USGS National Geospatial Programs Office

U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey National Geospatial Program Office NSGIC 2006 Midyear Conference March 20, 2006



Transcript of USGS National Geospatial Programs Office

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U.S. Department of the InteriorU.S. Geological Survey

National Geospatial Program Office

NSGIC 2006 Midyear Conference

March 20, 2006

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NGPO Background Current Activities Future Directions State Opportunities

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National Geospatial Program Office

A Unified Approach to the NSDI Federal Geographic Data Committee Geospatial One Stop The National Map

Coordination &Standards

Data Discovery& Access

Consistent &Current Content

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NGPO Purpose

“Providing leadership to place geographic knowledge at the fingertips of the Nation.”

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NGPO Vision

“…. transform the processes of Government necessary to implement key components of the NSDI.”

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Transforming the NSDI

Toward an enterprise information system for the Nation

Toward a focus on matters and places of national importance

Toward management excellence

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• Conversion

• Integration

• Quality Assurance

National Data Sets

SecureSecure EnvironmentsEnvironments

Building a GIS for the Nation


Systems and Data Sets:•Local•State•Tribal•Federal•Commercial

AppsGOS Maps

Publishing &Publishing &DistributionDistribution



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NGPO Strategic Directions

Unified Geospatial Enterprise Architecture Governance Structure for the 21st Century Incentive Based Partnerships Investment Management A Tapestry of Base Content A System of Systems Revitalized Suite of Applications, Products and

Services Internal Streamlining

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Strategic PrioritiesPolicy

(FGDC)Access (GOS)

Content (TNM)

Unified Geospatial Enterprise Architecture Governance Structure for the 21st Century Incentive Based Partnerships Investment Management A Tapestry of Base Content A System of Systems Revitalized Suite of Applications, Products and Services Internal Streamlining

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From Strategy to Action

Geospatial Line of Business Senior Agency Official for Geospatial Information Geospatial Profile for FEA Draft Framework Standards to ANSI Grants Guidance Governance Structure 50 States Initiative Imagery for the Nation Hurricane Response

GIS for the Gulf Maps on Demand

GOS Portal Marketplace Communities

State Liaisons Cartographic Services Contracts National Geospatial Technical Operations Center Budget Restructure

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Geospatial Line of Business

Announced with President’s FY07 Budget

Department of the Interior is Managing Partner

Focused on business-driven, common solutions developed through architectural processes

Unified Geospatial Enterprise Architecture

Governance Structure for the 21st Century

Incentive Based Partnerships

Investment Management A Tapestry of Base Content A System of Systems Revitalized Suite of

Applications, Products and Services

Internal Streamlining

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Lines of Business Opportunities

OMB and the LoB Task Forces are focused on business-driven, common solutions developed through architectural processes.

OMB and the LoB Task Forces are focused on business-driven, common solutions developed through architectural processes.

The following LoBs will be undertaken in FY 2006:

•Budget Formulation and


•IT Infrastructure Optimization


Common Solutions: A business process and/or technology based shared service made available to government agencies.

Business Driven (vs. Technology Driven): Solutions address distinct business improvements that directly impact LoB performance goals.

Developed Through Architectural Processes: Solutions are developed through a set of common and repeatable processes and tools.

Common Solutions: A business process and/or technology based shared service made available to government agencies.

Business Driven (vs. Technology Driven): Solutions address distinct business improvements that directly impact LoB performance goals.

Developed Through Architectural Processes: Solutions are developed through a set of common and repeatable processes and tools.

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High-Level Timeline

Mar 2006 Apr 2006 May 2006 Jun 2006 Jul 2006 Aug 2006 Sep 2006Kick Off Meeting3/16/06

Proposed Common Solutions & Draft


Draft Solutions & Architecture


RFI Distributed


Develop Common Solutions & Target Architecture

Define/ Plan LoB

Monitor and Communicate LoB Progress/Status

RFI Responses Received & Evaluated


LoB Vision & Plan Completed


Develop Business Case

Draft Joint Business Case due 6/9/06;

Agency Comments due 6-19

Final Joint Business CaseEarly Aug. ‘06

Develop RFI

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Expected LoB Outcomes

The LoB Task Forces will identify common solutions, develop a target architecture, and develop a joint (interagency) business case by August 2006.

The LoB Task Forces will identify common solutions, develop a target architecture, and develop a joint (interagency) business case by August 2006.

Milestones Key Deliverables3/28/06 LoB Vision, Goals, and Objectives and project Plan (FY06 draft spend plan, project plan)

4/6/06 RFI to Industry, Agencies, etc.

4/18-19/06 Practitioner’s Day Meetings

5/8/06 Collection of Agency Data (4/10 – 5/8)

5/5/06 Due date for RFI Responses

5/15/06 RFI Analysis and Summarization

5/26/06 Draft Common Solutions and Target Architecture

6/9/06 Proposed Common Solutions and Target Architecture

6/9/06 Draft Joint Business Case for LoB Common Solutions

6/12/06 Draft Joint Business Case to Agencies for Comment

6/19/06 Due Date for Agency Comments on Draft Joint Business Case

Early Aug 06 Final Joint Business Case for LoB Common Solutions

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Vision, Goals, & Objectives

Vision, Goals, & Objectives

Description A statement that reflects what complete success looks like. Goals are the desired results or achievements that the effort is directed at,

making the vision a reality. Objectives are the tactical targets that lead to meeting the goals. Each line of business must identify common solutions and develop a supporting

target enterprise architecture that addresses the goals and objectives of the vision.

Approach Managing partners develop a straw man Conduct Task Force working session to validate and refine Submit draft to OMB and review with OMB Revise and finalize

Delivery Date Draft due to OMB COB 3/28/06

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Request for Information (RFI)

Request for Information (RFI)

Description Business performance requirements for the LoB will be submitted to industry vendors, non-profits and agencies for feedback.

The RFI will include overarching, strategic questions fundamental to all the LoB initiatives as well as LoB-specific questions.

Approach Provide RFI purpose, guidelines, and process Tasks Forces will develop the RFIs and review/analyze the responses Dependent on vision, goals, and objectives

Delivery Date 4/6/06 – submit to industry vendors, government and non-profits 5/5/06 – collect submitted responses 5/15/06 - analyze and summarize RFI responses in a report

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Common Solution & Target Architecture

Common Solution & Target Architecture

Description A business process and/or technology based shared service made available to government agencies that achieves the vision, objectives, and performance metrics of the LoB.

Approach Employ responses from agency analysis and RFI Develop target architecture that identifies the elements necessary to achieve

LoB vision and objectives Dependent on definition of vision, goals, and objectives and RFI process

Delivery Date 5/26/06 – submit draft Common Solution and Target Architecture 6/9/06 – submit proposed Common Solution and Target Architecture

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Joint Business Case

Business Case

Description A joint FY08 Exhibit 300

Approach Written by the managing partners in collaboration with the participating agencies Must comply with A-11 guidance Dependent on identification of common solution and development of target


Delivery Date 6/9/06 – submit draft Business Case 6/12/06 – disseminate draft to agencies for comment 6/19/06 – agency comments due Early Aug. ‘06 – final business case ready

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Managing Partners and OMB Leads

IT Infrastructure: Managing Partner: Deidre Lee, GSA OMB Office Lead: Dick Burk OMB Portfolio Manager: Jeff Koch

Geospatial LOB: Managing Partner: Ivan DeLoatch , DOI OMB Lead & Portfolio Manager: Stacie Boyd

Budget Formulation and Execution: Managing Partner: TBD OMB Lead: Andy Schoenbach OMB Portfolio Manager: Jeff Koch

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LoB Management

Weekly face to face status meetings will be held with all of the managing partners and OMB on Thursdays from 1-2:00 pm at the White House Conference Center, Jackson Room

Checkpoint conference calls will be held with Managing Partners, OMB LOB leads, and GSA LOB PM every Monday and Thursday at 8:30 am.

As needed LoB Task Forces will consult and communicate with interagency councils (e.g., Chief Financial Officers Council, Budget Officers Advisory Council, Chief Information Officers Council, Federal Geographic Data Committee, etc).

Initial, interim and final briefings As needed for consultation

The success and sustainment of the current and upcoming LoB initiatives will rely in large part on the establishment of an effective operational structure.

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Next Steps

Immediate Next Steps 3/17/06 – 3/23/06

Contractor support available to assist Task Forces with RFI development and analysis, and practitioners day

Subscribe to and use 3/20-22/06 LOB Task Force initial meetings

Geospatial LOB initial meeting: March 20, 9-11:00 at DOI IT Infrastructure LOB: March 21, 10-11:30 at GSA Budgeting LOB: March 22, 1-3:00 at WHCC

3/28/06 Develop and submit draft spend plan and Vision, Goals and Objectives, to OMB

4/6/06 Develop and submit RFI to industry, government and non-profits

Mid April to Mid May – request agency information

LoB managing partners need to engage the participating agencies immediately to develop the spend plan, finalize the LoB vision, and to develop the RFI.

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Senior Agency Official for GI

Memorandum from Clay Johnson of OMB

Senior Agency Official for Geospatial Information

Agency-wide responsibility, accountability and authority for geospatial issues

Serves on FGDC Steering Committee

Unified Geospatial Enterprise Architecture

Governance Structure for the 21st Century

Incentive Based Partnerships

Investment Management A Tapestry of Base Content A System of Systems Revitalized Suite of

Applications, Products and Services

Internal Streamlining

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Geospatial Profile for FEA

Developed as part of Federal Enterprise Architecture Program

to promote consideration of location as a component of agency business activities and processes

to support description and sharing of geospatial resources across organizations

Provides policy directions to all Federal Agencies on how to architect, invest, and implement geospatial capabilities

Unified Geospatial Enterprise Architecture

Governance Structure for the 21st Century

Incentive Based Partnerships

Investment Management A Tapestry of Base Content A System of Systems Revitalized Suite of

Applications, Products and Services

Internal Streamlining

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Framework data standards finalized and submitted to in January to INCITS L1 for ANSI approval

Currently in a 90 day review process with the expectation of approval by late Spring

Unified Geospatial Enterprise Architecture

Governance Structure for the 21st Century

Incentive Based Partnerships

Investment Management A Tapestry of Base Content A System of Systems Revitalized Suite of

Applications, Products and Services

Internal Streamlining

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Grants Guidance

Unified Geospatial Enterprise Architecture

Governance Structure for the 21st Century

Incentive Based Partnerships

Investment Management A Tapestry of Base Content A System of Systems Revitalized Suite of

Applications, Products and Services

Internal Streamlining

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Key characteristics accepted by FGDC Steering Committee (SC)

As an interim step - SC Chair and Co-chair taking action to establish an Intergovernmental Subcommittee to make recommendations to SC

Continuing to explore the feasibility of a FACA to bring other parties into the process

Unified Geospatial Enterprise Architecture

Governance Structure for the 21st Century

Incentive Based Partnerships

Investment Management A Tapestry of Base Content A System of Systems Revitalized Suite of

Applications, Products and Services

Internal Streamlining

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50 States Initiative

50 States Initiative launched in the Fall

Category 3 of CAP providing support for Strategic and Business Plan development

Recipients-MN, NC, TX, LA, WV, OK, CN, WI, WY, and MD

Workshop at the Mid-Year with NSDI Liaisons

Unified Geospatial Enterprise Architecture

Governance Structure for the 21st Century

Incentive Based Partnerships

Investment Management A Tapestry of Base Content A System of Systems Revitalized Suite of

Applications, Products and Services

Internal Streamlining

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Imagery for the Nation

NSGIC and NDOP refined proposal prepared by NSGIC

FGDC Steering Committee requested the establishment of an Executive Steering Group to evaluate the proposal and develop an investment strategy

Unified Geospatial Enterprise Architecture

Governance Structure for the 21st Century

Incentive Based Partnerships

Investment Management A Tapestry of Base Content A System of Systems Revitalized Suite of

Applications, Products and Services

Internal Streamlining

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Hurricane Response

GIS for the Gulf is an example of integrating data into a single data model

Integrated databases (local, regional, national) are key

GOS Portal can operate in a restricted access environment

Delivering GIS via the Web is here – data, tools, applications

Unified Geospatial Enterprise Architecture

Governance Structure for the 21st Century

Incentive Based Partnerships

Investment Management A Tapestry of Base Content A System of Systems Revitalized Suite of

Applications, Products and Services

Internal Streamlining

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Geospatial One Stop Portal

Marketplace is key to leveraging investments and partnerships

It is easy to publish in the GOS Marketplace

Populate the Marketplace with your planned investments

Unified Geospatial Enterprise Architecture

Governance Structure for the 21st Century

Incentive Based Partnerships

Investment Management A Tapestry of Base Content A System of Systems Revitalized Suite of

Applications, Products and Services

Internal Streamlining

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Partnership Marketplace

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Geospatial One Stop Future Plans

Build out the “Communities” Increase State and local participation Enhance search Improve QA – harvesting guidance

documentation Enhance viewer (public, 2D, 3D) Deliver of Framework Data – National

Map/Project Homeland Integration Pilot deployment options

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State Liaisons

NSDI Partnership Offices house USGS Geospatial Liaisons

Liaisons represent, coordinate and implement NGPO programs and initiatives in the context of State, local, other federal agency and regional needs and strategies

Liaisons cultivate relationships and develop partnerships and supporting agreements as the “local face” of the NSDI and NGPO programs

Unified Geospatial Enterprise Architecture

Governance Structure for the 21st Century

Incentive Based Partnerships Investment Management A Tapestry of Base Content A System of Systems Revitalized Suite of

Applications, Products and Services

Internal Streamlining

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Geospatial Liaison positions to be announced to NGTOC Employees

Eastern Region Atlanta, GA or Jackson, MS Pembroke, NH or Montpelier, VT Dover, DE or West Trenton, NJ Urbana, IL Nashville, TN or Charleston, WV Indianapolis, IN Troy, NY

Central Region Lincoln, NE or Oklahoma City, OK Bismark, ND or Rapid City, or Sioux Falls, SD Austin, TX (replacement position)

Western RegionPhoenix, AZ or Carson City, NVAnchorage, AK

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Offers opportunities to NGTOC employees while still addressing the highest priorities determined in collaboration with partners

Expanded slate of locations offers more flexibility to potential candidates from NGTOC and may broaden the pool of applicants

Instead taking of a regional approach, this process provides a national and consistent approach to expanding the Liaison network in areas of high need

Geospatial Liaison positions to be announced to NGTOC Employees

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The National Map Successes

Leveraged Federal resources to develop high resolution data in urban areas

Nearing completion of 1:24,000-scale NHD

Upgrading national elevation data coverage in support of other Federal and state programs (e.g. FEMA’s map modernization program in North Carolina and Louisiana)

Unified Geospatial Enterprise Architecture

Governance Structure for the 21st Century

Incentive Based Partnerships

Investment Management A Tapestry of Base Content A System of Systems Revitalized Suite of

Applications, Products and Services

Internal Streamlining

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Cartographic Services Contracts

In place since FY 2000 FY 2000 – FY 2005

awarded over $21.7M in DOI funds

FY 2001 – FY 2005 awarded over $37M in reimbursable funds

Unified Geospatial Enterprise Architecture

Governance Structure for the 21st Century

Incentive Based Partnerships

Investment Management A Tapestry of Base Content A System of Systems Revitalized Suite of

Applications, Products and Services

Internal Streamlining

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Cartographic Services Contract

Current CSC2 Estimated funds for FY 2006 = $5-6 Million Extension through end of July Re-compete in progress

Geospatial Products and Services Contract Two contract mechanisms FAR Part 36 and 15 (A&E and Best Value) Received extensive comment All information considered as the re-

competition moves forward

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Status of Geospatial Products and Services Contract (GPSC)

FAR PART 36 (A&E) Commerce Business Daily Synopsis

Publication pending DOI approval

FAR Part 15 (Best Value) FEDBIZOPS Announcement planned for

May 1, 2006

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National Geospatial Technical Operations Center Focuses the NGPO

operational assets on “putting geographic knowledge at the fingertips of the nation”

Consolidates operations under a single leader and most functions at one location

Using competitive sourcing as an avenue to restructure the workforce

Unified Geospatial Enterprise Architecture

Governance Structure for the 21st Century

Incentive Based Partnerships

Investment Management A Tapestry of Base Content A System of Systems Revitalized Suite of

Applications, Products and Services

Internal Streamlining

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Goals for NGTOC

Be a world-class center for geospatial activities Focus on geospatial needs of the nation in the 21st

century Create a highly efficient, stream-lined organization Accommodate role of NGPO as

A leading authority in geospatial information Broker and facilitator of partnerships Integrator and assuror of geospatial information and


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Competitive Sourcing

An element of the President’s Management Agenda

Process described in OMB Circular A-76 Subjects to competition functions that are

commercial in nature and performed by the Federal government

Ensures maximum value to the taxpayer Is not outsourcing, work force restructuring,

or downsizing

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A-76 Process

Preceded by preliminary planning 12 months FedBizOpps announcement Performance Work Statement (PWS)

Defines work to be performed, required services in terms of outcome, measurable performance standards, and acceptable quality level

Most Efficient Organization (MEO) Employees design a high-performance, cost-effective work

group that competes with outside contractors to perform the work

Source Selection Transition

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NGTOC A-76 Key Dates

May 1 Draft PWS June 7 Final PWS Released June 22 Preproposal Conference August 7 Final Proposals Due January 5, 2007 Award Posted to FEDBIZOPS

March 16, 2007 Final Award

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Mapping Sciences Job FairApril 5, 2005USGS – Rolla Center

The Rolla office presently consists of approximately 140 professional employees with an average tenure with the USGS mapping program of approximately 20years. Positions currently at the Rolla facility include:

IT SpecialistPhysical ScientistGeographerClerical SupportFacilities ManagementCartographerCartographic Technician

Computer ScientistSystem AnalystProgrammerSpatial Data Management & IntegrationAdministration and FinanceProgram AnalystsManagement and Supervision

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Budget Restructure

Proposed in President’s FY07 Budget

Aligns budget with current organization

Unifies Funding for FGDC, GOS and The National Map

Unified Geospatial Enterprise Architecture

Governance Structure for the 21st Century

Incentive Based Partnerships

Investment Management A Tapestry of Base Content A System of Systems Revitalized Suite of

Applications, Products and Services

Internal Streamlining

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Enterprise Information Budget Activity

Subactivity 2005 Enacted

2006 Enacted

2007 Request

Enterprise Information Security and Technology 22,714 24,866 25,971

Enterprise Information Resources 16,989 16,900 16,635

Federal Geographic Data Coordination 4,670 4,628 68,622

Cooperative Topographic Mapping 71,393 68,855

National Geospatial Program

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Budget Highlights

Enterprise Information/Geography Restructure Cooperative Topographic Mapping (CTM) moves to Enterprise

Information CTM combines with FGDC to create NGPO Land Cover Mapping in Geography NCAP in Geography

FY 2007 Proposed Changes Geospatial Data Integration (-$2m) Institutionalizing GOS Landsat shortfall

Impacts of NGTOC decisions

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Thank You!