USII.5: Late 19 th Century to World War I

USII.5: Late 19 th Century to World War I Lisa Pennington Social Studies Instructional Specialist Portsmouth Public Schools


USII.5: Late 19 th Century to World War I. Lisa Pennington Social Studies Instructional Specialist Portsmouth Public Schools. Vocabulary. Yellow journalism : publishing of exaggerated and/or made up news stories to attract readers and influence their ideas. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of USII.5: Late 19 th Century to World War I

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USII.5: Late 19th Century to World War I

Lisa Pennington

Social Studies Instructional Specialist

Portsmouth Public Schools

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• Yellow journalism: publishing of exaggerated and/or made up news stories to attract readers and influence their ideas.

• Imperialism: practice of establishing and controlling colonies.

• Dollar Diplomacy: U.S. policy in the early 1900’s of investing money in Latin American countries in the hopes that more stable governments would develop.

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• Gunboat Diplomacy: policy of making a show of force to prevent both Latin American instability and European interference in the Western Hemisphere.

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The Spanish American War

• The United States emerged as a world power as a result of victory over Spain in the Spanish American War.

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The Spanish American War

• Economic interests and public opinion often influence U.S. involvement in international affairs.

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Reasons for the Spanish American War

• Protection of American business interests in Cuba.

• What kinds of businesses was the U.S. trying to protect?

• (coffee and sugar)

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Reasons for the Spanish American War

• American support of Cuban rebels to gain independence from Spain.

• Why do you think Americans supported the Cuban rebels?

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Reasons for the Spanish American War

• "WARSHIP MAINE WAS BLOWN UP . . . HAVANA . . . FEB. 15 . .."

16 February 1898, State Journal

• Rising tensions as a result of the sinking of the U.S.S. Maine in Havana Harbor.

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Reasons for the Spanish American War

• Exaggerated news reports of events (yellow journalism)

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Results of the Spanish American War

• The United States emerged as a world power.

• How did the United States emerge as a world power? Who did they defeat?

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Results of the Spanish American War

• Cuba gained independence from Spain.

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Results of the Spanish American War

• The United States gained possession of the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico.

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Results of the Spanish American War

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Results of the Spanish American War



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• Roosevelt Corollary: policy that extended the Monroe Doctrine and said the U.S. had the right to force countries in the Western Hemisphere to pay their debts in order to prevent European interference.

• Rough Riders: a group of cowhands, college students, and African American soldiers who fought with Teddy Roosevelt in the Spanish American War, who charged San Juan Hill.

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• Big Stick Diplomacy: Teddy Roosevelt’s belief that if you show that you are strong, no one will pick on you. “Big Stick” equaled a big navy.

• Monroe Doctrine: President Monroe’s U.S. policy that no future European colonization could take place in North or South America.

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The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine

• Asserted the United States right to interfere in economic matters of nations in the Americas.

• Claimed the United States right to exercise international police power.

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The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine

• Advocated Big Stick Diplomacy (building the Panama Canal)

• How is the Roosevelt Corollary an example of the United States’ new position as a world power?

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• Nationalism: feelings of loyalty and pride people have for their country.

• Alliance: group of countries that share allegiance to each other through treaties.

• Imperialism: nations built colonies in varied areas of the world which created resentment in other nations.

• Lusitania: British passenger ship sunk by German u-boats in 1915. Americans were among the 1,200 who died.

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• Balance of power: groups of countries that have equal power.

• U-boats: German submarines.• Zimmerman note: document that showed

that Germany was trying to make an alliance with Mexico in 1917.

• Sussex Pledge: promise by Germany during WWI not to sink passenger or merchant ships.

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• Treaty of Versailles: 1919; ended WWI.

• League of Nations: peace keeping plan developed by Woodrow Wilson in 1920. It was point 14 of the 1918 Fourteen Points speech to Congress. It consisted of a General Assembly of representatives of countries who were required to protect one another’s territories against attack.

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• Isolationism: the U.S. should not become involved in foreign affairs, nor should the U.S. allow other countries to become involved in our affairs.

• Self-determination: people should decide for themselves what nation they belong to.

• Reparations: money paid by defeated nations as payment for wrongs, damages, or injuries suffered by other nations during a war.

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U.S. Involvement in World War I

• The United States involvement in World War I ended a long tradition of avoiding involvement in European conflicts and set the stage for the United States to emerge as a global superpower later in the 20th century.

• There were disagreements about the extent to which the United States should isolate/separate itself from world affairs.

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Reasons for U.S. involvement in war

• Inability to remain neutral. (1917)

• German submarine warfare: the sinking of the Lusitania. (1915)

• U.S. political and economic ties to Great Britain.

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Reasons for U.S. Involvement in war

• The Zimmerman Telegram

• This document showed that Germany was trying to make an alliance with Mexico in 1917.

• Why was the telegram a threat to the U.S.? How is that threat depicted in the cartoon?

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Major Allied Powers

• Great Britain

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Major Allied Powers

• France

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Major Allied Powers

• Russia

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Major Allied Powers

• Serbia

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Major Allied Powers

• Belgium

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Central Powers

• Germany

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Central Powers

• Austria-Hungary

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Central Powers

• Bulgaria

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Central Powers

• Ottoman Empire

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Allied Powers vs. Central Powers

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U.S. Leadership as the War Ended

• At the end of World War I, President Woodrow Wilson prepared a peace plan known as the Fourteen Points that called for the formation of the League of Nations, a peace-keeping organization.

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U.S. Leadership as the War Ended

• The United States decided not to join the League of Nations.

• Why did the U.S. decide not to join the League of Nations? Who did join? Is it really a peacekeeping organization if not all nations have joined?

The opening session of the League of Nations.