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USAD 2022 Science 词汇此学习集的词语(341)

Marine Biology

海洋⽣物学 / It refers to the scientific study of biological processes and

organisms in an ocean setting.


海洋 / It is a vast body of saline water that occupies the depressions on the

surface of the Earth.


海洋学 / It refers to the field of study that researches on chemical

and physical processes in the sea.


航海经线仪 / It is a timepiece used for determining longitude.


/ It refers to the action of sailing around the Earth. 环航


遥控操作装置 / Acronym for remotely operated vehicles.

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⽔肺 / It is also known as self-contained Underwater Breathing



/ It is also known as Sound Navigation Ranging. 声呐


推演法 / It refers to a form of reasoning that predicts what the specific consequences would be if the statement made above is true.

Experiment 实验 / It is an action of creating artificial situations to test hypotheses.

Hypotheses假定;臆测 / It is a proposed explanation of what has been observed by a

scientist that might be true and is testable.

Induction归纳法 / It refers to a form of reasoning that has no predetermined goal

or outcome and is more objective as opposed to deduction.

Observations / It refers to the description and exploration of the natural world. 观察

Scientific Theory

科学理论 / Idea that is supported by overwhelming evidence and

represents a comprehensive explanation of how the world works.


可试验的 / In describing a hypothesis, it means that it can be tested and

potentially proved false.

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The Scientific Method

科学⽅法 / It is a set of procedures scientists use to learn about the natural


Variables / It describes factors that might affect the observations. 变量

The Arctic Ocean

北冰洋 / It is the forth major ocean basin in the world, located in the Arctic


The Atlantic Ocean

⼤⻄洋 / It is the second largest ocean basin in the world, located between

the Americas, Europe, and Africa.

The Indian Ocean

印度洋 / It is the thrid largest ocean basin in the world, located between

South-East Asia and Africa, and well above Antarctica.

The Pacific Ocean

太平洋 / It is the largest and deepest ocean on the Earth.

The Southern Ocean

南⼤洋 / It is the ocean that is defined by the meeting of currents near

Antarctica called the Antarctic Convergence.

Continental Crust

⼤陆地壳 / It is a relatively lighter type of crust (compared to oceanic

crust), while it remains thick and is made of silicated materials such

as granite.

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/ It is the innermost layer of the Earth. 地核

Crust / It is the outermost layer of the Earth.地壳

Density / It describes the mass of a substance of a given volume. 密度


地幔 / It is the thickest layer of the Earth, located in the middle of the core

and the crust.

Oceanic Crust海洋地壳 / It refers to the thin, dark, and heavy type of crust (compared to

continental crust) which consists of basalt.


原型地球 / It refers to the First Earth, or the Earth just after its creation.

Continental Drift

⼤陆漂移 / It is a hypothesis proposed by Alfred Wegner based on Sir

Francis Bacon's observations that the continents on opposite sides of the

Atlantic Ocean fit together.

Convection Currents

对流 / It refers to the movements of the mantle that are driven by the

downward movement of coller, denser material and the upward

movement of hotter, less dense material.

Convergent Plate Boundaries

汇聚板块边界 / It is the place where two plates are moving toward

each other, causing buckling and shortening of the plates.

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Divergent Plate Boundaries

离散板块边界 / It is the place where two plates are moving apart from

each other, causing splitting and rifting.

Island Arcs

岛弧 / It describes the result of convergence of plates, especially

between two oceanic plates, e.g, the Aleutian Islands.

Mid-Ocean Ridge

⼤洋中脊 / It is a continuous chain of underwater volcanoes (mountain

range) that encircles the globe, formed at the edges of divergent

plate boundaries.


泛⼤陆;盘古⼤陆 / It is the supercontinent Wegner had suggested at a

time when all the continents were joined together.

Seafloor Spreading

海底扩张 / It refers to the process of which volcanic activity creates

new seafloors.


俯冲 / It is the place where one plate slides beneath another, e.g., the

Andes Mountains.

Tectonic Plates

板块 / They are rigid plates that are made up of oceanic crust or continental

crust, or both.

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Theory Of Plate Tectonics

板块构造说 / It refers to the theory that states that the Earth's outer layer

is made up of moving plates.

Transform Plate Boundaries

变换板块边界 / It is the place where two plates slide past each other,

causing a process called shearing.


冈瓦那⼤陆 / It refers to the large continent separated from Pangaea

which consists of modern day South america, Africa, Antarctica, and India.


劳亚古⼤陆 / It refers to the large continent separated from Pangaea,

within which lies modern-day North America and Eurasia.


泛古洋 / It describes the single enormous ocean that surrounds Pangaea

the supercontinent.

The Mid-Atlantic Ridge

⼤⻄洋洋中脊 / It describes the great ocean ridge in the middle of the

Atlantic Ocean


海洋测深学 / It is the discovery and scientific study of the ocean floor


Echo Sounders

回声测深仪 / They are multibeam sonar systems that bounce sound off of

the seafloor to measure ocean depth.

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Active Margins

活动⼤陆边缘 / These are the margins near the edges of converging plates,

frequent earthquakes and volcanic activity, commonly found in the Pacific

Ocean basin.

Continental Margins

⼤陆边缘 / These are the edges of continents that are submerged by the

ocean and the boundaries between the continental and oceanic crust.

Continental Rise

⼤陆崛起 / It describes the base of the continental slope that is covered by

an apron of accumulated sediment.

Continental Shelf

⼤陆架 / It is the shallow, submerged extension of the granite

continental crust.

Continental Slope

⼤陆坡 / It is the continuity of the Continental shelf with a greatly increased


Passive Margins

被动边缘 / These are the margins that are facing the edges of diverging

plates, with very little volcanic and earthquake activity.

Shelf Break

陆架坡折 / It is the place where the steepness of the slope at the brink of

continental shelves greatly increases.

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Abyssal Hills

深海⼭ / It refers to any volcanic features on the abyssal plains that are

less the 1000m tall.

Abyssal Plains

深海平原 / These are the extension from the edge of the continental rise,

covered with thick blankets of sediment.

Black Smokers

海底⿊烟囱 / These are vents that have water temperatures above

350 degrees Celsius.

Continental Arc

⼤陆弧 / It is a volcanic mountain range along the edge of a continent, e.g.,

the Andes Mountains.

Deep-Sea Floor深海底 / It covers a range of more than half of the ocean, with most of its

habitats ranging in depth from 3000 to 5000 meters.


平顶⼭ / It describes the volcanoes below the surface which have a flatted

top as a result of wave action and subsidence.

Hydrothermal Vents

海洋热泉 / Deep-water hot springs on active ridges. It is a type of deep-sea

habitats that is discovered near hydrothermally active areas all around the


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Ocean Trenches

海沟 / Narrow, steep-sided, arc-shaped depressions in the ocean

floor, occurred at convergent plate boundaries.


海底⼭ / These are the volcanic peaks that don't reach the surface of the


Volcanic Peaks⽕⼭⼭峰 / These are the peaks developed on the Abyssal plains by

volcanic activities.

Warm-Water Vents

温⽔喷⼝ / They are vents which have water temperatures below

30 degrees Celsius.

White Smokers

海底⽩烟囱 / These are the vents which have water temperatures

ranging from 30 degrees Celsius to 350 degrees Celsius.

Abyssopelagic Zone

深渊⽔层带 / It is part of the pelagic zone that extends from 4000 meters to

where the seafloor locates, also known as the lower midnight zone.

Bathyal, Abyssal, And Hadal Zones半深海,深海和超深渊区 / They are the three zones categorized as part of

the benthic zone which is part of the deep-sea floor.

Bathypelagic Zone

半深海带 / It is part of the pelagic zone that extends from 1000 to 4000

meters, also known as the midnight zone.

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底栖⽣物 / It describes the organisms that live on the bottom of the ocean,

or the benthic environment.

Epipelagic Zone

海洋光合作⽤带 / It is part of the pelagic zone which extends to a depth of

200 meters, which has plenty of light for photosynthesis.

Hadopelagic Zone超深渊带 / It refers to a part of the pelagic zone, where water is deep

in trenches.

Intertidal Zone

潮间带 / It describes a part of the benthic zone which is exposed when the

tide is out while underwater at high tide.

Mesopelagic Zone

中⽔层 / Part of the pelagic zone. It is beyond the continental shelf with

depth reaching 700m and has some light but not enough for

photosynthesis. It is also known as the Twilight zone.


⾃游⽣物 / They are animals that swim well enough to oppose currents.

Neritic Zone

浅海区 / It is the pelagic environment above the continental shelf to which

where the shelf breaks.

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Oceanic Zone

远洋区 / It refers to the water beyond the shelf break, part of the

pelagic environment.

Pelagic Environment

深海域环境 / It refers to the environment up in the water column and

away from the benthic zone.


浮游植物 / Plant-like creatures such as microscopic autotrophic algae and

cyanobacteria that generate glucose through the process of



浮游⽣物 / It refers to those pelagic organisms that live suspended in

seawater drifting to currents from place to place.


固着的 / It is a characteristic used to describe the state of living while

attached to one place.

Subtidal Zone

潮下带 / It is part of the benthic zone below the intertidal zone.


浮游动物 / These are heterotrophic planktons that eat other primary

producrs, such as microflagellates, microcilliates, and copepods.

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沉积物 / It refers to those particles of organic or inorganic material

that accumulate in a loose and unconsolidated form.

Terrigenous Sediments

陆源沉积物 / It refers to sediments originated form erosion of continents or

islands (volcanic eruptions or dust).

Biogenous Sediments

⽣物源沉积物 / It refers to the sediments that were the silicon and calcium

carbonate shells of once-living organisms, often abundant at sites with high


Hydrogenous Sediments氢沉积物 / It refers to sediments of minerals that directly precipitate

from water.

Cosmogenous Sediments宇宙沉积物 / It refers to sediments with extraterrestrial origins

from interplanetary dust.

The Sediment Cycle

沉积物周期 / It is a cycle for all sediment types to undergo: mountains

erodes -> sediments flow to ocean -> deposits left on ocean floors ->

deposits uplift/subducted by plate movements and form mountains.

Neritic Sediments

浅海沉积物 / It refers to sediments on continental shelves that consist

primarily of terrigenous sediments.

Pelagic Sediments

远洋沉积物 / It refers to sediments originated from the ocean, often on

continental slopes, rises and ocean floors that consist primarily of

biogeous sediments.

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硅藻 / These are microscopic photosynthetic unicellular algae that often

aggregate together into chains or stars, which has a glass-like cell wall

(made of sillica) and are often harvested and used as diatomic earth.


⼤⽓层 / It is a thin layer of gases, water vapor and airborne particles where

water and gas are exchanged from the atmosphere and ocean.


对流层 / The layer of atomsphere that is the closest to Earth's surface, most

turbulent, and contains most of the atmosphere's mass. It is where

weather patterns take form.


/ It refers to the longterm average of weather. ⽓候

Coriolis Effect

科⾥奥利效应 / It is a phenomenon in which the spinning of air on earth

causes bodies of air to be defected, which drives atmospheric circulation

along with the uneven heating of earth.

Doldrums (Intertropical Convergence Zone)

⾚道⽆⻛带(热带辐合带) / It is the calm equatorial climate areas where

two Hadley cells converge.

Heat Budget (Of Earth)热量平衡(地球的) / It is the balance of heat input and outflow. In a stable

equilibrium, the heat input = the heat outflow.


中间层 / It refers to the upper middle layer of the atmosphere, where air

is cold, thin and tenuous.

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Stratosphere平流层 / It refers to the middle layer of the atmosphere, where air is

less turbulent and is where air travel takes place.

Trade Winds (Easterlies)

信⻛(东⻛) / This refers to surface winds of Hadley cells as they

move from horse latitudes to doldrums.


天⽓ / It refers to the condition of the atmosphere at a given place and



下降 / It is the downward movement of water that supplies the deep ocean

with dissolved gas (like oxygen).

Five Gyres Of The World

世界五⼤环流 / It refers to the inclusion of the North Pacific Gyre, the South

Pacific Gyre, the North Atlantic Gyre, the South Atlantic Gyre, and the

Indian Ocean Gyre.

Four Main Currents That Compose Gyres

组成环流的洋流 / It refers to the inclusion of the equatorial currents,

western boundary currents, northern or southern boundary currents, and

eastern boundary currents.


环流 / These are currents that flow continuously around the periphery of

each ocean basin (formed by surface currents).

Surface Currents

表⾯洋流 / It describes the horizontally-flowed ocean water in the

uppermost 400m of ocean.

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Thermohaline Circulation

温盐环流 / What is the process where surface water sinks and displaces its

water below depending on density called?


上涌 / It is the upward movement of water that brings deep, cold,

nutrient-rich water to the surface.


海浪 / It is the undulations of water surface resulting from energy transfer,

or more commonly defined as disturbances caused by movement of

energy from a souce through a medium.

Wave Crest

波峰 / It is the highest point of elevation of wave above average

water level.

Wave Frequency

波频 / It is the number of wave crests or troughs that pass a fixed point per


Wave Height

波⾼ / It is the vertical distance between the wave crest and adjacent


Wave Period

波的周期 / It refers to the time it takes a wave to move a distance of

one wavelength.

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Wave Trough

波⾕ / It is the lowest part of waves, or the valley between wave crests

below average water level. (p. 32)

Wavelength (Λ)波⻓ / It is the horizontal distance between two adjavent crests or trough.

(p. 32)

Forced Waves

强迫波 / These are waves that are maintained by a disturbing force (such as

tides). (p. 32)

Free Waves⾃由波 / These are waves formed and propagated across the surface

of ocean without further inclusion from the force (such as tsunamis).


海啸 / These are huge powerful waves produced by water displacement

resulting from earthquakes, landslides, volvanoes, asteroid impacts or

falling icebergs, which is also known as "harbor waves".

High Tides

涨潮 / It refers to bulges of water pulled on each side of Rarth by

the gravity of moon and sun.

Low Tides

低潮汐 / It refers to troughs of planet-sized waves, or areas

between bulges.


潮汐 / They are periodic, short-term changes in the height of the surface of

ocean at a particular place. Caused by gravitational pull between moon,

sun and earth.

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Diurnal Tides

周⽇潮汐 / It is the tidal pattern that consists of one high and one low tide

in a lunar day.

Mixed Semidiurnal Tides

混合半⽇潮汐 / It refers to the tidal patterns with successive high tides / low

tides of significantly different heights in a lunar day.

Neap Tides

⼩潮 / This change of tides occurs when solar tides diminish luner tides

while the earth, sun and moon form a right angle.

Semidiurnal Tides

半⽇潮 / It refers to the tidal pattern that consists of two high and two low

tides in a lunar day.

Spring Tides

⼤潮 / It occurs when lunar and solar tides area additive (while earth, moon

and sun are in a straight line).


纤维素 / It is a structural carbohydrate that is produced by algae and plants

to support themselves.


⼏丁质 / It is a modified carbohydrate used on shelled marine animals.

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⾃养⽣物 / It refers to organisms that can conduct photosynthesis and

produce their own food, also known as primary producers.

Cellular Respiration

细胞呼吸 / It is the process by which sugar are broken down using oxygen,

energy is released and stored as ATP, and while carbon dioxide and

water are produced as byproducts.


异养⽣物 / Organisms that obtain energy by consuming organic matter

produced by autotrophs.


光合作⽤ / It refers to the process by which organisms convert sunlight

energy into food energy by making organic molecules from carbon

dioxide and water. (CO2 + H2O (+energy) => C6H12O6 + O2)

Primary Producers

初级⽣产者 / They are organisms in the ecosystem that can synthesize

organic molecules from inorganic substances via photosynthesis or



富营养化 / It is the process of inputting excess materials from humans via

agricultural runoff and waste into waters.

Chemical Precipitation

化学沉淀 / It calles for the transfer of dissolved substance into insoluble

solids in a chemical fashion. (the opposite of dissolving)

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Binomial Nomenclature

双名法 / It refers to the system of naming organisms by using their genus

and species names. For example, the scientific name Homo sapiens has the

genus name of Homo and sapiens as its species name.


⼆项分类 / It is the study of biological classification mainly developed by

Carolus Linnaeus.


真核⽣物 / It describes organisms with cells that have a nucleus. They can

be either unicellular or multicellular, e.g., fungi, protists, animals, plants.


原核⽣物 / It describes the single-celled organisms without nuclei or

organelles, bacteria and archaea.

Intertidal zone

潮间带 / It denotes the area of a seashore which is covered at high tides

and uncovered at low tides.


微⽣物 / These are organisms that are microscopic, i.e., they are not

visible to the human eye while only becomes visible under a microscope.

Dissolved Organic Matter

溶解的有机物 / It describes the inclusion of organic molecules, nutrients,

cellular debris, etc. (formed by viruses bursting open bacterial/algal


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蓝藻 / It refers to a group of photosynthetic bacteria that were among the

first photosynthetic organisms on Earth, which played an important role

in the accumulation of oxygen.


肽聚糖 / It is a substance forming the cell walls of many bacteria,

containing muramic acid and chains of amino sugars.


古⽣菌 / It is the domain of single-celled prokaryotic organisms.


极端微⽣物 / It refers to microorganisms that live in conditions of

extremes (temperature, acidity, alkalinity, or concentration).


藻类 / It is an incredibly diverse group of simple marine and

freshwater photosynthetic organisms.


⽣物荧光 / It refers to the emission of light by living organisms for the

purpose of prey attraction, communication, and courtship displays through

a chemical reaction that occurs when the organism contains luciferin.


钩鞭藻 / It refers to another common type of photosynthetic unicellular

algae, which possess two flagella and whose cell wall is made of


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