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Urbanization dynamics of Tehran city (1975–2015)using artificial neural networks

Alireza Taravat, Masih Rajaei & Iraj Emadodin

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Urbanization dynamics of Tehran city (1975–2015) using artificial neuralnetworksAlireza Taravata, Masih Rajaeib and Iraj Emadodinc

aGEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, Kiel, Germany; bThe Geoinformatics Experts Group, Najafabad, Iran; cInstitute forEcosystem Research, Christian Albrechts University, Kiel, Germany

ABSTRACTLand-use dynamic is a major challenge for town and country planners especially in developingcountries such as Iran. Iran has been under rapid urban expansion and population growth forpast three decades which led to lack of resources, environmental deterioration andhaphazard landscape development. In this paper, an attempt has been made to map theurbanization dynamics of Tehran in 40 years based on remote sensing imagery and bymeans of artificial neural networks. The presented scheme could be taken into considerationwhen planning initiatives aimed at surveying, monitoring, managing and sustainabledevelopment of the territory. Moreover, it can serve the experts in the fields of geography,urban studies and planning as a background for number of geographical analyses.

ARTICLE HISTORYReceived 29 April 2016Revised 25 January 2017Accepted 7 February 2017

KEYWORDSUrbanization; Tehran; Iran;neural networks; remotesensing

1. Introduction

In the last century, tendency to urbanization and rapidpopulation growth has increased significantly as aworldwide phenomenon (Mohammady & Delavar,2016). Out of the global population, more than 3.5billion live in urban areas which occupy above 2%(Grimm, Morgan Grove, Pickett, & Redman, 2000;Mohammady, Delavar, & Pijanowski, 2013a) of theearth’s land area (OECD, 2012). Urban area is increas-ing faster than the urban population itself (Moham-mady & Delavar, 2016; Tewolde & Cabral, 2011).Cities are becoming more attractive because of socioe-conomic and political aspects. Cities are the main pro-viders of employment, housing, education and healthcare (Angel, Parent, Civco, & Blei 2011) and the engineof the global economy, generating between 80% and95% of the global gross domestic product (Cadena,2011; Seto, Fragkias, Güneralp, Reilly, & Añel, 2011).

Land-use dynamics result from the complex inter-action of many factors including policy, management,economics, culture, human behaviour and the environ-ment (Dale, O’neill, Pedlowski, & Soutworth, 1993;Grimm et al., 2000; Houghton, 1994; Medley, Okey,Barrett, Lucas, & Renwick, 1995; Pijanowski, Brown,Shellito, & Manik, 2002; Turner, 1990; Vesterby &Heimlich, 1991; Wilder, 1985). It is critical to under-stand how land-use changes occur, since these anthro-pogenic processes can have broad impacts on theenvironment, altering hydrologic cycles (Steiner &Osterman, 1988), biogeochemical dynamics (Flintropet al., 1996; Pijanowski et al., 2002), reduced open

spaces and unplanned or poorly planned land develop-ment (Mohammady, 2014; Park, Jeon, Kim, & Choi,2011). The challenges of urbanization are becomingmore complex since recent rapid population growthand urban expansion that has concentrated in lowand middle income countries (Angel et al., 2011; Giralt& Andrew, 2011). Thus, more attention should begiven to the study of urbanization dynamics in theseregions (Un-Habitat, 2012).

Urbanization in Iran during the last few decades hasled to the expansion of housing and industry into pre-viously open, low-populated areas that were originallynatural areas and agricultural lands (Ahmadlou, Dela-var, & Tayyebi 2016; Tayyebi, Pijanowski, & Tayyebi,2011). Despite being one of the most urbanized regionsin the developing countries (United Nations, 2014),there is a lack of up-to-date spatial information onthe urban extent of cities and patterns of urbanizationin Iran (Cohen, 2006). Developing accurate maps andspatial information of urban areas will help us betterunderstand how population growth is influencing thetrends and patterns of urbanization (Ahmadlou et al.,2016; Tayyebi, Delavar, Saeedi, Amini, & Alinia, 2008).

On the other hand, remote sensing technology formonitoring changes is widely used in different appli-cations such as land-use/cover change (Demir, Bovolo,& Bruzzone, 2013; Salmon et al., 2013; Tayyebi et al.,2008), disaster monitoring (Brisco, Schmitt, Murna-ghan, Kaya, & Roth, 2013; Volpi, Petropoulos, &Kanevski, 2013), forest and vegetation changes (Kaliraj,Meenakshi, & Malar, 2012; Markogianni, Dimitriou, &

© 2017 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis GroupThis is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricteduse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

CONTACT Alireza Taravat [email protected] GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, Düstenbrooker Weg 20, 24105 Kiel, Germany

JOURNAL OF MAPS, 2017VOL. 13, NO. 1, 24–30

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Kalivas, 2013), urban sprawl and modelling (Ahma-dlou et al., 2016; Bagan & Yamagata, 2012; Emadodin,Taravat, & Rajaei, 2016; Mohammady & Delavar, 2016;Pijanowski, Tayyebi, Delavar, & Yazdanpanah, 2010;Pijanowski et al., 2014; Raja, Anand, Kumar, Maithani,& Kumar, 2013; Tayyebi, Pijanowski, & Tayyebi, 2011;Tayyebi et al., 2008) and hydrology (Dronova, Gong, &Wang, 2011; Taravat et al., 2016; Zhu, Cao, & Dai,2011). Moreover, remote sensing technology providesa variety of ways to develop digital land-use infor-mation which is the basis for land-use planning(Tayyebi et al., 2008).

The use of machine learning models has increasedsubstantially in remote sensing filed because of theadvances in computing performance and the increasedavailability of powerful and flexible machine learningsoftware (Skapura, 1996; Tayyebi et al., 2008). A com-bination of neural networks with remote sensing imagedata has been recently proposed for mapping theurbanization dynamics (Pijanowski et al., 2010;Tayyebi, Pijanowski, & Tayyebi, 2011).

However, to our knowledge, a detailed urbanizationdynamics and development map of Tehran city over 40years has not been presented so far in the literaturewhich can serve the experts in the fields of geography,urban studies and planning as a background for num-ber of geographical analyses.

Starting from these motivations, the purpose of thepresent paper is to automatically map and producespatial information and describe urbanizationdynamics and development between 1975 and 2015in Tehran city which has changed significantly duringthe twentieth century (Main Map). Not only visualiza-tion, but also content of municipal plan have under-gone number of changes in the last two centuries.

2. Study area

As a historical overview, Tehran was first built in 4000BC (Municipality, 2016; Seger, 2013). Between 1850sand 1920s, it was a walled city with six gates (Figure1) (Municipality, 2016; Seger, 2013). Figure 2 showsold settlements from 1868 to 1937 and a rapid urban-ization from 1950s to 1970 that is created by historicalmaps and Arial photos. The surface area (located at alatitude and longitude of 35° 69′ 62′′ N and 51° 42′

30′′ E) of Tehran city is a combination of mountainand plain and the altitude is between 945 and 2244 mabove the sea level (Figure 3).

The climate of Tehran in the mountain is cold andsemi-humid but in the southern and eastern areas arewarm and dry (Peel, Finlayson, & McMahon, 2007).Like other cities in Iran, Tehran was experiencingrapid urbanization during six last decades that has anindication of the problem of over centralization. Teh-ran has been expanded because of political and econ-omic centralization therefore the shape and external

form of Tehran have changed greatly over the past dec-ades. According to the spatial temporal patterns ofurban growth in Tehran, Seifolddini and Mansourian(2014) divided urbanization process in Tehran intothree major periods: rapid (1921–1976), very rapid(1976–1986) and slow growth rate (since 1986)(Seifolddini & Mansourian, 2014).

Between the 1950s and 2014, Tehran’s populationincreased from about 1 million to more than 8.2million (10.5% of the country) which made the citythe world’s seventeenth largest with the largest annualgrowth in Asia (Arsanjani, Kainz, & Mousivand, 2011;Geoinformation, 2016).

3. Methods

3.1. Pre-possessing phase

The methodology of this study is summarized and rep-resented in Figure 4. Landsat images of Tehranacquired in every 5 years from 1975 to 2015 havebeen used for this study. Image subsets containing Teh-ran city were extracted to make classification processless time consuming and image interpretation moreexpedient and focused. The dataset was then projectedin Geo (lat/long) projection and WGS84 datum. Theline-tracing and edge-detection algorithms have beenused to remove stripes in Landsat Enhanced ThematicMapper Plus data caused by scan line corrector.

The whole dataset has been atmosphericallyand geometrically corrected which is caused bythe effects of atmospheric particles through absorptionand scattering of the radiation from the earth surface.The atmospheric correction has been shown to signifi-cantly improve the accuracy of image classification.

3.2. Classification phase

Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are powerful tools toquantify and model complex behaviour and patterns(Fischer & Abrahart, 2000; Mohammady, Delavar, &Pijanowski, 2013b; Pijanowski et al., 2002). The useof neural networks has increased substantially overthe last several years because of the advances in com-puting performance (Pijanowski et al., 2010; Skapura,1996) and the increased availability of powerful andflexible ANNs software. Their specific advantage liesnot only in the enhancement of speed and efficiencyin handling urban data but specifically in providing atool to develop new theories and techniques (Diappi,Bolchim, & Buscema, 2004). ANNs are used for patternrecognition in many fields such as economics (Fish-man, Barr, & Loick, 1991), medicine (Babaian, Miya-shita, Von Eschenbach, Evans, & Ramirez, 1991),landscape classification (Brown, Lusch, & Duda,1998), image analysis (Fukushima, Miyake, & Ito,1983), pattern classification (Ritter, Logan, & Bryant,1988), climate forecasting (Drummond, Joshi, &


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Sudduth, 1998; Panagoulia, 2006), remote sensing(Atkinson & Tatnall, 1997; Morris et al., 2005; Tayyebiet al., 2008), agricultural land suitability assessment(Wang, 1994), and land-use monitoring (Moham-mady, Delavar, & Pijanowski, 2013a; Pijanowskiet al., 2002; Tayyebi, Pijanowski, & Pekin, 2011;Zhang & Zhen, 2006).

After a successful pre-possessing phase, a supervisedmodel based on Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) neuralnetworks has been used for classification. From therange of network types suitable for classification appli-cations (Ito & Omatu, 1997), multilayer feed forwardnetworks algorithms are the most widely used modelsin remote sensing (Hinton & Sejnowski, 1986).

An activation function defines the output of aneuron in terms of the linear combination of inputs(Bishop, 1995). It is sometimes desirable to have theactivation function range from −1 to +1, in which

case the activation function assumes an anti-symmetricform with respect to the origin. For the correspondingform of a sigmoid function, we may use the hyperbolictangent function defined by:

o = tanh (s),

s =∑n



where ‘s’ is cumulative input, ‘w’ is weight of input, ‘i’is value of input, ‘n’ is number of inputs, and ‘k’ isnumber of neuron. The MLP used in this study hasfour input layers, one hidden layer and two outputs.Single hidden layer networks are found to be sufficientfor most classification problems (Kanellopoulos &Wilkinson, 1997; Lippmann, 1989; Paola & Schowen-gerdt, 1997; Yuan, Van Der Wiele, & Khorram,2009). Pixel selection for train/test sets has been donerandomly and repeated three times. From eachimage, 85,000 pixels were extracted for train/test net.The number of about 20,000 training cycles was suffi-cient to get the network learned.

Several attempts have beenmade toproperly select thenumber of units to be considered in the hidden layers oftheMLP. Architecture 4-12-2 has been finally chosen forits good performance in terms of classification accuracy,root-mean-square error, and training time.

For accuracy assessment, from each sub-image,10,000 pixels have randomly been selected, and then,

Figure 1. A historical map of Tehran in 1850s (Seger, 2013).

Table 1. The values of accuracy, commission and omissionerror (In %) achieved by ANNs.

Omission Commission Accuracy

2015 3.03 1.65 96.972010 3.00 1.80 97.002005 5.06 1.65 94.942000 9.91 8.20 90.091995 9.64 8.20 90.361990 12.19 9.40 87.811985 9.32 1.80 90.681980 7.62 1.65 92.381975 10.58 10.24 89.42


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Figure 2. Development of the residential area of Tehran from 1868 to 1971 (Seger, 1975).

Figure 3. The elevation map of Tehran.


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labelling is made by visual interpretation. The distancefor measuring commission error and omission error isset as 1 pixel. The results of the accuracy assessmentapplied to the different years are displayed in Table 1.In order to improve aesthetic and cartographic qualityof the maps, Bezier interpolation algorithm has beenused for smoothing sharp angles in polygon outlines.

4. Conclusions

The aim of this study was to represent the spatial andtemporal structure of Tehran city from 1975 to 2015based on Landsat imagery by means of ANNs. Themap reflects the development of Tehran and it can there-fore serve as basis for a number of geographic or urbanis-tic studies, planning and contribute to better publicawareness. These maps as well as the proposed modeland methodology can also be used to assess the differentaspects and impacts of rapid growth and expansion ofTehran city in the recent decades for the interdisciplinaryand multidisciplinary research and investigation.


Python 3.5 programming software for the pre-proces-sing phase and the Stuttgart neural network simulator(SNNS) developed at the University of Stuttgart, Stutt-gart, Germany, were used in implementing the NeuralNetworks classification algorithm (Zell et al., 1995).QGIS 2.14 software was used for mapping andvisualization.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.


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