Using audio and timing in presentations

How to Create An Effective Presentation Kevin Sapia

Transcript of Using audio and timing in presentations

How to Create An Effective Presentation

How to Create An Effective Presentation Kevin Sapia

Dont Overwhelm the Audience!Animations and unnecessary clutter distract the audience from the presentation.

Too many pictures or bullets become hard to follow and understand.

Try and keep your bullets to under 5 per page.

Keep The Same Theme And Format-Try and keep the same theme, sizes, format and colors throughout the presentation.

- Your pictures and word styles should remain constant -The presentation is easier to follow when you follow a common pattern and theme.

- Using the ungrouping and effects tools can be very effective in creating your own picture that suits your presentation.

Use High ContrastsUsing high contrasts within the slide help the audience read and understand the materials they are being presented.A dark background with light writing make the information vibrant and appealing. You should also try and match your picture, theme, and style borders to the same contrasts as the rest of your presentation to maintain consistency.

Use The Appropriate Charts And Tables-A well placed chart or table can be very useful when giving a presentation.

-It can give visual aid to the information that the presenter is giving.

- However a wrongly placed chart or table can leave the audience confused and uninterested.

There is nothing more confusing then a presentation that has no flow or order.In addition to that, the transitions between slides should be simple and consistent.

You can lose your audiences attention with no flow or rhythm within your presentation. Make Sure Your Presentation Flows

Summary SlideYour last slide will be your most important!

Most of the audience will take the majority of the information gathered from either the first or last slide

Make sure your last slide is meaningful, informative, and draws the audiences attention.

Sources- Clip Art

Ccs,page. (31 January 2013) band conclusions 2/12/13

Macdonald, Dale. M. (June 1973) Shrimp Fleet at Dusk 2/12/13

Microsoft. (N.D) 00399350.jpg 2/12/13

Microsoft. (N.D) 00406895.jpg 2/12/13

Microsoft. (N.D) 00449104.jpg 2/12/13

Microsoft. (N.D) 00431283.jpg 2/12/13

Picture Sources