 164.145 Mott, N.F. Metal-Insulator Transitions Taylor & Francis 1990 93.09 FTA 0-85066-783-6 R 164.146 Ohse, R.W. Handbook of Thermodynamic and Transport Properties Blackwell Scientific 1985 93.09 FTA 0-632-01447-4 R 164.147 Machlin, E.S. Thermodynamics and Kinetics Giro 1991 93.10 FTA 1-878857-02-9 R 164.148 Ducastelle, F. Order and Phase Stability in Alloys Nort-Holland 1991 93.12 FTA 0-444-86973-5 R 164.149 Henderson, D. Fundamentals of Inhomogeneous Fluids Dekker 1992 93.12 FTA 0-8247-8711-0 R 1

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64.150 Chandrasekhar, S. Liquid Cristals Cambridge University 1992 93.12 FTA 0-521-42741 R 164.151 Sutton, A.P. Electronic Structure of Materials Oxford University 1993 93.12 FTA Extraviad S.N. 0-19-851754-8 R 164.152 Moruzzi, V.L. Calculated Electronic Properties of Metals Pergamon 1978 94.01 FTA 0-08-022705-8 R 164.153 Ynduráin, F. Superconductividad en España EPES I.G. 1993 94.01 FTA 84-604-7900-5 R 164.154 Chang, Y.A. Smith, J.F. Calculation of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry of Alloy The Metallurgical S. 1979 94.02 FTA 0-89520-356-1 R 164.155 Xu, R. Experimental Investigation of Compound Formation... Univ. of Groningen 1993 95.02 FTA R 164.156 Allen, M.P. Tildesley, D. Computer Simulation of Liquids Oxford Science 1994 95.03 FTA 0-19-855645-9 R 164.157 Papaconstantopoulos, D.A. Handbook of the Band Structure of Elemental Solids PLenum 1986 95.03 FTA 0-306-42338-3 R 164.158 Boer de F.R. Boom, R. y Cohesion in Metals - Transition Metal Alloys North-Holland 1988 95.05 FTA 0-444-87098-9 R 164.159 Rubio, A. Martín Gil, J. Materiales Avanzados: Nanotecnología Reprog. Mata 1995 95.09 FTA 84-87079-24-5 R 164.160 Segovia de, J.L. Flores, 14 th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division Lindsay Rass Intern. 1994 95.10 FTA R 164.161 Arsenault, R.J. Computer Simulation for Materials Applications Nat. Bureau of 1976 96.03 FTA 0-9601010 R 164.162 Arsenault, R.J. Computer Simulation for Materials Applications V. 20 Parte Nat. Bureau of 1976 96.03 FTA 0-9601010 R 164.163 Haile, J.M. Molecular Dynamics Simulation Clemson Univ. 1992 96.05 FTA 0-471-81966 R 164.164 Haile, J.M. Molecular Dinamic Simulation John Wiley 1992 96.05 FTA 0-471-81966 R 164.165 Saboungi, M-L. Liquid and Amorphous Metals IX . Part I Nort-Holland 1996 97.02 FTA 0-022-3093 R 164.166 Saboungi, M-L. Liquid and Amorphous Metals IX . Part II Nort-Holland 1996 97.02 FTA 0-022-3093 R 164.167 Kittel, C. Intoduction to Solid State Physics Wiley 1968 97.03 MAF R 164.168 Frenkel, D. Understanding Molecular Simulation Academic 1996 97.06 FTA 0-12-267370 R 164.169 Ehrenreich, H. Solid State Physics Academic 1978 97.07 FTA 0-12-807733 R 164.170 Shimoji, M. Atomic Transport in Liquid Metals Trans Tech 1986 97.11 FTA R 164.171 Rapaport, D.C. The Art of Molecular Dinamic Simulation Univ. Cambridge 1995 97.12 FTA 0-521-44561 R 164.172 Silsbee, R.H. Simulations for Solid State Physics Univ. Cambridge 1997 97.12 FTA 0-521-59911 R 164.173 Ansgar Electronic Excitations at Metal Superfaces Plenum 1997 98.03 FTA 0-306-45545 R 164.174 Guntherodt-Wiesendanger Scanning Tunneling Microscopy I Springer 1994 98.05 FTA 3-540-58415 R 164.175 Guntherodt-Wiesendanger Scanning Tunneling Microscopy II Springer 1995 98.05 FTA 3-540-58589 R 164.176 Guntherodt-Wiesendanger Scanning Tunneling Microscopy III Springer 1996 98.05 FTA 3-540-60824 R 164.177 Thomas W. Ebbesen (ed.) Carbon Nanotubes-Preparation and Properties CRC 1997 98.05 FTA 0-8493-9602 R 164.178 Persson, B.N.J. Sliding Friction- Physical Principies and Applications Springer 1998 98.05 FTA 3-540-63296 R 164.179 Ando, T. Mesoscopic Physics and Electronic Springer 1998 98.05 FTA 3-540-63587 R 164.180 Slichter, C.P. Principles of Magnetic Resonance Springer 1996 98.05 FTA 0-387-50157 R 164.181 Dresselhaus, M.S. Science of Fullerenes and Carbon Nanotubes Academic 1996 98.05 FTA 0-12-221820 R 164.182 Born, M. Dynamical Theory of Crystal Lattices Univ. Oxford 1996 98.06 FTA 0-19-267008 R 164.183 Takeuchi, S. Quasicrystals - Yamada Conference XLVII World Scientific 1998 98.07 FTA 981-02-3343 R 164.184 Imry, Y. Introduction to Mesoscopic Physics Univ. Oxford 1997 98.07 FTA 0-19-510167 R 164.185 Bakker, H. Enthalpies in Alloys Trans Tech Public 1998 98.10 FTA 0-87849-783 R 164.186 Feenberg, E. Theory of Quantum Fluids Academic 1969 98.12 FTA 12-250850 R 164.187 Eyring, H. Significant Liquid Structures John Wiley 1969 98.12 FTA 471-24982 R 164.188 Green, M.S. Critical Phenomena Proceding of a Conference W.D.C. 1965 N.B.S.M.P. 1966 98.12 FTA R 164.189 Fabelinskii, I.L. Molecular Scattering of Light Plenum 1969 98.12 FTA R 1

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64.190 Barker, J.A. Lattice Theories of the Liquid State Pergamon 1963 98.12 FTA R 164.191 Bak, T.A. Contributions to the Theory of Chemical Kinetics Munksgaard 1963 98.12 FTA R 164.192 Landsberg, P.T. Solid State Theory. Methods and Applications Wiley 1969 98.12 FTA 471-51383 R 164.193 Green, H.S. Order-Disorder Phenomena Interscience 1964 98.12 FTA R 164.194 Prigogine, I. Etude des Phénomènes Irréversibles M.R.P. 1963 98.12 FTA R 164.195 Inoue, A. Bulk Amorphous Alloys. Preparation and Fundamental Trans Tech 1998 99.05 FTA 0-87849-795 R 164.196 Hensel, F. FLUID METALS The Liquid-Vapor Transition of Metals Princeton Univ. 1999 99.09 FTA 0-691-05830 R 164.197 Tilley, R. COLOUR and the Optical properties of Materials John Wiley &Sons 2000 00.02 FTA 0-471-85198 R 164.198 Conferencia. Enderby, J. Journal of Physics -Cond. Matt. 4º EPS (Granada) IoP 2000 00.03 FTA 0953-8984 R 164.199 Nieves, F.J. de las (ed.) Coloides e Interfases - Estado Sólido Univ. Almería 2000 01.03 FTA 84-8240-191 R 164.200 Pethick, C.J. Bose-Einstein Condensation in Dilute Gases Cambridge 2002 02.02 FTA 0-521-66580 R 164.201 Bhatia, A.B. Ultrasonic Absorption Dover 1985 02.02 FTA 0-486-64917 R 164.202 Chaikin, D.M. Principles of Condensed Mather Physics Cambridge 2000 02.02 FTA R 164.203 Boon, J.P. Molecular Hydrodynamics Dover 1980 02.03 FTA 0-486-66949 R 164.204 Taylor, P.L. A Quantum Approach to Condensed Matter Physics Cambridge U. 2002 02.05 FTA 0-521-77827 R 164.205 Yonezawa, F. Proceedings of Yamada Conference LV Conf. on Liquid Elsevier 2002 2003 FTA R 164.206 Yonezawa, F. Proceedings of Yamada Conference LV Conf. on Liquid Elsevier 2002 2003 FTA R 164.207 Yonezawa, F. Proceedings of Yamada Conference LV Conf. on Liquid Elsevier 2002 2003 FTA R 164.208 Lipparini, E. Modern Many-Particle Physics World Science 2003 2005 FTA 981-238-345 R 164.209 Kayiras, E. Atomic and Electronic Structure of Solids Cambridge Univ. 2003 2005 FTA R 164.210 Grob, A. Theoretical Surface Science Springer 2003 2004 FTA R 164.211 Eremets, M. Higt Presure Experiments Methods Oxford 2002 2004 FTA R 164.212 Grimvall, G. Thermophysical Propertiaes of Materials N-H 1999 2004 FTA R 164.213 Ohno, K. Computational Materials Science Springer 1999 2004 FTA R 164.214 Sudeshmukh, D.B. Alkali Alides. A Handbook of Ph. Springer 2001 2004 FTA R 164.215 Papon, P. The Physics of Phase Transitions Springer 2002 2004 FTA R 164.216 Nye, J.F. Physical Properties of Cristals Oxford 2002 2004 FTA R 164.217 Rapaport, D.C. The Art of Molecular Dynamic SImalation Cambridge 2002 2004 FTA R 164.218 Allen, M.P. Computer Simulation of Liquids Oxford 2002 2004 FTA R 164.219 Aoki, H. Physics Meets Mineralogy Cambridge 2000 2004 FTA R 164.220 Poirier, J-P. Earth´s Interior Cambridge 2000 2004 FTA R 164.221 Anderson, O.L. Equations of State of Solids for Geophysics and Ceramic Oxford 1995 2004 FTA R 164.222 Die, H.T. (ed.) Frustrated Spin Systems World Scientific 2004 2006 FTA 981-256091 R 164.223 Alonso, J.A. Strycture and Properties of Atomic Nanoclusters Imperial College 2005 2006 FTA -186094-551 R 164.224 Ali Mansoori, G. Principles of Nanotechnology World Scientific 2005 2006 FTA 981-256-154 R 164.225 Saito, R. Physical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes Imperial College 1998 2006 FTA 1-86094-093 R 164.226 Atland, A. Condensed Matter. Field Theory Cambridge 2006 2006 FTA 0-521-84-508 R 164.227 Rhodes, G. Crystallography Made Crystal Clear Academic 2006 2006 FTA 13-978-0 R 164.228 Lifante, G. Integred Photonics. Fundamentals Wiley 2002 2007 FTA 0-470-84868 R 164.229 Balian, R. From Microphysics to Macrophysics V.I Springer 2007 2007 FTA 3-540-45469 R 1

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64.230 Balian, R. From Microphysics to Macrophysics V.II Springer 2007 2007 FTA 3-540-45478 R 164.231 Poole Jr, Ch.P. Introducción a la Nanotecnología Reverté 2007 2007 FTA 84-291-7971-2 R 164.232 Blundell, S. Magnetism in Condensed Matter Oxford 2003 2007 FTA 0-19-850592-2 R 164.233 Isihara, A. Condensed Matter Physics Dover 2007 2007 FTA 0-486-45877-6 R 164.234 Datta, S. Quantum Transport Atom to Transistor Cambridge 2007 2008 FTA 0-521-63145-7 R 164.235 Fulde, P. Electron Correlations in Molecules and Solids Springer 2002 2008 FTA 3-540-59364-0 R 164.236 Martin, R.M. Electronic Structure. Basic Theory and Practical Methods Cambridge 2005 2008 FTA 0-521-78285-6 R 164.237 Datta, S. Electronic Transport in Mesoscopic Systems Caqmbridge 2007 2008 FTA 0-521-59943-1 R 164.238 Cutler, M. Liquid Semiconductors Academic 1977 2008 FTA 0-12-196650-X R 164.239 Shimoji, M. (ed.) Non-Metallic Elements in Liquid Metals Transtec 1996 2008 FTA 0-87849-711-0 R 164.240 Barrat, J-L. Basic Concepts for Simple and Complex Liquids Cambridge 2003 2008 FTA 0-521-78953-2 R 164.241 Finnis, M. Interatomic Forces in Condense Matter Oxford 2003 2008 FTa 0-19-850977-4 R 164.242 Hansen, J.P., Theory of Simple Liquids 3ª ed. Academic 2007 2008 FTA 0-12-370535-5 R 164.243 Tinder, R.F. Tensor Properties of Solids. Phenm. Develop. Tensor Proper. Morgan &Claypool 2008 2008 FTA 1-59829-348-6 R 164.244 Harrison, W.A. Elementary Electronic Structure World Scientific 1999 2008 FTA 981-02-3895-9 R 164.245 Egelstaff, P.A. An Introduction to the Liquid State Oxford Science 2002 2009 FTA 0-19-851750-5 R 164.246 Buot, F.A. Nonequil. Quant. Transp. Phys. in Nanosystems World Scientific 2009 2010 FTA 10-981-256 R 164.247 Sattler, K.D.(ed.) Hand.. of Nano. Principles and Methods CRC 2010 2010 FTA 1-4200-7540-3 R 164.248 Sattler, K.D. Hand.. of Nano. Clusters and Fullerenes CRC 2010 2010 FTA 1-4200-7554-0 R 164.249 Sattler, K.D. Hand.. of Nano. Nanoparticles and Quantum Dots CRC 2010 2010 FTA 1-4200-7544-1 R 164.250 Sattler, K.D. Hand.. of Nano. Nanotubes and Nanowires CRC 2010 2010 FTA 1-4200-7542-7 R 164.251 Sattler, K.D. Hand.. of Nano. Functional Nanomaterials CRC 2010 2010 FTA 1-4200-7552-6 R 164.252 Sattler, K.D. Hand.. of Nano. Nanoelectronics and Nanophotonics CRC 2010 2010 FTA 1-4200-7550-2 R 164.253 Sattler, K.D. Hand.. of Nano. Nanomedicine and Nanorobotics CRC 2010 2010 FTA 1-4200-7546-5 R 164.254 Cao, G. Nanostructures & Nanomaterials ICP 2007 2010 FTA 1-86094-480-9 R 164.255 Nasirpouri, F. Nanomagnetism Spintronics World Scientific 2011 2011 FTA 981-4273-05-8 R 164.256 Mattis, D.C. The Theory of Magnetism Made Simple World Scientific 2006 2011 FTA 981-238-671-8 R 165.000 ========================= ========================= REACTORES y RADIACIONES 1986 Cab 1;;; R 165.001 Marion, J.B., Fowler, J. Fast Neutron Physics. Part. I Interscience 1960 87.01 FTA R 165.002 Marion, J.B., Fowler, J. Fast Neutron Physics. Part. II Interscience 1963 87.01 FTA R 165.003 Foderaro, A. The Elements of Neutron Interaction Theory The Mit 1971 87.01 FTA 0-262-06033-7 R 165.004 Knoll, G.F. Radiation Detection and Measurament Wiley & Sons 1979 87.04 FTA Copia R 165.005 Beckurts, K.H., Wirtz, K. Neutron Physics Springer 1964 87.01 FTA R 165.006 Eisenbud, M. Enviromental Radiactivity - From Natural , Industrial, and Academic 1997 00-03 FTA 0-12-235154 R 165.007 Bhat, M.R. (ed) Multi-level effects in reactor calculations and the probabil 1973 87.01 FTA R 165.008 Glasstone, S., Sesonske, Ingenieria de reactores nucleares Reverté 1968 87.01 FTA R 165.009 Farmer, F.R. Nuclear Reactor Safety Academic 1977 87.01 FTA 0-124-9350-8 R 165.010 Watt, D.E. Quantities for Dosimetry of Ionizing Radiations In Liquid Taylor & Francis 1996 00.03 FTA LIBRA 0-7484-0484 R 165.011 Griffith, R.V. Compendium of Neutron Spectra and Detector Responses for IAEA 1990 2000. FTA 92-0-125290 R 165.012 UNSCEAR 1993 Sources and Effects of Ionizing Radiation United Nations 1993 01.02 FTA LIBRA 92-1-142200 R 1

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65.013 Hetrick, D.L. Dynamics of Nuclear Reactors The Uni.of Chicago 1971 73.02 GIFT 0-226-33166-0 R 165.014 Bell, G.I., Glasstone, S. Nuclear Reactor Theory Van Nostrand 1970 87.01 FTA R 165.015 Kazanskii, Y.A., Physics of Reactor Shielding I.P.S.T. 1969 87.01 FTA R 165.016 Mettler, F.A. Jr. Medical Effects of Ionizing Radiation Saunders 1995 01.02 FTA LIBRA 0-7216-6646 R 165.017 Lish, K.C. Nuclear Power Plant Sistems and Equipment Industrial 1972 87.01 FTA 0-8311-1078-3 R 165.018 Massimo, L. Physics of High-Temperature Reactors Pergamon 1976 87.01 FTA 0-08-019616-0 R 165.019 Zweifel, P.F. Reactor Physics Mc Graw-Hill 1973 87.01 FTA 07-073597-1 R 165.020 Shapiro, J. Radiation Protection, A Guide for Scientist and Physiciens Hardvard 1990 01.02 FTA LIBRA 0-674-74586 R 165.021 Henry, A.F. Nuclear-reactor analysis MIT 1975 87.01 FTA R 165.022 Caro, R. Fisica de reactores nucleares JEN 1976 87.01 FTA 84-500-1576-6 R 165.023 Silvennoinen, P. Reactor Core Fuel Management Pergamon 1976 87.01 FTA 0-08-019852-X R 165.024 Sesonske, A. Nuclear Power Plant Design Analysis U.S.Atom.Energ.Con 1973 87.01 FTA 0-87079-009-9 R 165.025 Lamarsh, J.R. Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Theory Addison Wesley 1972 87.01 FTA R 165.026 Weisman, J. Elements of Nuclear Reactor Design Elsevier 1977 87.01 FTA 0-444-41509-2 R 165.027 Glasstone, S., Sesonske, Nuclear reactor engineering U.N.R.C. 1981 87.01 FTA 0-442-20057-9 R 165.028 Gil Gayarre, M. Manual de Radiología Clínica Mosby/Doyma 01.03 FTA R 165.029 Rubbia, C. y otros Conceptual Design of Fast Neutron Operated High Power Energy CERN 1995 01.03 FTA R 165.030 Lung, M. y otros Reactors Coupled with Accelerators CERN 1996 01.03 FTA R 165.031 Bell, G.I., Glasstone, S. Nuclear Reactor Theory Van Nostran 1970 88.05 FTA R 165.032 Bussac, J., Reuss, P. Traté de Neutronique Hermann 1970 88.05 FTA 2 7056 5844 0 R 165.033 Mould,R.F. Chernobyl: the Real Story Pergamon 1988 90.03 FTA 0-80-035719-9 R 165.034 Almenas, K. Nuclear Ingineering Springer 1992 96.05 FTA 3-540-53960 R 165.035 Reitz, G. y otros (ed.) Radiation Exposure of Civil Aircrew N.T.P. 1993 01.03 FTA 1-870963 R 165.036 Sharpe, J., Taylor, D. Mesure et detection des rayonnements nucleaires Dunod 1958 87.01 FTA R 165.037 Price, W.J. Nuclear Radiation Detection Mc Graw-Hill 1964 87.01 FTA R 165.038 Blanc, D. Détecteurs de Particules Masson & cie 1959 87.01 FTA R 165.039 Livingston, M.S. Blewett, Particle acelerators Mc Graw-Hill 1962 73.05 GIFT R 165.040 Duivenstijn,A.J., Spectrometrie gamma en pratique N.V. Philips 1965 87.01 FTA R 165.041 Bermudez Polonio, J. Teoría y practica de la espectroscopía de Rayos X Alhambra 1967 87.01 FTA R 165.042 Singru, R.M. Introduction to experimental nuclear physics Wiley 1972 87.01 FTA 0 85226 822 X R 165.043 Lapp, R.E., Andrews, H.L. Nuclear Radiation Physics Prentice-hall 1972 87.01 FTA 0-13-625988-X R 165.044 Siegbahn, K. _,ß,. ray spectroscopy Vol. 1 North-Holland 1968 87.01 FTA 0 7204 0083 X R 165.045 Siegbahn, K. _,ß,. ray spectroscopy Vol. 2 North-Holland 1979 87.01 FTA 0-72040083-X R 165.046 Tanarro Sanz, A. Instrumentación Nuclear JEN 1970 87.01 FTA R 165.047 Bujdoso,E.,Feher,I. Activation and decay tables of radioisotopes Elsevier 1973 87.01 FTA 0-444-99937-X R 165.048 xxxx Manipulación sin riesgos de los radionúclidos Org.Intern.Energ.A 1973 87.01 FTA R 165.049 Jenkins, E.N. Radioactivity. A science in its historical and social contex Wykeham 1979 87.01 FTA 0 85109 730 8 R 165.050 Hurst, G.S., Turner, J.E. Elementary Radiation Physics Wiley 1970 87.01 FTA 472-42472-2 R 165.051 Nations Unies Rayonnements ionisants: Niveaux et effects Vol.1 Nations Unies 1974 87.01 FTA R 165.052 Nations Unies Rayonnements ionisants: Niveaux et effets Vol. II Nations Unies 1974 87.01 FTA R 1

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65.054 Knoll, G.F. Radiation detection and measurement Wiley & sons 1979 87.04 FTA 0-471-49545-X R 165.055 Browne, Dairiki, Doebler Table of isotopes Willey & sons 1978 87.04 FTA 0-471-04179-3 R 165.056 Melissinos, A.C. Experiments in Modern Physics Academic 1966 87.04 FTA 0-12-489850-5 R 165.057 Intern.Atom.Ener.A Medical Supervision of Radiation Workers Intern.Atom.Ener.A 1968 87.01 FTA R 165.058 Martin, A., Harbison, S. An introduction to radiation protection Chapman and Hall 1972 87.01 FTA 0 412 16240 7 R 165.059 Attix,F.H. Introduction to Radiological Physics and Radiation Dosimetry Wiley-Inters 1986 91.04 FTA 0-471-01146-0 R 165.060 Kase, K.R., Bjarngard, B. The dosimetry of ionizing radiation Vol. I Academic 1985 FT 012-4004401-6 R 165.061 Johns, H.E. y Cunninghan, The Physics of Radiology Charles CThomas 94.09 FTA R 165.062 Rosen, S. (ed) Selected Papers on Cosmic Ray Origin Theories Dover 1969 GIFT 486-62127-8 R 165.063 Leo, W.R. Techniques for Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments Springer 1987 91.09 FTA 3-540-17386-2 R 165.064 Wiedemann, H. Particle Acceleratoor Physics Springer 1993 97.01 FTA 3-540-56550 R 165.065 Mc Kinlay, A.F. Thermo-Luminiscence Dosimetry Adam Hilger 1981 97.11 FTA 0-85274-520 R 165.066 Debertin, K. Gamma and X Ray. Spectometry with Semiconductor Detector Elvesier 1988 98.04 FTA R 165.067 Conferencia 12th International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry CIEMAT 1998 01.03 FTA 84-7834-330 R 165.068 Grant Cooper,N. (ed.) High Performance Computing Los Alamos 1994 01.03 FTA R 165.069 Gualdrini, G.(ed.) Use of MCNP in Radiation Protection And Dosimetry ENEA 1996 01.03 FTA 88-8286-000 R 165.070 BEIR V Health effects of exposure to lowlevels of IONIZING NRC 1990 01.04 FTA LIBRA 0-309-03995 R 165.071 Barrachina, M. Cuestiones sobre la Energía FINE 2001 01.04 FTA 0-309-03995 R 165.072 NCRP-123I Screening Models for Releases of Radionucleides to Atm. Sur. N.C.R.P. 1996 01.06 FTA LIBRA 0-929600-48 R 165.073 NCRP-123II Screening Models for Releases of Radionucleides to Atm. Sur. N.C.R.P. 1996 01.06 FTA LIBRA 0-929600-49 R 165.074 NCRP 97 Measurement of Radon and Radon´s daughter in air N.C.R.P. 1988 01.11 FTA 0-913392-97 R 165.075 NCRP 77 Exposures from the Uranium Series with....... N.C.R.P. 1984 01.11 FTA LIBRA 0-913392-67 R 165.076 NCRP 136 Evaluation of the linear-nonthreshold close-response N.C.R.P. 2001 01.11 FTA LIBRA 0-929600-69 R 165.077 NCRP 81 Carbon-14 in the Environmment N.C.R.P. 1985 01.11 FTA LIBRA 0-913392-73 R 165.078 NCRP 62 Tritium in the Environment N.C.R.P. 1995 01.11 FTA LIBRA 0-913392-46 R 165.079 Belot, Y. Le Tritium de l´environnement à l´Homme Edit. de Phy. 1996 01.12 FTA LIBRA 2-86883-275 R 165.080 Andersen, H.H. (ed.) Beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms North-Holland 2001 2003 FTA R 165.081 Salvat. F. PENELOPE a Code System for Monte Carlo Simulat.of Elect & NEA 2001 2003 FTA R 165.082 Bethge, K. Medic Applications of Nuclear Physics Springer 2004 2004 FTA 3-540-20805 R 165.083 Spieler, H. Semiconductor Detector Systems Oxford 2005 2006 FTA R 165.084 Gutierrez Villanueva, J. Natural Radiation and Environment. V International Workshop Univ. Valladolid- 2006 2006 FTA 84-690-2360 R 165.085 Monte Carlo MCNP and the Monte Carlo Method. Chapter I 2000 2006 FTA R 165.086 Monte Carlo Geometry, Data, Physics and Mathematics. MCNP & M.C.M. 2000 2006 FTA R 165.087 Monte Carlo Description of MCNP Input. MCNP & M.C.M. Chapter III 2006 FTA R 165.088 Martín Matarranz, J.L. Concentraciones de radón en viviendas españolas Elece CSN 2004 2005 FTA R 165.089 Suárez Mahou, E. Proyecto Marna. Mapa de radiación gamma natural Artegraf CSN 2000 2005 FTA 84-95341-12 R 165.090 LLauradó, M. Proced. determ. concentrac. de 89Sr 90Sr en suelos y Elece CSN 2005 2005 FTA 84-95341-41 R 165.091 Herránz, M: Proc. mues. aerosoles y radioyodos p. det. radiactividad Elece CSN 2005 2005 FTA 84-95341-41 R 165.092 Knoll, G.F. Radiation Detection and Measurement Wiley & Sons 2000 2007 FTA 0471-07338 R 165.093 EHC 25 Selected Radionuclides WHO 1983 2008 FTA Donación EUP 92-4-154085-0 R 1

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65.094 Vac 065.095 McGracken Fusion Elsevier 2005 2009 FTA 0-12-481851-X R 165.096 Conte, M. An Introduction to the Physics of Particle Accelerators World Scientific 2008 2009 FTA 10-981-277 R 165.097 Brinton, A. Physics of Radiology Prentice Hall 1993 2010 FTA Copia R 165.098 Nicholas, R.J. Semiconductor Detector Systems Oxford 2005 2010 FTA Copia R 165.099 Scharf, H. Biomedical Particle Accelerators AIP 1994 2010 FTA Copia R 165.100 Khan, F.M. The Physics of Radiation Therapy W&W 1984 2010 FTA Copia R 165.101 Michette, A. X-Rays The Hundred Years John Wiley 1997 2010 FTA Copia R 165.102 Guirado Llorente, D. Radiobiología Clínica SEFM 2003 2010 FTA Copia R 165.102 IPP Physics in Medicine & Biology IPI 2006 2010 FTA Copia R 165.103 Vac 065.104 Vac 065.106 Vac 065.107 Vac 065.108 Vac 065.109 Vac 065.110 Vac 065.111 Vac 065.112 Vac 065.113 Vac 065.114 Vac 065.115 Vac 066.000 ========================= ========================= PLASMA Cab 1;;; R 166.001 Uman, M. A. Introduction to Plasma Physics Mc Graw-Hill 1964 87.09 GIFT R 166.002 Tidman, D.A., Krall, N.A. Shock Waves in Collisionless Plasmas Wiley Interscience 1971 71.10 GIFT 0471-86785-3 R 166.003 Seshadri, S.R. Fundamentals of Plasma Physics Elsevier 1973 FT 0-444-00125-5 R 166.004 Boyd, T.J.M., Sanderson Plasma Dynamics Nelson 1969 FT 17-761611-3 R 166.005 Gutierrez, J. Métodos Teoricos y Tecnicas Experimentales en Plasma de F. GIFT 1981 87.01 FTA R 166.006 Feix,M.R. Guasp,J. Plasma Physics and Its Applications in Thermonuclear Fusión GIFT 1980 87.01 FTA R 166.007 Blanc, D. La fusión Thermonucleaire Controlée Masson 1978 88.05 FTA R 166.008 Forrest,J.R., Hugh,E.D. Strongly compled Plasma Physics Plenum 1986 90.06 FTA 0-306-42581-5 R 166.009 Mazeltine, R.D. Plasma confinement Dover 2006 MAF R 166.010 Vac 066.011 Vac 067.000 ========================= ========================= BIOFÍSICA, COMPLEJIDAD, etc. Cab R 167.001 Abbot, D. (ed.) Quatum Aspects of Life. foreword by Penrouse, R. ICP 2008 2009 FTA 1-84816-253-7 R 167.002 Zewail, A.H. Physical Biology. From Atoms to Medicine Imperial College 2008 2008 FTA 1-84816-200-6 R 167.003 Waigh, T.A. Applied Biophysics Wiley 2007 2009 FTA 978-0-470 R 167.004 Aurengo, A. Biofísica MacGrawHill 2008 2008 FTA Nuevo 84-481-6392-1 R 167.005 Tovée, M.J. An Introduction to the Visual System Cambridge 2008 2009 FTA 978-0521 R 1

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67.006 Miravent,D.J. Física para ciencias de la vida Mc Graw Hill 2008 2010 FTA 84-481-6803-2 R 167.007 Mirabent, D.J. Física para Ciencias de la Vida Mc Graw Hill 2008 20111 FTA 84-481-6803-2 R 167.008 Villar, R. y López, C. y Fundamentos Físicos de los Procesos Biológicos Vol. 1 Club Universitario 2013 FTAO1 978-84-9948 067.009 Villar, R. y López, C. y Fundamentos Físicos de los Procesos Biológicos Vol. 2 Club Universitario 2013 FTAO1 978-84-15787 067.010 Villar, R. y López, C. y Fundamentos Físicos de los Procesos Biológicos Vol. 3 Club Universitario 2013 FTAO1 978-84-15787 067.011 Vac 070.000 ========================= ========================= MECANICA RACIONAL Cab 1;;; R 270.001 Belda Villena, E. Mecánica (Tomo I) Vizcaina 1958 FT R 270.002 Belda Villena, E. Mecánica (Tomo III) Vizcaina 1959 FT R 270.003 Belda Villena, E. Mecánica Teórica (I) Vizcaina 1968 FT R 270.004 Belda Villena, E. Mecánica Teórica (II) Vizcaina 1968 FT R 270.005 Moreau, J.J. Mécanique Classique (I) Masson et cie 1968 FT R 270.006 Moreau, J.J. Mécanique Classique (II) Masson et cie 1971 FT R 270.007 Moreau, J.J. Mécanique classique (II) Masson et cie 1971 FT R 270.008 Halfman, R.L. Dynamics: Particles, rigid bodies and systems (I) Addison Wesley P. 1962 FT R 270.009 Halfman, R.L. Dynamics: Particles, rigid bodies and systems (I) Addison Wesley P. 1962 FT R 270.010 Banach, S. Mechanics Warszawa-Wroclaw 1951 FT R 270.011 Soutif, J. Mécanique Classique du Point Matériel Dunod Université 1971 FT R 270.012 Platrier, C. Mecanique Rationnelle (I) Dunod 1954 FT Extraviad R 270.013 Platrier, C. Mecanique Rationnelle (II) Dunod 1955 FT R 270.014 Webster The dynamics of particles and of rigid Hafner 1949 FT R 270.015 Finzi, B. Mecánica Racional (I) Urmo 1973 FT 84-314-0200-8 R 270.015 Finzi, B. Mecánica Racional (I) Urmo 1976 2008 FTA Donación EUP 84-314-0282-2 R 270.016 Finzi, B. Mecánica Racional (II) Urmo 1973 FT 84-314-0201-6 R 270.016 Finzi, B. Mecánica Racional (II) Urmo 1973 2008 FT Donación EUP 84-314-0201-6 R 270.017 Finzi, B. Meccanica Razionale (I) Bologna 1948 FT R 270.018 Finzi, B. Meccanica Razionale (II) Bologna 1948 FT R 270.019 Brand, L. Mecánica Vectorial CECSA 1971 FT R 270.020 Destouches, J.L., Cazin, Elements de Cinématique Hermann 1961 FT R 270.021 Devoré, Rivand Cours de Physique Vuibert 1964 FT R 270.022 Rocard, J.M. Mécanique Masson & cie 1971 FT R 270.023 Elton, L.R.B. Concepts of Classical Mechanics Mc Graw-Hill 1971 FT 07 094159 9 R 270.024 Barger, Olsson Classical Mechanics Mc Graw-Hill 1973 FT 0-07-003723-X R 270.025 Nihoul, J.C.J. Cours Moderne de Mécanique Rationnelle Albin Michel 1968 FT R 270.026 Targ, S. Curso Breve de Mecánica Teórica Mir 1971 FT R 270.027 Smith, R.C., Smith, P. Mechanics Wiley and sons 1968 FT Extraviad R 270.028 Kibble, T.W.B. Mecánica Clásica Urmo 1974 FT 84-314-0127-5 R 270.029 Ingard, U., Kraushaar, W. Introd. al estudio de la mecánica, materia y ondas Reverté 1973 FT 84-291-4060-3 R 270.030 Kosmodem'Yanskii, A.A. A Course in Theoretical Mechanics Israel 1963 FT R 270.031 Huang, T.C. Mecánica para ingenieros (I) 1974 FT Extraviad R 2

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70.032 Higdon, A., Stiles, W.B. Mecánica Técnica Aguilar 1965 FT R 270.033 Buhot, T. Cours de Mecanique FT Extraviad R 270.034 Den Hartog, J.P. Mechanics Dover 1948 86.12 FT 0-486-60754-2 R 270.035 Buhot, G., Thuillier, P. Cours de Mecanique (Cinematique (3)) Masson et cie 1970 FT R 270.036 Schaum Mecánica teórica FT Extraviad R 270.037 Meriam, J.L. Estática Reverté 1972 FT R 270.038 Brousse, P. Cours de mecanique Armand Colin 1973 FT R 270.039 Cano de la Torre Mecánica Racional Los autores 1973 FT 84-600-5594-9 R 270.040 Symon, K.R. Mechanics Addison Wesley 1971 73.04 FT R 270.041 French, A.P. Newtonian mechanics MIT 1971 FT 17 771074 8 R 270.042 Favre, H. Cours de Mecanique: (I) Statique Leemann 1946 FT R 270.043 Favre, H. Cours de Mecanique: (II) Dynamique des Corps Solides Rigides Leemann 1947 FT R 270.044 Favre, H. Cours de Mecanique: (III) Chapitres Chosis de Mécanique Leemann 1949 FT R 270.045 Levi-Civita, T. Compendio di Meccanica Razionale (I) Zanichelli ,B. 1965 FT R 270.046 Levi-Civita, T. Compendio di Meccanica Razionele (II) Zanichelli ,B. 1938 FT R 270.047 Dickie, P.C., Ovenstone, Mathematical Topics in Mechanics Oliver et Boyd 1972 FT 05-002371-3 R 270.048 Bradbury, T.C. Theoretical Mechanics Wiley and sons 1968 FT R 270.049 Kobriuskii, A.E. Dynamics of Mechanisms With Elastic Connections Iliffe 1969 FT 592 04240 5 R 270.050 Timoshenko, S., Young, D. Dynamique Superieure Mc Graw-Hill 1948 FT R 270.051 Lucini, M. Lecciones Sobre Teória de la Mecánica y sus Aplicaciones Labor 1965 FT R 270.052 Milne, E.A. Vectorial Mechanics Interscience 1948 FT R 270.053 Becker, R.A. Introduction to Theoretical Mechanics Mc Graw-Hill 1954 FT R 270.054 Kittel, Knigt, Ruderman Mecánica (I) Reverté 1968 87.01 FT R 270.055 Bouligand, G. Precis de Mecanique Rationnelle Vuibert 1947 87.01 FT R 270.056 French, A.P. Vibrations and Waves MIT 1971 87.01 FT 17 771077 2 R 270.057 Alonso, M., Finn, E.J. Fisica (I): Mecánica Fondo Educ.Inter. 1970 FT R 270.058 Tenot, A., Chillon, P. Traite de Mecanique Generalle et Appliquee Tome 1 Dunod 1949 87.01 FT R 270.059 Ishlinskii, A.Y. Mechanics of Gyroscopic Systems I.P.S.T. 1965 FT R 270.060 Maravall, D. Mecánica y cálculo tensorial para ingenieros Dossat 1965 FT Extraviad R 270.061 Barford, N.C. Mechanics Wiley and sons 1973 FT 0-471-04841-0 R 270.062 Navarro Borras, F. Mecánica teórica Madrid 1944 FT R 270.063 Janssens, P. Cours de Mecanique Rationnelle (I) Dunod Université 1967 FT R 270.064 Appell, P. Traite de Mécanique Rationnelle Gauthier Villars 1955 FT R 270.065 Beghin, H. Cours de Mecanique Theorique et Appliquée (I) Gauthier Villars 1967 FT R 270.066 Beghin, H. Cours de Mecanique Theoreque et Appliquée (II) Gauthier Villars 1969 FT R 270.067 Garnier, R. Cours de Cinematique (I) Gauthier Villars 1949 FT R 270.068 Garnier, R. Cours de Cinematique (II) Gauthier Villars 1949 FT R 270.069 Garnier, R. Cours de Cinematique (III) Gauthier Villars 1951 FT R 270.070 Agostinelli, C., Meccanica Razionale (I) Zanichelli B 1969 FT R 270.071 Agostinelli, C., Meccanica razionale (II) Zanichelli B. 1969 FT R 2

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70.072 Roy, L. Cours de Mecanique Rationnelle (I) Gauthier Villars 1952 FT R 270.073 Roy, L. Cours de Mecanique Rationnelle (II) Gauthier Villars 1945 FT R 270.074 Roy, L. Cours de Mecanique Rationnelle (III) Gauthier Villars 1945 FT R 270.075 Roy, L. Cours de Mecanique Rationnelle (IV) Gauthier Villars 1950 FT R 270.076 Bouligand, G. Mecanique rationnelle Vuibert 1954 FT R 270.077 Roy, M. Mecanique (I): Corps Rigides Dunod 1965 FT R 270.078 Bastero, J.M. Casellas,J. Curso de Mecánica E.U.N.S.A. 1976 FT R 270.079 Petley, B.W. The Fundamental Physical Constants and the Frontier of M. Adam Hilger 1985 FT 0-85274-427-7 R 270.080 Kibble, T.W.B. Mecánica Clásica Urmo 1972 FT R 270.081 Landau, L.D., Lifshitz, Mecánica (I) Reverté 1970 FT R 270.082 Perès, J. Mécanique Génerale Masson et cie 1962 FT R 270.083 Beer, F.P., Johnston, E. Mecánica Vectorial para Ingenieros (I): Estática Mc Graw-Hill 1967 FT R 270.084 Beer, F.P., Johnston, E. Mecánica Vectorial para Ingenieros (II): Dinámica Castillo 1967 FT 84-219-0195-8 R 270.085 Ortiz Berrocal, L. Cinemática Curso de Mecánica Teórica Litoprint 1972 FT R 270.086 Targ, S. Elements de Mecanique Rationnelle Mir 1978 FT R 270.087 Vazquez, M., López, E. Mecánica para Ingenieros: Estática Los autores 1977 FT 84-4003459-8 R 270.088 Barford, N.C. Mecánica Reverté 1976 FT 84-291-4038-7 R 270.089 Kittel, C., Knight, W.D. Mecánica (I) Reverté 1973 FT 84-291-4021-2 R 270.090 Aharoni, J. Lectures in Mechanics Clarendon 1972 FT Extraviad R 270.091 Mataix Aracil, C. Mecánica Racional Dossat 1949 FT R 270.091 Mataix Aracil, C. Mecánica Racional Dossat 1961 2008 FTA Donación EUP R 270.092 Titherington, D., Rimmer, Mecánica Mc Graw-Hill 1973 FT R 270.093 Boutigny, J. Mecanique (I) Vuibert 1981 FT 2-7117-4169-9 R 270.094 Levy-Leblond, J.M. La Physique en Questions: Mécanique Vuibert 1980 FTA 2-717-4156-7 R 270.095 Finzi, B. Meccanica Razionale Vol. 1 Z. Bologna 1964 FT R 270.096 Finzi, B. Meccanica Razionale Vol. 2 Z. Bologna 1969 FT R 270.097 Belda Villena, E. Mecánica (I):Mecánica Clásica Vizcaina 87.09 FTA R 270.098 Starzhinski, V.M. Mecánica Teórica Mir 1985 88.05 FTA R 270.099 Levy-Leblond, J.M. La Física en preguntas-Mecánica. Alianza 1980 FT R 270.100 Berlot, M. Les principes mathematiques de la mec. classique Grenoble 1945 89.04 FTA R 270.101 Percival,I. Richards,D. Introduction to Dynamics CUP 1982 91.10 MAF 0521-281490 R 270.102 Kilmister, C.W. Hamiltonian Dinamics Longmans 1964 98.12 FTA R 270.103 Corinaldesi, E. Classical Mechanics for Physics Graduate Studens World Scientific 1998 99.09 FTA 981-02-3625 R 270.104 Wilson, E.B. Molecular Vibrations The theory of Infrared and Raman Dover 1980 2003 FTA R 270.105 Calkin, M.G. Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics World Scientific 1996 2003 FTA 981-02-2672 R 270.106 Calkin, M.G. Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics. Solutions to the World Scientific 1999 2003 FTA 981-02-3782 R 270.107 Kibble, T.W.B. Classical Mechanics Imperial College 2004 2005 FTA 186-09-44353 R 270.108 Taylor, J.R. Classical Mechanics Univ. Sausalito 2004 2005 FTA 1-891389-22 R 270.109 Heard, N.B. Rigid Body Mechanics Wiley VCH 2006 2007 FTA 3-527-40620 R 270.110 Thomson, W. Principles of Mechanics and Dynamics V.I Dover 2003 2007 FTA 0-486-49562-0 R 2

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70.111 Thomson, W. Principles of Mechanics and Dynamics V.II Dover 2003 2007 FTA 0-486-49563-9 R 270.112 Jeans, J. An Elemental Treatise on Theoretical Mechanics Dover 2005 2007 FTA 0-486-44179-2 R 270.113 Ibañez, M Mecánica Teórica. I- Estática Dossat 1966 2008 FTA Donación EUP R 270.114 Greenwood, D.T. Classical Dynamics Dover 1997 2009 FTA 0-486-69690-1 R 270.115 Agmon, D. Classical and Relativistic Mechanics World Scientific 2009 2009 FTA 981-283-669-1 R 270.116 Gitterman, M. The Noisy Pendulum World Scientific 2008 2009 FTA 981-283-299-3 R 270.117 Vac 070.118 Vac 070.119 Vac 070.120 Vac 070.121 Vac 070.122 Vac 071.000 ========================= ========================= MECANICA ANALITICA Cab 1;;; R 271.001 Lagrange, J.L. Mécanique Analytique (I) Albert-Blanchard 1965 FT R 271.002 Lagrange, J.L. Mécanique Analytique (II) Albert-Blanchard 1965 FT R 271.003 Symon, K.R. Mecánica Aguilar 1968 FT R 271.004 Goldstein, H. Mecánica Clásica Aguilar 1968 FT R 271.005 Goldstein, H. Mecánica Clásica Aguilar 1968 FT R 271.006 Goldstein, H. Mecánica Clásica Aguilar 1968 FT R 271.007 Osgood, W.F. Mechanics Dover 1965 FT R 271.008 Leipholz, H. Stability Theory Academic 1970 FT 0-12-442550-X R 271.009 Lehnigk, S.H. Stability Theorems for Linear Motions Prentice-Hall 1966 FT R 271.010 Goldstein, H. Classical Mechanics Addison Wesley 1953 FT Extraviad R 271.011 Synge, J.L., Griffith Principles of Mechanics Mc Graw-Hill 1959 FT R 271.011 Synge, J.L., Griffith Principios de Mecánica Castilla 1965 2008 FTA Donación EUP R 271.012 Iñiguez Almech, J.M., Mecánica Teórica (I) Dossat 1965 FT R 271.013 Iñiguez Almech, J.M., Mecánica Teórica (II) Dossat 1965 FT R 271.014 Whittaker, E.T. Treatise on the Analytical Dynamics of Particles & Rigid D. Cambridge 1959 FT R 271.015 Edelen, D.G.B. Lagragian Mechanics of Nonconservative Nonholonomic Systems Noordhoff 1977 FT 90-286-0077-9 R 271.016 Cabannes, H. Mécanique Dunod 1968 FT Extraviad R 271.017 Lur'e, L. Mécanique Analytique (I) Masson et Cie 1968 FT R 271.018 Lur'e, L. Mecanique Analytique (II) Masson et Cie 1968 FT Extraviad GETINO? R 271.019 Lur'e, L. Mécanique Analytique (I) Masson et Cie 1968 FT R 271.020 Lur'e, L. Mécanique Analytique (II) Masson et Cie 1968 FT R 271.021 Rund, H. The Hamilton-Jacobi Theory in Calculus of Vatiations Vand-Nostrand 1966 FT R 271.022 Leech, J.W. Elements de Mécanique Analytique Dunod 1961 FT Extraviad R 271.023 Leech, J.W. Classical Mechanics S.P. 1965 FT R 271.024 Finkelstein, R.J. Nonrelativistic Mechanics Benjamin 1973 FT R 271.025 Rañada, A.F. Dinámica clásica Alianza 1990 91.09 FTA 81-206-8133-4 R 271.026 Lanczos, C. The Variational Principles of Mechanics Univ. Toronto 1966 FT R 2

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71.027 Corben, S. Classical Mechanics Wiley and Sons 1950 FT R 271.028 Pars, L.A. Analytical Dynamics Heinemann 1965 FT R 271.029 Lawden, D.F. Analytical Mechanics Allen and Unwin 1972 FT 0 04 531004 1 R 271.030 Cabannes, H. Cours de Mecanique Générale Dunod 1962 FT Extraviad R 271.031 Rocard, J.M. Mécanique des Systèmes Messon et cie 1974 FT 2-225 38335-9 R 271.032 Kilmister, C., Reeve,J. Rational Mechanics Longmans 1966 FT R 271.033 Perés, J. Mécanique Générale Masson et Cie 1953 FT R 271.034 Appell, P. Mécanique Rationnelle (II) Gauthier Villars 1953 FT R 271.035 Appell, P. Mécanique Rationnelle (III) Gauthier Villars 1952 FT R 271.036 Mann, R.A. The Classical Dynamics of Particles Academic 1974 FT 0-12-469250-8 R 271.037 Kilmister, C.W. Hamiltonian Dynamics Longmans 1964 FT R 271.038 Ter Haar, D. Elements of Hamiltonian Mechanics North-Holland 1964 FT R 271.039 Maslov, V.P. Théorie de Perturbations et Méthodes Asymptotiques Dunod 1972 FT R 271.040 Mercier, A. Principes de Mécanique Analytique Gauthier Villars 1955 FT R 271.041 Sudarshan, C.C.G., Classical Dynamics: A Modern Perpective Wiley and sons 1974 FT Extraviad GADELLA? 0-471-83540-4 R 271.042 Gantmacher, F.R. Lectures in Analytical Mechanics Mir 1976 FT R 271.043 Landau, L.D., Lifshitz, Mecánica y Electrodinámica (I) Mir 1971 FT R 271.044 Hamel, G. Theoretische MechaniK Springer 1949 FT R 271.045 Birkhoff, G. Dynamical Systems Vol. IX Am. Math. Soc. 1927 FT R 271.046 Hurty, W.C., Rubinstein Dynamics of Structures Prentice Hall 1964 FT R 271.047 Campbell, R. La Mecanique Analytique Univ. France 1971 FT R 271.048 McCuskey, S.W. An Introduction to Advanced Dynamics Addison Wesley 1959 FT Extraviad R 271.049 Cid, R., Camarena, V. Curso de Mecánica Univ. Zaragoza FT R 271.050 Langhaar, H.L. Energy Methods in Applied Mechanics Wiley and sons 1962 FT R 271.051 Leimanis, Minrski Dynamics and Non-Linear Mechanics (II) Wiley and sons 1958 FT R 271.052 Halfman, R.L. Dynamics: Systems, Variational Methods and Relativity (II) Addison Wesley 1962 FT R 271.053 Cabannes, H. Curso de Mecánica General Montaner y Symon 1967 FT R 271.054 Cabannes, H. Cours de Mecanique Générale Dunod 1962 FT R 271.055 Morgenstem, D. SzaboI. Vorlesumgen Uber Theorestische Mechanik Springer 1961 FT R 271.056 Martinez Salas,J. Mecánica Analítica Paraninfo 1986 91.09 FTA 84-283-1439-x R 271.057 Kriloff,N. and Introduction to Non-Linear Mechanics Princenton 1947 FT R 271.058 Blaquière, A. Mecanique non Linéaire Gauthier Villars 1960 FT R 271.059 Castro de, A. Mecánica No Lineal Dossat 1959 FT R 271.060 Pipes, L.A. Operational Methods in Non-Linear Mechanics Dover 1960 FT R 271.061 Leimanis, Minorsky Dynamics and Non-Linear Mechanics (II) Wiley and sons 1958 FT R 271.062 Minrsky, N. Introduction to Non-Linear Mechanics Edwards, J.W. 1947 FT R 271.063 Salles,F. Lesvev C. Les Vibrations Mecaniques (I) Masson et Cie 1972 FT R 271.064 Sedov, L.I. Analytical Mechanics, Stability and Motions Celestial B. I.P.S.T. 1968 FT R 271.065 Bishop,R.Cladwell,G. The Matrix Analysis of Vibrations Cambridge 1965 FT R 271.066 Le Roux, J. Principes et Méthods de la Mécanique Invariante Gauthier Villars 1934 FT R 2

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71.067 Landau, L.D., Lifshitz, Mechanics Pergamon 1960 FT Extraviad Mª José R 271.068 Schaum Lagrangian dynamics Mc Graw-Hill 1967 FT Extraviad R 271.069 Whitham, G.B. Linear and Non Linear Waves Wiley and sons 1974 GIFT 0-471-94090-9 R 271.070 Indam Symposia Mathematica (VI) Academic 1971 FT R 271.071 Birkhoff, G. Dynamical systems Am. Math. Soc. 1927 FT Extraviad R 271.072 Meirovitch, L. Methods of Analytical Dynamics Mc Graw-Hill 1970 FT 07-041455-6 R 271.073 Saletan, E.I., Cromer A. Theoretical Mechanics Wiley and sons 1971 FT R 271.074 Saletan, E.I., Cromer A. Theoretical Mechanics Wiley and sons 1971 FT R 271.075 Lawden, D.F. Mecánica Analítica (IV) Limusa 1974 FT R 271.076 Sommerfeld, A. Mechanics (VI) Academic 1942 FT 0-12-654670-3 R 271.077 Ter Haar, D. Elements of Hamiltonian Mechanics North-Holland 1964 FT R 271.078 Arnold, V.I. Metodes Mathematiques de la Mécanique Classique Mir 1976 FT R 271.079 Arnold, V.I. Méthodes Mathematiques de la Mecánique Classique Mir 1976 FT R 271.080 Logan, J.D. Invariant Variational Principles Academic 1977 FT 0-12-454750-8 R 271.081 Marion, J.B Classical Dynamics Academic 1970 FT 0-12-422252-0 R 271.082 French,A., Ebison, M.G. Introduction to Classical Mechanics Chapman 1990 91.09 FTA 0-412-38140-0 R 271.083 Rocard, J.M. Mécanique des Systémes Masson & Cíe 1974 FT 2-225 38335-9 R 271.084 Goldstein, H. Classical Mechanics Addison Wesley 1980 FT R 271.085 Desloge, E.A. Classical Mechanics Vol. II Wiley interscience 1982 FTA 0 471 09145 6 R 271.086 Desloge, E.A. Classical Mechanics Vol. I Wiley interscience 1982 86.11 FTA 0-471-09144-8 R 271.087 Heumapk Dinamica de Sistemas no holonomos (en ruso). Nauka 1967 FTA R 271.088 Goldstein, H. Mecánica Clásica Reverté 1987 87.12 FTA R 271.089 Goldstein, H. Classical Mechanics Addison Wesley 1980 87.12 FTA 0-201-02918-9 R 271.090 Goldstein, H. Classical Mechanics Addison Wesley 1980 87.12 FTA 0-201-02918-9 R 271.091 Goldstein, H. Mecánica Clásica Reverté 1987 88.02 FTA Extraviad R 271.092 Jeffrey, A.(ed.) Non linear wave motion Longman 1989 89.12 MAF 0-582-02340-8 R 271.093 Whittaker, E.T. A Treatise on the Analit. Dynam. of Particles & Rigid Bodies Cambridge 1989 90.04 FTA 0-521-35883-3 R 271.094 Woodhouse, .M.J. Introduction to Analytical Dynamics Oxford 1987 90.05 FTA 0-19-853198-2 R 271.095 Raychaudhuri,A.K. Classical Mechanics Oxford 1983 90.05 FTA 0-19-561343-0 R 271.096 Chetaev, N.G. Theoretical Mechanics Mir 1989 91.12 MAF 5-03-000534-X R 271.097 Marsden, J.E. Lectures on Mechanics Cambridge University 1992 93.10 FTA 0-521-42844-0 R 271.098 Starzhinskii, V.M. Applied Methods in the Theory of Nonlinear Oscillations MIR 1980 93.10 FTA R 271.099 Yourgrav, W. Variational Principles in Dynamics... Dover 1979 99.04 MAF 0-486-63773 R 271.100 José, J.V. Classical Dynamics, a contemporary approach Cambridge U. 1998 00-02 FTA 0-521-63636 R 271.101 Hand, L.N. Analytical Mechanics Cambridge U. 1998 00.02 FTA 0-521-57572 R 271.102 Talman, R. Geometric Mechanics John Wiley &Sons ? 00.05 FTA 0-471-15738 R 271.103 Arnold, V.I. Mathematical Aspects of Classical and Celestial Mechanics Springer 1997 01.06 FTA 3-540-61224 R 271.104 Mc Call, M.W. Classical Mechanics Wiley 2000 01.06 FTA 0-471-49714 R 271.105 Knudsen, J.H. Elements of Neuwtoniam Mechanics Springer 2000 02.04 MAF 3-540-67652 R 271.106 Goldstein, H. Classical Mechanics Addison Wesley 2002 02.06 FTA 0-201-65702 R 2

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71.107 Bloch, A.M. Nonholonomic Mechanics and Control Springer 2003 2003 FTA 0-387-95535 R 271.108 Greiner, W. Classical Mechanics. Point Particles and Relativity Springer 2004 2004 FTA 0-387-95586 R 271.109 Scheck, F. Mechanics. From Newton´s Laws to Deterministic Chaos Springer 2005 2006 FTA 3-540-21925 R 271.110 Strauch, D. Classical Mechanics Springer 2009 2010 FTA 978-3-540 R 271.111 Goldstein, H. Mecánica Clásica Aguilar 1963 2010 MAF R 271.112 Spivak, M. Physics for Mathematicians Mechanics I Publish or Peris, 2010 2018 FTAO1 978-0-914098 071.113 José, J.V., Saletan, E.J. Classical Dynamics Cambridge University 2012 2018 FTAO1 9780511803772 071.114 Vac 071.115 Vac 072.000 ========================= ========================= MECANICA DE MEDIOS CONTINUOS Cab ;;;1 R 272.001 Sokolnikoff, I.S. Mathematical Theory of Elasticity Mc Graw-Hill 1946 FT R 272.002 Nowacki, W. Theory of Micropolar Elasticity Springer 1970 FT 3-211-81078-1 R 272.003 Dugdale & Ruiz Elasticity for Engineers Mc Graw-Hill 1971 FT 07 094152 1 R 272.004 Landau, L.D., Lifshitz, Teoría de la Elasticidad Reverté 1969 FT R 272.005 Landau, L.D., Lifshitz, Theory of Elasticity Pergamon 1959 FT R 272.006 Sedov, L.I. A Course in Continuum Mechanics (I) Walters-Noordhoff 1971 FT R 272.007 Sedov, L.I. A Course in Continuum Mechanics (II) Walters-Noordhoff 1972 FT 90 01 7968 1 R 272.008 Sedov, L.I. A Course in Continuum Mechanics (III) Walters-Noordhoff 1972 FT R 272.009 Sedov, L.I. A Course in Continuum Mechanics (IV) Walters-Noordhoff 1972 FT 90 01 79683 4 R 272.010 Leipholz, H. Theory of Elasticity Noodhoff 1974 FT 90 286 0193 7 R 272.011 Sommerfeld, A. Mechanics of Deformable Bodies Academic 1950 FT R 272.012 Sommerfeld, A. Mechanics of Deformable Bodies Vol. II Academic 1967 FT R 272.013 Schaum Dinámica de Fluidos Mc Graw-Hill 1970 FT R 272.014 Schaum Continuum Mechanics Mc Graw-Hill 1970 FT Extraviad R 272.015 Fox, Mc Donald Introduction to Fluid Mechanics Wiley and sons 1973 FT Extraviad R 272.016 Eskinazi, S. Vector Mechanics of Fluids and ... Academic 1967 FT Extraviad R 272.017 Prager, W. An Introduction to Plasticity Addison Wesley 1959 FT R 272.018 Prager, W., Hodge, P.G. Theory of Perfectly Plastic Solids Dover 1968 FT R 272.019 Liepman, N.W., Roshko, A. Elements of Gasdynamics Wiley and sons 1957 FT R 272.020 Ferrari, C., Tricomi, F. Aerodinámica Transónica Cremonese 1962 FT R 272.021 Birkhoff, G. Hydrodinamique Dunod 1955 FT R 272.022 Massignon, D. Mecanique Statistique des Fluids Dunod 1957 FT R 272.023 Van Dyke, M. Perturbation Methods in Fluid Mechanics (8) Academic 1964 FT R 272.024 Ladyzhenskaya, O.A. The Mathematical Theory of Viscous Incompress Flow (2) Gordon & Breach 1963 FT R 272.025 Massey Mecánica de Fluidos CECSA 1979 FT 0 442 30137 5 R 272.026 Milchelson, I. The Science of Fluids Van Nostrand 1970 FT R 272.027 Comolet, R. Mecanique des Fluids Masson & Cie 1958 FT R 272.028 Sneddon, I.N., Lowengrub, Crack Problems in the Classical Theory of Elasticity Wiley and sons 1969 FT 471-88845-8 R 272.029 Filomenko, Borodich Theory of Elasticity Noordhoff FT R 272.030 Norozhilov, V.V. Theory of Elasticity Pergamon 1961 FT R 2

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72.031 Green, Zerna Theoretical Elasticity Clarendon 1968 FT R 272.032 Timoshenko, S.P. Théorie de la Stabilité Élastique Béranger 1947 2008 FTA Donación EUP R 272.032 Timoshenko, S.P. Théorie de la Stabilité Élastique Dunod 1966 FT R 272.033 Prager, W. Introduction to mechanics of continua Ginn and Co 1961 FT R 272.034 Gontier, G. Mecanique des Mileux Déformables Dunod 1969 FT R 272.035 Comolet, R., Bounin, J. Mecanique Experimentale des Fluides (III) Masson & Cie 1973 FT R 272.036 Hamel, G. Mechanik der Kontinue Tenbrier 1956 FT R 272.037 Jaunzemies, W. Continuum Mechanics Macmillan 1967 FT R 272.038 Jaunzenies, W. Continuum Mechanics Mc Millan 1967 FT R 272.039 Cristescu, N. Dynamic Plasticity North-Holland 1967 FT R 272.040 Allen, T.J.R., Ditsworth, Fluid Mechanics Mc Graw-Hill 1972 FT 07-001095-1 R 272.041 Germain, P. Mecanique des Mileux Continus Masson & Cie 1962 FT R 272.042 Truesdell, C. Mecanique Rationnelle des Milieux Continus Masson 1974 FT 2-225-38599-8 R 272.043 Kupradze, V.D. Potential Methods in the Theory of Elasticity I.P.S.T. 1965 FT R 272.044 Green, Adkinds Large elastic deformations and nonlinear .. Clarendon 1960 FT R 272.045 Hall, I.H. Deformation of solids Nelson 1968 FT 17-176067-0 R 272.046 Grioli, G. Mathematical Theory of Elastic Equilibriun Springer 1962 86.12 FTA R 272.047 Borg, S.F. Matrix-Tensor Methods in Continuun Mechanics Van Nostrand 1963 FT R 272.048 Meyer, R.E. Introduction to Mathematical Fluid Dynamics Dover 1982 FT 0-486-61554-5 R 272.049 Cheze, C. Resistance des Matériaux Dunod 1966 FT R 272.050 Mandel, J. Mecanique des Mileux Continus (I) Gauthier Villars 1966 FT R 272.051 Mandel, J. Mecanique des Mileux Continus (II) Gauthier Villars 1966 FT R 272.052 Mandel, J. Mecanique des Mileux Continus (I) Gauthier Villars 1966 FT R 272.053 Sedov, L.I. Introduction to the Mechanics of a Continuus Medium Addison Wesley 1965 FT R 272.054 Borg, S.F. Matrix Tensor Methods in Continuum Mechanics Van Nostrand 1963 FT R 272.055 Solomon, L. Elasticite Lineaire Masson et Cie 1968 FT R 272.056 Germain, P. Cours de Mecanique des Mileux Continus (I) Masson et Cie 1973 FT 2-225-35937-4 R 272.057 Milne Thomson, L.M. Theoretical Aerodynamics Dover 1973 FT 0-486-61980-X R 272.058 Francis, J.R.D., Milton, Probl. de Mecánica Hidráulica y Mec. de Fluidos Urmo 1968 FT R 272.059 Shomes, I.H. La Mecánica de los Fluidos Castillo 1967 FT Extraviad R 272.060 Batchelor, G.K. Homogeneous Turbulence Cambridge 1960 FT R 272.061 Abranson, A.N. Advances in Applied Mechanics (V) Academic 1958 FT R 272.062 Caleman, B.D. Advances in Applied Mechanics (VIII) Academic 1964 FT R 272.063 Curle, N., Davies, H.J. Modern Fluid Dynamics (I) Van Nostrand 1968 FT R 272.064 Curle, N., Davies, H.J. Modern Fluid Dynamics (I) Van Nostrand 1968 FT R 272.065 Curle, N., Davies, H.J. Moden Fluid Dynamics (II) Van Nostrand 1971 FT 442 01799 5 R 272.066 Roy, M. Mecanique des Mileux Continus et Deformables (I) Dunod 1950 FT R 272.067 Roy, M. Mecanique des Mileux Continus et Deformables (II) Dunod 1950 FT R 272.068 Roy, M. Mecanique des Mileux Continus et Deformables (II) Dunod 1966 FT R 272.069 Roy, M. Mecanique des Mileux Continus et Deformables (II) Dunod 1966 FT R 2

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72.070 Sedov, L. Mecanique des Mileux Continus Mir 1975 FT R 272.071 Sedov, L. Mecanique des Milieux Continus Mir 1975 86.12 FT R 272.072 Love, A.E.H. A Treatise on the Mathematical Theory of Elasticity Dover 1944 FT R 272.073 Gullon de Senespleda, E. Problemas de Física (II), Mecánica de Fluidos y Acústica Nuevas Gráficas 1969 FT R 272.074 Fediaeuski, C., Mecanique des Fluides Mir 1974 FT R 272.075 Drew, D.R. Traffic Flow Theory and Control Mc Graw-Hill 1968 FT 07-017831-3 R 272.076 Brun, E.A., Martinot- Mecánica de Fluídos (1) Labor 1979 FT 84-335-6418-8 R 272.077 Brun, E.A., Martinot- Mecánica de Fluidos (2) Labor 1980 FT 84-335-6419-6 R 272.078 Mase, G. Mecánica del Medio Continuo McGraw-Hill 1977 FT R 272.079 Giles, R.V. Mecánica de los Fluidos e Hidraulica Mc Graw-Hill 1980 FT R 272.080 Comolet, R. Mécanique Experimentale des Fluides Tome 1 Masson 1979 FT 2-225-64450-0 R 272.081 Comolet, R. Mécanique Expérimentale des Fluides Tome 2 Masson 1976 FT R 272.082 Brun, E.A., Martinot, Mecánica de los Fluidos II Labor 1980 FT 84-335-6419-6 R 272.083 Barragan Fernandez, J. Mecánica de Fluidos (Ejercicios didacticos) Cpda-etseib 1981 FT R 272.084 Rouse, H. Elementary Mechanics of Fluids Dover 1978 86.12 FTA 0-486-63699-2 R 272.085 Prandtl, Tietjens Applied Hydro and Aeromechanics Dover 1957 86.12 FTA 486-60375-X R 272.086 Prandtl, Tietjens Fundamentals of Hydro and Aeromechanics Dover 1957 86.12 FTA 486-60374-1 R 272.087 Timoshenko, S.P. History of Strength of Materials Dover 1983 86.12 FTA 0-486-61187-6 R 272.088 Kolsky, H. Stress Waves in Solids Dover 1963 86.12 FTA 486-61098-5 R 272.089 Den Hartog, J.P. Strength of Materials Dover 1961 86.12 FTA 0-486-60755-0 R 272.090 Jameson, A.H. An Introduction to Fluid Mechanics Longmans 1942 86.12 FTA R 272.091 Merlier, A. Leçons et Problèmes sur la Thèorie des Corps Déformables F. Rouge and cie 1943 87.01 FTA R 272.092 Sedov, L.I. A Course in Continuum Mechanics Vol. 1 Wolters-Noordhoff 1971 87.01 FTA 90 01 79680X R 272.093 Lawvere, F.W., Schanuel, Categories in Continuum Physics Springer 1982 87.01 FTA 3-540-16096-5 R 272.094 Birkhoff, G. Hydrodynamics, a Study in Logic, Fact and Similitude Princeton U. 1950 87.01 FTA R 272.095 Landau, L.D., Lifshitz, Mecánica de Fluidos (F.T.G.) Reverté 1986 87.01 MAF R 272.096 Zharkov,V.N. Estructura Interior de la Tierra y los Planetas Mir 1985 91.10 MAF R 272.097 Amenzade,Y. Theory of Elasticity Mir 1979 91.10 MAF R 272.098 Parton,V. Perline,P. Méthodes de la théorie Math. Elasticité. Tomo I. Mir 1984 91.10 MAF R 272.099 Parton,V. Perline,P. Méthodes de la théorie Math. Elasticité. Tomo II. Mir 1984 91.10 MAF R 272.100 Rekach,V.G. Problemas de la teoria de la elasticidad Mir 1978 91.10 MAF R 272.101 Rekach,V.G. Manual of Theory of Elasticity Mir 1979 91.10 MAF R 272.102 Oden, J.T. Variational Methods in Theoretical Mechanics V.14 Collæge U.Beijing 1998 99.03 FTA 7-5158-0302 R 272.103 Kandu, P.R. Fluid Mechanics Academic 2002 2003 FTA 0-12-178521 R 272.104 Ogden, R.W. Non-linear Elastic Deformations Dover 1997 2006 MAF 0-486-69648-0 R 272.105 Christensen, R. Theory of Viscoelasticity Dover 2003 2006 MAF 0-486-42880-X R 272.106 Vac 072.107 Vac 072.108 Vac 072.109 Vac 0

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72.110 Vac 073.000 ========================= ========================= PROBLEMAS DE MECANICA Cab 1;;; R 273.001 Kotkin, G.L., Serbo, V.G. Collection of Problems in Classical Mechanics Pergamon 1971 FT R 273.002 Cox, R.R.S. Solving Problems in Dynamics. I Oliver and Boyd 1968 FT 05-001615-6 R 273.003 Alexa Problemas de Mecánica Madrid 1972 FT R 273.004 R.A.E.C. Problemas de Mecánica R.A.E.C. 1970 FT R 273.005 Aubert , Papielier Exercices de Mecanique Vuibert 1964 FT R 273.006 Cazin, M. Exercices de Mecanique Gauthier Villars 1959 FT R 273.007 Wittenbauer, F. Problemas de Mecánica General y Aplicada. Labor 1952 87.09 FTA R 273.008 Giet, A. Problèmes de Mécanique Dunod 1965 FT R 273.009 Cabannes, H. Problèmes de Mécanique Générale Dunod 1965 FT R 273.010 Prieto Alberca, M. Problemas de Mecánica Racional 1973 FT Extraviad R 273.011 Mantion, M. Exercices et Problèmes de Mécanique Armand Colin 1973 FT R 273.012 Nikitin, E.M. Mecánica Teórica Mir 1980 FT R 273.013 Doceul, P. Problèmes de Mécanique Gauthier Villars 1968 FT R 273.014 García González, E. Curso de Mecánica Clásica en Forma de Problemas FT Extraviad R 273.015 Finzi, B. Udeschini, P. Esercizi di Meccanica Razionale Tamburini 1948 FT R 273.016 Schaum Dinámica de Lagrange Mc Graw-Hill 1967 FT R 273.017 Bouligand, G. Complementes et Exercices sur la Méc. des Solides Vuibert 1945 FT R 273.018 Strellkov, S.P., Problemes in Undergraduate Physics: Mechanice (I) Pergamon 1965 FT R 273.019 Beghin, M. Julia, G. Exercices de Mecanique (I) Gauthier Villars 1946 FT R 273.020 Bath, M. Dzhanelidze, G. Mecánica Teórica en Ejercicios y Problemas T.I MIR 1990 93.10 FTA 5-03-000675 R 273.021 Gouyon, R. Le Problème de Mécanique Rationnelle Vuibert 1954 FT R 273.022 Gouyon, R. Le Problème de Mécanique Rationnelle Vuibert 1954 FT R 273.023 Kotkin, G.L., Serbo, V.G. Problemas de Mecánica Clásica Mir 1980 FT R 273.024 Bath, M. Dzhanelidze, G. Mecánica Teórica en Ejercicios y Problemas T.II MIR 93.10 FTA 5-03-000675- R 273.025 Yung-kuo, Lim Problems and Solutions on Mechanics World Scientific 1994 FTAO1 978-981-02 073.026 Vac 073.027 Vac 073.028 Vac 073.029 Vac 073.079 Vac 074.000 ========================= ========================= ESTRUCTURA DE LA MECANICA Cab 1;;; R 274.001 Galileo, G. Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences Dover 1954 GIFT R 274.002 Jammer, M. Concepts of Force Harvard 1957 FT R 274.003 Hertz, H. The Principles of Mechanics Presented in New Forms Dover 1956 FT R 274.004 Hertz, H. The Principles of Mechanics Presented in New Forms Dover 1956 GIFT R 274.005 Markus, L. Lectures in Diferentiable Dynamics Am. Math. Soc. 1971 FT R 274.006 Vogel, T. Théorie des Systèms Evolutifs Gauthier Villars 1965 FT R 274.007 Hoyle, F., Narlikar, I Action at a Distance in Physics and Cosmology Freeman 1974 FT 0-7167-0346-7 R 2

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74.008 Bolotin, V.V. Statistical Methods in Structural Mechanics Holden Day 1969 FT R 274.009 Goodbillon, C. Geometrie Différentielle et Mécanique Analytique Hermann 1968 FT R 274.010 Abraham, R. Foundations of Mechanics Benjamin 1967 FT R 274.011 Santilli, R. Foundations of Theoretical Mechanics I Springer 1978 FT R 274.012 Palacios, J. Análisis Dimensional Espena Calpe 1964 FT Extraviad PIÑEIRO R 274.013 Souriau, J.M. Structure des Systèmes Dynamiques Dunod 1970 FT R 274.014 Gallavoti, G. The Elements of Mechanics Springer 1983 FT 0-387-11753-9 R 274.015 Flanders, H. Differential Forms With Application to Physical Sciences (II Academic 1963 FT R 274.016 Guillemin, V., Sternberg, Symplectic Techniques in Physics Cambridge 1984 FT R 274.017 Cartan, E. Leçons sur les Invariants Integraux Hermann 1971 GIFT R 274.018 Cartan, E. Leçons sur les Invariants Integraux Hermann 1958 FT R 274.019 Gotteschelk,W.H. Hedlund, Topological Dynamics Am. Math. Soc. 1955 FT R 274.020 Arnold, V.I., Avez, A. Problèmes Ergodiques de la Méc. Classique Gauthier Villars 1967 FT R 274.021 Rucker, R.V.B. Geometry, Relativity and the Fourth Dimension Dover 1977 FT 0-486-23400-2 R 274.022 Sedov, L. Similitude et Dimensions en Mécanique Mir 1977 FT R 274.023 Nelson, E. Dynamical Theories of Brownian Motion Princenton 1967 FT R 274.024 Kurth Dimensional Analysis and Group Theory in Astrophysics Pergamon 1972 FT 08-016616-4 R 274.025 Thirring, W. Classical Dynamical Systems Springer 1978 FT 0-387-81496-5 R 274.026 Modugno, M. (ed) Geometry and Physics (Procedings of the Int. Meet, Florence) Pitagora 1983 FT 88-371-0280-1 R 274.027 Mach, E. The Science of Mechanics La Salle Illin 1974 FT 0-87548-202-3 R 274.028 Mac Lane, S. Geometrical Mechanics I, II Mac Lane, S. 1968 FT R 274.029 Abraham, R., Marsden, J. Foundations of Mechanics The Benjamin 1978 FTA R 274.030 Hestenes, D. New Foundations for Classical Mechanics Reidel 1986 FTA 90-277-2090-8 R 274.031 Lucini, M. Principios Fundamentales de las Nuevas Mecánicas Labor 1966 FT R 274.031 Lucini, M. Principios Fundamentales de las Nuevas Mecánicas Labor 1966 2008 FT Donación EUP R 274.032 San Juan, R. Teoría de las Magnitudes Físicas y sus Fundamentos Algebraic Bermejo 87.01 FTA Fotocopia R 274.033 Pankhurst, R.C. Dimensional Analysis and Scale Factors Rinhold 1964 87.04 FTA R 274.034 Kline, S.J. Similitude and Approximation Theory Mc Graw-Hill 1965 87.04 FTA Extraviad Santander R 274.035 Matolcsi, T. A Concept of Mathematical Physics Academic 1984 87.04 FTA 963 05 3245 X R 274.036 Massey, B.S. Units, Dimensional Analysis and Physical similarity. 1971 87.09 FTA 0442 051786 R 274.037 Duncan, W.J. Physical Similarity and Dimensional Analisis Edward Arnold &Co 1953 77.05 FTA R 274.038 Focken, C.M. Dimensional Methods and their Applications Edward Arnold & Co 1953 87.05 FTA R 274.039 Langhaar, H.L. Dimensional Analysis and Theory of Models Wiley 1951 88.01 FTA R 274.040 Saint-Guilhem, R. Les Principes Generaux de la Similitude Physique Eyrolles 1971 88.01 FTA R 274.041 Bridgman, P.W. Dimensional Analysis New Haven Yale U.P 1931 88.01 FTA R 274.042 Libermann, P. Symplectic Geometry and Analytical Mechanics Reidel 1987 88.01 FT R 274.043 Spiridonov, O. Constantes Físicas Universales Mir 1986 88.05 FTA R 274.044 Libermann, P. Sympletic Geometry and Analytical Mechanics Reidel 1987 88.09 FTA 90-277-2439-3 R 274.045 Jones, A. Gray, A. Manifolds and mechanics Cambridge 1987 89.05 FTA 0 521 33650 3 R 274.046 Arnold, V.I., Novikov,S. Dynamical Systems IV Springer 1985 90.03 FTA 3-540-17003-0 R 2

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74.047 Jones, A., Ray,A., Manifolds and Mechanics Cambridge 1988 90.03 FTA 0-521-33650-3 R 274.048 Anosov, D.V., Arnold, V. Dynamical Systems I Springer 1988 92.06 FTA 0-387-17002-2 R 274.049 Sinai, YA. G. Dynamical Systems II Springer 1988 92.06 FTA 0-387-17002-2 R 274.050 Arnold, V.I. Dinamical Systems III Springer 1988 92.06 FTA 0-387-17002-2 R 274.051 Arnol´d, V.I. Dinamical Systems V Springer 1994 94.07 FTA 3-540-18173-3 R 274.052 Arnol´d, V.I. Dinamical Systems VII Springer 1991 96.04 FTA 3-540-18176 R 274.053 Cushman, R.H. Global Aspects of Classical Integrable Systems Birkhauser 1997 98.03 MAF 3-7643-5485 R 274.054 Audin, M. Spinning Tops Univ. Cambridge 1996 98.10 MAF 0-521-56129 R 274.055 Hofer, H. Symplectic Invariants and Hamiltonian... Birkhauser 1994 99.03 MAF 3-7643-5066 R 274.056 Perelomov, A.M. Integrable of Classical Mechanics ... Birkhauser 1990 99.03 MAF 3-7643-2336 R 274.057 Alvargonzalez, R. Las Magnitudes Físicas Fund. Alvargonzalez 1999 99.09 FTA 84-9221-592 R 274.058 Klein, H.A. The Science of Measurement A Historical Survey Dover 1988 99.11 FTA 0-486-25839 R 274.059 Jammer, M. Concepts of Space . The History of Theories of Space in Dover 1993 99.11 FTA 0-486-27117 R 274.060 Jammer, M. Concepts of Mass in Classical and Modern Physics Dover 1997 99.11 FTA 0-486-29998 R 274.061 Truesdelo, C: The Non-Linear Field Theories of Mechanics Springer 2004 2005 FTA 3-540-02779 R 274.062 Dym, C. Stability Theory and its Applications to Structural Dover 2002 2006 MAF 0-486-42541-X R 274.063 Andronov, A.A. Theory of Oscilators Dover 1966 2008 FTA 0-486-65508-3 R 274.064 Holm, D.D. Geometric Mechanics. Part I Dynamics and Symmetry ICP 2008 2008 FTA 1-84816-196-4 R 274.065 Holm, D.D. Geometric Mechanics. Part II Rotating, Translating, and ICP 2008 2008 FTA 1-84816-156-5 R 274.066 Mathúna, D.O. Integrable Systems in Celestial Mechanics Birkhauser 2008 2009 FTA 978-0-8176 R 274.067 Teodorescu, P.P. Mechanical Systems. Classical Models Springer 2009 2009 FTA 1-4020-8987-9 R 274.068 Gibbings, J.C. Dimensional Analysis Sppringer 2011 2011 FTA 978-1-84996 R 274.069 Vac 074.070 Vac 074.071 Vac 074.072 Vac 074.073 Vac 074.074 Vac 074.075 Vac 075.000 ========================= ========================= MECANICA CELESTE. ASTRODINAMICA Cab 1;;; R 275.001 Moore, P. Elements d'Astronomie Dunod 1970 FT R 275.002 Vorontsov, Velianminov Problemas y Ejercicios de Astronomia Mir 1974 FT R 275.003 Multon An Introduction to Celestial Mechanics Dover 1970 86.12 FTA R 275.004 Herrick, S. Astrodynamics (I) Van Nostrand 1971 FT R 275.005 Herrick, S. Astrodynamics (II) Van Nostrand 1972 FT R 275.006 Aller, R.M. Introducción a la Astronomía CSIC 1957 FT R 275.007 Kurt, R. Introduction to the Mech. of Stellar Systems Pergamon 1957 FT R 275.008 Van de Kamp, P. Elements of Astromechanics Freeman 1964 FT R 275.009 Stenberg, S. Celestial Mechanics (I) Benjamin 1969 FT R 275.010 Stenberg, S. Celestial Mechanics (II) Benjamin 1969 FT R 2

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75.011 Siegel, C.L. Moser, J.K. Lectures en Celestial Mechanics Springer 1971 FT 3-540-05419-7 R 275.012 Stiefel, Scheifele Linear and Regular Celestial Mechanics Springer 1971 FT Extraviad Vicente R 275.013 Wintner, A. The Analytical Foundations of Celestial Mechanics Princenton 1947 FT R 275.014 Danby, J.M.A. Fundamentals of Celestial Mechanics Mc Millan 1967 FT R 275.015 Chazy, J. Mécanique Céleste Presses Univers. 1953 FT R 275.016 Finlay, Freundlich, E. Celestial Mechanics Pergamon 1958 FT R 275.017 McCuskey, S.W. Introduction to Celestial Mechanics Addison Wesley 1963 FT R 275.018 Thiry, Y. Les Fondements de la Mecanique Celeste Gordon & Breach 1970 FT R 275.019 Chebotarev, G.A. Analitytical and Numerical Methods of Celestial Mechanics Elsevier 1967 FT Extraviad R 275.020 Chazy, J. Le Théorie de la Relativité et le Mécanique Céleste (I) Gauthier Villars 1928 FT R 275.021 Chazy, J. Le Théorie de la Relativité et le Mécanique Céleste (II) Gauthier Villars 1930 FT R 275.022 Krogdalil. W.S. The Astronomical Universe Mc Millan 1962 FT R 275.023 Baker, Fredrick Astronomy Van Nostrand 1971 FT R 275.024 Jastrow, Thompson Astronomy: Fundamentals and Frontiers Wiley 1972 72.10 GIFT 0-471-440-752 R 275.025 Grosser, M. The Discovery of Neptune Dover 1979 86.12 FTA Extraviad S.N. 0-486-23726-5 R 275.026 Bate,R.R. Muller,D.D. Fundamentals of Astrodynamics Dover 1971 86.12 FTA 0-486-60061-0 R 275.027 Allen, R.H. Star Names Their Lore and Meaning Dover 1963 86.12 FTA 0-486-21079-0 R 275.028 Andre, R. Les Satellites Artificiels et l'Astronautique Dunod 1959 86.12 FTA R 275.029 Gauzit, J. Les Grands Problemes de l'Astronomie Dunod 1951 87.01 FTA R 275.030 Herrmann, J. Atlas de Astronomía Alianza 1987 88.01 MAF R 275.031 Poincaré, H. Les méthodes nouvelles de la mécanique celeste (3 tomos) Blanchard 1987 89.06 MAF 2-85367-093-7 R 275.032 Melchior, P. The physics of the Earth's nore Pergamon 1986 89.06 MAF 0-08-032607-2 R 275.033 Tisserand, F.F. Traite de Mecanique Celeste (Tomo I) Jacques Gabay 1990 92.03 MAF 2-87647-024-2 R 275.034 Martín Asín, S,. Astronomía Paranínfo 1979 89.06 MAF Extraviad F.GOMEZ 84-283-1028-9 R 275.035 Tisserand, F.F. Traite de Mecanique Celeste (Tomo II) Jacques Gabay 1990 92.03 MAF 2-87647-024-2 R 275.036 Heiskanen, W. Physical Geodesy Freeman 1988 90.12 MAF R 275.037 Moritz,H. Earth Rotation Ungar 1968 90.12 MAF R 275.038 Tisserand, F.F. Traite de Mecanique Celeste (Tomo III) Jacques Gabay 1990 92.03 MAF 2-87647-024-2 R 275.039 Tisserand, F.F. Traite de Mecanique Celeste (Tomo IV) Jacques Gabay 1990 92.03 MAF 2-87647-024-2 R 275.040 Roy, A.E. Orbital Motion Adam Hilger 1991 93.05 FTA 0-85274-229-0 R 275.041 Boccaletti, D. Theory of Orbits (Volumen 2) Springer 1999 99.03 MAF 3-540-60355 R 275.042 Boccaletti, D. Theory of Orbits (Volumen 1) Springer 1996 99.03 MAF 3-540-58963 R 275.043 Moulton, F.R. An Introduction to Celestial Mechanics Dover 1970 99.11 FTA 0-486-64687 R 275.044 Gómez, G. Dynamics and Mission Design Near Libration Points World Scientific 2001 01.06 FTA 981-02-4210 R 275.045 Elices, T. Introducción a la Dinámica Espacial INTA 1991 2005 FTA 84-606-0382 R 275.046 Hughes, P.C. Spacecraft Attitude Dynamics Dover 2004 2006 MAF 0-486-43925-9 R 275.047 Binney, J. Galactic Dinamics Princeton 2008 2008 FTA 978-0691 R 275.048 Vac 075.049 Vac 075.050 Vac 0

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76.000 ========================= ========================= RELATIVIDAD ESPECIAL Cab 1;;; R 276.001 Pauli, W. Theory of Relativity Pergamon 1967 FT R 276.002 Bondi, H. Assumption and Myth in Physical Theory Cambridge 1967 FT 521-04282-8 R 276.003 Prokhovnik, S.J. The Logic of Special Relativity Cambridge 1967 FT R 276.004 Prokhovnik, S.J. Logique de la Relativité Restreinte Gauthier Villars 1969 FT R 276.005 Prokhovnik, S.J. Logique de la Relativité Restreinte Gauthier Villars 1969 70.02 GIFT R 276.006 Mermin, N.D. Space and Time in Special Relativity Mc Graw-Hill 1968 FT R 276.007 McCrea, W.H. Fisica Relativista U.T.E.A. 1965 FT R 276.008 Dingle, H. The Special Theory of Relativity Methuen's 1950 FT R 276.009 Smith, J.H. Introducción a la Relatividad Especial Reverté 1969 FT R 276.010 Kilmister, C.W. Special Theory of Relativity Pergamon 1970 GIFT 08-006995-9 R 276.011 Sard, R.D. Relativistic Mechanics Benjamin 1970 GIFT R 276.012 Flügge, S. Handbuch der Physik (Vol. IV) Springer 1962 FT R 276.013 Milne, E.A. Kinematic Relativity Clarendon 1948 FT R 276.014 Lawden, D.F. An Introduction to Tensor Calculus and Relativity Methuen 1962 GIFT R 276.015 Bergmann, P.G. Introduction to the Theory of Relativity Prentice-Hall 1942 FT Extraviad R 276.016 Moller, C. The Theory of Relativity Clarendon 1972 FT R 276.017 Taylor, Wheeler, J.A. Spacetime Physics Freeman 1963 FT Extraviad R 276.018 Anderson, J.L. Principles of Relativity Physics Academic 1967 GIFT 0-12-058450-6 R 276.019 Graves, J.C. The Conceptual Foundations of Contemporany Relativity Theory MIT 1971 FT 0-26207040-5 R 276.020 Costa de Beauregard, O. Précis de Relativite Restreinte Dunod 1964 FT R 276.021 Terletskii, Y.P. Paradoxes in the Theory of Relativity Plenum 1968 FT R 276.022 Borsari, R. Relativity and Motion Azzoguidi 1971 FT R 276.023 Terradas, Ortiz, R. Relatividad Espasa-Calpe 1952 FTA Extraviad R 276.024 French, A.P. Relatividad Especial Reverté 1974 FT R 276.025 Belda Villena, E. Relatividad y Mecánica del Microcosmo (II) Bilbao 1961 FT R 276.026 xxxx Colloque sur la Théorie de la Relativité CBRM 1960 FT R 276.027 Yilmaz, H. Introduction to the Theory of Relativity and .... Blaisdell 1965 FT R 276.028 Aharoni, J. The Special Theory of Relativity Clarendon 1965 FT R 276.029 Arzeliès, H. La Cinématique Relativiste Gauthier Villars 1955 FT R 276.030 Arzeliès, H. La Dynamique Relativiste Gauthier Villars 1957 FT R 276.031 Costa de Beauregard, O. La Theorie de la Relativité Restreinte Masson & Cie 1949 FT R 276.032 Bohm, D. The Special Theory of Relativity Benjamin 1965 FT R 276.033 Costa de Beauregard, O. Relativite et Quanta Masson & Cie 1968 FT R 276.034 Costa de Beauregard, O. Théorie Synthétique de la Relativité Restreinte et des Quan. Gauthier Villars 1957 FT R 276.035 Ribeiro da Cunha, O.A. Confrontation entre la Mecánique Rationnelle et la Relativi. Gauthier Villars 1952 FT R 276.036 Katz, R. Introducción a la Teoría Especial de la Relatividad Reverté 1968 FT R 276.037 Synge, J.L. Relativity the Special Theory North-Holland FT Extraviad R 276.038 Synge, J.L. Relativity the Special Theory North-Holland 1958 FT R 276.039 Taylor, Wheeler, J.A. Spacetime Physics Freeman 1963 FT 0-7169-0336-X R 2

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76.040 Dutheil, R. Initation a la Physique Relativiste Gauthier Villars 1969 FTA R 276.041 Anderson, J.L. Principles of Relativity Physics Academic 1967 FT 0-12-058450-6 R 276.042 Gardner, M. La Relativite pour Tous Dunod 1969 FT R 276.043 Nevanlinna, R. Space, Time and Relativity Addison Wesley 1967 FT R 276.044 Aharoni, J. The Special Theory of Relativity Dover 1965 FT 0-466-64870-2 R 276.045 Born, M. Einstein's Theory of Relativity Dover 1962 86.12 FTA 0-486-60769-0 R 276.046 Bowler, M.G. Lectures on Special Relativity Pergamon 1986 87.03 FTA 0-08-033938-7 R 276.047 Hoffmann, B. Relativity and its Roots Scientific Amer. 1983 87.03 FTA 0-7167-1510-4 R 276.048 Kovaleusky, J., Brumberg, Relativity in Celestial Mechanics and Astrometry Reidel 1986 87.03 FTA Extraviad Vicente 90-277-2190-4 R 276.049 Kopylov, G. Conozcamos la Cinemática Mir 1984 88.05 FTA R 276.050 Marinov, S. Classical Physics Est-ouest 1981 89.06 FTA R 276.051 Dubrovski,V.,Smorodinski, El Mundo relativista MIR 1987 90.03 FTA R 276.052 Asghur, Q. Relativity: an Introduction to the Special theory World-Scientific 1989 90.03 FTA 9971-50-612-2 R 276.053 Lizhi,F., Yaaquan,C. From Newton's Laws to Einstein's Theory of Relativity World Scientific 1987 90.12 FTA 9971-978-36-9 R 276.054 Dpt. Física Encuentros de Relativistas Españoles Un. I. Baleares 1990 91.09 FTA R 276.055 Naber, G.L. The Geometry of Minkowski Spacetime Springer 1992 93.05 FTA 0-387-97848-8 R 276.056 Rindler, W. Introduction to Special Relativity Univ. Oxford 1987 98.12 FTA 0-19-853182 R 276.057 Batiguin, V.V. Problemas de Electrodinámica y Teoría Especial de la URSS 1995 99.10 FTA 5-88417-001 R 276.058 Das, A. The Special Theory of Relativity - A mathematical Exposition Univ. Bangalore 1997 99.10 FTA 0-72111-551 R 276.059 Taylor, E.F. Spacetime Physics Freeman 1999 01.10 FTA R 276.060 Baierlem, R. Newton to Einstein - the trail of light Cambridge 2001 02.02 FTA 0-521-42323 R 276.061 Ohanian, H.C. Special Relativity : Modern Introduction Phy. Curr. & Inst. 2001 2003 FTA 0-9713134-1 R 276.062 Mould, R.A. Basic Relativity Springer 2002 2003 FTA 0-387-95210 R 276.063 Smith, J.H. Intrducción a la Relatividad Especial Reverté 2003 2003 FTA 84-291-4175 R 276.064 Fayngold, M. Special Relativity and Motions Faster than Light Wiley 2003 2003 FTA 3-527-40344 R 276.065 Schwarz, P.M. Special Relativity. From Einstein to Strings Cambridge 2004 2004 FTA 0-521-81260 R 276.066 Giulini, D. Special Relativity Oxford Univ. 2005 2005 FTA 0-19-856746 R 276.067 Tolman, R.C. The Theory of Relativity of Motion Dover 2004 2005 FTA 0-486-49594 R 276.068 Lorenz, H.A. The Theory of Electrons Dover 2003 2006 FTA 0-486-49558 R 276.069 Damour, Th. (ed.) Einstein, 1905-2005 Birkhauser 2006 2006 FTA 3-7643-7435 R 276.070 Berstein, J. Secrets of the OLD ONE Copernicus 2006 2006 FTA 0-387-260033 R 276.071 Cassirer, E. Substance and Function & Einstein¨s Theory of Relativity Dover 2003 2006 FTA 0-486-49547 R 276.072 Ehlers, J. (ed.) Special Relativity Springer 2006 2007 FTA 3-540-34522-1 R 276.073 Callahan, J.J. The Geometry of Spacetime An Introduction to Special and Springer 2000 2007 FTA 0-387-98641-3 R 276.074 Mermin, N.D. It´s About Time. Understandig Einstein´s Relativity Princeton U. 2005 2007 FTA 0-691-12201-6 R 276.075 Lawden, D.F. Elements of Relativity Theory Dover 2004 2008 FTA 0-486-43502-4 R 276.076 Freund, J. Special Relativity for Beginners World Scientific 2008 2008 FTA 10-981-277 R 276.077 Borel, E. Space and Time Dover 2003 2010 FTA 0-486-49545-0 R 276.078 Okun, Lev B. Energy and Mass in Relativity Theory World Science 2009 2009 FTA 10-981-281 R 276.079 Bondi, H. Relativity and Common Sense Dover 1980 2009 FTA 0-486-24021-5 R 2

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76.080 Brown, H.R. Physical Relativity Oxford 2008 2010 FTA 978-0 R 276.081 Eisenstaedt, J. The Curious Hisory of Relativity Princeton 2006 2010 FTA 0-691-11865-5 R 276.082 Henriksen, Richard N. Practical Relativity From First Principles to the Theory of Wiley 2011 2012 FTAO1 978-0-470 076.083 Vac 076.084 Vac 076.085 Vac 076.086 Vac 076.087 Vac 076.088 Vac 076.089 Vac 076.090 Vac 077.000 ========================= ========================= RELATIVIDAD GENERAL Cab ;;; R 277.001 Rindler, W. Essential Relativity Van Nostrand 1969 FT Extraviad SANTANDER R 277.002 Sachs, R.K. Wu, H. General Relativity for Mathematicians Springer 1977 86.12 FT 0-387-90218-X R 277.003 Bergmann, P.G. Introduction to the Theory of Relativity Dover 1976 86.12 FTA 0-486-73282-2 R 277.004 Tonnelat, M.A. Les Verifications Experimentales de la Rel General Masson & Cie 1964 FT R 277.005 Kilmister, C.W. General Theory of Relativity Pergamon 1973 GIFT 0-08-017639-9 R 277.006 Einstein, A. La Theorie de la Relativité Restreinte et Générale Gauthier Villars 1969 70.06 GIFT R 277.007 Robertson, Noonan Relativity and Cosmology Snders 1968 FT Extraviad R 277.008 Adler,R.,Bazin,M., Introduction to General Relativity Mc Graw-Hill 1965 FT R 277.009 Weinberg, S. Gravitation and Cosmology Willey and sons 1972 FT R 277.010 Feynman, R.P. Lectures on Gravitation CIT 1971 86.11 FTA R 277.011 Misner,C.W. Gravitation Freeman 2000 01.10 FTA 5-8360-0048 R 277.012 Synge, J.L. Relativity the General Theory North-Holland 1971 FT Extraviad R 277.013 Synge, J.L. Relativity the General Theory North-Holland 1960 FT R 277.014 Lightman Problem Book in Relativity and Gravitation Princenton 1975 FT R 277.015 Synge, J.L. Talking About Relativity North-Holland 1970 71.06 FT 0 7204 0206 R 277.016 Lichnerowicz, A. Theories Relativistes de la Gravitation et de ... Masson 1955 FT Extraviad R 277.017 Souriau, J.M. Geometrie et Relativité Hermann 1964 FT R 277.018 Basri, S.A. A Deductive Theory of Space and Time North-Holland 1966 FT R 277.019 Pathria, R.K. The Theory of Relativity Pergamon 1974 FT R 277.020 Levi-Civita, T. Le Problem des n Corps en Relativité Générale Gauthier Villars 1950 FT Extraviad R 277.021 Tonnelat, M.A. Le Theorie du Champ Unifié d'Einstein Gauthier Villars 1955 FT R 277.022 Plessis, J.C. du Invariance Properties of Variational Principles Math. Com. Univ. 1968 FT Extraviad R 277.023 Hlavaty, V. Geometry of the Einstein's Unified Field Theory Noordhoff 1957 FT R 277.024 Arzelies, H. Relativité Généralisée: Gravitation (I) Gauthier Villars 1961 FT R 277.025 Arzelies, H. Relativité Généralisée: Gravitation (II) Gauthier Villars 1963 FT R 277.026 Einstein, A. The Meaning of Relativity Princenton 1953 FT R 277.027 Einstein, A., Weyl, H. et The Principle of Relativity Dover 1923 FT R 277.028 Levy, M., Deser, S. Recent Developments in Gravitation Plenum 1979 FT 0-306-40198-3 R 2

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77.029 Tonnelat, M.A. Les Principes de la Theorie Electromagnetique Relativiste Masson et cie 1959 FT R 277.030 Poincelot, P. Principes et Apli. Usuelles de la Relativité Masson et cie 1968 FT R 277.031 Tonnelat, M.A. Les Theories Unitaires de l'Electromagnetisque et Gravitatio Gauthier Villars 1965 FT R 277.032 Tonnelat, M.A. Les Verifications Experimentales de la Relativité Générale Masson & Cie 1964 FT R 277.033 Fock, V., Kemmer, M. The Theory of Space, Time and Gravitation Pergamon 1964 FT Vicente R 277.034 Moller, C. The Theory of Relativity Clarendon 1972 FT 0-19851256-2 R 277.035 Bazanski Recent Developments in General Relativity Pergamon 1962 FT Extraviad R 277.036 Ohanian, H.C. Gravitation and Spacetime W.W. Norton and Co 1976 FT Extraviad R 277.037 Cahen, M. Flato M. Differential Geometry and Relativity Reidel 1976 FTA 90-277-0745-6 R 277.038 Harrison, B. Gravitation Theory and Gravitational Collapse Univ. Chicago 1972 FT 0-226-31802-8 R 277.039 Ehlers, J. (ed) Relativity Theory and Astrophysics Ehlers 1967 FT 0-8218-1108-0 R 277.040 Marlow, A.R. Quantum Theory and Gravitation Academic 1980 FT 0-12-473260-7 R 277.041 Kursunoglu, B. On the Path of Albert Einstein Plenum 1979 FT 0-306-40296-3 R 277.042 Hawking, S.W., Israel, W. General Relativity Cambridge 1979 FT Extraviad R 277.043 Carmeli, M. Group Theory and General Relativity Mc Graw-Hill 1977 FT 0-07-009986-3 R 277.044 Lord, E.A. Tensors, Relativity and Cosmology Mc Graw-Hill 1979 FT 0-07-096492-X R 277.045 Bose, S.K. General Relativity Wiley 1980 FT 0 85226 077 6 R 277.046 Kikkava, K., Nakanishi, Gauge Theory and Gravitation Springer 1983 FT Extraviad R 277.047 Ehlers, J. (ed) Isolated Gravitating Systems in General Relativity Soc.Italiana.Físic 1979 FT Extraviad R 277.048 Christensen, Steven, M. Quantum Theory of Gravity Adam Hilger 1984 FT 0-85274-755-1 R 277.049 Torretti, R. Relativity and Geometry Pergamon 1983 FT 0-08-026773-4 R 277.050 Dirac, P.A.M. General Theory of Relativity Whiley & sons 1975 FT 0-471-21575-9 R 277.051 Fokker, A.D. Time and Space Weight and Inertia Pergamon P. 1965 FT R 277.052 Sabbata, V., Gasperini, Introduction to Gravitation World scientific 1985 FTA 9971-50-049-3 R 277.053 Tolman, R. Relativity Termodynamics and Cosmology Oxford FTA Fotocopia R 277.054 Bowler, M.G. Gravitation and Relativity Pergamon 1976 FT R 277.055 Frankel, T. Gravitation and Curvature Freeman 1979 FT R 277.056 Fokker, A.D. Time and Space, Weight and Inertia Pergamon 1965 GIFT R 277.057 Pauli, W. Theory of Relativity Dover 1981 86.12 FTA 0-486-64152-X R 277.058 Weyl, H. Space, Time, Matter Dover 1952 87.03 FTA 0-486-60267-2 R 277.059 Narlikar, J.V. The Lighter Side of Gravity Freeman 1982 87.03 FTA 0-7167-1343-8 R 277.060 Hawking, S.W., Ellis, G. The Large Scale Structure the Space-Time Cambridge 1973 87.03 FTA 0 521 20016 4 R 277.061 Choquet, Y., Karade, T.M. On Relativity Theory Vol. 2 World scientific 1985 87.04 FTA 9971-978-21-0 R 277.062 Sachs, M. Quantum Mechanics from General Relativity Reidel 1986 87.04 FTA 90-277-2247-1 R 277.063 Narlikar, J.V., Gravity, Gauges Theories and Quantum Cosmology Reidel 1986 87.04 FTA 90-277-1948-9 R 277.064 Prokhovnik, S.J. Light in Einstein's Universe Reidel 1985 87.05 FTA Extraviad PASCUAL R 277.065 Tocaci, E. Relativistic Mechanics, Time and Inertia Reidel 1985 87.05 FTA 90-287-1769-9 R 277.066 Held, A. (ed) General Relativity and Gravitation Vol. I Plenum 1980 87.07 FTA 0-306-40265-3 R 277.067 Held, A. (ed) General Relativity and Gravitation Vol. II Plenum 1980 87.07 FTA 0-306-40266-1 R 277.068 Wald, R.M. General Relativity Univ. Chicago 1984 87.07 FTA R 2

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77.069 Rindler, W. Essential Relativity Springer 1969 87.07 FTA 0-387-10090-3 R 277.070 Penrose, R. Rindler, W. Spinors and Space-Time (Vol. I) Cambridge 1984 87.09 FTA 0 521 24527 3 R 277.071 Einstein, A. La Theorie de la Relativité Restreinte et Générale Gauthier Villars 1954 88.01 FTA R 277.072 Duff, M.J. Isham, C.J. Quantum Structure and Space and Time University 1982 88.02 FTA R 277.073 Bertotti, B. Felice, F. General Relativity and Gravitation Reidel 1984 88.01 FTA 90-277-1819-9 R 277.074 Moshe, C., Stuari, I. Relativity Plenum P. 1970 88.01 FTA 306-30475-9 R 277.075 Penrose,R. Rindler,W. Spinors and Space-time (Vol. II) Cambridge 1986 89.04 FTA 0 521 34786 6 R 277.076 Schutz, B.F. A First course in general relativity Cambridge 1989 90.03 FTA 0-521-27703-5 R 277.077 Brown, J.D. Lower Dimensional Gravity World Scientific 1988 89.01 FTA 9971-50-622-X R 277.078 Hawking, S.W., Israel, W. 300 Years of Gravitation Cambridge 1987 90.03 FTA 0-521-34312-7 R 277.079 Penrose, R., Isham, C.J. Quantum concepts in Space and time Oxford 1980 90.04 FTA 0-19-851972-9 R 277.080 Hughston, L.P., Tod, K.P. An Introduction to General Relativity Cambridge 1990 91.02 FTA 0-521-33943-X R 277.081 Kenyon, I.R. General Relativity Oxford 1990 91.02 FTA 0-19-851996-6 R 277.082 Narzul Islam, J Rotating fields in general relativy Cambridge 1985 91.07 FTA 0-521-26082-5 R 277.083 Klotz,A.M. Macrophysics and geometry Cambridge 1982 91.07 FTA 0-521-23938-9 R 277.084 Sazanov,A. El Universo tetradimensional de Minkowski Mir 1988 91.05 MAF 5-03-000783-0 R 277.085 Soffel,M. Relativity and Astronomy Springer 1989 91.07 MAF Extraviad PASCUAL 3-540-18906-8 R 277.086 Friedman, M. Fundamentos de las teorias Espacio-Tiempo Alianza Universidad 1991 92.05 FTA Extraviad PASCUAL 84-206-2684-8 R 277.087 Straumann, N. General Relativity and Relativistic Astrophysics Springer 1991 93.01 MAF 3-540-53743-0 R 277.088 Earman, J. World Enough and Space-Time MIT 1981 93.01 MAF Extraviad PASCUAL 0-262-05040-4 R 277.089 Vladimirov,Yu. Horsky, J. Space, Time, Gravitation MIR 1987 93.05 FTA R 277.090 Berry, M.V. Principles of Cosmology and Gravitation IOP 1989 93.05 FTA 0-85274-037-9 R 277.091 D'Inverno, R. Introducing Einstein's Relativity Clarendon 1993 94.09 FTA 0-19-859686-3 R 277.092 Ellis, B. The Renaissance of General Relativity and Cosmology Cambridge Univ. 1993 95.02 MAF 0-521-43377-0 R 277.093 Hu, B.L. Directions in General Relativity (vol. I) Cambridge Univ. 1993 95.02 MAF 0-521-45266-X R 277.094 Hu, B.L. Directions in General Relativity (vol. II) Cambridge Univ. 1993 95.02 MAF 0-521-45267-8 R 277.095 Pankaj, S.J. Global Aspects Ingravitation and Cosmology Oxford 1993 95.03 MAF 0-19-853966-5 R 277.096 Clarke, C.J.S. The Analysis of Space-Time Singularities Cambridge Univ. 1993 95.03 MAF 0-521-43796 R 277.097 Girbau, J. Geometría Diferencial y Relativitat Univ. Aut. Barcelona 1993 96.11 FTA 84-7929-776 R 277.098 Ellis, G.F.R. Flad and Curved Space -Times Oxford 1988 98.03 MAF 0-19-851169 R 277.099 Ohanian, H.C. Gravitation and Spacetime Norton 1976 98.03 MAF 0-393-96501 R 277.100 Will, C.M. Theory and Experiment in Gravitation Univ. Cambridge 1993 99.03 MAF 0-521-43973 R 277.101 Feyman, R.P. Feynman Lectures on Gravitation Univ. Bangalore 1997 99.03 FTA 0-72111-521 R 277.102 Gambini, R. Loops, Knots, Gauge Theories and Quantum Gravity V.3 Collæge Univ. 1998 99.03 FTA 7-5158-0269 R 277.103 Demiansky, M. Relativistic Astrophysics V.19 Collæge Univ. 1998 99.03 FTA 7-5158-0330 R 277.104 Wald, R.M. Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime and Black Hole Univ. Bangalore 1997 99.03 FTA 0-72111-515 R 277.105 Ciufolini, I. Gravitation and Inertia Princeton 1995 99.04 MAF 0-691-03323 R 277.106 Steward, J. Advanced General Relativity 1997 99.10 FTA 5-85501-290 R 277.107 Bergmann, P.G. The Riddle of Gravitation Dover 1992 99.11 FTA 0-486-27378 R 277.108 Gibilisco, S. Understanding Einstein´s Theories of Relativity Dover 1991 99.11 FTA 0-486-26659 R 2

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77.109 Torretti, R. Relativity and Geometry Dover 1996 99.11 FTA 0-486-69046 R 277.110 Logunov, A.A. Curso de la Teoría de la Relatividad y de la Gravitación URSS 1998 01.04 FTA 5-88417-162 R 277.111 Borissova, L.B. Fields,Vacuum, and the Mirror Universe URSS 2001 01.04 FTA 5-8360-0048 R 277.112 Pascual- Sánchez, J.F. Reference Frames and Gravitomagnetism World Scientific 2001 02.01 MAF 481-02-4651 R 277.113 Ohanian, H.C. Gravitation and Spacetime Norton 1994 02.02 FTA 0-393-96501 R 277.114 Ohanian, H.C. Gravitation and Spacetime Norton 1994 02.02 FTA 0-393-96501 R 277.115 Wheeler, J.A. Un viaje por la Gravedad y el Espcio-Tiempo Alianza 1990 02.02 FTA 84-206-9691 R 277.116 Chandrasekhar, J.A. The Mathematical Theory of Black Holes Oxford 2000 02.06 FTA 0-19-850370 R 277.117 Hehl, F.W. (ed.) Relativity and Scientific Computing Springer 1996 02.03 MAF 3-540-60361 R 277.118 Smolin, L. Three roads to Quantum Gravity Basic Books 2001 2003 FTA 0-465-07836 R 277.119 Stephani, H. Exact Solutions to Einstein´s Field Equations Cambridge Univ. 2003 2003 FTA 0-521-46136 R 277.120 Hastle, J.B. GRAVITY an Introduction to Einstein´s G.R. Addison Wesley 2003 2003 FTA 0-8053-8662 R 277.121 Gamow, G. GRAVITY Dover 2002 2003 FTA 0-486-425633 R 277.122 Gott, J.R. Time travel in Einstein´s Universo Mariner 2001 2004 MAF 0-618-25735 R 277.123 Schutz, B. GRAVITY from the ground up Cambridge 2003 2004 FTA 0-521-45506 R 277.124 Giulini, D. (ed.) Quantum Gravity from Theory to Experimental Search Springer 2003 2004 FTA 3-540-40810 R 277.125 Ruftini, R.S. Nonlinear Gravitodinamics. The Lense-Thirring Effects World Scientific 2003 2004 FTA 981-238-347 R 277.126 Stephani, H. Relativity. An Introduction to Special and General Cambridge 2004 2004 FTA 0-521-82475 R 277.127 Ortin, T. GRAVITY and Strings Cambridge 2004 2005 FTA 0-521-82475 R 277.128 Poisson, E. A Relativist´s Toolkit Cambridge 2004 2005 FTA 0-521-83091 R 277.129 Sachs, M. Quantum Mechanics and Gravity Springer 2004 2005 FTA 3-540-00800 R 277.130 Infold, L: Motion and Relativity Pergamon 1960 2005 FTA Copia R 277.131 Loinger, A. On Black Holes and Gravitational Waves La Goliardica Pavese 2002 2005 FTA 88-7830-371 R 277.132 Raychaudhuri, A.K. General Relativity, Astrophysics, and Cosmology Springer 2003 2005 FTA 0-387-40628 R 277.133 Cheng, T-P. Relativity, Gravitation and Comology Oxford Univ. 2005 2005 FTA 0-19-852956 R 277.134 Straumann, N. General Relativity . With Applications to Astrophysics Springer 2004 2005 FTA 3-540-21924 R 277.135 Dalarson, M. Tensors, Relativity and Cosmology Elsevier 2005 2006 FTA 0-12-200-682 R 277.136 Tolman, R. Relativity, Termodinamics Dover 2006 MAF R 277.137 Makim, R. An Introduction to Relativistic Gravitation Dover 2006 MAF R 277.138 Weeks, J.R. The Shape of Space Marcel Dekker 2002 2006 FTA 0-8247-0709 R 277.139 Carroll, S.M. Spacetime and Geometry Addison Wesley 2004 2006 FTA 0-8053-8732 R 277.140 Frauendiener,J. Analytical and Numerical Approaches to Mathematical Springer 2006 2006 FTA 3-540-31027 R 277.141 Foster, J. A Short Course in General Relativity Springer 2006 2006 FTA 0-387-26078 R 277.142 Fristzsch, H. The Curvature of Spacetime. Newton, Einstein and Gravitation Columbia U. 2002 2006 FTA 0-231-11821 R 277.143 Khriplovich, I.B. General Relativity Springer 2005 2006 FTA 0-387-25643 R 277.144 Gomberoff, A. Lectures on Quantum Gravity Springer 2005 2006 FTA 0-387-23995 R 277.145 García-Compeán, H. (ed.) Topics in Mathematical Physics, General Relativity and World Scientific 2006 2007 FTA 981-270-047-1 R 277.146 Plebanski, J. An Introduction to General Relativity and Cosmology Cambridge 2006 2007 FTA 0-521-85623-X R 277.147 Wudka, J. Space-Time, Relativity, and Cosmology Cambridge 2006 2006 FTA R 277.148 Hall, G.S. Symmetries and Curvature Structure in General Relativity World Scientific 2004 2007 FTA 981-02-1051 R 2

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77.149 Hawking, S. The Nature of Space and Time Princeton U. 1995 2007 FTA 0-691-05084-8 R 277.150 Fabbri, A. Modeling Black Hole Evaporation ICP 2005 2008 FTA 1-86094-527-9 R 277.151 Thiemann,T. Modern Canonical Quantum G. Relativity Cambridge 2007 2008 FTA 0-521-84263-8 R 277.152 Waleka, J.D. Introduction to General Relativity World Scientific 2007 2008 FTA 10 981-270 R 277.153 Alcubierre, M. Introduction to 3+1 Numerical Relativity Oxford Science 2008 2008 FTA 19-920567-7 R 277.154 Rendall, A.D. Partial Differential Equat. in G.R. Oxford 2008 2008 FTA 978-0-19 R 277.155 Torretti, R. Relativity and Geometry Dover 1996 2008 FTA 0-486-69046-6 R 277.156 Hajicek, P. An Introduction to the Relativistic Theory of Gravitation Springer 2008 2008 FTA 978-3-540 R 277.157 Choquet-Bruat, Y. General Relativity and the Einstein Equations Oxford 2009 2009 FTA 0-19-923072-3 R 277.158 O´Neill, B. Semi-Riemannian Geometry. With Applications to Relativity Academic 1983 2009 FTA 0-12-526740-3 R 277.159 Parker, L. Q.F.T. in Curved Spacetime Cambridge 2009 2009 FTA 0-521-87787-9 R 277.160 Griffiths, J.B. Exact Space-Times in Einstein´s G.R. Cambridge 2009 2009 FTA 521-88927-8 R 277.161 Susskind, L. La guerra de los agujeros negros Crítica 2009 2009 FTA 84-9892-023-9 R 277.162 Cooperstock, F.I. General Relativistic Dynamics World Scientific 2009 2009 FTA 981-4271-16-5 R 277.163 Oriti,D. (ed.) Approaches to Quantum Gravity Cambridge 2009 2009 FTA 0-521-86045-1 R 277.164 Begelman, M. Gravity´s Fattal Attraction Black Holes in the Universe Cambridge 2010 20º0 FTA 978-0-521 R 277.165 Schutz, B. A First Course in General Relativity 2ª ed. Cambridge 2009 2010 FTA 978-0-521 R 277.166 Kadomsev, B.B. On the Pulsar World Scientific 2010 2010 FTA 978-981-4289 R 277.167 Franklin, J. Advanced Mech. and General Relativity Cambridge 2010 2011 FTA 978-0-521 R 277.168 Wang, Y. Dark Energy Wiley-VCH 2010 2011 FTA 978-3-527 R 277.169 Chandrasekhar, S. Classical General Relativity Oxford Science 1993 2013 FTAO1 0-19-853980-0 077.170 Schutz, B. A First Course in General Relativity Cambridge 2009 2012 FTAO1 978-0-521 077.171 Ryder, L. Introduction to General Relativity Cambridge 2009 2012 FTAO1 978-0-521 077.172 Murugan, J. y Weltman, A. Foundations of Space and Time Reflections on Quantum Gravity Cambridge 2012 2012 FTAO1 978-0-521 077.173 Lambourne, Robert J.A. Relativity, Gravitation and Cosmology Cambridge 2010 2012 FTAO1 978-0-521 077.174 Ohanian, Hans C. y Gravitation and Spacetime Cambridge 2013 2013 FTAO1 978-1-107 077.175 Yanchilin, V. The Quantum Theory of Gravitation URSS 2003 2008 FTAO1 5-354-00346-6 077.176 Vac 077.177 Vac 077.178 Vac 077.179 Vac 077.180 Vac 078.000 ========================= ========================= ASTROFISICA Cab 1;;; R 278.001 Flügge, S. Handbuch der Physik (L) Springer 1958 FT R 278.002 Flügge, S. Handbuch der Physik (LII) Springer 1959 FT R 278.003 Flügge, S. Handbuch der Physik (LIII) Springer 1959 FT R 278.004 Flügge, S. Hundbuch Der Physik (LIV) Springer 1962 FT R 278.005 Reddish, V.C. L'Evolution des Galaxies Dunod 1971 FT R 278.006 Tayler, R.J., Dadvison, Astrophysics Benjamin 1969 GIFT R 278.007 Chretien, H. Deser & Astrophysics and General Relativity (I) Gordon & Breach 1969 71.01 FT R 2

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78.008 Chandrasekhar, S. An Introduction to the Study of Stellar ... Dover 1939 86.12 FT 486-60413-6 R 278.009 Boner,G.,Stewart,J., Astrophysics (Vol. 69) Springer 1973 GIFT 3-540-06376-5 R 278.010 Zeldovich, Y.B., Novikov, Relativistic Astropysics (Vol. I) Chicago 1971 GIFT 0-226-97955-5 R 278.011 Robertson, H.P. L'universo Aldo Martello 1956 FT R 278.012 Lyttleton, R.A. The Modern Universe Hodder & Stoughton 1961 FT R 278.013 Steinberg, J.L., Lequeux, Radioastronomie Dunod 1960 FT R 278.014 Baker, Makenson An Introduction to Astrodynamics Academic 1967 FT Extraviad R 278.015 Roy, A.E. The Foundations of Astrodynamics Mc Millan 1965 FT Extraviad R 278.016 Schatzman, E. The Origin and Evolution of the Universe Hutchinson and Co 1966 FT R 278.017 North, J.D. The Measure of the Universe Clarendon 1965 FT R 278.018 Frank, J. Accretion Power in Astrophysics Univ. Cambridge 1992 99.03 MAF 0-521-40306 R 278.019 Boischot, A. La Radioastronomie Masson and cie 1960 FT R 278.020 Ehlers, J. (ed) Relativity Theory and Astrophysics Am. Math. Soc. 1967 FT R 278.021 Chandrasekhar, S. Radiative Transfer Dover 1960 86.12 FTA E 0-486-60590-6 R 278.022 Zel´dovich, Ya. B. Stars and Relativity Dover 1996 99.11 FTA 0-486-69424 R 278.023 Bloom, J.S. What Are Gamma-Ray Bursts Princeton 2011 2011 FTA 978-0-691 R 278.024 Vac 078.025 Vac 078.026 Vac 078.027 Vac 079.000 ========================= ========================= COSMOLOGIA Cab 1;;; R 279.001 Whitrow, G.J. The Structure and Evolution of the Universe Hutchinsen and Co 1961 FT R 279.002 Segal, I.E. Mathematical Cosmology and Extragalactic Astronomy Academic 1976 FT 0-12-635250-X R 279.003 Javet, P. La forma del Universo Espasa-Calpe 1948 FT R 279.004 Sciama, D.W. Modern Cosmology Cambridge 1971 GIFT 0-521-08069-X R 279.005 Peebles, P.J.E. Physical Cosmology Princenton 1971 FT Extraviad R 279.006 Schrodinger, E. Expanding Universes Cambridge 1957 FT R 279.007 McVittie, G.C. Cosmological Theory Methuen and Co 1949 FT R 279.008 Abetti, G. Exploración del Universo Guadarrama 1968 FT R 279.009 Hoyle, F. Galaxies, Nuclei and Quasars Heinemann 1965 FT R 279.010 Sanz, J.L., Goicoechea, Observational and Theoretical Aspects of Relativ. Astrophys. World scientific 1985 87.01 FTA Extraviad PASCUAL 99-71-97819-9 R 279.011 Landsberg, P.T., Evans, Mathematical Cosmology Clarendon 1977 FTA 0-19-851147-7 R 279.012 Berry, M.V. Principles of Cosmology and Gravitation Cambridge 1976 FTA R 279.013 Shipman, H.L. Los Agujeros Negros, los Quasars y el Universo Alhambra 1982 FT R 279.014 Bondi, H. Cosmology Cambridge 1968 72.07 FT 521 04281 X R 279.015 Lapiedra, R., Sanz J.L. Aspectos Básicos de Cosmología y Radiacción Gravitatoria GIFT 1984 88.05 FTA R 279.016 Pagels,H. La búsqueda del principio del Tiempo Bosch 1988 90.12 MAF 0-671-46548-1 R 279.017 Coles, P. Cosmology. The Origin and Evolution of Cosmic Structure Wiley 1995 98.03 MAF 0-471-95473 R 279.018 Rowan-Robinson, M. Cosmology. Third Edition Clarendon 1996 98.10 MAF 0-19-851885 R 279.019 Harrison, E.R. Cosmology. THe Science of the Universe Univ. Cambridge 1995 98.12 MAF 0-521-22981 R 2

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79.020 Bertotti, B. (ed.) Modern Cosmology in Retrospect Univ. Cambridge 1990 99.03 MAF 0-521-37213 R 279.021 Padmanabhan, T. Cosmology and Astrophysics. Through Problems Univ. Cambridge 1996 99.03 MAF 0-521-46230 R 279.022 Gurzadyan, V.G. Paradigms of the Large-Scale Universe Gordon & Breach 1994 99.04 MAF 2-88124-966 R 279.023 Coles, P. Is The Universe Open or Closed ? Univ. Cambridge 1997 99.04 MAF 0-521-56689 R 279.024 Hogan, G.J. The Little Book of the Big Bang Copernicus 1998 2003 MAF 2-387-98385 R 279.025 Fox, K.C. The Big Bang Theory Wiley 2002 2003 FTA 0-471-39452 R 279.026 Freedman, R.A. UNIVERSE Freeman 2002 2003 FTA 0-7167-4647 R 279.027 Levy, D.H. Observar el cielo Planeta 2008 2009 MAF 84-08-07891-3 R 279.028 Vac 079.029 Vac 079.030 Vac 080.000 ========================= ========================= CONGRESOS Y COMUNICACIONES Cab 1;;; R 080.001 Weyl, H. Gesaunnete Abhandlingen Springer 1968 GIFT R 080.002 Varios Physics (Nobel Lectures) (1901-1962) Elsevier 1967 GIFT R 080.003 Herceg, Novi Methods in Subnuclear Physics Gordon & Breach 1968 GIFT R 080.004 Schlaning Develoments in High Energy Physics Springer 1970 GIFT R 080.005 Burhop High Energy Physics Academic 1967 GIFT R 080.006 Lévy, M. Cargese Lectures in Physics R 080.007 Wilson, J.E. Progress in Cosmic Ray Physics Vol. II,III y IV Nort-Holland 1965 FT R 080.008 Dewitt, J. LES HOUCHES Gordon and Breach FT R 080.009 Cool, R.L. Advances in Particle Physics John Wiley & Son 1968 GIFT R 080.010 Ramakrishnan, A. Simposia on Theoretical Physics and Mathematics Plenum 1968 FT R 080.011 Kursunoglu, B. Coral Gables Conference W.H.Freeman and Com. 1964 GIFT R 080.012 Conn, G.K.T. Essays in Physics Academic 1970 GIFT R 080.013 Zichichi, A. ERICE Academic 1969 GIFT R 080.014 Conferencia Tenner, A.G. I.C.E.P. FT R 080.015 Birkhoff, G.D. Collected Mathematical Pappers Dover 1968 GIFT R 080.016 Conferencia Rochester Proc. 1967 Int. Conf. Partic. Fields R 080.017 Rollnik, H. (ed.) Electron and Photon Interactions 6º Int. Symp. North Holland 1974 FT R 080.018 Takeda, G. TOKIO Summer Lectures in theoretical Physics 1965 Benjamin 1966 FT R 080.019 Svartholm, N. Nobel Simposium 8 Elementary Particles Theory John Wiley & Son 1968 FT R 080.020 Preist, T.W. (ed.) Scottish Univ. Summer School in Physics 1970 Academic 1971 FT R 080.021 Brandeis Univ. Brandeis Univ. Summer Inst. in Theoretical Physics M.I.T. 1970 GIFT R 080.022 Hohler, G. (ed.) Springer Tracts in Modern Physics Springer 1970 GIFT R 080.023 Flugge, S. (ed.) Handbuch der Physik 1955-56-58 G.I.FT 1971 3-540-05570 R 080.024 Segré, E. Annual Review of Nuclear Science 1960-1976 FT R 080.025 Mehra, J. The Solvay Conferences on Physics D. Roidel 1975 FT 90-277-0635 R 080.026 Cronstion, C. Liperi Summer School T.P. Topias on T.P. Gordon and Beach 1967 FT R 080.027 Contributions I.C.N.S. Tokio, 1967 R 080.028 Araki, H. Lec. Not. Ph. Int. Sym. Math. Prob. Th. Ph. Springer 1975 FT 0-387-07174 R 0

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80.029 Zichichi, A. Laws of Hardronic Matter 1973 Int. School of Summer Physics Academic 1975 FT 0-12-780588 R 080.030 De-Shalit, A. Preludes in Theoretical Physics R 080.031 Some Topics in Weak Inter. Procedings V GIFT Zaragoza 74 Univ. Zaragoza 1975 R 080.032 Procedings 5ª Inter. Wint. Meet. Fund. Phys. Candanchu 77 Inst. Est. Nuc. 1977 R 080.033 Vac 080.034 Calogero, F. The Nuclear Many-Body Problems Roma 72 Compositori 1973 R 080.035 Zichichi, A. High Energy Physics Palermo 75 Compositori 1976 R 080.036 Woolf, H. Some Strangeness in the proportion Addison-Wesley 1980 0-201-09924 R 080.037 Panvini, R.S. Novel Results in Particle Physics. Vanderbilt 1982 Amer. Inst. Phy. 1982 0-88318-192 R 080.038 Boer, Procedings of the Int. Conf. on Nuclear Physics Munich 1973 North Holland 1973 R 080.039 Boer, Procedings of the Int. Conf. on Nuclear Physics Munich 1973 North Holland 1973 R 080.040 Flugge, S. Enciclopedia of Physics Vol. XXXVI Atoms II Springer 1956 R 080.041 Flugge, S. Enciclopedia of Physics Vol. XLI/I Nuclear Reactions II Springer 1959 R 080.042 Flugge, S. Enciclopedia of Physics Vol. XLII Nuclear Reactions II Springer 1957 R 080.043 Morgenstern, D. Vorlesungen Uber Theoretische Mechanick Springer 1961 R 080.044 Borstein, L. Numerical Data and Functional Relationships In Science and Springer 1967 FTA R 080.045 Trends in Physics 2ª Confer. E.P.S. 1972 E.P.S. 1972 R 080.046 Selected Lectures of the Royal Society V.3 Academic 1970 R 080.047 Cobos Coloquium 1986-88 Un.Extremadura 1988 91.07 MAF 84-600-5468-3 R 080.048 Casanova Colás, J. XXIII Reunión Bienal de la R.S.E. de Física Univ. Valladolid 1992 93.04 FTA 84-7762-300-7 R 080.049 Lectures in Theoretical Physics Vol. I, II, III, IV, VI Vii R 080.050 Zambrini, J-C. (ed.) XIV th International Physics. Lisboa 2003 World Scientific 2005 2007 FTA 981-256-201-X R 080.151 Vac 080.152 Vac 080.153 Vac 081.000 ========================= ========================= DICCIONARIOS Cab 1;;; R 181.001 Collins, S. Diccionario Español-Ingles, Ingles-Español Williian CollinsSons 000-433473 R 181.002 Clapham, C. Diccionario Oxford de Matemáticas Celeste 1992 95.10 MAF 84-87553-21-4 R 181.003 Morris, C. Dictionary of Science and Technology Academic 1992 95.10 MAF 0-12-200400-0 R 181.004 Moliner, M. Diccionario de uso del Español Gredos 1990 96.05 MAF 84-249-1344 R 181.004 Moliner, M. Diccionario de uso del Español Gredos 1990 96.05 MAF 84-249-1344 R 181.005 Ortiz de Burgos Diccionario Italiano- Español Hymsa 1943 GIFT R 181.006 Amador Diccionario Español-Ingles Ingles-Español Sopena 1960 GIFT R 181.007 Otto, E. Gramática sucinta de la lengua Alemana Julio Groos 1926 GIFT R 181.008 Schoen, Th. Diccionario Moderno de Alemán Lang Enscheidt 1980 97.01 MAF 84-294-3876 R 181.009 Smith, C. Diccionario de Ingles Collins Harpercollins- 1990 97.01 MAF R 181.010 Zanichelli Diccionario de Italiano Vox 1997 98.10 MAF R 181.011 Bouvier, A. Diccionario de Matemáticas Akal 2005 2005 MAF 84-460-1254 R 181.012 Reyes, R. (ed.) Terminología Cientifico-Social Anthropos 1988 2005 MAF 85-7658-067 R 181.013 R.A.E. Diccionario de Dudas Santillana 2005 2006 MAF 84-2040623-9 R 1

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81.014 Seco, M. Diccionario Español Actual I Aguilar 1999 2006 MAF R 181.015 Seco, M. Diccionario Español Actual II Aguilar 1999 2006 MAF R 181.016 Reyes, R. Terminología Científico-Social Anthropos 1988 2006 MAF 84-7658-067-3 R 181.017 Vac 082.000 ========================= ========================= COLECCIONES Cab 1;;; R 082.001 Vac 082.002 Vac 082.003 Vac 082.004 Vac 082.005 Vac 083.000 ========================= ========================= ENCICLOPEDIAS Cab 1;;; R 183.001 Hazewinkel, M. ed. Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, Vol. 1 Kluwer 1988 90.05 FTA 1-55608-010-7 R 183.002 Hazewinkel, M. ed. Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, Vol. 2 Kluwer 1988 90.05 FTA 1-55608-010-7 R 183.003 Hazewinkel, M. ed. Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, Vol. 3 Kluwer 1988 90.05 FTA 1-55608-010-7 R 183.004 Hazewinkel, M. ed. Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, Vol. 4 Kluwer 1988 90.05 FTA 1-55608-010-7 R 183.005 Hazewinkel, M. ed. Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, Vol. 5 Kluwer 1988 90.05 FTA 1-55608-010-7 R 183.006 Hazewinkel, M. ed. Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, Vol. 6 Kluwer 1990 90.90 FTA 1-55608-005-0 R 183.007 Hazewinkel, M. (ed.) Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, Vol. 7 Kluwer 1991 91.11 FTA 1-55608-006-9 R 183.008 Hazewinkel, M. (ed.) Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, Vol. 8 Kluwer 1992 92.01 FTA 1-55608-007-7 R 183.009 Hazewinkel, M. (ed.) Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, Vol. 9 Kluwer 1993 93.01 FTA 1-55608-008-5 R 183.010 Hazewinkel, M. (ed.) Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, Vol. 10 Kluwer 1994 94.03 FTA 1-55608-009 R 183.011 Vinográdov, I.M. Enciclopedia de las Matemáticas (Tomo 1) MIR 1994 95.10 MAF 84-8041-076 R 183.012 Vinográdov, I.M. Enciclopedia de las Matemáticas Tomo 2 MIR 1993 95.10 MAF 84-8041-021 R 183.013 Vinográdov, I.M. Enciclopedia de las Matemáticas Tomo 3 MIR 1993 95.10 MAF 84-8041-034 R 183.014 Vinográdov, I.M. Enciclopedia de las Matemáticas Tomo 4 MIR 1993 95.10 MAF 84-8041-035 R 183.015 Vinográdov, I.M. Enciclopedia de las Matemáticas Tomo 5 MIR 1994 95.10 MAF 84-8041-036 R 183.016 Reinhardt, F. Atlas de Matemáticas, 1 Fundamentos, Algebra y Geometría Alianza 1984 96.04 MAF 84-206-6203 R 183.017 Reinhardt, F. Atlas de Matemáticas, 2 Análisis y Matemática Aplicada Alianza 1984 96.04 MAF Extraviad S.N. 84-206-6212 R 183.018 Vinográdov, I.M. Enciclopedia de las Matemáticas Tomo 6 MIR 1993 95.10 MAF 84-8041-035 R 183.019 Vinográdov, I.M. Enciclopedia de las Matemáticas Tomo 7 MIR 1993 95.10 MAF 84-8041-035 R 183.020 Vinográdov, I.M. Enciclopedia de las Matemáticas Tomo (9-1) MIR 1993 95.10 MAF 84-8041-035 R 183.021 Weisstein, E.W. CRC Concise Enciclopedia of MATHEMATICS Chapman & Hall/CRC 1999 00.02 FTA 0-8493-9640 R 183.022 Knuth, D.E. Mathematical Writing M.A.A 1989 00.06 FTA 0-88385-063 R 183.023 Francoise, J.P. Enciclopedia of Mathematical Physics V.I Academic 2006 2006 FTA 0-12-512661-1 R 183.024 Francoise, J.P. Enciclopedia of Mathematical Physics V.II Academic 2006 2006 FTA 0-12-512662-2 R 183.025 Francoise, J.P. Enciclopedia of Mathematical Physics V.III Academic 2006 2006 FTA 0-12-512663-8 R 183.026 Francoise, J.P. Enciclopedia of Mathematical Physics V. IV Academic 2006 2006 FTA 0-12-512664-6 R 183.027 Francoise, J.P. Enciclopedia of Mathematical Physics V. V Academic 2006 2006 FTA 0-12-512665-4 R 183.028 Gowers, T, The Princeton Companion to Mathematics Princeton U. 2008 2009 FTA 978-0-691 R 183.029 Weisstein, E.W. CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics A-F CRC 2009 2009 FTA 978-1-4200 R 1

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83.030 Weisstein, E.W. CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics G-O CRC 2009 2009 FTA 978-1-4200 R 183.031 Weisstein, E.W. CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics P-Z CRC 2009 2009 FTA 978-1-4200 R 183.032 Vac 083.034 Vac 083.035 Vac 083.036 Vac 084.000 ========================= ========================= TESIS DOCTORALES y de Cab 1;;; R 084.001 López Torrecilla, M. Estimación, contraste y ajuste de temperaturas de las Zonas Univ. Vall. 1964 T. Licenciatura R 084.002 Leguerica Gomez, M.C. Estimación contraste y ajuste de temperaturas . Zonas Univ. Vall. 1965 T. Licenciatura R 084.003 Alonso Santos, A. Método analítico para estimar los riesgos de las Univ. Vall. 1966 T. Doctoral R 084.004 Pascual Alonso, V. Estimación contraste y ajuste de temperaturas . Zonas Univ. Vall. 1967 T. Licenciatura R 084.005 Pardos E. del Pino, M. Estimación contraste y ajuste de temperaturas . Zonas Univ. Vall. 1967 T. Licenciatura R 084.006 Boya Balet, L.J. Teoría del momento de inercia nuclear Univ. Barc. 1968 T. Doctoral R 084.007 Villagrá Blanco, A. Cálculo de la energía de interacción entre láminas de Univ. Vall. 1970 T. Doctoral R 084.008 Hervás Burgos, Mª P. Sistemas disipativos Marcofianos Univ. Vall. 1970 T. Doctoral R 084.009 Perán González, J. Optimización y síntesis de sistemas de control contínuos no Univ. Vall. 1970 T. Doctoral R 084.010 Souto Ugidos, J.M. El álgebra de Clifford de la ecuación de Dirac. Univ. Vall. 1970 T. Licenciatura R 084.011 Gomez Briongos, E. Los estados de un sistema cuántico como operadores densidad Univ. Vall. 1970 T. Licenciatura R 084.012 Perez Gomez, A. Desarrollos asintóticos de series potenciales y transf. Univ. Vall. 1970 T. Doctoral R 084.013 Ledesma Jimeno, M. Aplicaciones del análisis armónico ala predicción del tiempo Univ. Vall. 1971 T. Doctoral R 084.014 López González, S. Representación de funciones mediante Splines cúbicos para su Univ. Vall. 1971 T. Doctoral R 084.015 Gadella Urquiza, M. Cálculo del efecto Lamb con renormalización exacta de la Univ. Vall. 1971 T. Licenciatura R 084.016 Gadella Urquiza, M. Efecto Lamb en el oscilador armónico con renormalización Univ. Vall. 1971 T. Licenciatura R 084.017 Maeso Marcos, M.J. Fotoconductividad en Monocristales de Ge dopados con Sb. Univ. Vall. 1971 T. Licenciatura R 084.018 García-Miguel Sanchez, A. El espectro de los átomos hidrogénicos. Univ. Vall. 1971 T. Licenciatura R 084.019 Alonso Martín, J. Mecánica estocástica en el espacio de fase. Univ. Vall. 1971 T. Licenciatura R 084.020 de Francisco Sainz, J.L. Contribuciones al estudio y cálculo de la absorción Univ. Zarag. 1972 T. Doctoral R 084.021 Olivert Pellicer, J. Estudio relativista de un fluido perfecto termodinámico de Univ. Valen. 1973 T. Doctoral R 084.022 López Fernandez-Asenjo, Aplicaciones m medibles e integrables... Univ. Vall. 1975 T. Doctoral R 084.023 Buenaga Sáiz, J. Nueva Teoría del Electrón 1975 R 084.024 Gaite Dominguez, E. Cálculo de la interacción entre láminas de grafito por los Univ. Vall. 1975 T. Doctoral R 084.025 Saiz Zaldo, F. Funciones de tipo C∞ (Rn;E)...... Univ. Vall. 1976 T. Doctoral R 084.026 Gallego del Hoyo, L.J. Estructuración Formal de la 2ª Ley de la Termodinámica. Univ. Vall. 1976 T. Doctoral R 084.027 Nieto Salinas, Mª P. Contribución a la formación de la Mecánica Cuántica Univ. Vall. 1977 T. Doctoral R 084.028 Brom, J.M. Mecanisme de production de pares leptones... U. Louis Pasteur- 1978 T. Doctoral R 084.029 Bolognese, T. Etude des interactions d´antisimetries... U. Louis Pasteur- 1978 T. Doctoral R 084.030 Huss, D. Etude des reactions a courants... U. Louis Pasteur- 1979 T. Doctoral R 084.031 Allo Ayala, G. Extensión finitamente aditiva de un juego Univ. Vall 1980 T. Doctoral R 084.032 Vazquez Ramallo, A. Efectos sombra anómalos en las colisiones Hadrón-Núcleo y Univ. S. Comp. 1982 T. Doctoral R 084.033 Nieto Pintos, J.F. Análisis estadístico de la contaminación fluorada en Univ. Vall. 1982 T. Licenciatura R 0

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84.034 Soto Torres, Mª. D. Modelos externo e interno en análisis de sistemas y sus Univ. Vall. 1983 T. Doctoral R 084.035 Blaes, R. Etude experimentale des violations.. U. Louis Pasteur- 1983 T. Doctoral R 084.036 Rey Losada, C. Deconvolución de señales microcalorimétricas Univ. S. Comp. 1983 T. Doctoral 84-398-0154-8 R 084.037 Ortiz Fernandez, M.C. Modelo teórico-experimental a fuerza iónica variable para Univ. Vall. 1984 T. Licenciatura R 084.038 Lopez Fraguas, A. Estudio de las reacciones P_ r Æ Ks Ksn y P_ r Æ K0p Kp- Univ. Compl. 1984 T. Doctoral R 084.039 Largo Cabrerizo, A. Análisis de los efectos locales de la correlación Univ. Vall. 1985 T. Doctoral R 084.040 Pascual de Frutos, D. Estudio de las características estructurales de la aleación Univ. Vall. 1985 T. Licenciatura R 084.041 Sanchez Melado, J.C. Estudio de la degradación térmica del PVC mediante la Univ. Vall. 1985 T. Licenciatura R 084.042 González Fernandez D.J. Estudio teórico de las propiedades cohesivas de aleaciones Univ. Vall. 1985 T. Doctoral R 084.043 Salcedo Moreno, L.L. Propagación de mesones reales y virtuales en un mediop Univ. Vall. 1985 T. Doctoral R 084.044 López Rodriguez, J.M. Enlace químico en aleaciones metálicas sólidas y líquidas. Univ. Vall. 1985 T. Doctoral R 084.045 San Miguel Blanco, A. Movimiento de sistemas gravitatorios en la cuarta Univ. Vall. 1985 T. Doctoral R 084.046 Hernandez Gajate, E. Aniquilación de antiprotones en núcleos Univ. Vall. 1985 T. Licenciatura R 084.047 Noriega Antuña, J.M. La correspondencia de Weyl generalizada y ... Univ. Vall. 1986 T. Licenciatura R 084.048 Montesinos de la Fuente, Introducción a aspectos físicos y geométricos de los Univ. Vall. 1987 T. Licencitura R 084.049 Montejano Carrizales, J. Efectos de tamaño, estructura cristalina y adsorbatos en la U. Aut. S.Luis 1991 T. Doctoral R 084.050 Casero Escamilla, R. Estabilidad y cinética de Hidrógeno en metales y pequeños U. Autón. Madrid 1991 T. Doctoral R 084.051 Meyer, C. Elektronische und geometrische struktur einfacher U. Osnabrück 1991 T. Licenciatura R 084.052 Serra Crespí, LL. Collective excitations of metals clusters: A sum rules U. Illes B. 1991 T. Doctoral R 084.053 de Jong, P.H.K. Microscopic dynamics and structure of liquid lithium and Delft University of 1993 T. Doctoral 90-73861-14-4 R 084.054 Gómez del Campo Bravo, J. Espectrometría de electrones: Aplicación a la determinación Univ. Comp. M. 1992 93.03 R 084.055 Bordel García, N. Probabilidades de transición en el átomo de plata Univ. Comp. M. 1992 93.03 R 084.056 Martínez Dopico, F.C. Métodos Numéricos para ecuaciones de Fokker -Planck Univ. Comp. M. 1993 93.02 R 084.057 Rodríguez Yunta, A. Determinación de probabilidades en Cl I, Cl II y HCl+ Univ. Complutense 1989 T. Doctoral R 084.058 Ignacio Vicens, A. de Estúdio de la respuesta térmica de sistemas de Univ. Complutense 1989 T. Doctoral R 084.059 Gorgas García, F.J. Gradientes de intensidad de líneas en galaxias de primeros Univ. Complutense 1989 T. Doctoral R 084.060 Galo Rivera, B. Generación dinámica de la jerarquía de escalas en las Univ. Complutense 1985 T. Doctoral R 084.061 Tortajada Pérez, J. Cálculos semiempíricos y espectros electrónicos de Univ. Complutense 1988 T. Doctoral R 084.062 Pascual Domínguez-Gil, J. Un modelo numérico de circulación horizontal producido por Univ. Complutense 1988 T. Doctoral R 084.063 Guerra Sierra, J.J. Metódo sinóptico para el pronóstico de intensificación Univ. Complutense 1988 T. Doctoral R 084.064 Castaño Martin, B. Producción y desintegración de partículas con encanto en Univ. Complutense 1988 T. Doctoral R 084.065 Pardo Mata, MªL. Estudio de la piezoelectricidad de sistemas hetereogeneos Univ. Complutense 1988 T. Doctoral R 084.066 Fernández Pérez, L.A. Aplicaciones de la teoría de funciones de Green en sistemas Univ. Complutense 1988 T. Doctoral R 084.067 Fernández Pacios, L. Un nuevo pseudopotencial con efectos relativistas. Univ. Complutense 1988 T. Doctoral R 084.068 Sánchez Cañabete, M.F. Teorías físicas con dos escalas de masas Univ. Complutense 1990 T. Doctoral R 084.069 Galván Herrera, J.B. Violación radiativa de la simetría CP Univ. Complutense 1990 T. Doctoral R 084.070 Pérez Fernández- Estúdios de procesos de excitación y desexcitación de Univ. Complutense T. Doctoral R 084.071 Castejón Magaña, F. Teoría lineal de la absorción de microondas en plasmas de Univ. Complutense 1990 T. Doctoral R 084.072 Sierra Rodero, F.G. Estudio de las inconsistencias de una clase general de Univ. Complutense 1982 T. Doctoral R 084.073 Romero Galicia, C. Propiedades en estado sólido y en disolución de poli N(n- Univ. Complutense 1985 T. Doctoral R 0

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84.074 Weite, B. Dynamische Modenkonversion in magnetooptischen Wellenleiten Univ. Osnabrück 1987 T. Doctoral R 084.075 Fraab, M. Zur kinetik der zerkleinerungsvorgänce Univ. Gesamthochsule 1985 T. Doctoral R 084.076 Hemme, H. Anisotrope magnetooptische Wellenleiter und ihre Anwendungen Univ. Osnabrück 1987 T. Doctoral R 084.077 Wörner, R. Elektronen-spin-resonanz-untersuchungen an donatoren in Univ. Osnabrück 1987 T. Doctoral R 084.078 Marotz, J. Photoinduzierte und holographisch verstärkte lichtstrevung Univ. Osnabrück 1988 T. Doctoral R 084.079 Wucher, A. Energieverteilungen und spektratele Univ. Kaiserslautern 1986 T. Doctoral R 084.080 Vargas García, A. Análisis fenomenológico del modelo dual de partones Univ. Santiago 1984 T. Doctoral R 084.081 Bonet Reves, C. Perturbació singular d´orbites periodiques de relaxacio Univ. Autónoma 1984 T. Doctoral R 084.082 Alseda i Soler, LL. Minimal periodic orbits and topological entropy of one Univ. Autónoma 1984 T. Doctoral R 084.083 Freixa i Solé, L. Estudis meiótic i seqüencial del procés sináptic en oòcits Univ. Autónoma 1986 T. Doctoral R 084.084 Sánchez Ojanguren, Mª F. Proceso de acondicionamiento de residuos radiactivos Univ. Complutense 1984 T. Doctoral R 084.085 Fernández Cambronero, Mª Análisis de los sistemas K en las reacciones de intercambio Univ. Complutense 1985 T. Doctoral R 084.086 Martínez Hernando, J.F. G-Estructuras asociadas a campos tensoriales de tipo Univ. Valladolid 1981 T. Doctoral R 084.087 Asorfy Carballeira, M. Sistemas dinámicos clásicos Univ. Valladolid 1973 T. Licenciatura R 084.088 González Gutierrez, J.A. Noves interaccions electrofebles inspirades per supercordes Univ. Autónoma 1991 T. Doctoral R 084.089 Miquel Pascual, R. Radiactive Crections to single photon processes Univ. Autónoma 1990 T. Doctoral R 084.090 Ollé Torner, M. Solucions periòdiques de segona espècie en el problema Univ. Autónoma T. Doctoral R 084.091 Redondo Cristobal, P. Compuestos con enlace S-N o P-O en el medio interestelar: un Univ. Vall. 1989 T. Doctoral R 084.092 Benavente Vicente, F. (Res.) Fotoproducción de π+ en 16 O Univ. Barcel. 1978 T. Doctoral R 084.093 Tarrach Siegel, R. (Res.) Estudio de la reacción cuasielástica ndÆm-pp Univ. Barcel. 1978 T. Doctoral R 084.094 Paradella Sabata, J. (Res.) Medida de la polarización de spin en el 57Fe Univ. Barcel. 1978 T. Doctoral R 084.095 Grifols Gras, J.A. (Res.) Interacciones de fotones con hadrones a altas Univ. Barcel. 1979 T. Doctoral R 084.096 Molina Compte, A. (Res.) Desintegración ß doble Univ. Barcel. 1978 T. Doctoral R 084.097 Lapiedra Civera, R. (Res.) Mecánica relativista predictiva de dos cuerpos e Univ. Barcel. 1977 T. Doctoral R 084.098 Estalella Boadella, R. (Res.) Centelleo Interplanetario Univ. Barcel. 1978 T. Doctoral R 084.099 Gutierrez Alonso, P. (Res.) Utilización de ThB y descendientes de Rn en el Univ. Oviedo 1978 T. Doctoral R 084.100 Oset Baguena, E. (Res.) Correlaciones de corto alcance en colisiones a altas Univ. Barcel. 1978 T. Doctoral R 084.101 Aguado Rodriguez, A. Estudio Teórico de Clusters de Sodio-Iodo (NaI) Univ. Valladolid 1994 94.12 FTA Tesis R 084.102 Marcos Villa P.A. Propiedades dinámicas y estructurales de agregados atómicos Univ. Valladolid 1994 94.12 FTA Tesis R 084.103 Martínez Sacristán, O. Estudio Teórico de Propiedades Estáticas y Dinámicas del Rb Univ. Vallodolid 1994 FTA Tesis R 084.104 Arauzo Carranza, A.J. Analisis comparativo y valoración de diferentes niveles de Univ. Valladolid 1988 FTA Tesis Doctoral R 084.105 Flores Rodriguez Estudio teórico por métodos Ab-initio de compuestos Silicio- Univ. Valladolid 1988 FTA Tesis Doctoral R 084.106 Marqués Cuesta, L.A. Simulación del Sputtering y de la por bombardeo Univ. Valladolid FTA Tesis Doctoral R 084.107 Virumbrales, F.J. Análisis de series espectrales 92.10 FTA Tesis Doctoral R 084.108 Ayuela Fernandez, A. Estudio de los clusters de Nax-1ZN (X≤24) por medio del Univ. Valladolid T. Licenciatura R 084.109 Aguado Rodriguez, A. Estudio Teórico de clusters de Sodio-Iodo (NAI) Univ. Valladolid 1995 T. Licenciatura R 084.110 Marcos Villa, P.A. Propiedades dinámicas y estructurales de agregados atóm. Univ. Valladolid 1994 T. Licenciatura R 084.111 Alberdi Aguirrebeña, A. Teoría del funcional de la densidad y funciones de Hartree- Univ. Valladolid 1982 T. Licenciatura R 084.112 Gonzalez Tesedo, L.E. Estudio de la no aditividad en el modelo HSY (Hard-Spheres Univ. Valladolid T. Licenciatura R 084.113 Bol Arreba, A. Clusters ternarios de Metales Alcalinos Univ. Valladolid T. Licenciatura R 0

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84.114 Barbes Fernandez, B. Propiedades estructurales y termodinámicas de sistemas Univ. Valladolid T. Licenciatura R 084.115 Vega Hierro, A. Propiedades Magnéticas de Sistemas Complejos de Metales de Univ. Valladolid 1992 T.Doctoral R 084.116 Lopez Santodomingo, M.J. Clusters Metálicos en el modelo del Pseudopotencial Esférico Univ. Valladolid 1990 T.Doctoral R 084.117 Ayuela Fernandez, A. Estudio Teórico de Propiedades Estructurales, Electrónicas y Univ. Valladolid 1995 T.Doctoral R 084.118 Gonzalez Tesedo, L.E. Estudio Teórico de Propiedades Estructurales y Univ. Valladolid 1991 T.Doctoral R 084.119 González Fernández, D.J. Estudio Teórico de las Propiedades Cohesivas de Aleaciones Univ. Valladolid 1985 T.Doctoral R 084.120 Montejano Carrizales, J. Efectos de Tamaño Estructura Cristalina y Adsorbatos en la Univ. S. Luis Potosí 1991 T.Doctoral R 084.121 Zlatko Penzar, M.Sc. Self-Cconsistent Spheroidal Jellium Model of Metal Clusters Univ. Berlin 1989 T.Doctoral R 084.122 Serena Domingo, P.A. Estudio Autoconsistente de Superficies Metálicas e Univ. Autónoma T.Doctoral R 084.123 Membrado Ibañez, M.C. Algunas Aplicaciones del Método de Funcionales de la Univ. Zaragoza 1991 T.Doctoral R 084.124 Virumbrales Gutierrez, F. Análisis de Series Espectrales Principal y Subordinadas en Univ. Valladolid 1992 T.Doctoral R 084.125 Madrid de la Modino, R. Teoría de extensiones autoadjuntas y sus aplic. en Mec. Univ. Valladolid 1996 96.10 FTA T.Licenciatura R 084.126 Cordero Tejedor, N.A. Funcionales de intercambio y de correlación en la T.D.F. Univ. Valladolid 1997 97.06 FTA T.Licenciatura R 084.127 Gazquez, J.L. Studies in Theoretical Chemistry :Tomas-Fermi Theory Bond- Microfilms Intern. 1979 97.06 FTA T.Doctoral R 084.128 Wang, W. Anew Approach to statical model of atoms Microfilms Intern. 1977 97.06 FTA T.Doctoral R 084.129 Fuente de la Alvarez, R. Control de calidad para un detector de centelleo y Univ. Valladolid 1997 97.11 FTA T.Licenciatura R 084.130 Palacios Burgos, F.J. Dinámica molecular de cluster metálicos sobre superficies Univ. Valladolid 1997 97.12 FTA T.Licenciatura R 084.131 Franco Santiago, J.A. Estudio del magnet. en clusters de Fe bcc mediante un mod. Univ. Valladolid 1998 98.10 FTA T.Licenciatura R 084.132 Martín García- Arista, M. Quantización de sistemas físicos en (1+1) y (2+1) Univ. Valladolid 1999 99.10 FTA T.Doctoral R 084.133 Aguado Rodríguez, A. Estudio teórico de Agregados Iónicos, Metálicos y Centros de Univ. Valladolid 1999 00.01 FTA R 084.134 Pérez Herrero, M.A. Simulación de la Interacción de Fulerenos con Grafito y Univ. Valladolid 2001 01.09 FTA R 084.135 Marcos Villa, P.A. Estudio Teórico de Propiedades Estructurales y Dinámicas U.Valladolid 2002 02.04 FTA R 084.136 Méndez Villafañe, R. Estudio de Campos Neutrónicos con TLD Univ. Valladolid 2003 2003 FTA R 084.137 Palacios Burgos, F.J. Simulación por Din. Mol. de Fenóm. de Impacto de Agregados Univ. Valladolid 2003 2003 FTA R 084.138 Voytchev, M: Étude et Dévelop. Metrol. Alpha utilisant Photodiodes. App. U.Franche- Comté 2000 2004 FTA R 084.139 Barquero Sanz, R. Respuesta Neutrónica de Crist. Termoluminiscentes FLi:Mg,Ti U:Valladolid 2001 2004 FTA R 084.140 Barquero Sanz, R. Medida y Simulación de fotoneutrones de un acel. Radiot. U.Valladolid 2002 2004 FTA R 084.141 Herranz Zorrilla, F.J. Grupos de Cayley-Klein Clásicos y Cuánticos 2009 FTA R 084.142 Vac 084.142 Vac 084.143 Vac 084.143 Vac 084.144 Vac 084.144 Vac 084.145 Vac 084.145 Vac 085.000 ========================= ========================= CATALOGOS Cab 1 R 085.001 CSIC QuienMat Quién es quién en Matemáticas CINDOC 1993 94.03 FTA 84-00-05540-3 R 085.002 Vac 085.003 Vac 0

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85.004 Vac 085.005 Vac 090.000 ========================= ========================= Referencias de mas de un autor Cab R99.000 Tait,G.P: Ver 70.110 , 70.111 y Thomson, W. Ver 099.000 Aarts, E.H. ver 18.139 y Van Laarhoven,P.J.M. Ver 1 099.000 Abellanas, L. Ver 15.037 y Galindo, A. Ver 099.000 Abellanas, P. Ver 19.168 y Navarro, F. Ver 099.000 Adkids Ver 72.044 y Green Ver 099.000 Aldeguer, J. ver Morera, J.L. y13.261 Ver 099.000 Alegria, A. ver 64.097 y Colmenero,J. Ver 099.000 Alfven, K. Ver 56.027 y Alfven, H. Ver 099.000 Alonso, J.A. ver 63.033 y Mullay,J. Ver 099.000 Allen, J.W. ver 64.075 y Fuggle,J.C. Ver 099.000 Allmen von, M. ver 64.101 y Samwer, K. Ver 099.000 Andrews, H.L. Ver 62.058 y Lapp, R.E. Ver 099.000 Aramanovich, I. Ver 15.079 y VolKovtski Ver 099.000 Aramanovich, I. Ver 15.035 y Volkovyski, L. Ver 099.000 Ashurst, F. Ver 57.173 y Gareth. Ver 099.000 Asorey, M. Ver 31.044 y Abad, J. Ver 099.000 Avery, J. Ver 63.026 y Dahl, J.P. Ver 099.000 Avez, A. Ver 74.020 y Arnold, V.I. Ver 099.000 Azcarraga, J.A. Ver 37.003 y Aguila,F. Ver 099.000 Baaratha, S. Ver 52.035 y Truesdell, C. Ver 099.000 Babini, J. Ver 57.172 y Rey Pastor, J. Ver 099.000 Bagger, J. Ver 37.002 y Wess, J. Ver 099.000 Bak, T.A. Ver 11.095 y Lichtenberg, J. Ver 099.000 Bak, T.A. Ver 11.096 y Lichtenberg, J. Ver 099.000 Balibar, F. Ver 20.124 y Lévy-Leblond, J.M. Ver 099.000 Bartolotti,L.J. ver 63.033 y Mullay,J. Ver 099.000 Bauer, E. ver 11.005 y meijer, P.H.E. Ver 099.000 Baym, G. Ver 52.015 y Kadanoff, L.P. Ver 099.000 Bayod, J.M. Ver 15.139 y Stroyan, K.D. Ver 099.000 Bazin, M. Ver 77.008 y Adler,R. Ver 099.000 Belorizky ,E. Ver 20.024 y Ayant,Y. Ver 099.000 Belorizky ,E. Ver 20.025 y Ayant,Y. Ver 099.000 Belov, N.V. Ver 11.168 y Shubnikov,A.U. Ver 099.000 Berestetskii, V. Ver 32.014 y Akhiezer Ver 099.000 Berkinblit, M. Ver 19.159 y Fomine, S. Ver 099.000 Bernstein, H. ver 64.087 y Kaujman,L. Ver 099.000 Bhaduri, R.K. Ver 62.066, 62.073 y Preston, M.A. ,Ver 20.155 y Brack, M. Ver 0

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99.000 Biel Ver 24.009 y Garrido Ver 099.000 Biot, H.A. Ver 17.108 y Karman,T. Ver 099.000 Birkhoff, G. Ver 10.105 y McLane, S. Ver 099.000 Birkhoff, G. Ver 10.104 y McLane, S. Ver 099.000 Bishop, A.R. ver 64.099 y Baeriswyl, D. Ver 099.000 Bishop,R.F. ver 64.077 y Kallio, A.J. Ver 099.000 Bishop,R.F. ver 64.078 y Arponen,J.S. Ver 099.000 Bishop,R.F. ver 64.093 y Vashishta,P. Ver 099.000 Bjarngard, B.E. Ver 61.001 y Kase, K.R. Ver 099.000 Bleecker, D.D. Ver 12.020 y Booss, B. Ver 099.000 Bleuler Ver 42.012 y Schütte Ver 099.000 Blewett, J.P. Ver 60.002 y Livisgton, M.S. Ver 099.000 Blinov, L. Ver 64.064 y Pikin, S. Ver 099.000 Bogoalinboff, N. Ver 71.057 y Kriloff, N. Ver 099.000 Boon, M. Ver 11.003 y Janssen, L. Ver 099.000 Borg,M. Ver 17.006 y Ayant, Y. Ver 099.000 Borodich Ver 72.029 y Finkelstein Ver 099.000 Bott,R. Ver 11.126 y Atiyah,M.A.F. Ver 099.000 Bottiger, J. ver 64.101 y Samwer, K. Ver 099.000 Bounin, J. Ver72.035 y Comolet, R. Ver 099.000 Box, F.M. ver 57.262 y Garcia Prada, J.M. Ver 099.000 Bram, J. Ver 17.087 y Saaty, T.L. Ver 099.000 Braun, H. Ver 12.005 y Artin, E. Ver 099.000 Bravo Gala, L. Ver 60.011 y Miro Nicolau, J. Ver 099.000 Bremmer, H. Ver 17.001 y Van Der Pol. Ver 099.000 Wilson, E.B. Ver 20.051 y Pauling, K. Ver 099.000 Brody, T.A. Ver 62.018 y Moshinsky, M. Ver 099.000 Brosens, A.F. Ver 61.002 y Dreveese, J.T. Ver 099.000 Brovers, F. Ver 63.009 y Bennemann, K.H. Ver 099.000 Brown, J. Ver 37.007 y Davies, P.C.W. Ver 099.000 Brueckner, K.A. Ver 63.012 y Sinanoglu, O. Ver 099.000 Brumberg, V.A. Ver 76.048 y Kovaleusky, J. Ver 099.000 Butjotsev, B.B. Ver 50.059 y Miákishev, G. Ya. Ver 099.000 Byran, J.G. Ver 18.077 y Wadsworth, G.P. Ver 099.000 Cabrera, B. Ver 50.051 y Lang, R. Ver 099.000 Cairns, S.S. Ver 12.006 y Morse, M. Ver 099.000 Calleja Ver 15.027 y Pastor, R. Ver 099.000 Camarena, V. Ver 71.049 y Cid, R. Ver 099.000 Carini, G. ver 64.085 y Barocchi,F. Ver 099.000 Carmelo, J. ver 64.099 y Baeriswyl, D. Ver 0

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99.000 Casal, P.T.A. Ver 52.032 y Blanc-Lapierre, A. Ver 099.000 Casellas, J. Ver 70.078 y Bastero,J.M. Ver 099.000 Castel, B. Ver 22.002 y El Baz Ver 099.000 Castro de, A. Ver 19.092 y rey Pastor, J. Ver 099.000 Cazin, M. Ver 70.020 y Destouches, J.L. Ver 099.000 Cid, R. Ver 71.012 y Iñiguez, J.M. Ver 099.000 Cid, R. Ver 71.013 y Iñiguez, J.M. Ver 099.000 Cignoli, R. Ver 16.010 y Cotlar, M. Ver 099.000 Cladwell, G. Ver 71.065 y Bishop, R. Ver 099.000 Clavaguera,N. Ver 64.047 y Baro,M.D. Ver 099.000 Cleveland Ver 50.041 y Gamow Ver 099.000 Cline, D.B. Ver 23.013 y Barger,V.D. Ver 099.000 Cohn-Vossen, S. Ver 13.112 y Hilbert, D. Ver 099.000 Cole, J.D. Ver 14.088 y Bluman, G.W. Ver 099.000 Colombo, A.J. Ver17.084 y Humbert, P. Ver 099.000 Commeau, J. Ver 19.016 y Cagnac, B. Ver 099.000 Commeau, J. Ver 19.015 y Cagnac, B. Ver 099.000 Commeau, J. Ver 19.017 y Cagnac, B. Ver 099.000 Commeau, J. Ver 19.018 y Cagnac, B. Ver 099.000 Common, A.K. Ver 13.191 y Chisholm, J.S.R. Ver 099.000 Coufal, H. Ver 64.046 y Luscher, E. Ver 099.000 Coussement, R. Ver 64.017 y Perez, A. Ver 099.000 Cowan, C.L. Ver 50.015 y Acosta Ver 099.000 Cowling, T.G. Ver 52.027 y Chapman, S. Ver 099.000 Crasemann, B. Ver 20.016 y Powell, J.L. Ver 099.000 Crawley, G.M. Ver 62.015 y Austin,S.M. Ver 099.000 Crestey, H. Ver 19.122 y Bigard Ver 099.000 Crittenden, R. Ver 13.056 y Bishop, R.L. Ver 099.000 Cromer, A.H. Ver 71.073 y Saletan, E.I. Ver 099.000 Cromer, A.H. Ver 71.074 y Saletan, E.I. Ver 099.000 Cruz, A. Ver 24.012 y Garrido Ver 099.000 Cruz, A. Ver 31.044 y Abad, J. Ver 099.000 Chandler,B. Ver 11.154 y Baumslag,B. Ver 099.000 Chang,R.K. ver 64.092 y Barber,P.W. Ver 099.000 Chavat,B. Ver 15.175 y Lavretiev, M. Ver 099.000 Chazel,M. Ver 19.095 y Balliccioni,A. Ver 099.000 Chew, G.F. Ver 42.001 y Jacob, M. Ver 099.000 Chillon, P. Ver 70.058 y tenot, A. Ver 099.000 Chissik, S.S. Ver 21.017 y Price, W.C. Ver 099.000 Choyke, W.J. Ver 64.015 y Picraux, S.T. Ver 0

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99.000 Da Providênc. Ver 63.005 y Dreizler, R.M. Ver 099.000 Da Silva, A. Ver 21.034 y Brogie, Ver 099.000 Dadvison, W. Ver 78.006 y Tayler, R.J. Ver 099.000 Dairiki, J.M. Ver 65.055 y Browne Ver 099.000 Dashen,R.F. Ver 35.003 y Adler,S.L. Ver 099.000 Davies, A.T. Ver 44.011 y Barbour,J.M. Ver 099.000 Davies, H.J. Ver 72.063 y Curle, N. Ver 099.000 Davies, H.J. Ver 72.065 y Curle, N. Ver 099.000 Davies, H.J. Ver 72.064 y Curle, N. Ver 099.000 Davies, P.C.W. Ver 31.046 y Birrell, N.D. Ver 099.000 Davis, F. Ver 18.085 y Maxfield, M. Ver 099.000 Deb, B.M. ver 63.034 y March,N.H. Ver 099.000 Desai, P.D. Ver 64.012 y Hultgren , R. Ver 099.000 Deser, S. Ver 78.007 y Chretien Ver 099.000 Deser, S. Ver 77.028 y Levy, M. Ver 099.000 Diaz, J.A. Ver 10.086 y Pardo, A. Ver 099.000 Diaz, J.A. Ver 10.085 y Pardo, A. Ver 099.000 Dieck,T. Ver 11.169 y Bröcker,T. Ver 099.000 Dieudonnè, J. Ver 10.068 y Grothendieck, J. Ver 099.000 Distsworth,R.L. Ver 72.040 y Allen,T.J.R. Ver 099.000 Diu, B. Ver 20.082 y Cohen-Tannoudji, C. Ver 099.000 Diu, B. Ver 20.084 y Cohen-tannoudji, C. Ver 099.000 Diu, B. Ver 20.088 y Cohen-Tannoudji, C. Ver 099.000 Diu, B. Ver20.131 y Cohen-Tannoudji, C. Ver 099.000 Diu, B. Ver 20.083 y Cohen-Tannoudji, C. Ver 099.000 Diu, B. Ver 20.130 y Cohen-Tannoudji, C. Ver 099.000 Diu, B. Ver20.085 y Cohen-Tannoudji, C. Ver 099.000 Doebler, R.E. Ver 65.055 y Browne Ver 099.000 Dowdy, S.M. Ver 13.103 y Rainich, G.Y. Ver 099.000 Doyen, B. Ver 19.023y Calvo, B. Ver 099.000 Doyen, J. Ver 19.024 y Calvo, B. Ver 099.000 Doyen, J. Ver 19.022 y Calvo, B. Ver 099.000 Doyen, J. Ver 19.025 y Calvo, B. Ver 099.000 Drell, S.D. Ver 30.011 y Bjorken, J.D. Ver 099.000 Drell, S.D. Ver 31.011 y Bjorken, J.D. Ver 099.000 Drell, S.D. Ver 30.010 y Bjorken, J.D. Ver 099.000 Drell, S.D. Ver 31.010 y Bjorken, J.D. Ver 099.000 Dubois, J.M. ver 64.090 y Janot,Ch. Ver 099.000 Dufresnoy, J. Ver 19205 y Bouligand, G. Ver 099.000 Duncan, J. Ver 16.043 y Bonsall, F.F. Ver 0

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99.000 Duzer, J.V. Ver 54.019 y Ramo, S. Ver 099.000 Eckmann, B. Ver 10.113 y Dold, A. Ver 099.000 Ehlers,J. Ver 24.017 y Araki, H. Ver 099.000 Eilenberg, S. Ver 10.017 y Cartan, H. Ver 099.000 Elander,N. ver 62.123 y Brändas,E. Ver 099.000 Elliot, J.P. Ver 60.005 y Judd, B.R. Ver 099.000 Ellis, G.F.R. Ver 77.060 y Hawking, S.W. Ver 099.000 Emde, F. Ver 18.091 y Jahanke, F. Ver 099.000 Emde, F. Ver 18.008 y Jahanke, E. Ver 099.000 Erdelyi, A. ver 18.052 y Bateman, H. Ver 099.000 Erdelyi, A. ver 18.053 y Bateman, H. Ver 099.000 Erdelyi, A. ver 18.054 y Bateman, H. Ver 099.000 Erdelyi, A. ver 18.055 y Bateman, H. Ver 099.000 Erdelyi, A. ver 18.056 y Bateman, H. Ver 099.000 Erdelyi, A. ver 18.057 y Bateman, H. Ver 099.000 Erdelyi, A. ver 18.095 y Bateman, H. Ver 099.000 Erdelyi, A. ver 18.096 y Bateman, H. Ver 099.000 Erdelyi, A. ver 18.097 y Bateman, H. Ver 099.000 Errenso, E. Ver 57.089 y García Camarero Ver 099.000 Estermann, I. Ver 61.025 y Bates,D.R. Ver 099.000 Evans, D.A. Ver 79.011 y Landsberg, P.T. Ver 099.000 Eza, J. Ver 15.057 y Couty, R. Ver 099.000 Faddeev, L.D. ver 14.109 y Takhtajan,L.A. Ver 099.000 Falter, C. Ver 11.166 y Ludwig, W. Ver 099.000 Fay Ver 62.038 y Ajzenberg. Ver 099.000 Fedoryuk, M.V. Ver 15.166 y Sidorov, Y.V. Ver 099.000 Feher, I. Ver 62.084 y Bujdoso, E. Ver 099.000 Felice, F. Ver 77.073 y Bertotti, B. Ver 099.000 Fenyö,E. Ver 17.045 y Alexits,G. Ver 099.000 Fernandez, G. Ver 18.010 y Sagastume, A. Ver 099.000 Fernbach Ver 18.100 y Alder Ver 099.000 Fernbach Ver 18.099 y Alder Ver 099.000 Ferreira,L.S. Ver 26.026 y Albeverio,S. Ver 099.000 Feshbach, H. Ver 62.117 y Shalit, A. Ver 099.000 Feshbach, H. Ver 26.005 y Morse, P.M. Ver 099.000 Feshbach, H. Ver 62.020 y Shalit, A. Ver 099.000 Feshbach, H. Ver 26.004 y Morse, P.M. Ver 099.000 Fieux, J. Ver 19.216 y Mercier, A. Ver 099.000 Finn,E.J. Ver 50.049 y Alonso,M. Ver 099.000 Finn,E.J. Ver 50.050 y Alonso M. Ver 0

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99.000 Finn,E.J. Ver 70.057 y Alonso M. Ver 099.000 Fischbeck,K.H. ver 50.063 y Fischbeck,H.H. Ver 099.000 Fite, W.L. Ver 61.045 y Bederson,B. Ver 099.000 Fite, W.L. Ver 61.046 y Bederson, B. Ver 099.000 Flato, M. Ver 77.037 y Cahen, M. Ver 099.000 Foias, C. Ver 16.008 y Nagy, B.S. Ver 099.000 Foias, C. Ver 16.009 y Nagy, B.S. Ver 099.000 Fomenko, A. ver 13.151 y Doubrovine, B. Ver 099.000 Fomenko, A. ver 13.140 y Doubrovine, B. Ver 099.000 Fomenko, A. ver 13.242 y Doubrovine, B. Ver 099.000 Fomenko, A. ver 13.215 y Doubrovine, B. Ver 099.000 Fomenko, A. ver 13.216 y Doubrovine, B. Ver 099.000 Fomin, S.V. Ver 15.132,16.050 y Kolmogorov, A.N. Ver 099.000 Fonseca, A.C. Ver 63.024 y Ferreira, L.S. Ver 099.000 Ford, G.M. Ver 52.030 y Uhlenbeck Ver 099.000 Fortes, M. Ver 63.011 y Zabolitzky, J.G. Ver 099.000 Fortet, R. Ver 18.116 y Blanc-Lapierre, A. Ver 099.000 Frank, M.H. Ver 50.029 y Slater, J.C. Ver 099.000 Frank, M.H. Ver 50.030 y Slater, J.C. Ver 099.000 Frenkel, D. ver 64.100 y Ciccotti, G. Ver 099.000 Freundlich, E. Ver 75.016 y Finlay Ver 099.000 Fritsch, G. Ver 64.066 y Lüscher, E. Ver 099.000 Froese, R.G. Ver 26.025 y Cycon, H.L. Ver 099.000 Froissart, M. ver 43.003 y Omnés, R. Ver 099.000 Fröman, P.O. Ver 25.007 y Fröman, N. Ver 099.000 Fuller, R.W. Ver 26.008 y Byron, F. W. Ver 099.000 Fuller, R.W. Ver 26.007 y Byron, F.W. Ver 099.000 Fumi,F. ver 63.032 y Bassani,F. Ver 099.000 Furlan, G. ver 37.014 y Trautman, A. Ver 099.000 Gadella, M. Ver 23.017 y Bohm, A. Ver 099.000 Gadella, M. ver 21.049 y Bhom,A. Ver 099.000 Galindo, A. Ver 16.061 y Abellanas, L. Ver 099.000 Galitskiy Ver 28.012 y Kogan, V.I. Ver 099.000 Gammel, J.L. Ver 25.001 y Baker, A. Ver 099.000 Gardner, H.F. Ver 18.072 y Ash,R.B. Ver 099.000 Gasperini, M. Ver 77.052 y Sabbata, V. Ver 099.000 Gatto, A. Ver 31.061 y Ferrara Ver 099.000 Gaute, L. Ver 62.068 y Michavilla, F. Ver 099.000 Gazquez, J.L. Ver 63.003 y Keller, J. Ver 099.000 Gazquez, J.L. ver 63.033 y Mullay,J. Ver 0

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99.000 George, W.O. Ver 60.004 y Brittain, E.F.H. Ver 099.000 Gervat, A. Ver 20.028 y Salmon, J. Ver 099.000 Gesztesy, F. Ver 26.028 y Albeverio, S. Ver 099.000 Ghirardi, G.C. Ver 20.032 y Fonda, L. Ver 099.000 Gibb, T.C. Ver 62.096 y Greenwood, N.N. Ver 099.000 Girshick, M.A. Ver 18.049 y Blackwell, O. Ver 099.000 Glasstone, S. Ver 65.031 y Bell, G.I. Ver 099.000 Glasstone, S. Ver 65.014 y Bell, G.I. Ver 099.000 Goebel, C. Ver 57.028 y Freund, P.G.O. Ver 099.000 Gohberg, I. Ver 13.180 y Boltjansky, V. Ver 099.000 Goicoechea, L.J. Ver 79.010 y Sanz, J.L. Ver 099.000 Goldberg, S.I. Ver 15.125 y Bishop, R.L. Ver 099.000 Goldberg, V.V. Ver 10.100 y Akavis,M.A. Ver 099.000 Goldstein, J. Ver 78.007 y Chrétien, M. Ver 099.000 Goldstein, I.F. Ver 57.122 y Goldstein, M. Ver 099.000 Gorkov,L.P. ver 52.075 y Abrikosov,A.A. Ver 099.000 Goursot, A. ver 63.027 y Chermette,H. Ver 099.000 Graaf, J. ver 16.075 y Eijndhoven,S.J.L. Ver 099.000 Graaf, J. ver 26.030 y Eijndhoven, S.J.L. Ver 099.000 Graham Ver 50.015 y Acosta Ver 099.000 Graham, N. Ver 57.025 y De Witt, S. Ver 099.000 Grappy Ver 19.122 y Bigard Ver 099.000 Gray, A. Ver 74.045 y Jones,A. Ver 099.000 Gray, A. ver 74.047 y Jones,A. Ver 099.000 Green, L. Ver 13.052 y Auslander,L. Ver 099.000 Green, M.S. Ver 52.057 y Domb, C. Ver 099.000 Green, M.S. Ver 52.058 y Domb, C. Ver 099.000 Green, M.S. Ver 52.059 y Domb, C. Ver 099.000 Greenberg, D.F. Ver 50.044 y Cronin, J.A. Ver 099.000 Greenwood, D. Ver 62.004 y Cottingham. W.N. Ver 099.000 Greenwood, D.A. Ver 64.008 y Evans, R. Ver 099.000 Gregoire, R. Ver 62.069 y Duquesne, M. Ver 099.000 Greiner, W. Ver 62.116 y Eisenberg, J.M. Ver 099.000 Greiner, W. Ver 62.101 y Eisemberg, J.M. Ver 099.000 Greiner, W. Ver 62.102 y Eisenberg, J.M. Ver 099.000 Greiner, W. Ver 62.103 y Eisemberg, J.M. Ver 099.000 Greiner, W. Ver 62.001 y Eisemberg, M. Ver 099.000 Greiner, W. Ver 62.121 y Eisenberg, J.M. Ver 099.000 Greitzer, S.L. Ver 13.022 y Coxeter, H.S.M. Ver 099.000 Griffith Ver 71.011 y Synge Ver 0

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99.000 Grillo Ver 31.061 y Ferrara Ver 099.000 Gross, E.K.U. ver 63.036 y Dreizler, R.M. Ver 099.000 Grossman, S.I. Ver 14.056 y Derrick, W.R. Ver 099.000 Guaps, J. Ver 66.006 y Felix, M.R. Ver 099.000 Gulgenheim, E.A. Ver 52.005 y Fowler, R. Ver 099.000 Gutierrez, J. Ver 66.006 y Felix, M.R. Ver 099.000 Guttmann, M.J. Ver 53.006 y Simmons, J.W. Ver 099.000 Hahn, F. Ver 13.052 y Auslander,L. Ver 099.000 Hahn, F. ver 16.078 y Effros, E.G. Ver 099.000 Halbwachs Ver 18.050 y Frechet Ver 099.000 Halliday Ver 50.038 y Resnick Ver 099.000 Halliday Ver 50.039 y Resnick Ver 099.000 Hanna, G.C. Ver 62.087 y Segre, E. Ver 099.000 Hannery, B.P. ver 18.136 y Press,W.H. Ver 099.000 Harris, J. Ver 13.139 y Griffiths, P. Ver 099.000 Harvill, L.R. Ver 17.057 y Pipes, L.A. Ver 099.000 Hatch, D.M. ver 11.180 y Stokes, H.T. Ver 099.000 Heald, M.A. Ver 50.018 y Elmore, W.C. Ver 099.000 Heath, R.W. Ver 18.119 y Downie, N.M. Ver 099.000 Hedlund, G.A. Ver 74.019 y Gotteschelk, W.H. Ver 099.000 Hehe, F. ver 59.020 y Stanffer, D. Ver 099.000 Heidemann, R. ver 64.079 y Renon,H. Ver 099.000 Henderson, D. Ver 61.043 y Eyring, H. Ver 099.000 Henneg, J.D. Vver 11.170 y Doebner,H.D. Ver 099.000 Hennequin, A. Ver 17.096 y Bouligand, G. Ver 099.000 Hennequin,A. Ver 17.097 y Bouligand, G. Ver 099.000 Hermann, A. ver 56.035 y Donel, G.M. Ver 099.000 Herranz, R. Ver 65.030 y Barandiaran,M. Ver 099.000 Hersch,R. ver 57.256 y Davis,P. Ver 099.000 Herst, R. Ver 56.032 y Davis, P. Ver 099.000 Hey, A.J.G. ver 36.018 y Aichison, I.J.R. Ver 099.000 Hibbs, A. Ver 20.005 y Feyman, R.P. Ver 099.000 Hilbert, D. Ver 17.055 y Courant, R. Ver 099.000 Hilbert, D. Ver 17.056 y Courant, R. Ver 099.000 Hill, S. Ver 19.189 y Suppes, P. Ver 099.000 Hille, E. Ver 15.064 y Salas, S.L. Ver 099.000 Hille, E. Ver 15.097 y Salas, S.L. Ver 099.000 Hodge, P.G. Ver 72.018 y Prager, W. Ver 099.000 Hofreiter,N. Ver 18.102 y Gröbner, W. Ver 099.000 Holinde Ver 42.012 y Schütte Ver 0

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99.000 Horácek,J. ver 26.031 y Kukulin,V.I. Ver 099.000 Hugh, E.D. ver 66.008 y Forrest,J.R. Ver 099.000 Huleihil, K.h. ver 36.015 y Carmeli, M. Ver 099.000 Hulliger, F. ver 64.095 y Hafner,J. Ver 099.000 Hutton,R. ver 74.047 y Jones,A. Ver 099.000 Ignatov, Z. ver 18.138 y Stoyanov,J. Ver 099.000 Isham, C.J. Ver 77.072 y Duff, M. J. Ver 099.000 Isham, C.J. Ver 21.041, 77.079 y Penrose, R. Ver 099.000 Isidoro, A. Ver 18.078 y Quesada, V. Ver 099.000 Isidoro, A. Ver 18.063 y Quesada, V. Ver 099.000 Israel, W. Ver 77.042 y Hawking, S.W. Ver 099.000 Israel, W. ver 77.078 y Hawking,S.W. Ver 099.000 Izquieta, J.I. ver 57.262 y Garcia Prada, J.M. Ver 099.000 Jackiw, R. Ver 35.001 y Treiman, J.B. Ver 099.000 Jackiw, R. Ver 35.004 y Treiman Ver 099.000 Jackson, A.D. Ver 62.119 y Brown, G.E. Ver 099.000 Jacotin Ver 10.002 y Dubreil, P. Ver 099.000 Jadczyk, A. ver 37.015 y Coquereaux, R. Ver 099.000 Jaffard, P. Ver19.139 , 19.140 y Hocquenghem, A. Ver 099.000 Jauch, J.M. Ver 23.015 y Amrein, W.O. Ver 099.000 Jeffrey, A. Ver 17.065 y Coulson, C.A. Ver 099.000 Jeffreys, G.V. Ver 19.156 y Jenson, V.G. Ver 099.000 Jensen,W.B. ver 64.095 y Hafner,J. Ver 099.000 Jiménez, J. Ver 57.066 y González-Blasco, P. Ver 099.000 Joachain, C.J. Ver 61.061 y Bransden, B.H. Ver 099.000 John, F. Ver 15.065 y Courant, R. Ver 099.000 Johnson, W.L. Ver 64.026 y Wagner, C.N.J. Ver 099.000 Johnson, W.L. Ver 64.027 y Wagner, C.N.J. Ver 099.000 Johnston, E.R. Ver 70.083 y Beer, F.P. Ver 099.000 Johnston, E.R. Ver 70.084 y Beer, F.P. Ver 099.000 Jones, H. Ver 64.034 y Mott, N.F. Ver 099.000 Jordan, V. Ver 15.172 y Olmo,V. Ver 099.000 Jost, W. Ver 61.043 y Eyring, H. Ver 099.000 Joulain, C. Ver 19.134 y lesieur, L. Ver 099.000 Joulain, C. Ver 10.047 y Lesieur, L. Ver 099.000 Julia, J. Ver 73.019 y Beghin, M. Ver 099.000 Jungnickel, D. Ver 13.237 y Aigner, M. Ver 099.000 Kajantie, K. Ver 40.003 y Byckling, E. Ver 099.000 Kalia,R.K. ver 64.093 y Vashishta,P. Ver 099.000 Kaluzhnios, L.A. Ver 10.115 y Belski, A.A. Ver 0

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99.000 Kammer,F. ver 61.064 y Hilf,E.R. Ver 099.000 Kaper, H.G. Ver 52.006 y Ferzieger, J.H. Ver 099.000 Kapler, J. Ver 58.009 y Galileo, G. Ver 099.000 Karade, T.M. Ver 77.061 y Choquet, Y. Ver 099.000 Kardos, G. Ver 62.084 y Bujdoso, E. Ver 099.000 Kaufmann, C. Ver 19.171 y Denis-Padin, M. Ver 099.000 Kaufmann, C. Ver 13.150 y Denis-Papin, M. Ver 099.000 Kaufmann, C. Ver 17.007 y Denis-Papin, M. Ver 099.000 Keller, E.G. Ver 17.051 y Doherty, R.E. Ver 099.000 Kerstin Ver 56.027 y Hannes Ver 099.000 Khanna, S. Ver 61.052 y Sena, P. Ver 099.000 Khersonskii, U.K. ver 22.012 y Varshalovich, D.A. Ver 099.000 Kikoin, A.K. Ver 50.057 y Kikóin, I.K. Ver 099.000 Kilmontóvith, Yu. Ver 50.058 y Bújovtsev, B.B. Ver 099.000 King, J.D. Ver 52.036 y Armstrong, R.L. Ver 099.000 Kirillov, A.A. Ver 37.004 y Berezin, F.A. Ver 099.000 Kirzhnitz, D.A. ver 64.105 y Keldysh, L.V. Ver 099.000 Kisdi, D. Ver 20.055 y Gombás, P. Ver 099.000 Kiseliov Ver 14.043 y Krasnov Ver 099.000 Kiseliov, A. ver 19230 y Krasnov, A. Ver 099.000 Klein, J. Ver 19.142 y Reeb, G. Ver 099.000 Klein, J. Ver 19.143 y Reeb, G. Ver 099.000 Kleinpoppen, H. Ver 61.008 y Bopp, F. Ver 099.000 Knight, W.D. Ver 50.048 y Kittel, C. Ver 099.000 Knight, W.D. Ver 70.054 y Kittel, C. Ver 099.000 Knight, W.D. Ver 70.089 y Kittel, C. Ver 099.000 Kolman, B. Ver 11.010 y Sharp, R.T. Ver 099.000 Kolmogorov Ver 19.180 y Alexandrov Ver 099.000 Kolmogorov Ver 19.181 y Alexandrov Ver 099.000 Kolmogorov Ver 19.179 y Alexandrov Ver 099.000 Koltun, D.S. Ver 62.055 y Eisemberg, J.M! Ver 099.000 Krainov, V.P. Ver 25.002 y Migdal, A.B. Ver 099.000 Krall, N.A. Ver 66.002 y Tidman, D.A. Ver 099.000 Krasnopol'sky,V.M. ver 26.031 y Kukulin,V.I. Ver 099.000 Krasnov Ver 14.018 y Kiseliov Ver 099.000 Kraushaar, W.L. Ver 70.029 y Ingard, U. Ver 099.000 Krejn, M.G. Ver 16.027 y Gohberg, I.C. Ver 099.000 Kriuchenkov, V. Ver 50.016 y Bujovtsev, B.B. Ver 099.000 Krivchenkow Ver 28.001 y Golman Ver 099.000 Kukhevich, E.S. Ver 65.015 y Kazanskii, Y.A. Ver 0

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99.000 Kulisic, P. Ver 62.083 y Cindro, N. Ver 099.000 Kurath, D. Ver 62.051 y Bertsch, D. Ver 099.000 Lafuente de, M.G. ver 57.262 y Garcia Prada, J.M. Ver 099.000 Laloe, F. Ver 20.082 y Cohen-Tannoudji,C. Ver 099.000 Laloe, F. Ver 20.083 y Cohen-Tannoudji, C. Ver 099.000 Laloe, F. Ver 20.084 y Cohen-Tannoudji,C. Ver 099.000 Laloe, F. Ver 20.085 y Cohen-Tannoudji, C. Ver 099.000 Laloe, F. Ver 20.088 y Cohen-Tannoudji, C. Ver 099.000 Laloe, F. Ver 20.130 y Cohen-Tannoudji, C. Ver 099.000 Laloe, F. Ver 20.131 y Cohen-tannoudji, C. Ver 099.000 Lanard Ver 17.062 y Decuyper. Ver 099.000 Lassalle, J.P. Ver 19.039 y Haaser, N. Ver 099.000 Leahy, D. Ver 50.022 y Joseph, A. Ver 099.000 Lebedev Ver 17.088 y Skalsksya Ver 099.000 Lefebvre, J. Ver 15.034 y Lesieur, L. Ver 099.000 Lefebvre, J. Ver 19.135 y Lesieur, L. Ver 099.000 Lefebvre, J. Ver 19.134 y Lesieur, L. Ver 099.000 Lefebvre, J. Ver 19.133 y Lesieur, L. Ver 099.000 Lefort, M. Ver 62.069 y Duquesne,M. Ver 099.000 Leibowitz, E. ver 36.015 y Carmeli, M. Ver 099.000 Leighton, R.B. Ver 50.003 y Feyman, R.P. Ver 099.000 Leighton, R.B. Ver 50.004 y Feyman, R.P. Ver 099.000 Leighton, R.B. Ver 50.005 y Feyman, R.P. Ver 099.000 Leighton, R.B. Ver 50.006 y Feyman, R.P. Ver 099.000 Leighton, R.B. Ver 50.007 y Feyman, R.P. Ver 099.000 Leighton, R.B. Ver 50.008 y Feyman, R.P. Ver 099.000 Leighton, R.B. Ver 50.009 y Feyman, R.P. Ver 099.000 Leighton, R.B. Ver 50.002 y Feyman, R.P. Ver 099.000 Leighton, R.B. Ver 50.001 y Feyman, R.P. Ver 099.000 Lendi, K. Ver 26.027 y Alicki, R. Ver 099.000 Lequeux, J. Ver 78.013 y Steinberg, J.L. Ver 099.000 Lesvev, C. Ver 71.063 y Salles, F. Ver 099.000 Levinson, N. Ver 14.064 y Coddington, E.A. Ver 099.000 Levita, M. Ver 19.111 y Paraine, R. Ver 099.000 Levita, M. Ver 19.127 y Paraire, R. Ver 099.000 Levita, M. Ver 19.128 y Paraire, R. Ver 099.000 Levita, M. Ver 19.129 y Paraire, R. Ver 099.000 Levy, S. Ver 18.065 y Krief, A. Ver 099.000 Lichtenberg, J. Ver 11.043 y Bak,T.A. Ver 099.000 Lichtenberg, J. Ver 11.094 y BaK,T.A. Ver 0

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99.000 Lichtenberg, J. Ver 11.142 y Bak ,T.A. Ver 099.000 Lichtenberg, J. Ver 15.070 y Bak,T.A. Ver 099.000 Lichtenberg, J. Ver 15.071 y Bak, T. A. Ver 099.000 Lifshitz, E.M. Ver 30.001 y Berestetskii, V. Ver 099.000 Lifshitz, E.M. Ver 30.003 y Berestetskii, V. Ver 099.000 Lifshitz, E.M. Ver 30.002 y Berestetskii, V. Ver 099.000 Lifshitz, E.M. Ver 20.007 y Landau, L. Ver 099.000 Lifshitz, E.M. Ver 52.001 y Landau, L. Ver 099.000 Lifshitz, E.M. Ver 55.009 y Landau, L.D. Ver 099.000 Lifshitz, E.M. Ver 71.067 y Landau, L.D. Ver 099.000 Lifshitz, E.M. Ver 70.081 y Landau, L.D. Ver 099.000 Lifshitz, E.M. Ver 55.011 y Landau, L.D. Ver 099.000 Lifshitz, E.M. Ver 72.005 y Landau, L.D. Ver 099.000 Lifshitz, E.M. Ver 20.006 y Landau, L. Ver 099.000 Lifshitz, E.M. Ver 52.064 y Landau, L.D. Ver 099.000 Lifshitz, E.M. Ver 55.013 y Landau, L.D. Ver 099.000 Lifshitz, E.M. Ver 72.004 y Landau, L.D. Ver 099.000 Lifshitz, E.M. Ver 20.008 y Landau, L. Ver 099.000 Lifshitz, E.M. Ver 71.043 y Landau, L.D. Ver 099.000 Lifshitz, E.M. Ver 72.095 y Landau, L.D. Ver 099.000 Lifshitz, E.M. Ver 55.010 y Landau, L.D. Ver 099.000 Lindinger, W. Ver 61.035 y Howorka, F. Ver 099.000 Lobo, J.A. ver 57.262 y Garcia Prada J.M. Ver 099.000 Logunov, A.A. Ver 31.033 y Bogoliubov, N.N. Ver 099.000 Lopatkin, A. Ver 19.160 y Spiridonov, V.P. Ver 099.000 Lopez Ver 18.078 y Quesada, V. Ver 099.000 Lopez, E. Ver 70.087 y Vazquez, M. Ver 099.000 Louck, J.D. Ver 22.007 y Beidenharn, L.C. Ver 099.000 Love, A. ver 36.017 y Bailin, D. Ver 099.000 Lowengrub, M. Ver 72.028 y Sneddon, I.N. Ver 099.000 Ludeña, E.V. ver 64.109 y Kryachko, E.S. Ver 099.000 Lundqvist, S. Ver 24.016 y Lindgren, I. Ver 099.000 Lunts Ver 15.079 y Volkovtski Ver 099.000 Llano, M. Ver 63.011 y Zabolitzky, J.G. Ver 099.000 Magenes, E. Ver 16.006 y Lions, J.L. Ver 099.000 Magnus Ver 81.052 y Erdelyi Ver 099.000 Magnus Ver 18.053 y Erdelyi Ver 099.000 Magnus Ver 18.054 y Erdelyi Ver 099.000 Magnus, W. Ver 11.049 y Grossman Ver 099.000 Magnus, W. ver 18.052 y Bateman, H. Ver 0

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99.000 Magnus, W. ver 18.053 y Bateman, H. Ver 099.000 Magnus, W. ver 18.054 y Bateman, H. Ver 099.000 Magnus, W. ver 18.055 y Bateman, H. Ver 099.000 Magnus, W. ver 18.056 y Bateman, H. Ver 099.000 Magnus, W. ver 18.057 y Bateman, H. Ver 099.000 Magnus, W. ver 18.095 y Bateman, H. Ver 099.000 Magnus, W. ver 18.096 y Bateman, H. Ver 099.000 Magnus, W. ver 18.097 y Bateman, H. Ver 099.000 Maitland, A. Ver 53.005 y Kay, S.M. Ver 099.000 Maitre Ver 17.100 y Goel Ver 099.000 Majewski,J.A. ver 64.095 y Hafner,J. Ver 099.000 Makarenko Ver 14.043 y Krasnov Ver 099.000 Makarenko, G ver 19230 y Krasnov, A. Ver 099.000 Makarenko, O. Ver 21.021 y Krasnov, M.L. Ver 099.000 Manakov Ver 14.060 y Novikov Ver 099.000 Mandelstam, S. Ver 17.079 y Lepowsky, J. Ver 099.000 Mandelstam, S. Ver 26.012 y Yourgrau, W. Ver 099.000 Manin, Yu.I. ver 40.025 y Kobzarev,I.Yu. Ver 099.000 Manninen, M. ver 64.078 y Arponen,J.S. Ver 099.000 Maradudin, A.A. ver 64.105 y Keldysh, L.V. Ver 099.000 March, N.H. Ver 64.032 y Jones, W. Ver 099.000 March, N.H. Ver 63.006 y Lundqvist, S. Ver 099.000 March, N.H. Ver 64.033 y Jones, W. Ver 099.000 March, N.H. ver 64.081 y Alonso,J.A Ver 099.000 Marin, J. ver 19.231 y Checa, E. Ver 099.000 Marin, J. ver 19.232 y Checa, E. Ver 099.000 Mark, I. Ver 61.035 y Howorka, F. Ver 099.000 Maron, I. Ver 18.079 y Demidovich, B. Ver 099.000 Marsden, J.E. Ver 74.029 y Abraham,R. Ver 099.000 Marsden, J.E. ver 51.016 y Holm Ver 099.000 Marsden, J.E. ver 51.023 y Harnad, J. Ver 099.000 Martín, D. ver 59.016 y Waite, M. Ver 099.000 Martinot Ver 72.082 y Brun, E.A. Ver 099.000 Martinot-Lagarde, A. Ver 72.077 y Brun, E.A. Ver 099.000 Martinov-Lagarde, A. Ver 72.076 y Brun E.A. Ver 099.000 Martins, A.F. ver 64.113 y Vallera, A. Ver 099.000 Massaiski, T.B. Ver 61.004 y Bennett, L.H. Ver 099.000 Massey, H.S.W. Ver 23.006 y Mott, N.F. Ver 099.000 Mathiev Ver 72.082 y Brun, E.A. Ver 099.000 Mathis,K. ver 64.095 y Hafner,J. Ver 0

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99.000 Matthews, G. Ver 13.232 y Kelly, P. Ver 099.000 Mattis Ver 50.024 y Lieb Ver 099.000 Maxfield, M. Ver 18.085 y Crow, E.L. Ver 099.000 Mayer, K. Ver 62.083 y Cindro,N. Ver 099.000 Mayer, M.E. Ver 36.003 y Drechsler, W. Ver 099.000 Mazur, P. Ver 52.040 y Groot, S.R. Ver 099.000 McDonald, I.R. Ver 64.045 y Hansen, J.P. Ver 099.000 McDonald, I.R. ver 64.100 y Ciccotti, G. Ver 099.000 McDonell, J.A. Ver 60.009 y Caro, D.E. Ver 099.000 McGilton, H. ver 59.015 y Morgan, R. Ver 099.000 McKean, H.P. Ver 18.098 y Itô, K. Ver 099.000 Mckie, C. Ver 13.179 y Mckie, D. Ver 099.000 Medicus, H.A. Ver 55.008 y Bitter, F. Ver 099.000 Mejia-Lira, F. ver 64.103 y Falicov, L.M. Ver 099.000 Mendizabal, A. Ver 14.030 y Dou, A. Ver 099.000 Mendizabal, A. Ver 14.031 y Dou, A. Ver 099.000 Mermin, N.D. ver 64.112 y Ashcroft, N.W. Ver 099.000 Merwe Ver 21.040 y Tarozzi, G. Ver 099.000 Merwe, A. Ver 52.042 y Yourgrau, W. Ver 099.000 Metherell, A. Ver 20.058 y Landshoff, P. Ver 099.000 Miakishev, G. Ver 50.055 y Gregoriev Ver 099.000 Michaelson, G. Ver 71.065 y Bishop, R. Ver 099.000 Milton, P. ver 72.058 y Francis, J.R.D. Ver 099.000 Miller, F.R. Ver 13.135 y Curtis, W.D. Ver 099.000 Mills, F.E. ver 36.005 y Cline, D.B. Ver 099.000 Minoraki Ver 71.051 y Leimanis Ver 099.000 Minorsky Ver 71.061 y Leimanis Ver 099.000 Mirazchiiski,I ver 18.138 y Stoyanov,J. Ver 099.000 Mittelstaedt, P. Ver 21.042 y Lahti, P. Ver 099.000 Miwa, T. Ver 51.017 y Jimbo, M. Ver 099.000 Moiseiwitsch, B.L. Ver 61.027 y Bruke, P.G. Ver 099.000 Montroll Ver 17.100 y Goel Ver 099.000 Moody, R. Ver 11.137 y Bremer, M.R. Ver 099.000 Morán-López, J.L. ver 64.102 y Falicov, L.M. Ver 099.000 Morán-López, J.L. ver 64.103 y Falicov, L.M. Ver 099.000 Moreau, J. Ver 13.073 y Delachet, A. Ver 099.000 Morgenstern Ver 19.183 y Carnap Ver 099.000 Morra, F. Ver 19.096 y Finzi, B. Ver 099.000 Morra, F. Ver 19.097 y Finzi, B. Ver 099.000 Morra, F. Ver 19.098 y Finzi, B. Ver 0

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99.000 Morris Ver 25.003 y Graves, P.R. Ver 099.000 Morris, R.M. Ver 17.054 y Chisholm, J.S. Ver 099.000 Morrison, J. Ver 63.014 y Lindgren, I. Ver 099.000 Morrison, J. Ver 18.043 y Lindgren, I. Ver 099.000 Morrison, P. Ver 62.019 y Bethe, H. A. Ver 099.000 Mortier,K.D. ver 63.033 y Mullay,J. Ver 099.000 Moser, W.O.J. Ver 11.071 y Coxeter, H.S.M. Ver 099.000 Moskalev, A.N. ver 22.012 y Varshalovich, D.A. Ver 099.000 Mostetler Ver 15.157 y larson Ver 099.000 Moszkowski, S.A. Ver 62.017 y Slaus, I. Ver 099.000 Mottelson, B. Ver 62.041 y Bohr, A. Ver 099.000 Mottelson,B. Ver 62.040 y Bohr, A. Ver 099.000 Movikova, G.I. ver 20.143 y Goldin, L.L. Ver 099.000 Mukunda, M. Ver 71.041 y Sudarshan, C.C.G. Ver 099.000 Mulvey, J.H. Ver 62.029 y Brink, D.M. Ver 099.000 Mulvey, J.H. Ver 62.023 y Brink, D.H. Ver 099.000 Müller, B. ver 20.142 y Greiner, W. Ver 099.000 Muller,D.D. Ver 75.026 y Bate,R.R. Ver 099.000 Mustoe, L.R. Ver 17.072 y Bajpai,A.C. Ver 099.000 Mychkis, A. Ver 19.167 y Zeldovitch, I. Ver 099.000 Nagy, B.Sz. Ver 16.001 y Riesz, F. Ver 099.000 Nakanishi, N. Ver 77.046 y Kikkava, K. Ver 099.000 Nambu, Y. Ver 57.028 y Freud, P.G.O. Ver 099.000 Narici, L. Ver 16.036 y Bachman,G. Ver 099.000 Narlikar, I. Ver 74.007 y Hoyle, F. Ver 099.000 Nath, P. Ver 36.001 y Armowitt,R. Ver 099.000 Navrotky, A. Ver 64.010 y O'Keeeffe, M. Ver 099.000 Ne'eman, Y. Ver 44.010 y Gell-Mann, M. Ver 099.000 Newman, D.J. Ver 11.070 y Leech, J.W. Ver 099.000 Newton, R.G. Ver 17.025 y Gilbert, R.P. Ver 099.000 Nikitin, A.V. Ver 54.018 y Fuschich, W.I. Ver 099.000 Nishina, Y. Ver 64.058 y Sugano, S. Ver 099.000 Nomizu, K. Ver 13.081 y Kobayashi, S. Ver 099.000 Nomizu, K. Ver 13.082 y Kobayashi, S. Ver 099.000 Noonan Ver 77.007 y Robertson Ver 099.000 Norsett, S.P. Ver 14.102 y Mairer, E. Ver 099.000 Novikov, I.D. Ver 78.010 y Zeldovich, Y.B. Ver 099.000 Novikov, S. Ver 13.151 y Doubrovine, B. Ver 099.000 Novikov, S. Ver 13.215 y Doubrovine, B. Ver 099.000 Novikov, S. ver 13.216 y Doubrovine, B. Ver 0

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99.000 Novikov, S. Ver 13.140 y Doubrovine, B. Ver 099.000 Novikov, S. ver 13.242 y Doubrovine, B. Ver 099.000 Novikov, S.P. ver 74.046 y Arnol'd,V.I. Ver 099.000 O'Neill, G.K. Ver 40.019 y Cheng, D.C. Ver 099.000 Oberhetinger Ver 18.052 y Erdelyi Ver 099.000 Oberhetinger Ver 18.053 y Erdelyi Ver 099.000 Oberhetinger Ver 18.054 y Erdelyi Ver 099.000 Oberhetinger, F. ver 18.052 y Bateman, H. Ver 099.000 Oberhetinger, F. ver 18.053 y Bateman, H. Ver 099.000 Oberhetinger, F. ver 18.054 y Bateman, H. Ver 099.000 Oberhetinger, F. ver 18.055 y Bateman, H. Ver 099.000 Oberhetinger, F. ver 18.056 y Bateman, H. Ver 099.000 Oberhetinger, F. ver 18.057 y Bateman, H. Ver 099.000 Oberhetinger, F. ver 18.095 y Bateman, H. Ver 099.000 Oberhetinger, F. ver 18.096 y Bateman, H. Ver 099.000 Oberhetinger, F. ver 18.097 y Bateman, H. Ver 099.000 Odabasi Ver 61.013 y Condon Ver 099.000 Odabasi, H. Ver 63.017 y Brittin, W.E. Ver 099.000 Odabasi, H. Ver 73.035 y Condon, E.U. Ver 099.000 Ohmura, T. Ver 23.011 y Ta-Yu, Wu Ver 099.000 Orland, H. ver 31.062 y Negele,J.W. Ver 099.000 Ortiz, R. Ver 76.023 y Terradas Ver 099.000 Ostlund,S. ver 64.089 y Steinhardt,P.J. Ver 099.000 Ostrowsky, N. Ver 13.137 y Stanley, H.E. Ver 099.000 Ovaert, J.L. Ver 19.021 y Chambadal, L. Ver 099.000 Ovaert, J.L. Ver 10.075 y Chambadal,L. Ver 099.000 Ovcharov, L. Ver 18.125 y Wentzeland, E. Ver 099.000 Ovenstone, D.L. Ver 70.047 y Dickie, P.C. Ver 099.000 Paatero, V. Ver 15.130 y Nevanlina, R. Ver 099.000 Padmanabhan, T. Ver 77.063 y Narlikar, J.V. Ver 099.000 Pajanne, E. ver 64.077 y Kallio,A.J. Ver 099.000 Pajares, C. Ver 42.011 y López, C. Ver 099.000 Papielier Ver 73.005 y Aubert Ver 099.000 Pascual Arranz, J. ver 57.262 y Garcia Prada, J.M. Ver 099.000 Pascual, P. Ver 36.014 y Bernabeu, J. Ver 099.000 Pascual, P. ver 20.136 y Galindo,A. Ver 099.000 Pascual, P. ver 20.137 y Galindo,A. Ver 099.000 Pascual, P. ver 20.138 y Galindo,A. Ver 099.000 Passatore, G. Ver 62.057 y Boffi, S. Ver 099.000 Pastor, L. Ver 13.119 y Grossetete, B. Ver 0

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99.000 Patera Ver 11.137 y Bremer, M.R. Ver 099.000 Patera, J. Ver 11.139 y Mackay, W.G. Ver 099.000 Paty, M. Ver 21.007 y Lopes, J.L. Ver 099.000 Pebay, C. Ver 61.059 y Cagnac, B. Ver 099.000 Pebay, C. Ver 61.060 y Cagnac, B. Ver 099.000 Pelay-Peiroula, J.C. Ver 61.028 y Cagnac, B. Ver 099.000 Perline, P. ver 72.098 y Parton, V. Ver 099.000 Perline, P. ver 72.099 y Parton, V. Ver 099.000 Peskine,C ver 13.250 y Ghione,F Ver 099.000 Phillips, R.S. Ver 23.007 y Lax, P.D. Ver 099.000 Pignedoli, A. Ver 70.070 y Agostinelli,C. Ver 099.000 Pignedoli, A. Ver 70.071 y Agostinelli,C. Ver 099.000 Pike, R. ver 59.017 y Kernghan, B. Ver 099.000 Pirani, F.A.E. Ver 13.241 y Crampin,M. Ver 099.000 Pisarievki, B. Ver 16.069 y Trenoquin, V.A. Ver 099.000 Pitaevski Ver 14.060 y Novikov Ver 099.000 Pitaevskii, L.P. Ver 30.008 y Lisfshitz, E.M. Ver 099.000 Pitaevskii, L.P. Ver 30.009 y Lifshitz, E.M. Ver 099.000 Polard, B.R. ver 40.020 y Gibson, W.M. Ver 099.000 Pollard, H. Ver 14.034 y Tenembaum, M. Ver 099.000 Polls, A. Ver 62.025 y Guardiola, R. Ver 099.000 Popov, A. Ver 19.185 y Danko, P. Ver 099.000 Popov, A. Ver 19.186 y Danko, P. Ver 099.000 Popov, V.N. Ver 36.006 y Konopleva, N.P. Ver 099.000 Pousseur, J.M. Ver 57.046 y Malherbe, M. Ver 099.000 Prata, S. ver 59.016 y Waite, M. Ver 099.000 Précigout, M. Ver 19.125 y Kaufmann, A. Ver 099.000 Preist Ver 24.012 y Garrido Ver 099.000 Prigogine, I. Ver 52.046 y Glansdorf, P. Ver 099.000 Puolsen, F. Ver 15.019 y Lindahl, L.A. Ver 099.000 Rabaté, G. Ver 13.168 y Bouligand, G. Ver 099.000 Rabette, P.M. Ver 61.019 y Davenas, J. Ver 099.000 Raczka, R. Ver 11.124 y Barut,A.O. Ver 099.000 Rae Ver 24.009 y Garrido Ver 099.000 Ramis, E. Ver 19.016 y Cagnac, B. Ver 099.000 Ramis, E. Ver 19.017 y Cagnac, B. Ver 099.000 Ramis, E. Ver 19.018 y Cagnac, B. Ver 099.000 Ramis, E. Ver 19.015 y Cagnac, B. Ver 099.000 Ranfagni,A. Ver 26.029 y Lundqvist,S. Ver 099.000 Ratiu Ver 51.016 y Holm Ver 0

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99.000 Raw, G. Ver 52.042 y Yourgraw, W. Ver 099.000 Read, R.C. Ver 11.171 y Pólya,G. Ver 099.000 Reed Ver 17.036 y Mickley Ver 099.000 Reed, C. Ver 19.173 y Sherwood, T. Ver 099.000 Reed, R.D. Ver 32.009 y Roy, R.R. Ver 099.000 Rees, P.K. Ver 19.217 y Spars, F. Ver 099.000 Reeve, J. Ver 71.037 y Kilmister, C. Ver 099.000 Regge, T. Ver 43.005 y de Alfaro, V. Ver 099.000 Reshetnyak, ver 13.253 y Alexandrov,A.D. Ver 099.000 Resnick, R. Ver 20.133 y Eisberg, R. Ver 099.000 Resnick, R. Ver 20.075 y Eisberg, R. Ver 099.000 Resnick, R. Ver 20.118 y Eisberg, R. Ver 099.000 Resnick, R. Ver 20.122 y Eisberg, R. Ver 099.000 Resnick, R. Ver 20.074 y Eisberg, R. Ver 099.000 Reuss, P. Ver 65.032 y Bussac, J. Ver 099.000 Revuz, A. Ver 13.016 y Queysanne, M. Ver 099.000 Ricci, F.P. ver 64.085 y Baracchi,F. Ver 099.000 Rice, S.A. ver 64.080 y Prigogine,I. Ver 099.000 Richards Ver 61.006 y Enge, H.A. Ver 099.000 Richards, D. ver 70.101 y Percival, I. Ver 099.000 Richter, P.H. Ver 13.196 y Peitgen, H.O. Ver 099.000 Rimmer, J.D. Ver 70.092 y Titherington, D. Ver 099.000 Rindler, W. Ver 77.070 y Penrose, R. Ver 099.000 Rindler, W. Ver 77.075 y Peurose,R. Ver 099.000 Ripka, G. ver 31.064 y Blaizot,J.P. Ver 099.000 Rivaud, J. Ver 10.013, Lentin, L. Ver 099.000 Rivaud, J. Ver 10.008 y Lentin, A. Ver 099.000 Rivaud, J. Ver 10.010 y Lentin, A. Ver 099.000 Rivaud, J. Ver 10.009 y Lentin, A. Ver 099.000 Roa, B.K. Ver 61.052 y Sena, P. Ver 099.000 Robbin, J. Ver 13.087 y Abraham,R. Ver 099.000 Robinson, D.W. Ver 27.006 y Bratteli, O. Ver 099.000 Robinson, D.W. Ver 27.007 y Bratteli, O. Ver 099.000 Rodina, N.A. Ver 50.056 y Piorishkin, A. Ver 099.000 Rodriguez Ver 15.149 y Bombal Ver 099.000 Rodriguez Ver 15.150 y Bombal Ver 099.000 Rodriguez Ver 15.148 y Bombal Ver 099.000 Rodriguez, M.A. Ver 18.066 y Pesquera, L. Ver 099.000 Rodriguez, M.A. Ver 18.103 y Pesquera, L. Ver 099.000 Rohrlich, F. Ver 32.012 y Jauch, J.M. Ver 0

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99.000 Rollet, A.P. Ver 17.104 y Cundy, H.M. Ver 099.000 Ros, J. Ver 65.015 y Guardiola, R. Ver 099.000 Rosenthal, L. Ver 13.118 y Drivas, V. Ver 099.000 Roshko, A. Ver 72.019 y Liepman, N.W. Ver 099.000 Ross, K.A. Ver 15.009 y Hewitt, E. Ver 099.000 Rotenberg Ver 18.099 y Alder Ver 099.000 Rotenberg Ver 18.100 y Alder Ver 099.000 Roth, L. Ver 18.048 y Levy, H. Ver 099.000 Rouits, J.P. Ver 18.051 y Giannesini, F. Ver 099.000 Rouxel Ver 17.062 y Decuyper, M. Ver 099.000 Rozanov, Yu. A. Ver 18.115 y Prohorov, Y.V. Ver 099.000 Rubinstein, M.C. Ver 71.046 y Hurty, W.C. Ver 099.000 Ruderman Ver 70.054 y Kittel, C. Ver 099.000 Ruderman Ver 50.048 y Kittel, C. Ver 099.000 Rumiántsv, V. Ver 54.021 y Brédov, M. Ver 099.000 Rutherford, D. ver 10.029 y Patterson, E.M. Ver 099.000 Rydnik, V. Ver 17.106 y Kádomtsev, B. Ver 099.000 Ryzhik, I.M. Ver 18.017 y Gradshteyn, I.S. Ver 099.000 Sabatier, P.C. Ver 23.016 y Chadan, K. Ver 099.000 Saldaña, J. Ver 57.190 y La Fuente, A. Ver 099.000 Salpeter, E. Ver 61.009 y Bethe, H. Ver 099.000 Samarsky, A. Ver 14.002 y Tijanov, A. Ver 099.000 Sanchez, D.A. Ver 14.082 y Lakin, W.D. Ver 099.000 Sanchez Gómez , J.M. Ver 62.032 y Dehesa, J. Ver 099.000 Sanderson, J.J. Ver 66.004 y Boyd, T.J.M. Ver 099.000 Sandras, P.G.H. Ver 61.033 y Woodgate, G.K. Ver 099.000 Sanz, J.L. Ver 79.015 y Lapiedra, R. Ver 099.000 Saruis, A.M. Ver 63.022 y Arenhövel,M. Ver 099.000 Satchler Ver 22.005 y Brink, D.A. Ver 099.000 Sawatzky, G.A. ver 64.075 y Fuggle,J.C. Ver 099.000 Schanuel, S.H. Ver 16.068 y Lawvere, F.W. Ver 099.000 Scheifele Ver 75.012 y Stiefel Ver 099.000 Schiffer,M. Ver 77.008 y Adler,R. Ver 099.000 Schild, A. Ver 13.159 y Synge, J.L. Ver 099.000 Schopper Ver 62.021 y Appel, H. Ver 099.000 Schultz, L. ver 64.088 y Arzt,E. Ver 099.000 Schwartz, J.T. Ver 16.035 y Dunford, N. Ver 099.000 Schwartz, J.T. Ver 16.033 y Dunford, N. Ver 099.000 Schwarz, J.H. Ver 37.008 y Green,M.B. Ver 099.000 Schwarz, J.H. Ver 37.009 y Green,M.B. Ver 0

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99.000 Schwatz, J.T. Ver 16.034 y Dunford, N. Ver 099.000 Segal, G. ver 11.157 y Pressley, A. Ver 099.000 Segurh Ver 14.068 y Ablowitz, M. J. Ver 099.000 Seitz, F., Turnbull, D. Ver 64.033 y Ehrenreich, H. Ver 099.000 Selove Ver 62.037 y Ajzenberg Ver 099.000 Semezis Ver 13.118 y Drivas, V. Ver 099.000 Sen, K.D. ver 63.033 y Mullay,J. Ver 099.000 Senent, F. Ver 50.052 y Aguilar,J. Ver 099.000 Serbo, G.L. Ver 73.023 y Kotkin, G.L. Ver 099.000 Serbo, V.G. Ver 73.001 y Kotkin, G.L. Ver 099.000 Sernesi, E. ver 13.250 y Ghione,F. Ver 099.000 Sesonske, A. Ver 62.108 y Glasstone, S. Ver 099.000 Sesonske, A. Ver 65.008 y Glasstone, S. Ver 099.000 Sesonske, A. Ver 65.027 y Glasstone, S. Ver 099.000 Shadwick, W.F. Ver 14.063 y Rogers, C. Ver 099.000 Shafarevich, I.R. ver 13.249 y Nikulin,V.V. Ver 099.000 Shanks, M. Ver 14.036 y Golomb, M. Ver 099.000 Shaw, G. ver 31.053 y Mandl, F. Ver 099.000 Shephard Ver 13.176 y Grünbaum, B. Ver 099.000 Shernood Ver 17.036 y Mickley Ver 099.000 Shikov, D.V. Ver 31.006 y Bogoliubov, N.N. Ver 099.000 Shilov, G.E. Ver 16.057 y Gel'Fand, I.M. Ver 099.000 Shilov, G.E. Ver 16.058 y Gel'Fand, I.M. Ver 099.000 Shilov, G.E. Ver 16.059 y Gel'Fand, I.M. Ver 099.000 Shirin, E. ver 19.230 y Krasnov, A. Ver 099.000 Shirkov, D.V. Ver 31.006, 31.043, 31.047, 31.059 y Bogoliubov, N.N. Ver 099.000 Siddartha, Sen Ver 17.076 y Nash,C. Ver 099.000 Siegel, A. Ver 21.008 y Wiener, N. Ver 099.000 Sikorski, R. Ver 16.049 y Mikusinski, R. Ver 099.000 Sikorski, R. Ver 16.002 y Mikusinski, J. Ver 099.000 Simon, B. Ver 15.093 y Reed, M. Ver 099.000 Simon, B. Ver 15.091 y Reed, M. Ver 099.000 Simon, B. Ver 15.092 y Reed, M. Ver 099.000 Simon, B. Ver 15.054 y Reed, M. Ver 099.000 Simon, B. Ver 15.055 y Reed, M. Ver 099.000 Simon, B. Ver 17.066 y Lieb Ver 099.000 Singerman, D. Ver 64.032 y Jones, G.A! Ver 099.000 Skorniakov,L.A. Ver 13.225 y Argunov,B.I. Ver 099.000 Slavnov, A.A. Ver 36.004 y Faddev, L.D. Ver 099.000 Smith, E.B. Ver 61.053 y Rigby, M. Ver 0

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99.000 Smith, J. Ver 31.060 y Wit, Ver 099.000 Smith, M.G. Ver 17.008 y Spain, B. Ver 099.000 Smith, P. Ver 70.027 y Smith, R.C. Ver 099.000 Smith, V.H. Ver 63.025 y Erdahl, R. Ver 099.000 Smorodinski,Ya. ver 76.051 y Dubrovski,V. Ver 099.000 Sneddon, J.N. Ver 20.014 y Mott, N.F. Ver 099.000 Snell Ver 19.104 y Kemeny Ver 099.000 Sobczyk, G. Ver 13.074 y Hestenes, D. Ver 099.000 Soeder, H. Ver 57.124 y Reinhardt, F. Ver 099.000 Soliani, G. Ver 14.061 y Rebbi, C. Ver 099.000 Somonski, I. Ver 10.103 y Faddieev, D. Ver 099.000 Soper, A.K. ver 64.083 y Davidovic,M. Ver 099.000 Sousa, J.B. ver 64.113 y Vallera, A. Ver 099.000 Spicer, B.M. Ver 60.009 y Caro, D.E. Ver 099.000 Spitz, G. ver 59.019 y Schmid, E.W. Ver 099.000 Srolovitz, D.J. ver 64.104 y Vitek, V. Ver 099.000 Stasheff, J.O. Ver 13.116 y Milnor, J.W. Ver 099.000 Stegun, I.A. Ver 18.131 y Abramowicz Ver 099.000 Stegun, I.A. Ver 18.018 y Abramonitz Ver 099.000 Stengers, J. ver 56.039 y Prigogine, I. Ver 099.000 Stern, A.I. Ver 11.134 y Naimark, M.A. Ver 099.000 Sternberg, S. ver 17.111 y Bamberg,R. Ver 099.000 Steven, M. Ver 77.048 y Christensen. Ver 099.000 Stewart, J. Ver 78.009 y Böner, G. Ver 099.000 Stiles, W.B. Ver 70.032 y Higdon, A. Ver 099.000 Stoy, G.A. Ver 13.129 y Newmann, P.M. Ver 099.000 Straka, H.A. Ver 17.011 y William, R.B. Ver 099.000 Strernberg, S. Ver 74.016 y Guillemin, S. Ver 099.000 Stricchi, F. Ver 30.004 y Corinaldesi, E. Ver 099.000 Stritzker, B. ver 64.121 y Samwer, K. Ver 099.000 Stroemberg, K. Ver 15.076 y Hewitt, E. Ver 099.000 Stuari, I. Ver 77.074 y Moshe, C. Ver 099.000 Suhl, H. Ver 63.004 y Langreth, D. Ver 099.000 Sulinski,N.K. Ver 59.012 y Drinkard Jr. ,R.D. Ver 099.000 Sullivan, J.A. Ver 15.038 y Haaser, N. Ver 099.000 Surkov,E. ver 76.051 y Dubrovski,V. Ver 099.000 Sutherland, D.G. ver 37.012 y Davies.A.T. Ver 099.000 Sutton, O.G. Ver 17.019 y Meyver, D.S. Ver 099.000 Sventitskii Ver 61.003 y Striganov Ver 099.000 Szabo, I. Ver 71.055 y Morgenstem, D. Ver 0

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99.000 Szondy, T. Ver 61.039 y Gombas, P. Ver 099.000 Takada,T. Ver 64.070 y Shinjo,T. Ver 099.000 Talmi, I. Ver 62.059 y Salit, A. Ver 099.000 Talmi, I. Ver 62.009 y Shalit, A. Ver 099.000 Tanushev,M. ver 18.138 y Stoyanov,J Ver 099.000 Taoornwinder,T.M. Ver 11.161 y Askey,R.A. Ver 099.000 Tarapov, I.E. Ver 13.035 y Borisenko, A.I. Ver 099.000 Tarapov, J.E. Ver 13.155 y Borisenko, A.I. Ver 099.000 Taylor, D. Ver 62.061 y Sharpe, J. Ver 099.000 Taylor, H.H. Ver18.073 y Karlin, S. Ver 099.000 Taylor, H.M. Ver 18.071 y Karlin, S. Ver 099.000 Temmerman ver 64.091 y Phariseau,P. Ver 099.000 Terng,Ch. ver 13.243 y Palais,R.S. Ver 099.000 Thaler, R.M. Ver 21.001 y Rodberg, L.S. Ver 099.000 Thirring, W. Ver 31.014 y Henley, E.M. Ver 099.000 Thompson Ver 13.129 y Newmann, P.M. Ver 099.000 Thompson Ver 19.104 y Kemeny Ver 099.000 Thompson Ver 75.024 y Jastrow Ver 099.000 Thorne, K. Ver 77.011 y Misner, C. Ver 099.000 Threlfall, W. Ver 16.012 y Seifert, H. Ver 099.000 Thuillier, P. Ver 70.035 y Buhot, G. Ver 099.000 Thumm, W. Ver 50.019 y Tilley, D.E. Ver 099.000 Tietjens Ver 72.086 y Prandtl Ver 099.000 Tietjens Ver 72.085 y Prandtl Ver 099.000 Tod, K.P. Ver 13.142 y Huggett, S.A. Ver 099.000 Tod, K.P. Ver13.182 y Huggett, S.A. Ver 099.000 Tod, K.P. ver 77.080 y Hughston, L.P. Ver 099.000 Tonomura,A. ver 20.139 y Peshkin,M. Ver 099.000 Torelli, G. Ver 61.040 y Fiorentini, G. Ver 099.000 Tortorice, P. Ver 19.211 y Picone, M. Ver 099.000 Tosi, M.P. ver 63.032 y Bassani,F. Ver 099.000 Tranter Ver 14.001 y Lambe, G.G. Ver 099.000 Trautman, A. ver 13.244 y Budinich,P. Ver 099.000 Trefethen, F.N. Ver 18.001 y Closkey, J.F. Ver 099.000 Trejo Ver 15.027 y Pastor, R. Ver 099.000 Tricomi, F.G. Ver 72.020 y Ferrari, C. Ver 099.000 Tricomi, F.G. ver 18.052 y Bateman, H. Ver 099.000 Tricomi, F.G. ver 18.053 y Bateman, H. Ver 099.000 Tricomi, F.G. ver 18.054 y Bateman, H. Ver 099.000 Tricomi, F.G. ver 18.055 y Bateman, H. Ver 0

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99.000 Tricomi, F.G. ver 18.056 y Bateman, H. Ver 099.000 Tricomi, F.G. ver 18.057 y Bateman, H. Ver 099.000 Tricomi, F.G. ver 18.095 y Bateman, H. Ver 099.000 Tricomi, F.G. ver 18.096 y Bateman, H. Ver 099.000 Tricomi, F.G. ver 18.097 y Bateman, H. Ver 099.000 Trillas, E. Ver 10.106 y Alsina,C. Ver 099.000 Troyer, R.J. Ver 13.054 y Snapper, G. Ver 099.000 Truhlar, D.G. Ver 61.062 y Politzer, P. Ver 099.000 Tsukernik, V. Ver 54.020 y Kagánov, M. Ver 099.000 Tucker, R.W. ver 13.255 y Benn, I.M. Ver 099.000 Turnbull, D. Ver 64.023 y Ehrenreich, H. Ver 099.000 Turnbull, D. Ver 64.065 y Seitz, F. Ver 099.000 Turnbull, D. ver 64.036 y Ehrenreich, H. Ver 099.000 Turnbull, D. ver 64.114 y Ehrenreich Ver 099.000 Turnbull, D. ver 64.119 y Seitz, F. Ver 099.000 Turner, J.E. Ver 61.024 y Hurst, G.S. Ver 099.000 Udeschini, P. Ver 73.015 y Finzi, B. Ver 099.000 Uflyand, Y.S. Ver 17.088 y Lebedev, N.N. Ver 099.000 Valcárcel, L. Ver 10.028 y Grandjeán, A.R. Ver 099.000 Van Dam, H. Ver 22.004 y Biedenharn, L.C. Ver 099.000 Van der Merwe, A. Ver 21.032 y Yuorgrau, W. Ver 099.000 Velianminov Ver 75.002 y Vorontsov Ver 099.000 Venverloo, L.A. Ver 62.071 y Duivenstijn, A.J. Ver 099.000 Vera Ver 15.150 y Bombal Ver 099.000 Vera Ver 15.149 y Bombal Ver 099.000 Vera Ver 15.148 y Bombal Ver 099.000 Vilenkin, N.Y. Ver 16.039 y Guelfand, I.M. Ver 099.000 Vilenkin, N.Y. Ver 16.040 y Guelfand, I.M. Ver 099.000 Villacrosa, J.M. Ver 57. 169 y Millas Ver 099.000 Villars, P. ver 64.095 y Hafner,J. Ver 099.000 Villi, C. Ver 62.039 y Clementel, E. Ver 099.000 Vogl. P. ver 64.095 y Hafner,J. Ver 099.000 Vogt, E. Ver 62.062 y Baranger,M. Ver 099.000 Vogt, E. Ver 62.024 y Baranger,M. Ver 099.000 Vogt, E. Ver 62.026 y Baranger,M. Ver 099.000 Vogt, E. Ver 62.027 y Baranger,M. Ver 099.000 Vogt, E. Ver 62.094 y Negele, J.W. Ver 099.000 Voitkounski, I. Ver 72.074 y Fediaeuski, C. Ver 099.000 Vries, H. Ver 11.011 y Freudenthal, H. Ver 099.000 Walde, R. Ver11.072 y Sagle, A.A. Ver 0

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99.000 Walecka, J.D. Ver 24.001 y Fetter, A.L. Ver 099.000 Walecka, J.D. Ver 24.002 y Fetter, A.L. Ver 099.000 Walecka, J.D. Ver 24.022 y Fetter, A.M. Ver 099.000 Walker, M. Ver 78.009 y Böner, G. Ver 099.000 Walker, S. Ver 61.050 y Straughan, B.P. Ver 099.000 Walker, S. Ver 61.051 y Straughan, B.P. Ver 099.000 Walter, C. Ver 17.099 y Johson Ver 099.000 Wallman, H. Ver 12.009 y Hurewicz, W. Ver 099.000 Warlimont, H. Ver 64.013 y Steeb, S. Ver 099.000 Warlimont, H. Ver 64.014 y Steeb, S. Ver 099.000 Watson, G.N. Ver 15.067 y Whittaker Ver 099.000 Watson, G.N. Ver 15.171 y Whittaker, E.I. Ver 099.000 Watson, K.M. Ver 23.001 y Goldberger, M.L. Ver 099.000 Watson, K.M. Ver 23.002 y Goldberger, M.L. Ver 099.000 Weaver, O.L. ver 11.177 y Sattinger, D.H. Ver 099.000 Weaver, W. Ver 18.111 y Shannon, C. Ver 099.000 Wehr, M.R. Ver 61.006 y Enge, H.A. Ver 099.000 Weidenmüller, H. Ver 61.036 y Nörenberg, W. Ver 099.000 Weidwnmüller, H. Ver 61.037 y Nörenberg, W. Ver 099.000 Weil, C. Ver 31.025 y Sen, R.N. Ver 099.000 Weil, C. Ver 31.024 y Sen, R.N. Ver 099.000 Weiss, G. Ver 15.032 y Coifman, R.R. Ver 099.000 Weisskopf, V.F. Ver 62.028 y Blatt, J.M. Ver 099.000 Weisskopf, V.F. Ver 62.034 y Blatt, J.M. Ver 099.000 Weisskopf, V.F. Ver 62.030 y Blatt, J.M. Ver 099.000 Weisskopf, V.F. Ver 57.014 y Fierz, M. Ver 099.000 Weisskopf, V.F. Ver 62.098 y Blatt, J.M. Ver 099.000 Weisskopf, V.F. ver 31.057 y Gottfried, K. Ver 099.000 Weisskopf, V.F. ver 31.058 y Gottfried, K. Ver 099.000 Wells, R.O. Ver 56.008 y Resnikoff, M.L. Ver 099.000 Wendlarnd, W. Ver 14.011 y Haack, W. Ver 099.000 Wener Ver 19.183 y Carnap Ver 099.000 Wentzell, A.D. Ver 51.009 y Freidlin, M.I. Ver 099.000 Wernick, W. Ver 13.093 y Aref, M.N. Ver 099.000 Weyl, H. Ver 77.027 y Einstein, A. Ver 099.000 Wheeler, J.A. Ver 77.011 y Misner, C. Ver 099.000 Wheeler, J.A. Ver 76.017 y Taylor Ver 099.000 Wheeler, J.A. Ver 19.026 y Taylor Ver 099.000 Whinnery, J.R. Ver 54.019 y Ramo, S. Ver 099.000 White, H. Ver 53.004 y White, H. Ver 0

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99.000 White, J.E. Ver 75.026 y Bate,R.R. Ver 099.000 Whitehead, J.H.C. Ver 13.001 y Veblen, O. Ver 099.000 Widom, B. ver 64.111 y Rowlinson, J.S. Ver 099.000 Wien,K. ver 61.064 y Hilf,E.R. Ver 099.000 Wiener, N. Ver 16.020 y Paley, R.E. Ver 099.000 Wightmam, A.S. Ver 60.002 y Velo, G. Ver 099.000 Wightman, A.S. Ver 17.066 y Lieb Ver 099.000 Wightman, A.S. Ver 31.040 y Velo, G. Ver 099.000 Wigner, E.P. Ver 20.059 y Salam, A. Ver 099.000 Wigtman, A.S. Ver 34.003 y Streater, R.F. Ver 099.000 Wilczek,F. ver 37.013 y Shapere,A. Ver 099.000 Wilson, K. Ver 33.009 y Gell-Mann Ver 099.000 Willen,M. ver 14.107 y Mawhin,J. Ver 099.000 William, A. Ver 61.053 y Rigby, M. Ver 099.000 Williams, T.I. Ver 57.092 y Derry, T.K. Ver 099.000 Williams, T.I. Ver 57.093 y Derry, T.K. Ver 099.000 Williams, T.I. Ver 57.094 y Derry, T.K. Ver 099.000 Wirtz, K. Ver 65.005 y Beckurts, K. H. Ver 099.000 Witten, . Ver 37.009 y Green, M.B. Ver 099.000 Witten, E. Ver 37.008 y Green,M.B. Ver 099.000 Wittke, J.P. ver 20.076 y Dicke, R.H. Ver 099.000 Wittke, J.P. Ver 20.077 y Dicke, R.H. Ver 099.000 Wittke, J.P. Ver 20.078 y Dicke, R.H! Ver 099.000 Wittke, J.P. Ver 20.105 y Dicke, R.H. Ver 099.000 Wolf, .C. ver 60.015 y Haken,H. Ver 099.000 Wolf, E. Ver 53.001 y Born, M. Ver 099.000 Wolf, K.B. Ver 53.008 y Sanchez-Mondragon, J. Ver 099.000 Wong, D.Y. Ver 42.004 y Shaw, G.L. Ver 099.000 Wright, A.F. Ver 64.061 y Janot, C. Ver 099.000 Wu, C.S. Ver 62.081 y Yuan, L.C. Ver 099.000 Wu, C.S. Ver 62.082 y Yuan, L.C. Ver 099.000 Wu, H. Ver 77.002 y Sachs, R.K. Ver 099.000 Yaglom, I.M. Ver 13.221 y Goloviná, L.U. Ver 099.000 Yakoulev, I.A. Ver 73.018 y Strellkov, S.P. Ver 099.000 Yang, W. ver 63.028 y Parr,G.R. Ver 099.000 Young, A. Ver 10.059 y Grace, J.H. Ver 099.000 Young, D.H. Ver 70.050 y Timoshenko, S. Ver 099.000 Zachmann, D.W ver 14.113 y Duchateau, P. Ver 099.000 Zeitnitz, B. Ver 44.012 y Fries, D. Ver 099.000 Zel'Dovich,Ya. B. Ver 23.005 y Baz,A.J. Ver 0

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99.000 Zelm, J.W. Ver 63.037 y Labanowski, J.K. Ver 099.000 Zensen, M.J. Ver 52.065 y Hollinger, H.B . Ver 099.000 Zerna Ver 72.031 y Green Ver 099.000 Zielinski, P.G. Ver 64.049 y Matyja, H. Ver 099.000 Zuber, J.B. Ver 31.054 y Itzykson, C. Ver 099.000 Zuber, J.B. Ver 31.045 y Itzykson, C. Ver 099.000 Zumino Ver 35.004 y Treiman Ver 099.000 Man'ko,V.I. Ver 11.188 y Dodonov, V.V. Ver 099.000 Tromba,A.J. Ver 15.182 y Marsden, J. Ver 099.000 George,M. Ver 19.234 y Bouvier,A. Ver 099.000 Balibar,F. Ver 20.144 y Levy-Leblond, J.M. Ver 099.000 Nielsen, H.B. Ver 44.007 y Froggat,C. Ver 099.000 Arias,V. Ver 57.310 y Vilchis Ver 099.000 Salas Catalá,J. Ver 57.311 y La fuente Ver 099.000 Bottiger,J. Ver 64.121 y Samwer,K. Ver 099.000 Pontikis,V. Ver 64.123 y Meyer,V. Ver 099.000 Sanchez LLamazares,J.L. Ver 64.124 y Leccabue,F. Ver 099.000 Rao, B.K. Ver 64.125, 64.126 y Jena, P. Ver 099.000 Lutz, H.O. Ver 64.127 y Schmidt, R. Ver 099.000 Dreiner, R. Ver 64.127 y Schmidt, R. Ver 099.000 Arnold, V.I. ver 74.048 y Anosov, D.V. Ver 099.000 Roetti, C. ver 60.027 y Clementi, E. Ver 099.000 Esteban Piñeiro, M. ver 57.275 y Vicente, M.I. Ver 099.000 Gadella, M. Ver 21.043 y Ferrero, M. Ver 099.000 Sominski, I. Ver 10.092 y Faddéev, D. Ver 099.000 Wermer, J. Ver 10.123 y Banchoff, T. Ver 099.000 Shafarevich, I.R. Ver 10.124, 10.125 y Kostrikin, A.I. Ver 099.000 Curtis, R.T. Ver 11.189 y Conway, J.H. Ver 099.000 Norton, S.P. Ver 11.189 y Conway, J.H. Ver 099.000 Parker, R.A. Ver 11.189 y Conway J.H. Ver 099.000 Wilson, R.A. Ver 11.189 y Conway, J.H. Ver 099.000 Mordkovich, A. Ver 13.266 y Gusev, V. Ver 099.000 Litvinenko, V. Ver 13.266 y Gusev, V. Ver 099.000 Moesgaard, K.P. ver 57.316 y Westman, R.S. Ver 099.000 Flores,F. Ver 64.122 y Gras-Marti,A. Ver 099.000 Arista,N. Ver 64.122 y Gras-Marti,A. Ver 099.000 Urbassek,H.M. Ver 64.122 y Gras-Marti,A. Ver 099.000 Aujac, G. ver 57.315 y Hardner,W Ver 099.000 Allmen von,M. Ver 64.121 y Samwer,K. Ver 099.000 Strizker,B. Ver 64.121 y Samwer,K. Ver 0

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99.000 Lemos, M. Ver 57.274 Ver 099.000 Lecea, C. Ver 57.274 Ver 099.000 Conde, F. Ver 57.274 Ver 099.000 Caire, D. Ver 13.267 y Deltheil, R. Ver 099.000 Blanco J,J. Ver 57.274 Ver 099.000 Batillon, M. Ver 57.274 Ver 099.000 Fraser, H. Ver 57.274 Ver 099.000 Friedenwald, H. Ver 57.274 Ver 099.000 Vera de, J. Ver 57.274 Ver 099.000 Rodriguez Escorial Ver 57.274 Ver 099.000 Dubler,C. Ver 57.274 Ver 099.000 Pedersen, O. ver 57.315 y Hardner,W Ver 099.000 Dambska, I ver 57.315 y Hardner,W Ver 099.000 d´Alverny, M.T. ver 57.315 y Hardner,W Ver 099.000 Poulle, E. ver 57.315 y Hardner,W Ver 099.000 Hogonward-Roche, H. ver 57.315 y Hardner,W Ver 099.000 Moesgaard, K.P. ver 57.315 y Hardner,W Ver 099.000 Bienkowska, B. ver 57.316 y Westman, R.S. Ver 099.000 Nakayama, S. ver 57.316 y Westman, R.S. Ver 099.000 Rusell, J.L. ver 57.316 y Westman, R.S. Ver 099.000 Sandblad, H. ver 57.316 y Westman, R.S. Ver 099.000 Vernet, J. ver 57.316 y Westman, R.S. Ver 099.000 Woolf, H. ver 57.316 y Westman, R.S. Ver 099.000 Zemplen, J. ver 57.316 y Westman, R.S. Ver 099.000 Rodriguez Molinero, J.L. Ver 57.305 y Vicente Castro, F. Ver 099.000 Stritzker, B. ver 64.101 y Samwer, K. Ver 099.000 Marshall, T. Ver 21.043 y Ferrero, M. Ver 099.000 Navarro Veguillas, L. Ver 21.043 y Ferrero, M. Ver 099.000 Sánchez Gómez, J.L. Ver 21.043 y Ferrero, M. y 28.010 y Fernández A-E, R. Ver 099.000 Santos, E. Ver 21.043 y Ferrero, M. Ver 099.000 Fomenko, A. Ver 13.276 y Mishchenko, A. Ver 099.000 Petronio, C. Ver 13.277 y Benedetti, R. Ver 099.000 Falconer, K.J. Ver ¡3.279 y Groft, H.T. Ver 099.000 Guy, R.K. Ver 13.279 y Groft, H.T. Ver 099.000 Ramirez Montufar, A. Ver 14.117 y Takeuchi Yu Ver 099.000 Sanchez Mañes, E. Ver 15.185 y Fernandez Viña, J.A. Ver 099.000 Mendelson, E. Ver 15.187 y Ayres, F. Ver 099.000 Melnikov, I.I. Ver 15.188 y Vavilov, V.V. Ver 099.000 Olekhnik, S.N. Ver 15.188 y Vavilov, V.V. Ver 099.000 Pasichenko, P.I. Ver 15.188 y Vavilov, V.V. Ver 0

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99.000 Makarenko, G. Ver 15.190 y Krasnov, M. Ver 099.000 Kissélev, A. Ver 15.190 y Krasnov, M. Ver 099.000 Littlewood, J.E. Ver 15.193 y Hardy, G. Ver 099.000 Polya, G. Ver 15.193 y Hardy, G. Ver 099.000 Sobolev, V. Ver ¡6.082 y Lusternik, L. Ver 099.000 Goussein-Zade, S. Ver 15.199 y Arnold, V. Ver 099.000 Varchenko, A. Ver 15.199 y Arnold, V. Ver 099.000 García Castro, F. Ver 15.204 y García Lopez, A. Ver 099.000 Tebar Less, M.A. Ver 15.205, 15.206 y Tebar Flores, E. Ver 099.000 Braselton, J.P. Ver 17.118 y Abell, M.L. Ver 099.000 Dubrovskaya, N.S. Ver 18.140 y Danilina, N.I. Ver 099.000 Kvasha, D.P. Ver 18.140 y Danilina, N.I. Ver 099.000 Smirnov, G.L. Ver 18.140 y Danilina, N.I. Ver 099.000 Diconstanzo, R. Ver 18.144 y Scheia, F. Ver 099.000 Benseny, A. Ver 18.145 y Aubanell, A. Ver 099.000 Runge, E. Ver 24.023 y Gross, E.K.V. Ver 099.000 Heinonen, O. Ver 24.023 y Gross, E.K.V. Ver 099.000 Zhao, B-H. Ver 37.018 y Ge, M-L. Ver 099.000 Jadczyk, A. Ver 37.019 y Coquereaux, R. Ver 099.000 Ramón Medrano, M. Ver 40.027 y Fernandez Alvarez-Estrada, R. Ver 099.000 Rumiantsev, A. Ver 50.064 y Kulakov, A. Ver 099.000 Flament, D. Ver 56.040 y Boi, L. Ver 099.000 Salanskis, J.M. Ver 56.040 y Boi, L. Ver 099.000 Martín-Merás, L. Ver 57.344 y Rivera Novo, B. Ver 099.000 Battistini, A. Ver 57.350 y Alvarez de Miranda, P. Ver 099.000 García Roger, J. Ver 60.029 y Tejada Palacios, J. Ver 099.000 Martin, T.P. Ver 61.072 y Kumar, V. Ver 099.000 Tosatti, E. Ver 61.072 y Kumar, V. Ver 099.000 Lönnroth, T. Ver 61.073 y Brenner, M. Ver 099.000 Malik, F.B. Ver 61.073 y Brenner, M. Ver 099.000 Klobukowski, M. Ver 61.075 y Carbó, R. Ver 099.000 Portal, G. Ver 62.128 y Blanc, D. Ver 099.000 Soper, A.K. Ver 63.045 y Howells, W.S. Ver 099.000 Pryadko, I.F. Ver 64.129 y Samsonov, G.V. Ver 099.000 Pryadko, L.F. Ver 64.129 y Samsonov, G.V. Ver 099.000 Bankina, V.F. Ver 64.132 y Abrikosov, N.Kh. Ver 099.000 Poretskaya, L.V. Ver 64.132 y Abrikosov, N.Kh. Ver 099.000 Smelimova, L.E. Ver 64.132 y Abrikosov, N.Kh. Ver 099.000 Skudinova, E.V. Ver 64.132 y Abrikosov, N.Kh. Ver 099.000 Doane, J.W. Ver 64.136 y Brown, G.H. Ver 0

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99.000 Neff, V.D. Ver 64.136 y Brown, G.H. Ver 099.000 Ozerov, R.P. Ver 64.138 y Izyumov, Yu.A. Ver 099.000 Das, M.P. Ver 64.142 y Mahanty, J. Ver 099.000 Dzhanelidze, G. Ver 73.020, 73.024 y Bath, M. Ver 099.000 Kélzón, A. Ver 73.020, 73.024 y Bath, M. Ver 099.000 Horsky, J. Ver 77.089 y Vladimirov, Yu. Ver 099.000 Mitskievich, N. Ver 77.089 y Vladimirov, Yu. Ver 099.000 Rovnyak, J. Ver 16.085 y Rosenblum, M. Ver 099.000 Phillips, R.S. Ver 23.018 y Lax, P.D. Ver 099.000 Elton, G.R. Ver 57.360 y Willian Fogel, R. Ver 099.000 Bujosa Homar, F. Ver 57.363 y López Piñero, J.M. Ver 099.000 Teukolsky, S.A. Ver 59.025 y Press, W.H. Ver 099.000 Vetterine, W.T. Ver 59.025 y Press, W.H. Ver 099.000 Flannery, B.P. Ver 59.025 y Press, W.H. Ver 099.000 Gonze, X. Ver 61.076 y Stumpf, R. Ver 099.000 Scheifer, M. Ver 61.076 y Stumpf, R. Ver 099.000 Perrier, B. Ver 62.129 y Bongrain, H. Ver 099.000 Baillard, J-P. Ver 62.129 y Bongrain, H. Ver 099.000 Janak, J.F. Ver 64.152 y Moruzzi, V.L. Ver 099.000 Williams, A.R. Ver 64.152 y Moruzzi, V.L. Ver 099.000 Moser, J.K. Ver 75.011 y Siegel, C.L. Ver 099.000 Santander, M. Ver 11.194 y Olmo, M.A. Ver 099.000 Mateos Guilarte, J. Ver 11.194 ,11.195 y Olmo, M.A. Ver 099.000 Klimyk, A.V. Ver 11.196,11.197,11.198 y Vilenkyn, N.Ja. Ver 099.000 Vinberg, E.B. Ver 11.199 y Onishchik, A.L. Ver 099.000 Tromba, A.J. Ver 15.221 y Marsden, J. Ver 099.000 Rahman, M. Ver 15.225 y Gasper, G. Ver 099.000 Prigogine, I. Ver 57.387 y Nicolis, G. Ver 099.000 Fiolhais, M. Ver 63.049 y Fiolhais, L. Ver 099.000 Sousa, C. Ver 63.049 y Fiolhais, L. Ver 099.000 Urbano, J.N. Ver 63.049 y Fiolhais, L. Ver 099.000 Marti, P. Ver 63.048 y Viñas, X. Ver 099.000 Ramos, A. Ver 63.048 y Viñas, X. Ver 099.000 Handy, N.C. Ver 63.047 y Flores, F. Ver 099.000 March, N.H. Ver 63.047 y Flores, F. Ver 099.000 Delgado-Barrio, G. Ver 63.046 y Alonso, J.A. Ver 099.000 Smith, J.F. Ver 64.154 y Chang, Y.A. Ver 099.000 Miertchin, S.L. Ver 10.132 y Goodson, G.E. Ver 099.000 Sternberg, S. Ver 11.201 y Shnider, S. Ver 099.000 Pressley, A. Ver 11.202 y Chari, V. Ver 0

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99.000 Izquierdo, J.M. Ver 11.204 y Azcárraga de, J.A. Ver 099.000 Obaya, R. Ver 14.124 y Hovo, S. Ver 099.000 Penney, D.E. Ver 14.125 y Eonaros, C.H. Ver 099.000 Lenoi, K. Ver 16.086 y Alicki, R. Ver 099.000 Barcellos, A. Ver 19.248 y Stein S.K. Ver 099.000 Hostetler, R.P. Ver 19.251 ,19.252 , 19.258, 19.259 y Larson, R.E. Ver 099.000 Mackey, M.C. Ver 51.025 y Lasota, A. Ver 099.000 Santalo, L.A. Ver 57.398 y Rios, S. Ver 099.000 Woolgar, S. Ver 57.409 y Latour, B. Ver 099.000 Gimeno, A. Ver 57.412 y Ferrán, J. Ver 099.000 Thuillier, P. Ver 57.414 y Lloya, G.E.R. Ver 099.000 Griset, P. Ver 57.418 y Beltran, A. Ver 099.000 Mazuecos, A. Ver 57.423 y Lafuente, A. Ver 099.000 Boya, L.J. Ver 57.429 y Bercia, S. Ver 099.000 Infela, L. Ver 57.437 y Einstein, A. Ver 099.000 Geades, K.O. Ver 59.027,59.028 y Char, B.W. Ver 099.000 Nieminen, R. Ver 61.078 y Landman, V. Ver 099.000 Von Oertzen, W. Ver 61.080 y Anagnostatos, G.S. Ver 099.000 Salahub, D.R. Ver 61.082 y Russo, N. Ver 099.000 Lidiard, A.B. Ver 63.050 y Grout, P.J. Ver 099.000 Dreizler, R.M. Ver 63.052 y Gross, E.K.V. Ver 099.000 Tildesley, D.J. Ver 64.156 y Allen, M.P. Ver 099.000 Boom, R. Ver 64.158 y Boer de F.R. Ver 099.000 Mattens, W.C.M. Ver 64.158 y Boer de, F.R. Ver 099.000 Miedema, A.R. Ver 64.158 y Boer de, F.R. Ver 099.000 Niessen, A.K. Ver 64.158 y Boer de, F.R. Ver 099.000 Martín Gil, J. Ver 64.159 y Rubio, A. Ver 099.000 Flores, F. Ver 64.160 y Segovia de, J.L. Ver 099.000 García-Moliner, F. Ver 64.160 y Segovia de, J.L. Ver 099.000 Alegría Ezquerra, P. Ver 15.241 y 15.242 y Vera Lopez, A. Ver 099.000 García Sele, J. Ver 57.499 y Jaque Rechea, F. Ver 099.000 Williart, A. Ver 62.131 y Shaw, M. Ver 099.000 Beeler, J.R.Jr. Ver 64161, 64.162 y Arsenault, R.J. Ver 099.000 Simmons, J.A. Ver 64.161, 64162 y Arsenault, R.J. Ver 099.000 Soeder, H. Ver 83.016, 83.017 y Reinhardt, F. Ver 099.000 Guijarro, M. Ver 18.147 y Fernandez-Abascal, H. Ver 099.000 Rojo, J.L. Ver 18.147 y Fernandez-Abascal, H. Ver 099.000 Sanz, J.A. Ver 18.147 y Fernandez-Abascal, H. Ver 099.000 Esteban Moreno, R. Ver 10.134 y Vera Lopez,A. Ver 099.000 Hernando García, J.L. Ver 10.135 y Vera Lopez,A. Ver 0

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99.000 Barcellos, A. Ver 19.248 y Stein, S.K. Ver 099.000 Lee, R. Ver 65.034 y Almenas, K. Ver 099.000 Ten, A.E. Ver 57.408 y Castro Soler, J. Ver 099.000 Zorrilla Palau, V. Ver 57.408 y Castro Soler, J. Ver 099.000 Casa Uruta, E. Ver 18.005 y Lóbez Urquía, J. Ver 099.000 Richtmyer,R. Ver 13.296 y Ramsay, A. Ver 099.000 Diener, M. Ver 15.247 y Diener, F. Ver 099.000 Bruning, E. Ver 17.123 y Blanchard, P. Ver 099.000 Balderrama, R. Ver 18.148 ,18.152 y Iriarte, U. Ver 099.000 Ronald, E. Ver 18.153 , 18.156 y Walpole,R. Ver 099.000 Toda, M. Ver 11.217 y Mimura, M. Ver 099.000 KIselyov, A.J. ver 14.131 y Krasnov, M.K. Ver 099.000 Makarenko, G.I. ver 14.131 y Krasnov, M.K. Ver 099.000 Weinstein, A. Ver 15.249 , 15.250 ,19.256 ,19257 y Marsden, J. Ver 099.000 Myers, R. Ver 18.157 y Walpole, R.E. Ver 099.000 Grabowski, M. Ver 20.152 y Busch, P. Ver 099.000 Lahti, P.J. Ver 20.152 y Busch,P. Ver 099.000 Jaffe, A. Ver 21.052 y Glimm, J. Ver 099.000 Schroeder, D.V. Ver 31.070, 31.074, 31075 y Peskin, M.E. Ver 099.000 Phil, D. Ver 31.073 y Mandl, F. Ver 099.000 Faddeev, L.D. Ver 31.076 y Slavnov, A.A. Ver 099.000 Durhuus, B. Ver 37.021 y Ambjorn, J. Ver 099.000 Jonsson, T. Ver 37.021 y Ambjorn, J. Ver 099.000 Wells jr., R.O. Ver 37.022 y Ward, R.S. Ver 099.000 Melo de, W. Ver 37.023 y Palis jr., J. Ver 099.000 Jobes, M. Ver 40.030 y Burcham, W.E. Ver 099.000 Knecht, M. Ver 42.006 y Froissart, M. Ver 099.000 Krasny, W. Ver 42.006 y Froissart, M. Ver 099.000 Lediberder, F. Ver 42.006 y Froissart, M. Ver 099.000 Stanley, H.E. Ver 50.068 y Stanffer, D. Ver 099.000 Salle, M.A. Ver 51.026 Ver 099.000 Smith, S.C. Ver 52.078 y Gilbert, R.G. Ver 099.000 Berstein, R.B. Ver 52.079 y Levine, R.D. Ver 099.000 Kubo, R. Ver 52.080 y Toda, M. Ver 099.000 Saitô, N. Ver 52.080 y Toda, M. Ver 099.000 Turner, J.S. Ver 52.083 y Schieve, W.C. Ver 099.000 Milburn, G.J. Ver 53.009 y Walls, D.F. Ver 099.000 Hrebicek, J. Ver 59.033 y Gander, W. Ver 099.000 Hansen, M.L. Ver 59.034 y Heal, K.M. Ver 099.000 Chandler, E. Ver 59.035 y Redfern, D. Ver 0

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99.000 Christiansen, T. Ver 59.036 y Schwartz, R.L. Ver 099.000 Rosenblatt, B. Ver 59.037 y Cameron, D. Ver 099.000 Raymond, E. Ver 59.037 y Cameron, D. Ver 099.000 Kaufman, L. Ver 59.038 y Welsh, M. Ver 099.000 Vainshtein, L.A. Ver 60.028 y Sobel´man, I.I. Ver 099.000 Yukov, E.A. Ver 60.028 y Sobel´man, I.I. Ver 099.000 Regge, T. Ver 60.029 y Alfaro, V. de 1994 Ver 099.000 Sugano, S. Ver 61.078 y Nishina, Y. Ver 099.000 Fischer, J.E. Ver 61.080 y Kroto, H.W. Ver 099.000 Cox, D.E. Ver 61.080 y Kroto, H.W. Ver 099.000 Wolf, A.C. Ver 61.082 y Haken, H. Ver 099.000 Fink, J. Ver 61.085 y Kuzmany, H. Ver 099.000 Mehring, M. Ver 61.085 y Kuzmany, H. Ver 099.000 Roth, S. Ver 61.085 y Kuzmany, H. Ver 099.000 Manolopoulos, D.E. Ver 61.086 y Fowler, P.W. Ver 099.000 Bonin, V. Ver 61.089 y Keith, D. Ver 099.000 Kresin, V. Ver 61.089 y Keith, D. Ver 099.000 Manocha, L.M. Ver 61.090 y Fitzer, E. Ver 099.000 Weaver, O.L. Ver Sattinger, D.H. y 11.218 Ver 099.000 Michelsohn, M-L. Ver Lawson, H.B.Jr. y 13.305 Ver 099.000 Vac 099.000 Fomin,V.S. Ver Gelfand, I.M. y ¡4.133 Ver 099.000 Stocker, H. Ver Harris, J.W. y 18.158 Ver 099.000 Borwein, J. Ver Berggren, L. y 19.261 Ver 099.000 Borwein, P. Ver Berggren, L. y 19.261 Ver 099.000 Shirkov, D.V. Ver 31.077 y Bielokúrov, V.V. Ver 099.000 Viswanath, K. Ver Bhaskara, K.H. y 37.024 Ver 099.000 Levy, S. Ver Seroul, R. y 59.042 Ver 099.000 Daly, P.W. Ver Kopka, H. y 59.045 Ver 099.000 Berry, K. Ver Abrahams, P.V. y 59.046 Ver 099.000 Hargreave, K.A. Ver Abrahams, P.V. y 59.046 Ver 099.000 Chuev, G.N. Ver Lakhno, V.D. y 61.092 Ver 099.000 Kotlarchyk, M. Ver Chen, S-H. y 62.114 Ver 099.000 Maruhn, J.A. Ver Greiner, W. y 62.115 Ver 099.000 Berles, A. Ver Sahni, V. y 63.053 Ver 099.000 Zieger, T. Ver Sahni, V. y 63.053 Ver 099.000 Jones, R.O. Ver Sahni, V. y 63.053 Ver 099.000 Alonso, J.A. Ver Sahni, V. y 63.053 Ver 099.000 Balbas, L.C. Ver Sahni, V. y 63.053 Ver 099.000 Geldart, D.J.W. Ver Ernzerhof, M. y 63.055 Ver 0

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99.000 Holas,A. Ver Ernzerhof, M. y 63.055 Ver 099.000 Van Leewev, R.. Ver Ernzerhof, M. y 63.055 Ver 099.000 Ludeña, E.J. Ver Ernzerhof, M. y 63.055 Ver 099.000 Gross,E.K.V. Ver Engel, E. y 63.056 Ver 099.000 Rajagopal, A.K. Ver Engel, E. y 63.056 Ver 099.000 Nalewajski, R.F. Ver Wiest, O. y 63.057 Ver 099.000 Cohen, M.H. Ver Wiest, O. y 63.057 Ver 099.000 Cruz, A. Ver Garrido, L.M. y 63.058 Ver 099.000 Preist,T.W. Ver Garrido, L.M. y 63.058 Ver 099.000 Delgado-Barrio, G. Ver Alonso, J.A. y 63.060 Ver 099.000 Handy, N.C. Ver Flores, F. y 63.061 Ver 099.000 March, N.H. Ver Flores, F. y 63.061 Ver 099.000 Howland, L.P. Ver Van Hove, L. y 63.066 Ver 099.000 Hugenholtz, N.M. Ver Van Hove, L. y 63.066 Ver 099.000 Ostlund, N.S. Ver Szabo, A. y 63.067 Ver 099.000 Long Price, D. Ver Saboungi, M-L. 64.165 y 64.166 Ver 099.000 Vanzytueld, J. Ver Saboungi, M-L. 64.165 y 64.166 Ver 099.000 Smit, B. Ver Frenkel, D. y 64.168 Ver 099.000 Seitz, F. Ver Ehrenreich, H. y 64.169 Ver 099.000 Turnbull, D. Ver Ehrenreich, H. y 64.169 Ver 099.000 Itami, T. Ver Shimoji, M. y 64.170 Ver 099.000 Drager, J. Ver Silsbee, R.H. y 64.172 Ver 099.000 Arakawa, Y. Ver Ando, T. y 64.178 Ver 099.000 Huang, K. Ver Born, M. y 64.182 Ver 099.000 Fujiwara, T. Ver Takeuchi, S. y 64.183 Ver 099.000 Shik Jhon, M. Ver Eyring, H. y 64.187 Ver 099.000 Sengers, J.V. Ver Green, M.S. y 64.188 Ver 099.000 Cohen, E.G.D. Ver Prigogine, I. y 64.194 Ver 099.000 Philippot, J. Ver Prigogine, I. y 64.194 Ver 099.000 Resibois, P. Ver Prigogine, I. y 64.194 Ver 099.000 Englert, F. Ver Prigogine, I. y 64.194 Ver 099.000 Choquart, P. Ver Prigogine, I. y 64.194 Ver 099.000 Helmer, R.G. Ver Debertin, K. y 65.066 Ver 099.000 Reddy, J.N. Ver Oden, J.T. y 72.102 Ver 099.000 Bates, L. Ver Lushman, R.H. y 74.053 Ver 099.000 Zhender, E. Ver Hofer, H. y 74.055 Ver 099.000 Pucallo, G. Ver Boccaletti, D. 75.041 y 75.042 Ver 099.000 Morinico, F.B. Ver Feyman, R.P. y 77.101 Ver 099.000 Wagner, W.G. Ver Feyman, R.P. y 77.101 Ver 099.000 King, A. Ver Frank, J. y 78.018 Ver 0

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99.000 Lucchin, F Ver Coles, P. y 79.017 Ver 099.000 Cariñena, J.F. Ver 37.028 y Asorey, M. Ver 099.000 Reents, G. Ver 59.048 y Kincel, W. Ver 099.000 Etingof, P. Ver Deligne, P. ,34.011 y 34.012 Ver 099.000 Freed, D. Ver Deligne, P. ,34.011 y 34.012 Ver 099.000 Jeffrey, L. Ver Deligne, P. ,34.011 y 34.012 Ver 099.000 Kazhdan, D. Ver Deligne, P. ,34.011 y 34.012 Ver 099.000 Morgan, J. Ver Deligne, P. ,34.011 y 34.012 Ver 099.000 Morrison, D. Ver Deligne, P. ,34.011y 34.012 Ver 099.000 Witten, E. Ver Deligne, P. ,34.011 y 34.012 Ver 099.000 Iannotta, S. Ver 61.095 y Milani, P. Ver 099.000 Bricmont, J. Ver 56.042 y Sokal, A. Ver 099.000 Warren, Jr. W.W. Ver 64.196 y Hensel, F. Ver 099.000 Lindsay, J.M. Ver 29.001 y Hudson, R. L. Ver 099.000 Lumer, G. Ver 51.033 y Antoniou, I? Ver 099.000 Zheng, S. Ver 51.034 y Liu, Z. Ver 099.000 Sternberg, S Ver 37.033 y Guillemin, V. Ver 099.000 Doolen, G.D. Ver 29.003 y Berman, G.P. Ver 099.000 Mainieri, R. Ver 29.003 y Berman, G.P. Ver 099.000 Tsifrinovich, V.I. Ver 29.003 y Berman, G.P. Ver 099.000 Popescu, S. Ver 29.002 y Lo, H-K. Ver 099.000 Spiller, T. Ver 29.002 y Lo, H-K. Ver 099.000 Cariñena, F. Ver 37.034 y Asorey, M. Ver 099.000 Toptiguin, I.N. Ver Batiguin y 76.057 Ver 099.000 Schweiger, W. Ver Mitter, H. y 31.082 Ver 099.000 Handelsman, R.A. Ver 15.261 y Bleistein, N. Ver 099.000 Krzywicki, A. Ver 17.128 y Dennery, P. Ver 099.000 Salkauskas, K. Ver 17.122 y Lancaster, P. Ver 099.000 Aglom, I.M. Ver 19.263 y Yaglom, A.M. Ver 099.000 Coxeter, H.S.M. Ver 19.265 y Rouse Ball, W.W. Ver 099.000 Stewart, I. Ver 51.036 y Poston, T. Ver 099.000 Wells, C.H.J. Ver 60.004 y Brittain, E.F.H. Ver 099.000 Burke, J.R. Ver 50.069 , 50.070 y Lea, S.M. Ver 099.000 West, P.C. Ver Olive, D.I. y 37.035 Ver 099.000 Gesell, T. Ver 65.006 y Eisenbud, M. Ver 099.000 Saletan, E.J. Ver 71.000 y José, J.V. Ver 099.000 Finch,J.D. Ver 71.101 y Hand, L.N. Ver 099.000 Chen, W.H. Ver 13.317 y Chern, S.S. Ver 099.000 Lam, K.S. Ver 13.317 y Chern, S.S. Ver 099.000 Larrabee, T. Ver 83.022 y Knuth, D.E. Ver 0

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99.000 Roberts, P.M. Ver 83.022 y Knuth, D.E. Ver 099.000 Palfalvi, J. Ver 65.011 y Griffith, R.V. Ver 099.000 Madhvanath, U. Ver 65.011 y Griffith, R.V. Ver 099.000 Swirles , B. Ver 17.131 y Jeffrey, H. Ver 099.000 Schattschneider, D. Ver 59.052 y King, J. Ver 099.000 Sauer, T.D. Ver 51.037 y Alligood, K.T. Ver 099.000 Yorke, J.A. Ver 51.037 y Alligood, K.T. Ver 099.000 Kucera, R. Ver 10.142 y Herman, J. Ver 099.000 Simsa, J. Ver 10.142 y Herman, J. Ver 099.000 Trífonov, Ie.D. Ver 11.225 y Pietrásheñ , M.I. Ver 099.000 Fomenko, A.T. Ver 13.325 y Dubrovin, B.A. Ver 099.000 Wovikow, S.P. Ver 13.325 y Dubrovin, B.A. Ver 099.000 De Witt-Morette , C. Ver 13.327 y Choquet- Bruhat, Y. Ver 099.000 García Laguna, J. Ver 14.136 y Abia Vian , J.A. Ver 099.000 Marijuan López, C. Ver 14.136 y Abia Vian , J.A. Ver 099.000 Ward Brown , J. Ver 15.262 y Churchill , R.V. Ver 099.000 Povzner , A. Ver 15.263 y Bogaevski , V.N. Ver 099.000 Atiyah , M. Ver 19.266 y Arnold , V. Ver 099.000 Lax , P. Ver 19.266 y Arnold , V. Ver 099.000 Mazur , B. Ver 19.266 y Arnold , V. Ver 099.000 Rochenberg , H. Ver 20.163 - 71 y Mehra , J. Ver 099.000 moore, T.E. Ver 13.330 y Kinsey, I.C. Ver 099.000 Poston, T. Ver 13.328 y Dodson, C.T.J. Ver 099.000 Boiarchuk, A.K. Ver 15.265,66,67,68 y Liashko, I.I. Ver 099.000 Gai, I.G.. Ver 15.265,66,67,68 y Liashko, I.I. Ver 099.000 Golovach, G.P. Ver 15.265,66,67,68 y Liashko, I.I. Ver 099.000 Kronhecmer, P.B. Ver 37.036 y Donaldson, S.K. Ver 099.000 Shapiro,A. Ver 37.037 y Kravchenko, V.V. Ver 099.000 Mendelson, E. Ver 15.269 y Ayres, F. Ver 099.000 Tromba, A. Ver 15.270 y Marsden, J. Ver 099.000 Guijarro, M. Ver 18.162, 63 y Fernández-Abascal, H. Ver 099.000 Rojo, J.L. Ver 18.162, 63 y Fernández-Abascal, H. Ver 099.000 Sanz, J.A. Ver 18.162, 63 y Fernández-Abascal, H. Ver 099.000 Ortega, M.R. Ver 50.078 y Ibañez, J.A. Ver 099.000 Regev, O. Ver 50.079 y King, A.R. Ver 099.000 Levy, H. Ver 51.039 y Levy, M. Ver 099.000 Solomon, S. Ver 51.039 y Levy, M. Ver 099.000 Baus, M Ver 52.087 y Fenández Tejero, C. Ver 099.000 Lakhno, V.D. (ed.) Ver 61.097 y Chuev, G.N. (ed.) Ver 099.000 Khanna, S.N. Ver 61.047, 61.098, 61.119, 64.125 ,64.126 y Jena, P. Ver 0

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99.000 Nefedov, A.P. Ver 61.097 y Chuev, G.N. Ver 099.000 Jackin, R. Ver 61.099 y Bethe, H.A. Ver 099.000 Rho, B.K. (ed.) Ver 61.098 y Jena, P. Ver 099.000 Brink, D.M. (ed.) Ver 61.100 y Providencia, J. da Ver 099.000 Karpechine, F. (ed.) Ver 61.100 y Providencia, J. da Ver 099.000 Langenaeker, W. (ed.) Ver 63.070 y Geerlings, P. (ed.) Ver 099.000 De Proft, F. (ed.) Ver 63.070 y Geerlings, P. (ed.) Ver 099.000 LLoyd, G. Ver 57.631 y Brunschwig, J. Ver 099.000 Shellard, E.P.S. Ver 31.086 y Vilenkin, A. Ver 099.000 Várilly, J.C. Ver 31.039 y Gracia-Bondía, J.M. Ver 099.000 Figueroa, H. Ver 31.039 y Gracia-Bondía, J.M. Ver 099.000 Heinonen, O. Ver 64.204 y Taylor, P.L. Ver 099.000 Larsson, M. Ver 61.101 y Campbell, E,E.B. Ver 099.000 Rueda de Andrés, A. Ver 50.080 , 50.081 y Lorente Guarch, J.L. Ver 099.000 Lubensky, T.C. Ver 64.202 y Chaikin, D.M. Ver 099.000 Smith, H. Ver 64.200 y Pethick ,C.J. Ver 099.000 Yip, S. Ver 64.203 y Boon, J.P. Ver 099.000 Orszag, S.A. Ver 17.135 y Bender, C.M. Ver 099.000 Lee, J.W Ver 14.144 y Guenther, R.B. Ver 099.000 Santander, M. Ver 13.337 y Olmo del, M. (ed.) Ver 099.000 Hostetler, R.P. Ver 19.270 y Larson, R.E. Ver 099.000 Edwards, B.H. Ver 19.270 y Larson, R.E. Ver 099.000 Kozlov, V.V. Ver 71.103 y Arnold,V.I. Ver 099.000 Neishtadt, A.I. Ver 71.103 y Arnold,V.I. Ver 099.000 Horth, P.G. Ver 71.105 y Knudsen, J.H. Ver 099.000 Wheeler, J.A. Ver 76.059 y Taylor, E.F. Ver 099.000 Jorba, A. Ver 75.044 y Gómez, G. Ver 099.000 Masdemont, J. Ver 75.044 y Gómez, G. Ver 099.000 Simó, C. Ver 75.044 y Gómez, G. Ver 099.000 Thorne,K. Ver 77.011 y Misner, C.W. Ver 099.000 Wheeler, J.A. Ver 77.011 y Misner, C.W. Ver 099.000 Rabounski, D.D. Ver 77.111 y Borissova, L.B. Ver 099.000 Floría, L. Ver 77.112 y Pascual- Sánchez, J.F. (ed.) Ver 099.000 San Miguel, A. Ver 77.112 y Pascual- Sánchez, J.F. (ed.) Ver 099.000 Vicente, F. Ver 77.112 y Pascual- Sánchez, J.F. (ed.) Ver 099.000 Ruffini, R. Ver 77.113 y Ohanian, H.C. Ver 099.000 Parisi, J. Ver 51.041 y Peinke, J. Ver 099.000 Rossler, O.E. Ver 51.041 y Peinke, J. Ver 099.000 Stoop, R. Ver 51.041 y Peinke, J. Ver 099.000 Nyiri, J. Ver 32.022 y Gribov, V.N. Ver 0

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99.000 Betten, D. Ver 13.338 y Salzman, H. Ver 099.000 Grundhofer, T. Ver 13.338 y Salzman, H. Ver 099.000 Hahl, H. Ver 13.338 y Salzman, H. Ver 099.000 Lowen, R. Ver 13.338 y Salzman, H. Ver 099.000 Stroppel, M. Ver 13.338 y Salzman, H. Ver 099.000 Vazquez, F.J. Ver 10.145 y Sanz, P. Ver 099.000 Ortega, P. Ver 10.145 y Sanz, P. Ver 099.000 Orchin, M. Ver 11.228 y Jaffé, H.H. Ver 099.000 Rosenfeld, B.A. Ver 13.346 y Akivis, M.A. Ver 099.000 Smith, D.A. Ver 13.348 y Conway, J.H. Ver 099.000 Cloud, M.J. Ver 13.349 y Lebedev, L.P. Ver 099.000 Wanner, G. Ver 15.278 y Hairer, E. Ver 099.000 Bruning, E. Ver 16.094 y Blanchard, P. Ver 099.000 Zubair, S.M. Ver 17.136 y Chaudry, M.A. Ver 099.000 Arfken, G.B. Ver 17.138 y Weber, H,J, Ver 099.000 Dalivard, J. Ver20.179 y Basdevant, J.L. Ver 099.000 Grabowski, M. Ver 20.181 y Busch, P. Ver 099.000 Lahti, P.J. Ver 20.181 y Busch, P. Ver 099.000 Walters, P. Ver 20.187 y Hey, T. Ver 099.000 Dahmen, H.D. Ver 20.189 y Brandt, S: Ver 099.000 Stroh, T. Ver 20.189 y Brandt, S: Ver 099.000 Masmo, G. Ver 20.191 y Esposito, G. Ver 099.000 Sudarshan, G. Ver 20.191 y Esposito, G. Ver 099.000 Yan, T-M. Ver 20.193 y Gottfried, K. Ver 099.000 Rohrlich, D. Ver 20.198 y Aharonov, Y. Ver 099.000 Dolev, S. Ver 20.202 y Elitzur, A. Ver 099.000 Nolenda, N. Ver 20.202 y Elitzur, A. Ver 099.000 Lu, Y.G. Ver 21.055 y Accardi, L. Ver 099.000 Voldvich, T. Ver 21.055 y Accardi, L. Ver 099.000 Rivadulla, A. Ver 21.058 y Mataix, C. Ver 099.000 Sigal, I.M. Ver 26.036 y Gustafson, S.J. Ver 099.000 De Vito, E. Ver 26.037 y Cassinelli, G. Ver 099.000 Lahti, P.J. Ver 26.037 y Cassinelli, G. Ver 099.000 Levrero, A. Ver 26.037 y Cassinelli, G. Ver 099.000 Scarr, T. Ver 26.038 y Friedman, Y. Ver 099.000 Zorrilla Cuenca, D. Ver 28.014 y Fernández Nuñez, M. Ver 099.000 Fernández Lorenzo, C. Ver 28.014 y Fernández Nuñez, M. Ver 099.000 Edreira Sánchez, Mª del Ver 28.014 y Fernández Nuñez, M. Ver 099.000 Dalibard, J. Ver 28.015 y Basdevant, J.L. Ver 099.000 Nesterenko, V.V. Ver 34.013 y Basbashov, B.M. Ver 0

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99.000 Wadia, S.R. Ver 37.042 y Brézin, E. Ver 099.000 Bernard, D. Ver 37.044 y Bablon, O. Ver 099.000 Talon. M. Ver 37.044 y Bablon, O. Ver 099.000 Lasemby, A. Ver 37.045 y Doran, C. Ver 099.000 Kare, A. Ver 37.046 y Cooper, F. Ver 099.000 Sukhatme, U. Ver 37.046 y Cooper, F. Ver 099.000 Steffen, F.D. Ver 37.051 y Bick, E. Ver 099.000 Jamiolkowski, A. Ver 37.054 y Chruscinski, D. Ver 099.000 Hu, H. Ver 37.055 y Gu, C. Ver 099.000 Zhou, Z. Ver 37.055 y Gu, C. Ver 099.000 Greenwood, D.A. Ver 40.031 y Cottingham, W.N. Ver 099.000 Holton, G. Vre 50.082 y Cassidy, D. Ver 099.000 Rutherford, J. Vre 50.082 y Cassidy, D. Ver 099.000 Jewett, Jr. J.W. Ver 50.086 y Serway, R.A. Ver 099.000 Tsfrinovich, V.I. Ver 50.093 y Folan, L.M. Ver 099.000 Berman, G.P. Ver 50.093 y Folan, L.M. Ver 099.000 Stuck, G. Ver 51.044 y Brin, M. Ver 099.000 Dragan, V. Ver 51.045 y Banks, J. Ver 099.000 Jones, A. Ver 51.045 y Banks, J. Ver 099.000 Katok, A. Ver 51.047 y Hasselblatt, B. Ver 099.000 Ehrenfest, T. Ver 52.088 y Ehrenfest, P. Ver 099.000 Barberá Rosillo, D. Ver 59.057 y Ramirez Gonzalez, V.d Ver 099.000 Posadas Fdez. M. Ver 59.057 y Ramirez Gonzalez, V.d Ver 099.000 Shaw Martos, M Ver 60.032 y Ferrer Soria, A. Ver 099.000 Wlliart , A. Ver 60.032 y Ferrer Soria, A. Ver 099.000 Mihama, K. Ver 61.103 y Arai, K. Ver 099.000 Yakamoto, K. Ver 61.103 y Arai, K. Ver 099.000 Sugano, S. Ver 61.103 y Arai, K. Ver 099.000 Beltrán, J. Ver 61.104 y Andrés, J. (ed.) Ver 099.000 Nuñez Delgado, J. Ver 61.106 y Bertranrusca, J. Ver 099.000 Koizumi,H. Ver 61.107 y Sugano, S. Ver 099.000 Ratner, M.A. Ver 61.109 y Schatz, G.C. Ver 099.000 Pedersen, L.G. Ver 61.110 y Johnson, Jr. C.S. Ver 099.000 Joachain, C.J. Ver 61.111 y Bransden, B.H. Ver 099.000 Kimball, D.F. Ver 61.113 y Budker, D. Ver 099.000 De Hille, D.P. Ver 61.113 y Budker, D. Ver 099.000 Fernández Varea, J.M. Ver 65.081 y Salvat, F. Ver 099.000 Acosta, E. Ver 65.081 y Salvat, F. Ver 099.000 Sempau, J. Ver 65.081 y Salvat, F. Ver 099.000 Decius, J.C. Ver 70.104 y Wilson, E.B. Ver 0

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99.000 Cross, P.C. Ver 70.104 y Wilson, E.B. Ver 099.000 Berkshire, F.A. Ver 70.107 y Kibble, T.W.B. Ver 099.000 Cohen, I.M. Ver 72.103 y Kandu, P.R. Ver 099.000 Schwarz, J:H. Ver 76.065 y Schwarz, P.M. Ver 099.000 Nramer, D. Ver 77.119 y Stephani, H. Ver 099.000 Maccallum, M. Ver 77.119 y Stephani, H. Ver 099.000 Hoenselaers, C. Ver 77.119 y Stephani, H. Ver 099.000 Kiefer, C. Ver 77.124 y Giulini, D. Ver 099.000 Lammerzahl, C. Ver 77.124 y Giulini, D. Ver 099.000 Sigismundi, C. Ver 77.125 y Ruftini, R.S. Ver 099.000 Banerji, S. Ver 77132 y Raychaudhuri, A.K. Ver 099.000 Banerjee, A. Ver 77132 y Raychaudhuri, A.K. Ver 099.000 Kaufman III, W.J. Ver 79.026 y Freedman, R.A. Ver 099.000 Edwards, B.H. Ver 10.148 y Larson, R. Ver 099.000 Falvo, D.C. Ver 10.148 y Larson, R. Ver 099.000 Rubinstein, J. Ver 14.150 y Pinchover, V. Ver 099.000 Brown, J.W. Ver 15.285 y Churchill, R.V. Ver 099.000 Hoffman, M.J. Ver 15.286 y Marsden, J.E. Ver 099.000 Weinstein, A. Ver 15.287 y Marsden, J.E. Ver 099.000 Tromba, A.J. Ver 15.287 y Marsden, J.E. Ver 099.000 Hobson, M.P. Ver 17.148 y Riley, K.F. Ver 099.000 Bence, S.J. Ver 17.148 y Riley, K.F. Ver 099.000 Gutiérrez Gómez, A. Ver 19.276 y García Castro, F. Ver 099.000 Romero Martin, J.L. Ver 19.277 y Ruiz Virumbrales, L.M. Ver 099.000 Rubio, B. Ver 19.278 y Guzman, M. de Ver 099.000 Diu, F. Ver 20.208 , 20.209 y Cohen-Tannoudji, C. Ver 099.000 Laloe, F. Ver 20.208 , 20.209 y Cohen-Tannoudji, C. Ver 099.000 Zajonc, A.G. Ver 21.059 y Greentein, G. Ver 099.000 Zairlie, D.B. Ver 21.060 y Zachos, C.Z. Ver 099.000 Curtright, T.L. Ver 21.060 y Zachos, C.Z. Ver 099.000 Ficek, Z. (ed.) Ver 29.011 y Drummond, P.D. Ver 099.000 Popescu, S. Ver 29.012 y Lo, H.K. Ver 099.000 Spiller, T. Ver 29.012 y Lo, H.K. Ver 099.000 Knowles, I. Ver 32.024 y Dissertori, G. Ver 099.000 Schmelling, M. Ver 32.024 y Dissertori, G. Ver 099.000 Yue, Ch. Ver 37.056 y Rong, W. Ver 099.000 Hu, B.L. Ver 37.057 y Feng, D.H. Ver 099.000 Paycha, S. Ver 37.058 y Ocampo, H. Ver 099.000 Vargas, A. Ver 37.058 y Ocampo, H. Ver 099.000 Ratiu, T. Ver 37.061 y Montaldi, J. Ver 0

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99.000 Julia, B. Ver 37.062 y Cartier, P: Ver 099.000 Moussa, P. Ver 37.062 y Cartier, P: Ver 099.000 Vanhove, P. Ver 37.062 y Cartier, P: Ver 099.000 Nieuwenhuizen, P.K. Ver 37.065 y Bastianelli, F. Ver 099.000 Tata, X. Ver 37.067 y Baer, H. Ver 099.000 Hoeber, H. Ver 50.097 y Wachter, A. Ver 099.000 Flahive, M. Ver 51.050 y Cull, P. Ver 099.000 Robson, R. Ver 51.050 y Cull, P. Ver 099.000 Sen, S. Ver 52.089 y Sach, I. Ver 099.000 Sexton, J.C. Ver 52.089 y Sach, I. Ver 099.000 Russell, B. Ver 57.759 y Haldane, J.B.S. Ver 099.000 Bich, J. Ver 62.119 y Basdevant, S.L. Ver 099.000 Spiro, M. Ver 62.119 y Basdevant, S.L. Ver 099.000 Dre´sselhaus, G. Ver 64.225 y Saito, R. Ver 099.000 Dre´sselhaus,M.S. Ver 64.225 y Saito, R. Ver 099.000 Simons, B. Ver 64.226 y Atland, A. Ver 099.000 Martín Martín, A. Ver 65.084 y Gutierrez Villanueva, J.L. (ed.) Ver 099.000 Nieto Calzada, L.M. Ver 65.084 y Gutierrez Villanueva, J.L. (ed.) Ver 099.000 Nightingale, J.D. Ver 77.141 y Foster, J. Ver 099.000 Marolf, D. Ver 77.144 y Gomberoff, A. Ver 099.000 Sudarshan, E.C.G. Ver 26.041 y Klader, J.R. Ver 099.000 Krasinski, A. Ver 77.146 y Plebanski, J. Ver 099.000 Gruiz, M. Ver 51.052 y Tél, T. Ver 099.000 Stewart, D. Ver 59.068 y Oliveira, S. Ver 099.000 Gornitz, T (ed.) Ver 56.051 y von Weizsacker, C.F. Ver 099.000 Lyre, H. (ed.) Ver 56.051 y von Weizsacker, C.F. Ver 099.000 De Witt-Morette , C. Ver 37.068 y Cartier, P. Ver 099.000 Becker, M. Ver 37.069 y Becker, K. Ver 099.000 Schwarz, J.H. Ver 37.069 y Becker, K. Ver 099.000 Owens, F.J. Ver 64.231 y Poole Jr, Ch.P. Ver 099.000 Penrose, R. Ver 77.149 y Hawking, S. Ver 099.000 Lammerzahl, C. (ed.) Ver 76.072 y Ehlers, J. Ver 099.000 Taylor, E.F. Ver 20.218 y French, A.P. Ver 099.000 Siedentop, H. (ed.) Ver 32.026 y Derezenski, J. Ver 099.000 Michor, P. (ed.) Ver 26.044 y Maeda, Y. Ver 099.000 Ochiai, T. (ed.) Ver 26.044 y Maeda, Y. Ver 099.000 Yoshiola, A. (ed.) Ver 26.044 y Maeda, Y. Ver 099.000 Rund, H. Ver 17.144 y Lovelock, D. Ver 099.000 Gu, X-Y. Ver 11.230 y Ma, Z-Q. Ver 099.000 Sulanke, R. Ver 13.360 y Onishchik, A.L. Ver 0

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99.000 Kawabe, Y. Ver 53.013 y Hanamura, E. Ver 099.000 Yamanaka, A. Ver 53.013 y Hanamura, E. Ver 099.000 Owen, A. Ver 50.100 y Krey, U. Ver 099.000 Winitzki, S. Ver 37.071 y Mukhanov, V.F. Ver 099.000 Mignani, R. Ver 37.074 y Cardone, F. Ver 099.000 Kurasov, P. Ver 16.095 y Albeverio, S. Ver 099.000 Castleman A.W. Ver 61.116 y Khanna,S.N. (ed.) Ver 099.000 Hanse, J-P. Ver 64.240 y Barrat, J-L. Ver 099.000 Itami, T. Ver 64.239 y Shimoji, M. Ver 099.000 Suraud, E. Ver 61.118 y Reinhard, P-G. Ver 099.000 McDonald, I.R. Ver 64.242 y Hansen, J.P. Ver 099.000 Ullrich, C.A. Ver 63.074 y Marques, M.A.L. (ed.) Ver 099.000 Nogueira, F. Ver 63.074 y Marques, M.A.L. (ed.) Ver 099.000 Rubio, A. Ver 63.074 y Marques, M.A.L. (ed.) Ver 099.000 Burke, K. Ver 63.074 y Marques, M.A.L. (ed.) Ver 099.000 Gross, E.K.U. Ver 63.074 y Marques, M.A.L. (ed.) Ver 099.000 Vorozhtsov, E.V. Ver 14.158 y Ganzha, V.G. Ver 099.000 Winkler, S. Ver 14.159 y Magnus, W. Ver 099.000 Sleeman, B.D. Ver 14.160 y Jones, D.S. Ver 099.000 Jeannnin, P. Ver 13.365 y Fiorot, J.C. Ver 099.000 Rao, B.K. Ver 61.047 , 61.119, 64.125, 64.126 y Jena, P. Ver 099.000 Fortet Roura, P. Ver 18.170 y Berrueco Baigorri, E. Ver 099.000 Martín Garcés, J.L. Ver 18.170 y Berrueco Baigorri, E. Ver 099.000 Masiello, A. Ver 51.056 y Benci, V. Ver 099.000 Parashar, D. Ver 17.156 y Kaushl, R.S. Ver 099.000 Capelas de Oliveira, E. Ver 37.076 y Alves Rodrigues, W. Ver 099.000 Fomenko, A. Ver 13.366 y Mishchenko, A, Ver 099.000 Ferbel, T. Ver 62.123 y Das, A. Ver 099.000 Petitclerc, T. Ver 65.094 y Aurengo, A. Ver 099.000 Haubold, H.J. Ver 17.158 y Mathai, A.M. Ver 099.000 Tremaine, S. Ver 75.047 y Binney, J. Ver 099.000 Ulam, S.M. Ver 58.218 y Kac, M. Ver 099.000 Vitt, A.A. Ver 74.063 y Andronov, A.A. Ver 099.000 Khaikin, S.E. Ver 74.063 y Andronov, A.A. Ver 099.000 Robson, A. Ver 13.371 y Durell. C.V. Ver 099.000 Glagoleva, E.G. Ver 13375 y Gelfand, I.M. Ver 099.000 Kirillov, A.A. Ver 13375 y Gelfand, I.M. Ver 099.000 Exner, P. Ver 20.232 y Blank, J. Ver 099.000 Havlicek, M. Ver 20.232 y Blank, J. Ver 099.000 Williamson, S.G. Ver 18.174 y Bender, E.A. Ver 0

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99.000 Connerade, J-P. Ver 61.120 y Solov´yov, A. Ver 099.000 Hobza, P. Ver 61.122 y Guet, C. Ver 099.000 Evoy, S. Ver 61.121 y Di Ventra, M. Ver 099.000 MacKay, W. Ver 65.096 y Conte, M. Ver 099.000 Parthasarathy, K.V. Ver 21.067 y Vasudevan, R. Ver 099.000 Ramanathan, R. Ver 21.067 y Vasudevan, R. Ver 099.000 Bruzzo, U. Ver 37.080 y Bartocci, C. Ver 099.000 Hernández-Ruiperez, D. Ver 37.080 y Bartocci, C. Ver 099.000 Smale, S. Ver 14.167 Ver 099.000 Devaney, R.L. Ver 14.167 Ver 099.000 Chumakov, S.M. Ver 53.015 y Klimov, A.B. Ver 099.000 Goryunov, V.V. Ver 14.169 y Arnold, V.I. Ver 099.000 Lyashko, O.V. Ver 14.169 y Arnold, V.I. Ver 099.000 Vasil´ev, V.A. Ver 14.169 y Arnold, V.I. Ver 099.000 Ziegler, G.M. Ver 19.291 y Aigner, M. Ver 099.000 Ros, A. Ver 13.386 y Montiel, S. Ver 099.000 Mosca, G. Ver 50.106, 50.107, 50.108, 50.109 y ipler, P.A. Ver 099.000 Rees, M. Ver 77.164 y Begelman, M. Ver 099.000 Bogolubov Jr., N.N. Ver 31.100 Ver 099.000 Chumakov, S,M, Ver 53.016 y Klimov, A.B. Ver 099.000 Bouten, L. Ver 21.070 y Biane, P. Ver 099.000 Cipriani, F. Ver 21.070 y Biane, P. Ver 099.000 Konno, N. Ver 21.070 y Biane, P. Ver 099.000 Privault, N. Ver 21.070 y Biane, P. Ver 099.000 Xu, Q. Ver 21.070 y Biane, P. Ver 099.000 Hentschel, K. Ver 21.071 y Greenberger, D. Ver 099.000 Santos, D.J. Ver 29.017 Ver 099.000 Milburn, J. ver 29.019 y Wiseman, H.M. Ver 099.000 Lovett, W. Ver 29.018 y Kok, P. Ver 099.000 Englert, B.-G. Ver 29.020 y Araki, H. Ver 099.000 Kek, L.-Ch. Ver 29.020 y Araki, H. Ver 099.000 Suzuki, J. Ver 29.020 y Araki, H. Ver 099.002 Pullin, J. Ver Gambini, R. y 77.102 Ver 099.099 D´Auria, R. Ver 37.029, 37.030, 37.031 y Castellani, L. Ver 099.099 Fré, P. Ver 37.029, 37.030, 37.031 y Castellani, L. Ver 064.258 Patterson, J. y Bailey, Solid-State Physics Introduction to the Theory Springer 2010 FTAO1 978-3-64231.106 Weinberg E.J. Classical Solutions in Quantum Field Theory Cambridge 2012 2012 FTAO1 978-0-52131.107 Zee, A. Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell Princeton 2010 2013 FTAO1 978-0-691

40.041 Close, F. Antimatter Oxford 2010 2010 FTAO1 978-0-19

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40.04240.04340.04440.04540.04640.04740.04840.04940.05064.259 Cox, P.A. The Electronic Structure and Chemistry of Solids Oxford 2005 FTAO1 0-19-855204-164.260 Ashcroft, Neil.W. y Solid State Physics Brooks/Cole 1976 FTAO1 978-0-0364.261 Tascón Juan M.D. Novel Carbon Adsorbents Elsevier 2012 FTAO1 978-0-0864.262 Bernevig, B. Andrei y Topological Insulators and Topological Superconductors Princeton 2013 2013 FTAO1 978-0-69164.26364.26464.26564.26664.26731.108 Morgenstern Horing, Quantum Statistical Field Theory Oxford 2017 2017 FTAO1 978-0-1931.10931.11031.11131.11231.11331.11431.11531.11631.11731.11831.11931.120