USDA FOREST SERVICE CLEVELAND NATIONAL FOREST PALOMAR RANGER DISTRICT 1634 Black Canyon Road Ramona, Ca. 92065 Telephone #: (760) 788-0250 Fax #: (760) 788-6130 FAX TRANSMITTAL COVER SHEET D:lte: Ct/ 2 7 Total # of pages including cover sheet _ Urgent? Yes ( ] No TO: NAl\'IE VI M;Vt Y j UNIT R-4__ Sf1Ir-H: FAX#: STAFF S \..;v ,( C-.. I £ FROM: etJ y\ W \ MESSAGE/SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: J LJJ I .. b I bIt'\/'( C ce I " \oj v td ,r ___


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~b/~~/2~~1 1~:59 75B788513~




1634 Black Canyon RoadRamona, Ca. 92065

Telephone #: (760) 788-0250Fax #: (760) 788-6130


D:lte: Ct/27 Total # of pages including cover sheet _

Urgent? Yes ( ] No [~


NAl\'IE VI M;Vt Yj

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OS/28/2001 10:59 7507885130 USDA FOREST SERVIC~

City 01 San Dillgo. WBl4l' Oeparlmenl

Cleveland Nslional Forest OescanllO Ranger DistrictPine CrlHtk Assessment Project (PCAP). 1998

Raw Baet! Data

!Total Coliform Bacteria Fecal Coliform Bacteria Enterococcus Bacteria iSta~on Date MPNI1com (""'" IYWII'CldI CF\JI10Qm IloIF~l CA.Jt1 oem {'* muon<xll

NPCJA 01/14 1300 , lS

02104 1100 AS 440

02/24 800 "96

03/04 240 2 13

03/1S 170 I 21 6

04115 500 I"

21i 051Z0 130

~38 21

I06/18 TO 69 57I.

011'" 110 7 saOeJ18 300 19 >60

09'1S NS NS NS

NPC:lB 01/H 220 <1 3702104 5000 20 zeo02/24 1100 21 90

03/04 300 1 8

03l1S 140 13 4

04115 700 .5 1605120 "0 37 17

06/1~ 1'00 7S 44

07/14 "0 22 lOa06/1e 140 35 >eo09115 NS NS NS

Ni=lC3C 01114 240 4 1"002104 '100 5 580

02124 2200 20 120

03/04 110 903/18 170 '2 504115 500 14 1505/20 130 36 20

06118 280 73 4.4

07114 500 21 74

011/18 170 '00 >6009/15 NS NS NS

.. NPC30 otll4 NS NS NSOZ!04 3000 95 1400

02/24 800 sa 19003104 500 (I 803118 170 G 904/15 300 140 46

OSl20 170 27 20oel1a 240 JS 3807/14 300 8 alOS/18 NS NS NS

09/15 NS NS NS

PVC1A 01/14 44 9 20

02/04 30000 20000 20000

02124 17000 740 I 210003/04 90 42 I· 50

031'18 350 8 r 2704l1S 8000 470 ! 530

0!!/20 220 110 10008/16 1100 61 t 140

07/14 500 66 I '3008118 240 rOO zeo09/15 240 23 I 100

h:\wt~hed\pcap\pcap_fnl.wk.4 03"S/99 07:28 AM dwg

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City 01 ~n Oiego. Wille( Department

Cloveland National Forll5t. O.seanlWl Ranger Oistrict

PIne Creek Assessment Project (peAP), 1998Main Sampling Stations

log Transformed Bact! Data

Total Coliform Bacteria i F!leal Coliform Bacteria I Enterococcus BacteriaStillion Dllte W1"Nl100ml (IliPN m.1I\Oll1 : CFUi1llDmi (..~ m.\/loG) 1 CFVJ10QrN I"" m_1

NPC3A 0"'4 :3 I 0 i ,, 02104 I :3

,2 i 3I

J 02124 3,

1 T 203/04 r-- 2 0 ! 1

03118 2 I I 1

04115 ! J 1 1j 05120 2. 2 I

,I OSl16 ! 2 2. \ 2;

07114 2. 1 I 2_.._.'. .~ 06/18 2 1 , )01.711-- NS09/15 NS NS ,

-NPC36 01114 2 <0 2

02/04 4 1 202124 :3 ) 2.03/04 2. 0 I

03/18 2 \ 1..~----

OAI15 3 1 1

05120 2 2. 1

06/15 3 2 2--_._----.......- .. - . ....._-07/14 2. 1 208/1a 2 2 '"1.7809/15 NS NS NS

NPC3C 01114 2. 1 2.02/04 3 , 302/24 3 1 203104 2 0 1

03118 2. ,04/15 3 1

05120 2 2 106116 2 2 2.07/14 J 2Oa,,8 ___-1___ 2. >',76091,S NS ... -'-NS' NS-- ---_.._----

NPCJO 01114 NS NS NS02104 J 2. 3 ;

02J24 3 2. 2. i03/04 :3 <0 , I

03118 2. 1 , I04115 2. 2. 2 jOS/20 2. 1 , I06/16 2 2. 2. i

07114 2. , 2. I08118 NS NS NS09115 NS NS NS





PVC1A 01/14 2. 1 , 1I

0210<1 <I 4 I. A,02124 J4 .' 3

I 03104 I 2. 2. I 2II 0:3118 I 3 , I 1'. 04115 4 J

,-3I i

05120 i 2 2 206/16

/3 2 i 2

! 07/14 i 3 2 2i

h:\wtrshed\pcap\pcap_fnl.wk4 03/16/99 06:25 AM ctwg

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OS/28/2001 10:59 750788513eJ

~ 01 ~n 0""'IlO. W;J,lIt 0_","8l'l1

Cle¥1IIlInd NatioNll !'areal.. Deac:anao Ra"OlW OlatretPin. CrNIl Asleasment Projoct (PCAP). 19i5

.Main sampling StationsRaw NutrI.nb Ollta

1I Nitrate Nitrogen Orthopho,phate I Total Phosphorous TDS i Tumidity

Slll~O" OlIN I '_1 ua.O.2_ I_I IoQ, Q,02 ... l'ftQIII.IolOl.Il.Il25'" 1_.....-1 rmJ

INPC3A 0'/'4 ~ no n4 \ nO ! nil 0.48

0:1J1)4 : 0.68ii n4 I O.~" I "5,0 11,6

, 0<124 0.'82 nd 0038" 1lI,0' 4.30

OJ/~ 0.028 I 0,~2 i I'd 132. , \ l.15

I0J/I8 ,- ncl ! 0.~1 I 0,54 1114,0 O.IW

04/'5 I till \ 0.1 \ 0.031> 94,0 2.73

I 05120 I no J IIQ I I'd 159.0 1.10

I 0II/1l1 t'll \ r.a I r'Cl ~O 0.7

I07114 ( nd i ~ I ncl ria 0.42

iQ8118 ncI ". i t'll 2SU 0.210911S /oIS I loiS I NS NS NS

NPC38 01114 0531 nO nO na 0.2102104 0.582 ncl O.2SJ '2. 10.S02124 O.~ nO 0.0538 89,3 4,71

oJ/a' nd 0,0:10 ncI 132.0 1,11

03/'8 ncl O.OJ.' 0,J.'3 t 181,0 0,15804/1S nd 0,0!7 0,0654 92,0 2.83O!l2O no IIQ I\ll 1!9,0 1.1806118 nO IIQ no llM.7 0.500711. no IIll no NI 0.530&1'0 no NO nO 2M.0 0.2209/'5 NS N$ NS NS N$

·NPC'C 01/1. 0,50:1 no nO ~ 0,5

02104 0620 nO 0,oa'8 117.0 23,'J

0212' 0.'S9 no 00~5 98,0 5.35

03104 nO 0.0.' no 131.0 1.16 ,

03/'8 nO 0,062 no 179.0 0.9i .i

0<lJ15 0.029 0.OS2 nO a9.0 2.08 I

05120 nO 1\1 nO 156,7 1.25

06/'8 no IQ no '96.0 0,72,

071'" l'o(\ na no n:I 0,61

0&1'0 tld Nl nO :1:12.0 0.47

08115 NS NS NS NS "S

NPC:10 01114 illS illS NS NS illS0210- 0,!1l nO 0,143 12&.0 23.S02124 0.51 nO 0.057 89.0 6."S

--103/0' 0,049 0.03 ne 132.0 ... 0.990J/1I1 no 0.039 0.0259 176.0 S.2704/15 till o.~r; 0.0288 96.0 ••4405120 t>d I\lI ~ 156.1 '.13 IOll/'S n<t IIQ ncl 1118.7 0,5307/14 tld no .r>ll 118 0.55O&lIS NS NS NS NS NS01ll11) NS NS NS NS NS

\PVC1A 011'4 3,52 I ncl I nd i ..... o.•S I

02/G4 •.0. : 0982 \ 1.03 ! 79,8 .75

!02124 1.025

, no , 0.05:11 I 79.2 82.9 I03104 0.86 I 0,042 I r>ll I '39.S 2.25

031'8 0.139 0.04A 0.0.01 , \79,0 1.19,04/15 O..toll I 0,104 I 0,'23 I 103.0 : '0.3

I 01\120 1,22 i r'tIII I lid I IINI.O 1.91

I0IlI11l U 1'13 I no I m,o 0,52

0711. 2.1 : na , no i /\,I. I 0,18

OB/la 3.62 \ NIl I ncl I Nl I 0.75

all/IS J,3!j I nO no I 2117,0 , 0,.8



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Slream l>aIa 00 Tratun'Holy Jm and San~Sfx!~~ rlSide th6 AllC Re&ldooce TraclS· 1998 dati

~ phcI9phonJs Nllrale CallifOO1l Fecal CoMorm SlI'epIDOOCCUS EnlBtooocx:usI~ nVJ pH mg'l MPN1100 tTl. MPW100nL MPNItocmL MPNIIOClmL Vr Monlh Day Time Dfaj!lillge

SJHJtl 0.1 6.0 NO 50 4 23 8 911 Jtne 26 950 Hol~Juan

SJtfJ62 NO 8.0 NO 130 Zl eo 50 98 JLEe 26 1010 Hol~Juan

SJHJ#3 NO 8.0 NO 2400 2400 130 130 98 JLM'llI 26 11122 HoI SprFgsISan JuanSJHJ04 NO 8.0 NO 300 170 30 3:) 9ll JIB"e 26 1040 HoI SJXir9sISe.n JuanSJ~ NO 8.0 NO 230 80 300 50 98 JlJl'8 26 1050 HoI SpmgsISan JuanSJHJM; NO 8.2 NO 230 50 23 8 98 June 26 1100 HoI SpringsISan JuanSJHJn 0.1 8.2 NO 90 26 240 130 9ll Odober 30 9«1 HoI SpringsIS6n Juan

s..JHJ-'4 NO 7.9 NO ZlO 230 130 :ll 98 Odobet :lO lOCO HoI SpringsISan Juan

SJHJ"S NO 82 NO 110 50 110 50 98 0t10bet 30 1{X)5 He! Spring&lSanJuan

SJHJIG NO 8.4 NO 300 230 50 50 9ll 0d0beJ 30 1010 Hot SpringslSanJuanSJHJM7 NO 8.6 NO 80 2 80 22 98 OdDber 3lJ 1030 Hot SptingsISan JuanHJUI NO 7.S NO 130 50 50 8 !l8 JlI"le 25 965 Holy JlmfT.abucD

HJTI2 NO 7A NO 500 2 13 13 98 Mle 25 1010 Holy Jirn/T1lIbuooHJT'3 NO 7.6 NO 4 4 50 2 98 .lrl8 25 1020 HoI)' .ImITlahucoHJT.4 NO 7.7 NO 130 3) 50 30 98 .lnl 25 1105 Holy ,lrnITraIluoo

HJT~ NO 8.0 NO 34 \3 27 4 98 -UllI 25 1120 HoI)' .imfTrabuc:oHJTIl6 NO 8.1 NO 50 8 23 2 98 .line 25 1030 HoI)' .imfTrabwoHJn7 NO 8.1 NO 50 3) 50 2 98 .AIle 25 1132 HcIv JimITrabwoHJTJa NO 8.0 NO 50 :ll 23 2 98 JIn! 25 100S HcIv JimITraho:xlMOll NO 8.1 NO 130 130 17 4 Il8 ..111'8 25 1055 Holy- JiIlV'Trat.u.:lOHJTII rio 7.2 NO 22 2 17 2 98 0d00er 29 ,oro Ha1y .nmtrtabwoHJf*3 NO 7.8 NO 30 2 4 2 9ll Odd>er 29 1040 Holy JlrWfrabwoHJTA4 ND III NO 230 8 II 2 9ll 0dc1ler 29 1206 Holy JirWfrcdluooHJTts NO 8.1 NO 50 2 2 2 98 Odmer 29 1100 Holy Jirn'TrabuooHJTfll NO 7.5 NO 130 2 Zl 8 9ll Octobe< 29 1145 Holy JIrn'Trabl£OHJU7 NO 1.6 NO 50 8 13 2 9ll 0c1Dbef 29 1150 Holy Jim'Trabtx:oHJT-'8 NO 8.2 NO 80 30 240 50 98 Octobet 29 1115 Holy Jim'Trahuc;oI-fJTr9 NO 8.3 NO 50 4 70 13 98 October 29 1125 Holy JIm'Trabuco

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Page 7: USDA FORESTSERVICE CLEVELAND NATIONAL FOREST · OS/28/2001 10:59 7507885130 USDA FOREST SERVIC~ City 01 San Dillgo. WBl4l' Oeparlmenl Cleveland Nslional Forest OescanllO Ranger District

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Page 8: USDA FORESTSERVICE CLEVELAND NATIONAL FOREST · OS/28/2001 10:59 7507885130 USDA FOREST SERVIC~ City 01 San Dillgo. WBl4l' Oeparlmenl Cleveland Nslional Forest OescanllO Ranger District

United StatesDepartment ofAgriculture

, ;!


Cleveland NationalForest

10845 Rancho Bernardo DrSuite 200San Diego, CA 92127-2107(858) 673-6180(858) 673-6192 FAXCRS 1-800735-2922

Keri Cole, P.E.Regional Water Quality Control Board9771 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., Suite ASan Diego, CA 92124

File Code: 2500

Date: May 14,2001

Re: Response to Request for Water Quality Data and Information

Dear Ms. Cole:

This letter is in response to your March 14,2001 request for data and information on the qualityof surface waters of the State. The Southern California Province, including the Los Padres,Angeles, San Bernardino, and Cleveland National Forests is currently in the process of revisingor updating their four Forest Land and Resources Management Plans (FLRMP). During this

. planning effort, watershed staff will be assembling and analyzing available water quality dataand watershed condition information to define water resource goals, objectives and, as necessary,will develop new standards to protect and maintain riparian and water resources.

In addition to this on-going work on the FLRMP revisions, the Forest conducted WatershedCondition Assessments on all 16 of our 5th field watersheds. This effort included a GeographicInformation S~stems (GIS) assessment of road interactions on the hydrology, soils and geologywithin each 5t field watershed. The assessments included professional judgment ratings ofindicators of watershed condition such as floodplain connectivity, water quality, water quantity,stream corridor vegetation, channel stability, and aquatic integrity.

This summer, the Forest will conduct a Hydrologic Condition Assessment on the San MateoWatershed on the Trabuco Ranger District. These assessments when merged and integrated withother resource information become part of the basis for identifying management opportunitiesand priorities and for developing alternatives to maintain, enhance, or restore watershed function.Through this FLRMP effort, the Forest will be defining the existing condition, defining thedesired condition and identifying any implementation opportunities to move from existingcondition towards desired condition.

We are very interested in working closely with the State Water Resources Control Board(SWRCB) in your efforts to revise the list of waters considered by the State to be impaired (notattaining water quality standards) now and during the public process to be conducted duringDecember 2001 through March 2002. We would like to meet with you in the near future todiscuss this recent solicitation of water quality information and explain our processes andtimelines for completing the FLRMP revisions.

Caring for the Land and Serving PeopleIf!!.

Printed on Recycled Paper",

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Re: Response to Request for Water Quality Data and Infonnation Page 2

We look forward to working with you in the protection and maintenance of the water resourceson the Cleveland National Forest. Please contact Ron Wright, Forest Soil Scientist at (760) 788­0250 x3337 for further infonnation.


~6~ANNE S. FEGE, Ph.D.Forest Supervisor

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California Regional Water Quality Control BoardSan Diego Region

Winston H. HickoxSecretary for


Internet Address: Clairemont Mesa Boulevard, Suite A, San Diego, California 92124-1324

Phone (858) 467-2952' FAX (858) 571-6972

Gray DavisGovernor



DATE: May 4, 2001

SUBJECT: Telephone Call Report - 303(d) List Solicitation

Per Dave Gibson's suggestion, I contacted Ron Wright at the Forest Service to inquire if theyhad any data/information to consider in 303d listing. He said he was currently unaware of newdata that much of the work had dropped off due to management. He has talked with otherregions and has heard similar response.

He said there may be some project specific data available somewhere and that he would checkinto it (e.g. Tribuco or near recreation residences located along stream). He also mentionedthere might be some data available for Pine Creek as a result of development in the area.

Wright called 5/10.01 to follow-up and has drafted a letter to be sent to us, which does identifysome data, but he'll need to compile it. He'd like to meet with us after we receive it to discussfurther specifically with respect to 303d, delisting and TMDL. (very rushed conversation anddid not get into specifics).

California Environmental Protection Agency

The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For a list ofsimple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy costs, see our Web-site at

Recycled Paper


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Pae 1··1....g...


Keri [email protected]/7/01 7:31AMphone call

Hi Ron .Just wanted to say thanks for the phone call last week. I share your frustrations on some of this work.However, if you run across anything soon or in the future that you think may be helpful for assessment,we'd appreciate it.


Keri Cole, P.E.Water Resource Control EngineerSan Diego RWaCB9771 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., Suite ASan Diego, CA 92124(858) [email protected]

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Keri [email protected]/4/01 1:43PMMonitoring Data

Hi RonI am currently working on the update of the 303d list of impaired waterbodies for the San Diego region(see attached correspondence). Dave Gibson recently gave me your name as someone I should contactregarding this work. We are currently soliciting for data and information to support listing or delistingwaterbodies, and in general haven't gotten much of anything submitted 50 far. I have been trying tocontact various agencies and individuals that might know of or suspect waters in our region that may beimpaired and would have access to or know which direction to point me to get a hold of supporting data.

I,would appreciate any assistance you could provide in this. Dave said you are a very busy person, so atyour earliest convenience would be appreciated.

Keri Cole, P.E.Water Resource Control EngineerSan Diego RWaCB9771 ClairemontMesa Blvd., Suite ASan Diego, CA 92124(858) [email protected]

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==','-" =......




November 15,2000

(Volume 1 of3)

VICKI 1. W1LSONDirector


CHARLES V. SMITHFirst District

. JAMES SILVASecond District

THOMAS W. WILSONFifth District

TODD SPITZERThird District


Fourth District