Using maslahah performa (wealth management) achmad firdaus nurizal (tazkia university indonesia)...

THEMATIC WORKSHOP ON AL-MAL: PHILOSOPHY AND ITS APPLICATION IN ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE ORGANIZERS: Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI/IDB), Jeddah and Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia DATES: 8 10 December 2014 VENUE: Institut Latihan Islam Malaysia (ILIM), Bangi Selangor, Malaysia 1 USING MASLAHAH PERFORMA AS WEALTH MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Achmad Firdaus 1 ([email protected]) Nurizal Ismail 2 ([email protected]) Abstract The study aims to develop Maslahah Performa (MaP) as methodology of wealth management system. MaP is maqasid al-shari’ah based organizational performance management system (Firdaus & Mukhlis, 2014). The objective of shariah (maqasid al- shari’ah) is to protect and preserve: religion, life, progency, intellect and wealth, could be developed as foundation of organizational performance management system. Aspects of maslahah daruriyah those are religion, life, progency, intellect and wealth, to be developed into various of organizational performance orientation. Furthermore, goal of wealth management is to achieve falah. Objective of wealth management is to get maslahah. Maslahah based wealth management can be derived from cycle of acquiring and utilizing wealth. Acquiring wealth can be carried out by fullfilling worship orientation, internal process orientation, talent orientation, learning orientation, customer orientation and wealth orientation. Utilizing wealth can be carried out by allocating asset to wealth orientation, customer orientation, learning orientation, talent orientation, internal process orientation, worship orientation. Keywords: Maslahah Performa, Wealth Management, Financial Planning. 1. INTRODUCTION Al-Ghazali (Ghazanfar,1997) explained that result of life aspects is to obtain the successful in world and salvation in the hereafter (falah). Falah will be achieved if the human needs (maslahah daruriyah) are fulfilled in balanced way. The balanced life between material and non-material needs, tangible and i-tangible needs and of course for world needs and the hereafter needs. In the view of al-Shātibi, maslahah daruriyah consists of al-din (religion), al-nafs (life), al-nasl (progency), al-‘aql (intellect) and al- mal (wealth). It means falah is the goal of live and maslahah 2 is the objective of live. It is 1 Lecturer, TAZKIA University College of Islamic Economics, [email protected]. 2 Lecturer, TAZKIA University College of Islamic Economics. [email protected] 2 Al-Quran uses zalama QS al-Maidah 5: 39 dan fasada QS 26: 123, QS 27: 142, QS: 2: 220, QS 6: 76, QS 14: 5, QS 17: 28, QS 18: 21, QS 27: 55, QS 2: 269, QS 24: 41, QS 51: 56, QS 11: 61

Transcript of Using maslahah performa (wealth management) achmad firdaus nurizal (tazkia university indonesia)...

Page 1: Using maslahah performa (wealth management) achmad firdaus   nurizal (tazkia university indonesia) camera rev


APPLICATION IN ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE ORGANIZERS: Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI/IDB), Jeddah and Universiti

Kebangsaan Malaysia

DATES: 8 – 10 December 2014

VENUE: Institut Latihan Islam Malaysia (ILIM), Bangi Selangor, Malaysia




Achmad Firdaus1

([email protected])

Nurizal Ismail2

([email protected])


The study aims to develop Maslahah Performa (MaP) as methodology of wealth

management system. MaP is maqasid al-shari’ah based organizational performance

management system (Firdaus & Mukhlis, 2014). The objective of shariah (maqasid al-

shari’ah) is to protect and preserve: religion, life, progency, intellect and wealth, could be

developed as foundation of organizational performance management system. Aspects of

maslahah daruriyah those are religion, life, progency, intellect and wealth, to be

developed into various of organizational performance orientation. Furthermore, goal of

wealth management is to achieve falah. Objective of wealth management is to get


Maslahah based wealth management can be derived from cycle of acquiring and

utilizing wealth. Acquiring wealth can be carried out by fullfilling worship orientation,

internal process orientation, talent orientation, learning orientation, customer orientation

and wealth orientation. Utilizing wealth can be carried out by allocating asset to wealth

orientation, customer orientation, learning orientation, talent orientation, internal process

orientation, worship orientation.

Keywords: Maslahah Performa, Wealth Management, Financial Planning.


Al-Ghazali (Ghazanfar,1997) explained that result of life aspects is to obtain the

successful in world and salvation in the hereafter (falah). Falah will be achieved if the

human needs (maslahah daruriyah) are fulfilled in balanced way. The balanced life

between material and non-material needs, tangible and i-tangible needs and of course for

world needs and the hereafter needs. In the view of al-Shātibi, maslahah daruriyah

consists of al-din (religion), al-nafs (life), al-nasl (progency), al-‘aql (intellect) and al-

mal (wealth). It means falah is the goal of live and maslahah2 is the objective of live. It is

1 Lecturer, TAZKIA University College of Islamic Economics, [email protected]. 2 Lecturer, TAZKIA University College of Islamic Economics. [email protected] 2Al-Quran uses zalama QS al-Maidah 5: 39 dan fasada QS 26: 123, QS 27: 142, QS: 2: 220, QS 6: 76, QS

14: 5, QS 17: 28, QS 18: 21, QS 27: 55, QS 2: 269, QS 24: 41, QS 51: 56, QS 11: 61

Page 2: Using maslahah performa (wealth management) achmad firdaus   nurizal (tazkia university indonesia) camera rev


APPLICATION IN ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE ORGANIZERS: Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI/IDB), Jeddah and Universiti

Kebangsaan Malaysia

DATES: 8 – 10 December 2014

VENUE: Institut Latihan Islam Malaysia (ILIM), Bangi Selangor, Malaysia


in line with maqasid al-shari’ah (al-Shātibi) that is protecting and preserving: al-din

(religion), al-nafs (life), al-nasl (progency), al-‘aql (intellect) and al-mal (wealth). Falah

is also regarded as the goal and maslahah as the objective in managing wealth.

In the context of organization, Firdaus & Mukhlis (2014) explained that

organizational maslahah is consist of six aspects of maslahah orientation. They are

worship orientation, internal process orientation, talent orientation, learning orientation,

customer orientation and wealth orientation. It is called Maslahah Performa (MaP). MaP

is maqasid al-shari’ah based organizational performance management system. This study

aims to develop Maslahah Performa (MaP) as methodology of wealth management



Earth (QS 7: 128) and universe (QS 57: 5) are owned absolutely by Allah. Allah

created human as khalifah (vicegerent) on earth (QS 2: 29-30). Allah commands all

mankind to perform good deeds and to prohibit wrong deeds. Thus, wealth is absolutely

owned by Allah. Allah has given human a trust to manage the wealth in accordance with

His guidance derived from Qur'an and Hadits. Allah sets operational standard, how to

acquire and how to utilize wealth. This standard is derived from al-Quran and Hadits


If method of acquiring or utilizing the wealth is against rules of Allah, He will

take back trusted wealth. In contrast, if the method is conformity with shari’ah, the

trusted wealth will be more valuable and barakah (get blessing from Allah). In addition,

Allah will reward bonus for those who utilize wealth in the world and the hereafter by

using shari’ah.

The barakah will impact on wealth growth. On the contrary, when it is not

barakah will impact on wealth depreciation. The wealth will return back to initial

position and even will vanish (nothing left). The barakah wealth indicates that wealth is

reversible (Firdaus & Mukhlis, 2014). It can be said that good of wealth management

should be based on barakah aspects derived from Islamic values and principles.


This study will use exploratory study. It will investigate new concept by

developing previous concept that established by others. Maslahah Performa (MaP) as

maqasid al-shari’ah based organizational performance management system (Firdaus &

Mukhlis, 2014) will be developed as Islamic wealth management system. Moreover,

library research will be done relate with wealth management, maqasid al-shari’ah and

performance management.


Beautified for men is the love of things they covet (QS 3: 14). This verse explains

that man loves things those are material nature: women, children, much of gold, and

Page 3: Using maslahah performa (wealth management) achmad firdaus   nurizal (tazkia university indonesia) camera rev


APPLICATION IN ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE ORGANIZERS: Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI/IDB), Jeddah and Universiti

Kebangsaan Malaysia

DATES: 8 – 10 December 2014

VENUE: Institut Latihan Islam Malaysia (ILIM), Bangi Selangor, Malaysia


silver (wealth), branded beautiful horses, cattle and well-tilled land. Wealth is required

for doing activities. Moreover, mankind could not sustain their lives optimally without


Wealth is often used as main purpose of life. Various ways and strategies are

undertaken to obtain wealth. In the other hand, procedure of acquiring and utilizing

wealth has an impact on barakah wealth. The barakah wealth is acquired through halal

and thoyib ways. Halal means it is conformity with shari'ah, while Thoyib represents the

conformity with the rules of society in social relationship.

Islam teaches us that use of wealth is a mean to achieve the goal. In short term

objective is to attain successful in the world and long term objective is salvation in the

hereafter (akhirah). However, Islam has regulated the wealth as follows:

i. Wealth is a trust of Allah (QS 24: 33). Its ownership is relative. The principle of

wealth management is trust that must be accounted in the hereafter.

ii. Process of acquiring and utilizing wealth must be in line with shari’ah (QS 4: 29,

QS 16: 114).

iii. Procedure of acquiring the wealth will impact to barakah wealth.

iv. Wealth utilization is not only for the world (dunya), but also for the hereafter

(akhirah) (QS 29: 64).

v. Procedure of utilizing wealth will impact to barakah wealth.

A. Maslahah Performa

Achmad Firdaus & Ahmad Mukhlis. Y. (2014) explained that basic needs

(maslahah daruriyah) of organization consists of six mashalah orientations. It is

organizational maslahah, Maslahah Performa (MaP). Worship orientation as a framework

on protection and preservation of religion within organization. It is an answer to the

question „to achieve sustainability of the salvation life in the hereafter and success in the

world, how do organization implement religion in daily activities to God, to stakeholders

and to the environment?'

Internal process orientation as framework on protection and preservation of

organization life. It is an answer to the question „to achieve sustainability of the salvation

life in the hereafter and success in the world, how do organization manage internal

process?‟ Talent orientation as framework on protection and preservation of

organizational progency. It is an answer to the question „to achieve sustainability of the

safety life in the hereafter and success in the world, how do organization manage talent?‟.

Learning orientation as framework on protection and preservation of organization

intellect. It is an answer to the question „to achieve sustainability of the safety life in the

hereafter and success in the world, what kind learning process was done by organization‟.

Customer orientation as framework on protection and preservation of costumer. It is an

answer to the question: „to achieve sustainability of the safety life in the hereafter and

Page 4: Using maslahah performa (wealth management) achmad firdaus   nurizal (tazkia university indonesia) camera rev


APPLICATION IN ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE ORGANIZERS: Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI/IDB), Jeddah and Universiti

Kebangsaan Malaysia

DATES: 8 – 10 December 2014

VENUE: Institut Latihan Islam Malaysia (ILIM), Bangi Selangor, Malaysia


success in the world, what kind activities were done by organization for customer?‟

Wealth orientation as framework on protection and preservation of organizational

wealth. It is an answer to the question „to achieve a sustainability of the safety life in the

hereafter and success in the world, what effort should be undertaken by organization in

acquiring wealth and utilizing wealth?‟ Maslahah Performa (MaP) diagram is described

completely in Figure 1.

B. Cycle of Acquiring Wealth and Utilizing Wealth

Islam teaches us that process to acquire and process to utilize wealth must be in

line with shari’ah. Procedure of acquiring and utilizing wealth will impact to barakah.

(blessing). Therefore, Dahan (2012) explained three phases in Islamic wealth

management: the proper acquisition of wealth, preservation of wealth and correct

expenditure and lastly distribution of wealth. Wealth accumulation is a process to acquire

wealth. Wealth preservation is process of spending wealth to cover major need. Wealth

distribution is a process of spending wealth for other expenses. Acquisition of wealth is a

process to acquire the wealth meanwhile preservation of wealth and correct expenditure

& distribution of wealth are process to utilize the wealth.

Sulaiman (2011) explained that Islamic financial planning consists of wealth

creation, wealth generation, wealth purification, wealth protection and wealth

distribution. Wealth creation is a process to obtain wealth. Wealth owned by person or

organization is not merely effort of individual or organization. It is an endowment from

Allah (QS 16: 80). Wealth generation is a process of developing wealth in order to

become much more. Islam prohibits that wealth is left idle. Wealth should be invested.

Investment is carried by avoiding of dzalim, interest, gharar and maysir.

Wealth purification is a process of cleaning or purifying wealth. Wealth needs to

be purified, to clean it from illegal income that may have unknown earned. Process of

cleaning or purifying wealth is done by paying zakat. Allah guarantees that zakat will

increase wealth many times over (QS 2: 261).

Wealth protection is a process of allocating wealth intended to manage risks that

may occur. Islam recommends risk management because human kind could not predict

something that has not happened. Something that happens in the next day only Allah

knows. Wealth distribution is a process of allocating wealth as a form of estate

management in line with shari’ah. Estate management will help a Muslim to distribute

his wealth according to his wishes (QS 4: 11-12). Wealth creation is a process to acquire

wealth. Meanwhile, wealth generation, wealth purification, wealth protection and wealth

distribution are processes to utilize wealth.

Likewise, maslahah performa (MaP). The system consists of process to acquire

wealth and process to utilize wealth. Cycle of acquiring wealth can be carried out by

Page 5: Using maslahah performa (wealth management) achmad firdaus   nurizal (tazkia university indonesia) camera rev


APPLICATION IN ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE ORGANIZERS: Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI/IDB), Jeddah and Universiti

Kebangsaan Malaysia

DATES: 8 – 10 December 2014

VENUE: Institut Latihan Islam Malaysia (ILIM), Bangi Selangor, Malaysia


fulfilling worship orientation, internal process orientation, talent orientation, learning

orientation, customer orientation and wealth orientation sequenly.

Then, the cycle of utilizing wealth can be carried out by allocating asset for wealth

orientation, customer orientation, learning orientation, talent orientation, internal process

orientation, worship orientation.

The nature of cycle is „pull‟. Technically, the process of wealth utilization is

pulling the process of acquiring wealth. It means that Islam obligates ummat to acquire

wealth in good and right manners fulfilling all needs. „pull‟ in Islamic context is

obligation to fulfill all basic needs (maslahah daruriyah) that consist of religion (al-din),

life (al-nafs), progency (al-nasl), wealth (al-mal) and intellect (al-‘aql). Besides that

needs, it is conditional. On the contrary, the fulfillment of luxury and exceeded things can

be categorized as wasteful things. It is not allowed in Islamic ways. Cycle of acquiring

wealth and utilizing wealth diagram is described completely in Figure 2.

C. Acquiring Wealth

Islam permits a variety of ways to get wealth. According to Buang (2008), several

ways to acquire wealth are Ihya ' al-Mawat, Al–sayd and ghanimah. Ihya ' al-Mawat is

acquiring wealth of uninhabited land or land not used or abandoned by their owners, or

has never been occupied by others. Al-sayd means hunting wild animals or fishing.

Ghanimah is acquired wealth from the victory of war. Moreover, methods and procedures

of acquiring wealth are more ethical way along with human civilization. Trade, business

and investment become major ways to return wealth.

As according maslahah performa (MaP), to acquire the barakah wealth, the main

key is achieving worship orientation. Worship orientation is a central of spiritual energy

that transfers positive energy to other organizational maslahah orientation. Positive

energy of worship orientation impacts to individual and organization that will protect

attitude and behavior in accordance with demand of aqidah and guidance of shari’ah. In

seeking wealth, individual and organization should protect akhlak as the teaching of

Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.

Furthermore, body and soul of organization should be developed well to achieve

successful in the world and salvation in the hereafter. Moreover, one of barriers must be

abolished or avoided is interest. The system of interest can destroy and cause harmful

(madarrah) to ownership system.

Purification of soul can be carried out if the organization is able to fulfill the need

of worship orientation. Worship orientation as a center of energy transfers positive

energy of spiritual toward all of organizational maslahah orientation. Hence, all

organizational maslahah orientation will react on energy of worship orientation. Internal

process orientation has an inertia moment lowest than other orientation. Hence, respond

of internal process orientation on worship orientation is fastest than other orientation

(Figure 3). Worship orientation improves the soul of organization to become more

convenient, soft, patient, optimist. As a result, internal process orientation will be


Page 6: Using maslahah performa (wealth management) achmad firdaus   nurizal (tazkia university indonesia) camera rev


APPLICATION IN ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE ORGANIZERS: Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI/IDB), Jeddah and Universiti

Kebangsaan Malaysia

DATES: 8 – 10 December 2014

VENUE: Institut Latihan Islam Malaysia (ILIM), Bangi Selangor, Malaysia


Consequently, spiritual relationship between organization and The Sustainer (Al-

Razzaq), organization and stakeholder, organization and environment can give good aura

to attitude and behavior of talent workforce. The talent workforce will regard work as

worship, not only philosophy or concept but also in practical level (Figure 4).

Work relationship between employer and employee is more better and harmony.

The talent workforce evaluates him/herself voluntarily. The awareness of potential and

important role of self in organization is increasing. Furthermore, capacity and capability

of talent workforce are also increasing. The talent workforce is always happy to work that

will make him/her struggle and innovative. Harmony occurs not only on him/her, but also

on household. The talent workforce who has high innovation and spiritual mental

influences the agility of organization.

Learning orientation (Figure 5) creates awareness, hopes and desires on the

achievement of ideal organization. It is to achieve sustainable benefits of organization.

Moreover, it has benefits to Allah, stakeholders and the environment that associates with

the existence of vicegerent (khalifah).

Internal process orientation (Figure 6) puts customer requirement as a trust to be

performed. The requirement is derived from the wishes and expectations of the

customers. Then, it is recorded and documented by organization. Non-compliance of

customer requirement becomes disgrace to organization that should be corrected

immediately. The organization has a shame if it cannot meet customer requirement.

Organization fully realizes that customer is a mean for Allah to deliver His rizk to

organization. The impact is that customer become satisfied by service of organization.

Existing customer will be loyal to organization. Consequently, new customer become

more familiar with the organization. Both of customer satisfaction creates customer


Customer is mean of rizk that Allah has endowed to organization. Therefore,

number of customers has positive relationship with rizk obtained. If organization is closer

to customers, it will open wide opportunity attaining rizk. Customer is a mean in attaining

or acquiring rizk that has determined by Allah. Allah the Almighty is as The Sustainer

(Al-Razzaq). However, customer is one of doors to open the rizk that has been determined

by Allah the Almighty (Figure 7).

Allah delivers His rizk through customer. It is not mean that Allah cannot endow

the rizk to organization directly. He uses customer as medium so that organization can

behave with good akhlaq to customer. Interaction between organization and customer is

not only economical transactional relationship, but Allah makes the interaction as social

relationships to realize the function of vicegerency (Khalifah).

D. Utilizing Wealth

To obtain barakah (blessing of Allah) of utilizing wealth, main key is strategy of

allocating wealth. Wealth acquired by right and good way, is allocated to meet all needs

of organizational maslahah orientation. They are wealth orientation, customer orientation,

Page 7: Using maslahah performa (wealth management) achmad firdaus   nurizal (tazkia university indonesia) camera rev


APPLICATION IN ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE ORGANIZERS: Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI/IDB), Jeddah and Universiti

Kebangsaan Malaysia

DATES: 8 – 10 December 2014

VENUE: Institut Latihan Islam Malaysia (ILIM), Bangi Selangor, Malaysia


learning orientation, talent orientation, internal process orientation and worship

orientation (Figure 8).

The aim of fulfilling needs of wealth orientation is to re-produce wealth. Islamic

investment must be carried out prudently and accurately. Islam regulates process of

increasing wealth in accordance with shari’ah, by avoiding prohibited factors such as

dzalim, rusywah, riba, maysir and gharar. Referring to Sulaiman (2011), fulfilling needs

of wealth orientation is wealth generation. Sulaiman said “generation” is describing that

the wealth is already there and its utilization would bring more wealth. It is meaning that

fulfilling needs of wealth orientation has goal to get more wealth.

Fulfilling needs of customer orientation is carried out to improve customer

satisfaction and to increase market share. Spending wealth is used to identify customer

requirements, establish customer requirements and to achieve customer satisfaction.

Voice of customer (VoC) is realized by listening to customers and engaging customers.

Customer complaint, information, customer feedback serviced through call center, email,

fax, telephone or other method. Cost of listening to customer and customer engagement

correlate to customer relationship management.

Referring to Sulaiman (2011), meet the needs of customer orientation are grouped

into wealth generation. Wealth, utilized to meet customer orientation aims to enhance

customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction will be able to maintain customer loyalty and

increase the number of new customers. Of course it can increase market share.

Needs of learning orientation is derived from human capital and organizational

capital. Intellect and heart are the source of human capital that needs to be developed and

empowered. Human capital consists of experience, education, skills, knowledge, insight,

aqidah, shari’ah and akhlak. Needs of human capital could be fulfilled through

recruitment and selection, training and development that supports key performance

indicator (KPI), equitable industrial relations, performance management that support the

advancement and improvement, talent pool in line to organizational goal, costs of human

capital in line to organizational strategy (cost of leave, bonuses, insurance and family

employment, car allowance, home allowance, medical expenses, medical checkup),

allowance of Islamic celebration day. Workforce not only has competence in the

technical management of organization, but also has competence in implementing religion

in everyday of life.

Needs of organizational capital is derived from internal process and Information

Technology (IT) system. Needs of organization capital could be fulfilled through

budgetary allocation to the strategy of the organization, equitable reward and punishment

system, IT blue print development that support advancement. Referring to Sulaiman

(2011), fulfilling needs of learning orientation are grouped into wealth generation.

Needs of internal process orientation contained in the input process, the main

process of value creation, the output process and sustainability benefit process. Included

in sustainability benefit processes are: disaster & emergency management, risk

management, continuous improvement, and corporate strategic planning.

Page 8: Using maslahah performa (wealth management) achmad firdaus   nurizal (tazkia university indonesia) camera rev


APPLICATION IN ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE ORGANIZERS: Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI/IDB), Jeddah and Universiti

Kebangsaan Malaysia

DATES: 8 – 10 December 2014

VENUE: Institut Latihan Islam Malaysia (ILIM), Bangi Selangor, Malaysia


Disasters such as earthquake, fires or loss, as well as unexpected events, can lead

to loss of both material and non-material for the organization. The organization must

manage disasters and emergencies so that the extent of damage and loss can be


Organizations operate in an uncertainty. Something that happened to the

organization as a result of uncertainty is called risk. Sometimes risk in line with

expectations but sometimes also not in line with expectations. Risk is a necessity. This

means that the risk is inevitable. Investment has risks, not achieve investment results.

Investment has risks, getting the results are not in line with expectations. Production

process has risks. Production processes do not comply with customer expectations.

Wealth utilized to fulfill internal process orientation needs aims to control organizational

risk. Refers to Sulaiman (2011), Referring to Sulaiman (2011), fulfilling needs of internal

process orientation are grouped into wealth generation.

Needs of worship orientation is associated with worship for Allah. Worship not

just at a particular time or particular place. It is meaning that we should believe that

presence of Allah in variety of activities at any place and any time.

Worship reflected on an understanding of: aqidah as demand, shari’ah as

guidance and morals as implementation activities. Organization implement the principles

of religion in daily activities both direct worship to Allah and good relationships to

stakeholders and environment. Zakat, infaq, shadaqoh, waqf (endowment), hajj, aids for

poor orphan, corporate social responsibility (CSR) and aids for victims of calamities and

disasters are worship activities. No less important is costs that must be incurred to meet

compliance process. Included in compliance process are shari’ah compliance, legal

compliance and internal audit.

Refers to Sulaiman (2011), wealth needs to be purified for two reasons: to cleanse

it from illegal income one may have unknowingly earned and to give part of one‟s wealth

to others (8 asnafs). Wealth purification as described by Sulaiman (2011) is included in

meeting needs of worship orientation. Whereas, related to wealth distribution, Sulaiman

(2014) explained that wealth distribution deals with what a muslim leaves behind upon

death and how he should plan his estate according to shariah. Seen that what is meant by

Sulaiman (2011) about wealth distribution is related to the utilization of wealth by

Muslims in order to implement a command of Islam thought. So, wealth purification and

wealth distribution are grouped into fulfilling the needs of worship orientation.


Maslahah Performa (MaP) is a wealth management system from Islamic

perspective. Maslahah performa is a cycle. Cycle of acquiring wealth and utilizing wealth

those are in line with maqasid shariah. To get the barakah wealth from acquiring wealth

process, organizations must meet the needs of worship orientation, internal processes

orientation, talent orientation, learning orientation and customer orientation. To get the

barakah wealth from utilizing wealth process, organizations must distribute wealth for

Page 9: Using maslahah performa (wealth management) achmad firdaus   nurizal (tazkia university indonesia) camera rev


APPLICATION IN ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE ORGANIZERS: Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI/IDB), Jeddah and Universiti

Kebangsaan Malaysia

DATES: 8 – 10 December 2014

VENUE: Institut Latihan Islam Malaysia (ILIM), Bangi Selangor, Malaysia


wealth orientation, customer orientation, learning orientation, talent orientation, internal

process orientation and worship orientation.


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Kijang, Bank Negara Malaysia, September 3 – 4, 2014

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Figure 1. Maslahah Performa Diagram

Page 10: Using maslahah performa (wealth management) achmad firdaus   nurizal (tazkia university indonesia) camera rev


APPLICATION IN ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE ORGANIZERS: Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI/IDB), Jeddah and Universiti

Kebangsaan Malaysia

DATES: 8 – 10 December 2014

VENUE: Institut Latihan Islam Malaysia (ILIM), Bangi Selangor, Malaysia


Worship Orientation

Wealth Orientation

Wealth Needs



Akhlak Needs
















Internal Process

Needs Fulfillment

Customer Orientation

Customer Needs


Talent Orientation

Talent Needs


Learning Orientation

Learning Needs


to achieve

sustainability of

the salvation life

in the hereafter

and success in

the world, how

do organization


religion in daily

activities to God

to achieve sustainability of the salvation life in

the hereafter and success in the world, how do

organization implement religion in daily

activities to stakeholders

to achieve

sustainability of

the salvation life

in the hereafter

and success in

the world, how

do organization


religion in daily

activities to the


to achieve sustainability of the salvation life

in the hereafter and success in the world,

what kind learning process was done by


to achieve a sustainability of the

salvation life in the hereafter and

success in the world, what effort

should be undertaken by organization

in acquiring wealth and utilizing


to achieve

sustainability of

the salvation life in

the hereafter and

success in the

world, how do


manage internal


to achieve sustainability of the salvation life

in the hereafter and success in the world, how

do organization manage talent?

to achieve

sustainability of the

salvation life in the

hereafter and

success in the

world, what kind

activities were

done by

organization for


Internal Process


Figure 2: Cycle of Acquiring and Utilizing Wealth
























Salvation in the Hereafter and

Successful in the World


Khalifah on the Earth


Maslahah based Organization



g W



g W



Page 11: Using maslahah performa (wealth management) achmad firdaus   nurizal (tazkia university indonesia) camera rev


APPLICATION IN ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE ORGANIZERS: Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI/IDB), Jeddah and Universiti

Kebangsaan Malaysia

DATES: 8 – 10 December 2014

VENUE: Institut Latihan Islam Malaysia (ILIM), Bangi Selangor, Malaysia


Figure 3

The Flow of Spiritual Energy on Internal Process Orientation

Figure 4

The Flow of Spiritual Energy on Talent Orientation

Figure 5. The Flow of Spiritual Energy on Learning Orientation


Orientation Spiritual Energy Internal



Worship Orientation

Internal Process


Talent Orientation

Spiritual Energy

Spiritual Energy Spiritual


Page 12: Using maslahah performa (wealth management) achmad firdaus   nurizal (tazkia university indonesia) camera rev


APPLICATION IN ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE ORGANIZERS: Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI/IDB), Jeddah and Universiti

Kebangsaan Malaysia

DATES: 8 – 10 December 2014

VENUE: Institut Latihan Islam Malaysia (ILIM), Bangi Selangor, Malaysia


Worship Orientation

Internal process oriented

Talent orientation

Spiritual energy

Spiritual Energy

Spritual energy

Learning Orientation

Spiritual energy

Spiritual Energy

Figure 6: The Flow of Spiritual Energy on Customer Orientation

Worship orientation

Internal proses


Talent orientation




Spiritual enegy

Spritual energy

Learning orientation

Customer orientation

Spiritual energy

Spiritual energy

Spiritual energy

Spiritual energy

Figure 7: The Flow of Spiritual Energy on Wealth Orientation

Page 13: Using maslahah performa (wealth management) achmad firdaus   nurizal (tazkia university indonesia) camera rev


APPLICATION IN ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE ORGANIZERS: Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI/IDB), Jeddah and Universiti

Kebangsaan Malaysia

DATES: 8 – 10 December 2014

VENUE: Institut Latihan Islam Malaysia (ILIM), Bangi Selangor, Malaysia


Worship orientation

Internal process


Talent Orientation

Spiritual energy

Spiritual energy

Spiritual energy

Learning orientation

Customer Orientation

Wealth Orientation

Spiritual energy

Spiritual enrgy

Spiritual energy




al energ


Spiritual energy

Spiritual energy

Figure 8: Wealth Allocation in Fulfilling the Need of Maslahah Orientation

Page 14: Using maslahah performa (wealth management) achmad firdaus   nurizal (tazkia university indonesia) camera rev


APPLICATION IN ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE ORGANIZERS: Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI/IDB), Jeddah and Universiti

Kebangsaan Malaysia

DATES: 8 – 10 December 2014

VENUE: Institut Latihan Islam Malaysia (ILIM), Bangi Selangor, Malaysia


Talent orientation

Worship orientation

Internal process


Asset allocation

Learning orientation

Customer Orientation

Wealth orientation


et a



Asset allocation

Asset allocation

Asset A

