Used furniture S is salable through F Re · THE WASHINGTON TIMES TUESDAY BECEMBJilll 11 1900 1 Used...

THE WASHINGTON TIMES TUESDAY BECEMBJilll 11 1900 1 Used furniture is salable through want advertising Re sell that lot at a profit within a week through want advertising j 13 P I 1 1 l I I t 1 F I I I I I t t I I I I 1 J S I S U UIS 4 4 I S ps = = < = Lost NfcrtHweet fwtiwr boa reward M Rhode Island ave fcfttwen- rfekx Pliyier pl 8 bring WUINS Mhvaril t above ddre i O K lk MId II Times office LQBT0 Mas arhu tU near Seott WK afemt s k of automobile painted blue rail MM at nw deJlJt away Huuday aroi ears jam black spot ll ft setwrn to 1MX E rwwar LOST Saturday morning todys coW watch Margaret Dulin Inside case Re tars to M G Times and receive r wani de3t STRAYBDYellow Hkye terrier with tag on l lp R turn to Win t CLAY The Kerrct Man tin Louisiana Found JJOUNE V of money on December 8 Apply WM KINO Merchants und Mechanics saving flank 77 G cL nw X Wanted Business Property WWNTBD Will buy at unCle frem owner i etl give particulars times aet t Legal Notices OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Holding a District Court In ro the of a Minor Street In 8U District of Columbia District No 704 Notice Is that the Commissioners of the District of Columbia pursuant to of Section l OS et set ol the Cod of Laws for the District of Columbia and Act Making appropriations to pro- Vide for the expenses of District of Columbia for the fiscal year ending June 3Kh lOOT and for other purpOses approved Tune 37th W having a petition In this Court praying the con- demnation of the land n ce sry for the opening of a Minor Street from M street to N street in Square 801 In the Dis trict of Columbia as shown on a map or plat filed with said petition a thereof and also that a jury of five Judlclou disinterested men not related to any person Interested in these proceedings and not in the service or employment of District of Columbia- or of the United States be summoned the United States Marshal for the District of Columbia to assess the dm- K H each owner of land to b taken may nustain reason of the opening of the aforesaid mjnor street and the condemnation of thejand necessary for- UM thereof and to assess the R nent resultiner therefrom Including expenses of th p proceedings as provided in and by the Code and Art of Ce gre heretofore referred tq IT IS BY THE COURT THIS 7TII DAY 01 DECEMBER A D ISO ORDISRED that aH persons having any interest in these proceedings be and they are warned and commanded to appear in this Court on or before the 3RD Day OK JANUARY A D 1 S7 at 10 OCLOCK A M and to continue in at- tendance until the Court shall have mad lisa order notifying and con- firming the award of damages and the assessments of benefits of the Jury to IHT empanelei and sworn herein and it te further ordered that H copy of this notice and order b published owe in in the Kvenlng Star Washington Her- ald and Washington Times news- papers published in said District before the rd day of January A D 1997 It is further ordered that a copy of this w ti e and order be served by the United States Marshal for the said District or his deputise upon such of the owners of the fop of the land to condemned herein as may be found by the sald Marshal or hit deputies within the District of Columbia before the said Ird day of January A L JM7 By the JOB BARNARD Justice A true copy Test J R YOUNG Clerk E J Me ICE 1C Assistant Clerk SUlRKMK COURT District of Colum- bia Holding a Probate Court o llto- AdMlnlctraton This is to give wxlce that the au acrlbera of the District of Columbia btaiiwd the Probate Court of the of Columbia letters on the wtate of J unw Storey late of thr IU- tr t f Columbia de ea a All pononn lag claims against the are hereby warned to the same with the vouch trt throf legally authenticated to niteMcril rt on or before the 30TH DAY OF D vn otherwic they nyxy bjr law h arclid44l from all bea ftt of Mild Us4 Given un ler our hands this 9Wh day November Wg JAMBS STOREY 15IJ Half trt aouthw at MARY JOHX8ON 107 JrrfHiy avenue southeast Real Atteat J MBH TAXNCK Register of Wills for the Dfetrct of of the Probate Court W GRAHAM HERBERT A WltByX Atoni yg dellllS8- VPRKME COURT OF THE DISTRICT OP COLUMBIA Holding a Probate Court No 14KT Adminlatration Tble la to no- tice that the subscriber of the District of- CohHHbta baa obtained front the Probate QeMtt of the District pf Columbia letter testamentary on toe estate of Ellen Xora K- warlh late of th District of Columbia de ceased All jHrsonn having claims against the deo aaed are hereby warned to exhibit the the vouchers thereof legally au- thenticated to on or before Uie MTH DAY OF NOVEMBER A D 1997 otherwise they may hy law be excluded from alt henettt of said estate Given under my laM th day of November MART M SHAW xl Prospect av Attest JAMES TANNER Register of Wills for the District of Clerk o t e Probate S I A DOiO WM B MATTHEWS JR Attorneys Proposals E OF MUTUAL FIRE IN3UR COMPANY of the District of Co- lumbia No 92 Penn Ave nw Wash- ington Dec 4 IMS Policy holders are notified that the Managers have ordered paW to the members a return of savings according to the value of each policy M 1MI Renewals for 1907 are payable to the company at the same tim at the rate of one per centum on the and POLICIES MUST BK PRESENTED that payments may be entered thereon Policies expire the last Monday in December 31st instant Please early and avoid the cr wd L PIERCE BOTELER 4e4UlS25l Secretary OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONERS District of Columbia Washington De eomber 5 W SEALED PROPOSALS will be at this office until 12 M SATURDAY DECEMBER 15 Duo for removal of frame building on lot 15 square 4 the McKinley Man- ual Training School on the south The awarded to the highest bid materials HENRY B 1 HENRY L WEST JOHN BIDDLE Commissioners D C de76t exSu OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONERS i snlnton December 6 1906 M Inches for Connecticut ac nue bridge In the of Columbia T JOHN BIDDLE Commissioners D a r QDeanbr c liberAl robe In troUt of 9 and 1 tve t S111 watch Leae ad enox 3l1 ave ocLo k SundaY nickel while set tr tact fit Martin Uft coltar tag trl n M and laMe ot office name sear 4 RWttt1I delS- tWSTU the rata In our hua by an- t stt aunt dwelling and IIlore stable la JrOOd attIca i H THO AS AND A n DUVALL THE SUPREME COURT Court SLYCtI the hAn I f the Ii purpose fI the ts the Vaohington n And c be Court MUle t tlttamen tar the OEM EIt A e fit RlS ELI l sa with the IIU bllcrt her ItM A IONETTE Court DOt GrAS LAS 0411- J I netes I ft I I I I der for the proposals be r elved at this office until 12 OCLOCK NOON DE CEMBBR tar urnishirg eight castIron posts feet forms of PropolJal and information be dbtltined at 43 DistrIct Building H D F MACFA WEST tleSGteSu L 1 p It- YQICaw1ae StUr4iY ud ree dO4t- IQfqjiaH goki SWHJy be- tWeeIIth b deIO4t W WPRYb Mack sWrr eceIv- edel3t p cuIa Iags DaR bglok wilD i p hereby Part I n here- by t Law once hav t fro t Dst et hay deceased Raw give p thIn AN I I I t I I Sealed wii 2 twenty I I 1l I I I sli I Room I I I > <> < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < < > ¬ ¬ ¬ ° I For Rent Houses FOR RENT 7room house bath gas large yard and front suitable for business cheap rent 71 Sth C FOR REKT 612 Kennedy at MrlRhtwood threeinom h s H THEO U WA- KBR tOO liriKbtwood awe nw dellSt FOR RUNT 1809 You st nw 11 room and 2 bathsJ 9 330 14th at ne 1 ream and bath WM- H9 D st I rooms sad bath S2M- 4R1 8th st nv Petworth D C rooitB and bath 26W- 6S S Brlehtwood avo Urlghtwood D C 7 room a M I W 118 G at nw C rooms 18SO Stable rear 116 mh st nw lt 0 LOUIS P SHOEMAKBR GI2 14th at nw- d SJt STORE for rent with If desired Ken tucky aye and 13 at se delOJt- J17M PER MONTH while they last new Sroofii and bath uptodate senildetaahrd heuues every room fl oded with sunlight cemented cellar furnace heat a the ot any womans heart large lots SAMUEL E- MASSON 1810 D st ae dafiTt1- S21 G ST NW 10 rooms and bath large front and rear yard only 35 KARRICK METCALF deflJt 19N New York ave nw FOR RENT Handsome bouse 916 Rhode Isl- and ave nw 14 rooms two baths hot water heat front side and back yards f 600 square feet of ground conservatory etc in flee condition Apply 1811 Q at nw deSSt- FOR RENT Capitol Hill six rooms and bath new plumbing closet and yard first class condition carpets through bouse for sale If desIred 318 3d st ne deSIt FOR ItENT CharmlnK home 1718 13th st- nw 10 rooms and bath all modern 1m provuments line order four stories 8 nw dedSt- Clt ISTH ST NW 12 rooms and bath on Columbia Heights overlooking City houses finely flnlshed large rooms steam beat each 159 Apply or telephone W E COWEN MANAGEK Room 1 Bliss Building 35 B St N IV Phone E ae FOR HBNT Hou apartments and effieas in all part or the city For detailed list send or call at our office THOS J F1SHBR CO REAL ESTATE LOANS AND INSURANCE BROKERS 1414 F St N W Ja3tf THE NEXT ISSUIs of this paper should toil about U If you have a house to rent or a lob to find or a Job to offer For ISSt NKW YORK AVE First BRa second nVxr rooms suitable for estate dentist etc handnoi e building rents low ntl- KAHR1CK A METCALF da9St in New York ave M- WFCHXISHBD OFFICE to forenoons ard evening Apply 2 to i at 3K Bond building de9 OFFICES for r r in w bulldlHr No j UU Peon ave iw halt block from the new Municipal building rooms single or en suite Prices reasoutbl and Include and light I WEAVER nnO6 1416 F at nw l 4tf DESIRABLE OFFICE ROOMS in th Kvass WW to J3 w York ave ver Including heat light and janitor service JOHN O EVANS 1 4 New York ave aw no 39t For Rent Business Property FOR RKNT Cellar for business 16 t st nw doWat fOR RBNT UirK lot OB N st ne W9 feet from let st Incoxed by high board fence J per month Fer rent Warehousft corner Potomac and Grace ala Georgetown Fer Rent 30 M St store with room above 39 good cigar or fruit stand MILLERSHOEMAKER REAL ES TATE COMPANY 1J2S35 lId st nw For FOR HEXT Store and flat corner nth W Ms nw 4 rorHii bath hotwater heat and lance cellar F S COLLINS rx Inc 7 13th st nw lef3t For ton RENT LarRe new stable with IS stalls elevator and fine loft rear of St4- d at nw open alt day Apply P K CIIA CONAK CO th st and Louisiana awe d Ttf For EAGLE HAIL for rent for balls and Apply to Manager 601 G st nw noI3Mt For Rent Apartments APARTMENTS down town two roots S three rootts 3S elegant tiled bath 1250 New aye nw KARRICK MKT ALF d 93S 1M6 New York ave nw f8 te t for two and three room apartments In The Dorchester corner 12th st and Mary land awe sw handsome baths steam heat bet and cold water Janitor service auStf For 447H TENNESSEE AVE N rooms and bath per month 4ell3t FOR RENT W9S al ne S rooms bath range rent 17 Key at grocery corner 6th and L jts ne- 1S H ne 8 rooms bath 1SW F J COLLINS CO Inc 7M l h nw- le 7t 3 a DITM BARTON both lines first story six room just furnaoa in perfect condition etc JS5C iwir month J S FRASBR Fendall building St For Sale Typewriters FOR 8ALE JSO Wellington typewriter good as nfw for U another Postal typewriter 41 SOC F st nw drfJt For Rent Typewriters UENT A WELLINGTON One month for 200 Three months for JSCO Six months for 8W 11 rentals apply on purchase The WELLINGTON Is only M OFFICE SOS 11th st nw RANDLE HIGHLANDS CAPITOL OF US WHITE HOUSE t fAGR W Or GROUNP LEV AnOM Mako haste to set a choice toy la the new subdivision wo have just Jpened They are going with a rush Take any Pennsylvania avenue ear of the Capital Traction Com murked F G going east and pet transfer to tbs United States Realty Co 7iH St and La and AvosN W la- trobe no- d 1l4t Park ne t moms en APIA Lit nott RentOffices real nation rent the otter RentStores and RentStables RentHalls ban- Quets ao York RentFlats EFour porcelain 1430 4th gas st lit AYENear Rat M 2IIIt I any free c lands car i 8 Inc uneuriased heat building 14 14 no38tf papered titt1 < ¬ ¬ < < > ¬ > ¬ < ¬ > For Sale Houses FOR 3fr P8R CENT NET INVESTMENT 11 4room brick houses In northwest water and closet In yard good condition That 80 month Price only 8000 x 6 and cellar pros brick fronts on lettered street eloeet In yard water in Klte en rent 86Sr month Price only 6600 New room and bath press brick front in northwest rent 17 W to price trat 1SOO 6 per cash SOO In northwest 7rooin bath press brick front root Price 1400 In northwest 6 rooms stable water and sewer rent J W Price tOOO JOSEPH R ATKINSON Room Ml lined Bids 14th anti New York ave dell3l 2200 IN BROOKLAND New twostory frame dwelling with 6 large rooms two latrobes and kitchen range Lot 58xl 0 feet Good section City improvements 355000 Colonial style houses In ne near car lines brick with nix anti bath Itented at 2250 per month JOSEPH I WELLER REALTY BROKER 602 F St N W EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN at JOOO reduced for immediate sale Sth at near easily remodeled Into store now rented 2258 month terms very easy co XiX27Saxnra2x co 621 13th nw delJt ARK YOt LOOKING FOR A SNAP HBRETS ONE Nice 6room brick on ave ne Rents for 1610 Will aacrlttco fur 1819 us owner is leaving city ATKINSON BALLARD CO INC 1221 13th st nw de 3t COZY slxreom and bath baywitidow buff brtck near Lincoln Park Less than cost 12M KARRICK A MBTCALF dee New York ave nw- XtM4 iM cash balance monthly new rpm and bath semidetached houses at 14th and D eli se large lot cemented tellers furnace heat SAMUEL G MASSON 161 J 7t- 3f PROgPKCT AVE Nine rooms and bath brick rent MM 4T4 MILLER SHOKMAKER CO dpSK FOR SALE I2I5 EN E New six rooms anti prose tJ brick bay window concrete cellar Jge yard newly papered cabinet mantels heated by furnace only GM cash balance tt p r month houses ope JAMES D BURNS nOt E N E PhONIC EAST MKM- J2M6 I IT XK near lick sty roams and NUt twostory brick root J C- OCLARJbNCE TJie Oval 1413 C St N Wl FOR M13 K St lot brick building oocu pled as maehliMi ahop 3609- MftW square feet on Grace st Georgetown opposite Capital Traction Power Pant Sib ac se saaon property Price lilt B Market 3f ue PetOMac st Oorge town Rent a6K l rloe C64 Occupied as flsh market anti dwelling Y ar and sewerage 14K 34th lot haul brick dwelling Rent H Price I4M 3 55 Q nw Prlee 4718 trait 4460 three years to run Rent MM 3133 G at frame dora and dwelling Price 2760 313 P at Sroom frame bath large lot MLLERSEOEMAKER REAL COMPANY 132224 32d St N W Phone West W deMf FOR SALE 1122 llth st ncr sixroom frame PRICE 3000 MILLERSHOEMAKER REAL ESTATE CO 1S23 Md St N W ns2tf 18 CASH 15 MONTHLY PRICE 335 For a beautiful 6room brick house In the nw section side light furnace heat porcelain tub concrete cellar convenient te two ear linn LE ROY MARK The Oval Sign 1410 0 St N W noSSt For RENT 380 acres all fenced and under cultivation and grass 12 miles from Wash- ington x miles cars Sroom dwelling spring large barn and stables corn h u r chicken house duck pond fer- tile land rent year JOSEPH R Wl ont 14th and New York ave dell It For 95 CASH START YOU A HOME OWE CAS PAnE High elevation Pure water Gravel walks NO INTEREST NO TAXES CHAS D FOWLER 512 r at nw delltf 419 street sw Price tl600 very deep lot front street and wid alley Miller Shoemaker Real Estate Co- lS 25 X W oc27tf Colonial Beach OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME Double summer cottage large porch corner lot only fBOO guarantee 130 season house S- lob large porches artesian well 2260 guar- antee t 0 season Lot 150 corner itO 91S Virginia ave sw do93t For Sale Business Property Rock Spring Hotel CONDUIT ROAD 30 ROOMS Modern Appointments PRICE 8500 Miller Shoemaker Real Estate Co 1523 32nd Street N W J I I SALE reduced tOO cent Eat UI dl8tt property I S Maryland the price I bath tt t BAR AJlD dtltf lid Price iOtA lit 1J lit S100 ES- TATE RentFarmsF- OR line dairy lEO Building SaleLots wiLL First dSt Ia room 80 11 atm Bat Sign SALE PriceS M ruin AT- KINSON ¬ > ¬ ¬ < For Sale Suburban FOR S ALB I have a very attractive within 290 yaru cars S acres good trucking land fruit of all kinds neat fir cettage stable chicken house wired run nice shade roses range furniture imple- ments tine cow scores chickens etc Am going West and will sell entire outfit for Address LEWIS Times o lc d l tf FOR SALE Or exchange a new 7room house in Brentwood on Evans St house papered throughout latrobe In parlor and range in kitchen pump on bock porch porclHW run across front and ride of house lot 60x10 fet easy payments also 31S H st ne Call or 14th at nw delOH 9 Wft LOTS and house at Herwyn HeIght PRICE 2000 for a quick sale 0 ACRES six miles from Washington on the Itockvllle pike near ear line PRICE 1W per acre for 19 W acres or all prop- erty near this has sold for 1600 per aero would make a nice aubtiiviMltm- w ACRKS 17roem houee In the town limits of Round lUll Va alt kinds of fruit beautiful location fine lawn and sheds PRICE Easy terms can be ar- ranged on any of the above propertlee I have many other irieoee of property at counter prices Call on D A WENTWORTH Hit II sL nw d at Washinetun D C WASHINGTON HIGHLANDS D C hugh steel plant lots 31x160 from Jl up terms to suit WASHINGTON 1IIGIILVNDS CO Ph ue M KOd H1 t nw ONLY 9 per acre for II 1 and lots on the Great Palls and Old Dominion rail road at Spring 11111 l miles from George rtewn 3 miles from Great Falls low fare good soil colenUI neighborhood buy now before prices easy terms THE HINE REAL ESTATE AGEXCV Vienna Va nlSrt A FOOT frontage on Ridge road beau- tifully located rttt sell In lets or as a whole price 418M MILLERSHOEMAKER- CO im Wisconsin ave nototf CONNECTICUT AVE TERRACE This new subdivision is now being platted into V and 1 u 203 lots fronts iOOO en fashionable ave nat mel forest shads trees on every lot prices 2e to Uc square foot Terms to 500 caah balance flu to Se monthly Write phone or call for preliminary plat and full particulars FULTON It GORDON Suburban Operator ROBBRT E Mgr Colorado Building Tel Main SJ- JocStf Business Property- wE CAN SEW a pi H of G st property in the heart of business section which can be converted into a well paying and Dee building wt are offering it At In v tm nt price of j 7Sa CAYWOOD GARRETT list New York ave Exclusive Agents deitt Money to Real EiUto MONEY TO LOAN ON D C REAL ESTATE Lowest rate of interest Payments on prin- cipal la amounts of 100 or niece received at Interest period TUB F II SMITH CO Bend ReSiding 1408 York MONEY TO LOAN ISM ta 1600000 OS D a real estate Interest low and all transac- tions conducted vIta oovwrntail consider Lien tar borrowers WIt H SAUNDERS k CO r F st N w MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES OF 1NTBRB8T on D C Real Estate No unreasonable delay WALTER II ACKER f 4tf 1 M Fw x w MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate at and per oral Every eonsideratin shown bsrrowers HARRISON REALT7 CO Ml G STREET N W nolf MONET TO LOAN on approved city real tats at 4 4H and t per cent Interest Spe- elal privileges with to prior payments Large amounts a specialty TYLER A RUTHERFORD 13CT F st nw ocJOtf Winter Resorts ATLANTIC CITY HOTEL TRAYMOKE Overlooking the ocean Open all HOTEL CO Chss O Marquette D S WHITE Mnag r GALEN HALL HOTEL AND SANATORIUM ATLANTIC CITY One of the newest stone brick and buildings with every always ready always busy Railroads BALTIMORE OHIO R R LEAVE STATION New Jersey ave and Cst ROYAL BLUE LINE Every Other Hour on the Odd Hour Te PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK NEW TERMINAL 3D ST NEW YORK 7 0amDlner Pullman Parlor t 8mHurret Parlor a Hr Train and Pullman Parlor Car til 9am Diner and Pullman Parlor Car 100 pm Diner and Pullman Parlor Car SM PHJ Royal Limited All Pullmans t4 0pra CoaclMp to Philadelphia SM p m Diner and Pullman Parlor S3 pm Coaches to Philadelphia ll pm Sleepers 157 pm Sleepers ATLANTIC CITY 39 tll O tl p m EVERY HOUR OX THE HOUR WEEK DAYS 7 A M TO 8 P M TO BALTIMORE Week days 257 tt fi 0 7M 79 SM- S3C 00 0 10t 11 9 a m 1IC9 noon 1 0 2tH 30 SJ 4M 445 BM 5M 6 tilt 7 8M 9M 1006 M- I1M 11 p m Sundays ZJBl 7 0 730 SM 903 tOO llW a in im 115 3M 8fl 33 630 EW M09 19M 113 11SS n m CHICAGO AND NORTHWEST 122 p m BW p m CINCINNATI ST LOUIS AND S a m 4 fc p m night PITTSBURG 1S2 p ra 9 p m J28a- OLEVIil AND p fr COLU3IBUS WHEELING a m 539 p m WINCHESTER t8 14 J tf U p ir ANNAPOLIS week days 800 a m 12f noon 141 4M r m Sundays S3d a m and 530 n m LURAY and ELKTON 4e p m FREDERICK J5 91S a m t 66 35 v m- HAOBRSTOWN 8 m tad 1 60 p and Points t836 9l a m 130 jM t5 M S fll 0 p m GAITHERSBURG and way points 83S 016 a tl2J fSJI S5 7SS MJC tllMp m WASHINGTON JUNCTION and way points t835 915 a m t 7 p m tExcept Sunday Sundays only Reservation of Sleeping or Parlor Car space rates of fare etc will be quickly fur- nished BY TELEPHONE at all of the fol lowing Ticket OIBwofl Ml G St Main 1501 619 Pennsylvania Ave Telephone Main 2S7 StatIon New Janwy Ave anti C St Ticket office Telephone East 687 Infor- mation Bureau East 724 noS4tf Steamboats NORFOLK AND WASHINGTON STEAMCOAT COMPANY Every day In the year front foot of 7th- it for Fort Monroe Norfolk News all points south by the u pub powerful steel palace steamers Newport Norfolk anJ Washington LvWashlngtonG O Portsmouth S nm VT r nlb Ar Ft Monroe Ft Monroe 7 p Ar Nortjlle J03nmlAr Alexandria 121 am Ar Portamouth800 amfAr WshlBSton7 am connection made at Nor with strainer of Old Don lnloa steamship Co two New York and Uer chants and Miners Steamships foi ton further Information applY A general ticket office 705 14th St Ool undo Building telephone Main 399 ur lib si whar telephone Main 37SO JNO CALLAHAN 3d V tt Mjrr- TV II CALIAHAN Gsa Aft 1 line J II Uacre acre bulkUn Connecticut a neo the store the Loan- o any eve 4 S e AT i TIC IRA lMOR President comfort atwau open amDIner tIde L m fIoj t 1ti 5 1140 910 iM p m < iSO a m- OD I moo 139 u and pm Ly pm am For neD little home address lISt 620 oppo- site delti aiso lest tel HEATERS New respect year steel 30 eaeo 50 WESTWARD- S LOUIS- VILLE 855 aBL way 505 130 Telephone pin Lv 2t Alexandria 00 70O Lv Through Baa Pie Pass sailU ¬ ¬ < < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > < > > > < > ¬ ¬ ¬ > ° Railroads RailroadSTAT- ION CORNER SIXTH AND B STH 780 A M DAILY PITTSBURG EXPRES and CHICAGO and Ing cars Harrisburg to Pittsburg oa fleets for Chicago Cincinnati Indianapolis Louisville and tit Louis Parlor and P K It Cars to Harrisburg 1850 A M DAILYMAIN LINE EXPRESS Pullman IJufTet Parlor Car to Harrisburg Parlor Car Harrisburg to Plttsburg Penu Bylvanla Rallroed Dining tar Harrisburg tu Altoona P M DAILY TUB PENNSYLVANIA LIMITED Pullman Sleeping Dining and Observation Cam Earn burg For Cleveland Toledo De- troit Cincinnati Indianapolis and t Louis Buffet Parlor Car to Harrisburg 204 P M DAILY8T LOUIS LIMITED Bleeping Dining Smoking and Obeerva tlon Cars from harrisburg For Indlan p Louisville and St Louis Buffet j Parlor Car to Harrisburg 144 P M DAILY PENNSYLVANIA SPK CIAL US HOURS TO Sleeping Dining Smoking and Observa- tion Cars from to Chicago Sleep Ing Car Harrisburg S4tt P M AND FT LOUIS EXPRESS Sleeping trw Washing ton to St Louis Sleeping and Dining Oarx harrisburg to Chicago Indianapolis St Louis and Nashville tvla Cincinnati and Louisville Car to Harrisburg B4li P M DAILY CHICAGO LIMITED Sleeping Cur to Chicago Cleveland Pennsylvania Railroad Car Baltimore to Harrlslnirg Sleeping Smok- ing Dining and Observation Cars from Harrisburg For Chicago and Cleveland 7It P M LOUIS EXPRESS Pullman Sleeping Car Harrisburg to St Louis and Cincinnati 74 P M DAILY WESTERN EXPRESS Pullman Sleeping Car to Pittsburg and Chicago Dining Car Pittsburg to Chicago 740 P M DAILY CLEVELAND AND CIN- CINNATI EXPRESSPullman Sleeping Cars Washington to Harrisburg and Har- risburg to Cleveland Barberton and Cin- cinnati Dining Car P M DAILYP1TTSBURG SPECIAL Pullman Sleeping Car to Pittsbttrg Dn IngCar Altoona to Plttsburg M DAILY PACIFIC EXPRESS Pullman Sleeping Car to harrisburg and Harrtsburg to Pittsburg Connect for Cleveland and Toledo IM A M DAILY BUFFALO DAY EX PRESS with through Parlor Car P R R Bm porlHtn Junction 7M A M for Erie daily Rock ester and Niagara FElls dally except Sunday 1M A M for Renovo daily and ElMira week days For WIlllamDpon doily 244 P M 714 P M dally BUFFALO NIGHT EX PRESS with through Sleeping Car aad Coaches Btt8a4o vie Emporium Junction 74 P M daily for Erie Buffalo and Niagara Falls with Stepping Car Wa b- mcton to Rochester 4 P M daily for Cnnandaigua Rochester Buffalo and Niagara PaSs FOR PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK AID TilE EAST 4W P M CONGRESglONAL LIMITriD for New York only day All Parlor Cars Dining Car Exprwwa 40 SM M4 K w York only sad ll4 A M 44S nM and WW P M 129 night On Sundays 8J4 1100 A M l t M 45 tM and 10 P M iM night For only 7 10 MA M 12 1 P M 65 A X 2 SI and 6J5 P K dally Ptor HoMes without change 74 A M and 5S P M dally For Baltlnore Cl 74 7d4X 4J- OKM MM WM II1 A M 12M U3o 115 M 300 31 344X 44M 400 Limited 41 444 448 5 54 iM 714 740- M6 M40 11 P M and UJt night weekdays On 54 750 00- 9M 1050 II A M 11 114 300 314 34 4W LImIted 430 44S 444 64 tM 714 744X U4 P M and K HlcbL Par Annapolis 74 A M P M weekdays SundayS 8J A M and j 44t P M Fur Popes Crook Line 758 A M and 44 P M weekday 9 At A X Sundays Ticket oNtera oon er PifteMKh and O Streets and at the station SlxUt and B Streets wber orders can be for the checking of baggage to destination Irene hotels and residences Telephone call Slur 373 for PeMeyl BRa Railroad Cab Service Dlnlns Car W W ATTERBURY J R WOOD General Manager Pasar TraflUt Manager W BOYD General Passenger Agent SOUTHERN RAILWAY X B Following schedule figures published only us information 731 A M DAILY Local for Harrsonbarff Warreaton Danville nod way stations lia1 A It DAILY and Florida Limited Firstclass coaches and sleeper to Columbia Savannah and Din Car Service 1116 A M DAILYUnteJ States Fast Mall Firstclass coaches and aleeper to New Orleans Car Service burl and way stations OR Manaasas tJK i P M for 7Jt P M Express Firstclass Coach to Atlanta Sunset Route Tourist Sleeper to S u Francisco Mondays Wednesday and Fr4ays i M DAILY New York anti Express Through Coaches and Sleeper to Savannah and uu m I Din It M P M DAlLYNew York and Limited via Lyrchburg Firstclass Coach and tteeM S to Roanoke ChattanooRa and Sleepers to New Orleans Dining Car Service 1 4S P M DAILY Washington and Seuth- wtstern Limited All Pullman train ob- servation Car to Atlanta and Mason Club Car to Atlanta Sleepers to Nashville Atlanta Macon Birmingham ew Orleans Dining Car Service C1 II Ackert 4th V P O M S H Hardwick P T M W II Tayloe G P A U S Brown G A d4tf Medical SPECIALIST 509J2thS- tj Successfni O the cure of Chronic M r- vous and Special Diseases of Men and Women Means Health to You if You Suffer From Catarrh Obesity Rheumatism Con ti Plies Vhroat Lung Bmm Heart and Skin Diseases Nervous and Watting Debility Kidney Diseases Bladder Troubles Discharges Stricture Varlcocjle Specific Blood Poisoning Eruptions Ulcers and All Private DUtunei Cured fur life by safe methods CONSULTATION FREE OFFICE HOURS 1C to l C Sunday 19 to ti- r DR J N GARDNER Homeopathic Specialist Catarrn and Diseases of the Nervous System ISO H at nw nuurs 11 until 2 W T BALDUS M D On Diseases of toe Brain Nervous System Hldya Heart Stonacn and other Dis- eases Doctors service and medicine L Consultation free Telephone Main 3it Southeast corner 6th and F su mv Hours IS to 1 and 4 Closed Sunday nurcTut- K YEARS PRACTICffe CURING MEN Nervous and private diseases cured quickly Syphilitic blood poison skin stom- ach kidney bladder stricture and pUce i lively cured Consultation Charges low 727 13th t nw ocl9tf DR FISK ELGIN Expert In Urn treatment of private diseases chronic and acute Both sate All consul cations confidential Medicine furnished Prices moderate Hours 9 tn t 3 to 6 7 to 9 Rooms 1233 Pennsylvania eve Inc Peon M lilt I Pennsylvania j I SPECIALParlor 1Qf tom Lh lea to a8 ln on and DAILYST O 11f I Cafe Car and coaches to ThUffaIO via to Rochester le 1Ia 1 Philadelphia week I and 545 I left GaO and are not Inc Ct1 P M WEEK for Wanton anti DAILYNew York and Atlanta Sleeper to AUaftt1 tM Sleepers AIIPJta and Port lug Car a Ia Carte Cars n R Err un U YEAR c tJtac Patton Blood I CllAICE IDIC1X 10 tu Twuitu 03t noSoSot GER3Lri2T PECIALXI3T a I I DR bin Oaf li noklng oils cafe 1040 Eric 8 Sorer 130 week- days 530 Sundays I 8 200 lie 1000 H35 43S guaranteed AYSLecai Columbus via to Tampa ServiCe emli Memphis tilE s S Phil toO pus free ¬ ¬ ¬ < < < > < ¬ > > < ¬ ± Loan Companies Loan Companies Corner 7th and F v At this season of the year almost everyone runs short of ready cash Dont spoil your Christmas just for lack of money We will loan you on furniture piano etc during Decem- ber at exceptionally low rates No questions asked Loans paid and more money advanced If you need money fill out this blark mail it to us and our agent will call at once Phone Main 433 Name Address Amount DISTRICT LOAN CO 639 F St NW off Wanted uuuu IL JiiAl L1 L AI d Jif ideliU A 4in T 1111 I if 4 ¬ Railroads CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO RY Schedule In effect November 25 nOt K MOLD DOMINION EXIRESS Week dav Htopii at principal points In Virginia Vestibule train standard coaches parlor car to Clifton Forge with connection for Virginia Hot Springs Pullman sleepers Clifton Forge to Louis- ville Cincinnati Indianapolis sc Louis and Chicago Buffet service from Gordon yUle 44 p M NEW C O LiMITED Dally Fast new vestibule train steps ooy at Gordonsviltc ChartottosrtU Staunton Clifton Forgo Covlagton Va Hon ceverta and limbo W Va Pun teeners to Lexington Lowisvllle Cincin- nati Indianapolis St Louis and Chi- cago Dining cars a la carte service O night out 11M P MF F V LIMITED Daily scUd vestibule train Pullman sleepers to CincInnatI Lexington and Louisville Coupartm ot sleeping car to Virginia Rot Springs days Dining oars a Ia carte service Sleeper Cincinnati Tiicno cAd St Louis and Louisville to Memphis Nashville and Southwest cod Ohio ottkx 6H PMncyl ania ave 6o9 14th c near F sad Sixth Street Station Tele- phone Main 37 for Pennsylvania R R Cab Service and Main IMC for C O Ticket 0 ce roWtf SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY Ticket Office 1421 Fauna Ave Fur Petersburg Raleigh Wilmington o- lutnMa Savannah Jarkt unvlll Tampa Birmingham Mobile IVnsacoia and New Orleans Ma AM DAILYSeaboard MailThrough Pullman Sleeper to Jark nvillv Fla through Parlor far t Ilnehurst N nf Dining Vr Washington to Hamlet V t P M DAIIYSeat Express SIH train with Pullman Sleepers to Jackson ill and Tampa Through 8le ier to Atlanta Blnnlnsjtoam and Memphis aCe Dining far Loan Companies We Loan Furniture Pianos Organs Horses and Wagons Fixtures Etc should yot borrow money from us our rates are about What others charge than others and have more customers than others People are coming to us daily and having us pay off other companies advance them more money because rates are lower and payments smaller Why not YOU Mutual Loan 6 Trust Co 913 G Street N W Near Cor 9th and G Streets Open evenings during December until 8 oclock If You Are in Need of Any Sum fr i 10 to 300 I And Want It the CHEAPEST It Can Be Had Come to Loan Headquartes 610 F N W We loan on household goods horses ret the money within a FEW HOURS of the time you apply THE OLD FELIABLE WASHINGTON MORTGAGE LOAN CO 610 F Street N W Room 1 LOAWS- ON Nothing to pay hack Until February st Dont be deceived by th many misleading advertisements of new loan companies WoaaJ- H need of money call on us We have heels In the loan bitsin ss fur the jiast twenty seven years Our experience no doab will prove beneficial tj you Your first bent n loans made during the month of will carried ov r until Febru- ary 1st lit desired without extra charge Capital Loan Co 1 602 F NW 7 Per Con SaTe 1V l- onth sjRtlin Money loaned on furniture planes ate U pay off other loan companies give bog money Everything strictly private Pal amount given Main 3BS9 Aunt will call and explain terms HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO CIS F ST N W Rooms 1 and Second Fo r Times Wars Ads firing Resells k wHIt od tickets at Chesapeake Ii r At- lanta t t I MONEY ON I Why I Because r I Why cheaper Because we loan our own money na our wagons pianos and fixtures can FURNITURE long be I 2 You i M j I J i 250 ant to- t Rmervetione a ale 4E 421 do We loan money 4 You rEoni par December 1 Ijr 10 Phone 2 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ = Loan Companies THE CUT RATE COMPANY HAS REMOVEDT- O 1326 New York Avsnue N W OUR GUARANTEE Xo matter what rat yi u are now paylna leave paid or may be quoted to you company we w ill make you a loAn at RATES 10 CHEAPER- Even if you now owe another 1 n n pony do not hesitate to tome to us V Hi WILL MANE YOi A LOAN make thi meats small and give you a IOOK pay it It It ta not convenient tr you to call t office write r phone an we will bat Jt representative call on you NEW YORK AVENME XORTHV Telephone Main 3012 E coud Fiooi iV Plenty of Money for Everybody at Special Xmas Rates Why deal with new companies with little capital and lots of delay We are KB old established compa with unlimited capital Why woulflu called We Lean Money on Furniture Pianos Organs Horses Wagons Salaried Employes Anything- at Lower Rates of Than a y Loan Company in Zxlstenoe and Witii out Any Bed WE WILL MAXE THE FIST rAiii DUE TO SUIT YOU LOAN CO 928 F Street N W Booms Ho 21 23 24 Second Floor OPEN DUBT2CG DECEMBEK IF YOU SHUTS THIS Nothing to Pay iti Feb on 3rd- on loans to new customers marts tnis mouth No extra charge for ti additional time Our rates We cart satisfy you that they are lower than those charged by any other company Our monthly payments Just 3 or as little as you cho pay Is that fair If you are carry- a loan now v will pay It advance you money on cur liberal and easy urms then you will have nothing to pay back i until one month after are over LOAN and TRUST COMPANY 409 Commercial Bank BIde nw 14th and G Entrance Wos 700 706 14th St Elevator to 4th floo- rs j IF YOU ARE PUTTING MONEY n a bank you look foe the eaJe- atiZ institution why not use ajxam- ff ear you deposit your val- uables for a luan W a building ani safes for the purpose AU buain a- eonlttMUaI toaey load on watches uii- Mxjwds three per cent locteoa of ten H K FUITOMB LOAN OFFICE EsUMMMHi JW9 314 Ninth Street X W LOANS NEGOTIATED on storks bonds bldg end loan cn abases syndicate ar tile receipts etc low rats courteoUs trtttmrat THIS IS NOT A COMPANY C M BAKJCR Ul F U Phone 617 Before you pay or or int r st W ma have tli before making auv make ut soltitely n We i ake u a r- AVe Man mak a lan t ir- tiiiiney t iitnt what r- ue f r the rte nt that much in- n j our loan s than any ronpany the iity No iuii- to nls lms No delay X publicity 7 do not disturti nwrurity See our rat s- our SHOPPINO CARD No other can compete ajrajnst low rates i t s nth other paW up and mure muney cJ- ncd National Loan Invastment Co XcrtlMsst flCT S MJ 4 OPP T y- Kniranc OB U Street THE ONLY INDEfEXUENT CXJMFANi- BOtStf MONEY FOR THE yol may obtain a luau your frni lure planO t u- AISOLI TKIA- VTIT3IOTIT PTTEiaomrX- 71SHOTTT DELAY THE COLUMSiA 6 A iAMTE CO C13 7 Street 3fortiw st Coil and be oonvirced- RcS50n ble Rates rrcm 5oo t 5000- Busineau JGSEPH Rotai 406- n IMK Jh Lad D nw Moey Loaned Salaried People nolivy ty TOLMAN SQUARE DEALL- OAN toy t J a AMERICAN LOAN we money cheaper than our > o Interest PAY- MENT POTOMAC GUA3AN fEE to 8 P M AD ng r- and more cord Pta the When hove mad Jewelry etc Interest LOAN Pllt 1 i J a she 3 I S pat i In lo1 Cornor II 4tll FjJT HOLIDAYS n t Q t at CAH its anol Ir L sIJI R in 11 il1 iOU g II J titet 1 b a P- other < CO5- UN loan competitors Tape much cv irpi I 1 ILL4I 1 warehouse MONTHS t either c I- ou use f V ti IITC i sue cit u LIS R WITOUx BZOVAL rv Ctfl3- davueeIS S coidldeni let et aiy pty- omte tIl t C g to ter ut at jetZ = = > > ¬ + > < <

Transcript of Used furniture S is salable through F Re · THE WASHINGTON TIMES TUESDAY BECEMBJilll 11 1900 1 Used...

Page 1: Used furniture S is salable through F Re · THE WASHINGTON TIMES TUESDAY BECEMBJilll 11 1900 1 Used furniture is salable through want advertising Re sell that lot at a profit within


1 Used furniture is salable through want advertisingRe sell that lot at a profit within a week through want advertising j

13P I

1 1 l I I t 1

FI I I I I t t I I I I 1



S U UIS 4 4 I S ps





LostNfcrtHweet fwtiwr boareward

M Rhode Island ave fcfttwen-rfekx Pliyier pl 8 bring WUINS

Mhvaril t above ddre

i O K lk MId IITimes office

LQBT0 Mas arhu tU near SeottWK afemt s k

of automobile painted blue railMM at nw deJlJt

away Huudayaroi ears jam black spot

ll ft setwrn to 1MX Erwwar

LOST Saturday morning todys coW watchMargaret Dulin Inside case Re

tars to M G Times and receive rwani de3tSTRAYBDYellow Hkye terrier with tag

on l lp Rturn to Win t

CLAY The Kerrct Man tin Louisiana

FoundJJOUNE V of money on December 8

Apply WM KINO Merchants und Mechanicssaving flank 77 G cL nw X

WantedBusiness Property

WWNTBD Will buy at unCle frem owner

i etl give particularstimes aet t

Legal Notices

OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIAHolding a District Court In ro the

of a Minor Street In 8UDistrict of Columbia DistrictNo 704 Notice Is

that the Commissioners of the Districtof Columbia pursuant toof Section l OS et set ol the Cod ofLaws for the District of Columbia and

Act Making appropriations to pro-

Vide for the expenses of Districtof Columbia for the fiscal year endingJune 3Kh lOOT and for other purpOsesapproved Tune 37th W having apetition In this Court praying the con-demnation of the land n cesry for theopening of a Minor Street from M streetto N street in Square 801 In the District of Columbia as shown on a mapor plat filed with said petition athereof and also that a juryof five Judlclou disinterested men notrelated to any person Interested in theseproceedings and not in the service oremployment of District of Columbia-or of the United States be summoned

the United States Marshal for theDistrict of Columbia to assess the dm-

K H each owner of land to b takenmay nustain reason of the openingof the aforesaid mjnor street and thecondemnation of thejand necessary for-UM thereof and to assess theR nent resultiner therefrom Including

expenses of th p proceedings asprovided in and by the Code and Art ofCe gre heretofore referred tq IT ISBY THE COURT THIS 7TII DAY 01DECEMBER A D ISO ORDISREDthat aH persons having any interest inthese proceedings be and they are

warned and commanded to appearin this Court on or before the 3RD DayOK JANUARY A D 1 S7 at 10OCLOCK A M and to continue in at-tendance until the Court shall havemad lisa order notifying and con-firming the award of damages and theassessments of benefits of the Jury toIHT empanelei and sworn herein and itte further ordered that H copy of thisnotice and order b published owe inin the Kvenlng Star Washington Her-ald and Washington Times news-papers published in said District beforethe rd day of January A D 1997

It is further ordered that a copy of thisw ti e and order be served by the UnitedStates Marshal for the said District orhis deputise upon such of the ownersof the fop of the land to condemnedherein as may be found by the saldMarshal or hit deputies within theDistrict of Columbia before the said Irdday of January A L JM7 By the

JOB BARNARD Justice A truecopy Test J R YOUNG Clerk E JMe ICE 1C Assistant ClerkSUlRKMK COURT District of Colum-bia Holding a Probate Court o llto-AdMlnlctraton This is to give wxlce thatthe au acrlbera of the District of Columbia

btaiiwd the Probate Court of theof Columbia letters on

the wtate of J unw Storey late of thr IU-tr t f Columbia de ea a All pononnlag claims against the are herebywarned to the same with the vouchtrt throf legally authenticated toniteMcril rt on or before the 30TH DAY OF

D vn otherwic they nyxybjr law h arclid44l from all bea ftt of MildUs4 Given un ler our hands this 9Wh day

November Wg JAMBS STOREY 15IJHalf trt aouthw at MARY JOHX8ON 107

JrrfHiy avenue southeast Real AtteatJ MBH TAXNCK Register of Wills for theDfetrct of of the ProbateCourt W GRAHAM HERBERTA WltByX Atoni yg dellllS8-VPRKME COURT OF THE DISTRICT OPCOLUMBIA Holding a Probate Court No14KT Adminlatration Tble la to no-tice that the subscriber of the District of-CohHHbta baa obtained front the ProbateQeMtt of the District pf Columbia lettertestamentary on toe estate of Ellen Xora K-warlh late of th District of Columbia deceased All jHrsonn having claims againstthe deo aaed are hereby warned to exhibit the

the vouchers thereof legally au-thenticated to on or beforeUie MTH DAY OF NOVEMBER A D 1997otherwise they may hy law be excluded fromalt henettt of said estate Given under mylaM th day of November MARTM SHAW xl Prospect avAttest JAMES TANNER Register of Willsfor the District of Clerk o t eProbate S I A DOiO


ProposalsE OF MUTUAL FIRE IN3URCOMPANY of the District of Co-

lumbia No 92 Penn Ave nw Wash-ington Dec 4 IMS Policy holders arenotified that the Managers have orderedpaW to the members a return of savingsaccording to the value of each policy

M 1MI Renewals for 1907 arepayable to the company at the sametim at the rate of one per centum onthe and POLICIESMUST BK PRESENTED that paymentsmay be entered thereon Policies expire

the last Monday in December 31stinstant Please early and avoidthe cr wd L PIERCE BOTELER

4e4UlS25l SecretaryOFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONERSDistrict of Columbia Washington Deeomber 5 W SEALED PROPOSALSwill be at this office until 12 MSATURDAY DECEMBER 15 Duo forremoval of frame building on lot 15square 4 the McKinley Man-ual Training School on the south The

awarded to the highest bidmaterials HENRY B 1

HENRY L WESTJOHN BIDDLE Commissioners D Cde76t exSu


snlnton December 6 1906

M Inches for Connecticut acnue bridge In the of Columbia

TJOHN BIDDLE Commissioners D a


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proposals be r elved at thisoffice until 12 OCLOCK NOON DECEMBBR tar urnishirgeight castIron postsfeet

forms of PropolJaland information bedbtltined at 43 DistrIct BuildingH D F MACFA WEST


L 1 p It-

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Room I


















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For Rent HousesFOR RENT 7room house bath gas

large yard and front suitablefor business cheap rent 71 Sth C

FOR REKT 612 Kennedy at MrlRhtwoodthreeinom h s H THEO U WA-

KBR tOO liriKbtwood awe nw dellStFOR RUNT

1809 You st nw 11 room and 2 bathsJ 9330 14th at ne 1 ream and bath WM-H9 D st I rooms sad bath S2M-4R1 8th st nv Petworth D C

rooitB and bath 26W-6S S Brlehtwood avo Urlghtwood D

C 7 room a M I W118 G at nw C rooms 18SO

Stable rear 116 mh st nw lt 0

LOUIS P SHOEMAKBR GI2 14th at nw-d SJt

STORE for rent with If desired Kentucky aye and 13 at se delOJt-J17M PER MONTH while they last new Sroofiiand bath uptodate senildetaahrd heuuesevery room fl oded with sunlight cementedcellar furnace heat a the otany womans heart large lots SAMUEL E-MASSON 1810 D st ae dafiTt1-

S21 G ST NW 10 rooms and bath largefront and rear yard only 35

KARRICK METCALFdeflJt 19N New York ave nw

FOR RENT Handsome bouse 916 Rhode Isl-and ave nw 14 rooms two baths hotwater heat front side and back yards f

600 square feet of ground conservatory etcin flee condition Apply 1811 Q at nw deSSt-

FOR RENT Capitol Hill six rooms andbath new plumbing closet and yard firstclass condition carpets through bouse forsale If desIred 318 3d st ne deSItFOR ItENT CharmlnK home 1718 13th st-nw 10 rooms and bath all modern 1mprovuments line order four stories8 nw dedSt-

Clt ISTH ST NW 12 rooms and bathon Columbia Heights overlookingCity houses finely flnlshed largerooms steam beat each 159

Apply or telephone

W E COWEN MANAGEKRoom 1 Bliss Building 35 B St N IV

Phone E ae

FOR HBNT Hou apartments and effieasin all part or the city For detailed listsend or call at our office


BROKERS1414 F St N W Ja3tf

THE NEXT ISSUIs of this paper should toilabout U If you have a house to rent or alob to find or a Job to offer

ForISSt NKW YORK AVE First BRa second nVxr

rooms suitable for estate dentistetc handnoi e building rents low ntl-

KAHR1CK A METCALFda9St in New York ave M-

WFCHXISHBD OFFICE to forenoons ardevening Apply 2 to i at 3K Bond building


OFFICES for r r in w bulldlHr Noj UU Peon ave iw halt block from the new

Municipal building rooms single or en suitePrices reasoutbl and Include and light

I WEAVER nnO6 1416 F at nw l 4tfDESIRABLE OFFICE ROOMS in th Kvass

WW to J3 w York avever Including heat light and janitorservice JOHN O EVANS 1 4 New Yorkave aw no 39t

For RentBusiness Property

FOR RKNT Cellar for business 16t st nw doWat

fOR RBNT UirK lot OB N st ne W9 feetfrom let st Incoxed by high board fence Jper month

Fer rent Warehousft corner Potomac andGrace ala Georgetown

Fer Rent 30 M St store with roomabove 39 good cigar or fruit standMILLERSHOEMAKER REAL ES

TATE COMPANY1J2S35 lId st nw

ForFOR HEXT Store and flat corner nth

W Ms nw 4 rorHii bath hotwater heatand lance cellar

F S COLLINS rx Inc 7 13th st nwlef3t

Forton RENT LarRe new stable with ISstalls elevator and fine loft rear of St4-d at nw open alt day Apply P K CIIA

CONAK CO th st and Louisiana awed Ttf

ForEAGLE HAIL for rent for balls and

Apply to Manager 601 G st nwnoI3Mt

For Rent ApartmentsAPARTMENTS down town two roots S

three rootts 3S elegant tiled bath 1250New aye nw

KARRICK MKT ALFd 93S 1M6 New York ave nw

f8 te t for two and three room apartmentsIn The Dorchester corner 12th st and Maryland awe sw handsome baths steam heatbet and cold water Janitor service auStf

For447H TENNESSEE AVE N roomsand bath per month 4ell3tFOR RENT W9S al ne S rooms bathrange rent 17 Key at grocery corner

6th and L jts ne-1S H ne 8 rooms bath 1SWF J COLLINS CO Inc 7M l h nw-

le 7t

3 a DITM BARTON bothlines first story six room justfurnaoa in perfect condition etc JS5C iwirmonth J S FRASBR Fendall building


For Sale TypewritersFOR 8ALE JSO Wellington typewriter goodas nfw for U another Postal typewriter 41SOC F st nw drfJt

For Rent TypewritersUENT A WELLINGTON

One month for 200Three months for JSCOSix months for 8W

11 rentals apply on purchaseThe WELLINGTON Is only M

OFFICE SOS 11th st nw



t fAGR W Or GROUNP LEV AnOMMako haste to set a choice toy la

the new subdivision wo have justJpened They are going with a rush

Take any Pennsylvania avenueear of the Capital Traction Com

murked F G going eastand pet transfer to tbs

United States Realty Co7iH St and La and AvosN W


trobe no-d 1l4t



















RentFlatsEFourporcelain 1430







c lands car


8 Inc





















For Sale HousesFOR

3fr P8R CENT NET INVESTMENT11 4room brick houses In northwest water

and closet In yard good condition That80 month Price only 8000 x

6 and cellar pros brick fronts onlettered street eloeet In yard water inKlte en rent 86Sr month Price only 6600

New room and bath press brick front innorthwest rent 17 W to pricetrat 1SOO 6 per cash SOO

In northwest 7rooin bath press brickfront root Price 1400

In northwest 6 rooms stable water andsewer rent J W Price tOOO

JOSEPH R ATKINSONRoom Ml lined Bids 14th anti New York ave


2200 IN BROOKLANDNew twostory frame dwelling with 6

large rooms two latrobes and kitchenrange Lot 58xl 0 feet Good sectionCity improvements

355000Colonial style houses In ne near

car lines brick with nixanti bath Itented at 2250 per month


EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN at JOOO reducedfor immediate sale Sth at neareasily remodeled Into store now rented 2258month terms very easyco XiX27Saxnra2x co 621 13th nw


HBRETS ONE Nice 6room brick onave ne Rents for 1610 Will

aacrlttco fur 1819 us owner is leavingcity

ATKINSON BALLARD CO INC1221 13th st nw de 3t

COZY slxreom and bath baywitidow buffbrtck near Lincoln Park Less thancost 12M

KARRICK A MBTCALFdee New York ave nw-

XtM4 iM cash balance monthly newrpm and bath semidetached houses at 14thand D eli se large lot cemented tellersfurnace heat SAMUEL G MASSON 161

J 7t-

3f PROgPKCT AVE Nine rooms and bathbrick rent MM 4T4 MILLERSHOKMAKER CO dpSK

FOR SALE I2I5 E N ENew six rooms anti prose tJ brick

bay window concrete cellar Jge yardnewly papered cabinet mantels heated by

furnace only GM cash balance tt p r monthhouses ope


J2M6I IT XK near lick sty roams and NUt

twostory brick root J C-


TJie Oval 1413 C St N Wl

FORM13 K St lot brick building oocu

pled as maehliMi ahop 3609-

MftW square feet on Grace st Georgetownopposite Capital Traction Power Pant

Sib ac se saaon property Price

lilt B Market 3f ue PetOMac st Oorgetown Rent a6K l rloe C64 Occupiedas flsh market anti dwelling Y ar andsewerage

14K 34th lot haul brick dwellingRent H Price I4M

3 55 Q nw Prlee 4718 trait 4460three years to run Rent MM

3133 G at frame dora and dwelling Price2760

313 P at Sroom frame bath large lot


132224 32d St N WPhone West W deMf

FOR SALE 1122 llth st ncr sixroom framePRICE 3000



For a beautiful 6room brick house In the nwsection side light furnace heat porcelaintub concrete cellar convenient te two earlinn

LE ROY MARKThe Oval Sign 1410 0 St N W


ForRENT 380 acres all fenced and under

cultivation and grass 12 miles from Wash-ington x miles cars Sroom dwelling

spring large barn and stables cornh u r chicken house duck pond fer-tile land rent year JOSEPH R

Wl ont 14th and NewYork ave dell It



High elevation Pure water Gravel walksNO INTEREST NO TAXES

CHAS D FOWLER 512 r at nwdelltf

419 street sw Price tl600 very deeplot front street and wid alley

Miller Shoemaker Real Estate Co-

lS 25 X W oc27tf

Colonial BeachOPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME Doublesummer cottage large porch corner lot onlyfBOO guarantee 130 season house S-

lob large porches artesian well 2260 guar-antee t 0 season Lot 150 corner itO 91SVirginia ave sw do93t

For SaleBusiness Property

Rock Spring HotelCONDUIT ROAD


Modern Appointments

PRICE 8500

Miller Shoemaker Real

Estate Co

1523 32nd Street N W





reduced tOO




property IS






tt t
















Ia room












> ¬



For Sale SuburbanFOR S ALB I have a very attractive

within 290 yaru cars S acres goodtrucking land fruit of all kinds neat fircettage stable chicken house wired runnice shade roses range furniture imple-ments tine cow scores chickens etc Amgoing West and will sell entire outfit for

Address LEWIS Times o lc d l tfFOR SALE Or exchange a new 7roomhouse in Brentwood on Evans St housepapered throughout latrobe In parlor andrange in kitchen pump on bock porchporclHW run across front and ride of houselot 60x10 fet easy payments also 31S H stne Call or 14th at nw delOH9 Wft LOTS and house at Herwyn HeIght

PRICE 2000 for a quick sale0 ACRES six miles from Washington on

the Itockvllle pike near ear line PRICE1W per acre for 19 W acres or all prop-

erty near this has sold for 1600 per aerowould make a nice aubtiiviMltm-

w ACRKS 17roem houee In the town limitsof Round lUll Va alt kinds of fruitbeautiful location fine lawn and shedsPRICE Easy terms can be ar-ranged on any of the above propertlee Ihave many other irieoee of property at

counter prices Call onD A WENTWORTH Hit II sL nw

d at Washinetun D C

WASHINGTON HIGHLANDS D Chugh steel plant lots 31x160 from Jlup terms to suit


ONLY 9 per acre for II 1 and lotson the Great Palls and Old Dominion railroad at Spring 11111 l miles from George

rtewn 3 miles from Great Falls low faregood soil colenUI neighborhood buy nowbefore prices easy terms THEHINE REAL ESTATE AGEXCV ViennaVa nlSrtA FOOT frontage on Ridge road beau-tifully located rttt sell In lets or as awhole price 418M MILLERSHOEMAKER-CO im Wisconsin ave nototfCONNECTICUT AVE TERRACE This newsubdivision is now being platted into V and 1u 203 lots fronts iOOO

en fashionable ave natmel forest shads trees on every lot prices2e to Uc square foot Terms to 500caah balance flu to Se monthly Writephone or call for preliminary plat and fullparticulars

FULTON It GORDONSuburban Operator

ROBBRT E MgrColorado Building Tel Main SJ-


Business Property-wE CAN SEW a pi H of G st property inthe heart of business section which canbe converted into a well paying and

Dee building wt are offering it At Inv tm nt price of j 7Sa CAYWOODGARRETT list New York ave ExclusiveAgents deitt

Money toReal EiUto

MONEY TO LOAN ON D C REAL ESTATELowest rate of interest Payments on prin-

cipal la amounts of 100 or niece received atInterest period TUB F II SMITH CO

Bend ReSiding 1408 YorkMONEY TO LOAN ISM ta 1600000 OS D areal estate Interest low and all transac-tions conducted vIta oovwrntail considerLien tar borrowers


MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATESOF 1NTBRB8T on D C Real Estate Nounreasonable delay

WALTER II ACKERf 4tf 1 M F w x w

MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate at andper oral Every eonsideratin shownbsrrowers


MONET TO LOAN on approved city realtats at 4 4H and t per cent Interest Spe-elal privileges with to prior paymentsLarge amounts a specialty TYLER ARUTHERFORD 13CT F st nw ocJOtf


HOTEL TRAYMOKEOverlooking the ocean Open all

HOTEL COChss O Marquette D S WHITE

Mnag r


ATLANTIC CITYOne of the newest stone brick and

buildings with everyalways ready always busy



Every Other Hour on the Odd HourTe PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK

NEW TERMINAL 3D ST NEW YORK7 0amDlner Pullman Parlor

t 8mHurret Parlor a Hr Trainand Pullman Parlor Car

til 9am Diner and Pullman Parlor Car100 pm Diner and Pullman Parlor CarSM PHJ Royal Limited All Pullmans

t4 0pra CoaclMp to PhiladelphiaSM p m Diner and Pullman ParlorS3 pm Coaches to Philadelphia

ll p m Sleepers157 pm Sleepers




Week days 257 tt fi 0 7M 79 SM-S3C 00 0 10t 11 9 a m 1IC9 noon

1 0 2tH 30 SJ 4M 445 BM5 M 6 tilt 7 8M 9M 1006 M-

I1M 11 p mSundays ZJBl 7 0 730 SM 903 tOO

llW a in im 115 3M 8fl 33 630EW M09 19M 113 11SS n m


S a m 4 fc p m nightPITTSBURG 1S2 p ra 9 p m J28a-


WHEELING a m 539 p mWINCHESTER t8 14 J tf U p irANNAPOLIS week days 800 a m 12f

noon 141 4M r m Sundays S3d a m and530 n m


t 66 35 v m-

HAOBRSTOWN 8 m tad 1 60 pand Points t836 9l a m

130 jM t5 M S fll 0 p mGAITHERSBURG and way points 83S

016 a tl2J fSJIS5 7SS MJC tllMp m

WASHINGTON JUNCTION and waypoints t835 915 a m t7 p m

tExcept Sunday Sundays onlyReservation of Sleeping or Parlor Car

space rates of fare etc will be quickly fur-nished BY TELEPHONE at all of the following Ticket OIBwofl Ml G StMain 1501 619 Pennsylvania Ave TelephoneMain 2S7 StatIon New Janwy Ave anti CSt Ticket office Telephone East 687 Infor-mation Bureau East 724 noS4tf


STEAMCOAT COMPANYEvery day In the year front foot of 7th-

it for Fort Monroe NorfolkNews all points south by the upub powerful steel palace steamers

Newport Norfolk anJWashington

LvWashlngtonG O Portsmouth S nmVT r nlb

Ar Ft Monroe Ft Monroe 7 pAr Nortjlle J03nmlAr Alexandria 121 amAr Portamouth800 amfAr WshlBSton7 am

connection made at Norwith strainer of Old Don lnloasteamship Co two New York and Uer

chants and Miners Steamships foiton

further Information applY Ageneral ticket office 705 14th St Oolundo Building telephone Main 399ur lib si whar telephone Main 37SO







acre bulkUnConnecticut

a neo










comfort atwau open


tIde L mfIoj

t1ti 5


910iM p m



a m-


moo 139u


pm Ly pmam




address lISt




















pin Lv2t Alexandria 00

70O Lv




























and CHICAGO andIng cars Harrisburg to Pittsburg oafleets for Chicago Cincinnati IndianapolisLouisville and tit Louis Parlor and P KIt Cars to Harrisburg

1850 A M DAILYMAIN LINE EXPRESSPullman IJufTet Parlor Car to Harrisburg

Parlor Car Harrisburg to Plttsburg PenuBylvanla Rallroed Dining tar Harrisburg tuAltoona


and Observation Cam Earnburg For Cleveland Toledo De-troit Cincinnati Indianapolis and tLouis Buffet Parlor Car to Harrisburg

204 P M DAILY8T LOUIS LIMITEDBleeping Dining Smoking and Obeervatlon Cars from harrisburg For Indlan p

Louisville and St Louis Buffet j

Parlor Car to Harrisburg144 P M DAILY PENNSYLVANIA SPK

CIAL US HOURS TOSleeping Dining Smoking and Observa-tion Cars from to Chicago SleepIng Car Harrisburg

S4tt P M AND FTLOUIS EXPRESS Sleeping trw Washington to St Louis Sleeping and Dining Oarxharrisburg to Chicago Indianapolis StLouis and Nashville tvla Cincinnati andLouisville Car to Harrisburg

B4li P M DAILY CHICAGO LIMITEDSleeping Cur to ChicagoCleveland Pennsylvania Railroad CarBaltimore to Harrlslnirg Sleeping Smok-ing Dining and Observation Cars fromHarrisburg For Chicago and Cleveland

7It P M LOUIS EXPRESSPullman Sleeping Car Harrisburg to StLouis and Cincinnati

74 P M DAILY WESTERN EXPRESSPullman Sleeping Car to Pittsburg andChicago Dining Car Pittsburg to Chicago

740 P M DAILY CLEVELAND AND CIN-CINNATI EXPRESSPullman SleepingCars Washington to Harrisburg and Har-risburg to Cleveland Barberton and Cin-cinnati Dining Car

P M DAILYP1TTSBURG SPECIALPullman Sleeping Car to Pittsbttrg DnIngCar Altoona to Plttsburg

M DAILY PACIFIC EXPRESSPullman Sleeping Car to harrisburg andHarrtsburg to Pittsburg Connect forCleveland and Toledo

IM A M DAILY BUFFALO DAY EXPRESS with through Parlor Car P R R

BmporlHtn Junction

7M A M for Erie daily Rockester and Niagara FElls dally exceptSunday

1M A M for Renovo daily and ElMiraweek days For WIlllamDpon doily 244P M

714 P M dally BUFFALO NIGHT EXPRESS with through Sleeping Car aadCoaches Btt8a4o vie Emporium Junction

74 P M daily for Erie Buffaloand Niagara Falls with Stepping Car Wa b-

mcton to Rochester4 P M daily for Cnnandaigua

Rochester Buffalo and Niagara PaSsFOR PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK AID


for New York only day All Parlor CarsDining Car

Exprwwa 40 SM M4 K w York onlysad ll4 A M 44S nMand WW P M 129 night On Sundays8J4 1100 A M l t M 45 tM

and 10 P M iM nightFor only 7 10 M A

M 12 1 P M 65 A X 2SI and 6J5 P K dally

Ptor HoMes without change 74 A Mand 5S P M dally

For Baltlnore Cl 74 7d4X 4J-OKM MM WM II1 A M 12M U3o115 M 300 31 344X 44M 400 Limited41 444 448 5 54 iM 714 740-M6 M40 11 P M and UJt nightweekdays On 54 750 00-

9M 1050 II A M 11 114 300314 34 4W LImIted 430 44S444 64 tM 714 744X U4P M and K HlcbL

Par Annapolis 74 A MP M weekdays SundayS 8J A M and j

44t P MFur Popes Crook Line 758 A M and 44

P M weekday 9 At A X SundaysTicket oNtera oon er PifteMKh and O

Streets and at the station SlxUt and BStreets wber orders can be for thechecking of baggage to destination Irenehotels and residences

Telephone call Slur 373 for PeMeylBRa Railroad Cab Service


General Manager Pasar TraflUt ManagerW BOYD

General Passenger Agent

SOUTHERN RAILWAYX B Following schedule figures published

only us information731 A M DAILY Local for Harrsonbarff

Warreaton Danville nod way stationslia1 A It DAILY and Florida

Limited Firstclass coaches and sleeper toColumbia Savannah and Din

Car Service1116 A M DAILYUnteJ States Fast Mall

Firstclass coaches and aleeper to NewOrleans Car Service

burl and way stations OR ManaasastJKi P M for

7Jt P MExpress Firstclass Coach to AtlantaSunset Route Tourist Sleeperto S u Francisco Mondays Wednesdayand Fr4ays

i M DAILY New York antiExpress Through Coaches and Sleeper toSavannah and uu m I


It M P M DAlLYNew York andLimited via Lyrchburg Firstclass Coachand tteeM S to RoanokeChattanooRa and Sleepers toNew Orleans Dining Car Service

1 4S P M DAILY Washington and Seuth-wtstern Limited All Pullman train ob-servation Car to Atlanta and Mason ClubCar to Atlanta Sleepers to NashvilleAtlanta Macon Birmingham ew OrleansDining Car Service

C1 II Ackert 4th V P O M S HHardwick P T M W II Tayloe G P A

U S Brown G A d4tf



tj SuccessfniOthe cure of Chronic M r-

vous and Special Diseasesof Men and Women

Means Health to You if You SufferFrom Catarrh Obesity Rheumatism Con ti

Plies Vhroat Lung Bmm Heartand Skin Diseases Nervous and

Watting Debility Kidney Diseases BladderTroubles Discharges Stricture VarlcocjleSpecific Blood Poisoning Eruptions Ulcersand All Private DUtunei Cured fur life bysafe methods


1C to l C Sunday 19 to ti-r

DR J N GARDNERHomeopathic SpecialistCatarrn and Diseases

of the Nervous SystemISO H at nw nuurs 11 until 2


On Diseases of toe Brain Nervous SystemHldya Heart Stonacn and other Dis-eases Doctors service and medicine LConsultation free Telephone Main 3itSoutheast corner 6th and F su mv HoursIS to 1 and 4 Closed Sunday nurcTut-

K YEARS PRACTICffe CURING MENNervous and private diseases cured quickly

Syphilitic blood poison skin stom-ach kidney bladder stricture and pUce ilively cured Consultation Charges low727 13th t nw ocl9tf

DR FISK ELGINExpert In Urn treatment of private diseaseschronic and acute Both sate All consulcations confidential Medicine furnishedPrices moderate Hours 9 tn t 3 to 6 7 to 9Rooms 1233 Pennsylvania eve Inc PeonM lilt


Pennsylvania j




tomLh lea


a8 ln on and



11f I

Cafe Car and coaches to ThUffaIO via



1Ia 1



and 545




and are not


Ct1 P M WEEK for

Wanton anti

DAILYNew York and AtlantaSleeper to AUaftt1


Sleepers AIIPJta and Portlug Car a Ia Carte


n R Errun UYEARc tJtac




tu Twuitu 03t









li noklng









Sundays I 8200

lie 1000

H35 43S



Columbus via

to TampaServiCe












< >








Loan Companies Loan Companies

Corner 7th and F


At this season of the year almosteveryone runs short of ready cashDont spoil your Christmas just forlack of money We will loan you onfurniture piano etc during Decem-ber at exceptionally low rates Noquestions asked Loans paidand more money advanced If youneed money fill out this blarkmail it to us and our agent will callat once Phone Main 433




639 F St NW


Wanted uuuu


JiiAl L1L AI d

Jif ideliU A

4inT 1111 I





Schedule In effect November 25 nOtK MOLD DOMINION EXIRESS

Week dav Htopii at principal points InVirginia Vestibule train standardcoaches parlor car to Clifton Forge withconnection for Virginia Hot SpringsPullman sleepers Clifton Forge to Louis-ville Cincinnati Indianapolis sc Louisand Chicago Buffet service from GordonyUle

44 p M NEW C O LiMITED DallyFast new vestibule train steps ooy atGordonsviltc ChartottosrtU StauntonClifton Forgo Covlagton Va Honceverta and limbo W Va Punteeners to Lexington Lowisvllle Cincin-nati Indianapolis St Louis and Chi-cago Dining cars a la carte serviceO night out

11M P MF F V LIMITED DailyscUd vestibule train Pullman sleepers toCincInnatI Lexington and LouisvilleCoupartm ot sleeping car to VirginiaRot Springs days Dining oars aIa carte service Sleeper CincinnatiTiicno cAd St Louis and Louisville to

Memphis Nashville and Southwestcod

Ohio ottkx 6H PMncyl ania ave 6o9 14thc near F sad Sixth Street Station Tele-

phone Main 37 for Pennsylvania R RCab Service and Main IMC for C OTicket 0 ce roWtf

SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAYTicket Office 1421 Fauna Ave

Fur Petersburg Raleigh Wilmington o-

lutnMa Savannah Jarkt unvlll TampaBirmingham Mobile IVnsacoia and

New OrleansMa AM DAILYSeaboard MailThrough

Pullman Sleeper to Jark nvillv Flathrough Parlor far t Ilnehurst N nfDining Vr Washington to Hamlet V t

P M DAIIYSeat Express SIHtrain with Pullman Sleepers to Jackson illand Tampa Through 8le ier to AtlantaBlnnlnsjtoam and Memphis aCe Dining far

Loan Companies

We Loan

Furniture Pianos OrgansHorses and Wagons

Fixtures Etcshould yot borrow moneyfrom us

our rates are aboutWhat others charge

than others

and have more customersthan others

People are coming to us daily andhaving us pay off other companiesadvance them more money because

rates are lower and paymentssmaller Why not YOU

Mutual Loan 6 Trust Co913 G Street N W

Near Cor 9th and G StreetsOpen evenings during December

until 8 oclock

If You Are in Need of Any Sum fr i

10 to 300 I

And Want It the CHEAPEST It CanBe Had Come to

Loan Headquartes610 F N W

We loan on household goods horsesret the money within a FEW HOURSof the time you apply



610 F Street N W Room 1


Nothing to pay hackUntil February st

Dont be deceived by th many misleadingadvertisements of new loan companies WoaaJ-H need of money call on us We have heelsIn the loan bitsin ss fur the jiast twentyseven years Our experience no doabwill prove beneficial tj you Your firstbent n loans made during the month of

will carried ov r until Febru-ary 1st lit desired without extra charge

Capital Loan Co 1602 F NW

7 Per ConSaTe 1V l-

onth sjRtlinMoney loaned on furniture planes ate U

pay off other loan companies give bogmoney Everything strictly private Palamount given Main 3BS9 Aunt willcall and explain terms

HOUSEHOLD LOAN COCIS F ST N W Rooms 1 and Second Fo r

Times Wars Ads firing Resells



od tickets at Chesapeake








Why I

Because rI

Why cheaper

Because we loan our own money



wagons pianos and fixtures can





2 You i

M j











do We loan money













< ¬


Loan Companies




1326 New York Avsnue N WOUR GUARANTEE

Xo matter what rat yi u are now paylnaleave paid or may be quoted to you

company we w ill make you a loAn atRATES 10 CHEAPER-

Even if you now owe another 1 n npony do not hesitate to tome to us V HiWILL MANE YOi A LOAN make thimeats small and give you a IOOKpay it

It It ta not convenient tr you to call toffice write r phone an we will bat Jtrepresentative call on you

NEW YORK AVENME XORTHVTelephone Main 3012 E coud Fiooi iV

Plenty of Money forEverybody at Special

Xmas RatesWhy deal with new companies with

little capital and lots of delayWe are KB old established compa

with unlimited capital Why woulflucalled

We Lean Money onFurniture Pianos Organs

Horses Wagons SalariedEmployes Anything-

at Lower Rates of Than a yLoan Company in Zxlstenoe and Witiiout Any BedWE WILL MAXE THE FIST


928 F Street N WBooms Ho 21 23 24 Second Floor



Nothing to Payiti Feb


3rd-on loans to new customers marts

tnis mouth No extra charge for tiadditional time Our rates We cartsatisfy you that they are lower thanthose charged by any other companyOur monthly payments Just 3

or as little as you chopay Is that fair If you are carry-

a loan now v will pay Itadvance you money on

cur liberal and easy urms thenyou will have nothing to pay back iuntil one month afterare over


409 Commercial Bank BIde n w14th and G Entrance Wos 700

706 14th St Elevator to 4th floo-

rs j IF YOU ARE PUTTING MONEYn a bank you look foe the eaJe-

atiZ institution why not use ajxam-ff ear you deposit your val-

uables for a luan W a building anisafes for the purpose AU buain a-

eonlttMUaI toaey load on watches uii-Mxjwds three per centlocteoa of ten


LOANS NEGOTIATED on storks bondsbldg end loan cn abases syndicate artile receipts etc low ratscourteoUs trtttmrat THIS IS NOT ACOMPANY C M BAKJCR Ul F UPhone 617

Before you pay oror int r st W ma

have tlibefore making auvmake ut soltitely nWe i ake u a r-

AVe Man mak

a lan t ir-tiiiiney t

iitnt what r-

ue f r the rtent that much in-n j our loan s

than any ronpany the iity No iuii-to nls lms No delay X publicity 7do not disturti nwrurity See our rat s-

our SHOPPINO CARD No othercan compete ajrajnst low rates i t snth other paW up and mure muney cJ-

ncdNational Loan Invastment Co

XcrtlMsst flCT S MJ 4 OPP T y-


MONEY FOR THEyol may obtain a luau your frni

lure planO t u-



C13 7 Street 3fortiw stCoil and be oonvirced-

RcS50n ble Ratesrrcm 5oo t 5000-Busineau

JGSEPH Rotai 406-

n IMK Jh Lad D nw

Moey Loaned Salaried People

nolivy tyTOLMAN



t J



we money cheaper than our > o



to 8 P M


ng r-

and more




Jewelry etc Interest


Pllt 1 iJ a

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Cornor II 4tll FjJT



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