V OC AL ENSEMBLE - Cappella Romana

1 26th Annual Season October 2017 Tchaikovsky: All-Night Vigil October 2017 CR Presents: The Byrd Ensemble November 2017 Arctic Light II: Northern Exposure January 2018 The 12 Days of Christmas in the East February 2018 Machaut Mass with Marcel Pérès March 2018 CR Presents: The Tudor Choir March 2018 Ivan Moody: The Akáthistos Hymn April 2018 Venice in the East December 2017 A Byzantine Christmas A Byzantine Christmas: Sun of Justice V O C A L E N S E M B L E

Transcript of V OC AL ENSEMBLE - Cappella Romana

UntitledNovember 2017
January 2018
February 2018
March 2018
March 2018
April 2018
A Byzantine Christmas
A Byzantine Christmas:
Sun of Justice
DEC 20 VIVALDI’S MAGNIFICAT AND GLORIA All female chorus and orchestra Led by Monica Huggett PBO.ORG | 503-222-6000
DEC 31 AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR! Concert by the Florestan Trio with baritone Kevin Walsh and pianist John Strege. FOCM.ORG | 503-224-9842
JAN 6 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS IN THE EAST Medieval and modern works for Twelfth Night CAPPELLAROMANA.ORG | 503-236-8202
JAN 7 PROJECT TRIO MYS will join them on stage for this not-to-be- missed concert. FOCM.ORG | 503-224-9842
JAN 11 | 12 A FAMILY AFFAIR Spotlight on cellist Marilyn de Oliveira with special family guests! THIRDANGLE.ORG | 503-331-0301
JAN 13 | 14 SOLO: SUNWOOK KIM, pianist Bach, Beethoven, Schumann, Schubert PORTLANDPIANO.ORG | 503-228-1388
JAN 15 | 16 TAKÁCS QUARTET “The consummate artistry of the Takács is simply breathtaking” The Guardian FOCM.ORG | 503-224-9842
JAN 26-29 WINTER FESTIVAL: CONCERTOS Celebrating Mozart’s 262nd birthday, Baroque concertos, and modern concertos CMNW.ORG | 503-294-6400
FEB 2 CHANTICLEER This Grammy award-winning male vocal ensemble will perform their program “Soldier” FOCM.ORG | 503-224-9842
FEB 3 MACHAUT MASS with MARCEL PÉRÈS from Paris The earliest Mass setting by a single composer, with exotic Latin chants CAPPELLAROMANA.ORG | 503-236-8202
FEB 8 | 9 THREE VOICES The Quince Ensemble Performs Morton Feldman THIRDANGLE.ORG | 503-331-0301
FEB 10 | 11 SOLO: LUKÁŠ VONDRÁCEK, pianist Chopin, Smetana, Brahms, Scriabin, Liszt PORTLANDPIANO.ORG | 503-228-1388
FEB 16 | 17 | 18 IL FAVORITO Violinist Ricardo Minasi directs a program of Italy’s finest composers. PBO.ORG | 503-222-6000
FEB 21 MIRÓ QUARTET WITH JEFFREY KAHANE Co-presented by Chamber Music Northwest and Portland’5 Centers for the Arts CMNW.ORG | 503-294-6400
FEB 21 MOZART WITH MONICA Mozart and Michael Haydn string quartets performed by Monica Huggett and other PDX favorites. 45THPARALLELPDX.ORG
MAR 3 | 4 THE TUDOR CHOIR John Taverner’s Western Wind Mass and World Premiere by Nico Muhly CAPPELLAROMANA.ORG | 503-236-8202
MAR 5 & 6 QUATOUR EBÉNE “One of the most exciting and distinctive of the new generation” New York Times FOCM.ORG | 503-224-9842
MAR 9 CURTIS ON TOUR: BERNSTEIN’S 100TH BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION Classic works by Bernstein, Copland, and Gershwin CMNW.ORG | 503-294-6400
What a city! Here are just some of the classical music performances you can find around Portland, coming up soon!
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Deacon John (Rassem) El Massih Guest Soloist
Samuel Herron Sarah Jenks
Alexander Khalil Constantine Kokenes
Mark Powell Markayla Stroubakis
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ON THE COVER: The church of Agia Eirene, Athens, Greece
A Byzantine Christmas: Sun of Justice Byzantine Chant for Christmas in Greek, Arabic, and English
Thursday, 14 December 2017 at 7:30 pm Greek Orthodox Community of Salem, Blanchet High School, Salem, Oregon
Friday, 15 December 2017 at 8:00 pm St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church, Seattle, Washington
Saturday, 16 December 2017 at 8:00 pm St. Mary’s Cathedral, Portland, Oregon
Sunday, 17 December 2017 at 3:00pm St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church, East Portland, Oregon
Tuesday, 19 December 2017 at 7:30pm Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, Sacramento, California
*Βηθλεμ τοιμζου / Bethlehem make ready Petros Peloponnesios (1730–1778) Text by Patriarch Sophronios of Jerusalem (560–638)
*Joseph spoke thus to the Virgin John Michael Boyer (b. 1978) Text by Sophronios of Jerusalem
Prokeimenon of the First Hour Dn. John Rassem El Massih (b. 1981)/ Traditional/Boyer
*Doxastikon of the Ninth Hour El Massih/Boyer
*1st Sticheron of Great Vespers Boyer
Αγοστου μοναρχσαντος / When Augustus reigned Theophanis the Monk Text by Kassia (Kassiani) the Nun (9th c.) of Vatopaidi (b. 1977)
*First Troparion at the Prophecies Boyer
*Apolytikion of the Nativity Mitri El Murr (1880–1969)/Boyer/ Monk Chrysostom Agiographos (19th–20th c.)
God is with us (in Greek, Arabic, and English) Trad./V. Rev. Nicholas Malek/Boyer
Eklogë (Selected Psalm Verses) for Christmas Lycourgos Angelopoulos (1941-2014)
*Ode I of the First Canon of Christmas Petros Peloponnesios/ Text by St. Kosmas of Maïuma (7th-8th c.) Ioannis Vyzantios (1800–1866)/Boyer
*Kontakion on the Nativity Petros Peloponnesios/ Text by St. Romanos the Melodist (490–556) V. Rev. Romanos Joubran (b. 1966)
*Ode IX of the First Canon of Christmas Petros Peloponnesios/Ioannis Vyzantios/ Text by St. Kosmas of Maïuma El Murr
*Kalophonic Eirmos: Χριστς Γεννται / Christ is born. Ioannis Arvanitis (b.1961)
Kratema Balassios the Priest (c.1615-c.1700)
* Featured on the new double CD Sun of Justice by PRÓTO (John Michael Boyer, Dn. John Rassem El Massih), available at this concert.
Byzantine Christmas: Sun of Justice
The ecclesiastical feast day celebrating the Nativity of Jesus Christ – which came to be called simply “Christ’s Mass,” or “Christmas” in English – was added to the calendar in the Eastern Church somewhat later than other major feasts. Originally, Christ’s Nativity and Baptism were celebrated on the same day: Epiphany (January 6). Much has been said concerning the origins and influences – whether Pagan, Persian, or Christian – of December 25th becoming the feast day of the Nativity of Christ; suffice it to say that the late Roman Pagan holiday of the Birth of the Unconquered Sun, the ancient Persian celebration of the birth of Mithras – the “Sun of Justice,” – and the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ were each to one extent or another in the mind of the Roman populace during the development of the Christian calendar.
This may account for the fact that one of the main hymnological themes for Christmas is that of light in general and the sun specifically: Orthodox hymnography refers to Christ “dawning from a Virgin,” to his Nativity making “the light of knowledge dawn on the world,” calls him the “Dayspring from on high,” or “Dayspring from the east,” and even applies the title “Sun of Justice” for Jesus Christ. Christians seemed to say, “You all worship the sun in the sky or call this false god Mithras the ‘Sun of Justice,’ whereas we worship the true God, the spiritual, noetic ‘Sun of Justice’: Jesus Christ, the Son of God and true giver of light and life.”
This theme permeates the hymnography of Christmas, along with the paradox of God becoming man and of the Virgin giving birth; the humility of the Son of God in his Incarnation; the sanctification of the earth, deification of humanity, and the reconciliation of God and Man in the God-Man, Jesus Christ. The hymns reflect on all these themes, culminating in the universal exultation of creation: “Now Christ is born: therefore glorify!” “Sing your praise to the Lord, all the earth!” “Glory to God in the highest!”
In Mulieribus Anna Song, Artistic Director
Visions and Visionaries 2017-18 Concert Season
Wednesday, December 20, 2017 at 7:30pm Proto-Cathedral of St. James the Greater 218 W 12th Street Vancouver, Washington
Friday, December 22, 2017 at 8:00pm St. Mary’s Cathedral 1716 NW Davis Portland, Oregon
Domenico Ghirlandaio (1449-1494), The Nativity, 1492, Tempera on Wood, 45 x 42 cm, Vatican Pinacotheca.
Season brochure and subscription information available online at inmulieribus.org or by calling 503-283-2913
It's a holiday tradition! We invite you to come celebrate the wonder, mystery, and beauty of Christmas with us in a program of medieval French carols, songs of the nativity, and other seasonal favorites, featuring works by Binchois, Dufay, Taverner, and others.
We present our program of a Byzantine Christmas in liturgical order, spending a moment or two in each worship service of the Orthodox Church for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. The liturgical journey begins with the service of Great (or “Royal”) Hours, celebrated on Christmas Eve morning or afternoon. Structured around the traditionally monastic rite of the First, Third, Sixth, and Ninth Hours, the Great Hours are now most often celebrated together as a single service. Each Hour begins with Psalm readings, after which the choirs sing a series of three Idiomela (through- composed pieces of hymnography) that reflect on the significance of the holiday. In particular, they focus on the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies and on the inherent paradoxes of Christmas: God becoming human, a virgin giving birth, and the King of Kings being born in a cave and laid in a manger. Sung hymnography is followed by declamation of an Old Testament prophecy, chanting of a New Testament Apostolic epistle, and chanting of a Gospel pericope. With this structure, the Hours function like the Orthodox equivalent to a Lessons and Carols service. The climax of the Hours is the Idiomelon “Today born of a virgin is he who held all creation in the hollow of his hand,” a poetic exploration of the paradoxes of Christmas. Our program presents this piece first in Arabic virtuosic improvisation by Dn. John El Massih, and then repeated by the whole ensemble in English, chanting in the “hard chromatic” Plagal Second Mode.
The next stop on our liturgical journey is Great Vespers, celebrated on Christmas Eve. This Vespers service is more joyful in character, being the first liturgical experience of the holiday itself. The hymnography includes a series of Idiomela interpolated into last eight verses of Psalms 140, 141, and 129, which are sung at every Vespers. Our program presents the first and last of these Idiomela: the first in English, composed in the traditional medium-texture sticheraric genre, and the last in Greek, composed in the “old” or slow sticheraric genre by the monks of Vatopaidi Monastery on Mt. Athos. The first half of our program ends with two simpler, more “syllabic” offerings: the first Troparion sung at the prophecy readings at Vespers, sung in English, which tells the story of the Star of Bethlehem and the adoration of the Magi; and the
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Apolytikion (Dismissal Hymn) of Christmas Day, sung in Arabic, English, and Greek, in which we hear the imagery of Christ as the Sun of Justice.
The second half of our program takes us later into the night on Christmas Eve, beginning with select verses from both the Biblical Psalter and from Old Testament prophecies, sung during the Great Compline service. Sung in Greek, English, and Arabic, every verse of this piece ends with the refrain, “For God is with us,” the translation of “Emmanuel.” Musically, the each verse of the original Greek setting asks a melodic question, to which the refrain gives the perfect melodic answer. Both the Arabic and English adaptations of this piece endeavor to create the same relationship between verse and refrain.
Our first piece from the Matins (“Orthros”) service is a similar collection (“Eklogë”) of Psalm verses, specifically assembled to celebrate Christmas. This time employing the refrain “Alleluia,” this Eklogë was set in the Authentic Fourth Mode “Agia” by my teacher, the great cantor and choirmaster, Lycourgos Angelopoulos. We continue in the Orthros service with the first ode of the first Canon for Christmas Day, in Greek and English, with the “Eirmos” (first stanza) repeated as the “Katavasia” (ending stanza) in the slow version of the same melody.
Orthros leads into the central, eucharistic service for Christmas: the Divine Liturgy, during which we hear one of the earliest examples of Orthodox Christian hymnography, the Kontakion (literally, “scroll”) for Christmas Day, attributed to St. Romanos the Melodist (4th c.). Sung in both Greek and Arabic, the melody of the received tradition bears a striking resemblance to the more ancient melody we find in medieval manuscripts, and is adapted beautifully to Arabic by Fr. Romanos Joubran of Beirut.
Sung in the same mode and genre as the Katavasia from the first ode of the Canon, the Megalynarion and Eirmos “Magnify, O my soul” and “A strange mystery” are sung in the Divine Liturgy on Christmas Day instead of the usual Hymn to the Mother of God, “Truly it is right to call you blessed.” Introduced by the Megalynarion sung solo, the Eirmos is sung by the whole ensemble in Arabic, both composed by the late Mitri El Murr (20th c.), the most prolific composer of Byzantine Music in Arabic.
The celebration of Christmas does not stop in the church building, of course: our program’s final piece, the Kalophonic Eirmos “Christ is Born,” by musicologist, cantor, composer, and friend of Cappella Romana, Ioannis Arvanitis, belongs to a genre designed to be sung in the banquet hall during the feast. It is a prime example of a contemporary composer writing in a classical style, highlighting the virtuosity of Byzantine Music, as well as its elegance. This is followed by a classical Kratema by Balasios the Priest (17th c.), meditating on the text of the well-known Eirmos while exploring the limits of the First Mode, using nonsensical syllables as a kind of musical instrument. We then come home to the final line of the text of the Eirmos, composed in the melismatic genre: “All you peoples, sing the hymn: for he is glorified!”
Our program’s liturgical journey gives us just a taste of the breadth and depth of the Orthodox Christian celebration of the birth of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. It is a journey from the Old Testament to the New, from the fasting and repentance of Advent to the joy and feasting of Christmas, from the darkness of the night to the brightness of the Sun of Justice.
– John Michael Boyer
Bethlehem make ready; let the Manger be prepared; let the Cave receive. The truth has come, the shadow has passed away, and God has appeared among men from a Virgin, formed as we are and making divine what he has put on. And so Adam is renewed with Eve as they cry, “God’s good pleasure has appeared on earth among men to save our race.”
Texts, Transliterations, and Translations
Idiomelon of the First Hour
Βηθλεμ τοιμζου· ετρεπι- ζσθω φτνη· τ Σπλαιον δεχσθω, λθεια λθεν· σκι παρδραμε· κα Θες νθρποις, κ Παρθνου πεφανρωται, μορφωθες τ καθ’ μς, κα θεσας τ πρσλημμα. Δι δμ νανεοται σν τ Ε, κρζοντες· π γς ν νθρποις εδοκα πεφνη, σσαι τ γνος μν.
Doxastikon of the First Hour
Vithleém etimázou; eftrepi- zéstho i phátni; to Spílaion dekhéstho, i alíthia ílthen; i skiá parédrame; kai Theós anthrópis, ek Parthénou pephanérotai, morphothís to kath’ imás, kai theósas to próslimma. Dió Adám ananeoútai sin ti Éva, krázontes; Epí yis en anthrópis efdokía epepháni, sósai to yénos imón.
Joseph spoke thus to the Virgin, “Mary, what is this doing that I see in you? I am at a loss and am amazed, and my mind is struck with dismay. Go quickly from me then and secretly. Mary, what is this doing that I see in you? Instead of honor, you
have brought me shame; instead of gladness, sorrow; instead of praise, reproof. No longer will I bear men’s reproach; for I took you from the Priests in the Temple as one blameless before the Lord; and what is this sight?”
• Prokeimenon of the 1st hour
.: 5.- .- &$ Al-Rabbu qala lee, anta-bni, ana lyawma waladtuk.
• Verses from “for God is with us” .
.3 Ayuhal aqwiyau nhazimoo
Wa ayu qawlin qultmoohu la yathbut feekum,
Wa in kuntu ’alayhi mutawakkilan kana huwa li taqdeesan
Inna sha’ba salika fi thulma qad absara nooran ’atheeman
Wahwa llathee riaasatuh ’ala ’aatiqih
Al-majdu lil Abi wal Ibni wa-Roohil qudus
Disc 1: Traditional Chants in Greek and Arabic Disc 2: Traditional Chants in English
This debut release by PRÓTO presents traditional chants for the Byzantine celebration of Christmas, including selections from The Royal Hours, Vespers, Matins, and the Divine Liturgy. A deluxe 32-page booklet is included with full texts in Greek, Arabic, and English. More than two hours of Byzantine chant.
AVAILABLE AT THIS CONCERT or from cappellaromana.org, amazon.com, iTunes, arkivmusic.com or your favorite retailer or service.
Prokeimenon of the First Hour
Κριος επε πρς με· Υς μου ε σ, γ σμερον γεγννηκ σε.
Al Rabbu qaala lee antabnee, Ana lyawma waladtuk
Kírios eípe pros me: Yiós mou ei si, egó símeron gegénniká se.
The Lord said to me, “You are my Son, today I have begotten you.”
The Lord said to me, “You are my Son, today I have begotten you.”
Verse: Ask of me, and I shall give you the Nations as your inheritance.
The Lord said to me, “You are my Son, today I have begotten you.”
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. Both now and for ever and to the ages of ages. Amen.
Today born of a Virgin is he who holds all creation in the hollow of his hand.
As a mortal he is wrapped in swaddling rags, he who in his being cannot be handled. God lies in a manger, who of old established the heavens in the beginning. He is nourished with milk from the breast, he who rained Manna on the People in the desert. He summons Magi, the Bridegroom of the Church. He accepts their gifts, the Son of the Virgin. We worship your birth, O Christ (x3). Show us also your divine Epiphany.
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. Both now and for ever and to the ages of ages. Amen.
Doxastikon of the Ninth Hour
1st Sticheron of Great Vespers
Doxastikon at “Lord, I have cried”
Δξα Πατρ κα Υ κα γ Πνεματι. Κα νν κα ε κα ες τος ανας τν ανων. μν.
Alyawm yooladu minal Batool, addaabitul khaleeqata biasriha fi qabdatih
Allathi huwa bijawharihi ghayru malmoos yudraju fil aqmitati katiflin Al ilahu llathi thabbata samawati qadeeman munthul badi yattakiu fee mithwad Allathi amtara lisha`bi mannan fil qafri yaghtathee mina thadyayni labanan. Khatanul bee`a yastad`il majoos wa bnul `athraa yastaqbilu minhumul hadaya Nasjudu limiladika ayuhal Maseeh (x3) Fa arina thuhoorakal ilahee.
Dóxa Patrí kai Iió kai ayío Pnévmati. Kai nin kai aí kai is tous aiónas ton aiónon. Amín.
Come, let us rejoice in the Lord, as we tell of the present mystery. The middle wall of partition has been destroyed; the sword of flame turns back, the Cherubim withdraw from the tree of life; and I partake of the delight of Paradise, from which I was cast out through disobedience. For the express Image of the Father, the Imprint of his eternity, takes
the form of a slave, coming forth from a Mother who did not know wedlock, not undergoing change; for what he was he has remained: true God; and what he was not he has taken up, becoming man through love for mankind. To him let us cry out: God, born from a Virgin, have mercy on us.


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Αγοστου μοναρχσαντος π τς γς, πολυαρχα τν νθρπων πασατο, κα σο νανθρωπσαντος κ τς γνς, πολυθεα τν εδλων κατργηται. π μαν βασιλεαν γκσμιον, α πλεις γεγνηνται· κα ες μαν Δεσποτεαν Θετητος, τ θνη πστευσαν. πεγρφησαν ο λαο, τ δγματι το Κασαρος, πεγρφημεν ο πιστο, νματι Θετητος, σο το νανθρωπσαντος Θεο μν. Μγα σου τ λεος, Κριε, δξα σοι.
1st Troparion at the Prophesies
Apolytikon of the Nativity
When Augustus reigned alone on the earth, the many kingdoms of mankind came to an end; and when you became man from the pure Virgin, the many gods of idolatry were destroyed; the cities of the world passed under one single rule; and the nations came to believe in one single Godhead; the peoples were enrolled by decree of Caesar; we the faithful were enrolled in the name of the Godhead, when you became man, O our God. Great is your mercy, glory to you!
Your Nativity, O Christ our God, has made the light of knowledge dawn on the world, for by it those who adored the stars were taught by a star to worship you, the Sun of Justice, and to know you the Dayspring from on high. Lord, glory to you!
Avgoústou monarkhísantos epí tis yis, i poliarkhía ton anthrópon epáfsato, kai soú enanthropísantos ek tis Agnís, i politheïa ton idólon katíryitai. Ipó mían vasilían engósmion, ai pólis yeyénintai; kai is mían Despotían Theótitos, ta Éthni epístefsan. Apegráphisan i laí, to dógmati tou Kaísaros, epegráphimen i pistí, onómati Theótitos, soú tou enanthropísantos Theoú imón. Méga sou to éleos, Kírie dóxa si.
Meeladuka ayuhal Maseehu ilahuna qad atla`a nooral ma`rifati feel `alam, lianna ssajideena lilkawakib bihi ta`allamoo minal kawkabi ssujooda laka ya shamsal `adl. Wa an ya`rifoo annaka min mashariqil `uluwi atayt, ya Rabbul majdu lak.
Secretly you were born in a cave, but heaven proclaimed you to all, using a star as its mouth, O Savior. It brought you Magi, who worshiped you in faith. Have mercy on them and on us.
V. His foundations are in the holy mountains; the Lord loves the gates of Sion more than all the tabernacles of Jacob. R. It brought you Magi, who worshiped you in faith. Have mercy on them and on us.
V. Glorious things have been spoken of you, City of God; I shall remember Rahab and Babylon to those who know you. R. It brought you Magi, who worshiped you in faith. Have mercy on them and on us.
V. Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. Both now and for ever and to the ages of ages. Amen.
Secretly you were born in a cave, but heaven proclaimed you to all, using a star as its mouth, O Savior. It brought you Magi, who worshiped you in faith. Have mercy on them and on us.


γννησς σου Χριστ Θες μν, ντειλε τ κσμ, τ φς τ τς γνσεως· ν ατ γρ ο τος στροις λατρεοντες, π στρος διδσκοντο· σ προσκυνεν, τν λιον τς δικαιοσνης, κα σ γινσκειν ξ ψους νατολν, Κριε δξα σοι.
God is with us
Μεθ’ μν Θες, γντε θνη κα ττσθε. τι μεθ’ μν Θες.
ν γρ πλιν σχσητε, κα πλιν ττηθσεσθε. τι μεθ’ μν Θες.
Τν δ φβον μν ο μ φοβηθμεν, ουδ’ ο μ ταραχθμεν. τι μεθ’ μν Θες.
Κα πεποιθς σομαι π’ ατ, κα σωθσομαι δι’ ατο. τι μεθ’ μν Θες.
Your Nativity, O Christ our God, has made the light of knowledge dawn on the world, for by it those who adored the stars were taught by a star to worship you, the Sun of Justice, and to know you the Dayspring from on high. Lord, glory to you!
God is with us, understand you nations, and submit. For God is with us.
To the ends of the earth give ear. For God is with us.
Submit, you mighty ones. For God is with us.
If again you become strong, you will also submit again. For God is with us.
And whatever you plan, the Lord will scatter it. For God is with us.
And whatever word you speak, it will not remain among you. For God is with us.
Fear of you we shall not fear, nor shall we be troubled. For God is with us.
The Lord our God, let us sanctify him, and he will be our fear. For God is with us.
And if I should trust in him, he will be sanctification for me. For God is with us.
And I will trust in him, and I will be saved through him. For God is with us.
I yénnisís sou Khristé o Theós imón, anétile to kósmo, to phos to tis gnóseos; en aftí gar i tis ástris latrévontes, ipó astéros edidáskonto; se proskinín, ton Ílion tis dikaiosínis, kai se yinóskin ex ípsous anatolín, Kírie dóxa si.
Óti meth’ imón o Theós.
Ayuhal aqwiyau nghaliboo. Lianna llaha ma'ana.
Eán gár pálin ischýsite, kaí pálin ittithísesthe. Óti meth’ imón o Theós.
Wa ayu qawlin qultmoohu la yathbut feekum,
Lianna llaha ma'ana.
Tón dé fóvon ymón ou mí fovithómen, oud’ ou mí tarachthómen. Óti meth’ imón o Theós.
Wa in kuntu ’alayhi mutawak- kilan kana huwa li taqdeesan
Lianna llaha ma'ana.
Kaí pepoithós ésomai ep’ aftó, kaí sothísomai di’ aftoú. Óti meth’ imón o Theós.
• Prokeimenon of the 1st hour
.: 5.- .- &$ Al-Rabbu qala lee, anta-bni, ana lyawma waladtuk.
• Verses from “for God is with us” .
.3 Ayuhal aqwiyau nhazimoo
Wa ayu qawlin qultmoohu la yathbut feekum,
Wa in kuntu ’alayhi mutawakkilan kana huwa li taqdeesan
Inna sha’ba salika fi thulma qad absara nooran ’atheeman
Wahwa llathee riaasatuh ’ala ’aatiqih
Al-majdu lil Abi wal Ibni wa-Roohil qudus
• Prokeimenon of the 1st hour
.: 5.- .- &$ Al-Rabbu qala lee, anta-bni, ana lyawma waladtuk.
• Verses from “for God is with us” .
.3 Ayuhal aqwiyau nhazimoo
Wa ayu qawlin qultmoohu la yathbut feekum,
Wa in kuntu ’alayhi mutawakkilan kana huwa li taqdeesan
Inna sha’ba salika fi thulma qad absara nooran ’atheeman
Wahwa llathee riaasatuh ’ala ’aatiqih
Al-majdu lil Abi wal Ibni wa-Roohil qudus
• Prokeimenon of the 1st hour
.: 5.- .- &$ Al-Rabbu qala lee, anta-bni, ana lyawma waladtuk.
• Verses from “for God is with us” .
.3 Ayuhal aqwiyau nhazimoo
Wa ayu qawlin qultmoohu la yathbut feekum,
Wa in kuntu ’alayhi mutawakkilan kana huwa li taqdeesan
Inna sha’ba salika fi thulma qad absara nooran ’atheeman
Wahwa llathee riaasatuh ’ala ’aatiqih
Al-majdu lil Abi wal Ibni wa-Roohil qudus
• Prokeimenon of the 1st hour
.: 5.- .- &$ Al-Rabbu qala lee, anta-bni, ana lyawma waladtuk.
• Verses from “for God is with us” .
.3 Ayuhal aqwiyau nhazimoo
Wa ayu qawlin qultmoohu la yathbut feekum,
Wa in kuntu ’alayhi mutawakkilan kana huwa li taqdeesan
Inna sha’ba salika fi thulma qad absara nooran ’atheeman
Wahwa llathee riaasatuh ’ala ’aatiqih
Al-majdu lil Abi wal Ibni wa-Roohil qudus
• Prokeimenon of the 1st hour
.: 5.- .- &$ Al-Rabbu qala lee, anta-bni, ana lyawma waladtuk.
• Verses from “for God is with us” .
.3 Ayuhal aqwiyau nhazimoo
Wa ayu qawlin qultmoohu la yathbut feekum,
Wa in kuntu ’alayhi mutawakkilan kana huwa li taqdeesan
Inna sha’ba salika fi thulma qad absara nooran ’atheeman
Wahwa llathee riaasatuh ’ala ’aatiqih
Al-majdu lil Abi wal Ibni wa-Roohil qudus
• Prokeimenon of the 1st hour
.: 5.- .- &$ Al-Rabbu qala lee, anta-bni, ana lyawma waladtuk.
• Verses from “for God is with us” .
.3 Ayuhal aqwiyau nhazimoo
Wa ayu qawlin qultmoohu la yathbut feekum,
Wa in kuntu ’alayhi mutawakkilan kana huwa li taqdeesan
Inna sha’ba salika fi thulma qad absara nooran ’atheeman
Wahwa llathee riaasatuh ’ala ’aatiqih
Al-majdu lil Abi wal Ibni wa-Roohil qudus
• Prokeimenon of the 1st hour
.: 5.- .- &$ Al-Rabbu qala lee, anta-bni, ana lyawma waladtuk.
• Verses from “for God is with us” .
.3 Ayuhal aqwiyau nhazimoo
Wa ayu qawlin qultmoohu la yathbut feekum,
Wa in kuntu ’alayhi mutawakkilan kana huwa li taqdeesan
Inna sha’ba salika fi thulma qad absara nooran ’atheeman
Wahwa llathee riaasatuh ’ala ’aatiqih
Al-majdu lil Abi wal Ibni wa-Roohil qudus
• Prokeimenon of the 1st hour
.: 5.- .- &$ Al-Rabbu qala lee, anta-bni, ana lyawma waladtuk.
• Verses from “for God is with us” .
.3 Ayuhal aqwiyau nhazimoo
Wa ayu qawlin qultmoohu la yathbut feekum,
Wa in kuntu ’alayhi mutawakkilan kana huwa li taqdeesan
Inna sha’ba salika fi thulma qad absara nooran ’atheeman
Wahwa llathee riaasatuh ’ala ’aatiqih
Al-majdu lil Abi wal Ibni wa-Roohil qudus
Here am I and the children whom God has given me. For God is with us.
The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light. For God is with us.
We who dwell in the land and the shadow of death, a light will shine on us. For God is with us.
For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given. For God is with us.
Whose government was upon his shoulder. For God is with us.
And of his peace there is no bound. For God is with us.
And his name shall be called, Angel of great counsel. For God is with us.
Wonderful Counsellor. For God is with us.
Mighty God, Ruler, Prince of peace. For God is with us.
Father of the age to come. For God is with us.
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. For God is with us.
Both now and ever and to the ages of ages Amen. For God is with us.
God is with us, understand you nations, and submit: For God is with us.
Ο κατοικοντες ν χρ, κα σκι θαντου, φς λμψει φ’ μς. τι μεθ’ μν Θες.
Κα τς ερνης ατο οκ στιν ριον, τι μεθ’ μν Θες.
Θες σχυρς, ξουσιαστς, ρχων ερνης. τι μεθ’ μν Θες.
Κα νν κα ε κα ες τος ανας τν ανων. μν. τι μεθ’ μν Θες.
Inna sha'ba salika fi thulma qad absara nooran 'atheeman
Lianna llaha ma'ana.
Oi katoikoúntes en chóra, kaí skiá thanátou, fós lámpsei ef ’ imás. Óti meth’ imón o Theós.
Wahwa llathee riaasatuh 'ala 'aatiqih
Lianna llaha ma'ana.
Óti meth’ imón o Theós.
Musheeran 'ajeeban. Lianna llaha ma'ana.
Theós ischyrós, Exousiastís, Árchon eirínis Óti meth’ imón o Theós.
Al-majdu lil Abi wal Ibni wa-Roohil qudus
Lianna llaha ma'ana.
Kaí nýn kaí aeí kaí eis toús aiónas tón aiónon. Amín.
Óti meth’ imón o Theós.
• Prokeimenon of the 1st hour
.: 5.- .- &$ Al-Rabbu qala lee, anta-bni, ana lyawma waladtuk.
• Verses from “for God is with us” .
.3 Ayuhal aqwiyau nhazimoo
Wa ayu qawlin qultmoohu la yathbut feekum,
Wa in kuntu ’alayhi mutawakkilan kana huwa li taqdeesan
Inna sha’ba salika fi thulma qad absara nooran ’atheeman
Wahwa llathee riaasatuh ’ala ’aatiqih
Al-majdu lil Abi wal Ibni wa-Roohil qudus
• Prokeimenon of the 1st hour
.: 5.- .- &$ Al-Rabbu qala lee, anta-bni, ana lyawma waladtuk.
• Verses from “for God is with us” .
.3 Ayuhal aqwiyau nhazimoo
Wa ayu qawlin qultmoohu la yathbut feekum,
Wa in kuntu ’alayhi mutawakkilan kana huwa li taqdeesan
Inna sha’ba salika fi thulma qad absara nooran ’atheeman
Wahwa llathee riaasatuh ’ala ’aatiqih
Al-majdu lil Abi wal Ibni wa-Roohil qudus
• Prokeimenon of the 1st hour
.: 5.- .- &$ Al-Rabbu qala lee, anta-bni, ana lyawma waladtuk.
• Verses from “for God is with us” .
.3 Ayuhal aqwiyau nhazimoo
Wa ayu qawlin qultmoohu la yathbut feekum,
Wa in kuntu ’alayhi mutawakkilan kana huwa li taqdeesan
Inna sha’ba salika fi thulma qad absara nooran ’atheeman
Wahwa llathee riaasatuh ’ala ’aatiqih
Al-majdu lil Abi wal Ibni wa-Roohil qudus
• Prokeimenon of the 1st hour
.: 5.- .- &$ Al-Rabbu qala lee, anta-bni, ana lyawma waladtuk.
• Verses from “for God is with us” .
.3 Ayuhal aqwiyau nhazimoo
Wa ayu qawlin qultmoohu la yathbut feekum,
Wa in kuntu ’alayhi mutawakkilan kana huwa li taqdeesan
Inna sha’ba salika fi thulma qad absara nooran ’atheeman
Wahwa llathee riaasatuh ’ala ’aatiqih
Al-majdu lil Abi wal Ibni wa-Roohil qudus
• Prokeimenon of the 1st hour
.: 5.- .- &$ Al-Rabbu qala lee, anta-bni, ana lyawma waladtuk.
• Verses from “for God is with us” .
.3 Ayuhal aqwiyau nhazimoo
Wa ayu qawlin qultmoohu la yathbut feekum,
Wa in kuntu ’alayhi mutawakkilan kana huwa li taqdeesan
Inna sha’ba salika fi thulma qad absara nooran ’atheeman
Wahwa llathee riaasatuh ’ala ’aatiqih
Al-majdu lil Abi wal Ibni wa-Roohil qudus
• Prokeimenon of the 1st hour
.: 5.- .- &$ Al-Rabbu qala lee, anta-bni, ana lyawma waladtuk.
• Verses from “for God is with us” .
.3 Ayuhal aqwiyau nhazimoo
Wa ayu qawlin qultmoohu la yathbut feekum,
Wa in kuntu ’alayhi mutawakkilan kana huwa li taqdeesan
Inna sha’ba salika fi thulma qad absara nooran ’atheeman
Wahwa llathee riaasatuh ’ala ’aatiqih
Al-majdu lil Abi wal Ibni wa-Roohil qudus
• Prokeimenon of the 1st hour
.: 5.- .- &$ Al-Rabbu qala lee, anta-bni, ana lyawma waladtuk.
• Verses from “for God is with us” .
.3 Ayuhal aqwiyau nhazimoo
Wa ayu qawlin qultmoohu la yathbut feekum,
Wa in kuntu ’alayhi mutawakkilan kana huwa li taqdeesan
Inna sha’ba salika fi thulma qad absara nooran ’atheeman
Wahwa llathee riaasatuh ’ala ’aatiqih
Al-majdu lil Abi wal Ibni wa-Roohil qudus
• Prokeimenon of the 1st hour
.: 5.- .- &$ Al-Rabbu qala lee, anta-bni, ana lyawma waladtuk.
• Verses from “for God is with us” .
.3 Ayuhal aqwiyau nhazimoo
Wa ayu qawlin qultmoohu la yathbut feekum,
Wa in kuntu ’alayhi mutawakkilan kana huwa li taqdeesan
Inna sha’ba salika fi thulma qad absara nooran ’atheeman
Wahwa llathee riaasatuh ’ala ’aatiqih
Al-majdu lil Abi wal Ibni wa-Roohil qudus
• Prokeimenon of the 1st hour
.: 5.- .- &$ Al-Rabbu qala lee, anta-bni, ana lyawma waladtuk.
• Verses from “for God is with us” .
.3 Ayuhal aqwiyau nhazimoo
Wa ayu qawlin qultmoohu la yathbut feekum,
Wa in kuntu ’alayhi mutawakkilan kana huwa li taqdeesan
Inna sha’ba salika fi thulma qad absara nooran ’atheeman
Wahwa llathee riaasatuh ’ala ’aatiqih
Al-majdu lil Abi wal Ibni wa-Roohil qudus
All the earth. Alleluia. 1 Sing to the Lord all the earth. Sing to his name. Alleluia. 2 Give glory in his praise. Recount all his wonders. Alleluia. 3 Let the heavens rejoice and let the earth be glad. Alleluia. 4 Make a way for him who rides upon the sunset. The Lord is his name, and be glad before him. Alleluia. 5 The Lord has sent redemption to his people. Holy and fearful his name. Alleluia. 6 A man will say: Mother Sion, and: A man has been born in her. Alleluia. 7 Fair in beauty beyond the sons of men. His seed will abide for ever. Alleluia.
8 And his throne is as the sun before me, and like the moon fixed for ever. Alleluia. 9 And I will establish his seed for ever, and his throne as the days of heaven. Alleluia. 10 And he will rule from sea to sea, and from the ends of the world to its ends. Alleluia. 11 He will call to me: You are my Father, my God and helper of my salvation. Alleluia. 12 And I will establish him as first born, high beyond all the kings of the earth, 13 And all the kings of the earth will worship him. Alleluia.
Eklogë (Selected Psalm Verses) for Christmas
Πσα γ. λληλοα. 1 λαλξατε τ Κυρ πσα γ, ψλατε δ τ νματι ατο. λληλοα. 2 Δτε δξαν ανσει ατο. [65:2b] Διηγσασθε πντα τ θαυμσια ατο. [104:2b] 3 Εφραινσθωσαν ο ορανο κα γαλλισθω γ. [95:11a] 4 δοποισατε τ πιβεβηκτι π δυσμν, Κριος νομα ατ, κα γαλλισθε νπιον ατο. [67:5b] 5 Λτρωσιν πστειλε [Κριος] τ λα ατο … γιον κα φοβερν τ νομα ατο. [110:10] 6 Μτηρ Σιν, ρε νθρωπος, κα νθρωπος γενθη ν ατ. [86:5] 7 ραος κλλει παρ τος υος τν νθρπων· [44:3] τ σπρμα ατο ες τν ανα μενε [88:37a] 8 Κα θρνος ατο ς λιος ναντον μου, κα ς σελνη κατηρτισμνη ες τν ανα. [88:37b-38a] 9 Κα θσομαι ες τν ανα το ανος τ σπρμα ατο κα τν θρνον ατο ς τς μρας το ορανο. [88:30] 10 Κα κατακυριεσει π θαλσσης ως θαλσσης … ως περτων τς οκουμνης. [71:8] 11 Ατς πικαλσετα με πατρ μου ε σ, Θες μου κα ντιλπτωρ τς σωτηρας μου. [88:27] 12 Κγ πρωττοκον θσομαι ατν, ψηλν παρ τος βασιλεσι τς γς. [88.28] 13 Kα προσκυνσουσιν ατ πντες ο βασιλες τς γς. [71:11a]
Pása i gí. Alliloúïa. 1 Alaláxate tó Kyrío pása i gí, psálate dí tó onómati aftoú. Alliloúïa. 2 Dóte dóxan ainései aftoú. Diigísasthe pánta tá thavmásia aftoú. Alliloúïa. 3 Effrainésthosan oi ouranoí kaí agalliástho i gí. Alliloúïa. 4 Odopoiísate tó epivevikóti epí dysmón, Kýrios ónoma aftó, kaí agalliásthe enópion aftoú. Alliloúïa. 5 Lýtrosin apésteile [Kýrios] tó laó aftoú … ágion kaí foverón tó ónoma aftoú. Alliloúïa. 6 Mítir Sión, ereí ánthropos, kaí ánthropos egeníthi en aftí. Alliloúïa. 7 Oraíos kállei pará toús yioús tón anthrópon: tó spérma aftoú eis tón aióna meneí. Alliloúïa.
8 Kaí o thrónos aftoú os o ílios enantíon mou, kaí os i selíni katirtisméni eis tón aióna. Alliloúïa. 9 Kaí thísomai eis tón aióna toú aiónos tó spérma aftoú kaí tón thrónon aftoú os tás iméras toú ouranoú. Alliloúïa. 10 Kaí katakyriéfsei apó thalássis éos thalássis … éos peráton tís oikouménis. Alliloúïa. 11 Aftós epikalésetaí me: patír mou eí sý, Theós mou kaí antilíptor tís sotirías mou. Alliloúïa. 12 Kagó protótokon thísomai aftón, ypsilón pará toís vasilefsi tís gís. Alliloúïa. 13 Kaí proskynísousin aftó pántes oi vasileís tís gís. Alliloúïa.
14 κ γαστρς πρ ωσφρου γννησ σε. μοσε Κριος κα ο μεταμεληθσεται. [109:3b-4a] 15 Σ ερες ες τν ανα κατ τν τξιν Μελχισεδκ.
16 Κριος επε πρς με υς μου ε σ, γ σμερον γεγννηκ σε.
17 Ατησαι παρ μο, κα δσω σοι θνη τν κληρονομαν σου κα τν κατσχεσν σου τ πρατα τς γς. 18 θρνος σου, Θες, ες τν ανα το ανος, ρβδος εθτητος ρβδος τς βασιλεας σου. 19 τι σ κατακληρονομσεις ν πσι τος θνεσι. 20 Ελογητς Κριος … π το ανος κα ες τν ανα. γνοιτο, γνοιτο. [40:14]
Ode 1 of the First Canon
Χριστς γεννται, δοξσατε. Χριστς ξ ορανν παντσατε. Χριστς π γς, ψθητε, σατε τ Κυρ πσα γ, κα ν εφροσν, νυμνσατε λαο, τι δεδξασται.
εσαντα κ παραβσεως, Θεο τν κατ’ εκνα γενμενον, λον τς φθορς πρξαντα, κρεττονος πταικτα θεας ζως, αθις ναπλττει, σοφς Δημιουργς, τι δεδξασται.
14 From the womb before the morning star I have begotten you; the Lord has sworn and he will not repent. Alleluia. 15 You are a priest for ever, according to the order of Melchisedek. Alleluia. 16 The Lord said to me: You are my son, today I have begotten you. Alleluia. 17 Ask of me, and I will give you nations as your inheritance and the ends of the earth as your possession. Alleluia. 18 Your throne, O God, is from age to age; a staff of right is the staff of your kingdom. Alleluia. 19 For you will inherit among all the nations. Alleluia. 20 Blessed is God for ever. So be it. So be it. Alleluia.
Now Christ is born, therefore glorify! Now Christ has come from heaven, encounter him! Now Christ is on earth, be raised on high! Sing your praise to the newborn Lord, all the earth; and with jubilation, all you peoples raise the hymn, for he is glorified! (2x)
Ruined through his own transgression, the one made in the own image of God became subject to corruption utterly; stumbling, fell from a better and divine life. Him the wise Creator now refashions in himself, for he is glorified. (2x)
Turn Page Quietly
14 Ek gastrós pró eosfórou egénnisá se. ómose Kýrios kaí ou metamelithísetai. Alliloúïa. 15 Sý ierèfs eis tón aióna katá tín táxin Melchisedék. Alliloúïa. 16 Kýrios eípe prós me: yiós mou eí sý, egó símeron gegénniká se. Alliloúïa. 17 Aítisai par emoú, kaí dóso soi éthni tín klironomían sou kaí tín katáschesín sou tá pérata tís gís. Alliloúïa. 18 O thrónos sou, o Theós, eis tón aióna toú aiónos, rávdos efthýtitos i rávdos tís vasileías sou. Alliloúïa. 19 Óti sý kataklironomíseis en pási toís éthnesi. Alliloúïa. 20 Evlogitós Kýrios … apó toú aiónos kaí eis tón aióna. génoito, génoito. Alliloúïa.
Khristós yennátai, doxásate. Khristós ex ouranón apantísate. Khristós epí yis, ipsóthite, Ásate to Kirío pása i yi, kai en efphrosíni, animnísate laí, óti dedóxastai.
Réfsanta ek paraváseos, Theoú ton kat’ ikóna yenómenon, ólon tis phthorás ipárxanta, kríttonos eptaikóta thías zís, áfthis anaplátti, o sophós Dimiourgós, óti dedóxastai.
δν Κτστης λλμενον, τν νθρωπον χερσν, ν ποησε, κλνας ορανος κατρχεται, τοτον δ κ Παρθνου θεας γνς, λον οσιοται, ληθε σαρκωθες, τι δεδξασται.
Σοφα λγος κα δναμις, Υς ν το Πατρς, κα παγασμα, Χριστς Θες, δυνμεις λαθν, σας περκοσμους, σας ν γ, κα νανθρωπσας, νεκτσατο μς, τι δεδξασται.
Kontakion of Christmas Day
Παρθνος σμερον, τν περοσιον τκτει, Kα γ τ Σπλαιον, τ προστ προσγει. γγελοι μετ Ποιμνων δοξολογοσι. Μγοι δ μετ στρος δοιποροσι· Δι’ μς γρ γεννθη, Παιδον νον, πρ ανων Θες.
The Maker, seeing that humankind – which he had by hand fashioned – was perishing, he bowed the heavens and descended; but he took its whole being from a divine, pure, and holy Virgin, truly taking on our flesh: for he is glorified. (x2)
The Wisdom, Power, and Word of God, the Father’s only Son and his Radiance: Christ God, unknown to the powers beyond the world, hidden and secret from those on earth, taking human nature, has now won us back again: for he is glorified. (x2)
Now Christ is born, therefore glorify! Now Christ has come from heaven, encounter him! Now Christ is on earth, be raised on high! Sing your praise to the newborn Lord, all the earth; and with jubilation, all you peoples raise the hymn, for he is glorified!
Today the Virgin gives birth to him who is above all being, And the earth offers the Cave to him whom no one can approach; Angels with Shepherds give glory, And Magi journey with a star; For us there has been born A little Child: God before the ages.
Idón o Ktístis ollímenon, ton ánthropon khersín, on epíise, klínas ouranoús katérkhetai, toúton de ek Parthénou thías Agnís, ólon ousioútai, alithía sarkothís, óti dedóxastai.
Sophía lógos kai dínamis, Iiós on tou Patrós, kai apávgasma, Khristós o Theós, dinámis lathón, ósas iperkosmíous, ósas en yi, kai enanthropísas, anektísato imás, óti dedóxastai.
I Parthénos símeron, Ton iperoúsion tíkti, Kai i yi to Spílaion, to aprosíto prosáyi. Ángeli metá Piménon doxologoúsi. Máyi de metá astéros odiporoúsi; Di’ imás gar eyenníthi, Paidíon néon, o pro aiónon Theós.
Megalynarion and Eirmos of Ode 9 of the First Canon
Kalophonic Eirmos
Χριστς γεννται, δοξσατε. Χριστς ξ ορανν παντσατε. Χριστς π γς, ψθητε, σατε τ Κυρ πσα γ, κα ν εφροσν, νυμνσατε λαο, τι δεδξασται.
Today the Virgin gives birth to him who is above all being, And the earth offers the Cave to him whom no one can approach; Angels with Shepherds give glory, And Magi journey with a star; For us there has been born A little Child: God before the ages.
Magnify, O my soul, her who is greater in honor and more glorious than the hosts on high. A strange sight before me and wonderful mystery: that the Cave becomes as a heaven, the Cherubim throne the Virgin, the Manger the place in which Christ God, the only uncontainable, is laid as a babe. Him we praise with hymns and magnify.
Christ is born, give glory! Christ comes from heaven, go to meet him! Christ is upon earth, be exalted! Sing to the Lord all the earth; and all you peoples raise the hymn with joy, for he has been glorified.
Alyawmal Batool talidul faiqal jawhar, wal ardu tuqarribul maghara liman huwa ghayru muktarabin ilayhi. Al malaika ma`a ru`ati yumajdoon, wal majoosu ma`al kawkabi fi tariqi yaseeroon, liannahu quad wulida min ajlina sabiyun jadeedun, wa hwa ilahuna qabla dduhoor.
'athimee ya nafseel malikal mawlooda fi maghara Innal majoosa qaloo ayna ssabiyul malikul mawloodu jadeedanil lathi thahara najmuhu fainnana innama atayna li nasjuda lahu. Fa Heerudusul muharibu lil Lahi idtarab wa akhatha yazaru bi hamaqatin li qatlil Maseeh.
Khristós yennátai, doxásate. Khristós ex ouranón apantísate. Khristós epí yis, ipsóthite, Ásate to Kirío pása i yi, kai en efphrosíni, animnísate laí, óti dedóxastai.




Protopsaltis and Associate Music Director, John Michael Boyer has been a professional singer and conductor since 1997. His early training was in Gregorian chant and Renaissance polyphony under Dean Applegate in the renowned ensemble Cantores
in Ecclesia. He began an apprenticeship in Byzantine Music at age 14 under musicologist and Cappella Romana Founder and Music Director, Alexander Lingas, and later studied formally in Athens with the late Archon
Protopsaltis Lycourgos Anglopoulos (+2014) and with Dr. Ioannis Arvanitis. For his degree in music from the University of California, Berkeley, John studied orchestral, choral and operatic conducting with Professors David Milnes and Marika Kuzma. As an expert Byzantine cantor, he lectures on liturgical music across the United States and abroad. He has been a singer with the Cappella Romana since 1999 and was appointed its Associate Music Director in 2017. In the San Francisco Bay Area, he served as Artistic Director of the Josquin Singers and of MELOS (the Metropolis Ensemble for Liturgical Orthodox Singing), and Associate Conductor of Bay Area Classical Harmonies. He coached Chanticleer for their Grammy award-winning 2001 recording of Tavener‘s Lamentations
and Praises. In 2016, he founded the duet ensemble Próto, in collaboration with his dear friend and seminary classmate, Dn. John Rassem El Massih. John is an active composer, having produced new music for the CD recordings Divine Liturgy in
English (Cappella Romana) and All Creation
Trembled (Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology), as well as all of the English compositions on the new Próto recording, Sun of Justice (available at this performance). He also collaborated with five other esteemed composers on an English setting of Psalm 103 for the St. John of Damascus Society. A 2018 publication is projected for his book, Byzantine Chant:
the Received Tradition – A Lesson Book. John graduated with his Master’s of Divinity as a seminarian at Holy Cross in 2014. He currently serves the faithful of the U.S. West Coast as Protopsaltis of the Metropolis of San Francisco, consulting and teaching at the parish level, and developing educational initiatives and resources in the areas of Orthodox liturgical music, rubrics and theology, as directed by His Eminence Metropolitan GERASIMOS of
San Francisco. John is thrilled to be directing a program with such fine chanters from across the country, especially with featured soloist and collaborator in Próto, Dn. John El Massih.
Deacon John (Rassem) El-Massih was born and raised in Anfeh, Lebanon and immigrated to the United States in December of 2001. Dn. John holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Religious Studies from Hellenic College, and a Master of Divinity degree from Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology. In 2009, he directed a CD project entitled The Voice of the Lord: Selected Hymns
from the Feast of Theophany. In June of 2013, he was assigned as an assistant for the late Metropolitan Philip and was appointed the “First-Chanter” of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America. Dn. John currently serves Metropolitan Joseph as his deacon, including leading and directing the Antiochian Archdiocesan Choir and teaching Byzantine music at Saint Vladimir’s Seminary. In addition to his teaching at St. Vladimir’s, Dn. John lectures annually in the performance and history of Byzantine music at the Sacred Music Institute for the Antiochian Archdiocese.
Its performances “like jeweled light flooding the space” (Los Angeles Times), Cappella Romana is a vocal chamber ensemble dedicated to combining passion with
scholarship in its exploration of the musical traditions of the Christian East and West, with emphasis on early and contemporary music. Founded in 1991 by music director Alexander Lingas, Cappella Romana’s name refers to the medieval Greek concept of the Roman oikoumene (inhabited world), which embraced Rome and Western Europe, as well as the Byzantine Empire of Constantinople (“New Rome”) and its Slavic commonwealth.
Flexible in size and configuration according to the demands of the repertory, Cappella Romana is based in the Pacific Northwest of the United States of America, where it presents annual concert series in Portland, Oregon, and Seattle, Washington. It regularly tours in Europe and North America, having appeared at venues including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Trinity Wall Street and Music Before 1800 in New York, the J. Paul Getty Center in Los Angeles, St. Paul’s Cathedral in London, the Pontificio Istituto Orientale in Rome, the Sacred Music Festival of Patmos, the University of Oxford, Princeton University, and Yale University.
Cappella Romana has released over twenty compact discs. Its latest recordings are Cyprus:
Between Greek East and Latin West (released November 2015), the large-scale Slavonic choral work Passion Week by Maximilian Steinberg (1883–1946), a student and son- in-law of Rimsky-Korsakov and teacher of Shostakovich, and Good Friday in Jerusalem:
Medieval Byzantine Chant, all of which have
Mark Powell, M.A.
Portland OR 97205
of San Francisco, Honorary Chairman of the Board
Nancy Retsinas, J.D., President
Diane Cherry, Vice President
L. Sue Fischer, M.S., Immediate Past President
Robert Clark
Stefanos Vertopoulos Janice Vlahos, in memory of Panos
Vlahos Mrs. Michael Warton Marjorie Wazeka Rob Weltzien Jr John and Joan Whittler White Michael & Stella Wilson, in memory
of Steve and Tasia Voreas
Introit ($35+) Anonymous (2) Christine Ambrose Spyridon Antonopoulos Sue Armitage and Robert Greene Marylea Askelson Susan Bagby Judith M. Bezy and Anyo Domoto Tom Bird Athanasius and Nektaria Blalock Pirkko Borland John Brazel Marilyn Bruya Anthony N. Buell Bryce Butler Chris and Eva Canellos Glenn N. Chinn Marie Colasurdo, in honor of Carol
Beaumier Rev. and Mrs. David Cole William and Meropi Courogen Dennis and Noelle Cox Mary Ann and Gordon Dickey Eleonore Dizengremel Dn. Innocent and Sandy Duchow-
Pressley Mary Egan Jon Garrow Harold Gillies Curtis Hanson Sue Ellen Hays Michael and Rochelle Henniger Gregg Hill Don Hill Ronald L. and Lois Hines Mary Hirsch
Irene J Holroyd Susan Hughes Marita Ingalsbe Carl Johansen Patricia Johnson Mary Anne Joyce Bruce M. and Connie Kelly Wesley and Merrilyn Lingren Carol Ann Link Fr Prof Andrew Louth David Lucs Sarah Mahler Paul Majkut Barbara A Manildi Susan Martin Jean Masonek Sharon Maxey Jerry Mayer Steven Mempa Rod and Meg Merrick James and Laurie Morgan Laurie Munro Bloch Joseph Norvell Stephen and Sandra Norcross Markdavin and Margaret Obenza Elaine and David Osowski Susan Piepke Helen E. and Peter Ramatowski Teri Rowan Jason Sabino and Jenn Binkley-
Sabino Douglas Schneider James Simpson Eleni Sofos Lynda Strand Zachary and Vasiliki Stoumbos Valerie Ann Taylor Dr. and Mrs. Roger Torrey Chrysanthe Voreas Mr. Les V Vuylsteke Jessica and Norman Wakefield Elaine Weeks Don and Karen West David Weuste and Emily Gabehart Kathleen Worley
Your tax-deductible gifts help us continue our mission, giving you the opportunity to hear exquisite vocal programming.
Volunteers and ushers
Mary Ellen Andre Dee Bierschenk Steve Bilow Maria Boyer Kristen Buhler Gracie Campbell Rebecca Clodfelter Trilby Coolidge Marilee Davies Beth Davis Photini (Mel) Downie Robinson and
Roger Robinson Renée Favand-See Laura Fay Paul Fischbach Sue Fischer Mary Forst Susan Garber Tim Halloran Julia and Seymour Hanfling Tarky Hart Fran Head David Hendrix Joyce Hengesbach Andrea Hess Don Isaacson Lila Isaacson Wendy Jackson Dorothy Jones Emily Lau Lauren Le Christy Lindell Michelle and Haynes Lund Julia MacNeil Carol Manning Cynthia Markum Lynn Matthews
Kerry McCarthy Sue McDowell Marie McKinsey KB Mercer Margaret Murer Jean Murray Kevin O’Connor Anna Quinn-Smith Nancy Retsinas Linda Rickert Michelle Ritchie Judy Robertson Charles & Catherine Schiedler Charles Shaw Allison Silverberg Greg Simmons Wendy and Ross Simmons Christine Liu and Justin Smith Jessica Stern Angela Truby Catherine van der Salm Molly Weaver Ann Wetherell Tina Moss Brian Lew Ann Osterberg Andy Schreer Caroline Alexander Carol Herzberg Maureen Lauran Tom & Carol Hull Richie P. Greene Aristide Lavey David Threefoot Frank McGinness
Thank you! Please call if the office if you are interested in volunteer opportunities in both Portland and Seattle.
Cappella Romana's 2017-18
Concert Season is supported in part by
advanced scientific investigation reignites teachers’ passion for
scientific discovery. Hopefully, more students science as a result of their teachers’ experience in the Partners in
During the Partners in Science program,
pursuing research with their mentor, who is usually member of the research institution. After the first summer,
with their mentors, partners on their progress. At these conferences, partners
During the two-year grant period, the Murdock Trust provides
Often, the relationship
[email protected] 360-694-8415
Mentors must be academic scientists or principal investigators who hold an appointment in a natural science department at a college, university, or other qualified research institution in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana or Alaska. The investigator also must have an active research program as evidenced by grants and/or publications. His or her institution accepts responsibility for the administration of the award.
High school teachers should possess academic qualifications in appropriate disciplines, in most cases a baccalaureate degree or the equivalent in chemistry, physics, or biology. Applicants must have a high school science appointment and be active in classroom teaching.
One of the main goals of PIS is to revitalize Partners’ teaching and to help them appreciate the use of inquiry- based methods in the teaching of science. Beginning with the 2015-2016 academic year, the Murdock Charitable Trust will be partnering with the Van Andel Education Institute to implement the QPOE2 Community of Scientific Practice Model.
Bart Hadder
, Tillamook, Oregon
As a Partner in Science, you can look forward to: A three- day immersion experience in June, weekly summer online meetings with the group, mentoring from a QPOE2
trained implementation coach, a one-day training at the regional conference in August, school year classroom visit by an implementation coach, and online professional development resources.
A supplemental award of up to $7,000 is available by application to second-year partners to purchase new technology, implement new ideas, or develop new teaching programs for their high school.
Further Impact
Continued from back page
received multiple rave critical reviews and the latter two debuted in the top 10 Classical Recordings on Billboard.
Other releases include Tikey Zes: Divine
Liturgy, Arctic Light: Finnish Orthodox Music,
Mt. Sinai: Frontier of Byzantium, Epiphany:
Medieval Byzantine Chant and Byzantium
330–1453 (the official companion CD to the Royal Academy of Arts Exhibition), Byzantium in Rome: Medieval Byzantine
Chant from Grottaferrata, The Fall of
Constantinople, Richard Toensing: Kontakion
on the Nativity of Christ, Peter Michaelides:
The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom and The Divine Liturgy in English: The Complete
Service in Byzantine Chant.
In 2010 it became a participant in the research project “Icons of Sound: Aesthetics and Acoustics of Hagia Sophia, Istanbul,” a collaboration between the Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics and the Department of Art & Art History at Stanford University, where the ensemble also performed in 2013 and returned this
past November 2016 with the program Icons
of Sound, with the acoustics of Hagia Sophia imprinted upon the performance by Cappella Romana.
Its most recent tour was to the Iai Byzantine Music Festival in Iai, Romania (ibmf.ro), where its concert was broadcast on Romanian TV and seen by over 27,000 on live stream.
The Constantinople Society
Cherubikon ($10,000+) Anonymous Ronni Lacroute Edward & Cyndy Maletis James F. and Marion L.
Miller Foundation Meyer Memorial Trust The M. J. Murdock Trust Wendy Beth Oliver Oregon Arts Commission The Oregon Cultural Trust The Regional Arts & Culture
Council, including support from the City of Portland & Multnomah County
Alleluiarion ($5,000+) Anonymous Carole Alexander Steve Benting and
Margaret Warton Geoffrey & Edith Gowan Constantine Kokenes, MD The National Forum of
Greek Orthodox Church Musicians
contributions from more than 75 companies and 2,000 employees
Prokeimenon ($1,000+) Susan and Phillip Anderson Drs. Mel Belding &
Kate Brostoff The Frank and Margaret Bitar
Foundation Jeff and Allison Brooks Pete Cazacus Farrar Family Rev. Living
Trust The Finlandia Foundation Doug and Marnie Frank Lynn Gibner Google Matching Grants Deanna Ballou Jensen John Lingas, MD and
Catherine J. Lingas Matthew Miller, for Cappella
Romana and the healing power of music, in honor of Isa Duenas
Stephanie Nonas, M.D. Beverly and Richard North Dr. Charles and Ruth
Poindexter Mark T. and Brigid M.
Kathleen Powell Photini Downie Robinson &
Roger Robinson Dr. Olympia Tachopoulou Edward Tenny The Wellworth Foundation -
Nancy and David Thacher, Trustees
Mr. Steve and Dr. Eve Tibbs Keith Walters and
Jonathan Tamez Robert Saler Dr. and Mrs. Tikey Zes
Trisagion ($500+) Sue Armentrout Katharine Babad, in memory
of Shirley Babad Bennett Battaile and
Meenakshi Rao Gene & Theresa Blahato Maria Boyer Paula and Bucky Buckwalter Drs. Stephen Campbell and
Cheryl Hanna Robert and Victoria Clark Diane Cherry & Sean
Crandall Michael and Mari Lou
Diamond Juanita Doerksen and Harold
Peters Tom and Nancy Doulis Sue Fischer David Frackelton Gary and Christina Geist Drs. Grace Grant & Dennis
Tierney Laura Graser Timothy & Karyn Halloran John and Emilie John Maria Koumantaros Robert Kyr, Ph.D. Thomas LaBarge Helen L. Lambros Barbara Loehr Karen Marburger Frederick & Anne Matsen Martin Nugent Cecilia Paul and Harry F.
Salm Dr. George and Dr. Thalia
Stamatoyannopoulos M. Kathryn Thompson and
William C. Scott Ausplund Tooze Family
Foundation, in memory of Mary Tooze
Loula Vriheas
Antiphon ($250+) Anonymous Cathleen and Michael Amen Clifford and Theodora Argue Sally Behel Richard Berkey David and Maryanne Holman Cynthia Caraballo-Hunt and
Steve Hunt Mrs. Anna Counelis Myron and Marva Dawn-
Sandberg Kathryn Falkenstern & Joe Ediger Dan Engbretson Kathryn Falkenstern & Joe Ediger Katherine FitzGibbon & Dan
Rasay Isidoros and Maria Garifalakis Paul Klemme and Sue Hale Nicholas Kyrus James & Jeanette Munyon Rev. Michael & Catherine Pallad Chris and Krista Panoff George and Diana Plumis Ross Ritterman Leslie Simmons & Nik Walton Fr. Daniel and Tamara Skvir Frances N. D. Stearns St. Stephen’s Catholic Church Michael Weidemann D.Lisa West Karin Brookes Woods and Simon
Litany ($100+) Anonymous (2) Scott Anderson Aaron and Maria Armstrong Richard Baumann Linda Besant and Martha Goetsch Fr. Edmond Bliven Theresann Bosserman Ava and Henry Brandis Joyce & David Brewster Kristen Buhler Kathryn Burlingham Daniel and Emily Burnett Dianne Calkins Judy Carlisle St. Catherine Philoptochos Tom and Irene Christy Angee and Dennis Cline Mike Colman Deborah and James Coonan James Cowan
Rob and Nancy Downie Anne Draper Alan and Barbara Ely Chris Engbretson Juanita Ewing Karl Hostetler Laura Fay & John Holzwarth WW & EM Fuller Lee Anne Furlong Patrick and Daleana Gilbride Adrienne Gillespie Tommy Harden Ann Glusker & Peter Hunsberger Taffy Gould Donald Groves Mia Hall Miller and Matthew Miller Monica Hayes & Bill Slater Leigh Ann Hieronymus and Lefteris
Gjinos Rev. Carol and Tom Hull Joan Hyland Cecily Johns Lawrence Jordan Emily Karr Judith Kelley Robert Knapp & Christine Knodt Mark Koenigsberg Myrna Kostash Suellen Lacey & V. Michael Powers Frank LaRocca George & Elizabeth Lendaris Joan K. Liapes Georgia Liapes Ann and Alexander Lingas Judy Lucas Mark Lutz Richard M Mahon Chris and Kristi Maletis Vakare and David Marshall Charlie Martin Joyce MacDonald John B McFarland Kathryn McLaughlin Richard E Meade Deborah Middleton Jeanna Moyer Sarah and Richard Munro Ona Nowina-Sapinsky & Niko
Courtelis Jane Oliver James Orphanos Frances Ousley Santia and Demetri
Papachristopoulos Stephen Phoutrides Linda Rickert Daniel B Ritter Mia Hall Savage Leslie Schockner Betty Scholten Ann Richel Schuh Gary Shaw Barbara and Ed Slaughter Drs. Justin Smith & Christine Liu John Soudas Barbara Steege Rae Stephenson Neal Stephenson & Ellen Lackermann Melissa Meacham Stewart Fred and Jean Thompson Matti Totonchy, MD Tjitske and Pieter Van der Meulen Kaye van Valkenburg Peter Vennewitz
Cappella Romana THANKS YOU for your support!
Continued on previous page