Uvo Lwethu Express 28 January 2016

press UVO LWETHU 20 000 COPIES WEEKLY Port St Johns | Mbizana | Flagstaff | Lusikisiki | Mt Ayliff | Ntabankulu | Mount Frere THURSDAY January 28, 2016 | 0 039 251 0834 | www.uvoexpress | Facebook: Mthatha Express | Twitter: @MthathaExpress | [email protected] or [email protected] EDITOR: BETTIE GILIOMEE “UNCEDO NGAMATYALA” YENZA AMATYALA AKHO AFIKELELEKE Thoba imbuyekezo yamatyala akho Phuma ematyaleni E-MAIL – [email protected] SIYAFUMANEKA KULE NOMBOLO ILANDELAYO KUZOZONKE I BRANCHES UNGATHUMELA NO “PLEASE CALL ME” 087 230 9804 047 532 3356 / Mthatha WhatsApp – KULENOMBOLO 082 378 3743 X1R182CR-280116-TE-ebnnon-debt AYANDA MILLISA MADIKIZELA M BIZANA youth from all over the country came together during the Festive Season and visited the Umhlanga area to lend a helping hand at the un- der-resourced Mzomtsha home for disabled children. Solomzi Mlindazwe, who was among the group of youth who visited the home, said they met through a Facebook page “Ezase- Mbizana” and decided to come together and put a smile on the faces of vulnerable children during Christmas time. “As the youth of Mbizana, who are working around the country, we felt a need to spend at least one day with those children and make them feel the festive cheer with feasts and cel- ebrations,” said Mlindazwe. The day was full of activities and the smiles on the children’s faces showed that the day will go down in their memories as one of the best Christmases they ever had. “We cooked and fed them, washed their clothes and blankets, made their beds, cleaned around the home and fixed broken equipment and furniture such as wheelchairs and beds,” said Mlindazwe. He added that they also donated groceries, mattrasses, diapers and toys. Zolile Mhlaba, founder of the home was very happy and shocked that young people could do something so meaningful especially during a time when everyone else is having a good time on holidays. “I have no words to explain how I feel about what these youngsters have done for us, the day was just a blessing,” said Mhlaba. He added that even though the place has challenges due to a lack of sponsors, groups like EzaseMbizana are helping them to over- come these challenges by sharing with them the little that they have. EzaseMbizana also visits local hospitals and donates necessities which they manage to raise throughout the year. Photos on page 3 Mbizana youth plough back home AYANDA MILLISA MADIKIZELA MT Ayliff cluster police raided Xholo- beni area in Mbizana last Thursday leading to them finding an extensive dagga-growing operation and several sharp weapons. According to Mt Ayliff cluster Com- mander Brigadier Mthuthuzeli Mtu- kushe, the raid started at about 4am in Xholobeni after several reports that there are riots in the area. On ar- rival, they discovered 350 dagga plants, four hashish drug seedlings, eight bush knives, a home-made fire- arm and a home-made axe, two plain sticks, two knob sticks, eleven shelves of pump gun and five sharp instru- ments. “The area is divided into two due to the proposed mining project to take place in the area, with pro and anti- mining groups fighting. We have de- cided to intensify our operations in the area,” said Mtukushe. He added that four people were seri- ously injured in the area last month where four suspects were arrested. “We hope that the confiscation of these weapons will send a clear mes- sage to the community especially be- cause there are elections approaching which also had an impact on infight- ing,” he said. Mtukushe added that both these groups had their different candidates for the upcoming local government elections. The pro-mining group’s candidate won at the branch general meeting. During the raid, a 57 year-old man was arrested on charges of possession of an unlicensed firearm and dealing in drugs. Police seize dagga and weapons in Xholobeni Luyolo’s Miss SA Luyolo’s Miss SA journey journey Luyolo Mngony- ama (24) of Mthatha, who is one of the 12 finalists in the 2016 Miss South Africa competi- tion, was filmed in Nelson Mandela Bay on Monday by the Miss SA film crew as part of the in-depth profile of each contestant. Luyolo was last year a third-year BA student, majoring in psychology and sociology, at NMMU. The pageant takes place on March 19. S For a video go to our Facebook page, Mthatha Express. PHOTO: DEON FERREIRA



Transcript of Uvo Lwethu Express 28 January 2016

Page 1: Uvo Lwethu Express 28 January 2016


20 000 COPIES WEEKLY Port St Johns | Mbizana | Flagstaff | Lusikisiki | Mt Ayliff | Ntabankulu | Mount Frere

THURSDAY January 28, 2016 | 0 039 251 0834 | www.uvoexpress | Facebook: Mthatha Express | Twitter: @MthathaExpress | [email protected] or [email protected] EDITOR: BETTIE GILIOMEE



Thoba imbuyekezo yamatyala akho

Phuma ematyaleni

E-MAIL – [email protected]




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MBIZANA youth from all overthe country came togetherduring the Festive Season andvisited the Umhlanga area tolend a helping hand at the un-

der-resourced Mzomtsha home for disabledchildren.

Solomzi Mlindazwe, who was among thegroup of youth who visited the home, said

they met through a Facebook page “Ezase-Mbizana” and decided to come together andput a smile on the faces of vulnerable childrenduring Christmas time.“As the youth ofMbizana, who are working

around the country, we felt a need to spendat least one daywith those children andmakethem feel the festive cheer with feasts and cel-ebrations,” said Mlindazwe.The daywas full of activities and the smiles

on the children’s faces showed that the daywill go down in their memories as one of the

best Christmases they ever had.“We cooked and fed them, washed their

clothes and blankets, made their beds,cleaned around the home and fixed brokenequipment and furniture such aswheelchairsand beds,” said Mlindazwe.He added that they also donated groceries,

mattrasses, diapers and toys.Zolile Mhlaba, founder of the home was

very happy and shocked that young peoplecould do something so meaningful especiallyduring a time when everyone else is having

a good time on holidays.“I have nowords to explain how I feel about

what these youngsters have done for us, theday was just a blessing,” said Mhlaba.He added that even though the place has

challenges due to a lack of sponsors, groupslike EzaseMbizana are helping them to over-come these challenges by sharing with themthe little that they have.EzaseMbizana also visits local hospitals

and donates necessities which they manageto raise throughout the year. Photos on page 3



MT Ayliff cluster police raided Xholo-beni area in Mbizana last Thursdayleading to them finding an extensivedagga-growing operation and severalsharp weapons.

According to Mt Ayliff cluster Com-mander Brigadier Mthuthuzeli Mtu-kushe, the raid started at about 4amin Xholobeni after several reportsthat there are riots in the area. On ar-rival, they discovered 350 daggaplants, four hashish drug seedlings,eight bush knives, a home-made fire-arm and a home-made axe, two plainsticks, two knob sticks, eleven shelvesof pump gun and five sharp instru-ments.“The area is divided into two due to

the proposed mining project to takeplace in the area, with pro and anti-mining groups fighting. We have de-cided to intensify our operations inthe area,” said Mtukushe.He added that four people were seri-

ously injured in the area last monthwhere four suspects were arrested.“We hope that the confiscation of

these weapons will send a clear mes-sage to the community especially be-cause there are elections approachingwhich also had an impact on infight-ing,” he said.Mtukushe added that both these

groups had their different candidatesfor the upcoming local governmentelections. The pro-mining group’scandidate won at the branch generalmeeting.During the raid, a 57 year-old man

was arrested on charges of possessionof an unlicensed firearm and dealingin drugs.

Police seizedagga andweapons inXholobeni

Luyolo’sMiss SALuyolo’sMiss SAjourneyjourney

Luyolo Mngony­ama (24) ofMthatha, who isone of the 12finalists in the2016 Miss SouthAfrica competi­tion, was filmedin NelsonMandela Bay onMonday by theMiss SA film crewas part of thein­depth profile ofeach contestant.Luyolo was lastyear a third­yearBA student,majoring inpsychology andsociology, atNMMU. Thepageant takesplace on March19.S For a video goto our Facebookpage, MthathaExpress. PHOTO:DEON FERREIRA

Page 2: Uvo Lwethu Express 28 January 2016

2 NewsJanuary 28, 2016Uvolwethu Express


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MTHATHA is well-known throughoutSouth Africa as the city of potholes, butKing Sabatha Dalindyebo Municipalitymayor Nonkoliso Ngqongwa has vowed toattend to them this year.

Ngqongwa made this promise in Mthat-ha recentlywhile themunicipalitywas out-lining its plan to change the face of thetown.Her announcement followed an outcry

frommotorists about the gigantic potholeswhich damaged their tyres.There are potholes both in town and

many of the outskirts.“We are gradually attending to the pot-

holes in Mthatha, but the challenge is thatwithmost of the roads it goes beyondpatch-ing thepotholes.Theroadsneed toberesur-faced.“That is what we are looking at and in

no time potholes will be something of thepast.“I have heard that some drivers call my

name, ‘Nonkoliso!!’, when they hit a pot-hole as a way of conveying their messageto the leadership, so that the leadership cantake action.“That is not a problem because the doors

are open for the people of KSD to submittheir complaints.”She revealed that they had spent R12-mil-

lion on their own plant and that would as-sist in thebattle to endpotholes in the town.

Mayor outlines plan to fix ‘city of potholes’

The mayor says the municipality is going to deal with the potholes in the streets of Mthatha.PHOTO: BUNTU GOTYWA


A WOMAN and her boyfriend drownedwhile trying to cross the rain-swollenMzimvubu River near Libode early onMonday last week.

They were Nomnikelo Soyiko (21) andBonginkosi Somnewu (27) from Maqhin-

ebeni village in Libode. A man, who wassearching for the couple in the river,Bhintinti Bhulu (27), was also washedaway.Soyiko had been visiting Somnewu on

the other side of the river and had beenon her way home when they drowned.Mthatha police spokesman Lieuten-

ant-Colonel Mzukisi Fatyela said police

divers from East London had been calledthe same day, but had been unable to findthe bodies because of the large volumeof water.The Daily Dispatch reports that Som-

newu’s body was found when the searchcontinued on Tuesday, while the bodiesof Soyiko and Bhulu were found onWednesday.

Mandrownswhile searching for couple inMzimvubu River


AN Mthatha traditional surgeon was ar-rested at his home in Upper Qweqwe loca-tion on Monday morning in connectionwith the alleged possession of a largeamount of drugs.

The arrest followed an operation con-ducted bymembers of theMthatha dog unitwhichwas started onWednesday lastweek.The surgeon is well known in the Qweq-

we area and has circumcised hundreds ofboys. He is expected to appear in theMthat-ha Magistrate’s Court soon.The man was allegedly found in posses-

sionof a largeamoutof dagga,mandraxandtik. It is alleged that the police found threebigbags of dagga, a suitcase containingdag-ga, 53 envelopes of dagga, tik and R3 454cash. The police have confirmed the arrest.OR Tambo Initiation Forum chairperson

Gcobani Tyali strongly condemned the in-

cident, stating that drugs posed a big prob-lem in their attempts to curb the deaths ofinitiates. “It is disappointing and shockingand we need to stand up and fight this.“If traditional surgeons continue mis-

leadingourchildrenby feeding themdrugs,we are fighting an unwinnable battle. Weneed to sensitise the community to becomeourwatchful eyeson theconductof the iing-cibi during the off season,” Tyali said.He made a call for the licence of this sur-

geon to be taken away and said hemust notbe given any chance to circumcise again.Parents were fuming after hearing that a

surgeon had been in possession of drugs.Nomasizethi Boyce said: “We expected

this because our children comeback totallychanged, meaning that they were fed withdrugs on the mountain. Even if your childgoes there not drinking, he will come backheavily drinking and smoking.“So itmeans the drug lords use these sur-

geons to sell the drugs to our children.”

Traditional surgeon arrested after big drugs haul


THE Community Development Foundationof South Africa (CODEFSA) has called on theSouth African government to enact legisla-tion setting a minimum sentence of at least20 years for those found guilty of “crimescommitted in the name of traditional initia-tion”.

In a statement, CODEFSA, a non-profit or-ganisation working to curb the deaths of ini-tiates in the Eastern Cape, welcomed the con-viction and sentencing of six men last weekin connection with the death of LungileNqwaba, a young man who died at an initia-tion school in Ntsizwa, Mount Ayliff in 2014.“WhileCODEFSAwelcomes the court judg-

ment which will go a long way to serve as adeterrent for future perpetrators of killing ofinitiates, we believe that the sentencewas toolight for all those who were implicated in the

killing of Mr. Nqwaba,” it said.“AS CODEFSAwe believe that a minimum

sentence of 20 years would have been a suita-ble sentence for these criminals who killedan initiate.”Five of the men, including the principal

and owner of the initiation school at whichNqwaba died, were sentenced to five yearsimprisonment last week Monday. A sixthman will spend six years behind bars.CODEFSA said it was seeking legal advice

on whether it could appeal and have the sen-tence overturned.“We call upon the national government to

fast-track the passing of the legislation thatwill impose a minimum sentence of 20 yearsfor all people who are the perpetrators ofbotch traditional circumcision including as-saults and deaths of initiates.”Everyyear, dozens of boysdie frombotched

circumcisions and beatings, mostly at unreg-istered initiation schools in South Africa.

Foundation calls forharshersentences for initiationdeaths


LOYISO Yazi (48) from Ngobozane A/A inLusikisiki has been sentenced by the MountAyliff Magistrate court last Tuesday, Janu-ary 25, 2016 to 3 years imprisonmentwith oneyear suspended for 5 years for stealing a cow.

Yazi appeared before court on charges ofstealing the cow at Voveni location, Mt Ay-liff, and he sold it atMbokazi location in Lus-ikisiki.He was also looking after stock at Voveni

location.Police Spokesperson Capt Mlungisi Mati-

dane warned the community to be carefulwhen hiring people to look after their stockbecause some of these people take advantageand steal their stock.He said members of the stock theft unit of

Mount Ayliff cluster work around the clockto bring stock theft thieves to book.

Threeyears sentence for stealing cow

Page 3: Uvo Lwethu Express 28 January 2016

3NewsJanuary 28, 2016Uvolwethu Express


RESIDENTS of Mgojweni locality in Willow-vale and members of Sonke Gender Justiceare planning tomarch to theWillowvaleMag-istrate’sCourt toask thecourtnot tograntbailto Thando Mgobhozi (21).

Mgobhozi was arrested in connection withthemurder of Cordelia Koli (16) and her sisterSiyamthanda Koli (12).The case was postponed until today for fur-

ther investigation.One of the residents, Zalisile “Sweetmama”

Marwanqana, said they had decided to givesupport to the Koli family after this incident.The two girls were brutallymurderedwhile

theywere returning home at 2amafter a tradi-tional ceremony at a nearby homestead.“We want these incidents to stop because

now our locality has a bad name among othercommunities,” Maranqana said.“There are so many incidents happening in

our area.”He said the residents had decided to stand

up and had hosted meetings with the aim offinding a solution. Among the things they dis-cussed was that Imiguyomust not be done by

community members.“The boy must just go to the initiation

school only, and when the family is doing histraditional ceremony, theymustknowthatbyfive o’clock all people will go home to avoidincidents.”He added that shebeenswere not allowed in

the area because that was where lot of peoplewere murdered.Mgobhozi briefly appeared before Willow-

vale Magistrate Court, but was not asked toplead.The sister’s bodies were found by a man in

a plantation forest about 3km away from thehomestead where the traditional ceremonytook place.Sonke Gender Justice spokesperson Pat-

rick Godana said “we will not tolerate the be-haviour of people who kill other people andwewillmake sure thatwesupport this family.“We want to prioritise this case as one that

is very serious in our country and that is whywe will make sure we support this family un-til the case is finalised,” Godana said.Police spokesperson Captain Jackson Ma-

natha said it was suspected that the girls hadbeen raped before they were murdered.He said the suspect had also been at the tra-

ditional ceremony and had allegedly followedthe girls.“Their cellphones were also missing. Both

of them had stab wounds in their upper bod-

ies.“Thematter was reported to theWillowvale

police detectives, who worked hard and ar-rested the suspect,” Manatha said.

Residentsplanmarchagainst bail forallegedkiller of sisters

Members of Sonke Gender Justice will march to Willowvale Magistrate Court to give support toKoli family when Thando Mgobhozi who is suspected of killing two children will be appearing inCourt. PHOTO:BABALWA NDLANYA


OWASE tyhini nohlala kwidolophu yakuGatyana uthi uzimisele noku qhubeleka en-genelela ukhuphiswano lwase EthekwiniStores kwidolophu yase Dutywa kulandelaukuphumelela kwakhe iHamper yezinto zo-ku thambisa ebi suka kwa NewDen.

UNkszNomagunyaNxozana (40) onguma-mawabantwanaabaneuthiakasebenzikokouphila nje ngokwenza lo misetyenzana ingatheni.“Ndize apha ndizo thenga into endiyi se-

benzisaxandithambisa inweleebizwangokokuba yiNutrifro kulapho ndifike ndabona keukubakunokhuphiswano.Ndiyekendabha-la inkcukacha zam emva kweslip ze ndafakakwi bhokisi yokhuphiswano,”kubeka yena.Wolekengelithinangonanjeengasakhum-

buli kakuhle ukuba beku kweyiphi inyangakodwawothuke kakhulu kukufumana umn-xeba usuka kubaphathi bale venkile kutshanje bemxelela ngoku phumelela kwakhe.Uthe ayiko kuqala engenela ukhuphis-

wano ze aphumelele, kwayeuyabonaukubainceba ka Thixo ihleli phezu kwakhe.“Ndifuna ukuthi kwabanye abantumaba-

thi gqolo ukungeneleka ukhuphiswano xaumntuelubonakubaakayazi intlahlayakheukuba ilele phi na.” Uthe ubamba ngazo zoz-

ibinikubaphathibaseEthekwiniStoresngo-ku chonga igama lakhe.Kwelinye icala ongumphathiwale venkile

uMnu Sam Moodley echaza uthe olu khu-phiswano balwenze bebambisene ne-suppli-er enguNewDenkwayeyiyo ekwazileyoukukhupha ihamper yanika uNksz Nxozana.“Olu khuphiswano luqale ngenyanga kaD-

ecember kwaye injonngo yethu ibi kukwazi-sa nge-E-Beauty Skin Care Rash. Baninzi ab-antu abathe bangenelela kodwa ke uNkszNxozana nguye obe nethamsanqa loku Phu-melela.Ndifuna ukubulela kubo bonke aban-tubaseDutywanezi phalukaabathi basinikeinkxaso kweli shishini kuba ngaphandlekwaboasingekesiyendawo,”kubekauMood-ley.LokaMoodleyuthekubalulekileukubaab-

antu bazifundise ukulu ngenelela ukhuphis-wano kuba walala-wasala. Ukanti ulebelengelithi le venkile sele ineminyaka eyi-17 iq-huba kule dolophu yase Dutywa.

UncumayedwaophumeleleukhuphiswanoeThekwini Stores

Abasebenzi base Ethekwini Stores bathewhuuuntshu ku Nksz Nomagunya Nxozanaophumelele i­hamper yalwa NewDene­Ethekwini Stores eDutywa.


Mbizana youth plough back home

EzaseMbizana youth group during their visit to the Mzomtsha home in Mbizna during theFestive season. Read the full story on page 1 PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Mattresses and some of the items donated to the Mzomtsha Home for the Disabled by theEzaseMbizana youth group. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Page 4: Uvo Lwethu Express 28 January 2016

4 NewsJanuary 28, 2016Uvolwethu Express

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THE presidential task team which was set upto investigate and make recommendations onthe short-term student-funding challenges atuniversities has submitted its report to Presi-dent Jacob Zuma.

The presidency said the task team had re-ported on possible solutions to the immediatefunding challenges at universities.“The task team also had to look at the imple-

mentation of the agreement on the zero-per-cent fee increment for the 2016 academic year,and the shortfall in National Student Finan-cialAid Scheme (NSFAS) funding for studentsregistered in the 2013, 2014 and 2015 academicyears,” the presidency said. The task teamhadneeded to advise on a short-term plan to miti-gate against possible student protests and un-rest at the start of the 2016 academic year.The task team had identified four key fac-

tors that could lead to potential protests early

thisyearwhichuniversitiesneeded topreparefor.The factors included students protesting

against the up-front fee or registration pay-ments at the start of the academic year.Students could take to the streets because of

the NSFAS shortfall, which refers to accumu-lated student debt accrued by students whoqualified for NSFAS loans but were either un-funded or underfunded due to insufficientfunds over the period 2013 to 2015, and there-fore had accrued university debt.Students could be unhappy about the fund-

ing challenges experienced by those who didnot qualify for NSFAS funding because theirincome was above the NSFAS threshold.Students could also protest about the in-

creased demand for academic spaces by first-time students and previous financial drop-outs in the university system.The presidency said the committee had

made a number of short-term recommenda-tions to address financial challenges, as well

as a range of short- to medium-term recom-mendations to address other issues discussedin the report.The short-term recommendations on fund-

ing include the short-term solution for the ze-ro-percent fee increment.“An amount of R2.3-billion will be made

available to address this shortfall. The govern-ment and universities will make contribu-tions towards addressing the shortfall.”Another recommendation was that up-front

fee and registration payments should be im-plemented across the system for those whocould afford to pay.“Students who meet the NSFAS means test

should not be required to pay upfront pay-ments,” the presidency said.The NSFAS shortfall has been quantified at

R4.582-billion. The report recommends thatR2.543-billion of this amount must be madeavailable from the fiscus, in the form of loansto provide short-term debt relief to 71 753 stu-dents who were funded inadequately or were

unable to access financial aid over the 2013 to2015 academic years.“The furtherR2.039-billion is required in the

2016/17 financial year to ensure that currentlyunfunded continuing students receiveNSFASsupport in the 2016 academic year.“This amount will also be made available

through reprioritisation from the fiscus.”Zuma voiced his appreciation to the task

team for the intensive work they had under-taken in less than two months.“I believe the recommendations will assist

all of us as we pursue our mission to ensurethat no poor, academically deserving studentis denied access to higher education and train-ing, and that affordable higher education forall is achieved, while ensuring sustainablequality public higher education provisioning.“I will soon announce the members of the

commission that will look at, among others,the introduction of free higher education toimproveaccess for the childrenof thepoorandthe working class,” he said.

Task teamhighlights student registration challenges


THE Sizwe Kupelo Foundation, which pro-vides health and educational assistance tothe disadvantaged, donated full school uni-form to 240 learners from different schoolsaround Lusikisiki.

The handover was held at Lutshaya Sen-ior Secondary School in Lusikisiki last Fri-day where the foundation in partnershipwith the Department of Communications,Khwalo Business Accountants, Quma andMfolozi funerals and Old Mutual jointly

made the day a success.“The initiative started as aChristmas par-

ty for children around my hometown in Li-bode in 2008 and in 2011,we started theBack-to-School campaign where we donate com-puters and school uniform to the destitutelearners,” said Kupelo who is the Chairmanand founder of the Foundation.He added that this year they have identi-

fied 13 schools to benefit from the initiativewhere 240 learners will receive uniforms.They also donated a laptop to each school in-cluding Jiba and Milton Mbekela SeniorSecondary Schools.

DeputyMinister of Communications Stel-laNdabeniAbrahams said that they decidedto come on board to join the good initiativeof the Sizwe Kupelo Foundation.“We want to bring information to our

schools by donating one laptop with 3G cardper school that will be used by the teachers tosearch formore useful information to empow-er the students with the latest current trendsaround them,” said Ndabeni Abrahams.She further committed herself to consult

other departments for a cyber lab for thisschool and others in Lusikisiki to afford thelearners a chance to connect with the out-

side world and, most importantly, to im-prove their pass rate.Lumkile Mgxigxwa, Libode Mega Circuit

16 Education Specialist said that statistical-ly, Libode did not do well in last year’s mat-ric results as they only managed to achieve48% with a regress of 12% from 2014.“We have, however, managed to produce

more bachelor degrees as compared to lastyear andwe are very thankful to the founda-tion and its partner companies for this initi-ative in a quest to advance quality public ed-ucation,” said Mgxingxwa.The whole initiative was worth R130 000.

Foundation provides school uniform to learners

Learners from several schools around Lusikisiki who benefited from the Back to School initiativeby the Sizwe Kupelo Foundation. The learners received full school uniforms.


Sizwe Kupelo from the Sizwe Kupelo Foundation (in grey golf shirt), Deputy Minister of Commu­nications Stella Ndabeni Abrahams (in the middle) with representatives from Old Mutual andKhwalo Business Consultants holding a cheque of R130 000 which is the value of the wholeinitiative. PHOTO: AYANDA MILLISA MADIKIZELA

MORE than 20 kids from disadvantaged areasin Mthatha were beneficiaries of school uni-formandstationery fromAndileNontsoFoun-dation.The foundation is in a partnership with OR

Tambo district municipality and is responsi-ble for golf development and education of kidsfrom poor backgrounds.The beneficiaries are all part of the founda-

tion’s golf development for kids between theagesof 9and15.ThekidscomefromareassuchasJoeSlovo,Mandela,PholaParkandZone14.FoundationfounderandCEOAndileNontso

says their mission is to mix sport and educa-tion and has a dream of seeing more KSDmu-nicipality kids involved in sports.He says the foundation raises money

through fundraising and support from compa-nies in and around the OR Tambo region.“Wewant to play a positive role in these kids’

lives and encourage them be involved in sport.“We are encouraging the culture of giving

among people with money.“We have more than 20 youngsters from dis-

advantaged areas and we targeted golf as it isa sport to which not many black people are ex-posed,” said Nontso.Business people as well as officials of the OR

Tambo municipality and the education depart-

ment took part in the event during which theschooluniformswerehandedoverat theMthat-ha golf club.ORTamboexecutivemayorNomakhosazana

Meth thanked the foundation for prioritisingeducation and health.She said the foundation is doing a great job

in extending a hand inmotivating the kids andsaid her municipality is aligned with the foun-dation all the way.Education Provincial deputy director and

community liaison officer Nyameka Mgijimasaid people need to be aware that education isa societal matter and needs many stakeholderspartaking in development.“We want to see more people working to-

wards increasing education and we hope withthis initiative, more people join in.Hesaidchildrenfrompoorhomesareaffected

negatively at school and schools need this kindof support in developing communities.– BUNTU GOTYWA

School uniformandstationery for futuregolfersFoundationCEO AndileNontso andOR TamboExecutiveMayorNomakhosa­zana Methduring thehanding overof schooluniforms atMthatha GolfClub.PHOTO:BUNTUGOTYWA.

Page 5: Uvo Lwethu Express 28 January 2016

5NewsJanuary 28, 2016Uvolwethu Express

PRICES VALID FROM 26 JANUARY TO 7 FEBRUARY 2016, while stocks last.Fully Backed By Supplier Guarantees And Warranties.Fully Backed By Supplier Guarantees And Warranties.Fully Backed By Supplier Guarantees And Warranties.

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PRICES VALID FROM 26 JANUARY TO 7 FEBRUARY 2016,PRICES VALID FROM 26 JANUARY TO 7 FEBRUARY 2016,PRICES VALID FROM 26 JANUARY TO 7 FEBRUARY 2016,Fully Backed By Supplier Guarantees And Warranties.Fully Backed By Supplier Guarantees And Warranties.Fully Backed By Supplier Guarantees And Warranties.

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199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199199save 200



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dreams... dreams... dreams...


THE Working on Fire programmehas been hard at work during thepast two months with its firefight-ers busy fighting fires across thecountry.

Eastern Cape spokespersonNthabisengMokone said that sinceDecember fire- fighters had provid-ed fire-suppression services to au-thorities in battling nine intenseveld fires throughout the province.The province has 13 buses, four

Semil trucks, three strike units,two fire tankers and 13 bakkiesWorking on Fire draws its fire-

fighters from the poorest of thepoor.They go through extensive train-

ing, and are characterised by theirfitness, discipline and exceptionalwork ethic and bravery.

Many of these firefighters, whospend days and nights on endfighting fires, come from impover-ished communities.She said that through their em-

ployment in the Working on Fireprogramme as an extension of thegovernment’s Expanded PublicWorks Programme they had beengiven an opportunity to earn a liv-ing and put food on the table.“Working on Fire is a national

veld and forest fire- fighting re-source under the auspices of theDepartment of Environmental Af-fairs and it has close to 570 firefighters based at 22 bases.“The programme provides veld-

fire suppression support to theprovinces, disaster managementcentres, Fire protection associa-tions and landowners like SouthAfrican National Parks and CapeNature,” Mokone said. Working on Fire workers trying to detect fire in the veld. PHOTO: SUPPLIED


IN an endeavour to promote ac-cess to its services, the EasternCape Liquor Board (ECLB)opened a new service office inMaluti on December 1.

Spokesperson Mgwebi Msiyasaid the office provided a ser-vice to people from the sur-

rounding areas of Maluti, Mata-tiele, Cederville, Bizana, MountFletcher and Mount Ayliff.“For everyone seeking assist-

ance in relation to liquor licenceapplications or any matter per-taining to liquor trading, this of-fice is readily available to pro-vide all such services fromMon-day to Friday between 8am and4.30pm,” Msiya said.

He added that the board prid-ed itself on providing excellentservice to its clients. For a longtime people from these areashad struggled to access theseservices as they had had travelto Mthatha, he said.Liquor traders around Maluti

can renew their liquor licencesand submit queries as well atthe new office.

Liqour Board opens office inMaluti

Hard twomonths forWorkingOnFire staff in EC

In accordance with the editorial policy of theUvolwethu Express, we invite readers to

comment on mistakes in the newspaper and shallcorrect significant errors as soon as possible. Send info

to the Ombudsman of Media24’s Local Press, GeorgeClaassen, at [email protected] or call himat 0 021 851 3232. Readers can also contact the SA

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6 NewsJanuary 28, 2016Uvolwethu Express


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Wow!! Impilo yasekasi is not mncaa at allGuys go to ekasi uzakubona abantu ukuba

baphanda ngendlela ezininzi and intaka yakhangoboya benye kau.

We were driving our old Turu-turu downThembu Road in Ngaru eUTA phela, when wesaw three guys. One was grand drunk and itseemed the other two were helping him out. Damaan it was difficult even to go and the twoguys were holding him sideways.

Wow!! Kanti bayamphaka. Zathi zakugqibaeza zinto zalala ikona zangathi khange zikhezimphathe ngezazo izandla. Yes, ukuhambaudakwa de ungazazi nokuba uphi kuza nezoziqhamo ke.

Zimbethe zashiya nezopokotho ziphumelengaphandle uyakubona ekuseni ubhuda uku-ba ibhemile.

I wonder ebesele obunjani bethu ade aben-jeyaya. Perhaps ngabantu benza utywalai-breakfast if not a tea in the morning bumxakeke ngoku kuba bekungekho nto esiswini. Takefrom Gesh, kuyatyiwa kuqala phambi kokubauzithe ngolu bhelu lomsele.

Sometimes marriages turn ugly because ofour wrong decisions from the outset

I wonder what these boys are going to sayxa zivele ziqhamke with a strong headline.

Okay, come closer because we are here asgossip team to teach you how life is on thisbeautiful lady South Africa ungabhajwa nawe.Bafethu this is a reality and if you don’t believeit, conduct your own research.

Inmanymarriagesthatbecomeugly,alongtheway there was a hint of bitterness even before inone of the partners but the other one told himselfor herself that he/she was going to change andbe what he/she wished. Umuntu akatshintshi! Ifhe/she is a drunkard uyakuhlala enjalo.

Angatshintsha okwexeshana efuna kulungele ayifunayo but when time goes by liyaqalaikakade. A buddy of ours, married a womanthree years ago who we knew was out there,but da maan hoped ukuthi she would changeonce she married. Ngoku umxakile eventhough wayembonile ukuba unjalo.

Who is supposed to take the blame because

there was a hint that the woman was a whoreand she liked the bottle. It’s worse that by thetime the guy married her wayesengene deepenqayini. Bhuda, umuntu soze atshintshenguwe owazicandela umgalala.

Mara anyway, sorry kuba siyazi isidakwa orumntu o-wrong ave ethandeka. Although pres-ently you are still in pain and told yourself yousurrendered about her, but one day perhapsyour drunkard will come back, but do not tellyourself she will change again.

Mmm, what an embarrassmentDear readers I think it is true ukuthi it’s irri-

tating when your woman stops with other manwhile you are going together. We also referringto men because nabo abekho msulwa kule nto.Umntu uyakuma nomntu ehamba nomntuwakhe kathi sibonga ithuuba. Even if theyknow each other there is no need ukuthi umn-tu ade eme kucace ukuba umntu wakho uzak-unqangazela yedwa ume nomnye umntu.

Bavuma bathi umgosi is telling an honest ve-racity. Ja. UGesh ebeyozibethela iPizza nomn-

tu wakhe in one of the Pizza restaurants inUTA. Oh!! Bafethu it was not a good sight atall. Le outie is arriving with his girlfriend inthe company of another couple. There weretwo guys sitting alone just chatting.

The woman just stopped and sat with the twoguys and she started kissing one of the guysat that table behind the back of her own guy.

Wow!! Yimihlola yini le siyibona apha? Andu-sisters wahlala wangasaphinde asuke kantiudibene no-ex wakhe xa sesisiva bethetha andwala nokuba sezocengwa yile ntombazana be-behamba nayo. Waphuma umfethu wahambaebambelele eshatweni.

Wow!! It was bad kuba ke kuthiwa men muststop abusing women. Ingaba shame lowakhange ahlukumezeke? Impendulo ikuwe xaugqiba kufunda this part. No is’khathi sisibe-thile masithathe ipelothi zethu sihamba thereare so many news out which are waiting forus. Watch the space and get more gossip. Don’thesitate to call us in your area sazise abantungezinto ezi zenzeka ezweni lethu sokhile.Sho,sho.


A BEAUTY from Matatiele is among 100 con-testants nominated to compete in the Face ofSouth Africa competition this year - and sheneeds your vote.

Phelisa Mini will be competing with otherbeautiful girls from throughout South Africa.

To vote for her, just SMS JT90 to 47018.Phelisa is a 15-year-old grade 11 pupil at King

Edward High School in Matatiele.After receiving the news of her selection,

Phelisa said: “I feel so privileged to be given theopportunity of standing the chance to be theFace of South Africa.

“I also realise this is not an opportunity tothrowawayandthat it is something to takeveryseriously.

“It is not every day that one gets this opportu-nity and therefore I feel determined and grate-ful,” she said.

She expressed her gratitude to the organis-ers, Pageants South Africa, for giving her thisopportunity.

She also thanked her family for supportingher in all her efforts in the modelling industryand God for putting forward such an opportuni-ty.

She urged people throughout South Africa tovote for her so that she could realise her dreamof becoming the face of this country.

Her father, Mzamo, stressed that the familywould support their daughter all the way andwere appealing to the whole of SA to vote for.“By voting for her you will lift up the flag of thisprovince, so that is why the people of this prov-ince need to be fully behind her,” Mini said.


Matatielegirl iscontestant in Faceof SA

People Like Us

Sizwe Kupelo, Chairman of the Sizwe KupeloFoundation, with Stella Ndabeni Abrahams,Deputy Minister of Communications.

LastFriday,DeputyMinisterofCommunicationsStellaNdabeniAbrahamsjoinedtheSizweKupeloFoundation in theirBack-to-SchoolcampaignatLutshayaSSS,Lusikisiki.

Learners danced with joy with Deputy Minister StellaNdabeni Abrahams.

Community members came in numbers to witness the gooddeeds for their children. PHOTOS: SUPPLIED

Stella NdabeniAbrahams, DeputyMinister of Communi­cations, arriving forthe event in Lutshaya,Lusikisiki. PHOTO:AYANDA MILLISAMADIKIZELA

Uvolwethu Express is a member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations of South Africaand is managed, printed and distributed by Media24 Newspapers, on behalf of theowner, Media24 Limited, 40 Heerengracht, Cape Town. In terms of Art. 12(7) ofthe Copyright Act, 1978 no report, article or photo may be reproduced without thepermission of the owner.


Page 7: Uvo Lwethu Express 28 January 2016

7NewsJanuary 28, 2016Uvolwethu Express

IBHISHOPHU esele iphume izandla kwezakwalizwiuBishopJosephKobonokwangum-sunguli weKum Bible College enga phantsikwedolophu yaseNgqeleni uthi yehlisa isit-hunzi sabefundisi into yabe fundisi abaziMushrooms (abantu abalala bavuke sele be-sithi bangabe fundisi) aba soloko bebandaka-nyeka kwizinto ezilulwa phulo mthetho.LokaKobo uthe abefundisi kufanele bazazi

ukuba babizelwe ukuza kugcina umhlambikaThixo ngokuthi bawu khuphe ekwenzeniizinto ezinga lunganga. “Isichaphazela ka-buhlungu into yabantu abangena ebundisinibenga kulungelanga okanye bengenalo ubizolokwenza oko, kuba bahlaza nathi xa besenzaezi zizinto zinga manyala bazenzayo,” kube-ka uKobo.Woleke ngelithi ukuze kuliwe nesi sihlava

kufuneka bangenelele bona bathethe norhu-lumente ukuze wonke umntu othi ubizelweukuba ngumndisi wakwa lizwi aqale ayekwisikolo apho kuqeqeshelwa khona ubun-disi.“Into yoba sifunde emaphepheni ngabe-

fundisi abarhanelwa ngokudlwengulwabambi kungokunje badontsa izigwebongokulahlwa ngamatyala akumila kunje, ise hlisa

isithunzi thina bantu babizelwe ukushumay-ela ilizwi lika Thixo ngokwenene.” Kutshanje i-Express ipapashe inqaku lomfundisi ov-ele kwiNkundla yamatyala eGcuwa ngetyalaloku dlwengula inkwenkwana ebihlalakwakhe ngelithi uyayithandazela, kungokunje ityala lakhe lihlehliselwe umhla ka-Feb-huwari 22, unyawontle lowo usa gcinwe nga-phakathi eziseleni. – BABALWA NDLANYA

Iyayi chasaeyabefundisi abephulaumthetho iBhishophu


THE OR Tambo Traditional Initiation Fo-rum says it is disappointed about the deathof six initiates during the 2015 summer ini-tiation season as it is fighting for zerodeaths.

Six others lost their manhood throughamputation. A total of 7 972 boys took partin the initiation season.The figures were presented by the forum

at a meeting in the OR Tambo Hall onWednesday last week.Forum district manager Chief Gcobani

Tyali said OR Tambo was doing all it couldto save the lives of initiates.“We found that the cause of many deaths

is dehydration. No cases of assault werefound this past season,” he said.“We have been distributing bottles of wa-

ter to the initiation schools, only to find outthat the men in charge of the schools helpthemselves to the water rather than givingit to the initiates.”Tyali said although the number of deaths

had decreased, there were still the majorproblems of illegal initiation schools, self-

circumcisions and fraudulent certificates.Tyali also praised their working rela-

tionship with the Department of Health,which assisted with vehicles and doctorsduring the monitoring of initiationschools.The meeting last week was attended by

chiefs, traditional surgeons, the police andmunicipal officials.The municipality said a more proactive

approach was still needed to curb thedeath of initiates.It said it planned to make the forum a

strong point when it came to initiation.During the meeting it also emerged that

the municipality was putting in placeplans to dedicate an office solely to the Tra-ditional Initiation Forum.The office will also be responsible for ar-

ranging summits that will include chiefs.Chief Zanoxolo Mjoji of the forum said

the work towards zero deaths and amputa-tions for the June initiation season had al-ready begun. “We must do somethingabout people who illegally go to imitationschools. We must first declare the initia-tion season open before anyone can under-go the tradition,” he said.

Traditional Initiation Forumaims for zero initiate deaths

The Traditional Initiation Forum presented its summer 2015 report to municipal officials,surgeons, police and other stakeholders last week. PHOTO: BUNTU GOTYWA

Page 8: Uvo Lwethu Express 28 January 2016

8 SportJanuary 28, 2016Uvolwethu Express


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UMTHATHABucks kulindeleke ukuba ubu-yise isindima sawo ngale mpela-veki xa uza-kube utyelele iqela iWitbanks Spurs ekwin-dawo yesithathu kuluhlu lwamaqela eNa-tional First Division League.

IBucks ibethwe kabuhlungu liqela elik-

windawo yokuqala kwiNFD League , iBar-oka FC ngenqaku elinye eqandeni kwibalaiPeter Mokaba ngempela-veki.Loo nto ibangele ukuba amakhwenkwe

kaVelile Dyaloyi angashukumi emsileni,ngaloo manqaku alishumi elinanye emvakwemidlalo elishumi elinesithandathu ayi-dlalileyo.Amathol’ amnyama kuzakufuneka enze

ngako konke ekusemandleni ukuba abetheeli qela leSpurs liqhuba kakuhle ngalo

mgqibelo.Kodwa eyona nto esancomekayo ngeli

qela laseMpuma Kapa, lidlala kakuhle kak-hulu ebaleni nakube abadlali balo besohlu-leka nje ukufaka amanqaku xa bephambikweepali.IBucks ityikitye nomdlali omtsha uBafa-

na Dlamini obedlalela iChippa United ngen-jongo zokuqinisa eli qela nangakumbi.Lo mdlali udlala esazulwini sebala kwaye

ukwangumdlali kwiqela lesizwe leli labane-minyaka engaphantsi kwamashumi amabi-ni anesithathu.Kulindeleke ukuba asebenzise amava ana-

wo ukunceda uMthatha Bucks ukuba usukeemsileni kuluhlu lwamaqela e-NFD League.

UMthathaBucksutyelela iWitbankSpurs

IBaroka FC ibethe uMthatha Bucks ­0 kwibala iPeter Mokaba ngempela veki. PHOTO: ANELE RAZIYAUMthatha Bucks usazikhangela emva kokubethwa 1­0 yiBaroka FC kumdlalo weNFD Leaguekwibala iPeter Mokaba ngempela veki. PHOTO: ANELE RAZIYA


IQELA lesixeko saseBhayi, iLion City isank-qenkqezaphambile kuluhlu lwamaqela e-ABCMotsepe League, emva kokuba ibethele ko-wayo iMattaMilanngegowuli elinye eqandenikwibala leYunivesithi iWalter Sisulu eBikaeGcuwa ngempela veki.

Kungokunje ICity inamanqaku angama-

shumi amathathu anesihlanu emveni kwemi-dlalo elishumi elinesihlanu eyidlalileyo kwin-qanaba le-ABC Motsepe Leage.Ukanti iqela laseMonti iTornado FC izama

ukuvala umsantsa wamanqaku amabini pha-kathi kwayo kwakunye neCity ekwindawoyokuqala, emveni kokuba yona izibethele iFCBuffalo ngegowuli elinye eandeni ngempelaveki.

Lo manqaku mathathu ayithathe iTornadoFC ayibeka kwindawo yesibini kuluhlu lwa-maqela e-ABCMotsepe League, njengoko ina-manqakuangamashumiamathathuanesithat-hu ebhodini.IZimbane Killers ebekwindawo yesibini

kwiLog kwiveki ephelileyo, isuke yayokutshokwindawo yesithathu emva kokuba ibethweyiYoung Ideas ngegowuli elinye eqandeni

ngempela veki. Ukanti kwezinye iziphumoze-ABCMotsepe League, ISUBS idlale iqan-da macala kwakunye neMorning Stars,i-Emperors FC yabetha iKokstadLiverpoolngamagowuli amane eqandeni, uMthathaCity wabetha Highbury ngamagowuli ama-bini kwelinye logama EC Bees ibethe Fu-ture Tigers ngamagowuli amathathu kwel-inye.

ILion City isahambaphambile kwi-ABCMotsepe League

To read or download the newspaper, go to www.issuu.com and search for Uvolwethu Express


SIPHAMANDLABaleni’s powerful punchingwill be toomuch for LonwaboRoboshi, whomhe fights in an international non-title scrapover 10 rounds at the OR Tambo Hall inMthatha tomorrow evening.

This is the view ofMthatha trainerMadoda“One-More-Time” Dyonashe, who looks afterthe business interests of World Boxing Asso-ciation (WBA) Pan African mini-flyweightchampionBaleni,whowill be fightingagainstNelson Mandela Bay’s “Dancing Shoes” Ro-boshi.The fight was brought together courtesy of

AndileSidinile’s SijutaBoxingPromotions inconjunction with Lima Events and Promo-tions and Fireworks Promotions in partner-shipwith the SanParks andTourismAgency.Dyonashe believes Baleni, better known by

his moniker Toy Toyi, is in a league of hisown. He is ranked second mini-flyweight inthe country with a record of 10 fights, result-ing in eight wins, a single loss and a stale-mate.

“Toy Toyi carries too much arsenal, whichhe’ll use to easily dispatch (SA’s sixth-ranked)Roboshi. Roboshi was stopped by SA champi-on Daluxolo Mangcotywa, whom we beat fair

and square. What does that tell you?” askedDyonashe, who is the mastermind behind in-ternational champion Simphiwe Khonco.“Roboshi is in my stable now. He is no

longer the same. The boy is somotivated thathe won’t give Baleni space to breath,” saidCaiphus Ntante of Caiph Camp, the stable ofchampions including WBF internationalmini-flyweight Siphosethu “The Gift” Ncis-ane which Uitenhage’s Roboshi recentlyjoined in Port Elizabeth.In 12 fights, Roboshi won 8, (5 KOs) and

lost four. Kana has brought the best support-ing bouts of six- and four-rounders.Over six rounds, Sinethemba Bam (Cape

Town) will lock horns with Phila Gola(Mdantsane) in the junior featherweightdivi-sion, Morris Lento (Duncan Village) willfight against Mnikelo Ndema in the bantam-weight division, Zama Zokwa (Mthatha) ver-sus Simphiwe Mayeza (Ilitha) in the juniorfeatherweight division, and over fourrounds, Athi Mahanjana vs Siyabonga Ngut-yana (juniormiddleweight), SisekoNkohliso(Mdantsane) vs Nkosikho Sibunzi (Ndeva-na), Phumelela Sobahle (DV) vs AthenkosiMagqwira (DV) and Ricardo Heyneke (EastLondon) vs Bongo Mbiko (Cape Town) in thelightweight division. Admission is R50. Thefirst bout is at 7pm.

Will ToyToyi carry toomucharsenal forDancingShoes?

Siphamand­la “Toy toyi”Baleni.PHOTO:SUPPLIED
