UV- OU LXY1ISO 194 NEW YORK TUESDAY MARCH 13 1900COPYRIGHT 1000 BY THE SUN PRINTING AND PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION Pair and warmer to ctov partly cloudy tomorrow PRICE TWO CENTS I I = = = TIlE BOERS WANT PEACE KHV KK t KIQVKHT lie A ki Ihr Preililcnt to risen th lion Tfrun llrfore Ural llrltntn nnil Asrer- Inln Ilie Termii Great llrltaln Is Mllllni- In litter Thn Comnmnlcntlon Trnni- iiiitlnl I Anilimsnilnr thonte by ObleW- ASIIIMITUS March 12 The first dlrec- tffortoMh Doer Itepubllcs to becure tho i er- Tlcesuftho United States Government In tin direction of bringing about peace In Houtl Africa has been midti with some degree o- nueess Alter endeavoring apuarontly ll vain to Induce the continental powers ti tender to Great Ilrltnln their services as medi- ators President Krilgor and TrcHlilont Steyn has turned to thi- Anmrlcan Government wlh a reques1- of such a character that President McKlnlei und Picritury Hay found that thy could com rly with it without conflicting with their itcelnintlnns that the Gnvernment would mediate between tho belligerents unless In vlteil t do so hy hoth helllgerents Through Ai1U ert s Hay tho United States Consul at Pretoria tho 1oor flovetninotits have MId tlutlnvrnnient of the Inltnil States to place More Great llrltaln n statement of Iho terms upon which the liners are willing to negotiate A inuty of ivacean1 to ascertain terms which Gnaf HrlUtln may ileein It expedient tonlTr The Unltoil State lovernmunt has thu n placed as defined by an olTlclal this tvriiliisln tho position of an Intermediary and not in that of u modiaturi In other wordsns a channel lor the transml flon of communica- tions between the two billlscrents without being callod on to a Mini the Initiative In any iiasi of the present npect of thesltuntlon- ittr a cinsuitutlnn with Secretary Hay President MoKiney dlreoteil that the com miirttl in frim Irilora lio transmitted lo the llriisd 0v niiueitt nnd It Is understoml that i wis en lei lotilght to Ambassador Chivie in lon Ion with Instructions to hand It i i ti possible tn give th entire list of terms whleli hi llitis haxe proposed as a pre llniiiiiry tih arr irtftnent of a peao treaty inIt wa ci IIHI i hut the mot important of the nrdltlMis whl- t nveycd ihruiigh Consul Hr ill l liner Ill i are he forth In tin mes- ilie Stati lieparlment tili t be A Irsilent Kluorand President must le invlneed of ho Impelemi ss of obtaining noli a coniesliin from Groat Ilrltnln the t riM r i are r orilOl is tentative and crvo nuroly a an entering wedge to secur- ing fireat llrltajis onsen OtiscuMtiji lural- I roiKiition or a piLito arrangement or the loot in of a nioilifitor which Is certain to be the Illled States UuulllUlfllt Lord laiincofoti tliu llrltl h Ambassador en1 tito Dtirtinont this afternoon and was nf cour e Informed of tho action of- IIH llior auiliiijiie llirr VH Hollnbun the Geimuii Ami aKulnrciillel earlier In the day Thero is n iinonntUmoit repor thut his visit linil to ilo with theolTorts of President Krllger- ntid PioMilent Steyn to Induce the Continental powers lo offer mediation The of Administration with re- gard message Iroro the Boer Govern niiiils affordH Iho opportunity of showing In a clearer light the reasons which have Induced thn President and the Secretary of State from withholding the tender of th good offlitfs of the United Htatts to Ortat Britain rtnd the Boer republics Both President McKlnlerTfrM Uecrttmrjr Hay have been se- verely erltlclsed and denounced for not taking the Initiative ami this In tho faoo ot the re- peated explanation ot their Inability to act In n modlatoiy capacity That they ware willing to act at any time when thf circumstances Jut tlllei them In dolnir o his en shown by the prompt compliance with the request trans- mitted through Consul Hay TI President In his annual mfs ag fo- roncros laid More both Housi on f- IK i itfined Ihu p s ton of tin United In regard to th nth African war The Government he sid has maintained an- nilltude of neutraliy In the unfortunate con te t between Great Britain an l the Boer States f rea Vff have remained faithful to thn precept of voldng entangling alliances as to nfl lift not ot our dlttct conc rrr Hid elrcum- iiuno n suggested hal the parties to tha quar- re wiild have we eomed nny kindly xpres ion of the hope of the American people that vtur might be averted goodnftlces wnuld have been gladly ten lered Further along In th m ag lhe President niado reference although Indirectly lo another reason which Prevented the United Stales Government from offering tn act a a mediator llhotil bnlng Invited to do so llv said In his comments on The Hague disarmament confer e nee Whlreearnestly promoting the Idea of s- UtbllMhlng a permanent International tribunal the delegation of the Untied States was not BnmlniHJlof the Inconveniences which might arise from an obtrusive ex rcls of mediation and In signing tha convention carefully uar ml Die hltlorlc osltlon of the United Btutes by the following declaration Nothing contained In this convention shall bo- so construed as to require the United Siaio of Amnrlcu to depart from lt- trndltlnnal policy of not Intruding upon Inter ferlng with or entangling Itself la the iiol111- c l uufhtlons of policy or Internal adnilnlstr- atlli of any foreign State nor shall anything contained In the said ponvetitlon bo construed to imply a rellnquUhment hy the United rtHtisol Arr rlcM ol Its tradltinnnl attltftilt toward purely Arrerlcnn iii ilnns This nVinratlnn ub erli rt tn bv nil the na ii thit iiiiiid Thi IhiLiiK Treaty is an- a owlecliiiiient ol the oxltcnci of tho 31 in Strii IM f iho careful Ian BUitfH of illiiomaey In which ir I couched It- ni un th i the irrent niitoiiH of tho world liekln WlOlLe III IILlll of III Illllfi StHle IO- Btteidtii Iho ITir of tlio Western HemL- sIiinie and thht the rmt il Slut G ivornment- en r e n nienilun tu keep from uitrrfering With the flair o fureCl llitlnn1 not of it II t Oliic rn As ilie w r liutxrern- J iiu Hr Hln nnd the Hoer iubhcs Is re- gairiednsn pure y f roiuii mi ti tho Presl I ouiid bv he titduo given at The Hague eonlil nt IIH dnliel tiik thn Initiative In t drill Hie xvnr loan enl In tiio nnllcr- of noii iniTr no th Sjtith Afrlci n- conll Mi hni hnm nnsi- tcn I t at f trein ndoii pressure Jirnutflil tn loir on it to offer lu ervlce as- nieilintor There Is no present intention of reoe ling ni lota Irom th1 i trlcr letter or biiiit o that policy and tho compliance with the it of the lor President does not tho Unite States Government to act lain llcan hardly I u- wi i 10 have teiiloreil i good liit n iiiiJt justly resent ilie position its uinil l y this if mere lor tne f note between Lnndoii- anil Irtortu and the services of the United blitf In thl conncctliiii would termlnatn- wlthn riiection hy Great Hrltalii o tho ad- vatics iiiado lner HowiVrr thn that hn been taken by tin lloors U regarded heroin t lo beginning Iho end of thn south A trim u eon 11 let nnil ofJHals are Incllnod to the opinion thattlnHt Jtrllaln xvlillnilcllnlng- to reiignlzo nnv right of ibu liners to propose loiIIH of nee xvlll In bor answer to rlmt Kriigcr and Stovn leave thn way open Or illltlierilrgOtlutlOllk- Ni Kilns KIIOXHI of Iho Itrport In loinlnii 11 nil Cult iHfiM In Tin BCN I i X March in Nothing Is known In which confirms tho the V Intuton Government has Rent a note to Ai iwiilor Lhoate In refnrenc to mediation 0 m I1Ir T TO 11 1 n 0 Y FltV e T pre umably not 1 J I 1 I If nl II h n- I a 1M tho url to I n 0 f r I acton the I UPI I I I r ill a IU lon III nn h I 1 on rumor > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > < > Paris Hears Tint Emperor William Is t lie the rarlllrntor of Houth Afrlrn PARIS March 12 A diplomatist told tho cor- respondent ot THI SiN today that It was pnr- fectly true that Presidents Kroner nnd Steyi had communicated with the Powers request- Ing their friendly mediation to stop lh war He said that France was unable to assume thi office of mediator or the reason that I he Frenol withes for Doer success were known It London henco French Intervention would bi construed is an unfriendly net which would d Instead of good and possibly Involvi complications Hut should the Unltei States orGermany take tho Initiative rnghim would bn unable to complain as the feelings ot both countries toward Grea- Drltaln were above suspicion Moreover thcli Initiative Would bo supported by the com blned powers for the purpose of stopping leti bloodshed The diplomatist added that he belloved thai an understanding actually oxlsted brtweer- Grwat Britain and Germany by the tormn o which Kmporor William shall appear In the role of pacificator when English military pres- tige shall have been sufficiently restored Kngland owes thn Kmporor a debt of gratitude for his In defeating tho plan to got the Hultnn the Egyptlau question which will be repaid byFnglandi showing m ngnan Im- liy In her treatment ot tho conquered repub- lics at Emperor Williams request thereby en- abllng him to redeem his alleged promise tc protect Doer autonomy TUB SVMH Informant declares that he ha certain knowledge that such n promise had born made In conclusion ho said It would bo a pity should President McKlnlcy hold alool from this work of peace which Is eminently suitable to tho great republic of the West whose participation would be bound to Insure succ UATACHK fiKAIl HKTHVTIK- lonl Huberts Mnrrli rnoppnieil Sunday Traniports lor Smith Afriei- iVrlJl Catl fltpJM la THE SUN ntroiuRsDonr March PJ Tho Urltlsh ad- vance column yesterday exchanged shots with the Doers at Hcthtille The Drltlsh commnnd- thi road bridge LOXPON March 11 Tho War Onico has received Ihu fullowftig despatch from Lord 1 hurts AASVOOAI Kor March 11 Bit A M- Wo were unopposed during our march yus- lerhiy Gatacru reports that he was within a mile of tlu Dethulle railway bridge yesterday Thottrlilgu has been inrtlally destroyed nnd- theonomv Is holding the opposite iintik The Wur Ofllce has Issued a list of casualties In the fighting on March Din the disaffected district of lirltslown Colonv n officer nnd four men of the Warwickshires and a suri- reon and eight men of the City of London Im- perial Volunteers wen wounded and six City of London Imperial Volunteers and throo War wIckshlriM nro mlsslnc March 1 Thn tru Hrlllh Prince with engineers Hussars iirtillcryund remounts for the cavalrysailed from hero for thn Cap today Jive more transpnrn will unit during the week ffOVXf7 SJ UHK A HUX CHIIXitr A Tunnel hy Which liner Irl nnei nt llnpo Town Vrnrly int Awn- yrus idv i Mint SUN CAPE Tows March 12AI the reijucsr of- Oen Otonje the Ponr enniinatirler who Is now a on tint Itrltlbh ilaushlp Itoris Mr James G Stowe the Amorlcan ConsulGeneral hem rlslled him and conversed with him through iiu Interoreter Gen Cronjo enprespilt- iliiHcIf as greatly atllled with his treatuicnt- Mr Htowo subsDijnently visited tin prison erscam ashoni ami wan shown whore tho- Uoers hall tunnel twentylive yards loiia wIth ami cups The earth which they had excavated was h ddeu In bags If they ha dug fvelve yards moro they could ecapud Imt ol the other prisoners them V K nl IIIK KIlUltlHHC- olonlnl Sentiment nt Cape Town In Furor of Their Krailleallon- Vj t al CMt littnai1 i THC rtox- APKTivx March P iOtlTi AM The pub llci ion of President Krilger appeals to the burghers Is received joyfullv by th British ns It piwrft to their satisfaction that the Poors- havo disorganize In their recent ilnleaK The iapf Time illsenuraueii an acilye agita- tion In mipport of the proposal to wipe out tho two HxT ripuMlci It advises th pooploto have contldencn lu Britain ns tlmt government will make a which will be entirely catisfactoiy Thu Canadian and Australian volunteers vrho were hero recently were unanimously In favor of thoeradlcntlon of- tlm two republics jiisntr 11 rim nJACiniT- liey Vr Wllli til Iliirr Theli Tiirt- HniUf Down nnil tlir llrlllli Rut Them Veia CMi l i jflf InTlIK SUM KtMBEiitKY March The Kusiin and Dutch military attnclnb with the liner Aiiny at Poplar Grove whose cirt broko down near Os- foritHlii as they were occonpanylna the re- treating oiiemy and who were thus nominally cnpiur d by tho DrltUh have arrived here They 9iy that thn Uoers moved so rapidly that It was Impossible Tor their cart to keep up whi them Gen Roberta has prohibited tho at- taches Irom the Transvaal except by- way of Town and Delagou Hay THIAlt VAfK JtlllUIH- Iarllnment tn He Asked to Orzunlie H Special Court fur Such Catci Special CaNe l npatr tn TIIK RUN CAVE TOWN March 12 Arrangements have been made by thu civil and military authorities to have all future casoi of rebellion tried jiefore- n judge and two military officers but tho Capn Dutch who WHO captured nt Sunnyslde and httvo already been arraigned In thu civil courts will bo tried by a itirv at Town during thn Tho Government will ask Par- liament to organize n rpecial court 1 atAlHinKlM 11 KtMnKltlKY Cecil Ithiidei Will llnllil It In llemiiry nf Tho n Klllrd IHirlng Ilie Slige- Sptciil titbit i ifn 6 t THE Bux March 11 Mr Cecil Ithodes In liker a noted nrrhltivt to Egypt Home and Athens to htudy th thoro On Mr Hakers return ho will croct a mausoleum at in memory ol thoso who were during the siege nuinsn HUI ovi iri i furw The Mil of Ionilon Snbirrlptlnns lo thn Sew Limn Clnieil- XiKial CM Ulfalrli la fnc Sirs LONTO March IB The list of London sub- scriptions to tho new iUXX000 war loan has been closod The bonds are not quoted at I1 percent premium While subscriptions for th Urltlsh war loan of ioOltXX were closed by J P Morgan ACo good inmy nub brought to the the llrm yesterday nnd will as an aoeoinnioilallou- to thn be forwnrilpil i Kngland The American cuLseflrtlnn Isi reported to ho or bonds Are not available In the In lied States for savings banks or no Investments for trustees They cnn howerer b prom by Insurance that have to deposit securities with governments URUVF TO 1VTrnJRV1 Cabl 10 fna ham kindly ISO acton Cap SoT lrTos pot I mat I hal ont I f I TI I bIn frat mrnt I Call I I I CAl Tow Mr j kill un a wr WU > ¬ < ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ < ¬ I ENGLANDS PEACE TERMS COMHRTI avuMHn n x IIP 1111 IIKKIY TO UK DKUAXltKU- Itellrf That European Intervention Wll Not He IrriulllrilApprnli or Prrililmil- Kriigcr to fierniuny HIM Othrr Pownri Mall to llnve Heirs IlrjertedKfloiti Ir- Kncland tn Hrrure Ilntorntlnn tit nice frfdnl callt tiitpttelii to TOE Run LONDON March IS The advances of tin two republics In thn direction of peace con tlnuo to be discussed There Is practically but a single aspect namely that ot condition With th exception of a comparatively small sec- tion tlio opinion of Great Drltaln emphatically ODPO S any settlement other than coitipletu eutmlsslon In the Houso ol Common on Monday Mr Ualfour promised that tho papers respecting the peace would bo very shortly imbmltted and It Is un dorstood that thny will b furolshod Tho Standard a Ministerial the following Several telegrams have been received from tho two Presidents Ono arrived In the course of yesterday mornlna It It reported In tho lobby that the President offered to open negotiations on the of tho status quo ante bollum and that proposals generally show oomplute Incapacity to recognize the great change lu the situation The reply of her Majestys Government will Indicate clearly tho only lines on which a Htttlemont cnn lia effected The supremacy of Great Britain over South Africa must bo explicitly recognized The tiro republics will be dis- armed mid tho control of their military affairs placed In the hands ot the Im- perial ioormneni K iual political rights will bo grunted to nil tho white races mibjcct to thosn conditions A large amount of local Independence will be conceded when South Africa has settled down after the war It Is believed In the House that one Impor- tant objtot which tho Government has In view in publishing the paper U to make tho fact clear without deluy that they have nolntentlon- ot permitting anything in tho shape of European Intervention with rmpoct to the set- tlement with tlin Transvaal anil the Oronee- Ileo Mali Tliu overtures which have been maiio by lliu Presidents are believed to aim In the Urn place nt totting the reel Itig In European capitals In proDoer circles tho opinion Is htlll expressed that all Ing mediation the Itcpublics will light to Ihs cud Tho more genetnl Impression U however that the Presidents lire simply anilous to get iliu Let terms losslblc and that an nppeul for nuillation would bo lutcndel tn- pavo thu way to 11 complete surrender It Is not Ullevcd for a moment that the Government will consent to- OMII negotiation except on the basis of oompluto mrienilor There Is an Idea in tom UBiters that Gen Hubert will Issue it irocainatlon when he reaches Jtloenitoiiloln winch will leave little doubt as to the future of tin republics correspondent professes to knotv that Germany refunded to tho Trnnsviala- nnical fur mediation or Intervention by say lijtf she inust ilocline to Interfere as ho was In no way coneuiticd In tlu con Hid A telcgriiin from Amsterdam Mutes that President Krftgur besides appealing for the Intel viinticm of tlio grtat pnvcra has ad- dressed rolgliim Holland nnd Sxvltirluui The lIumrcorniPuiiitentQf the tivnttltln- i despatch canlliniuw tho Irohlent- Kr srhas nddu fto l nil tho Kurupoan Cabi- net uyn thut tho Italian Government like normally and Austria will rofuetli- ureisof the Hours and maintain an attnuIe- of neutrality Tim pMie party in Great lirllaiii dcsplto its nuiiieriMl Insignificance niiiiniitn its efforts tostoilho war Tlut vmth African Concilia- tion Committee which the ll n Leonard II jurnev M and nthers recently founded lus- inemoilalized Lord Salisbury hi favor of peace Tliesomowlmt lonu communication concludes In the height f our milltaiy triumph It Is- tun wisdom to leinemher thn permanent forces of political lift andtnact on the ttulli that the path of uoneiolty is tho of pru- delict A dipt Town telegram dated March 1 re- pnrtFau lrikimder inciting ut which It was dniide I to form a conciliation coiiinltlea- to work In null in with Mr Citwt oyt emu mltee Mr Mntnit i was uleciod Presi- dent olvo Sehrlner Is n member of tin committee1 A majorltvof the speakers at- tho meeting ilivinrei I tlmt tlio livppi n ltnce of the Ilnpiilil ras an osentlnl condition of peace A motion to tho pfTcif that thetlmn tn Interfere bus tint yit arrived was voted ilnwn- A dc pitch Iroiu Iorei7o Mnftties otates that Preildcn Krilger nrrlvod In Pretoria on- lrMnyatil linmidlntnly summoned tlio Kxpeu- tivci Counoll in Hsion- PAPI Manli I Dr Icyd the Trnnsvnas diplomatic aKnt il Miles th sorv that Pros d nt KrOacr and Stnyti have cabled poaou- He Slips ln l i llopr Jnrrn nncl l Now Illtom Milr rrniii Illiifinrnntiln- Sonal Catitt llnpttch la Tur SfX- IONI ON March lJ Gen Lord Itoherts mado a further advance on Monday and Is now at Yeutenvleli about fifteen miles from lllocmfnnteln Ventersrlel lies to tho southwest of Ibo capital of tho Ornnga Free State nnd by nlng there Gen Hoberts seotns to have again turned thn posi- tion which the IJoof took to oppose his ad- vance Tho t nctny ILVXWHtroiK with eigh- teen guns was rorortol to bu posted on a rauKD of kopjes commandine tho main road tn- Ulnemfonteln but tho Hrltlsh adopted another route vlroumventlna the defondors The corrfsponJent of tho linllfi Xeirt ilatlng his ilcspntoh VcntoisvVI March 12 titis P M nays that tho Urltlsh lift Aasvoacl Hop In tho morning nnd preceded by tho cavalry marched to Venters- vUl a lstincn of aoout tlftcen miles fullowlnit Kail Spruit llv advancing along Kanl Spruit Gen Ilnberts hits ogaln out tho Jlocrs who ertrenchod lves along the Hlver thinking the llritish route would Iw In that ilireotlon Most of the fannn- alous the liiui of march worn descried White flags wern flying over thn houses All the belonslnits worth removing hinl been taker away There were evident nlgns that llm Inhrbltants had left In a great hurry things being littered about The CoiumanilcrlnChlef has given strict orders tint not Ing I tn be touched It I not ex- pected that the Urltlsh will meet great opposi- tion In entering liloemfnnteln All of the divisions liiiTo now joined the main advance den Ilobertss headquarter Is nt Greg Adespiitch to the Vnmiinf from VentersvIM says that Gen Tucker received Ihu submission of several Uoers In tho court o of his advance th renult presumably of Oen Ilobertss recent proclnmntlon A farmer who remained at his homestead says that thn burghers may make moro stand against the advance on but If they are beaten the oftii ration of tint capital will not to further op- posed The War Office has Issued nothing concern- Ing thin movement There Is no other news from any of th centres of operations except BOIl pro today bail rel ort Iho Hilt all I lnlh aIM 10 rollalhl- n1lnIT J 1 I I i I I wiled hal I ole > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ despatches relating to n reconnolssance b- Oen Clements on the bank ot thn Orung River throe miles below Norvnln Pont which disclosed that tho occupying posl there of some COLONIAL IHOOVH About Z90OO now In the FUldNo Dlnilnn In the Military Irrpurntloni CMf Uitpatch la TBK Suif LONDON March 12 In the House ot Com mons today In committee on the army estl mates Mr Wyndham Parliamentary SecretAry of State for War said that the Government was estimating tho total number of Colonial troops In South Africa at HSOOO In order to cover pos- sible future arrivals Already JlJIU Koutl Africans and 8oi other Colonial troop wero either on tho ground or were on their way to tho t at of war lu view of their great patriotism tho Govern- ment proposes to enlarge the terms originally offered to the Colonial troops lu regard tu Rom who are now under orders and others who may bo bo sent In the future th Govern- ment proposes to pay the wholo cost of tholt transportation Ho Intimated that the Gov- ernment hoped that tho Colonies woihl render the repetition of their notion In tho present war easier by some organization on prear- ranged lines Itegarllng the campaign In houth Africa Mr- Wyndham said that recent events did not jus- tify any diminution In the provisions that were bolng for carrying on the war There- fore It be rash to assume tlmt the time the army would have to remain In South Af- rica would be materially shortened He re- ferred to tho raising of tin Koral Itcscrvo bat tailous the old soldiers to whom tho Queen recently appealed for a short refnlUtmont as- an Interesting experiment The men were nsked to rejoin the colors on March 7 and within three days 17480 responded Itegard- Ing the future military arrangements In Houth- Afrla he announced that the garrison would bo twelve battalions of Infantry fW JIKXKYS HAUfTEIt The Widow of the Droytui forger Olijrrts- to the Iropotrd Aliment faHi iHtpatt t THE Sirs PARIS March 1 The widow of Col Henry who committed suicide In tho Cherche Midi Prison after being arrested on the charge of forcing documents In tho Dreyfus case has addressed n letter to M Jenn flainngeraii President ot th Senates Amnesty Committee protesting against the proposed measure grant- Ing amnesty to all concerned In the Dreyfus- nffilr The protest Is bnscd on the ground that the measure will prevent Imr from vindi- cating th sainted memory of Col Henry WKlVltUKIt l A llltlTlfill ItKIUlT- Irencli Ciiiiiinenls on lli Sennit1 Action iiti Jln IlayIiiiuieefnte Trvnty Puns March 1 Tlm French newspapers wolcomo the American Sonalon aotion In con- nection wlli tho HnyPmincofute treaty hold Ilii that II is a diplomatic rebuff to Mr Chain borlaln the lirltish Secretary nnd conclusive evidence that no AngloAmerican- nill nice exlst 1 Mir THIITI ntivcAiall- eciiiMtriirtliin nfttie ItiiIilhis nt n Cii t of- jj cm ftli i i uiiarl In Tun Hr PAIIIS March IJThe CiOiernment will nsk- tho Chunljurs torn oredlt of JiiOriKt francs fur the rocoustrucliou of thu TliVitie lrauiais- Irrstileiit nl Slntn Trixl Coinpniiy OrnvilT- Aiiuxv Mireb rSuit Kilburn of tle State litiling I epartnent il vlewot thepii- lleatliin f what purported to he his report tn- th lioertiirof of tin aftilrs- of tln Hiiiip Trust Compaiiy tnnlglit maditlco- llnw III vatcllieilt The nil licitlun on Monday of what par polled to to a copy of tlKt rej ort tntli ilivi r nor my rviiiiiinfm ul tlio Slate Tru t- Cniimaiiv in Jiiininry Itiilorenilrii t the fact ipt iirpear In tbe ivpnrt a nl Is simply tin tuoluet theft or hribe v or both with Imr- ary aldeil Thn matter iul li h- wai not coiid lr in my report in the Inventor i al eir to have lueii tal en from iiiiiiioiaiila and other papers u i In tlio prep amtitio tip lepnrt and Inch have been evir Miiv inilei iei unl kV In a de k in the HaiiUtii I iiipart tinlit anl could l cn pro iiril in one it tlio ways I have xu- gJVildHt Waller S Tolnmton of the State Tru CuinpaMVsnid lal uiaht has HUT nrrUid for the public jiiiirnl1 in uinlcivmd ilie i ne character purpne i r the atnuk upii th inanngi ni nt of our company recently liy t rahnm Kllng and In the etitiiii wtilh was tnGov- linosevelt Jan II IIOO the pctlllnner- lnn riiriMMitud tlmt In was it bona II to owner r fuily f hates of the Htok who had illKover d Irrezuliiritle- in tin iinicmein of ili eotniiiiiiy which for the if hl iloiiJ qiid that of bl fe- Invf Htoekliin lie ile nvl II his duty e- lort Ill n in the end Hint an Inve- steition mi ie iniiiiehy fio MiiiMnc depart- ment un I the ockhoMers plotoeted Ill petit n ha m Mili pun e At the tlnui It vns Hied the company was in n lloiirMiini ntnek ha linrea cil IIKI er tetit in vnino In- n year Its loans won abundantly pro- tected Ills priKiidinu ln l iil of being the Inlurisit oi WIH the resiilto a conspiracy ilelllmrilely rilannoil to wreck the creiilt to ruin Its l usliioxaiid to destroy the value of it stuck elilet actor In that conspiracy was James I Kerne whose campaign ngalnut i ol- venl properties was tming Vigorously prosecuteu Street who WHS In i aonerul raid upon oeeuritle- sKetnes inconspirators lliicnn Abraham Kllng and Maurleii Dreker At tho time when the conspiracy vvn planned Kllng owned no stiok In the Stat Hut there htooil In his name forty shares which did not lielong to him hut to another mau who e name Is known to inv Fvidonieof the existence nnd progress of this conspiracy has accumulated and from source Thoie men have boasted to a senrci of witnesses hat they wieck this Kllng hat of iho conspiracy now but who llgurnd ns hisnlloniey lias continued his ncivlli i Pisliing un lo AllBiv- reportlig biek to Mr Kcene w ho has met at nviry singe ol thcce n s- lit In fhetivenlnc nnd nt In keeping In cotHtant- toitsli aid consultation with prime figure of the conspiracy Perhaps Mr n deny this that he knows as little as be knows of Davis the Imllcted- raldor of llrooklyn Hapld Transit Hut the fsctH stated herein wt are prepared to prore What Hhnll be dnno with these un ate now considering tiKiit i imr i KFT turn HIM Ohllclur llltle nirl Coulilnt Find lio- Jlotlierrollc1 After Her Nnw A little girl mimed Lottie Kteln was playing In front of her home 104 West Flftrflfth street la t nlirht when a woman with a baby In hirnrmsapked her to hold the child while ftho wont Into tho housv Lottie took the baby and thn woman disappeared Into tho house After wnltng an for her tn come out again Lottie went to look for her Tho neighbors said that the woman was Mrs Hoffmou that oho lived In the neighborhood She could not he found In any rooms tho houm and I thn the Went street police station The baby was a sis nnd WSH without shoes hat or stockings HH find frs Hoffman IV1I Unrnnsetnnt In ttm Pnlplt HirtiMoxn Vs March 12 While preaching e t iday to a large congregation thn Ilev innu VTTPCUnil cisi fIMII rtrnly threw his arms and fell unconscious In the pulpit The congregation was and preacher removed In a serious condition Boer ro tone ENrI ton mate llllT rat Sri1 CaM Ialr II CoIn I 111 otC01 rlnll l 111 It 11 1rl Ih IInnrl- I IdA r 01 Ih I Pan nail I lat hall I I i I n I I larA I I I null uad tom I I I look tn ort PVlIlh monlh WI ent In 111118111 lirA Irrllll to lId I Wilt ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ > > > ¬ > > FIGHT OVKIl PUERTO A 1UC- OA or cox f units ces tx AX- AHUUT TlfK SEXITK CMUHKf The Republican Srnntor Finally Itearh- TentatlTit Agreement Which It Ii Hr lined Will Hn AilopteJ nt n Mor- 1orninl onfcrenrn to lie H M Toilnr- WisniMcuoN March 12 This has been i day ol conferences In the Senate of them all bolng the pending Puerto lllcan legislation On the floor of the chum bur In the committed rooms the clia rooms the marble room the VicePresident office tho glided show place known as tin Presidents room and every nook and corner whore a quiet chat could bo hut tho work of getting together oi tho Puerto lllcan question went forward Members of the House took part It tho consultations which wore Inaugurate earlier In the day at the White House Sena- tor ioraker chairman ot the Committee oi tho Pacific Islands and Puerto lllco the author of the pending bill pro vldlng a form of civil government for PuerK- lilcoand levying a tariff tax of 15 percent ot the Dlngioy law rates on products Into nnd from Puerto lllco was the storm centr- of the lay Around him raged contest of tho factions and thero worD as many plans under advisement as there nro Senators The Mtuatlon became t serious soon alter the Slate met aud apparently so hopeless of settlement thnt Senator Plait ot Connecticut chair- man of Iho Committee on llelallons With Cuba announced that tho trip of the sub- committee consisting ot himself and Senators Aldrich and Teller pluinod tu leave on Wednesday night for Key West to take tho despatch boat Dolphin for Havana and the Island provinces had Ieen aban- ilined Mr Piatt Ua member of tho Steering Committee of tho Senate and the head nnd front of the faction which Insists upon a main- tenance of turlff rates and who also believes thut the time Is not yet ripe for providing for thn civil government of the Island Just before Hi Senate adjourneil the cor- ner conferences culminated In a general roundup al which to thu surprlno ol nil a tentative plan of agreement was reached It gave such hope of sue CJSH thnt Senator Plall tit otioo with- drew his unnounecment that the Cuban Committee would not leave on Wednesday as arranged and substituted for It the htatcmont that commlttou might pos- sibly go after nil Tbls statement wns In- tended to mean that there I good reason lu believe that al a moro formal conference to days comproniisc xvhloh In the meantime U being reduced to writlnr will he agreed to and become lm party programme oflh Sen- ate Kcpubllcans The agreement In general li this Thnt portion of the pending Kornknr bill providing for si civil government will bo so nmendod ns to eliminate whatever recogni- tion It contains of tho Puerto liicans- ns eltters of the Inllid States That Is there will be no provision for a DeleguliiinlfongroS Im being designated ns a Commissioner to lilt Inltcil States or resident commissioner or Mime such title thnt will dellnu his duties without giving him olllclal recognition ns a Dele- gate The bill will bo luither nmendod- so tiiat wherever residents of Puerto Illroare- rcuired to as Ilnunn of thi Inlled Staws- Ley will be cattail olllxoim ni Pnerti llicoin- of liil3inilinlirr ftlielloiiiM ol llenr enti- iiivs tlioe whit AW not yet rrmly- lo set a preocdent for the Je2i litloi to liO fli- rted ot residents tubn nud the I mler th of the ngrwmPtit tho Inns iirmi4Jon for a tiirilT of per cent nf- tho rate on products coiiiinc into the Init States from Puerto will fliinl lull all priKlticls of- th rnllod Stalls KIMIK laIn liierto lti0 will UUtv lice Senator Fntaler wi willlnc I nrcc aiy to neiiir harmonious actuvi to rigree to alxo ni l rude and provide tor rtn inu and tfhiiiig till coii Involved hy a duly on coffee in some other product Miported eitennvely Into thii Mr Forokur Intro ilneed n freo tnde hill linniPillately af- ter l ho Presldiiits niLtsago nn that iiliject was but he Is wilting that a per vnt duly on Puerto lllcan iv- p tis Htiind iitul he Is conllilent that the courts would nfllrni the ennMltultonnlily of Hiuhnctlon- inilLii point In the basis of agreement Isthnt the House ret urn I nil to Iuiirlo Itlco tlie- moneyscnllitftid In ilie nlteil states as tariff duties ulnci nn iili itlnii of Pucrio Illcn- aniountlng to itHIImil In numbers slnll b comt a part nf tlm 1oraker bill us un the Puerto Itlco question thus considered as um nioisuru It htamlinunr talllnirtoguiher This lnte t agreement between thn conleinl- Inu liicllons In oncress over a iiie- tlon that baa sllrrod the llepuhllciin party moro than iinr ir- eotit veais will it In hoped receive tho auction of tlm party caucus tomorrow or Wednesday o thai the country will just what to expuct the States nn this and sn thst- tlm Cuban Investigation Committee prominent members which are Mr hu leader of Iho Puerto free trade faction In the Somiteand Mr Plan of Connecticut the leader of till hightariff fac- tion ein mil In pence on tho famous Dolphin for their lnef vlut tothe Gcmuf the Antillen- Tln ubove outline of a of harmon- ious aettin was not reached without lilt mo t persistent hard work the ex- iMiitn of the coiiHiimmute tuaV and tho u n of the inotl vig- orous Mr loraker earlier In thn day confronted thn ot his pending Civil lovernnuiit bill with another meiiMirit carried In Ids Inside pocket provided for a strnlchlout terri- torial form government for Puerto Hloo such us Xow Mexico or Territory lives under now which he laid down as the alternative ot thn nceoptnniM of hi nma ur- anifinled as stilted the Semite met several Senators culled on President McKlnlev- to ask for hs opinion and advice and loth m- he that regards it ihn utmost Importation thnt ome form of government bo adopted nl once not what form ho- prcferted whether thnt provided for In the bill now In the Senate or the oilier on whMi lt author carried In his InhlJo coit pocket Hut some should be passed he The people of Puerto lived as long as th military rule and as long as tho United States ouuht to ask them to live nnd In his opinion would be derelict In Its duty It not promptly pas n plan of civil government for Them Is still some talk the loaders of securing a reduction of tho 1C per- cent rate on Puerto Hleun Imports Into thn States according to ot- th Steering Committee several Senators who were nol well Infnrmeit us to tho scope and results of conference that no will bo provided for Plait and those who are acting with him In thu Senate backed un by tho prevailing sentiment In ho Hnuso of IleprnsentmlvB are probably to bo nutgenonled o the indications are that they will gain their con succeed having the nition of Piirrto Itleiin citizenship eliminated the bill ond dealt al a fulure lime InMitnger Ilntm to Tie Itrilnreil- CllirAno March 12 The he ds of the pas- senger departments of prvtleally all tho Western railroads met here today accord- ing to Instructions of their executlvn off- icers who met In New York last week and agreed that nil pnsurnger rates should bn restored to normal basis and that th sntltommlsston should b maintained strict The Canndlan Pafinu- Poo Line to the Eat on and after March 25 Th Western rovls restore their rates tn normal basis on MarehJO- KHUrl IIli 9w th i rt and IllmtrirF- ARMIXOION X H Jtaroh 12MI s Iol Pearl 22 years old was shot bv h r lover Oenrgft French a at oolook on Hundiiy evening and died at U oclock tlili- rnornlng not having recovered consclomnes nloo killed I the subject the Iii t lIlIIr1 ro 111t11 lIiOIl nntr Inn ill 1 I trill l II lilli < I till I II 111 lion 1 CIIII l r un1 o 10100 n IIIUnlt UIO 1I11 < r lInn J rom nt connted to withdrAw II lo rlltA II ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > AMKNICA TKIIO S HVltllUt Xl i Filipino Rrbdl Attark n Small Party al- OiiliBt Luzon IilnnilJ- Svititl I aUt tdjulM tn Tilt StS- MiNtLA March 11 HIIO A MA merchant steamer which has just arrived here from ports on tho southeastern coast of luzoti brought hundreds of Chinese and native refugees Rho- rcportt that the town of Gubat flftylwo mlh s from Albay wait burning when tho lelt and that on American officer and slitoen men were surrounded by Insurgents The ofllccr was unable to clve clearance papers lo tho steamer bui ho sent a request that reinforcements should bo at once for- warded to him The captain ol tho steamer Instead ot proceeding to the noarost American garrison hurried to Manila with the request tor holp Troops will be despatched to Ouhat with all possible speed ItlRtt IX TIIK FOtinitOVS- KIllteiner Was Clom to Hois Twurd anil Wan Onco Wealthy MOUMT VIBNON N V March 12Edward- Pittenger 07 years old who was at ono tlrao one of the wealthiest residents of this city died today In thn Westchenter County Alms- house at Eastvlew Pittongorwas born In the old Nlnlli ward In Now York and was well edu- cated Ho was a prominent politician In tlio days ot Tweed and was appointed Sher- iffs Auctioneer by the Doss a place In which he Is said to have made sev- eral hundred thousand dollars He dined with TweoJ at the Americas Club In Greenwich and no large scherao was fully de- cided upon until wan obtained was the lust surviving guest of- TWKUI a famous burn dunce and dinner which wern given at Cornelius Corsons country home In thirty years ago The dinner was ttie most lavish over known In lliosn days Tweed drove up from Now with a coirh drawn bv six He wu accompanied hy- a dozen Tammany politicians who and danced all afternoon Thu dinner IM said to have cost a hundred dollars a plate Pittenger was Town Clerk of East Chonler two term Ton ago Ids wlfp who was tho- daiighlnrof Dr Murphy a former health ofll- clal of 1AlXK TKKTIl IX HIS WINDPIPE Xllnyi SlinHril Their Position nnd Thfj Were Finally DliloiljtrilI- lAHTKonu Conn Mirch 1 Arthur White of Wlntted who swallowed two loUe teeth which were nn either side ot his mouth nnd connected with a bridge plate nearly causing his death was brought to tho Hartford Hos- pital toilay for an operation The accident happened oa last Thursday evening Whitu- Is L7 years old On tho evening dated he came homo from work and being llredlhrcwh- jinvelf on the bod for n imp Imfore supi r Hlunt the teeth dropped out of posi- tion anil ell tiriok Into his throat This him HI started UP with a ca i and n chnko- thut drove th teeth down into his windpipe whern thiy livoune thoroughly White suffered Intensely be- oatnesosprloiisthntlt was dccldm to bring him to Hartford nnd he arrived this morning At the Xray ami the position ol llxeil Thnv were well iloivn In ihn windpipe The brush problnu was tlien culled Int usn with It tlio tcelli- wern hauled from their lodging place much tu- ihiteo relief cirsKn Vlitnrv Ilnteiiiiinii lliitliiinil Ilimmellril hy 1 A 1rnxir he Anlliiir- ST Iotls Match PJlohn Arthur Trasur- nmliorof tlm version ofSniiho which Is to- bo put on nt Hopklnss Theatre noxt week nnd Harry Mejtayer husband ot Victory Hate mnn camnfrt blows today In nn Inlervlsvf- on Sunday Mc tayer was quoted an saying that tho Kia or translation of the play wnVnrgW Indecent nnd tiiiirtammatleal nnd that for Ihrso reasotifhls wife htid refused to take part In its Irninr struck Mestayer because he hail refused to men a retraction Mentayer gut out oi tha authors reauh utiil- lelt that he would proeuio n warrant ignlnsl Iraser rrascr n man tn the KnurCmirts and n olmrgnof ill tiirbing the peaco was imiiin t him He xv a roleascil Hi his ni n rocngnlzaiue Judge Sldeiier vlll hear the casp tomorrow irilAtKXti TO K IHHTK- lriopiined Aellnn Vinlrr he rrinlllnc Kale of Mngps Inw- Tho rxcutlvo Cnmmltteo of tho llrnoklyi- iIeacue mat In the Heal I tnte Kxchnnge last night and cnino to theconclnslon tlmt Corpora- tion Counsel WhaVti Ind nr right to confes judgment against tho city This followed n conference xvlth exJudge lohn P Dillon u- tlm Afternoon The league has authorized lt- Conuiilttou on lecnl ProcccdlnK conNtltiK nt- AreiiH nld Shcinlone Walter ts ter K Illaciiian and Chatltw K Wooilbriiigi lo- Iniititiito Injunutloii proceeding agiiliiHt the Corpornlon from con- fessing ngaln l the city In Iho mat terof tnn prevailing ratn of wages law Tlm Idea of N to rnrrv the matter to thn Court of In order that the law may be finally construed PA IIlit 10 HI The Amcilrnn Mner Will Takr tlm Srns- Agnln us the riiiliulrlplilii- H was saiil nt the ofllco ot tlm American Mnn yesterday that the steamship IMils which inn on lowand Point near the Mtmah off Lands Kml Kngland on May lit lHif nnd- xvns hiued off two month later xvlll lie In ser vlco bvtwcuii Xow York and Southampton next year She xvl I bo rmmeil thn with tho other tho line allniimtd for rrorlenn eltl Shol inw bn- Ing retlttcd with new onifltiKs and bollnrs tit tho of lltirlnnd A Wolff nt ll lfa t and It H expected will bn u better ship than ever when she put Into IlllleSrhnollor Killed by n street Cnr- Slxyoarold John Miiller of liltl Ter en ave- nue The llronxwas killed yesterday nltornonn while oil hli way homo from Primary School itJ In East IWth street Hewascro slng Third avenue when car IWMof the Inlnn Itnilway canio along going north Hn wa knocKed down and crushed under tlio wheel guard while being taken to the Mnnl- sanla station houso In n patrol wagon Thn was Identified by means of a KOOI ticket Issued tn him liy the principal and which was pocket The motorman wns arrested llrnxr Ke riie of Crrw nt Uniterm- otiFolK Vn March 1 Tho schonnnr Liz zie 8 James ot Philadelphia wont ashore nn- Hatteras Inlet bar in a howling gale this morning Thn wind blewal the rate of llfty Iwo miles an hour The crow eluna to tho shrouds and awaited rescue This afternoon a crew of llattpras seamen led bv Capt Ira Siowe faced Iho ntnrni nnd In a lortymlli ale put off In n pilot skiff Thny made iM- iimess mon jump into HIP sea one ono and afterward picked them upand brought them nnhoro The Hchooner wan bound Irom- Newbcrmi for New York with lumber llepnlillrnni Win In Mnlne IlfcllomA- uorsTA Mo Mnr h 12Tureo Maine cltlei held their munrMpnl elections today In An- tusta the Hepuhllcans carried every ward and elected Simucl W Lane JIayor over Fred W- Plnlhted DctTiOcrat byWW In llldde ford the Citizens elected their full ticket without opposition except In onp ward In Iho flvn of tho- ven ward and reructitd Mayor Chapln br 7r majority riOilne SrhonnersCntiiln Snrnt Awnv- nnsTox March 12Capt Williams nt HH- fl hlng hchnonor Mary A Gleason which nr rived hern toflay from th Oenrgnx report that Cipt Mn nu Pat rson of the lshln- sehooner Lornn was ivasruvl overtoar snn drowne i and thren of her crow were in lured by a sen raking ths vessel deciii lp March l Ho leaves a ivile and live children Onnd Truck Good frslni Onod Time In rhoflhtiMhXwYork C ntr U not ur > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ > ¬ > ¬ < < FORCING DIVES TO SHUT 1OttCK l lKt ARI Rl AX OllfBT- hrvnt to Indict Them Cnine on thu llnell- of ItThcy W re Mnkln thr Cuntnnitry One or Two Arreiti Whon thn Itlilrlct Attorney nnd Ills 8taH Desceniloil linn Them nnil Uemi the Hint Art lo Them Uletrlct Attorney Gardiner Informed Chief Devory yesterday that th Tlvoll thu Haymsr- ket tho Malsnn Dotfe McOurks and slmllur places nro unlawful nuisances and otherwise obnoxious to tlmlnw and should bn forthwith suppressed His lotler ilch Is prlntoil else- where nNntimletlioCiief looknt Hectlon 17of the Penal Lodn totiehlne wilful neglect ot dutf- by public officers The police didnt seem to be In any hurrf about obeying this hint At Plfi oclock Cap- tThomis nnd Wardman Hhlor left the Tender- loin station ami went to Hob Nelsons Tlvoll- at KM Wot Thlrtynflh Htroct There tlier arrested Charles i Ackron tho manager and TonyLnulettp the leader of Iho orchestra AtthoHtntlon the two men weru locked up on- a charge of violating Section IIS5 of tho Penal Code relating to public nuisance ths same under which the play Snpho was stopped and with keeping a disorderly houso and violating tho Concert act In not having a license for tho orchestra The place was not closed but thn music stopped It had taken only twenty minutes to dnthli and Capt Thomas accompanied by Wardmin- Shechnn left the station Immediately and headed for the Haymarket dance hall The plnc had just opened Tho orchestra had played but one piece and there were not over VMI persons In the plac ond nil of Hire were employees Capt Thomas walked up to Edward I Corey the proprietor and Detective Shcehau went to John Menr- lh leader of the orchestra Thou both spok- at once We want you was all thsysald Corey and Menz reached for their coats and hats and started away with the police Then Capt Thoma ktopped a he reached tho door This place has got to chut up hhop he ds dared Put out your lights and lock the doors This goes And dont forget that when you are cloied you have got to stay closed Corny nodded to cue ol the employees before he walked to tho street liofore Capt Thomas and the detective and prisoners reached Iho station which Is but half a block away tha doors of the liar market were closed nnd locked titil nil of the lights had beau put out except tho one used by the bartender In putting ow y their stock for tho nlcht George Karsch of TO West Thirtythird etrect the brewer was sent for and hi called nt HIM station shortly afterward and balled Cotcy and Men out AckrMi and Iauetle were balled a few min- utes Intor by Albert lludolpli of 511 West Fifty DO vent h street They relumed Immediately to the Tlvoll Nearly as many loose women as usual were In the place nnl a good bur lKde wns done with- out the miislo- At midnight Assistant District Attornef- Dautel J Olieiily and Anslstnnt DIMrlct A- tinriioy J Forbes walked Into thu- Tlvoll to see If the was simw District Attorney Gardiner Uii police to close It They found plenty of bolng sola They tald ID- Ackron but and xvent Into tha reort next door known as the Pekln- Iferi i hay found not only the usual largo crowd il women and men drinking all sorts it intoxicating beverages there wai all orchestra grinding out tunes Next they went to the Malson Done which Is In ths same block vYhia- Jhcj entered Police Commlsi loner Jacob lies was Btafed at one of the tables Ollelllynn Mr HennesMiy ay tlmt music was going on- Mr Hess was no muslo while xvfis there Mr Hess lelt Hi place way of Seventh aveiiiioto the t Thirtieth street station He went Into Cap Thomass room and eiimil tlio door I a fe r minutes Oipi- llioiiKiseaineout of Hit room and unvo Mini orders to lh sereeunt Then ensued a writ clanging of belli in llm I loom nnil thi dormitory and within iivo minutes Cain Thomas nnd ten tilninclothos men lett tin station Commissioner Hcsald later went aiiium lo the TlvoM lonlcht til see It Thomas hail carried out his orlers hoii I C tlicre mul hcnl of th- nrr Nt and iaw that tinre wn no musi hire I left and droppeii inti IH llorce to sen how things re I wa thetelher was no niu ic I ft th nhiealin I had com pleteil my inxeMUritluii to tell dipt Thomas what In fnninl- Capt Thorn doI i reil that he all that ho cou il w Inn tho law Unpaid If they vlilif m tlinihee oi u law 1 can arrest ihoi vmsc i Akron arte t bnoauss lie was vloliiilnt llic concert law 1 cannot close him He has a right to sell liquor under the law a l o na tt licnse- Mr GKdlliViin Ir Hiin ss v went to the Manhattan Chilian i e wlui thoy liul found to Assliftiii Diitrct Attorney Mclntyre All Hircodeclar nit thonhorllvo railsof polli witiiltl tin lo They ealloil UP Mr- llHrdlner at tin Inioulsl Club on llm tele- phone and toM him what hnl hap II that he wrnul I start Immediate y in a tab for ho Mimhutmi Club and that is nona he rcinliiil therethov would ail lour gn nriiiit to int Tlinnasstatloii tle r oi t he for not having closed the ices n order I under that wetlon nf tin cliiilr which provilci thai places ein ho su sod thit nro oni0 od tv the anil pmi tv of the neieliliorliood- Hoforuleavingth Colonial Club uflcr mil nluhl Col Gnrllner aid btter to Ch Devory this nternoon- tlid not mean that IID was to arrest uni claiH- In eoiicort liaIN nr uvn proprietors It meant that he wns lo oo o When I wrto that 1 meant It 1vo gone Into this ihiiig In oirneit and Im to see It thr iugli If Chief llvorv- or any of his nflljerx fails to do Ills duty I will him anil In the proicctitln there will be tu lot up- At iwnty nilnntos before I oelok this m Tiling Capt Th uiihs and Coiiiiiilsloior- Hes lft the Ten lerloln police Niiitlon to- Kethor Thhflil lionn lire mlnutei when Hennessey and Mr Melntyro walked into the station Capt ThnmiiH here aiked Mr Hnnncsur- of the Sergeant Ho just left xvlth Mr lies reple I Hie sraoant- ViH replied Mr Hennessey tho law U being violated in the the P kin and the DonV I have b on thor a I I Uiirvx thai thoy haxn vlolnted thi law tonight Gardiner has seat mo hero to say that If these pluousarn nol do il 1 oclock tor good and tlmt gives you jut fifteen mlnutei to Ithe xvlll Thnmiis Iwtoro thn Graml Jurr tomorrovr- nml xvlll iiiiiku troutile for him Tho Hergennt mado no but whispered to llnutidcninu Coreirand Corey and twj moil left th station Mr Mclntyre and Hnnesscv reinnliied to see what would liapinii About 10i oclock Mr Gardiner Went Thirtieth ilroul station on th telephone anil askod If Mr xvns there beluu told that ho washu naked that he huxont lo- Hi Have yuii seen Thomas yet asked Mr- Girdlner Sot yet Mr Mclntyre it n tlm most undignified proico thnt I ever sax- vHer1 am an As Munl District Attorney of New York county and I Imvo to conn- an t wait nl siallon In sen that a pftllce cap- tain onrrios out Inn decent manner tho order1- olthi Dl trlt Attorney Von wait nnd te Thomas if you haxo lo wait all night onlwred Mr You tell him tlmt If ray order aro not carried nnt I xvlll have lilm tomorrow by tho Grand Jury Tell Mr H nuvs v ut along street and look throiuh all thn places tlinre nnd if are not closeil lolet mo know and I will find oul from THpt Thomns why this i the case Th Sergeant sont oul word lo all thn police- men rn tiot to try and llnd Aoihttnt trlct Aitorney started out for Ins tour of West Twentyninth street and Mr Oltelhy xverr again tnxvarl Thlrtytlltlii- ireet tn sen wimt hi I to Ihu- iaces thor Mr Mclntyre waited nt th itntiou- Attt minutes to 1 oclock the word reachml- IVnrdmnn Kranfc ilinnon In Wo t ThirtyMllli- itrent thn Mr Melntyro wis making throats f indicting Capt ran lo tho- 1ivoll He met Ackron In thn doorway Tin ilaen was full of ieopl- olouve got to clo e up right away salJ- i nnnn Ill close at 1 oclock and nol a minute b- or said 01 nnon began to talk to him In a low toM > <> > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ < ¬ < >

Transcript of · UV-OU LXY1ISO 194 NEW YORK TUESDAY MARCH 13 1900COPYRIGHT 1000 BY THE...

Page 1: · UV-OU LXY1ISO 194 NEW YORK TUESDAY MARCH 13 1900COPYRIGHT 1000 BY THE SUN PRINTING AND PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION Pair and warmer to ctov partly cloudy tomorrow



Pair and warmer to ctov partlycloudy tomorrow





lie A ki Ihr Preililcnt to risen th lionTfrun llrfore Ural llrltntn nnil Asrer-

Inln Ilie Termii Great llrltaln Is Mllllni-

In litter Thn Comnmnlcntlon Trnni-

iiiitlnl I Anilimsnilnr thonte by ObleW-

ASIIIMITUS March 12 The first dlrec-

tffortoMh Doer Itepubllcs to becure tho i er-

Tlcesuftho United States Government In tin

direction of bringing about peace In HoutlAfrica has been midti with some degree o-

nueess Alter endeavoring apuarontly llvain to Induce the continental powers titender to Great Ilrltnln their services as medi-

ators President Krilgor andTrcHlilont Steyn has turned to thi-

Anmrlcan Government wlh a reques1-

of such a character that President McKlnlei

und Picritury Hay found that thy could comrly with it without conflicting with theiritcelnintlnns that the Gnvernment wouldmediate between tho belligerents unless In

vlteil t do so hy hoth helllgerents ThroughAi1U ert s Hay tho United States Consul atPretoria tho 1oor flovetninotits have MIdtlutlnvrnnient of the Inltnil States to place

More Great llrltaln n statement of Iho termsupon which the liners are willing to negotiateA inuty of ivacean1 to ascertain terms which

Gnaf HrlUtln may ileein It expedienttonlTr The Unltoil State lovernmunt hasthu n placed as defined by an olTlclal thistvriiliisln tho position of an Intermediary andnot in that of u modiaturi In other wordsns achannel lor the transml flon of communica-

tions between the two billlscrents withoutbeing callod on to a Mini the Initiative In any

iiasi of the present npect of thesltuntlon-ittr a cinsuitutlnn with Secretary Hay

President MoKiney dlreoteil that the com

miirttl in frim Irilora lio transmitted lothe llriisd 0v niiueitt nnd It Is understomlthat i wis en lei lotilght to AmbassadorChivie in lon Ion with Instructions to hand It

i i ti possible tn give th entire list of

terms whleli hi llitis haxe proposed as a prellniiiiiry tih arr irtftnent of a peao treatyinIt wa ci IIHI i hut the mot important of

the nrdltlMis whl-

t nveycdihruiigh Consul Hr

ill l liner Ill

i are he forth In tin mes-

ilie Stati lieparlment

tili t beA Irsilent Kluorand President mustle invlneed of ho Impelemi ss of obtainingnoli a coniesliin from Groat Ilrltnln thet riM r i are r orilOl is tentative and

crvo nuroly a an entering wedge to secur-ing fireat llrltajis onsen OtiscuMtiji lural-

I roiKiition or a piLito arrangement or theloot in of a nioilifitor which Is certain to be

the Illled States UuulllUlflltLord laiincofoti tliu llrltl h Ambassador

en1 tito Dtirtinont this afternoonand was nf cour e Informed of tho action of-

IIH llior auiliiijiie llirr VH Hollnbun theGeimuii Ami aKulnrciillel earlier In the day

Thero is n iinonntUmoit repor thut his visitlinil to ilo with theolTorts of President Krllger-

ntid PioMilent Steyn to Induce the Continentalpowers lo offer mediation

The of Administration with re-

gard message Iroro the Boer Governniiiils affordH Iho opportunity of showing In aclearer light the reasons which have Inducedthn President and the Secretary of Statefrom withholding the tender of th good

offlitfs of the United Htatts to Ortat Britainrtnd the Boer republics Both PresidentMcKlnlerTfrM Uecrttmrjr Hay have been se-

verely erltlclsed and denounced for not takingthe Initiative ami this In tho faoo ot the re-

peated explanation ot their Inability to act In

n modlatoiy capacity That they ware willingto act at any time when thf circumstances Juttlllei them In dolnir o his en shown by theprompt compliance with the request trans-

mitted through Consul HayTI President In his annual mfs ag fo-

roncros laid More both Housi on f-

IK i itfined Ihu p s ton of tin UnitedIn regard to th nth African war TheGovernment he sid has maintained an-

nilltude of neutraliy In the unfortunate conte t between Great Britain an l the Boer Statesf rea Vff have remained faithful to thnprecept of voldng entangling alliances as tonfl lift not ot our dlttct conc rrr Hid elrcum-

iiuno n suggested hal the parties to tha quar-

re wiild have we eomed nny kindly xpresion of the hope of the American people that

vtur might be averted goodnftlces wnuld havebeen gladly ten lered

Further along In th m ag lhe Presidentniado reference although Indirectly lo anotherreason which Prevented the United StalesGovernment from offering tn act a a mediator

llhotil bnlng Invited to do so llv said In hiscomments on The Hague disarmament confere nee

Whlreearnestly promoting the Idea of s-

UtbllMhlng a permanent International tribunalthe delegation of the Untied States was notBnmlniHJlof the Inconveniences which mightarise from an obtrusive ex rcls of mediationand In signing tha convention carefully

uar ml Die hltlorlc osltlon of the UnitedBtutes by the following declaration Nothingcontained In this convention shall bo-

so construed as to require the UnitedSiaio of Amnrlcu to depart from lt-

trndltlnnal policy of not Intruding upon Interferlng with or entangling Itself la the iiol111-

c l uufhtlons of policy or Internal adnilnlstr-atlli of any foreign State nor shall anythingcontained In the said ponvetitlon bo construedto imply a rellnquUhment hy the UnitedrtHtisol Arr rlcM ol Its tradltinnnl attltftilttoward purely Arrerlcnn iii ilnns

This nVinratlnn ub erli rt tn bv nil thena ii thit iiiiiid Thi IhiLiiK Treaty is an-

a owlecliiiiient ol the oxltcnci of tho31 in Strii IM f iho careful Ian

BUitfH of illiiomaey In which ir I couched It-

ni un th i the irrent niitoiiH of tho world

liekln WlOlLe III IILlll of III Illllfi StHle IO-

Btteidtii Iho ITir of tlio Western HemL-

sIiinie and thht the rmt il Slut G ivornment-en r e n nienilun tu keep from uitrrferingWith the flair o fureCl llitlnn1 notof it II t Oliic rn As ilie w r liutxrern-

J iiu Hr Hln nnd the Hoer iubhcs Is re-

gairiednsn pure y f roiuii mi ti tho PreslI ouiid bv he titduo given at The Hague

eonlil nt IIH dnliel tiik thn Initiative Int drill Hie xvnr loan enl In tiio nnllcr-

of noii iniTr no th Sjtith Afrlci n-

conll Mi hni hnm nnsi-

tcn I t at f trein ndoii pressureJirnutflil tn loir on it to offer lu ervlce as-

nieilintor There Is no present intentionof reoe ling ni lota Irom th1 i trlcr letter orbiiiit o that policy and tho compliance withthe it of the lor President does not

tho Unite States Government to actlain llcan hardly I u-

wi i 10 have teiiloreil i goodliit n iiiiJt justly resent ilie position itsuinil l y this if mere

lor tne f note between Lnndoii-anil Irtortu and the services of the Unitedblitf In thl conncctliiii would termlnatn-wlthn riiection hy Great Hrltalii o tho ad-

vatics iiiado lner HowiVrr thnthat hn been taken by tin lloors U regardedheroin t lo beginning Iho end of thn southA trim u eon 11 let nnil ofJHals are Incllnod tothe opinion thattlnHt Jtrllaln xvlillnilcllnlng-to reiignlzo nnv right of ibu liners to proposeloiIIH of nee xvlll In bor answer torlmt Kriigcr and Stovn leave thn way open

Or illltlierilrgOtlutlOllk-

Ni Kilns KIIOXHI of Iho Itrport In loinlnii11 nil Cult iHfiM In Tin BCN

I i X March in Nothing Is known Inwhich confirms tho the

V Intuton Government has Rent a note toAi iwiilor Lhoate In refnrenc to mediation


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Paris Hears Tint Emperor William Is tlie the rarlllrntor of Houth Afrlrn

PARIS March 12 A diplomatist told tho cor-

respondent ot THI SiN today that It was pnr-

fectly true that Presidents Kroner nnd Steyihad communicated with the Powers request-Ing their friendly mediation to stop lh warHe said that France was unable to assume thioffice of mediator or the reason that I he Frenolwithes for Doer success were known It

London henco French Intervention would bi

construed is an unfriendly net which would dInstead of good and possibly Involvicomplications Hut should the Unltei

States orGermany take tho Initiative rnghimwould bn unable to complain as thefeelings ot both countries toward Grea-Drltaln were above suspicion Moreover thcliInitiative Would bo supported by the comblned powers for the purpose of stoppingleti bloodshed

The diplomatist added that he belloved thaian understanding actually oxlsted brtweer-Grwat Britain and Germany by the tormn owhich Kmporor William shall appear In therole of pacificator when English military pres-

tige shall have been sufficiently restoredKngland owes thn Kmporor a debt of gratitudefor his In defeating tho plan to got theHultnn the Egyptlau question whichwill be repaid byFnglandi showing m ngnan Im-

liy In her treatment ot tho conquered repub-lics at Emperor Williams request thereby en-

abllng him to redeem his alleged promise tcprotect Doer autonomy

TUB SVMH Informant declares that he hacertain knowledge that such n promise hadborn made In conclusion ho said It wouldbo a pity should President McKlnlcy hold aloolfrom this work of peace which Is eminentlysuitable to tho great republic of the Westwhose participation would be bound to Insuresucc


lonl Huberts Mnrrli rnoppnieil SundayTraniports lor Smith Afriei-iVrlJl Catl fltpJM la THE SUN

ntroiuRsDonr March PJ Tho Urltlsh ad-

vance column yesterday exchanged shots withthe Doers at Hcthtille The Drltlsh commnnd-thi road bridge

LOXPON March 11 Tho War Onico hasreceived Ihu fullowftig despatch from Lord1 hurts

AASVOOAI Kor March 11 Bit A M-

Wo were unopposed during our march yus-

lerhiy Gatacru reports that he was within amile of tlu Dethulle railway bridge yesterdayThottrlilgu has been inrtlally destroyed nnd-

theonomv Is holding the opposite iintikThe Wur Ofllce has Issued a list of casualties

In the fighting on March Din the disaffecteddistrict of lirltslown Colonv n officernnd four men of the Warwickshires and a suri-

reon and eight men of the City of London Im-

perial Volunteers wen wounded and six Cityof London Imperial Volunteers and throo WarwIckshlriM nro mlsslnc

March 1 Thn truHrlllh Prince with engineers Hussarsiirtillcryund remounts for the cavalrysailedfrom hero for thn Cap today Jive moretranspnrn will unit during the week


A Tunnel hy Which liner Irl nnei nt llnpoTown Vrnrly int Awn-

yrus idv i Mint SUN

CAPE Tows March 12AI the reijucsr of-

Oen Otonje the Ponr enniinatirler who Is nowa on tint Itrltlbh ilaushlp Itoris MrJames G Stowe the Amorlcan ConsulGeneralhem rlslled him and conversed with himthrough iiu Interoreter Gen Cronjo enprespilt-iliiHcIf as greatly atllled with his treatuicnt-

Mr Htowo subsDijnently visited tin prisonerscam ashoni ami wan shown whore tho-

Uoers hall tunnel twentylive yardsloiia wIth ami cups The earthwhich they had excavated was h ddeu In bagsIf they ha dug fvelve yards moro they could

ecapud Imt ol the other prisonersthem


olonlnl Sentiment nt Cape Town In Furorof Their Krailleallon-

Vj t al CMt littnai1 i THC rtox-

APKTivx March P iOtlTi AM The publlci ion of President Krilger appeals to theburghers Is received joyfullv by th British nsIt piwrft to their satisfaction that the Poors-havo disorganize In their recent ilnleaKThe iapf Time illsenuraueii an acilye agita-

tion In mipport of the proposal to wipe out thotwo HxT ripuMlci It advises th pooplotohave contldencn lu Britain ns tlmtgovernment will make a which willbe entirely catisfactoiy Thu Canadian andAustralian volunteers vrho were hero recentlywere unanimously In favor of thoeradlcntlon of-

tlm two republics

jiisntr 11 rim nJACiniT-

liey Vr Wllli til Iliirr Theli Tiirt-HniUf Down nnil tlir llrlllli Rut Them

Veia CMi l i jflf InTlIK SUM

KtMBEiitKY March The Kusiin andDutch military attnclnb with the liner Aiiny atPoplar Grove whose cirt broko down near Os-

foritHlii as they were occonpanylna the re-

treating oiiemy and who were thus nominallycnpiur d by tho DrltUh have arrived hereThey 9iy that thn Uoers moved so rapidly thatIt was Impossible Tor their cart to keep up whithem Gen Roberta has prohibited tho at-

taches Irom the Transvaal except by-

way of Town and Delagou Hay


Iarllnment tn He Asked to Orzunlie H

Special Court fur Such CatciSpecial CaNe l npatr tn TIIK RUN

CAVE TOWN March 12 Arrangements havebeen made by thu civil and military authoritiesto have all future casoi of rebellion tried jiefore-

n judge and two military officers but tho Capn

Dutch who WHO captured nt Sunnyslde andhttvo already been arraigned In thu civil courtswill bo tried by a itirv at Town during thn

Tho Government will ask Par-liament to organize n rpecial court

1 atAlHinKlM 11 KtMnKltlKY

Cecil Ithiidei Will llnllil It In llemiiry nfTho n Klllrd IHirlng Ilie Slige-

Sptciil titbit i ifn 6 t THE Bux

March 11 Mr Cecil Ithodes Inliker a noted nrrhltivt to

Egypt Home and Athens to htudy ththoro On Mr Hakers return

ho will croct a mausoleum at inmemory ol thoso who were during thesiege

nuinsn HUI ovi iri i furwThe Mil of Ionilon Snbirrlptlnns lo thn

Sew Limn Clnieil-

XiKial CM Ulfalrli la fnc SirsLONTO March IB The list of London sub-

scriptions to tho new iUXX000 war loan hasbeen closod The bonds are not quoted at I1

percent premium

While subscriptions for th Urltlsh war loanof ioOltXX were closed by J PMorgan ACo good inmy nub

brought to the thellrm yesterday nnd will as an aoeoinnioilallou-to thn be forwnrilpil i KnglandThe American cuLseflrtlnn Isi reported to ho

or bonds Arenot available In the In lied States for savingsbanks or no Investments for trustees Theycnn howerer b prom by Insurance

that have to deposit securities withgovernments


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COMHRTI avuMHn n x IIP 1111


Itellrf That European Intervention WllNot He IrriulllrilApprnli or Prrililmil-Kriigcr to fierniuny HIM Othrr PownriMall to llnve Heirs IlrjertedKfloiti Ir-

Kncland tn Hrrure Ilntorntlnn tit nicefrfdnl callt tiitpttelii to TOE Run

LONDON March IS The advances of tintwo republics In thn direction of peace contlnuo to be discussed

There Is practically but a single aspectnamely that ot condition With thexception of a comparatively small sec-

tion tlio opinion of Great Drltalnemphatically ODPO S any settlement otherthan coitipletu eutmlsslon In the Houso olCommon on Monday Mr Ualfour promisedthat tho papers respecting the peacewould bo very shortly imbmltted and It Is undorstood that thny will b furolshod

Tho Standard a Ministerial thefollowing Several telegrams have beenreceived from tho two Presidents Onoarrived In the course of yesterdaymornlna It It reported In tho lobbythat the President offered to opennegotiations on the of tho status quoante bollum and that proposals generallyshow oomplute Incapacity to recognize the greatchange lu the situation The reply of herMajestys Government will Indicate clearlytho only lines on which a Htttlemont cnnlia effected The supremacy of GreatBritain over South Africa must bo explicitlyrecognized The tiro republics will be dis-

armed mid tho control of their militaryaffairs placed In the hands ot the Im-

perial ioormneni K iual political rightswill bo grunted to nil tho whiteraces mibjcct to thosn conditions A largeamount of local Independence will be concededwhen South Africa has settled down after thewar

It Is believed In the House that one Impor-tant objtot which tho Government has In viewin publishing the paper U to make tho factclear without deluy that they have nolntentlon-ot permitting anything in tho shape ofEuropean Intervention with rmpoct to the set-

tlement with tlin Transvaal anil the Oronee-Ileo Mali Tliu overtures which have beenmaiio by lliu Presidents are believed to aimIn the Urn place nt totting the reelItig In European capitals In proDoercircles tho opinion Is htlll expressed that allIng mediation the Itcpublics will light to Ihscud Tho more genetnl Impression U howeverthat the Presidents lire simply anilous to getiliu Let terms losslblc and that annppeul for nuillation would bo lutcndel tn-pavo thu way to 11 complete surrenderIt Is not Ullevcd for a momentthat the Government will consent to-

OMII negotiation except on thebasis of oompluto mrienilor There Is an Ideain tom UBiters that Gen Hubert will Issueit irocainatlon when he reaches Jtloenitoiilolnwinch will leave little doubt as to the future oftin republics

correspondent professes to knotvthat Germany refunded to tho Trnnsviala-nnical fur mediation or Intervention by saylijtf she inust ilocline to Interfere as ho was Inno way coneuiticd In tlu con Hid

A telcgriiin from Amsterdam Mutes thatPresident Krftgur besides appealing for theIntel viinticm of tlio grtat pnvcra has ad-

dressed rolgliim Holland nnd SxvltirluuiThe lIumrcorniPuiiitentQf the tivnttltln-

i despatch canlliniuw tho Irohlent-Kr srhas nddu fto l nil tho Kurupoan Cabi-

net uyn thut tho Italian Government likenormally and Austria will rofuetli-

ureisof the Hours and maintain an attnuIe-of neutrality

Tim pMie party in Great lirllaiii dcsplto itsnuiiieriMl Insignificance niiiiniitn its effortstostoilho war Tlut vmth African Concilia-tion Committee which thell n Leonard II jurnev M

and nthers recently founded lus-inemoilalized Lord Salisbury hi favor of peaceTliesomowlmt lonu communication concludes

In the height f our milltaiy triumph It Is-

tun wisdom to leinemher thn permanentforces of political lift andtnact on the ttullithat the path of uoneiolty is tho of pru-

delictA dipt Town telegram dated March 1 re-

pnrtFau lrikimder inciting ut which It wasdniide I to form a conciliation coiiinltlea-to work In null in with Mr Citwt oyt emumltee Mr Mntnit i was uleciod Presi-

dent olvo Sehrlner Is n member oftin committee1 A majorltvof the speakers at-

tho meeting ilivinrei I tlmt tlio livppi n ltnce ofthe Ilnpiilil ras an osentlnl condition ofpeace A motion to tho pfTcif that thetlmn tnInterfere bus tint yit arrived was voted ilnwn-

A dc pitch Iroiu Iorei7o Mnftties otatesthat Preildcn Krilger nrrlvod In Pretoria on-

lrMnyatil linmidlntnly summoned tlio Kxpeu-

tivci Counoll in Hsion-PAPI Manli I Dr Icyd the Trnnsvnas

diplomatic aKnt il Miles th sorv that Prosd nt KrOacr and Stnyti have cabled poaou-

He Slips ln l i llopr Jnrrn nncl l NowIlltom Milr rrniii Illiifinrnntiln-

Sonal Catitt llnpttch la Tur SfX-

IONI ON March lJ Gen Lord Itoherts madoa further advance on Monday and Is nowat Yeutenvleli about fifteen miles fromlllocmfnnteln Ventersrlel lies to thosouthwest of Ibo capital of tho OrnngaFree State nnd by nlng there GenHoberts seotns to have again turned thn posi-

tion which the IJoof took to oppose his ad-

vance Tho t nctny ILVXWHtroiK with eigh-

teen guns was rorortol to bu posted on arauKD of kopjes commandine tho main road tn-

Ulnemfonteln but tho Hrltlsh adopted anotherroute vlroumventlna the defondors

The corrfsponJent of tho linllfi Xeirt ilatlnghis ilcspntoh VcntoisvVI March 12 titisP M nays that tho Urltlsh lift AasvoaclHop In tho morning nnd preceded bytho cavalry marched to Venters-vUl a lstincn of aoout tlftcen milesfullowlnit Kail Spruit llv advancing alongKanl Spruit Gen Ilnberts hits ogaln out

tho Jlocrs who ertrenchodlves along the Hlver

thinking the llritish route would Iw

In that ilireotlon Most of the fannn-alous the liiui of march worn descried Whiteflags wern flying over thn houses All thebelonslnits worth removing hinl been takeraway There were evident nlgns thatllm Inhrbltants had left In a greathurry things being littered about TheCoiumanilcrlnChlef has given strict orderstint not Ing I tn be touched It I not ex-

pected that the Urltlsh will meet great opposi-tion In entering liloemfnnteln All of thedivisions liiiTo now joined the main advanceden Ilobertss headquarter Is nt Greg

Adespiitch to the Vnmiinf from VentersvIMsays that Gen Tucker received Ihu submissionof several Uoers In tho court o of his advanceth renult presumably of Oen Ilobertssrecent proclnmntlon A farmer who remainedat his homestead says that thn burghers maymake moro stand against the advance on

but If they are beaten the oftiiration of tint capital will not to further op-

posedThe War Office has Issued nothing concern-

Ing thin movement There Is no other newsfrom any of th centres of operations except





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despatches relating to n reconnolssance b-

Oen Clements on the bank ot thn OrungRiver throe miles below Norvnln Pont whichdisclosed that tho occupying posl

there of some


About Z90OO now In the FUldNo DlnilnnIn the Military Irrpurntloni

CMf Uitpatch la TBK SuifLONDON March 12 In the House ot Com

mons today In committee on the army estlmates Mr Wyndham Parliamentary SecretAryof State for War said that the Government wasestimating tho total number of Colonial troopsIn South Africa at HSOOO In order to cover pos-

sible future arrivals Already JlJIU KoutlAfricans and 8oi other Colonial troopwero either on tho ground or wereon their way to tho t at of warlu view of their great patriotism tho Govern-ment proposes to enlarge the terms originallyoffered to the Colonial troops lu regard tuRom who are now under orders and otherswho may bo bo sent In the future th Govern-ment proposes to pay the wholo cost of tholttransportation Ho Intimated that the Gov-

ernment hoped that tho Colonies woihl renderthe repetition of their notion In tho presentwar easier by some organization on prear-ranged lines

Itegarllng the campaign In houth Africa Mr-

Wyndham said that recent events did not jus-

tify any diminution In the provisions that werebolng for carrying on the war There-fore It be rash to assume tlmt the timethe army would have to remain In South Af-

rica would be materially shortened He re-

ferred to tho raising of tin Koral Itcscrvo battailous the old soldiers to whom tho Queenrecently appealed for a short refnlUtmont as-

an Interesting experiment The men werensked to rejoin the colors on March 7 andwithin three days 17480 responded Itegard-Ing the future military arrangements In Houth-

Afrla he announced that the garrison wouldbo twelve battalions of Infantry


The Widow of the Droytui forger Olijrrts-to the Iropotrd Aliment

faHi iHtpatt t THE SirsPARIS March 1 The widow of Col Henry

who committed suicide In tho Cherche MidiPrison after being arrested on the charge offorcing documents In tho Dreyfus case hasaddressed n letter to M Jenn flainngeraiiPresident ot th Senates Amnesty Committeeprotesting against the proposed measure grant-Ing amnesty to all concerned In the Dreyfus-nffilr The protest Is bnscd on the groundthat the measure will prevent Imr from vindi-cating th sainted memory of Col Henry

WKlVltUKIt l A llltlTlfill ItKIUlT-

Irencli Ciiiiiinenls on lli Sennit1 Actioniiti Jln IlayIiiiuieefnte Trvnty

Puns March 1 Tlm French newspaperswolcomo the American Sonalon aotion In con-

nection wlli tho HnyPmincofute treaty holdIlii that II is a diplomatic rebuff to Mr Chainborlaln the lirltish Secretary nndconclusive evidence that no AngloAmerican-nill nice exlst

1 Mir THIITI ntivcAiall-

eciiiMtriirtliin nfttie ItiiIilhis nt n Cii t of-

jj cm ftli i i uiiarl In Tun Hr

PAIIIS March IJThe CiOiernment will nsk-

tho Chunljurs torn oredlt of JiiOriKt francsfur the rocoustrucliou of thu TliVitielrauiais-

Irrstileiit nl Slntn Trixl Coinpniiy OrnvilT-

Aiiuxv Mireb rSuit Kilburn of tleState litiling I epartnent il vlewot thepii-lleatliin f what purported to he his report tn-

th lioertiirof of tin aftilrs-of tln Hiiiip Trust Compaiiy tnnlglit maditlco-llnw III vatcllieilt

The nil licitlun on Monday of what parpolled to to a copy of tlKt rej ort tntli ilivi rnor my rviiiiiinfm ul tlio Slate Tru t-

Cniimaiiv in Jiiininry Itiilorenilrii t the fact

ipt iirpear In tbe ivpnrt a nl Is simply tintuoluet theft or hribe v or both with Imr-ary aldeil Thn matter iul li h-

wai not coiid lr in my report in the Inventori al eir to have lueii tal en from

iiiiiiioiaiila and other papers u i In tlio prepamtitio tip lepnrt and Inch have beenevir Miiv inilei iei unl kV In a de k in theHaiiUtii I iiipart tinlit anl could l cn proiiril in one it tlio ways I have xu-

gJVildHt Waller S Tolnmton of the StateTru CuinpaMVsnid lal uiaht

has HUT nrrUid for the publicjiiiirnl1 in uinlcivmd ilie i ne characterpurpne i r the atnuk upii th inanngi ni nt ofour company recently liy t rahnm Kllngand

In the etitiiii wtilh was tnGov-linosevelt Jan II IIOO the pctlllnner-lnn riiriMMitud tlmt In was it bonaII to owner r fuily f hates of theHtok who had illKover d Irrezuliiritle-in tin iinicmein of ili eotniiiiiiy which forthe if hl iloiiJ qiid that of bl fe-

Invf Htoekliin lie ile nvl II his duty e-

lort Ill n in the end Hint an Inve-steition mi ie iniiiiehy fio MiiiMnc depart-ment un I the ockhoMers plotoeted

Ill petit n ha m Mili pun e At thetlnui It vns Hied the company wasin n lloiirMiini ntnek halinrea cil IIKI er tetit in vnino In-n year Its loans won abundantly pro-tected Ills priKiidinu ln l iil of beingthe Inlurisit oi WIH the resiilto aconspiracy ilelllmrilely rilannoil to wreck the

creiilt to ruin Its l usliioxaiid todestroy the value of it stuck

elilet actor In that conspiracy wasJames I Kerne whose campaign ngalnut i ol-

venl properties was tming Vigorouslyprosecuteu Street who WHS

In i aonerul raid upon oeeuritle-sKetnes inconspirators lliicnnAbraham Kllng and Maurleii Dreker At thotime when the conspiracy vvn planned Kllngowned no stiok In the StatHut there htooil In his name forty shares whichdid not lielong to him hut to anothermau who e name Is known to inv

Fvidonieof the existence nnd progress ofthis conspiracy has accumulated andfrom source Thoie men haveboasted to a senrci of witnesseshat they wieck this

Kllng hat of iho conspiracy nowbut who llgurnd ns hisnlloniey liascontinued his ncivlli i Pisliing un lo AllBiv-reportlig biek to Mr Kcene w ho hasmet at nviry singe ol thcce n s-

lit In fhetivenlnc nnd ntIn keeping In cotHtant-

toitsli aid consultation with prime figureof the conspiracy Perhaps Mr ndeny this that he knowsas little as be knows of Davis the Imllcted-raldor of llrooklyn Hapld Transit Hut thefsctH stated herein wt are prepared to proreWhat Hhnll be dnno with these un atenow considering

tiKiit i imr i KFT turn HIM

Ohllclur llltle nirl Coulilnt Find lio-

Jlotlierrollc1 After Her Nnw

A little girl mimed Lottie Kteln was playingIn front of her home 104 West Flftrflfthstreet la t nlirht when a woman with a babyIn hirnrmsapked her to hold the child whileftho wont Into tho housv Lottie took thebaby and thn woman disappeared Into thohouse After wnltng an for hertn come out again Lottie went to lookfor her Tho neighbors said that the womanwas Mrs Hoffmou that oho lived In theneighborhood She could not he found In any

rooms tho houm and I thnthe Went street police

station The baby was a sisnnd WSH without shoes hat or stockings HH

find frs Hoffman

IV1I Unrnnsetnnt In ttm PnlpltHirtiMoxn Vs March 12 While preaching

e t iday to a large congregation thn Ilevinnu VTTPCUnil cisi fIMII

rtrnly threw his arms and fell unconsciousIn the pulpit The congregation wasand preacher removed In a seriouscondition

Boer ro






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OA or coxfunits ces tx AX-


The Republican Srnntor Finally Itearh-TentatlTit Agreement Which It Ii Hrlined Will Hn AilopteJ nt n Mor-

1orninl onfcrenrn to lie H M Toilnr-

WisniMcuoN March 12 This has been i

day ol conferences In the Senateof them all bolng the pending Puertolllcan legislation On the floor of the chumbur In the committed rooms the cliarooms the marble room the VicePresidentoffice tho glided show place known as tinPresidents room and every nook and cornerwhore a quiet chat could bo huttho work of getting together oitho Puerto lllcan question wentforward Members of the House took part Ittho consultations which wore Inaugurateearlier In the day at the White House Sena-

tor ioraker chairman ot the Committee oitho Pacific Islands and Puerto lllcothe author of the pending bill provldlng a form of civil government for PuerK-

lilcoand levying a tariff tax of 15 percentot the Dlngioy law rates on products Intonnd from Puerto lllco was the storm centr-of the lay Around him ragedcontest of tho factions and thero worD

as many plans under advisement as therenro Senators The Mtuatlon became tserious soon alter the Slate met audapparently so hopeless of settlementthnt Senator Plait ot Connecticut chair-man of Iho Committee on llelallonsWith Cuba announced that tho trip of the sub-

committee consisting ot himself and SenatorsAldrich and Teller pluinod tu leave onWednesday night for Key West to taketho despatch boat Dolphin for Havanaand the Island provinces had Ieen aban-

ilined Mr Piatt Ua member of tho SteeringCommittee of tho Senate and the head nndfront of the faction which Insists upon a main-

tenance of turlff rates and who also believesthut the time Is not yet ripe for providing forthn civil government of the Island

Just before Hi Senate adjourneil the cor-

ner conferences culminated In a generalroundup al which to thu surprlno olnil a tentative plan of agreement wasreached It gave such hope of sueCJSH thnt Senator Plall tit otioo with-

drew his unnounecment that the CubanCommittee would not leave on Wednesday

as arranged and substituted for It thehtatcmont that commlttou might pos-

sibly go after nil Tbls statement wns In-

tended to mean that there I good reasonlu believe that al a moro formal conference todays comproniisc xvhloh In the meantime U

being reduced to writlnr will he agreed toand become lm party programme oflh Sen-

ate Kcpubllcans The agreement In general lithis

Thnt portion of the pending Kornknr billproviding for si civil government will bo sonmendod ns to eliminate whatever recogni-

tion It contains of tho Puerto liicans-ns eltters of the Inllid States ThatIs there will be no provision fora DeleguliiinlfongroS Im being designated nsa Commissioner to lilt Inltcil States orresident commissioner or Mime such titlethnt will dellnu his duties without givinghim olllclal recognition ns a Dele-

gate The bill will bo luither nmendod-so tiiat wherever residents of Puerto Illroare-rcuired to as Ilnunn of thi Inlled Staws-Ley will be cattail olllxoim ni Pnerti llicoin-

of liil3inilinlirr ftlielloiiiM ol llenr enti-iiivs tlioe whit AW not yet rrmly-lo set a preocdent for the Je2i litloi to liO fli-

rted ot residents tubn nud the

I mler th of the ngrwmPtit thoInns iirmi4Jon for a tiirilT of per cent nf-

tho rate on products coiiiincinto the Init States from Puerto

will fliinl lull all priKlticls of-

th rnllod Stalls KIMIK laInliierto lti0 will UUtv lice SenatorFntaler wi willlnc I nrcc aiy to neiiir

harmonious actuvi to rigree to alxoni l rude and provide tor rtn inu

and tfhiiiig till coiiInvolved hy a duly on coffeein some other product Miported eitennvelyInto thii Mr Forokur Introilneed n freo tnde hill linniPillately af-

ter l ho Presldiiits niLtsago nn thatiiliject was but he Is wilting

that a per vnt duly on Puerto lllcan iv-p tis Htiind iitul he Is conllilent that thecourts would nfllrni the ennMltultonnlily ofHiuhnctlon-

inilLii point In the basis of agreement Isthntthe House ret urn I nil to Iuiirlo Itlco tlie-moneyscnllitftid In ilie nlteil states as tariffduties ulnci nn iili itlnii of Pucrio Illcn-aniountlng to itHIImil In numbersslnll b comt a part nf tlm 1oraker bill us un

the Puerto Itlco questionthus considered as um nioisuru

It htamlinunr talllnirtoguiherThis lnte t agreement between thn conleinl-

Inu liicllons In oncress over a iiie-tlon that baa sllrrod the llepuhllciin partymoro than iinr ir-eotit veais will it In hoped receive thoauction of tlm party caucus tomorrow or

Wednesday o thai the country willjust what to expuct the

States nn this and sn thst-tlm Cuban Investigation Committee

prominent members which areMr hu leader of Iho Puerto freetrade faction In the Somiteand Mr Plan ofConnecticut the leader of till hightariff fac-

tion ein mil In pence on tho famous Dolphinfor their lnef vlut tothe Gcmuf the Antillen-

Tln ubove outline of a of harmon-ious aettin was not reached withoutlilt mo t persistent hard work the ex-iMiitn of the coiiHiimmutetuaV and tho u n of the inotl vig-

orous Mr loraker earlier Inthn day confronted thn ot hispending Civil lovernnuiit bill with anothermeiiMirit carried In Ids Inside pocket

provided for a strnlchlout terri-torial form government for Puerto Hloosuch us Xow Mexico or Territorylives under now which he laid down as thealternative ot thn nceoptnniM of hi nma ur-

anifinled as stilted the Semite metseveral Senators culled on President McKlnlev-to ask for hs opinion and advice and loth m-

he that regards it ihnutmost Importation thnt ome form of

government bo adoptednl once not what form ho-prcferted whether thnt provided for Inthe bill now In the Senate or

the oilier on whMi lt author carried In hisInhlJo coit pocket Hut some should bepassed he The people of Puerto

lived as long as thmilitary rule and as long as tho United Statesouuht to ask them to live nnd In his opinion

would be derelict In Its duty Itnot promptly pas n plan of civil governmentfor

Them Is still some talk theloaders of securing a reduction of tho 1C per-cent rate on Puerto Hleun Imports Into thn

States according to ot-

th Steering Committee several Senatorswho were nol well Infnrmeit us to tho scopeand results of conferencethat no will bo provided forPlait and those who are acting with him In thuSenate backed un by tho prevailing sentimentIn ho Hnuso of IleprnsentmlvB are probably

to bo nutgenonled o theindications are that they will gain their con

succeed having thenition of Piirrto Itleiin citizenship eliminated

the bill ond dealt al a fulure lime

InMitnger Ilntm to Tie Itrilnreil-CllirAno March 12 The he ds of the pas-

senger departments of prvtleally all thoWestern railroads met here today accord-ing to Instructions of their executlvn off-

icers who met In New York last weekand agreed that nil pnsurnger ratesshould bn restored to normal basis and thatth sntltommlsston should bmaintained strict The Canndlan Pafinu-

Poo Line to the Eat on and after March25 Th Western rovls restore their rates tnnormal basis on MarehJO-

KHUrl IIli 9w th i rt and IllmtrirF-ARMIXOION X H Jtaroh 12MI s Iol

Pearl 22 years old was shot bv h r loverOenrgft French a at oolook onHundiiy evening and died at U oclock tlili-rnornlng not having recovered consclomnes

nloo killed


the subject



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< ¬

















Filipino Rrbdl Attark n Small Party al-

OiiliBt Luzon IilnnilJ-

Svititl I aUt tdjulM tn Tilt StS-

MiNtLA March 11 HIIO A MA merchantsteamer which has just arrived here from portson tho southeastern coast of luzoti broughthundreds of Chinese and native refugees Rho-

rcportt that the town of Gubat flftylwo mlh sfrom Albay wait burning when tho lelt andthat on American officer and slitoen men weresurrounded by Insurgents

The ofllccr was unable to clve clearancepapers lo tho steamer bui ho sent a requestthat reinforcements should bo at once for-

warded to him The captain ol tho steamerInstead ot proceeding to the noarost Americangarrison hurried to Manila with the requesttor holp Troops will be despatched to Ouhatwith all possible speed

ItlRtt IX TIIK FOtinitOVS-

KIllteiner Was Clom to Hois Twurd anilWan Onco Wealthy

MOUMT VIBNON N V March 12Edward-Pittenger 07 years old who was at ono tlraoone of the wealthiest residents of this citydied today In thn Westchenter County Alms-

house at Eastvlew Pittongorwas born In theold Nlnlli ward In Now York and was well edu-

cated Ho was a prominent politician In tliodays ot Tweed and was appointed Sher-

iffs Auctioneer by the Doss a place In

which he Is said to have made sev-

eral hundred thousand dollars He dinedwith TweoJ at the Americas Club In

Greenwich and no large scherao was fully de-

cided upon until wan obtainedwas the lust surviving guest of-

TWKUI a famous burn dunce and dinner whichwern given at Cornelius Corsons country homeIn thirty years ago The dinner wasttie most lavish over known In lliosn daysTweed drove up from Now with a coirhdrawn bv six He wu accompanied hy-

a dozen Tammany politicians who anddanced all afternoon Thu dinner IM

said to have cost a hundred dollars a platePittenger was Town Clerk of East Chonler twoterm Ton ago Ids wlfp who was tho-daiighlnrof Dr Murphy a former health ofll-

clal of


Xllnyi SlinHril Their Position nnd ThfjWere Finally DliloiljtrilI-

lAHTKonu Conn Mirch 1 Arthur Whiteof Wlntted who swallowed two loUe teethwhich were nn either side ot his mouth nndconnected with a bridge plate nearly causinghis death was brought to tho Hartford Hos-

pital toilay for an operation The accidenthappened oa last Thursday evening Whitu-

Is L7 years old On tho evening dated hecame homo from work and being llredlhrcwh-jinvelf on the bod for n imp Imfore supi r

Hlunt the teeth dropped out of posi-tion anil ell tiriok Into his throat Thishim HI started UP with a ca i and n chnko-thut drove th teeth down into his windpipewhern thiy livoune thoroughly

White suffered Intensely be-oatnesosprloiisthntlt was dccldm to bring himto Hartford nnd he arrived this morning Atthe Xray amithe position ol llxeil Thnv werewell iloivn In ihn windpipe The brush problnuwas tlien culled Int usn with It tlio tcelli-wern hauled from their lodging place much tu-

ihiteo relief

cirsKnVlitnrv Ilnteiiiiinii lliitliiinil Ilimmellril hy

1 A 1rnxir he Anlliiir-

ST Iotls Match PJlohn Arthur Trasur-nmliorof tlm version ofSniiho which Is to-

bo put on nt Hopklnss Theatre noxt weeknnd Harry Mejtayer husband ot Victory Hatemnn camnfrt blows today In nn Inlervlsvf-on Sunday Mc tayer was quoted an saying thattho Kia or translation of the play wnVnrgWIndecent nnd tiiiirtammatleal nnd that forIhrso reasotifhls wife htid refused to take partIn its Irninr struck Mestayerbecause he hail refused to men a retractionMentayer gut out oi tha authors reauh utiil-lelt that he would proeuio n warrantignlnsl Iraser rrascr nman tn the KnurCmirts and n olmrgnof illtiirbing the peaco was imiiin t himHe xv a roleascil Hi his ni n rocngnlzaiueJudge Sldeiier vlll hear the casp tomorrow

irilAtKXti TO K IHHTK-

lriopiined Aellnn Vinlrr he rrinlllnc Kaleof Mngps Inw-

Tho rxcutlvo Cnmmltteo of tho llrnoklyi-iIeacue mat In the Heal I tnte Kxchnnge lastnight and cnino to theconclnslon tlmt Corpora-tion Counsel WhaVti Ind nr right to confesjudgment against tho city This followed nconference xvlth exJudge lohn P Dillon u-

tlm Afternoon The league has authorized lt-

Conuiilttou on lecnl ProcccdlnK conNtltiK nt-

AreiiH nld Shcinlone Walter ts terK Illaciiian and Chatltw K Wooilbriiigi lo-

Iniititiito Injunutloii proceeding agiiliiHt theCorpornlon from con-fessing ngaln l the city In Iho matterof tnn prevailing ratn of wages law TlmIdea of N to rnrrv the matter to thnCourt of In order that the law maybe finally construed

PA IIlit 10 HI

The Amcilrnn Mner Will Takr tlm Srns-Agnln us the riiiliulrlplilii-

H was saiil nt the ofllco ot tlm American Mnnyesterday that the steamship IMils which innon lowand Point near the Mtmah offLands Kml Kngland on May lit lHif nnd-

xvns hiued off two month later xvlll lie In servlco bvtwcuii Xow York and Southampton nextyear She xvl I bo rmmeil thn

with tho other tho lineallniimtd for rrorlenn eltl Shol inw bn-Ing retlttcd with new onifltiKs and bollnrs tittho of lltirlnnd A Wolff nt ll lfa t andIt H expected will bn u better ship than everwhen she put Into

IlllleSrhnollor Killed by n street Cnr-

Slxyoarold John Miiller of liltl Ter en ave-

nue The llronxwas killed yesterday nltornonnwhile oil hli way homo from Primary SchoolitJ In East IWth street Hewascro slng Thirdavenue when car IWMof the Inlnn Itnilway

canio along going north Hn waknocKed down and crushed under tlio wheelguard while being taken to the Mnnl-sanla station houso In n patrol wagon Thn

was Identified by means of a KOOI ticketIssued tn him liy the principaland which was pocket Themotorman wns arrested

llrnxr Ke riie of Crrw nt Uniterm-otiFolK Vn March 1 Tho schonnnr Liz

zie 8 James ot Philadelphia wont ashore nn-

Hatteras Inlet bar in a howling gale thismorning Thn wind blewal the rate of llftyIwo miles an hour The crow eluna to thoshrouds and awaited rescue This afternoon acrew of llattpras seamen led bv Capt IraSiowe faced Iho ntnrni nnd In a lortymlli

ale put off In n pilot skiff Thny made iM-iimess mon jump into HIP sea one ono

and afterward picked them upand broughtthem nnhoro The Hchooner wan bound Irom-Newbcrmi for New York with lumber

llepnlillrnni Win In Mnlne IlfcllomA-

uorsTA Mo Mnr h 12Tureo Maine cltleiheld their munrMpnl elections today In An-

tusta the Hepuhllcans carried every ward andelected Simucl W Lane JIayor over Fred W-

Plnlhted DctTiOcrat byWW In lllddeford the Citizens elected their full ticketwithout opposition except In onp ward In

Iho flvn of tho-ven ward and reructitd Mayor Chapln br

7r majority

riOilne SrhonnersCntiiln Snrnt Awnv-

nnsTox March 12Capt Williams nt HH-

fl hlng hchnonor Mary A Gleason which nrrived hern toflay from th Oenrgnx reportthat Cipt Mn nu Pat rson of the lshln-sehooner Lornn was ivasruvl overtoarsnn drowne i and thren of her crow were inlured by a sen raking ths vessel deciii

lp March l Ho leaves a ivile andlive children

Onnd Truck Good frslni Onod TimeIn rhoflhtiMhXwYork C ntr U not ur












> ¬




1OttCK l lKt ARI Rl AX OllfBT-

hrvnt to Indict Them Cnine on thu llnell-of ItThcy W re Mnkln thr CuntnnitryOne or Two Arreiti Whon thn ItlilrlctAttorney nnd Ills 8taH Desceniloil linnThem nnil Uemi the Hint Art lo Them

Uletrlct Attorney Gardiner Informed ChiefDevory yesterday that th Tlvoll thu Haymsr-ket tho Malsnn Dotfe McOurks and slmllurplaces nro unlawful nuisances and otherwiseobnoxious to tlmlnw and should bn forthwithsuppressed His lotler ilch Is prlntoil else-

where nNntimletlioCiief looknt Hectlon 17ofthe Penal Lodn totiehlne wilful neglect ot dutf-by public officers

The police didnt seem to be In any hurrfabout obeying this hint At Plfi oclock Cap-tThomis nnd Wardman Hhlor left the Tender-loin station ami went to Hob Nelsons Tlvoll-at KM Wot Thlrtynflh Htroct There tlierarrested Charles i Ackron tho managerand TonyLnulettp the leader of Iho orchestraAtthoHtntlon the two men weru locked up on-

a charge of violating Section IIS5 of tho PenalCode relating to public nuisance ths sameunder which the play Snpho was stoppedand with keeping a disorderly houso andviolating tho Concert act In not having alicense for tho orchestra The place was notclosed but thn music stopped

It had taken only twenty minutes to dnthliand Capt Thomas accompanied by Wardmin-Shechnn left the station Immediatelyand headed for the Haymarket dance hallThe plnc had just opened Tho orchestrahad played but one piece and therewere not over VMI persons In the plac ond nilof Hire were employees Capt Thomaswalked up to Edward I Corey the proprietorand Detective Shcehau went to John Menr-

lh leader of the orchestra Thou both spok-

at onceWe want you was all thsysald

Corey and Menz reached for their coats andhats and started away with the policeThen Capt Thoma ktopped a he reached thodoor

This place has got to chut up hhop he dsdared Put out your lights and lock the doorsThis goes And dont forget that when youare cloied you have got to stay closed

Corny nodded to cue ol the employees beforehe walked to tho street liofore Capt Thomasand the detective and prisoners reached Ihostation which Is but half a block away thadoors of the liar market were closed nnd lockedtitil nil of the lights had beau put outexcept tho one used by the bartenderIn putting ow y their stock for tho nlchtGeorge Karsch of TO West Thirtythird etrectthe brewer was sent for and hi called nt HIM

station shortly afterward and balled Cotcyand Men out

AckrMi and Iauetle were balled a few min-

utes Intor by Albert lludolpli of 511 West FiftyDO vent h street

They relumed Immediately to the TlvollNearly as many loose women as usual were Inthe place nnl a good bur lKde wns done with-

out the miislo-At midnight Assistant District Attornef-

Dautel J Olieiily and Anslstnnt DIMrlct A-tinriioy J Forbes walked Into thu-Tlvoll to see If the was simwDistrict Attorney Gardiner Uiipolice to close It They found plenty of

bolng sola They tald ID-

Ackron but and xvent Intotha reort next door known as the Pekln-Iferi i hay found not only the usual largo crowdil women and men drinking all sorts it

intoxicating beverages there waiall orchestra grinding out tunes Nextthey went to the Malson Donewhich Is In ths same block vYhia-Jhcj entered Police Commlsi loner Jacob lieswas Btafed at one of the tables OllelllynnMr HennesMiy ay tlmt music was going on-Mr Hess was no muslo while xvfisthere Mr Hess lelt Hi place wayof Seventh aveiiiioto the t Thirtieth streetstation He went Into Cap Thomass room andeiimil tlio door I a fe r minutes Oipi-llioiiKiseaineout of Hit room and unvo Mini

orders to lh sereeunt Then ensued a writclanging of belli in llm I loom nnil thidormitory and within iivo minutes CainThomas nnd ten tilninclothos men lett tinstation Commissioner Hcsald later

went aiiium lo the TlvoM lonlcht tilsee It Thomas hail carried out hisorlers hoii I C tlicre mul hcnl of th-

nrr Nt and iaw that tinre wn no musihire I left and droppeii inti IH llorce to sen

how things re I wa thetelherwas no niu ic I ft th nhiealin I had completeil my inxeMUritluii to tell dipt Thomaswhat In fnninl-

Capt Thorn doI i reil that he allthat ho cou il w Inn tho law Unpaid

If they vlilif m tlinihee oi u law 1 canarrest ihoi vmsc i Akron arte t bnoausslie was vloliiilnt llic concert law 1 cannotclose him He has a right to sell liquorunder the law a l o na tt licnse-

Mr GKdlliViin Ir Hiin ss v went to theManhattan Chilian i e wlui thoy liulfound to Assliftiii Diitrct Attorney MclntyreAll Hircodeclar nit thonhorllvo railsofpolli witiiltl tin lo They ealloil UP Mr-

llHrdlner at tin Inioulsl Club on llm tele-phone and toM him what hnl hap

II that he wrnul I startImmediate y in a tab for ho Mimhutmi Cluband that is nona he rcinliiil therethov wouldail lour gn nriiiit to int Tlinnasstatloii

tle r oi t he for nothaving closed the ices n order I under thatwetlon nf tin cliiilr which provilci thaiplaces ein ho su sod thit nro oni0 od tv

the anil pmi tv of the neieliliorliood-Hoforuleavingth Colonial Club uflcr mil

nluhl Col Gnrllner aidbtter to Ch Devory this nternoon-

tlid not mean that IID was to arrest uni claiH-In eoiicort liaIN nr uvn proprietors Itmeant that he wns lo oo oWhen I wrto that 1 meant It 1vogone Into this ihiiig In oirneit andIm to see It thr iugli If Chief llvorv-or any of his nflljerx fails to do Ills duty I will

him anil In the proicctitln therewill be tu lot up-

At iwnty nilnntos before I oelok thism Tiling Capt Th uiihs and Coiiiiiilsloior-Hes lft the Ten lerloln police Niiitlon to-

Kethor Thhflil lionn lire mlnuteiwhen Hennessey and Mr Melntyro walkedinto the station

Capt ThnmiiH here aiked Mr Hnnncsur-of the Sergeant Ho just left xvlth Mr liesreple I Hie sraoant-

ViH replied Mr Hennessey tho law Ubeing violated in the the P kin andthe DonV I have b on thor a I I Uiirvx

thai thoy haxn vlolnted thilaw tonight Gardiner has seatmo hero to say that If these pluousarn noldo il 1 oclock tor good and tlmt gives youjut fifteen mlnutei to Ithe xvlllThnmiis Iwtoro thn Graml Jurr tomorrovr-nml xvlll iiiiiku troutile for him

Tho Hergennt mado no but whisperedto llnutidcninu Coreirand Corey and twjmoil left th station Mr Mclntyre and

Hnnesscv reinnliied to see what wouldliapinii

About 10i oclock Mr GardinerWent Thirtieth ilroul station on th telephoneanil askod If Mr xvns there beluutold that ho washu naked that he huxont lo-Hi

Have yuii seen Thomas yet asked Mr-

GirdlnerSot yet Mr Mclntyre it n tlm

most undignified proico thnt I ever sax-vHer1 am an As Munl District Attorney ofNew York county and I Imvo to conn-an t wait nl siallon In sen that a pftllce cap-tain onrrios out Inn decent manner tho order1-olthi Dl trlt Attorney

Von wait nnd te Thomas if you haxo lowait all night onlwred Mr Youtell him tlmt If ray order aro not carriednnt I xvlll have lilm tomorrowby tho Grand Jury Tell Mr H nuvs v

ut along street and lookthroiuh all thn places tlinre nnd if are notcloseil lolet mo know and I will find oul fromTHpt Thomns why this i the case

Th Sergeant sont oul word lo all thn police-men rn tiot to try and llndAoihttnt trlct Aitorney started out forIns tour of West Twentyninth street andMr Oltelhy xverr again tnxvarl Thlrtytlltlii-ireet tn sen wimt hi I to Ihu-iaces thor Mr Mclntyre waited nt th

itntiou-Attt minutes to 1 oclock the word reachml-

IVnrdmnn Kranfc ilinnon In Wo t ThirtyMllli-itrent thn Mr Melntyro wis making throatsf indicting Capt ran lo tho-

1ivoll He met Ackron In thn doorway Tinilaen was full of ieopl-

olouve got to clo e up right away salJ-i nnnnIll close at 1 oclock and nol a minute b-

or said01 nnon began to talk to him In a low toM

> <> > >










