Using Business Intelligence to Manage Your Fleet Danny Brashear CEM.

Using Business Intelligence to Manage Your Fleet Danny Brashear CEM

Transcript of Using Business Intelligence to Manage Your Fleet Danny Brashear CEM.

Page 1: Using Business Intelligence to Manage Your Fleet Danny Brashear CEM.

Using Business Intelligence to Manage Your Fleet Danny Brashear CEM

Page 2: Using Business Intelligence to Manage Your Fleet Danny Brashear CEM.

What is ‘Business Intelligence’

Business Intelligence refers to skills, processes, technologies, applications and practices used to support decision making.

Page 3: Using Business Intelligence to Manage Your Fleet Danny Brashear CEM.


What is Business Intelligence

How well do you know your Fleet

Are you tracking the right data

Can you answer all of your customer’s questions

Are you educating your customers with Business Intelligence

Having information at your finger tips - Dashboard

Page 4: Using Business Intelligence to Manage Your Fleet Danny Brashear CEM.

How well do you know your Fleet

Nobody should know your Fleet better then you

You want your customers to come to you

Some basic information you should know: Average age of your Fleet Average cost (per meter, per class, per asset) Best asset replacement goals Current inventory value Where is your budget dollars being spent Your next projected budget cost per department

Page 5: Using Business Intelligence to Manage Your Fleet Danny Brashear CEM.

Are you tracking the right data

Tracking KPI and why

Set KPI goals

Processes in place to help achieve the goals

Educate your staff and customers

Monitor the progress of each KPI

Run it like a business

Priorities change

Page 6: Using Business Intelligence to Manage Your Fleet Danny Brashear CEM.

KPI – Why do I need them?KPI – Why do I need them?

Track your shops performance

Show your customers how you’re doing

Keep you focused to meet your standards or promises to your customers

Provides needed data to write your business plan

Gives you the numbers to fight privatization

Identifies possible areas for additional training

Tell the shop story – ‘Your Scoreboard’

Page 7: Using Business Intelligence to Manage Your Fleet Danny Brashear CEM.

Some KPI to look at

Fleet availability to the customer – 90%

Shop turn around time – 75% within the same day

Direct labor vs in-direct labor – 90% direct

PM compliance - 90% complete

Scheduled repairs vs non-scheduled repairs – 80% scheduled vs 20% non scheduled

Comeback – less than 2%

Average age of the fleet – 3-5 years

Inventory turns – average of 4 per year

Page 8: Using Business Intelligence to Manage Your Fleet Danny Brashear CEM.

More KPI to look at

Utilization per class – varies per class, start with 700-per month

Shop turn around time – 75% in the same day

CPM (per class) that has more than 10% higher than average

Non-scheduled leave – less than 2%

Current fully burden labor rate

Parts fill rate, when do I stock it

Vendor performance meeting their promised deliveries

Outstanding warranty claims

Page 9: Using Business Intelligence to Manage Your Fleet Danny Brashear CEM.


In 6.0 there are 145 standard reports where 5.69 had 132


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18 - Vehicle Auction Report1

32 – Meter Per Gallon Exception Report1

33 – Cost Per Meter Exception Report2

08 – Parts Without a Vendor2

09 – Parts Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF)

223 – Part Transactions Detail Report

250 – NAPA Unprocessed Requests

250 – NAPA Total Time From Part Request To Part Issue

319 – Maintenance History By Repair Group And Class

338 – Work Order Delays By Status

403 – Tank Inventory Links

615 – Purge Data Report

615 – Record Creation Audit Report

Page 11: Using Business Intelligence to Manage Your Fleet Danny Brashear CEM.


Average Work Order Completion Time (327)

Technician Productivity % (330)

Technician Cost to Labor Dollars (331)

Customer Returns (335)

PM Labor % Comparison (315)

Active Work Orders by Shop (311)

Page 12: Using Business Intelligence to Manage Your Fleet Danny Brashear CEM.

Parts Inventory (200)

Parts Issued (201 & 201S)

Parts Received (204 & 204S) (compare to invoices)

Orders Not Received (205)

Parts Surplus (218)

Parts Obsolescence (219)

Inventory Movement (222)


Page 13: Using Business Intelligence to Manage Your Fleet Danny Brashear CEM.

Answer all of your customer’s questions

If not, ask questions Find out why they need to know How can you help them

Can you support your answers

Make sure to follow up Have regular customer meetings Bring the numbers, reports, examples, etc. Share your Business Plan and goals This will build good customer relationships

Page 14: Using Business Intelligence to Manage Your Fleet Danny Brashear CEM.

Are you educating your customers with Business Intelligence

You want your customers to depend on you Any Fleet information Customer Trust Be customer driven Provide the information they need Get them involved, get their buy in Come to you because they want to not have to

Use your Business Plan as a Fleet goal Update yearly

Page 15: Using Business Intelligence to Manage Your Fleet Danny Brashear CEM.


Page 16: Using Business Intelligence to Manage Your Fleet Danny Brashear CEM.


What is Business Intelligence

How well do you know your Fleet

Are you tracking the right information

Can you support your customer needs

Educate your customers with Business Intelligence

Create and use Business Plan as your Fleet goal

Having the right data at your finger tips

Page 17: Using Business Intelligence to Manage Your Fleet Danny Brashear CEM.


Page 18: Using Business Intelligence to Manage Your Fleet Danny Brashear CEM.

Thank you for attending!

Danny Brashear CEM

[email protected]

800-753-2783 – toll free

757-625-5114 – fax

757-623-1700 ext. 2201 – Direct

I hope you enjoy the rest of

the FASTER conference!