Using Moodle for Teaching Writing to Prep Students Inst. Emsal Ateş Özdemir İTÜ School of...

Using Moodle for Teaching Writing to Prep Students Inst. Emsal Ateş Özdemir İTÜ School of Foreign Languages [email protected]

Transcript of Using Moodle for Teaching Writing to Prep Students Inst. Emsal Ateş Özdemir İTÜ School of...

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  • Using Moodle for Teaching Writing to Prep Students Inst. Emsal Ate zdemir T School of Foreign Languages [email protected]
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  • Process approach Product approach Two approaches for teaching writing
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  • Prewriting (selecting a topic and planning what to say) Drafting Peer / teacher response Revision Editing If you are following these steps...
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  • Emphasizes prewriting, drafting, revising and editing, and regards writing as a thinking process (Brown, 1994) The activities involved in the process approach create the pathway by which students complete their assignments (Calkins, 1994) Process approach
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